beyond our galaxy part 1 of 2

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NON-FICTION, a true account. David H Lewis spent many years in research on the Great Pyramid. They discovered a hidden passage to a tomb far below Pyramid. This tomb was built thousands of years before the pyramid and is a historical hall of records covering earth civilizations back to 576,000 years. Among many microfilm clips taken in this buried tomb of ancient scrolls is a record of alien life on 6 planets...beyond our galaxy. This book documents the alien visitors, details of their craft and life style and many other fasinating concepts and descriptions.


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By 8lYicll • Lewis

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David H. Lewis This is a non-fictional documentary based on translations from ancient records buried in the hidden tomb below the Great Pyramid of Gizeh.

Originally Published 1978

Reprinted by TGS Services 22241 Pinedale lane

Frankston, Texas 75763 903-876-3256

Page 3: Beyond Our Galaxy Part 1 of 2

Beyond Our Galaxy

Other Books By David H. Lewis

Mysteries Of The Pyramids

Universal Oneness

Incredible Cities Of Inner Earth

The Days Before Tomorrow

Survival Of The Remnant

Cities Of The Deep

Above reprinted by

TGS Services 22241 Pinedale Lane

Frankston, Texas 75763 903-876-3256


Beyond Our Galaxy


Preface ......................................................... ,.,' o. 7 Introduction ................................. ........ , ............. 11

Chapter I: UFO'S From Outer Space ...................... 15

VISITATIONS ...... 0 •••• ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••• 22

WHY THEY CAME IN MASS NUMBERS ............ 24 TYPES OF SPACE CRAFT ................................ 29

SPACE CRAFT CONSTRUCTION ..................... 36 POWER SOURCE .............. , ........................ 0 ••••• 44

Chapter II: Those Now Among Us .......................... 57


Chapter III: Tr aveling The Universe ......................... 89

THE TIME BARRIER ......................................... 97 THE AGING FACTOR IN SPACE TRAVEL ....... 102

Chapter IV: Where They Come From ................... 105

THE INNER PLANETARY CITIES OF ANWAR. 113 THE CENTER CITY ......................................... 119


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THE UPPER LEVEL. ....................................... 124

THE LOWER LEVEL ....................................... 126

Chapter V: Planetary Civilizations ........................ 131

ANWAR .......................................................... 131


THE PLANET OF TARSHIM ............................. 147

A LOOK AT THE ALIENS ................................. 154

Chapter VI: Cloning ............................................. 163

THE ALIEN CLONING PROCESS .................... 170

Chapter VII: Their Return And Message ............... 179


THE MESSAGE ............................................... 196

Chapter VIII: The Great Anticipation ..................... 199


FINAL SUMMARy ........................................... 208


Beyond Our Galaxy


It is a distinct honor to have been invited to make these prefatory comments about this book and its author, David H. Lewis.

Because of the nature of the material and the manner in which it was obtained, I had to resolve for myself the question each of you will no doubt ask, "Is this for real?"

I have not been in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh personally, so I haven't seen its treasures first-hand. But I have come to know David H. Lewis over the past several months and I can say I have unqualified faith in his integrity.

It is my intuitive feeling that the team of eleven men (of whom only nine survive at this time) who have found, photographed and translated the documents of the ages had help at every step of the way -- unseen help--messengers of the Cosmic Creator Who is anxious that men of Earth should now have this information.

There were too many 'coincidences' for it to have been otherwise. Imagine, after having spent many years of research to finally gain entry to the secret chambers... in the hushed atmosphere in the tomb where no man of this civilization has been before ... completely awed at the sacredness of this temple of the past, present and future ... to find before your eyes a document recording the events of this civilization from its inception to its final breath -- and it is open to precisely the date at which you found it!


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I believe Mr. Lewis was carefully chosen for the work he is doing. It is also my observation that the choice was a wise one, for he has been diligently pursuing truth--excitedly revealing tasty tid-bits as the translations came to him, marveling in the intricate wonders of civilizations beyond our galaxy.

The question has been answered for me: THIS IS FOR REAL.

The information in Beyond Our Galaxy dovetails beautifully. Mr. Lewis gives us a view of an idyllic planet named Anwar, where all the systems are efficient and the people live in peace. You will find yourself longing to go there.

The most important aspect of this book, in my opinion, is that it provides a vital link between the scientific world and the spiritual. I have been privy to many revelations as Mr. Lewis received and wrote about them. Often he did not know that the information -- gathered on a purely scientific and mental level -- coincided absolutely with those teachings passed on from the Ancient Wisdom Schools. Again and again, Mr. Lewis, in absolute innocence, gives scientific credence to the mysteries of life. Most excitingly, a map of the universe was among the treasures photographed­-and, if Mr. Lewis is correct in his assessment of it, on this map is the Center of Creation-the place from which all spirit, The Spirit, originates!

It is compelling reading. I am sure you will conclude for yourself -- THIS IS FOR REAL.

In a way, one could only wish it weren't, for behind all the excitement of discovering new planets and peoples is the serious nature of the

Beyond Our Galaxy

message they bring: a warning to men of Earth that we won't be permitted to disturb the delicate balance of the universe with our selfish, irresponsible handling of one of the greatest of all gifts to man -- the atom.

I suggest you read this book first to satiSfy your thirst -- and then read it again, with all your senses wide open, to absorb deep into your being the message it brings. And then, in some way, be responsible for the knowledge and insight you have acquired. Tell your friends; write letters to governments officials; join groups that are sincerely trying to make a difference. Nothing ever came to this Earth that wasn't first an idea, a vision, so put your visionary power to work. And pray. Most of all, pray.

Penny Biemiller, Editor Skylight Magazine.


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Beyond Our Galaxy


This book is a continuation of a true story of explorations of a secret tomb buried far beneath the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. The first book in this series, MYSTERIES OF THE PYRAMID, describes the entry into the pyramid itself and begins the revelations - a listing of the past civilizations to occupy our planet; life on other planets; the story of Adam and Eve; the tunnel system below our earth -- and makes a statement about how and why the Great Pyramid came to be built. All of the information contained in these booklets is gathered from transcriptions of the records actually contained within the Pyramid -­never before revealed to this civilization of man.

The tomb itself was discovered a little more than a year and a half ago by ten prominent men of Egyptian heritage, with an eleventh team member chosen as "historian" to write about the data found. Since then, there has been an intensive and near-exhaustive period of translating the material microfilmed in the tombs. These translations, from ancient and foreign languages to earth languages, are being revealed for the first time. You will now be taken on a journey to life ... BEYOND OUR GALAXY!

The Author and his father have spent more than 24 years relentlessly researching the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and have made astounding discoveries - leading to the earmarking of the exact date of the end of our civilization! The


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discovery of the tomb hidden far below the Great Pyramid came as no surprise.

The knowledge contained within the Pyramid, the Holy Bible and the inter-galactic visitations are all major parts of life on earth. When merged together, they enable the reader to learn of our present civilization, our past civilizations and of the life that exists far beyond our galaxy that until now has been only the dream of bold explorers.

Great lessons can be learned from the information contained in this book about the methods which more advanced civilizations used to better mankind ... rather than destroy it.

In this second of a three-book series, I will reveal the facts gathered from the ancient records on a civilization from a planet which has maintained life for nearly as many billions of years as our universe has existed: what they look like, their cities and structures, their mode of transportation, the purpose of earth visitation, their food consumption, ageless wonders of cloning, their unique burial at death, and their religion and reincarnation.

The book following BEYOND OUR GALAXY is an in-depth study of our own earth's civilization, which bears witness to the warnings of the aliens, the Bible and the prophecy of the GP that this

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civilization is nearly on the brink of collapse and the end of mankind will be realized within this generation. The third book, CIVILIZATION'S END --NOW DATED AND REVEALED.




Beyond Our Galaxy

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(Top) Entering the Pyramid (Bottom) The staircase into the tomb.


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Beyond Our Galaxy

Chapter I:

UFO'S From Outer Space

For countless centuries mankind has had a deep and fervent curiosity about the mysteries of our universe. Many great lifetimes have been dedicated to the science of the stars -- their creation, formation and estimated years of existence. From the keenest minds of the most brilliant astronomers and devoted scientists to the casual thoughts and careless dreams of the common man, there has been a tendency to stare out into the universe with a buming desire to know if life could exist beyond our galaxy.

Speculation has poured forth from scientists, psychics, writers of fiction novels and the fantasy world of Hollywood that there is a very real possibility that life exists somewhere else amongst the multi-billions of planets. Even the most powerful telescope or the most sophisticated radar system and sound wave computers available today curtail man's scientific search, since they are unable to pierce the outskirts of the galaxy.

It has always been man's dream that some day friendly aliens would frequent our planet and we would then learn some of the secrets of our universe. We are currently in the space age, and people the world over are becoming aware that our planet has been visited in the past by beings of unknown origin. Earth will continue to be a


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sUb-station for inter-terrestrial landings and an ever-watchful eye will be kept on this rapidly degenerating civilization.

In recent years there have been a number of psychic experiences, as well as a few recorded eyewitness accounts of an actual close encounter. Many thousands of sightings have been reported throughout the globe, with some exact locations being pinpointed in the outskirts of cities and desert areas.

Today, when it is more difficult for government officials to conceal the facts d such sightings, the attitude of our sCientists is gradually changing. We can soon expect to see a deeply probing search being conducted by the scientific community. There is greater public acceptance of the possibility that UFO's could come from areas beyond our galaxy. Prominent scientists professionals and respected citizens, who hav~ heretofore been reluctant and embarrassed to admit any UFO encounters, are now "coming out of the closet".

In the period from late-1980 through 1988 there will be waves of new sightings, which will no doubt bring us closer to the mystery that our scientists have been trying to solve. Not only will we witness these sightings, but also we will share in the thrill of direct contact with the friendly aliens that have kept us under close observation for many thousands of years. The message that will be delivered from these aliens will be one to remember, for, since our civilization is on a rapid decline and is racing toward its own self-


Beyond Our Galaxy

destruction, it will be the only message for this last generation. . .

There is an attempt today by some sCientists and astronomers to form a pool of important recordings and coordinate our computerized data with many private organizations that are now functioning in Canada, England, France, Belgium, West Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden. When this is accomplished, there will then be a basis upon which to proceed with investigative research.

Before we delve into the mysteries beyond our galaxy, it is appropriate to relate the source of these facts and how this author obtained the information relating to the life on the distant but neighboring planets, along with the purpose of the visitations by natives of the other worlds. The startling information, which you are about to read, will be authenticated.

A little more than a year and a half ago, a secret tomb in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was revealed to a selected few men who had scanned its casing inch by inch. .With the aid of an an~ient scroll, the secret entrance was found in June 1976. The staircase that wound its way down within the Pyramid's structure of almost solid limestone led these explorers to the hidden rooms far below the Pyramid's foundation. There, in the depths of the earth, amidst the great limestone vaults, is a four-story building, built prior to the competition of the Pyramid in 2144 B.C.

There are many rooms, divided and subdivided into antechambers according to the various civilizations and dates ... which reveal the


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history not only of our present civilizations, but all life that has existed here and in the great universe. In reality, the secret tomb is a library of the ages -- its revelations to mankind are of the greatest importance. In this great library of ancient records, it was discovered that duplicated historical records are kept in various parts of this world, connecting with related data stored on two other planets -- which reveal their civilizations as well as earth's! Thus, it becomes a massive collection of data that is farspread and heavily guarded.

As the laborious task continues of translating the language recorded on microfilm at the time on entry, new and even more startling information is forthcoming on a regular basis. The records date back 576,000 years; all data should be translatable within the next four years.

In the decoding process, when one word is discovered to have particular meaning, from that point there is a basis for a general translation. Progress must be slow in order to maintain absolute accuracy. Compounding the difficulty is the fact that there were five civilizations prior to ours whose languages must be translated, as well as the various foreign-to-earth languages that are being documented to this date and time.

The data found in the secret tomb were not handwritten scrolls, as one might imagine, all information is inscribed on paper-thin metal discs, which generally measure 6" x 14". When the disc is placed into a transcribing machine which is within the tomb, the microdots and dashes


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Bevond Our Galaxy •

contained on only one side of the disc reveal enough material to fill a book!

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- The Sealed Chamber

When a disc is placed in a machine,. the ~ata appears on a "viewer". It was this vls.ual recording that was microfilmed. From that. pOint, the translation process began. The Universal


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Library, as it was named at the time of discovery contains many hundreds of thousands of micro­dotted metal plates. In this book I can reveal only a part of the information translated thus far.

. Before these priceless records were discovered, I had many questions in my mind about space travel and the mysteries that lay be.yon.d our galaxy. Even the most noted sClen~lsts had no solutions or answers to my questions. They were similar to the thoughts of many others who li~e in great wonderment. I had always had a burnmg desire to know where our o.u~er. space !ravelers came from, why the vIsitations to this planet, what it would be like to meet ~nd tal~ with them, whether they are hostile or baslc~lIy f~lendly, what their planet is like, and if they beheve In God Almighty.

N?w, since this research has been so reveah~g, these questions can answered -- and s?me m weat detail, although some revelations will remain the property of this author and the other noted members of the exploration group. Let me assure the skeptics, who feel that aliens from outer space are the invention of Jules Verne or some other equally qualified writer that numerous sightings reported throughout thi; world are authentic. Our outer space aliens are a pr~uct of creation just as we are on this particular planet.

If our ~niverse supports more than 100 billion p~a.nets which have existed for an estimated 14 billion years, why should anyone feel that God created only our race 999,994,022 years after our


Beyond Our Galaxy

earth was formed? Since civilization began on this planet as far back as 576,000 years ago and the creation of Adam is recorded at only 4,000 B.C., and such visitations were recorded back at the beginning, then there had to be 'aliens' throughout our universe. This is recorded in the ancient records: the Holy Bible and the Pyramid.

In scanning the universe as far as our man­made telescopes can view, we have learned much of our immediate galaxy that pertains to its planets, sun and moon, but we have learned little of the billions upon billions of tiny starlights that dot the limitless universe. The planets that were recorded in the Great Pyramid as sustaining life are r and, being indicated to be 2,000 light years from Earth, will remain out of view from any telescope that could be developed over the next 1,000 years.

In order to be successful at such a discovery, we would have to develop a mode of space travel that could carry us into the voids of the universe. Since our development in the field of outer space travel tas only come into focus in the past 15 years, I am doubtful if we will attain the technology for distances beyond our galaxy. The greatest scientific strides in our semi-modem world have been accomplished only since the early 1900's,when great engineering abilities brought us the first successful horseless carriage. From the astounding combustible engine, we advanced in the last 78 years to the rocket to the moon. So, in essence, we have accomplished very little in the span of 5,978 years of this civilization in comparison with civilizations that have existed 1,000 times as many centuries.


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Thus, even to most skeptics, there could be that faint chance of life existing beyond our galaxy __ and there is!


ViSitations to our earth are nothing new. It is now revealed through sCientific research that certain areas of the world indicate positive proof that space travelers did exist and visitations were accomplished. Buried artifacts, as well as bits and pieces of literature, statues, odd metals and ancient writings, now confirm that Earth has been viSited for thousands of centuries prior to the creation of Adam and Eve.

As a minor example, the structure of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh could not be duplicated with all our technology or equipment. Noah's ark is another example of advanced engineering and technology that we are presently unable to match. There are numerous feats that were accomplished by the so-called ancients; in reality, we are not the superior race that we'd like to believe.

UFO, as we understand the terminology, refers to an Unidentified Flying Object -- non­definable on our radar sensor screens due to shape and speed. For all intent and purpose, they are acclaimed to be of space origin, but not so admitted by any Air Force official or government office. Such phenomena as brilliant lights, dancing lights or speeds exceeding light have been explained away by our Air Force as the Northern Lights that are reflected from the North


Beyond Our Galaxy

Pole, search lights, air balloo~s, weather instruments and unusual atmospheric gases. ~s long as there is a possibility of ~ass P~nlC, information regarding these UFO's will remain a hush product of all governments.

In reviewing all records contained in the archives of subterranean c~ambers at Washington and combining them with the newly translated data from the tomb of records, ther~ IS no doubt of the existence and purpose of UFO s.

From all collectible evidence, there ~re 17 types of spacecraft now scanning the u~lverse, differing according to the planet tom which they come. There are those that are soundless, others have a distinct humming sound; some resemble the roar of lions; and others, simply the sounds of wind in our atmosphere.

Since civilizations existed on planet~ ~ther than Earth for many millions of years, their Inter­terrestrial technology would have been accomplished without much diffic.ulty. If Earth's civilization had spent its centuries toward the natural development of mankind instead of pledging its efforts in the direction of w~rs, greed and power hunger, we too could pOSSibly have extended our technology into outer space travel and the exploration of the universe. The UFO sightings that were once considered a hoax are now becoming quite real. They have thus far been spasmodic in various parts of the world. In only recent years has the realization struck mankind that we are not alone in the vastness of space and we are being observed where such sightings are now.


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WHY THEY CAME IN MASS NUMBERS In October 1946, the United States launched

its first radar beam to the moon as an experimental test for a transcontinental communications signal. The purpose of this signal was to determine the amount of time required for such a beam to travel a fixed distance into space, bounce off the moon and return. This being our first giant step forward in future communications, the achievement received much publicity and was considered a scientific success. What was not realized was that instead of the signal striking the moon at the precise designated target, the signal glanced off the outer edge of the moo~ and ricocheted out into limitless space, thus cre~tlng undue attention from the various space stations of nearby planets. This signal was apparently misinterpreted as one of distress by our alien friends.

. ~ur radar scopes were immediately deluged with Incoherent "blurps" from areas of outer space -- but retranslated here as a malfunction of our ?wn system, or echoes of the signal they had sent In a confused state of static. It was soon detected that these str~nge blurps were not the usual type of echo and time calculations indicated that these peculiar Signals were not bouncing back from the moon, but were coming from beyond the planet Mars. For obvious reasons, this created a difficult situation for our SCientists, for the entire episode was completely unexplainable.

began Scientists recording the various signals

to decode and formulate any possible


Beyond Our Galaxy

message, but without much success. Over the years that followed, the decoding process continued but was kept at the usual top-secret level, as with most unusual phenomena. The general public was kept ignorant of what had happened or the results of the decoding.

From the date when the signal beam was launched, picked up by space stations and relayed back to the home planet, the aliens, now certain it was a distress call, launched hundreds of spacecraft and headed to planet Earth. The travel time (as calculated) was a speed just under Warp IV, or a travel time of 3,132.7347 days for a

distance of nearly 2,000 light years. With this speed, Earth was reached in 8.582835 years; it took from that October day in 1946 until May 13, 1954.

Disc saucer photographed over



(NOTE: Although it took slightly over eight years to reach this destination and, allowing for the slowing down process when entering the outer limits of our atmosphere, our earth clock, if placed within one of these craft, would have registered only a few hours. At the speeds these craft travel, which are many

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tim~s in excess of the speed of light, the alien's bodies do not age even by the time factor of eight years, or even 58 years, for some known distances.

(FURTHER NOTE: According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, as mass approaches infinity, or the speed of light, time approaches zero. The energy involved is E (energy) = M.C. (mass time) with the speed of light squared. To help you understand the speeds involved in space travel, there are five different speed designations. The first is under what is termed Warp I, which is any adjusted speeds up to the speed of light. The second is Warp II, which is the speed of light, or 186,410.9 miles per second, times itself (186,410.9 x 186,410.9). The third is Warp III, which is 186,410.9 miles per second squared twice. Warp IV is the same squared three times; and thus it continues through Warp V. Therefore, speeds in the realms of outer space are limitless and far beyond any human calculation or comprehension.

On this particular day, May 13, 1954, at the National Airport in Washington, D.C., our radar screens began picking up objects of high altitudes and images of unusual size. One radar unit after another was switched on and the tracking of the same objects appeared on all screens. Our scanning computers determined the size of these objects to be in excess of 250 feet in dameter and, at first reading, to be 15 to 18 miles above Washington. The objects were moving from point to point in a rectangular pattern and coming down at a fast pace.


Beyond Our Galaxy

Later in the afternoon, several police officers stationed at the National Airport in Washington, just across the Potomac River from the Capitol, noticed several oval objects approaching the airport and hovering over both the airport and the city of Washington. Before nightfall, there were authenticated reports of these oval-shaped craft hovering directly over the Capitol, the White House, the Pentagon and Camp David in Maryland.

This was the beginning of intensified activity that was recorded over most of the nation. From that date, sightings increased in all parts of this country. Records indicated sightings on May 17 in Dallas, Texas; May 31 over Korea; Jun 1 and 9 over Baltimore; June 10 in Mexico City and 97 UFO's over the area from Virginia to New York City. This wave of sightings continued spasmodically, spreading over every major city of the United States through most of 1955.

The intensive surveillance of the UFO scout ships, with their investigation of Earth's vehicles and military bases, along with our heavily populated industrial zones, began subsiding to Operation Fade-Out by the early part of January 1965. By this time, our government gave the official order not to chase or shoot at any flying objects, for apparently the many planes that we had lost in such chases were for self-defense by the UFO's and they were no match for our antiquated aircraft. In spite of our immediate hostile reactions, the aliens made no further attempt to destroy any more planes (that had first shot at them) and they made no physical changes to any property on Earth. The operators of the


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UFO's apparently decided there was no danger and no distress signal and the message they had interpreted was wrong and obviously a mistake. By the same token, our government learned no further fear from these alien craft and from that point in time they were considered friendly.

An intensified study was then made of all global records of UFO data. When this data was compiled and placed in chronological order, it was discovered there had been many landings in various parts of the WOrld, but only a few remained on Earth's surface long enough to be approached at a safe distance. If these aliens attempted to demonstrate their existence with sightings throughout the world, they succeeded; and such events became history.

On the other hand, if their intention was of a hostile nature, their strength was such that we would not be in existence today. Their mission was friendly. If they did come to give aid to a distressed world and intended to leave a message to all people, with the hostility shown them by our Armed Forces and the panic caused by our people, no blame could be put on them for not making the contact that was so urgently needed.

In conclusion, this invasion from outer space was a reaction to a misunderstood message that was hastily transmitted as one of distress by the humans on Earth. In retaliation of this friendly response, the aliens were chased, fired upon and intercepted at every possible turn. Their welcome on Earth was of a hostile nature ... it was and it will continue to be until we know the real truth of their visits and we, as humans, accept the fact that all


Beyond OU/' Galaxy

aliens are not bent on destruction, as we have been led to believe.

TYPES OF SPACE CRAFT From the many thousands of authenticated

encounters -- by way of photographs and other compiled data, including the buried tomb, it has been determined that there are eight different ~.::. of craft now traveling the universe. The

may vary in shape and size, but the over-all basic structure remains the same -- except for one.

The most frequently photographed spacecraft is similar to the one in the photo taken

" , " '," ' / '

Bell Saucer over Easter Island

over the mysterious Easter Island in the area of the Antarctica during the exploration of Admiral Byrd in 1954. This craft generally measures 150 to 250 in diameter and ranges to 40 feet in height, above the lower flange (or air lift ring). The under carriage, prior to landing, contains three ball-shaped objects, protruding on the end of a cylinder shaft. These balls act as landing wheels, as well as storage transformers for recharging batteries. There are no visible


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Beyond Our Galaxy

portholes, but they are there, nevertheless. These craft have an illuminating and pulsating light as they approach our atmosphere or when landing; and they are soundless.

The disc saucer, being more oval than round, is one of the more common sightings, both here and abroad. It actually looks round and resembles two saucers placed together. This craft ranges between 40 feet in diameter to 350 feet and is tagged as the scout ship.

The larger craft, in this series can travel at Warp IV speeds and need not be transported by the mother Ship. The scout ships are, more often than not, the Saucers of more than unusually playful 300' diameter craft that are spotted above housetops and high-tension power stations and are noted for landing in desert areas or deserted locations. (See the following picture. The photo in the foreground is somewhat smaller than the approaching craft, with one measuring 300 feet and the other 350 feet in diameter. The speed indicated here were less than 50 mph.)

The Bell and Spinner is still another type and, although it strongly resembles the Bell Saucer, it contains an under-carriage of gigantic size that is constantly in a spinning rotation. This craft has a


Beyond Our Galaxy

usual measurement of 50 to 100 feet in diameter and sounds like humming birds or the rush of high winds through the trees. The "Spinner Craft", as we have named them, are not used for long­distance travel, but are transported by the mother ship, which releases them one by one from an opening near the aft end under the main carriage. The mother ship transports these scouters from home planet to Earth or other. chosen destinations, hovers at tremendous heights and either waits or returns, depending on atmospheric conditions for sightings.

These Spinner ... Craft are viewed at

low altitudes and hover for extended periods of time. Generally, when this craft approaches low altitudes, its effect on electrical motors is a disaster. All electrical functions within a 3-mile radius are affected and it has been known to hover

TIle Bell-Spinner Craft long enough to create the stoppage of

automobiles, power-driven dynamos. Speeds range from hovering to 100 mph in three seconds in any direction, or straight upward.

The "Wedge" is totally different from all other craft and has not been mentioned in any ancient


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records or sighted on Earth more than a dozen times. Since its sightings have occurred only in recent years, it could very well be a new design of alien craft. This gigantic craft, measuring at least 1600 feet in length, with a height of 200 feet at the aft, resembles a perfect \\edge. Attempts were made to clock the speed, but were to no avail, for they exceeded any instrument readings we could record. Their speed, in our atmosphere, was in excess of 196,000 miles per minute. "'¥ ______ h _ _ _ _ _

There is one thing that remains a mystery about the "Wedge Craft" and that is the fact that it has never been known to hover at low altitudes or hover for more than a few minutes. This craft has been photographed by airline pilots following or running parallel to the starboard or port wings and it made no effort to speed up or slow down; in most cases it would The Wedge Craft

approach our airliners from an oncoming position and suddenly void upward or to one side. There is no sound, pulsating light or jet after-power. As far as it can be determined, there are no visible portholes, aft burners or lights of any kind, and its few appearances have remained secret.

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Beyond Our Galaxy

The Elliptical Saucer

Next, is the great mother Ship. This craft has been sighted at altitudes as low as 20,000 feet and as high as 60,000 feet, but is seen more frequently at the higher altitudes. Its size is beyond comprehension; since it has never hovered directly over any earth object, it is only an estimate that it is between 2,500 and 3,200 feet long. Photos, not for release at this time, show several Spinner Craft coming out of the aft belly of the mother ship at a height of 60,000 feet. Judging by its size, it could carry as many as 35 Spinner Craft of a 75-foot diameter or 45 or the 50-foot craft. It appears to have several portholes along its side, many of which are well lit. Its belly houses all transported scout ships that are Incapable of light year travel (distance) and apparently has enough living space for the master crew, as well as crew members of the scout ships.

The ship, in a hovering position, is soundless but on take-off, the noise is thunderous and


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indicates a powerful source of heated Mercury (powerful, everlasting and speeds in excess of the speed of light).

This ship has been known to hover in one particular area for many days at a time, but is generally hidden above cloudbanks that create an invisible covering. Aircraft that pursued this ship could not function efficiently in these altitudes and no craft was able to get closer than a half mile before being diverted off course by some unexplainable force. This mother ship was sighted a few times during the period between 1955 and 1963 and there has not been a trace of this craft since then

. ,- '.

The Signal Craft

The last one to describe is the Elliptical Saucer -- again different from all other photos in this book. This is a forerunner to the mother ship and averages 60 to 120 feet in diameter. Its crew, according to ancient records (and not governmental figures), consists of four travelers. Its speed in our atmosphere has been clocked at more than 100,000 miles per hour and non­atmospheric travel at Warp V. This craft, once the


Beyond Our Galaxy

mother ship arrives at any destination -- whether it be Earth, Venus, Mars or the back side of the moon and for whatever reason for coming -­..nds out the Elliptical Scout ship to find the

. Ilgnal craft previously launched by scouters of an

. Irea. (See Signal Craft.) Scouting is done in preparation of the release

of the Spinner Craft and, for observation purposes, to scan the area for any possible hostile movements.

The signal craft, unmanned, is always the first to land and is generally sent ahead of the on­coming visitors by several days. It is launched either by the mother ship or several inter­terrestrial travelers. This tiny craft, measuring only 6 to 9 feet in diameter, is similar to our space prober for the purpose of sound detection, atmospheric conditions and the televised results to the scouting ships. Other than a prober, they send out signals as to their location and can indicate human body heat, air traffic, life within 25 miles, the detection df animal life, air temperature and can radio transmission to stay or relocate. These are considered as "homing devices" that pierce our atmosphere and give exact locations for landings.

Several such signal craft have been located in desert areas, rocky plateaus and abandoned desert towns, but the chances of getting close (other than through the use of a telescopic lens) are remote. Since their sensors pick up human body heat or unusual approaching sounds, they can immediately transit themselves to other locations. Therefore, the idea of spotting one and


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awaiting a visitation is a bit remote -- or impossible.

After the release of Air Force photos of these craft (which was a mistake). lEople began ~tones that they had seen tiny space craft with little green men no more than six inches tall. who had come to scout various areas. These "Iittle green men" were seen everywhere; these visions came to light only after the mishap of one being photographed in the desert area of New Mexico. Such a craft was discovered but was found to be •• • inoperative because of damage that occurred during a landing on the edge of a rocky plateau.

This signal device was confiscated immediately and is now the property of the U.S. Government. What was learned through dissection of its parts was never revealed; but it could have shed some light on the operational functions of our present probers and the new device recently developed and used in our helicopters to search out human life in remote areas from the air.

SPACE CRAFT CONSTRUCTION All spacecraft. with the exception of the

master mother ship. are constructed exactly the same and vary only in shape and diameter. These craft (or saucers. in common terminology) are operated by space crews according to their size or mission. In the larger craft of 299.99 feet or more in diameter. there is what is termed a Five Cranial Control Dome ... meaning it has five operators. The smaller craft. used on scouting


Beyond Our Galaxy

. mllsions, generally maintain a Two Cranial Control, plus any others that might be aboard.

There is no simple way that their construction Ind power can be explained for a thorough

, understanding by the average layman, but since . the construction and type of power is of great

Interest, I will try to relate this information in the least complicated language possible.

As I stated, all spacecraft are basically the lame, in that they are constructed (within the outer shell) in triangular sections, with the main forms being themselves constructed of even smaller triangles. All craft, regardless of shape or size, contain what is called an outer skin which is a mirrored type metal. Immediately on the

I reverse side there is a coated insulation which is followed by a second outer skin. From the area of the second outer skin, facing inward, there is a pocketed space called the first insulation layer, or chamber, and is generally a couple of feet in width. This area, which completely surrounds the hull (insulation layer), is filled with an unknown, highly refined substance resembling oil. This pocketed area, as well as the insulated skin, acts as the first protector to a heat barrier.

From this area, there is a third layer of skin surrounding the craft, with a much larger pocketed chamber containing LIQUID LIGHT -- the main factor in a combined an complex power system. This chamber containing liquid light that surrounds the outer shell averages three feet in open width.


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" "

'"" Control Room , , ': ~


.. .

.. . LivIng




1. First outer skin 2. Second outer skin 3. Oil insulation 4. Inner bridging 5. Liquid light 6. Transporting light beam 7. Main floor 8. Liquid light 9. Lower flange 10. Floor liquid insulation 11. Outer insulation

Cross-section of Construction


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On the inner side of a fourth insulated skin is the second layer of the oil insulation and the final 'kin consisting of the first inner and second inner Ikins -- which are coated with a 1/32-of-an-inch­thick hardened metal-like insulation, which would be superior to hundreds of feet of any Earth-type Insulation.

Between all skins, from the second outer skin Inward, there is what we term "bridging", or metal cross braces in triangular form, run closely together, that show no seams, bolts, rivets or welding, as we know it. (See diagram of inner construction. )

These ships, if they measure 40 feet in diameter, are actually 39.99 feet; and the 100-footers measure 99.9 feet. The interior area would be considerably less. For example, the 100-foot craft would be only 86 feet within the broadest section of the dome. The balance of 14 feet is comprised of the pocketed chambers that surround the hull, with liquid insulation and liquid light.

As to the weight of these spacecraft, they are constructed of an unknown metal to a point of weightlessness. To explain this better, any craft on our ground surface containing the three-balled landing gear (three round movable balls suspended by an extruding cylinder) could be pushed by a man with one hand, without much effort. When the craft is moving along the ground, it cannot be tipped; but if it is standing still, one man can tip it over at a great angle -- but not completely.


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The outer shell of these space vehicles is literally impregnable by any known force, including laser beams, high-powered diamond-or­carbon-tipped drills, or even a direct strike ~ one Qf our bombs -- while it is operational and protected by its force field. If a craft were to crash, as three have done, it could be damaged enough to gain entry.

As a special note of interest at this point and in regard to their strength after crashing, our government agencies (all of them) have continually denied that they have any knowledge of these so-called spacecraft, to say nothing of admitting to any known crashes or even landings. In direct reversal of what they do know, they have constantly condemned the entire UFO theory and have harassed all those who have tried to explain the numerous sightings.

In tne summer of 1954, on the outskir1s J)f Farmington, New Mexico, three saucer-shap..ed .craft were spotted. One, apparently being playful (as they sometimes are), was carelessly traveling across the desert at a Warp I speed and a very low altitude. Unknowingly, the two operators struck the disturbance of Earth's vortex (coming from Earth's mantle) and plunged to the ground with an impact unmatched by any crash in the history of this civilization. The impact, at this tremendous speed, created an opening in the structure, which later made the craft accessible for observation. During this incident, the other two craft, the smaller one manned with a crew of four and the larger one with 28, came to the aid of


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the disabled ship at almost the same intensity of speed -- and met with the same disastrous result.

The Air Force took command and the incident was quickly silenced. After preliminary examinations at the scene, access was accomplished. Days later, the secret to opening the door was finally found. These space vehicles were transported under cover of night to Building No. 263 at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Fairborn, Ohio, just outside Dayton, where they remain to this day under machine gun guard.

The crews of the three spacecraft, totaling 34 in all, were killed. They were all sealed in large individual plastiC containers filled with formaldehyde for preservation, where they remain to this day.

If the Air Force had released this information to science, it could have been the revelation to a new age, but it has remained until now a deeply guarded secret by that particular branch d the military.

To continue with the construction of the spacecraft, these saucers generally consist of two floors plus the crawl space in the power-paCk areas. The larger space vehicles have up to eight floors, as does the great mother ship. The smaller of the two floors is found in the upper section of the dome, known as the control room. The top dome, as well as the bottom near the large protruding flange, is completely round in the interior and without portholes, as we would call them. (Portholes that are seen on some craft, with brilliant lighting, are not porthole windows as


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we have been led to believe, but are portals of liquid light reflection.)

The control room is flanked, forward and aft, with banks of computerized instruments, sensorized glass-like flush panels on a console surface, viewing screens for exterior scenes, graphs, instruments for universal tracking systems, detectors used as listing devices, computers to translate any known language in a millionth of a second, memory bank computers and many other complicated mechanisms that are presently unexplainable in layman language. The control panel facing forward is nearly duplicated, or so it seems, by the controls at the aft section of the control dome, but with variation of instruments.

The center of the dome contains a larger­diameter translucent tube (cylindrical) running from the ceiling through the first-level floor to the base of the under carriage below the lower room.

To one side of the control dome and back from the operational desk panel, there is an opening in the floor, with its center occupied by a beam of light about 36 inches in diameter. The back portion of this hole contains a hatch-type hinged cover that seals the top floor, cutting off this beam of light. To go from one floor to another, after the hatch has been lifted, one merely walks into the beam of light and is instantly transported to a lower or higher level, depending on his direction. In our terms, this could be called the elevator.

Taking this "light-beam elevator" downward from the control dome, you are depOSited on the


Beyond Our Galaxy

lower level of the spacecraft. Here, in a much larger rounded area, you find the living quarters of the crew and/or guests who may be aboard. Structural metal walls divide this area with light sensors that open and close the self-sealing doors. There is an area for relaxation or informal living, sleeping quarters, eating area and storage compartments.

The eating area is unique, with its ~ain feature being a composite of drawers resembl~ng an cutomat for food display, with the exception that there are no glass front panels or displays of food. This is a computerized bank to actually manufacture the food chosen by each member for the meal planned. One merely waves a hand across the marked plate, waits a short time and the meal is fully prepared. Generally, regardless of the number aboard, there are enough food­processing materials to last for an a-year period.

The spacious quarters are more than adequate - one does not get t~e feeling of. being tightly enclosed, as you would In a submanne or an airplane. There is a room for medical needs, which features unusual equipment beyond anything seen in the most sophisticated of our hospitals. There appears to be a series of tub~S that one could open and walk into or lay down In. Computerized sensor plates indicate the amount of beam light necessary for treatment.

There are no signs of operational instruments, cabinets for pills, drugs, hypodermic needles or bandages. Different tubes are apparently used for various types of illnesses .or injuries; and one such instrument, together with


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unusual music, resembles a treatment by unheard pulsating sound waves. There are, however, some instruments connected by cabled wiring harnesses with funnel-type attachments at the treatment end. Lighting plays an important part of the treatment in this room; there are more than 27 different forms of light and light beams. This particular room always remains in a pure, antiseptic condition.

In brief review, these saucer vehicles are the utmost in simplicity of construction. The great mysteries, however, are the featherweight, non­destructive metals and the power source, for speeds are far greater than the speed of light with no effect on the occupants, whether in the throes of an atmosphere or the vacuum of space. When their functions are thoroughly understood and our scientists are capable of duplicating them, it is doubtful if we'd be welcome on those planets that have yet to acquire the habits of greed, skepticism, selfishness, or lack of compassionate understanding. As you will learn later, until we conquer our own ills, we will not be guests of this

• supenor race.

POWER SOURCE Some terms that are familiar to our scientists


A ship's propulsion is wired in such a manner as to permit CHANGING FORCE FIELDS, that


Beyond Our Galaxy

equal in both FREQENCY and INTENSITY, the forces available to be used for movement. As an example, a given PULSE of energy is produced between the perfection of a LIQUID LIGHT and its INDUCTOR, exactly the same as any electronic oscillator.

(LIQUID LIGHT is a material similar to mercury that is in fluid form at low temperatures, but conductive enough to carry current and voltage to given frequencies, with POLARITY and FREQENCY being prime factors - and not the amount of charge!)

This pulse is not amplified until it is RECTIFIED -- the POSITIVE side being reserved to the skin sector of the craft from which the POSITIVE was ejected, with the other sectors of the ship being either NEUTRALIZED or POSITIVELY charged at this frequency, to be attracted to the ELECTRON that is ejected at light speeds.

In other words, before this can happen NEUTRONS are separated (one at a time) from any fuel source (which is similar to our Coated Cathodes of vacuum tubes or video picture tubes -- called CRTs), and as the neutrons decay into electrons or protons, they are shot forward of the ship while the others (protons) are dropped off at the rear -- thus giving a push-and-pull movement. When the neutrons are continuously projected, or shot ahead of the ship by many hundreds of thousands of miles, or any given distance while in our atmosphere, and the protons ejected out the back, the ship is rapidly pulled toward the neutron




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and at the same split second it is being pushed by the proton.

In trying to catch an object such as a neutron moving at light speeds, from which there has NOT been a separation of the forces, the ship will approach the speed of the projected electron or neutron. As the speed of the ship increases and the neutrons are in a continuous forward projection at the speed of light, the electron adds the speed of the ship to its own speed, thereby giving the ship the ability to travel at the various Warp speed factors -- or four to five times the speed of light.

By the energies emitted in this separation process, the liquid light is polarized, which forces the ship to catch up with the forward particles of neutrons. This factor then gives a ship the unlimited War speed capacity.

NOTE: The actual speed of light is 186,410.9 miles per second. The speed of light divided into 1 = .0000053644905 and the square root of the speed of light = 431.7534. Thus, Warp speed factor 1= 186,410.99 miles per second; Warp II = 186,410.99 squared. Warp III is the same, but squared twice, etc., up to Warp V. So, in reality these speeds are accomplished by neutron­photon drive.

As a ship approaches the speed of light, there is greater time consumption in the ship than the hours and days of earth. Speeds of Warp II through V are then reversible in time.


Beyon.d Our Galaxy



1. Electrical impulses to first outer skin 2. Current to liquid light 3. Central power tube and current supply 4. Connector ground between insulation

and power fluid 5. Contact for inner skin in opposite poles 6. Electronic power lines to the skins from


Connection of Negative and Positive Poles

With Liquid Light


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\ \ \




4 .- -

~O~\,\"~ 1 ~o I .t

"r ..


....... ---


1. Triangle components 2. Outer shell 3. Center ofpow3r 4. Forward direction 5. Aft direction


.... " 2

\ ,


\ \



Neutron used for pulling craft. Photon used for pushing craft. Any negative angle can be changed instantly to positive .. . for an immediate change of direction (in less than one-millionth of a second) .

Under-carriage construction, indicating the direction by changing the polarity of

poles of pluses and minuses.


Beyond Our Galaxy

The process on which this PULSE of energy II conducted through the ship is by super­

in order to avoid INTERIOR RADIATION or electrocution. The diagram shows that the

layers of the ship's outer and inner skins charged with HIGH VOLTAGE D.C. The

liquid light is high-voltage, full-strength drive frequency with both voltage and current in phase. In other words, in the drawing entitled "Connection of Negative and Positive Poles With Liquid Light". the liquid light fluid is connected to the first outer skin of the ship and to the second Inner skin (see diagram). The current is always slightly ahead of the voltage.

By PHASE SHIFTING. the DRIVE ENERGY can be forced to the outer skin or retained as energy for the next PULSE. These sectors are either CHARGED or NEUTRALIZED in sequence by t~e pilot through a simple timing device and. by varying the sector or charge with the given drive frequency. he can guide the ship in any direction. Thus. any negative angle can be changed instantly to positive for an immediate change of direction. Any ship can be maneuvered from a forward flight to a split-second turn of right or left angles -- which makes a tracking pursuit impossible.

Tc:> ~ccomplish its own "turning" and polarity. the ship IS flooded with liquid light. By dividing the proton and the electron during an acceleration process and shooting the electron forward at warp speeds and the proton backward at INERTIA, and turning the ship to the given frequency at which the elements were projected and ejected. the ship



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is pulled toward one and repelled from the other as it is charged in POSITIVE BIAS.

The PULSATING LIGHTS that observers have noticed during their sightings are caused thusly: the NORTH/SOUTH MAGNETIC lines and the EASTIWEST MAGNETIC lines are about 90 degrees from one another as one would view the world globe. With these two frequencies being programmed into various SKIN SECTORS, when they are in line with another, the VISIBLE LIGHT is dim, rising to brighter levels as the FORCE FIELD of the ship moves to other SECTORS and is the brightest at 45 degrees, after which it again begins to dim as the force filed aligns in the opposite direction. To the ground observer, this is an eerie sight, and it appears as though the ship is pulsating lights of power or perhaps a secret ray that will destroy on contact. It will ease your mind to know that this pulsating light is harmless.

In space, there is no need to rotate either the ship or its force fields, because only two or three of the sectors are charged at anyone time at cruising speeds.

The interior control system in the pilots cabin dome, as shown in the diagram on the console, does not contain push buttons, but inlaid sensor computers which at first glance resemble flush glass panels. These sensorized panels are actually SENSORY MODULES. The computer modules and sensors are not connected to any buttons, but are inside them. They react in a dual function: the sensors detect the PROXIMITY of a finger tip, with the degree of its proximity being a



Bevond Ou/" Galaxy •

control factor, and/or a tOUCh, which energizes separate computer functions, such as temperature, vacuum, air consumption, light radiants and other energies.

To maintain control on all these complicated functions and to meet the need for instantaneous decisions, the ships are equipped with their own MIND READING computer systems. These systems not only react to the thoughts of the flight crews, but also by measuring the thought and emotional patterns of the crews and making corrective correlations, prevent over control. The shi s are literall controlled b THOUGHT VV AVES of the pilots, rather than actual p YSlca action. The coming asteroids are quickly computed, analyzed and then avoided by the computer's slight change of course.

To simplify this a little, the actual control factor of all ships is by way of a mental process; the physical control elements of a ship are so designed that they need no actual contact by the pilot's hands or feet when traveling at warp speeds through space. However, the sensor plates on the console can be operated with a hand motion over the plates when flying at much lesser speeds in the low altitudes of our planet or others. Such maneuvering that has been done by physical motion while above our earth, along with careless computing, has led to several crashes, as I indicated before. Had the pilots used the memory computers over the magnetic vortex in New Mexico, the accidents would have been avoided ... they are chargeable to pilot error.


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Interior Dome

1. Computer distance 7. Language translator 2. Computer detection 8. Main power tube 3. Forward view 9. Pilot and co-pilot 4. Aft view 10. Control panel 5. View of asteroids 6. Sensoring device

11. Light beam elevator 12. Manual control

Interior of Two~ranial Domed Space Craft

recorded that great inventor and creator of these remarkable space vehicles is named Nurrilinak. Nurrilinak, designer and master engineer of universal travel, has also perfected a propulsion guidance system that incorporates the forces of the infamous BLACK HOLES, QUASARS and LIGHT RADIENTS of even distant light sources - meaning that the


Beyond Ou,. Galaxy

great difficulty of space's black holes has now been rectified. Space ships can now pass through these holes without disastrous effects.

NOTE: BLACK HOLES are highly magnetized, huge pockets in space where light penetrates but cannot escape. These giant magnetic fields pull everything into their centers, never releasing it. These space pockets are capable of pulling asteroids, ships, space particles or any object, regardless of size, within its grasp.

QUASARS are radio pulsating stars that do not necessarily emit light.

Since these discoveries by Nurrilinak, the ships are now free to travel at Warp III, IV, or V with no impending danger of being swallowed up by the magnetic black holes that even their computers could not rectify.

These remarkably efficient space vehicles are not only used as transportation from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy, but they are also used as submersible craft in searching out the depths of oceans - which no man has yet been able to conquer.

The craft are completely protected from the intensive heat of suns or on planets with atmosphere. Their outer skins protected by ejecting a liquid carbon over the entire outer shell, allowing the craft to enter into any of the numerous sun stars for replenishment of the burning hydrogen in the process of acquiring energy fusion.

Saucers that must be refueled by the sun's energy enter a sun star (not our sun) with perfect



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computerized timing, scoop up four cubic ounces of the intensified liquid heat and make an exit at Warp V speeds. The time involved is approximately 20 seconds. Any miscalculation of this split-second timing would result in the complete disintegration of ship and crew.

For an idea of the degree of heat intensity involved, one tiny speck of this liquid heat the size of a typewriter dot could, if placed on earth, burn all things in a radius of dozens of miles in a billionth of a second. Four cubic inches of intensified liquid heat are all that is required for energy over an eight-year period. They use fusion rather than nuclear fission to eliminate radioactive radiation.

In summary of this subject of the power source, these alien craft are propelled by the simple projection of neutrons in advance of their craft and protons ejected from the rear of the ship, thus creating a push-and-pull movement. Liquid light is the baSic secret of propulsion and the conductor of a force field ... and is used in that manner. This is all difficult to understand, but I have presented the facts as simply as I COUld.

The men of Earth would be wise to experiment more with mercury in attempting to create the anti-gravitational force fields they so desperately desire.

The brief information I have obtained so far from the ancient records is only a small portion of the over-all knowledge in storage. I will be many years in the completion of all that has been recorded. I am doubtful that any additional technological data will be released for public view,


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. for some information will remain secret, as it was originally intended to be.


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Chapter II:

Those Now Among Us

In the unlimited vastness of space, there are no known boundaries where galaxies have a definite beginning and a definite ending. There are no clocks to mark the minutes and hours. There are no calendars to delineate the days, months and years. There are no sunrises or sunsets to indicate the passing of a 24-hour period. And there, beyond our Earth, there is no longer the imprisonment of the gravitational pull that limits our destiny to global atmosphere, or rotational travel.

In this great expanse of our boundless universe, there are many sun stars and millions of moons, planets two and three times the size of Earth that appear to be a mere speck in the inky darkness that always lies just ahead. There are stars leaving our Milky Way and there are immense clouds of gas falling and forming into the Milky Way. In space there are turbulent plasmas with x- and gamma rays with mighty stellar explosions at a constant rate. Our universe is vast, limitless, incomprehensible and awesome.

As you travel into the realm of space, no longer do you see the tiny dotted specks of light that have been viewed for thousands of years, for as you travel further into the unknown, these tiny specks of light suddenly some into focus as


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asteroids, additional clusters of Milky Ways and planets resembling Satum, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Looking back, Earth begins to show itself as a tiny speck of light -- another star in the heavens.

During this exploration through space, any fear you may have is calmed by the overwhelmingly breathtaking view of the billions of creations now surrounding you --and the creeping sensation that you are not alone.

To give you some remote idea of the vastness of our universe and the distances one must travel tom any given place to another, the figures are almost incomputable, for we are no longer tabulating in the millions, trillions octrillions, gigas or gogols. There is no word in' our present vocabulary that would define the great distanc~ in mere miles. As one simple example, it takes light, traveling at 186,410.99 miles per second, a total of 30,000 years to reach Earth from the great Milky Way.

To go one step further in this regard the speed of space travel is as limitless as is the vast~ess of the universal path of flight. I previously mentioned that alien craft were quite capable of traveling at speeds of Warp V. To give you some idea of how fast this is, consider the spe~d ?f Warp II: squaring the speed of light (which IS 186,410.99 times itself, or Warp I), with that total again times itself (Warp II), it comes to the astronomical figure of slightly less than 6,~63,225,107,~24,952.073399 miles ~ second! This IS equivalent to 22,907,610,386,729,827,464.23640 miles per


Beyond Our Galaxy

hour. This figure no longer belongs to the calculation of billion billion, or even octrillion, but would exceed giga (which is one step beyond octrillion ).

These speeds are incomprehensible to us due to the fact that on Earth we are accustomed to such speeds as 120 m.p.h. or 600 m.p.h., or possibly 1200 m.p.h.! Everything on Earth is measured by time or miles; only those who have traveled to the moon and back can verify the uncanny speeds through space without the sensation of movement.

If you are interested in finding out the number of light years involved, you simply divide the number of seconds in our calendar year, which is 31,536,000, into the figure of 6,363,225,107,424,952.073399 and you will then have computed the distance traveled at the Warp II speed. You can imagine the figure involved if you were to compute the speed for Warp V! To place these speeds in a more understandable frame of reference, it would take a thousand years traveling at the speed of light (using 186,410.99 miles per second) to go the same distance covered in ONE SECOND at the speed of Warp II.

Because these speeds are mind-boggling and, really, beyond all realms of our comprehension, I will add a few more coals to the fire and state, for the record, more almost unbelievable data. According to the late Albert Einstein, the world's greatest mathematician, if man were to travel fast enough into space for a joumey of four hours out and four hours back, the


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I •


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people left behind on earth during this mere eight­hour t~ip would have aged more than forty years! Thus, If you were to travel ten days into space at Warp V speed, this civilization, as we know it would no longer exist! In essence, these same speeds were traveled by our Biblical Prophets and, because of this time factor and the time barrier into another dimension, our Biblical history could be thrown off as much as 2,000 years.

As I previou~ly stated, a space ship traveling to Earth, according to our calculation of time ~ould t~ke .slightly more than eight years to reach Its destination ... but if our Earth clock were aboard such a ship, it would register only a few hours! If you were to place a clock in a spacecraft, another on. Earth and one in a neutral area of the universe, all three would give you a different reading!

Again I refer to the statement that in space there is no time, miles per hour, calendar days or marked y~ars. In the universe, time is computed only by light years; any other measurement of time would be completely inaccurate and confusing.

When we think of extraterrestrial human life we im mediately associate it with the planet Mars' Venice, Jupiter, Pluto or Saturn. So far, we hav~ not accepted the possibility that life could exist beyond our own galaxy; we are ignorant of other atmospheres, .suns or orbiting planets many thousands of light years into the universe. To date, we have researched only our immediate galaxy -- beyond this reach of star planets we have learned little. '


Beyond Our Galaxy

Since man has not ventured into the realm of the great unknown, it is futile to believe that life could exist beyond the reach of our imagination. Our education about the universe is limited to our technology and the costs involved in producing space probes would involve many more years of advanced technology and expenditures that would exceed all that has been spent on wars since America mustered up her first blunderbuss firearms.

Vast expenditures were allocated over the centuries to the selfish whims of governments, involving new and devious ways of destruction -­for 'protection' against such conditions that peaceful arbitration could have prevented. Our technology was left aimlessly wandering, while humans or humanoids of other worlds knew of no wars and applied their energies to ward the cultivation of their race. If you consider the possibility that there are other humans in our universe, and they have lived through more peaceful civilizations than Earth will ever know in its brief existence, then you will have a basis for understanding a superior race that has developed the technology of traveling from any given planet to Earth.

Space itself has been conquered by a race of superior intelligence, who have not only visited Earth, but were instrumental in the establishment of our first civilization and are constant guardians of our existence. They came from beyond our galaxy, maintained their surveillance, appeared before us and are now among us.


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Bef~re I can relate the shocking realism that these ahens now have a temporary existence on the same planet we call Earth, I will have to inform you that once again our governing bodies and ~speci~lIy the Air Force, will have to be br~ught Into thiS strange unraveling truth. As I have previously stated and will repeat for the sake of a major point, our government, working in close conjunction with other world leaders, has consta~tly suppressed all facts pertaining to-the mysterious UFO's. Opinions have varied on exactly what is being covered up -- in fact there is . ' some conjecture that the government agencies are simply covering up the fact that there is nothing to cover up! Rather than trying to hide the prC?found trut~ of UFO's, they are desperately trYing to convince people that there is a profound truth to hide.

O~r Air Force, as well as other conspiring agencies, has reacted in a highly suspicious manner .from the beginnin.g, with a downward pla¥, w~lle th~y ~re frantically engaged in many serious investigations -- or so it may appear. In the p.ast, m~~y hundreds of saucer reports from prominent Citizens, bearing substantial evidence were i~mediately classified as "top secret"; ail authenticated photos were confiscated, never to be returned to the rightful owners. Air Force Officials, because of what they actually know are now becoming embarrassed for they are handling floods of new reports that can no longer be subdued.

The Air Force has made numerous announcements that they would continue to


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Investigate such sightings, but the news media are now convinced that they have been led down the garden path of deceit too many times and their empty promises have lingered for more than 30 years. In a belated attempt to make a point of keeping a batch of promises and to prove once and for all that the UFO's were merely figments of the people's imagination, to say nothing of sliding out from under a sticky situation, the Air Force tried numerous ways to discourage further sightings and to squelch the news media. They publicly announced the apPOintment of one Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who would investigate UFO's on an unbiased basis. Dr. Hynek, as their top scientific advisor, would solve, once and for all, the riddle of the sightings and aliens from other worlds. Dr. Hynek came, he saw and he conquered this problem with haste.

As a result of his findings, Dr. Hynek announced that all sightings were a perpetrated hoax; the many sightings were just mysterious lights from natural phenomena which were explainable in many ways, depending on the description given at that time. NO mention was made, of course, of the fact that some spacecraft have not only landed, but also actually crashed, and the evidence of such incidents was within their grasp. Thus, the game of everlasting lies, along with the concealment of the truth, continues, but they have now succumbed to other methods of hinting that there could be an alien factor and aliens could exist, which will be related at a later time.


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Dr. Kopal, a noted scientist who is not familiar with the fact that aliens are now among us (or at least he has made no reference to it in his documentations), stated that within our galaxy we might find a cross-section of planetary life at all stages of evolution -- from hundreds of millions of years behind all civilization to hundreds of millions of years ahead of all known races of the universe. He continues with his theory that a thousand or even ten thousand years of evolutionary difference is nothing compared with the cosmic scale. Time, as we know it, is our own man-made confinement and therefore exists only within the bounds of Earth.

With relation to this time factor, I can best explain it with the Bible verses taken from the Epistle of St. Barnabas, which was one of the best books omitted from the Bible in 325 A.D. In this Epistle of St. Barnabas, Chapter 13, verses ~6, it clearly states:

"And God made in six days the works of His hands; and He finished them on the seventh day and He rested the seventh day; and sanctified it.

"Consider, my children, what that signifies, He finished them in six days. The meaning of it is this; that in six thousand years (Earth time) the Lord God .

"For with Him, one day is a thousand years; as Himself testifieth, saying, Behold this day shall be as a thousand years, therefore my children, in six


Beyond Our Galaxy

thousand years shall all things be accomplished. "

His seventh day will be the new civilization during the 1,000 years of the millenium.

This information was recorded in the beginning of this civilization and is pertinent for the time barrier in which we live.

Some of our most respected scientists and astronomers have been fascinated by the numerous lights seen on the surface of the moon, while others felt these odd lights could be obscure natural events. These lights, reportedly flickering against the moon's reflected surface, convinced many that they are actually signs of activity.

When the first moon photos were relayed back to Earth by our space prober, they were carefully studied at a close magnification to determine if there were any human artifacts on the surface. NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C., did not admit at that time that the lights and shadows of the harsh lunar landscape were accurate, for there were in these photos concrete evidence of manufactured structures, of what appeared to be towers and platforms, and an opening in the moon's surface that was obscured by man-made coverings. NASA had to spot the same evidence, because these original photos were never shown for public viewing, nor was any announcement made of this discovery. As usual, our space officials professed their continued ignorance, bewilderment and annoyance when


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pressure was brought to bear regarding the truth of the original photos.

The only logical conclusion is that NASA is deliberately gOing out of its way to cover up the now-known evidence and it does not intend to admit to anyt~ing. unusual. It will go one step further and disclaim that these original photos also provided substantial evidence that a pyramid was a part of the man-made artifacts -- for an admission of such a structure would be tantamoun.t to ~n ~dmission of an alien power and a connection linking our Earth pyramids to the over-all significance of the visitations.

The suspicions that UFO's were actually seen and photographed around the moon were finally confirmed in the UFOLOGY MAGAZINE 1976 Spring edition. With the aid of a specially designed. telescopic lens, these photos proved that the tiny black objects over the Mare Crisium and Oceanus Procellarum areas were space

. ships.

It is the writer's opinion that much of the findings hav~ been purposely withheld to prevent mass ~ys~ena among the populace, for it was the hystena displayed by our Air Force officials which led to their over-reaction of hostility. Panic could very well run rampant among the Air Force officials who have not been kept up to date on the secret. reports kept by other government agencies.


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Space travel has existed for more years than the life span of this civilization, as records have now proven. Thousands of actual landings -- not only in the United States, but also throughout the world -- are on government records. In some cases the landings were documented only because attention had to be given to heads of other governments; in other cases, strong publicity provoked it. As for the actual landings of aliens who are now among us, these files will remain closed to the public, for just knowing where these beings are could create alarming consequences.

On May 24, 1962, the Argentine Government reported that a UFO had landed in LaPampa after many had been sighted in the immediate area. The government radio broad casted that many reliable witnesses had seen an actual landing near a ranch house. Two aliens dressed in silvery suits were seen leaving the space vehicle in a direction opposite their landing. When the aliens spotted the many observers, they immediately retraced their steps and boarded their craft. Because of the character of their motions, it was believed that these humanoids were cloned representatives of those who remained in the craft. They made no attempt to approach the witnesses nor did they make any type of gesture. They appeared to be in no great hurry to ascend in flight.

On April 24, 1964, in New Mexico, there was a sighting of a flying metal object that had drifted down near the town of Socorro. When it landed, a


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lo~d noise and a flash of brilliant light were witnessed by the town's pOlice force. On investigating this unusual incident, they saw a weird, ell~ptical-shaped object suspended on legs, perched In a gully beside the country road on the outskirts of town. There were, the reports stated, two human forms in space suits working on something on the underside of the craft. When th~ police w~re a~parently spotted by these beings, they Immediately disappeared or were enveloped by a light beam aboard the spacecraft. The craft took off and was out of sight in a matter of seconds -- before the police had time to radio for aid.

Encounters such as this have been frequent. The aliens are leery of being spotted because of our original hostility in 1946.

Most people followed the much-publicized encounter of Barney and Betty Hill, who claimed to have been taken aboard a spacecraft. On the night of September 19, 1961, the Hills were traveling on U.S. Route 3 heading toward Portsmouth as they returned from a trip to Canada. Around 11 :00 P.M., they both witnessed a brightly lighted object descending near their moving automobile. To get a closer view, Mr. Hill stopped his car, reached for his binoculars and walked into a nearby field. There he watched the object land. Being fearful of attack, he went into a state of panic. He ran to the car and drove down the deserted highway. He stated he had not gotten far when he heard a beeping sound followed by a pelting of something against the car's hood, roof and trunk. Whatever it was he ,


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and his wife immediately felt sleepy. He does remember stopping the car and knew he had been approached by alien beings before he and his wife went into a deep slumber. When they awoke, they were in a state of hypnotic trance and both the Hills were aboard an alien craft. Although they did not describe their immediate surroundings, they did relate that they were spoken to by the alien beings and were told no harm would come to them.

In this encounter, the Hills testified that they were both given a physical examination and were not mistreated by their captors. After the ordeal of being examined, they were released and taken back to their car. The Hills were terrified when they reported this encounter to the authorities. It led to grueling hterrogations by doctors and Air Force officials. After many re-examinations, the Hills were acclaimed to have actually experienced this unusual encounter ... but the shock of that event preyed on Barney Hill; he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died in 1969 at the age of 46.

When man of this civilization first began to write in manuscript form, it was recorded in the oldest chronicles of India that a small band of beings visited Earth many thousands of years ago in metallic-like flying vehicles. This band of beings had orbited the earth several times before attempting a landing; when they did land, they chose to live among the people of that area and era. These beings lived among the tribes for some time until the usual discontent arose among the people, at which time the beings regathered,


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boarded their ship and flew to destinations unknown. The records went on to state that these beings were of high intelligence and transported themselves by rays of light whenever they needed ground transportation. They taught much and the people of Earth learned much. Many were sorry to see them leave, but the jealous rulers of the land created disturbances and the beings were unwilling to share the selfish greeds of the overlords.

Evidences of previous alien beings were left in many parts of our world. In one case, on the island in .hake Tungting in Peking, huge carvings were found in the mountain's granite depicting human astronauts ~tilizing some sort of breathing tubes inserted in a helmet type head. These carvings have been calculateCUo be 47,000years old -- 43,000 years prior to the creation of Adam and Eve. In other parts and locations of the world, there have been similar carvings of humans wearing special helmets and strange costumes-such as were found in the Palpa Valley near Nazea, Peru, and others in Asia and nearby countries.

In Tessalit, Algeria, as well as in the northern areas of Damascus, Cairo, Egypt, Lyons, France, and general areas of the Middle East, there are identical carvings of the same astronauts.

These encounters and documented evidences are but a few of the thousands on record; it is needless to cite them all for many have been published in earlier writings. Actual encounters of alien beings who are not within an arm's length of their space craft have been


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revealed to the general public ... meaning, you may have had every-day encounters with those among us. /

A Doctor Freeman Dyson of Princeton's I nstitute for Advanced Study stated that we should be on constant guard against unpleasant surprises, for we could encounter beings with great wisdom and serenity. He further stated that the "more technological our civilization becomes, in many ways, the worse it becomes ... and one could imagine other terrible civilizations with a higher degree of technology."

Speculation about aliens is endless; our ignorance is showing when it concerns the fact that they are here but unknown to nearly all of us. It might shock you to realize that you may have already seen one in your daily travels! You may have brushed against one walking our streets, or passed one unknowingly in the darkness of night. Or you may have possibly sat beside one on an airplane. In total, you should have no fright, for the words of the aliens have been recorded many times: "Fear not, for you will not be harmed. We have been among you since your civilization began."

Not all the blame for secrecy can be placed on the Air Force or the agencies connected with Operation Blue Book (the agency which investigates UFO's). Publicity seekers are more to blame, with their thousands of hoaxes and false reports of claimed "encounters". People who love nothing better than seeing their names in newsprint have concocted weird stories of UFO's landing on rooftops, trees and super highways --


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even in their back yards. There have been numerous reports that people have been picked up against their will, taken aboard the space craft and flown around the universe, to be deposited at h?me days later. Other stories are told of alleged flights ~o Venus, where the Earth passengers were given a grand tour of the planet... and usually they report that they arrived back home in less than one hour!

. . Tim.e is an important factor in these stories. If It IS being measured by clocks on Earth the "Earth time" elapsed would scarcely have been I~ng enough to allow for travelling such dlstance~ ... even at Warp V speeds. If the time were being measured by a clock aboard the space ship, since an hour in space is equivalent to ~ve ¥ears on Earth, upon returning from even a qUick Jaunt through space, the Earth and its people would have aged considerably.

On. investigation, many people who reported such triPS were never really missing from their home -- even for a half an hour.

Aside from these alleged tours -- anywhere f~om Ven~s to 100,000 light years away (in less time that It would take to walk a block or two down the str~et!), there have been the uncanny reports that ahens were anywhere from six inches tall to more than 15 feet in height. Aliens have been reported to have green skin, purple skin blue and sometimes a bright yellow! "

Som.e of th~ space creatures had three eyes­- the. third being set deeply in the forehead, shooting out death rays, while the other two eyes


Beyond Our Galaxy

flashed red and green. Continued sightings and actual encounters poured in from all over the United States; and the more that were reported, the more varied the stories. Many people testified (all with different stories) that these creatures were demons from outer space who are nearly ready to conquer Earth ... and they need Earth man to help them.

There are thousands of such reports on file; some of the fictional encounters could curl your hair and turn it pure white all in a split second. If there were a consistency to these encounters and if they bore some semblance to the truth, the Air Force might not be so likely to conceal the facts from the general public. The descriptions of the spacecraft alone have been as varied as the people reporting them. They have been variously described as being the size of a Volkswagon car, the size of 10 city blocks, and even so large that they covered the entire countryside as they hovered just a few feet above specially selected remote farmhouses.

Such reports, as I have mentioned, are still pouring in, but little or no attention is given them -­and for good reason. THEY ARE FALSE REPORTS OF SIGHTINGS AND ENCOUNTERS. Despite the false reports, all spacecraft are not the vivid imaginings of dreamers, although at times they may seem to be. You can also rule out the possibility that they are of Russian origin. These UFO's are not of Earth, nor are they man­made machines from a tuck-away warehouse in Canada, South America, or Timbuktu. They are real and they are here!


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To illustrate that "the right hand knoweth not what the left hand doeth" - totally unknown to the majority of the branches of the government, the files of other government agencies contain accurate records of every authentic landing reported, with detailed descriptions of the aliens that were aboard.

In fact, in one of America's most noted government hospitals there are documents that prove beyond all doubt that aliens are among us. Buried in the hospital archives, these records contain names, current addresses, identification numbers, complete phYSical descriptions, x-ray reports and results of physical examinations conducted upon them!

Surprised? Shocked? Or are you in complete disbelief of what you have just read? Whether you believe it or not, this writing is based on fact and not fiction. Since the government has kept this knowledge secret, you should be made aware of it. Whether you believe me or not matters very little, for facts are not altered by belief or disbelief.

These ALIENS, as we call them, ARE HUMAN ... meaning, they are much like you and I, with slight difference in lung structure and facial composition. X-rays and physical examinations show only internal variances from us of Earth. They often have four lungs instead of two, their heart is somewhat larger and their digestive system is different. They have legs, arms, body and head like ours, but the actual skin formation is different.

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Many people find it hard to accept the idea that there could be another race of man .... to say nothing of superior race. Where do they get the idea that they are God's only race of men? If we are supposed to be the ultimate, of hUn:'a~ creation, how then are these humanOids considerably superior intellectually and more advanced technologically? To think we are God's only perfect race in the entire universe is utterly absurd. As a human race, we are actually lower in intelligence than the so-called aliens. We are but a few steps away from being primitive! In fact, there are areas on Earth where life is still absolutely primitive, and it will remain so until the end of our time.

You will read later in this documentary of human life on other planets, whose civilizations are far more advanced than ours and whose scientific technology is most difficult to understand.

Let us suppose for a moment that the tables were turned. You are the alien who has traveled many light years to reach Earth. Your intention is to study the Earthling civilization. You have all the necessary equipment for such travel and study -­computers, translators of any language, and headgear for sensing the approach of humans at distances of more than five miles. In reality, you would not need to hover over the cities, because you could actually leave your craft and maintain the same surveillance with just your space helmet, which is a masterful feat of technical engineering. It is equippe~ wit~ inne~ speakers

_ _ ~ ........ ,.j ,.""_ ..... '+""";'7.:11r1 rlata whlr.h I~ set lust above

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eye level and on both sides in vertical positions. All necessary data is available with the slightest movement of the eyes. The helmets carry the same computations as the ship, but condensed into a smaller area.

Tuning in with the devices in the helmet, you would be able to pick up all the news being transmitted by radio and televiSion. You would hear the continuous reports of murders rape robbery, crime round-ups, cruelty to h~mans: conspiring governments, rumors of war starvation, massive unemployment, government and civilian corruption, deaths by the hundreds, foolish aCCidents, drug addictions, smuggling, and many more atrocities that would make you ill while you listened. You would learn of the upheavals in South Africa, Egypt, Jerusalem, Russia, China and all the countries of this world.

What would your opinion be after listening to these news stories? Would you feel that Earthlings are a cultivated civilization and a God­fearing people, or would you be thankful that you are not a part of this evil-ridden planet? I venture to say that your reactions would make you approach with extreme caution, and even closer observations would not change your thinking.

It is assumed that you, although an alien, have the same processes of logic and emotions, since all "humans" stem from the same creation.

The caution of these Earth visitors is well founded and their identity is a closely guarded secret for obvious reasons. There are people roaming this Earth who would not hesitate to



Beyond Our Galaxy

declare it a service of humanity, in their distorted viewpoint, to kill an alien or to publicize the fact they knew where they were located.

Again, let this documentary show for the record that we are not alone and these aliens are among us -- living among us and working alongside us. They are reported to be in every major city of the WOrld, occupying key positions of importance. Basically, their mission to Earth is twofold: (1) a closer observation of our behavior, along with the slowly advancing technology of our space race, and (2) to aid us in many ways of a non-technical nature.

Many_ aliens were sent to this planet for extended perjods of detention. Since the ancient records from the hidden tomb indicate that their civilization has no crime, there are no prisons or detention centers for punishment. Thus, if a serious law has been broken, the punishment is to live on the planet Earth, in a primitive atmosphere, until the sentence period has been completed.

Coming from a planet of superior people with technologies beyond our understanding and a civilization that has maintained a perfect balance of unity and close living relationships without greed and selfishness, this planet would be a prison in itself and punishment to the ultimate degree. When they have fulfilled their commitment to work and teach Earthlings the art of living in harmony, they are released from their bonds and are taken home. The mere sentence of living here and sharing our form of life would have taught them the seriousness of their behavior on their own planet.


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On a June day in 1954, a prominent Pennsylvania Senator, a Pennsylvania Congressman, a man I'll call John, and another man met for lunch at the then-famous Toffenetti's Restaurant in New York. City. John was a friend of the two distinguished members of government; the fourth man was introduced to him simply as Mr. Smith.

John was unaware of the importance of the meeting, although he had been asked before the luncheon to take no part in the conversation. In retrospect, this seemed like an unnecessary request, for the conversation was so complicated John couldn't have added much if he had wanted to. He was content - even enthralled -- to listen, as the politicians and Mr. Smith spoke at length of Albert Einstein and his theories of space, time and travel. The talk drifted to the coming blast of wars; the rapid decline of some of the world's civilizations; the increase of heart disease, cancer and other ills; and bits of classified information pertaining to NASA and its plans for future space travel.

It became evident to John that Mr. Smith was a very special person. Not only was he an extraordinarily handsome man, with fine features and great magnetism, but he was amazingly skillful and adroit in handling the most complex and technical matters in their conversation.

John felt himself being swept up by Mr. Smith's energy. His manner of speaking


Beyond Our Galaxy

commanded John's total attention. He was literally held spellbound by the great flow of knowledge. As an indication of how enrapt John had become, after Mr. Smith's departure, John felt physically drained, exhausted -- for he had poured so much of his own attention and energy toward Mr. Smith.

When the luncheon was over and John and his two friends were on their way back to New Jersey, it was suddenly announced to John's utter astonishment that he had just dined with a man who came from a place beyond our galaxy!

Imagine John's shockl He was staggered by this information I Had he not so impressed by Mr. Smith's superior intellect and so swept up by his manner, John would have scoffed at th~ mere suggestion. But he knew, deep down, that It was true.

The shock was quickly replaced by remorse and regret - imagine being in the presence of a being from another planet and not having had the chance to ask any questions! Just an hour ago he had sat across from a man who had actually traveled through space and who knew of life on another planet! Mr. Smith was no little green monster -- aside from a few minor traits and appearances, he was much like man of Earth.

John knows how privileged he was to have met Mr. Smith under any circumstances, but, oh, what he would give to have been able to ask him the hundreds of questions that still keep racing through his mind.


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In view of the fact that UFO's can no longer be credited to dreams of fantasy or some strange omnipotent entity, government agencies are slowly turning to the reality that they can no longer deceive the public -- and some slight presentment of fact is now necessary as a prelude to the coming events of the future.

Just a few short years after the so-called "saucer invasion", Hollywood produced a motion picture entitled, "The Day The Earth Stood ~till". The general public recognized it simply as another of Hollywood's great science fiction films. What they did not know was that this particular motion picture was requested by several officials of our government... to bring to light that UFO's were here in force numbers, that they had a message for all people, and that one of the two travelers around whom the film was based was human. The other was a robot that operated under the command of the alien pilot. This motion picture was a huge success and was rated as one of the finest science fiction stories ever released. Unfortunately, the picture was soon forgotten, as are all the others ... which is one of the biggest mistakes in visual education.

With continued sightings, claimed encounters and pressure by the public, more data had to be released to slow the increasing panic that was developing across our country. Once again, Hollywood came to the aid of the believer and produced another great in motion picture history. The production of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" revealed once again that these aliens were not only friendly, but were human. To make the


Beyond Our Galaxy

motion picture more believable, the humanoids / were made to have a close resemblance to the humans of Earth but were different enough to relate the hint as it was intended.

This particular motion picture left the viewer with a definite message and a feeling that if such a scene were to happen in reality, it would be more easily acceptable. It left its mark; it calmed the fears; it portrayed the human factor and it may have prevented future panic.

Major Donald E. Keyhoe, now retired from the U.S. Marine Corps and a one-time investigator working closely with Project Blue Book (Air Force sightings and intelligence reports), stated that he feels confident the American public is now mature enough to accept the fact that Earth is being visited by alien beings and many landings have occurred. Major Keyhoe feels that the constant withholding of the truth by the government is fast approaching a climax and eventually the "TRUTH WILL WIN".

The motion pictures "The Day The Earth Stood Still," showing an actual landing in Washington, D.C., and the appearance of a human, and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," were merely preparatory. The public is now more receptive to the educational program that is to follow. As further disclosures are being made, including "The Overlords of UFO's" and "Project UFO", we will be more attuned to the fact that we will not be attacked, invaded, annihilated, or even scooped up in great hordes prior to the days of he coming holocaust, to be saviors of the human

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race. We are merely being observed; and, when the time is right, the worthy will be chosen.

It is true-and far from imagination -- that a number of people have experienced encounters in the rural areas of our countryside, where they actually communicated with a robot type machine. A robot is used for the contact during some visits in the constant observation that is being conducted by aliens when circumstances indicate that caution should be used.

In addition to the encounters with robots, there are also encounters with human clones -­and it is difficult to be sure which it is. Clones are used for appearances only, where they wish to give any observers the impression that they are human without taking any risk of harm. There is normally a human not too far away, aboard the spacecraft.

In regard to clones or robots, we, in this country, are trying to perfect the creation of artificial humans. I refer to the fearsome "Cyborg System" which NASA has under consideration at the present time, for our future space explorations. Cyborg is a cybernetic organism, which in essence, has a chemical mind transplanted through surgery to be used for future astronauts. The transplant, which substitutes electronic thought waves for a man's physiological ones, is the discovery of Dr. Toby Freeman of the North American Aviation Association and has the capacity to turn a human into a semi-robot. The result would be a computerized human who would


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react as directed through controlled thought waves. The transformed astronaut would not be able to speak. His lungs would be non-functional, his body waste recycled through himself and his emotional system is completely removed. These changes would be permanent; after his missions are completed, he would not be fit for a normal life, but would be a prisoner of technology.

This process is similar to cloning, as far as the formation of a human robot is concerned, but not in the extremes that our government is experimenting with. This new discovery could be better described as the running mate to a robot, for the astronaut will eventually be given an artificial heart and have no digestive organs, no use for water or food. The equipment that operates the Cyborg System self-injects all needed energy, brain waves and motion. If this Cyborg System seems frightening and fraught with dangerous overtones, it is... but it's our uncivilized and primitive way of matching alien technology.

It might be well to note that this cruel method of creating semi-robots is a far cry from what out aliens use. I doubt if they would go to these extreme measures.

The first encounter with an alien clone could be a frightening one. Without the transfer of the final human elements (brain and soul), clones would appear as human robots that function only on command of the controlling alien or the master computer brain. Cloned aliens react differently to human contact and have never been known to speak, making gestures only. Their eyes are set


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in motionless sockets and they appear to look deeply into one they would approach. Cloned humanoids adjust automatically to severe cold or heat and to oxygen or non-oxygen areas. Their food intake is considerably less than the lightest human diet, and they can endure long periods without water or food. Cloned humanoids that have had the transfer of brain and soul will be expounded on later in this book.

There is one important factor in regard to an alien encounter that must be planted firmly in your mind. All aliens that visit Earth are not friendly. They come from different planets and their civilizations vary, as do our races on Earth. Earth has many races and many subdivided civilizations, but the galactic planets feature only one race per planet and are not melting pots for the extreme mixtures that we are.

When an encounter is eminent and you are faced with either a mute clone or a mechanical robot, you can be relatively sure that you are dealing with a group of friendly aliens. The reverse is quite evident and impossible to overlook. The approach of unfriendly aliens is not one of extreme caution, but is bold. This type approach has no hesitation and has a protective force field that could lead to the magnetic pull of your hair or create innumerable difficulties with any electrical components around you. They work in groups of two or four, and their invitation for you to join them is a forceful one... not a friendly wave of the hand in a gesture of friendship.


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When any humans are approached and taken aboard by the unfriendly race of aliens, it does not mean that harm will befall them. In most cases, they are taken aboard the space craft and examined under an x-ray lighting system for a specified number of minutes... then either released or kept aboard (reasons unknown). This physical examination, although painless, could play havoc with the nervous system for many months to come, for something is transferred into the brain that will be activated Wlen they feel it necessary in the furtherance of their purposes.

This type of encounter has been quite infrequent in comparison to other visitations. In reality, the crafts differ greatly between these two types of races. The cloned or robot types of aliens generally appear in a wedge shaped craft or one that does not hover for any extended period. Their craft, when approaching, can create considerable difficulty with you, your automobile, airplane, boat or any object that is electrical or electronic.

Of the 15,000 reports of actual encounters with aliens that flow in on a yearly basis, only 1 500 are considered worth further investigation. , After all the hoaxes have been discounted, there have been, over the years, a total of 150 cases that have been thoroughly documented as actual fact. The documentation consists of authentic photographs, the radiation count after such a landing, and testimony of witnesses of sta~le credibility. In many cases, a lie detector test IS



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Of these sightings or claimed encounters, few have actually landed in the manner reported. The visitations of the unfriendly craft, which I spoke of, are recorded as surveillance ships looking over both terrain and humans, scientific testing and counter-testing, and -- last but not least -- the gruesome fact that man is a possible source of badly needed protein. Some of the many people who have disappeared after sightings or actual encounters with the unfriendly aliens have been used for their selective training, experiments or further scientific studies; whether or not they are later disposed of remains a mystery.

Not all these space craft are under the same galaxy commander or galaxy council -- thus, we are Sighting both types of alien visitors, friendly and unfriendly. There is comfort in the fact that most of these close or actual encounters that have been experienced were with alien friends.

Unfortunately, our government feels that to prevent mass panic among the people it is necessary to withhold information from them. In view of the fact that the majority of the recorded UFO's and aliens are friendly, they are not sure now about the more recent encounters, which have been reported as being frightening. Since things are slowly coming to a climax, the governing bodies will be forced to admit to having UFO data and will reveal their purpose to the people. You will find, as the months and years pass, that a "Truth Squad" will be formed by our

• agencies.

Something as serious as aliens being among us should have been released many years ago.


Beyond Our Galaxy

Such openness could have prevented the distrust now forming against the Air Force and could have prepared us better to accept what is to come in the not-too-distant future. Had the truth been told from the beginning, the initial fear and shock would have passed by now.

In conclusion, we are closer to a full encounter than we presently realize; soon, with their return, we will receive a message that will be remembered. Such a message would not be needed if we had leamed, over the last three decades, to live with one another in complete harmony.

These electrifying words will be heard over global TV:

- . w

'We are among you. Fear not, for we have a message for all Earthlings .... "


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Beyond Our Galaxy


Beyond Our Galaxy

Chapter III:

Traveling The Universe

There is no beginning and no end to our universe. Its vastness is as incomprehensible as the speeds that were traveled from galaxy to galaxy by the astronauts of long ago and the aliens of today. Although the universe is limitless in space, planets, asteroids and satellites are found within a boundary, which is calculated to extend approximately one hundred million light years through its diameter. Relatively speaking, Earth would appear as the tiniest dot of infinitesimal microscopical minutia in the midst of a depth that extends nearly to the brink of infinity. Neither human nor humanoid could possibly travel from perimeter to perimeter, for even if there were sufficient fuel (which there is not) no space vehicle could travel these almost incalculable light years in one lifetime or many lifetimes.

This civilization has had its stargazers for more than 5,000 years, and previous stargazers reach back another half million years to when the first man made his appearance on Earth. Possibly the humanoids on planets far beyond our galaxy were stargazers millions of years before that.

Our galaxy is only a tiny speck in the total picture; its ratio to totally is as Earth is to the universe. Our immediate solar system is


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comprised of nine planets, 31 satellites, and nearly 2,000 minor planets or interplanetary matter. The names of these planets are familiar to all of us, although their distances from the sun may not be.

Earth is calculated to be 93 million miles from our sun; Mars is 142 million; Jupiter, 483 million; Saturn, 886 million; Uranus, 1,783 million; Neptune, 2,794 million; Pluto, being the furthest, is 3,670 million; Mercury, having the shortest distance of all, is 36 million; and Venus is 67 million miles.

If these nine planets were placed in a straight line (which they will be by 1982), the distance from Pluto (the farthest from the sun) to Mercury (the closest) would be 9,954,000,000 miles. If one of our present-day space craft were to attempt this trip, it would take nearly ten years, traveling at the speed of 125,000 miles per hour, to complete the journey and return back to Earth.

When we are dealing in miles and the size of the universe, we should make additional comparisons of the size of Earth and the other planets and stars. Earth has a diameter of approximately 9,000 miles, while the sun is 864,000 miles across, being 332,000 times greater than the mass of Earth. While still uncalculated, Pluto is approximately 90% larger than Earth and Mercury is 50% larger [density] . Venus is nearly the same size as the Earth. Adding the diameter of these planets together, plus the miles between them, they still occupy only about one trillionth of the over-all expanse of the universe.


Beyond Our Galaxy

Over the past century, astronomers and scientists have sought to resolve the mysteries surrounding the alien spacecraft. Their original speculation, which is still maintained today, was that these aliens came from "nearby", that is, from the moon, Mars, Venus or, perhaps, even as far away as Saturn. Some have suggested that space aliens will descend on Earth from these well-known planets as a race of powerful creatures who garb themselves in long, flowing white robes and, with their long, golden, hair, they might resemble Christ Himself.

. -, " " . , 04 ' · . , . . Pluto. . . . . . . . "'.

• • • • II ' .' . .' , • • .Neptune,. ~ ..•

t •• • • • , Uranus. " .' " , . ., .

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• • • , ,

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• • • • .. . . . .

• •• • .. ' . ' . • • • .' , • • • • •

• •• . .'

, .. • • , . . , . Saturn ,, ' . . . .-

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, . 't.: ~t . , . The nine planets, illustrating their relative sizes and the distances between them.


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~ ,

I Beyond Our Galaxy

The theory of this race coming out of our galaxy was shattered when the first radio observation of Venus was recorded. Its radio waves were measured at U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and it was discovered that Venus had a more intense source of radio emission than had been anticipated. Because of the amount of sunlight it reflected back into space, Venus should have been cooler than Earth, despite its clos~~ess to the sun. It was found that the planet, receIVIng a radio transmission of these centimeters, was throwing back as much radiation as would be expected if its temperature was 600? Fahrenheit. Later, with more advanced radio telescopes, it was learned that Venus did have a heat factor that ranged between 6507 and 900?

Venus is a brilliant pinpoint of yellowish-white light when viewed through our most powerful telescopes, but for the most part, its surface is hidden by enigmatic cloud layers ranging 40 miles above its surface that shield it from view. It is now revealed that this blockade of clouds contains some amounts of mOisture, ammonium chloride, hydr~Chloride acid, silicates and oxides, hydrated chlOride, hydrocarbons and some carbohydrates. In the final analYSiS, the presence of excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the Venusian atmosphere, coupled with the absence of free oxygen and abundant water vapors, makes it a very uninviting place to live or even sustain sub­stations for any length of time.

. The situation in regard to Mars is somewhat dlffer~nt. There,. we detect a thin atmosphere, polar Ice caps, thin layers of snow and little trace


Bevond Our Galaxy •

of water other than the melting ice in season. , . Water vapor has not been detected to any major degree, and if the Martian atmosphere were condensed on its surface, the vapors that are present would be no more than one-twentieth of an inch thick.

Mars does contain carbon dioxide in amounts twice that of Earth. The can be no firm ruling that Mars was not occupied at one time many thousands of years ago, for free oxygen did exist. Although reports from our space probers indicated that Mars is a barren planet, it does have temperatures similar to Earth, being somewhat cooler and Mars does have its seasons. The , . planet is without mountain ranges and IS considered to have a semi-flat terrain, with canals which are now dry.

When astronomers and scientists say this planet is uninhabited, they are wrong to assume it is not used as a base station, as the records of the hidden tomb now indicate.

In reviewing the other planets of our immediate galaxy to eliminate the possibility of alien civilizations, we can turn to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. These planets are more massive than Mars or Venus, but the density of their atmosphere is extremely lower. Jupiter, the largest of the nine, has a massiveness equal to 320 times that of Earth; while Uanus, being the smallest of these four, is 15 times the size of Earth.


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Their atmospheres are dense and contain a mixture of molecular hydrogen in which their cloud barriers consist of ammonia and methane, surrounded by enormous mantles of ice. Below cloud level, Jupiter indicates a temperature of 130? to 150? below zero on a Centigrade scale. At these extremely cold temperatures, the methane becomes gaseous and the ammonia crystallizes into ammonia vapors. With the thick, icy surface under cover of a dense atmosphere, plus the ammonia and methane (which is equal to mine gas), the conditions would not be adequate for a space traveler to land. Thus, because of the existing conditions, we can safely rule out any surviving civilization, as we know it, for these aliens are "human" and they do need air, water and food.

As for Pluto, there is little known evidence that it possesses any atmosphere, or at least enough to sustain human life. Of course, there is always the remote possibility that life does exist, but is confined to subterranean caverns below its surface. The records of the secret tomb reveal only seven planets bearing life; however, it referred only to established civilizations. There are many planets and satellites throughout the universe that are occupied as portal stations and are not considered as civilizations.

Today, new theories are being studied as to the origin of our immediate solar system. It is only speculation that our system came into being as a result of a collision between the sun and other stars. If estimates are near accurate, a star, like the sun, could be expected to collide with other


Beyond Our Galaxy

stars every hundred thousand billion years. Since Earth and the solar system are only four and a half billion years old (from conception, not after cooling), it could have been the result of a freak accident or a direct plan of our Creator -- which is more likely the case.

We have now ruled out the possibility of alien civilizations occupying any other portion of our nine galaxy planets, other than as portal stations. This evidence, provided by our scientists and astronomers, coincides with the intricate records found in the tomb below the Pyramid of Gizeh THAT LIFE DOES EXIST beyond our galaxy on the seven indicated planets.

Space travel, as related to us by our astronauts, has been a thrilling, beautiful and rewarding experience. It was a challenge "well met" toward the conquering of new horizons in space. Our moon shot was an enormous engineering accomplishment of our advancing technology, for it was the beginning of a program that will allow us to gain access to the other planets, one at a time. Traveling the great distance to the moon at speeds in excess of 125,000 miles per hour was an almost unbelievable feat! It was an even greater marvel that we landed, walked the moon's surface and collected soil samples! This adventure gave us proof that we could break the imprisoning lock of gravity and make plans to travel to Mars and Venus in the future.

The moon, our first attempt in space, was chosen because of its proximity to Earth. Why we made more than one trip to collect dust-covered


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rocks is still a mystery to the millions of Americans who felt we poured too much money into the project. Is this exploration of space only for the reason given or are we planning a future of world domination from a vantage point in outer space?

It is a known fact that the race of weapons­and-space supremacy between the United States and Russia is accelerating at a rapid speed, with Russia in the lead. Russia has developed the first tactical space weapon, known as a hunter-killer satellite, capable of destroying anything we could put up there. In addition to this, orbital nuclear bombs are in the final experimental stages and it will not be too long before they are completely developed -- and perhaps accidentally set off. I have brought up this particular subject for one important reason -- it plays a vital role in the latter part of this book and the warnings given by the alien powers. The motion picture 'Star Wars" is but a suggestion of what could develop between the two most powerful nations of Earth. Just as "no man is an island", so too is no planet free of the influence of the others. Destruction of the delicate balance put into motion by our Creator will affect not just Earth, but all others in and beyond our galaxy.

Space travel, as we know it is merely an attempt to conquer planets of our immediate galaxy, in the hope of venturing further into the great universe in search of human existence. Such a program is far from realization. It is a recorded fact that the time remaining to us, as a civilization, will not be sufficient for this extension


Beyond Our Galaxy

of ~evelopm~nt, for, as I stated previously, we are rapidly heading toward the self-destruct factor and the arms-space race only verifies what is predicted. This space travel is not just a venture Into the unknown for its utterly magnificent beauty b~t it is a dangerous voyage for all who attempt it With the technologies inadequate to cope with speeds greater than light.

.... ,. .......

. ", ' ......... " . .. ~ .

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. / ." ,. " -~

i ... Earth' • Moon .~ / t·· "' ........ ~" '. .1 .... ·

, . .' ", ,... .......... " .. \ . ... '. . . , " .. .... ' .. '- '

" . '.. ,.' .... '

" ':"';"'-~:::' ~ '.'\ ( " Sun. Earth,

G· .4._ . ." w ,. -. ." ', ... ,.,

The Earth's Orbit Around the Sun

We have learned in the testing of space speeds that 125,000 miles per hour is just a steppin.g-sto~e to greater speed. Beyond the pull of gravity, t.hls speed is not any more recognizable than traveling the Earth in air flight at 600 miles per hour -- but in space, the faster you travel, the more dangerous the joumey becomes and the more unpredictable factors you must face for the shortness of life encountered.

THE TIME BARRIER Space has no boundaries, time, miles or any

regard for error in calculations. Unknown dangers lurk every second at increased speeds. There


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has always been and always will be a limit to speed, whether it be on Earth or in space -- and neither man of Earth nor elsewhere dare step beyond that invisible line.

The speed of light had been incorrectly calculated for years to be 186,000 miles per second. After a long period of time, this calculation was amended to be 186,282 miles per second, which was still inaccurate because Earth moves around the sun in an orbit which includes a secondary orbit. Earth actually travels on an end loop as it revolves around the sun in a circle, from the inside to the outside, and it takes 1.25637 years to make one complete circle in a direct line. If you were to stretch out Earth's orbit into a straight line and view it on edge, you would see Earth moving away from you, but revolving from right to left with the poles remaining intact.

The somewhat elliptical orbit is exaggerated by the secondary orbit; and when you add this extra distance to the previous calculation of 186,282 miles per second, you now have 186,410.99 miles, or 300,000 kilometers, per second -- almost on exact target; a miss by only 50 feet per second. Thus, Warp I speed of 186,410.99 is only a relative point of measurement. Speed beyond Warp I, which I calculated for you earlier, is considered a near­cruising speed for most spacecraft, with occasional spurts to Warp II and Warp III when necessary. A speed of warp IV is excessive and more dangerous; however, there are times when Warp IV is used -- but only up to the approach of the Warp V factor.


Beyond Our Galaxy

As I stressed, alien travelers do not intentionally try for any speeds faster than Warp IV-and-three-quarters, for at Warp V and beyond lay totally unknown realms. In this critical area the danger is increased ten thousand-fold, for here it is possible to enter a time-distortion factor.

Warp V has or develops what is known as_ a time barrier, which you have read about in science fiction stories. This barrier is even more mysterious than the black holes of space where the gravity is so heavy that no light can escape once it enters. Light is a form of energy and all matter is either energy in motion or in mass. Since this is true, the light that enters this heavy gravity and cannot escape becomes compressed into mass. However, we know that gravity can reach only a given point in compression and then it will detonate or fuse itself and blow apart again. In this black hole, because light cannot escape, nor can anything else, it is assumed that anything falling into its center would exceed the speed of light and, therefore, it could conceivably go through a time barrier or time zone.

If Warp V speed was approached, which would be relative to everything around it, controlling the space craft would create great problems, for the pilot would not know if he were maintaining stability in time, or going forward or backward. This difficulty in maintaining direction once the speed exceeded Warp V would occur in less than a millionth of a second -- there would be no control of your destiny.

If by chance you survived and safely crossed this time barrier, you could find yourself at a day


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in time several thousands of years past, in which case there would be no returning, for there would be no space ship for such a return. You would en~er a time prior to your birth and you would not eXist!

To simplify, this time barrier would be similar to c~ossing the time zones on Earth. It is possible, for example, to take an airplane from New York to Los Angeles and arrive there before the hour you left. This, of course, is only relative to. o~r time change in hours, but the same p~mclple applies. If it were possible to take an air at 10 to 20 times that speed, you would arnve days earlier than your scheduled departure.

. Passing though a time barrier in space can either reverse or propel you in time -- meaning that you could travel back in time to 1878 1578 or to ~OOO B.C .... or you could advance to the future, t~kln~ you to the year 2001 or 4001. Either direction would create insurmountable problems of return; or, at that millionth of a second both you and your ship could cease to exist. ' Let's ~ssu~e that you entered the reversible table of time In t~e year 1978 and eturned to the year 1878. Since, as an alien, your life span would accommodate this period of time reversal and space craft were abundant in that time frame you woul~ be alive and your space craft intact. 'The p~yslCal environment surrounding you would re ~Ifferent from. wh~t it was ~en you actually saw it In 1878 earlier In your life. If a building were st~n~ing today as it was 100 years ago, that same bulldmg w~uld be there when time was reversed ... but the building would appear much newer. If a


Beyond Our Galaxy

building standing in 1878 had been torn down prior to your reverse-time journey, then it would NOT be seen in the reverse-time barrier.

In going one step further, suppose your 106-year-old mother, who walks with a cane, is very much alive at your departure. h the reverse time, you would see your mother as a young girl, walking with the same cane! This applies to anything that is there today or is not there today. In essence, you would experience only what is actually here now. I realize this is a difficult subject to grasp, but let me assure you that there are time barriers in space that can become activated at precisely calculated speeds ... beyond Warp V.

To complicate your thinking even more, I will compare the speeds of material objects and the human factor with the spiritual aspect of speed Warp V is a tremendous speed, beyond our capacity to comprehend and incomputable in miles per second. It is the highest speed that can ever be withstood by human or humanoid, for as I stated before, there is a limit for man.

In regard to the spiritual world, when you travel out of your body through the various astral levels, known only through psychic experience, your spirit travels at speeds that exceed Warp 50, and possibly even Warp 100. This means that a spirit can go from the beginning of creation to the end in less than 15 minutes Earth time. You have already been made aware of the phenomenal rates of speed that have been calculated for you;