berwick lodge primary school, newsletter, march 2012

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT NEWSLETTER N0.6 8TH MARCH 2012 CURRICULUM DAY ACTIVITIES TOMORROW CPR & ASTHMA TRAINING- all staff will be involved in a series of workshops on both CPR and asthma training to ensure we are all competent in these important areas of first aid. It is a legal requirement that school staff undertake both CPR and asthma training on a regular basis. TODAY’S SCHOOLS: CHANNEL 31 Late last year our children and several staff members were involved in filming for a new TV series called Today’s Schools. I have been notified that the series has commenced this week and will be telecast on Channel 31 weekly for the next 5 weeks. Today‟s Schools is telecast on Monday evenings from 7.00pm to 7.30pm. Each of the five episodes is repeated on Wednesdays at 4.00pm and Thursdays at 3.30am. Our school is featured in each of the 5 episodes as follows: Episode1: Children You Do What? Episode 2: The Radio Station Kids Episode 3: Blogging at Berwick Lodge Episode 4: In the Office You Do What? Episode 5: LEEP Program WORTH THINKING ABOUT As part of our staff wellbeing focus, I brought the following report to the attention of staff earlier this year. The article appeared in The Guardian newspaper (UK) recently and is food for a lot of thought. I hope you find it interesting. “Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai, which gathered so much attention that she put her observations into a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five: 1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it. Continued….

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Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012


Page 1: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012





staff will be involved in a series of

workshops on both

CPR and asthma

training to ensure we

are all competent in

these important areas

of first aid. It is a legal

requirement that school staff

undertake both CPR and asthma

training on a regular basis.



Late last year our children and several

staff members were involved in filming

for a new TV series called Today’s

Schools. I have been notified that the

series has commenced this week and

will be telecast on Channel 31 weekly

for the next 5 weeks.

Today‟s Schools is telecast on Monday

evenings from 7.00pm to 7.30pm.

Each of the five episodes is repeated

on Wednesdays at 4.00pm and

Thursdays at 3.30am.

Our school is featured in each of the

5 episodes as follows:

Episode1: Children – You Do What?

Episode 2: The Radio Station Kids

Episode 3: Blogging at Berwick Lodge

Episode 4: In the Office – You Do


Episode 5: LEEP Program


As part of our staff wellbeing focus, I

brought the following report to the

attention of staff earlier this year. The

article appeared in The Guardian

newspaper (UK) recently and is food

for a lot of thought. I hope you find it


“Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse

who spent several years working in

palliative care, caring for patients in the

last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded

their dying epiphanies in a blog called

Inspiration and Chai, which gathered so

much attention that she put her

observations into a book called The Top

Five Regrets of the Dying. Ware

writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision

that people gain at the end of their lives,

and how we might learn from their

wisdom. When questioned about any

regrets they had or anything they would

do differently, common themes surfaced

again and again. Here are the most

common five:

1. I wish I'd had the courage to live

a life true to myself, not the life

others expected of me.

This was the most common regret of all.

When people realise that their life is

almost over and look back clearly on it, it

is easy to see how many dreams have

gone unfulfilled. Most people had not

honoured even a half of their dreams

and had to die knowing that it was due

to choices they had made, or not

made. It is very important to try and

honour at least some of your dreams

along the way. From the moment that

you lose your health, it is too late. Health

brings a freedom very few realise, until

they no longer have it.


Page 2: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012

DIARY DATES Friday 9th March Curriculum Day - No students required to attend school

Thursday 15th March National Young Leaders Day

Friday 23rd March Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story

Tuesday 27th March Hot Dog Lunch

2. I wish I didn't work so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children's youth and their partner's companionship.

Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been

breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think

you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited

to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence

and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and

resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are

by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the

unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to

track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the

years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses

their friends when they are dying. It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced

with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if

possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the

benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love

and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old

patterns and habits. The so-called 'comfort' of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of

change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh

properly and have silliness in their life again. When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from

your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.”


Q. Do the City of Casey Bylaws Officers really patrol the streets around our school

regularly during school days?

A.Yes they do. They can use photography as a means by which you may find a traffic infringement notice

in your mail weeks later, so be careful.


‘More often than not the difference between an idealist and a cynic can be measured in years’



NOTICES DUE BACK Thursday 15th March Hot Dog Lunch Orders

Monday 19th March Grade 5/6 Bigbuzz Productions: Our Story

Monday 26th March 5/6 Interschool Winter Sport - Code of Conduct/Medical Form

5/6 Camp Sovereign Hill Deposit

Page 3: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012



On Tuesday 6th March 2012 we

launched our Better Buddy Program

in conjunction with the Alannah and

Madeline Foundation. The school

was a sea of purple

as children dressed

in the colour of the

Alannah and


Foundation to

acknowledge our

involvement in this

program which is designed to

promote the safety of students and

help them feel safe in the school

environment. The students met up

with their 2012 buddy and shared

some time with them over lunch.

The prep children were quite

excited to receive a „Buddy Bear‟

from their Year 6 buddy. We hope

that this event was the start of an

ongoing support relationship

between the students throughout

the year.



The RMIT University is offering a

Certificate of Education (Integration

Aide) to be held in Pakenham during

2012 at Beaconhills College

Pakenham. The course consists of 8

six hour Saturday sessions. The

course will run from 12th May, 2012

until 28th July 2012. For further

information contact Brigette Whyley

on 9925 6612 or email

[email protected]


Congratulations to Jodie and Tom

Luketic on the safe

arrival of Ruby

Grace Luketic on

Friday 2nd March

2012. Ruby‟s birth

weight was 7lb 4oz.

We look forward to a visit from

Jodie and Ruby in the weeks ahead.




Parents are often asking how they

can help their students be aware of

the dangers when accessing online

sites and seeking suggestions for

ways in which they can support their

children in remaining cyber safe. We

have been informed of a useful link

that addresses online safety in a fun

way. This link has a film, „Cyber

quoll‟, which consists of several

short animated stories that can be

used to generate discussion between

children and their parents.

„Cyberquoll‟ can be found at: http://


In an effort to provide quality

information for parents within our

school community, throughout this

year we will be including copies of

relevant insights to parenting from

Michael Grose. Michael is a highly

recognised child psychologist and

parenting educator. These insights

have been provided through

Michael‟s parenting ideas website to

which the school has subscribed.

This week we have included advice

focusing on the importance of

regular and punctual school

attendance. We encourage families

to read through this flyer and keep

your eyes open for future inclusions

in the newsletter.

Parents may access Michael‟s

website at



The Casey Cardinia Library

Corporation has advised us of a

service that may be of interest to

families. This service, „Your Tutor”,

provides an online tutoring service

for students in Years 4 to 12.

Families will need a computer with

internet access to avail themselves

of this service which is available

from 4:00 to 8:00pm week nights

during the school term. Subjects

covered include english skills and

concepts, maths, assignment and

project research and study skills.

The tutors are qualified educators

and are police checked. To access

„Your Tutor‟ you will require a

Casey Cardinia Library Corporation

Library Card and you will need to go


If you are not already a library

member you can join by visiting your

local library to secure free




Grade 5/6 Camp Thank you to the parents that came to last night's Camp

Information Evening. If you have any questions please

don't hesitate to contact me before 9am or after 3.30, or

speak to your child's class teacher.

If you're interested in being a parent helper on camp,

please come and collect a form from me (Room 23) or

ask your child to come and see me. These forms are due

back by Wednesday 21st March 2012.


Jackie Pope

Junior School Council Hospital


On Tuesday 20th March 2012 we will be having a

Hospital Day to raise money for the Good Friday

Appeal. Children can come dressed as a

doctor, nurse or patient (in their

pyjamas). If children dress up they can

donate a gold coin.

Page 4: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012


On Monday 5th March 2012, the Casey North divisional swimming trials were held. Berwick Lodge

PS had 10 swimmers representing the Edwin Flack district. Well done to all of those swimmers, it is

a great achievement to have made it so far. We also had some swimmers qualify for the regional

finals, held at Melbourne Sports and Aquatic centre on Thursday 22nd March 2012. These swimmers

have proven to be the best in our sporting division! So good luck to the following students on the

day, you have already done us proud:

Matthew K 6K Aaron G 6W Jake M 6W Josh S 6N Yasmin M 4Y


Just a reminder that the House athletics carnival is being held on Wednesday 21st March 2012.

Remember to come in your house colours and do your best for your house on the day.

Year 7 2013 Transition News

Parents of Grade 6 children who are interested in

the Berwick S.C High Achievers Program

are invited to collect the brochure outlining all the

information about the program from Mrs Sue

Naismith in Room 24.

Applications for this program close at 4pm on

Monday 26th March 2012.

Emerald S.C have also sent information about

their SEAL Program, (Select Entry Accelerated

Learning). Any parents interested in

considering this school are welcome

to collect the relevant information

from Mrs Sue Naismith.


children are

invited to attend a school tour of Berwick S.C.

Bookings are essential for these tours. Please

contact the Berwick S.C school office on 8768

1000 to register for a tour.

Tour Dates are-

Tuesday 13th March 2012 at 9.30am

Thursday 15th March 2012 at 9.30am

Saturday 28th April 2012 at 9.30am

Monday 30th April 2012 at 9.30am

Thursday 3rd May 2012 at 9.30am

Thursday 10th May 2012 at 9.30am

Thursday 16th August 2012 at 9.30am

Thursday 13th September 2012 at 9.30am

For further information about Berwick S.C please


Mrs Linda Bourke on 8768 1000 or

[email protected]

For any queries about zoning restriction at

Berwick S.C please contact Mr Spencer


[email protected]


Last Tuesday we launched our Better Buddy Program with

a „Purple Day” celebration. It was wonderful to see so

many students and teachers dressed in purple for the day.

Visitors from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation,

organisers of the Better Buddy Program, joined in the

picnic lunch and were very impressed with the friendliness

of all of our students as they got to meet their 2012


Here are some of the comments about the day from some

of our Grade 6 students-

On Tuesday we got to see our Prep buddies and we had

lunch with them. My Prep buddy is Max. We gave him a

special teddy. He is lucky because he has two buddies, he

has James as well as me. Jackson 6N

On the 6th of March 2012 we met our prep buddies. My

buddies‟ name is Rad. He is an awesome buddy. I gave him

a teddy to welcome him to school. Jordan 6N

On Tuesday we met our buddies for the first time. I was

very excited to meet my buddy. I was

nervous though in case she did not like me!

My buddy‟s name is Tehya and she is a

lovely girl. Steph 6N

On Tuesday it was „Purple Day Buddy

Launch‟. Andre was terrified of us but

Grace and I persisted and we are sure we

can be great buddies to him. He was very

shy and hasn‟t warmed up to us yet!

Ashleigh 6N

On Tuesday we met our prep buddy. I was so excited to

meet my buddy Zack. When we got to the Prep classroom

we met our buddies. Zack was very friendly and loved the

bear we gave him. I‟m really looking forward to our year

together. Kara 6N

Page 5: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012

Berwick Lodge OSHC phone: 9769 8251 / 0403050165 Coordinator: Dorien Erasmus

A few reminders for the New Year:

Please remember to CANCEL your child if you know he/she will not be attending ASC.

To ensure the safe arrival of your child at OSHC, please make a booking online or call us to confirm attendance.

Update your contact details when it changes.

We will only allow those people you nominate on your Enrolment Form to collect your child/


No child is allowed to play outside without a hat – please send an extra hat for OSHC.

Curriculum Day

Please note: Due to low numbers there will be NO program on curriculum day, Friday 9th March


Save on Care

You can save 50% or more on before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested

Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. And remember – permanent bookings are

cheaper than casual bookings. To find out more call Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday.

Visit our website to register Once registered you can make bookings and

cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online.

Hours of operation

Before school care: 6:45am – 8:45am After school care: 3.30pm – 6.30pm

Star of the week:

Ewan M 4K: For using his manners, packing up and sharing toys.

WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK Autumn (Thank you Shenelle K for your contribution)



Collage Apple Stamping

Leaf wreath

Book Fair – Grand Total!

Our Scholastic Book Fair was a HUGE success! Thank you to all the parents, students and

teachers who supported this event; because of everyone we sold $7,200 worth of books and

stationary items. This means that $2,500 will be spent on new books for our library; and all

the boys and girls will be able to enjoy these.

Congratulations to the following students who won a „door‟ prize at our assembly on Monday 5th March 2012.

Each student was able to choose a poster, stationary item or small book.

Briani PM Ella PM Zoha 1J Matthew 2FR Halinka 2FR

Liam 2G Keely 2G Venuki 2G Jack 3M Bailey 3M

Mickayla N 3S Annalise 3S Leyla 4R Josh 4R Luke 4Y

Logan 5C Shannon 5C Tyson 5T Liam 6K Cole 6P

I have really appreciated the positive feedback given to me from our parent community. If you

have any further feedback (either positive or constructive) I would welcome your comments.

Many smiles,

Miss Sarah Vine

Asia Studies/Library

Page 6: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012

Parents & Friends Association

Easter Raffle

Easter raffle tickets came home this week with the eldest child from each family. If your

family did not receive a book please let the office know and we will get one out to you

ASAP!! There have already been requests for extra books which is fantastic, if you would like

to sell extra tickets please tick the box on the return slip provided.

The Easter Egg Prize Hampers are starting to take shape and are looking great but there is

always room for improvement. There is still time to contribute so keep those donations

coming in, every little bit is appreciated.

Just a reminder that all tickets, both sold and unsold, along with the money raised needs to be

returned to school by Monday 19th March 2012. The winners will be drawn on Monday 26th

March 2012 at assembly, so get out there and start selling, the winning ticket could be one of


Hot Dog Day

The very popular and highly anticipated Hot Dog Day Lunch is fast approaching. All orders

must be received by Thursday 15th March 2012. Late orders will not be accepted.

Organising and catering for so many students on one day is a huge undertaking and your

understanding in this is much appreciated.


The end of term Disco will be held on Friday 23rd March 2012 in the School Gym. The theme will

be 'Easter' so start thinking about you outfits now, I have my bunny ears ready to go!! Keep your

eyes open for more information coming soon!!!

PFA Meeting The next PFA Meeting is next Wednesday 14th March at 9.30am in Room 31. Even if you only have 20

minutes to spare come along, grab a coffee, meet some fantastic people and find out what you can do to make

our awesome school even greater! As always kids are most welcome :)

Carly Baker

PFA President



For all your carpet/upholstery and

general cleaning needs

Special Offer 3 rooms/3 seats

Professionally steamed cleaned for $77.00 incl.

GST Free deodorising Free stain treating

Other services: Vacate clean-up/ready for sale

For bookings & enquiries contact Steve 0411 752 279

$1.00 from each booking goes back to BLPS.

Plus $1.00 to Royal Children's Hospital

Page 7: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012




SATURDAY 31st March 2012


For Students in years 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8 only

Times 6:00pm to 10:00pm

COST: $10.00

Any enquires to Narre Warren

Police Station 9705 3111


“Berwick Flames is a basketball organisation that is focused

on core values that include family, friendships and fair play.

We exist to promote healthy competitive competition whilst

maintaining our core values. We focus on our kids playing,

practising, while growing physically, mentally and socially”.

Registration for Winter Season is now open at

Berwick Flames Basketball Club

Winter Season starts Saturday 14th April 2012

All are welcome!

For more information please looks at our website:


Grey Male Rabbit

Comes with hutch that goes on grass

Please call Lisa on 0425 751 902 for

more information

Page 8: Berwick Lodge Primary School, Newsletter, March 2012