beyond theory brochure 0216

Transform your business performance with our training and coaching Customer Excellence Employee Engagement Leadership & Management

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Post on 16-Jan-2017




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Transform your business performance with our training and coaching

Customer Excellence


Leadership &Management


Paul Beesley,

Senior Consultant Beyond Theory

I recommend Beyond Theory to other companies because they understand the needs of your business. They are approachable. They have a lot of experts and a lot of experience. We have drawn on their knowledge and this has been really valuable. I can’t recommend them enough. They are very, very good.

Christopher Ogston, general manager The Gonville Hotel, Cambridge

Beyond Theory is so much more than a training consultancy. We pride ourselves on our ability to demonstrate tangible results in everything we do. We will help you to:

• Create a strategy to motivate and engage your team.

• Improve leadership skills within your business so your teams feel inspired and enthused.

• Increase business growth by delivering Wow! moments to your customers so they come back for more and tell others to do the same.

If you want to improve your business and you like what you see, then we’d love to hear from you.



ann ngQuestion designQuestionnaire designCommunications plan

1m ementing

Issue the surveyIssue remindersCollect the data

2na ys ng t e res ts

Understand the dataIdentify key themesDevelop presentation


Comm n ating res tsBriefing stakeholders*Present to employeesInvite discussion

1a ng a tion

Identify prioritiesDevelop action planPut controls in place

2ev e ng rogress

Review action planCommunicate progress‘You said, we did’


(* Senior Leadership, Directors, Investors and Managers)

igher employee engagement delivers greater discretionary e ort where people go the e tra mile ngaged employees feel motivated, valued and show a passion for their work, their company and their customers ngaged employees have less a sence, higher commitment and act as company am assadors e’ll help you create your own engagement strategy to deliver increased productivity and higher customer service By using our surveys we can also measure the levels of your employees engagement within your usiness and help them improve Our engagement survey process:



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The leadership training also helped them to work together as a team. We are absolutely thrilled with the results. The feedback from our staff has been really positive and they have put the theory into practice straight away in the business. Is it worth the investment? It certainly is.

Sali Brown, managing director Chelton Brown, Northamptonshire

Beyond Theory have added value to our strategic direction. Now it’s clear that we buy into our vision. The training has given us clarity and we now also communicate better as a team. People now understand what is needed and why. This helps our results as we now have people doing the right things.

Syrita Foster, finance & HR manager, Arolite, Wellingborough

oday’s usiness managers need to e e uipped with the leadership skills that are fit for purpose in today’s fast changing world mployees need to e well led to feel engaged and motivated Your customers demand the very est service ur training programmes focus on engaging leadership and are endorsed y the Institute of eadership and anagement I ach will e purposefully designed to meet your usiness needs and to I standards An example of our engaging leadership training programme:

tion ans will be completed at the end of each session to plan how learning will be applied. Managers will also undertake a work-based project to apply and evaluate their training ro ects will e presented to their senior management team to evaluate learning against agreed criteria e g increased sales productivity, decreased costs and/or increased service levels.

anag ng C angeSession to provide managers with tools and techniques to manage change e ectively

10ro e t resentations

Session for managers to present their pro ects, evaluating their learning on engaging leadership

11e rt o e egation

Session to enable managers to delegate responsibility yet retain accountability


e ver ng C stomer e en e

Session to enable managers to learn the secrets of delivering excellent customer service

4eaders e av o rs

Session to enable managers to develop their leadership styles to become engaging with their teams

2e s on a ng

Session to enable managers to learn the key aspects of e ective decision making

3e ng an ngag ng eader

Session to enable managers to create a framework to their engage employees


eam d ng Session to learn the ingredients of an e ective team and the team building process to follow

8e ng a otivationa Coa

Session to enable managers to become coaches to raise the bar of employee performance

6Creative n ng Session to provide managers with the tools and techniques to problem solve using creative thinking

7er orman e anagement

Session to provide managers with a performance management toolkit to enable employees to deliver goals


Leadership and

Management Training



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Beyond Theory carried out a programme of training sessions for our supervisory staff in the factory over a period of several months. Without exception, each person stated categorically that they had benefited significantly. They now understand their own management style, which allows them to better play to their strengths and minimise their weaknesses. Universally their morale and sense of team-spirit has soared.

Steve Johnson, site director, John Lobb Bootmaker, Northampton

I now understand the directors more and they now understand me, and what I require from them. It’s good that all the management team are learning the same things so we are all consistent… I would certainly recommend Beyond Theory. They’re really a nice team to work with. They tailor to what you need as a company.

Antonia Read, finance manager ECEX, Newbury



We assess your customer experience

(multi channel)



We feedback our customer experience

of your business



We map your customer journey

with your team(multi-channel)


We help you de ne yo r serv e

standards (multi-channel)


We train your managers and

employees to deliver your standards




We measure the results

of option(s) 1, 2 and/or 3



Creating customer loyalty and a racting new customers is essential to uilding a sustaina le usiness ur uni ue Beyond pectations programme will help your usiness provide the highest levels of customer service e identify those damaging uch moments and help you to turn them into rewarding

ows ith our e pertise and training we’ll help you deliver the highest standards of customer e perience we refer to this as first class customer service This is how our Beyond Expectations programme works:



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Beyond (noun): Something

that lies outside the scope

of the ordinary experience

Theory (noun): A set of ideas, based on evidence

and careful reasoning which offers an explanation of how things work or why things happen

[email protected]


YouTube: search for Beyond Theory Training

Suite 1, Rowan House, 23 Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5AT

www beyondtheory co uk