benefits of https over http

Benefits of HTTPs over HTTP? http://www.seo-service-provider .org

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 3: Benefits of Https Over Http

Have you moved your website to HTTPS? If not, then you can make the shift as Google has probably considered it

as a ranking signal.

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redirect your website from HTTP to HTTPs and update all pages with canonical tags or .htaccess file edit, shifting the

incoming external links, and deploying the protocol independent URLs. Besides ranking signal, there are other

benefits of having HTTPs instead of HTTP.

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1. Provides Website Security and Protection

First, HTTPs plays an essential role in

saving your website from

hackers. HTTPs provides more web security as

compare to HTTP as it uses Secure

Sockets Layer

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For instance, if you own an e-commerce website, it would be most important for you to build credibility and reliability by offering data protection

to your online customers as they need to make money transfers for their chosen products or services. In this situation, you must go for HTTPs

rather than HTTP.

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2. Secure DNS Infrastructure

The encryption in HTTPs provides a number of benefits including integrity, identity, and confidentiality. It means that you are

inadvertently giving controls to your keyboard. You can understand in such a way that either you are sharing photos on

Facebook (HTTPs) with security controls or giving control to someone to share your photos on Facebook (HTTP).

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HTTPs can offer secure DNS infrastructure to a large extent as compare to HTTP. On the contrary, HTTP does not

offer the same level of security about DNS infrastructure.

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3. Higher Security for Browsers

HTTPs offers more security to browsers as compare to HTTP. It means that

you can offer fewer opportunities (tracking, attacks etc.) to hackers while using HTTPs as a

communication and server channel.

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A few years before, Facebook served its login page as HTTP. Hence, the hackers from the Middle East injected a JavaScript

to steal the user’s passwords from login page. As a result, Facebook implemented HTTPs and they will never move to

HTTP for sure!

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In the conclusion, I believe that you must use HTTPs over HTTP if you are running e-commerce website(s) or a site

where you accept online payments from your visitors. You can also take a SSL certificate for few dollars. So don’t wait and

grab an SSL certificate to offer a secure and hacker-free experience to your customers.

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