
Bad Ad’s Billy H Media Savvy Kids Period 3

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Bad Ad’s Billy H

Media Savvy Kids Period 3

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Skinny ad

• As you can see in this add, photo shopped ad’s are being used more and more. This is wrong because it is encouraging woman to be as skinny as the model. But this woman isn't ever real. If this keeps happening , some woman could die from starving diets or even depression of being not skinny. And most people don’t even find this attractive

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AIDS ad • This ad is a very inappropriate because it is using the historic figure Adolph

Hitler as an icon for the cause of AIDS. If you Don’t know who Hitler was he actually started the holocaust, which was an awful event in out worlds history. I find this to be a very bad joke on the medias part because posting this could be offensive to people who have AIDS. If I had AIDS I personally wouldn’t want my disease to be linked to Hitler or any mass murderer

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World Wildlife Federation

This is a bad ad because it scares most people. It really does. Did you see that thing? ( go back to slide). The reason it scares me is because I don’t really think that is true. When are world is so polluted that we turn into fish than something is really messed up about our country. This ad is false and I wouldn’t believe it for one second. Too many people are already doing things for our country like going against pollution and cleaning up our seas. Also the fish-man-seventies dancer thing makes me want to turn the page because the man looks scary so I wouldn’t even see the ad.

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Go Daddy ad

• This ad is only one of many inappropriate ad’s by Go This is bad because the company is using the female body such as the breasts. It entices men to go on the website to look at the pictures of women but it may offence other female viewers. But they do use star power like Danica Patrick and pro poker player Vanessa Rousso.


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Old spice ad

• This ad is bad for the reason that it secretly says if you use this product you will have a larger male reproductive organ


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Smart Car ad

• This ad is against American car engineering which is very insulting because for some weird reason, nobody likes America even though we make great cars that sell much more than Smart Cars, such as Ford and Dodge.


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Animal ad

• I find this ad very awful because this has nothing to do with the product or business. If I saw this I would have no reason to visit the website to get marketing or advertising because there already bad at advertising anyway.

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False ad

• This ad is completely false. Eating animal meat is a way of life and keeps the food chain going round ’n’ round. It is ok to eat meat as long as you exercise you wont be fat anyway. The people at PETA are crazy anyway. They are know for there insane antics having to do with fur and meat.


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Vegetarian ad

• This is a “bad ad” because being naked and lying down has nothing to do with being a vegetarian. Nobody cares that you can show off your body and not eat meat. Eating meat is healthy.


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Turtle ad

• This ad is bad because a car is worth more that a turtle. Many turtles are getting killed though by cars but honestly I would rather have a car than a turtle. Many people are dyeing in car crashes every year. Is that cheaper than a turtle?

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BMW ad

• This ad is bad because BMW is mocking Audi saying that they are better because they won world car of 2006. it is like bragging and rubbing it in there face and honestly I would rather have an Audi


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Old Spice ad

• This is a bad ad because the woman eating ice cream has nothing to do with selling Old Spice products and it is very sexual.


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Verizon Wireless ad

• This is a bad add in my opinion because this seems very exaggerated and way more that 5x the amount of coverage. This is an example of false advertising.

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Australia ad

• This is a dumb ad because it is saying is symbolizing that new people to a new place usually get picked on so they don’t like it. It also has nothing to do with Australia.

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Pepsi ad

• This is the last bad ad because Pepsi is criticizing its own company saying its bad for you. The pepsi sign is being used as o’s in words. I don’t understand why they would say there own product is bad.

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End of the Show

• Billy H