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Beta Alpha Psi Zeta Gamma Chapter - MTSU Jones College of Business “Plant Assets!” Mentorship Program Leadership Manual BAP Vision Beta Alpha Psi will shape the financial and business information professions by developing members into ethical, professional, and confident leaders. BAP Mission The mission of Beta Alpha Psi, the premier international honor and service organization for financial and business information students and professionals, is to inspire and support excellence by: encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, and information systems; providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals; and fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities

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Beta Alpha Psi

Zeta Gamma Chapter - MTSU Jones College of Business

“Plant Assets!” Mentorship Program

Leadership Manual

BAP Vision

Beta Alpha Psi will shape the financial and business information professions by developing members into ethical, professional, and confident leaders.

BAP Mission

The mission of Beta Alpha Psi, the premier international honor and service organization for

financial and business information students and professionals, is to inspire and support excellence by:

encouraging the study and practice of accountancy, finance, and information systems;

providing opportunities for service, professional development, and interaction among members and financial professionals; and

fostering lifelong ethical, social, and public responsibilities

Table of Contents

Page 1 Zeta Gamma Chapter Information & Timeline of Annual Events

Page 2 Membership Requirements

Page 3-10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Being a Candidate Member

Careers in Accounting

The CPA Exam

Resumes, Cover Letters, Transcripts, and Communications

Job Fairs and Interviews

Page 11 Helpful Tips for the BAP Candidate

Page 12 Resources

Page 13-17 Supplementary Materials:

Sample Resumes

Sample Cover Letter

Sample List of References

Sample Emails


Zeta Gamma Chapter Information

Holds Superior Chapter Status

Competitors in the BAP Regional Best Practices Competition 2016

Competitors in the BAP National Best Practices Competition 2015

Winners of the BAP Southeast Region Best Practices Competition 2015

2nd Place in the BAP Southeast Region Best Practices Competition 2013

Competitors in the BAP National ‘Project Run With It’ Competition 2015

Faculty Advisors

o Dr. Paula Thomas, [email protected]

o Dr. Stanley Clark, [email protected]

Current Officers:

o President – Michael Carter, [email protected]

o President-Elect – Brandon Taylor, [email protected]

o Vice President of Reporting – Patrick McCarter, [email protected]

o Treasurer – Alden Wakefield, [email protected]

o Candidate Coordinator – Asia Bailey, [email protected]

Timeline of Annual Events

Fall Semester

Mid-August – BAP Annual Meeting (National Convention)

Mid to Late-August – School Begins, Fall Zeta Gamma Chapter Meetings Begin

Early September – Meet the Firms Job Fair

Early September – Golf Outing with Firms

Fall Recruitment Season (potential on-campus interviews and office visits)

Late Fall – Officer Elections for Spring Semester

Late Fall – Formation of Best Practices Competition Team

Spring Semester

Mid-January – School Starts, Spring Zeta Gamma Chapter Meetings Begin

Early to Mid-February – Applications due for various firm Summer Leadership Programs

Late February – BAP Regional Meeting & Best Practices Competition

Late February – Nomination Forms open for Project Run With It Competition

Late March – Officer Elections for Fall Semester

Plant Assets available both Fall and Spring semesters

Several Presentations by Firms and Companies in the Fall and Spring

Several Volunteer Opportunities in the Fall and Spring


Candidate Membership Requirements

1. A declared major in Accounting (or have a stated intention of doing so).

2. Enrollment in Intermediate I or a higher-level Accounting class

3. Meet one of these GPA Requirements:

a. Have attained at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0

b. Have achieved a rank within the top 35% of his or her university class

c. Have attained at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA on the most recent 15 semester hours

4. Submit the following to the faculty advisor by late September (Fall) or late February (Spring):

a. Candidate Information Sheet

b. Candidate dues of $100 (one-time fee)

c. Copy of MTSU unofficial transcript with your name visible

Note: Candidates are welcome to join in the Fall or the Spring!

5. Within the semester of candidacy, candidates must:

a. Obtain 15 signatures (Faculty Signature Sheet) and submit it to the faculty advisor by the last

day of class during the semester of candidacy

b. Earn a minimum of 18 total hours of professional and service activities:

i. At least eight professional hours - chapter meetings with professional speakers (one

hour each) Note: Chapter Meetings are always Tuesdays at 4:30, room BAS S270.

ii. At least eight service hours (most of which must be chapter-sponsored)

iii. Two additional hours may be professional or service

c. Meet these GPA thresholds:

i. Attain a cumulative GPA in upper division Accounting classes of 3.0 and

ii. One of the following:

1. Have attained at least a cumulative GPA of 3.0

2. Have achieved a rank within the top 35% of his or her university class

3. Have attained at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA on the most recent 30 semester hours

Maintaining Active Membership

Each semester, members must maintain the GPA requirements listed above and earn a minimum of 18 total

hours of professional and service activities:

At least eight professional hours – chapter meetings with professional speakers (1 hour each)

At least eight service hours (most of which must be chapter-sponsored)

Two additional hours may be professional or service


FAQs: Being a Candidate Member

1. When (and how) can I become a member of BAP?

a. You can become a member after successfully completing one semester as a candidate member.

Requirements for candidacy and membership are listed on the previous page. Note: Even if you

are not a member or candidate member, you are welcome to attend BAP meetings.

2. What should I wear to meetings?

a. Appropriate dress is Business Casual. For ladies: trousers, a blouse, a sweater, and nice flats. For

gentlemen: khakis, a button down, and penny loafers. Gentlemen could dress up their look with

a sport coat and a tie; ladies could dress up their look with a blazer, a pencil skirt, or heels.

3. Will I have to pay the candidate fee every semester?

a. No. The $100 candidate fee is a one-time fee.

4. How do I network with companies when they come to speak to BAP?

a. Have a strong handshake, a positive attitude, and questions ready to ask. Have answers ready

for what the recruiters may ask you. Don’t be shy - understand that the professionals coming to

present and network can empathize with you, as they were likely candidate members of BAP

when they were in college.

5. What are examples of good questions to ask companies when they present?

a. Take notes of what they say during their presentation, and expand on what they have said by

asking follow-up questions. For example, if a firm mentions that they have several opportunities

for community service but don’t go into detail about the specific service activities during their

presentation, ask for a few examples of those community service opportunities and how one

would get involved. Make your questions relevant and they must be well-worded.

6. When can I become an officer?

a. You can participate in the officer elections at the end of your semester of candidacy, or any

semester thereafter. The elected officer positions are President-Elect (a two-semester position

that becomes President in the second semester), Vice President of Reporting (a one-semester

position), and Treasurer (a one-semester position).

7. How do I get involved in the BAP Competitions?

a. During the fall semester, our Best Practices Competition Team is formed. Reach out the faculty

advisor if interested in participating. The Zeta Gamma Chapter hopes to have multiple

competition teams per year in the future.

b. In late February the application form for Project Run With It will be available on the BAP

website. Follow the application instructions, ask the faculty advisor to proofread your essay, and

turn in your application sooner rather than later. BAP will notify selected competitors in early

May. The competition takes place at the BAP Annual Meeting (national convention).

8. What are the benefits of becoming a member of BAP?

a. There are countless benefits of becoming a member of BAP! The most notable benefits are:

i. Participating in an organization comprised of the highest-caliber Accounting and

business information systems students will lead to lifelong professional relationships.

ii. You will have endless opportunities to interact with representatives from local, regional,

national, and international Accounting firms and companies.

iii. BAP Alumni are likely to be employers during recruitment season at MTSU; you will be

connected through your experiences in BAP.


FAQs: Careers in Accounting

1. What are some of the professional paths that MTSU Accounting graduates take?

a. Some students graduate with an undergraduate degree in Accounting and either begin work in a

company’s Accounting department or study further, graduating with a Master of Accountancy

(MAcc) or Master of Business Administration (MBA.)

b. Some students receive a Master’s Degree, or complete 150 credit hours in another way, and

complete the CPA Exam before graduation.

c. Some students receive other certifications, such as Certified Management Accountant (CMA),

Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE.)

There are numerous certifications that can be received throughout your career.

d. Some students participate in an internship with a firm or a company prior to graduation, often

resulting in an offer for full-time employment upon graduation.

e. Some students begin full-time employment without an internship.

f. Some students study further, obtaining a PhD in Accounting and teaching at the collegiate level.

2. How do I get a job after I graduate?

a. The best advice is to act professionally at school, keep making strong grades, and network with

professionals every time they visit campus. With regard to making connections, start early and

stay in communication every few months.

b. There are great resources on campus to guide you through the recruitment process. Use

resources provided by the MTSU Career Center, such as Lightning Career Link, to see listings of

potential internships and employment.

3. What is the process for obtaining an internship?

a. For most people, it begins with a successful job fair experience. This can lead to an on-campus

interview a few weeks later, an office visit a few weeks after that, and maybe – an offer for an

internship! Some students obtain internships by participating in Summer Leadership Programs

(offered by many firms.)

4. What will I do as an intern?

a. An internship is typically a full-time paid position lasting approximately ten weeks. The tasks you

will be assigned during an internship are usually the same tasks that would be assigned to you as

a first-year staff accountant; this allows for the company to assess your skills, and for you to

assess whether or not you enjoy the environment of the company.

5. Do I have to have an internship to get a job in Accounting?

a. Some students begin full-time employment without having had an internship first; however, the

benefits of completing an internship cannot be overstated.


FAQs: The CPA Exam

1. Do I have to be a CPA?

a. You don’t have to be a CPA to have a career in Accounting, but there are many benefits to

becoming a CPA. Some employers require that you attain certification in order to promote to

leadership positions.

2. How is the CPA Exam set up?

a. The CPA Exam is comprised of four parts: Auditing and Attestation (AUD), Business Environment

and Concepts (BEC), Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR), Regulation (REG). Each part is

taken separately. You may take the parts of the exam in any order, but you must successfully

complete all four parts within 18 months. Each exam consists of multiple choice and task-based


3. What are the classes that I am taking at MTSU that will relate to each section of the exam?

a. Auditing and Attestation

i. External Auditing

ii. Advanced External Auditing

iii. Business Communication

b. Business Environment and Concepts

i. Business Finance

ii. Operations Management

iii. Accounting Information Systems

iv. Business Communication

v. Microeconomics

vi. Macroeconomics

c. Financial Accounting and Reporting

i. Intermediate Accounting I and II

ii. Financial Accounting Standards

iii. Government & Not-for-Profit Accounting

d. Regulation

i. Introduction to Federal Income Tax

ii. Advanced Tax

iii. Business Law

iv. Commercial Law

4. When can I take the CPA Exam?

a. This varies by state; you can find information for each state online.

b. The following information is for the state of Tennessee. You are eligible to sit for the exam when

you are within 200 days of completing the requirements to become a CPA candidate. The

requirements are as follows:

i. Baccalaureate Degree

ii. 150 Semester Hours - Note: Most Undergraduate Students complete a Master of

Accountancy to obtain these additional hours, but a graduate degree is not required.

iii. At least 30 semester hours in Accounting, including at least 24 hours completed at the

upper division level.


iv. At least 24 semester hours in general business, including at least 12 hours completed at

the upper division level.

5. Do I need to complete the CPA Exam before I begin full-time employment?

a. Sitting for the CPA Exam before you begin full-time employment is strongly encouraged since

you will already be in “study mode.”

6. How long should I plan to study for the exam?

a. To be successful on each part of the exam, you must commit to a significant amount of study

time. As a general guideline, each part of the exam will require approximately 80 hours of study

time. There are numerous study programs that you may use to guide you through your

preparation for the exam.

7. What are the benefits of becoming a CPA?

a. Prestige and Respect - CPAs are respected and admired by their peers, clients, and society. CPAs

are often viewed as an elite group of professionals. After years of academic and technical

training – and passing the rigorous CPA Exam – a CPA’s ethics and character are further tested

with several years of extensive on-the-job training.

b. Career Development - Having a CPA license is a good way to stand out from the crowd to

potential employers, who are often impressed with accountants who have earned their CPA

license. A CPA license is also necessary for those who desire to rise to higher levels of authority

and responsibility.

c. Career Security – CPAs are in more demand than ever before – and that doesn’t seem to be

changing anytime soon. The main reason for this shortage is due to a dip in Accounting students

in the 1990s when the Internet was booming and students sought jobs in IT and online

marketing. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, passed in 2002, also drove up the need for qualified CPAs to

enforce the new higher standards of public corporate Accounting. The final straw is that Baby

Boomers are retiring and leaving a tremendous gap in the market, which is also felt in the

academic world as more and more Accounting professors retire.

d. Job Satisfaction and Variety – CPAs are typically multi-talented professionals who perform a mix

of highly-specialized job functions. Almost every business encounters a financial situation at

some point or another where it could benefit from the services of a CPA.

e. Money and Benefits – CPAs can earn between 5% and 15% more than their non-credentialed

counterparts. Over time, more frequent and higher-level promotions can widen the salary gap

to as much as $50,000. In 2016, compensation levels for Finance and Accounting positions are

expected to increase by 4.7 percent.

Note: This information was summarized from “Five Popular Reasons for Earning a CPA License”

on the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy website.


FAQs: Resumes, Cover Letters, Transcripts, and Communications

Note: At the end of this packet, we have provided sample resumes, a sample cover letters, a sample lists of

references, and sample emails to use for reference when creating your documents in preparation for recruitment.

1. What should I include on my resume?

a. Your resume should be a summary of all the hard work you’ve been doing while in

college! Often, a resume consists of a professional summary, education information,

volunteer experience, and work experience. Your resume is a large part of your first

impression at a job fair or interview, so spend time making it great!

2. What is a Professional Summary?

a. Often, a Professional Summary is included near the top of a resume. This summary

informs potential employers of a few things:

i. Your desires – seeking a full-time tax internship

ii. Your timeline – intend to complete CPA exam prior to graduation in 2017

iii. Your notable experiences – management experience and study abroad

iv. Your skills and competencies – attention to detail, creativity, planning

3. What if I don’t have enough experience to fill up a resume?

a. Once you start creating your resume you’ll likely be surprised at how much you have

done since starting college. Start with a very rough draft – write down all of the

activities you’ve done since you began college (do not include high school

achievements). Once you’ve listed all that you’ve done, organize the information

chronologically. Two sample resumes are included at the end of the packet.

4. How can I use my resume to my advantage during a job fair?

a. Have a short story about each line on your resume – be ready to provide information

about the things you have done. One prompt that may be requested by a recruiter is,

“Walk me through your resume.” If you’re able to walk the recruiter through your

resume (without looking, of course), it shows that you’ve spent time thinking about the

format, and you’re able to summarize your experiences in a logical format.

5. What kind of paper should I use to print my resume?

a. Go to a printing service and have it printed on resume-quality paper. Alternatively, you

could also purchase resume paper for use in any printer.

6. Do I need to have a resume, cover letter, list of references, and unofficial transcript ready to

send out at any moment?


a. Yes. It’s a very good idea to have a folder on your desktop/in a cloud-based storage

site/on a secure flash drive that holds an updated resume, updated unofficial transcript,

cover letter (that you can edit for each recipient), list of references, etc. That way, when

a recruiter contacts you, you can quickly edit your documents as needed to match that

company and send them to the recruiter quickly.

7. Should I send items in Word or .pdf format?

a. .pdf

8. How do I communicate with companies?

a. Email is most common, but be ready for phone calls as well. Make sure your voicemail

greeting is professional, as well as your email address.

9. What do I say in an email?

a. We’ve provided a couple of example emails at the end of this packet, but here’s a few

key tips regarding emails:

i. Short, sweet, and to-the-point is best. Make sure your grammar is perfect.

ii. Respond within 24 hours.

iii. Ensure that all required documents are attached.

iv. Proofread, proofread, proofread before sending the email.

10. Who do I email?

a. After a job fair, email anyone who has provided you with his or her business card within

24 hours. Send a thank you message and attach your resume.

b. After any networking event, it is wise to connect on LinkedIn with anyone you have met.

c. After a formal interview, separately email each person who interviewed you, within 24

hours, to say thank you and reiterate your interest in the position. Do not attach any

documents to your thank you email after an interview.

11. Do I need a LinkedIn account?

a. It’s a very good idea to have a LinkedIn account. Format your LinkedIn account to be

similar to your resume. You can stay connected to your peers and network with

professionals. On your resume, include a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile.


FAQs: Job Fairs and Interviews

1. What job fairs can I attend? a. The biggest job fair on the MTSU campus for Accounting majors is Meet the Firms. Meet the

Firms is hosted by Beta Alpha Psi and occurs in early September. There are numerous other job fairs at MTSU that you can attend, such as the Economics and Finance Career Fair and the College to Career Fair.

2. Other than a job fair, is there another way to get selected for an interview? a. Yes. There are several opportunities to potentially be selected for interviews. You can apply for

internships and employment directly through company websites. There are many Summer Leadership Programs available at firms; applications are available in the early spring semester. Lightning Career Link, a resource of the MTSU Career Center, is an excellent resource. Connect with those in your community to see what other opportunities may present themselves.

3. What makes a great first impression? a. A big smile, a strong handshake (practice), a pressed suit, a well-designed resume, and a

confident “elevator speech.” Having a list of questions ready also helps to make a great first impression with any employer. Confidence is key!

4. What is an elevator speech? a. An elevator speech is a summary about yourself in the time of an elevator ride – about one

minute. Start with your name, explain where you are in your school timeline, a unique experience you’ve done, and what you are looking for after you graduate. Write it down, memorize it, practice it extensively, and have your friends and family critique it before you start saying it at job fairs.

5. What should I wear to a job fair or interview? a. A professional suit. For ladies: a suit skirt or pants with a blazer of matching material, a button-

down collared shirt, professional heels or flats, and professional earrings, hair style, and makeup. For gentlemen: suit pants with a blazer of matching material, a pressed button-down shirt, tie, polished professional shoes, and professional hair style and grooming. A professional watch is optional for ladies and gentlemen.

6. What should I take to a job fair or interview? a. Take a professional pad-folio holding copies of your resume (three to an interview, fifty to a job

fair), breath mints, and no cell phone (at the very least, turn your phone completely off). If you can forego carrying a purse, do so.

7. How long do job fairs and interviews last? a. Job fairs are typically two to three hours. Plan to get there ten minutes early and stay until it has

ended. It is important to show employers how committed you are to being present the entire time. On-campus interviews are typically thirty minutes long. Final interviews, also known as, “office visits,” usually include an introductory presentation by the company, a tour of the office, a lunch, and a round of interviews; the interviews can range from two thirty-minute interviews to a round of five longer interviews that last half a day.

8. What is a job fair like? a. Job fairs are a whirlwind! If you are provided with a list of companies prior to arriving at the job

fair, do your research and have a game plan for which companies you would like to speak with throughout the event. There can be dozens of companies in attendance, so choose wisely. Additionally, know a few facts about each company so that you can mention them in conversation and show that you are interested in that company. A good idea might be to have a summary sheet of company information that you reference in between speaking with companies.


9. What are companies looking for at a job fair or interview? a. Companies are looking for enthusiastic, hard-working potential employees that would fit in well

with that company’s team. Play to your strengths! 10. What questions should I have ready to ask at a job fair or interview?

a. What are some of the attributes that the most successful interns (or employees) have consistently demonstrated?

b. What are some of the responsibilities of an entry-level employee? c. What are some of the opportunities for community service within the company? d. How is an employee evaluated? e. Are you assigned a mentor when you start work? f. What are some things that I can do now to best prepare for a position at your company? g. What has been one of your most memorable experiences at your company? h. What led you to decide to work at your company? i. How has the company changed since you started working there, and how do you anticipate it

changing in the future? j. I’ve read about the company’s goal of (DO YOUR RESEARCH). What is the strategy the company

is implementing to achieve that goal? k. There are many more questions you can formulate – spend time tailoring your questions for

each company so that you are prepared for any interview situation. Questions should be memorized. Do not use a note card for reference.

11. What questions should I be prepared to answer at a job fair or interview? a. Tell me a little bit about yourself. (Commence elevator speech.) b. Walk me through your resume. (Without looking, summarize the sections from top to bottom,

highlighting the key events.) c. What has been your greatest achievement? d. Tell me about a group situation you’ve been in where things went really well. e. Tell me about a group situation you’ve been in where things did not go as well as expected, why

that happened, and what you did to help the situation. f. Tell me about a conflict you’ve had with a coworker. (Be truthful, but keep it positive!) g. What makes a good manager? h. What is your favorite thing about being a member of BAP? i. What do you enjoy about volunteering? j. What are your career goals? k. When do you plan to sit for the CPA exam? l. There are many more questions that could be asked – spend time tailoring your responses and

creating potential follow-up questions so that you are prepared for any interview situation. 12. How do I stay in communication after a job fair or interview?

a. Email those with whom you spoke or with whom you interviewed within 24 hours with a thank you message, reiterating that you are interested in any potential opportunity with that company. Also, whether you get offered the position in the end or not, stay in communication through LinkedIn. You never know what opportunities might present themselves in the future!


Helpful Tips for the BAP Candidate

This packet has provided a large amount of information. Don’t be overwhelmed. Spend a few minutes every few

days learning something new from this packet. Make notes and highlight helpful points. Ask your mentor, other

BAP members, other BAP candidates, or the Accounting faculty for guidance on any of the information in this

packet. Our goal is for all MTSU Accounting students to succeed in their time at MTSU and in their careers!

Below are a few final tips for you as you begin your journey in Beta Alpha Psi:

Stay organized in your classes, in BAP, and in your jobs outside of school. Use an agenda. Take thirty

minutes once a week to ensure that you know what’s due soon, and make to-do-lists as needed.

Keep making great grades in your classes.

Ask for help when you need it – other students and the Accounting professors all want you to succeed!

Get to know your professors early in the semester. Ask them for advice. The professors are enthusiastic

about helping students. Thank them for their support and their dedicated work!

Make a plan and stick to your plan. Re-prioritize your workload as needed.

Manage your time wisely to balance school, work, volunteering, and fun.

Stay positive! You’ve chosen a great, but challenging, profession. Hard work pays off!



1. MTSU Career Center - a. The Career Center offers resources such as Lightning Career Link, the Student Employment

Program, GoinGlobal, opportunities to meet with a Career Advisor, get your resume critiqued, practice interviewing skills, etc. There are walk-in hours available to meet with the staff, or you can make an appointment.

2. Beta Alpha Psi – a. Here you will find information about the fraternity, including the vision and mission, BAP

leadership, Regional Meetings and the Annual Meeting, and competitions such as the Best Practices Competition or Project Run With It.

3. Beta Alpha Psi Zeta Gamma Chapter – a. This site provides information about the MTSU Chapter of BAP.

4. AICPA – American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

a. Here you will find information about the CPA profession, including News & Insights, Learning & Events, Publications, Research, information about becoming a CPA, etc.

b. Note: You can become a Student Affiliate Member of the AICPA.

5. TSCPA – Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants a. There are several chapters of the TSCPA; you can find information about events and meetings,

and information about the CPA profession. b. Note: You can become a Student Member of the TSCPA.

6. NABA – National Association of Black Accountants

Here you can find information about NABA programs, education and development opportunities, resources, scholarships, and other information.

a. Note: There is an MTSU Chapter of NABA that that any Accounting student can join. Contact the MTSU Department of Accounting at 615-898-2558 for faculty advisor information.

7. IMA – Institute of Management Accountants a. This site provides information about how to become a Certified Management Accountant

(CMA), IMA groups and networking, resources and publications, etc. b. Note: There is an MTSU Chapter of IMA that any Accounting student can join. Contact the MTSU

Department of Accounting at 615-898-2558 for faculty advisor information.

8. IIA – Institute of Internal Auditors a. Here you will find information about IIA training and events, certifications and qualifications,

periodicals, and much more information about the profession of internal auditing. b. Note: There is an MTSU Chapter of IIA that any Accounting student can join. Contact the MTSU

Department of Accounting at 615-898-2558 for faculty advisor information.

9. Accounting Coach – a. This is a free resource that, along with studying in your textbook, can provide helpful

clarification on Accounting subject matter. This site also provides information about careers in Accounting, Accounting-related certifications and credentials, CPA requirements, career resources, and Accounting jobs and opportunities. It even has crossword puzzles.


Debbie Debit

1111 Accounting Drive • Murfreesboro, TN 37129 • [email protected] • (615) 111-1111


Driven accounting student with a commitment to high-quality work seeking (choose: audit or tax) position. Intend to complete the CPA exam before graduation in May 2018; available for full-time employment upon graduation. Unique experiences include (insert experience here) and (insert experience here). Skills and competencies include (insert approximately five skills and competencies here).


Bachelor of Business Administration: Accounting Expected Graduation: May 2018 Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TN

Member, Beta Alpha Psi – Fall 2016 3.67 GPA Student Member, Institute of Management Accountants Student Member, Institute of Internal Auditors Dean’s List, Fall 2015, Spring 2016


Second Harvest Food Bank, Volunteer 2016 MTSU - The Big Event, Volunteer 2016 MTSU - Financial Literacy Day, Volunteer 2016 Habitat for Humanity, Volunteer 2016 Previous Activity, Volunteer 2014-2015 Another Previous Activity, Volunteer 2014-2015


Becker Professional Education August 2016 – August 2017 Campus Ambassador Murfreesboro, TN

Internal Revenue Service February 2016 – April 2016 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Murfreesboro, TN


Restaurant Name August 2015 – present Server/Hostess Murfreesboro, TN

Provide excellent customer service Assist teammates with tasks throughout shift Recommend items based on menu knowledge Employee of the Month, February 2016

Retail Store Name July 2014 – August 2015 Brand Ambassador Murfreesboro, TN

Inform customers of store promotions Demonstrate company values in all tasks Sell merchandise and store cards to meet daily goals Maintain clean environment by processing inventory effectively


Chris Credit

1111 Internship Avenue Murfreesboro, TN 37130 | 615-111-1111 | [email protected]


Bachelor of Business Administration, Major in Accounting Expected Graduation: August 2018

Intend to complete CPA Exam prior to graduation

Dean’s List: Spring 2014, Fall 2014, and Fall 2015

Minor in (if applicable - foreign language, information technology, something unique and valuable to companies)

Study Abroad in China, International Management, Summer 2016

Major GPA 3.75/4.0; Institution GPA 3.64/4.0; Cumulative GPA 3.48/4.0


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Spring 2016

Second Harvest Food Bank, Spring 2016

MTSU Financial Literacy Day, Spring 2016


Member, Beta Alpha Psi

Student Member, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Student Member, Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants

Student Member, National Association of Black Accountants

Student Member, Institute of Management Accountants

Student Member, Institute of Internal Auditors



Suite Attendant at Nissan Stadium June 2014 to present

JOB DUTIES: Inventory beginning beverages in assigned suites; arrange display to showcase beverage and food

order for that event; provide five-star customer service for clients throughout the event; maintain clean environment

throughout and after shift; complete end-of-shift beverage inventory

Selected by high-profile client to individually serve luxury suite, 2015 Country Music Awards Music Festival

Received unsolicited letter of appreciation (from President of Fortune 1000 Company) for service provided


Shift Lead Server, Certified Server Trainer June 2012 to October 2015

JOB DUTIES: Trained new employees in all aspects of providing excellent customer service including the operation

of the point of sale system, time and cash management, various server support tasks, and key information regarding

the menu; worked with managers in developing new techniques for training; assisted recently-trained employees

with future facets of serving; provided excellent customer service to my own guests

Promoted to Certified Server Trainer

Within six months, promoted through five positions


Study Group Leader & Tutor (Principles of Accounting II for Accounting Majors) Spring Semester 2015

JOB DUTIES: Responsible for learning material at a level beyond lectures to answer questions in the group study

sessions; met weekly with professor and fellow study group leaders to discuss material that was challenging fellow

classmates; developed a plan for study sessions; led study groups to increase understanding of course content

Selected through process by Department of Accounting professors

Volunteered as tutor to classmates in addition to group meeting times


Debbie Debit

1111 Accounting Dr.

Murfreesboro, TN 37129

(615) 111-1111

[email protected]

September 4, 2013

Jane Doe, Partner

Firm Name LLC

255 Employer Blvd.

Suite 1200

Nashville, TN 37203

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am interested in an internship and employment at Firm Name. My experiences as a

customer service trainer, certified tax preparer, and member of Beta Alpha Psi – Zeta Gamma

Chapter have given me a skill set that I am excited to utilize and further develop throughout my

career. I look forward to my career in Accounting with great anticipation, and would be thankful

for the opportunity to expand my knowledge at Firm Name.

I appreciate the time you spent speaking with me during Meet the Firms at MTSU. I hope

I have the attributes Firm Name is looking for in a potential employee; please contact me if you

are interested in further communication.

Thank you for your consideration.


Debbie Debit


Debbie Debit

1111 Accounting Drive • Murfreesboro, TN 37129 • [email protected] • (615) 111-1111


Dr. First Last Name, Associate Professor

Middle Tennessee State University

1301 E Main St.

Murfreesboro, TN 37130


[email protected]

Dr. First Last Name, Associate Professor

Middle Tennessee State University

1301 E Main St.

Murfreesboro, TN 37130


[email protected]

Dr. First Last Name, Associate Professor

Middle Tennessee State University

1301 E Main St.

Murfreesboro, TN 37130


[email protected]

First Last Name, Manager

Part-Time Employer

1800 Part-Time Blvd.

Murfreesboro, TN 37130


[email protected]


This is an example of an email that is recommended to be sent within 24 hours after a job fair:

Subject Line: Thank You

Mr. Doe,

Thank you for speaking with me during Meet the Firms at MTSU yesterday. I am interested in any

potential opportunity at _______ (Company Name); I have attached my resume for your review.

Best Regards,

Debbie Debit

Make sure to attach your resume in PDF format.

This is an example of an email that is recommended to be sent within 24 hours after a first interview:

Subject Line: Thank You

Mr. Doe,

Thank you for interviewing me yesterday. I appreciate the time you spent speaking me about my

interest in _______ (Company Name). I had a wonderful time getting to know the _______ (Company

Name) representatives during this recruitment period to date and look forward to any further

communication with you.

Best Regards,

Debbie Debit

Do not attach a resume or any other documents to this email – this is just to say thank you!

Send a similar thank you email to everyone who interviewed you at an office visit. Any communication

after firms have presented offers to you should be done via phone calls. Once an offer is accepted,

follow up with any other firms with which you have offers within a reasonable timeline, politely

explaining that you have accepted another offer.