between the testaments

Between the Testaments ~420 BC – 6 AD Week 1: October 5, 2020

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Page 1: Between the Testaments


Testaments~420 BC – 6 AD

Week 1: October 5, 2020

Page 2: Between the Testaments

General Comments…

- Focus is HISTORY- Theology is covered in the context of history

- Dates / Sources

- Why do empires care about this stripof land??

- Trade routes! Yields Taxes and Power!- Buffer between empires.

Page 3: Between the Testaments

Breakout of Historical Periods Covered…

Baseline: The World of Malachi

Intertestamental Period:- Persian Rule- Greek Rule

- Ptolemies of Egypt- Seleucids of Syria

- Maccabean Revolt / Hasmonean Rule- Herod the Great and the Romans

Page 4: Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments – Outline and Timeframes


1000 – 420 BC King David to Malachi.

539 – 332 BC Persians are mostly benign rulers of Palestine.

332 – 323 BC Alexander conquers Persia and Palestine.

323 – 301 BC Macedonian generals vie for control of Palestine.

301 – 198 BC Ptolemies of Egypt rule Palestine.

198 – 166 BC Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

166 – 142 BC Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule.

142 – 63 BC Hasmoneans rule.

63 – 37 BC Romans move in.

37 – 4 BC King Herod rules as a vassal of Rome

4 BC – 6 AD Herod’s son Archelaus rules as a vassal of Rome

Page 5: Between the Testaments

Old Testament Baseline

Hebrew society: theocracy

Concept of God

Twelve Tribes… Two Kingdoms

A Jew: a person who is (a) born to a Jewish woman; or (b) accepts Mosaic Law and formally converts to Judaism.

Torah and Oral Law

Assyrian Conquest 722 BC

Page 6: Between the Testaments

Old Testament Baseline

Hebrew society: theocracy

Concept of God

Priests must be from the tribe of Levi

Twelve Tribes… Two Kingdoms

A Jew: a person who is (a) born to a Jewish woman; or (b) accepts Mosaic Law and formally converts to Judaism.

Torah and Oral Law

Assyrian Conquest 722 BC

Page 7: Between the Testaments

The High Priest

Levi ca. 1400’s BC

Moses – Aaron ca. 1200’s BC

Zadok 900’s BC

FutureHigh Priests

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Babylonian Conquest 612 – 587 BC

- Babylonians = Southern Iraqis

- Babylon defeats Assyria in 612 BC; claims Assyria’s holdingsincluding Israel and Judah.

- Judah rebels in 587 BC.

- Babylonia destroys Jerusalem and the Temple; takes Jewish leaders,tradesmen, etc. into exile in Babylon.

- Jews in Babylon and Judah had to reconcile their faith with the lackof a Temple.

Page 9: Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments – Outline and Timeframes


1000 – 420 BC King David to Malachi.

539 – 332 BC Persians are mostly benign rulers of Palestine.

332 – 323 BC Alexander conquers Persia and Palestine.

323 – 301 BC Macedonian generals vie for control of Palestine.

301 – 198 BC Ptolemies of Egypt rule Palestine.

198 – 166 BC Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

166 – 142 BC Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule.

142 – 63 BC Hasmoneans rule.

63 – 37 BC Romans move in.

37 – 4 BC King Herod rules as a vassal of Rome

4 BC – 6 AD Herod’s son Archelaus rules as a vassal of Rome

Page 10: Between the Testaments

Persian Conquest 539 BC (Persians = Iranians)

Cyrus “the Great” takes an enlightened approach toconquered nations and tribes.

Jews in Babylon are allowed to return to Judah.- “Locals” and Samaritans did NOT welcome them home!

In Jerusalem, former exiles rebuild altar and temple.

Rebuilt temple is dedicated in 515 BC.

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Malachi’s World: ~450 – 420 BC

Persia rules Palestine.

Aramaic overtakes Hebrew as the “language on the street”.

Nehemiah leads the rebuilding of Jerusalem and city walls.

Ezra rebuilds Jewish awareness of the requirementsof their faith.

Jews and Samaritans are free to worship as they wish.

High Priest administers both civic and religious affairs.

Jews and Samaritans pay their taxes and live their lives.

Jews and Samaritans are estranged.

Old Testament Ends ~420 BC

Page 12: Between the Testaments

Everyday Life in Judea & Samaria…

Mostly agrarian; small farms, a few goats…- Farmers often lived in nearby towns or cities.

Tradesmen lived in the towns and cities; Fishermen lived at the seashore or lakeshore.

Daily staple: bread!

Fluids: water, wine, and milk (goats or sheep).Meat, if available, was for special occasions.

Extended families often lived together.

Sabbath was a day for rest and worship.

Page 13: Between the Testaments

Sacrificial SystemSuitable Sacrifice: Domesticated animal or milled grain.Problem with definitions…- English: “sacrifice” = Give up something in exchange for

something else.- Hebrew: “korban” = To draw near; to approach.Two words that capture the nature of a sacrifice:- “Propitiation”: Appease the gods’ anger (pagan).- “Expiation”: Remove the effects of sin.

Burnt Offering / Peace Offering / Guilt Offering / Sin Offering

No sacrifices other than the Temple in Jerusalem!

Page 14: Between the Testaments


Primary challenge to Judaism…

Old Testament: Idolatry!

Intertestamental period: Hellenization!- Celebration and promotion of all things Greek.

- Language, culture, philosophy…

Intertestamental period starts with ~90 years of peace and prosperity under the Persians… ~420 – 332 BC

Page 15: Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments – Outline and Timeframes


1000 – 420 BC King David to Malachi.

539 – 332 BC Persians are mostly benign rulers of Palestine.

332 – 323 BC Alexander conquers Persia and Palestine.

323 – 301 BC Macedonian generals vie for control of Palestine.

301 – 198 BC Ptolemies of Egypt rule Palestine.

198 – 166 BC Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

166 – 142 BC Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule.

142 – 63 BC Hasmoneans rule.

63 – 37 BC Romans move in.

37 – 4 BC King Herod rules as a vassal of Rome

4 BC – 6 AD Herod’s son Archelaus rules as a vassal of Rome

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Alexander Conquers in 332 BC… and Dies in 323 BC

Macedonians (Greeks) conquer Persia and claim the empire.

Jews and Samaritans capitulate.

Egypt welcomes Alexander; declares him a god.

Alexander supposedly bequeaths his empire to…The Strongest!

Alexander’s generals take note…

Page 17: Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments – Outline and Timeframes


1000 – 420 BC King David to Malachi.

539 – 332 BC Persians are mostly benign rulers of Palestine.

332 – 323 BC Alexander conquers Persia and Palestine.

323 – 301 BC Macedonian generals vie for control of Palestine.

301 – 198 BC Ptolemies of Egypt rule Palestine.

198 – 166 BC Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

166 – 142 BC Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule.

142 – 63 BC Hasmoneans rule.

63 – 37 BC Romans move in.

37 – 4 BC King Herod rules as a vassal of Rome

4 BC – 6 AD Herod’s son Archelaus rules as a vassal of Rome

Page 18: Between the Testaments

Four Principal Generals Initially Emerge…

Antigonus: Mediterranean Sea to central Asia

Cassander: Macedonia

Ptolemy: Egypt & Palestine- Seleucus: General under Ptolemy

Lysimachus: Thrace (Area in Balkans)---------------------------------------------------------------------Ptolemy strikes first!-Takes Alexander’s body and gold sarcophagusto Egypt. - Moves his army into Palestine.

Page 19: Between the Testaments

Palestine: A Decades-Long Battleground

Between 323 and 301 BC, Palestine changesHands five times.

Jews and Samaritans keep their heads down.

A coalition develops: Ptolemy, Seleucus, Cassander, and Lysimachus team up againstAntigonus.

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Foundation for Seleucid Dynasty…In 312 BC…Ptolemy, Cassander, Lysimachus, and Seleucusdefeat Antigonus in battle of Gaza.Seleucus takes over Babylon and northern Syria.- Establishes his western capital in Antioch.Institutes a new calendaring system…- 312 BC is denoted “Year 1 of Seleucus”.Syrian rulers from the lineage of Seleucus are called “Seleucids”, as are their supporters… army etc.A pesky problem… Alexander has a son.Cassander solves the problem by having Alexander’s

wife and son murdered (311 BC).

Page 21: Between the Testaments

Battle of Ipsus – 301 BC

Coalition generals agree that if victorious, Ptolemy gets Palestine and Seleucus gets all of Syria.

But… Ptolemy’s army doesn’t show up for the battle.

Coalition wins; Antigonus is killed on the field.

Coalition gives Palestine to Seleucus since hisarmy participated in the battle.


Ptolemy grabs Palestine!- Seleucus is NOT pleased…

Page 22: Between the Testaments

Greek Control of Egypt – The Ptolemies

Ptolemy I Berenice I

Ptolemy II Arsinoe IIArsinoe I

Berenice Ptolemy III Berenice II

Ptolemy IV Arsinoe III

Ptolemy V Cleopatra I

Ptolemy VI Cleopatra II Ptolemy VIII

Ptolemy VII Cleopatra III

Cleopatra IV Ptolemy IX Cleopatra Selene Ptolemy X

Cleopatra V Ptolemy XII

Ptolemy XI

Ptolemy XIII Cleopatra VII

Married Lysimachus; thenmarried her brother.

Married her brother.

Married both of her brothers

51 – 47 BC 51 – 30 BC“Senior Ruler” at age 10.Led rebellion against his wife/sister;Drowned in Nile 47 BC.

Co-ruler with her brother / husband at age 17.

58 – 55 BCMarried her brother. 80 – 58 BC and 55 – 51 BC

Married her brother. 116 – 107 BC and 88 – 81 BC

80 BC

Married her brother. 107 – 88 BC

146 BC Married her uncle / stepfather.Displaced her mother as queen of Egypt.

182 – 147 BC 146 – 117 BC

Booted out by his uncle – Ptolemy VIII.

305 – 283 BCSeized Palestine from Antigonus / Seleucus in 301 BC

283 – 246 BC

222 – 203 BC

246 – 222 BC

203 – 182 BCLost Palestine to Seleucids 198 BC

Dashed line = MarriageSolid line = LineageDates = Years that person ruled.

Murdered by Octavian OR Suicide by Asp (take your pick…)

Married Antiochus IIof Syria.

Cleopatra TheaMarried three Seleucids.

Daughter of Antiochus III of Syria.

Poisoned by her sonAntiochus VIII in 121 BC.


Ptolemy KeraunosMurdered Seleucus I.

LysimachusKilled in battle againstSeleucus I in 281 BC.

Page 23: Between the Testaments

Ptolemies of Egypt Rule Palestine

~100 years of mostly peaceful times for the Jews.

Frequent battles with Seleucids, but Jews weren’t involved.

Palestine was a buffer state between Egypt and Syria, sothe Ptolemies wanted to keep the Jews & Samaritans happy.

Ptolemy II (283 – 247 BC) sponsors the Septuagint.-Translation of the Torah from Hebrew to Greek.- Many Jews no longer speak Hebrew; only Aramaic or Greek.

Unrelenting pressure from internal and external sources to become “more Greek”.

Page 24: Between the Testaments

Greeks’ Stealth Weapon: Hellenization!Greek culture and language has an intoxicating influence on all nations they encounter.

Celebration of beauty – nature and body.- Art and sculpture

Open spaces; open minds / Unbridled capitalism

Mindset of Hellenizers: You are either..a) Hellenizer; orb) Barbarian. No middle ground!

Mindset of orthodox Jews: Greeks elevate man at the expense of God… Blasphemy!

Hellenization and orthodox Judaism… oil and water.

Page 25: Between the Testaments

Strong Seleucid Ruler: Antiochus III: 223 BCWeak Ptolemaic Ruler: Ptolemy V: 203 BC198 BC: Seleucids capture Palestine

192 BC: Antiochus III invades Roman-controlled Greece.- Influenced by Hannibal. (Yes, that Hannibal…)- VERY bad move!

188 BC: Seleucids must pay monthly indemnity to Rome.

188 BC: Antiochus III killed; his son Seleucus IV takes throne.

175 BC: Seleucus IV is murdered; his brother Antiochus IVassumes the throne.

Page 26: Between the Testaments

Between the Testaments – Outline and Timeframes


1000 – 420 BC King David to Malachi.

539 – 332 BC Persians are mostly benign rulers of Palestine.

332 – 323 BC Alexander conquers Persia and Palestine.

323 – 301 BC Macedonian generals vie for control of Palestine.

301 – 198 BC Ptolemies of Egypt rule Palestine.

198 – 166 BC Seleucids of Syria rule Palestine.

166 – 142 BC Jewish revolt against Seleucid rule.

142 – 63 BC Hasmoneans rule.

63 – 37 BC Romans move in.

37 – 4 BC King Herod rules as a vassal of Rome

4 BC – 6 AD Herod’s son Archelaus rules as a vassal of Rome

Page 27: Between the Testaments

Greek Control of Syria – the Seleucids

Seleucus I (Nicator)

Antiochus I (Soter)

Antiochus II (Theos) Laodice I

Seleucus II

Seleucus III (Soter) Antiochus III (“The Great”)

Antiochus IV (Epiphanes)Seleucus IV

Antiochus V

Alexander BalasDemetrious I

BereniceMarried her brother

175 – 164 BC187 – 175 BC

223 – 187 BC225 – 223 BC

246 – 225 BC

261 – 246 BC

280 – 261 BC

312 – 281 BCApama


Daughter of Ptolemy II of Egypt.Murdered by Laodice I.

Laodice II

Laodice III

Laodice IVMarried all three of her brothers.

Cleopatra Thea126 – 121 BCPoisoned by her sonAntiochus VIII in 121 BC.


145; 129 – 126 BCAntiochus VII Demetrious II

His murder was arrangedby his wife Cleopatra Thea.

163 – 161 BC

161 – 150 BC

138 - 129 BC

150 – 145 BCClaimed to be a son ofAntiochus IV…

Dashed line = MarriageSolid line = LineageDates = Years that person ruled.

Tryphon140 – 138 BC

Antiochus VI145 – 140 BCSeleucus V

126 – 125 BCCo-ruler with his motheruntil she poisoned him.

Antiochus VIII125 – 96 BCCo-ruler with his motheruntil he poisoned her.

Seleucus VI 96 – 95 BCAntiochus X 95 – 83 BCSeleucus VII 83 – 69 BCAntiochus XIII 69 – 64 BCPhilip II 64 -63 BC

Murdered by his wife for lackof manners.

Took Palestine from Ptolemies in 198 BC.

Murdered by Ptolemy Keraunos,a son of Ptolemy I.

Persian princess.

?Cleopatra IMarried Ptolemy Vof Egypt.


Page 28: Between the Testaments

Strong Seleucid Ruler: Antiochus III: 223 BCWeak Ptolemaic Ruler: Ptolemy V: 203 BC198 BC: Seleucids capture Palestine

192 BC: Antiochus III invades Roman-controlled Greece.- Influenced by Hannibal. (Yes, that Hannibal…)- VERY bad move!

188 BC: Seleucids must pay monthly indemnity to Rome.

188 BC: Antiochus III killed; his son Seleucus IV takes throne.

175 BC: Seleucus IV is murdered; his brother Antiochus IVassumes the throne.

Page 29: Between the Testaments

Antiochus IV “Epiphanes”

Antiochus IV: Most hated figure in ancient Jewish history!

-Sells High Priest position.

- Decides to unite his empire via universal acceptance of Greek culture and religion.

-In 170 BC…- The “True” High Priest is assassinated; Temple is looted by the newly appointed High Priest.

- Devout Jews revolt.

- Antiochus IV manages to sympathize with the devout Jews; restores order… for now…

Page 30: Between the Testaments

The Gathering Storm… (Apologies to Winston Churchill)

Passive resistance develops amongst Jews –especially the Hasideans.

Antiochus IV’s Egypt campaign – 168 BC

In Jerusalem, Antiochus IV’s High Priest is unseated.

Army of Antiochus IV raids Jerusalem, kills hundreds, loots temple.

Page 31: Between the Testaments

Antiochus IV: Hellenization is Moving too Slowly!

Decree of 168 BC: Judaism must be wiped out!

- Rescinds his father’s freedom of worship decree.- Obedience to Torah is a crime.- Everyone must worship Greek gods. - All Jewish sacrifices are forbidden.- Prohibited: Sabbath observance; feast days.- Prohibited: circumcision.- Jews must eat pork.- Pigs must be sacrificed at the altar to Yahweh.- Jerusalem temple must be rededicated to Zeus.

Page 32: Between the Testaments

Seleucid Army Implements Decree – 167 BC

Seleucid army led by General Apollonius…- Enters Jerusalem on the Sabbath.- Pulls down the city walls.- Sets fire to much of Jerusalem.- Restores Antiochus’ choice for High Priest (Menelaus)- Plunders temple.- Massacres thousands.- Destroys all copies of the Torah that can be found.- Forces Jews to eat pork.- Establishes a colony (fortress) of gentiles on the edgeof Temple Mount.

Temple in Jerusalem is converted to worship of Zeus.- Mid-December 167 BC

Page 33: Between the Testaments

The Fuse is Lit… 166 BC

Seleucids extended idolatry to the villages.

Many Jews question if Judaism can survive.

Jerusalem is increasingly Hellenized.

Severe persecution for noncompliance.

•This is the first time in recorded history wherethousands died not in battle but for practicingtheir religion.

Page 34: Between the Testaments

The Fuse Burns… 166 BC

An elderly priest – Mattathias of the family of Hasmon – hastaken his family to the village of Modein (NW of Jerusalem).

Seleucid agent in Modein…- Sets up a makeshift altar.- Demands Mattathias perform a sacrifice to Zeus.

Mattathias refuses!

A Jew offers to perform the sacrifice for Mattathias…- Mattathias kills the Jew, then kills the Seleucid agent!

Mattathias and his five adult sons – Simon, Judas, John,Eleazar, and Jonathan – head for the Judean hills.

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