beth-el the. herald

') emple Beth-EL Broad & Glenham Sts. Pro\ftdence, R. I. THE. J.EWI.SH .~ HERALD VOL. X..'U, NO. 52 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1947 PROVIDENCE, R. I. 5 IJENTS THE COPY Zionists to · Prolong Pass Resolution . House Passes Bevt·n \ Bia · me -s Truman Me be h D Favoring Quick f E p C M . _ , ., m rs Ip · rive Palestine Action .• • • • easure F p I f ·1 · Committee Lists , Joseph Schlossberg, Ninth· Punitive Clauses or a es 1ne al ures Names of Captains Ward Councilman, last week en- Rembvecl' · From Bill ____________ . Frank Licht, president of the l tered a resolution It\ th e City The fair employment practices discrimin _ ~tory practices being 1 1 Cites Statement Providence Zionist District, an.:- Council fa,·oring immediate ac- carrie_d . on by empl oyers refusing :on 100 ooo · DP's nounced _ this week that the local tion to admit refugee Jews Jnto ::~i.::.~::du;:: 1 : 0 :~; :~ :::~:: to hlse persons because of their 1 , district, in cooperation with the Palestine. The resolution, which l d tL al i A El T I th was unanimously passed, urged vote. last Tues~ay afteP receiving .race, co or, cree or na on OY - t ectwn l,m,e R. I. Region , will cont nue e supl)ort from both the Democra- gm. The bill carries an appro- current membership drive ·for a. Congress and President - Trumall, Uc maJo?ity and the Republicati pri ation of $35,000 to carry loon,. E1·LneOsNDt BOeNvln-deFcolar~egnd tshel ' s~rewteae~ky month. Mr. Licht, who described to take immediate steps to lmpl e- minority. ft now goe.s to the Sen- the work of th8 commission 1 the drive as an "outstanding sue- ment the report o! the Anglo-Am- died in 1945 and the _fisca l year ending June 30, that President Truman had cess," stated that membership in erlcan Commission, ~d" to act. at ate, where it l948. •·spoiled" ·Brlta!l.n's ,negotiatlona the organization was doubled in once to the end that the recom- 1946 · Admifting the need for educa- on Pa.lestlne by inalsUng on iBm .. the one-d8.y ddve on SuJ?-day, Feb- mendat:ion by the Commisaion In moving for passage, Rep. tton against discrimination, Bel- ing a statement during the ~nited ruary 16. that 100,000 European Jews be John - J . · Wrenn, tl>-Provldence) rord said the bill would prevent States congressional elecUon cam- The c~mmittee in charge of the allo'Wed·· to enter Palestine Imme- who introduced the measure with employers from indul ging in their paign last Fall calli ng for the ad- campaign lncjudes Ill. Louis Abe- d!ate_ ly be -fiulfllled. Coples :or Rep. Aaron S. Helrord (R-Provl- prejudices to the extent of deny- mission or 100,000 Jews to the don, chairman; William D. this resolution have been sent t~ de~ee), told the House that punt- ing employment to workers be- Holy Land. _ Strong, co-chairman, and the fol- the President and to the Rhode Uve provisions included in the 111 1 cause of ~heir race, col or, creed or - Bevin told the House of Com- Jowi~g cap tains: · Bernard E. Bell, Island members of the United fated measure had been removed national origin. · mons that he had :•beggec:t /• I rving Brodsky, ' Samuel Chernov, States Senate and 1_Jouse of - .... Rep- from the new bill "to make _it Both Wrenn att,d Belford said James F. Byrnes: then u., S. Seq.. MiChael Cohen, Phillip Davis,.. WU- resentatives. more amenable to the Republican Ure FEPC l aw ha.a woi·ked well fn. retary of Stale, "that the · etate- ,, Jiam ~eitch, West Warwick; Mor- Senate." New Jersey, New York ":. and Mas- ment should D.ot be issued, but I rls · Felnbers, Benjamin E. Fein- Cof b" 0 The bill would create a 5- Sachusetts and, added that In was told that ll It was not Issued ' stein, Arnold T. Galkin, Alton A. · um 1a . to mtt member fair eniployment prae- those states, "the fear of employ- by Mr. Truman a competitive Gilstein, Charles G. Gr· eenstein, tices commission whose duty i~ ers were proveilto have been un- stf'tement would _ be .. Issued · by M1·. Barty D. Jagolinzer, Sherwin J. Race ' lnqu"1r·1es wo\Jld be Jo investigate reports of warranted.'' Dewey." (Gov .. ,. Thomas E. newey Kapstein, Samuel Korb, David ___________________________ of New York. ) Korb, Julius Licht, Mrs. Charles NEW YORK _ Columbia Uni- E. h B k f) "I really must polnt"'-out that In Marko!I', Bertram Pickar, Israel versity will ~oluntarlly eliminate tsen ower' ac S Ltampa1gn international a!l'airs I canno·t set-. H. Press, Jacob S. Rabinowitz, ...,, - 1 I tie things it my problem is to b_e questions pertaining to race, re- -- , ~:ulsR:=:~:~s~~bl~:;e~~~ J !::~ Jigion and natlcnality_from Its Job Million Dollar Gi'i Pled<1e_ d :::: . .. t!: ::1~.ect of local ; lec- applicatlon blanks, the American 'J b' Schlossberg, Mort:is· Abrams., East Jewish Congress announced ' this WASHINGTON, D. C. - Gen- ed by prejudice, ignorance, mis- The Foreign Minister sai~Bfit - 0-reenwlch; Char.Jes Temkin, Har- week. eral or the Army Dwight D. Eis- understanding and distrust w111 1 ain Was willil)g still to make one old Vernon and Coleman Zfmmer- The AJC said the move was be- enhower, Chief of Staff of the eventually eliminate recurre~ee of I more try to settle the Palestl ne , man. ing undertaken as a result or 81 U. S. Army, ·last ,Sunday- launched the tragedies you · attemp.t to alle- 1 problem before· referring it to the - ruling bY, the State Commission the largest single humanitarian viate. - But acute_ <lisaster cannot I United Nations. He also asser ted -Hold-Valentine A.galnst D!scrimtn:ation, .Jlo!ding ~ndcarn1:_. !n ~--blstory -o '?· the otlt u,~- funcl.ionlilg 1>! vast tl\at Arabs eould be peuuaded to' Dan Cen: the university's employment office United Slates ~hen he told the machinery that has not, 1 as yet, l allow 100,000 Jewe to enter the ce at £er subject to provisions or the Ives- national conter~nc.e of . the $170,- wholly emerged from the design I Holy Land if future lmmigratioll Members of th e Comets a nd the 000,000 United. J ewish Appeal stage." -: "was to be determined by the elec- Comettes held a Valentine dance Quinn Law. that at the Jewish Community Cente; The j·uling resulted from a co~- "e~lig~ened self-Interest , Contributions totalling $1,000,- ted represe}ltatives of the people plaint fiJed with the commission demands . the elimination of the 660 were announce·d by William of .Pal~stine." - - ~on Thursday evening, February - ,, . r . . pract..:es I t I R Id d th b "Th . till h r e program which was pre ' by the AJC. Neither the univer- un au 1~ aga ns arge osenwa an o er mem ers of ere 1s s a c ance o, a .. - -~ ,;;,--":°" . - sity'nor the state agency would ' segments or mankind which, in the fa1pJly or the late Julius Ros - settlement ye t, If. people will come· r- tfic uance committee, , 1 h bl k h I · · · · ·' · included . · commebt on the subject, . h.Qwever. 1 th e past, ave so ac ened t e enwa d, noted American business I off their ar~1trary position, w1th- games~ dancing a nd th e ____ I history of humanity." _ l eader and philanthropist. The out going to the United Nations," awa~di ng ,,, 1·.~r prJ Zt:: i. Seymour - . Kaufman was crowned "queen." · Pioneer to He Addressing the 450 Jewish sum of $500,000 was COJ?,tributed he .. s¥d. . I 5 ar Jeaders who were assembled at by Edmund I. Kaufman of Wash- I I am sti ll open to a. try. If it II I . 1 Rabbi Morris Silk , the Shoreham Hotel from all parts ington, D. C., National Chairman was only a question or a lleviating b .. J:..1.._.._ :_/. : J Rabbi Morris G. Sifk will be the of tOe country to ma~·k th e open- - for InitiaJ ?ifts, on behalf_ of the 1 Europe of 100,0. 00 Jews, I be_ lieve IA.,,l,,LIJ/l.l.Q.l,,/1, I guest speaker at the meeting of ing of the 194} drive, General ' Kay Associated Stores and Mr. a settlement could be found .... t the Pioneer Women's Organiza~ Eisenhower sai d: "There is no Kaufmann and hfs family , , Un(ortunately that is not the pos- · I I lion, which will be held this Mon- : word tha"t can exaggerate the ur- 1 ---- ition. ~roqi the Zionist point· of Unaccountable Tastes I d ay afte rnoon at ·2 o'clock at the gency, We must believe that man, Urges Increased view, 100,00.0 Is only a be~n- A Gallop 1>011 In Canada put Biltmore Hotel. Rabbi Silk will labors toward better _th ings, that · mng. The Jewish. Agency talks this question to the peo1ite In the ! discuss "Purim and the Modern I global a_ ction, creakihgly and la- Payment for Linen In terms of milllone." '. region contacted: It Canada does I Esthers." Harry s c' hlelfer I boriously evolved by ..._ nations I I Be vin apparently r.u led out the allow mo,·e Immigration are there l wm preside. . I amidst human conflicts engender- Shower Tickets possibility ) of ' dividing Palestine any of these nationalities which 1 --.-- --- -------------------- Mrs. Joseph Goodman ; chair- ! into separ ate Ara b and Jewish you would like to keep out?" I T/ J . 7\ 7 D man of the linen sho._wer · of the states. He said that as ·he saw it, The answers Indicated that the Y ets to . nstitute 1-vew .J.- ost; Miriam Hospital Ladles' Assocla- there were , three a lternati ves !-0r . people would 1>refer Polish, Ukra.. the U N to consider · To lns.,.all E'lected- OW,ce,,..'S lion, announced this week that ' s·h II h . ,,,. HJddle European, Chin~, .l. t,i ti 1 1 because of the increased cost of I "1. a t 8 claim of th8 ,1taUan, Negro, Russian and Ger- h t d . h Ii h Jews be admitted that Palestine la lllan aheed of .Jews. In tac~ the Paul J. Robin, department s. ee s an ot er nens~ t e Asso- to be a J ewish· state· or Japanese alone were less desir- commander or the R. I. Jewish c1ation Is urgently requesting that I "2. Sha ll the ciatm ot the able. I War Veterans, assisted by Leon- purchasers or tic~ets to the show- 1 Arabs be admitted that it is to This poll does not reveal the ard Holland, department chief · er, which will be held on April l8, be an Arab state with safeguard& undeeJrable nature of lews bot j aide, wlll institute the new Sac- _ . pay a mi niruum of two dollars. I tor the J ~w undru; the declsio" rather the mentallt> · of those who I kio-Shocket Post and install Its .. A first ra~e sheet," Mrs. Good- for a national home· or eipl"e88ed these opinions and the otrtcers tomorrow evening at 7 man st ated, "now cost s th ree dol- 1 "3. ·Sha ll it be a' Palestinian evU Influence of those who style o'clock lo the Narragansett ,laYs, as c~mpar ed to one dollar state in which the interests of tbems"elves leaders of thought. I Hotel. several years ago. In addition, bot·h communities as care- It 18 Interesting to. note that The maJn speaker of the even- th0 se who atteo d will receive a: fully balanced and p rotected as Professor Clyde R. Miller of CoJ .. Ing will be J. Jackson Holtz, de~ dessert lu ncheon. We no l onger ' possi ble?" ombla University, tt,Peaking In I partment senior vice commander •.;an attord to buy linens and se rve The Foreign Minister said he Canada, Jnbeled racial preJodJce 1 ,or the State of Massachusetts. sac h a lun cheon for the pr evious I had decided that two states cap- 0a mental dlsease" which must be Mr. Holtz served as the assistant lllinimum or one dollar . I urge: able of s ur viving 88 nations could combattcd as a pubtlc t>rogram to UnHed l3lates attorney for the e veryone to cooperate by giving not be fanned out of Palestine, tmmnnb.e people against the type State of Massachusetts during at least two dollars tor his ticket." bufadcl ed "you ca n make one .... of 1>r01>ngnndn whJch sen es us the 19 37 to 1946, is a member or the l aud transfer tbe rest to another carrier of J)reJud.lce nnd nssocla- 1 Massachus e tts Federal Bar, and .... lnd"1ana Passes Arab state. " ted phobia. I rormer merri ber of the Massachu~ ____________ _ 11 \Vhen people know M much I sett s Hou se of Re pr esentatives . I l<lux Kinn, Columbiana and othet• about their mental and emotional I Dinner and Installation will be I Anti Hate Bill sln1ilnl' Fascist groups, rolled processes a.s the7 know about attended by Governor John O. J. JAOKSON HOLTZ t hrough th e Indiana House of their dJgestlve processes It wUJ be Pastore, Mayor De nni s J. Roberts, ment preeJde nt, assisted by th e INDIANAPOLIS - Wtth solid Re pr esentaUves. cons.tdered NJ grent a crime to i and department commnndere and national vJce president, MIidred sul)por l from both Re publican Th e measure, · ,vhlch a lr eady sprend dangerous propaganda u I presidents or the Yariou~ allled Schieffer, will install Ute omcere nod Democrat r8preeenlatives, the has been passed by the Senate, Jt bi to contaminate a clt7'1 water I veteran orgahltaUons. .- of th e Ladies' Auxlllary. Nathan state admlntstralioo's anti -bate garnered 9 3 aye votes and no dls- oupplJ with tn>hold geMD&" Mrs. Ethel J. Cohen, depart- Pe1·lman will act aa toaatmaater, 1 bill, designed to · outlaw the Ku aente.

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Page 1: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD


emple Beth-EL

Broad & Glenham Sts. Pro\ftdence, R. I.


Zionists to ·Prolong Pass Resolution .House Passes Bevt·n\ Bia· me-s Truman Me be h• D • Favoring Quick f E p C M. _ , .,

m rs Ip · rive Palestine Action .• • • • easure F p I t· f ·1 · Committee Lists , Joseph Schlossberg, Ninth· Punitive Clauses or a es 1ne al ures Names of Captains Ward Councilman, last week en- Rembvecl' ·From Bill ____________ . Frank Licht, president of the l tered a resolution It\ the City The fair employment practices discrimin_~tory practices being 11 Cites Statement

Providence Zionist District, an.:- Council fa,·oring immediate ac- carrie_d . on by employers refusing :on 100 ooo· DP's nounced _this week that the local tion to admit refugee Jews Jnto ::~i.::.~::du;::1: 0:~; :~ :::~:: to hlse persons because of their

1 ,

district, in cooperation with the Palestine. The resolution, which l d tL al i A El • T • I th was unanimously passed, urged vote. last Tues~ay • afteP receiving .race, co or, cree or na on OY - t ectwn l,m,e

R. I. Region, will cont nue e supl)ort from both the Democra- gm. The bill carries an appro-current membership drive ·for a. Congress and President - Trumall, Uc maJo?ity and the Republicati priation of $35,000 to carry loon,. E1·LneOsNDt BOeNvln-deFcolar~egnd tshel's~rewteae~ky month. Mr. Licht, who described to take immediate steps to lmple- minority. ft now goe.s to the Sen- the work of th8 commission 1

the drive as an "outstanding sue- ment the report o! the Anglo-Am- died in 1945 and the _fisca l year ending June 30, that President Truman had cess," stated that membership in erlcan Commission, ~d" to act. at ate, where it l948. ~ •·spoiled" ·Brlta!l.n's ,negotiatlona the organization was doubled in once to the end that the recom- 1946· Admifting the need for educa- on Pa.lestlne by inalsUng on iBm .. the one-d8.y ddve on SuJ?-day, Feb- mendat:ion by the Commisaion In moving for passage, Rep. tton against discrimination, Bel- ing a statement during the ~nited ruary 16. that 100,000 European Jews be John - J . · Wrenn, tl>-Provldence) rord said the bill would prevent States congressional elecUon cam-

The c~mmittee in charge of the allo'Wed·· to enter Palestine Imme- who introduced the measure with employers from indulging in their paign last Fall calling for the ad­campaign lncjudes Ill. Louis Abe- d!ate_ly be -fiulfllled. Coples :or Rep. Aaron S. Helrord (R-Provl- prejudices to the extent of deny- mission or 100,000 Jews to the don, chairman; William D. this resolution have been sent t~ de~ee), told the House that punt- ing employment to workers be- Holy Land. _ Strong, co-chairman , and the fol- the President and to the Rhode Uve provisions included in the 111 1 cause of ~heir race, color, creed or - Bevin told the House of Com­Jowi~g captains: · Bernard E. Bell, Island members of the United fated measure had been removed national origin. • · mons that he had :•beggec:t/• I rving Brodsky,' Samuel Chernov, States Senate and 1_Jouse of-.... Rep- from the new bill "to make _it Both Wrenn att,d Belford said James F. Byrnes: then u., S. Seq.. MiChael Cohen, Phillip Davis,.. WU- resentatives. more amenable to the Republican Ure FEPC law ha.a woi·ked well fn. retary of Stale, "that the · etate-


Jiam ~eitch, West Warwick; Mor- Senate." New Jersey, New York":. and Mas- ment should D.ot be issued, but I rls ·Felnbers, Benjamin E. Fein- Cof b" 0 • The bill would create a 5- Sachusetts and, added that In was told that ll It was not Issued ' stein, Arnold T. Galkin, Alton A. · um 1a. to mtt member fair eniployment prae- those states, "the fear of employ- by Mr. Truman a competitive Gilstein, Charles G. Gr·eenstein, tices commission whose duty i~ ers were proveil• to have been un- stf'tement would _be .. Issued ·by M1·.

Barty D. Jagolinzer, Sherwin J. Race 'lnqu"1r·1es wo\Jld be Jo investigate reports of warranted.'' Dewey." (Gov .. ,. Thomas E. newey Kapstein, Samuel Korb, David ___________________________ of New York. )

Korb, Julius Licht, Mrs. Charles NEW YORK _ Columbia Uni- E. h B k f) • "I really must polnt"'-out that In Marko!I', Bertram Pickar, Israel versity will ~oluntarlly eliminate tsen ower' ac S Ltampa1gn • international a!l'airs I canno·t set-. H . Press, Jacob S. Rabinowitz, ...,, - 1 I tie things it my problem is to b_e questions pertaining to race, re- -- ,

~:ulsR:=:~:~s~~bl~:;e~~~ J!::~ Jigion and natlcnality_from Its Job Million Dollar Gi'i Pled<1e_d :::: ... t!: ::1~.ect of local ; lec-applicatlon blanks, the American 'J ~ b'

Schlossberg, Mort:is· Abrams., East Jewish Congress announced ' this WASHINGTON, D. C. - Gen- ed by prejudice, ignorance, mis- The Foreign Minister sai~Bfit-0-reenwlch; Char.Jes Temkin, Har- week. eral or the Army Dwight D. Eis- understanding and distrust w111 1 ain Was willil)g still to make one old Vernon and Coleman Zfmmer- The AJC said the move was be- enhower, Chief of Staff of the eventually eliminate recurre~ee of I more try to settle the Palestlne , man. ing undertaken as a result or 81 U. S. Army, ·last ,Sunday- launched the tragedies you · attemp.t to alle- 1 problem before· referring it to the

- ruling bY, the State Commission the largest single humanitarian viate. - But acute_ <lisaster cannot I United Nations. He a lso asserted -Hold-Valentine A.galnst D!scrimtn:ation, .Jlo!ding ~ndcarn1:_. !n ~--blstory -o'?· the otlt u,~- funcl.ionlilg 1>! vast tl\at Arabs eould be peuuaded to' Dan Cen: the university's employment office United Slates ~hen he told the machinery that has not, 1 as yet, l allow 100,000 Jewe to enter the

ce at £er subject to provisions or the Ives- national conter~nc.e of .the $170,- wholly emerged from the design I Holy Land if future lmmigratioll Members of the Comets and the 000,000 United. J ewish Appeal stage." -: "was to be determined by the elec-

Comettes held a Valentine dance Quinn Law. that at the Jewish Community Cente; The j·uling resulted from a co~- "e~lig~ened self-Interest, Contributions totalling $1,000,- ted represe}ltatives of the people

~ plaint fiJed with the commission demands . the elimination of the 660 were announce·d by William of .Pal~stine." --~on Thursday evening, February - ,, . r . . pract..:es I t I R Id d th b "Th . till h r e program which was pre ' by the AJC. Neither the univer- un au 1 ~ aga ns arge osenwa an o er mem ers of ere 1s s a c ance o , a

.. - -~ ,;;,--":°" . - sity'nor the state agency would ' segments or mankind which, in the fa1pJly or the late Julius Ros- settlement yet, If. people will come· r- tfic uance committee, , 1 h bl k h I · · · · ·' · included . · commebt on the subject, . h.Qwever. 1 the past, ave so ac ened t e enwa d, noted American business I off their ar~1trary position, w1th-games~ dancing and the ____ I history of humanity." _ leader and philanthropist. The out going to the United Nations,"

awa~di ng ,,, 1·.~r prJ Zt:: i. Seymour - . Kaufman was crowned "queen." · Pioneer to He Addressing the 450 Jewish sum of $500,000 was COJ?,tributed he .. s¥d. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ I 5 ar Jeaders who were assembled at by Edmund I. Kaufman of Wash- I I am sti ll open to a. try. If it II I. 1 Rabbi Morris Silk , the Shoreham Hotel from all parts ington, D. C., National Chairman was only a question or a lleviating

b .. J:..1.._.._ :_/. : J Rabbi Morris G. Sifk will be the of tOe country to ma~·k the open- - for InitiaJ ?ifts, on behalf_ of the 1 Europe of 100,0.00 Jews, I be_lieve IA.,,l,,LIJ/l.l.Q.l,,/1, I ~ guest speaker at the meeting of ing of the 194} drive, General ' Kay Associated Stores and Mr. a settlement could be found ....

t the Pioneer Women's Organiza~ Eisenhower said: "There is no Kaufmann and hfs family, , Un(ortunately that is not the pos- · I I lion, which will be held this Mon- : word tha"t can exaggerate the ur- 1 ---- ition. ~roqi the Zionist point· of

Unaccountable Tastes I day afte rnoon at · 2 o'clock at the gency, We must believe that man, Urges Increased view, 100,00.0 Is only a be~n-A Gallop 1>011 In Canada put Biltmore Hotel. Rabbi Silk will labors toward better _th ings, that · mng. The Jewish. Agency talks

this question to the peo1ite In the ! discuss "Purim and the Modern I global a_ction, creakihgly and la- Payment for Linen In terms of milllone." '. region contacted: It Canada does I Esthers." Harry s c'hlelfer I boriously evolved by ..._ nations I • I Bevin apparently r.u led out the allow mo,·e Immigration are there l wm preside. . I amidst human conflicts engender- Shower Tickets possibility )of 'dividing Palestine any of these nationalities which 1 --.-- ----------------------- Mrs. Joseph Goodman; chair- ! into separate Arab and Jewish you would like to keep out?" I T / J . 7\ 7 D man of the linen sho._wer ·of the states. He said that as ·he saw it,

The answers Indicated that the Y ets to . nstitute 1-vew .J.- ost; Miriam Hospital Ladles' Assocla- there were ,three alternatives !-0r .people would 1>refer Polish, Ukra.. • the U N to consider · To lns.,.all E'lected-OW,ce,,..'S lion, announced this week that • ' s ·h II h . ,,,. ~ HJddle European, Chin~, .l. ~ t,i ti 1 1

because of the increased cost of I "1. a t 8 claim of th8 ,1taUan, Negro, Russian and Ger- h t d . h Ii h Jews be admitted that Palestine la lllan aheed of .Jews. In tac~ the Paul J. Robin, department s. ee s an ot er nens~ t e Asso- to be a J ewish· state· or Japanese alone were less desir- commander or the R. I . Jewish c1ation Is urgently requesting that I "2. Shall the ciatm ot the able. I War Veterans, assisted by Leon- purchasers or tic~ets to the show- 1 Arabs be admitted that it is to

This poll does not reveal the ard Holland, department chief · er, which will be held on April l8, be an Arab state with safeguard& undeeJrable nature of lews bot j aide, wlll institute the new Sac- _ . pay a miniruum of two dollars. I tor the J ~w undru; the declsio" rather the mentallt>· of those who I kio-Shocket Post and install Its • .. A first ra~e sheet," Mrs. Good- for a national home· or eipl"e88ed these opinions and the otrtcers tomorrow evening at 7 man stated, "now costs three dol- 1 "3. ·Shall it be a' Palestinian evU Influence of those who style o'clock, · lo the Narragansett ,laYs, as c~mpared to one dollar state in which the interests of tbems"elves leaders of thought. I Hotel. several years ago. In addition, bot·h communities as care-

It 18 Interesting to. note that The maJn speaker of the even- th0se who atteod will receive a: fully balanced and protected as Professor Clyde R. Miller of CoJ .. Ing will be J. Jackson Holtz, de~ dessert lu ncheon. We no longer ' possible?" ombla University, tt,Peaking In I partment senior vice commander •.;an attord to buy linens and serve The Foreign Minister said he Canada, Jnbeled racial preJodJce 1,or the State of Massachusetts. sach a luncheon for the previous I had decided that two states cap-0a mental dlsease" which must be Mr. Holtz served as the assistant lllinimum or one dollar. I urge : able of surviving 88 nations could combattcd as a pubtlc t>rogram to UnHed l3lates attorney for the everyone to cooperate by giving not be fanned out of Palestine, tmmnnb.e people against the type State of Massachusetts during at least two dollars tor his ticket." bufadcled "you can make one .... of 1>r01>ngnndn whJch sen•es us the 19 37 to 1946, is a member or the l aud transfer tbe rest to another carrier of J)reJud.lce nnd nssocla- 1 Massachusetts F ederal Bar, and .... lnd"1ana Passes Arab state. " ted phobia. I rormer merri ber of the Massachu~ ____________ _

11 \Vhen people know M much I setts House of Representatives. I l<lux Kinn, Columbiana and othet• about their mental and emotional I Dinner and Installation will be I Anti Hate Bill sln1ilnl' Fascist groups, rolled processes a.s the7 know about attended by Governor John O. J. JAOKSON HOLTZ ~ through the Indiana House of their dJgestlve processes It wUJ be Pastore, Mayor Dennis J. Roberts, ment preeJdent, assisted by the INDIANAPOLIS - Wtth solid RepresentaUves. cons.tdered NJ grent a crime to i and department commnndere and national vJce president, MIidred sul)porl from both Republican The measure, · ,vhlch a lready sprend dangerous propaganda u I presidents or the Yariou~ allled Schieffer, will install Ute omcere nod Democrat r8preeenlatives, the has been passed by the Senate, Jt bi to contaminate a clt7'1 water I veteran orgahltaUons. .- of the Ladies' Auxlllary. Nathan state admlntstralioo's anti -bate garnered 9 3 aye votes and no dls-oupplJ with tn>hold geMD&" Mrs. Ethel J. Cohen, depart- Pe1·lman will act aa toaatmaater, 1 bill, designed to · outlaw the Ku aente.

Page 2: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD


.--------1To Hold Purim POSTPONE Party This Tuesday

Beth-David ,Parties I The South Providence H ebrew Because ot th e mammoth fn • .

door carnival to be staged by the Be th-David Congregation, )fa1'ch 24-SO, the current series ()f 1>1lrties h eld on \ Vednesda.y t1ight. have been discontinu ed nntil ftll'ther n otice.

T he officer s of the Congreg .. ,tion " ish to express their ap­!H't>·dat.ion to the h wulreds who . lttended th e parties.

HENRY BRlLL Chairman, Bulldlng Fund Committee

Congregation will hold a. Purim party this Tuesday, It was decid­ed at a meeting which was held on Wednesday. February 19. with Mrs. Weisman presiding. Me~­

bers have been asked to bring a friend. ~ R efreshments- will be

served by the hospitality Commit­

tee. Mrs. M. Kasofsky has been

appointed chairman of the tele­

phone squad. Mrs. Fox: w'as hoB­

tess at the meeting.



Optometry I ncluding the F itting of


PROVIDENCE, R. I. Hours : 9:00 to 5:45 And By Appointment

NOTICE \Ve have on file complete

uecoras a nd Yrescrtpttons or D,r. H. Schellenberger since

' 1910; thus your Eyeeare, Re­placements and Repairs will be

· _ taken care of as efficiently and quickly as before.

CQme in to have your glasses Adjusted . and Fitted as you ha ,·e done in the past with Dr. Shellenbe1·ger .

~or. Aaron R. Nemtzow

Telephon'8 GAspee 7172

Be Wise ~ Economize Do Your Painting

Now! Call

, p{_. 9333

Isadore Wuraflic Interior Painter

BERNARD H. MESHNICK, D.D.S .. wish ~s to announce the opening of his offtce

for the general practice ,of dentistry a t

970 Broad St. . _ Offt~ Hrs • . 9-6 d ally

, P,-ov., R. I .. ' T el. \VI 5348

Evenings lllon. & Thurs., 7 -9 and by appointmen t

CRASH!! A ~fender, the radia.tor,­body or a door-ruined. We'll mak e It look 111o, newt BRING IT IN- AT ONCE! ! ·

_ Expert f enJetl and BoJy_ Straiiht~~ing


£,t. 1909-37 Year•

LOSE 3 to 5 Inches! 5--15 LUS. IN JUST

No Diet

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TEN Treatments

$12.50 UP

l\lnny ,vomen Ha,•e Proven It Oan Be Done -L et u s l1e]p yon to be 0 De1lbernte1y Lovely"

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51,, Emph·e St, Pl'ovldence, n. I. GA 5666


Cups, Fork and Spoon Sets,

Comb and Brush Sets, Rattles And Other Gifts for the Baby

Reasonably Priced

KA P LA N ' s · Jewelero




Postpone Hebre~ Cong. Raffle

Tne ~ utn YN>vid.ence He­

brew Congregation lias post.. poned Its drawing from lllarch 6 to Sunday evening, lllarch 9 . A refrigerator, ii. radio and an e lectric clock are tJ1e objects to be r affled. A social hour wi n follow. Refreshmen ts will be served.


I How Times"' Change Dept._: ·Dwindling payrolls and no jobs

--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- _- _-_-:__-_- _- _- _- _-_- _-_-_-_-' are sending more vets back to

I school than ever: 194"7 will be the

Veterans Postpone most ~ucated year of all times

Showing of Movie .. . . Excerpt rrom Nev'lda: ·:eusi-Philip Davis, commander of the ness here droppea terribly 10 a ll

Lt. Leonard Bloom Post, J.W.V., ~lines. Our bar fell off 100 per announced at a. recent meeting cent; likewise dining department. that the film, "Battle of Russia," .1

1 I am ~o"': sole owner and_ ~ay ~e­

which was to be shown under the come Jamtor too~ Hear 1t s qmet auspices of the Army Recruiting all over the country. For what Service, will be shown at a future [ reason I do not know." .... ·. Bos­date. Theodore Zenofsky is I ton clergymen protested the new ,chairman of a raffle }Vhich the I dime fare there. They argue group is now sponsoring. Pro- ! fewer people go to church on the: ceeds will be the Post's first pay- Sabbath as a result .... Wool­ment on a future, permanent worth's on 44th and Broadway meeting place and home. It was now is offering toy trains at $21. also announced that the Post is Dime store, eh? - ... Capitol eco­now known ~s the·' Lt. Bloom nomists predict a hot summer, Building Association. Paul Cohen preceded by a receded spring. In and Leo Orleck, new members, short, hold your government were obligated. bonds. You'll need them more

DONATE ')'O GHO\ '"E FUND Ralph Gordon, president of the

3enior Judaeans, presented Joseph BrooDlfleld , chairman of the Zion­ist Youth Commission with a. check for $70 for the Naomi Os­trow Palestine Grove Fund at a,

recent meeting of the organiza­tion. Saul Resnick, chairman or the libl'ary committee. reported on the Palestinian pamphlets owned by the group.


then, praps.

Sallies in Our Alley: Andy Rus­sell relays this Hollyweird conver­sation. One gal whispered: "I hear she's happily married." " I geddit," giggled another, "Separ­ated, eh?" .... Item·: " Ex-Sen. Wheeler and Son Open Law Of­fice. Firm nall!e, 'Wheeler & Wheeler.' " .. . . In Songs, Dances and Monotonous Sayings.

K:aplan!s to Sponsor Synagogue Kiddush

Sabbath services at the Aha­vath Sholom Synagogue will be

HARRY LAW held at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn-Funeral services~ for Harry ill March 1. A K.iddush will be

Law; 50, , or 15~·\:feliibrok e a'l'e- given to the Congregation by Mr. nue, who died last Tuesday eVen- and Mrs. Samuel A. Kaplan. of Ing ·after a long illness. were held- Taft -avenlle, in honor of the on Thursday afternoon at the forthcoming marriage of their Max Sugarman Funeral Home. son, Stanley, 1o Miss Zita Bren­

Rabbi Israel M. Goldman officia- ner. ted, and burial was in the Lincoln Park Cemetery.

Born in Providence, Mr. Law had resided here all his life. He was a veteran of World War I and was a member of the Thomas L. Ryan Post, American Legion, and the J e.,.wish War Veter ans. , Survivors, besides his widow,

the former Rose Cohen, are a son, Allen S. Law, of this city; three brothers, Robert M., of New York City; Isaac, of Newark, N. J., and Louis L. , of Hartford Conn., and two sisters: Mrs. Char~ lotte L. Chernack, of Providence, and Mrs. Sophie Kelman, of New York City.

ber of the Miriam Hospital Asso­ciation, Jewish Home for the Aged, Sisterhood of the Robinson Street Synagogue and the South Providence Ladies' Aid.

Survi~orj; are two daughters, Mrs. \Benjamin r,Cohen,- of New York, ·and Mrs. Bazar; two sons, Joseph and David Cooperberg, of this city; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

llffiS. JMIBS COTTON Funeral services for Mrs. James

Cotton, 61, of 32 , Richmond ave-nue, Worcester, who died on Tuesday, February 18, were held the following day, Burial was

llffiS. BELLA .COOPERBERG in the B'nai B'rith Cemetery. F uneral services for Mrs. Bella· i Besides h er husband, Mr'S. Cot­

Cooperberg, widow of Michael ton leaves a daughter, Mrs. J acob Cqoperbe rg, who dled Wednes- Shulinski, of Worcester; sL~ sons, day morning at the home of her Harry M., Jacob and Philip Cot­dnughter, Mrs. Abraham Bazar, ton, of Worcester; Hyman Cotton, of 55 Be llevue avenue, after a of this city; Robert and Chester long Illness, were held the follow- Cotton, both or New York City; tng ~oon from the Max Sugarman tl•ree slstero, M1~. Justpb Jaffe. Funeral Home. Rabbi Joshua or Bridgeport, Conn.; Mrs. Eu­Werner officiated, and burial -was gene Friedman, of Worcest~r. and In Lincoln Park Cemetery. Mrs. Fifank Gallen, or Buffalo,

Mrs. Cooperb.erg, who was born N. Y. ; two brothe rs, Charles and in Austria, had lived In this city Joseph B. Shapiro, both or Wor­tor 40 yea_rs. She was a: mem- ceste r, and 11 grandchlldren.

H 1111 I 1111111111111 1-1-++

The Center Playen Present

"Blithe Spirit" at the

Jewish Community Center

Sunday, March 2 , CURTAIN: 8:80 P. IL

JIi i ti II I 11 1 11 111 1111111

!\IRS. VALKA WPATIN • Fu nernl services for Mrs. Val­

ka Lopatin, 70, or ,7 1 ;nussell street, '\Vorcester, Mass., who died Oast Thursday morning at her home, were held the follow­ing day in New Haven.

Born in Russia, Mrs. Lopatln came to this country 44 years ago, settling ftrot In New Haven. She had lived In Worceeter · for 14 yearo.

The widow or Shulum Lopatln,

THE JEWISH HERALD The J ewi.Sh Home N ewapaper of

Rhode Island. Published Every Week in the Year by the J ewtah Press Publishing t ,ompany.

Subscription Rates: Five Cents the Copy; By Mail, $2.50 per Annum.

Bulk subscription rates on request_ \Vatter Rutman, Managing Editor.

76 Dorrance S-t., Tel. GABpee 4312. Case-Mead Building.

Entered as Second ·Class Matter at the Post Office, Providence, R. L, Under the. Act of March 3. 18'19 •

she leaves three sons, Dr. Samuel Lopatin and Dr. Edwar~ LopaUn, both of Worcester; and Max Lop:.. atin, of ProTidence; two d&ugh­ters, Miss Claire N . Lopatin, of Worcester, and Mrs. Lewis Rotes, of Brookline; two brothers, Jo­seph and Jacob Gootkin; a sister, Mrs. Haska Gant.kin, all of New Haven , and fiye grandchildren.

In Memoriam ROSE. BOSLOVl'J.'l:

1946,-1947 "Gone and sadly missed. " ·ut always be remembered.,.


Max Sugarman Funeral Home


MEMORIALS Excellent Eqaipment

"TIie Jewi,h Funeral Dt=tor" Relined Ser..tce

458 ROPE STRBBT Dl:xter 8094 DElrtet'

Page 3: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD



In getting material for this !ltory. Buy United Sta tes Savings

"One Man's Opinion" The vaults of the big trust com- Bonds a nd Stamps! panies a re not closer Watched Churchill House

Free Loan

-----ll_I BERNARD SEGAL-:-----

Some twenty odd years ago a thousands who benefited by the young man and his wife came to :;ervices of this sp1endid agency make their home in Providence. 1 d!,lring the forty-five years of its They were newco~ers not only to I existence.

against the intrusion -of a strang­er than are the records of the Hebrew Free Loan Association.

(Continued Next Week)

Daughterhood Has Concert at Meeting

The Daughterhood of Temple Beth-Israel held their monthly meetirig at the Te~ple last Mon­day evening. Follo)Vlng the busi-

the city, but to the countr y as I kno! of men who were given well. Only a short time bas their start in some enterprise by passed since they walked down a loan from the H. F. L. A. the~ plank of the ocean liner that 1 know of families who were re-- ness meeting, a pops concert was brought them to the shores of united thanks to loans obtained presented by Miss Marion Den­America. They knew little of the rom the H. F. L.- A. mark. Refreshmeuts were served language and even less of life in Many a man was restored to by a commititee, headed by ~iss ; these United st3.tes. So there Betty R ice. The program _was ar- (

th t k f I nl g n ew health through a loan for hos- ranged by Miss Ruby Korltz and were e as s o ear n pital and "' medical care in .an Miss Denmark . A report on the ways, forgetting many thirigs, and emergency. adapting others: But like many , Transactions Are Secret winter formal, which, the gi:oup immigrant~ their supreme ambi- sponsored recently, was submitted Uon was- to enter the portals of ' But more important than the by Miss Mildred Harrison, chair­higher lear:ning. The dream... of a actual loan is the manner of the man. college education motivated all transaction. Many people are re-they did and planned to do. Per- ·luctant to apply for a loan be--haps because llt was denied to cause they errqneously think of them in the land of their birth, he Free Loan as a charitable 'in­the eagerness for education was stitution, and that their ca,se will .so intense. Fortunately the ,man ~ be discussed publicly by the com­was engaged in teaching at an I mittee. In this they are greatly afternoon school so tha t he .could mistaken. I do not recall that I .attend classes in the m orning. 1 was made to feel as a recipient I The . requirements for college en- 1 of charity, nor do I gather this I



WI. 2734



Diatrlbutora of. PBJ!:MIER FOOD P RODUCTS

29C Willard Ave. Pro.-t•eaee

155 Angell Street, Providence Newly Redecorated

\\ith Complete Faellltles


Weddings, Banquets, Dances, Meetings, Lectures and Musicals UA 2345 111A 2649


Our RESIDEN·CE. and OUTSl1DE THEFT POLICY Your Propel:1ty, Personal pr Real, Wherever It !&--Wherever You Are-­

At Home IOI' Aw~ Thl~s applies to you and every member of your h ousehold--i including servants. Covers loss by burglary, vandalism and h old.up--mys1erious disap1>earance })resumed to b e theft.

Tue Complete Coverage, 'Low Cost W ill Amaze You! For Full Details, Write

or Phone -


l'llt trance could also be met. So the : from .t,!ie experiences :Of o._thers I formalities of registration a nd who benefited by the Hebrew Free tests of various kinds were com- 1\ loao. As to the confidential na- : .Pleted, and a schedule of studies lure .~f ,he :t ransaction, I tc3n . at Brown University was satisfac- 1 testify te it from my experience ·_ torily arranged. There remained the payment or . tuition~ and it r-------------------------,--------------------------------1

was here that the two dreamers came 'face to face with a real ob­stacle. The amount was far more than their treasure contained, an~ they did not wish to impose on

-friends. They could ·noevery well apply for a loan to ~ bank, be­cause they were unknoWn -and could present no security. They -were also ad,·ised against various loan plans they picked up In t he ads of the newspapers.

Then - somebod1- m entioned the Free Loan Association on North ~f ain s~t. An application was· duly filled out and signed by two friends, and the lull sum for the 'toition of th6 first semester w as obtained without any delay. Thl8 procedure, a oan · at the opening . ... -Ja·cli8emester, NJ.d repayment in convenient we' portions, · -continued until graduation .

In writing this column I wish to repay in part for the help' given to me· at that time. The feeling or gratefulness has <not d lmln. ished with the passing of. years. · · Thou.sands Are Grateful

I am sare_ In saying that this same gratefulness to the Hebrew Free Loan ts felt ,by:,_ all ~ose

Montefiore to Mark · ?0th Anniversary

P la ns tor the celebration o[ th~· seventie'th anlllversary of the Montefiore Ladies ' Hebrew Bene­volent Asspclation were formu­lated at an executive board meet · log of the organizati:Jn, which wa!l' held last Thmsday u!t~r11oon at tbe home of :11.s. Barney Ta­be,, president. The association will hold a luncheon at the Nar. ragansett Hotel Q.D "May 14 In ob­servance of the event. Mrs. Ed­ward Finberg was appointed g-en­eral chairman of tlle affair. ltl was revealed that Mrs. Joseph Field wlll again be chairman of the committee for the American Cancer Socie ty Drive. Refresh­ments were served by the hosteas at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Flnberg poured.

P.T.A. TO l\lEET

A R_est:aurant: Proyidence Has Long Been ' .

Wait:ing For!


23 -~URRILL \ STREET----On.e 0 Block Wes:t of Empire Street

With Jewish St:Yle Home Cooking by the Fam-ous

'_'MOTHER JONES'', At SOPHIE'S Y(ou Will Find Those Delicious Jewish D ishes Thal! Mother Used t o Serve. The Menus Will Be Changed Daily W hich Will Giv:e You A Tasty Selection.

In A dditinn There_ Will Be ChopP,ed Herring, "Liver, St~ffed F ish, Gefilte F ish, All T ypes of Delicatessen and Accessories, and the Many~ Many Typical Jewish Dishes That Only "Mother Jones" Knows How ,t,o Prepare.


Open Daily from 10:30 A. M.- to Midpigh t

ACCESSIBLE TO DOWNTOWN PROVIDENCE Conveniently Located Between W eybosse_t and Westminster Stree'ts





The Parent-Teachers' Associa­tion or the Congregation Sons of


1~:.::~:: Come to Sophie's Restaurant.If You Want q_ "Real" Meal

tertalnment wlll toUow the meet-ing, and Purim refreshments wm J:>aul Stein and Harry Jone&--Proprietors , be ee"ed. l------- - --- ---------------- ----- - ------...---- --1


Page 4: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD



~---,-----------------------; Co I I 'Pl BOARD MEE'l'ING So.lWWJ- Jr,_:. ,., __ ,_ I mp e e ans Mrs. David Rubin was appolnt- Room for Rent 'll.l,,,IJ,, LlJ ,ll,Jl,J(,,. ed cancer captain of the Sister-f O, r Fash.ion Show hood of the Congregation Sons of .Comfortable furnished room available in apartment. Mid­dle--aged wo~ or couple pre-, ferred. Kitchen· privileges and rnn-ot apartment. Uall \V 11-

llams 0142.

1----------------------'-------:-' ·Zion at a board meeting w!>ich in gown, en train, which was de- Finai plans for the fashion was held on Tuesday afternoon, Hockman-Segal Engagement

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Segal, of Reynolds avenue, this city, an­nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Annette Segal, to Jack Hockman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hockman, of Mon­

signed with long s\eeves, lace show, which the Providence Sec- February 18, at the home of Mrs. trimmed, sweetheart neckline and tion, National Council of J ewish Jacob Stern, Vassar avenue. A a fishtail peplum. Her fingertip Women, will sponsor at the· Bilt- buffet luncheon was served at' the veil of illusion was attached to a more· Hotel on Tuesday after- close of the meeting.

crown of orange blossoms, and noon, March 18, at 1: 15 o'clock, -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::_-::::::::::::::::::::.:; she carried a white Bible marked were made at a tea which was r-

treal, Can1;tda. with orchids and stephano~is. held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Chal'ifson's Have Daughter

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Charifson, ('If Brooklyn N. Y., announce the birth of a daughter on Februa~y 24. Mrs. Charifson is the former Miss Mary _Hazman, daughter of )fr. and Mrs, Jacob Hazman, of

Miss Miriapi Kaplan, the maid Markoff. The ~ executive ... commit­of honor, was attired in a taffeta. t~e of the affair, pr-oceeds of gown of tea rose, trimmed with which will be used to furnish

Moore street, this city.'s Have Son

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brodsky, ot 8 Hanover street, announce the birth of a son, Robert -Louis, ·on

grape velvet, and a matchihg hat, and carried a cascade bouquet of mixed flowers.

Victor Abrams was the best man, and the ushers included Leonard H . Lerner, brother. ':of the bride; Haskell Wallick, Morris Corman, Latry Nulman, Albert Snell and Willet Smith, brothe.r-

February 20. ' Mrs. Brodsky fs· In-law of the groom. the former Miss Edith Wolfenson. Mrs. Lerner wore a sequined-

Bernstein-Lemer trimmed, jade green crepe gown, The· Wedding· of Miss Ida Bella and Mrs. Bernstein, mo~her of the

Lerner, daughter of Mr. aild Mrs. David ,Lerner, and Morris Judah B'ernstein, son of Mrs. Sonya Bernstein,, of Fifth street, took place - last Sullday evening at Churchm House. Rabbi Carol

' Kl~ln and Cantor M . Pressmallj officiated at the candlelight cere-mony.

Given in marriage by her fa­ther, the bride wore a white sat-


If You Want That Pa1·tlculnr Style

Call DE 7689 Hollywood Artistic

Ladies' Tailor Room 3Ul B

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groom, selected a powder blue gown, trimmed with Sequins. ·Both had orchids in their hair0

The bride is a graduate of Hope High School. Mr. Bernstein served In the U. S. Navy for three and one-half years, one and one­half years of which ~re spent in, the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Upon their return from a trip to New York and Pennsylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein will reside at 58 Pleasant street.

Saltzmnn',s Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Saltzman,

of 409 Montgomery avenue, an­nounce the birth of their third child, a son, Richard Alan, on January 19. Mrs. llaltzman Is the former Miss Estelle Freed: man, of P ortlat:id, Maine.

Leaves for Georgia Mrs. Isaac Rosen, of Taylor

street, has left for Columbus, Ga., where she will visit h er daughter and son-in-law, Rabbi and Mrs. Elijah D. Stampfer.

Young feet are given freedom and proper balanced support in these unusually fine CHILD LIFE Shoes for boys and,girls. Moth­ers may rest assured, too, they will be expertly fitted at this store. Smart styles and beau·ti­ful leathers to · choose from.

d~I Life :~::-=.~.,= -s ,H O e s A complete selection of styles . ~ and sizes, from infancy up--

Sizes A to E.



homes and vocational training for displaced girls and women i:d Europe, includes: Mesdames Sam­uel Schneider, chairman; Isador Low and Benjamin Ross, asso­ciate chairman; Bernard· Zeman, Nat Roy, Charles Brier and Harry Yuloff, vice-chaiimen; Morris. Baruch, treasurer; Louis Efros, reservations; Moses Mickler, sec­retary; Joseph Pulver, publicity; Irving Gordon and Martin Bern­stein, telephone.; Albert Shore, ID(ldels; Haskell 1Talamo and Har­ry Cob.en, decorations; · Justin Huddish and Walter Strauss, staging; Archie Albert and H . , M. Feinstein, hostesses; Irving Kritz, invitations; ... Walter Adler, pro­gram, and John J. Rouslin, eX­officio.

Lipson's- Have Son Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lipson,

of Olney streett announce the birth of a son, Clifford Paul, on February 10. Mrs. Lipson is th~ former Miss Madeline Cohen.

Scherer's Have Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J . Sche·rer,

of Long Beach, Calif., formerly of this city, announce the birth of a daughter, ~Hldred Dianne, · on February 15.

Return From Florida Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westerman,

of 4 0 Shirley Blvd., Cranston, have returned froDl a four-weeks" stay at the Vanderbilt Hotel, in, Miami Beach, Fla. On their re­turn trip Mr. and Mrs. Westerman:. visited Savannah, Ga·., for a few days.

... Aniiow1ce Birth ' Mr. and Mrs. Myron Gorodet-

sky, of 9 Duncan avenue, an­nounce the birth of their third daught~r • . Sh-erri Joan, on Febru- -ary 18. Mrs. Gorodetsky is the former Miss Dorothy Sherman, of Woonsocket. uosentnaJ.-'.l'QpaI ~'ngag~ent

Mrs. Fanny Topal, of 201 Dud­ley street, has announced t he en­gagement of her daughter, Miss ·Sally Lucille Topal, to Melvin Rosentha l, _son of Mrs. S. Rosen­thal, of 4 0 Bowen street.

f'lqn Permanent Bridge Cluh . At 'Jewish Center

Walter W. Ortner, director of bridge lit the J e"'.lsh Community .Center, this week announced that a meeting of a special committee of .b~ldge players will be held at the Cenier this ·su~day afternoon at 3: 30 o'clock to make plans for the _formation of a permanent club.

Winners of last Monday 's dup­lica te Were :


.---.;-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--.---==:;;;::::- George Gray- Jacob Kahn ·71 n -. Louis Schwartz- Isadore Dworkin .. ........ : . . . 65 1A,

. Mrs. N. M. Bodner-! Clinton Grossman ...... 6f Mr. and Mrs. E. E .

Dlttelnrnn . . . . . . . . . . . . 6f liAST--'WEST.

Mrs. C. J . Stelngold-HOURS: 11 A . M. to 10 P. M. Saturdays and Sundays 11 P. M.

Where Movie-Goers .-· ----. Mlss Edith Millen , . .' ... 74

Ruperl M, Sunn- Mrs.

Like to Eat Order9 H. N. Teitel man .. ... ... 6 7.½ Put Up J k

Famous for Amerknn and Chinese Food To nc Westerman- Raymond

• No L:u;;2 WES:Mi~~":;;'; :tosphere ;~~e 2~:! I :u:n ~~;:e~ .. -~~~~~ .. ~a:l:aa L _______ ,!:N:!e~x:!_t..!t2,o.J,A~r~c:!•!!d!e·~•!._ ______ .::;======J L

Bonds and Stamps!

. .!.

"Call (J s for a Blind Date" GA. 6780

LESTER'S Venetian Blind Service


Wood and Steel Venetian Blinds - 24 HOUR, SERVICE -

Have Your Blinds Repaired and R ellnlsbed NOW-We Specialize In Roller-Coat Painting Which Makes Your Blinds Like New.


MIL-LER'S R. · 1. 's Finest Delicatessen

776 HOPE STREET · PL. 8682

This Week's· Features

Michigan Smoked

Whitefish 65c lb KARP

Halavah 49c lb Steak Salmon

FLATS 45 BUMBLEBEE C~ or Del Monte

Miller's Delivers· Tuesday and · Friday

Saturday Night Speeial! Brisket: of Beef coRNED 60c lb

F1•eddie Spigel Says All Meat Prices Are Lower This Week

CHICK-ENS No ½ lb, Added 45c lb. LAMB CHOPS 65c lb. Lamb Shoulders, Briskets

and ·Necks 2 lbs. 25c 100 WILLARD AVEl'l"UE

j • I

Page 5: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD

, I

--:::::,-:;::::==-=-=:..::=:::.±::' ==:=~, ::;:::::;:,~~::'.'it:::::=--"'=::;; -=--='--'a=====-~="=~------~-- · (


BEACON SHOPS Temple Beth-El Brotherhood Players ~resent To l'onduct Servic(!S 11Jnigh-t "Blithe Jpirit'·' ,·

'.i'he ..sr1.1thei:hood of Temple -jj1ock, lrving_ Mellion, Irviug The Players will present .Ueli.1-.1:..l wrll conduct the serviCes.1 J.{ritz, Herbert Cohen, Murray "Blithe Spirit," a three-act com­at the Temple this evenin·g. I 1 nnKle, Jatnes Sanek, Ira Blum, edy by Noel Coward, this .Readers will be George '1'. Dann, 1,ou1s :::ionsky, Waller Neleon';-- evening at 8; 30 o'clock at the Club president; William I . Matz- Frank · Bai·ascb, Frank Barad, Jewish Community Center. ner and John Sapinsley. Heury Emanuel Gluckman, Albert Aron- The play is directed by Gerald Schrage will deliver the serruon, son, Kenneth Logowitz. Albe1 t L,;-- A. Oster and has the .following ··Judaism- To Have and to Hold". Rcsen, Benjamin :Gacks, Beqja.mln. cast: ~rline )Rosenfiel~, Muriel 1.'he wives of Brotherhood mem- Lt·vin, Robert Klejn, Go)d~nberg, Hannah Sackin; Irv­bers will sponsor a reception in ··Sisterhood Nig,n," originally ing Espo, Edith Fink, Hazel Bern­the vestry a~ J:he conclusion of r.cLeduled for la3~ Friday anrl stein and Syd Cohen. the services. Mrs._ George T. Dann, cancelled because of lad weatr .. cr, Committee members of the pro­chairman~ and Mrs. Charles Sper- wi.11 be held next Fnda'{1 March 7. duction Cast include: scenery, ber, co-chairman, have announced ____ Edith Fink and Sydney Rakatan- .

the (ollowing. list of bostesse,•: Temple Emanuel sky; costumes, Miriam Rubln-.L\bsdnmes Jules .P. Goldsmith:-' L . stein; properties, Marion Baron· l<,. Su mmerfield, Barolti D. Carris, a:-nd Rhode Belinsky,. lighting and 8ric Denhoff, Harold I. Braun- To M,a,rk ·Purim photography, Paul Gilbert; make-slein, Joseph Finkle, Jack Appel- up, Eunice Woolf and Joe Lipe_t; baum, David Cohen, Millard The Megillah night service at stage manager, Arline R'oeen.fteld;

Temple Emanuel will b~ held special' effects. Sydll8y Rakatan­Wednesd;,y at 7. o'clock. Ca~tor sky; Ucl<ets, Miriam Rubinstein;

increased Activity . Jacob Hohenemser will chant the pu.bliclty, Syd JCohen· "nd Jean ! Members of the Providence Megillah, and -the f-0llowing ten lfubinstein; stage directors, David

Commission Seeks

• Youth Commission d. c ed Jupils of the Religious School will Kahnovsky, Philip Labush, Paul , 15 uss give Summaries · of each of the Gilbert, Allen Oster and Robert -# plans for increased activity of the

. 'Youth groups in th~ Providence­Cranston-Pawtucket area at a meeting held last evening at the Strand Bldg, Joseph Broomfield reported on the Ifl'Ogress of the Leaders' ·cou~cil, and plans ~or a you th rally were discussed.

chapters of the Book of Esther: Lo~s Andelman, Kenneth Shine, De'borah Temkin, Ronald Young, Lesle Blackman, Joel Cohen, Stanley Leibo, Murray Rotten­berg, Ru th Korn and Car'olyn Sharp. Rabbi Israel M. G-Oldman wtll give a brief talk. The cbll-dren's program will be in charge of Aaron Klein. The Meglllah wtll als_p be read on Thursday

Gogun, and house comn:ilttee, J ean Rubl!'st<!in, Elaine Lipsey, Ruth Mandell, Jack Jacobson and Julian Holland.

LADIES' UNION" AID Mrs. Rose Gerber will be the

guest speaker at a meeting of the Ladies' H8brew Union Aid Soc­iety., which will be held tbla rrues­day at the headquarters. Movies

Would you like to get rid of your wife {or husband)? For a. foolproof, painless a.Dd legal solution, see ...._

morning at the Chapel servicfls. will _be shown, and a social hour

0 BLITHE SPffilT'' B'nai B'rith, Young '"_-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.-:.----- women to Have

will follow the meeting.


New Funny Ones by Ben·ny Bell,. Yiddish Radio Broadcast ~ Wedding Wal~

Bar Mitzvah Speech-- Celebration-Fray Lech Hungarian Chtodesh - Living and Laughing

Plenty of Other Jewish Reco~ds in· Stock By



, 9ANTOR JONAH/ BrNDER & CHORUS OJ)en l!~vc~·)· Nlte Until 10--Saturda.y 11 P. M.

OJ.ri Ko. ~iain Stl'eet, Prov1e1ence, R. I. UNion 0820 PHONE AND MAIL OltDEl<S FILLED

Coming Soon: Rec:.Qrds by .Cantor Rosenblatt

~ "''.;Ji COMPLETE SUE-;;:=-

~ Baby Carriages f::,', t~ ... ' N .. -, '"'?""·tt _./.~ C '. •

o>' Toys - ~0111 •

w2i§~ys GA. 00'2 . ·· .

Mail and Phone orden J>N>~ptly i!W .

Seigal's Kosher MeatMarkqt

Social , Eve,ning 1.rne 1:rnai B'rith Young Women

co.u1p1ete<i plans for a ' social eve--01ng aua scavenger hunt, which

,a ___ . __ f-3'...._______ _ 750 Hope Sb. GAspee 0300 \Vill be held tomorrow evening,

·~~~~~~~~\~V~E~~D~E~L~:I_VE~~-:R_=_~_:_:_:_:~~ ,v.tarcll 1, at s o'clock 'at T.emple ~ - --- J::Seth-1!;1, at a meeting which was

Accommodator · neld ' on Wednesday evening, Feb­ruary l~, at the home of Mias

d C Shirley Spader. - Miss Thelma an aterer Klitzner is chairman of the af!alr.

~;::i D~;:.':!rt:!~e::"d 1t was reported that a group of a Specialty . women from the Roger Wllliamli

Birthday and Wedding Cakei Chapter, B'nai B'rlth, will provide _ J Msdo to Order the refreshments for the evening.

·E~erienced Table Deeoratar !'hese ~ome~ are Mesdames

WEDD;.;~S and George M. Goldsmith, Jules P. BAR-lDTZVAH PARTIES Goldsmith, _Irving Rosen, E. Max

Teleplione HOplrlna 5197 Weiss, Simon Norman and 'Ed­ward Rose. Af t}le close of the meeting the members visited the Narragansett HOtel where the}'. l!J,ar<I, the ta'lk delivered by Dr. Abram L. Sachar at the Joseph ' Finkle Testimonial Dinner.

May we have your order,_sir?·

We are now glad to report that we can serve more cus­tomers with Famous Read­ing Anthracite-the l,11,n­dered hard coal. Try a ton or so. You'll find , that Famous Readin~ gives your money's worth in heat value. The red trademark spots on Famous Reading Anthracite are your guaran­tee of a top quality Penn­sylvania hard coal.


Dlll. 7780

F9rm ~Ian-Family Circle; Lia.t.Officers

.Harp.e)' Kaplan was electe·d president of tbe Kaplan Family Circle at the first nieetlng of ' the organization, which was held on~ >'ebruary 9 . Samuel ~plan WU the temporary chairman. Other officers 8lected were: Abraham. Kaplan, honorary- president; Syl­via Ziman, first vice-president; ,Leab Kaplan, second- vic&-pr.;.i­den t; Beatrice Ziman, secretary; Selma Bell, assistant secretary; Muriel Kaplan, financial aecre. tary; Samuel Kaplan, treasurer; Matthew Friedman, llrsl trustee; Mary Fishman, second trustee; Dr. Irving Kaplan, third trustee; Evelyn Friedman, Zita Brenner, Sylvia Ziman and Leah Kaplan, sunsb1ne committee; Dan Fish­man, Stanley J. Kaplan, Stanley T. Kaplan and Jordan Ziman, so­cial committee. The next meet,. Ing wtll be held on March 16 a~ the home of Mrs. Mary Fishman, 9 a Bog man street,


cent of the Canadian people ar11 opposed to tbe admission or Jews

______________ to their country,



MORE THAN ONE YEAR AGO we invited veterans to use, without ~ha~g;;, our facilities for safeguarding tlieir War and Vict0ry Bonds. That offer not only still stands but now extends to Tei:minal Leav~ Bonds as well. Need we say that we shall cordially welcome your open, ing a Savings Account when you receive your bonus? '

1-2 3

~ere Is friendly and complete cooperation In. all phases of G.I. b_usiness and home flnancl'!_g, ·

' . , In each of our seven convelliently-located of:lices Is one or more v~terans of World War u; Veterans know veterans' problem,:

If you have served In any of tlie United States Force• since December 7, 1941, we'll safeguard your War, Victory and Terminal Leave. Bonda for aa long as you wbh allCl­wltliout ~~rgit to vou. '• 1 ~: ": ::r I I



PRO·VIDENCE • OLNEYVILLE pA Pawtucket • Woon1ocket • Newport • J)

_We1terly • Weit Warwick

formerly THE MORRIS PLAN BANK of Rhode 1,land


Page 6: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD

• THE JEWISH ·HERALD,, PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, FE,BRO:ARY 28, 19!7 --------------

Discuss Plans for Hadassah Donor Affqir DOCBMAN'S BAKERY


DBSCRIPTIOX W e,lding hmtatlitm

e BmlMued e :gqrayecl 318 Curlee St. um. 917Z

Do }'OU lmOW what pmes ...., pla7ed In Beaven? la it cola belDg a ghost? You'll learn the answers when 700·-




Diatrlblltora ef

LIBBY'S Proolacta

230 Willard A •e. MA 28U

Bennett Service Station




,12 North Main Street Op,oaite Benefit Sveet



Properly Paatemlzed

Milk and Cream A Friend to the Jewuh People

12 Lowell A•e. Weat '858


Additions, Repairs Alterations

and General Construction


PARAGON Conatruction Co.

"88-TOlr,be. O'llulDa BOpldu-


Is Pleased to Announce That the Dei~cious Rolls, Bread and Bagels

Baked by Joseph Hochman-Will Be Available Again on

Saturday Night, March '1

PriYa~e Bath and Showers in Every Room-Spacious Sun Porch and Solarium - Distinguished Cuisine - Dietary Laws - Very Attractive Rates. Ownership-Management, MAE DUBINSK'Y

Telephone Sharon 616-894



Leaders of the Hadassah donor affair confeITed at the home -~~LAMP LIGHTERS BALL'' · of l\Irs. Merrill H assenfeld, chairmay., on plans for tbe occasion, which will be held on Monday, i\lay 5, at the Biltmore HoteL Letti to right, are: l\Irs. Hassenfeld, Mrs; Archie }"""ai.n, co-chairman of special gifts, ruid Mrs. Max Greenbamn, co-chairman of the affalri

Donor Luncheon Committee, Captains Are Announced

Mrs. Merrill Hassenfeld, chair- Queler, Jacob Ernstof, Louis man of the Hadassah donor affair, this week announced the commit­tee in charge of the evenL Meltl­bers are: Mesdames Max Green­baum, co-chairman; Archie Fain, co-chairman of special gilts; Kil­ton Potter, Benjamin Roes, and Jacob Hohenemser, secretaries; S~muel Michaelson, treasurer, and Arthur Newman, publicity.

The sponsorship committee tn..

Efros, David C. Dressler. Jay Isenberg, 1Everett Cowen, Edna. Jacobson, Milton Potter. Leonard Chaset, Norman Feinberg, Ray­mond llakowsky, Walter Rutman, Paul Bergman, Charles Temkin, Jack, Prltsker, Louis Temkin, Na­than Roy, Burton Finberg, Norton Hirsch, Ronald Sopkln, Joseph

Wlnoker, Barney Taber, Ah~ Leehtman, Leonard Goldman,

eludes: Mesdames Albert Pilavin, Louis Kestenman, Sanford Zarum;

on Saturday Evening, March 22 at 8 P . M.

at the Roger Williams Park Casino FOR INFORMATION CA-LL :

BERNICE CHASE, Chairman HO. 4645



. --Guaranteed Income for Life

An annuity which not. only give., you Life Insurance Protection but also cuarantees a retirement in .. come to you for as lone as you Uve. -


Frank Lazarus Harry Fowler, David E . Feldman, Esther Prltsker a:nd Charles · INSURANCE ADVISOR Irwin Silverman, Charle., Mark- Markoff. 36 Exchange Place GAspee 3812 Providence, R.. L

off, Alvin Sopkin, Isador Low, --:=====-:======:::::':":":111:11:11:11:11:11:11::11::11::11::11::11::11::11::11::11:11:11:11:::11~11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:111:11:11:1f:1H::1::n::m::·1::11:11:11:11::u;Ul~lj_ Milton Kay, Nathan Samora, Leo r-----Bojar, Harold Sydne7, Haakell F rank, Archie Fain, Albert Shore, Arthur Kaplan, Irving I. Fain, Al­bert Rosen. Charles Rothman, Jo­seph Ress, Saul ·Abrams: Rose Shaset, William Weinstein, Abe Fine, Lion.el Rabb, Henry Hasaen­feld, Nathan Temkin, Charles Temk.ln, Saul Feinberg, Abraham Blackman. Israel Mandell, Theo­dore Rosenblatt, Samuel Schnei­der, Ilie Berger, Abrllham Perce­lay, Charles Fox Jr., Walter Sund­luif, Frank Melllon and Samuel Rapaporte, Jr.

Captains are: Mesdames Jack. I Girl Sco~ts Mark Birthday

Members or_ Girl Scout Troop 4 6, of the Congregation Sons of Abraham, celebrated their second anniversary last TueSday evening.

Mrs. Paul Stein. donated a birthday cake In h~nor of her daughter, Barbara.





CHOCOLATE SYRUP (Net . Weight 20 oz.) -

PURECH0COLATE f UDGE·roPPiNG (Net Weight '7 ..oz.)





I I !

1 I

Page 7: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD


Candidates for Center Queen Esther Crown



\\TAR.NING-Don't eat any more pigeon pie or cucumber sandwiches until you know whnt yon_ ru·e doing. Tl,ey r e­quire n definite technique. See



His Orchestra , -· .....-------

•Now Accepting Booking





DE 8747 10 Cold Spring St.

Have You Tasted Our Pastry?

If not, do so to­day! You'll find it so delicious, it will give you that want-to-eat more feeling.

We Also Have ar Assortment of Bread and Rolls For Your Table.



Open 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.

Tuesday Through Bunda:,





Selection to be Made at Dance ·Thursday. Evening

The fo~rteenth annual Queen 'laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob

.. , ~ DUBJN ·,- - - ·-=- DOLORES GA:RBA(l'SKY


There's No · Substitute Fo1r ·Quality

Thousands of satisfied custome~ nt Louie's Deli-


catessen ha, e long bean aware that tltere is no substitute fol' quality. TaStY, 'gum•al1teed · ,Kosher

I J)l'oducts have ahva3·s been Louie's · tl'a:denial'k and 1_ yOur assurance that you are obtaining the best in


delicatessen and _allied fQO<)s .

-I You Buy With CQnfiqence at Louie's

. ' . '

You'ro n ever tnkin~ a chance when you buy at Louie's. His delicatessen is tops not only 1n Quality but. Tas.te.

' -· ar , . ..

tOUl1E'S Kosher . DELICATESSEN . ·:·1 ·


Esther P urim Dance, sponsored by Kilberg ; Heiene Miller, daughter ,---------------------------­the J ewish Community Center, of ~r. and Mrs. Martin Moss; wil1 be held this Thursday even- Elaine Slobins, da11ghter of Dr

; Ing, March 6, at the Arcadia Ball- Simon H. Slob!ns, of Fall River room. Candidates for thEJ Ml!,SS.; Avis Swartz, daughter of

Queen" are: Ruth J. Bander, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Swartz; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Irene Weinstein, daughter of Mr Bander; Marton Baron, daughter and Mrs. Samuel Weinstein. of Reverend and Mrs. J acob Bar- Prizes awarded to the contest­on; Ruby Bonn, daughte1; of Mr. ant who is selected "Queen." will and Mrs. Joshua S. Cohen, of Cal- include an ex)>ense-free vacation cutta, India; Eileen Dubin, daugb. and a complete spring outfit .. At­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dubin; tendants will also receive prizes Dolore's Garbatsky, daughter or Mr. and Abraham Garbatsky, of New Bedford, Mase.; Cheryl Greenfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Greenfield; Rosalie Keesler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keesler; Ruth Kilberg,

Relig~us School To Hold Carnivals

Two Purim programs will be held in the Religious School or Temple Emanuel on Sunday morning, March 9. The kinder.

YOUNG PEOPLE MEET garten grade through grade five A meeting of nil the young will hold a carnival and masquer­

people who wer e confirmed dur- ade, while grades six through Ing the past three years was held confirmation wllf hold- n carnival nt Temple Emanuel last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Aaron l{lelu are in evening. The committee in charge ! charge or t.he progrnn~e. The Included: Lawrence Hochberg, m embers or tho Bnr-Mltzvah chnirmhn; E leanor Simons, Doi- Drot1leM1ood nrc directing the ores Forbes, Marilyn Viner, Janet cnrnlvnl actlvltiee. LJpson. Eleanor Silvennan, I ----Charles Samdper!l, Jack Stanzler, OlllLEURATBS lllRTHDAY Richard Kaplan, Ethelyn Shoo!- NEW YORK - Abraham Rei-man, Richard MIBsry, Lee Grose- sen, noted Yiddish poet, celebrated ma~ and Marilyn Stone. bis 70th birthday recently .


It's Nice to Be ... Able to Say '-'Charg(! It"

Open An Out:let

Charg-e Acc:01Jnt: A convenience that ls yours for U10 nskblg! Any

OUTLh.'T snles1>erson will glvc you IUl apl)Ucatlon

blnllk to fill out or we'll mntl one to You! Our

C1°t."'(Ht, Office ,,ill notify yon RS soon ns your ~

quest, hus been approved-.

/kOUTLEf. R.. I.'1 Lar191t Department Store { ~~.J

UA•l"-'e 7000 - - - • 7-~ 7

Page 8: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD



Associated with - Kagan & Shawcross

Insurance of All Kinds

1408 Indnstrfal Trost Bldg. Phone Residence

GA 6700 DE 4275


Office Equipment .... Supplies

Masada to Have Series of Dances

The Providence Chapter of Masada w!Jl hold the first In a series of · informal dap.ces on Sat­urday evening, March 15, a t Tem­

"ple Beth-Isra~l, It was announced this week by Miss Florence Stern­bach, chairman of arrangements.

The third -study group of the or~anization was held recently at the home of Miss Vivian Oroden­ker. Mias Shirlee Koretsky is chairman of the cultural cqmmit­tee, which is sponsoring this se- -. ries of meetings.

COLLECT BOOKS Members of the Councilettes

collected books which will be sent overseas. at their: meeting on Sun­day, February 23 .

Room Free for Woman .or Couple

Ji'urnlshed room, all privfl .. eges, for woman or couple, in exchange for house,Vork. Call HO 8207.

A ·ftNE -CAREER is-waiting for rou in the Army!

IIEaE's a job thavgives you the things you wanp . New, hi(I}, pay_:most of it

clear oavingo, with your food,, clothes, housing and medical care provided.

Heallhy um-lc, under good cooditiooe, with doul;Je tho paid vacation time you'd get in a civilian job.

Reol securily, with the most liberal of retirement plana­half pay for life after 20 yean,

np to three-<JUarter& pay after 3(! years' service.

If you are a physically fit, mentally alert young man of 18 to 34 (l7 with parents' consent) get the full facts now

at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Sts lion.




327 Post Office Annex




UNion 19%3 Wl:itehall 3-5770

For the Sake of Your Children . . For the Sake of Your People . · .

-Back the Educationai Work at the

Providence Hebrew Day Sch~oJ

There are man1 opportunities to further the

work• of the Day SchooL B7 offering J'OJU" ser:v·. ices, bJ becoming a snstatning member or

creating a fund or pnrchaslng 11 memorial in

memol'J" of belol"ed ones.

Providence Hebrew· Day School 151 WATERM!L', STREET ·DEnerli327

From his lonely study a

magi~_ instrument _for bring:­

'ing people- togerner

/fr~ ~ 'fl-elf., "::.':.:::L _----

In spare time from his regular job of teaching deaf children, Alexander Graham Bell made experiments in electricity and dreamed his great dream . .. of someday inventing an in­strument which could carry the human voice great distances over wire. In March, 1876/ five years after he had ~t come to Boston, Mr. Bell's many researches were rewarded and the famous scene pictured above took place.

Working on an electrical instrument in an up­stairs study at 5 Exeter Place, he spilled some battery solution on his clothes. His friend and assistant, Thomas Watson, was bending over the receiver of the instrument in another room. "Mr. Watson," said Bell. "Come here. I want you. u These were the fint words ever carried by telephon,,. Watson came rushing in and said excitedly, "Mr. Bell, I heard every word you said - distinctly."

Many changes in the world resulted from the invention of the telephone. Distance no longer prevents people from keeping in touch with each other. Mod­em business, modem government, mod­ern living . . . all these have been made possible by this instrument which carries tens of millions of conversations daily, b ringing us closer to our friends and associates wherever they may be.




Page 9: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD





All that trouble ;Imply b&­cause the first maid BAD to run off and get married and the second maid was psychic l See

0 BLITHE SPffi.lT"

Room for Rent


THE. JEWISH Bl!lRALD, PROVIDENCE, R •.. I:, F~iDAY, Fl!:llRU.ARY 28, 1947 . t

Beth-El Bowling By JACK FLEISIG

The snowstorm that etarted

Lou Chase 127, and Milt Wint-I

::!n ;~~:st~;~n~::1~ 1

~!s~;d :::~ I it Happen~d This' Week I broken high single and high three ~ if he could have picked those l.---'---,-'----------------------'--...J·

Thursday night wa~n·t conducive spare breaks that kept him on Received ·a note from Dr. and iE;e& dishes that have niade her to good bowling or good atten-dance, although Allie Shatkin edge. We saw one bowler miss

16 spare breaks in three strings ( who i~n't bowling any more, bad and m·y teammates threaten to knee) acted like an old horse

Mrs. Hie Berg:et Who are vaca­tioning in Miami at the home of tl,e Benjamin Kanes .... The vet­eran Zionist worker is in tip-top

famous- ... Travel Notes

The Leo BoJars leave for Flor­ida today .... The-William Harris'

Nice, fut•nished room for r~nt on East Side. Business

,woman or student preferred. Call days, !IIA 0215, evenings, PL 8182.

and just couldn't stay away. Of bench meG~l'~- ~i:~1;:ain. course I was there; you know the

shape and had the following to also leave today for Hot Springs,

saying that goes "Neither snow, nor r~in, nor sleet, nor hail, etc.'! Lenny Sheer, the "Mighty Mite,"

Freda Chase has been very sa)· about the Solithland .... Ark-.. : .. The Murray Halperts, consistent all season and really "There is a lot of. money in Flor~ who are due back in town this got good with a strike on strike i~a .... three drives are going on week-end, visited Mexico on theif followed by a spare to give her a at the same time for a total of tri{) to the West Coast ...•

bowie<! like a man possessed and score of 127 and a three string ·11ve million dollars .... and they -:,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,-::,= Woman Wanted wound up with a 124• 98 and 131. total of 312. Wonder if she's arc getting it! We in Providence

Are you a woman, over 40, Lenny tells me he ha'S a new del- teaching Irv or vice versa. are paupers to the peo-ivery and he'll be right there with pie in Florida".... j orthoctox .obsetrVant ~r .KASn-

. ring leaders. 01 • Odds and Ends ruth? Pleasant room ts wat.t- B I"

' Ing fot• you in comfortable Phil Shaulson, still kno.iting . ym111c ow 1ng Hans David, / residing- in Pads, nome or e1aer1y couple. .li8I down timber as cons{stent as ever By SYD CO.HEN ts looking· for David Hirschberg c9mpanlon, do light housework; and just_ as effortless. Marty who once had an office at 739

Man Wanted ~Ian wanted f~r groc~.

store. Good pay. Steady job for right man. Apply at Jew­ett's Delicatessen, 204 ,vmard avenue.

Write Box 207~, the Jewish Chase started his third string with One ot the season's real "!'sets Gmsvenor Bldg., o'r a Mr. Kuhn,

I' Herald. a spare and his team afmost tore. was reg st•red lael week by the no address .... Fishel Seidenwur- ___ R_oo_m--fo_r_R_e_n_t __ ., down the roof. Milt Weissman, underdog Al Roffer iteam, a sec-

=============~ .a newcomer this season, is among 0nd division tenant all •year, ; 1~~ 0~0Te~e1:t· ::;~~:tin;ha:;::: Furnished room for rent In ARROW ·LINES the t~p ten bowlers in the league. which shut out the Harold Avena (Fishel Shajnojg) who is a shoe South ·Providence. Middle-aged, · · · · Al Billincoff asserting himself and and took over th1rd place in th0 operator or makes raincoats. . . . gentleman desired. References

PROVI1/i~~JES~RJ1Yli-FORD talking right up to the pins when stan)1ings. If any of our readers know. these required. Call GA 57M. Also they refused to fall. Morris Sweet's team failed to people call our offices . or tele-

Charter Work . The league standings remain show up and thus forfeHed four phone the R. I. Refugee Service, FOR- .ALL OCCASIONS CAILL unchanged but in the next two or points to the Howie Cohens. (Doc DE 1246 ... . The Jack Feibel­

Olfice-77 . Washington St.- · three weeks w~ should see some Sweet,· at lea•t • had an alibi. He mans observed their first wedding GA. 11872 tire works as the teams swing was freezing in Florida.) anniversary last week . . . . Leslie

Attention Property

Spring Is Just Around the Corner

Get Your Estimates Now For Exterior and Interior

Paln,_tlng And Paperhanging Reasonable Prices


·Baker & Weiner, GENERAL PA.INTERS

Tels. Pl, 0062 • De. 2319

Max's Turkish and

Russian~at6s Expert Masseurs Ste_aming Baths . Swimming Pool

into the home stretch. - . Morris Bernstein racked up 321 as a farewell gesture to his team~ Tanenbaum, daugh~r of the Har-He and the new Mrs. Bernstein J Y M, Tanenbaums, and Barbara

E El B I• are now honeymooning. ' Faintly Solomon, daughter of the ·Max manu Ow Ing Solomons, were elected to JuniOr • visible behind that swelling· chest Phi Beta K·appa at Pembroke . . . .

_By 111AXWELL WALDMAN is Sid Boren, who finally •eached Joseph Schlossberg gave Brother-So all the bowlers · went home the 300 class with four pins to hcod Week a boost last week by

and told their wives or girl sp~=;·Jyn RodYn, the league's ace , singing at the Phillips Memorial friends how sensationally they bowled a brilliant 353_ Abe Los Baptist Church .. .. He was ac­bowled: Strikes and spares were be! chipped in with 339 and Her- companied by Dr. Robert Weiss exploding - all over the alleys. Amd while we're on the sub Records were broken, but after man Meierowitz wilh 328• while j~e~. of music, here's a note abou;, the boys had gone home, your re- Irv Levine had 320• Joe Schwart, Heinrich Scha,lit, musical director

· porter found out the reason. 318 and Irv Zatloff 313· Harry of Temple Beth-El. ... One of his Lenny Cort had supplied every Woloff, Jack Jacobson a n.i Has- songs, "I Lift Mine Eyes", was

kell Wallick just .cleared t 00. alley wlt_h new pins. Herman L_ one or the selections ot the Bos,: Bromberg blasted out 153 for a ton University Choral Society, at Beth lsraetBo_ wling _awa.J.ewish Musical Festival, whichJ new· high single mark. Barney Fradiifs Army team, with one man -absent, broke their old high

hlir~ark witli"'ato al of 1540. Here and There

_ presented last Tuesday night By JA(.,'K EPSTEIN in Boston ... . To' those who have

Penn and Navy are really going long expressed the hope that a going_ at-It with no holds barred. Jewis~ restaurant would -open· In Na-vy, who has been a heavy fav- town, the news that "Mother orite all year: has now gotie into Jones" has returned to her count:­a mild tailspin. Penn, on the less friends with a restaurant and other hand, has been keeping the delicatessen on Burrill street, Is boys at fever pi<ch with Its up- indeed welcome .... Sophie prom­ · Room available in private

home for elderly couple or woman. Run of house and use of all facilities.. Very re11S9n-, able rent. For furth~r inform­ation telephone DE 8785 be-. tween 7 and 9 o'clock.

;i~!!L.JU~~T ij Studio




771A · Ho!/" Street ;i'rovidence

For · A.ppolittments . Evenings

and Sunday, Call G~ 9409 · ,. , I •• 1 ~ , .


Skipper Zucker hit 127 and 347. Barney Fradin with strings of 125 and 115 and teammate Al­bert Chase with 121 and 331 helped Army set the new record .

"Hy Vernon was pepping his team all night and rolled 80-102-80. Blll Goralnick hit 346. Other good scores were Le"nny Fain 121,

hlll surge and highly competitive=============================. spirit. Of course, Cheesy-Man, I.

28 CANDACE STREET MA 4535 ·: DE 2453

Complete 24 Hour Service ,.BODY and FENDER REPAIBS e PAINTING. REPAIRING ·


Al Alter Service Station 791 North !llaln Street 111A 5083


_ The; Jewry of Providence and Its En~irons ls Cordially Invited ,to Attend

• The Annual Purim Party ·Which Will This Year T ak.e Place

In the Recently~Renovated Vestry of Our Synagogue at 4 3 Orms Streelt

On Thursday, March 6, at 7 :30 P. M. Our Worthy Rabbi David Werner As Well'as

Other Prominent People Will Participate. The Celebration Will Feature

Refreshments and Songs Gome and Bring Your Friends

And Let Us Make Merry in Unison at This Festival of Purim Congregation Sons of Zion

Morris Feinberg, Charles Holland President Vice President

Philip Lieberman Chairman, BoaTd ot Dlrectora

KrasnotI has a lot to do with his team spirit and l!ghtlng ability.

The after-hours bowling -league, the sticker game, Is starting to become of ·nation-wide Import­ance. lt'a becoming so popular that several of the men here asked me to stait charging mem­bership fees-they feel its worth it-so help me. I'm just trying . to point out a few facts to those men who could bowl but don't.

Emanuel Group To Observe Holiday

The "Mr. and Mrs. Clqb" of Temple ;Emanuel will celebrate Purim at its r egular m8et1ng next Sunday evening, March 9. The program will feature the Ar­thur Murray Dancers, who Wnl present an exhibition -of mod~~Ii dancing and offer instruction in the Ja,test dance steps. Other fea~ lures of the program will be games, da ncing and refreshments. H eading the w-rangements com­mittee are: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dressler, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaset, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stras­mlch, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Co­hen, and Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Brown.

Sdwiol Board, Staff To Observe Purim

The annual Purim Seudah or the Temple Emanuel Rellglous School staff and the School Board will be held this Wednesday eve­ning at 8 o'clock. Julius 0. Rob. inson, Mrs. Charles Blackman, Mrs. Joeeph Nutman and Aaron Klein are In charge of the pro­gram,

Consult -Us Aboui Your Investments



DEner 0688 ·

M. M. SOFORENKO Member of the N atiqna) Association ef Security Dealers

Established 1932:





Page 10: Beth-EL THE. J.EWI.SH.~ HERALD

.J f


I '

- ,._ i


~ . , ._ EYl'IJYPE'Al()FTHE . '' (ArHIIEG/l'TFRIFll ·"-" MEANIMIJl,J'4VIIGI'




CHUCK ROAST u 45c u 49c FRESM &ROUND L'EAN "'5AT ._ _____ _.



FN•ll Phiap Stewt-,

Pl' 59c · CHICKENS u 39c .-----

FRcsM ARRIVALS. 10·,. ,. LIS AvsRAa• HADDOCK TURKEYS u 49c fl1urs


FOWL - LI 45( ,__ ___ __.


ORAN.GES- Ju,cv FloRro... 39c ~REE FROM FROST • LAR6E Sil; DOZ







5 FOR 25C 2 LLS 29C ,

LI 19C 2 hds 25c

c~~~- 19C

Joan Carol HOT CROSS BUNS-, ~~1~:t~'ih ~z° 19c

-'B'nai B'rith Honors Finkle at Testimonial


Nearly ~00 persons ~tteiil\ed the- testimonial dinner, last Wed- [ nesday evening, which was given to Joseph M. Finkle in recog,:11.. -tlon of his work In .behalf of B'ri~,.B'rlth. Mr. Finkle was presented


with a watch as a token of appreciation. Pictured above, · left U, PUBLIC ACCOUNT ANT right, are: Archibald Silverman, president of the General .Jewish I SYSTEMS • AUDITS • TAXES Committee; Dr. Abram L. 8""bar, the guest speal<er; Walter I. I Bookkeeping for Small Firms Sundlun; ~aster; Mr. )flnkle, and. E. Max Wel.os, president of 64 Broad St. PErry 1017-W the Roger \Vllllams Chapter, B'nal B'ritb.

Ladies' Association I Young People's To Sponsor Rummage League lo Meet . Repairing

The L&dies' A_ssoclation of the / The Young People's League , of Providence H<1brew Day jSchool the Ohawe Sholom Synagogue, ·01 will sponsor a rUmmage sale next Pawtucket, will meet this Wed­week, it was announced at a re. nesday evening at 7:45. Follow ... cent meeting of the organization. Ing a short business meeting, at Mrs. J. · Dublnr ts chairman of ,the whicli Irving Espo will preside, a event; Mrs. B. Kolodoff is chair- m'usical program will be 12resent­man of the committee In charge ed. Participating w~ll ·be Ruth of a: name-banquet cloth which Kobart. "a sin~er in Israel," and Is hop~d to be comple~ed by Pass- Sadie Goulstan, who will present over. · Qriginal monologues. ·Purim re--





Irving Koviteb, Prop. Tel Willians 9478 ft:eshments will be served, and

Mpthers' Alliance dancing wm 10110w.

Lists Donations ~ -----------------------A -board. meeting of the Jewl.oh

Mothers' Alliance was held on we·dntsday ·afternoan, F.e:bruary 19, at the home of Mrs. G: Zald­man. Mrs. Jack Melamµt, presi­~£i..t, announced that the follow­ing checks have been sent ou! by ti'Je treasurer: Diskins Hom3 fr.. Palestine. $ 2 5; Zion War Or­phans, $25i Home for Girl1, $25; Jewish National Fund Trees, $30; Space !or a be:! .in the .bu,lding

projects of the Pioneer Women's -------111111!---------------­Club, $10-0; S.O.S. drive, $50; F.E.P:C., $15; Cancer Drive, $6; Red Cross, $5. Plans for a lunch­eon were discussed. Refresh­men ts were sec-yed by the hostess at the close of the meeting.

CONFER O_N LAW WARSAW - Jew,ish deputies

In the Polish National Assembly have conferred· with Minister of ~ Justice Henryk Swiatkowski on


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