better software: introduction to good code

Be#er So(ware An introduc2on to good code Giordano Scalzo, 06/05/2009

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Page 1: Better Software: introduction to good code

Be#er  So(wareAn  introduc2on  to  good  code

   Giordano  Scalzo,  06/05/2009

Page 2: Better Software: introduction to good code

• Why code matters (10 min)• Disclaimer• Good and Bad Code• The Broken Window Theory• The Grand Redesign in the Sky• The Boy Scout Rule

• OOP Patterns and Principles (30 min)• SOLID Principles• The Others Principles

• Good code: Smells and heuristics (30 min)• Comments• Functions• General• Names• Test

• Conclusion (5 min)• Q&A? (15 min)

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I’m not here to preach

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Ward Cunningham40 years experience

Wiki inventor

Extreme Programming pioneer

Director of Eclipse

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Kent Beck

Extreme Programming inventor

JUnit inventor

Tdd inventor

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Robert C. Martin

Extreme Programming pioneer

Uncle Bob

40 years experience

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What is Good Code?

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Bad Code

Can make scared!

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while ((!found) && (pos < (fileContent.Length - 6))){ byteData = new byte[6]; Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; str_byteData = enc.GetString(byteData); if (str_byteData.Contains("s")) { posE_byteData = str_byteData.IndexOf("s"); pos = pos + (posE_byteData - 6); Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; if (byteData[0] == 0x73) // 's' { if (byteData[1] == 0x74) // 't' { if (byteData[2] == 0x72) // 'r' { if (byteData[3] == 0x65) // 'e' { if (byteData[4] == 0x61) // 'a' { if (byteData[5] == 0x6D) // 'm' { found = true; break; } else { if (byteData[5] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 1; } } }

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Theory of Broken Window

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Big Redesign in the Sky

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rewrote Netscape 4.0 and released it after three years as Netscape 6.0

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rewrote dBase and Quattro Pro

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rewrote Word

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The Boy Scout Rule

Leave the campground cleaner than you found it

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OOP Principles

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Solid PrinciplesS.o.l.i.d. Principles

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Single Responsibility Principle

Only one reason to change



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public class PrintServerImpl extends ServiceAdvanced implements PrintServer, JobListener{ public synchronized String createJob(Object data) { //... } public int getStatus(String jobId) { //... } public void print(String jobId, int startPage, int endPage) { //... } public byte[] getPreview(String jobId, int pageNum) { //... } public IRawData getData(String jobId) { //... } public void abortAction(String jobId) { //... }

public Vector getPrinterList() { //... } public synchronized void setPrinterList(Vector printerList) { //... }

public void statusChanged(JobEvent jobEvent) { //... } public void pageComputed(JobEvent jobEvent) { //... }

// ...}

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public class PrinterServerJob { public synchronized String createJob(Object data) { //... } public int getStatus() { //... } public void addDataToJob() { //... } public void print(){ //... } public void print(int startPage, int endPage){ //... } public byte[] getPreview(int pageNum){ //... } // ...}

public class PrinterList { public Vector getPrinterList(){ //... } public synchronized void setPrinterList(Vector printerList){ //... }}

public class JobEventListener{ public void statusChanged(JobEvent jobEvent){ //... } public void pageComputed(JobEvent jobEvent){ //... }}

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public class PrintServerImpl extends ServiceAdvanced implements PrintServer, JobListener{ private Map<String, PrinterServerJob> printerServerJob; private PrinterList printerList; private JobEventListener jobEventListener;

public PrintServerJob getJob(String jobId) { return printerServerJob.get(jobId); }

public Vector getPrinterList(){ return printerList.getPrinterList(); } public void setPrinterList(Vector printerList){ return printerList.setPrinterList(printerList); }

public void statusChanged(JobEvent jobEvent){ jobEventListener.statusChanged(jobEvent); } public void pageComputed(JobEvent jobEvent){ jobEventListener.pageComputed(jobEvent); } //...}

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OpenClose Principle

open for extension

close for modification


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public static final int TYPE_UNDEFINED = 0;public static final int TYPE_LEGAL_AG = 1;public static final int TYPE_LEGAL_PG = 2;public static final int TYPE_TEMPORARY = 3;//...boolean ok = false;String buildType = m_cdInfo.buildType.toUpperCase();String prefix = "";switch (archType) {case TYPE_LEGAL_AG: if (buildType.equals("LEGAL_AG") || buildType.equals("LEGAL_AGPG")){ ok = true; } break;

case TYPE_LEGAL_PG: if (buildType.equals("LEGAL_PG") || buildType.equals("LEGAL_AGPG")){ ok = true; } break;

case TYPE_TEMPORARY: if (buildType.equals("TEMPORARY") || buildType.equals("PRV")){ ok = true; } prefix = "AP "; break;}

if (!ok) { BurnerHelper.showError(...);}

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public interface ArchiveType { public boolean isOk(String buildType); public String getPrefix();}

public class Undefined implements ArchiveType { public boolean isOk(String buildType){ return false; } public String getPrefix() { return ""; }}

public class LegalAg implements ArchiveType { public boolean isOk(String buildType){ return buildType.equals("LEGAL_AG") || buildType.equals("LEGAL_AGPG") } public String getPrefix() { return ""; }}

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public class LegalPg implements ArchiveType { public boolean isOk(String buildType){ return buildType.equals("LEGAL_PG") || buildType.equals("LEGAL_AGPG") } public String getPrefix() { return ""; }}

public class Temporary implements ArchiveType { public boolean isOk(String buildType){ return buildType.equals("TEMPORARY") || buildType.equals("PRV") } public String getPrefix() { return "AP"; }}

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//...archTypes.put(0, new Undefined());archTypes.put(1, new LegalAg());archTypes.put(2, new LegalPg());archTypes.put(3, new Temporary());//...

String buildType = m_cdInfo.buildType.toUpperCase();boolean ok = archTypes.get(archType).isOk(buildType);String prefix = archTypes.get(archType).getPrefix();

if (!ok) { BurnerHelper.showError(...);}//...

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Liskov Substitution Principle

If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2 then S is a subtype of T

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Liskov Substitution Principle

Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types

Inheritance and polymorphism

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public class Rectangle { protected int _width; protected int _height;

public int Width{ get { return _width; } }

public int Height{ get { return _height; } }

public virtual void SetWidth(int width){ _width = width; }

public virtual void SetHeight(int height){ _height = height; }}

public class Square: Rectangle { public override void SetWidth(int width){ _width = width; _height = width; }

public override void SetHeight(int height){ _height = height; _width = height; }}

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[TestFixture]public class RectangleTests{ private void CheckAreaOfRectangle(Rectangle r){ r.SetWidth(5); r.SetHeight(2); Assert.IsEqual(r.Width * r.Height,10); }

[Test] public void PassingTest(){ Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); CheckAreaOfRectangle(r); }

[Test] public void FailingTest(){ Rectangle r = new Square(); CheckAreaOfRectangle(r); }}

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public class Rectangle { protected int _width; protected int _height;

public int Width{ get { return _width; } }

public int Height{ get { return _height; } }

public virtual void SetWidth(int width){ _width = width; }

public virtual void SetHeight(int height){ _height = height; }}

public class Square { protected int _side;

public int Side{ get { return _side; } }

public void SetSide(int side){ _side = side; }}

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Interface Segregation Principle

Don’t be force to implement unused methods

Avoid “Fat Interfaces”

High cohesion - better understandability, robustness

Low coupling - better maintainability, high resistance to changes

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public interface CartographyListener { public void poisChanged(Locations pois); public void cellsChanged(Locations cells); public void mapChanged(ImageIcon map); public void updateZoomLevel(int level); public void updateGeoArea(GeoArea ga); public void updateGridPosition(Point2D.Double gridPosition); public void updateMousePosition(Point position);}

public class CellLayer extends Layer { /* Methods from CartographyListener interface */ public void cellsChanged(Locations cells) { setLocations(cells); } //.....}

public class PoiLayer extends Layer { /* Methods from CartographyListener interface */ public void poisChanged(Locations locations) { setLocations(locations); } //.....}

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public abstract class Layer implements CartographyListener, DrawingInterface { /* Methods from CartographyListener interface */ // Metto qui un'implementazione vuota (una sorta di adapter) così // non sono costretta a sovrascrivere i metodi in tutte le specializzazioni. public void poisChanged(Locations pois) {} public void cellsChanged(Locations cells) {} public void mapChanged(ImageIcon map) {} public void updateZoomLevel(int level) { m_zoomLevel = level; } public void updateGeoArea(GeoArea ga) { m_geoArea = ga; } public void updateGridPosition(Point2D.Double gridPosition) {} public void updateMousePosition(Point position) {} /* End of methods from CartographyListener interface */


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public class CartographyUI extends JPanel { public void addCartographyListener(CartographyListener listener) { if (m_listeners == null) { m_listeners = new ArrayList(); } m_listeners.add(listener); }

public void setCelles(Locations celles) { Iterator listeners = m_listeners.iterator(); while (listeners.hasNext()) { CartographyListener listener = (CartographyListener); listener.cellsChanged(celles); } updateViewFromLocations(); }

public void setPois(Locations pois) { Iterator listeners = m_listeners.iterator(); while (listeners.hasNext()) { CartographyListener listener = (CartographyListener); listener.poisChanged(pois); } updateViewFromLocations(); }


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public interface CartographyListener {}

public interface CellListener extends CartographyListener { public void cellsChanged(Locations cells);}

public interface PoiListener extends CartographyListener { public void poisChanged(Locations locations);}

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public class CartographyUI extends JPanel { public void setCelles(Locations celles) { Iterator listeners = m_listeners.iterator(); while (listeners.hasNext()) { CellListener listener = (CellListener); listener.cellsChanged(celles); } updateViewFromLocations(); }

public void setPois(Locations pois) { Iterator listeners = m_listeners.iterator(); while (listeners.hasNext()) { PoiListener listener = (PoiListener); listener.poisChanged(pois); } updateViewFromLocations(); }

// ...}

public void addCartographyListener(CartographyListener listener) { Class<?> c = genericObj.getClass(); Class<?> interfaces[] = c.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> implementedIntf : interfaces) { if (implementedIntf.getName().equals( urmetcns.mito.ui.cartography.ui_components.PoiListener")) poiListeners.add((PoiListener)listener); if (implementedIntf.getName().equals( "urmetcns.mito.ui.cartography.ui_components.CellListener")) cellListeners.add((CellListener)listener); // ... } }

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Dependency Injection Principle

Hollywood Principle:

Inversion of Control

"don't call us, we will call you"

Dip <> Spring

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private boolean retriveCallSideInfo(String Side) { //... DeterminationMethod = getXmlOption("Method"); // specify which method to be used

//... if (DeterminationMethod.equals("PhoneMatch")) { //... }

if (DeterminationMethod.equals("Exist")) { //Query to che the existence of a specified dictionary element sqlString= "SELECT count(*) AS Cnt FROM iri_dictionary " " WHERE iri_id = ? and key_dictionary = ?"; pstmt = (OraclePreparedStatement)assocInfo.conn.prepareStatement(sqlString); pstmt.setLong(1,assocInfo.myIRIId); pstmt.setString(2,Dictionary); }

if (DeterminationMethod.equals("Compare")) { //... }

if (DeterminationMethod.equals("InOnly")) { //Query alwais true for the //provider Telecom Internazionale sqlString= "SELECT 1 As Cnt FROM Dual"; //... }


//return true if the info has been found return (itemFound == 1);}

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public abstract class CallSideDeterminator { public abstract boolean findItem(); //...}

public class CallSideDeterminatorCompare extends CallSideDeterminator { @Override public boolean findItem(){ //... }}

public class CallSideDeterminatorDFDM extends CallSideDeterminator { @Override public boolean findItem(){ //... }}

public class CallSideDeterminatorPhoneMatch extends CallSideDeterminator { @Override public boolean findItem(){ //... }}

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public class AsExecFindCallSide extends AsCommandExec { HashMap<String, CallSideDeterminator> strategies= new HashMap<String, CallSideDeterminator>();

private void init() { strategies= new HashMap<String, CallSideDeterminator>(); strategies.put("PhoneMatch", new CallSideDeterminatorPhoneMatch()); strategies.put("Compare", new CallSideDeterminatorCompare()); strategies.put("DFDM", new CallSideDeterminatorDFDM()); //... }

protected boolean retrieveCallSideInfo(String side) { CallSideDeterminator determinator = null; if ((determinator = strategies.get( getXmlOption("Method"))) != null) { determinator.initDeterminator(assocInfo, side); if(determinator.findItem()) { return determinator.storeCIN(side); } } return false; } //...}

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The Others Principles

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Reuse Release Equivalency Principle

The granule of reuse is the granule of release

A package can be considered unit of distribution

A release should have a version number

Black-box, package that is to be used but not changed

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Common Closure Principle

Maintainability is more important than reusability

If code must change, all changes should be in the same package

Common changing classes, should be in the same package

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Common Reuse Principle

The classes in a package are reused together

If you reuse one of the classes in a package, you reuse them all

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Acyclic Dependencies Principle

Avoid cyclic dependencies

Nightmare to compile

Nightmare to deploy

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Least Astonishment Principle

The result of some operation should be obvious, consistent, predictable

Occam’s Razor: The simplest answer is usually the correct answer

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int multiply(int a, int b) { return a + b; }

int write_to_file(const char* filename, const char* text){ printf("[%s]\n", text); /* Note that 'filename' is unused */ }

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Law of Demeter


An object should avoid invoking methods of a member object returned by another method

“Don’t talk to stranger"

An object A can request a service (call a method) of an object instance B, but object A cannot “reach through” object B to access yet another object, C, to request its services

“Use only one dot"

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Inventory.SalesInfo.Items.Count = 2500;


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Smells and Heuristics

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Obsolete CommentsOld comments that have lost their meaning

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//***********************************************************************************//! Initalize procedure/*!* This methos is called from the main in order to initialize all the thinks<br>* that the plugin need.** \param inLog log that the plugin can use for its own purpose* \return true = all ok false = intialization failed*///***********************************************************************************public bool init(log4net.ILog inLog){ this.log = inLog; //log.Debug("======================================================="); log.Debug("============ INIT Module " + getModuleName() + " ========="); return true;}

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public void initLog(log4net.ILog inLog){ log = inLog; log.Debug("============ INIT Module " + getModuleName() + " =========");}

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Redundant CommentsVersion History

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/** * ** 03 Oct 2005 - AB - Added the isSameCIDinSameLiuID() function to avoid different CID in the same LIU (Ticket#2564) * 09 Sep 2005 - AB - fixed the retriveCallSideInfo() for the PhoneMatch method (Ticket#2381) * 06 Sep 2005 - AB - Fixed the SearchProviderDate() to properly work with the 'DATA' association technique * 01 Sep 2005 - AB - Added the dupval index exception handling in saveInHiddenJournal() function * 27 Jul 2005 - AB - changed the isInformationInDb() to avoid exiting with assocInfo.lemfList == null * 27 Jul 2005 - AB - removed the updateJournal() function because not needed * 26 Jul 2005 - AB - Now mergeJournal() saves a copy of the two lius ti be merged in the hidden_journal table * 26 Jul 2005 - AB - Added the saveInHiddenJournal() function to enhance the mergeJournal() function * 05 Jul 2005 - AB - Changed the retriveCallSideInfo queries to select the correct liu_id in every situation.… * 23 Mar 2005 - AB - Added the ORA-00001 error handling in the AddIRI2Journal * 9 Mar 2005 - AB - moved the queryExec body function to a generic queryExec function in the IRITools * 11 May 2004 - AB - Started **/

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svn ci -m ‘Added the isSameCIDinSameLiuID() (Ticket#2564)’

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Redundant Comments

Repeating the variable name or condition in the comment

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//// list on a file all the Extractors extensions//if ( param == "-LISTEXTRACTORS" )//...

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Redundant Comments

Repeating the called method name in a comment after the call

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int abs = x.abs(); // Get the absolute value of xint x = point.getX(); // Get the value of x

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int abs = x.abs(); int x = point.getX();

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Redundant Comments

Commented Out Code

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pos = pos + 9;//byteData[0] = (byte)fstr.ReadByte();if (byteData[0] == 0x65) // 'e'{ //byteData[1] = (byte)fstr.ReadByte(); if (byteData[1] == 0x6E) // 'n' { //yteData[2] = (byte)fstr.ReadByte(); if (byteData[2] == 0x64) // 'd' { //... } // 'e' else { //if (byteData[6] == 0x65) //{ // dataIn.Add(byteData[0]); // dataIn.Add(byteData[1]); // dataIn.Add(byteData[2]); // dataIn.Add(byteData[3]); // dataIn.Add(byteData[4]); // dataIn.Add(byteData[5]); // fstr.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current); //} //else { dataIn.Add(byteData[0]); //...

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pos = pos + 9;if (byteData[0] == 0x65) // 'e'{ if (byteData[1] == 0x6E) // 'n' { if (byteData[2] == 0x64) // 'd' { //... } // 'e' else { dataIn.Add(byteData[0]); //...

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Redundant Comments

Comments related to structure

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//// Upgrade section//if ( param =="-GENERATEUPDATE" || param =="-DOWNLOADUPDATE" || param =="-CHECKUPDATE" ){ Int32 retVal = ALLOK; //.... //.... //.... //.... //.... //.... //after 336 more lines of code...} // End of Upgrade section

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Long Methods

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protected void build(DynamicView view, File baseTemplate, File outTemplate) throws ArchiverException, WrEntsException { //Create required data and column description List colNames = normalize(view.getDynamicColumnSet()); HashMap lines = new HashMap(); List leftNames = new ArrayList(); List rightNames = new ArrayList();

//Start reading input template and create output copy BufferedReader r = null; FileWriter w = null; if (outTemplate.exists()) { outTemplate.delete(); }

try { r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(baseTemplate)); w = new FileWriter(outTemplate); String record = null; boolean sortedBlock = false; while ((record = r.readLine()) != null) { if (sortedBlock) { if (record.toUpperCase().indexOf( "{END_SORTED_RECS}") >= 0) { sortedBlock = false; //Writes required records String line = null; //Static first line (if any)... for (int j = 0; j < leftNames.size(); j++) { line = (String)lines.get(leftNames.get(j)); if (line != null) { w.write(line + "\n"); } }

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//Sorted lines for (int j = 0; j < colNames.size(); j++) { line = (String)lines.get(colNames.get(j)); if (line != null) { w.write(line + "\n"); } } w.write(record + "\n");

//Static last line (if any)... for (int j = 0; j < rightNames.size(); j++) { line = (String)lines.get(rightNames.get(j)); if (line != null) { w.write(line + "\n"); } } } else { int index = record.indexOf("{META_REC:"); if (index >= 0) { String key = record.substring(index + 10, record.indexOf('}', index)); if (key.indexOf(":") >= 0) { String values[] = key.split(":"); if (values[1].equals("L")) { leftNames.add(key); } else if (values[1].equals("R")) { rightNames.add(key); } } lines.put(key, new String(record)); } } }

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else { if (record.toUpperCase().indexOf("{START_SORTED_RECS}") >= 0) { sortedBlock = true; lines.clear(); leftNames.clear(); rightNames.clear(); } w.write(record + "\n"); } } } catch (Exception e) { WrCheck.logError("Error build template: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ArchiverException(e); } finally { try { if (w != null) w.close(); if (r != null) r.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} }}

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Deeply nested methods

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//From TE-PDF exctractorif (str_byteData.Contains("s")){ posE_byteData = str_byteData.IndexOf("s"); pos = pos + (posE_byteData - 6); Array.Copy(fileContent, pos, byteData, 0, 6); pos = pos + 6; if (byteData[0] == 0x73) // 's' { if (byteData[1] == 0x74) // 't' { if (byteData[2] == 0x72) // 'r' { if (byteData[3] == 0x65) // 'e' { if (byteData[4] == 0x61) // 'a' { if (byteData[5] == 0x6D) // 'm' { found = true; break; } else { if (byteData[5] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 1; } } }

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else { if (byteData[4] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 2; } else { pos = pos - 1; } } } else { if (byteData[3] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 3; } else { pos = pos - 2; } } } else { if (byteData[2] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 4; } else { pos = pos - 3; } } }

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else { if (byteData[1] == 0x73) { pos = pos - 5; } else { pos = pos - 4; } } } else { pos = pos - 5; }}

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Different abstraction level

Composed method

Divide your program into methods that perform one identifiable task

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public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { /////si aggancia al file salvato nella mappa dell'oggetto application String fileId = request.getParameter("FILEID"); if (fileId == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileId"); } String partNum = request.getParameter("PART"); int part = 1; if (partNum != null) { part = Integer.valueOf(partNum).intValue(); } boolean isLast = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("LAST")); boolean getName = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("GETNAME")); String fileName = MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.getFileName(fileId, part); if (fileName== null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileName"); }

MitoConfig mitoCfg = new MitoConfig(); File file = new File(mitoCfg.getPrintClientDataPath()+"/"+fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ServletException("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found"); }

if (getName) { doDownloadFilename(request, response, file.getName()); } else { if (isLast) { MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.removeFileList(fileId); }

doDownload(request, response, file); file.delete(); }}

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public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { File file = fileToDownLoad(request); if (downloadByName(request)) { doDownloadFilename(request, response, file.getName()); } else { removeFromCacheIfLast(request); doDownload(request, response, fileToDownLoad(request)); file.delete(); }}

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private boolean downloadByName(HttpServletRequest request) { boolean getName = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("GETNAME")); return getName;}

private void removeFromCacheIfLast(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException { boolean isLast = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("LAST")); if (isLast) { MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.removeFileList(fileId(request)); }}

private File fileToDownLoad(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException { File file; String fileName = MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.getFileName( fileId(request), part(request)); if (fileName == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileName"); }

MitoConfig mitoCfg = new MitoConfig(); file = new File(mitoCfg.getPrintClientDataPath() + "/" + fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ServletException("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found"); } return file;}

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private int part(HttpServletRequest request) { String partNum = request.getParameter("PART"); int part = 1; if (partNum != null) { part = Integer.valueOf(partNum).intValue(); } return part;}

private String fileId(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException { String fileId = request.getParameter("FILEID"); if (fileId == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileId"); } return fileId;}

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Dry“Once, and only once”Duplication is a missed opportunity for abstraction

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Dead Code

Code that isn’t executed

if statement that checksfor a condition that can’t happen

Private method never called

switch/case conditions thatnever occur

Do the right thing: give it a decent burial

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Vertical Separation

Variables and function should be defined close to where they are used

Local variablesshould be declared just above their first usage

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public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { /////si aggancia al file salvato nella mappa dell'oggetto application String fileId = request.getParameter("FILEID"); if (fileId == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileId"); } String partNum = request.getParameter("PART"); int part = 1; if (partNum != null) { part = Integer.valueOf(partNum).intValue(); } boolean isLast = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("LAST")); boolean getName = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("GETNAME")); String fileName = MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.getFileName(fileId, part); if (fileName== null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileName"); }

MitoConfig mitoCfg = new MitoConfig(); File file = new File(mitoCfg.getPrintClientDataPath()+"/"+fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ServletException("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found"); }

if (getName) { doDownloadFilename(request, response, file.getName()); } else { if (isLast) { MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.removeFileList(fileId); }

doDownload(request, response, file); file.delete(); }}

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public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { /////si aggancia al file salvato nella mappa dell'oggetto application String fileId = request.getParameter("FILEID"); if (fileId == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileId"); } String partNum = request.getParameter("PART"); int part = 1; if (partNum != null) { part = Integer.valueOf(partNum).intValue(); } String fileName = MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.getFileName(fileId, part); if (fileName== null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid FileName"); }

MitoConfig mitoCfg = new MitoConfig(); File file = new File(mitoCfg.getPrintClientDataPath()+"/"+fileName); if (!file.exists()) { throw new ServletException("File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " not found"); }

boolean getName = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("GETNAME")); if (getName) { doDownloadFilename(request, response, file.getName()); } else { boolean isLast = "Y".equals(request.getParameter("LAST")); if (isLast) { MitoDownloadCache.INSTANCE.removeFileList(fileId); }

doDownload(request, response, file); file.delete(); }}

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Default constructor without implementation

Variables not used

Functions never called

Useless comments

Kill’em all!

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Selector Arguments

Avoid boolean arguments

Breaks SRPSplit method in two methods

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getLocalPrintService(jobId, data, false);

public static PrintServiceInterface getLocalPrintService( String jobId, IRawData data, boolean isStandAlone) throws Exception{ //...}

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public static PrintServiceInterface getEmbeddedLocalPrintService( String jobId, IRawData data) throws Exception{ //...}

public static PrintServiceInterface getStandAloneLocalPrintService( String jobId, IRawData data) throws Exception{ //...}

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Explanatory Vars

Avoid ‘artistic’ programming

Break the calculations up

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Matcher match = headerPattern.matcher(line);if(match.find()) headers.put(,;

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Matcher match = headerPattern.matcher(line);if(match.find()){ String key =; String value =; headers.put(key.toLowerCase(), value);}

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Magic Numbers

Replace Magic Numbers with Named Constants

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m_tx1.setPageMarginB((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx1.setPageMarginL((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx1.setPageMarginR((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx1.setPageMarginT((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx2.setPageMarginB((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx2.setPageMarginL((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx2.setPageMarginR((int)(0.35 * 1440));m_tx2.setPageMarginT((int)(0.35 * 1440));

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final static double PAGE_HEIGHT = 16837;final static double PAGE_WIDTH = 11906;final static int MARGIN = (int)(0.35 * 1440;)



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Negative Conditionals

Negatives is harder to understand than positives

Avoid negatives Conditionals

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if (!buffer.shouldNotCompact()) { //...}

if(!envWarrantsEnabled) sqlSelect.addWhere(new SqlNot(new SqlEq("LI_TYPE", "ENV")));

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if (buffer.shouldCompact()) { //...}

if(envWarrantsDisabled) sqlSelect.addWhere(new SqlNot(new SqlEq("LI_TYPE", "ENV")));

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Descriptive Names

Choice descriptive namesReevaluate the appropriateness of the names

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public int x() { int q = 0; int z = 0; for (int kk = 0; kk < 10; kk++) { if (l[z] == 10) { q += 10 + (l[z + 1] + l[z + 2]); z += 1; } else if (l[z] + l[z + 1] == 10) { q += 10 + l[z + 2]; z += 2; } else { q += l[z] + l[z + 1]; z += 2; } } return q;}

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public int score() { int score = 0; int frame = 0; for (int frameNumber = 0; frameNumber < 10; frameNumber++) { if (isStrike(frame)) { score += 10 + nextTwoBallsForStrike(frame); frame += 1; } else if (isSpare(frame)) { score += 10 + nextBallForSpare(frame); frame += 2; } else { score += twoBallsInFrame(frame); frame += 2; } } return score;}

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Unambiguous Names

Choose names that make the workings of a function or variable unambiguous

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public boolean stateMachine(int smStatus) { //...}

public boolean doAction() { //...}

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public boolean moveStateMachineToStatus(int smStatus) { //...}

public boolean doNextStepInProviderTechnique() { //...}

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Avoid Encodings

Names should not be encoded with type or scope information

Hungarian Notation as obsolete legacy

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protected int m_FilesCount; // Numero files contenuti nel jobprotected int m_VolumesCount; // Numero dischi richiesti dal job (1 sola copia)protected long m_TotalSize; // Size totale in byte del jobprotected int m_VolumesDone; // Numero dischi completatiprotected String m_VolDoneList; // Lista dischi completati (durante esecuzione)protected ArrayList m_labelFields; // Nomi/valori campi da utilizzare in labelprivate long m_LastModTime; // Data/ora modifica file informativo del jobprotected boolean isOnDisk;

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protected int filesCount; // Numero files contenuti nel jobprotected int volumesCount; // Numero dischi richiesti dal job (1 sola copia)protected long totalSize; // Size totale in byte del jobprotected int volumesDone; // Numero dischi completatiprotected String volDoneList; // Lista dischi completati (durante esecuzione)protected ArrayList labelFields; // Nomi/valori campi da utilizzare in labelprivate long lastModTime; // Data/ora modifica file informativo del jobprotected boolean isOnDisk;

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Describe Side Effects

Names should describe everything that a function, variable, or class is or does

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public DiskWriterJobs getJobs() { if (m_Jobs == null) { m_Jobs = new DiskWriterJobs(this); } return m_Jobs;}

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public DiskWriterJobs createOrReturnJobs() { if (m_Jobs == null) { m_Jobs = new DiskWriterJobs(this); } return m_Jobs;}

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Insufficient Tests

How many tests? A test suite should test everything that could possibly break

Use a Coverage Tool: Java


.NET PartCoverC/C++ BullseyeCoverage gcov

Beware of Coverage Results

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Don’t Skip Trivial Tests

They are better than documentation

Easy today, maybe hard tomorrow

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Exhaustively Test Near Bug

Bugs tend to congregate

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Tests Should Be Fast

If slow, launched less frequentely

If launched less frequentely, big change between launches and difficult to know where and when an error was introduced

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Readable Code

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Avoid Duplication

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Readable Code


Avoid Duplication

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