benefits of vertical fame: 10 reasons why you should niche now!

You've all heard it before. Narrow down, focus, Niche! Yet, most coaches resist this like the plague.

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You've all heard it before. Narrow down, focus, Niche! Yet, most coaches resist this like the plague.

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Well, I've heard things from they are afraid to leave people out, to they don't want to get stuck working with one type

of person, to they don't want to limit themselves.

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The irony is, the more focused you are, the more doors open for you, the more your message is actually heard, and the more visible you become to everyone! Here are

the 10 reasons why you should niche right now!

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10. Market Place Demands Experts

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In today's market place, customers demand experts. People will PAY for experts. If you have a serious,

potentially life threatening disease, you don't go to a general practitioner. You go to a specialist - an expert. They

will pay more for the greater perceived value.

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Claiming your status as an expert in your industry and area of specialty will set you apart from the crowd of

competition, will increase your credibility, and establish yourself as an industry leader. Making you gain more visibility and be attractive for speaking opportunities,

media coverage, and potential clients who trust you to help them achieve their greatest desires.

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9. Fewer Competitors

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I was recently asked if I thought there was a glut of coaches and consultants out there. Guess what my answer

was. Yes, there is a glut of coaches and consultants. However, people who help specific people achieve specific results using coaching and consulting to do so are in high

demand. The narrower your niche, the less people out there who will be helping people achieve exactly what you

achieve in the way you do it.

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8. Other Professionals Refer

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Since there are fewer people out there helping others achieve exactly what you help them achieve, others professionals will know to whom to refer when they

encounter someone who meets those needs. Once others professional understand who you work with and what you help people achieve, the refer people outside of their area

of expertise to you.

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7. Increase Your Visibility

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When you narrow your niche & develop a crystal clear message you become VISIBLE. People are looking for very specific answers to very specific challenges. Once you understand they people you really want to work with and

the exact issues they are experiencing, you can develop your marketing message and any content you develop to

address these issues. Helping your ideal clients cut through the overwhelm of information.

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6. Add Value

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When you understand who your target audience is, you can address the issues they are looking for help in solving.

This is great to do through marketing. You are not only showcasing yourself as the resource to come to but you are also adding huge value to their everyday lives while

making them feel heard and understood.

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5. The Law of Reciprocity

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More targeted your niche, the higher degree of relationship you have with your target market because

they feel as though you truly understand them and their needs. It deepens the connection you make with your

clients and leads to a higher degree of the Law of Reciprocity. They will be telling their friends what you do

and what you helped them achieve.

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4. Higher Conversion Ratio

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Because you are speaking directly to the greatest needs of your target market, they know you are the person who understand them, understands their issue and has the solution they are looking for. They've found what they

have been searching for in you.

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3. More Efficient & Focused Marketing

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A niche doesn't limit you in who you work with. The beauty of a clearly defined niche is that it focuses your

marketing efforts. As solo professionals and small business owners, our time is precious. We often have to wear many

hats. Wasting time marketing in areas that doesn't give you the return you're looking for is also wasting money.

Clearly defining who your target market is and what they are going through can cut down on a lot of useless and

expensive marketing.

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2. Know EXACTLY Where to Find Clients

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Once you have defined your niche, there's no more Spray and Pray marketing. Defining your niche will help identify

where your target market hangs out at, what organizations do they belong to, what websites do they frequent, what

information are they searching for online, and who is already working with them that you can partner with.

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1. Attract More Clients Faster & Easier

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Now that you have a clear message that people can actually hear, and you are visible to people who are

looking for specific solutions to specific challenges, and you are seen as the resource and expert to help them, you will attract more clients faster and easier than ever before. Defining your niche is the key to how to find your clients.

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Defining your niche is often to key element to successful marketing. So now that you know these strong benefits, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start looking for those people who you really want to work with - Your

Ideal Niche.

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