beth israel congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement...

Beth Israel Congregation 59 th Annual Journal Dinner 11 Shevat 5774 January 12 th , 2014

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Page 1: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Beth Israel Congregation 59th Annual Journal Dinner

11 Shevat 5774 January 12th, 2014

Page 2: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,
Page 3: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

As I begin my term as President of Beth Israel, I see great things in the future of our synagogue. Among my goals as president is to unify the orthodox community in a facility which accommodates the needs of all ages under one roof. It is a goal which will require the efforts of all members, working together. The ‘Meet the Pres-ident” forum, programming committee meeting, and others are only the start. There is ample opportunity for each member to have a part in our plan of action.

Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall, kitchen and restrooms. There is much work to be done and all of tonight’s honorees play a major role in the future of Beth Israel.

Past president Dr. Lanny Grobman has always been the steady rock & foundation of Beth Israel. His keen understanding of community dynamics and strength of leadership has forever left its mark on the future growth of our beloved institution.

Lisi Wolfson is new to the Beth Israel Board of Directors. She and her husband Daniel, are the paramount examples of Ba’alei Chesed. Say little and do much is their motto. Lisi and Daniel are well deserving of the Young Leadership Award.

My dear friends Ronnie and Sara are an integral part of Beth Israel. From Ronnie’s inspirational davening to Sara’s involvement in many community activities, they are truly deserving of Beth Israel’s Keter Shem Tov Award. When the shul needs assistance with anything and everything, we can always rely on Ronnie and Sara to volunteer in any way possible. Their dedication and support is truly inspirational. The Gemara says: “One man’s candle is light for many.” (Masechta Shabbos). The brilliant light shining from our honorees together continually light up the lives of all those who know them and they are shining examples of the path for all to follow. Mazel Tov to all of the honorees. May The Almighty continue to bestow His blessings upon you, your loved ones and Klal Yisroel.

Michael Lefkowitz President Beth Israel Congregation

Page 4: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb Keter Shem Tov Award

After moving to Miami Beach from Cincinnati in 2000, Sara and Ronnie immediately became

deeply involved and ingrained in the Miami Beach community. Thanks to Ronnie’s commitment

and dedication our Jewish community, it is no wonder he served on the boards of both the

former Young Israel of Miami Beach and Beth Israel Congregation. Additionally, he is involved

in many community organizations, including the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community

Services. His Yomim Noraim davening has been and continues to be an inspiration for our

congregation. In addition to an active professional career that spans law, nursing home

administration and real estate management, Ronnie always makes time for his passion for

running. Having run his first marathon at the age of 50, Ronnie has completed 23 marathons

and is still going strong! He is an avid sports fan and loves to travel with Sara.

Sara’s spirited charisma has made her the perfect member of the Beth Israel Congregation’s

Sisterhood. She has been instrumental in creating learning opportunities for women, including

a monthly Rosh Chodesh shiur in memory of her parents. She is also involved in many other

Shul activities, such as co-chairing both the Chanukah and Shul dinners and the Purim

Mishloach Manot campaign. Sara is involved in countless broader Miami Beach community

volunteer and chesed organizations. She is a former Miami Beach JCC board member and is

currently serving on the adult programming committee of MBJCC. Her involvement with the

Miami Jewish Federation, Amit, Emunah and Jewish Community Services only scratch the

surface of her dedication to the Jewish community. Sara loves to spend her time exercising and

dancing, acting in community theatre groups and traveling the world.

Both Ronnie and Sara are philanthropic and generous in support of their community and are

never ones to seek recognition or honor. They enjoy spending time traveling the world,

especially in Israel and NY where their three children, Dovid and Ilana, Rebecca and Seth and

Nechama and Etan, and eleven grandchildren live. No matter where they are and what they do,

they have earned a shem tov, a good name, and are well liked by all who meet them.

Page 5: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

January 12, 2014 11 Shevat 5774

Sara & Ronnie,

The Mishna in Avot says that Aharon loved all human beings and drew them near to Torah. The sainted

Chazon Ish commented that these are not two separate qualities. Rather, they are interwoven and

interdependent on one another. Who is uniquely qualified to draw one closer to the Torah? One who

has Ahavas Yisrael (love of their fellow Jews). Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook z”l writes in his work Orot

Hakodesh, The more the quest for God grows in a person’s heart, the more does the love of all people

grow in him. Drawing from Rav Kook’s perspective, your apparent love for Hashem is evidenced by the

many friends that love and surround you. The two of you are always “on”. Whether it is flying around

the world, taking care of your children and grandchildren, or the care that you give to our Shul and

community; your dedication and commitment to helping others is one of the most endearing qualities to

anyone who knows you.

Your love and warmth for me and my family is so special to us. I often find my sons humming your

niggunim and as you know; my daughter has her own stories about the two of you! There is no more

that I can say other than ‘Thank you’ and tell you how much I appreciate the friendship I have with both

of you. May you only have true Torah blessings from your children and grand children. Mazal Tov, Rabbi Donald Bixon

Page 6: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Presidential Service Award

Lanny has been committed to serving our community for over thirty years, both as a past

President of Beth Israel and of the Hebrew Academy. He served as the Beth Israel President

during a time of difficult transition and navigated the complexities with skill and

grace. Throughout the years, he has personally sponsored many scholars in residence, in

addition to many other activities to support the Shul.

Lanny has a busy Otolaryngology practice and is involved with medical training programs

at University of Miami and Florida International University. He and Gale live in Miami Beach and

are proud parents to Cynthia and Ariel Grobman, Lily Grobman, Gabrielle Benmergui and Ariana

Benmergui. Gabrielle and Ariana are finishing college. Lily and Ariel are following in

Lanny’s medical footsteps; Lily in PA school and Ariel in residency at UM. Lanny enjoys boating,

reading, spinning and is a frequent fan at Miami Heat games.

He is a distinguished member of our community and his service has left a significant and

lasting impact on the Beth Israel Congregation.

Page 7: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

January 12, 2014 11 Shevat 5774


For a community to be successful it needs strong and effective leadership, and you have been a true

leader to our Miami Beach community. Your focus, determination and integrity have been essential

components in directing our Beth Israel congregation through pivotal times in our community’s history.

The Gemara in BaBa Batra says “Woe to the world who has lost his leader and woe to the ship who has

lost its captain.” Why the double expression of loss? Our sages are alluding to two periods; when the

world is tranquil it requires an ordinary leader, however when it is in turmoil like a ship floundering in

the sea, it requires a wise captain to come to its rescue. You have been our leader and our captain and

this community cannot thank you enough for all that you have done on our behalf. I admire your

leadership skills and your empathy to the needs of others.

On a personal note, I enjoy sharing with you life’s vices and Torah classes. I appreciate your perspective

and I look forward to your participation. May Hashem bless you and your family with good health and

happiness and may we together continue to see our Miami Beach and Beth Israel community flourish. Mazal Tov, Rabbi Donald Bixon

Page 8: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson Young Leadership Award

Ever since Lisi and Daniel chose to build their home and lives here in Miami Beach, they have

made a tremendous mark as emerging young leaders in the community.

Often known as Morah Lisi, Lisi has taught and nurtured many of the children in our community

as a kindergarten teacher at the Hebrew Academy of Miami Beach. Between our Shul and

school, there is not a committee that Lisi has not chaired or participated in. Lisi chairs the

youth committee at Beth Israel and was the driving force of the PTA at Hebrew Academy. She is

also very involved in community organizations, such as Sharsheret – an organization supporting

women with breast cancer.

In addition to his professional career in Gastroenterology, Daniel wears many other hats

depending on what is needed from him. With his warm heart and generous spirit, Daniel is

known as our resident “go-to-guy” as he is always willing and ready to lend medical assistance,

handyman skills, airport transportation, personal moving manpower and IT expertise. Daniel

has become indispensable when it comes to youth and synagogue programming and has

facilitated many new programs and initiatives for the Beth Israel community.

There isn't anything that Lisi and Daniel wouldn't do for their community, Shul and school. They

are raising four daughters, Ariella, Kayla, Yakira and Eliana, with the leadership

values, commitment and generosity they embody. They are a powerhouse couple in our

community and couldn’t be better recipients for the Young Leadership Award.

Page 9: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

January 12, 2014 11 Shevat 5774

Lisi & Daniel,

The Torah tells us in the book of Devarim, “And you should teach (them) Torah diligently to your

children.” The Sifre teaches that the term “children” really means students. I would like to suggest that

what the Sifre is saying is that all of our children are our students and all of our students are our

children. We must always teach our children with true Torah values and we must teach our students

with the empathy and sincerity as if they were our very own children. Your attitudes toward your

respective professions reflect this very notion. You treat your patients and students like they are your

very own family. There is not a Shabbos afternoon that your home is not full of children of all ages that

are drawn to the warmth and caring that fill your home. You put every effort into making sure that your

Synagogue, the youth program and your Rabbi are left wanting nothing. Simchas Torah for the kids,

Purim carnivals, Sukkah decorating, Shabbat groups - day or night you can be found thinking about and

working for our Shul. With your wisdom, love and generosity, both of you have become true leaders

amongst our peers.

I consider it a true privilege to have gotten to know Bubba and Bobbi, your respective parents, and to

maintain a close relationship with Ariella, Kayla, Yakira, and Eliana. The relationship I cherish the most is

with the two of you. I cannot imagine life without you, and I don’t remember what life was like before

you. You could have chosen any community to live, and it is our good fortune that you decided to

establish your roots here. May our families continue to celebrate many may more semachot together. Mazal Tov, Rabbi Donald Bixon

Page 10: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Sara and Ronnie

for their outstanding contributions and for all

they have done on behalf of

Beth Israel, our community, personally and

numerous Jewish causes.

They have both enhanced the quality of life

through educational programming, entertainment,

tzedeka, and just by being there for those in need!

You have learned the lessons your parents taught

you! Wishing you continued nachas from your

beautiful children and grandchildren.

In honor of

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson


Dr. Lanny Grobman Thank you both for personally being there for all of

us and for your outstanding efforts on behalf of our


Love, Ann and Alex Lebowitz

Page 11: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel Tov to all of the honorees.

Your dedication to our community is


The Lehmann Family

Page 12: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Beth Israel Congregation,

Beth Israel Board of Directors,

and Rabbi Donald Bixon


Olga and Eugene Guttman z”l

Their Love of Beth Israel Congregation

Lives on in Our Hearts

Page 13: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lanny Grobman

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

With thanks and appreciation

for your contributions to the Shul

and our community

Special thanks to Dr. Daniel – you are truly


Lily and Dr. Howard Estrin

Page 14: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov on your awards




For their outstanding dedication to the

betterment of the community

May you go from Strength to Strength

Evelyn and Dr. Shmuel Katz

Page 15: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In recognition of and with great

appreciation to all of our honorees

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

You have all selflessly devoted your

time not only to the Beth Israel

Congregation but also to the Miami

Beach Jewish community at large, and

for that we give you our heartfelt

thank you (if that suffices).

With Much Love,

Caroline and Jay Schechter

Page 16: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,
Page 17: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In memory of Eva Weiss (Aydl Bat Ezriel HaLevi)

“Harenu Kaparat Mishkavah” (Behold we are atonement for her

resting place) Beloved mother, grandmother, and

great grandmother

A true Aishes Chayil.

Her legacy continues.

With much thanks and appreciation

to the Beth Israel Community for

your support and friendship

Julie & Seymour Feld

Rachel, Ira, Ella, & Mara Bedzow

Natalie, Jason, and Steffi Koslowe

Jonathan Feld

Page 18: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

הקדוש ברוך הוא, וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה ישלם שכרם

To parents so special this honor is well deserved

Beth Israel of Miami Beach you have faithfully served

Everyone who knows you would all agree

Mom and Abba's dedication and generosity are plain to see

As their children we applaud and together we stand

Glad to be here celebrating this award so grand

Mazel Tov to our beloved parents on your big day

We are so proud and hope to always follow in your way

Love always,

Dovid and Ilana and family

Rebecca and Seth and family

Nechama and Etan and family

Page 19: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Dr. Lanny


Avraham and Leah


Page 20: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

על התורה ועל העבודה,שלושה דברים העולם עומד .ועל גמילות חסדים

The world stands on three things – on Torah, on

the service of Hashem, and upon acts of loving-

kindness. (Pirke Avos 1:2)

Sara and Ronnie,

It is rare to find people whose actions, thoughts

and voices are dedicated to the service of

Hashem, their synagogue and their community.

We are honored to have you not only as our

closest neighbors, but as our dear friends.

Wishing you many more years of strength to do

it all!


Terry and Michael

Page 21: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

To Lanny,

We thank you for all

the hard work and

dedication that you

have given to our

shul and our


Mazal Tov


The Saka Family

Page 22: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel Tov

To all The


rose scharf

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Irwin & Denise

Page 24: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Much Appreciation To

Mati and Jerry Deutsch


Airborne Security

for always making sure our

Beth Israel facility is safe

year round.

Thank you for providing security

guards for our 2014 dinner.

Page 25: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our dear friends


upon the receipt of the

(Not so) Young Leadership Award

In honor of

Lanny Grobman


Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

We appreciate your dedication to the Miami

Beach Community

Miriam & Howie Abrahams and family

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Page 27: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov To

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Your commitment to Beth Israel is noteworthy and appreciated.

Best wishes to

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson Who are energetic and inspiring

young leaders of Beth Israel.

Congratulations to

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for serving tirelessly as president and board member of Beth Israel.

Ellen and Dan Averbook

Arlene and Norman Ditchek

Julie and Dr. Seymour Feld

Rhoda and Dr. Lee Goldberg

Rosalie and Rabbi Zvi Rosenbaum

Debbie and Marty Wasserman

Page 28: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

We are happy to join

you tonight

Best wishes on this well

deserved honor.

Your New York In-Laws,

Renee & Harvey


Page 29: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our dear brother and sister

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson

on this well-deserved honor. Your commitment to your

community and Jewish values

knows no bounds.

May Hashem grant you many healthy years filled with

happiness and nachas from your beautiful children and

may you continue to share your goodness

with K’lal Yisrael.

We love you and are very proud of you.

The Bennett Family

Beth, Naftali, Moshe, AJ, Leora, Talia, Yitz & Abby


Rachel Wolfson

Page 30: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of Our Dear Friends

Sara and Ronnie

Who have rocked this community

with their enthusiasm, zest for

creativity, musical talents and great

experience. You have offered

limitless time and positive energy to

our Shul and community. You are

leaders and truly deserving of this


Mazal Tov

Helene and Abbey

JoD and PK

Sandy and Artie

Page 31: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our good friend


You have led our community both in shul and

school. You’ve always given both your time and

effort personally sponsoring many events to

elevate Beth Israel spiritually and


In honor of

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

who have made their mark professionally and

personally throughout our community. You have

smiles that captivate all, and a manner that is

warm and generous. Together with your great

girls and beautiful family you truly make a

difference. As our Young Leaders our future

looks good. You are a true asset to our

community and most deserving of this honor.

Helene and Abbey

JoD and PK

Sandy and Artie

Page 32: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,
Page 33: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,


To all the honorees

Marc & Elaine Birnbaum

Page 34: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

We are Thrilled & Delighted

To Pay Tribute To


For Their Outstanding Commitment

To Our Community & Klal Yisroel.

They Have Indeed Earned The Honor

Of this Year’s Keter Shem Tov Award.

Best Wishes To


Presidential Service Awardee



Young Leadership Awardees

Linda &Barry Bogin Elaine & Bob Grover

Sharon & Perry Ciment Robin & Baruch Jacobs

Ahuva &Gary Epstein Bernice & Bill Schwartz

Vivian & Mauricio Gluck Rena & Norman Turoff

Marilyn & David Gray Rhonda & Tom Weiss

Page 35: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

The Budwick Family honors

sara and ronnie

GoTTlieB, lisi and dr.

daniel wolFson,


dr. lanny GroBman

For Their dedicaTion To

BeTh israel conGreGaTion.

mazal Tov!

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Page 37: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

From the Head and Neck Specialist to the GI specialist, I guess you can say this group of exceptional honorees

covers it all from top to bottom!!

Thanks Lisi and Daniel Wolfson for infusing enthusiastic charm to all that you do and for just being


Congratulations Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb. Your talent, spirit and davening is appreciated greatly by us


To Dr. Lanny Grobman. Thank you for being a true role model and for your help building the shul up to

where it stands today!!


Ari and Elissa,

Tehila, Jack and Samuel Ciment

Page 38: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

all the Honorees

on this well

deserved honor

Larry and Helen


Page 39: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson


Lanny Grobman

on this

well-deserved honor

With Love,

The Esformes Family

Page 40: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

We admire you, because something very special in you leads you to serve when other

might step back.

We are honored by your long time

friendship and inspired by your generosity and good deeds

Very Fondly,

Zina and Ushie Niti and Josh

Page 41: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

mazel Tov

To all oF The


nora and irwin

Friedman and


Page 42: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of friends

Ronnie & Sara Gottlieb

Lisi & Dr. Daniel



Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for everything

that you have done for our

shul and our community

Mazal Tov

Alb & Nancy Galbut

& Family

Page 43: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov

To outstanding leaders in our community

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Dr. Daniel and Lisi Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Your dedication to Torah, kindness, and service

in our community is exemplary and


Gita and Dr. David Galbut

Page 44: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

We are so proud of the wonderful

contribution you have made for

Beth Israel Congregation

and for the entire Jewish Community.

May Hashem give you continued koach

to do for Klal Yisrael and bless you with

good health, happiness and nachas from

your children and grandchildren for 120


Rita and Robert Galbut

Alex Paul

Ibolya and Joe Wiesel

Page 45: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

May Hashem reward your commitment to the

shul, school, the community and all jewish causes

with good health, contentment and nachas. May

you continue to do chessed for 120 years

In honor of

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Your commitment to torah values has been an

inspiration to all of us. Your years of dedication

and service to Beth Israel and the Hebrew

Academy serve as a shining beacon and role model

to be emulated. We wish you and Gale many years

of good health and happiness together.

Rita and Robert Galbut

Alex Paul

Ibolya and Joe Wiesel

Page 46: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Keter Shem Tov Award

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb


Young Leadership Award

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson


Presidential Service Award

Dr. Lanny Grobman

We regard and respect your devotion to

ensuring the success of Beth Israel


May your family, friends and the entire

community follow in your paths to help

continue your brilliant work.


Ronalee and Russell Galbut

Marisa, Aiden, and Jenna Beth

Page 47: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

We would like to extend our warmest wishes of continued hatzlacha to the heart and soul of Beth Israel,

Rabbi Donald and Aliza Bixon. Beth Israel is truly blessed to have a Rabbi and Rebetzin who care so

deeply and personally about each congregant and member.

Yasher Koach to all the honorees

Dr. Lanny Grobman


Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

A special mention and appreciation to

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

for being the pillars of the youth programs and helping mold it to what it is today.

Your selflessness and dedication is admirable and inspiring.

May we all learn from your ways.

Rabbi Yakov and Brachie Garfinkel

Page 48: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to all the honorees and to Congregation Beth Israel.

We are grateful to be members of such a special congregation and community and wish everyone associated with it success

and continued mazal in all of their endeavors.

A special congratulations to our good friends

the Wolfsons.

Your family’s presence in the synagogue

has always been an important and meaningful one.

Jonathan, Rachel, Eliora, Caleb and Ezekiel Gdanski

Page 49: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Your commitment to our community

continues to inspire and amaze us!


Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb and

Lanny Grobman on well deserved honors.

Reva and Harvey Gertel

Shuli and Avi Bossewitch and Family

Page 50: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Ronnie and Sara

You always set a wonderful

example for the entire family.

Mazal Tov and Much Love!

Barbara Gottlieb

Michael and Paula Gottlieb

& Family

Page 51: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to

our dear friends

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson on your most

well-deserved honor

Your devotion and dedication to

Beth Israel and leadership in our

community is an inspiration to us


Chanie & Shmuli Gottlieb

Avi, Abigail & Isaac

Page 52: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

“To all those who involve themselves in the needs of the community Hashem will reward them and keep them from all illness”

הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם, וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה

Ronnie and Sara,

Thank you for all you do for the community. Flamingo Drive is honored to have you in our neighborhood. May Hashem

continue to bestow his blessings on you and your lovely family.

Chanie and Shmueli Gottlieb Marilyn and David Gray

Elaine and Judge Robert Grover Robin and Dr. Baruch Jacobs

Sylvia and Michael Kanoff Terry and Michael Lefkowitz Candy and David Muhlrad

Bunny and Julius Sand Barbara and Leonard Wein

Lenore and Stanley Weinstein

Page 53: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

הקדוש, וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם

In recognition of our fellow honorees

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson


Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for your years of work on

behalf of our shul. Your tireless efforts

are an integral part of the success of Beth

Israel. May you continue your wonderful

work for many years.

Mazal Tov

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Page 54: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

A special Yasher Koach for making Beth

Israel’s 59th Dinner and Journal such a

tremendous success

Chanie & Shmulie Gottlieb

Rachel & Dr. Jay Reinberg

Shira & Dr. Ari Hoschander

We appreciate all that you do for our

shul. May you continue to go from

strength to strength.

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Page 55: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Thank you to our wonderful Sister

Ann Lamet Lebowitz

Not only for co-chairing tonight’s

beautiful dinner but for all you do

for our family and our community.

We admire and respect your

dedication and hard work. You are

a shining example to our children

and friends. May Hashem continue

to bless you and the entire family.

With love,

Sara and Ronnie

Page 56: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Rabbi Donald Bixon

Michael Lefkowitz


The Beth Israel Board of Directors

We truly appreciate tonight’s honor. We

salute you for your incredible sacrifice and

devotion to Beth Israel- Leadership of our

shul could not be in better hands.

Thank you for all you do and especially

your wonderful friendship.

May Hashem continue to bless you and

your families and grant you good health

and strength “ad meah ve’esrim”

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

קנה לך רב ועשה לך חבר

Page 57: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

With Thanks to the almighty

we honor our beloved parents

Jack and Fela


The Jewish way of life

which Hitler sought to destroy

they kept alive

and taught us to cherish.

They were not only survivors,

but victors.

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Page 58: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

על שלושה דברים העולם עומד על התורה ועל העבודה ועל גמילות חסידים

Our beloved parents

Rabbi Nathan Gottlieb


Edie Gottlieb Strauss

Were shining embodiments of what it

means to be devoted to family and

community. We are constantly striving

to be worthy of their example.

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Page 59: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to

sara and ronnie gottlieb

and to

lisi and dr. daniel


Your aWards are Well

deserved reCognition for

Your ongoing efforts to

support and groW

beth israel Congregation.

gale and lannY grobman

and familY

Page 60: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Dr. Daniel and Lisi Wolfson

We are thrilled that you are such an active and important part of our shul and community. By your involvement and participation, you set a wonderful example for others! May you be blessed with much nachas and happiness and may you continue to work on behalf of Beth Israel for many more years to come!

Kol Hakavod and Yasher Koach!

In recognition and appreciation to

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for your service and dedication to Beth Israel. You have set a fine example of leadership and generosity for other in our

community to emulate. We appreciate your continued commitment and involvement in our shul. May you be blessed with only nachas,

good health, and joy!

Mazal Tov!!


Rose and Sam Gurfinkel

Dahlia and Steve Oppenheimer

Eva and Alex Rosner

Page 61: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

A Song of Tribute To Ronnie &Sara

(To the tune of Adon Olam)

Ronnie and Sara you’re a great pair of

dedicated, caring and cool super members of our shul!

Ronnie you inspire and bring our souls higher with your special davening during the Yamim Noraim!

Sara what can we say you’re amazing in every way! Always ready to help and advise with good ideas that are so wise!

We are lucky to be your friends with you the fun never ends

You set an example of what to do to be an involved, devoted Jew

Mazal Tov and Kol Hakavod

We’re so proud, our hearts might explode With lots of good wishes for you to enjoy!

For never-ending nachas and abundant joy!

With much love and admiration,

Rose and Sam Gurfinkel

Dahlia and Steve Oppenheimer

Eva and Alex Rosner

Page 62: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Anna Ruth & Mark Hasten

הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם, וכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה

Page 63: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel Tov to all the honorees on this truly

deserved honor!

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for your dedication and


With much gratitude,

Sally, Jerry, Scott and Andrew

Page 64: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

, הקודש ברוך אוה ילשם כשרם כל ימ סועשיקם בצריכ צבור ומאבנה

All who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community, May Hashem Blessed is He, pay their reward.

To Our Dear Friends and Colleague,

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Mazal Tov on this well

deserved honor!

Your friends at the Hebrew Academy

Miquelle S. Nicole S. Rachel S. Chana A.

Anat M. Oleva B. Raquel B. Liat J.

Sheva S. Elena H. Beverly R. Judy N.

Rachel R. Alexis C. Gail D. Shoshana A.

Jennifer R. Norma R. Ami E. Rachel W.

Lindsey M. Esther A. Genie B. Caroline N.

Rabbi Sultan Judy S. Raquel S.

Page 65: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,
Page 66: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In Honor of

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Thank you for all you do for

Beth Israel and the Jewish community.

You are two precious jewels

in the crown of the Jewish people.

You are examples for us to emulate and


With much appreciation of our friendship.

The Herskowitz family

Page 67: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In Honor of

Dr. Lanny Grobman

You are a special person and we are

honored to have you as our dear friend.


For all that you do for Beth Israel

and the Jewish community.

With all our admiration, love and respect,

The Herskowitz family

Page 68: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In Honor of

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

We congratulate you upon receiving the

Young Leadership Award.

Thank you for all of your hard work and

dedication in helping to make our shul,

school, and community better for all of us.

With gratitude,

The Herskowitz family

Page 69: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Morah Lisi and Dr. Daniel

Congratulations on this well deserved

honor, and thank you for

everything that you do.


Miriam, Daniel, Jake, Abby

& Ben Hoffman

Page 70: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of our dear friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

(The mayor and first lady of this town)

Thank you for being the first to welcome us with

open arms and helping Miami Beach become our

home. We could not think of better recipients for

this well-deserved honor. Your generosity,

dedication and warmth are truly inspiring. The

Beth Israel community is lucky to have you!

In honor of

Lanny Grobman


Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

We appreciate all your hard work for our Shul!

Shira and Ari, Jakie, Ezra and Levi Hoschander

Page 71: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Yasher Koach to tonight’s worthy honorees

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson

Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb


Lanny Grobman

for their active roles in Beth Israel and our community.

In recognition of

Rabbi Donald and Aliza Bixon

Your enthusiasm and dedication

For the continued growth of the shul and klal

are much appreciated.

Mazal Tov to you all,

Allan & Sandy Jacob

Page 72: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Extends a Yasher Koach


Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Keter Shem Tov Award

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Presidential Service Award

For their Dedication and Leadership on behalf of the Miami

Beach Community

Robin Jacobs

Miami Beach Area, Chair

Mytyl Simancas- Bister

Miami Beach Area, Campaign Chair

Simon Kaminetsky

Director of Philanthropic Initiatives

Matthew Kushner

Campaign Associate

Page 73: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Lisi & Daniel

Mazal Tov!

Your community is

so lucky to have you!


Josh and Gila Jedwab

Page 74: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Hats off to our dear neighbors,

Ronnie and Sara Gottlieb

They always seem to be the initiators, or at the forefront of all positive events

for our community.

May Hashem give them the energy

and good health to continue their very special Mitzvos for Miami Beach and all their other


With Admiration,

Sylvia & Michael Kanoff

Page 75: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov To

Dr. Daniel & Lisi Wolfson on receiving the

Young Leadership Award

from Beth Israel Congregation.

Best wishes to you and all of our

Miami Beach Mesorah families.

Special recognition to our camp

Rav and Rebbetzin

Rabbi Donald and Aliza Bixon.

Ari Katz, Joseph Stansky

& your camp Mesorah family

Page 76: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of our Dear Friends

Sara and Ronnie

For this most deserved honor

in recognition of their hard work

and dedication to the Beth Israel


With all our love and admiration,

Chava and Sandy Klein

Page 77: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

We join our entire Beth Israel Family in honoring

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Upon the receipt of the Keter Shem Tov Award


Lanny Grobman

Upon the receipt of the Presidential Service Award

While there is no way to adequately say thank you

for all you have done, we are so proud to be able

to share in this richly deserved acknowledgment of

your many years of dedication, devotion and


We look forward to benefiting from your

continued tzedakah and chessed for many more

years to come.

Leah, Zvi, Alix, Sam and Jonah Klein

Ani Leiser

Page 78: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of our

dear friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Congratulations on this well deserved


May you continue to set an example of

dedication and commitment to your

family, friends and the entire

Beth Israel community.

Leah, Zvi, Alix, Sam and Jonah Klein

Page 79: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

To Our Dearest Cousins,

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Your Devotion to

Family, Community, Tzedaka and Chessed

Have made you wonderful role models

for our entire family.

May you continue to be blessed with

Good health, long life and great


from your dearest children and


All our love,

Malky and Abie Konstam

Goldie and Neil Ellman

Dasha and Ben Gelbtuch

Page 80: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Our hearts are filled with pride, love and

gratitude as the incredible Beth Israel

Community recognizes and shows appreciation

for Lisi and Daniel’s very special midot.

Their commitment to chesed, hachnasat orchim

and good deeds fills us with joy. Their children,

(our awesome grandchildren), are privileged to

learn from their amazing parents who are

wonderful role models for all of us.

May Hashem grant you good health and

strength to continue your mitzvot!

We love you so very much and are exceedingly

proud of you.

Mommy and Daddy

P.S. Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb and

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Page 81: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Lisi and Daniel,

You are truly examples for all of us of what

it means to be Community Leaders in the

most selfless fashion.

Even though you chose to live so far away

from the rest of us it is truly an inspiration

to watch the way you contribute to the

growth of the Miami Beach Jewish

community and Beth Israel.

Mazal Tov on this much deserved honor.

May you and the girls continue to grow me

chayil l’chayil


Mom and Dad

David and Amy

Jon and Ellen

Avi and Orah

And all the kids

Page 82: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,


Thank you for your dedication to Beth Israel.

We appreciate all you've done for our shul.

Mazel Tov on a much deserved honor,

Terry and Michael Lefkowitz


Lisi and Daniel,

Beth Israel is fortunate to have you as it's members.

Your devotion to the shul is an example for all to


We look forward to many more years and continued

dedication to Beth Israel!

Mazel tov on The Young Leadership Award!

You certainly deserve it!

Terry and Michael

Page 83: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb and

Dr. Lanny Grobman for their hard work and dedication to our shul.

An especially big mazel tov to

Dr. Daniel and Morah Lisi Wolfson who both work tirelessly on behalf of the youth of our community by rolling up their sleeves, getting

into the trenches, and volunteering whenever necessary to ensure that this community will

continue to grow and thrive into the next generation.

Marisa and Jason Leibowitz Jacob, Benjamin and Hannah

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בשעה טובה

כן בשמך כן אתה

,צדק תרצוקדק צ כאשות ברבה בית תפילהב מינין=עשר=י

You made a group of people into the tzibor that we are today.

May ' bless you as you continue being the role model you are ה

במעשים טובים


Ani Leiser (Mom)

Page 85: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our Dear Friend

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Upon being bestowed the

Beth Israel Congregation

Presidential Service Award

An honor well deserved by an outstanding person who is always ready to lend a helping hand and whose friendship we treasure.

May you be rewarded for all your efforts with long life, good health, happiness and

much nachas from your family.

Mazal Tov to our Good Friends

Sara and Ronnie Gottleib

on the Keter Shem Tov Award

You both live up to your good name.

Jack and Sorah Levine

Page 86: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to

Dr. Lanny Grobman

on this well deserved honor on behalf of

all your hard work and dedication.

You’re such an inspiration to us. We are

all so lucky to have you as a role model

in our family.

With much love,

Marlene & Louie Linsenbaum

Susan & Mitchell Markowitz

Felicia & Mitchell Schwartz

Jacqueline & Jeffrey Linsenbaum

Page 87: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal tov to

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

With much appreciation for your efforts

and dedication to the shul.

May you continue to go

from strength to strength.

Sharona and Avi Litwin & family

Harold and Joan Litwin

Page 88: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

An exemplary couple who is an invaluable asset

to their community.

Congratulations on this well deserved tribute.

It is nice to have friends that are also role models.

We wish you much happiness and success in the


Mazal Tov!

Ilana &Ilan Mandel

Page 89: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

For the much deserved honor

In receiving

The Keter Shem Tov Award

You both exemplify the


Tzedakah V’Chesed

Mazil and David Mizrachi

Page 90: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Uncle Ronnie and Tanta Sara

on this well deserved tribute.

We have watched with admiration over the years as

you have given of yourselves to many worthy


You have followed in the generous traditions

forged by our dear Bubby and Zaidy Warsawiak,

as well as others from past generations.

We hope to follow in their sterling example you

continue to set in the years to come.

With love,

Ava & Eli Moskowitz

Shani & Laurent Lesman

Talia & Ari Lamet

Ilana & Dovi Lamet

Page 91: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to

(Morah) Lisi and Daniel

on this special honor. Your

commitment to community

and our shul is exemplary

and recognized by all. May

you continue on the path of

leadership and to serve as

role models to your

students, patients, friends

and all those around you.

Erica and Ari Newman

Page 92: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Dearest Ronnie and Sara,

Our families’ lives are intertwined: Poland, Kindertransport, Normandy, London, Paterson NJ, Yeshiva, The Jesup, the crucible of survivor families, the need to transmit our heritage: Torah, Middos, Nusach, Milah, Am Yisrael, Family, Friends that are Family!

Your devotion to all the above is evident in the honor your community bestows upon you. May we celebrate each other’s smachot and achievements, עד מאה ועשרים שנהin good health!

,בברכה ובאהבה

Jerry and Smadar Parness

!התחדשות לאחר החורבן, זכר לחורבן, מחורבן לחורבן

Page 93: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,
Page 94: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our Dear Friends

Lisi and Daniel


Ilana and Sam Reich

Page 95: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel tov to our dear friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Words cannot explain how much we appreciate all you

do for us, the school, the shul and our community.

You are the first ones to volunteer to help those in

need, host an event, cook a meal, give excellent

medical care, teach our kids, be a personal fix it man,

offer tech support, drive carpool, chair a committee,

and anything and everything you can. Your complete

selfless dedication is a true inspiration to us all.

Mazel Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb and

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our shul.

A special thank you to

Rabbi and Aliza Bixon

for being amazing spiritual leaders for our community

and for being incredible camp parents to Ben and the

Miami Beach Mesorah gang.

Rachel, Jay, Ben, Sara & Lily Reinberg

Page 96: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to the honorees

Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb, Dr. Lanny Grobman

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

May you continue to be an inspiration

to our community.

Arline & David Reinhard Rena & Michael Reinhard

Lenore & Stanley Weinstein

Page 97: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our dear friends and role models

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

May you continue to serve as an inspiration

for the entire Miami Beach Community!


Mazal Tov to our amazing Morah and

outstanding Doctor

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

The Miami Beach community is lucky to have

you as instrumental leaders and role models

for us all.

Your love and kindness to our family is deeply


Shoshana & Daniel Robbin

Bailey, Serena and Gabrielle

Page 98: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to an

outstanding and deserving

group of Honorees whose

community and Shul efforts

are duly recognized.

Susan & Stanley Rosenblatt

and Family

Page 99: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to all the deserving


Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you all for your

dedication to our shul and


Meryl & Daniel Rotenberg

Drs. Susan & Alexander Lurie

Donna & Steve Janof

Page 100: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

all of the honorees

Saka Family

Page 101: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov

to all the Honorees

Yesher Koach to

Aliza and Rabbi Bixon

on all their hard work.

Margalit & Joseph L. Saka

Page 102: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In Honor of our friend

Dr. Lanny Grobman

And all of the Honorees

Nina and J. Jerry Schechter

Myra and Pinchas Schechter

Sharon and Abe Rudman

Miriam and Michal Green

Caroline and Jay Schechter

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Mazal Tov To

Sara & Ronnie



For all your hard work.


Shari & Ricky Schechter

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In tribute to this year’s honorees

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson


Dr. Lanny Grobman

We appreciate your dedication and

commitment to Beth Israel Congregation and

the Miami Beach Community

Barbara Shapiro

Page 105: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal tov to our friends

Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb,


Lisi & Daniel Wolfson on this well deserved honor.

With much appreciation to

Rabbi Bixon for his (great) leadership.

Best Wishes,

Rivka & Dr. Arthur

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Page 107: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Warmest wishes to our dear friends,

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson,

Whose inspirational acts of kindness

throughout the community are too

numerous to count.

Mazel tov and thank you to

Sara and Ronald Gottlieb,

Dr. Lanny Grobman, and

Rabbi Donald Bixon.

With much appreciation,

Robert and Robin Waldman

Joshua and Jennifer Dobin and family

Steven and Emily Ebner and family

Daniel and Abigail Nagler

Page 108: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

It is with great joy that we wish

Mazal Tov To

Sara &Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

For these most deserved honors

May your devotion and

dedication to our Shul continue

to be a source of inspiration to

our community.

Tizku L’mitzvot

Tom &Rhonda Weiss

Page 109: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Sara & Ronnie

Lisi & Daniel

Dr. Grobman

Your leadership is inspiring

Your dedication is untiring

Your friendship has made this

community into our home.

Thank you for all you do

Mazel Tov

Naomi & Benji White

Page 110: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb


Dr. Lanny Grobman

The countless ways in which

you put forth your time and

effort to our shul and our

entire community has made us

the shul we are today. You

serve as an inspiration to us all!


Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

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To our incredible parents,

The true recognition and honor should really go

to all four of you.

You have taught us everything and we are

forever grateful!

We hope and pray to Hashem that you are

blessed with many, many more years of good

health, happiness and nachas from your children

and grandchildren!

We love you!

Lisi and Daniel

To our four amazing, beautiful girls,

Ariella, Kayla, Yakira and Eliana

You make us smile each and every day,

We look forward to iy”h watching you continue

to grow and develop into beautiful bnot Torah!

We are so fortunate that Hashem has given us

the blessing of all four of you!

We love you,

Mommy and Daddy

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Rabbi and Rebbitzin Bixon

We are blessed to have you as our spiritual leaders

and our very close friends!

Your hard work and dedication to the entire

Miami Beach community is exemplary!

Thank you for all you do for us each and every day!

All our love,

Lisi and Daniel,

Ariella, Kayla, Yakira and Eliana

To the most wonderful friends and incredible dinner

& journal committee

Ann & Alex Lebowitz,

Chanie & Shmuli Gottlieb

Rachel & Jay Reinberg &

Shira & Ari Hoschander

Thank you for all of your hours of hard work! We

are forever indebted!

We cherish our friendship with each of you!

All our love,

Lisi and Daniel and the girls

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Congratulations to our good friends

Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb

Cincinnati’s loss is Miami Beach’s gain.

We miss you but are very happy to share in your success!

Frida & Jeffrey Zipkin

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Lisi and Daniel

Mazel Tov on this most well

deserved honor!

We are so proud of you.

May you continue to serve your

shul and community for many

years to come.

You are amazing role models to

our fantastic grandchildren!

Love, Mom and Dad Wolfson

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To our Dear Friends

Lisi and Daniel, Your open hearts, generous spirits, and fun loving

personalities are infectious.

Thank you for being such positive role models for ALL

of our children!

Mazal Tov!

Risa Chopp & Hersh Taubenfeld

Tracy & Dovie Spitz

Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb and Dr. Lanny Grobman

on this very special Honor. We thank you for all you have done for our

shul and community through your various acts of kindness.

A special Mazal Tov to our Young Leadership Award recipients,

Lisi & Daniel Wolfson!

We can’t imagine any couple more worthy of this honor and are so lucky

to have you as friends. Wishing you and the entire family only wonderful

things always and forever!


Alexis, Yechiel & Emme Ciment

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In honor of all our friends

The Grobmans

The Gottliebs

The Wolfsons

May your great deeds continue to make our entire

Jewish community better and stronger

Mazal Tov!

Moj & Robert Danial

Mazal Tov to all of the honorees

To our very good friends

Sara and Ronnie



We treasure your friendship.

Your good will and positive spirit

lends much value to our community.

Brenda and Jeff

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Mazal Tov to


On this well deserved honor!

We appreciate your dedication to our children and community.

Your leadership is truly inspiring!

May you go from strength to strength.

With Love,

Daniella, Hannah, & Simona Folk

In honor of all the


elIezer and Marlene


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Mazal Tov to all the Honorees

Efrat & Neil Friedman

Mazal Tov to Sara and Ronnie Gottleib

For whom the Keter Shem Tov is so apt. Their name, as their

behavior, speaks to a love for Hashem and for his people.

Mazal Tov to Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Who while, in fact, so young, are leaders (and role models) for all

regardless of age.

Mazal Tov to Dr. Lanny Grobman

For whom, it seems, service always comes in the Presidential form.

The Goldring Family

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Dr. and Mrs. Martin I. Kalish

In honor of

Zvi Klein

Congratulations on your retirement!

You may be past President but to us you are


Thank you for always teaching us by example

Especially how to give back to your community!

We love you,

Your loyal congregants Alix, Sam and Jonah

PS – does this mean our Zvi Bucks

are worthless?

Page 120: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach

to all the honorees

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb Dr. Lanny Grobman Keter Shem Tov Award Presidential Service Award

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson Young Leadership Award

We admire you as wonderful roles models for Chesed, Ahavas Torah, and dedication to Beth Israel Congregation,

as well as the needs of our community

With our best wishes,

Pearl and David Landesman and family

Mazel Tov to our wonderful

Kindergarten Teacher

Morah Lisi!

You’re the best in school AND in shul.

Spencer & Max Lehmann

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Mazal tov

sara & ronnIe

on thIs wonderful honor

debbIe & Jules

In honor of our friends

Sara and Ronnie,

May the example that you set with your dedication and

philanthropy for our community that earned you the well

deserved Keter Shem Tov Award,

be an inspiration for all of us.


Aliza & Fred Mingel

Page 122: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

“So long as we love we serve; so long as we are

loved by others, I would almost say that we are

indispensable; and no man is useless while he

has a friend.”

-Robert Louis Stevenson, Lay Morals

We salute you for your service and we

thank you for being our friends.

Mazel Tov to the Honorees

Laurie and Isaac Mitrani

Mazel Tov to our Honorees!

A fitting tribute for all of your

energy and dedication to Beth Israel

Rita and Marc Morse

Stacy Waxman & Family

Page 123: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to our friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

on this well deserved honor.

You set a wonderful example of how to be leaders in

the community.

Thank you for all you do for the Beth Israel



Ashleigh and Mark Muhlrad

To our dear friends

Lisi and Daniel

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.

You are extraordinary pillars of our community


The Oppen Family

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Aunt Carolyn & Steve

Karen & Adam

Kathryn & Josh

Mazel Tov to this Year’s honorees

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson


Dr. Lanny Grobman

Thank you for all you have done, and may your dedication

be an inspiration to others

Atara and Aviel Raab

Page 125: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of our dear friends

Ronnie and Sara Gottlieb


Lanny Grobman

These well deserved honors are fitting tributes to very

wonderful people

Mazel Tov!

With affection,

Jonathan and Abby Rubin

Mazel Tov

Lisi and Daniel

You are an example to all

May you continue to inspire all around you!

All our love,

Lisa and Howie Rubin and kids

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to our dear friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

on a well-deserved honor!

You are true examples of what it means to be ועקס רצבכי יצברו

With love and admiration-

Erin, Ari, Noah, Julian and Jonah Sonneberg

Congratulations to our Dear Friends

Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb

They are a tremendous asset to their



Les & Linda Spero

Page 127: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In Honor of

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

We would like to express our deepest Hakarus Hatov to Daniel for taking great

care of my father Abraham Portal z”l. You went above and beyond, ALWAYS

there for us when we needed you. For that we will be eternally grateful. You are

a true asset to the Miami Beach Community. May Hashem continue to give you

good health, happiness, and Nachas from your whole family.

Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb, and Dr. Lanny Grobman.

We appreciate all of your efforts for Beth Israel.

Eli and Gracy Weberman

Congratulations to this evening’s worthy


Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Dr. Lanny Grobman

And to the entire Beth Israel Community

Pamela and David Weiss

Page 128: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

In honor of our dear friends,

Ronnie and Sara Gottlieb

May their Keter Shem Tov

Continue to shine on their beautiful family,

grateful community and k’lal Yisroel.


Avi and Sharon Borenstein

Congratulations to all the honorees.

May they continue to be an inspiration

for our community.

Gary and Elanna Rosenbaum

Page 129: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov and Congratulations To

Sara & Ronnie Gottieb

Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson Dr. Lanny Grobman

May you Midot Tovot and Ma’asim Tovim continue to

blossom and may that of our kehila continue to do the same.

David Aaron

Mazal Tov to all

the Honorees

May you continue to go


strength to strength

Alyssa & Menachem


In honor of

Lisi & Daniel

on this well deserved


Marcy & Stuart


Mazel Tov to

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

For their Young Leadership award.

Reizy, Dani, Adina, Benny and Mikey


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Mazal Tov

And Best


Ernest and

Sara Elovic

To our dear cousins,

Sara & Ronnie


Mazal Tov on being chosen

as this year’s honorees! May you continue to be

an inspiration to the entire

community. Keep up the good work!

Meryl & Nechemia


Congratulations to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Bixon,

President Michael Lefkowitz, former President Steven Klein,

the entire board & all the Honorees!

Mazel Tov in particular to Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson

on a most deserved honor as well as

Mr. Jimmy Saka, Rachel Reinberg & Rabbi Yaakov Garfinkel

whose unbelievable dedication to the youth is shaping our

community’s future! Sarah & Rabbi Avi Fried & Family


Dr. Daniel and Lisi Wolfson

To an amazing couple who only know yes!!

To an amazing couple who are always

doing and helping with a smile!!

To amazing friends whose love, loyalty and

commitment to our shul, children and

community are beyond measure!!

To you Daniel and Lisi,

We say thank you!!

With our love and gratitude,

Lynn Friedman

Norma & Lenny Reiz

Rachel & Captain Shaul Ringler

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Sara & Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson

and Lanny Grobman

for all their efforts for Beth Israel

William & Susan Ganz

We recognize and Thank

you for all you do for

Beth Israel

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb

Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Gale and Dr. Lanny


May you go from strength

to strength

Debbie and Zvi Gold

In honor of our nephew

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Aunt Ruth & Uncle Morty

Mazal tov to the Gottleib and Grobman families

A Special Thank You to Lisi and Daniel

You are the heart and soul of the Miami Beach Jewish


Lots of Love,

Grosz and Kruger Families

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Role models in the service of our


שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה

D. Bernard Hoenig

Our best wishes to

our long and dear


Sara and Ronnie


Michael & Dona Kahn


Lisi and Daniel Your dedication and loyalty

ק בית ישראל"למשפחת ק is exemplary, A ישר כחmay you


במעשים טוביםand always be blessed for it.

Hearty Mazal Tov to

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb &

Lanny Grobman

Ani Leiser

Mazal Tov to

all the honorees

on this well



To our friends,

The Wolfsons,

you serve as


role models to us


Dara and Oren


Page 133: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Mazal Tov to

Lisi and Daniel


Aunt Lillian

To our wonderful friends,

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

Mazal Tov on this well

deserved honor.

We are so grateful for your

friendship and everything you

have done for the community.

We love you!

Nechama and Etan Marks

Juliana and Seth Sclair

Tara and Josh Abrahams

Efrat and Justin Zisquit

Sara and Ronnie,

Mazel Tov and Best Wishes

From your Friends On ”Meadow Ridge”

Dr. Ned and Esti Mehlman Dr. Mitch and Susan Shapiro

Rabbi Avrohom and Gita Wagschal

Congratulations to

Sara and Ronnie and Lanny

Laurie and Jack Miller

Page 134: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to

Dr. Daniel and Lisi Wolfson

on this well-deserved honor!

Your colleague and friend,

Arin Newman

Mazal Tov

Sara & Ronnie, on this most

deserving honor. We have watched you

elevate the community

through all your Gemilas Chasidim.

Ruthie & Shloimy Pearl

Mazal Tov to all of the honorees!

From us at Pilates on the Beach.

Mazal Tov to

Lisi and Daniel


On this well



Velvy Posner

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Mazal Tov To

Sara and Ronnie Gottlieb


Lisi and Dr. Daniel Wolfson


Susan and Hillel Raymon

Mazal Tov & Best Wishes to all of the honorees.

To our dear friends

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson,

May you have continued

strength, and perseverance in all of your endeavors.

You are an inspiration to our


Mazal Tov!

Dani and Ruchama Roth and family

In honor of

Dr. Lanny Grobman

Myer & Janis Roszler

In honor of

Lisi & Dr. Daniel Wolfson

Mazal Tov

A tribute most deserving for your exemplary leadership and dedication to you family, friends

and community.

May Hashem grant you good health, and may you continue

your involvement and devotion to all.

Max and Beverly Rubinstein

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In honor of

Sara & Ronnie



The Schapiros

Mazal tov to you,

Ronnie & Sara,

on receiving the Keter Shem Tov Award!

With Much Love,

Susan & Victor Schmelzer and Family

Columbus, Ohio

Mazal tov & best wishes to all the

honorees May you continue to

be an inspiration to the entire community

Rachel, Ari, Joseph, Zachary & Robert


Mazal Tov &

Best Wishes To

the Honorees

Marsha &



Page 137: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to all the Honorees

Especially to

Ronnie and Lanny,

Who each, in their own way, allow

music to gladden our hearts.

Morris Solomon

Best Wishes to the Honorees

Dr. Sam & Judy Sugar

Mazal Tov To

Lisi and Daniel Wolfson

on this well deserved honor.

May Hashem give you the strength to continue your

Maasim Tovim.

Elana & Mikey Szafranski Alexa, Bennett & Emma

In honor of

Lisi and Daniel

Mazal Tov to a couple whose warmth and

kindness, serve as an example for us to


Elana & Ira Teicher

Page 138: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Dear Lisi and Daniel,

Mazal Tov on this most

deserving honor.

We are so proud! Keep

up the great work!



Mazal Tov

Sara and

Ronnie on a

well deserved


Lillian &

Sherwyn Weiss

Mazel Tov

Daniel & Lisi

From Neville & Karen


Page 139: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to all the honorees

Thank You so much

Tova and Jasmine

You are both AMAZING!

We can not thank you

enough for all of you

hard work and the long

hours you put in to get

this journal done.

The Journal Committee

Mazal tov to all of

the honorees.

Thank you for all you

do for our shul and


Thank you to the dinner

and journal committees

for all of your hard

work and effort.

Page 140: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Congratulations to our Honorees Greetings

Slava and Jeffrey Album

Barbara and Rabbi Hanan Balk

Sandy and Norman Cantor

Julie and Loren Cohen

Danielle and Steven Kupferman

Jenny and Charlie Ohana

Sharon and Bill Rothchild

Lorraine and Isaac Weiss

Barbara and Bruce Younger

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Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Memorial

Aliza and Rabbi Donald

Helen and Dr. Larry Ciment

Sara and Ernest Elovic

Henry Schmidt

Rebbetzin Barbara Shapiro

Rivka and Dr. Arthur Shapiro

Lorraine and Isaac Weiss

Rhonda and Tom Weiss

Page 142: Beth Israel Congregation · 2018. 3. 7. · Very soon we will be embarking on a capital improvement project that will result in the beautification of our main sanctuary, social hall,

Thank you to this year’s

Dinner Committee:

Journal Chairs: Shira and Dr. Ari Hoschander

Rachel and Dr. Jay Reinberg

Dinner Chairs:

Chanie and Shmulie Gottlieb

Ann and Alex Lebowitz

A special thank you to:

Terry Lefkowitz