bfi statistic yearbook analyses

BFI Statistics Yearbook Analyses Leila Arar

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses

BFI Statistics Yearbook Analyses

Leila Arar

Page 2: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses


Looking through chapter 4 and 15 in this year’s BFI Statistics Yearbook, which documents all aspects, trends and patterns in the UK Film market.

Page 3: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses

Which 3 genres were the most successful at the UK box office? (2013)

1. Animation(£246.6 Million)

2. Action(£215.4 Million)

3. Comedy(£158.2 Million

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Which 3 genres were least popular or successful at the UK box office?

1. Romance(£13.9 Million)

2. Documentary(£10.7 Million)

3. War(£0.3 Million)

Page 5: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses

Which Film Genre had the most film releases in 2013-14 and how many was released?

Comedy (153)

How many animated films were made?


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How many action films were made?


Which age group made up the largest proportion of cinema admissions in the UK?

Ages 15-24

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Which film was most popular with over 50s? What genre is the film?

Kick-Ass 2

Which comedy film was most successful with this age group? (15-24)

Quartet - drama

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Which genre were most popular with men?


Which genre were popular with woman?


Page 9: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses

Which 3 films were most popular with the 7-14 age group?

One Direction: This is UsWreck- it RalphDespicable Me 2

What does this tell us about their preferred genre?

These statistics tells us that the age group are drawn into animated comedies (U-PG rated). This may be due to them being quite young and wanting to be entertained. Also they like watching documentaries on current famous artists such as ‘One Direction’

Page 10: BFI Statistic Yearbook Analyses

Which 3 films most popular with the 35-44 age group?

FrozenThe CroodsJack and the giant slayer

Why might this be and how does this contribute to animation being the most successful genre at the box office?

This might have been a result of people in this age group taking their children to watch animated movies. Most animated movies rated U or PG are aimed for the whole family to watch.

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Which 3 films were most popular with 25-34 age group?

Django UnchainedFast & Furious 6Rush

What difference are there and what conclusion can you make about the types of films they appear to prefer?

London: Action/sci-fiScotland: Comedy/sci-fi/DramaBoth audiences like sci-fi movies but then like different types of hybrid-genre films.