bi f1 paper 1

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  • 7/28/2019 BI F1 PAPER 1








    Kertas 1


    1 jam

    Satu jam


    Maklumat untuk calon

    1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

    2. Jawab semuasoalan.

    3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat jawapan, iaitu A, B, CdanD. Bagi setiap soalan,pilih satujawapan sahaja. Hitamkan semua jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan

    objektif yang disediakan.

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak

    12/1 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang SULIT1

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    Question 1 - 10

    Read the conversation below and answer the question that follows.

    1. By saying drop by, the lady is

    A saying that she is busy

    B asking the man to visit her

    C going to fetch the man

    D dropping her bags there

    Read the horoscope below and answer the question that follows.

    2. The phrase red-letter day means

    A day you will remember

    B a difficult day

    C a quiet day

    D a busy day

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    Read the newspaper headline below and answer the question that follows.

    Family of Five Trapped in Burning Building

    3. The news report following the above headline will be about a

    A flood

    B fire

    C building

    D row of houses

    Read the movie review below and answer the question that follows.

    4. The word hilarious means

    A boring

    B funny

    C strange

    D tragic

    12/1 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang SULIT


    Jane Leed and Keeny Roberts star in this hilarious movie as the pair.

    Audience laughed through out the movie as they try to sort out theproblem


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    Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.


    Low Ceiling

    5. The message of this sign is to warn people to

    A cover their heads

    B use another entrance

    C watch out for the ceiling

    Analyse the graph below and answer the question that follows.

    Video Cassette Recorders (2%)

    10 1009020 807060504030




    Telephones (10%)

    Mobile Phones (8%)


    VCD Players


    Survey on the Use of Electronic Items in Kg Sentosa

    6. The least popular electronic item owned by the Kampung Sentosa residents is the

    A video cassette recorder

    B hi-fi and mobile phone

    C television

    D telephone

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    Read the table below and answer the question that follows.

    Enrolment at KMM College

    Course Males Females

    Law 65% 35%Graphics and Designing 60% 40%

    Mass Communication 35% 65%

    Business Studies 55% 45%

    7. Which of the following statements is true?

    A Most male students prefer to study law and graphic design.

    B Female students dislike mass communications.

    C Most female students are keen on business studies.

    D The College has poor enrolment.

    Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

    Dear Fay,

    Please feed my puppy tonight. You will find the keys under the

    floor mat.


    8. The message is to tell Fay to

    A eat first

    B go home first

    C lock the door

    D feed the puppy

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    Read the label below and answer the question that follows.

    9. The label makes it clear that the tin must not be

    A used by children

    B seen by children

    C bought by children

    Read the advertisement below and answer the question that follows.


    Construction Engineers- Degree in Engineering- Minimum 2 years of working experience- Able to handle projects

    Good promotion prospectsand fringe benefits.

    Only short-listedcandidates will be called to attend an interview.

    10. The wordshort-listedmeans those who

    A work hard

    B are interested

    C who are in the list

    D have been chosen

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    Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best

    answer from the optionsA,B, CandD to fit the numbered blank.


    11. A of

    B on

    C in

    D with

    12. A is

    B are

    C was

    D were

    13. A clean

    B cleans

    C cleaned

    D cleaning

    14. A a

    B an

    C the

    D -

    12/1 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang SULIT7


    Its been a long time since I received your email.Are you busy ________(11) school projects? Know what? The Youth Club in my area

    _______(12) organizing a trip to the Old Folks Home in Rompin.

    We are going to ________(13) up the home and also help to plant some flowers in the

    compound. We will be painting ________(14) house too. We also have to prepare a sketch to

    entertain the old folks. Would you like to join us for the trip? Do say youll come. It will be more

    ________(15) having you around. Nini is going too. In fact, _________(16) brother is the one who

    is organizing the trip. _________(17), we are giving full support to him. We really hope that the

    trip ________(18) be a successful one.

    Write me a reply as soon as possible, okay?


    15. A fun

    B cheerful

    C amusing

    D interesting

    16. A sheB his

    C her

    D their

    17. A But

    B So

    C Also

    D However

    18. A may

    B will

    C can

    D could

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    Question 19-21

    Read the dialogue below and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined

    19. drop in 21. turn down

    A visit A prove

    B fall B refuse

    C enter C disagree

    D require D discuss

    20. pick out

    A sew

    B buy

    C chooseD borrow

    12/1 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang SULIT

    Siti : Hello, Fatimah. I need a favour from you.

    Fatimah : Yes, Siti. How may I help you?

    Siti : Could we drop in Grace Boutique this afternoon?


    Fatimah : Of course. But you havent told me how I may be of help to you.

    Siti : I need you to help me pick out a dress for my engagement party next week.


    Fatimah : Id love to do that.Siti : Thanks, Fatimah. Im glad you didnt turn down my request.


    Fatimah : Youre welcome


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    Question 22-24

    Read the text below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

    22. keep an eye on

    A play with

    B look after

    C dine together

    D walk along

    23. have a word

    A talk

    B argue

    C whisper

    D quarrel

    24. once in a blue moon

    A rarely

    B often

    C always

    D occasionally

    12/1 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang SULIT

    Lily was excited that her friend, Linda invited her for movie at Cineleisure. Hopefully, she

    asked her mother for permission but her mother wanted to know who would keep an eye on (22)

    her. When told that Lindas mother would be going along, she was still hesitant about it. She

    would have a word (23) with her father first. Lily tried to persuade her mother to give permission

    saying only she went out once in a blue moon (24). Subsequently, she had to contend with

    waiting for her fathers say.


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    Do not cross behind a stationary bus, lorry

    or van. When you are behind these big

    vehicles, you cant see incoming

    vehicles. Neither will the driver of themoving vehicle see you in time.

    When riding bicycles, do so in single file atthe side of the road. Do not cycle side

    by side. Keep to the side of the road at

    all times, especially when there isheavy traffic.

    It is better to be safethan sorry sorry.

    Follow Road Safety Rules

    Wear seatbelts while in moving car,

    especially when the vehicle is moving

    fast. In case the car stops suddenly, you

    will not be thrown forward.

    Check both sides of the road carefullybefore crossing. The simple traffic rule

    of looking left, right and left again

    before crossing can save your life.



    Questions 25-28are based on the following pamphlet.

    Road accidents are on the rise.

    Often, road accidents are the result ofcarelessness.

    25 According to the pamphlet, most accidents are caused by

    A vehicles

    B carelessness

    C heavy traffic

    D fast-moving cars

    26 The sentence It is better to be safe than sorry means

    A it is better to follow safety rules instead of regretting it later

    B it is better to remain safe instead of having to apologise later

    C it is better to wear seat belts all the time instead of saying sorry

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    D it is better to stay at home than to go out when there is heavy traffic

    27 Which of the following statements is true?

    A wear seatbelts so that you can be safe when the vehicle is not moving

    B wear seatbelts so that you can save your life if you have to cross a busy road

    C wear seatbelts so that the drivers in other vehicles will be able to see you clearly

    D wear seatbelts so that you will not be thrown forward when the car stops suddenly

    28 The word carelessness in the pamphlet can be replaced with

    A tiredness

    B exactness

    C recklessness

    D meaningless

    Questions 29-34are based on the following article.

    Cats are interesting and adorable creatures. At times, they may seem distant and even unfriendly.Unlike dogs, which are often quite affectionate and expressive, cats seem to keep to themselves a lot.

    They are normally demonstrative.

    Yet, there are many cat lovers who find them lovable and cuddly. Attimes, cats can be warm and friendly. This can be seen when they curl up on

    their owners laps and nuzzle up to them.

    Cats are remarkable animals. Here are some fascinating facts aboutthem.

    Cats are said to be intuitive. They can predict volcanic eruptions,earthquakes and electrical storms. Hours before an earthquake occurs,cats become very restless. They pick up their kittens in their mouths

    and flee in panic from the house. It is as though they know that

    something terrible is about to happen.

    Cat owners are said to be healthier than people without pets. Stroking and playing with cats can

    reduce stress. It makes the person calmer. Some doctors recommend it as therapy and it has been

    known to work well even in cases of mental illness and heart problems.

    Everyone knows that cats get rids of rats. In the middle ages, the Romans brought cats to get rid

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    of the rats on the island. Anyone caught killing a cat was severely punished.

    29 According to the first paragraphs, cats

    A like to be on their own

    B are friendlier than dogs

    C can be fairly demonstrative

    D do not show much emotion

    30 The word They in the passage refers to the

    A cats

    B doctors

    C kittens

    D cat owners

    31 What do cats do just before an earthquake?

    A They become calm and patient.

    B They attack their owners in panic.

    C They chase kittens out of their homes.

    D They become restless and flee their homes.

    32 The passage is mainly about

    A facts on cats

    B what cats can do

    C why people keep cats

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    D how to take care of cats

    33 Why did the Romans bring cats to Britain?

    A To keep as pets

    B To cure illnesses

    C To get rid of rats

    D To punish the British

    34 The word warm in the passage can be replaced with

    A gentle

    B caring

    C cheerful

    D affectionate


    Questions 35-37are based on the following poem.


    I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree

    And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made.

    Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee

    And live alone in a bee-loud glade.

    And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,

    Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;

    There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow

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    And evening full of the linnets wings.

    I will arise and go now, for always night and day

    I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore

    While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,

    I hear it in the deep hearts core.

    William Butler Yeats

    35. The persona will do the following in Innisfree exceptA keep bees

    B live alone

    C work in an office

    D plant beans

    36. Which of the following words best describes the mood of the poet?

    A Yearning

    B Tired

    C Joyful

    D Sad

    37. The repetitionI will arise and go now shows

    A that the poet likes to travel

    B that the poet has no friends

    C the journey he is already taking

    D the strong attraction of Innisfree

    Question 38-40 are based on the extract from the story, Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes.

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    Jamal met a friend who suggested obtaining a personal loan. Again Jamal saw fresh hope. Jamal went to

    the bank. The loan officer was most helpful and he said Jamal could borrow RM 5000. Five thousand

    ringgit! Jamals heart leapt skyhigh. Thats it! All his problems are solved. But, wait Jamal! Theres a

    catch. Look at the loan repayment scheme, its RM 500 for the first month and RM 400 every month

    henceforth. Jamals heart sank. With his miniscule salary he couldnt even buy cucumbers with the

    money left over after the repayments. He cannot imagine his beautiful wife eating cucumbers every day.

    38. How much money was Jamal eligible to borrow?

    A RM 400

    B RM 5000

    C RM 500

    D RM 55000

    39. Why did Jamal want a personal loan?

    A He wanted to buy a house

    B He wanted to go for a holiday

    C He wanted to finance his wedding

    D He wanted to buy a new television set

    40. We can conclude that Jamal finally

    A obtained the loan

    B postponed his wedding

    C cancelled his plan to obtain a loan

    D had to ask his sister to finance his wedding

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