benefits of being bilingual. for teenagers

What is bilingualism? Pre-Assessment

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What is bilingualism?Pre-Assessment

What do you already know about bilingualism?

How you think that our society perceives being bilingual?


What can be the possible benefits of being bilingual?

Explore the personal and professional benefits of being bilingual

Besides being more attractive! Objective of today


EUROPEAN UNION 53% are bilingualThese countries are amongst the wealthiest super powers in the world!

Check out Sweden!

Swedish musical artists and brands tend to break boundaries for being fluent in multiple languages!

MEANWHILE in America

Only 18 % are bilingual

Lets change that!

Facts about learning SpanishThere are 414,000,000 Spanish speakers in the worldIt is the third most spoken language in the world.The U.S. now has more Spanish speakers than Spain. 2nd largest after Mexico with 45 million speakers.

The most important aspect of bilingualism for your teacher has beenBeing able to travel the world and understand new cultures

Being bilingual has helped me travel to all of these countries!

Learn about Art, History, Past Civilizations, Food, Future Innovations, Connect with people.

Most importantly




Being bilingual has opened up so many labor opportunities for me such as

Working for:

Survey Monkey in California where I translated their entire website to Spanish and helped Survey Monkey expand their services to the Latin American Market.

Worked in cinema distribution for Cinema Tropical in New York City where I got to meet cool actors like Kate Winslet!

Translated legal documents for Harvard University, Stanford University Professors and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

Helped with tutoring and guidance to the most vulnerable populations in need.

You will also be smarter!

A 2004 study found that those who could speak two or more languages had higher levels of cognitive brain function, and were more adept at solving problems, planning, and other mentally demanding tasks. The fact that bilingual people are often forced to shift between languages is like an overall workout for the brain; making them quicker, better at multi-tasking, and, yes, smarter. -(NY Times)

You will also have more job opportunities!In such a globalized economy. You can find a job in dozens of other Spanish speaking countries.Stand out from your monolingual peers by making yourself more valuable. Increase your chances of being hired. You will now count as two people instead of one.Expand a business abroad.Work with the Hispanic community in the United States, which is close to 17% (55 million). Many whom only speak Spanish.Bridge the cultural gap with your expertise on different cultures. Get to know a different culture and connect with them in their own native language.Prove that youre smarter and cultured. The world does not revolve only around the United States!Get a second job doing translations, teaching, tutoring, etc.

Supply the future careers in demand!

Education: Spanish/Chinese/Arabic, Math and Science are the area of high demand in U.S. public schools.Healthcare: Nurses, Doctors, Pharmacists, Medical Researchers. Being bilingual will be an asset to any healthcare team.Social Services: Help the populations that need you most to make sure their needs are also met.Business and Law: Increase the Size of Target Market by offering services to non English speakers in the U.S. and abroad.

Most importantly

MAKEMOREStudies show that bilinguals earn 10 to 20% more than monolinguals.

Interview with bilingual high school studentJunior at Institute Health Sciences Career Academy.Fully bilingual.Aspires to be trilingual.Uses Spanish at home and English at work and school.Holds a 3.5/4.0 GPAWatch the interview here:

Interview with bilingual professional (non-teacher)

Director of Education at the Chicago History Museum.Previously the Education Director for the National Museum of Mexican Art.Watch the interview here:

Dr. Hillyn Sennholtz is the principal at Instituto Health Sciences Career Academy.Says she would love to learn Spanish or French. French because of her heritage, and Spanish for work. She studied a little bit of Latin in HS, but forgot it.Regrets not being able to learn Spanish due to the English only movement that she grew up in. Her grandchildren and children are now bilingual.Find the interview below:

Interview with monolingual

What are you waiting for?Lets all be bilingual!

Become more creative studying another culture.According to Adam Grant, a University of Pennsylvania psychologist and author of the new book"Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World",working abroad has startling effects for creativity."Cultures come with new norms and values and ways of looking at things," he tells Tech Insider.

Most creative intelligent celebritiesA 2009 study found that people who lived abroad excelled at creative problem solving and a 2008 meta-analysis found that multicultural experiences predict original thinking for example, by bringing in ideas from foreign cultures. And a 2015 study of fashion houses over 21 seasons found that the most creatively successful firms (as rated by critics) had directors who had immersed themselves in work abroad. Examples of celebrities who are bilingual!

List 3 things that you learned.

2 things that you want to know more about.

1 thing that you didnt quite understand.

Besides being more attractive! Post assessment


References The Advantages of Being Bilingual. (n.d.). Retrieved from, Y. (2012, March 17). Why Bilinguals Are Smarter. Retrieved from, A. (2014). 7 Benefits of being Bilingual. Besides being more attractive! Retrieved from and their languages (Rep.). (2012, June 1). Retrieved, Oscar, Sharon Cardenas, Anaya Jesus, and Merari Uriostegui. Procura De Trabalho No Brasil. N.p., n.d. Web.Konnikova, M. (2015, January 22). Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage? - The New Yorker. Retrieved from News. (2014, October 27). Retrieved from

References Muoz, M. A. (2014, June 23). Does being bilingual make you smarter? Retrieved from, M. (2015, June 23). The benefits of a bilingual brain - Mia Nacamulli. Retrieved from, A. (2016, February 16). Being bilingual in High School and at Home. Retrieved from, H. (2016, February 16). Monolingualism in Illinois. Retrieved from, D., & Altschuler, G. (2012, August 27). America's Foreign Language Deficit. Retrieved from, N. (2016, February 15). Bilinguismo Spanish. Retrieved from

Hasta la RaizNatalia LaFourcadenull86222890.67