bet shira congregation june/july 2013 bulletin

Celebrate Bet Shira’s 28th Anniversary! Monday, July 1, 2013 • Details on Page 8 June/July 2013 Sivan/Tamuz 5773 Volume 28 No. 12 MEMBERSHIP Join the Bet Shira Family! Details on Page 5 JEC CLOSING CEREMONY Check out photos from the JEC Closing Ceremony. Page 12 JEC/YOUTH REUNION Catch up with friends at a mid summer reunion! Details on Page 11

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Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin


Page 1: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

Celebrate Bet Shira’s 28th Anniversary!Monday, July 1, 2013 • Details on Page 8

June/July 2013 Sivan/Tamuz 5773 Volume 28 No. 12


Join the Bet Shira Family!

Details on Page 5

JEC CloSIng CEREMonyCheck out photos from the JEC Closing Ceremony.Page 12

JEC/yoUTH REUnIonCatch up with friends at a mid summer reunion!Details on Page 11

Page 2: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

Looking BaCk

Spring Fling, April 27, 2013

B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g


Professional staff

rabbiMark H. kuLa

rabbi EmEritusDaViD H. auErBaCH

EXECutiVE DirECtOrLori SoLoMon


EDuCatiON DirECtOrMariLYn WoLFSon

laY leaDersHiP

PrEsiDENtLori P. BLuM


sistErHOOD PrEsiDENtSuzannE roBErTS

suPPort staff

rituaL assistaNtaVron SMoLEnSkY

fiNaNCE DirECtOraiLEEn LaFonT

EXECutiVE assistaNtDonna LEigH-TuCkEr


ECC assistaNt DirECtOrariEL koBETz

ECC aDmiN. assistaNtgLaDYS MarTinEz


jLC aDmiN. assistaNtiLEnE FrEiDEL

Page 3: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

Looking ForWarD

Please register for the new Jewish learning Center (JlC) noW!Classes begin August 25, 2013 at 9:00 A.M.

Bet Shira Reads!We invite the congregation to read

As A Driven Leaf, by Milton Steinberg, and join us for a review and discussion on

Yom Kippur afternoon.

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CONTENTSCLERGY’S CORNER4 rabbi mark H. Kula Transformative Judaism at Bet Shira5 membership! FroM our PrESiDEnT6 Lori P. blum We will fly!

SiSTErHooD7 suzanne roberts

riTuaL8 religious services and Candle Lighting times

SYnagoguE EVEnTS & nEWS9 tikkun Olam, mazel tovs, and News

EDuCaTion10-11 bet shira: Perfect for the Young Ones in Your family

PHoToS!12 jEC Closing Ceremonies

PrograMS/aDuLT EDuCaTion13 melton Classes, Zumba, and more!


offiCe CloseDPlease note the administrative offices will be closed Thursday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day.

Morning Minyan will be at 9:30 A.M.

Page 4: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

“Crabbi Kula,” and the popular “rC Kula.” as fond as i am of these titles, it is with tremendous happiness (and some relief) that i formally take on the title of rabbi, with the understanding that i transmit the traditions, teachings, and wisdom of our jewish people, while always continuing to study torah and to learn from you.

the conferral of the title of rabbi follows the ancient practice of Semicha, the offi cial transmission of authority from teacher to student. semicha involves the symbolic resting of the teacher’s hands upon the student, which bestows the title of rabbi. semicha also confers upon the student the right to serve the jewish people, as well as the authority to give advice and judgment regarding interpretation of jewish law and matters of jewish life. accordingly, the practice of semicha traces a link of rabbinic authority back to moses and the seventy Elders. Each generation since has developed a meaningful judaism for its era.

We at bet shira are aware that american synagogues are transforming. i believe that these changes will result in even more dynamic jewish communities. bet shira must be a leader in this transformation of twenty-fi rst century jewish life. together, we as a synagogue will build on the best elements of our past twenty-eight years while looking forward to new perspectives on relevant, authentic judaism. We will continue to support each other during diffi cult times. We will rejoice and sing exuberantly in good times. We will share our blessings with others and assure the paramount role of tikkun Olam, of upgrading our world. We will welcome all people—congregants and new friends—into our jewish home. We will make music together, but it will be shir Chadash (a new song), where you and i will sing in harmony with another jewish voice. We will reaffi rm the work of the founders of Bet Shira and build on the dreams of the dreamers. We will collaborate and cooperate and transform ourselves again and again, in the spirit of the torah.

rabbi mark H. Kula

[email protected]

Transformative Judaism at Bet Shira

Hebrew word of the month: AliyahGoing up to the torah to recite a

blessing and to receive a blessing. aliyah also refers to moving to

israel as a new immigrant. some even refer to aliyah as any journey

to israel (the jewish homeland).

s tOriEs Of PErsONaL transition abound in the torah. New names and titles often accompany such

transformative biblical moments: abram becomes avraham; sarai becomes sarah; jacob becomes israel; Hadassah is renamed Esther; and joseph is called Zaphnat Paaneach. Moses acquires several names, each of which refl ect a particular role that he plays in serving the jewish people. Perhaps his most important title is rabenu (“moses, our teacher”). instances of change and renewal in the both Torah and Talmud occur at all stages of life. For example, the talmud references rabbi akiva, a shepherd from the fi rst century C.E., who became a leading voice in forming the mishna, along with a new title: rosh Le-chachamim (“Leader of the sages”). Legend recalls that akiva transformed himself into a scholar at the age of forty, by devoting his life to Jewish learning. Such examples are abundant, reminding us that growth requires a willingness to change.

In the twenty-fi rst century, Talmudic-style transformations can be personal or professional, such as a decision to a start a business, to embark on a new marriage, to go back to school, to complete a degree, to start a family, to dedicate oneself to tikkun Olam, or to take on a new job, with a new title. for me, the past year has brought transformation in both my personal and professional life: i embraced a new level of commitment in love by getting married; i achieved rabbinic ordination; and i earned your vote to be appointed as rabbi of bet shira. this most recent transition—between serving as Cantor and as rabbi of bet shira—means more than just the conferring of a new title. thirty years of Cantorial experience will inform my rabbinate, along with twenty-four years of working and praying with bet shira congregants, three years of rabbinical school, and a lifetime of interest in judaism and in serving the jewish community. i am humbled by the responsibility, grateful for your support, and thankful to God to have the opportunity to serve as rabbi of bet shira Congregation.

the question of a suitable transitional title has come to the forefront during the shift in my role from Cantor to rabbi, producing such hybrid suggestions as “rantor Kula,”

B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

4 C L E R G Y ’ S C O R N E R

The Voice of Bet Shira:rabbi Mark H. [email protected]

The Voice of Bet Shira:rabbi Mark H. Kula

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Bet Shira Members are Special!

Membership packets and renewals are in the mail. You are welcome to come to the synagogue office if you need assistance filling out the paperwork or have questions. Please call us at the synagogue: 305-238-2601. We welcome

back our current members as well as new members!

Join us!

Be a part of the Bet Shira Family!

Come and Join Us this sUmmer! We are busy planning for the future and everyone is invited to be a part of our Bet shira endeavors. Come by over the summer, our doors are open with minyan everyday, cool shabbat services, great kiddush snacks, classes, camp, blessings for healing and shehecheyanus

celebrating our personal milestones. Let’s do this together crafting Bet shira for ourselves and for others.

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5M E M B E R S H I P

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B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g


august 21, 20137:30-9:30 P.m.Board of Directors MeetingAll are welcome!

We Will Fly!

lori P. [email protected]

lori P. [email protected]

the word transition means the process or period of changing from one state or condition to another. any transition is diffi cult. Often, we are either holding on to what was, or anxious and concerned about what is to come. in all cases, transitions require adaptation and change. some transitions happen quickly, and some can take long periods of time, even months or years. bet shira is in a period of transition. We have a new president, a new Executive Committee and a new Board. We have a new Rabbi, even though he is our much beloved Cantor Kula. We are engaged in a process to look anew at our educational programs for children and teens, fi nding ways to further invigorate and refurbish them. We are very much in transition.

Consider the caterpillar. In its journey to become a beautiful butterfl y, it makes several changes. It sheds its skin, sometimes more than once. It forms a new exterior, the chrysalis. It eventually breaks free of this chrysalis, but its wings are wet and bunched. Ultimately, it spreads its wings and fl ies…

i recently attended a workshop for synagogue presidents, offered by united synagogue. it was inspiring and stimulating. While we hear many dire statistics about synagogues and churches, and particularly about Conservative synagogues, usCj is choosing to focus on what we do well, and help us do it even better. Our rabbi has the same attitude. He, along with our leadership, is determined that bet shira will be a thriving, vibrant congregation well into the future, serving our congregants with ruach and kavanah. He is determined that we will spread our wings and fl y.

i want to invite you to be part of this spirit and energy in the coming year. i am blessed to be following in the footsteps of joe serota as President of bet shira. joe wisely engaged us in a process to develop a strategic plan that will guide bet shira as we move through this transition period. there are many new and exciting directions before us, and we need partners on the journey. Join us. Please get involved in some way: join a committee, get involved with a project, come to a synagogue event, join or form a Havurah, or try out services on friday night or saturday morning. if nothing else, speak with friends, leadership or staff about the great things going on here, or what you’d like to see. take one small step so that you are with us as we move forward.

if you are interested in the big picture transitions underway in the greater Conservative jewish community, consider attending a historic gathering of 21st century jews and today’s most innovative leaders, teachers and performers, being hosted by usCj in October 2013. the usCj centennial celebration will take place in baltimore, and is being billed as the “Conversation of the Century”, an opportunity to learn about changes, and experience new directions. For more information check out

Transitions can be scary, but they can also be exciting. Coming together as a whole community during the transition is the key to emerging as a more vibrant and united congregation. Once again, i invite you. join us. Bet Shira is on a precipice, and we are poised to fl y!

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7S I S T E R H O O D N E W S

Sisterhood has some closing activities in June before everyone disappears off to travel, visits to friends and family, enjoying extended time in another locale, or simply indulging in the unrushed time that is summer. Daytime Book Club will meet on tuesday, june 11th @ 10 a.m. in Conference room to discuss swedish novelist jonas jonasson’s The 100-year-old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared. Wishing to escape his birthday party, he climbs out the window and wanders with no destination in mind. it’s a zany, entertaining tale about a man’s adventures in the moment against the backdrop of a long life’s journey. join sharon Glick and group to discuss. Sisterhood Book Club will also meet on tuesday, june 11th @ 7:30 p.m. in the home of renee Gershen to discuss Around the World on Two Wheels: The Extraordinary Ride of Annie londonderry by Peter Zheutlin. annie Kopchovsky, a jewish immigrant, working mother of three living in boston was the subject of a wager by two wealthy merchants: that a woman could not ride around the world. annie rose to the challenge and here is her story. themes of 19th century social history, sports, fashion, travel insights. READ the books and join us!

sisterhood has been very busy this year and i want to offer you a retrospective view of our activity dynamic. Current membership is 182. Our business purpose is to provide fi nancial support to the synagogue and we did so to the tune of $20,000 in allocations this past year. additionally contributions made sisterhood a major sponsor of surviving and thriving event in November; tu b’shevat Concert; Golf tournament; ad journal for spring fling as well as a frequent sponsor of shabbat Kiddush luncheons. fundraising projects include Shira Basket (on-line orders with credit cards this year); Shiragrams (birthday/anniversary wishes) that are also on-line with a credit card minimum; Famous Holiday Bazaar; gift Shop with treasures for every wallet; bimah fl owers; opportunities for congregants to sponsor kiddushim in honor or in memory.

We offer programming for many different interests. reading is a wonderful endeavor and to this end sisterhood has two book clubs, Daytime Book Club and Sisterhood Book Club, to accommodate all schedules. Plus we partner in the Congregational read. the Cooking Academy was launched this year and we have learned about intricacies of indian Vegetarian, sushi making, three classes on holiday fare in syrian tradition, and a traditional ashkenazic High Holiday menu taught by our caterer. Our hands took to the needle arts through Craft Corner where we learned knitting and crocheting. game Day is a sure-fi re winner with the many who play cards, Scrabble, canasta, and mah jonng. it has pulled in people from the neighborhood and afforded another link to membership. Movie Club has shown three fi lms this year that engage, inform and entertain in a way that only the magic of celluloid art form can.

Sisterhood has enjoyed the benefi ts of Paid-Up Membership luncheon; our traditional Hanukkah Party; an evening over a Tu B’Shevat seder led by our own members; and the soulfulness of Sisterhood Shabbat.

We had an excellent program with Friends of The IDF with a presentation on the Lone soldier and we are very proud of the astonishingly successful results of the knIT FoR ISRAEl event that benefi ts the community of our sister synagogue in Ashkelon. Plus we had a Talmud Torah class in Spanish via skype with rabbi surazky at Purim.

Every business must be maintained. accordingly, we have had monthly board meetings; leadership conferences with Women’s League; have been part of the strategic Plan now being written for the synagogue and are working on a revision of our by-laws.

as all these activities happened because of many people in sisterhood who came together with their ideas, talents, energies and time to dedicate to make this year productive and meaningful, we must thank them roundly. in john f. Kennedy’s words “leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” We have learned from each other because of the leadership so many women have shown in their areas of interest, which produced a very engaging year in sisterhood.

thank you to all! a good summer my wish for you.

“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.”

-Theodore M. Hesburgh

suzanne robertsSisterhood President

[email protected]

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B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

8 R I T UA L & R E L I G I O U S S E R V I C E S

B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

erev tish’a b’avMonday, July 15• 7:30 P.M. Service

We will light a community memorial candle and recite the poetry of the Scroll of Lamentations.


Sundays 9:30 A.M.Weekdays 7:30 A.M.

SHaBBaT WorSHiPariN staCEY aPPLEbaumsaNCtuarY

Friday Nights 6:30 P.M.Saturday Mornings 9:30 A.M.

SHaBBaT TiMES May 31 7:50 P.M.Havdalah June 1 8:36 P.M.June 7 7:53 P.M.Havdalah June 8 8:39 P.M.June 14 7:56 P.M.Havdalah June 15 8:42 P.M.June 21 7:57 P.M.Havdalah June 22 8:43 P.M.June 28 7:59 P.M.Havdalah June 29 8:45 P.M.July 5 7:59 P.M.Havdalah July 6 8:45 P.M.July 12 7:58 P.M.Havdalah July 13 8:44 P.M.July 19 7:56 P.M.Havdalah July 20 8:42 P.M.July 26 7:53 P.M.Havdalah July 27 8:39 P.M.

in MEMoriaM• nelia rodriguez, grandmother of Coach Joe (angie) rodriguez.

• sheldon bernstein, father of Jodi orshan and grandfather of Melissa (Steven) Spann.

• Morris trachten, grandfather of adam (Lauren) Schwartz.

We recite the names of Yahrzeits daily. Please join us to remember loved ones. We remember those who came before us by making charitable donations, learning, and acts of kindness. May our memories be for a blessing.

Ja� ies & Jeansfriday, June 7, 2013

6:00 P.M. shabbat tot service6:30 P.M. Pizza Dinner

rsVP to [email protected]

Ritual MeetingTuesday, June 47:30-8:30 P.M.

All are invited to attend.

Bet Shira’s 28th Anniversary!

Monday July 1, 2013

Special Minyan Service followed by Continental Breakfast.

let’s celebrate together!

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9S Y N A G O G U E E V E N T S & N E W SMazEL ToV• To ross William ladis on becoming a Bar Mitzvah on June 13 in Jerusalem, israel. ross (reuven) is the son of Barry and karen Ladis, and brother of ilana 18, Matthew 17 and Kayla 15. His is the grandson of Marlene and Robert Josefsberg of Coral Gables and Marilyn Ladis of North Miami Beach and alan Ladis of Tamarac.ross participated in Mitzvah Day by collecting toys for Community Partnership for the Homeless and delivering them to the shelter. He also delivered Passover meals and cheers to the elderly and homebound. Ross also collected full size toiletry items for homebound seniors and Holocaust survivors.• To ilana ladis, a senior at Design architecture Senior High (“DaSH”) for her Silver knight nominee for English.

• To Jay steinman for his recognition in the South Florida Business Journal as a “Heavy Hitter in Commercial real Estate 2012”. • To rachel steinman for completing her JD from george Washington Law School.

• To evan steinman was recognized as a “Scholar athlete “ in the South Florida Baseball Conference.

• To andy and ellen leinoff on the birth of their grandson, Spencer. Proud parents are Paul and zoe, and older brother Asher.

• To Gail and Joseph H. serota on their son David’s graduation from medical school. He’s offi cially an M.D.

• To Minyannaire sam Danziger on the birth of his grandson, Leo Spiegel. Proud parents are Jane Danziger Speigel and Jon Spiegel.

ToDaH raBaH!• To Hal and Judy feldman for donating the fl at screen monitor in our lobby.

• To bobbi Kaufman for donating books to the Bet Shira library.

it has been another great year for the tikkun Olam Committee. We thank everyone who participated in our events and collections, and we look forward to more good work in 2013-2014. if you have any ideas or suggestions for next year, or if you want to get involved, please let us know.

throughout the summer, we will continue our collections for people in need.

until june 7, we are collecting camp items for the critically ill children who attend Camp boggy Creek. Please donate items such as bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, bug repellant, and toiletries. items can be placed in the tikkun Olam collection bin outside the synagogue offi ce.

in addition, we continue with collections for a number of local agencies. for the Kosher food bank, bring your non-perishable food products to the donation bin located outside the synagogue offi ce. We are also collecting books and magazines for the food bank and

the Chapman Partnership, and we also welcome donations of hygiene products and unused, unexpired medical products for the Open Door Clinic and other agencies. We are also collecting feminine hygiene products for women at inn transition. there is a real need for all of these items, so all donations are greatly appreciated.

We again thank you for everything and wish you a wonderful summer.

UPCoMIng MEETIngS:Tuesday, August 13 at 7:30 P.M.All are welcome!


Jerry Greenberg, Karen siegel, and steve spannCo-Chairs Tikkun olam Committee

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Tikkun olam Mitzvah Suggestion

Donate camp items for critically ill children who

attend Camp boggy Creek.

items needed: bathing suits, shorts, t-shirts, bug repellent,

and toiletries.

thank you to co-chairs jerry Greenberg, Karen siegel, and steve spann for their service and leadership this year.

We welcome new co-chairs of the tikkun Olam committee jerry Greenberg and Paul Papier.

tikkun olam

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B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

1 0Judith Gampel, ed. D

Wednesday, June 5 •2013 Kindergarten Graduation 10:00 AM in the Arin Stacey Applebaum Sanctuary Thursday, June 6•last Day of ClassesEnd of year partiesHalf Day

Friday, June 7 •”Jammies & Jeans”6:00 P.M. Service6:30 P.M. Pizza DinnerrSVP to gladys for dinner

Thursday, June 13 • Camp Gilah orientation 6:30 P.M.

Monday, June 17•Camp Gilah begins!9:00 A.M.

Thursday, July 4 •independence - no sessions

Thursday, July 11•Pta summer Workshop9:30-11:30 A.M.

Friday, July 12•Camp Gilah shabbat6:30 P.M.Monday, July 15•Camp Gilah session ii begins

Thursday, august 1•Conscious Discipline Workshop9:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.RSVP to Gladys (305) 238-2606

Friday, August 9•Camp Gilah ends

Judith Gampel, ed. D


ECC [email protected]


ECC School Happenings

Wednesday, august 21 • Meet the Director 7:00 P.M. in the School Social Hall

a chance for parents, new to the E.C.C., to meet our director, Dr. Judi gampel. it is also a great opportunity to discuss with Dr. Gampel ways to make a smooth transition for your child’s fi rst days at Bet Shira Early Childhood Center.

Thursday, august 22•Kindergarten orientation

Friday, August 3 •Preschool orientation•first Day of Kindergarten

Monday, august 26•first Day of Preschool9:30-11:30 A.M.

Photos from the 20th Anniversary ECC kids Art Auction, May 2.

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shalom! spend your time wisely this summer especially since you’ll have so much free time!judaism teaches us that learning is a lifelong process wherever you are. this summer use your time to play, explore, travel and make new friends – all ways that you can grow and continue to learn.

Here’s a list of ways you can spend your summer vacation! 1. go to the beach2. Ride a Bike3. Come to a morning Minyan with the Bet Shira Minyannaires and get a bagel too!4. go for a walk or a run in a park5. Pick up a hobby or just learn a Hebrew word6. Come to kabbalat Shabbat at Bet Shira7. Play sports8. Read a book9. Come to a Saturday morning service at Bet Shira to hear the weekly Torah reading10. learn to play an instrument11. Write poetry12. Celebrate Bet Shira’s Anniversary – July 1st13. Build something14. Celebrate America’s Birthday 15. lAST BUT noT lEAST…

CoME To oUR JlC “MID SUMMER MoVIE nIgHT” REUnIon!! JUly 22, 2013

Meet at the Falls @ 7:00PM for a Bet Shira movie night. RSVP and we’ll buy your popcorn!

Bring your friends and see your fellow JlC peers. Movie TBD

PlUS… It’s Tu B’Av the Israeli Valentine’s Day, so bring a date if you want!

Please register for our youth Program for next year!

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B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

1 2J E W I S H E D U C AT I O N C E N T E R C L O S I N G C E R E M O N I E S

M a y 5 , 2 0 1 3 2 5 o f I y a r 5 7 7 3

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rabbi David H. auerbach will be teaching a melton mini course at bet shira this summer!

be a part of this great learning opportunity.

Tuesday mornings, from 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. on July 2, 9, 16, 23.

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1 3


monday & Wednesday mornings9:15 a.m. in the Simcha Court. $10 a

class taught by stacey Harris,

certified personal trainer/fitness

instructor. 305-389-3037

B E T S H I R A P R O G R A M S & M O R E

stay connected with bet shira on facebook! “Like us” by going here:

interested in getting involved with our social media?Contact rabbi Kula for more information!

Do you tWEEt? follow us on twitter! @bet_shira

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B E T S H I R A C O N G R E G AT I O N w w w . b e t s h i r a . o r g

1 4 Thank you for your donations. Todah Rabah!Contributions


in appreciation of Cantor mark H. Kula becoming the rabbi Robert and Maria Wild, Jay and Riva Steinman in appreciation of Lila Greenberg’s 13th birthday blessing Randy and Jane greenberg in appreciation of the bimah kevin and Amy kertesz In honor of Alexis Schwebel’s bat mitzvah gail Tescher in honor of fran Larkin’s 90th birthday Abraham and Helene Benyunes, Jay and Riva Steinman in honor of Granddaughter, Alexis Schwebel’s Bat Mitzvah Robert and linda Spiegelman in honor of Hailey Yaffa and meghan Yaffa’s bat mitzvah neil and Madelyn Messinger in honor of mia rose Levin’s baby Naming neil and Madelyn Messinger in honor of rabbi Cantor Kula’s first Shabbat Michael and Martha Backer in memory of aaron baum Ira, Myndell, Rachel, Sam and Max Baum in memory of abraham strauss kenneth and lisa young in memory of arnold Goldman Jay and Riva Steinman in memory of bee Danowitz Jeffery and Bethony Saltzman in memory of ben Pullman kenneth and lisa young in memory of bernard Kaplan Ira and Myndell Baum in memory of Evan Howard

baum and martin i. Levitan Joseph and Cynthia Baum in memory of Evelyn frankel Joseph and Shelly Forer in memory of Gertrude jeffries Ian and Susan Jeffries in memory of Hirsch farr neal and Eileen Farr in memory of marcus breier Eleanore Breier in memory of molly Weinberger Malvin and Irene Weinberger in memory of Penny Lehman Robert and Deborah Cohen, Steven and Iane Deutsch in memory of rachel Gross David and Joan kobrin in memory of salomon shujman Abraham and Ada Shujman in memory of sheldon bernstein Abraham and Helene Benyunes, neal and Eileen Farr in memory of stewart sunness Martin and linda Cohen speedy recovery of Cheryl rosen Scott and Sherry Mittlemanin appreciation of rabbi schuldenfrei we wish you luck Allen and Mary Eagle in memory of ida forer Joseph and Shelly Forer in memory of melissa aptman Michael and lynn Aptman


in memory of Gayle Hutman Steven and Iane Deutsch, Jeffrey and loree Feiler, Steven and laurel Isicoff


in memory of al roth Robert Roth In memory of Alexander Elson norman and Diana Elson in memory of arnold Goldman The grey Family & The Rosner Family in honor of Hal feldman Ray and Fredrica Applebaum


in memory of isaac Kaire Robert and Stephanie Bull in memory of marilyn alberstadt-berger Hy (Herman) and Marilyn Berger

TIkkUn olAM FUnD

in appreciation of bet shira allowing us to Provide transportation to and from our GsD event on 4-19 grant and Meredith gussin in honor of Cantor mark H. Kula becoming our new rabbi, how wonderful Fred and Judy Schild in honor of Caryn boren’s special birthday Juan Aguilar and Ann Ballen in honor of fran Larkin’s 90th birthday Penn and Sheila Chabrow, neal and Eileen Farr, Martin and Sandy katz, Robert and linda Spiegelman, Barry and Cookie Wright

Page 15: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

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1 5ContributionsThank you for your donations. Todah Rabah!in honor of Granddaughter, Alexis Schwebel’s Bat Mitzvah Fred and Judy Schild in honor of jack Yaffa’s birthday Fred and Judy Schild in honor of Kenny spiegelman being nominated as social studies teacher of the Year Fred and Judy Schild in honor of Linda james special birthday Fred and Judy Schild in honor of Logan michael Yaffa’s birth Fred and Judy Schild in honor of michael and judy breslow’s grandson’s bar mitzvah Fred and Judy Schild in honor of morning minyan for may Bet Shira Minyannaires in memory of arnold Goldman Faye, Jeff, Chelsea and Peter Roth in memory of Ethel Gubernick Barry and Valerie gubernick in memory of Gayle Hutman leonard and Jill Bloom, Edythe Cannon in memory of ira finn Bruce and Betsy yegelwel in memory of melvin spear leonard and Jill Bloom in memory of rachel L. jacobs Paul and Velma Papier in memory of samuel margulies Bernard and Eileen Mazis in memory of susan mcLaughlin Richard and Joyce newman speedy recovery of bob Krantzler Robert and linda Spiegelman, Jerome and lois Shapiro speedy recovery of Esther Yagoda Robin Forman


in honor of Your granddaughters b’not mitzvah and the birth of Logan Alan and lynne Stein In memory of Alexander fishkoff Joan kasner in memory of bessie silverman Zelda Silverman in memory of frank Edelman Fred and Rosalind Edelman in memory of jack Lichtman gary and lori lichtman in memory of morris Kalinowsky Zelda Silverman in memory of William ackerman Zelda Silverman


in memory of bernard tytell Adeline Tytell in memory of Gilda Weintraub Rachel Appelrouth in memory of Herbert saul Madelyn Saul in memory of Lynne Nierenberg Andrew nierenberg in memory of sara Nierenberg Andrew nierenberg in memory of sylvia smilan gail Tescher in memory of Vivian belen Irene Colsky

*Donations as of May 14, 2013

Please note that you can now make donations online with a few simple steps!

Go to Click “Donate/Payments” on the main menu. then click on “make a Donation.” You will then be redirected to the Donation Online form. fill out the form and provide your credit card information on our secure server, and you’re done!

We appreciate your donations!

Page 16: Bet Shira Congregation June/July 2013 Bulletin

Camp Gilah has space available for Pre-K through 2nd


Register today!

Call 305-238-2606

Session 1: June 17-July 12

Session 2: July 15-Aug. 9

BET SHira CongrEgaTion(USPS 004-727)

7500 SW 120th Street, Miami, FL 33156Office: 305.238.2601

School Office: 305.238.2606Published monthly

except July/August combinedPOSTMASTER:

Send returns to7500 SW 120th Street, Miami, FL 33156

Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism


PaiDMiami, FL