best practices in student media marketing

Marketing and Promoting Your Student Media Best Practices in Student Media Pre-Conference Small Programs Interest Group AEJMC 2012

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This presentation at the AEJMC conference in Chicago, gives student media advisers and student leaders a step-by-step guide on creating an integrated marketing communications plan using the ROPE method from public relations. Those unfamiliar with marketing or public relations will find this easy to use and invaluable in managing your student media brand.


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Marketing and Promoting Your Student Media

Best Practices in Student Media Pre-Conference Small Programs Interest Group

AEJMC 2012

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What do you currently do to market your student publications?

• Advertise within your publications

• Cross-promote with other student publications

• Host events or contests

• Foster word-of-mouth marketing

• Subscribe to social media

• Collaborate with other campus organizations

• Attend recruiting events

• Attend job fairs on campusBody Copy

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The Big Question:

• How do you determine which of these or other choices will work for you?

Body Copy

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How to create “The plan”• Use the public relations campaign strategy of ROPE

• Create an integrated marketing communication campaign

• Combine the tools from public relations and marketing

• Ultimate goal: To increase awareness or visibility of your student media in the campus community

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What is ROPE?

• Research

• Objectives

• Programming

• Evaluation

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Research• SWOT Analysis• Research tools

– Primary– Secondary– Qualitative – Quantitative

• How do I choose?

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Research• Who are your audiences?• What works best to listen to them?

– Survey– Focus Groups– Content analysis– Institutional research

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Why do research?• Gives us a benchmark

• Tells us what people think, in their own words

• Tells us why people think what they think

• Gives us ideas of how we can improve

• It’s required for assessment and strategic planning

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Analyzing the Research• Where do you start?

• Remember, every research project is undertaken to get specific information. If you haven’t made that clear from the beginning, you’ll have a hard time making sense of the research.

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Objectives• Specific and quantifiable for


• Support your overall goal

• Can be impact and output objectives

• Should be no more than 8 objectives

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Objectives--Impact• To improve newspaper perception as a

credible source by 20% by May 2010

• To increase page views on by 5% per month

• To increase readership by 20% in 2009-2010

• To increase number of fans to 1000 by Jan. 31, 2010

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Objectives--Output• To provide source feedback survey to each

source after the story appears

• To sign-up 10 people per week for e-mailed updates

• To deliver papers to individual classes each issue as requested

• To invite 10 new people to become fans per week

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Programming• Start with a laundry list of everything you could


• Narrow and focus based on your objectives and budget

• Make sure your programming supports your objectives

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Some examples• Training programs

• Signage--branding

• News releases

• Joining associations

• Presenting at meetings

• Cross promotion

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Some eventsLeft, Halloween Booth to sign up people for Facebook

Right,A year-end banquet reconnects us with alumni

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Other tacticsLeft, One of six kiosks purchased around campus

Right,Encourage staff to participate in campus-wide events

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Announce your successes--on campus and in the community

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Evaluation• The other side of the research coin

• Focused on results of objectives

• Should be undertaken throughout the campaign

• Can take many forms, depending on your programming and objectives

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• To improve newspaper perception as a credible source by 20% by May 2012


• Campus-wide, benchmark survey administered at end of Fall; mid-Spring; May 2012

• Conduct focus group in early Spring to determine actions

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What can you take home with you?• Marketing and public relations campaigns allow

you to gain more credibility on campus, more funding from advertisers, and more good students as recruits

• Taking the time to plan and put on paper a marketing and public relations strategy will give you the strategic direction you need to succeed

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Contact Me:Dr. Kay L. Colley, Student Media Director and Assistant Department [email protected]: @kaycolleyBlog: