benita nkt cells

n tur l killer t cells M. Benita Nancy Reni, 1.7.14

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  • 5/21/2018 Benita Nkt Cells


    n tur l killer

    t cells

    M. Benita Nancy Reni, 1.7.14

  • 5/21/2018 Benita Nkt Cells


    NK T cell

    NKT cells represent a distinct lineage of T cells that express an invariant T

    Cell Receptor (TCR) and share a number of cell surface markers in common

    with NK cells.

    NKT cells are non-polymorphic CD1molecule-restricted T cells and are

    activated by glycolipid antigens presented by CD1d.

    They constitute only approximately 0.1% of all peripheral blood T cells.

    The ability of these cells to produce Th1 and Th2-related cytokines has

    implicated them in several fields, including transplantation, tumors,

    autoimmunity, and allergy.

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    can promote cell-mediated immunity to tumors and infectious organisms,

    including bacteria and viruses, yet paradoxically they can also suppress the cell-

    mediated immunity associated with autoimmune disease and allograft rejection.

    Furthermore, in some diseases, such as atherosclerosis and allergy, NKT cell

    activity can be deleterious to the host. Although the precise means by which these

    cells carry out such contrasting functions is unclear,

    NK T cell

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    Type I cells(Classical NKTs)

    invariant NKT (iNKT)

    Type II cells

    (Non-classical NKTs) NKT-like cells

    CD1d dependent Yes Yes No

    -GalCer reactive Yes No No

    TCR chainV14-J18 (mice); V24-


    Diverse, but some V3.2-J

    9, V8 (mice)Diverse

    TCR chainV2, V7, and V8.2(mice);

    V11 (humans)

    Diverse, but

    some V8.2(mice)Diverse

    NK1.1 (CD161)

    Positive (resting mature);

    negative/low (immature or


    Positive and negative Positive

    Subsets CD4+, DN(mice); CD4+, CD8+, DN


    CD4+ and DN (mice) CD4+, CD8+, and DN

    IL-4 production Yes Yes No

    IFN-production Yes Yes Yes
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  • 5/21/2018 Benita Nkt Cells


    NK markers

    NK1.1 (CD161) marker of activation (can also be expressed on activated


    CD56 (NCAM)

    neural cell adhesion molecule: important for cell adhesion

    Expression of CD161 and V24J18 TCR can be used to identify

    mouse and human NKT cells, respectively.

    Expression of transcriptional repressor, Promyelocytic Leukemia

    Zinc Finger (PLZF), in immune cells differs between mice and


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    NK markers

    In mice, PLZF is highly expressed in immature CD1d-resrictedinvariant NKT cells and a subset of gamma delta

    (Vg1.1+Vd6.3+) T cells.

    In humans, PLZF is expressed in NK cells, gamma delta T cells,

    as well as CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. PLZF exists as a homodimer or in complex with PLZP, known to

    be involved in the development of NKT cells, NK cell function,

    cellular quiescence and growth suppression.

    PLZP has also been shown to inhibit gene expression inducedby retinoic acid receptor.

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    NKT cells arise in the thymus from a common precursor pool of CD4+CD8+double-positive thymocytes that have undergone random TCR gene rearrangement and expression.Expression of a TCR that binds with appropriate avidity to MHC class II or I (MHCII or MHCI; plus self-peptide) on thymic epithelial cells leads to the positive selection ofconventional CD4+T cells (green) or CD8+T cells (blue), respectively. Thymocytes that express a TCR that binds to CD1d plus self-lipid or glycolipid antigen, expressed by otherdouble-positive thymocytes, enter the NKT cell lineage (red). Once selected, NKT cell precursors undergo a series of differentiation steps that ultimately results in the NKT cellpool. At least four distinct NKT cell development stages have been defined through differences in expression of CD24, CD44 and NK1.1; these are controlled by a series oftranscription factors (blue). NKT cells that emigrate from the thymus mostly do so at stage 2 and progress to stage 3 in the periphery. Some mature thymic NKT cells also migrateto the periphery but many remain as long-term thymus-resident cells. CD4NKT cells seem to branch from CD4+NKT cells at approximately stage 1 of development, althoughthey possibly do so earlier (dashed arrow). A separate pathway of NKT cell development gives rise to an IL-17-producing subset (NKT-17; orange) that seems to be regulated by

    the transcription factor ROR-t. Much less is known about the developmental sequence of these cells (dashed arrow and question mark).

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    Intracellular signalling pathways that regulate

    NKT-cell development.

    Natural killer T (NKT)-cell selection and maturation requires a range of signalling events that are not essential for conventional T-cell development, in addition to factors thatare common to both T-cell and NKT-cell development. The unique signalling requirements of NKT cells are not fully understood, but the three main intrinsic pathways thatlink most of the known mutants that affect NKT-cell development are depicted. These include the SLAM SAPFYN pathway, the T-cell receptor (TCR)-signalling cascade(particularly the classical nuclear factor- B(NF- B) pathway) and the interleukin-15 (IL-15) pathway. AP1, activating protein 1; c, common cytokine-receptor -chain; DOK,docking protein; I B ,inhibitor of NF- B ;IKK2, I Bkinase 2; JAK, Janus kinase; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; PKC ,protein kinase C ;RASGAP, RAS GTPase-

    activating protein; SAP, SLAM-associated protein; SHIP, SRC-homology-2-domain-containing inositol-5-phosphatase; SLAM, signalling lymphocytic activation molecule;STAT, signal transducer and activator of transcription; ZAP70, -chain associated protein kinase of 70kDa.

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    NK T cell; a jack of all trades

    While NK T cells primary function is cytotoxicity (trait of NK and CTL lineages) they also have

    helper characteristics as the secretion of IFN- or IL-4 induces T helper cells to differentiate intoeither TH1 or TH2 cells.

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    Unique subpopulation of T lymphocytes

    true T cells: CD3 and TCR

    semii invariant TCR diversity

    also express some NK markers: CD161, CD56 Dependant for CD1d for antigen presentation.

    Potential for both effector and regulatory functions -double-edged sword of the immune system

    Very rare in the peripheral blood Implicated in autoimmunity, tumour immunity/control,


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    CD1d molecules

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    Antigen Lipid antigens: lipids, glycolipids, lipopeptides

    Bacterial: sphingomonas pg

    Mycoplasma (TB & leprosy)

    Isoglobotrihexosylceramide (iGb3):

    > a glycolipid in the thymus that if present will

    select for iNKT cells (iGb3 deficient mice aredeficient in iNKT)


    galactsyleramide synthetic glycolipid derived from

    a a marine sponge > strongest known agonist for iNKT

    Glycolipid from tumour cell membranes

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    Antigenic recognition by iNKT

    iNKT cells recognise lipid antigens via non classicalCD1d molecules

    CD1: related to MHC I but structural differences

    Group I: CD1a, CD1b, Cd1c

    Group II: CD1dGroup II: CD1d

    > the lipid interacts with the antigen binding groove

    of CD1a

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    iNKT cells functions

    Potential for both effector and regulatory


    double-edged sword of the immune system

    form a bridge between innate and adaptive


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    Effector function: cytotoxicity


    antigenic stimulation of iNKT cells leads to perforin,

    FasL and TRAIL dependant direct cytotoxicity by the

    iNKT cellsthemselves.


    iNKT cells produce INF which stimulates cytotoxicCD8 and NK cells.

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    Regulatory function

    Produce large amounts of regulatory cytokines: IL4 Th2 response (humoral immunity)

    IFN-, and TNF Th1 (cell mediated immunity)

    Can skew towards Th1 or Th2 or both!!!!

    Regulate the function of DC, macrophages, B cells, T

    cells, NK cells

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    NKT and autoimmunity


    restricted TCR diversity with absence of TCR V 24


    skewing towards IL4 secreting cells with reduction in NKT

    numbers and production of B cells that produceantiDSDNA

    Type I diabetes:

    NOD (non obese diabetic) mice are deficient in NKT

    onset of diabetes can be prevented by adoptive transfer of

    thymic iNKT cells

  • 5/21/2018 Benita Nkt Cells


    NKT and cancer

    Tumour cell clearance and prevent metastasis

    increased NK cell cytotoxicity (IFN- mediated) - mousemodels of colon adenocarcinoma melanoma lung carcinoma

    Tumour surveillance NKT deficient mice (lack CD1d or TCRJ 18) exposed to

    carcinogens developed tumours faster than immunocompetentmice

    NKT cells contribute to tumor immuno-surveillance viaendogenous IL-12 pathway, early IFN

    NKT cells promote effective responses in anti-tumor

    vaccinesystems. CD1d down-regulated on tumor cells from human


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    Activation by -GalCer leads to potent tumor

    rejection, (pulsed DCs even better)

    Tumor rejection due to administration of exogenous

    IL-12 is CD1d dependent

    NKT cells contribute to tumor immuno-surveillance

    via endogenous IL-12 pathway, early IFN

    NKT cells promote effective responses in anti-tumor

    vaccine systems

    CD1d down-regulated on tumor cells from human


    NKT and cancer

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    iNKT and GvHD

    Mouse models: that low iNKT associated with


    Adoptive transfer can abrogate GvHD

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    Thank you..