beronet all-ip-transformation

Approaches, challenges and limitations. Possibilities during the migration phase and individual requirements Further operation of classic Telecommunication Systems with a VOIP Connection CeBIT 2015

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Approaches, challenges and limitations. Possibilities during the migration phase and

individual requirements

Further operation of classic Telecommunication Systems with a VOIP Connection

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?Reasons to keep the current classic telephony system

The costs of switching to a VoIP system are currently too high

The transition to VoIP lasts longer than a weekend

Special devices that have (currently) no VoIP interface

A mission-critical service based on ISDN/analog is used

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?How to operate a classical Telephony System with a VoIP Connection

Solution: Gateways connect the different worlds!

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?The costs of a transition are too high

Cost of a VoIP phone + license = about 150 € / extension

For 200 extensions = 30.000€

The current system has no VoIP interface but is still working and offers everything you need

A Gateway costs rarely more than 1.000€

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?The transition to a VoIP system takes a long time

About 10 Minutes per extension

200 extensions = 4 full working days (familiarization time not considered)

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?Possible Solution: Soft Migration

First of all: Testing!

Migrate department by department

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?Example: Zehnder Company

Manufacturer of radiators in Baden Württemberg with > 500 extensions

Migration from classic PBX to Windows based IPBX

The Soft Migration last > 2 years

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?Devices, that are not compatible with VoIP

Orders are received via FAX

The alarm does not „speak“ VoIP

CeBIT 2015

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Alles IP – alles gut?Alles IP – alles gut?Difficult to migrate

Remote Maintenance?

Possibilities: Clear Channel

CeBIT 2015

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Connect the Gateway between ISDN and the Telephony System

Everything IP – everything all right!?!

CeBIT 2015

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Product - Portfolio

beroNet Solutions

CeBIT 2015

For every Scenario the suitable Module: Analog, ISDN, GSM, Hybrid