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Bibliografías Especializadas OET #16 Calentamiento Global y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica

Junio 2012

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Bibliografías Especializadas OET #16 Calentamiento Global y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica

Junio 2012

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La OET cuenta con un Sistema de Bibliotecas, conformado por una biblioteca principal ubicada en su oficina central en la Ciudad de la Investigación UCR y una en cada una de las 3 Estaciones Biológicas. La colección total del Sistema de Bibliotecas de la OET esta formada por más de 12 mil volúmenes, 500 tesis, 75 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, 150 libros de cursos de OET y más de 14000 documentos en formato pdf. Le invitamos a visitar nuestra Biblioteca en La Ciudad de la Investigación de la UCR, de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 12 m.d. y de 1 p.m. a 5 p.m. También puede localizarnos en el teléfono (506) 2524-0607, ext. 1260, en y en Si quiere recibir información permanente de OET ingrese sus datos en marcando la casilla de su interés. Créditos

Portada: Carlos Rodríguez Dussán, Departamento de Comunicación OET. Compilación: Gilbert Fuentes, Consultor Externo – Manejo de Información OET. Control de Calidad: Susana Aguilar, Biblioteca OET – Manejo de Información OET.

333.714 C149c

Calentamiento global y cambio climático en Costa Rica / Compilado por Gilbert Fuentes González. – 1ª ed – San José, C.R.: Organización para Estudios Tropicales, 2012. 458 p.; 4 MB; PDF ISBN 978-9930-9445-3-0 1. Calentamiento global - Bibliografías. 2. Cambio climático - Bibliografías. 3. Costa Rica – Bibliografías. I. Gilbert Fuentes González. II. Título

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Bibliografías Especializadas OET #16 Calentamiento Global y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica

Junio 2012

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Presentación La Organización para Estudios Tropicales (OET) cree firmemente que el correcto manejo de los datos y la información, es una herramienta indispensable para promover la educación y la investigación en los trópicos y esa es una razón para que desde 1996 utilizando la plataforma de su Biblioteca, haya desarrollado y consolidado la “Bibliografía Nacional en Biología Tropical” (BINABITROP En la actualidad BINABITROP cuenta con más de 37900 registros de libros, publicaciones periódicas, tesis, monografías, congresos y otros, de los cuales más de 14 mil de estos documentos se ofrecen ya en texto completo. Este es un proyecto único en el país, cuyo objetivo principal es rescatar las publicaciones científicas que tratan sobre Costa Rica, generadas a través de los años tanto dentro como fuera del país para reunirlas en una base de datos disponible al público. De esta forma la OET colabora con aumentar, conservar y difundir conocimientos generados a partir de nuestra riqueza natural y se constituye en una herramienta de consulta obligatoria para investigadores, siendo la temática principal de Biología Tropical y temas afines como: ecología, manejo de recursos naturales, conservación de la biodiversidad, aspectos legales, sociales y económicos, forestales, agroecología. Como un subproducto de BINABITROP, hemos iniciado desde el 2001 la generación de Bibliografías Especializadas que tienen como objetivo, compilar las referencias sobre un tema específico y crear un documento electrónico de libre acceso, que le facilite a los interesados sobre el tema tener en un solo punto la información que requieran y así aumentar y difundir el conocimiento que tenemos de nuestra riqueza natural de una forma más práctica. Calentamiento Global y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica, es nuestra producción 16 de las Bibliografías Especializadas OET, la cual fue elaborada para ser entregada al Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, con el fin de que sea utilizada por ellos como una herramienta de referencia en sus investigaciones y publicaciones. Esta producción es una actualización a la fecha de la Bibliografía #7 elaborada en el 2008. Esta bibliografía está compuesta por un Índice de Autores, una Lista de Descriptores, y un Listado de Publicaciones compuesto por 659 referencias. Las referencias cuya localización indica NBINA pueden ser solicitadas por correo electrónico a la dirección [email protected]. El texto contiene referencias que cuentan con un enlace donde el lector podrá ver el documento a texto completo en formato pdf. Susana Aguilar ([email protected]) Encargada del Sistema de Bibliotecas Organización para Estudios Tropicales

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Bibliografías Especializadas OET #16 Calentamiento Global y Cambio Climático en Costa Rica

Junio 2012

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Abarca-Monge, Sergio 103, 178, 180, 185, 212, 234, 631 Abler, D.G 104, 137 Abrar, Muhammad 467 Acevedo-Mairena, Heiner 485 Achard, F 405 ACOMUITA 416 Acosta, Alicia 591, 623 Adamson-Badilla, Marcos 644, 645 Aeby, Greta 467 Agostini, P 323, 350 Aguilar-Zumbado, Susana (ed.) 020 Aguirre-González, Juan Antonio 069 Ah-Peng, Claudine

546 Aikin, K.C 349 Aldrich, M (comp.) 378 Alfaro-Alvarado, Luis Diego 256 Alfaro-Hernández, Maynor 613, 653 Alfaro-Martínez, Eric José 514 Alfaro-Murillo, María de los Angeles 044, 138, 290 Alice, Federico E 521, 524, 570, 578, 605 Allen, L.H., Jr 001, 002 Alpízar-Rodríguez, Francisco 592 Alpízar-Vaglio, Edwin 249 Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando 613, 625, 637, 638, 653 Alvarado-Hernández, Alfredo 431

Amador, Manuel 428 Amador-Astúa, Jorge A 399, 514 Anchukaitis, Kevin J 412, 453, 517 Andelman, S.J 276, 321 Anderson, C 581 Anderson, Eric R 472, 474 Aniyar, S 161 Anonymous 124, 150, 415, 597 Antonarakis, Alexander S 557 Aplet, Gregory H 546 Araya, Diego 653 Araya-Barrantes, Marco Vinicio 120 Araya-Villalobos, María Cristina 653

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Arce, Natalia 606 Arce-Guillén, Mario 593 Arellano-Gámez, Lucrecia 546 Ares, A 199 Arford, M.R 204 Arias-Cartín, Jorge Eduardo 090 Arias-Castillo, Elvis 485 Aronson, Richard B 467 Arrow, K 161 Arroyo-Mora, J. Pablo 438, 460 Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor 559 Asefi, Salvi 436, 451 Asmerom, Y 203, 280, 299, 381 Atlas, Elliot L 409, 411 Aureli, Filippo 559

Avila, Héctor 446 Avila-Bolaños, Daniela 655 Avila-Vargas, G 339 Axmacher, Jan C 546 Aylward, Bruce A 279, 363 Azofeifa-Mora, Ana Beatriz (ed.) 020 Baas, Pieter 140 Babbar-Amighetti, Liana I 014, 043 Babilonia-Estrada, Rique 588 Bakarr, M.I 321 Baker, B 220 Baker, William J 546 Ball, A 308 Banks, Stuart 467

Barborak, James R 485 Barbosa, P 334 Barone, J.A 334 Barone, John 546 Barrantes-Montero, Gilbert 195 Barrantes-Moreno, Gerardo 108, 423 Barrientos, Oscar 653 Barrows, T 344 Barry, Dwight 538, 581, 582, 583 Bawa, Kamaljit S 258 Beardsley, T 123 Bebout, G.E 325 Becker, A 241 Bedoya-Arrieta, R 391 Bedoya-Arrieta, Ricardo 527

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Beecher, N.A 403 Beer, John W 339, 446 Beghin, J 053 Belwared, G 405 Benegas-Negri, L.A 388 Bennet, J 051 Bentz, J.A 284 Bergoeing-Guida, Jean Pierre 600 Berish, C.W 005 Berk, M.M (ed.) 048 Bermingham, Eldredge 510 Bermúdez-Oconitrillo, Roxana 190 Bermúdez-Ramírez, Flor 181 Bernal, Blanca 464, 536 Bernala, Blanca

463 Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander 096, 187 Berry, P 277 Blair, J. Bryan 130, 198, 551 Blanchartd, Eric 615 Boardman, Ben N.M 498 Bohannan, B.J.M 274 Boitani, L 321 Bolaños-Vives, Federico 174, 357, 516 Bolstad, P 247 Boniche, J 199 Borchert, Rolf 030, 073, 121 Borglin, S.E 369 Bosch, J 206 Boscolo, M 341, 358

Botero, R.B 425 Bouma, J 133 Bouman, B.A.M 087, 098, 113, 133 Boyero, Luz 206 Boyle, W. Alice 528 Braatz, B.V (ed.) 054 Bradley, R.S 441 Bradshaw, Corey J.A 443 Bravo-Chacón, Juan 249, 604 Brehm, Gunnar 456, 546 Brenes, E 122 Brenes, T 242 Brenes-Vargas, A 047 Brenner, Mark 659 Bright, A 411

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Brook, Barry W 443 Brooks, T.M 321 Brookshire, E.N. Jack 579 Brown, Becky Jean 005 Brown, S 036, 049, 160, 209, 308, 504 Bruckner, Andrew 467 Bruehl, Carsten A 546 Bruijnzeel, Leendert Adriaan (comp.) 418 Bryan, B 153 Bubb, P (comp.) 378 Budd, Ann F 203 Budd, Ann F (ed.) 040, 041 Bui, T.P 411 Burlingame, Leslie J 217

Burns, S.J 280, 299, 381 Burrowes, P.A 306 Busch, C.B 228 Bush, Mark B 659 Bussmann, Rainer W 546 Bustamante, M.R 329 Butler, Rose 438 Cabrera, Kenneth R 659 Cajiao-Jiménez, María Virginia 396 Calvo-Alvarado, Julio César 440, 448, 454, 563 Camargo-García, J.C 186 Cambardella, C.A 301 Camero-Rey, L.A 186 Campbell, J 373 Campbell, J.H 099

Campos-Arce, José Joaquín 115, 138 Campos-Barrantes, Magda Brígida 635, 640, 646 Campos-Ortiz, Max 068, 249, 449 Candela, G 420 Cannavo, Patrice 548 Cardelús, Catherine L 456, 546 Carey, C 165, 348 Carlson, C.M 369 Carlsson, Fredrik 592 Carney, K.M 274, 288, 327 Carpenter, Kent E 467 Carpio, Carlos E 270 Carrillo Roberto 472 Casasola-Coto, Francisco 479, 481

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Castillo-Núñez, Mauricio 563 Castro, F 357 Castro, Jonathan 428 Castro-Chacón, Víctor 003 Castro-Esau, K.L 419, 469 Castro-Jiménez, E 108 Castro-Kahle, Federico 487 Castro-Salazar, René 134, 135, 221, 291, 470 Cavatassi, Romina 356, 375 Cedeño, J.R 174 Celarier, E.A 165 Cerrud-Santos, H.N 305 Cervi-F., A.P 421 Céspedes-Agüero, Margarita Victoria 486 Chacón-Araya, Ana Rita

647, 649 Chacón-Chavarría, Oscar 485, 496 Chacón-Chaverri, Didiher 396 Chacón-León, Mario 479, 480, 481 Chacón-Montes de Oca, Paula 433 Chain-Guadarrama, Adina 519 Chapman, Bruce D 458, 541 Chase, Jonathan M 493 Chassot, Olivier 580, 583 Chaturvedi, Ravikant K 575 Chavarría, A 112 Chaves, Luis Fernando 459 Chaves-Badilla, Oscar M 219, 559 Chaves-Cordero, Gerardo A 174, 357, 516, 542 Chazdon, Robin L 198, 557, 571

Chen, I-Ching 546 Cherrington, Emil A 472, 474 Chichilnisky, G 345 Chiriboga, Angel 467 Chomitz, Kenneth M 122 Chopping, Mark J 551 Chow, V.Y 411 Cicuzza, Daniele 546 Ciecka, Anna L 468, 525 Cifuentes-Jara, Miguel 445 Clark, David B 017, 080, 130, 143, 151, 162, 169, 198, 209, 229, 235, 252, 256, 353, 424, 430, 461, 543, 571 Clark, Deborah A 017, 080, 143, 162, 169, 197, 209, 220, 235, 241, 247, 250, 252, 260, 278, 295, 300, 313, 353, 362, 379, 395, 424, 430, 494, 522, 543

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Clark, James S 494 Clark, Kenneth L 071, 092, 336 Cleveland, Cory C 240, 530, 569 Coates, A.G (ed.) 040, 041 Cole, D.W 004 Coley, Phyllis D 334 Collins, James P 413 Coloma, L.A 174, 329 Colwell, Robert K 456, 476 Condit, Richard 253 Conn, Jan E 510 Connahs, Heidi 334 Conrad, M.E 369 Constance, B.C 240 Constantino, L 122

Consuegra, J.A 329 Contreras, Wilke 613 Conway, T.J 411 Cordero, Silvia 606 Cordero-Castaño, S.A 470 Córdoba-Muñoz, Rocío 249 Corre, Marife D 490 Correa-Metrio, Alexander 659 Cortés-Núñez, Jorge 128, 172, 173, 467 Cotera, J 112 Coto, Mario 485 Coto, O 504 Cotton, M.A 040 Cowden, C.C 392 Cowling, R.M 321

Craig, H 033 Craven, Dylan 521 Crill, P.M 152, 155, 175, 179, 202 Croitoru, Arie 563 Cronin, T.M 041 Crowe, Jennifer 540 Crump, Martha L 094 Cuartas, César A 479, 481, 482 Cubero-Moya, José Alberto 192 Cueva-Moya, Juan Jacobo 432 Cuevas, Fernando 624 Curran, D.J 411 Curtis, P.S 247 Cushman, J.H (ed.) 036 da Costa-Freitas, Corina

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458 Daily, Gretchen C 042, 161 Dale, V.H 035 Dallmeier, F 148 Dambrine, Etienne 446 Das, Rishiraj 492 Dasgupta, P 161 Dash, Shawn T 565 Daube, B.C 411 Dauzat, Jean 539 Davidson, E.A 058, 093, 154, 156, 247 Davis, Benjamin 356, 375 de Alencastro-Graca, Paulo Maurício 458, 541 de Camargo, P.B 154 de Haan, C 323, 350

de Miguel, Sergio 446 Deford, Douglas 646 del Coro-Arizmendi, M 546 Delgado-Rodríguez, M 365 Deliso, Elizabeth 549 Dengo, J.M 112 Denslow, Julie Sloan 263 Dessus, S 053 Di Stéfano-Gandolfi, José Francisco 598 Díaz, Henry F 441 Díaz-Hernández, Arnulfo 190 Díaz-Porras, Rafael A 616 Dieperink, Carel 255 Diffendorfer, J 429

Diniz, I.R 334 Dirzo, Rodolfo (ed.) 036 Dixon, R.K 231 Dobles-Mora, Roberto 596, 610 Dokken, David Jon (ed.) 477 Donnelly, Maureen A 094 Dore, M.H.I 211 Dore, M.H.I. ed.) 227 dos Santos, João Roberto 458, 541 Dowsett, H.F 040, 041 Drake, Jason B 198, 458, 541 Drexhage, J 504 Dreyer, E 548 Dubayah, Ralph O 130, 198, 563 Dudley, N 348

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Dun, S 110 Dunbar, R.B 012 Durand, C 261 Dutra, Luciano V 458, 541 Dyer, Lee A 334 Dzib-Castillo, B.B 302 Eaton, William D 538, 580, 581, 582, 583 Echeverría-Bonilla, Jaime 052, 271, 654 Ehrlich, Paul R 161, 450 Eilu, Gerald 546 Ellsworth, D.S 247 Emerson, L 324 Engel, Stephanie 505 Engelen, V 426 Enquist, Brian J

491, 545 Enquist, Carolyn A.F 208, 223, 233, 545 Erickson, H.E 057, 093, 156 Escobar, Federico 546 Escobar, Jaime 659 Escribano-Montoya, Jorge 190 Espeleta-Delgado, Javier F 395 Espinosa, Tatiana 619 Espinoza-Miranda, A 394 Evans, Michael N 453, 517 Ewel, John J 005, 301 Fahey, D.W 409 Fairall, C 368 Fairweather, K 324 Favila, Mario E 546

Fay, J 308 Federici, S.E 405 Fernández-Rojas, Walter 637, 638 Fichtler, Esther 250 Fiedler, Konrad 546 Figueres-Olsen, José María 039, 158 Figueres-Olsen, Karen Christiana 608 Finegan, Bryan 126, 270, 486 Fisher, M.J 183 Fisher, R.F 400 Fishpool, L.D.C 321 Fitzgerald, J.F 054 Flores, Africa I 472, 474 Fogden, Michael P.L 081, 099, 329, 337 Fogden, Michael P.L (phot.)

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326 Fogden, Patricia (phot.) 326 Foley, J.A 157 Folgarait, P.J 105 Folke, C 161 Fonseca, G.A.B 321 Fonseca-González, William 524, 570, 578, 605 Fonseca-Méndez, Karol 188, 191 Forner, C 504 Fortunato, H.M 144 Foster, P.N 106, 269, 329 Fournier-Origgi, Luis Alberto 009, 055, 056, 598 Frankie, Gordon W 317 Fresco, L.O 048 Frolking, S.E 032, 175

Fuentes-Bracamontes, Rolando 620 Fuentes-González, Gilbert 496 Fuentes-González, Gilbert (ed.) 020 Gamboa, H (il.) 396 Gámez-Hernández, Luis 134 Gao, R.S 409, 411 García, Georgina 008, 251 García-Pérez, J.E 357 García-Víquez, Randall 496 Garita-Cruz, Damaris 181 Gasner, Matthew R 525 Gaston, K.J 321 Geist, H 359 Gentry, G.L 334

George, R.K 070 Gering, J.C 294 Geron, C 220, 300 Gerow, Kenneth G 074, 236, 239 Gessel, S.P 004 Getty, S.R 203 Ghebray, Tesfay 483 Gholz, H.L 071, 092, 229, 319, 336 Ghosh, T.K 284 Giannoni, Gerardo (ed.) 488 Gilman, Alex C 456 Gitay, Habiba (ed.) 477 Glasbergen, P 255 Glynn, Peter W 435 Gobbi, José Alberto 323, 350

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Godoy, J.C 072, 118 Goetz, S.J 457 Goldman, Rebecca L 484 Gómez-Flores, Manuel 082, 118, 126, 127, 132, 339 Gonçalves, Fábio G 458, 541 González-Jiménez, Eugenio 527, 573 González-Maya, José Fernando 466 González-Zamora, Arturo 559 Gordon, Andrew M 296, 360 Gorman, G.C 081 Gottlieb, E.W 411 Gradstein, Stephan Robbert 316 Granich, F 028 Grassi, H.D 405 Grauel, B

155 Greenberg, J 220 Greeney, Harold F 334 Griswold, Terry L 317 Guariguata-Urbano, Manuel R (ed.) 214 Guenther, A 220, 300 Guerra-Alarcón, Leonardo 444 Guevara, R (ed.) 227 Guglielmo, Christopher G 528 Guilderson, Tom 659 Guswa, A.J 376, 562 Gutiérrez, María Elena 619 Gutiérrez-Miranda, Marcela 633 Guzmán, Julio 289 Guzmán, S.M 263

Guzmán-Brenes, Luis Augusto 595 Guzmán-Espinal, Héctor M 172 Haaland, Hanne 531 Haber, William A 283 Haberyan, K.A 303 Hafich, K 582 Hall, Charles A.S 159 Hallwachs, Winnie 334 Han, Qingyuan 436 Hannah, L 314 Hansen, David O 462 Hanson, P.J 247 Harmand, Jean Michel 397, 446, 452, 539, 548, 615 Harmon, M.E 556

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Harriss, R.C 179 Hartshorn, Gary Spencer 031 Hauge, J.B 538, 581, 582 Heal, G 345 Hedin, Lars O 579 Helmer, Eileen H 049, 160 Hemp, Andreas 546 Hemp, Claudia 546 Henault, Catherine 452, 615 Henders, S 507 Hendy, Joanna 356, 375 Hengsdijk, H 133 Hergoualc'h, Kristell 397, 439, 452, 615 Herman, J.R 165 Herman, R.L 349

Hernández, Carlos E 463 Herrera, Luis Diego 622 Herrera-Fernández, Bernal 485, 486 Herrera-Ugarte, Mariana 593 Herrera-Villalobos, Alvaro 496 Herrick, J.D 300 Herzog, Sebastian K 546 Hidalgo, Marisol 290 Hietz, Peter 546 Hodell, David A 659 Hoffman, Michael 321 Hofstede, R.G.M 333 Hofton, Michelle A 198 Holland, E.A 023 Hollinger, D.Y

373 Holmes, B 213, 326 Holz, Ingo 316 Hooghiemstra, Henry 147, 384 Horn, Sally P 007, 022, 303, 332, 347, 475 Hostettler, S (comp.) 378 Houghton, R.A 457 Hovde, S.J 349 Hubbell, Stephen P 461 Hughes, A 222 Hughes, R.F 145, 222, 254 Hunter, M.D 065 Ibáñez-D., Roberto 174, 357 Ibrahim, Muhammad A 111, 114, 186, 248, 323, 339, 350, 479, 481, 482, 502 Ibrahim, Muhammad A (comp.) 180

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Imbach-Bartol, Pablo Andrés 421, 434, 537 Induni-Alfaro, Gustavo 485, 486 Irwin, Daniel 451 Islebe, Gerald A 147, 384 Jackson, B.C (ed.) 040, 041 Jackson, J.B.C 144 Jackson, John K 579 Jacobs, Jennifer M 319 Jallow, B.P (ed.) 054 James, Douglas A 500 Jankowski, Jill E 232, 468, 525 Jansen, H.G.P 133 Janssen, Jan 652 Jansson, A.M 161 Jansson, B.O

161 Janzen, Daniel H 334 Jiménez, Juan José 390, 406, 533 Jiménez, R 411 Jiménez-Centeno, Carlos E 128, 173, 230, 377 Jiménez-Gómez, Roberto 599, 601 Jiménez-Méndez, Mildred 518 Jiménez-Otárola, Francisco 339, 446 Jiménez-Porras, Estefanía 613 Jiménez-Umaña, Manuel 594 Jobse, Judith C 222, 499 Johnson, D 201 Johnson, Dale W 004 Johnson, K.G 364 Johnstone, N 271

Jones, J.B (ed.) 164 Jordan, T.R 024 Joyce, A.T 469 Jung, M 320 Jung, P 144 Kaiser, J 237 Kalácska, Margaret Eika Rose 440 Kannan, Ragupathy 500 Kanninen, Markku 111, 114, 118, 138, 184, 504 Kappelle, Maarten 140 Karl, T 300 Karlaganis, G 061 Karmalkar, A.V 441 Karsenty, A 342 Kass, Donald Charles Lieber

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297, 360, 366 Kattan, G.H (ed.) 214 Kauffman, B 222 Kauffman, D 222 Kautsky, N 161 Keeling, C.D 235 Keller, Michael 013, 018, 019, 023, 026, 057, 060, 063, 064, 074, 078, 085, 093, 129, 131, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 168, 175, 179, 202, 236, 239, 387 Kellner, James R 461 Kelly, K.K 349 Kelly, M 028 Kerr, Suzi 145, 254, 340, 341, 356, 358, 375 Kessler, Michael 546 Khatun, Kaysara 576

Kim, K.R 033 Kingerlee, W 058 Klein, R.J.T 149 Kleinn, Christoph 111, 114 Knox, R.G 198 Knyazikhin, Yuri 551 Koehler, Birgit 490 Koellner, Thomas 526, 534 Kohlmann, Bert 462, 463 Kok, M.T (ed.) 048 Korbeck, R.G., Jr 264, 328 Kumar, Anjali 011, 473, 476 Kurz, W.A 469 Kyle, Keiller O 525 La Marca, E 174, 329, 357

Lachniet, M.S 280, 298, 299, 310, 331, 381 Lal, Rattan 390, 406, 533 Lambin, E 359 Landreau, Benjamin 489 Lane, Chad s 347, 475 Lansing, David M 532, 555, 584 Lansing, Stephanie 425 Laporte, S 070 Laurance, William F 427, 546 Laurito-Mora, César A 560 Laval, R.K 262 LaVal-Bugg, Richard K 259 Law, B.E 247, 373 Lawrence, Deborah A 313, 362, 492 Lawson, Gerry

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539 Lawton, Robert O 171, 281, 311, 436, 451, 478, 561 League, B.L 332 Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A 390, 432, 433, 524, 605 Leclerc, Gregoire 159 Leguía-Hidalgo, Efraín José 434 Lei, Ying D 374 Lei, Z 417 Leiva, Mario 290 Lemon, E 001, 002 Lennox, Julie 624 Lennox, Julie (coord.) 658 León-Azofeifa, Moisés 639 León-Campos, Aleazar 173 León-Soler, A 128

Levin, S 161 Levy, S 401 Lewis, Philip 551 Leyden, B.W 038 Li, C.S 086, 176 Li, L 325 Lill, J.L 334 Lin, J.L 368 Lindegaard, K 205 Linder, E 152, 175 Lindsay, Abby 509 Lipper, L 504 Lipper, Leslie 356, 375 Lips, Karen R 066, 174, 265, 306, 357, 429, 493 Liu, Shuguang 131, 145, 239, 254, 387

Lizana, M 272 Loaiza, José R 510 Locatelli, Bruno 342, 434, 506, 537 Loescher, Henry William 080, 151, 220, 229, 245, 284, 319, 373, 556 Loewenstein, M 409 Long, J 321 Longino, John T 294, 456, 476 Lopes, E.C 380 López, Marina 607 López-Musalem, Alejandro 100, 109, 111, 114 López-Oviedo, Claudia 655 Lorenz, Klaus 533 Losi, Christopher J 253 Lötters, S 357

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Lovejoy, T.E (eds.) 314 Lovejoy, T.E, [ed.] 031 Loyalka, S.K 284 Lubchenco, J 161 Lücke-Sánchez, Oscar 112 Lugo, Ariel E 036, 037 Luna-Vega, Isolda 547 Luo, Y 247 Luvall, Jeffrey C 024 Maass, J. Manuel 008, 251 Maciver, D.C 148, 149 Mackensen, J 242 Mahoney, M.J 409 Mahrt, L 373 Mäler, K.G 161

Manoharan, Vani Starry 436, 451 Manso-Sayao, Paulo 367, 609 Manzanilla-Puppo, J 357 Mapes, B 368 Marcy, T.P 409 Margolis, M 275 Maria Rey-Benayas, José María 578 Marín, G (il.) 396 Marín-León, Rolando 437 Marlier, Miriam 571 Marquet, P.A 321 Márquez, R 272 Marquis, Robert J 334 Marshall, Andrew R 546 Martin, J

425 Martínez, Celia 537 Martínez, I 344 Marty, C 357 Masters, Karen L 329, 337, 554 Mata-Lorenzen, Juan 466 Mata-Montero, Erick 566 Matamoros-Delgado, Alonso 496 Matlock, Robert B., Jr 206 Matross, D.M 411 Matson, Pamela A 008, 010, 029, 251, 274, 327 Matteucci, H.J 405 McDaniels, Tim L 526, 636 Mcdonald, S 538 McRobert, S.P 264, 328 Meir, E

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276 Mejías-Esquivel, Ronald 271, 639 Mendelson, Joseph R., III 306, 429 Méndez-Arburola, Olga Isabel 009, 552 Méndez-Rodríguez, Alberto 290 Merino-Viteri, A 329 Merkor, Christopher L 546 Mery, G 231 Metcalf, C. Jessica E 494 Meyer, J.R 174 Meyer, Nola Y 468 Middleton, Elizabeth M 165 Miranda-Quirós, Miriam 255, 322, 422, 633 Mitre, M.E 018 Mitsch, William J 462, 463, 464, 536, 544

Miyama, Toru 465 Molina-Rojas, Eloy 199 Mollicone, D 405 Molnar, S (ed.) 054 Montagnini, Florencia 076, 116, 243, 267, 354, 438, 521 Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny 103, 178, 180, 185, 212, 234, 631, 649 Montero, Johan 524, 605 Montiel, Mauricio 621 Moorcroft, Paul R 557 Mora, Claudia I 475 Mora-Alfaro, Jorge 591, 623 Morais, H.C 334 Morales, Juan E 253 Moreira, A.G

177 Moreira, A.G (ed.) 177 Moreno, Tania 513 Moreno-Díaz, Mary Luz 322, 422 Moreno-Scott, Luisa Isabel 603 Morris, R.A 283 Moya-Bonilla, José Manuel 540 Muir, Derek C.G 374 Mulholland, P.J (ed.) 164 Müller, L.E 001, 002 Mulligan, Mark 451 Mumby, Peter J 572 Muñoz, A 174 Mura, José Claudio 458 Murdiyarso, D 504

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Murdiyarso, D (ed.) 054 Murgueitio, Enrique 323, 350, 482 Murillo-Aguilar, Katiana 586 Myneni, Ranga B 551 Nadkarni, Nalini M 071, 092, 210, 282, 294, 336, 385 Nahlik, Amanda M 463, 511, 536, 544 Nair, P.K. Ramachandran 267 Nair, Udaysankar S 171, 224, 281, 436, 451, 478, 512, 561 Naranjo, Juan 479, 481, 482 Naranjo-Barrantes, María Angélica 592 Navarro, Guillermo A 534 Neeff, T 507 Neff, J.C 023, 202 Newbold, J. Denis 579

Newell, S.E 376, 562 Nieuwenhuyse, Andreas 113, 133 Niles, J.O 308 Niyogi, Dev 512 Nobre, A.D 034, 179 Norris, D. Ryan 528 North, N 504 Núñez, M 078 O'Brien, Joseph J 080, 169, 207, 242, 430 O'Donnell, Sean 011, 473, 476 Obando-Acuña, Vilma 496 Obando-Vargas, German 567, 568 Oberbauer, Steven F 080, 151, 169, 209, 229, 284, 319, 424, 430, 492 Oelbermann, Maren 244, 296, 297, 360, 366, 550

Okumura, Yuko 465 Olivas-Rojas, Paulo C 424 Oliver, Robert 397, 446 Olson, N 134 Ordaz-Díaz, Juan Luis 591, 623 Orians, Gordon H (ed.) 036 Orlich, D 112 Ortiz, Rosalba 115, 270 Ortiz-Guerrero, Angela Milena 611 Ortiz-Malavasi, Edgar 606 Ortiz-Valverde, R 117 Orvis, K.H 347 Osland, Michael J 573 Otárola-Guerrero, Marco 193 Otoya-Chavarría, Marco

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633 Pagiola, Stefano 323, 350 Palo, M (ed.) 231 Park, S 409, 411 Parkin, T.B 301 Parra-Olea, Gabriela 306 Parsons, W.F.J 013, 018 Pattanayak, Subhrendu K 246 Patterson, W.P 280, 299, 381 Pauchard, A 355 Pedroni, Lucio 125, 602, 612 Perakis, S.S 556 Perdomo, M (ed.) 054 Pérez, C.I 107 Pérez, C.J 421, 434

Pérez, Joel B 472 Pérez, M.E 364 Pérez, T 154 Pérez-Molina, Eduardo 655 Perkins, E.J 582 Perkins, S 330, 352 Perron, B 196, 261 Perry, Denielle M 553 Peters, R, [ed.] 031 Pfaff, Alexander S.P 145, 254, 340, 341, 356, 358, 375 Pfister, Leonhard 411 Phillips, K 095 Picco, Angela M 413 Piedra-Jiménez, C 386 Pielke, Roger A

171, 478, 512 Pilgrim, J.D 321 Piotto, Daniel 521 Piper, S.C 235 Piperno, D 280 Plant, R.A.J 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 113, 142 Polyak, V 381 Polyak, V.J 299 Polzot, C.L 318, 343 Pomareda-Benel, Carlos (ed.) 182 Ponce, Guillermo 479, 481 Popp, P.J 409 Porras, Ina T 271, 322, 422 Porras, Louis W 542 Porras-Salazar, Carlos

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076 Possingham, H.P 276 Potosnak, M 300 Pounds, J. Alan 081, 099, 329, 337, 346, 357, 451, 554, 561 Powers, Jennifer S 163, 216, 218, 263 Pratt, L 285, 286, 287, 291 Pregitzer, K.S 247 Pressey, R.L 321 Pretty, J 308 Price, N 005 Prince, S.D 198 Pringle, Catherine M 164, 167 Pringle, Robert M 450 Pröhl, Heike 529 Pujol-Mesalles, Rosendo (coord., ed.)

655 Pulido-Herrera, Luz Astrid 520 Purcell, George H 541 Puschendorf, Robert 329, 357, 516 Pyrcz, Tomasz 546 Quesada, F 370 Quesada-Avendaño, Mauricio 440 Quesada-Mateo, Carlos A 025 Quesada-Monge, Ruperto Francisco (ed.) 187, 188 Quinn, T.M 203 Rabenold, Kerry N 232, 468, 525 Radulovich-Ramírez, Ricardo 045 Raes, A 405 Raghubanshi, A.S 575 Raich, James W

005, 006, 391, 400, 527 Ralph, C. John 497 Ramankutty, N 157 Ramberg, Lars 536 Ramírez, Diana 591, 623 Ramírez, E 323, 350 Ramírez, Octavio A 082, 118, 126, 127, 132, 227, 270 Ramírez-Barahona, Santiago 547 Ramírez-Obando, Patricia 067, 077 Randolph, J.C 247 Ray, Deepak K 335, 436, 451, 478, 512, 561 Ray, E.A 349, 409 Read, J.M 256, 263 Reaser, J.K 174 Redondo-Brenes, Alvaro 307, 354, 410

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Reed, Sasha C 530 Regmi, Avantika 561 Reich, Peter B 027 Reifsnyder, D.A 110 Reiners, William A 018, 019, 026, 074, 131, 236, 239, 387 Renderos, Reina Vanessa 446 Repetto, R 383 Retana-Barrantes, José A 083, 407, 408, 626, 627, 628, 630, 635, 640, 646, 653, 656 Retana-Barrantes, José A (ed.) 657 Rey-Benayas, José María 570 Reyes, C 159 Rhodes, A.L 376, 562 Riascos-Chalapud, Lorena Dayana 611

Richard, E.C 349, 409 Richards, M 225 Richardson, Curtis J 573 Ricklefs, R.E 334 Rincón, D 344 Rivard, Benoit 419, 440, 523, 563 Rivera, M.M 153 Rizzardi, Mark A 317 Robalino, Juan Andrés 622 Robledo, C 504 Robles-Ramírez, Andrés 540 Rodrigues, A.S.L 321 Rodríguez, A.G 104, 137 Rodríguez, A.G (ed.) 112 Rodríguez, Kathia 607

Rodríguez-Chacón, Johnny 181 Rodríguez-Chacón, Jorge Eduardo (comp.) 097 Rodríguez-Hernández, Higinia 189 Rodríguez-Quirós, Jorge Eduardo 285, 289 Rodríguez-Rubí, Jorge Antonio 091 Rodríguez-Rubí, L.E 371 Rodríguez-Sánchez, L 126 Rodríguez-Zúñiga, J.M 215, 266 Roed, M 538 Roed, Melanie 583 Rojas, Ana Victoria 289 Rojas, M 363 Rojas, Manrique 279 Rojas-Araya, Manrique

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249 Rojas-Piedra, Susana Raquel 192 Roland-Hurst, D 053 Roman, G 324 Román-Solano, Bryan 540 Romero, Indira 621 Romero-Vargas, Jenny Catalina 508 Romo, D 174 Rompaey, R.A.V (ed.) 048 Ron, Santiago R 174, 329, 529 Ronchi, P 317 Rondon, M 504 Rosales, M 323, 350 Rosenlof, K.H 349 Rosner, H 338, 404

Rovira, José 510 Rueda-Almonacid, J.V 357 Ruiz, J.P 323, 350 Ruiz-Campos, Eleazar 128, 173 Rusin, R.J 165 Russell, Ann E 301, 391, 400, 527, 571 Russo-Andrade, Ricardo O 390, 420, 432, 433 Ryan, Michael G 424 Ryan, Michael J 257, 529 Saatchi, Sassan S 557, 571 Saborío-Trejos, V.F 047 Sáenz-Faerron, Alexandra 215, 455 Sáenz-Méndez, Joel Cris 486 Salas, A.W 174 Salinas, Zenia M

506 Sanabria-Valverde, Nury 653 Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo 025, 046, 145, 228, 329, 340, 341, 356, 358, 375, 419, 440, 469, 523, 563 Sánchez-Hernández, Leonardo 655 Sánchez-López, Sonia 559 Sancho-Villalobos, F 287 Sanhueza, E 059 Sansoulet, J 548 Sasa-Marín, Jihad 649 Sasa-Marín, Mahmood 542 Sassa, K (ed.) 082 Sathaye, J.A 228 Saunders, E.F 581 Savage, Jay M

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081 Savage, K 247 Sayres, D.S 402 Scatena, Frederick N 037 Schaaf, Crystal B 551 Schaefer, D 071 Schatan, Claudia 621 Schimel, Davis S 131, 145, 239, 387 Schipper, Jan 321 Schipper, R.A 133 Schlesinger, W.H 216, 218 Schlönvoigt, Andrea M 111, 114, 186, 297, 360, 366 Schmidt, S.K 240 Schneider, S.H 106 Scholz, Roland W 526, 636

Schonberg, L.A 294 Schrag, Dan P 453 Schuler, J.L 246 Schull, Mitchell A 551 Schulte, R 357 Schulze, G 405 Schwartzman, S 177 Schwendenmann, Luitgard C 238, 241, 242, 312, 351, 483, 492 Scott, Marilyn E 510 Sears, M.W 429 Sechrest, W 321 Segura-Bonilla, Olman 136, 205 Segura-Madrigal, M.A 138, 372 Segura-Madrigal, Milena Andrea 101

Sell, Joachim 534 Seltzer, G.O 280, 299, 331 Sempris, Emilio 472, 474 Sepúlveda, Claudia J 502 Serna-Hidalgo, Braulio 591, 623 Sesnie, Steven E 486 Seufert, F 405 Sever, Tom L 451 Shen, L 374 Shepherd, D 079, 116, 243 Shoo, Luke P 546 Shortle, J.S 104, 137 Shulte-Bisping, H 241 Siccama, Thomas G 253 Sierra, C.A 556

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Sigel, Bryan J 414 Sigman, Daniel M 579 Siles, P 548 Sills, Erin O 246 Silver, Whendee L 036, 153, 315, 369 Simpson, D 161 Singer, M.S 334 Singh, J.S 575 Skiba, Ute 397, 446, 452, 615 Smeets, E.M.W 139 Smith, Carolyn Elizabeth 471 Smith, Kevin G 493 Snider, A.G 246 Söderqvist, T 161 Sodhi, Navjot S

443 Solano, R 210, 282, 385 Solano-Quintero, Johnny 653 Solano-Ramírez, Railly 655 Solera, Manuel 653 Solís, L 331 Somarriba-Chávez, Eduardo 370, 607 Soto-Castro, C 256 St-Onge, Véronik 495 Starrett, D 161 Stegen, James C 491 Steinfeld, H (ed.) 182 Stephenson, David B 572 Stevenson, R.D 283 Stibig, G 405

Still, C.J 106, 329 Stireman, J.O. III 334 Stolton, S 348 Stoner, Kathryn E 559 Stork, N.E (ed.) 065 Strahler, Alan H 551 Stuart, S.N 321 Suárez, Avelino (ed.) 477 Subak, S 141 Subía-Loayza, Esteban Cristóbal 432 Sucre, Leví 607 Sully, Shannon 659 Swartz, W.H 409 Swenson, Nathan G 491 Swisher, J.N

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021 Tallis, Heather 484 Tattenbach-Capra, Franz 125, 134, 567, 602 Taylor, Zachary P 475 Teh, Y.A 369 Teixeira, C 374 Tejada-Ramírez, Julio César 463 Tejero-Díez, Daniel 547 Thevathasan, Naresh V 360 Thomann, E 556 Thompson, Jill 491 Thompson, T.L 349, 409 Tilman, D 161 Timmermann, Axel 465 Timmins, J 375

Tito, Marcos Rugnitz 421 Todd, J.A 144 Tompson, R.V 284 Toral-C., E 357 Torres, A 200 Torres, Abelardo 607 Torres, Faustina 607 Torres-Carral, G 389 Toruño-Gutiérrez, Henry 524, 605 Tosi-Olin, Joseph A., Jr 052, 145, 222 Townsend, Alan R 240, 530, 569 Townsend, Patricia A 577 Tremblay-Boyer, Laura 474 Treuhaft, Robert N 458, 541 Trines, E.P 119

Triska, Frank J 164 Troy, Robert Francis 349, 447 Trujillo, W 183 Trumbore, S.E 154 Tuck, A.F 349 Tully, Katherine L 492 Twohy, C.H 411 Tyler, S.C 154 Ugalde-Gómez, Jesús 486, 496 Umaña-Quesada, Alvaro 062 Underhill, L.G 321 Useche, D. Carolina 546 Uusivuori, J (ed.) 231 Vaast, Philippe 539, 548 Vaillancourt, J.G 261

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Valencia, Renato 491 Valentini, Simiane Grégoire 442 Valerín, N 396 Valerio-Segura, Freddy 189 Valerio-Zamora, Ana Lucía 560, 564 Vallejo-Rendón, Alvaro 421, 480 Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J 400, 527 van de Wiel, H (comp.) 378 van der Mensbrugghe, D 053 van Huting, J 426 van Oijen, Marcel 539 van Vuuren, D.P 139 van Vuuren, M.M.I 140 Vandecar, Karen Lynn 492, 538, 574

Varela Villalobos, Ana Patricia 590 Vargas-Del Valle, Manuel 496 Vásquez-Sánchez, Laura C 188, 191 Vázquez-Selem, L 310 Vega, A (ed.) 107 Vega-Araya, E.E 286 Vega-García, Heidy 361 Veldkamp, A 048 Veldkamp, Edzo 016, 019, 023, 060, 063, 078, 080, 086, 093, 155, 156, 168, 202, 209, 241, 242, 312, 351, 490 Venegas-Gamboa, Isabel 193, 309 Verchot, L.V 156 Vézima, Anne 503 Vignola, Raffaele 434, 526, 537, 636 Villalobos, Marilyn 370, 606, 607

Villalobos-Flores, Roberto 083, 407, 408, 626, 627, 628, 630, 635, 640 Villalobos-Flores, Roberto (coord.) 646 Villalobos-Zamora, Juan Miguel 587 Villanueva-Najarro, Cristóbal 248 Villegas-Guevara, C 003 Vindas-Chaves, Danilo V 189 Vindas-Hernández, Roberto 599 Vinson, S. Bradleigh 317 Víquez-Ramírez, Carlos Alberto 585 Vitolo, Renato 572 Vitousek, Peter M 008, 010, 029, 251 Vöhringer, Frank 304 Volkmann, Carol 008, 251

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Voroney, R. Paul 296, 297, 360, 366, 550 Wake, David B 398 Walker, B 161 Walker, J 300 Waller, R.W 321 Wang, Zhuosen 551 Wania, Frank 374 Watson, Robert T (ed.) 477 Watson-Céspedes, Vicente 052, 145, 222, 639 Watt, Allan D (ed.) 065 Watts, M.E.J 321 Waylen, Peter R 070 Weinstock, E.M 409 Weishampel, J.F 130, 198, 392 Weitz, A.M

019, 023, 093, 152, 153, 155, 168, 175, 194, 202 Welch, Ronald M 024, 171, 281, 436, 451, 478, 561 West, S 273 Wheelwright, Nathaniel T 453 Wick, G 368 Wieder, William Russell 530, 558, 569 Wilkinson, J.W 165 Williams, N 393 Williamson, P 015 Wofsy, Susan C 373, 409, 411 Wolf, Jan H.D 546 Wolfe, Jared D 497 Wolski, Piotr 536 Wong-Reyes, Grace 486 Wood, Tana E 313, 362, 382, 492

Worbes, Martin 250 Wright, S. Joseph 490, 535 Wullaert, Hans 490 Wunder, Sven 505 Wünscher, Tobias 505 Wurster, C 280 Xiao, H 374 Xie, Shang Ping 465 Xie, Y 321 Yanoviak, Stephen P 294, 385 Yao, Tian 551 Yokoyama, Y 344 Yoon, C.K 268 Yost, R.S 199 Young, Bruce E

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102, 174, 329, 357 Young, C.E.F 231 Zak, D.R 014, 247 Zamora, Sheila 480 Zamora-González, Luis 655 Zamora-Pereira, Juan Carlos

589 Zárate-Hernández, Eladio 643 Zeng, Jian 436 Zepp, R.G (ed.) 129 Zhang, Li 536 Zuidema, P

368 Zumbado-Morales, Félix 655 Zúñiga-Garita, Igor 386 Zwerver, S (ed.) 048 Øystein, Aas 531

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ABANDONED PASTURES 527 ABDOMINAL ANGIOSTRONGYLIASIS 646 ABIOTIC FACTORS 473 ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS 076, 079, 198, 307, 392, 395, 406, 410, 431, 433, 535, 605, 606 ABRUPT CLIMATE CHANGE 299, 331 ABUNDANCE 259, 385 ACCUMULATION 210, 282 ACETYLENE 013, 018, 397, 439, 452 ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTED JOINTLY 127, 141, 270, 304 ACTIVITY PATTERNS 559 ADAPTATION 388, 471, 477, 502, 504, 537, 588, 612, 648 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT 148, 273, 630



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003, 060, 159, 166, 226, 317, 333, 348, 407, 591, 595, 619, 623, 630, 631, 655, 658 AGRICULTURE ACTIVITY 077, 649 AGRICULTURE AND CATTLE GRAZING 622 AGRICULTURE VULNERABILITY 170 AGROCHEMICALS 226 AGROECOSYSTEMS 462 AGROFORESTRY 014, 043, 055, 056, 091, 100, 182, 185, 186, 244, 296, 297, 302, 309, 339, 360, 366, 370, 397, 439, 452, 471, 479, 481, 498, 606, 607, 611 AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS 416, 442, 446 AGROSILVOPASTORAL SYSTEMS 043, 055, 056 AIR 018, 374 AIR CONDITIONING 647 AIR POLLUTION 009, 023, 077, 084, 093, 104, 113, 125, 137, 202, 284, 386,

425, 437, 508, 552, 585, 602, 613, 643, 644, 649, 652 AIR TEMPERATURE 091, 151, 207, 229, 245, 295, 373, 412, 453 AIRCRAFT MEASUREMENTS 411 AIRCRAFT OBSERVATIONS 349, 447 ALAS PROJECT 206, 294, 476 ALBIZIA 079 ALCHORNEA 007, 204 ALGAE 303 ALLELE FREQUENCIES 529 ALLEY CROPPING 186, 244, 296, 360, 366, 539, 550 ALLOMETRIC EQUATIONS 578 ALNUS 248 ALPHA DIVERSITY 232 ALTITUDE 426, 473

ALTITUDINAL GRADIENTS 195, 232, 468, 477, 525 AMBIGUITY AVERSION 592 AMMONIA 009, 013, 025, 155, 175, 176, 552 AMMONIA OXIDIZING BACTERIA 274, 288, 327 AMMONIUM 178, 180, 212, 288, 327, 425 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 009, 552 AMPHIBIAN CHYTRID 493 AMPHIBIAN DECLINE 066, 081, 094, 095, 099, 165, 174, 213, 265, 272, 306, 314, 326, 329, 346, 357, 393, 398, 403, 413, 429, 448, 493, 496, 500, 516, 554 AMPHIBIAN POPULATION DECLINE 066, 265, 542 AMPHIBIANS 066, 081, 094, 095, 099, 165, 174, 213, 257, 264, 265, 272, 306, 314, 321, 326, 328, 329, 346, 357, 393, 398, 403, 413, 429, 443, 448, 472, 474, 493, 500, 516, 517, 529, 542, 554 ANACARDIACEAE 138, 253, 372

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ANACARDIUM 253 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION 425 ANAEROBIC TREATMENT 425 ANALYSIS 022, 332 ANDIRA 317 ANEMOMETERS 002 ANGIOPOLYBIA 476 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 065 ANIMAL ECOLOGY 065 ANIMAL FEEDING 186 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 479, 481, 482, 502, 631 ANIMAL POPULATION 042 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 623 ANIMALS 011, 012, 022, 041, 042, 065, 066, 081, 094, 095, 099, 102, 105, 144, 165, 173, 174, 195,

203, 213, 232, 257, 259, 262, 264, 265, 272, 294, 306, 314, 317, 321, 326, 328, 329, 332, 334, 344, 346, 351, 357, 364, 377, 385, 393, 396, 398, 403, 413, 414, 422, 429, 435, 443, 448, 456, 459, 466, 467, 468, 472, 473, 474, 476, 477, 493, 497, 498, 500, 510, 516, 517, 520, 525, 528, 529, 542, 549, 554, 559, 560, 564, 565, 603 ANIONS 013, 064 ANNONACEAE 250 ANNUAL PRECIPITATION 590 ANNUAL RECRUITMENT 223, 233 ANNUAL RINGS 412, 453 ANNUAL STREAMFLOW 070 ANNUAL TREE GROWTH 278 ANOPHELES 459, 510 ANTARCTIC OZONE HOLE 349 ANTARCTICA 349, 477 ANTHOPHORIDAE 317

ANTHOZOA 230, 364, 467 ANTHROPOGENIC DISTURBANCE 556, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640, 650, 651, 654, 657 ANURANS 081, 094, 095, 099, 165, 174, 213, 257, 264, 265, 272, 306, 314, 321, 326, 328, 329, 346, 398, 403, 413, 429, 443, 448, 493, 500, 516, 517, 529, 554 APHIDIDAE 065 APHIDOIDEA 065 APIDAE 317 APIS 317 APOICA 476 AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS 651 AQUIFERS 167 ARACEAE 175 ARACHIS 297, 366 ARCHAEA

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580 ARCHAEOLOGY 204 ARECACEAE 090, 199, 220, 301, 432, 589, 606 ARMY ANTS 011, 473, 476 ARREMON 525 ARTHROPOD ASSEMBLAGES 294, 385 ARTHROPODS 011, 041, 042, 065, 105, 203, 294, 317, 334, 351, 385, 422, 456, 459, 466, 473, 476, 498, 510, 520, 565 ARTIC 477 ASCOMYCOTA 009, 552 ASSESSMENT 119, 324, 374 ASTHMA 646 ASTREOPORA 364 ATELES 429, 559 ATELOPUS

066, 174, 265, 329, 357, 429, 500 ATLANTIC CLIMATE CHANGE 465 ATLANTIC LOWLANDS 018, 171, 200, 201, 224, 268, 275, 281, 311, 335, 352, 436, 451, 478, 496 ATLANTIC OCEAN 299 ATMOSPHERE 008, 019, 023, 029, 032, 050, 059, 060, 063, 064, 074, 078, 093, 152, 194, 202, 226, 231, 236, 251 ATMOSPHERE-BIOSPHERE FEEDBACKS 491 ATMOSPHERIC CARBON 072, 100, 110, 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 212 ATMOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE 163, 216, 218, 260 ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES 535 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY 019, 023, 026, 032, 033, 034, 050, 057, 063, 064, 071, 077, 078, 092, 093, 131, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 179, 194, 202, 239, 336, 387, 649 ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION


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566 ATTITUDES 196, 261, 526 AULACOSEIRA 303 AUTUMN MIGRATION 497 BACILLARIOPHYCEAE 303 BACTERIA 274, 580, 581 BACTRIS 199, 606 BALIZIA 162, 250, 267, 354 BANANA PLANTATIONS 063, 086 BASALTS 600 BASELINE 228, 254, 304, 309, 341, 358, 508 BAT HABITAT 259 BAT POPULATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION 262 BATRACHOCHYTRIUM 306, 329, 357, 398, 413, 429, 493, 516, 554


BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND 050, 425 BIOCLIMATIC UNITS 542 BIOCLIMATOLOGY 031 BIODEGRADABILITY 312 BIODEGRADATION 218 BIODIVERSITY 011, 031, 036, 039, 055, 056, 062, 065, 097, 105, 107, 108, 112, 117, 120, 134, 135, 140, 143, 144, 159, 161, 162, 181, 186, 189, 193, 203, 205, 208, 211, 214, 215, 221, 226, 232, 233, 246, 258, 259, 266, 274, 276, 277, 279, 288, 294, 301, 305, 314, 317, 321, 324, 327, 345, 353, 355, 363, 377, 378, 385, 386, 400, 416, 423, 434, 437, 438, 454, 455, 456, 468, 472, 474, 476, 477, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 493, 496, 501, 513, 519, 520, 542, 546, 589, 593, 655, 658 BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 097, 125, 146, 323, 350, 498, 525, 534, 561 BIODIVERSITY DECLINE 324 BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOTS 276, 547

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065, 396 BIOLOGY AND STATUS 443 BIOMASS 025, 049, 050, 059, 071, 076, 079, 092, 100, 101, 119, 138, 145, 160, 197, 199, 210, 223, 233, 240, 244, 253, 282, 284, 285, 295, 302, 327, 336, 445, 446, 458, 479, 481, 521, 524, 527, 551, 557, 570, 571, 578, 605, 606, 611 BIOMASS AND NUTRIENT BUDGETS 199 BIOMASS BURNING 059, 071, 092, 284, 336 BIOMASS COMPOSITION 223, 233 BIOMASS ESTIMATION 138, 372, 538 BIOMASS EXPANSION FACTOR 138, 578 BIOMASS MODEL 570, 578, 606 BIOMASS PRODUCTION 090, 116, 243 BIOMONITORING TESTER 009, 552 BIOPROSPECTING 226, 279, 363

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BIOSPHERE 345 BIOSPHERE/ATMOSPHERE INTERACTIONS 284, 300 BIRDS 042, 081, 102, 195, 213, 232, 326, 346, 414, 468, 472, 474, 477, 497, 525, 528, 549, 603 BODY CONDITION 497 BOLITOGLOSSA 066, 174, 265 BOMBACACEAE 072, 118, 152, 192 BOMBACOPSIS 072, 118, 192, 498 BOMBYCILLIDAE 195 BORAGINACEAE 100, 109, 111, 114, 301, 302, 421, 442, 539, 606, 611 BOTANICAL COMPOSITION 188, 191, 518, 519 BRACHIARIA 339, 471 BREEDING SYSTEMS 258 BREEDING TIMED 102 BRIBRI AMERINDIANS 416

BROADLEAVES 017, 252 BROMELIACEAE 264, 328, 580 BRYOPHYTA 092, 316, 336 BUFFER ZONES 107, 445 BUFO 081, 095, 099, 174, 213, 272, 314, 321, 326, 329, 346, 348, 413, 443, 448, 500, 517 BUFONIDAE 081, 095, 099, 165, 174, 213, 272, 314, 321, 326, 329, 346, 348, 357, 429, 443, 448, 500, 517 BURNING 023, 025, 202 BURNING NITRIC OXIDE EMISSION 023, 202 BURSERACEAE 250 BUTTRESSES 197, 295, 494 BYRSONIMA 317 CABECAR AMERINDIANS 416 CACAO PLANTATIONS

370, 398 CAFTA 553 CALCINATION 050 CALCIUM 313, 382 CALIPPUS 560, 564 CALOPHYLLUM 079, 243, 267, 307, 354, 390, 410 CAMBIUM 121 CANOPY 126, 210, 220, 229, 245, 256, 282, 284, 294, 319, 373, 385 CANTHIDIUM 466 CANTHON 466, 520 CARAPA 138, 372 CARBON 005, 016, 074, 119, 120, 136, 198, 199, 205, 229, 235, 236, 240, 245, 285, 289, 290, 291, 292, 319, 325, 330, 342, 356, 373, 375, 392, 427, 431, 440, 444, 492, 507, 508, 558, 571, 576, 581, 589, 606, 607, 611

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CARBON BALANCE 006, 338, 401, 404 CARBON BUDGET 006 CARBON CREDITS 255, 287, 304, 322, 422, 568 CARBON CYCLE 001, 002, 006, 016, 021, 025, 050, 080, 119, 146, 151, 184, 197, 207, 209, 211, 227, 229, 235, 237, 238, 241, 245, 247, 295, 308, 314, 318, 319, 327, 330, 338, 373, 391, 401, 404, 457, 491, 522, 530, 538, 581 CARBON DIOXIDE 001, 002, 005, 009, 025, 050, 055, 056, 065, 077, 113, 114, 123, 124, 126, 152, 154, 166, 177, 178, 180, 183, 185, 190, 192, 194, 212, 220, 234, 242, 244, 247, 255, 285, 287, 295, 296, 309, 314, 322, 360, 371, 373, 379, 380, 394, 411, 422, 427, 428, 440, 444, 452, 470, 479, 481, 483, 552, 568, 600, 613, 631, 643, 644, 649 CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSION 016, 139, 166, 255, 286, 287, 322, 343, 351, 383, 405, 422, 440, 480, 568 CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSION TRADING 225, 255, 287, 322, 422, 568 CARBON DIOXIDE ENRICHMENT 016, 479, 481

CARBON DIOXIDE FLUXES 163, 216, 218, 263 CARBON DIOXIDE PRESSURES 004 CARBON DYNAMICS 001, 002, 151, 197, 209, 235, 238, 241, 295, 373 CARBON EMISSIONS 135, 221, 420 CARBON EXCHANGE 001, 002, 151, 197, 207, 229, 238, 241, 245, 295, 319, 373 CARBON FLUXES 001, 002, 006, 151, 163, 197, 207, 216, 218, 228, 229, 238, 241, 245, 263, 295, 319, 338, 340, 341, 358, 373, 401, 404 CARBON FOOTPRINT 568 CARBON FRACTION 578 CARBON MARKET 255, 267, 287, 322, 422, 568 CARBON MONOXIDE 009, 050, 077, 166, 271, 552, 649 CARBON NET LOSS 006, 338, 401, 404 CARBON OFFSETS 141, 555, 584 CARBON POOLS

143, 508, 570, 578 CARBON SEQUESTRATION 020, 021, 044, 049, 050, 055, 069, 072, 076, 077, 079, 080, 082, 090, 096, 100, 101, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 126, 127, 132, 135, 138, 141, 143, 145, 146, 160, 161, 166, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 197, 199, 205, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 221, 222, 227, 231, 235, 237, 240, 243, 244, 246, 248, 253, 255, 266, 267, 270, 285, 286, 287, 292, 295, 296, 297, 301, 302, 305, 307, 308, 315, 318, 322, 323, 330, 339, 342, 343, 345, 350, 354, 355, 356, 360, 366, 369, 370, 372, 375, 386, 390, 394, 400, 406, 410, 416, 419, 420, 422, 426, 428, 431, 432, 433, 438, 442, 445, 454, 455, 457, 460, 463, 464, 469, 480, 484, 498, 499, 504, 505, 511, 521, 524, 527, 532, 534, 536, 539, 550, 555, 568, 576, 579, 582, 602, 605, 606, 611, 615, 617, 649 CARBON STORAGE 254, 340, 611 CARBON-SINK SERVICES 221, 386 CARBONO PROJECT 130, 143, 151, 162, 197, 198, 206, 209, 229, 235, 237, 238, 241, 242, 245, 250, 256, 284, 295, 312, 319, 330, 338, 351,

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362, 373, 392, 395, 401, 404, 461, 483, 522, 538, 571 CARETTA 396 CARICA 155, 175 CARICACEAE 155, 175 CASE STUDIES 053, 113, 135, 136, 205, 221, 227, 420, 479, 481, 626, 627, 628 CATHARUS 497, 525 CATIE 244, 296, 297, 323, 350, 360, 366, 444, 502, 518, 519, 520, 550, 612 CATTLE RANCHING 103, 305, 359 CAUDATA 066, 094, 174, 265, 272 CEBIDAE 559 CECROPIA 162, 204, 430, 494 CECROPIACEAE 162, 204, 430, 494 CEDRELA 301, 318, 343



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081, 306, 329, 357, 398, 403, 413, 429, 493, 500, 516, 554 CHYTRIDIOMYCOTINA 306, 329, 357, 398, 403, 413, 429, 493, 500, 516, 554 CIBERCOLMENAS 566 CICAFE 548, 615 CIFOR 225 CIMAR 377, 467 CIRRUS CLOUDS 411, 447 CLASSIFICATION 469 CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM 082, 127, 132, 141, 225, 270, 304, 309, 320, 343, 389, 487, 489, 506, 507, 509, 532, 567, 608 CLIMATE 003, 017, 022, 032, 047, 068, 083, 121, 169, 171, 184, 200, 201, 207, 224, 226, 231, 249, 252, 268, 275, 281, 311, 332, 335, 352, 361, 368, 381, 399, 402, 436, 449, 451, 459, 465, 467, 478, 496, 509, 512, 514, 539, 561, 580, 619, 625, 637, 641, 650 CLIMATE ANALYSIS

643 CLIMATE AND WEATHER 140, 337, 407, 408, 435, 472, 474 CLIMATE AND WETLANDS 464 CLIMATE CHANGE 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204,

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469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659 CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIOS 449, 625, 637 CLIMATE DATA 643 CLIMATE HISTORY 147, 332, 659 CLIMATE IMPACT


518 CLIMATOLOGY 028, 033, 070, 233, 255, 264, 322, 328, 422, 465 CLOSING OF CENTRAL AMERICAN ISTHMUS EFFECT 041 CLOUD COVER PATTERNS 283 CLOUD FOREST CONSERVATION 561, 562 CLOUD FOREST ECOLOGY 561, 562 CLOUD FORESTS 071, 092, 099, 210, 213, 282, 294, 314, 326, 336, 378, 385, 441, 448, 561, 562 CLOUD FORMATION 106, 269, 281, 436, 448, 451, 478, 512 CLOUD FORMATION CHANGES 269 CLOUD FORMATION CYCLES 106, 448 CLOUD INTERCEPTION 418 CLOUD WATER CHEMISTRY 071, 092, 336 CLOUDS

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171, 200, 201, 224, 268, 269, 275, 311, 335, 352, 368, 496, 561 CLUE-CR 048 CLUSIACEAE 243, 267, 307, 354, 390, 410 CLUSTER ANALYSIS 320 CNIDARIA 012, 173, 364, 377, 467 COALESCENT THEORY 510 COARSE WOODY DEBRIS 080, 209 COASTAL MANAGEMENT 618 COASTAL RESOURCES 170, 618 COASTAL ZONES 477 COASTAL-MARINE ENVIRONMENT 226 COCCOLITHOPHORIDS 344 COCHRANELLA 174 CODEFORSA 246, 322, 422

COELENTERATES 230, 435 COFFEA ARABICA 014, 043, 055, 056, 091, 178, 180, 212, 302, 309, 318, 339, 397, 408, 439, 446, 452, 539, 548, 598, 615, 616, 626 COFFEE 014, 043, 055, 056, 091, 178, 180, 212, 302, 309, 318, 339, 397, 408, 439, 446, 452, 539, 548, 598, 615, 616, 626 COFFEE AGROECOSYSTEMS 057 COFFEE AGROFORESTRY 446 COFFEE LAND 046 COFFEE PLANTATIONS 397, 439, 446, 452 COGNITIVE VARIABLES 526 COLEOPTERA 065, 466, 520 COLOSTETHUS 174 COLPOPHYLLIA 364 COMBRETACEAE 267, 307, 318, 343, 354, 410, 521, 539 COMMERCIALIZATION


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COMPUTER MODELS AND SIMULATIONS 048 COMPUTER SIMULATION 030 CONDITION INDEX 497 CONDUCTIVITY 425 CONFERENCES 061 CONSERVATION 042, 065, 107, 217, 223, 233, 249, 255, 259, 273, 276, 321, 322, 333, 355, 393, 398, 405, 422, 460, 468, 484, 501, 513, 542, 577 CONSERVATION ACTIVITIES 255, 287, 322, 422, 568 CONSERVATION ADAPTATION 477 CONSERVATION CORRIDORS 107 CONSERVATION IMPLICATIONS 106 CONSERVATION MEASURES 396, 472, 474 CONSERVATION STATUS 542


COPROPHANAEUS 466 CORAL BLEACHING 173 CORAL ECOLOGY 173 CORAL EXTINCTION 203 CORAL MORTALITY 012 CORAL REEF DEGRADATION 377 CORAL REEF ECOLOGY 172, 173, 377 CORAL REEFS 012, 128, 172, 173, 203, 226, 230, 364, 377, 435, 450, 467, 477 CORALS 203 CORAPIPO 528 CORDIA 100, 109, 111, 114, 301, 302, 421, 442, 539, 606, 611 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS 192, 193, 371, 394 COSTA RICA 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024,

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025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 067, 068, 069, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, 077, 078, 079, 080, 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,

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553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659 COSTA RICA DOME 344, 465 COSTA RICA-AVE MISSION 402, 411, 447 COSTA RICAN NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY 597 COSTS 096, 107, 126, 187, 287, 507 COUNTRYSIDE BIOGEOGRAPHY 450 COVER 551 COVER ASSESSMENT 046 COVER LAND 650, 651

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214 DEFORESTATION 016, 018, 019, 024, 025, 026, 034, 035, 044, 046, 050, 057, 059, 062, 064, 068, 076, 077, 104, 113, 119, 122, 129, 131, 135, 137, 145, 157, 163, 171, 200, 201, 211, 214, 216, 217, 218, 221, 224, 228, 239, 240, 241, 246, 258, 268, 275, 281, 285, 287, 306, 311, 314, 315, 333, 335, 340, 341, 342, 348, 352, 356, 358, 359, 365, 369, 375, 385, 387, 405, 420, 423, 425, 427, 436, 437, 440, 443, 451, 457, 459, 478, 487, 496, 505, 512, 513, 535, 547, 561, 563, 567, 622, 641, 649 DEFORESTATION RATES 228, 340, 341, 358, 622 DEFORMITIES 066, 094, 265 DEGRADATION 113 DEGRADED LANDS 521 DEGRADED VOLCANIC SOIL 539 DEHYDRATION 349 DEIONIZED WATER 574 DEL ORO CITRUS COMPANY 279, 363

DELTA 18O 298, 299, 412, 453 DELTA-C-13 VALUES 163, 216, 218 DELTOCHILUM 466 DENDROBATES 264, 328 DENDROBATIDAE 094, 257, 264, 328 DENDROCHRONOLOGY 412, 453 DENGUE 646 DENITRIFICATION 014, 018, 023, 034, 043, 074, 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 093, 098, 142, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 175, 176, 179, 194, 202, 236, 397, 439, 446, 452 DEPOSITION 071, 092, 336, 490 DERMOCHELYIDAE 396 DERMOCHELYS 396 DESERTIFICATION 515 DESMODONTIDAE 259


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195 DINOHIPPUS 560, 564 DIPLORIA 364 DIPTERA 459, 510 DIPTERYX 079, 116, 162, 207, 243, 250, 253, 267, 307, 354, 410, 430, 438, 460 DIRECT IMPACTS 277 DIRECT USE VALUES 225 DISASTER MITIGATION 595 DISCOUNT RATE 225 DISCOUNTING 225 DISEASES 655 DISPERSAL 438, 460 DISPERSED TREES 186 DISPLACEMENT 588


DROUGHT 003, 208, 226, 314, 361, 388, 545, 594, 619, 633, 639, 655 DROUGHT CHARACTERISTICS 619 DROUGHT EFFECTS 003, 361, 619 DROUGHT INCREASED 278 DROUGHT RESISTANCE 655 DRY SEASON 071, 092, 171, 200, 201, 224, 268, 335, 336, 573 DRY WEIGHT 253 DUELLMANOHYLA 413 DUNG BEETLES 466, 520 DYNAMICS 016, 025, 145, 153, 154, 155, 157, 175, 240, 301, 400, 514 DYNAMICS FLUX 093, 152, 194 E-SCIENCE 566 EARLY MIOCENE 364 EARLY PLEISTOCENE 144, 364

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ECOLOGICAL NICHE MODELING 520 ECOLOGICAL SCALE 395 ECOLOGICAL SERVICES 279, 363 ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION 188, 191 ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS 462 ECOLOGY 036, 065, 081, 169, 195, 207, 214, 223, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235, 237, 245, 252, 273, 277, 319, 329, 330, 337, 338, 346, 353, 373, 396, 401, 404, 462, 467, 468, 498, 499, 522, 549, 577 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 072, 101, 118, 126, 133, 658 ECONOMIC ASPECTS 658 ECONOMIC CONDITIONS 488 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 039, 139, 621 ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY 107 ECONOMIC EVALUATION 072, 082, 118, 127, 132, 185, 187, 189, 227, 270, 307, 442, 454


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ECOSYSTEM GOODS AND SERVICES 576 ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT 501 ECOSYSTEM MODELING 557, 571 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 450, 480, 484, 534, 537, 636 ECOSYSTEMS 022, 029, 055, 056, 156, 161, 162, 176, 177, 184, 189, 208, 213, 222, 226, 231, 240, 247, 249, 251, 254, 267, 277, 295, 314, 321, 324, 326, 332, 340, 341, 356, 358, 370, 375, 457, 467, 486, 496, 499, 518, 523, 604, 618, 650, 655, 658 ECOTOURISM 039, 069, 112, 182, 205, 273, 378, 484, 498, 501, 531 ECOTYPES 119 EDAPHIC EFFECTS 143, 362 EDDY COVARIANCE 151, 229, 245, 295, 319, 373 EFFECT OF CLIMATE CHANGE 337 EFFECT ON COMMUNITIES 337 EFFECTS

140, 171, 200, 201, 207, 224, 268, 275, 281, 311, 314, 335, 337, 352, 407, 408, 436, 451, 478, 496, 561, 621, 626, 627, 628 EFFICIENCY 039, 133, 158 EL NIÑO EFFECT 128, 230, 278, 377, 415 EL NIÑO SOUTHERN OSCILLATION 045, 046, 068, 070, 095, 128, 172, 173, 208, 229, 230, 235, 237, 245, 278, 284, 313, 314, 330, 361, 373, 377, 382, 412, 415, 453, 459, 497, 517, 545, 625, 637, 638, 641, 648 ELAEIS 090, 432 ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION 425, 489 ELECTRICITY 425, 647, 489 ELEUTHERODACTYLUS 066, 081, 174, 265, 398, 413 ELEVATION 163, 216 ELEVATIONAL GRADIENT 429, 476, 499, 542 ELEVATIONAL RANGE 546 EMBERIZIDAE

497 EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES 429, 493 EMISSION SCENARIOS 588, 647 EMISSION SOURCES 508 EMISSIONS 057, 077, 125, 131, 239, 387, 508, 568, 602, 649 EMPIDONAX 497 EMPIRICAL AGE SPECTRA 411 EMPRESA DE SERVICIOS PUBLICOS DE HEREDIA 189 ENCYONEMA 303 ENDANGERED SPECIES 095, 117, 174, 226, 321, 357, 393, 396, 398, 467, 500, 513, 603 ENDANGERED STATUS 443, 542 ENDOSULFAN 374 ENERGY 097, 166, 509, 553, 608 ENERGY BUDGET

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171, 224, 268, 496, 561 ENERGY CONSERVATION 170 ENERGY CONSUMPTION 158, 644 ENERGY EFFICIENCY 158 ENERGY INDUSTRY 077, 649 ENERGY INTEGRATION 553 ENERGY POLICY 039, 158 ENERGY RESOURCES 620, 652, 658 ENERGY SOURCES 425 ENGYSTOMOPS 529 ENHANCE VEGETATION INDEX 523 ENSO 045, 046, 068, 070, 095, 128, 172, 173, 208, 229, 230, 235, 237, 245, 278, 284, 313, 314, 330, 361, 373, 377, 382, 412, 415, 453, 459, 497, 517, 545, 625, 637, 638, 641, 648 ENSO EFFECTS 172, 173, 415


ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION 159, 425, 610 ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS 189 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION 039, 217, 226, 259, 370, 462, 586, 642 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 213, 242, 326, 519 ENVIRONMENTAL GOODS 108 ENVIRONMENTAL GRADIENT 468 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 128, 377, 506, 518, 588, 592, 608, 622, 624 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT 033, 052, 104, 120, 137, 139, 177, 200, 201, 226, 230, 259, 386 ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS 272, 658 ENVIRONMENTAL JOURNALISM 586 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 125, 587, 593, 602

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ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION 289, 290 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 189, 273, 425 ENVIRONMENTAL MIGRATION 361 ENVIRONMENTAL PERCEPTIONS 495 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING 107 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 107, 149, 158, 170, 181, 205, 211, 217, 226, 231, 279, 323, 350, 363, 501, 620, 622, 633, 639, 653, 654, 656, 657, 658 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 488, 586 ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS 189 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 021, 039, 051, 110, 119, 122, 136, 146, 164, 170, 182, 190, 205, 215, 266, 279, 305, 308, 309, 314, 363, 425, 444, 455, 501, 609, 610 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 189


046, 285, 437 ERYTHRINA 014, 043, 055, 056, 091, 244, 296, 297, 318, 339, 343, 360, 366, 539 ESTIMATION 019, 050, 063, 064, 078, 093, 101, 181, 189, 648 ETHNOBOTANY 096, 187 EUCALYPTUS 302, 318, 339, 343, 446, 539 EUNOTIA 303 EUPHORBIACEAE 116, 204, 243, 267, 301, 307, 354, 390, 391, 400, 410, 421, 521, 524, 527, 578, 605 EURYSTERNUS 466, 520 EUTERPE 301 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 106, 159, 319 EVOLUTION 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098 EXOTIC SPECIES 542 EXPANSION OF AGRICULTURE 348

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EXPERIMENTAL DROUGHT 530, 569 EXTERNAL PRESSURES 217 EXTERNALITY 225 EXTINCT SPECIES 226, 443, 517 EXTREME HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL EVENTS 283, 590, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 FABACEAE 004, 055, 091, 116, 138, 162, 207, 253, 259, 297, 318, 339, 366, 372, 415, 439, 452, 539, 623, 627 FABACEAE/MIM. 056, 220, 250, 267, 318, 343, 354, 382, 390, 391, 548, 580, 581, 615 FABACEAE/PAP. 056, 243, 244, 250, 267, 296, 307, 317, 343, 354, 360, 408, 410, 430, 438, 460 FAGACEAE 007, 101, 193, 316, 384, 533 FALLOW 442, 606, 607 FARMERS 526

FARMING SYSTEMS 003, 063, 078, 093, 133, 361, 619 FARMLAND 018, 058 FARMS 185, 186, 305 FAUNAL LIST 560, 564 FAVIA 364 FAVIIDAE 364 FEED GRASSES 183 FEED LEGUMES 183 FEEDING BEHAVIOUR 473 FEEDING HABITS 042 FERNS 022, 332, 589 FERTILITY 360 FERTILIZATION 155, 168, 175, 179, 490 FERTILIZERS 014, 043, 063, 078, 113, 168 FICUS


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226, 359, 365, 367, 573, 595, 633, 639, 650, 653, 654, 656, 657 FLOODING MAPS 655 FLOODING RISK 651 FLOW REGULATION 167 FLOWERING 030, 258, 283, 317 FLUCTUATIONS 038, 310 FLUID-ROCK INTERACTIONS 325 FOG DRIP 376, 562 FONAFIFO 125, 181, 215, 225, 228, 246, 266, 279, 322, 341, 358, 363, 378, 394, 420, 422, 423, 454, 455, 532, 568 FOOD AVAILABILITY 102 FOOD FOR MAN 396 FOOD PRODUCTION 591, 623 FOOD SUPPLEMENTS 471 FORAGING

042, 473, 528 FORAGING BEHAVIOUR 042 FORAMINIFERANS 012, 344 FORECASTING 083, 309, 626, 627, 628, 645 FOREST BIOLOGY 214 FOREST CLEARING 473 FOREST COMPOSITION 557, 571 FOREST CONSERVATION 161, 304, 314, 498, 505 FOREST COVER 135, 188, 191, 221, 228, 340, 341, 358, 440 FOREST DEGRADATION 487, 567 FOREST DISTURBANCE 303, 475 FOREST DYNAMICS 223, 233, 461, 491 FOREST ECOLOGY 247, 256, 258, 259, 269, 277, 295, 379 FOREST ECONOMICS 082, 120, 127, 132, 205, 211, 215, 227, 266, 270, 307, 455

FOREST ECOSYSTEMS 434 FOREST EVOLUTION 214 FOREST FELLING 006 FOREST FIRES 022, 226, 332 FOREST FLOOR 391 FOREST FRAGMENTATION 046, 258, 324, 414, 473, 485, 491, 519, 577 FOREST HABITAT 074, 236 FOREST HEIGHT 541 FOREST INDUSTRY 226 FOREST INFLUENCES 013, 018, 064, 082, 120, 126, 127, 132, 227, 270, 307, 354, 410 FOREST LITTER 005, 313, 382 FOREST MANAGEMENT 025, 076, 096, 122, 126, 136, 146, 187, 189, 205, 211, 215, 223, 225, 233, 266, 285, 375, 386, 455, 460 FOREST MENSURATION 143

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FOREST PESTS 065 FOREST PLANTATIONS 082, 096, 116, 120, 127, 132, 146, 186, 187, 192, 227, 243, 270, 307, 309, 354, 386, 394, 410, 421, 454, 524, 605 FOREST PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY 052 FOREST PRODUCTS 356, 375 FOREST PROFILE 458 FOREST PROTECTION 025, 141, 498, 532, 555 FOREST RESOURCES 097, 189, 515, 622 FOREST RESTORATION 161 FOREST SOILS 008, 010, 013, 016, 018, 019, 026, 033, 034, 050, 060, 064, 093, 131, 179, 239, 242, 247, 295, 309, 313, 382, 387, 483 FOREST STRUCTURE 188, 191, 198, 392, 551, 557, 571 FOREST TREES 017, 055, 056, 065, 130, 143, 235, 237, 252, 330, 338, 353, 370, 392, 401, 404, 522

FOREST VULNERABILITY 170 FORESTATION 115, 215, 266, 455, 489 FORESTRY 016, 017, 025, 069, 223, 233, 252, 386, 431, 658 FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT 021, 146, 215, 266, 308, 454, 455 FORESTRY INCENTIVES 114, 115, 117, 146, 215, 266, 455 FORESTRY LAW 125, 602 FORESTRY PLANTATIONS 605 FORESTRY POLICIES 072, 118, 120, 122, 146, 205, 211, 246, 515 FORESTRY PRODUCTION 052, 507 FORESTRY SECTOR 228, 341, 358, 515 FORESTRY SYSTEMS 044 FORESTS 022, 026, 030, 057, 059, 117, 141, 145, 181, 184, 211, 214, 226, 231, 263, 289, 290, 332, 426, 477, 485, 506, 507, 519, 589, 595

FORESTS AND CLIMATE 171, 268, 275, 281, 311, 335, 352, 436, 451, 478, 496, 512, 561 FORMICIDAE 011, 105, 294, 385, 473, 565 FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES 041, 560, 564 FOSSIL CORALS 012 FOSSIL POLLEN 147, 384 FOSSILS 040 FRACTIONATION 163, 216, 218 FRAGILE ECOSYSTEMS 650, 651 FRAGILITY 333 FRAGMENTED LANDSCAPE 519, 520 FRAMEWORK CLIMATE CHANGE CONVENTION 225 FRANKIA 580, 581 FRANKIACEAE 580, 581 FRESHWATER 167, 226, 386, 579

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FUNDECOR 181, 246, 322, 422, 454, 567, 568 FUNDING 120, 122 FUNGI 009, 306, 329, 398, 413, 429, 493, 500, 516, 538, 552, 554 FUTURE PROSPECTS 654, 657 GAP ANALYSIS 321 GARDINEROSERIS 364 GAS EMISSION BALANCE 234, 647 GAS EMISSIONS 057, 077, 125, 131, 239, 387, 568, 602, 649 GAS EXCHANGE 026, 032, 033, 034, 179 GASES 019, 029, 032, 033, 050, 054, 063, 064, 078, 093, 103, 176, 251, 293 GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE 646 GATT 104, 622 GBIF 566

GENEBANKS 503 GENETIC DIVERSITY 140, 258, 496 GENETIC RESOURCES 226, 503 GENETICS 195 GENIPA 079, 267 GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES 300 GEOCHEMISTRY 325 GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS 025, 074, 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 112, 113, 133, 142, 208, 236, 314, 629, 632 GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION 195 GEOGRAPHY 532, 542, 553, 555 GEOLOGICAL AGES 041, 144, 203, 298, 299, 310, 331, 347, 364 GEOLOGICAL FACTORS 214 GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 195, 214

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GEOLOGICAL TIME PERIODS 560, 564 GEOLOGY 012, 041, 298, 331, 560, 564, 650, 651 GEOMORPHOLOGY 331, 650, 651 GEOPHYSICAL EVENTS 041 GEOPHYSICS 325 GEOSTATIONARY OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE IMAGERY 171, 224, 268, 281, 436, 451, 478, 512 GEOTRYGON 525 GIS 025, 074, 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 112, 113, 133, 142, 208, 236, 314, 629, 632 GLACIAL DEPOSITS 022, 332 GLACIAL GEOLOGY 298, 331 GLACIAL-INTERGLACIAL CYCLES 203 GLIRICIDIA

244, 296, 297, 360, 366, 498 GLOBAL ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES 037 GLOBAL CARBON BUDGET 197, 295, 424 GLOBAL CARBON CYCLE 049, 160 GLOBAL CHANGE 036, 315, 379, 457, 461, 543 GLOBAL CLIMATE MODELS 402 GLOBAL DECLINE 272, 493 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FUND 383 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL MARKET 286 GLOBAL WARMING 020, 083, 334, 427, 432, 450, 546, 586, 587, 595, 596, 597, 600, 615, 617, 619, 631, 633, 639, 642, 643, 644, 645, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657 GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL 615 GLOBALIZATION 196, 261, 532 GLOBIGERINA

012 GLOSSOPHAGA 259 GLOSSOPHAGINAE 259 GLUCOSE 018 GLYCINE 244, 296, 360 GMELINA 072, 118, 192, 286, 386, 394, 421 GOES SATELLITE IMAGERY 281, 436, 451, 478, 512, 561 GOLDEN TOAD 081, 099, 213, 314, 326, 329, 346, 448 GOMPHONEMA 303 GOMPHONEMACEAE 303 GONIASTREA 364 GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES 502 GOVERNMENT BONDS 124 GOVERNMENT POLICY 072, 118, 149, 158

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GRACILICUTES 274 GRADIENT IMPACTS 456 GRADIENTS 476 GRASSES 060, 113, 114, 347, 471 GRASSLAND BIOGEOCHEMISTRY 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098 GRASSLAND SOILS 008, 013, 016, 018, 026, 064, 078, 093, 131, 239, 387, 508 GRASSLANDS 018, 034, 046, 060, 078, 093, 113, 152, 155, 175, 179, 182, 183, 188, 191, 194 GRAZING 348 GREEN GROUPS' LEADERS 196, 261 GREEN MARKETS 255, 287, 322, 422, 568 GREENHOUSE EFFECT 016, 019, 020, 021, 025, 031, 034, 035, 044, 045, 049, 050, 051, 054, 061, 063, 064, 073, 077, 078, 082, 083, 093, 108, 109, 111, 113, 114, 123, 125, 127, 132, 135, 139, 145, 146, 150, 153, 154, 155, 160, 164, 166, 170, 177, 178, 179, 181,

211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 218, 221, 227, 234, 237, 254, 262, 264, 270, 283, 286, 287, 293, 295, 307, 308, 313, 314, 321, 326, 328, 333, 338, 340, 341, 343, 348, 349, 354, 356, 358, 359, 365, 370, 375, 378, 382, 401, 404, 405, 410, 420, 431, 454, 482, 585, 587, 593, 602, 607, 617, 619, 631, 648, 649 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 170, 585, 647 GREENHOUSE GAS MITIGATION 279, 363 GREENHOUSE GASES 020, 025, 034, 049, 050, 052, 058, 074, 077, 104, 123, 125, 129, 133, 137, 160, 166, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 211, 212, 231, 236, 239, 286, 318, 322, 343, 383, 405, 422, 423, 425, 427, 428, 444, 482, 487, 506, 508, 550, 567, 568, 588, 589, 595, 602, 607, 608, 609, 610, 613, 617, 619, 631, 643, 644, 645, 647, 648, 649, 652, 658 GRIAS 004 GROUNDWATER 164, 167, 226, 376, 562, 632, 651 GROUNDWATER POLLUTION 226 GROWTH

030, 126, 197, 207, 235, 295, 330, 412, 453, 456, 494, 521 GROWTH MODELS 611 GROWTH OF JUVENILE TREES 162 GROWTH PERIODICITY 030 GROWTH RINGS 412, 453 GROWTH VARIATION 353 GUATTERIA 250 GYMNOPHIONA 094 GYMNOSPERMS 065, 391, 400, 527 HABITAT 337, 385, 473, 485 HABITAT ALTERATIONS 259, 443 HABITAT DEGRADATION 258, 542 HABITAT DESTRUCTION 317, 450 HABITAT FRAGMENTATION 046, 167, 174, 477, 559 HABITAT ISOLATION

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435 HISTORY 147, 462, 510 HOLDRIDGE'S LIFE ZONE SYSTEM 445, 542 HOLOCENE 022, 147, 299, 331, 332, 347 HOLOCENE CLIMATE SHIFTS 204 HOMINIDAE 022, 042, 332, 459 HOMO 022, 042, 332, 459 HOMOPTERA 065 HONEYBEES 317 HUERTOS PROJECT 206 HUMAN ACTIVITY 164, 165, 174, 204, 332 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 653, 654, 656, 657 HUMAN DISEASES 459 HUMAN ECOLOGY 048, 273 HUMAN HEALTH 595, 655

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HYDROGEN CHLORIDE 009, 552 HYDROLOGIC CONNECTIVITY 167 HYDROLOGICAL MODIFICATIONS 164 HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 418 HYDROLOGICAL SERVICES 498 HYDROLOGY 386, 418 HYDROMETEOROLOGY 643 HYDROPOWER 553 HYDROPOWER POTENTIAL 046 HYDROTHERMAL SYSTEM 164 HYDROZOA 364 HYERONIMA 017, 079, 116, 162, 243, 252, 267, 301, 307, 354, 390, 391, 400, 410, 421, 521, 524, 527, 578, 605 HYLA 066, 081, 094, 165, 174, 265, 403, 413, 554

HYLIDAE 066, 081, 094, 165, 174, 265, 403, 413, 554 HYMENOLOBIUM 017, 162, 250, 252 HYMENOPTERA 011, 065, 105, 294, 317, 385, 473, 476, 565 HYPOPONERA 565 IABIN 566 ICE 447 ICHNEUMONIDAE 065 ICT 566 IDEOLOGIES 196, 261 IICA 001, 002 IKONOS 256, 561 IMMUNITY 403 IMPACT ASSESSMENT 028, 165, 174, 269, 332, 376, 467, 562 IMPACT CRATER 600

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IMPACT IN TROPICAL FORESTS 037 IMPACT OF FUTURE GROWTH 273 IMPACT ON HATCHLING PRODUCTION 396 IMPACTS ON HUMAN POPULATION 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 IMPLEMENTED JOINTLY PROJECT [RFCAIJP] 255, 568 IMPORT OF USED CARS 271 IMPROVEMENT FELLINGS 126 IN-SITU OBSERVATIONS 411 INBIO 108, 140, 159, 189, 206, 226, 279, 316, 331, 332, 333, 345, 355, 363, 466, 476, 485, 486, 487, 488, 496, 510, 513, 519, 520, 545, 566 INBREEDING 258 INCENTIVE PROGRAMS 181 INCENTIVES

072, 118, 122, 181, 189, 193, 215, 225, 266, 454, 455, 502, 609, 655 INCREMENT 017, 126, 252 INDICATOR ORGANISMS 486 INDICATORS 441 INDICATORS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 139 INDICES OF VEGETATION PRODUCTIVITY 163, 216 INDIGENOUS AGRICULTURE 416, 442 INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES 370 INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE 416, 518 INDIGENOUS ORGANISMS 076, 079, 106, 117, 232, 277, 307, 346, 354, 390, 391, 410, 462, 466, 468, 521, 542, 546, 547 INDIGENOUS ORGANIZATIONS 607 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE 389, 501

INDIGENOUS RESERVES 442, 501, 606, 607 INDIRECT IMPACTS 277 INGA 004, 055, 056, 138, 318, 343, 372, 439, 452, 548, 615 INNOVATION ADOPTION 305, 592 INNOVATIVE FINANCIAL INCENTIVE MECHANISM 225 INORGANIC NITROGEN 336 INPUTS 360 INSAR 458, 541 INSECTIVORY 414 INSECTS 011, 042, 065, 105, 294, 317, 334, 351, 385, 422, 456, 459, 466, 473, 476, 498, 510, 520, 565 INSOLATION 207, 283, 295 INTERACTIONS 214, 368 INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY 208, 235, 237, 299, 330, 314, 331, 351

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INVERSE PHENOLOGY 219 INVERTEBRATES 011, 012, 041, 042, 065, 105, 144, 173, 203, 294, 317, 334, 344, 351, 364, 377, 385, 422, 435, 456, 459, 466, 467, 473, 476, 498, 510, 520, 565 INVESTMENT 215, 266, 455, 602 IPCC 148, 149, 150 IRRIGATION 008, 655 IRRIGATION DRAINWATER 167 ISCHAEMUM 339, 390 ISOPODS 203 ISOPRENE 220 ISOPTERA 065 ISOTOPE RATIOS 325 ITCZ 280, 298, 299, 331, 344, 368, 381, 465, 536 IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES 467

JACARANDA 079, 116, 243, 267, 438, 460, 521 JACQUINIA 219 JANZEN-CONNELL MODEL 237 JIANGSU 176 KINETOPLASTIDA 459 KYOTO PROTOCOL 110, 141, 183, 267, 289, 290, 309, 318, 320, 342, 343, 440, 442, 469, 489, 532, 567, 585, 593, 607 LA NIÑA EVENT 361 LA PACIFICA ECOLOGICAL CENTRE 030, 222 LA SELVA BIOLOGICAL STATION 004, 006, 010, 013, 017, 018, 019, 023, 024, 026, 027, 029, 031, 032, 033, 034, 057, 059, 064, 070, 074, 076, 079, 080, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 094, 098, 105, 123, 130, 131, 143, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 162, 163, 164, 167, 169, 175, 179, 194, 197, 198, 202, 206, 207, 209, 216, 217, 218, 220, 229, 235, 236, 237, 238, 241, 242, 243, 245, 247, 250,

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252, 253, 256, 259, 260, 263, 267, 274, 278, 284, 288, 295, 300, 301, 307, 312, 313, 319, 327, 330, 334, 338, 341, 351, 353, 354, 355, 358, 362, 373, 379, 380, 382, 387, 391, 392, 393, 395, 398, 400, 401, 404, 410, 414, 424, 430, 431, 437, 438, 445, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 476, 483, 490, 492, 493, 494, 496, 521, 522, 527, 528, 536, 538, 541, 543, 544, 551, 556, 557, 565, 571, 574 LA SUERTE BIOLOGICAL STATION 264, 328 LAETIA 138, 372, 382 LAGUNA DEL LAGARTO LODGE 581, 582 LAGUNA ZONCHO 303, 475 LAI 523 LAKE 038 LAKE SEDIMENT 022, 204, 303, 332, 347 LAND CAPABILITY 650, 651 LAND CLEARING 093 LAND COVER

112, 140, 157, 163, 216, 239, 457, 469, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 LAND COVER CHANGE 263, 457, 469 LAND ECONOMICS 591, 623 LAND MANAGEMENT 105, 390, 406, 580 LAND PRICES 623 LAND SUITABILITY 588 LAND USE 003, 016, 019, 025, 035, 046, 050, 052, 063, 064, 097, 112, 113, 119, 139, 140, 145, 157, 159, 164, 171, 186, 200, 201, 211, 224, 228, 263, 267, 268, 274, 275, 281, 285, 288, 305, 309, 311, 327, 335, 340, 341, 352, 356, 358, 375, 405, 406, 431, 436, 451, 462, 469, 478, 479, 481, 485, 496, 502, 504, 512, 561, 604, 605, 619, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640, 650, 651 LAND USE CHANGE 048, 075, 077, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 145, 155, 159, 163, 166, 175, 176, 216, 218, 239, 240, 241, 335, 348, 376, 480, 488, 535, 562, 644, 649 LAND USE CHOICES 254, 340

LAND USE FORECASTS 254, 356, 375 LAND USE PLANNING 048, 112 LANDFILL COVER SOIL 369 LANDSAT IMAGERY 046, 171, 224, 268, 275, 281, 311, 352, 419, 436, 451, 478, 496, 512, 561 LANDSCAPE 167, 477, 515, 519, 520 LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY 143, 424 LANDSCAPE SAMPLING 379 LANDSCAPE SCALE 074, 236 LANDSCAPING 181, 189, 193 LANDSLIDE HAZARD 651 LANDSLIDES 365, 595 LARVAE 264, 328, 334 LAS CRUCES BIOLOGICAL STATION 217, 303, 413, 493 LASER ALTIMETER

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004, 014, 043, 113, 133, 313, 382, 558 LEAF LITTER 264, 328, 362 LECYTHIDACEAE 004, 162, 207, 430, 494 LECYTHIS 017, 162, 207, 252, 430, 494 LEGISLATION 170, 333, 396, 585, 587, 602, 618, 655 LEIPOMELES 476 LEISHMANIA 459 LEISHMANIASIS 459 LEPIDOCHELYS 396 LEPIDOPTERA 042, 065, 334 LEPIDOSAURIA 398 LEPTODACTYLIDAE 081, 094, 165, 174, 398, 529 LEPTOSERIS 173, 377 LICHENIZED FUNGI 009, 552 LIDAR REMOTE SENSING

198, 392, 458, 541, 551, 557, 563, 571 LIFE CYCLE 264, 328, 430 LIFE ZONES 445, 650 LIGHT 017, 214, 219, 252, 461 LILIOPSIDA 007, 008, 022, 086, 090, 100, 109, 111, 114, 155, 175, 199, 204, 220, 244, 248, 251, 264, 296, 301, 318, 328, 332, 339, 343, 351, 360, 385, 390, 400, 415, 422, 432, 471, 498, 503, 540, 580, 606, 607 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES 050, 077, 649 LIQUID WASTES 444 LISSAMPHIBIA 257, 265, 272, 321, 329, 398, 443, 493, 516, 517, 529, 554 LITTER 004, 312, 313, 327, 382, 558 LITTERFALL 301, 391, 400 LIVE FENCES 498 LIVESTOCK 103, 113, 182, 185

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LUEHEA 494 LUTZOMYIA 459 LYMANTRIIDAE 065 MAGNESIUM 313, 382 MAGNOLIOPHYTA 004, 007, 008, 014, 017, 022, 037, 043, 055, 056, 065, 072, 079, 083, 086, 090, 091, 100, 101, 109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 138, 152, 155, 162, 178, 180, 192, 193, 199, 204, 207, 212, 219, 220, 243, 244, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 259, 264, 267, 286, 296, 297, 301, 302, 307, 317, 318, 328, 332, 339, 343, 351, 354, 360, 366, 370, 372, 382, 384, 385, 386, 390, 391, 394, 397, 400, 408, 410, 412, 415, 421, 422, 430, 432, 438, 439, 442, 446, 452, 453, 460, 471, 494, 498, 503, 521, 524, 527, 533, 539, 540, 548, 578, 580, 581, 598, 605, 606, 607, 611, 615, 616, 626, 627, 628 MAGNOLIOPSIDA 004, 007, 014, 017, 037, 043, 055, 056, 065, 072, 079, 083, 091, 100, 101, 109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 138, 152, 155, 162, 175, 178, 180, 192, 193, 204, 207, 212, 219, 220, 243, 244, 248, 250, 252, 253, 259, 267, 286, 296, 297, 301, 302, 307, 317, 318, 339, 343, 351, 354, 360, 366, 370, 372, 382, 384,

385, 386, 390, 391, 394, 397, 400, 408, 410, 412, 415, 421, 422, 430, 438, 439, 442, 446, 452, 453, 460, 494, 498, 521, 524, 527, 533, 539, 548, 578, 580, 581, 598, 605, 606, 607, 611, 615, 616, 626, 627, 628 MAIZE 008, 155, 175, 244, 251, 296, 360, 623 MALACOSTRACA 203 MALARIA 459, 510, 646 MALPIGHIACEAE 317 MALVACEAE 494 MAMMALIAN EXTINCTIONS 276 MAMMALS 022, 042, 259, 262, 276, 332, 459, 472, 474, 559, 560, 564 MANAGEMENT 152, 155, 164, 175, 194, 230, 348, 405, 539, 594 MANAGEMENT EFFECTS 301, 400 MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 508 MANGROVES 108, 226, 477, 604, 618

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MARGARORNIS 525 MARINE ECOSYSTEMS 477 MARINE RESOURCES 097, 112 MARITIME LAW 618 MARITZA BIOLOGICAL STATION 579 MARKET ACTORS 534 MARKET CONSTRUCTION 255 MARKET FAILURES 359 MARKET INSTRUMENTS 134, 135, 161, 221, 420 MARKETING 096, 187, 205, 356, 375, 507 MARKETS 096, 158, 187, 507 MASS MORTALITY 165 MATHEMATICAL MODELS 074, 075, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 113, 142, 176 MEASUREMENT 119, 138, 307, 372, 402, 410


METEOROLOGY HISTORY 399 METEORS 600 METHANE 026, 050, 064, 065, 074, 077, 103, 129, 142, 153, 155, 166, 168, 175, 176, 178, 180, 185, 212, 234, 236, 349, 425, 452, 463, 511, 536, 544, 631, 649 METHANE FLUX 074, 142, 168, 236, 536, 544 METHANE PRODUCTION 425 MICROBES 274, 288, 327 MICROBIAL ACTIVITY 241 MICROBIAL BIOMASS 581, 583 MICROBIAL COMMUNITY 327, 538, 580, 581, 583 MICROCLIMATE 611 MICROHABITAT 385 MICROHYLIDAE 094 MICROPARASITES 398, 500 MICROSCOPIC CHARCOAL

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MITIGATION 025, 125, 134, 135, 161, 221, 254, 356, 370, 375, 477, 496, 518, 586, 588, 599, 602, 642, 644, 645, 647, 648 MITIGATION POLICIES 025, 496 MITOCHONDRIAL DNA 510, 529 MIXED CROPPING 116, 243 MIXED FOREST PLANTATIONS 079 MIXTURES 243 MODEL SIMULATIONS 106 MODELING 213, 387, 494, 548 MODELS 015, 083, 084, 133, 220, 309, 426, 480 MODERN POLLEN DEPOSITION 147 MODIS 424, 523, 551 MOIN FORMATION 203 MOIST TROPICAL FOREST


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MONTE ALTO FOREST RESERVE 188, 191 MONTE CARLO MODELS 048 MONTE CARLO TECHNIQUES 142 MONTEVERDE CLOUD FOREST RESERVE 011, 021, 037, 071, 081, 092, 095, 099, 106, 165, 171, 174, 200, 201, 210, 213, 224, 232, 262, 268, 269, 275, 279, 282, 283, 294, 306, 311, 314, 321, 326, 329, 335, 336, 337, 346, 348, 352, 355, 357, 363, 376, 378, 385, 398, 403, 412, 413, 418, 429, 437, 443, 445, 448, 453, 468, 473, 493, 496, 512, 517, 525, 549, 561, 562, 577, 580, 583, 603 MONTEVERDE CONSERVATION LEAGUE 279, 363, 468 MONTIPORA 364 MONTREAL PROTOCOL 383 MORACEAE 065 MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERGENCE 195 MORTALITY


MULTIVARIATE ENSO INDEX 459 MUSA 086, 318, 343, 503, 606, 607 MUSACEAE 086, 318, 343, 503, 606, 607 MUSCICAPIDAE 497 MYADESTES 525 MYCORRHIZAE 005 MYIOBORUS 525 MYOBATRACHIDAE 272 MYRICA 204 MYRICACEAE 204 MYRISTICACEAE 079, 267, 307, 354, 391, 400, 410, 521, 527 MYRSINACEAE 204 MYRSINE 204 MYRTACEAE 318, 339, 343 NAFTA

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104, 365 NASA'S DESDYNI MISSION 557 NATIONAL ACCOUNTING 108 NATIONAL INVENTORY 648 NATIONAL OBJECTIVES 501 NATIONAL PARKS 024, 039, 119, 167, 228, 321, 341, 355, 358, 450 NATIONAL PLANNING 597 NATIONAL STRATEGIES 617 NATIVE BEES 450 NATIVE PLANTATIONS 498 NATIVE TREE PLANTATIONS 390, 578 NATURAL ABUNDANCE 154 NATURAL DISASTERS 003, 112, 361, 365, 367, 619, 621, 629, 632, 633, 634, 635, 639, 640, 653, 654, 656, 657 NATURAL DISASTERS RISK 629, 632, 634, 635, 640



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NITRATE ADSORPTION 446 NITRATE LEACHING 446 NITRATE LEVEL 579 NITRATES 013, 014, 043, 064, 178, 180, 212, 288, 327, 579 NITRATES REACTIONS 023, 093, 202 NITRIC OXIDE 013, 023, 026, 057, 059, 060, 063, 064, 071, 074, 078, 092, 093, 131, 142, 152, 153, 154, 156, 168, 179, 194, 202, 236, 239, 336, 387, 490 NITRIFICATION 010, 013, 023, 064, 093, 155, 156, 175, 202, 274, 288, 327, 397, 439, 446, 452, 490 NITRITES 013, 023, 064, 093, 202 NITROGEN 005, 013, 014, 018, 043, 058, 064, 133, 240, 313, 325, 382, 387, 395, 425, 490, 538, 574, 581, 582 NITROGEN AVAILABILITY 175 NITROGEN CONTENT 248

NITROGEN CYCLE 008, 014, 019, 033, 034, 043, 050, 063, 064, 078, 084, 085, 086, 092, 093, 153, 154, 155, 175, 176, 179, 183, 194, 274, 288, 327, 336, 569, 581 NITROGEN DEPOSITION 491 NITROGEN DIOXIDE 178, 212 NITROGEN DYNAMICS 360, 499 NITROGEN FERTILIZERS 014, 043, 059, 060, 078, 178, 180, 212 NITROGEN FIXATION 092, 178, 192, 193, 212 NITROGEN FIXING LEGUME 439, 452 NITROGEN FLUXES 092, 336, 391 NITROGEN MINERALIZATION 010 NITROGEN OXIDES 014, 043, 050, 057, 077, 113, 166, 176, 194, 271, 649 NITROGEN RETENTION 071, 092, 336 NITROGEN STATUS 312 NITROGEN TRANSFORMATIONS

010 NITROSOMONAS 288, 327 NITROSOSPIRA 288, 327 NITROUS OXIDE 008, 010, 018, 025, 026, 029, 033, 050, 057, 058, 059, 060, 063, 074, 075, 077, 078, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 093, 098, 113, 129, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 166, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 185, 194, 212, 234, 236, 274, 288, 327, 397, 428, 439, 446, 452, 490, 558, 569, 631, 649 NITROUS OXIDE FLUX 019, 034, 050, 063, 064, 074, 131, 142, 168, 236, 239, 251, 387, 446 NO-TAG 467 NON-MARKET BENEFITS 082, 127, 132, 227, 270 NON-METHANE VOLATILE COMPOUNDS 077, 649 NON-PERMANENCE 304 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 177 NON-PIONEER SPECIES 162

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OROGRAPHIC PRECIPITATION 562 OROGRAPHY 465 ORTHOPHOSPHATES 425 ORYZA 083, 415, 623 OSTRACODS 041, 344 OTS 001, 002, 014, 017, 018, 019, 020, 023, 024, 026, 027, 029, 031, 032, 033, 034, 043, 057, 059, 064, 070, 076, 079, 080, 151, 163, 175, 179, 194, 197, 198, 202, 206, 207, 209, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 237, 238, 241, 242, 246, 263, 284, 338, 401, 404, 476, 530, 569 OULOPHYLLIA 364 OUTBREAK 334 OXIDATION 168, 369 OXYGEN 280, 298, 331 OXYGEN ISOTOPIC ANALYSIS 012 OXYGEN-18 381

OZONE 029, 129, 226, 349, 409 OZONE DEPLETION 018, 165, 383 OZONE LAYER 020, 061 OZONE LOSS EFFECT 402 OZONE PRECURSORS 058 OZONE PROTECTION 061 PACIFIC LEATHERBACK TURTLE 396 PALAECOLOGY 384 PALAEOBIOLOGY 144, 203 PALAEOBOTANY 007, 022, 204, 332 PALAEOCEANOGRAPHY 040 PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY 147, 299, 331, 384, 412, 453, 659 PALAEOECOLOGY 147, 204, 384, 560, 564, 659 PALAEOENVIRONMENT 038, 144, 203, 560, 564

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022, 332 PARAMO VEGETATION 022, 332 PARASITES 459 PARASITISM RATES 334 PARASITOIDS 065, 334 PARMELIA 009, 552 PARMELIACEAE 009, 552 PARQUE INTERNACIONAL LA AMISTAD 119, 228, 304, 321, 519, 520 PARQUE NACIONAL BARBILLA 119, 228, 304 PARQUE NACIONAL BARRA HONDA 119, 228, 304 PARQUE NACIONAL BRAULIO CARRILLO 024, 163, 164, 167, 216, 218, 228, 263, 341, 456, 476, 528 PARQUE NACIONAL CAHUITA 228 PARQUE NACIONAL CARARA 222, 228, 304, 565

PARQUE NACIONAL CHIRRIPO 022, 037, 147, 228, 298, 310, 331, 332, 431 PARQUE NACIONAL CORCOVADO 021, 228, 240 PARQUE NACIONAL GUANACASTE 021, 119, 228, 304, 334, 565, 579 PARQUE NACIONAL JUAN CASTRO BLANCO 228 PARQUE NACIONAL MANUEL ANTONIO 228 PARQUE NACIONAL MARINO LAS BAULAS 396 PARQUE NACIONAL PALO VERDE 008, 119, 217, 228, 304, 437, 536, 544, 573 PARQUE NACIONAL PIEDRAS BLANCAS 119, 228, 519, 520 PARQUE NACIONAL RINCON DE LA VIEJA 021, 228, 304, 565 PARQUE NACIONAL SANTA ROSA 119, 219, 222, 223, 228, 233, 440, 445, 491, 533, 545, 559, 563

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PARULIDAE 497 PASSIVE AIR SAMPLING 374 PASTURE HABITAT 074, 236 PASTURE IMPROVEMENT 502 PASTURES 008, 013, 018, 019, 026, 034, 050, 057, 059, 060, 064, 075, 078, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 113, 131, 142, 154, 168, 179, 239, 241, 387, 426, 508, 561 PATTERNS 143, 157, 430, 497 PAVONA 364 PAVONA 377 PAYMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 082, 108, 115, 117, 122, 125, 126, 127, 132, 135, 141, 146, 181, 185, 186, 189, 190, 192, 193, 215, 221, 226, 227, 246, 266, 267, 270, 279, 305, 307, 318, 322, 323, 345, 350, 354, 363, 370, 378, 389, 394, 410, 416, 420, 422, 423, 428, 434, 440, 454, 455, 471, 484, 487, 498, 505, 526, 532, 534, 555, 568, 584, 602, 606, 607, 611 PEASANT MIGRATION

361 PENINSULA DE NICOYA 007, 021, 604 PENINSULA DE OSA 240, 445, 529, 569 PENNISETUM 248 PENTACLETHRA 004,138, 220, 250, 372, 382, 391, 400, 527, 580, 581 PERACARIDA 203 PERCEPTION 642 PERIODICITY 121, 430 PERISODACTYLS 560, 564 PERMANENT FOREST STANDS 135, 221 PERMITS 231 PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS 374, 501 PEST INSECTS 065, 259 PESTICIDE USE 437

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PESTICIDES 104, 113, 133, 137, 374 PESTS 359, 655 PETROLEUM 291 PH 425 PHAINOPTILA 195, 525 PHANAEUS 466 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 069 PHAROMACHRUS 525 PHASEOLUS 244, 296, 360, 408, 415, 623, 627 PHENOLOGICAL DATA 283 PHENOLOGY 027, 073, 121, 317, 598 PHEUCTICUS 525 PHOSPHORUS 005, 133, 240, 313, 362, 382, 395, 538, 558, 574, 579 PHOTOELECTRIC CELLS 158


614 PHYSIOLOGY 055 PHYTOCHEMISTRY 301, 400 PHYTOGEOGRAPHY 147 PICEA 065 PINACEAE 007, 065, 391, 400, 527 PINNULARIA 303 PINUS 007, 065, 391, 400, 527 PIONEER SPECIES 162, 353 PIPE MODEL 411 PIPER 007, 204 PIPERACEAE 007, 204 PIPRIDAE 528 PITHECELLOBIUM 017, 079, 252 PLANT COMMUNITIES 183, 188, 191

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PLANT COVER 188, 191, 518 PLANT DISEASES 159 PLANT DISPERSAL 314 PLANT GEOGRAPHY 277 PLANT GROWTH 123 PLANT LIFE FORMS 573 PLANT PHENOLOGY 317 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 207, 628 PLANT SPECIES COMPOSITION 400 PLANT SUCCESSION 026 PLANTATION CROPS 175, 253 PLANTATION FORESTRY 082, 127, 132, 270, 307, 354, 410, 527 PLANTATIONS 527 PLANTS 004, 007, 008, 014, 017, 022, 030, 037, 043, 055, 056, 065,

072, 079, 083, 086, 090, 091, 092, 100, 101, 109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 138, 152, 155, 162, 175, 178, 180, 192, 193, 199, 204, 207, 212, 219, 220, 243, 244, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 259, 264, 267, 286, 296, 297, 301, 302, 303, 307, 316, 317, 318, 328, 332, 336, 339, 343, 351, 354, 360, 366, 370, 372, 382, 384, 385, 386, 390, 391, 394, 397, 400, 408, 410, 412, 415, 421, 422, 430, 432, 438, 439, 442, 446, 452, 453, 456, 460, 471, 494, 498, 503, 521, 524, 527, 533, 539, 540, 547, 548, 578, 580, 581, 598, 605, 606, 607, 611, 615, 616, 626, 627, 628 PLASMODIIDAE 459 PLASMODIUM 459 PLATYGYRA 364 PLEISTOCENE 364 PLETHODONTIDAE 066, 174, 265 PLFA 327 PLIOCENE 041 POACEAE 008, 022, 083, 100, 109, 111, 114, 175, 204, 244, 248, 251,

296, 332, 339, 360, 390, 415, 471, 540, 623 POCILLOPORA 012, 173, 377 POCILLOPORIDAE 012, 173, 377 PODOCARPACEAE 007 PODOCARPUS 007 POISON-DART FROGS 094, 257, 264, 328 POLICIES 025, 107, 125, 133, 254, 267, 333, 496, 502, 504, 596, 599, 602, 648 POLISTES 476 POLITICAL ECONOMY 553 POLITICS 427 POLLEN 022, 038, 204, 332 POLLEN ANALYSIS 007, 022, 332 POLLEN DISPERSAL 259 POLLINATION 214, 258

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POLLINATOR DECLINE 317 POLLINATORS 258, 317 POLLUTANTS 026, 033, 103, 170, 181, 190, 255, 287, 322, 422, 508, 568, 607, 611, 631 POLLUTION 009, 053, 054, 066, 094, 103, 113, 140, 181, 190, 265, 284, 374, 444, 506, 552, 602, 604, 608 POLLUTION CONTROL 119, 136, 145, 181, 205, 279, 284, 363, 405, 425, 444, 506, 508, 602, 608, 609, 631 POLLUTION CONTROL INDUSTRY 279, 363 POLLUTION DISPERSION 284 POLYBIA 476 POLYBROMINATED DIPHENYL ETHERS 374 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS 374 POPULATION 042, 102, 314, 357, 393, 398, 413

POPULATION CHANGES 435 POPULATION DECLINE 081, 165, 174, 264, 265, 272, 328, 329, 346, 357, 403, 493, 516, 554 POPULATION DENSITY 273, 359 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION 520 POPULATION DYNAMICS 065, 081, 128, 195, 214, 230, 272, 329, 346, 377, 403, 554 POPULATION ECOLOGY 095, 273, 321 POPULATION EXTINCTION 450 POPULATION GROWTH 273, 314, 359, 488 POPULATION SIZE 042 POPULATION STRUCTURE 529 POPULUS 244, 296, 360 PORITES 364 PORITIDAE 364 POTASSIUM 133, 313, 382

POUTERIA 412, 453 POVERTY 356, 375, 501, 624 POWER 584 PRE-COLUMBIAN 303 PRECESSION 600 PRECIPITATION 047, 070, 208, 280, 283, 298, 314, 331, 368, 376, 381, 386, 399, 408, 449, 496, 500, 558, 562, 590, 613, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 632, 634, 635, 637, 640 PRECIPITATION MANIPULATION 558, 569 PRECIPITATION TRENDS 015, 495 PREDATION 476 PREDATORS 065 PREHISTORIC AGRICULTURE 204 PREHISTORIC HUMAN ACTIVITY 022, 204, 332

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179 PROFITABILITY 394, 521 PROJECT ACTIVITIES 508 PROJECT DESIGN 507 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 231 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 507 PROJECT SCENARIO 508 PROJECTS 119, 177, 504, 508, 534 PROKARYOTES 274 PRORIOS 279, 363 PROTECTED AREAS 107, 108, 167, 228, 276, 314, 321, 333, 341, 348, 355, 358, 378, 437, 470, 484, 486, 535, 650 PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS 321 PROTECTION OF FORESTS 119, 215, 266, 454, 455 PROTEINS 186


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334 PYRROPHYTA 012, 173, 377, 467 QUALITY 301, 400 QUANTIFICATION 133 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 133 QUANTITY 301, 400 QUATERNARY 298, 310, 331, 344 QUATERNARY GLACIATION 310 QUERCUS 007, 101, 193, 316, 384, 533 RABIES 259 RADAR 368, 458, 557, 571 RADIOCARBON DATING 204, 250, 412, 453, 475 RAIN 047, 070, 071, 073, 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 092, 098, 121, 142, 159, 207, 223, 233, 278, 336, 381, 386, 387, 399, 418, 559, 613 RAIN DECREASE 223, 233

RAIN EVENTS 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 142, 613 RAIN FORESTS 013, 018, 023, 064, 202 RAINWATER 625, 637 RAINY SEASON 573 RANA 066, 174, 265 RANCHING 622 RANIDAE 094, 165, 174 RECENT CLIMATE CHANGE 456 RECREATIONAL DIVING 230 RECRUITMENT 233 RED TIDE 646 REDD 567, 568 REEF BUILDING CORAL 173 REEF HABITAT 435

REEF POPULATION CHANGE RELATIONSHIPS 435 REFORESTATION 021, 072, 115, 118, 120, 141, 205, 215, 226, 231, 255, 266, 285, 286, 308, 322, 333, 394, 422, 440, 455, 489, 498, 521, 532, 535, 555, 568, 577, 582, 605, 607 REFORESTATION COSTS 285 REGENERATION 173 REGIONAL DIVERSITY 232, 468 REGIONAL ECONOMIES 624 REGIONAL MODELLING 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 176, 613 REGIONAL SCALE 263 REGRESSION MODELS 589 REGULATIONS 602 REHABILITATED BAUXITE MINES 105 RELATIVE HUMIDITY 159, 269

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RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 039, 167, 215, 226, 266, 454, 455, 594 RESOURCE UTILIZATION 039, 205 RESOURCES 042 RESPIRATION 004, 005, 242, 260, 483 RESPIRATION EFFECT 278 RESPONSES 456 RESTORATION 438, 460, 521 RETRANSLOCATION 313, 382 RETURN PERIODS 590 RHEOBATRACHUS 272 RHIZOBIACEAE 580, 581 RHIZOBIUM 580, 581 RISK 513, 592, 594 RISK ASSESSMENT 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 RISK AVERSION

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592 RISK PERCEPTION 526 RIVERS 046, 167, 199, 322, 357, 365, 367, 422, 434, 454, 526, 553, 588, 590, 636 ROADS 359 RUBIACEAE 014, 043, 055, 056, 091, 178, 180, 212, 267, 302, 309, 318, 339, 397, 408, 439, 446, 452, 539, 548, 598, 615, 616, 626 RUNOFF 548 RURAL AREAS 182 RURAL COMMUNITIES 136, 205, 389 RURAL DEVELOPMENT 039 RURAL POPULATION 356, 375 RURAL TOURISM 501 SACCHARUM 540 SALICACEAE 244, 296, 360

SALIENTIA 264, 328 SALINITY 128, 230, 377 SAPOTACAE 412, 453 SARCODINA 012 SATELLITE DATA 165 SATELLITE IMAGERY 025, 256, 561 SATELLITE TELEMETRY 457 SATURNIIDAE 065 SAURIA 398 SCARABAEIDAE 466, 520 SCATIMUS 466, 520 SCENARIOS 113, 133, 508, 613, 644, 645, 654, 657 SCENIC BEAUTY 117, 434, 534 SCIENTISTS 237, 338, 401, 404 SCLERACTINIA

230, 364 SCLERACTINIAN CORALS 364 SCYTALOPUS 525 SEA 172, 173 SEA LEVEL RAISE 655 SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 038, 417 SEASONAL CHANGES 313, 344, 382 SEASONAL DROUGHT 027, 030, 573 SEASONAL DRY FORESTS 258 SEASONAL HYDROLOGY 573 SEASONAL STREAMFLOW 070 SEASONAL VARIATION 219, 284, 317, 562 SEASONALITY 008, 073, 095, 121, 169, 242, 251, 313, 382, 559 SECONDARY FORESTS 092, 093, 096, 136, 187, 188, 191, 205, 285, 307, 309, 336, 354, 410, 433, 524, 535, 563, 581, 605

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SEQUENCE 310 SEQUESTRATION 254, 270, 340, 341, 358 SERPENTES 351 SERVICES 120, 596 SEX RATIO 042 SEXUAL SELECTION 529 SHADE 014, 043, 091, 370, 598 SHADE COFFEE 302, 318, 343 SHADE PLANTS 014, 043, 055, 056, 057, 318, 353, 370, 539, 606 SHADE TREES 539 SHADE-TOLERANT TREES 353 SHADING 318 SHORELINE AREA 593 SIDERASTREA 364, 377

SIDERASTREIDAE 364, 377 SILTATION 377 SILVICULTURAL MANAGEMENT 410 SILVICULTURE 069, 126, 166, 314 SILVOPASTORAL SYSTEMS 100, 109, 111, 114, 178, 180, 182, 185, 186, 212, 248, 267, 305, 479, 481, 502 SIMAROUBA AMARA 162, 250, 430, 494 SIMAROUBACEAE 162, 250, 430, 494 SIMILARITY 493 SIMULATION MODELS 048, 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098, 104, 131, 137, 236, 239, 387, 518, 588, 589, 611, 630 SINAC 355 SINKS 267, 287 SITE FACTORS 193 SLOPE 426

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SOCIOECONOMIC ASPECTS 498 SOCIOECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 SOCIOECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 305 SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS 149 SOCIOECONOMICS 136, 205 SOCIOLOGY 196, 261 SOIL 005, 006, 010, 013, 014, 016, 018, 019, 023, 026, 029, 034, 043, 050, 057, 063, 064, 074, 078, 100, 113, 114, 143, 145, 180, 194, 199, 202, 236, 251, 274, 288, 327, 331, 431, 539, 578, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640, 650, 651 SOIL AMENDMENTS 018 SOIL ATMOSPHERE 013, 060, 064, 380 SOIL BIOLOGY 004, 005 SOIL CALCIUM 313, 382 SOIL CARBON

163, 216, 218, 247, 263, 267, 295, 445, 499, 556 SOIL CARBON DYNAMICS 301, 400, 499 SOIL CARBON STABILIZATION 244, 296, 360 SOIL CARBON STORAGE 006 SOIL CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 218, 426 SOIL CHEMISTRY 004, 005, 016, 018, 034, 179, 499 SOIL CLEARING 023, 202 SOIL CO2 CONCENTRATION 351 SOIL CO2 EFFLUX 492 SOIL CO2 STORAGE 242, 483 SOIL COMPACTION 026, 248 SOIL CONSERVATION 046, 636 SOIL DEGRADATION 025, 186, 226, 651 SOIL DENSITY 248

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SOIL DEPTH 016 SOIL DRIVEN 075, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 098 SOIL ECOSYSTEMS 580 SOIL EFFECTS 386 SOIL EMISSIONS 033, 059, 060, 071, 078, 092, 093, 131, 152, 194, 239, 336, 387 SOIL EROSION 651 SOIL FAUNA 183 SOIL FERTILITY 029, 129, 133, 178, 208, 212, 313, 362, 382, 395, 651 SOIL FERTILITY GRADIENTS 395 SOIL FORMATION 312 SOIL FUNCTION 105 SOIL HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES 194 SOIL MAGNESIUM 313, 382


SOIL PLOWING 059 SOIL POTASSIUM 313, 382 SOIL RESPIRATION 351, 530, 558 SOIL SOLUTION 312 SOIL TEMPERATURE 242, 351, 556 SOIL TEXTURE 163, 216, 218 SOIL TYPES 004, 008, 010, 013, 016, 018, 064, 199, 218, 242, 406, 426, 431, 446 SOIL WATER 026, 238, 242, 386 SOLANACEAE 259, 408, 588, 628 SOLANUM 259, 408, 588, 628 SOLAR RADIATION 017, 151, 159, 229, 245, 252, 319, 373 SOLID WASTES 050, 077, 166, 444, 647, 649, 652 SOLIDARITY 196, 261

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456 SPELEOTHEMS 280, 298, 331, 381 SPERMATOPHYTES 004, 007, 008, 014, 017, 022, 037, 043, 055, 056, 065, 072, 079, 083, 086, 090, 091, 100, 101, 138, 152, 155, 162, 175, 178, 180, 192, 193, 199, 204, 207, 212, 219, 220, 243, 244, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 259, 264, 267, 286, 296, 297, 301, 302, 307, 317, 318, 328, 332, 339, 343, 351, 354, 360, 366, 370, 372, 382, 384, 385, 386, 390, 391, 394, 397, 400, 408, 410, 412, 415, 421, 422, 430, 432, 438, 439, 442, 446, 452, 453, 460, 471, 494, 498, 503, 521, 524, 527, 533, 539, 540, 548, 578, 580, 581, 598, 605, 606, 607, 611, 615, 616, 626, 627, 628 SPHINGIDAE 065 SPRING MIGRATION 497 SQUAMATA 398 STABILITY 016, 218, 461 STABLE CARBON ISOTOPES 163, 216 STABLE ISOTOPES 280, 298, 331, 376, 381, 412, 453, 517, 562

STALAGMITES 280, 298, 299, 331, 381 STAPHYLINIDAE 065 STATISTICAL DOWNSCALING 514 STATISTICAL TESTS 510 STAUROSIRA 303 STEM DENSITY 223, 233 STEM INCREMENTS 076, 079 STERCULIACEAE 370, 398, 442, 606, 607, 611 STERNORRHYNCHA 065 STOCK ESTIMATE 253 STOCKHOLM DECLARATION 593 STORAGE 076, 079, 119, 120, 136, 146, 199, 205, 218, 267, 270, 589 STORED CARBON 050, 125, 602 STORMS 641

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259 SUBALPINE FORESTS 147 SUBSIDIES 215, 266, 323, 350, 454, 455 SUCCESSION AGE 570 SUCCESSIONAL STAGE 563 SUGARCANE 046, 540 SUITABILITY 588 SUITABILITY AREAS 588 SULCOPHANAEUS 466 SULFIDES 009, 552 SULPHUR DIOXIDE 009, 166, 552 SURFACE WATER 164, 226, 632, 651 SURFACE WATER POLLUTION 226 SUSTAINABILITY 039, 053, 108, 113, 126, 133, 136, 139, 164, 170, 182, 185, 205, 211, 215, 244, 255, 266,

296, 322, 360, 422, 425, 454, 455, 501, 531, 587 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 273 SUSTAINABLE AGROECOSYSTEM DESIGN 301, 400 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 097, 107, 112, 141, 217, 273, 304, 314, 437, 495, 506, 513, 532, 555, 587, 645 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 273 SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT 487, 515, 567 SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY 021, 146, 308 SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 226, 531 SYLVOPASTORAL SYSTEMS 480 SYNDACTYLA 525 SYNOECA 476 TADPOLES 264, 328 TAPIRIRA 138, 372

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TARIFFS 655 TAX DIFFERENTIATION 271 TAX PAYMENT ALLOCATION 117 TAXES 053, 271 TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES 645 TECHNOLOGY 104, 137, 305, 592, 648 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 170, 182 TECTONA 072, 118, 192, 421 TELEMETRY 214 TEMPERATE FOREST SOILS 142, 152 TEMPERATE LATITUDES 456 TEMPERATE WETLANDS 464 TEMPERATURE 081, 099, 128, 147, 159, 172, 173, 213, 230, 235, 237, 238, 260, 264, 278, 283, 314, 326, 328, 329, 330, 337, 349, 377, 399, 408, 448, 449, 473, 496, 500, 543, 559, 625, 626, 627, 628, 637


TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION 655 THEOBROMA 370, 398, 442, 606, 607, 611 THEOPHRASTACEAE 219 THERMAL STRATIFICATION 002 THERMAL TOLERANCE 546 THERMOHALINE CIRCULATION 299, 331 THREATS 333, 348 THRIPADECTES 525 THROUGHFALL 312, 376, 558, 562 TIDES 614 TIMBER 069, 108, 410, 535, 576 TIMBER TREES 186 TIMING OF BREEDING 102 TOADS 081, 095, 099, 174, 213, 314, 321, 326, 346, 448

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TRADE LIBERALIZATION 104, 137 TRADE POLICY 104 TRADE WINDS 412, 453, 561, 638 TRADE-OFFS 225 TRANSPIRATION 314, 418, 548 TREATMENT WETLANDS 463, 511 TREE BIODIVERSITY 460 TREE CANOPY 210, 282 TREE COVER 343 TREE DEMOGRAPHY 237, 338, 353, 401, 404 TREE DENSITY 606 TREE FERNS 547 TREE GROWTH 162, 169, 197, 207, 237, 295, 338, 401, 404, 522, 543 TREE GROWTH PERIODICITY 169, 207, 237, 338, 401, 404

TREE MORTALITY RATES 256 TREE PLANTATIONS 076, 079, 267, 570, 578 TREE REGENERATION 162 TREE RING ANALYSIS 250, 412, 453 TREE SPECIES COMPOSITION 223, 233 TREE SPECIES EFFECTS 527 TREE TURNOVER 535 TREES 014, 027, 123, 124, 208, 589 TREES IN PASTURES 498 TREES PROJECT 017, 206, 250, 256, 353 TRENDS 081, 099, 213, 216, 218, 314, 326, 329, 346, 441, 448 TRIALS PROJECT 206 TROCHILIDAE 549 TROGLODYTES 102, 525 TROGLODYTIDAE

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102, 525 TROPICAL BIOTIC EVOLUTION 041 TROPICAL BIRDS 468, 525 TROPICAL CLOUD FORESTS 011, 081, 106, 171, 214, 262, 269, 275, 281, 311, 329, 335, 346, 348, 352, 376, 378, 385, 403, 412, 418, 436, 451, 453, 468, 478, 496, 512, 517, 547, 549, 554, 561, 562, 577, 603 TROPICAL DRY FORESTS 073, 121, 156, 208, 219, 222, 223, 233, 259, 314, 440, 445, 498, 523, 533, 544, 545, 563, 573, 575 TROPICAL EASTERN PACIFIC 172, 173, 465 TROPICAL ECOLOGY 217, 460 TROPICAL ECOSYSTEM 400, 546 TROPICAL FOREST PRESERVATION 135, 221, 420 TROPICAL FORESTS 008, 010, 018, 027, 036, 044, 049, 062, 069, 082, 112, 120, 127, 129, 132, 160, 189, 227, 254, 255, 270, 285, 287, 291, 295, 315, 322, 340, 341, 342, 356, 358, 369, 370, 375, 386,

405, 422, 426, 427, 437, 469, 470, 491, 534, 568, 576, 612 TROPICAL GLACIERS 310 TROPICAL MOIST FORESTS 445 TROPICAL MONTANE CLOUD FORESTS 106 TROPICAL MONTANE FORESTS 210, 282 TROPICAL MOUNTAIN 165 TROPICAL PREMONTANE WET FORESTS 445 TROPICAL RAIN FORESTS 001, 002, 004, 006, 010, 013, 017, 018, 029, 034, 058, 060, 064, 073, 075, 078, 080, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 093, 098, 105, 116, 130, 138, 143, 145, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 162, 163, 165, 168, 169, 174, 175, 179, 194, 197, 198, 199, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 214, 216, 218, 220, 229, 235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 250, 252, 256, 260, 263, 264, 274, 278, 284, 288, 295, 301, 307, 312, 313, 314, 319, 327, 328, 330, 338, 347, 351, 353, 354, 362, 371, 372, 373, 379, 380, 382, 391, 392, 395, 398, 400, 401, 404, 410, 424, 427, 430, 438, 456, 458, 460, 476,

483, 490, 492, 494, 496, 521, 522, 524, 528, 530, 541, 544, 551, 556, 558, 569, 571, 574, 580, 581, 582, 605 TROPICAL REFORESTATION 521 TROPICAL SAVANNA 058, 059 TROPICAL SCIENCE CENTER 343, 499 TROPICAL SEASONS 544 TROPICAL SECONDARY FORESTS 419, 445 TROPICAL SOILS 013, 016, 018, 064, 129, 179, 327 TROPICAL STORMS 595 TROPICAL STREAMS 167 TROPICAL SWAMPS 536 TROPICAL TREE PHENOLOGY 169, 207, 237, 338, 401, 404 TROPICAL TREE STEM DIAMETER INCREMENT 430 TROPICAL TREES 121, 353, 494

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VALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 420 VALUE 555 VANISHING SPECIES 081, 095, 174, 272, 321, 329, 346, 348, 357, 378, 393, 398, 403, 413, 493, 500, 516, 554 VAPOR PRESSURE 151, 229, 245, 295, 373 VARIABILITY 197, 237, 295, 381 VARIANTS 017, 252 VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES 459, 646 VEGETATION 004, 013, 017, 018, 022, 052, 064, 147, 157, 163, 179, 204, 216, 218, 252, 332, 551, 589 VEGETATION DENSITY 458 VEGETATION DYNAMICS 048 VEGETATION HISTORY 347 VEGETATIONAL CHANGES 007 VEGETATIVE DEVELOPMENT 030

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VEHICLE AGE 271 VEHICLES USE 647 VELOCITY 091 VENILIORNIS 525 VERBENACEAE 072, 118, 192, 286, 386, 394, 421, 446, 539 VERTEBRATES 022, 042, 066, 081, 094, 095, 099, 102, 165, 174, 195, 213, 232, 257, 259, 262, 264, 265, 272, 306, 314, 321, 326, 328, 329, 332, 346, 351, 357, 393, 396, 398, 403, 413, 414, 422, 429, 443, 448, 459, 468, 472, 474, 477, 493, 497, 498, 500, 516, 517, 525, 528, 529, 542, 549, 554, 559, 560, 564, 603 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION 130, 392, 458 VESICULAR-ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAE 105 VESPIDAE 476 VIANNIA 459 VIENNA CONVENTION 061

VIREO 525 VIRGIN FORESTS 126, 135, 188, 191, 221 VIROLA 079, 267, 307, 354, 391, 400, 410, 521, 527 VOCHYSIA 079, 116, 138, 243, 267, 307, 354, 372, 382, 390, 391, 400, 410, 421, 438, 460, 521, 524, 527, 578, 605 VOCHYSIACEAE 079, 116, 138, 243, 267, 307, 354, 372, 382, 390, 391, 400, 410, 421, 438, 460, 521, 524, 527, 578, 605 VOLCANIC RISK 651 VOLCANISM 204, 600 VULNERABILITY 276, 434, 496, 594, 595, 596, 618, 619, 629, 632, 633, 634, 635, 639, 640, 642, 646, 648, 653, 654, 656, 657 VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS 496, 629, 632, 634, 635, 640 VULNERABILITY OF PLANTS 277 WARM TEMPERATURE 095

WARMING EVENT 178, 180, 212 WARM INDEX 106 WASTE LANDFILLS 652 WASTE MANAGEMENT 077, 444, 649, 652 WASTE TREATMENT 652 WASTES 104, 137, 652 WASTEWATER 166, 425, 647 WASTEWATER TREATMENT 425 WATER 013, 064, 069, 108, 214, 249, 402, 418, 484, 596 WATER BALANCE 052, 091, 650 WATER CONSERVATION 181, 186, 189, 215, 266, 388, 454, 455, 471 WATER CONSUMPTION 045 WATER CONTAMINATION 446 WATER DEPLETION 594

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WATER DRAINAGE 548 WATER EFFECT 630 WATER EROSION 386 WATER FLOW 214 WATER ISOTOPES 402 WATER LAW 596, 633, 639 WATER MANAGEMENT 045, 112, 120, 596, 633, 639, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657 WATER POLLUTION 045 WATER PROTECTION 117, 471 WATER QUALITY 045, 425, 651 WATER RESOURCES 045, 097, 112, 164, 170, 189, 193, 249, 593, 595, 596, 599, 601, 620, 639, 650, 651, 653, 654, 656, 657, 658 WATER STRESS 030 WATER TEMPERATURE 012, 425 WATER USE

548 WATER VAPOR 081, 329, 349, 368 WATER-FILLED PORE SPACE 387, 397, 452 WATERSHED MANAGEMENT 046, 454 WATERSHED PROTECTION 161, 279, 363, 534 WATERSHEDS 046, 070, 161, 167, 279, 363, 386, 388, 454, 534, 588, 590, 613 WEATHER 200, 201, 207, 213, 326 WEATHER DATA 159 WEATHER PATTERN 095, 321 WESTERN HEMISPHERE WARM POOL 412, 453 WET BULB GLOBE TEMPERATURE 540 WET FORESTS 153, 154 WET SEASON 614 WETLAND EDUCATION 463, 511


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YOUNGER DRYAS 038, 147, 384 ZEA 008, 155, 175, 204, 244, 251, 296, 360, 623 ZIMMERIUS 525 ZINC 009, 552 ZOOXANTHELLATE CORALS 467 ZYGIA 220

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LISTA DE PUBLICACIONES Publicación no.: 001 Carbon dioxide exchange of a tropical rain forest. Part II [Intercambio de dióxido de carbono de un bosque lluvioso tropical. Parte II] / Lemon, E; Allen, L.H., Jr; Müller, L.E. (Cornell University. Agronomy Department, Ithaca, N.Y. 14853, US). En: BioScience (ISSN 0006-3568), v. 20, no. 19, p. 1054-1059. 1970. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S492. Publicación no.: 002 Environment of a Costa Rican forest [Ambiente de un bosque costarricense] / Allen, L.H., Jr; Lemon, E; Müller, L.E. (USDA/ARS. Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Beltsville, MD 20705, US). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 53, no. 1, p. 102-111. 1972. Wind speed and turbulence were measured at five heights simultaneously in a Costa Rican forest with non-stalling, heated-thermocouple anemometers. A persistent daytime stable thermal stratification of the air beneath the top canopy decreased small-scale turbulence, which may increase boundary-layer resistance of leaf-to-air transport of water vapor and CO2. Three CO2 source layers (ground level, trunk space, and above the top canopy) and two CO2 sink layers (top canopy and bottom canopy) were found in this forest. Low nocturnal wind speed allowed CO2 from respiration to accumulate at night. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S1658. Publicación no.: 003 Sequías y uso agropecuario del suelo en el sector medio de la cuenca del río Tempisque, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, 1950-1985 / Castro-Chacón, Víctor; Villegas-Guevara, C. San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1987. 139 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Geografía, Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Historia y Geografía, San José (Costa Rica). La investigación a nivel teórico brindó un mejor conocimiento de la severidad y variabilidad de las condiciones climáticas del área. En términos prácticos, se ha mostrado y explicado los cambios en el uso del suelo y sus probables tendencias. A nivel metodológico, se determinó la validez de un método simple de determinación de las sequías. Habría sido ideal mapear el riesgo de las sequías, empero implicaba trabajar en una área mucho mayor a la escogida, además representa prácticamente una nueva investigación, que podrá desarrollarse próximamente. La percepción del fenómeno se ha hecho evidente mediante las citas que sobre las sequías mencionan los diarios nacionales, las revistas especializadas y los estudios técnicos consultados, aparte de que en toda la investigación de una u otra manera queda implícita la percepción. Además las entrevistas realizadas en la propia área, reflejaron que el 100% de los agricultores consultados, tenían clara conciencia del riesgo de la sequía. Por último, aunque no es específico, se deduce de los documentos consultados, que en las políticas agrarias gubernamentales se marginan los intereses de los pequeños agricultores, los cuales son los que tienen menos posibilidades de adaptarse a una agricultura muy dinámica, por las pequeñas parcelas y limitaciones crediticias, entre otros factores. Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 10187. Publicación no.: 004 Processes of nutrient transfer in a tropical rain forest [Procesos de transferencia de nutrimentos en un bosque lluvioso tropical] / Johnson, Dale W; Cole, D.W; Gessel, S.P. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, US). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 7, no. 3, p. 208-215. 1975.

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The process of cation leaching in a tropical soil was investigated at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. It was concluded that carbonic acid is the agent responsible for most cation leaching in this soil, just as it is in a temperate Douglas-fir forest soil in western Washington. Calculated carbon dioxide pressures in the tropical soil are approximately an order of magnitude greater than those in the temperate soil; thus it is presumed that the greater soil carbon dioxide production in the tropical soil has played a major role in depleting the reserve of exchangeable cations therein. Carbon dioxide evolution studies conducted at the site indicate that probably less than half the total soil carbon dioxide evolved comes from initial litter decomposition. Consequently, high decomposition rates cannot necessarily be directly related to high soil-leaching potential. Other aspects of mineral transfer in solution are discussed with special reference to storm duration, storm intensity, and uptake by vegetation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S298. NBINA-3455. Publicación no.: 005 Slash and burn impacts on a Costa Rican wet forest site [Impactos de la corta y quema sobre un sitio de bosque húmedo costarricense] / Ewel, John J; Berish, C.W; Brown, Becky Jean; Price, N; Raich, James W. (USDA Forest Service, Honolulu, HI 96813, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 62, no. 3, p. 816-829. 1981. Three 33X33 m plots in 8- to 9-yr-old tropical evergreen forest at Turrialba, Costa Rica, interspersed with 70-yr-old patches were felled in Jan. 1979 and firewood removed from the site. Remaining vegetation was left through the dry season (mulching) then burned in March 1979. Nutrient budgets, rates of CO2 evolution from the soil, soil seed storage and plant growth were evaluated at each stage. Harvest of large trees removed more than 10% of all elements (C, S, P, K, Ca, Mg) except N. During the 11-wk mulching and drying period, 33% of K and 13% P disappeared, but losses of other elements were less than 6%. The burn volatilized 31% of the initial amount of C, 22% of N, and 49% of S. Post-burn wind and water erosion of ash and leaching removed 16% of N, 33% of K, 51% of P, 45% of Ca, 40% of Mg, and insignificant amounts of C and S. Soil CO2 evolution was greater from beneath 11-wk-old slash (3.6 g/m² daily of C) than from beneath the forest (2.5 g/m²), probably because slash conserved soil moisture better than actively transpiring forest. After burning, both field and forest soil evolved CO2 at about 4.5 g/m² daily of C. Soil seed storage fell from about 8000 seeds/m² (67 species) in the forest, to 6000 seeds/m² (51 species) after mulching and drying, to 3000 seeds/m² (37 species) after burning. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2181. NBINA-5673. Publicación no.: 006 Carbon budget of a tropical soil under mature wet forest and young vegetation [Presupuesto de carbono de un suelo tropical bajo bosque húmedo maduro y vegetación joven] / Raich, James W. (Iowa State University. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Ames, IA 50011, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 1980. 107 p. Thesis, M.Sc, University of Florida, Department of Botany, Gainesville, FL (USA). The effects of tropical forest removal on the carbon budget of a soil were studied by measuring major storages (litter, roots, and organic matter) and flows (precipitation, litterfall, and CO2 evolution) of soil carbon in two types of vegetation: mature wet forest and one-year-old succession in La Selva Biological Station, a Costa Rican lowland. The mature-forest soil (litter plus roots and soil to a depth of 50 cm) contained2.5 kg/m² more carbon than did the soil beneath the young successional vegetation. The greatest reduction occurred in large dead wood; the forest contained1.8 kg/m² more carbon in logs than did the regrowth. There was 6-7% less carbon in soil organic matter, and about 45% less non-woody

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litter and non-woody litterfall in the regrowth than in the forest. The greatest similarities between the two sites were in fine roots (about 114 g C/m² in both sites) and soil organic matter, which may indicate that the functioning of the soil community was not seriously impaired by forest removal. Litterfall, which averaged 2.8 g/m², day in the forest and 1.6 g/m², day in the regrowth, was the major source of soil carbon measured in this study, but carbon budgets indicate that root inputs to the soil were more than twice the carbon inputs in litterfall. The proportions of rainfall reaching the soil surface in throughfall and stem flow, respectively, were: 52% and 9% in the forest, and 68% and 4% in the regrowth. Average carbon concentrations in throughfall and stem flow were 12 and 13 mg/l, respectively, in the forest, and 14 and 10 mg/l in the regrowth. Rain water averaged 5 mg C/l. Precipitation inputs and leaching losses of soil carbon were 40 g/m².yr in both sites. The rate of soil CO2 evolution was higher in the young regrowth than in mature forest (7.1 and 5.3 g C/m².day). The regrowth was undergoing a net loss of stored soil carbon to the atmosphere. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 4. Publicación no.: 007 Preliminary pollen analysis of Quaternary sediments from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 565, western Costa Rica [Análisis preliminar del polen de sedimentos del Cuaternario del Sitio 565 del Proyecto de Perforamiento Profundo del Mar, Costa Rica occidental] / Horn, Sally P. (The University of Tennessee. Department of Geography, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-09251420, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Initial Reports of the Sea Drilling Project, v. 84, p. 533-547. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1985. Preliminary analyses of 32 samples from the upper 24 m of sediment recovered at Site 565 show changes in pollen frequencies that appear to reflect vegetational and climatic changes in southern Central America during the late Quaternary. Four pollen zones are recognized. In the lowest zone, Zone 4, the tropical pollen types Urticales, Piper, and Alchornea are common. Temperate forest taxa, particularly Pinus, Quercus, and Podocarpus, dominate Zones 3 and 2. Pollen spectra in Zone 1 are variable and show peaks in both temperate and tropical taxa. The record is estimated to cover most of the last glacial cycle. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S313. Publicación no.: 008 Nitrous oxide flux from dry tropical forests [Flujo de óxido nitroso de bosques secos tropicales] / Vitousek, Peter M; Matson, Pamela A; Volkmann, Carol; Maass, J. Manuel; García, Georgina. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305, US). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 3, no. 4, p. 375-382. 1989. Fluxes of nitrous oxide were determined in several sites in drought-deciduous tropical forest, an extensive but little-studied biome. N2O-N fluxes from eight sites within intact Mexican forest averaged 0.91 ng cm-2 h-1 during the wet season; they were virtually absent in the dry season. Two subsistence maize fields yielded increased soil N2O-N fluxes, while five pastures were more variable. Watering during the dry season caused a substantial but short-lived pulse of N2O. Similar fluxes were observed in less-intensive sampling of dry-forest sites in Hawaii and Costa Rica. Overall, N2O fluxes from soils of dry tropical forests appear to be similar to those from moist tropical forests during the wet season and very low during the dry season. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10199.

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Publicación no.: 009 Los líquenes como indicadores de la contaminación atmosférica en el área metropolitana de San José, Costa Rica [Lichens as atmospheric pollution indicators in the metropolitan area of San José, Costa Rica] / Méndez-Arburola, Olga Isabel; Fournier-Origgi, Luis Alberto. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, San José, CR). En: Revista de Biología Tropical (ISSN 0034-7744), v. 28, no. 1, p. 31-39. 1980. Lichens were used as an pollution indicators In the metropolitan area of San José, Costa Rica. Trasplants showed a positive correlation between the percentage of dead cells in the thallus and the ketone soluble substances deposited on it. Those parts of the city where pollution is greatest (industrial areas and heavy traffic) were also the ones where lichens suffered the most, and in some extreme cases the thallus died after 8 months of exposure. Besides this transplant experiment, the coverage of Parmelia lichens on the bark of several tree species was determined in some areas of the city. The results of these observations suggest that the city of San José has three different kinds of air environment in relation to lichen survival: normal, transitional and desertic, as reported for other cities of the world. The most frequent air pollutants in San José are: CO, CO2, C2H5OH, Cl2, HCl, H2S, H3PO4, H2CrO4, NO, NH3, NH4Cl, SO2 and Zn. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R.

Publicación no.: 010 Cross-system comparisons of soil nitrogen transformations and nitrous oxide flux in tropical forest ecosystems [Comparaciones de sistemas cruzados de transformaciones del nitrógeno del suelo y flujo de óxido nitroso en ecosistemas de bosques tropicales] / Matson, Pamela A; Vitousek, Peter M. (NASA-Ames Research Center. Ecosystem Scientific and Technical Branch, Moffett Field, CA 94035, US). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 1, no. 2, p. 163-170. 1987. Enlace: Soil nitrogen transformations and nitrous oxide flux across the soil-air interface were measured in a range of tropical forest sites in Costa Rica, Brazil, and Hawaii. Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification potentials were high in the relatively fertile Costa Rica sites and the Amazonian oxisol/ultisols (1.5 µg-1 d-1 of N mineralized), intermediate in Amazonian white sand soils (0.5-0.8 µg-1 d-1) and low in the Hawaiian montane sites (0.5 µg g-1 d-1). Nitrous oxide fluxes ranged from 0 to 6.2 ng cm2 h-1 of N; mean flux per site was highly correlated with mean nitrogen mineralization across 26 sites. These correlated patterns of nitrogen cycling and trace gas production could be useful in the development of regional- and global-scale estimates of nitrous oxide fluxes from tropical forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2050. NBINA-7218. Publicación no.: 011 Microclimatic factors associated with elevational changes in army ant density in tropical montane forest [Factores microclimáticos asociados con los cambios altitudinales en la densidad de hormigas ronchadoras en un bosque tropical montano] / O'Donnell, Sean; Kumar, Anjali. (University of Washington. Department of Psychology, Animal Behavior Program, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Entomology (ISSN 0307-6946), v. 31, no. 5, p. 491-498. 2006. 1. The density (rate of encountering aging raids) and species richness of army ants (Formicidae: Ecitoninae, and behaviourally convergent Ponerinae) was measured in montane tropical forest. Above-ground and subterranean army ant raids were sampled using standard protocols at four sites across an elevational gradient (1200-1650 m above mean sea level) in and near cloud forest in the area of

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Monteverde, Costa Rica. 2. Mean ambient temperature differed among sites, and decreased with elevation. For the above-ground foraging army ant species, raid rates also declined with elevation. Surface army ant raid rates, however, were not affected by day to day weather variation within sites (temperature, cloud cover, or precipitation). 3. For the underground foraging army ant species, raid rates did not vary directionally with elevation, and subterranean raid rates were not affected by day to day weather variation within sites. 4. Army ant species richness was not directionally related to elevation, and species sharing among sites was generally high. 5. Army ant community structure changes with elevation in Neotropical montane forest, and the results suggest that the strongest effects are of temperature regimes on the density of raids. These findings provide a baseline against which to detect changes in army ant communities that may accompany directional climate change in tropical cloud forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4851. Publicación no.: 012 Sedimentation and the history of upwelling and climate in high fertility areas of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean [Sedimentación, la historia del afloramiento y el clima en áreas de mucha fertilidad del Océano Pacífico nororiental] / Dunbar, R.B. San Diego, CA: University of California, 1981. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, CA (USA). In this thesis, I address two problems: (1) how sedimentation occurs in highly productive coastal regions, and (2) how sedimentary deposits and carbonate fossil remains accumulating in such areas can be used to reconstruct the history of oceanic climate and fertility. During the deployment of a suitcase-type sediment trap in the Santa Barbara Basin (California), fecal pellets comprised more than 60% of the total flux of 660 g m² yr(-1). During a second deployment in the Panama Basin, recognizable fecal pellets accounted for less than 2% of the total flux to the deep water column. A model is presented which relates pellet flux (and organic carbon flux) to the degree of pellet "robustness" produced by clay mineral incorporation. Detailed oxygen isotope profiles of branches of the rapidly-growing reef coral, Pocillopora damicornis, indicate that seasonal changes in temperature and seawater isotopic composition are precisely recorded. Oxygen isotopic analysis of fossil corals from the Gulf of Papagayo(Pacific coast of Costa Rica) indicate that widespread coral mortality in this area was related to exposure to cold water about 200 years ago. Water temperatures dropped due to an increase in trade-wind driven coastal upwelling during the height of the Little Ice Age. This is the first evidence for a low latitude expression of the Little Ice Age and the results imply that even minor climatic perturbations are accompanied by significant changes in oceanic and atmospheric circulation. ('18)O/('16)O ratios in the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides in box cores from the varved sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin are positively correlated with the historical records of upwelling (sea level, water temperature, and air temperature) from Port Hueneme Los Angeles, and San Diego. Isotope stratigraphies suggest that upwelling rates were greater during the Little Ice Age (about 50 to 400 years ago, with cold peaks at approximately 1900, 1870, 1810, and 1770) than today. An expanded record of the "11K" deglacial event is contained in the upper three meters of a radio-carbon dated piston core from San Clemente Basin (California). As recorded by ('18)O/('16)O and ('13)C/('12)C ratios in the planktonic and benthic foraminifera, the duration of the event is3000 years. The first event associated with deglaciation is a rapid increase in benthic (delta)('13)C (which may reflect the introduction of relatively "young" deep water) which preceeds by 500 to 1,000 years the planktonic (delta)('18)O change (recording rapid melting of the continental glaciers). Mixing of the isotopically depleted melt water into the deep ocean proceeds for the next 2000 to 2500 years.

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Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 013 Controls on nitric oxide emissions from tropical pasture and rain forest soils [Controles sobre las emisiones de óxido nítrico de potreros y suelos de bosques lluviosos tropicales] / Parsons, W.F.J; Keller, Michael. (Rutgers University. Institute of Marine and Costal Sciences, Piscataway, NJ 08855, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biology and Fertility of Soils (ISSN 0178-2762), v. 20 no. 3, p. 151-156. 1995. In field studies, forest soils in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa Rica emitted greater amounts of nitric oxide (NO) than soils from pastures that had been actively grazed for over 20 years following their conversion from forest. NO production from intact soil cores, from these areas were measured. Laboratory tests using ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), water, and acetylene (C2H2) additions demonstrated a response consistent with field studies. Forest soils cores produced more NO than pasture cores regardless of treatment. In forest soils the response to NH4+ solution was significantly greater than response to water or an ambient moisture control. Addition of 10 kPa C2H2 caused a marked decrease in NO production in forest soil cores. These responses suggest a nitrification-linked control over NO production. Large and rapid responses to NO2- additions suggest that chemical decomposition of this ion may contribute to NO production. Pasture soil cores did not show a significant response to any of the treatments including NO2-. Low porosity in the pasture soils may restrict emission of NO produced therein. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5246. Publicación no.: 014 Nitrogen loss from coffee agroecosystems in Costa Rica: leaching and denitrification in the presence and absence of shade trees [Pérdida de nitrógeno de agroecosistemas de café en Costa Rica: percolación y denitrificación en presencia y ausencia de árboles de sombra] / Babbar-Amighetti, Liana I; Zak, D.R. (Organización para Estudios Tropicales. Directora General en Costa Rica, Apdo. 676-2050, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Environmental Quality (ISSN 0047-2425), v. 24, no. 2, p. 227-233. 1995. Nitrate leaching and the factors controlling denitrification in shaded and unshaded coffee (Coffea arabica) plantations were investigated in the Central Valley of Costa Rica; both plantation types were fertilized with 300 kg N/ha annually. Nitrate leaching was quantified using porous ceramic cup lysimeters placed 60 cm below the soil surface. Losses were estimated by multiplying the soil water NO3- concn by the monthly soil water excess, determined as the difference between precipitation and actual evapotranspiration. In addition, a laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of NO3-, C, and O2 availability on N2O production and total denitrification (N2O-N + N2-N). Annual leaching losses of NO3- were almost three times greater in unshaded plantations (24 kg NO3-/ha) than in shaded plantations (9 kg/ha). In contrast, mean total daily denitrification rates in control soil samples from shaded plantations were 60% higher (732 µg N2O-N/kg) than in unshaded plantations (455 µg N2O-N/kg). Carbon additions produced the largest increase in daily denitrification, generating a threefold increase (+C = 8396 µg N2O-N/kg; -C = 2985 µg N2O-N/kg) in both plantation types. Anaerobic conditions also significantly increased denitrification (+O2 = 4331 µg N2O-N/kg per day; -O2 = 6656 µg N2O-N/kg per day). In both plantation types, the potential for N loss via NO3- leaching was small compared with that for gaseous N loss. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7255.

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Publicación no.: 015 Integrating earth systems science [Integrando los sistemas de ciencia de la tierra] / Williamson, P. (University of East Anglia. School of Environmental Sciences, Norwich, GB). En: Ambio (ISSN 0044-7447), v. 23, no. 1, 103 pp. 1994. This special issue contains eighteen papers presented at the 3rd International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) Scientific Advisory Council meeting in Mexico in 1993. The papers address the following subjects: the carbon cycle; global change models; interactions and collaboration in global change across the social and natural sciences; science and policy making; palaeo-perspectives; the response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide; global atmospheric-biospheric chemistry; biogeochemical interactions in the equatorial Pacific; landscape to regional-scale responses of terrestrial ecosystems to global change; the impact of rising carbon dioxide concentrations on the terrestrial biosphere; a vegetation classification logic based on remote sensing for use in global biogeochemical models; large-scale experimental and modelling studies of hydrological processes; changes in general circulation and its influence on precipitation trends in Central America (Costa Rica); global land-use/land cover change; perspectives on policy; development of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research; and the role of the European Union in global change research. Localización: Biblioteca OET: A. Publicación no.: 016 Organic carbon turnover in three tropical soils under pasture after deforestation [Funcionamiento del carbono orgánico en tres suelos tropicales bajo pastizales después de la deforestación] / Veldkamp, Edzo. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Sciences & Forest Nutritrion; Busgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Science Society of America Journal (ISSN 0361-5995), v. 58, no. 1, p. 175-180. 1994. The changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) storage after deforestation in three soil types in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica were studied using the δ13C method. Changes in bulk density, which normally accompany land use changes, had a profound influence on the results of the calculations. Deforestation, followed by 25 yr of pasture, caused a net loss of 21.8 t/ha in SOC for an Eutric Hapludand and 1.5 t/ha for an Oxic Humitropept. The SOC changes over time were studied on a deforestation sequence on an Andic Humitropept. In the first years after forest clearing, decomposition of tree roots caused an extra input of SOC, which influenced the δ13C signal. Decomposition of forest C and increase of pasture C were mathematically described for several depths. A marked influence of depth on decomposition rates was found. The strong stabilization of organic C by Al-organic matter complexes probably caused the relatively small net C loss from SOC since forest clearing. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 372. S7222. Publicación no.: 017 Climate-induced annual variation in canopy tree growth in a Costa Rican tropical rain forest [El clima induce la variación anual en el crecimiento del dosel en un bosque tropical lluvioso costarricense] / Clark, Deborah A; Clark, David B. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: The Journal of Ecology (ISSN 0022-0477), v. 82, no. 4, p. 865-872. 1994. Data are presented and discussed on annual growth (diameter) over 8 yr (1984-92) for saplings and adults of nonpioneer tree species in a lowland neotropical rain forest at La Selva Biological Station, Costa

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Rica. The species included 5 emergents (Lecythis ampla, Hymenolobium mesoamericanum, Dipteryx panamensis, Pithecellobium elegans, Hyeronima alchorneoides) and one canopy species (Minquartia guianensis). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2609. NBINA-2083. LS. Publicación no.: 018 Nitrate limitation of N2O production and denitrification from tropical pasture and rain forest soils [Limitación de nitratos por la producción de óxido nitroso y denitrificación de suelos de potreros tropicales y bosques lluviosos] / Parsons, W.F.J; Mitre, M.E; Keller, Michael; Reiners, William A. (University of Wyoming. Department of Botany, Laramie, WY 82071-3165, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biogeochemistry (ISSN 0168-2563), v. 22, no. 3, p. 179-193. 1993. Nitrous oxide production was measured in intact cores taken from active pasture and old-growth forest Inceptisols in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa Rica. Aqueous KNO3 and/or glucose were added and the cores were incubated in the laboratory to determine if N2O production rates were either nitrogen or carbon limited. The differences in rates of denitrification among amended forest and pasture soils were determined by the addition of 10% C2H2. The forest soils were relatively insensitive to all amendment additions, including the acetylene block. Forest N2O production rates among the treatments did not differ from the controls and were lower than those of the pasture soils. With the addition of glucose plus nitrate to the forest soils, production of N2O was three times greater than the controls. This increase was not statistically significant. Pasture soils were nitrogen-limited as N2O production rates were increased by all nitrate-containing amendments. Denitrification was high in the pasture soils. The results are discussed with respect to the effects of agricultural land use practices and the impacts of disturbances on N2O release. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2113. NBINA-7044. Publicación no.: 019 Effect of pasture age on soil trace-gas emissions from a deforested area of Costa Rica [Efecto de la edad del pasto sobre las emisiones de gases traza del suelo de áreas deforestadas de Costa Rica] / Keller, Michael; Veldkamp, Edzo; Weitz, A.M; Reiners, William A. (U.S. Department of Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 365, no. 6443, p. 244-246. 1993. Trace-gas fluxes were measured in pastures of varying ages since conversion from forest in Costa Rica. Nitrogen oxide fluxes peaked during the first 10 yr after conversion, but declined thereafter to values that were lower than the original forest fluxes. Previous estimates in the literature of increased nitrous oxide input to the atmosphere from conversion of forest to pasture had assumed that elevated fluxes were maintained. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2024. LS. NBINA-9464. Publicación no.: 020 Bibliografía sobre calentamiento global y cambio climático en Costa Rica / Fuentes-González, Gilbert (ed.); Azofeifa-Mora, Ana Beatriz (ed.); Aguilar-Zumbado, Susana (ed.). (Organización para Estudios Tropicales, Apdo. 676-2050, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Organización para Estudios Tropicales, 2008. (Serie Bibliografía OET; no. 7).

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Enlace: El calentamiento global se refiere al incremento observado en la temperatura promedio de la superficie terrestre acaecido en décadas recientes. Esta temperatura ha aumentado en promedio 0.74° C (1.3° F) en los últimos 100 años, tanto sobre la tierra como los océanos. Esta bibliografía recoge las investigaciones realizadas en Costa Rica sobre cambio climático, gases de efecto invernadero, cambios en los ecosistemas, cambios en la capa de ozono, efectos sobre algunas especies, balance global del carbono, captura de carbono, etc. e invita al lector para que se una a los esfuerzos para entender los cambios que están afectando nuestros ecosistemas y el mundo natural tal como lo conocemos. La información para elaborar esta bibliografía procede de la base de datos BINABITROP (Bibliografía Nacional en Biología Tropical) Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9094. Publicación no.: 021 Cost and performance of CO2 storage in forestry projects [Costo y comportamiento del almacenamiento de CO2 en proyectos forestales] / Swisher, J.N. (Lund University. Environment and Energy Systems Studies, Gerdagatan 13, 22362 Lund, SE). En: Biomass and Bioenergy (ISSN 0961-9534), v. 1, no. 6, p. 317-328. 1992. In order to include forestry projects in a possible CO2 emission reduction regime, and to compare the costs of individual projects or national programmes, it is necessary to determine the rate of equivalency between carbon in fossil fuel emissions and carbon stored in different types of forestry projects. A comprehensive and consistent methodology is presented to account for costs and carbon flows of different categories of forestry projects. Application of the methodology to a set of projects in Central America is described. Several estimates have been made to date of the overall potential for carbon storage through global reforestation and the costs of such efforts, based on global macroeconomic estimates and extrapolations from current forest-sector experience. However, there has yet to be a consistent analysis of the magnitude and cost of carbon savings by a 'bottom-up' approach to sustainable forestry development. This methodology is applied to a set of projects proposed in Costa Rica and other Central American countries under the Tropical Forest Action Plan, to estimate a sample set of national CO2 reduction cost curves. Costs of carbon savings in forestry projects studied in Central America mostly fall between $5 and $13/ton C, depending on type of project, climate, and opportunity cost of land. These projects also promise socioeconomic benefits at the local level, provided they are adequately endowed with funding, training and institutional support. The total amount of CO2 storage potential is significant, about 100 million tons per country, but not enough to suggest that forestry can offset more than a few percent of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5392. NBINA-8246. Publicación no.: 022 Postglacial vegetation and fire history in the Chirripó paramo of Costa Rica [Vegetación postglacial e historia de incendios en el páramo del Chirripó de Costa Rica] / Horn, Sally P. (The University of Tennessee. Department of Geography, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-09251420, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Quaternary Research (ISSN 0033-5894), v. 40, no. 1, p. 107-116. 1993. Pollen and charcoal analysis of a 5.6-m sediment core from Lago de las Morrenas (9 degree 29'N, 83 degree 29'W; 3480 m) provides evidence of postglacial vegetation and fire history in the highlands of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. The site is presently surrounded by treeless paramo vegetation and apparently has been so since deglaciation about 10,000 yr B.P. Pollen spectra suggest no pronounced changes in vegetation since ice retreat. Fires set by people or lightning have burned the paramo

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repeatedly, with fire activity probably highest during the late Holocene, but these fires have not carved paramo from forest. Pollen percentages for Gramineae and other paramo taxa decline upward, whereas percentages for certain subalpine, lower montane, and lowland forest taxa increase slightly; these changes may reflect the impact of prehistoric human activity or slight upslope migrations of forest taxa owing to climatic warming. There is no clear evidence of higher timberlines during the mid-Holocene. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4614. Publicación no.: 023 Fluxes of nitric oxide from soils following the clearing and burning of a secondary tropical rain forest [Flujos de óxico nítrico de suelos luego de la tala y quema de un bosque lluvioso tropical secundario] / Neff, J.C; Keller, Michael; Holland, E.A; Weitz, A.M; Veldkamp, Edzo. (National Center for Atmospheric Research. Atmospheric Chemical Division, Boulder, CO, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v.100(D12), no. 25, p. 913-25, 922. 1995. At sites in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa Rica, clearing and burning of a secondary tropical rain forest caused a significant increase in soil nitric oxide emissions. Soil-atmospheric NO fluxes averaged 0.5 ng N/cm²-h prior to clearing and increased to 4.1 ng N/cm²-h following clearing and to greater than 12.0 ng N/cm²-h following burning. Soil NO emissions were elevated for a period of 3-4 mo following clearing, and fluxes peaked for 1-3 days following burning. We conducted a series of experiments with intact soil cores to determinate the probable mechanism responsible for elevated NO emissions from soils. In one set of experiments we added substrates for microbial nitrification (ammonium), denitrification (nitrate), and chemical denitrification (nitrite) to autoclaved (killed) and non-autoclaved (live) soil cores. Water-only additions were used as controls. Compared to water or nitrate additions, ammonium caused a significant increase in NO emissions from live cores. Water, ammonium, and nitrate additions had no effect on emissions from autoclaved cores. Nitrite soln. additions resulted in highly significant increases in NO emissions from both autoclaved and non-autoclaved soil cores. In a second set of experiments we treated intact soil cores with acetylene (1 kPa C2H2) to selectively inhibit nitrification and oxygen to inhibit denitrification. The oxygen treatment had no effect on NO production, while acetylene significantly reduced NO emissions. The results, from major pathway for NO production in these soils. In contrast, microbial nitrification appears to be a critical process responsible for NO emissions throughout the clearing and burning period. Field experiments, with acetylene as an inhibitor, show that immediately following burning, chemical denitrification of nitrite deposited in ash supports a large peak in NO fluxes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2562. LS. Publicación no.: 024 Geocoding and stereo display of tropical forest multisensor datasets / Welch, Ronald M; Jordan, T.R; Luvall, Jeffrey C. (The University of Georgia. Center for Remote Sensing and Mapping Science, Athens, GA 30602, US). En: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ISSN 0099-1112), v. 56, no. 10, p. 1389-1392. 1990. Enlace: Methodologies are described for the development of a multisensor geocoded dataset with stereo display to facilitate the building of databases that may be used to assess deforestation, thermal response, evapotranspiration and other parameters linked to climate change. Geocoding and registering

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are discussed for multisensor data (Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS), Calibrated Airborne Multispectral Scanner (CAMS), SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)) obtained for the Braulio Carrillo National Park, Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: P. LS. NBINA-9700. S11533. Publicación no.: 025 Deforestation, carbon dynamics, and sustainable mitigation measures in Costa Rica - The Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí case study [Deforestación, dinámica del carbono y medidas sostenibles de mitigación en Costa Rica - Estudio de caso de Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí] / Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Quesada-Mateo, Carlos A. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Interciencia (ISSN 0378-1844), v. 20, no. 6, p. 396-400. 1995. Enlace: The definition of mitigation policies and implementation projects in developing countries must be based on solid scientific knowledge foundations. This knowledge basis must not only provide information on the response of physical systems, but must consider, besides, the social forces that induce the response of natural systems. In the present article, the role played by science and technology in the definition of abatement policies is analyzed by means of a case-study in the Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí area, in Costa Rica. Satellite information and geographical information systems are combined in order to understand the forces generating a change in the use of land in this area, as well in the building of a data-base which may permit the definition of long-term policies. It is concluded in this article that the success of any policy or program will only be achieved if these are included within a referential framework which is related to a strategy for a country's coherent and sustainable development. Localización: Biblioteca OET: I. NBINA-8110. Publicación no.: 026 Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, and methane under secondary succession of pasture to forest in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica [Intercambio del suelo a la atmósfera de óxido nitroso, óxido nítrico y metano bajo una sucesión secundaria de pastos a bosque en las tierras bajas del Atlántico de Costa Rica] / Keller, Michael; Reiners, William A. (U.S. Department of Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 8, no. 4, p. 399-409. 1994. We investigated changes in soil-atmosphere flux of CH4, N2O, and NO resulting from the succession of pasture to forest in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica. We studied a dozen sites intensively for over one year in order to measure rates and to understand controlling mechanisms for gas exchange. CH4 flux was controlled primarily by soil moisture content. Soil consumption of atmospheric CH4 was greatest when soil were relatively dry. Forest soils consumed CH4 while pasture soils which had poor drainage generally produced CH4. The seasonal pattern of N2O emissions correlated with soil exchangeable NO3-concentrations. Soil-atmosphere NO flux was greatest when soils were relatively dry. We found the largest NO emissions from abandoned pasture sites. Combining these data with those from another study in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica that focused on deforestation, we present a 50-year chronosequence of trace gas emissions that extends from natural conditions, through disturbance and natural recovery. The soil-atmosphere fluxes of CH4 and N2O and of NO may be restored to predisturbance rates during secondary succession. The changes in trace gas emissions following

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deforestation, through pasture use and secondary succesion, may be explained conceptually through reference to two major controlling factors, nitrogen availability and soil-atmosphere diffusive exchange of gases as it is influenced by soil moisture content and soil compaction. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2519. LS. NBINA-6918. Publicación no.: 027 Phenology of tropical forests - patterns, causes, and consequences [Fenología de los bosques tropicales, los patrones, causas y consecuencias] / Reich, Peter B. (University of Minnesota. Department of Forest Resources, St Paul, MN 55108, US). En: Canadian Journal of Botany (ISSN 0008-4026), v. 73, no. 2, p. 164-174. 1995. Leaf phenology of tropical forests is distinct from other biomes. Unlike the marked temperature-related periodicity of temperate forests development tends to be continuous, in a seasonal lowland tropical rain forests, and becomes more episodic in response to increasing annual drought in tropical dry forests. Hence, in tropical rain forests, foliar development (production, senescence, and longevity) is largely under internal rather than environmental control. In contrast, tropical forests with marked annual dry seasons display associated seasonality of leaf production and shedding. This developmental seasonality can be explained by overlaying the influence of seasonality on trees' internally regulated development and appears to be controlled by acclimative physiological processes and not by sensitivity to photo-, thermo-periodic, or direct environmental cues. Consequences of tropical phenology stem from both the variety of leaf and species ecophysiological types common to a given moisture regime and their relative synchrony of development, and include the following: larger diversity of ecophysiological species types in rain than dry forests; differential rates of herbivory in dry than wet seasons and for synchronous versus asynchronous leaf flushes; ecosystems with greater canopy foliar mass per hectare in rain than dry forests; and several leaf adaptations perhaps unique to tropical forests, such as delayed greening and seasonal leaf phenotypes. Tropical forests may vary in sensitivity to predicted climate change. Phenology of rain forests should change little unless water balance changes markedly, and developmental events in rain forests may be relatively insensitive to moderate changes in CO2 or temperature. Phenology of dry forests could be more sensitive, and in opposite directions, to elevated CO2 and temperatures. Elevated CO2 might delay the onset of leaf shedding and stimulate longer life span if stand level transpiration is reduced, whereas higher temperatures could lead to more rapid water depletion, longer leafless periods, and more strongly synchronized phenology. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S2468. LS. Publicación no.: 028 A climate alliance for Central America [A debate with Max Campos Ortiz and Patricia Ramírez Obando of the National Meteorological Institute of Costa Rica] Una alianza para el clima de Centroamérica [Un debate con Max Campos Ortiz y Patricia Ramírez Obando, del Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica] / Kelly, M; Granich, F. En: Tiempo, v. 3, p. 1-3. 1991. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: TIE. Publicación no.: 029 Tropical forests and trace gases: potential interactions between tropical biology and the atmospheric sciences [Bosques tropicales y gases traza: interacciones potenciales entre la biología tropical y las ciencias atmosféricas] / Vitousek, Peter M; Matson, Pamela A. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305, US). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 24, no. 2B, p. 233-239. 1992.

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Tropical forests are major contributors to the composition of the atmosphere, and anthropogenic changes to tropical ecosystems have driven changes in the atmosphere. Tropical biologists can make and have made significant contributions to understanding these effects, but we can also learn a great deal from the atmospheric sciences. In this paper, we show how knowledge about the functioning of tropical ecosystems can contribute to building a global source budget for a greenhouse gas (nitrous oxide), and how accumulating information from atmospheric measurements suggests that increased concentrations of a reactive gas (tropospheric ozone) represent a significant perturbation to tropical ecosystems-even in remote areas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S1219. LS. NBINA-3539. Publicación no.: 030 Computer simulation of tree growth periodicity and climatic hydroperiodicity in tropical forests [Simulación mediante computadora de la periodicidad del crecimiento del árbol y la hidroperiodicidad climática en bosques tropicales] / Borchert, Rolf. (The University of Kansas. Division of Biological Sciences, 1200 Haworth Hall, Sunnyside Ave, Lawrence, KS 66045-7534, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 24, no. 3, p. 385-395. 1992. In most tropical trees, vegetative and reproductive development is distinctly periodic, but often poorly correlated with seasonal climatic change. Growth periodicity of individual trees is proposed here to reflect primarily an endogenous rhythm of vegetative growth resulting from periodic leaf replacement. This endogenous periodicity determines the species-specific timing of flowering and can be entrained secondarily to seasonal changes in water stress. These assumptions have been incorporated into a simple computer model which illustrates the effects of various degrees of seasonal drought on tree growth periodicity. A range of periodic growth patterns observed in individual trees and tree communities subject to increasing seasonal drought can be simulated by the model suggesting that casual interactions similar to those operating in the model are sufficient to determine growth periodicity in tropical trees and forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: B. Publicación no.: 031 Possible effects of global warming on the biological diversity in tropical forests [Posibles efectos del calentamiento global en la diversidad biológica en bosques tropicales] / Hartshorn, Gary Spencer; Peters, R, [ed.]; Lovejoy, T.E, [ed.]. (Duke University, Box 90630, Durham, NC 27708-0630, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global warming and biological diversity New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. p. 137-146. ISBN: 0-300-05930-2. Introduction: Rampant deforestation, the inexorable advance of the agricultural frontier, species extinction, and the conservation of biological diversity are some of the principal problems facing those who would protect tropical forests. Global warming due to the greenhouse effect may also affect the composition and integrity of those few tropical forests that survive well into the next century. Tropical forests not only are the most species-rich ecosystems known on this planet but also are exceedingly complex ecologically. This chapter has three objectives: (1) to highlight briefly the ecological complexity and biological diversity of tropical forests; (2) to review documented effects of historically recent climatic fluctuations on tropical forest communities; and (3) to use these first two components for cautiously exploring possible effects of global warming on the biological diversity in tropical forests. My primary theater of experience is the humid forests of tropical America; hence, I will draw heavily on such

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well- known sites as the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's Barro Colorado Island (BCI) in Panama's Lake Gatún (Leigh et al. 1982, 1990) and the Organization for Tropical Studies' La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica (Clark 1990). 1 am focusing on mature or old-growth forests, with minimal or no direct human disturbance; thus young secondary forests, deforestation, restoration of degraded forest lands, soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and so on are beyond the purview of this chapter. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S1214. Publicación no.: 032 Modeling soil climate controls on the exchange of trace gases between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere [Modelado de los controles del clima de los suelos en el intercambio de gases traza entre la biosfera terrestre y la atmósfera] / Frolking, S.E. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, 1993. 245 p. Dissertation, Ph.D, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (USA). Soil temperature and moisture profiles (soil climate) have a strong influence on the rate of trace gas exchange between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere through the controls exerted on microbial processes and the physical exchange of gases. Principal controls of biological denitrification in mineral soils are the availability of carbon and nitrogen substrates and the soil anaerobic status. A process-oriented model of decomposition and denitrification in soils (DNDC) was modified to have a more detailed portrayal of these controls. In particular, a diffusive soil gas phase was added, along with a method for determining anaerobic and aerobic fractional volume within a soil profile. The model generally overestimated N2O fluxes when compared to field data from a sandy soil in Costa Rica, but captured the timing and shape of the brief flux episodes. Several modeling shortcomings are discussed, including the nature of the carbon substrates and the nature and dynamics of soil anaerobic fractional volume. Methane flux from wetland soils is generally correlated with soil temperature and depth to water table. A model of peat soil climate was developed and applied to a small, poor fen in southern New Hampshire. Temperature profiles and ice depth are in good agreement with field data, but depth to water table is more problematic. Field-based flux correlations to soil temperature, depth to water table, and weighted recent precipitation were developed. When used with the wetland soil climate model, much of the seasonal and shorter period flux variability was captured. The model was then driven by local weather data for 1926-1986; flux variability was dependent on both summer season temperatures and summer precipitation patterns. It is estimated that a five-year field study would capture most of the inter-annual variability. Sensitivity of northern peatland methane flux to climate variability was studied by combining data on flux rates, inundation areas, and summer temperature anomalies (1900-1986) for the eight major northern peatland regions. Spatial and temporal variability in summer temperature anomalies caused regional methane flux anomalies to be small, and not likely to provide a strong feedback to initial climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 154. NBINA-5760. Publicación no.: 033 Nitrogen15 and Oxygen18 characteristics of nitrous oxide: a global perspective [Nitrógeno15 y Oxígeno18 características del óxido nitroso: una visión mundial] / Kim, K.R; Craig, H. (Seoul National University. Department of Oceanography, Seoul 151-742, KS). En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), no. 262, p. 1855-1857. 1993. The global budget of N2O shows a significant imbalance between the known rate of destruction in the stratosphere and the estimated rates of natural and anthropogenic production in soils and the ocean.

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Measurements of the 15N/14N and 18O/1-6O ratios in two major tropospheric sources of N2O, tropical rain forest soils and fertilized soils, show that soil N2O from a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica and from sugar-cane fields in Maui is strongly depleted in both 15N and 18O relative to mean tropospheric N2O. A major source of heavy N2O, enriched in both 15N and 18O, must therefore be present to balance the light N2O from soils. One such source is the back-mixing flux of N2O from the stratosphere, which is enriched in 15N and 18O by photolysis and chemistry. However these return fluxes of 15N and 18O are so great that a large oceanic flux of N2O is required to balance the heavy isotope-enriched stratospheric flux. All these effects will be reflected in climatically related isotopic variations in trapped N2O in polar ice cores. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S1601. LS. Publicación no.: 034 Nitrous oxide emissions from tropical soils [Emisiones de óxido nitroso de suelos tropicales] / Nobre, A.D. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas, Avenida Andre Araujo, 2936, BR-69083000 Manaus, Amazonas, BR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, 1994. 141 p. Dissertation, Ph.D, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (USA). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 191; NBINA-10068. Publicación no.: 035 Emissions of greenhouse gases from tropical deforestion and subsequent uses of the land [Emisiones de gases de invernadero por la deforestación tropical y usos posteriores de la tierra] / Dale, V.H. En: Sustainable agriculture and the environment in the humid tropics Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1993. p. 215-260. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.76150913 N277s. Publicación no.: 036 Biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles [La biodiversidad y los ciclos biogeoquímicos] / Silver, Whendee L; Brown, S; Lugo, Ariel E; Orians, Gordon H (ed.); Dirzo, Rodolfo (ed.); Cushman, J.H (ed.). (University of California. E.S.P.M. Ecosystem Sciences Division, 151 Hilgard Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3110, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity and ecosystem processes in tropical forests BerlEn: Springer-Verlag, 1996. Introduction: Ever-increasing human activity across the tropical landscape inevitably results in the loss of biodiversity at some spatial scales (Wilson 1988, Whitmore and Sayer 1992). For example, it is well known that the replacement of diverse tropical forests with less species-rich systems results in the loss of genetic resources and of new, potentially useful plants and animals. Global-scale changes are also likely to have an impact on biodiversity, both directly through physiological responses to climate change, and indirectly through changes in the physical environment, ecosystem processes, and species interactions (Harte et al. 1992). To better determine the outcome of human-induced changes to tropical forests, we must understand the role of biodiversity in mediating ecosystem-level processes. This chapter examines the relationship between biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles in tropical forests. We begin by defining appropriate terms for biodiversity and biogeochemistry and then build a conceptual framework for linking species and ecosystem processes. Finally, we discuss the empirical evidence documenting the effects of changes in biodiversity on energy processing and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 574.26420913 B615S5158.

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Publicación no.: 037 Epiphytes and climate change research in the Caribbean: A proposal [Investigaciones sobre epífitas y cambio climático en el caribe: Una propuesta] / Lugo, Ariel E; Scatena, Frederick N. (Institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Call Box 25000, Río Piedras 00928-2500, PR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Selbyana (ISSN 0361-185X), v. 13, p. 123-130. 1992. The purpose of this paper is to call attention to the importance of epiphytes in understanding how global atmospheric changes impact tropical forests. The Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF), like other peaks in the Caribbean, intercepts at least five major global weather systems: (1) trade winds originating in the Azores; (2) tropical depressions and hurricanes originating in western Africa; (3) northern cold fronts originating in the polar regions of North America; and systems originating (4) in the Pacific and (5) the Amazon basin. Each of these "global airsheds" has a particular return frequency, associated temperature and climatic conditions, and different chemical conditions in rain and cloud water. Epiphytes are the organisms with the closest interactions with these systems because they absorb water and nutrients directly from the atmosphere and their metabolism responds to prevailing conditions associated with each airshed. In order to detect effects of global change on epiphyte communities, ir will be necessary to build a long-term quantitative record of ecological information of these organisms. In this paper, we review the information available for the LEF and outline our proposed program to measure ecosystems effects of global change via elpiphytic communities. Our focus will be on biomass accumulation, nutrient uptake, and hydrological fluxes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3068. LC. Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13960. Publicación no.: 038 Evidence of the Younger Dryas in Central America [La evidencia del Younger Dryas en Centroamérica] / Leyden, B.W. (University of South Florida. Department of Geology, Tampa, FL 33620, US). En: Quaternary Science Reviews (ISSN 0277-3791), v. 14, no.9, p.833-839. 1995. Three sites provide records that address whether the Younger Dryas was manifest in Central America. Marine records from Barbados and the Cariaco Basin are discussed, as well as possible climatic forcing mechanisms. Sequences from montane La Chonta Bog, Costa Rica, and lowland Lake Quexil, Guatemala, record a temperature decline of 1.5-2.5 degrees C dated between 11,070-10,400 C-14 years BP and ca. 12,000-10,300 C-14 years BP, respectively. The record from Lake La Yeguada, Panama, does not include cooling, although significant reorganization of local a communities occurred during the Younger Dryas chronozone. Colder tropical SSTs throughout deglaciation contributed to sub- regional climatic variation, more intense monsoonal activity, and cooler air temperatures. However, the temperature reversals are not associated with the coldest tropical SSTs which occurred during meltwater pulses. The temperature reversals appear to be a response to extra-tropical conditions, presumably in the North Atlantic, which suggests that Younger Dryas cooling extended as far south as Costa Rica. In Panama, monsoonal conditions may have blocked cooler temperatures. Precipitation continued to increase throughout deglaciation due to strong forcing by seasonal solar insolation in Central America while desiccation events occurred to the north and south. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5746. NBINA-5191. Publicación no.: 039 Sustainable development: A new challenge for Costa Rica [Desarrollo sostenible: Un nuevo reto para Costa Rica] / Figueres-Olsen, José María. (Fundación Costa Rica para el Desarrollo

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Sostenible (Entebbe), Apartado Postal 557-2250, Tres Ríos de La Unión, CR <>). En: SAIS Review (ISSN 0036-0775), v. 16, no. 1, p. 187-202. 1996. The sustainable development policy being pursued by Costa Rica is outlined. It is based on strategic social investment; macroeconomic balance; environmental protection and the participation of society in decision making. Examples are presented to illustrate steps taken to establish a positive relationship between the natural environment and growing economic needs. These include: the establishment and management of designated conservation areas; greenhouse gas emission control programmes; biodiversity conservation and utilization projects; the development of ecotourism in national parks; increasing environmental education; macroeconomic restructuring to create an open and more competitive economic environment; the use of renewable energy technologies; the adoption of more environmentally friendly farming practices; the encouragement of more efficient resource use by industry; and participation by more of society in decision making through discussion fora. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7799. Publicación no.: 040 Graphic correlation of marine deposits from the Central American isthmus: implications for late neogene paleoceanography [Correlación gráfica de los depósitos marinos del istmo centroamericano: implicaciones para la paleoceoneografía del Neogeno tardío] / Dowsett, H.F; Cotton, M.A; Jackson, B.C (ed.); Budd, Ann F (ed.); Coates, A.G (ed.). (University of Iowa. Department of Geoscience, Iowa City, IA 52242, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Evolution and environment in tropical America Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. p. 57-75. ISBN: 0-22-638944-8. Introduction: The Late Neogene stratigraphy in Panama and Costa Rica preserves an extensive record of the marine biologic and climatic changes associated with the rise and closure of the Central American Isthmus. Creating a high-resolution temporal framework, within which stratigraphic sections found on the isthmus can be interpreted, is fundamental to our understanding of the history and importance of these events. Ironically, the planktonic zonations that have been the basis for refined temporal frameworks over the past few decades are now the primary stumbling block for future paleoceanographic work in ocean margin settings because of the implicit assumption of synchrony of fossil first and last occurrences. In this chapter we point out the problems associated with these conventional methods of biochronology and discuss the advantages associated with graphic correlation (GC). We first describe the graphic correlation technique and summarize a GC model for the Late Neogene, and then apply it to specific sequences from the Caribbean coast of Panama. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 560.45098 E93e. Publicación no.: 041 Biotic and oceanographic response to the Pliocene closing of the Central American isthmus [Respuesta biótica y oceanográfica para el cierre del istmo centroamericano en el Plioceno] / Cronin, T.M; Dowsett, H.F; Jackson, B.C (ed.); Budd, Ann F (ed.); Coates, A.G (ed.). (University of Iowa. Department of Geoscience, Iowa City, IA 52242, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Evolution and environment in tropical America Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. p. 76-104. ISBN: 0-22-638944-8. Introduction: The formation of the Central American Isthmus (CAI) during the Late Neogene closed an ocean gateway that had been open since the Mesozoic and simultaneously joined two long-isolated land

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masses. It was a key event for tropical biotic evolution, allowing the interchange of terrestrial species between North and South America (Marshall 1988) and isolating Pacific and Atlantic/Caribbean marine organisms (Jones and Hasson 1985; Stehli and Webb 1985). The oceanographic and climatic effects of the closure of the isthmus have also been debated, in part because this event coincides with the initiation of major Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the amplification of Milankovitch climatic cycles about 2.5 Ma (Shackleton et al. 1984; Raymo et al. 1989). Berggren (1972) and Berggren and Hollister (1974) postulated, on the basis of early Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) results, that isthmus closure may have had a profound effect on North Atlantic paleoceanography, and possibly on global climate, by diverting warm, saline water to high latitudes, causing Late Pliocene Northern Hemisphere ice build-up. Keigwin (1978, 1982) also suggested that as Pacific and Caribbean waters ceased to mix, significant changes in North Atlantic Ocean structure occurred, such as increased surface salinities in the Caribbean and the intensification of the Gulf Stream. Rind and Chandler (1991) argued, on the basis of a general circulation model, that relatively small changes in ocean heat flux, due to ocean circulation changes caused by isthmus closure, can substantially alter global climate. In this chapter we examine the role of the CAI during the Pliocene in affecting tropical and extratropical oceanic and biotic events. We present evidence indicating there was near closure of the isthmus to surface water around 3.0-2.8 Ma, and perhaps again at about 2.0 Ma, which had major effects on marine paleobiogeography and altered North Atlantic Ocean circulation to cause periods of Northern Hemispheric warmth. We will attempt to show, through the study of marine ostracodes and planktonic foraminifers from the North Atlantic/Caribbean, that the formation of the CAT directly or indirectly (1) increased North Atlantic oceanic heat flux from low to high latitudes at 3 Ma and possibly again at 2 Ma; (2) led to oceanic thermal gradients less steep than those today, thereby decreasing provinciality of marine organisms; (3) increased surface salinities but did not decrease sea surface temperatures in the Caribbean region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 560.45098 E93e. Publicación no.: 042 Interactions between populations and resources [Interacciones entre poblaciones y recursos] / Daily, Gretchen C. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Conservation Biology, Stanford CA 94305-5020, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 1992. 203 p. Dissertation, Ph.D, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (USA). This dissertation consist of several unrelated projects, each dealing with the interactions between animal populations and their resources in evolutionary and community level contexts. Three of the projects focus on the behavior of natural populations and communities of non-human species, while the other two explore several dimensions of humanity's present population and resource predicament. The first chapter investigates the factors that determine the spatial distribution of adults in an insect population and relates these to the evolution of insect mating systems. Field experiments showed that population size, sex ratio, and certain habitat features interact to produce predictable distributions of individuals in a Colorado butterfly population. The second chapter describes subtle, indirect interactions in a keystone species complex comprised of a woodpecker, certain willow species, aspen trees, and a heartwood fungus. In a subalpine, Rocky Mountain ecosystem, the persistence of two swallow species depends upon and the abundances of numerous other vertebrates and invertebrates is enhanced by the cooccurrence of each element of the complex. The third chapter examines the influence of social dominance status upon foraging behavior in large, heterospecific assemblages of birds at fruiting trees in Costa Rica. Individuals of subordinate species were interrupted more, tended to have shorter feeding bouts (especially during periods of high activity), and spent a smaller fraction of their foraging bouts

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actually feeding than did dominant species. Several possible ramifications of social dominance hierarchies at the population and community levels are discussed. Chapter four describes the results of a stochastic simulation model of the effects of rapid climatic change on agriculture and the global human population. The model suggests that even favorable climatic changes may not prevent a several-fold increase in deaths (over past levels) if population growth outpaces food production by about 0.8 percent per annum or more. Finally, the fifth chapter outlines the current human population-environment situation and developes a framework for analysing the carrying capacity of the planet for Homo sapiens. Biophysical and social dimensions of sustainability and carrying capacity are discussed. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8081. Publicación no.: 043 Nitrogen cycling in shaded and unshaded coffee plantations in the Central Valley of Costa Rica [Reciclaje de nitrógeno en cafetales sombreados y sin sombra en el Valle Central de Costa Rica] / Babbar-Amighetti, Liana I. (Organización para Estudios Tropicales. Directora General en Costa Rica, Apdo. 676-2050, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan, 1993. 86 p. Dissertation, Ph.D, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA). Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) management in Costa Rica is changing from plantations associated with shade trees to monocultures; both of which receive large additions of N through fertilization. Understanding patterns and processes of N cycling within coffee agro-ecosystems could lead to the development of management practices that maintain productivity while minimizing environmental damage. My study investigated the N dynamics in paired shaded and unshaded coffee plantations in the Central Valley, all fertilized with about 300 kg N ha-1 y-1. I quantified net N mineralization and nitrification, and microbial biomass N. Mean daily mineralization rates did not significantly differ between treatments (shaded = 38.9 mg N m² d-1; unshaded = 29.4 mg N m² d-1. However, net mineralization was significantly higher in shaded plantations (148 kg N ha-1 y-1 than in the unshaded (111 kg N ha-1 y-1. Small pools of microbial biomass N (shaded = 0.48 g m²; unshaded = 0.46 g m² suggested that N retention primarily occurs through plant uptake. I also investigated NO3- leaching and factors controlling denitrification, such as NO3-, C, and O2 availability. Annual NO3- leaching losses were 3 times greater in unshaded plantations (238 kg NO3-N ha(-1) y-1 than those in the shaded (87 kg ha(-1) y(-1). In contrast, mean denitrification rates in shaded plantations were 60% higher (6774 µg N2O-N g(-1) d(-1) than those in unshaded plantations (4340 µg N2O-N g-1 d-1. Carbon additions (C6H12O6) elicited nearly a three-fold increase (-C = 2985 µg N2O-N g-1 d-1 to +C = 8396 µg N2O-N g-1 d-1 in both agroecosystems. Anaerobic conditions increased denitrification to a lesser extent (+O2 = 4331 µg N2O-N g-1 d-1; -O2 = 6656 µg N2O-N g-1 d-1). In both plantation types, potential N loss via denitrification was small compared to NO3- leaching. My results indicate that large N-fertilizer additions are unwarranted measures to sustain high coffee yields. In light of the large N loss through leaching, the presence of shade trees is an important factor reducing N loss. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 044 Almacenamiento y fijación de carbono en ecosistemas forestales / Alfaro-Murillo, María de los Angeles. (Cámara Costarricense Forestal, Apdo. 1135-1002, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 19, p. 9-12. 1997. Enlace:

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Hasta hace pocos años nadie se detenía a analizar el valor monetario de la provisión de agua, de la protección de la biodiversidad, la recreación o la fijación de carbono, pues se creía que el bosque de por sí tendría que brindar éstos y otros servicios. La alta deforestación de los bosques tropicales, ha puesto de manifiesto y enfrentado al ser humano a reconocer la gran cantidad de bienes y servicios que están desapareciendo, perjudicando no sólo a los pobladores que viven en los alrededores del bosque, sino a los habitantes de la ciudades. Una de las mayores consecuencias de la tala indiscriminada de los bosques es el efecto de invernadero, o sea, la concentración de gases en la atmósfera, que obstaculizan la salida de una parte de la radiación que entra a ésta. La autora de este artículo comparte sus ideas y algunos elementos que informan al lector sobre el efecto de invernadero y la opción que significa la fijación de carbono para países desarrollados, y en vías de desarrollo, pues los primeros pagarán por un servicio que prestan los bosques y los segundos recibirán incentivos económicos por protegerlos y conservarlos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. NBINA-7380. Publicación no.: 045 Sostenibilidad en el uso del agua en América Latina / Radulovich-Ramírez, Ricardo. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Agrícola y AGROPLAN S.A., Apdo. 1567-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 18, p. 13-17. 1997. El agua, otrora un problema mayor sólo en zonas áridas, se ha convertido rápidamente en una limitante generalizada en sectores urbanos y rurales de las zonas húmedas de América Latina, por lo menos en lo que respecta a calidad. A pesar de que la región latinoamericana es la mejor provista del mundo en cantidad de agua per capita (Reiff 1990; FAO 1993), ésta se encuentra en peculiar distribución espacio-temporal y, debido a su voluminosidad, movilidad y requerimientos de calidad, es costoso manejarla. El crecimiento de la población, los fuertes incrementos en consumo per capita (riego, industria, estándares de vida), la contaminación de fuentes y la alteración de los ciclos hidrológicos locales, incluyendo deforestación, mal manejo de cuencas y disminución de los niveles freáticos, repercuten en que la disponibilidad de agua sea menor, en donde más se ocupa. Lo anterior no considera situaciones climáticas a mayor escala que se están dando de forma imprevisible, como por ejemplo: el efecto invernadero y el fenómeno del Niño. Este escenario se agrava debido a que históricamente se ha utilizado el agua de más fácil acceso y las nuevas fuentes u opciones generalmente traen consigo un costo mayor. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 046 Assessing land use/cover change in Costa Rica [Evaluación del cambio en el uso de la tierra/cobertura vegetal en Costa Rica] / Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio: Universidad de Costa Rica / Centro de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Sostenible, 1996. 180 p. (Documento CIEDES; no. 1-97). Dissertation, Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (USA). The need for accurate estimates of forest cover and forest fragmentation is a critical issue for developing countries such as Costa Rica. Accurate estimates of forest cover can help in several sectors related to the environment and economic development. This dissertation focuses on providing an accurate and precise estimate of forest cover in Costa Rica. The year 1991 was use as a baseline. Landsat Thematic Mapper was the remote sensing sensor used in this analysis. This dissertation concludes that: (1) Twenty-nine percent (¸1,400,000 ha) of the country was under primary forest (80% canopy closure)

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in 1991. Of the tota forest cover, 71% is outside national parks and 29% is protected by the national parks. (2) Forest loss (for scene path 15/row 53) during five years period (1986-1991) was 224,970 ha, and it was estimated that the rate was ¸44,994 ha/yr. (3) Deforestation produced an increase in island fragments during the study period. Between 1986 986 and 1991, the total number of islands between three and 50 ha and 100 ha increased by 524 and 45, respectively. Fifteen new islands with areas greater than 500 ha were created. (4) Results suggest that the extent of tropical deforestation go beyond estimations of total forest loss at the national level. The impacts at the national level have greater roots deeper roots when the data at the life zone level is considered. The results have important implication for biodiversity conservation and restoration, water resource management and climate change. The issue of partial sampling of remote sensing data base was also explored through this dissertation. Partial sampling is important for the definition of sound deforestation monitoring systems in tropical environments. A data set from the Brazilian Amazon was analyzed in order to understand how stratified sampling, using persistence, would improve estimates of tropical deforestation over random sampling. Results show that stratification based on persitence contributes to the reduction of error, regarding estimates of total deforestation, when contrasted against random sampling without stratification (FAO methodology). Results are important to future monitoring programs in Costa Rica and the Central American region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5762. Publicación no.: 047 Changes in the general circulation and its influence on precipitation trends in Central America [Cambios en la circulación general y su influencia en las tendencias de la precipitación en Centroamérica] / Brenes-Vargas, A; Saborío-Trejos, V.F. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Información, San José, CR). En: Ambio (ISSN 0044-7447), v. 23, no. 1, p. 87-90. 1994. A trend analysis of 81 series of precipitation data from the last 30 years (1960-1990) is presented. These series are from meteorological stations distributed throughout Costa Rica on the leeward and windward sides, both of which are affected by the trade-wind regime. Analysis of these data shows that over 75% of Costa Rica has experienced a precipitation decrease during this period. Most of the areas affected by this tred are located along the country from northwest to southeast. However, on the windward side there has been a positive trend in precipitation, suggesting a strengthened trade-wind regime. An analysis of data on Atlantic hurricane trajectories since 1900 shows that the the total number of hurricanes has increased, but there has been a reduction in the number crossing the Caribbean Basin. The passage of tropical cyclones in the Caribbean Basin accounts for around 70% of total precipitation in the Pacific region of Central America. These countries economies are highly dependent on agriculture, and on water resources for energy generation; thus changes in hurricane patterns and associated rainfall could have important economic consequences. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8043. LC. Publicación no.: 048 Modelling land use dynamics by integrating biophysical and human dimensions (CLUE) Costa Rica 1973-1984 [Modelaje de la dinámica del uso de la tierra mediante la integración de las dimensiones biofísicas y humanas (CLUE) Costa Rica 1973-1984] / Veldkamp, A; Fresco, L.O; Zwerver, S (ed.); Rompaey, R.A.V (ed.); Kok, M.T (ed.); Berk, M.M (ed.). (Wageningen Agricultural University. Department of Environmental Sciences, Laboratory of Soil Science and Geology, P.O. Box 37, 6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Climate change research: evaluation and policy implications Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1995. p. 1413-1416. As a pilot study potential biophysical and human land use drivers in Costa Rica evaluated using multi-variate statistical methods in a nested scale analysis. The reconstructed land use drivers and their quantified effects on land use were applied within a dynamic framework CLUE (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects) to model land use dynamics in Costa Rica from 1973 to 1984. Our pilot study demonstrates that its dynamics can be satisfactorily modelled as functions of biophysical and human drivers. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6526. Publicación no.: 049 Gradient analysis of biomass in Costa Rica and a first estimate of total emissions of greenhouse gases from biomass burning [Análisis del gradiente de la biomasa en Costa Rica y una primera estimación de las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero por la quema de biomasa] / Helmer, Eileen H; Brown, S. (USDA Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, P.O. Box 25000, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, PR <E-mail: ehelmer/[email protected]>), 1996. 25 p. Past efforts to estimate greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from biomass burning generally have relied on global or regional data bases. Although the Central American country of Costa Rica is small in area (50 060 km²), it has a much better database than most regions and thereby provides an excellent "microcosm" for an analysis of GHG emissions by forest type. It has, for example, several forest formations for which data on forest structure and areas deforested are available. Between 1950 and 1984, the rate of deforestation in Costa Rica was one of the highest in the world at about 3.9% per year. Our objectives in this chapter are: 1) estimate biomass of stands undisturbed by human activity (as far as we can tell) as a function of environmental gradients in Costa Rica, and 2) estimate the release of GHGs to the atmosphere from knowing the spatial variation in deforestation rates in forests developed under differing climatic conditions. We estimate emissions simply by assuming 100% of aboveground biomass is burned eventually, an assumption recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (IPCC/OECD) methodology for inventory of GHG. Localización: Biblioteca Centro Científico Tropical: C4.30. Publicación no.: 050 National inventory of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Costa Rica [Inventario nacional de fuentes y sumideros de gases de invernadero en Costa Rica] / Ministry of Environment and Energy. National Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 7-3350, 1000 San José, CR. San José: Ministry of Environment and Energy / National Meteorological Institute, 1996. 51 p. Earth's atmosphere has been in constant change through time but nevertheless the faster pace of more recent times has been alarming: the atmosphere's composition has changed with and acceleration unknown in any other stage of human history. The sustained increase of greenhouse gases in the athmosphere, caused by human activities, is the main cause of alarm since we know with certitude that the affected radiative balance of the atmosphere will produce global climate changes. In June, 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 155 countries signed a Framework Convention on Climate Change, which main objective was to attain the stabilization of greenhouse effect gases concentrations in the atmosphere, at such a level to stop the dangerous anthropogenic interferences in the climate system. The signatory countries at the Convention got involved, among other objectives, in the perfomance of national inventories on the emissions of greenhouse gases and in the implementation of national programs

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aiming to provide measures towards the mitigation of climatic change. Costa Rica ratified the Convention on June 13, 1994 and as part of its compromise and as part of the National Program on Climate Change, the first inventory of emissions of greenhouse gases in the country was implemented. In order to make the results of the inventory able to be compared with those from other countries, it was carried out by following the "Guidelines for the Elaboration of National Inventories on Greenhouse Gases" as proposed by the IPCC/OECD (1994) and the reference year was 1990. The National Inventory on Emissions of Greenhouse Gases for Costa Rica, was elaborated as part of a larger project: "Country Studies, by Sources and Sinks of Greenhouse Gases Emissions". (GF/4102-92-42), implemented by the Climate Unit of the United Nations Program for the Environment (UNEP) and sponsored by the Global Environmental Fund (GEP). The evaluation was charged to the National Meteorological Institute, which in turn coordinated a team of professionals and technicians from various institutions. The inventory included six gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), in five economic activity areas: Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land Use Change and Forestry and Waste Management. The total emissions for greenhouse gases in Costa Rica for the year 1990 were estimated to be 4404.4 Gg, which is equivalent to 4 404 400 tons. To this total, the energy sector contributed with 2665.6 Gg (2 665 600 tons), Industrial Processes with 367.9 Gg (367 900 tons), Agriculture with 139.81 Gg (139 810 tons), Land Use Change and Forestry 1210.55 Gg (1 210 550 tons) and Waste Management with 20.5 Gg (20 500 tons). Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 113. Publicación no.: 051 Clinton urges action on global warming [Clinton urge se tomen acciones en contra del calentamiento global] / Bennet, J. En: The New York Times (ISSN 0362-4331), May 10, 1997, Sec. A, p. 6, col. 41997. Drenched by a misting rain, President Clinton stood before the soaring forest here today to issue a hedged warning about global climate change and to declare that the world has much to learn from Costa Rica's environmental stewardship. While calling for reduction of greenhouse gases, Mr. Clinton stopped short of an explicit declaration that pollution was causing the global climate to change for the worse. "There is some doubt about what increased greenhouse gas emissions are doing to the climate," Mr. Clinton said, "but no one doubts that they'rechanging the climate, and no one doubts that the potential consequences can be very profound and severe." In keeping with the relentless solicitude he has shown his hosts on his first trip to Latin America, Mr. Clinton did not talk about the environment in smog-bound Mexico City earlier this week. Instead, he waited until reaching Costa Rica, where one quarter of the land, he noted today, is protected by the Government. Mr. Clinton flew on to Barbados later this afternoon, for a summit meeting of Caribbean nations there on Saturday. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3290. Publicación no.: 052 Potential impacts of climatic change on the productive capacity of Costa Rican forests: a case study [Impactos potenciales del cambio climático en la capacidad productiva de los bosques costarricenses: estudio de caso] / Tosi-Olin, Joseph A., Jr; Watson-Céspedes, Vicente; Echeverría-Bonilla, Jaime. (Centro Científico Tropical, P.O. Box 8-3870, 1000 San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Tropical Science Center, 1992. 79 p.

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In the context of present-day scientific concern with predicted climatic changes resulting from the current untoward generation and release of CO2 and other "greenhouse" gases, the Department of Sciences of the University of Virginia (UV) is undertaking a study of the possible effects of global warming on the Earth's forests. As an adjunct to the main UV study, larger-scale, regional and country level case studies have been included for corroboration and to facilitate analysis of the economic, social, and policy consequences of eventual global warming, should it occur. Costa Rica and Nicaragua have been selected for detailed analyses in the Tropical, Central American-Caribbean region. The Tropical Science Center, a not-for-profit Costa Rican research association was subcontracted by the University of Virginia to undertake detailed modelling and preliminary analyses of the implications of two potential climatic change scenarios on the forests of Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca Centro Científico Tropical. Publicación no.: 053 General equilibrium modelling of trade and the environment [Modelaje del equilibrio general de comercio y el ambiente] / Beghin, J; Dessus, S; Roland-Hurst, D; van der Mensbrugghe, D. (<E-mail: [email protected]> ). Paris: OECD Development Centre, 1996. 66 p. (Technical Papers OECD Development Centre; no. 116). The complete technical specification of a computable general equilibrium model is presented for six country case studies of the OECD Development Centre's programme on 'Sustainable Development: environment, resource use, technology and trade'. The six countries are Mexico, Costa Rica and Chile in Latin America, China, Indonesia and Vietnam in the Asia Pacific region. The model attempts to capture some of the key features relating to environmental emissions. These features include: linking emissions to the consumption of polluting inputs; including emissions generated by final demand consumption; integrating substitutability between polluting and non-polluting inputs; capturing important dynamic effects such as capital accumulation, population growth, productivity and technological improvements and vintage capital; and the impact of emissions taxes to limit the level of pollution. The first section provides an overview of the model and this is followed by a complete description of each block of the model. The third section provides a list of the differences of the data and model specification across country implementation. The final section presents concluding remarks. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 054 Greenhouse gas emission inventories: interim results from the U.S. Country Studies Program [Inventarios de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero resultados provisionales del Programa de Estudios de Países de los EE.UU] / Braatz, B.V (ed.); Jallow, B.P (ed.); Molnar, S (ed.); Murdiyarso, D (ed.); Perdomo, M (ed.); Fitzgerald, J.F. (ICF Incorporated, Washington DC, US). En: Environmental Science and Technology Library 9 Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. 387 p. ISBN: 0-7923-4142-2. Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are required to conduct national inventories of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and sinks using comparable methodologies. This book presents the results of preliminary national inventories prepared by countries participating in the US Country Studies Program which was set up to provide financial and technical assistance to 56 developing and transition countries for conducting national inventories. The gases included in the inventories are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and non-methane volatile organic compounds. Preliminary national inventories are presented for the following countries: Ivory Coast, Gambia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, China, Mongolia,

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Philippines, Thailand, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Peru, and Venezuela. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 055 Fijación de carbono y diversidad biológica en el agroecosistema cafetero [Carbon fixation and biological diversity in the coffee agroecosystem] / Fournier-Origgi, Luis Alberto. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, San José, CR). XVII Simposio sobre Caficultura Latinoamericana (Vol. I), San Salvador SV23-27 octubre 1995. Tegucigalpa: Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 1996. 10 p. Three coffee production systems are considered in terms of their contribution to maintaining biological diversity: (a) an agroforestry system in which coffee is grown with various timber and fruit shade trees, (b) a coffee plantation with shade trees (typically Inga and Erythrina spp.), and (c) a coffee plantation exposed to the sun with intensive labour and fertilizer inputs. System (b) is considered to be the best option in agroecological and economic terms; this system has the highest potential level of CO2 fixation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4896. Publicación no.: 056 Fijación de carbono y diversidad biológica en el agroecosistema cafetero [Carbon fixation and biological diversity in the coffee agroecosystem] / Fournier-Origgi, Luis Alberto. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, San José, CR). En: Boletín de Promecafé (ISSN 1010-1527), no. 71, p. 7-13. 1996. Three coffee production systems are considered in terms of their contribution to maintaining biological diversity: (a) an agroforestry system in which coffee is grown with various timber and fruit shade trees, (b) a coffee plantation with shade trees (typically Inga and Erythrina spp.), and (c) a coffee plantation exposed to the sun with intensive labour and fertilizer inputs. System (b) is considered to be the best option in agroecological and economic terms; this system has the highest potential level of CO2 fixation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4896. Biblioteca del MAG: Hb. Publicación no.: 057 Tropical land use change and soil emissions of nitrogen oxides [Cambio en el uso del suelo tropical y las emisiones de óxidos nitrosos del suelo] / Erickson, H.E; Keller, Michael. (Universidad Metropolitana. Departamento de Ciencias y Tecnología, P.O.B. 21150, San Juan, PR 00928, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Use and Management (ISSN 0266-0032), v. 13, Suppl. no. 4, p. 278-287. 1997. Increases in the emissions of globally important nitrogen (N) oxide gases have coincided with significant changes in land use in the tropics. Clearing of tropical forests and savannas for agriculture currently represents the most extensive alteration of land cover on the planet. Over the last several decades, N fertilizer use has increased globally and in China and the developing world, use has recently surpassed that in the developed world. The potential contribution of land-use change in the tropics to the increase in N oxides is great, yet only a few studies have measured N oxide emissions after tropical land conversion. Our summary of available research shows some conversions to pastures and a few management practices, especially those using N fertilizers, increase emissions beyond those found in undisturbed ecosystems. However, not all studies show unequivocal increases in emissions. Accordingly we call for a mechanistic understanding of the processes controlling trace gas fluxes to adequately predict under what conditions increased emissions may occur. More measurements are needed to build and test models that may improve management of N fertilizer use in tropical agricultural systems, Given

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the expected expansion of agriculture and increased use of N fertilizers in the tropics, increased emissions of N oxides from the tropics are likely. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3382. Publicación no.: 058 A global inventory of nitric oxide emissions from soils [Inventario global de emisiones de óxido nítrico de suelos] / Davidson, E.A; Kingerlee, W. (The Woods Hole Research Center, POB 296, Woods Hole, MA 02543-0296, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (ISSN 1385-1314), v. 48, no. 1-2, p. 37-50. 1997. Over 60 published papers reporting field measurements of emissions of nitric oxide (NO) from soil are reviewed, and over 100 annual estimates of NO emissions were made for various types of ecosystems, including agricultural fields. These data were stratified by biome and the mean of each stratum was multiplied by an estimate of the biome area. A few strata were identified as clearly having low NO emissions: montane forests, swamps and marshes, tundra, and temperate forests that are not heavily affected by N deposition. The largest emissions were observed in tropical savanna/woodland, chaparral, and cultivated agriculture, but variation in NO emissions within these strata was also large. Although the stratification scheme fails to partition this within-stratum variation, it does clearly identify these biomes as globally important sources of NO and as areas where more research is needed to investigate within-biome variation in NO emissions. It is too early to tell whether differences in NO emissions between temperate and tropical agriculture are significant, but it is clear that agriculture is an important source of NO and that management practices affect NO emissions. The best current estimate of the global soil source of NO is 21 Tg N yr-1. Adsorption of NO, onto plant canopy surfaces may reduce emissions to the atmosphere to as low as 13 Tg N yr-1, although the absorption effect is probably smaller than this. An error term for the global estimate is difficult to determine, but it is at least ±4 and perhaps as large at ±10 Tg N yr-1. Hence, only modest progress has been made in narrowing uncertainties in the estimate of the global soil source of NO, although some published lower estimates appear unlikely. This inventory reconfirms that the soil source of NO is similar in magnitude to fossil fuel emissions of NOx. Further narrowing of the uncertainty of the estimate of global soil NO emissions will require more sophisticated and carefully chosen stratification schemes to address variation within biomes based on soil fertility, soil texture, climate, and management and will require linking this type of inventory and stratification with mechanistic models. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5911. NBINA-5185. Publicación no.: 059 Impact of human activity on NO soil fluxes [Impacto de la actividad humana en los flujos de óxido nítrico] / Sanhueza, E. (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC). Laboratorio de Química Atmosférica, Apartado Postal 21827, Caracas 1020-A, VE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (ISSN 1385-1314), v. 48, no. 1/2, p. 61-68. 1997. Changes in land use driven by the increasing demand of food are affecting the fluxes of trace gases to the atmosphere. The more important human activities that affect NO soil fluxes are: deforestation, intensification of agricultural practices, and biomass burning. In this review emphasis is given to identifying the physicochemical and biological processes involved in the changes, and no attempt to quantify their contribution to global or regional NO budgets is made. Conversion of tropical forest to pasture is occurring very rapidly. An increase of the NO emission is observed immediately after deforestation (1-5 years) followed by a significant decrease (below forest levels) in old pastures and

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secondary successional forests. It seems that deforested tropical areas produce, in the long term, less NO than primary forests. The observed changes are not completely understood, but are most likely driven by the availability of exchangeable nitrogen and the bacteria' population. Soil plowing and fertilization are important factors that affect NO fluxes in agricultural soils. Plowing increases soil porosity and aeration, as well increasing the surface area that is exposed to the atmosphere. These physical changes increase the production of soil nitrate, and the escape efficiency of NO from the soil, enhancing NO fluxes. The emission of NO from fertilized soils depends on many variables: type of fertilizer (i.e. ammonium, nitrate), the structure of the soil microbial community (e.g., populations of nitrifiers and denitrifiers), meteorogical conditions (e.g. soil moisture and temperature), and soil management (e.g. plowing). A combination of these factors should explain the large range reported for the fraction of N-fertilizer that is emitted as NO to the atmosphere. Measurements made in diverse ecosystems show that vegetation burning enhances NO soil emissions. However, it seems that different processes, which are not well understood, occur at the various sites; e.g., in the tropical savannah, enhanced emissions, from dry soils, are observed immediately after burning, whereas in Californian chaparral burned dry soils emit on average less than the unburned plots, and the fluxes only increase after soil wetting. Changes in the physical conditions of the soil surface and N availability are the most likely factors that explain the increased fluxes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5720. NBINA-5186. Publicación no.: 060 Fertilizer-induced nitric oxide emissions from agricultural soils [Emisiones de óxido nítrico inducidas por los fertilizantes de suelos agrícolas] / Veldkamp, Edzo; Keller, Michael. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Science, Büsgenweg 2, D-37077, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (ISSN 1385-1314), v. 48, no. 1-2, p. 69-77. 1997. We summarize and evaluate 23 studies of the effect of fertilizer use on nitric oxide (NO) emission from agricultural soils. To quantify this effect we selected only field-scale studies with duration of at least one complete growing season and excluded studies with a legume as the principle crop. Only 6 studies met the established criteria, resulting in a total of 12 observations of soil/crop/fertilizer combinations, all in temperate areas. For these studies, the amount of NO emitted was linearly related to the amount of fertilizer applied (R² = 0.64) and about 0.5% of applied nitrogen was emitted as NO during the crop growing season. The available data are too limited to separate the effects of fertilizer type, soil type, or crop management. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5242. Publicación no.: 061 Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layer: the Ozone Meeting in Costa Rica [Convención de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono: La Reunión del Ozono en Costa Rica] / Karlaganis, G. (Swiss Agency for the Environment. Forests, Snow & Landscape Substances, Soil & Biotechnology Division, CH-3003 Bern, CH). En: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ISSN 0944-1344), v. 4, no. 2, p. A 7-A 8. 1997. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 062 Banks, debt, and development [Los bancos, deuda y desarrollo] / Umaña-Quesada, Alvaro. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas (INCAE), Barrio San José de Alajuela, CR).

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En: International Environmental Affairs (ISSN 1041-4665), v. 2, no. 2, p. 140-149. 1990. During the last few decades, humanity has become increasingly aware of our growing impact on the biosphere. Economic growth, industrialization, scientific and technological change and rapid increases in population have all contributed to environmental deterioration worldwide. The variety of threats to the earth's metabolism and its life-support systems are now well known and will be considered in detail during this conference. Perhaps the most serious of all these threats is the direct assault against life taking place in the tropical forests, which are located almost exclusively in developing countries. Within these forests live nearly two-thirds of all the plants and animals which share the planet with us. Nevertheless, each second that passes, the equivalent of an entire football field of tropical forest disappears, and with it, all the organisms that live in these ecosystems. We are extinguishing life on earth at a rate thousands of times greater than in any previous period during the evolution of life. The fate of the tropical forests will not be decided in the 21st century, but rather in the next decade, and with them may disappear a considerable component of the planet's biodiversity. Economic pressures are forcing rural populations in tropical countries onto a path of destructive short-term exploitation of precious timber species. Such exploitation is expanding ecological destruction, increasing pressures for climatic change, and limiting the development options of future generations. In most cases, however, there is still hope to redirect the development path toward a sustainable course; and we presented with a unique opportunity to reverse the destructive trends of the past. Appropriate economic incentives to tropical developing countries could significantly reduce deforestation and support a massive biomas buildup on a global scale. In addition to its positive influence on rural development and poverty in developing countries, such a program of regreening the planet is increasingly recognized as the most effective way to curtail the potential impact of global climatic change. These economic incentives to tropical countries are critical to implement any strategy, and the analysis of present economic criteria with respect to environmental resources is a necessary first step. Localización: Biblioteca OET: I. Publicación no.: 063 Nitrogen oxide emissions from a banana plantation in the humid tropics [Emisiones de óxido nítrico de una plantación bananera en los trópicos húmedos] / Veldkamp, Edzo; Keller, Michael. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Sciences & Forest Nutritrion; Busgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 102, no. D13, p. 15889-15898. 1997. Use of nitrogen fertilizer is thought to contribute significantly to the increase of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO). While the current increase of fertilizer use is concentrated in tropical areas, nearly all studies of nitrogen oxide emissions have been conducted in agricultural systems in temperate areas. We measured N2O and NO fluxed from a fertilized banana plantation in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, where 360 kg Nha-1 yr-1 is applied. Using chamber techniques, we sampled an Andisol and an Inceptisol on a monthly basis. Twice on each soil type, we sampled intensively in time following fertilizer applications. There is a strong spatial and temporal dependence of nitrogen oxide emissions on place and time of fertilizer application. We find greater mean N2O and NO emissions fron the Andisol (31.4 ng N2O-N cm-2h-1 and 55.6 ng No-N cm-2h-1) than from the Inceptisol (9.3 ng N2O-N cm-2h-1 and 41.1 ng NO-N cm-2h-1) under the plants where fertilizer is typically applied. The percentages of applied fertilizer -N that are converted into nitrogen oxide ("yield") are between 1.26 and 2.91% for N2O and between 5.09 and 5.66% for NO depending on soil type. We consistently

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calculate higher nitrogen oxide yields based on intensive sampling versus monthly sampling. Temporal variation in nitrogen oxide emissions probably causes monthly sampling to underestimate mean annual fluxes. Our results suggest that in some tropical systems a higher percentage of applied nitrogen may be lost in gaseous from than in temperate agriculture. Current global estimates of N2O and NO sources from tropical agriculture are based on information from temperate areas and may cause an understimate of the contribution of tropical agriculture to the budgets of these trace gases. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3253. NBINA-8858. Publicación no.: 064 Cambios del uso de la tierra e intercambios de gases atmosféricos en la región tropical húmeda: un estado en la zona atlántica de Costa Rica / Keller, Michael. (U.S. Department of Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Organización para Estudios Tropicales, s.f. La deforestación en la región tropical húmeda es frecuentemente seguida por explotación de los terrenos deforestados para cultivos o pastizales. Estos sistemas de manejo causan cambios profundos en las propiedades químicas y físicas de los suelos. Como parte de la investigación de la OET en la Zona Atlántica de Costa Rica, se ha estudiado el intercambio entre los suelos y la atmósfera de ciertos gases: óxido nitroso (N2O), óxido nítrico (NO) y metano (CH4). El N2O) y el CH4, juegan un papel importante en el efecto de invernadero, mientras que el NO participa en las reacciones atmosféricas que producen ozono (O3) en la troposfera. Durante los últimos 3 años, se han analizado los intercambios suelo-atmósfera de N2O, NO y CH4 en sitios bajo distintos sistemas de manejo. Los sitios investigados incluyeron bosques maduros y jóvenes, potreros manejados y pastizales abandonados. Entre los sitios de potreros, se estudió varios con un historial distinto. Todos estos potreros fueron sembrados después de las talas de bosques maduros, con tiempos después de la tala de 2 hasta 25 años. Actualmente se inician investigaciones en terrenos de cultivos. La explotación de terrenos deforestados como potreros causa una inversión en la dirección del intercambio de CH4 entre los suelos y la atmósfera. Los suelos del bosques consumen 446 mg CH4/m²/año mientras que suelos de potreros producen 236 mg CH4/m²/año. Después de la deforestación la densidad aparente de los suelos aumenta rápidamente desde 0,65 hasta 0,80 g/cm3. Este aumento resulta de la presión del pisoteo del ganado lo que causa problemas de drenaje y una restricción de la difusión de gases. Ambos factores limitan el consumo aeróbico de CH4 y provocan la producción anaeróbica de CH4. Anualmente, los suelos del bosque emiten aproximadamente 5-10 ng de N/cm²/h de N2O. Las emisiones de N2O por los potreros jóvenes (2-10 años) exceden las emisiones de bosque por un factor 5 a 8 mientras que las emisiones de potreros antiguos son significativamente menores (½ a 1/3). Estos resultados coinciden con los de una investigación cerca de Manaus, Brasil en Oxisoles, donde se observa que el suelo de un potrero joven de 3 años emitió 3 veces más N2O que el suelo de un bosque adyacente. La emisión de NO por los suelos sigue un patrón similar al N2O. Así, las emisiones de potreros jóvenes exceden las de los potreros antiguos aunque no hay ninguna diferencia significativa entre las emisiones de los potreros jóvenes (12 años) y las del bosque. El promedio anual de las emisiones de NO de los suelos del bosque excede los promedios de los potreros antiguos (12 años). Aunque la emisión de NO de los suelos del bosque fuese parecida a la de los suelos de los potreros jóvenes, probablemente los potreros emitirían más NO a la atmósfera porque tienen lugar reacciones que consumen NO en las copas más densas del bosque. Los procesos microbiológicos de nitrificación y denitrificación producen N2O y NO en los suelos. Por lo tanto, la rapidez del ciclo de N controla las emisiones de dichos gases. Se observó una correlación significativa entre los promedios por cada sitio de las emisiones de N2O y NO (r²=0,73; P0001). En los suelos de los

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potreros jóvenes, la descomposición rápida del material orgánico, originalmente del bosque, proporciona nutrimentos a los microorganismos nitrificadores y denitrificadores. El abono de cultivos con fertilizantes nitrogenados cambia drásticamente las emisiones de óxidos de N. Pocos días después de abonar con nitrato de amonio (33 kg-N/ha) se observó emisiones mayores a 250 ng N/cm²/h), y estos niveles altos se mantienen por un período que se extiende hasta 4 semanas después de la fertilización. La respuesta para NO fue menor (magnitud y duración). Estos resultados preliminares indican que el rendimiento de N2O de fertilizantes nitrogenados en suelos arcillosos en la zona tropical húmeda podría ser mucho mayor que en las condiciones comunes en las zonas templadas. Estos resultados, sugieren que ambos, el manejo actual y la historia de manejo de un terreno, afectan el intercambio de gases atmosféricos. Así pues, el historial de manejo de los ecosistemas parece afectar críticamente y por largo plazo su estructura y funcionamiento, por lo que es necesario tomar esto en cuenta en estudios posteriores. El caso específico de la región estudiada sugiere que el balance global de N2O y otros gases podría ser drásticamente alterado si la rapidez de la deforestación tropical fuera controlada. Localización: Biblioteca OET: A. Publicación no.: 065 Forests and insects [Bosques e insectos] / Watt, Allan D (ed.); Stork, N.E (ed.); Hunter, M.D. (Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Edinburgh Research Station GB). , 406 p London: Chapman & Hall, 1997. ISBN: 0-412-79110-2. Most of the 22 chapters, by various authors, in this book were presented as papers during the 18th Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society in London, September 1995. They include: adaptations of phytophagous insects to life on trees, with particular reference to aphids; host specificity in forest insects; population dynamics of forest insects (are they governed by single or multiple factors?); the impact of parasitoids and predators on forest insect populations; herbivore-induced responses in trees; internal vs. external explanations; incorporating variation in plant chemistry into a spatially explicit ecology of phytophagous insects; forest structure and the spatial pattern of parasitoid attack; termites [Isoptera] as mediators of carbon fluxes in tropical forest (budgets for carbon dioxide and methane emissions); herbivory in forests (from centimetres to megametres); comparative analysis of patterns of invasion and spread of related lymantriids; threats to forestry by insect pests in Europe; forest pests in the tropics, current status and future threats; the impacts of climate change and pollution on forest pests; patterns of use of Saturniidae and Sphingidae by ichneumonid parasitoids in Costa Rican dry forest; impact of forest loss and regeneration on insect abundance and diversity; Coleoptera abundance and diversity in a boreal mixed-wood forest; overview of invertebrate responses to forest fragmentation; impact of forest and woodland structure on insect abundance and diversity; Ficus, a resource for arthropods in the tropics, with particular reference to New Guinea; arthropods of coastal old-growth Picea sitchensis forests, conservation of biodiversity with special reference to the Staphylinidae; conservation corridors and rain forest insects; and insect conservation. An index is provided. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 634.9617 F718. Publicación no.: 066 Decline of a tropical montane amphibian fauna [Una reducción en las poblaciones de anfibios en una localidad tropical ubicada en las montañas] / Lips, Karen R. (Southern Illinois University. Department of Zoology, Carbondale, IL 62901-6501, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Conservation Biology (ISSN 0888-8892), v. 12, no. 1, p. 106-117. 1998.

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On the basis of surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996, I report a decline of the amphibian fauna at Las Tablas, Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica. I propose that the reduction in the abundance of Atelopus chiquiensis and Hyla calypsa, the presence of dead and dying individuals of six species of frogs and salamanders, and changes in population sex ratios of A. chiriquiensis and H. calypsa are evidence for "atypical" population fluctuations. Species with both aquatic eggs and aquatic larvae were most affected (e.g., Rana vibicaria, Hyla rivularis), whereas species with direct development or those that lack tadpoles, such as rainfrogs (Eleuthredactylus spp.) and some salamanders (e.g., Bolitoglossa minutula), do not seem to have declined in numbers. In light of this evidence and in comparison with other declines in tropical upland Australia, Brazil, and Costa Rica. I concluded that environmental contamination (biotic pathogens or chemicals) or a combination of factors (environmental contamination plus climate change) may be responsible for declines in the amphibian populations at this protected site. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3560. Publicación no.: 067 Cambio climático en Centroamérica y agricultura / Ramírez-Obando, Patricia. (MINAE. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, Comité Nacional de Cambio Climático, POB Box 7-3350, 1000 San José, CR). Congreso Nacional Agronómico y de Recursos Naturales, IX. La agricultura de hoy para la Costa Rica del mañana, San José CR18-22 Oct 1993. San José: Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Costa Rica, 1993. [8] p. Enlace: Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13797. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 630.97286 C749 1993. Publicación no.: 068 El clima, su variabilidad y cambio y la deforestación en Costa Rica / Campos-Ortiz, Max. (Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos. Proyecto Centroamericano sobre Cambio Climático, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Simposio Conservación del Bosque en Costa Rica. Memorias, Heredia CR30-31 Oct. 1997. En: Conservación del Bosque en Costa Rica San José: Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 1998. p. 169-181. ISBN: 9968-9845-1-5. Enlace: Conclusiones: Es evidente que el bosque presenta una influencia importante dentro del balance global del planeta, y que procesos como la deforestación, conllevan a un acelerado deterioro ambiental; sin embargo, en lo que respecta al clima, el impacto de la deforestación sobre éste, debe estudiarse considerando los sistemas que constituyen el clima de la región en estudio. En el caso particular de Costa Rica, aunque aún se necesitan estudios más detallados, el estado del conocimiento del clima del país, sustentado en los factores y sistemas que lo componen, indican que la deforestación, en zonas como Guanacaste, no produciría un efecto climático importante, dado que la principal fuente de humedad y lluvia es el océano. Sin embargo, los cambios en el albedo y la evapotranspiración debido a la deforestación sí tendrán un impacto directo en lo que respecta a los microclimas de la región. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1987. 333.7516 C755c. Publicación no.: 069 Generación de ingresos a través de la valoración de los bienes y servicios del bosque tropical / Aguirre-González, Juan Antonio. (School of Field Studies. Center for Sustainable Development Studies, Atenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Simposio Conservación del Bosque en Costa Rica. Memorias, Heredia CR30-31 Oct. 1997.

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En: Conservación del Bosque en Costa Rica San José: Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 1998. p. 242-255. ISBN: 9968-9845-1-5. Enlace: Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1987. 333.7516 C755c. Publicación no.: 070 Interannual variability of annual streamflow and the Southern Oscillation in Costa Rica [Variabilidad interanual del caudal anual y El Niño en Costa Rica] / George, R.K; Waylen, Peter R; Laporte, S. (US Embassy. US Defense Attache Office, Santiago, CL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Hydrological Sciences Journal - Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques (ISSN 0262-6667), v. 43, no. 3, p. 409-424. 1998. This study illustrates the association between annual and seasonal streamflow characteristics on six Costa Rican rivers and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Annual discharge from rivers within the Pacific watershed are clearly positively associated with contemporary values of the SOI and experience significant reductions in both mean and variance in El Niño years. The considerable practical implications of this finding to a country in which over 60% of national electrical power comes from hydroelectric schemes is illustrated using quantile estimates from various models. Rivers draining towards the Caribbean show less clear and coherent patterns of associations. The observed associations with seasonal flows on some rivers appear to be the opposite of those on the Pacific, and may even vary during the course of a year at a site. The exact nature of the response seems to be closely related to the elevation of the gauge site. The larger the proportion of the basin, at elevations above about 500-1000 m the greater the similarity to the Pacific pattern, suggesting that the marked topographic divide between the two coastal watersheds does not correspond to the divide in associations between streamflow and the SOI. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4332. Publicación no.: 071 Cloud water and precipitation chemistry in a tropical montane forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica [Agua de las nubes y química de la lluvia en un bosque montano tropical, Monteverde, Costa Rica] / Clark, Kenneth L; Nadkarni, Nalini M; Schaefer, D; Gholz, H.L. (US Forest Service. Silas Little Experiment Forest, No Global Change Program, 501 4 Mile Rd, New Lisbon, NJ 08064, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Atmospheric Environment (ISSN 1352-2310), v. 32, no. 9, p. 1595-1603. 1998. Cloud water, mist and precipitation samples were collected at two sites in a tropical montane forest (TMF), Monteverde, Costa Rica. Cloud water, mist and wind-driven (u = to 2 m s-1) precipitation samples were collected with passive cloud water-type collectors, and precipitation at low windspeeds (u <2 m²) was sampled with a bulk precipitation-type collector. Concentrations of H+, NO3-, and NH4+ in cloud water were 132 ± 150, 103 ± 82, and 149 ± 200 µmol L-1) (mean ± 1 S.D), respectively. Concentrations of NO3-, NH4+, Ca-2(+) and K+ in cloud water samples collected at the middle and end of the dry season, which corresponded to biomass burning activities in the region, were significantly greater when compared to those collected early in the dry season. The mean concentration of H+ in cloud water at Monteverde was lower, but concentrations of NO3- and NH4+ were within the range of those collected at a number of montane sites in North America (62-195 µmol NO3- L-1 and 74-184 mµ mol NH4+ L-1). Ion concentrations in mist were 2-24 times greater than those in both categories of precipitation. Ion

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concentrations in both categories of precipitation were generally within the range of those reported in bulk precipitation from other tropical premontane and TMF sites. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6576. Publicación no.: 072 Análisis económico y financiero de los incentivos a la reforestación otorgados por el gobierno de Costa Rica [Economic and financial evaluation of reforestation incentives granted by the government of Costa Rica] / Godoy, J.C. Turrialba: CATIE, 1997. 94 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). En Costa Rica los incentivos destinados a promover la reforestación han funcionado por un período de 19 años, con una importante inversión de recursos financieros. En tal sentido el objetivo general de la presente investigación tuvo como fEn: evaluar a nivel micro y macroeconómico, los programas prototipos de incentivos para la reforestación que han sido otorgados por el gobierno de Costa Rica. El estudio se realizó en base a la información estadística forestal primaria y secundaria generada por las diferentes entidades estatales y privadas durante el período que va desde 1979 hasta 1997, realizando primeramente un análisis cualitativo sobre el funcionamiento y los logros alcanzados por los programas de incentivos en el cumplimiento de sus objetivos. Posteriormente se hizo un análisis financiero y económico de las plantaciones forestales considerando las especies Melina (Gmelina arborea), Teca (Tectona grandis) y Pochote (Bombacopsis quinatum). Ambos análisis incluyeron los montos de los incentivos Certificado de Abono Forestal (CAF), Certificado de Abono Forestal por Adelantado (CAFA), Deducción de impuesto sobre la Renta (Renta) y Fondo de Desarrollo Forestal (FDF); considerando para el análisis económico el valor de la externalidad de almacenamiento de carbono. Finalmente se llevó a cabo una medición del impacto que los montos de los diferentes incentivos han tenido en las áreas reforestadas mediante un análisis de regresión. A nivel macroeconómico los objetivos que plantea la política forestal sobre las plantaciones forestales han sido alcanzados con poca eficacia y eficiencia, esto principalmente debido a: las acciones parciales llevadas a cabo, poniendo a las plantaciones forestales como la mejor alternativa para el abastecimiento futuro de madera, la falta de supervisión y seguimiento de los programas, dificultades operacionales por la complejidad de los programas para ser ejecutados desincentivando la inversión forestal. Además, la información generada de la investigación forestal en muy pocas ocasiones llega a los productores lo que limita su formación en ese campo, las estadísticas forestales son poco confiables y contradictorias dando lugar a que la toma de decisiones políticas sobre el sector, sean erradas y por lo tanto, con alto potencial de fracaso. Por otro lado, los montos de los incentivos destinados a la promoción de las plantaciones forestales de Melina, Teca y Pochote representan costos sociales más altos que los beneficios que estas generan por las externalidades socioeconómicas y ambientales de almacenamiento de carbono. Lo anterior hace injustificado el uso de incentivos para promover las plantaciones forestales, bajo las condiciones del estudio. El análisis de regresión mostró que no existe evidencia estadística de que las áreas de plantaciones establecidas por año estén determinadas por el monto real de los incentivos, ni que haya competencia o substitución entre estos cuando han funcionado simultáneamente. Solamente las variables tiempo y las variables categóricas de interacción tipo de incentivo TCAF, TCAFA, TFDF y TR explican estadísticamente el comportamiento de las áreas plantadas por año. Esto indica que la sola existencia de los incentivos anteriores es suficiente para promover las plantaciones forestales, con un impacto diferenciado dadas las características de cada uno; mientras que a la variable tiempo refleja que para que un incentivo promueva mayores áreas de plantaciones por año es necesario un período para su divulgación y conocimiento entre un mayor número de productores.

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Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis G589a. Publicación no.: 073 Responses of tropical trees to rainfall seasonality and its long-term changes [Respuestas de los árboles tropicales a la estacionalidad de las lluvias y sus cambios a largo plazo] / Borchert, Rolf. (The University of Kansas. Division of Biological Sciences, 1200 Haworth Hall, Sunnyside Ave, Lawrence, KS 66045-7534, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Climatic Change (ISSN 0165-0009), v. 39, no. 2-3, p. 381-393. 1998. Seasonality and physiognomy of tropical forests are mainly determined by the amount of annual rainfall and its seasonal distribution. Climatic change scenarios predict that global warming will result in reduced annual rainfall and longer dry seasons for some, but not all, tropical rainforests. Tropical trees can reduce the impact of seasonal drought by adaptive mechanisms such as leaf shedding or stem succulence and by utilization of soil water reserves, which enable the maintenance of an evergreen canopy during periods of low rainfall. Correlations between climate and responses of tropical trees are therefore poor and the responses of tropical rainforests to climatic changes are hard to predict. Predicted climate change is unlikely to affect the physiognomy of rainforests with high annual rainfall and low seasonality. Seasonal evergreen forests which depend on the use of soil water reserves will be replaced by more drought-tolerant semideciduous forests, once rainfall becomes insufficient to replenish soil water reserves regularly. As the limits of drought tolerance of tropical rainforests are not known, rate and extent of future changes cannot be predicted. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3881. Publicación no.: 074 Estimating rainy season nitrous oxide and methane fluxes across forest and pasture landscapes in Costa Rica [Estimando los flujos de óxido nitroso y metano de la estación lluviosa a través del paisaje del bosque y potreros en Costa Rica] / Reiners, William A; Keller, Michael; Gerow, Kenneth G. (University of Wyoming. Department of Botany, Laramie, WY 82071, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Water, Air and Soil Pollution (ISSN 0049-6979), v. 105, no. 1-2, p. 117-130. 1998. Enlace: The objectives of this research were to estimate exchanges of CH4 and N2O, both radiatively active gases, between soil and atmosphere on hilltop, slope and swale hillslope positions of northeastern Costa Rica; and to assess the importance of accounting for topography in making areal estimates across hilly terrain. Emission rates from soils were measured during the rainy season on three hillslope positions of both actively grazed pastures and primary forests. Emission rates from pasture and forest sites were significantly different for both gases. Differences between slope positions, though notable, were not significantly different for CH4, but were significantly different for N2O. The forest landscape was partitioned with GIS methods into hilltop, slope and swale topographic positions. The calculated areas for each of these were multiplied by their respective emission rates to calculate overall flux from the entire forested area of 618 ha. Nitrous oxide flux ranged from 16,181 to 17,100 g N d-1. Similarly, CH4 flux ranged from -6,201 to -6,658 g CH4 d-1. Errors associated with both estimating mean emission rates for each hillslope position and judgmental errors in partitioning the landscape into hillslope positional classes are important to making landscape-scale estimates of flux. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3870. NBINA-7135.

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Publicación no.: 075 GIS-based extrapolation of land use-related nitrous oxide flux in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica [Extrapolación con base a sistemas de información geográfica del uso de la tierra en relación con el flujo de óxido nitroso en la Zona Atlántica de Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Water, Air and Soil Pollution (ISSN 0049-6979), v. 105, no. 1-2, p. 131-141. 1998. Enlace: I estimated the aereal nitrous oxide (N2O) flux from 281,347 ha of Costa Rican lowland covered with primary and secondary forest, pastures and banana plantations by linking the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model with a Geographic Information System (GIS). Generalized soil, texture and land use maps were overlaid to yield unique combinations of N2O flux control factors. Overlay patches were associated with the nearest of seven available meteorological stations. Monte Carlo-based sensitivity analysis was used to identify DNDC's key driving variables and required map attributes. Clay content, initial soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, and pH were selected as key driving variables. For 217 patch classes, DNDC simulations were carried out with climate data for seven different years. The estimated average areal flux was 6.8 kg N2O -N ha-1 yr-1. Possible applications of the GIS-DNDC interface presented include estimation of long-term areal flux dynamics from a changing land use mosaic, and prediction of areal fluxes resulting from alternative land use scenarios. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3869. Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9840. Publicación no.: 076 Evaluating the role of plantations as carbon sinks: an example of an integrative approach from the humid tropics [Evaluando el papel de las plantaciones como almacenadoras de carbono: un ejemplo de un enfoque integrativo de los trópicos húmedos] / Montagnini, Florencia; Porras-Salazar, Carlos. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Management (ISSN 0364-152X), v. 22, no. 3, p. 459-470. 1998. Despite their fast growth, tropical plantations are a small sink of atmospheric carbon because they occupy only a small area in relation to other land uses world-wide. Proper design and management of plantations can increase biomass accumulation rates, making them more effective C sinks. However, fast-growing plantations can extract large amounts of nutrients from the soil, and site fertility declines may limit sustained plantation forestry after a few rotations. We measured aboveground biomass accumulation, carbon sequestration, and soil chemistry in three young plantations of 12 indigenous tree species in pure and mixed designs in the humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Annual biomass increments for the three mixed plantations ranged from 10-13 Mg/ha. The mixtures of four species gave higher biomass per hectare than that obtained by the sum of one fourth hectare of each species in pure plots. At this early age of the plantations, estimated annual C sequestration values were comparable to other reports from young plantations of exotic species commonly grown in the tropics. Four years after planting, decreases in soil nutrients were apparent in pure plots of some of the fastest growing species, while beneficial effects on soils were noted under other species. The mixed plots showed intermediate values for the nutrients examined and, sometimes, improved soil conditions. A mixture of fast and slower growing species yields products at different times, with the slower growing species constituting a longer term sink for fixed carbon. Examination of the role of tropical plantations as C sinks necessitates integrative approaches that consider rates of C sequestration, potential deleterious effects on ecosystem nutrients, and economic, social, and environmental constraints. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4505. AD 316. NBINA-4491.

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Publicación no.: 077 National inventory of greenhouse gas emissions: the case of Costa Rica [Inventario nacional de emisiones de gases de invernadero: el caso de Costa Rica] / Ramírez-Obando, Patricia. (MINAE. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, Comité Nacional de Cambio Climático, POB Box 7-3350, 1000 San José, CR). En: Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, v. 10, no. 1-2, p. 218-225. 1995. Costa Rica is assessing its first national emissions inventory by sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. The evaluation includes emissions of carbon dioxide and monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, and other non-methane volatile compounds. in the energy, industry, agriculture activity, land use change, and waste management sectors. For the evaluation, the IPCC/OECD methodology is being used and 1990 as the base year, to make the results comparable with those presented by other countries. The results show a total emission of 5479.3 Gg. The energy sector contributes 48.6% to this total, land use with 41.7%, industrial processes with 6.7%, agriculture with 2.6%, and waste with 0.4%. Gas emissions are distributed as follows: CO2, 89.8%; CO, 6.0%; methane, 3.0%; and other gases, 1.83%. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 078 Effects of pasture management on N2O and NO emissions from soils in the humid tropics of Costa Rica [Efectos del manejo de los potreros en las emisiones de N2O y NO de suelos en los trópicos húmedos de Costa Rica] / Veldkamp, Edzo; Keller, Michael; Núñez, M. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Science, Büsgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 12, no. 1, p. 71-79. 1998. We made monthly measurements of N2O and NO emissions from pastures with three different management systems on volcanic soils in northwestern Costa Rica: traditional (no N input from fertilizer or legumes), pastures with a grass-legume combination, and pastures fertilized with 300 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Average annual N2O emissions were 2.7 ng N cm² h-1 from the traditional pastures, 4.9 ng N cm² h-1 from the grass-legume pastures, and 25.8 ng N cm² h-1 from the fertilized pastures. Average annual NO emissions were 0.9, 1.3, and 5.3 ng N cm² h-1 from traditional, grass-legume and fertilized pastures, response. In a separate experiment the effects of ammonium, nitrate, and urea-based fertilizer mixtures on nitrogen oxide fluxes were compared. We measured nitrogen oxide fluxes following four different fertilization events. Nitrogen oxide fluxes were among the highest ever measured. The difference in soil water content between the fertilization events had a far greater effect on N2O and NO emissions than the effect of fertilizer composition. We conclude that the concept of "emission factors" for calculating N2O and NO emissions from different types of N fertilizer is flawed because environmental factors are more important than the type of N fertilizer. To estimate fertilizer-induced N2O emission in tropical agriculture, stratification according to soil moisture regime is more useful than stratification according to fertilizer composition. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5243. NBINA-6583. Publicación no.: 079 Mixed-species tree plantations in the humid tropics: an alternative for carbon sequestration [Plantaciones mixtas de especies de árboles en los trópicos húmedos: una alternativa para el almacenamiento de carbono] / Shepherd, D. (Yale University. School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 205 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, US). , 1998. p. 1-28. (TRI Working Paper; no. 99).

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Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have emerged as a major global environmental concern. Although debate continues over the environmental ramifications of these higher levels, it is widely accepted that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from a mid-19th century pre-industrial concentration of approximately 270 ppm to a current concentration of approximately 270 ppm to a current concentration of approximately 350 ppm. To offset escalating atmospheric CO2 levels, the amount emitted can be reduced, or captured from the atmosphere and stored in terrestrial and maritime ecosystems. This paper reports results on the biomass production for twelve indigenous tree species after six years of growth in three experimental mixed- and pure-species plantations in Costa Rica. Results from previous research on these plantations had indicated the capacity of mixed-species stands to produce relatively high biomass and carbon sequestration levels. The results of this study were expected to be consistent with previous research findings. Although it is difficult to extrapolate over an entire rotation, recent results suggest design and management options which would enhance the tropical plantations' value as carbon sinks. Potentially, this could also make them economically attractive to local farmers. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S3927. AD597. LS. Publicación no.: 080 Assessing the carbon dynamics and stocks of a neotropical rain forest [Evaluando la dinámica del carbono y reservas de un bosque lluvioso neotropical] / Clark, Deborah A; Oberbauer, Steven F; Clark, David B; Veldkamp, Edzo; O'Brien, Joseph J; Loescher, Henry William. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). The Association for Tropical Biology & Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Abstracts, Baltimore, MD, US, August 2-6, 1998. , 1998. p. 26. At the La Selva Biological Station (Costa Rica), we are carrying out a landscape-scale study to assess the standing stocks of carbon and the climatic controls of carbon fluxes in a lowland neotropical rain forest. We sited 18 0.5 ha plots in a stratified, random design over 600 ha of old-growth: six plots in each of three edafphic conditions: steep slopes on ultisols; level plateaus on ultisols; and old alluvial terraces. Long-term measurements began in September 1997 for: fine roots (every 6-8 weeks), fine litter (biweekly), and tree biomass increment (annual). Six 4-m deep soil pits are being used to assess the stocks and dynamics of belowground carbon. In paralell with these studies, short-term (day-month) climatic responses of 10 canopy tree species are being assessed with xylem sapflow and dendrometer studies. Finally, forest-level carbon exchange with the atmosphere is being monitored continuously from a 42 m tower with eddy covariance techniques. The integrated results from these studies reveal a high degree of temporal and spatial variation in the carbon dynamics of this tropical forest. Localización: Este es el documento completo. Publicación no.: 081 Tests of null models for amphibian declines on a tropical mountain [Pruebas de modelos nulos para disminuciones de anfibios en una montaña tropical] / Pounds, J. Alan; Fogden, Michael P.L; Savage, Jay M; Gorman, G.C. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Conservation Biology (ISSN 0888-8892), v. 11, no. 6, p. 1307-1322. 1997.

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Many of the recent, widespread declines and disappearances of amphibian populations have taken place in seemingly undisturbed, montane habitats. The question of whether the observed patterns differ from those expected from natural population dynamics is the subject of an ongoing controversy with important implications for conservation. We examined this issue for the Monteverde region of Costa Rica's Cordillera de Tilarán, where a multi-species population crash in 1987 led to the disappearance of the endemic golden toad (Bufo periglenes) and many other species. Focusing on long-term studies of other amphibian assemblages, we developed probabilistic null models for the number of disappearances. Tests of these models at Monteverde suggest that the patterns observed there are highly improbable in the context of normal demographic variability. Twenty species of frogs and toads (40% of the anuran fauna) were missing throughout our 1990-1994 surveys of a 30 km² area. Not all organisms in this area had declined accordingly: the relative frequency of absences was much greater for anurans than for breeding birds. Nevertheless, anuran habitats, most of which are protected within the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve, seemed unchanged, and none of the breeding-bird species known to be sensitive to deforestation was missing. Thus, only factors other than direct, obvious human impacts can explain the amphibian declines. Consistent with our tests of null models, analyses of recent population trends do not support the hypothesis that the 1987 crash was an extreme fluctuation from which populations are recovering. Surviving species for which baseline data are available stream-breeding glass frogs (Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni and Centrolenella prosoblepon) and a pond breeding tree frog (Hyla pseudopuma)-remained far less abundant than they were before the crash and showed no increase during 1990-1994. We documented an increase only for one terrestrial-breeding rain frog (Eleutherodactylus diastema). Localización: Biblioteca OET: C. Publicación no.: 082 Economic value of the carbon sink services of Costa Rica's forestry plantations [Valor económico de los servicios de almacenamiento de carbono de las plantaciones forestales de Costa Rica] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Gómez-Flores, Manuel; Sassa, K (ed.). (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Forest Science, v. 54, p. 129-138. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. (Series: Forestry Sciences). ISBN: 0-7923-5280-7. It is estimated that the "average" hectare of plantation forestry in Costa Rica can sequester 7.7 metric tons of Carbon, or 28.2 tons of CO2 per year. Based on this estimate, it is calculated that the 128,000 hectares of forestry plantations reported have sequestered approximately 4.4 million metric tons of carbon to date (Figure 1). The average net amount of carbon that has remained scored in this area during the last 20 years is calculated at 750,000 metric tons, with a potential value of 7.5 to 15 million U.S. Dollars in government issued Carbon Bonds. In addition, the potential value of the average storage that is likely to occur during the next 20 years, of approximately 8.5 million tons, is estimated at between 84 and 168 million U.S. Dollars, as the prices paid for the bonds may vary widely. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 083 Posibles efectos de un calentamiento global en el cultivo de arroz de secano en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica [Possible effects of global warming on unirrigated rice in the North Pacific region of Costa Rica] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico

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Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agronomía Costarricense (ISSN 0377-9424), v. 21, no. 2, p. 179-188. 1997. Rice is one of the most important crops in the world, a first necessity for more than half of the human population. However, it might have to be produced under uncertain conditions due to global warming. In Costa Rica, the greater concentration of sowed area is in the North Pacific (47%); this region has 42% of the labor force working in agricultural activities, therefore, a change in the climate of this zone, would increase the possibility of serious socioeconomic problems. A group of international scientists has developed a "Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer" (DSSAT). It is a microcomputer software that uses databases of soils, crops and climate, with application programs to simulate growth and plant development. The DSSAT allows carrying out climatic changes in order to simulate the crop response to several environments. The objective of this work was to simulate the response of rice crop on unirrigated land in the North Pacific of Costa Rica, using several climatic scenarios that represent global warming characteristics, with the purpose of analyzing and quantifying the sensibility of the crop to different climatic elements. The outputs permit to infer that a strong relationship exists between temperature and duration of the sowing- flowering period of the rice crop cycle, and that changes in the climate of the region could modify the general pattern of growth, which could reduce yields. Also, there is an apparently different response the crop to the increase in temperature when maximal or minimal temperature are considered; for this reason, references to mean temperature would not be adequate. If this is correct, the DSSAT would constitute a valuable system of alert in agriculture and food production. Localización: Biblioteca OET: A. Publicación no.: 084 Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales [Efectos del uso de la tierra sobre las emisiones regionales de óxido nitroso en los trópicos húmedos de Costa Rica: Extrapolando los flujos de escalas de campo a regionales] / Plant, R.A.J. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. 129 p. ISBN: 90-5808-001-3. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The Netherlands). The research was carried out in three steps resulting in the three parts of this thesis. Since most chapters are based on published and submitted papers, the reader may find some parts repetitive. Part I (Chapters 2 and 3) describes the results of model tests against field data. In Chapter 2, DNDC is tested against data from a chronosequence of soils below forest and forest-derived pastures. In Chapter 3, short-term measurements from fertilization experiments on a Costa Rican banana plantation comprise an additional benchmark against which DNDC is tested. Part II (Chapter 4) links field-level and land unit-scale modeling. In Chapter 4, effects of heterogeneous pasture management on N2O and NO emissions for one land unit are discussed. In Part Ill (Chapters 5 and 6), 1 describe the estimation of areal fluxes for land units across the Northern Atlantic Zone. In Chapter 5, a "classic" GIS-based extrapolation, whereby deterministic modeling is employed and spatial heterogeneity within land units is ignored, is presented. In Chapter 6, stochastic methods are used in concert with GIS-based extrapolation to fully account for spatial heterogeneity of both soils and management within land units. Chapter 7 summarizes and discusses key conclusions ensuing from this work. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289.

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Publicación no.: 085 Modeling changes in soil nitrogen cycling induced by conversion of tropical forest to pasture [Cambios de modelaje en el reciclaje del nitrógeno del suelo inducidos por la conversión de bosques tropicales en potreros] / Plant, R.A.J; Keller, Michael. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. p. 25-38. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The Netherlands). We used the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model to simulate the dynamics of soil carbon and nitrogen in 25-year chronosequences of Inceptisols and Andisols below forest that had been replaced by pasture. In order to simulate continuously grazed pasture, we modified DNDC by adding functions that simulate i) grazing, and ii) the steady input of organic matter through root turnover and the return of urine and feces to the pasture. We also added an explicit treatment for the immobilization of nitrogen. Results of simulations were compared to field observations of soil organic carbon stocks, nitrogen mineralization rates, nitrification rates, and evolution of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide. The DNDC formulation was found to be consistent with respect to annual carbon and nitrogen dynamics and annual nitrogen-oxide emissions. In contrast, simulated daily dynamics of nitrogen-oxide emission did not match field observations. Simulated rates and pathways of nitrogen loss in the chronosequences of Inceptisol and Andisol were similar. Considering that a rationale for DNDC is that an explicit description of short-term microbial processes is required to correctly estimate annual gas emissions, we examine possible causes for the model failure. We also consider better approaches for future tests of DNDC. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289. Publicación no.: 086 Modeling nitrous oxide emissions from a Costa Rican banana plantation [Modelaje de las emisiones de óxido nitroso de plantaciones bananeras costarricenses] / Plant, R.A.J; Veldkamp, Edzo; Li, C.S. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. p. 41-54. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The; Netherlands). We applied the process-based DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model to estimate field-level nitrous oxide emissions from a nitrogen-fertilized banana plantation on a clayey Inceptisol and a loamy Andisol in Costa Rica. Simulated daily nitrous oxide fluxes were compared with data from monthly and frequent field sampling. Different parameterizations were used to represent fertilizer inputs below banana plants (10% of the plantation area) and crop residue additions between plants (90% of the plantation area). For both the Andisol and the Inceptisol, simulated below-plant fluxes matched better with frequently measured fluxes (R2 = 0.53 - 0.60) than with monthly measured fluxes (R2 = 0.00 - 0.42). Simulated between-plant fluxes matched better with monthly measured fluxes (R2 = 0.44 - 0.78) than with frequently measured fluxes (R2 = 0.00 - 0.16). Per soil type, annual N2O -N losses were calculated by integrating simulated below-plant and between-plant losses over space, assuming that 40% of the plantation area is affected by fertilization. Losses calculated for the Inceptisol and Andisol were 6 and 15 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1, respectively. Field-measured losses were 6 and 13 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1. In addition, three fertilization scenarios for Andisols were studied. When 360 kg N ha-1 yr-1 was applied in six, rather than the typical thirteen equal splits, the below-plant N2O -N loss declined by 27%. With twenty-six

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equal splits, annual below-plant N2O -N losses increased most strongly with increasing amounts of fertilizer-N (100 - 800 kg ha-1 yr-1). Field-level simulation modeling plays a key role in regional analysis of land use-related N-oxide emissions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289. Publicación no.: 087 Modeling nitrogen oxide emissions from current and alternative pastures in Costa Rica [Modelaje de las emisiones de óxido nitroso de potreros actuales y alternativos en Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J; Bouman, B.A.M. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. p. 55-72. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The Netherlands). Emissions of nitrogen (N) oxide were simulated for one current pasture management system ("Natural") and two alternative systems ("Grass-Legume" and "Fertilized improved") relevant to the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica. Current forest-derived pastures deplete soil nitrogen stocks and therefore are unsustainable. Alternative management systems aim at a nitrogen use that is optimally adapted to the environment, hence they are sustainable. To produce frequency distributions of nitrogen oxide emissions, an expert system for generating technical coefficients of pastures was linked with a process-based simulation model. The expert model generated parameter sets representing different options for the three management systems. The simulation model was rerun for each parameter set. Simulated nitrous oxide-N losses twenty-five years after pasture establishment were 3-5 kg ha-1 yr-1 for natural pastures, 12-15 for grass-legume mixtures, and 7-28 for fertilized grasses. Losses of nitric oxide-N were 1-2 kg ha-1 yr-1 for natural pastures, 7-8 for grass-legume mixtures, and 3-16 for fertilized grasses. Stepwise multiple regression showed that nitrous oxide-N losses were explained by annual carbon input to the sod (R-square 0.997), and nitric oxide-N losses by attainable dry matter production (R2 = 0.972). Carbon input and dry matter production were controlled by stocking rate and fertilizer level. Soil-atmosphere N-oxide emissions from pastures may increase by a factor 3-5 when natural pastures are converted to improved pastures. Such conversion may increase the sustainability of the pasture by stopping the decline of soil N. However, the change is not necessarily sustainable from a global perspective because it increases the emission of N-oxide greenhouse gases. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289. Publicación no.: 088 GIS-based extrapolation of land use-related nitrous oxide flux in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica [Extrapolación con base a sistemas de información geográfica del flujo de óxido nitroso relacionado con el uso de la tierra en la Zona Atlántica de Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. p. 73-84. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The Netherlands). I estimated the regional nitrous oxide (N2O) flux from 281,347 ha of Costa Rican lowland, covered with primary and secondary forest, pastures, and banana plantations, by linking the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model with a Geographic Information System (GIS). Generalized soil, texture,

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and land use maps were overlaid to yield unique combinations of N2O flux control factors. Overlay patches were associated with the nearest of seven available meteorological stations. Monte Carlo-based sensitivity analysis was used to identify DNDC'S key driving variables and required map attributes. Clay content, initial soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, and pH were selected as key driving variables. For 217 patch classes, DNDC simulations were carried out with climate data for seven different years. The estimated average regional flux was 6.8 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1. Possible applications of the GIS-DNDC interface presented include estimation of long-term regional flux dynamics from a changing land use mosaic, and prediction of regional fluxes resulting from alternative land use scenarios. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289. Publicación no.: 089 Regional analysis of soil-atmosphere nitrous oxide emissions in the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica [Análisis regional de las emisiones de óxido nitroso del suelo a la atmósfera en la Zona Atlántica Norte de Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Effects of land use on regional nitrous oxide emissions in the humid tropics of Costa Rica: Extrapolating fluxes from field to regional scales Wageningen: Agricultural University Wageningen, 1999. p. 85-106. Dissertation, Ph.D, Agricultural University Wageningen (The Netherlands). Regional analysis of greenhouse gas emissions is becoming increasingly important in answering questions related to climate change. Regional analysis typically employs a Geographic Information System and a mechanistic simulation model driven by deterministic inputs. For a region in Costa Rica (2817 km²), an analysis of nitrous oxide emissions was performed using both deterministic and stochastic descriptions of key driving variables. The stochastic representation accounted for soil and land use variability across non-georeferenced fields within 2472 georeferenced land units in eleven relevant classes. Using Monte Carlo integration, frequency distributions of field-scale fluxes simulated with a process-based model were obtained per land use class. Regional fluxes were calculated by summing expected values weighted by area. Stochastic incorporation of both soil and land use variability resulted in aerial fluxes that were 14-22% lower than those estimated with deterministic model runs. This suggests non-linearity in the relationship between key model parameters and nitrous oxide fluxes. In addition, spatial flux patterns for land use in 1992 and two alternative land use scenarios were evaluated using stochastic inputs. With contemporary banana plantations and unfertilized natural grasses the regional nitrous oxide-N flux (standard deviation in parenthesis) was 1.0 (0.4) Gg yr-1. Replacing natural grasses by sustainable grass-legume mixtures on relevant soil types increased the regional flux to 1.6 (0.5) Gg yr-1. When all natural grasses were replaced by fertilized improved species, the regional flux increased to 1.9 (1.2) Gg yr-1. Land use activities that are sustainable in terms of economic profit and soil fertility may be unsustainable when including N2O emission as an extra indicator. Due to formidable data requirements, the approach presented may not be widely applicable. However, regional analysis based on mechanistic modeling may provide valuable insights in the factors that affect emissions at scales relevant to policy making. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 289. Publicación no.: 090 Estimación de la biomasa aérea presente en la palma africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), total y por sus componentes / Arias-Cartín, Jorge Eduardo. Cartago: ITCR, 1996. 32 p. Informe de Práctica, Bachillerato, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Departamento de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago (Costa Rica).

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El área donde se desarrolló el siguiente trabajo se trata de la jurisdicción de la Cooperativa de Productores de Palma Aceitera (Coopeagropal R.L.), ubicada en el cantón de Corredores, Puntarenas. Esta área cuenta con más de 20 mil ha, de las cuales, 5 300 se encuentran sembradas de palma desde hace ya más de 16 años. El proyecto de trabajo conlleva a la cuantificación de la biomasa aérea de la palma africana (Elaeis guineensis), con un objetivo general de encontrar la relación de aporte de la especie con el medio ambiente desde el punto de vista de la fijación de carbono. El material utilizado constó elementalmente de equipo para la corta de la planta y romanas para pesar el material; posteriormente en el laboratorio fue utilizado equipo especial para la preparación de las probetas, también balanzas analíticas, equipo volumétrico y un horno de secado. La presencia de la época lluviosa en el país durante la etapa de campo del estudio (agosto y setiembre), presentó algunos problemas por el exceso de agua en las muestras, causando trastornos como la pérdida de materia en algunas de las llevadas al laboratorio, principalmente. Los modelos "alométricos " planteados, responden al análisis estadístico realizado con el programa SAS v 6.03, el cual es ulilizado también, para la respectiva validación de cada modelo. Las características mostradas por estos modelos (coeficientes de correlación, coeficientes de variación -tanto de los modelos como los de la validación, y el análisis de colinearidad), hacen que estos sean considerados como aceptables al demostrar mejor desempeño que algunos estudios anteriormente desarrollados en bosque natural. Una vez elaborados y aceptados los modelos, se logró identificar la cantidad de carbono fijado por ha sembrada de palma para diferentes edades de siembra. Así también se indica el cambio en la cantidad que podría estar siendo fijada en el transcurso de un año. Localización: Biblioteca José Figueres F.: TF 2220. Publicación no.: 091 Comportamiento de las variables meteorológicas (velocidad del viento y temperatura del aire) en el sistema Coffea arabica - Erythrina poeppigiana [Behavior of the meteorological variables (wind speed and air temperature) in an Erythrina poeppigiana - coffea arabica system] / Rodríguez-Rubí, Jorge Antonio. Turrialba: CATIE, 1992. 77 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc, CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: Se condujo un experimento de junio a agosto de 1992, en una finca cafetalera de Turrialba, Costa Rica, ubicada a 9° 55' latitud norte y 82° 39' longitud oeste, con el fin de evaluar el comportamiento de variables meteorológicas en un sistema agroforestal de café-poró. Las variables consideradas fueron velocidad del viento y temperatura del aire. Para la toma de datos se utilizaron termocuplas de tipo cobre constantan y anemómetros de tres copas. Los datos fueron almacenados en una central computarizada marca Campbell. Los sensores fueron colocados sobre una torre fija de 15 m de altura y un mástil móvil de 9 m de alto. El mástil fue colocado en diferentes posiciones dentro de una malla elemental, delimitada por cuatro árboles de poró, para cubrir las tres dimensiones del sistema. Se encontró además de las diferencias de temperatura del aire medidas a diferentes alturas, diferencias de temperatura del aire a nivel horizontal, éstas fueron provocadas por la influencia del follaje del poró, el cual determina las diferencias a nivel horizontal en el sistema y a nivel vertical. Las bajas velocidades del viento, características de la zona y la poca sensibilidad de los anemómetros a velocidades del viento inferiores a 0.5 m.s exponente -1, posiblemente no permitieron que se pusieran en evidencia las variaciones horizontales de la velocidad del viento dentro del sistema estudiado. De forma general se puede afirmar que las variaciones de temperatura en la parcela fueron facilmente explicadas por las

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leyes de transferencia de calor, y que el viento que llega a la parcela se reparte de manera relativamente homogénea dentro de la malla elemental en las condiciones del presente estudio. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14238. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis R696cp. Publicación no.: 092 Deposition and net canopy retention of inorganic nitrogen and hydrogen ions in a neotropical montane cloud forest [Deposición y retención neta en el dosel del nitrógeno inorgánico y iones de hidrógeno en un bosque nuboso montano neotropical] / Clark, Kenneth L; Nadkarni, Nalini M; Gholz, H.L. (US Forest Service. Silas Little Experiment Forest, No Global Change Program, 501 4 Mile Rd, New Lisbon, NJ 08064, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). The Association for Tropical Biology & The Organization for Tropical Studies Annual Meeting. Abstracts, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jun 1-4, 1993. San Juan, PR: ATB/OTS, 1993. p. 56. We monitored nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+), and hydrogen (H+) ions in cloud water (CW), bulk precipitation (BP), bulk cloud water and precipitation (BCWP), and throughfall (TF) for one year in a neotropical montane cloud forest, Monteverde, Costa Rica. Highest concentrations of NO3-, NH4+, and H+ in CW, BP, and BCWP coincided with the peak in agricultural and forest burning. NO3- + NH4+ totaled was 210 mol N ha-1 yr-1 in BP, and 420 mol N ha-1 yr-1 ub BCWP. Coupling a hydrologic model with the BP and BCWP data, we estimated total deposition to the canopy to be 700 mol N ha(-1) and 800 mol H+ ha(-1) yr(-1). NO3- + NH4+ in TF was 140±20 mol N ha-1 yr-1 and H+ was 50±12 mol H+ ha-1 yr-1. Eighty percent of NO3- + NH4+ and 90% of the H+ deposition was retained by the canopy. Net retention of N and H+ for adevective vs. convective events and for NO3- vs. NH4+ agreed closely with leaching experiments using epiphytic bryophytes and dead organic matter (DOM), suggesting that these components play a major role in N and H+ retention. Artificially acidified precipitation caused enhanced NH4+ loss from the bryophytes and DOM, indicating potential control over in-canopy N cycling processes by H+. Localización: Este es el documento completo. Publicación no.: 093 Soil nitrogen cycling and nitrogen oxide emissions along a pasture chronosequence in the humid tropics of Costa Rica [Ciclo del nitrógeno y emisiones de óxido nitroso a lo largo de una cronosecuencia de potreros en los trópicos húmedos de Costa Rica] / Veldkamp, Edzo; Davidson, E.A; Erickson, H.E; Keller, Michael; Weitz, A.M. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Sciences & Forest Nutritrion; Busgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Biology and Biochemistry (ISSN 0038-0717), v. 31, no. 3, p. 387-394. 1999. Our objectives were: (1) to measure how N2O and NO emissions from a chronosequence of forested land converted to pastures in the humid tropics of Costa Rica had changed in 4 yr, and to relate these emissions to indices of N availability. We observed lower mean N2O (11.9 ng N cm² h-1) and NO (3.5 ng N cm² h-1) emissions from pastures in 1996 compared to 1992 (N2O, 39.9 ng N cm² h-1); NO: 5.8 ng N cm² h-1). Even so, N2O emissions in recently formed pastures (13.8 ng N cm² h(-1)) were still higher than previously measured emissions from forests (7.0 ng N cm² h-1). Indices of N cycling, such as net N mineralization, nitrification potential, and extractable soil nitrate, decreased with pasture age, which we attributed to a decrease in substrate availability. Denitrification enzyme activity did not change significantly with pasture age, indicating that denitrification occurs at least sporadically at all sites and the presence of denitrifying enzymes is not as strongly linked to N availability as is the presence of

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nitrifying enzymes. There were no significant correlations between N2O and NO emissions and indices of N cycling. While this may indicate that the processes are not closely related, we believe that sampling of nitrogen oxide emissions in 1996 was inadvertently biased towards exceptionally dry soil conditions. This sampling bias limited the probability of observing large nitrogen oxide emissions associated with episodic denitrification. Results from chronosequence studies should be interpreted with caution especially for variables which depend on local weather conditions at time of measurement. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5245. Publicación no.: 094 Potential effects of climate change on two neotropical amphibian assemblages [Efectos potenciales del cambio climático en dos gremios de anfibios tropicales] / Donnelly, Maureen A; Crump, Martha L. (Florida International University. Department of Biological Sciences, 3000 NE 151st St, N Miami, FL 33181, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Climatic Change (ISSN 0165-0009), v. 39, p. 541-561. 1998. Although anuran amphibians are diverse and conspicuous in many vertebrate communities, worldwide population declines have been observed. Climatic change is global factor that has been implicated in some of these declines. In this paper, we speculate on how Neotropical anurans might respond to changes in climate predicted by Hulme and Vine (1998). We focus on two distinct groups of Neotropical anurans: frogs that live and oviposit in leaf litter and frogs that congregate at ponds to breed. Increased temperature, increased length of dry season, decreased soil moisture, and increased inter-annual rainfall variability will affect Neotropical frog strongly. We expect that these changes will directly affect frogs by changing reproductive success and breeding periodicity, and indirectly by altering the invertebrates prey base. The individual effects will likely translate into changes at the population and community levels. We also speculate on how climatic change will affect Neotropical amphibians that are restricted ecologically and/or geographically. We suggest directions for future research that will increase our ability to predict how amphibians in the New World tropics will respond to climatic change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4613. Publicación no.: 095 Tracking the vanishing frogs: an ecological mystery [Seguimiento de la desaparición de las ranas: un misterio ecológico] / Phillips, K. New York: Penguin Books, 1996. 244 p. ISBN: 0-1402-4646-0. The dust cover of this book describes it as a "novel-like chronicle," and I concur with this description. Phillips is a journalist that has reported on the declining amphibian phenomenon since the 1990 Irvine conference. This volume represents a unique contribution to herpetology because it focuses exclusively on the issue of amphibian declines and, as such, should be of interest to herpetologists, ecologists, and environmental biologists. I first read the Phillips' book in 1995 because I was involved with research on declining amphibians, and I enjoyed reading accounts describing many of my colleagues. The book consists of nine chapters, 12 color plates, and a bibliography that includes 53 books, 26 pamphlets and special publications (including a doctoral dissertation), 108 journal articles, and 59 press articles (including those published in Scientific American). Most of the citations are recent (115 are published since 1990), and there are only a few journal citations that are incomplete (missing dates for papers by H. Abdulali and Pechmann et al.). I think this book is best suited for laypersons, undergraduate students, or scientists interested in learning about the reported declines in sizes of amphibian populations. The book may interest scientists working on declining amphibians, though I would not recommend it as a research tool. Although the bibliography is current (through 1993), there are no citation strings in the

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text, and this style makes it difficult to accurately associate facts with sources. Overall, I found Phillips to be effective in illustrating general principles by beginning with a specific case, expanding to the general principle, and then returning to the specific case. In addition to facts related to decline issues, an overview of biology and herpetology is presented in this compact volume. In chapter 1, amphibians as a class, the controversy over amphibian origins and the biodiversity crisis are described. Tropical diversity and the decline of amphibians are introduced in chapter 2. Phillips also describes the Irvine conference and Crump's research in Monteverde, Costa Rica, on the Golden toad (Bufo periglenes) in chapter 2. Research methods, the role of amphibians in ecosystems, and declines of Rana aurora are detailed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 includes a description of specimen collection and processing, the importance of voucher specimens, and the impacts of collecting on populations. Chapter 5 includes information on captive-release programs, reproductive modes including direct development, parental care, the pet trade, human consumption of frogs, and the disappearance of Rheobatrachus silus from Australia. Phillips provides brief overviews of behavioral thermoregulation, kin selection, National Science Foundation funding, red-leg disease, and declines of frogs from the mountains of the western United States in chapter 6. In chapter 7, Phillips points out that amphibians are an ancient group of vertebrates that have survived many changes. She also summarizes the work of Crump and Pounds in Monteverde, global warming and global climate change, the effects of pesticides on frogs, and synergistic effects (between climate change and other abiotic factors) that may impact negatively on frogs and toads. Chapter 8 describes the effects of logging and grazing on natural areas and the problems S. Sweet has encountered with the Forest Service in trying to study Bufo microscaphus californicus. The final chapter concludes with a personal view of why amphibians matter to her and should matter to all of us. The author was inconsistent in her descriptions of the herpetologists, hobbyists, and other persons that figure in her story. In some cases, Phillips named individuals, described their physical appearance, their mannerisms, and in one case an accent! In others, she referred to individuals as "graduate students" or "anonymous scientists." Established scientists who easily could have been named were not identified. For example, "one young scientist" was instrumental in founding the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve (p. 13). The establishment of the Monteverde Reserve is important in the discussion of declines in Bufo periglenes because this species and others disappeared from a protected site. George Powell is the scientist who worked to establish this protected area (Hartshorn, 1983), and using his name would have been more informative than calling him a young scientist. When Phillips discussed dendrobatids and their toxins (p. 103), she referred to "One National Institute of Health researcher. . ." instead of naming John Daly. I found the extreme detail unnecessary in some instances, and I wanted more detail in others. The book is free of typographical errors, and I encountered only one typesetting error (on p. 93, Phyllobates was not set in italics). In addition to the missing dates for some citations in the bibliography, there were a number of minor errors. Bufo periglenes is a textbook example of an explosive breeding species, yet Phillips claims that male golden toads wait to court females (p. 13). Phillips calls the absorptive skin in the pelvic region of anurans the "osmotic patch" instead of the "pelvic patch" (p. 71). I was surprised when I read "known to man" rather than "known to humankind" on p. 109. On p. 135, she refers to a paper published by Blaustein and Hays, but it is a paper by six scientists (Blaustein et al., 1994). The meeting of the lower Central American working group of the declining amphibian population task force did not take place in San José, Costa Rica (p. 15 1). Twelve scientists (including me) attended this meeting in the mountains of Heredia, Costa Rica. Although Phillips details how scarce National Science Foundation funds are for this type of research, the foundation had funded projects dealing with declining amphibians, including two years of research on the declining amphibian phenomenon in Costa

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Rica and Panama. She erred in using old taxonomic names for glass frogs on p. 108 and 141 (Centrolenella instead of Hyalinobatrachium). There were some omissions and misstatements. Although Phillips claimed that herpetologists were the first to use protein electrophoresis to distinguish among species (p. 73), this is not true (McCabe and Deutsch, 1952). 1 found the treatment of the effects of UV radiation to be particularly interesting. Although M. Hayes may have worked with A. Blaustein and his colleagues on developing a protocol to examine the effects of UV on frogs, he is probably not "the father" of the UV hypothesis (p. 124-125). Two scientists from Oregon State University, Worrest and Kimeldorf (1976), were the first to suggest that depletion of ozone and increased UV-B radiation would adversely affect amphibians. A paper by Carey (1993) on declining amphibians in Colorado was listed in the bibliography, but the work was not elaborated on by Phillips (Book review by Maureen A. Donnelly, College of Arts and Science, Florida International University, North Miami, Fl. 33181). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4611. Publicación no.: 096 Estudio etnobotánico y de mercado de productos no maderables de bosques secundarios en la región Chorotega, Costa Rica / Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander. (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Cartago: ITCR, 1998. 127 p. Informe de Práctica de Especialidad, Bachiller en Ingeniería Forestal, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago (Costa Rica). Este estudio pretende dar a conocer aquellas especies de los bosques secundarios de Guanacaste que pueden ser aprovechadas a través de sus productos no maderables del bosque, así como también sondear el mercado que estas tienen; para abrir la posibilidad de convertir esta actividad en una alternativa económica para el propietario. El presente estudio se basó en inventarios realizados en los bosques secundarios de la Estación Experimenta] Horizontes, perteneciente al Área de Conservación Guanacaste; la información etnobotánica y de mercado se recopiló en siete cantones de la provincia de Guanacaste, por medio de entrevistas, revisiones bibliográficas y observaciones. Los productos fueron agrupados en varias categorías, de las cuales la alimenticia, la medicinal, la artesanal, la agroforestal (poste vivo), y la fuente de germoplasma, tenían algún tipo de mercado. Basados en lo anterior, así como en información fenológica y la caracterización silvicultural, fue posible estimar algunos volúmenes de producción. Con lo cual se realizó una valoración preliminar de características bastante conservadoras acerca de] potencial no maderable de los bosques secundarios de la Región. Los valores obtenidos por hectárea oscilan entre ₡66.843.03 (US $ 257,10) y ₡154.610,92 (US $ 594,66) según el tipo de bosque. La posibilidad de valoración de los servicios indirectos que prestan dichos bosques también fue considerada, concretamente con los certificados de protección del bosque (CPB) cuyo monto es de ø12.000 (US $ 46,15) por hectárea por año y la negociación internacional por fijación de CO2, por un monto de US $ 10,00 por tonelada fijada. Con base en esta información, así como con revisión de literatura, se cuantificó el valor del bosque secundario. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 311. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis B533es. Publicación no.: 097 Estado del ambiente y los recursos naturales en Centroamérica 1998 / Rodríguez-Chacón, Jorge Eduardo, (comp.). (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia, CR). San José: Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo, 1998. 179 p. ISBN: 9977-12-323-3. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.72 E79e. Biblioteca José Figueres F.: 333.72 E79e.

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Publicación no.: 098 Modeling nitrogen oxide emissions from current and alternative pastures in Costa Rica [Modelaje de las emisiones de óxido nitroso de potreros actuales y alternativos en Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J; Bouman, B.A.M. (Agricultural University Wageningen. Laboratory Soil Sciences & Geology, POB 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Environmental Quality (ISSN 0047-2425), v. 28, no. 3, p. 866-872. 1999. Emissions of nitrogen (N) oxide were simulated for one current, unsustainable pasture management system (Natural) and two alternative, sustainable systems (Grass-Legume and Fertilized Improved) relevant to the Northern Atlantic Zone (NAZ) of Costa Rica. To produce frequency distributions of N oxide emissions, an expert system for generating technical coefficients of pastures was linked with a process-based simulation model. The expert model generated parameter sets representing different options for the three management systems. The simulation model was rerun for each parameter set. Simulated nitrous oxide (N2O)-N losses 25 yr after pasture establishment were 3 to 5 kg ha-1 yr-1 for natural pastures, 12 to 15 for grass-legume mixtures, and 7 to 28 for fertilized grasses. Losses of nitric oxide (NO)-N were 1 to 2 kg ha-1 yr-1 for natural pastures, 7 to 8 for grass-legume mixtures, and 3 to 16 for fertilized grasses. Stepwise multiple regression showed that N2O-N losses were explained by annual C input to the soil (R2 = 0.997), and NO-N losses by attainable dry matter production (R2 = 0.972), carbon input and dry matter production were controlled by stocking rate and fertilizer level. Soil-atmosphere N oxide emissions from pastures may increase by a factor 3 to 5 when natural pastures are converted to improved pastures. Such conversion may increase the sustainability of the pasture by stopping the decline of soil N. However, the change is not necessarily sustainable from a global perspective because it increases the emission of N oxide greenhouse gases. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6317. Publicación no.: 099 Biological response to climate change on a tropical mountain [Respuesta biológica al cambio climático en una montaña tropical] / Pounds, J. Alan; Fogden, Michael P.L; Campbell, J.H. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 398, no. 6728, p. 611-615. 1999. Recent warming has caused changes in species distribution and abundance (1-3), but the extent of the effects is unclear. Here we investigate whether such changes in highland forests at Monteverde, Costa Rica, are related to the increase in air temperatures that followed a step-like warming of tropical oceans in 1976 (refs 4, 5). Twenty of 50 species of anurans (frogs and toads) in a 30 km² study area, including the locally endemic golden toad (Bufo periglenes), disappeared following synchronous population crashed in 1987 (refs 6-8). Our results indicate that these crashes probably belong to a constellation of demographic changes that have altered communities of birds, reptiles and amphibians in the area and are linked to recent warming. The changes are all associated with patterns of dry-season mist frequency, which is negatively correlated with sea surface temperatures in the equatorial pacific and has declined dramatically since the mid-1970s. The biological and climatic patterns suggest that atmospheric warming has raised the average altitude at the base of the orographic cloud bank, as predicted by the lifting-cloud-base hypothesis (9,10). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4809. Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11380.

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Publicación no.: 100 Aporte de los sistemas silvopastoriles al secuestro de carbono en el suelo / López-Musalem, Alejandro. (Av. Oaxaca No.31 1a. Sección, Juchitán Oax. C.P. 700000, MX). Turrialba: CATIE, 1998. 47 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). La preocupación general por el aumento en la concentración de dióxido de carbono y su consecuente impacto en el clima, nos obligan a buscar mecanismos para mitigar sus efectos. Además de disminuir el uso de combustibles fósiles, que desde a mediados del siglo pasado es la principal fuente de CO2, es necesario manejar la vegetación terrestre, no solo para que disminuya su aporte, sino también para que secuestre la mayor cantidad posible de CO2, y fije el carbono en la biomasa y en el suelo. Los bosques, además de su riqueza biológica, representan un invaluable depósito de carbono que se debe proteger. La creación de nuevas áreas arboladas como los bosques secundarios, las plantaciones y la agroforestería, ayudarían a liberar la presión hacia los bosques maduros, ofreciendo a la población recursos como alimento, material para vivienda, medicinas, energía barata, etc. En este artículo se resalta ese potencial y se propone que los sistemas silvopastoriles también se tomen en cuenta como sumideros de carbono, sobre todo por la extensión que actualmente ocupan en los trópicos. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis L864ap. Publicación no.: 101 Almacenamiento y fijación de carbono en Quercus costaricensis, en un bosque de altura en la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica / Segura-Madrigal, Milena Andrea. (CATIE. Proyecto Flujos de Carbono en América Central, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 1997. 127 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Mar. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). El objetivo de esta investigación fue cuantificar física y monetariamente el almacenamiento y fijación de carbono y plantear los lineamientos básicos de una metodología para determinar carbono. El área de estudio fue en un bosque de altura denominado robledal, ubicado en la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica en el área Experimental de Villa Mills-Siberia a cargo del proyecto silvicultura de bosques naturales (PROSIBONA/CATIE). Localización: Biblioteca del BIODOC: 1762. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis S456a. Publicación no.: 102 Why do tropical house wrens breed when they do? [¿Por qué los soterrey cucaracheros tropicales se reproducen cuando lo hacen?] / Young, Bruce E. (NatureServe, 1101 Wilson Blvd, 15th Floor, Arlington, VA, 22209, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). The Association for Tropical Biology & The Organization for Tropical Studies Annual Meeting. Abstracts, San Juan PRJun 1-4, 1993. San Juan, PR: ATB/OTS, 1993. p. 168-169. I tested three hypotheses that could explain variation in the timing of breeding in populations of house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) at four sites in Costa Rica. The sites were located at 200 to 1500 m elevation on both sides and on top of the central mountain range, and had climates differing in temperature, the severity of the dry season, and total rainfall. For the first hypothesis, that breeding is timed to coincide with peaks in food availability, I monitored monthly arthropod abundance and wren clutch initiations at the four sites. Cross-correlation analysis showed that at three sites, wrens initiated clutches several months prior to when food levels were high. Indeed, breeding actually began when food levels were at their annual low. At the fourth site, food levels varied little throughout the year and house wrens nested nearly year round. These results indicate that sufficient food to produce eggs or feed nestlings may have been available throughout the year. Breeding appeared to be timed so that juvenile dispersal and molt

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occurred when food was predictably the most plentiful. The second hypothesis, that breeding is timed to avoid seasons when nest predation is high, was not supported because the rate of nest predation did not vary temporally. The third hypothesis, that breeding is timed to avoid climatic events that can increase the physiological costs of reproduction, was not supported at the three lower elevation sites. Clutch initiation at the highest site, however, did not commence until the early dry season wind and mist subsided. The termination of breeding was not correlated with climatic changes at any of the sites. Thus, reproduction in tropical house wrens seems generally to be timed to facilitate post-breeding activities, not activities associated with nesting itself. Localización: Este es el documento completo. Publicación no.: 103 Estimation of methane (CH4) emission in the livestock from Costa Rica, 1990 and 1996 / Abarca-Monge, Sergio; Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny. (Estación Experimental Los Diamantes. Programa de Investigación para la Agricultura Sostenible (REPOSA) MAG/UAW/CATIE, Guápiles, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Workshop on Measuring Methane Emission from Cattle Using SF6 Technique, Washington, DC US24-26 Feb. 1998. Turrialba: MAG, 1998. 12 p. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 363.7387 A118. Publicación no.: 104 Política comercial y medio ambiente en Costa Rica: aplicación de un modelo de equilibrio general computable / Rodríguez, A.G; Abler, D.G; Shortle, J.S. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1995. 43 p. (Documento de Trabajo - Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas; no. 182). This study examines the environmental impacts of trade liberalization in Costa Rica. A CGE model is constructed which includes eight environmental indicators covering deforestation, pesticides, overfishing, hazardous wastes, inorganic wastes, organic wastes, greenhouse gases, and air pollution. Three trade liberalization scenarios are examined. Two sets of analyses are examined. Two sets of analyses are conducted for each scenario, one in which technologies do not change in response to trade liberalization and the other in which total factor productivity in each sector changes in response to changes in imports of machinery and equipment. To account for uncertainty regarding values of the model;s parameters, a Monte Carlo experiment is conducted for each policy option. The impacts of trade liberalization on the environmental indicators are generally negative in sign but small or moderate in magnitude, both when technology is constant and when technology is allowed to vary. Localización: Biblioteca Venezuela (IICA): E70 640. Publicación no.: 105 Ant biodiversity and its relationship to ecosystem functioning: a review [Biodiversidad de hormigas y su relación con el funcionamiento del ecosistema: una revisión] / Folgarait, P.J. (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones, Avenida Roque Sáenz Peña 180, 1876 Bernal, AR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity and Conservation (ISSN 0960-3115), v. 7, no. 9, p. 1221-1244. 1998. Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact, which obviously reduces its richness. However, it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are

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important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants, microorganisms, and other soil organisms. This review summarizes the information available on ant biodiversity patterns, how it can be quantified, and how biodiversity is affected by human impacts such as land use change, pollution, invasions, and climate change. The role of ants in ecosystems is discussed, mainly from the perspective of the effects of ground-dwelling ants on soil processes and function, emphasizing their role as ecosystem engineers. Some lines of research are suggested after demonstrating the gaps in our current information on ant-soil interactions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4887. NBINA-8725. Publicación no.: 106 Simulating the effects of climate change on tropical montane cloud forests [Simulación de los efectos del cambio climático en los bosques nubosos tropicales montanos] / Still, C.J; Foster, P.N; Schneider, S.H. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, US). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 398, p. 608-610. 1999. Tropical montane cloud forests are unique among terrestrial ecosystems in that they are strongly linked to regular cycles of cloud formation. We have explored changes in atmospheric parameters from global climate model simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum and for doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (2 X CO2) conditions which are associated with the height of this cloud formation, and hence the occurrence of intact cloud forests. These parameters include vertical profiles of absolute and relative humidity surfaces, as well as the warmth index, an empirical proxy of forest type. For the glacial simulations, the warmth index and absolute humidity suggest a downslope shift of cloud forests that agrees with the available palaeodata. For the 2 X CO2 scenario, the relative humidity surface is shifted upwards by hundreds of metres during the winter dry season when these forests typically rely most on the moisture from cloud contact. At the same time, an increase in the warmth index implies increased evapo-transpiration. This combination of reduced cloud contact and increased evapo-transpiration could have serious conservation implications, given that these ecosystems typically harbour a high proportion of endemic species and are often situated on mountain tops or ridge lines. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4810. Publicación no.: 107 El desarrollo sostenible como factor de mejoramiento económico / Pérez, C.I; Vega, A (ed.). (INCAE. Programa de Recursos Naturales, Apdo. 960-4050, Alajuela, CR). Memorias de una Conferencia Regional auspiciada por el Proyecto Paseo Pantera, Heredia CR17-20 Set. 1993. En: Corredores Conservacionistas en la Región Centroamericana Gainesville FL: Tropical Research and Development, Inc, 1994. p. 58-73. Principal global problems that must be faced are analyzed, and the challenge of reconciling society's social and economic development needs and aspirations is reviewed. Examples of global environmental deterioration and their major causes are presented. These include uncontrolled global population growth, deforestation, soil erosion, inequalities in land distribution, the dismal living conditions of a majority of the world's population, global warming and the consequences of climate change, the loss of the ozone layer, and the exponential growth in generation of waste products. To reverse these tendencies, proposed solutions to environmental problems must not prevent economic growth, but rather must involve an improved development model that finds solutions to poverty and generates growth. This model must regard improved human welfare, adoption of appropriate technologies, proper valuation of resources with prices based on their scarcity, and the rational utilization of natural

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resources based on experience, popular wisdom, and local tradition. Sustainable development must involve augmented production levels and economic diversification to satisfy increasing demand, while maintaining the integrity of productive ecosystems. Environmental accounting requires inclusion of social welfare concerns in economic thinking to promote long-term development through an approach to economics that reduces the emphasis on immediate gain in favor of sustainable improvements in welfare. Some priority actions that would permit sustainable development in a country or region are: providing guaranteed access and fair participation in resource management to communities and individuals; improving the interchange of information, practical know-how, and technology; promoting wider societal participation in conservation and development matters; improving stewardship of the environment at a community level; and establishing more efficient local administrative agencies. Different mechanisms for funding sustainable development are outlined. The annual cost of all measures that need to be taken to ensure sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean is estimated at million, a figure that is broken down into a number of specific components. A final conclusion is that policies oriented toward improving economic efficiency and environmental planning are complementary, and good environmental policy is also good economic policy. Localización: Biblioteca del Programa de Conservación para el Desarrollo del INBio: PCD399. Publicación no.: 108 Aportes de la biodiversidad silvestre de las Areas de Conservación a la economía nacional / Barrantes-Moreno, Gerardo; Castro-Jiménez, E. (Servicios de Economía Ecológica para el Desarrollo, Apdo. 2028-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: SEED / INBIO, 1999. 55 p. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 250. Publicación no.: 109 Cuantificación del carbono almacenado en el suelo de un sistema silvopastoril en la zona Atlántica de Costa Rica [Quantification of carbon storage in the soil of silvopastoral system in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica] / López-Musalem, Alejandro. (Av. Oaxaca No.31 1a. Sección, Juchitán Oax. C.P. 700000, MX). Turrialba: CATIE, 1998. 50 p. Tesis, Mag.Sc, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Silvopastoral systems are considered potential carbon (C) sinks which might help to mitigate the effects of increasing global C emissions. In a case study in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica, a medium-low fertile Typic Tropfluvent soil stored 233 Mg C ha(-1) in the upper 50 cm under a Green Panic (Panicum maximum) pasture monoculture. In association with three different growth stages of natural regeneration of salmwood (Cordia alliodora; 3, 3-7,7 years) the soil stored 180-200 Mg C ha(-1). Soil C concentrations decreased with soil depth and distance from the tree. Variability of C distribution increased with soil depth and age of the stand. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton. Publicación no.: 110 Día de la Tierra 1998: secuestro de carbono bajo los mecanismos de implementación conjunta y de fondo de desarrollo limpio / Reifsnyder, D.A; Dun, S. / WORLDNET, Washington, D.C, US. San José, 1998. 14 p. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: AV 363.7 no. 7. Publicación no.: 111 Cuantificación del carbono almacenado en el suelo de un sistema silvopastoril en la zona Atlántica de Costa Rica [Quantification of carbon storage in the soil of silvopastoral system in the

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Atlantic zone of Costa Rica] / López-Musalem, Alejandro; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Kleinn, Christoph; Kanninen, Markku. (Av. Oaxaca No.31 1a. Sección, Juchitán Oax. C.P. 700000, MX <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), v. 6, no. 23, p. 51-53. 1999. Silvopastoral systems are considered potential carbon (C) sinks which might help to mitigate the effects of increasing global C emissions. In a case study in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica, a medium-low fertile Typic Tropfluvent soil stored 233 Mg C ha(-1) in the upper 50 cm under a Green Panic (Panicum maximum) pasture monoculture. In association with three different growth stages of natural regeneration of salmwood (Cordia alliodora; 3, 3-7,7 years) the soil stored 180-200 Mg C ha(-1). Soil C concentrations decreased with soil depth and distance from the tree. Variability of C distribution increased with soil depth and age of the stand. Localización: Biblioteca OET: A. Publicación no.: 112 Escenarios de uso del territorio para Costa Rica en el año 2025 / Dengo, J.M; Cotera, J; Lücke-Sánchez, Oscar; Orlich, D; Chavarría, A; Rodríguez, A.G (ed.). (Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). : Ministerio de Planificación y Política Económica, 1999. 108 p. (Proyecto SINADES; ATN/SF/4717-CR). Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 251. Publicación no.: 113 Quantifying economic and biophysical sustainability trade-offs in tropical pastures [Cuantificación de la sostenibilidad económica y biofísica de las compensaciones en los pastos tropicales] / Bouman, B.A.M; Plant, R.A.J; Nieuwenhuyse, Andreas. (International Rice Research Institute. Soil & Water Sciences Division, P.O. Box 3127, Makati City 1271, PH <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Modelling (ISSN 0304-3800), v. 120, no. 1, p. 31-46. 1999. Sustainability of tropical pastures has various economic and biophysical dimensions and is affected by species composition, age and management. The sustainability of pastures in cattle ranching systems was analyzed in terms of economic viability, soil nitrogen stock change, CO2 loss/sequestration, N2O and NO emissions, pollution by herbicides, and nitrogen leaching loss, for a case study in the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica. Development scenarios were explored for the next 25 years based on degradation and yield decline of current pastures, and on possible introduction of grass-legumes and fertilized improved grass species. With degradation of current pastures, gross margin, soil nitrogen stock, nitrogen leaching and N2O and NO emissions are simulated to decrease in time, whereas CO2 emission and herbicide use increase. With the introduction of grass-legumes or fertilized grasses, the reverse takes place. The conversion of degraded pasture to grass-legumes or fertilized grasses is calculated to lead to a sequestration of CO2 of up to 50 ton C ha-1, which might be a potential mechanism in mitigating the greenhouse effect. Quantitative, exploratory studies point out the often conflicting nature of different dimensions of sustainability and show possible pathways of sustainable development. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6405. Publicación no.: 114 Cuantificación del carbono almacenado en un sistema silvopastoril en la zona atlántica de Costa Rica / López-Musalem, Alejandro; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Kleinn, Christoph; Kanninen, Markku. (Av. Oaxaca No. 31 1a. Sección, Juchitán, Oax., C.P. 700000, MX

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<E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Conferencia: 4a. Semana Científica, Turrialba CR6-9 Abr. 1999. En: Logros de la investigación para el nuevo milenio. Actas Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. p. 263-267. (Serie Técnica. Reuniones Técnicas (CATIE); no. 5). Silvopastoral systems are considered potential carbon (C) sinks which might help to mitigate the effects of increasing global C emissions. In a case study in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica, a medium-low fertile Typic Tropofluvent soil stored 233 t C ha-1 in the upper 50 cm under pure green Panic pasture (Panicum maximum Jacq.). In association with three different growth stages of natural regeneration of salmwood (Cordia alliodora Ruiz & Pav.) Oken; 3, 3-7, 7 years), the soil was less fertile and stored similar amounts of between 180-200 t C ha-1

, C concentrations decreased with soil depth and distance from the tree.

Variability of C distribution increased with soil depth and age of the stand. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST RT-5. Publicación no.: 115 Capacidad y riesgos de actividades forestales en el almacenamiento de carbono y conservación de biodiversidad en fincas privadas del área central de Costa Rica / Campos-Arce, José Joaquín; Ortiz, Rosalba. Conferencia: 4a. Semana Científica, Turrialba CR6-9 Abr. 1999. En: Logros de la investigación para el nuevo milenio. Actas Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. p. 291-294. (Serie Técnica. Reuniones Técnicas (CATIE); no. 5). The payment of environmental services (PSA) in forest ecosystems is an innovative Costa Rican mechanism to recognize the contribution of forest's owners in protecting forest services. A law from 1996, stablished the financial and the institutional mechanisms to implement this payment system in private farms for protection and management of natural forests and forest plantations. This study selects and evaluates criteria and indicators (C&I) from biological, economic and social perspectives, to determine the benefits and risks associates with different forest ecosystems in protecting biodiversity and carbon sequestration services. Besides, the study integrate evaluations from different sectors (scientific and land owners), in order to facilitate decision making process in PSA. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST RT-5. Publicación no.: 116 Acumulación de carbono en plantaciones mixtas y puras en el trópico húmedo / Shepherd, D; Montagnini, Florencia. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Conferencia: 4a. Semana Científica, Turrialba CR6-9 Abr. 1999. En: Logros de la investigación para el nuevo milenio. Actas Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. p. 345-349. (Serie Técnica. Reuniones Técnicas (CATIE); no. 5). Proper design and management of plantations can increase biomass accumulation rates, making them more effective carbon sinks. We compared biomass production and carbon sequestration by three 6-year-old native tree plantations in pure and mixed-species plots in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. In Plantation 1, Vochysia guatemalensis had the highest levels of carbon accumulation (40.2 Mg C ha-1) followed by Jacaranda copaia (40.1 Mg C ha-1) and the four-species mixed stands (39.0 Mg C ha-1). In Plantation 2, the mixed plantations and Dipteryx panamensis (19.9 and 19.57 Mg C ha-1) had the highest carbon accumulation. In Plantation 3, Hyeronima alchorneoides had the highest values (15.8 Mg C ha-1) followed by V. ferruginea (13.4 Mg C ha-1) and the four-species mixture (11.4 Mg C ha-1). The results suggest that several native tree species in the region have a potential for high carbon accumulation and that changing plantation design can increase the biomass accumulation rates of tree plantations.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 316. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST RT-5. Publicación no.: 117 Aplicación de experimentos de escogencia múltiple en la distribución del pago por servicios ambientales en bosques de Costa Rica / Ortiz-Valverde, R. Conferencia: 4a. Semana Científica, Turrialba CR6-9 Abr. 1999. En: Logros de la investigación para el nuevo milenio. Actas Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. p. 375-378. (Serie Técnica. Reuniones Técnicas (CATIE); no. 5). This document presents survey results from the initial stages of a choice experiment applied to Costa Rican Fuel Tax Payment Allocation among four different services provided by protected, managed and planted forests. The services evaluated were biodiversity, using as indicator protection of endangered and endemic species; carbon sink services using both storage and net carbon fixation; water protection, using proximity to streams as an indicator; and scenic beauty using as indicator the presence of gaudy species. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST RT-5. Publicación no.: 118 Análisis de los programas de incentivos a la reforestación implementados en Costa Rica / Godoy, J.C; Kanninen, Markku; Ramírez, Octavio A; Gómez-Flores, Manuel. (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Conferencia: 4a. Semana Científica, Turrialba CR6-9 Abr. 1999. En: Logros de la investigación para el nuevo milenio. Actas Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. p. 392-395. (Serie Técnica. Reuniones Técnicas (CATIE); no. 5). The incentives to promote reforestation in Costa Rica have operated since 1979, with an investment of 156 million of constant 1990 dollars and the establishment of 152 thousand plantation hectares. In this sense, the forest policy intended to promote forest plantations has reached its objectives with low efficiency and efficacy. This was mainly due to: incomplete implementation, lack of supervision and follow-up of the programs, operational difficulties, and lack of transfer of information of the forest research to producers. On the other hand, the financial and economic analysis of the plantations of Gmelina arborea, Tectona grandis and Bombacopsis quinatum demonstrate that the amount of the incentives represent a higher social cost than the benefits generated by carbon storage. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST RT-5. Publicación no.: 119 Assessing and monitoring carbon offset projects: the Costa Rican case [Evaluación y proyectos de compensación de almacenamiento de carbono: el caso costarricense] / Trines, E.P. (Societé Generale de Surveillance (SGS), Mill Street, Oxford OX2 0JX, GB). En: Commonwealth Forestry Review (ISSN 0010-3381), v. 77, no. 3, p. 214-218, 242. 1998. Projects wishing to generate Emission Reduction Units (ERUs) have to demonstrate carbon achievements by providing information on the size of the project's carbon pools and the changes to these pools. This paper outlines how the Protected Areas Project (PAP) in Costa Rica deals with this issue. The PAP covers 27 of the national parks and biological reserves and aims to protect the area from land use and further degradation by buying the land, transferring the ownership to the state, and actively protecting the entire area from encroachment and fire. The carbon achievements of the project are quantified using various assumptions for the required parameters. The scientific methodologies underlying these assumptions were assessed in the certification process conducted by SGS (Societe

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Generale de Surveillance), and values of the main parameters were verified. Specific emphasis was placed on the project's stratification using ecotypes, biomass estimates, determination of land cover, and deforestation rates. The outcome of the assessment overall was positive but some corrective action requests were raised to improve the availability and quality of the data sets used. This was reported to four independent peer reviewers who scrutinised the assessors' work and the report. After addressing the concerns articulated by the reviewers, SGS' professional judgement was approved. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-636. Publicación no.: 120 Financiamiento de bosques y plantaciones forestales: pago por servicios ambientales [Forest and forest plantation financing: reimbursement for environmental services] / Araya-Barrantes, Marco Vinicio. (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Apdo. 594-2120, San José, CR). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 22, p. 13-20. 1998. Experiences with the Forest Financing System in Costa Rica, and its development over the last two decades, are described. The system includes a trust fund, which acts as an administration tool in supplying credit to forest nurseries, afforestation activities and forest industries. The rates, terms, and other requirements for forest credits are described. The development of forest incentives for the new scheme (called 'Payment of Environmental Services') is discussed; the services involved are water production, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and scenic beauty. The role of the National Fund of Forest Financing in carrying out this new policy is described. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 121 Climatic periodicity, phenology, and cambium activity in tropical dry forest trees [Periodicidad climática, fenología y actividad del cambium en árboles del bosque seco tropical] / Borchert, Rolf. (The University of Kansas. Division of Biological Sciences, 1200 Haworth Hall, Sunnyside Ave, Lawrence, KS 66045-7534, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: IAWA Journal (ISSN 0928-1541), v. 20, no. 3, p. 239-247. 1999. The seasonal time course of vegetative phenology and cambium growth is compared for tree species from Central America and Asia growing in tropical climates with a long, severe dry season. Although the inhibition of plant growth by water stress is well established, responses to seasonal drought vary widely among such trees, and their annual development is not well synchronized by climatic seasonality. In deciduous trees growing at microsites with low soil moisture storage, phenology and cambium growth are well correlated with each other and with seasonal rainfall, and most trees have distinct annual rings. Phenology and cambium growth are progressively uncoupled from climatic seasonality in brevideciduous and evergreen trees growing at microsites with large soil water reserves which buffer trees against seasonal drought and thus may prevent the formation of distinct annual rings. There is some experimental evidence concerning the control of growth initiation in apical meristems and the cambium, but little is known about the mechanisms which arrest growth and determine qualitative changes in organ development and cambium cell differentiation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6466. NBINA-7698. Publicación no.: 122 Financing environmental services: the Costa Rican experience and its implications [Financiamiento de servicios ambientales: la experiencia costarricense y sus implicaciones] / Chomitz, Kenneth M; Brenes, E; Constantino, L. (World Bank. Departamento Técnico para América Latina. División

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para el Medio Ambiente, 1818 H St NW, Washington, DC 20433, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: The Science of the Total Environment (ISSN 0048-9697), v. 240, no. 1-3, p. 157-169. 1999. Costa Rica's pioneering environmental services program seeks to maintain socially optimal forest cover by compensating landowners for the external benefits provided by their forests. The National Forestry Fund proposes to sell carbon sequestration services to the world market and hydrological services to the domestic market. Revenues from these sales, together with tax revenue, is used to finance environmental service provision through landholder incentives for forest maintenance. The mechanics of these programs are discussed, along with implications for the design and implementation of similar programs. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5856. NBINA-5315. Publicación no.: 123 In the heat of the night: warmer nights may be slowing tropical forest growth and raising carbon dioxide levels [En el calor de la noche: las noches calientes pueden estar disminuyendo el crecimiento del bosque y aumentando los niveles de dióxido de carbono] / Beardsley, T. En: Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), v. 279, no. 4, p. 20. 1998. Discusses unpublished research which asserts that increasing temperatures have slowed the growth of tropical trees at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica during the 1990s. Tropical forests adding to greenhouse gases; Exacerbation of global warming; Details of research methods; Increase in the region's release of carbon dioxide; Causes of carbon excess; Rate of growth linked to average temperature; Impact of clearing tropical forests. Researchers have found evidence that global warming has slowed the growth of tropical trees, which may lead to ever higher carbon dioxide levels. Studies of forests in Costa Rica are discussed. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7828. NBINA-7967. Publicación no.: 124 Your pollution, our forests [Su contaminación, nuestros bosques] / Anonymous. En: Economist (ISSN 0013-0613), v. 347, no. 8074, p. 36-38. 1998. The CTO or certified tradable offsets scheme of the Costa Rican government is being viewed skeptically around the world and by local environmental groups. Costa Rica will leave carbon-absorbing trees standing for a fee. CTO issued by the Costa Rican government to safeguard forests; Cost of CTO bonds; Amount of CTOs sold; Criticism of CTOs. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7794. Publicación no.: 125 Desarrollo limpio en Costa Rica y Centroamérica / Tattenbach-Capra, Franz; Pedroni, Lucio. (FUNDECOR, PO Box 5581150 La Uruca, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 27, p. 6-9. 1999. La inversión extranjera en actividades de implementación conjunta durante la fase piloto demuestra que a través de este mecanismo los intereses económicos del norte pueden converger con las necesidades de desarrollo del sur y proporcionar beneficios ambientales globales. La experiencia de Centroamérica abre grandes expectativas hacia el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio: a partir del año 2000, cuando se otorgarán créditos por las emisiones reducidas, la región podría beneficiarse de inversiones importantes por parte de entidades públicas y privadas de los países industrializados. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R.

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Publicación no.: 126 Implicaciones económicas del secuestro del CO2 en bosques naturales [Economic implications of the sequestration of CO2 in natural forests] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Rodríguez-Sánchez, L; Finegan, Bryan; Gómez-Flores, Manuel. (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 27, p. 10-16. 1999. The check and the upper canopy treatment behaved similarly. The liberation treatment presents much lower carbon storage levels, even after 60 years, which imply an economic cost of approximately US$250/ha in comparison with the check or the canopy treatment. The liberation treatment shows a financial advantage due to a higher production of wood of high-value species during the first harvest. However, neither of the silvicultural treatments is justified from the environmental economics standpoint, when the value of the carbon storage service is considered. The liberation treatment is hindered by its strong negative impact on long-term carbon storage levels and the upper canopy treatment by its little effect on the commercial value of the harvested wood. The payment to farmers for the sustainable management of natural forests currently mandated by the Costa Rican Government, of US$360/ha is too low, even when it is only compared to the economic value of the environmental service of carbon storage provided. It does not appear to be sufficient to motivate the sustainable management of natural forests in the long run. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 127 Estimación y valoración económica del almacenamiento de carbono [Economic value of the carbon sink services of Costa Rica's forestry plantations] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Gómez-Flores, Manuel. (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 27, p. 17-22. 1999. Enlace: It is estimated that the "average" hectare of plantation forestry in Costa Rica can sequester 7,7 metric tons of carbon, or 28,2 tons of C02 per year. Based on this estimate, it is calculated that the 142 600 hectares of forestry plantations reported until 1997 have sequestered approximately 6,3 million metric tons of carbon. The average amount of carbon that has remained stored in this area during the last 20 years is calculated at 1,5 million metric tons, with a potential value of 15 to 30 million U.S. dollars in government issued Carbon Bonds. In addition, the potential value of the average storage that is likely to occur during the next 20 years, of approximately 9,8 million tons, is estimated at between 98 and 196 million U.S. dollars, as the prices paid for the bonds may vary widely. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14239. Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 128 Los arrecifes y comunidades coralinas de Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica / Cortés-Núñez, Jorge; León-Soler, A; Ruiz-Campos, Eleazar; Jiménez-Centeno, Carlos E. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR) y Escuela de Biología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Memoria. Jornadas de Investigación 1999 San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, 1999. p. 80. Bahía Culebra se localiza en el Golfo de Papagayo en el noroeste de Costa Rica. Esta es una región expuesta a afloramientos estacionales (diciembre a abril), resulta en la surgencia de aguas profundas, frías y ricas en nutrientes. El Golfo de Papagayo es una de las tres zonas de afloramiento costero del continente americano (las otras son: Estrecho de Tehuantepec y Golfo de Panamá). A primera vista estas condiciones oceanográficas no son conducentes al desarrollo de arrecifes coralinos, sin embargo, se han encontrado arrecifes coralinos verdaderos y comunidades coralinas creciendo sobre arena y sobre basaltos. Las tasas de crecimiento de los corales son tan altas como en otras regiones del Océano Pacífico Oriental (el Pacífico de América), o más altas. También se encuentran en la Bahía, algunos arrecifes de gran tamaño (vivos y muertos), algunos con colonias de hasta 10 m de diámetro. Desde 1995 se han estado monitoreando parámetros físicos (temperatura y salinidad del agua) y biológicos (dinámica de poblaciones de corales, desarrollo de tumores en corales, crecimiento de corales). En 1998 se inició la medición de tasas de sedimentación y en 1999 la determinación de concentraciones de nutrientes y de parámetros atmosféricos (temperatura, vientos, lluvia, brillo solar). Además, se han establecido nuevos sitios de estudio y foto-transectos permanentes, todo esto con la finalidad de elucidar la variabilidad ambiental y poder evaluar, a largo plazo, cambios debido a fenómenos naturales (e.g. El Niño, cambio climático) e impactos antropogénicos (e.g. sedimentación, eutroficación, extracción de organismos). Localización: Este es el documento completo. Publicación no.: 129 Control on soil-atmosphere fluxes of nitrous oxide and methane: Effects of tropical deforestation [Control sobre los flujos de óxido nitroso y metano del suelo a la atmósfera: Efectos de la deforestación tropical] / Keller, Michael; Zepp, R.G (ed.). (U.S. Department of Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Climate Biosphere Interaction: Biogenic Emissions and Environmental Effects of Climate Change New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1994. p. 121-138. ISBN: 0-471-58943-3. Deforestation in the tropics is one of the most important changes to the Earth´s biology and surface processes occurring today (Clark, 1989). It is likely that only a small portion of tropical forests will survive beyond the early years of the next century. The replacement of tropical forests by agricultural and grazing systems and secondary vegetation causes myriad biophysical and biogeochemical changes which influence the fluxes of greenhouse gases. This chapter reviews measurements and models for fluxes of methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone from intact tropical forests and disturbed systems. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5247. Publicación no.: 130 Volumetric lidar return patterns from an old-growth tropical rainforest canopy / Weishampel, J.F; Blair, J. Bryan; Dubayah, Ralph O; Clark, David B. (University of Central Florida. Department of Biology, Orlando, FL 32816-2368, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: International Journal of Remote Sensing (ISSN 0143-1161), v. 21, no. 2, p. 409-415. 2000. Rainforests represent the epitome of structural complexity in terrestrial ecosystems. However, measures of three-dimensional canopy structure are limited to a few areas typically 1 ha with construction crane or walkway/platform access. An innovative laser profiling system, the Laser

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Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS), was used to map canopy structure (i.e. based on height and vertical distribution of laser returns) of a tropical rainforest in Costa Rica. Within a about 1 km area of mature rainforest, canopy top height ranged from 8.4 to 51.6 m based on the altimeter measures. The laser return density was most concentrated in the horizontal layer located 20-30 m above the ground. Spatial patterns of the return were found to be isotropic based on north-south versus east-west vertical return profiles and exhibited properties of self-similarity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5333. NBINA-3967. Publicación no.: 131 Model simulation of changes in N2O and NO emissions with conversion of tropical rain forests to pastures in the Costa Rican Atlantic Zone [Modelo de simulación de los cambios en las emisiones de N2O y NO con la conversión de bosques tropicales a potreros en la Zona Atlántica costarricense] / Liu, Shuguang; Reiners, William A; Keller, Michael; Schimel, Davis S. (Raytheon Systems Company. EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, S.D, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0866-6236), v. 13, no. 2, p. 663-677. 1999. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) are among the trace gases of concern because of their importance in global climate and atmospheric chemistry. Modeling techniques are needed for simulating the spatial and temporal dynamics of N2O and NO emissions from soils into the atmosphere. In this study, we modified the ecosystem model CENTURY to simulate changes in N2O and NO soil emissions through the process of converting tropical moist forests to pastures in the Atlantic Lowlands of Costa Rica. Measurements of water-filled pore space (WFPS) and fluxes of N2O and NO from a chronosequence of pastures were used for calibration and testing of the model. It was found that the N2O + NO - WFPS and N2O: NO WFPS relationships as developed from primary forests could be generalized to the chronosequence of pastures and other land use systems in the region. Modeled net increases (compared to primary forests) in total N20 and NO production after conversion from forest to pasture were 514 kg N ha-1 during thefirst 15 years under normal field conditions. The nitrogen loss in the form of N2O and NO during the first 15 years could range from 401 to 548 kg N ha-1, depending on the amounts of forest residue remaining on pasture sites. N20-N accounted for 90% of the gas fluxes, while NO-N accounted for 10%. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the impacts of forest-pasture conversion on N2O and NO emissions from soil into the atmosphere were complex, depending on the initial conditions of the forest-derived pastures, management practices, soil physical and chemical conditions and their changes over time, N availability, and climate. It is therefore important to incorporate the spatial and temporal heterogeneities of those controlling factors in estimating regional and global N2O and NO emissions from soils into the atmosphere. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5238. NBINA-6919. Publicación no.: 132 Economic value of the carbon sink services of Costa Rica's forestry plantations [Valor económico de los servicios de almacenamiento de carbono de las plantaciones forestales de Costa Rica] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Gómez-Flores, Manuel. (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). IUFRO Division 8 "Forest Environment" Conference Proceedings, Kyoto JP19-23 October 1998. Kyoto: IUFRO, 1998. p. 243-244. ISBN: 4990-06-182-9. Forestry plantations have become an increasingly important part of Costa Rica´s rural economic development since 1964. During the last six years (1990-95), more than 16,000 ha have been planted

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per year, reaching a total of nearly 130,000 to date. This has required of an important investment from the public and private sectors, which has been only partially accounted for. It is estimated that the forestry plantations established up until 1995 a total investment value of nearly 188 million current (1996) U.S. dollars. Their inmediate consumption value is assessed at 41 million U.S. dollar, a full 2% of the value added from the agricultural sector and 0.35% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Costa Rica. The previous figures are approximately three times larger than the official estimates. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5351. Publicación no.: 133 A framework for integrated biophysical and economic land use analysis at different scales [Un sistema para el análisis biofísico y económico integrado del uso de la tierra a diferentes escalas] / Bouman, B.A.M; Jansen, H.G.P; Schipper, R.A; Nieuwenhuyse, Andreas; Hengsdijk, H; Bouma, J. (International Rice Research Institute. Soil & Water Sciences Division, P.O. Box 3127, Makati City 1271, PH <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (ISSN 0167-8809), v. 75, no. 1-2, p. 55-73. 1999. There is a general need for quantitative tools that can be used to support policy makers in regional rural development. Here, a framework for (sub-) regional land use analysis is presented that quantifies biophysical and economic sustainability trade-offs. The framework, called sustainable options for land use (SOLUS), was developed over a 10-year period of investigation in the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica and encompasses scale levels that range from field to region. SOLUS consists of technical coefficient generators to quantify inputs and outputs of production systems, a linear programming model that selects production systems by optimizing regional economic surplus, and a geographic information system. Biophysical and economic disciplines are integrated and various types of knowledge, ranging from empirical expert judgement to deterministic process models are synthesized in a systems-analytical manner. Economic sustainability indicators include economic surplus and labor employment, and biophysical ones include soil N, P and K balances, biocide use and its environmental impact, greenhouse gas emission and nitrogen leaching loss and volatilization. Land use scenarios can be implemented by varying properties of production inputs (e.g., prices), imposing sustainability restrictions in the optimization, and incorporating alternative production systems based on different technologies. Examples of application of SOLUS in the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica show that introduction of alternative technologies may result in situations that satisfy both economic as well as biophysical sustainability. On the other hand, negative trade-offs were found among different dimensions of biophysical sustainability themselves. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S5587. NBINA-5401. Publicación no.: 134 The Costa Rican experience with market instruments to mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity [La experiencia costarricense con los instrumentos de mercado para mitigar el cambio climático y conservar la biodiversidad] / Castro-Salazar, René; Tattenbach-Capra, Franz; Gámez-Hernández, Luis; Olson, N. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas, Apartado Postal 960-4050, La Garita de Alajuela, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (ISSN 0167-6369), v. 61, no. 1, p. 75-92. 2000. Enlace: Two decades of developing relevant legal and institutional regimes for the sustainable and nondestructive use of natural resources have framed Costa Rica's pioneer approach to mitigate climate

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change and conserve its rich biological diversity. This policy framework provides an appropriate context for the actual and proposed development of market instruments designed to attract capital investments for carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation, and allows the establishment of mechanisms to use those funds to compensate owners for the environmental services provided by their land. As a developing economy, Costa Rica is striving to internalize the benefits from the environmental services it offers, as a cornerstone of its sustainable development strategy. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6547. Publicación no.: 135 Valuing the environmental service of permanent forest stands to the global climate: The case of Costa Rica [Valoración del servicio ambiental de los bosques permanentes al sistema climático mundial: el caso de Costa Rica] / Castro-Salazar, René. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas, Apartado Postal 960-4050, La Garita de Alajuela, CR). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1999. 134 p. Dissertation, D. Des, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA (USA). Like many tropical countries, Costa Rica is losing its forests: private landowners, cut down forests to grow crops and the government cannot afford to buy land for conservation. However, foreign countries can help, preserving tropical forest is their most cost-effective option for reducing carbon emissions. This thesis investigates this possibility using Costa Rica's state-owned Wildlife Conservation Areas (WCAs) as a case study. Finding cost-effective ways to sequester carbon or reduce carbon emissions is important because reducing global warming is both urgent and costly: possibly 2% of the world's GDP. Deforestation increases carbon emissions into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Reducing deforestation and growing trees can help to sequester carbon, and reduce emissions. Various studies suggest that forest carbon sequestration may be a cost-effective way of reducing cost. According to the literature reducing emissions in the energy sector in industrialized countries will exceed $100 per ton. By contrast, the cost of sequestering carbon in US forests will cost from $10 to $100 per ton of carbon depending on the scale of the forestry projects and on the increasing opportunity cost of the land. The cost of sequestering carbon in permanent forests is even lower in Costa Rica than in the United States. The estimates developed in this thesis suggest that 92% of the carbon sequestered in the proposed expansion of the WCAs will cost less than $50 per ton. Moreover, some landowners in Costa Rica may be willing to preserve private natural forests or switch from traditional crops or cattle-raising to forest plantations if the price of sequestered carbon were to rise to as little, as $10 per ton. Therefore, using tropical forest as a carbon sink may have economic, ecological, and social benefits. Economically, it may reduce mitigation costs and facilitate capital transfer from industrialized to developing nations. Society benefits because forests are often located in the poorest rural areas; the ecological benefits come from keeping forest cover, especially primary forest, which is crucial to conserving tropical biodiversity. Localización: Biblioteca del INCAE: COS 333.75.09.728.6 C355. Publicación no.: 136 Implementación conjunta: un caso a nivel comunal en Costa Rica [Joint implementation: a case study at the community level in Costa Rica] / Segura-Bonilla, Olman. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CINPE), Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 27, p. 36-40. 1999. A case study is presented of joint forest management at the community level in the community of Junquillal de Santa Cruz in Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The project started in 1997. The article

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discusses the advantages and disadvantages of joint management projects, describes the socioeconomic characteristics of Junquillal de Santa Cruz, the forest characteristics, forest management and products and services, forest protection certification and parallel benefits resulting from this, new management activities, problems and limitations, and lessons learned from the project. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 137 Trade liberalization and the environment in Costa Rica [Liberalización del comercio y el ambiente en Costa Rica] / Abler, D.G; Rodríguez, A.G; Shortle, J.S. (Pennsylvania State University. Agricultural Economics, 207 Armsby Building, University Park, PA 16802-5600, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment and Development Economics (ISSN 1355-770X), v. 4, no. 3, p. 357-373. 1999. This study examines the environmental impacts of trade liberalization in Costa Rica. A CGE model is constructed which includes eight environmental indicators covering deforestation, pesticides, overfishing, hazardous wastes, inorganic wastes, organic wastes, greenhouse gases, and air pollution. Three trade liberalization scenarios are examined. Two sets of analyses are conducted for each scenario, one in which technologies do not change in response to trade liberalization and the other in which total factor productivity in each sector changes in response to changes in imports of machinery and equipment. To account for uncertainty regarding values of the model's parameters, a Monte Carlo experiment is conducted for each policy option. The impacts of trade liberalization on the environmental indicators are generally negative in sign but small or moderate in magnitude, both when technology is constant and when technology is allowed to vary. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6248. NBINA-7802. Publicación no.: 138 Almacenamiento y fijación de carbono en bosques de bajura de la zona atlántica de Costa Rica [Storage and fixation of carbon in lowland forests of the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica] / Segura-Madrigal, M.A; Kanninen, Markku; Alfaro-Murillo, María de los Angeles; Campos-Arce, José Joaquín. (CATIE. Proyecto Flujo de Carbono en América Central, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 30, p. 23-28. 2000. The sequestration carbon was quantified In tropical humid forests of the Atlantic region of Costa Rica, From direct measurements of aboveground biomass of Individual tress of seven forest species, allometric equations were derived to estimate total biomass and carbon stored In this type of forest. The biomass expansion factor (BEF) and total biomass for the species studied coincide with those reported by the literature (1.6 and 172 t ha-1) for tropical humid forests. The models that best predicted total biomass were logarithmictransformed functions of dbh, volume and shaft biomass. The allometric equations are most useful for estimating and predicting total biomass of trees within diameter classes of 60 to 105 cm dbh and 15 to 44 m In total height. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 139 Ecological footprints of Benin, Bhutan, Costa Rica and the Netherlands / van Vuuren, D.P; Smeets, E.M.W. (National Institute of Public Health & Environment, POB 1, NL-3720 BA, Bilthoven, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Economics (ISSN 0921-8009), v. 34, no. 1, p. 115-130. 2000.

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The ecological footprint (EF) has received much attention as a potential indicator for sustainable development over the last years. In this article, the EF concept has been applied to Benin, Bhutan, Costa Rica and the Netherlands in 1980, 1987 and 1994. The results of the assessment are discussed and used to discuss the current potential and limitations of the EF as a sustainable development indicator. The originally defined methodology has been slightly adapted by the authors, who focus on individual components of the EF (land and carbon dioxide emissions) and use local yields instead of global averages. Although per capita and total land use differs among the four countries: available data suggest increasing land use in all four countries while per capita land use decreases. The EF for carbon dioxide emissions increases for all four countries in both per capita and absolute terms. Differences in productivity, aggregation (of different resources) and multi-functional land use have been shown to be important obstacles in EF application - depending on the assessment objective. However, despite the obstacles, the study concludes that the EF has been successful in providing an interesting basis for discussion on environmental effects of consumption patterns, including those outside the national borders, and on equity concerning resource use. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6904. NBINA-6876. Publicación no.: 140 Effects of climate change on biodiversity: A review and identification of key research issues [Efectos del cambio climático sobre la biodiversidad: Una revisión e identificación de los problemas importantes por investigar] / Kappelle, Maarten; van Vuuren, M.M.I; Baas, Pieter. (Utrecht University. Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Department of Science, Technology and Society, Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, NL <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity and Conservation (ISSN 0960-3115), v. 8, no. 10, p. 1383-1397. 1999. Current knowledge of effects of climate change on biodiversity is briefly reviewed, and results are presented of a survey of biological research groups in the Netherlands, aimed at identifying key research issues in this field. In many areas of the world, biodiversity is being reduced by humankind through changes in land cover and use, pollution, invasions of exotic species and possibly climate change. Assessing the impact of climate change on biodiversity is difficult, because changes occur slowly and effects of climate change interact with other stress factors already imposed on the environment. Research issues identified by Dutch scientists can be grouped into: (i) spatial and temporal distributions of taxa; (ii) migration and dispersal potentials of taxa; (iii) genetic diversity and viability of (meta) populations of species; (iv) physiological tolerance of species; (v) disturbance of functional interactions between species; and (vi) ecosystem processes. Additional research should be done on direct effects of greenhouse gases, and on interactions between effects of climate change and habitat fragmentation. There are still many gaps in our knowledge of effects of climate change on biodiversity. An interdisciplinary research programme could possibly focus only on one or few of the identified research issues, and should generate input data for predictive models based on climate change scenarios. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6909. NBINA-6880. Publicación no.: 141 Forest protection and reforestation in Costa Rica: evaluation of a clean development mechanism prototype [Protección forestal y reforestación en Costa Rica: evaluación de un prototipo de mecanismo de desarrollo limpio] / Subak, S. (Natural Resources Defense Council, 1200 New York Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005, US). En: Environmental Management (ISSN 0364-152X), v. 26, no. 3, p. 283-297. 2000.

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Enlace: Costa Rica has recently established a program that provides funds for reforestation and forest protection on private lands, partly through the sale of carbon certificates to industrialized countries. Countries purchasing these carbon offsets hope one day to receive credit against their own commitments to limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Costa Rica has used the proceeds of the sale of carbon offsets to Norway to help finance this forest incentive program. Called the Private Forestry Project, which pays thousands of participants to reforest or protect forest on their lands. The Private Forestry Project is accompanied by a monitoring program conducted by Costa Rican forest engineers that seeks to determine net carbon storage accomplished on these lands each year. The Private Forestry Project, which is officially registered as an Activity implemented jointly. Is a possible model for bundled projects funded by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) established by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. It also serves as an interesting example for the CDM because it was designed by a developing country host--not by an industrialized country investor. Accordingly, it reflects the particular "sustainable development" objectives of the host country or at least the host planners. Early experience in implementing the Private Forestry Project is evaluated in light of the main objectives of the CDM and its precursor-Activities Implemented Jointly it is concluded that the project appears to meet the criteria of global cost-effectiveness and financing from non-ODA sources. The sustainable development implications of the project are specific to the region and would not necessarily match the ideals of all investing and developing countries. The project may be seen to achieve additional greenhouse gas abatement when compared against some (although not all) baselines. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6221. NBINA-7100. Publicación no.: 142 Regional analysis of soil-atmosphere nitrous oxide emissions in the Northern Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica [Análisis regional de las emisiones de óxido nitroso del suelo a la atmósfera en la Zona Atlántica norte de Costa Rica] / Plant, R.A.J. (Wageningen Agricultural University. Laboratory of Soil Sciences & Geology, P.O. Box 37, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 6, no. 6, p. 639-653. 2000. Regional analysis of greenhouse gas emissions is becoming increasingly important in answering questions related to environmental change, and typically employs a Geographic Information System (GIS) linked with a process-based simulation model. For the Northern Atlantic Zone (NAZ) in Costa Rica (281 649 ha), a regional analysis of soil-atmosphere nitrous oxide fluxes from the dominant land-use types forest, cattle pastures, and banana plantations was performed with both deterministic and stochastic variable representations. The stochastic representation accounted for soil and land management variability across nongeoreferenced fields within 1572 georeferenced land units in 13 relevant classes. Per class, frequency distributions of held-scale fluxes were simulated with a process-based model and Monte Carlo methods. Stochastic incorporation of both soil and land use variability resulted in areal (i.e. Land unit-scale) fluxes that were 14-22% lower than estimates based on averaged inputs. Soil heterogeneity was dominant. In addition, spatial flux patterns for current (1992) land use and two alternative land-use scenarios were evaluated using stochastic inputs. With current management, the regional nitrous oxide-N flux (standard deviation in parentheses) from agricultural land was 0.43 (0.13) Gg y-1. Replacing natural grasses with mixtures of grasses and N-fixing species on relevant soil types and introducing different forms of banana plantation management (alternative I)

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increased the regional nux by 51% to 0.65 (0.22 Gg y-1) When all natural grasses were replaced by fertilized improved species and allowing different forms of banana plantation management (alternative II), the regional flux increased by 126% to 0.97 (0.68 Gg y-1). Using the revised IPCC methodology, the 1992 nitrous oxide emission from agriculture in the NAZ was estimated to be 0.32 Gg y-1. Due to formidable data requirements, regional analysis may not easily be used to produce country-level estimates. However, regional analysis does provide a valuable benchmark against which the more straightforward IPCC methodology can be evaluated. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6525. Publicación no.: 143 Landscape-scale variation in forest structure and biomass in a tropical rain forest / Clark, David B; Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 137, no. 1/3, p. 185-198. 2000. A better understanding of the reasons for variation in tropical rain forest (TRF) structure is important for quantifying global above-ground biomass (AGBM). We used three data sets to estimate stem number, basal area, and AGBM over a 600-ha old-growth TRF landscape (La Selva Biological Station, N.E. Costa Rica). We analyzed the effects of soil type, slope angle, topographic position, and different sample designs and measurement techniques on these estimates. All three data sets were for woody stems greater than or equal to 10 cm in diameter. Estimated AGBM was determined from stand-level measurements using Brown's (Brown, 1997) allometric equation for Tropical Wet: Forest trees. One data set was from three subjectively-sited 4-ha plots (the 'OTS plots'), another was based on 1170 0.01 ha plots spaced on a regular grid (the 'Vegetation map plots'), and the third was from 18 0.5 ha plots (the 'Carbono plots') sited to provide unbiased samples of three edaphic conditions: hat inceptisol old alluvial terraces; Rat ultisol hill-tops; and steep ultisol slopes. Basal area, estimated AGBM and the contributions of major life forms were similar among studies, in spite of the differences in sampling design and measurement techniques. Although the Carbono plots on Rat inceptisols had significantly larger and fewer trees than those on ultisols, AGBM did not vary over the relatively small edaphic gradient in upland areas at La Selva. On residual soils, the largest trees were on the flattest topographic positions. Slope angle per se was not correlated with basal area or AGBM within the residual soils. Errors introduced by palm and liana lift: forms, as well as hollow trees, did not significantly affect AGBM estimates. In contrast, the methods used to measure buttressed trees had a large impact. Plot sizes of 0.35-0.5 ha were sufficient to achieve coefficients of variation of 12% for basal area with only six replicates in a given edaphic type. AGBM estimates ranged from 161 to 186 Mg/ha. These low values appear to be mainly due to the Tropical Wet Forest allometry equation used. This in turn may be indicative of a real and substantially lower ratio of biomass/basal area in Tropical Wet Forest than in Tropical Moist, as previously noted by Brown (1996). Our results indicate that for upland TRF landscapes with levels of environmental variation similar to La Selva, AGBM will be relatively insensitive to soil type and topography. However, because topography and soil type had much stronger effects on stem size, stand density, and spatial heterogeneity of sterns, stand dynamics may be more sensitive than AGBM to this range of conditions. We recommend that future studies of landscape-scale forest structure employ stratified sampling designs across major environmental gradients. Unbiased sampling with replication, combined with consistent and well-documented measurement techniques, will lead to a greatly

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improved understanding of the magnitude of and reasons for variation in forest structure and AGBM within TRF landscapes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6169. NBINA-2081. Publicación no.: 144 Diversity and assemblages of Neogene Caribbean mollusca of lower Central America [Diversidad y gremios de moluscos del Neogeno caribeño de la parte inferior de Centroamérica] / Jackson, J.B.C; Todd, J.A; Fortunato, H.M; Jung, P. (Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Washington, D.C. 20560-0580, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Bulletins of American Paleontology (ISSN 0007-5779), no. 357, p. 193-230. 1999. Our goal is to document and understand paleobiological patterns and trends for tropical American mollusks in marine coastal environments in relation to the rise of the lower Central American isthmus and global climate change. The time frame is the Neogene defined by the new Cenozoic chronology as the last 23.7 million years when most modem clades of mollusks diversified. To this end, we have attempted to sample the cells of a 3-dimensional matrix whose axes are gradients in time, spatial scale and environment. Recent molluscan faunas differ greatly among geographic regions and environments, and the same was true in the past. Therefore, it is necessary in paleobiological surveys to sample many geographic locations and environments throughout the entire time interval in question, and to know something about the environments of deposition of each sample. Otherwise, it is impossible to establish whether differences among fau nas of different ages represent temporal trends or are artifacts of sampling different regions or environments over time. In addition, it is necessary to sample rigorously and consistently every cell of the 3-dimensional matrix so that observed differences between ages, places and environments are not artifacts of differential sampling effort. For all these reasons, hypotheses of major evolutionary events or the division of paleobiogeographic provinces based on a few new taxa are only speculation. Neogene mollusks of tropical America have been studied extensively during the past century, with detailed monographic descriptions of faunas ranging from Trinidad to Ecuador in the south, to Florida and Chiapas in the north. Some of these published faunas are very diverse (Text-fig. 1, Table 1), with the record held by Woodring's (1925-1928) systematic monographs of the Late Pliocene Bowden Formation in Jamaica with 347 genera or subgenera and 610 species. However, most of the other paleontological collections were made by petroleum geologists for the purpose of stratigraphic and facies reconnaissance based on common taxa. Due to this more limited sampling, the median numbers of taxa for the 23 studies listed in Table 1 are only 107 subgenera and 135 species. Failure to consider the limited and inconsistent sampling among these studies, coupled with imprecise and sometimes faulty stratigraphy, has led to highly erroneous interpretations of patterns and trends of molluscan diversity in space and time throughout the region. Numerous authors concluded, for example, that numbers of molluscan taxa declined dramatically in the tropical western Atlantic during the Pliocene. Furthermore, they attributed these supposed changes to oceanographic consequences of the rise of the Isthmus of Panama or intensification of glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. However, their data were strongly biased by much greater sampling of Miocene and Early Pliocene compared with Late Pleistocene to recent faunas. More recent an extensive sampling of younger faunas demonstrates that diversity did not decrease and may have increased. Rates of extinction and origination intensified greatly towards the end of the Pliocene, but these processes were roughly balanced so that total numbers of taxa effectively stayed the same. This paper describes the analysis of 245 collections of fossil mollusks from the Limón Basin of Costa Rica and the Bocas del Toro and Panama Canal basins of Panama that range in age from approximately 11.6 to 1.4 million years. The

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PPP occurrence data are available at the internet site Our goals are to: 1. describe in detail how the collections were made and assess possible biases in sampling, processing, identification and analysis; 2. compare collections broken down by basins of deposition, age, and environment to determine how well we sampled the total diversity at any age, place or water depth, and the adequacy of these data to assess trends in diversity over time; 3. identify common taxa in the collections and their patterns of association in space and time based on ordination analyses; and 4. use correlations of ordination scores with age and water depth to estimate the relative importance of age and environment to variations in faunal composition over 10 million years. Throughout the paper, we emphasize problems of sampling and taxonomy to demonstrate what we believe is required to rigorously establish faunal patterns and trends. The amount of work required is enormous and much still remains to be done. Nevertheless, it is already possible to recognize consistently common taxa and draw conclusions about the stability of diversity over time. Future papers will build on these results to examine changes in rates and selectivity of extinction and origination, taxonomic composition, body size, shell thickness and ornamentation, incidence of predation, and the proportions of different functional groups defined on the basis of life habits and diet. Localización: Biblioteca OET: B. Publicación no.: 145 The Kyoto Protocol and payments for tropical forest: An interdisciplinary method for estimating carbon-offset supply and increasing the feasibility of a carbon market under the CDM [El Protocolo de Kyoto y los pagos por los servicios de los bosques tropicales: Un método interdisciplinario para estimar la compensación por el suministro de carbono e incremento de la factibilidad de un mercado del carbono bajo el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio] / Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Kerr, Suzi; Hughes, R.F; Liu, Shuguang; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Schimel, Davis S; Tosi-Olin, Joseph A., Jr; Watson-Céspedes, Vicente. (Columbia University. School of International & Public Affairs, Room 1306, 420 W 118th St, New York, NY 10027, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> ). En: Ecological Economics (ISSN 0921-8009), v. 35, no. 2, p. 203-221. 2000. Protecting tropical forests under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) could reduce the cost of emissions limitations set in Kyoto. However, while society must soon decide whether or not to use tropical forest-based offsets, evidence regarding tropical carbon sinks is sparse. This paper presents a general method for constructing an integrated model (based on detailed historical, remote sensing and field data) that can produce land-use and carbon baselines, predict carbon sequestration supply to a carbon-offsets market and also help to evaluate optimal market rules. Creating such integrated models requires close collaboration between social and natural scientists. Our project combines varied disciplinary expertise (in economics, ecology and geography) with local knowledge in order to create high-quality, empirically grounded, integrated models for Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6393. NBINA-4060. Publicación no.: 146 Almacenamiento de carbono y conservación de biodiversidad por medio de actividades forestales en el Area de Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central, Costa Rica / CIFOR / CATIE. Turrialba, CR, Turrialba: CIFOR / CATIE, 2000. 71 p. (Serie Técnica (CATIE); no. 314).

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Pago de Servicios Ambientals (PSA) se puso en marcha en Costa Rica en 1996 con la aprobación de la Ley Forestal No. 7575. Esta es una medida novedosa para valorar las actividades forestales por los servicios ambientales que prestan a la sociedad. La principal fuente de financiamiento del PSA es una parte de los impuestos a los combustibles, que llegó a recaudar US$38,4 millones en 1997, US$33,7 millones en 1998 y US$33,6 millones en 1999, aunque apenas 20, 15y 25de lo recaudado respectivamente ha sido transferido al Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO). Este mecanismo de financiamiento se debe asegurar y mejorar por parte de la sociedad civil en general, y buscarse otros como el pago por servicio de agua, debido a que constituye una de las decisiones más novedosas para que los propietarios de bosques y plantaciones capturen los beneficios de la protección y manejo sostenible de estos ecosistemas. El objetivo general de este estudio es analizar la capacidad y riesgos de las actividades forestales en la prestación de servicios ambientales, mediante la sistematización e integración de información científico-técnica e institucional existente para apoyar la toma de decisiones en el PSA por actividades forestales en fincas privadas del Area de Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central (ACCVC). El estudio analizó las actividades forestales con PSA y los riesgos asociados a las mismas en conservación de biodiversidad y, fijación y almacenamiento de carbono, así como el impacto social y económico que generan. Se analizaron las actividades de protección de bosque, manejo de bosque, plantaciones forestales y pastos como actividad alternativa. La elaboración de un sistema de criterios e indicadores (C&I) y el análisis por medio de la lógica difusa, generó una base integrada y rápida para conocer la situación del PSA en las actividades forestales. Estos C&I consideraron las dimensiones biofísica, económica y social. La valoración fue realizada mediante consulta a 26 expertos y 37 propietarios de tierras que desarrollan actividades forestales en el ACCVC. En el ACCVC existen áreas geográficas con distintas potencialidades para el desarrollo de actividades forestales que pueden brindar servicios para la fijación y almacenamiento de carbono y la conservación de biodiversidad. En el área del ACCVC atendida por la Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcánica Central (FUNDECOR) se da prioridad para el uso de los recursos del PSA a la protección de bosques (22 000 ha), seguida muy de lejos por el manejo de bosques (2 200 ha) y finalmente las plantaciones forestales (1 000 ha). El manejo técnico de bosque (incluyendo el secundario) representa un importante potencial para fijar y almacenar carbono, y contribuir a la conservación de la biodiversidad. La evaluación de los C&I puso en evidencia aspectos que son vitales para el desarrollo de la actividad forestal con perspectiva a largo plazo. Entre aquellos que requieren atención se encuentran: En la dimensión social: mejorar la participación local en el proceso de toma de decisiones del PSAincrementar acciones educativas dirigidas a los niños y de capacitación a los propietarios, en aspectos de protección y manejo de bosques. En las áreas de protección de bosques (privadas), hacer esfuerzos para estudiar y poner en marcha algunas actividades productivas de bajo impacto ambiental que generen empleo. En la dimensión económica, la actividad de manejo de bosques presenta menor valoración por parte de los propietariosdebe por tanto prestarse atención para fortalecer la actividad. Los indicadores que requieren atención son la asistencia técnica efectiva, los requisitos y trámites para el manejo forestal, el conocimiento y acceso a mercados de la madera y otros productos del bosque, y el incremento de los ingresos a los propietarios. En la dimensión biofísica, establecer prioridades para la protección de bosques primarios o poco intervenidos que se encuentran en tierras privadas, áreas para el manejo del bosque secundario, y áreas para la recuperación y manejo de bosques muy intervenidos. El PSA podría convertirse en un mecanismo de política efectivo para potenciar la integración de la cadena productiva forestal, asegurar la aplicación en el campo de estándares de sostenibilidad, mediante la certificación forestal y la inserción de productos

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especializados en el mercado nacional e internacional. El reconocimiento por parte de la sociedad nacional al buen uso y manejo de los bosques privados, generan un nuevo escenario para el sector forestaleste es un acercamiento necesario entre dueños de bosques y la sociedad. La evaluación periódica de los C&I mostrará los avances y las proyecciones de este innovador mecanismo (PSA). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4970. Biblioteca OET: AD 979. Publicación no.: 147 Vegetation and climate history of montane Costa Rica since the last glacial [Historia del clima y de la vegetación montañosa de Costa Rica desde el último glaciar] / Islebe, Gerald A; Hooghiemstra, Henry. (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Apartado 424, CP 77000, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, MX <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Quaternary Science Reviews (ISSN 0277-3791), v. 16, p. 589-604. 1997. New palynological evidence from the Cordillera de Talamanca (Costa Rica) is presented. The La Chonta-1 core (2310 m a.s.l) shows the development of montane vegetation during the late Quaternary. A shorter core (La Trinidad-III) shows the Lateglacial-Holocene transition, including the La Chonta stadial based on earlier published evidence. A soil section from the páramo belt at 3100 m shows vegetation recovery after fire. Modern pollen rain was studied along an altitudinal transect from 2100 m to 3800 m at Mt Chirripó. A comparison with other palaeoecological data of the region is given to elucidate climatic and vegetational changes throughout the Central American region. Data show a cooling of 7-8°C during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) for montane Costa Rica, which is in accordance with data from lowland Guatemala. A 1.5° to 2.5°C temperature drop is recorded during the Younger Dryas Chron in both Costa Rica and Guatemala, but apparently not in Panama. The Lateglacial-Holocene transition in montane Costa Rica is established at 10,400 BP. Between 9000 and 8500 BP moist forest developed in mountainous Costa Rica as well as in lowland Guatemala and Panama. Environmental change during the mid-Holocene seems more affected by changes in humidity than temperature change throughout Central America. Distribution maps of páramo and montane vegetation in Costa Rica are reconstructed for 10 ka, 14 ka and 18 ka based on currently available palynological data. These data indicate that during the LGM a páramo vegetation corridor existed between northern Costa Rica and probably northern Panama. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S6690. NBINA-6630. Publicación no.: 148 Adaptation to climate change and variability adaptive management [Adaptación al cambio climático y manejo adaptativo de la variabilidad] / Maciver, D.C; Dallmeier, F. (Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario M3H 5T4, CA). En: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (ISSN 0167-6369), v. 61, no. 1, p. 1-8. 2000. This paper summarizes the recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change convened in Costa Rica in 1998. Specifically, this paper also summarizes the adaptive management science issues and, in many cases, sectorat options. The Workshop, organized by Canada and Costa Rica, involved more than 200 experts and focused on adaptation science, adaptive management and adaptation options for climate variability and change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6562.

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Publicación no.: 149 Adaptation to climate variability and change: methodological issues [Adaptación a la variabilidad y cambio en el clima: aspectos metodológicos] / Klein, R.J.T; Maciver, D.C. (Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, P.O. Box 601203, 14412 Postdam, DE). En: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (ISSN 1381-2386), v. 4, no. 3/4, p. 189-198. 1999. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) convened a Workshop on Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change in Costa Rica in 1998 that involved more than 200 expects and incorporated views from many research communities. This paper summarizes the recommendations from the Workshop and profiles the contributions to the advancement of methodologies for adaptation science. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6569. Publicación no.: 150 Revised rules of procedure for the IPCC process: an editorial essay / Anonymous. En: Climatic Change (ISSN 0165-0009), v. 46, p. 409-415. 2000. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) held its fifteenth Plenary session in San José, Costa Rica in April, 1999. One major item on the agenda was the adoption of a revised set of rules of procedure for the Panel's work with its Third Assessment Report (TAR). The IPCC process is already a time-consuming and cumbersome process, and the new rules of procedure adopted at the fifteenth Plenary session adds further complexity and bureaucracy to the process. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6572. Publicación no.: 151 Effects of climate factors on daytime carbon exchange from an old growth forest in Costa Rica [Efectos de los factores climáticos sobre el intercambio de carbono durante el día en un bosque de crecimiento viejo en Costa Rica] / Oberbauer, Steven F; Loescher, Henry William; Clark, David B. (Florida International University. Department of Biological Sciences, Miami, FL 33199, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Selbyana (ISSN 0361-185X), v. 21, no. 1/2, p. 66-73. 2000. Eddy covariance measurements of CO2, H2O, and heat were conducted in tropical lowland wet forest at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. The system was based on a closed-path infrared gas analyzer with the sample inlets and sonic anemometer mounted on a 42-m tower. Prevailing winds were easterly from the Caribbean with little anthropogenic influence. The tower footprint was primary upland forest. Concurrent measurements included standard micrometeorological sensors for energy balance and six levels of continuous canopy profile sampling for CO2, H2O, and air temperatures. Canopy roughness at the site is very high and may contribute to mixing at low wind speeds. Data are presented for 39 days of daytime CO2 fluxes. Carbon dioxide fluxes at high irradiances ranged from -10 to -20 µmol m² S-1. The response of CO2 fluxes to solar radiation was curvilinear and did not saturate under ambient irradiance regimes. No effects of vapor pressure deficit on ecosystem carbon exchange were detected during the study period. Temperature, however, appeared to affect daytime carbon exchange slightly. The results suggest that solar radiation input is the primary limiting climatic factor for carbon uptake. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7047. LC. Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: 581S. Publicación no.: 152 Spatial and temporal variability of nitrogen oxide and methane fluxes from a fertilized tree plantation in Costa Rica [Variabilidad espacial y temporal de flujos de óxico nitroso y metano de una plantación forestal fertilizada en Costa Rica] / Weitz, A.M; Keller, Michael; Linder, E; Crill, P.M. (University of New Hampshire. Institute of Study of Earth Oceans & Space, Complex Systems

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Research Center, Durham, NH 03824, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0747-7309), v. 104, no. D23, p. 30097-30107. 1999. Nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) are naturally produced and consumed by soil biogeochemical processes. Naturally high variation between trace gas fluxes may temporarily increase due to agricultural management. We studied spatial and temporal variability of fluxes in the context of a 3-year field experiment established to identify and quantify N2O fluxes and controlling factors using automated field measurements. We measured trace gas fluxes, soil temperature, and moisture from fertilized and unfertilized balsa (Ochroma lagopus) plantations. Combining spatial and temporal sampling we evaluate if automatically measured time series of N2O emissions are representative of overall mean fluxes from fertilized loam under balsa. Soil trace gas fluxes were measured manually at 36 randomly distributed sampling locations per plot. Mean plot emissions were evaluated against fluxes measured by seven chambers commonly used for routine bimonthly manual measurements and against

N2O emissions measured by two automated chambers at 4.6-hour sampling intervals. Trace gas fluxes were highly variable over 40 x 40 m plots. Nitrogen oxide fluxes were mainly spatially independent. Fertilization increased nitrogen oxide emissions but did not introduce spatial dependency of flux data. Within about 6 weeks fluxes approached pre-fertilization level again. Given high spatial variation of nitrogen oxide fluxes we find that automatically measured N2O fluxes represent the nature of the flux response well and are in the range of fluxes indicated by spatial sampling. When soils were relatively dry fertilization inhibited CH4 uptake. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7773. Publicación no.: 153 Soil-atmosphere nitrogen oxide fluxes: Effects of root disturbance [Flujos de óxido de nitrógeno suelo-atmósfera: efectos de la perturbación de las raíces] / Keller, Michael; Weitz, A.M; Bryan, B; Rivera, M.M; Silver, Whendee L. (University of New Hampshire. Institute of Study of Earth Oceans & Space, Complex Systems Research Center, Durham, NH 03824, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0747-7309), v. 105, no. D14, p. 17693-17698. 2000. Chambers are the most common method used to sample soil-atmosphere fluxes of trace gases. Working in tree plantations in Costa Rica and in subtropical forest in Puerto Rico, we performed controlled experiments in order to evaluate whether installation of the chamber bases into the soil affects the soil-atmosphere flux of nitrogen oxides. Installation of chambers severed roots. We found a short-term disturbance effect related to chamber installation. Fluxes of nitrogen oxides increased by as much as a factor of 4 during a period of about 1 month following chamber installation in the soil. Within 6 weeks of chamber base installation, fluxes fell to control levels. Given the timescale of disturbance and recovery, root mortality and decomposition is the most likely cause of the observed effect. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7766. Publicación no.: 154 Isotopic variability of N2O emissions from tropical forest soils [Variabilidad isotópica de emisiones de N2O de suelos de bosques tropicales] / Pérez, T; Trumbore, S.E; Tyler, S.C; Davidson, E.A; Keller, Michael; de Camargo, P.B. (University of California. Department of Earth System Sciences, Irvine, CA 92697, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail:

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[email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 14, no. 2, p. 525-535. 2000. We report measurements of the N-15 and O-18 signature of N2O emitted from tropical rain forest soils at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica and in the Fazenda Vitoria in the State of Para, Brazil. The δ15N values ranged from -34 to 2 parts per thousand with respect to atmospheric N2, while δ18O values had a smaller range, from -4 to 18 parts per thousand with respect to atmospheric O2. We attribute these large variations to differences in microbial production, consumption, and transport of N2O. In general the δ15N of N2O emissions from an Oxisol soil in Brazil were consistently enriched by similar to 20 parts per thousand in N-15 compared to those from Ultisol and Inceptisol soils in Costa Rica. Denitrification is the most likely source of N2O in both locations during the rainy season, and the N-15 of nitrate was similar in both locations. We attribute the overall variability in emitted N-15 to differences in the ratio of N2O:N2 escaping from the soil to the atmosphere, with a larger fraction of the N2O reduced to N2 at the Brazilian sites. We found light δ15N- N2O values associated with high N2O emissions in a fertilized agricultural site in Costa Rica and in a "hot spot" of high emissions in the forest site in Brazil. This result suggests that the increase of substrate availability might increase the fractionation associated with N2O production. Overall, the Brazilian Oxisol soils had the most enriched δ15N-N2O emissions yet measured from soils. if these are more representative of tropical soil emissions than the Costa Rica emissions, then the globally averaged δ15N-N2O tropical rain forest soil source is more enriched than previously estimated. The large variations in isotopic signature for N2O emissions demonstrate the potential utility of stable isotopes as tools for understanding the processes of N2O production and consumption in soils. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7988. NBINA-6920. Publicación no.: 155 Intensive field measurements of nitrous oxide emissions from a tropical agricultural soil [Mediciones intensivas de campo de emisiones de óxido nitroso de un suelo agrícola tropical] / Crill, P.M; Keller, Michael; Weitz, A.M; Grauel, B; Veldkamp, Edzo. (University of New Hampshire. Institute of Study of Earth Oceans & Space, Complex Systems Research Center, Durham, NH 03824, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 14, no. 1, p. 85-95. 2000. The amount of nitrous oxide (N2O) continues to increase in the atmosphere. Agricultural use of nitrogen fertilizers in the tropics is thought to be an important source of atmospheric N2O. High frequency, highly precise measurements of the N2O flux were made with an automated system deployed in N fertilized and unfertilized agricultural plots of papaya and corn in Costa Rica for an entire corn crop growth to harvest cycle. N2O fluxes were as high as 64 ng N- N2O cm² h-¹ from fertilized versus 12 ng N- N2O cm² h-¹ from unfertilized corn and 28 ng N- N2O cm² h-1 from fertilized versus 4.6 ng N- N2O cm² h-1 from unfertilized papaya. Fertilized corn released more N2O than fertilized papaya over the 125 days of the crop cycle, 1.83 kg N ha-¹ versus 1.37 kg N ha-¹. This represents a loss as N2O of 1.1 and 0.9% of the total N applied as ammonium nitrate to the corn and papaya, respectively. As has often been observed, N2O fluxes were highly variable. The fastest rates of emission were associated with fertilization and high soil moisture. A diurnal cycle in the fluxes was not evident probably due to the minimal day/night temperature fluctuations. Each chamber was measured between 509 and 523 times over the course of the experiment. This allows us to evaluate the effect on constructed mean fluxes of lowered sampling

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frequencies. Sampling each collar about once a day throughout the crop cycle (25% of the data set) could result in a calculated mean flux from any individual chamber that can vary by as much as 20% even though the calculated mean would probably be within 10% of the mean of the complete data set. The uncertainty increases very rapidly at lower sampling frequencies. For example, if only 10% of the data set were used which would be the equivalent of sampling every other day, a very high sampling frequency in terms of manual measurements, the calculated mean flux could vary by as much as 40% or more at any given site. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7109. NBINA-6921. Publicación no.: 156 Testing a conceptual model of soil emissions of nitrous and nitric oxides [Probando un modelo conceptual de emisiones de óxidos nitrosos y nítricos de los suelos] / Davidson, E.A; Keller, Michael; Erickson, H.E; Verchot, L.V; Veldkamp, Edzo. (Woods Hole Research Center, POB 296, Woods Hole, MA 02543, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: BioScience (ISSN 0006-3568), v. 50, no. 8, p. 667-680. 2000. In this article, we briefly review the disciplinary research on soil emissions of N2O and NO. We describe a mechanistically based conceptual model - the "hole-in-the-pipe" (HIP) model - that integrates the results of these disciplinary studies and that relates emissions of both nitrogen oxides to common soil processes. We then test the model predictions, using data from our recent studies in Costa Rica, Brazil, and Puerto Rico and additional data from the literature for forest ecosystems throughout the world. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5998. S7221. Publicación no.: 157 Estimating historical changes in global land cover: Croplands from 1700 to 1992 [Estimación de los cambios históricos en la cobertura global de la tierra: tierras de cultivo a partir de 1700 a 1992] / Ramankutty, N; Foley, J.A. (University of Wisconsin. Institute of Environmental Studies, Climate, People & Environment Program, 1225 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 13, no. 4, p. 997-1027. 1999. Human activities over the last three centuries have significantly transformed the Earth's environment, primarily through the conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture. This study presents a simple approach to derive geographically explicit changes in global croplands from 1700 to 1992. By calibrating a remotely sensed land cover classification data set against cropland inventory data, we derived a global representation of permanent croplands in 1992, at 5 min spatial resolution [Ramankutty and Foley, 1998]. To reconstruct historical croplands, we first compile an extensive database of historical cropland inventory data, at the national and subnational level, from a variety of sources. Then we use our 1992 cropland data within a simple land cover change model, along with the historical inventory data, to reconstruct global 5 min resolution data on permanent cropland areas from 1992 back to 1700. The reconstructed changes in historical croplands are consistent with the history of human settlement and patterns of economic development. By overlaying our historical cropland data set over a newly derived potential vegetation data set, we analyze our results in terms of the extent to which different natural vegetation types have been converted for agriculture. We further examine the extent to which croplands have been abandoned in different parts of the world. Our data sets could be used within global climate models and global ecosystem models to understand the impacts of land cover change on

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climate and on the cycling of carbon and water. Such an analysis is a crucial aid to sharpen our thinking about a sustainable future. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6922. Publicación no.: 158 A climate of change [Un clima de cambio] / Figueres-Olsen, José María. (Fundación Costa Rica para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Entebbe), Apartado Postal 557-2250, Tres Ríos de La Unión, CR <>). En: Our Planet: the Magazine of the United Nations Environment Program (ISSN 1013-7394), v. 11, no. 1, p. 5-6. 2000. Global climate change has ceased to be strictly an environmental threat, lurking in the future. Its potential impacts could well make it the greatest social and economic challenge that humanity will have to face in the coming century. The first is competition. An energy revolution is now in the making, with advanced new technologies such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, wind turbines and flywheels entering the market. The reason why we moved beyond the horse and buggy a hundred years ago was not because we ran out of hay. Similarly, there is no doubt that the planet still has impressive oil reserves. However, as was the case when the oil era first emerged, those industries that successfully incorporate the new technologies will be well positioned to succeed economically in the 21 st century. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 159 Synthesis of Costa Rican meteorological information in a geographical context [Síntesis de la información meteorológica costarricense en un contexto geográfico] / Leclerc, Gregoire; Reyes, C; Hall, Charles A.S. (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. GIS Facility, Apdo. 6713, Cali, CO). En: Quantifying sustainable development: the future of tropical economies. Hall, C.A.S; León-Pérez, C; Leclerc, G. (eds.) San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2000. p. 223-264. ISBN: 0-12-318860-1. Chapter 9 develop a spatial database for Costa Rica for meteorological information. The meteorological chapter focuses especially on the statistical problems in extrapolating relatively few weather stations to an entire nation. Climate and weather affect most human activity, and are especially important in cultures such as Costa Rica that depend heavily on agriculture. A study of climate is an essential component of understanding the biophysical basis for a region's economy, including the growth and productivity of agricultural plants and fruit trees, erosion, other forms of environmental degradation, land use, land use change, and many other subjects of critical importance to Costa Rica. More specifically, temperature, moisture relations, and solar radiation determine potential agricultural crop production; rainfall is important for estimating the risks of losses in crop production due to an excess or deficiency of water; relative humidity is associated with the incidence of diseases in plants; and evapotranspiration, which is a function of several weather variables, determines the amount of water required by the crop, whether it is supplied by rainfall or by irrigation. Consequently many human farm operation decisions are made in consideration of climate. In addition, there is a growing scientific interest in the effects of climate and possible climate changes on agriculture, biodiversity, and the behavior of natural plants and animals. Economic decisions made in the absence of climatic information can lead to disastrous investments, for example, expanding the production of a crop when the only land available is outside the optimal climate range for that crop, or constructing a reservoir in a region where severe storms will cause excessive siltation. Finally any consideration of sustainability has to ask whether a strategy selected would hold if the climate were to change. Climate also effects us indirectly.

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For example, Jones et al. (1997) demonstrated that there is an intimate link between climate and the origin of cassava and beans, which evolved from wild relatives of these species in response to climate. The extensive biodiversity database being built by INBio (in Heredia, Costa Rica) will probably lead to important discoveries when analyzed in a climatic context. These and many more examples show the necessity of understanding climate patterns in their relation to issues of sustainability, and provide a strong incentive for estimating different weather parameters accurately. Unfortunately deriving any large-scale-such as a national-synthesis of climate is very difficult, even when the nation in question is small and contains a relatively sophisticated scientific system. Meteorological stations are rarely dense enough anywhere to give a true geographical picture of climate. This is a problem that is not restricted to the developing world. For example, Nemani et al. (1993) state that for the western United States there is only one meteorological station for every 10,000 km². In addition, these are found generally only at airports and in heavily settled areas, which tend to have very special characteristics (such as being on flat land and in valleys) that may not characterize the general landscape. And it is often misleading to extrapolate between weather stations. For example, if two cities are located in adjacent valleys it would be very misleading to interpolate through the higher land located between the cities. Thus it is fair to say that we do not have a comprehensive view of climate hardly anywhere because rarely have we approached the issue of climate in a geographically sensitive way. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 338.92797286 Q1. Publicación no.: 160 Gradient analysis of biomass in Costa Rica and a first estimate of countrywide emissions of greenhouse gases from biomass burning [Análisis de gradiente de biomasa en Costa Rica y primer estimado nacional de emisiones de gases de invernadero procedentes de la quema de biomasa] / Helmer, Eileen H; Brown, S. (USDA Forest Service. International Institute of Tropical Forestry, P.O. Box 25000, Río Piedras, PR 00928-5000, PR <E-mail: ehelmer/[email protected]>). En: Quantifying sustainable development: the future of tropical economies. Hall, C.A.S; León-Pérez, C; Leclerc, G. (eds.) San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2000. p. 503-526. ISBN: 0-12-318860-1. Past efforts to estimate greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from biomass burning generally have relied on global or regional data bases. Although the Central American country of Costa Rica is small in area (50 060 km²), it has a much better database than most regions and thereby provides an excellent "microcosma" for an analysis of GHG emissions by forest type. It has, for example, several forest formations for which data on forest structure and areas deforested are available. Between 1950 and 1984, the rate of deforestation in Costa Rica was one of the highest in the world at about 3.9% per year. Our objectives in thischapter are: 1) estimate biomass of stands undisturbed by human activity (as far as we can tell) as a function of environmental gradients in Costa Rica, and 2)estimate the release of GHGs to the atmosphere from knowing the spatial variation in deforestation rates in forests developed under differing climatic conditions. We estimate emissions simply by assuming 100% of aboveground biomass is burned eventually, an assumption recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (IPCC/OECD) methodology for inventory of GHG. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 338.92797286 Q1. Publicación no.: 161 Ecology: The value of nature and the nature of value [Ecología: El valor de la naturaleza y la naturaleza del valor] / Daily, Gretchen C; Söderqvist, T; Aniyar, S; Arrow, K; Dasgupta, P; Ehrlich, Paul R; Folke, C; Jansson, A.M; Jansson, B.O; Kautsky, N; Levin, S; Lubchenco, J; Mäler, K.G;

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Simpson, D; Starrett, D; Tilman, D; Walker, B. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), v. 289, no. 5478, p. 395-396. 2000. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7090. Publicación no.: 162 Getting to the canopy: Tree height growth in a neotropical rain forest [Cómo llegar a la copa: el crecimiento en altura del árbol en un bosque lluvioso neotropical] / Clark, Deborah A; Clark, David B. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 82, no. 5, p. 1460-1472. 2001. There is still limited understanding of the processes underlying forest dynamics in the world's tropical rain forests, ecosystems of disproportionate importance in terms of global biogeochemistry and biodiversity. Particularly poorly documented are the nature and time scale of upward height growth during regeneration by the tree species in these communities. In this study, we assessed long-term height growth through ontogeny for a diverse group of canopy and emergent tree species in a lowland neotropical rain forest (the La Selva Biological Station, northeastern Costa Rica). Species were evaluated based on annual height measurements of large samples of individuals in all postseedling size classes, over a 16-yr period (> 11000 increments). The study species were seven nonpioneers (Minquartia guianensis, Lecythis ampla, Hymenolobium mesoamericanum, Simarouba amara, Dipteryx panamensis, Balizia elegans, and Hyeronima alchorneoides) and two pioneers (Cecropia obtusifolia and Cecropia insignis). For each species, inherent height growth capacity was estimated as the mean of the five largest annual height increments (from different individuals) in each juvenile size class (from 50 cm tall to 20 cm in diameter). All species showed marked ontogenetic increases in this measure of height growth potential. At all sizes, there were highly significant differences among species in height growth potential. The two Cecropia species consistently showed the highest observed maximum height increments as smaller juveniles (less than or equal to4 cm in diameter). Among the nonpioneers, Simarouba had the highest growth potential across all juvenile sizes. For all species, mean annual height increments in all juvenile size classes were very much lower than the species' potential growth rates and reflected the impacts of frequent periods of zero growth and major height losses from physical damage. Because of the same factors, maximum net height increments declined over increasing measurement intervals (1-15-yr periods). With only one exception (Simarouba amara saplings less than or equal to1 cm in diameter that survived 10 yr), the annual height growth increments of these species showed no significant temporal autocorrelation. For the seven nonpioneer species, we estimated the minimum time required to grow from 50 cm tall saplings to 10 cm diameter trees, based on their greatest net height increments over increasing intervals. Estimated passage times increased from 7-33 yr, when based on maximum 5-yr height increments, to 37-83 yr, when based on maximum net height growth over 15 yr for the six longest studied (nonpioneer) species. Given the erratic height growth trajectories found for these juvenile trees in this 16-yr study, it is clear that much longer term observation is required. Still unknown are the actual growth trajectories that characterize successful regeneration in each of our focal species, how much time successful trees spend as suppressed juveniles, and the number of times they experience and recover from major physical damage. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7205. NBINA-2078.

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Publicación no.: 163 Geographic variation in soil organic carbon dynamics following land-use change in Costa Rica [Variación geográfica en la dinámica del carbono orgánico en el suelo luego del cambio en el uso de la tierra] / Powers, Jennifer S. (University of Minnesota. Department of Soil, Water & Climate, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Durham, NC: Duke University, 2001. 281 p. ISBN: 0-493-43112-8. Dissertation, Ph.D., Duke University, Graduate School and Department of Biology, Durham, NC (USA). Recent studies have suggested that the direction and magnitude of changes in soil carbon (C) pools following land-use change in the tropics depend upon initial site conditions, vegetation productivity, and management. Despite observations that soil C pools both increase and decrease following deforestation, global assessments of carbon dioxide fluxes due deforestation usually assume a single rate of loss. The goal of my dissertation was to understand how the response of the soil C pool to land-use change varies geographically for a 140,000-ha region in Costa Rica, and how to extrapolate site-specific changes in soil C pools to estimate regional C02 fluxes. I collected an extensive data set for 110 managed and forested sites in northeastern Costa Rica that included: soil C, indices of vegetation productivity, soil texture, mineralogy, elevation, topographic relief, and landcover history. Managed sites were paired with reference forest sites on similar soils and topography to estimate pre-conversion conditions. In this region, the direction and magnitude of the changes in soil C pools following conversion of mature forests to pasture varied as a function of non-crystalline clays in the low-elevation soils and %slope in the highelevation soils. The conversion of old pastures to intensively managed cash crops reduced soil C storage to a greater extent than the conversion of forest to pasture. Old pastures that had regenerated to secondary forests or tree plantations did not show increased soil C storage. As a whole, soils in this region have been a small source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere over the past 50 years as managed lands have replaced native forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 374. NBINA-7784. Publicación no.: 164 Emergent biological patterns and surface-subsurface interactions at landscape scales / Pringle, Catherine M; Triska, Frank J; Jones, J.B (ed.); Mulholland, P.J (ed.). (University of Georgia. Institute of Ecology, 711 Biological Sciences Bldg, Athens, GA 30602-2602, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Stream and Ground Waters San Diego, CA: Academic Press Inc., 2000. p. 167-193. In this chapter, we focus on emergent biological patterns in riverine ecosystems at landscape scales resulting from surface-subsurface water interaction. Our objectives are to examine (1) how the balance of physical and chemical factors on the "natural" geologic template affects biological patterns, (2) how natural hydrothermal systems can be used as a model for understanding surface-subsurface interactions and biological patterns in streams, and (3) how anthropogenic influences decouple the stream from the landscape by altering the nature of surface-subsurface water interactions and affecting biological patterns. We conclude with a synthesis and recommendations for future studies. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7251. Publicación no.: 165 Evaluating ultraviolet radiation exposure with satellite data at sites of amphibian declines in Central and South America [Evaluación de la exposición a la radiaci6n ultravioleta con datos de satélite en sitios de declinaciones de anfibios en Centro y Suramérica] / Middleton, Elizabeth M; Herman, J.R; Celarier, E.A; Wilkinson, J.W; Carey, C; Rusin, R.J. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Goddard Space Flight CenterLaboratory for Terrestrial Physics (Code 923),

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Greenbelt, MD 207771, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Conservation Biology (ISSN 0888-8892), v. 15, no. 4, p. 914-929. 2001. Many amphibian species have experienced substantial Population declines or have disappeared altogether during the last several decades at a number of amphibian survey sites in Central and South America. Our study addresses the use of trends in solar UV-B radiation exposure (280-320 nm) at these sites over the last two decades, derived from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer satellite data. It is intended to demonstrate a role for satellite observations in determining whether UV-B radiation is a contributing factor in amphibian declines. We used these data to calculate the daily erythemal (sunburning) UV-B, or UV-Bery exposure at the latitude, longitude, and elevation of each of 20 survey sites. The annually averaged UV-Bery close, as well as the maximum values, have been increasing in both Central and South America, with higher levels reached at the Central American sites. The annually averaged UV-Bery exposure increased significantly from 1979-1998 at all 11 Central American sites we examined (r²= 0.60-0.79); p ¾ 0.015), with smaller but significant increases at five of the nine South American sites (r² = 0.24-0.42; p ¾ 0.05). The number of days having the highest UV-B exposure (= 6.75 kJ/m²/day) increased in both regions from 40 days per year to approximately 58 days per year in 1998 (r² Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7272. Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11379. Publicación no.: 166 Inventario nacional de fuentes y sumideros de gases de efecto invernadero en Costa Rica año 1996 / MINAE/IMN, San José, CR. San José: Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía / Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, 1996. 53 p. (Proyecto COS/95/G31). En junio de 1992, se llevó a cabo en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, la Convención Marco sobre Cambio Climático, en la cual los países firmantes se comprometieron entre otras cosas a realizar inventarios nacionales de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, a implementar programas que contengan medidas orientadas a mitigar el cambio climático y cooperar en los preparativos para la adaptación a los impactos del cambio climático. La Convención entró en vigencia en marzo de 1994 y sus compromisos se hicieron obligatorios para los firmantes. Costa Rica ratificó la Convención el 13 de junio de 1994 y en cumplimiento a los compromisos adquiridos realizó el primer inventario de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero por fuentes y sumideros. La evaluación del primer inventario se realizó utilizando las guías para la elaboración de inventarios nacionales de gases de efecto invernadero del IPCC-OECI) y tomando como referencia el año 1990, con el fin de hacerlo comparable con otros países. Con los resultados de este inventario se inició un nuevo proyecto: Mejoramiento de la Capacidad Nacional para la Reducción de Emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero, el cual fue financiado por el Fondo Global del Ambiente (GEF). Dentro de este proyecto se llevó a cabo la actualización del inventario de emisiones, para lo cual se utilizó la metodología revisada del IPCC-OECI) (IPCC, 1997), tomando como referencia para la evaluación, el año 1996. La evaluación del inventario estuvo a cargo del Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, que coordinó un grupo integrado por expertos de diferentes instituciones en las áreas de Energía, Procesos Industriales, Agricultura, Uso de la tierra y Manejo de Desechos. Se incluyeron en él los mismos seis gases evaluados en el inventario anterior: dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), monóxido de carbono (CO), óxido nitroso (N2O), óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y otros hidrocarburos volátiles diferentes del metano (NMVOC). Además en algunos casos, se evaluó la emisión de dióxido de azufre (SO2), partículas y halocarburos (HFC). De acuerdo a la metodología del IPCC, el inventario se dividió en cinco áreas: Energía, Procesos Industriales, Agricultura, Uso de la tierra y silvicultura y Manejo de

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Desechos. Las emisiones totales de gases de efecto invernadero en el año 1996 tuvieron un valor neto equivalente a 4.047,7 Gg (4.047.700 toneladas). A este total el sector energía aportó 4.287,5 Gg (4.287.500 toneladas), procesos industriales 431,0 Gg (431.000 ton), agricultura 152,4 Gg (152.400 ton), cambio de uso de la tierra tiene una fijación neta de 864,6 Gg (-864.600 ton) y desechos 41,4Gg (41.400 ton). Valores detallados por sector y gas se pueden observar en el cuadro 1. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 389. Publicación no.: 167 Hydrologic connectivity and the management of biological reserves: A global perspective [Conectividad hidrológica y el manejo de las reservas biológicas: una visión global] / Pringle, Catherine M. (University of Georgia. Institute of Ecology, 711 Biological Sciences Bldg, Athens, GA 30602-2602, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 11, no. 4, p. 981-998. 2001. Increasingly, biological reserves throughout the world are threatened by cumulative alterations in hydrologic connectivity within the greater landscape. Hydrologic connectivity is used here in an ecological sense to refer to water-mediated transfer of matter, energy, and/or organisms within or between elements of the hydrologic cycle. Obvious human influences that alter this property include dams, associated flow regulation, groundwater extraction, and water diversion, all of which can result in a cascade of events in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Even disturbances well outside the boundaries of reserves can have profound effects on the biological integrity of these "protected" areas. Factors such as nutrient and toxic pollution and the spread of normative species are perpetuated by hydrologic connectivity, and their effects can be exacerbated by changes in this property. Hydrological alterations are now affecting reserves through increasingly broad feedback loops, ranging from overdrawn aquifers to atmospheric deposition and global climate change. Such alterations are often beyond the direct control of managers because they lie outside reserve boundaries, and data on hydrologic connection between reserves and surrounding landscapes are scant. The subject of water has also been typically excluded from the literature pertaining to both theoretical and practical aspects of reserve size, isolation, and design. This results, in part, from early management strategies developed when the landscape matrix outside of reserves was not excessively fragmented, and when awareness of hydrologic connectivity was in its infancy. The location of a given reserve within a watershed, relative to regional aquifers and wind and precipitation patterns, can play a key role in its response to human disturbance transmitted through the hydrologic cycle. To illustrate this point, I discuss reserves of varying sizes from diverse regions throughout the world. Reserves located in middle and lower watersheds often suffer direct hydrologic alterations that cause severe habitat modification and exacerbate the effects of pollution. In contrast, reserves in upper watersheds may have intact physical habitat and contain important source populations of some native biota, yet hydrologic disturbances in lower watersheds may cause extirpation of migratory species, cascading trophic effects, and genetic isolation. Worldwide, 7% of land area is either strictly or partially protected, and many reserves are in danger of becoming population ''sinks'' for wildlife if we do not develop a more predictive understanding of how they are affected by hydrologic alterations that originate outside of their boundaries. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7332. NBINA-3836. Publicación no.: 168 Management effects on methane fluxes in humid tropical pasture soils [Efectos del manejo de los flujos de metano en suelos de pastos húmedos tropicales] / Veldkamp, Edzo; Weitz,

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A.M; Keller, Michael. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Sciences & Forest Nutritrion; Busgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Biology and Biochemistry (ISSN 0038-0717), v. 33, no. 11, p. 1493-1499. 2001. Tropical ecosystems play an important role in the production and uptake of atmospheric methane (CH4). Our objective was to evaluate the long- and short-term effects of management on the CH4 fluxes in humid tropical pastures in Costa Rica. Using closed chambers, we measured CH4 fluxes on four replicates of three pastures with different management: fertilized, traditional and legume pastures. In experimental fertilizer applications, we also compared the short-term effects of ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers. In the course of one year, fertilized pastures showed net CH4uptake (-0.34 mg CH4 m² day-1) while traditional (+0.69mg CH4 m² day-1) and legume pastures (+0.92 mg CH4 m² day-1) displayed net CH4 emissions. This difference was probably caused by the combined effect of lower soil water contents in the fertilized pastures and high nitrate concentrations, which may have inhibited production of CH4in the fertilized pastures. CH4 uptake in the fertilized pasture was only about 25% of CH4 uptake in old-growth forest in the same area. In the fertilizer experiment, CH4 uptake was more reduced by ammonium sulfate (-0.24 mg CH4 m² day-1) and urea (-0.26 mg CH4 m² day-1) than by calcium nitrate (-0.62 mg CH4 m² day-1). We measured a short-term inhibition of CH4 uptake caused by NH4+ that lasted for less than 3 weeks. Addition of KCI led to an additional inhibiting 'salt' effect, which may be more long term than the inhibiting effect of NH4+. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-133. Publicación no.: 169 Tropical rainforest tree growth periodicity [Periodicidad en el crecimiento de árboles del bosque lluvioso tropical] / O'Brien, Joseph J; Oberbauer, Steven F; Clark, Deborah A; Clark, David B. (USDA. US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 320 Green St, Athens, GA 30601, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Annual Meeting of The Ecological Society of America. 86th, abstracts, Monona Terrace Convention Center and University of Wisconsin USAugust 5-10, 2001. , v. 86, p. 168-169. Madison, WI: The Ecological Society of America, 2001. We report three years of growth periodicity among tree species within and between years as part of a larger study of climate effects on rainforest carbon dynamics. Monthly, we measured tree growth, leaf phenology, and reproductive phenology in 10 tree species at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. To measure growth we installed band dendrometers on 10 individuals of each species. Trees chosen for measurement had well-illuminated crowns and stem diameters of 30-60 cm. Six species were evergreen, three were deciduous during the brief dry season, and one was leafless multiple times throughout the year. Two species flowered and fruited continuously, five reproduced yearly, and three reproduced supra-annually. The species grew an average of 6.2-23.3 mm in diameter over the three years. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in growth among the species, and eight of the ten species showed some degree of growth periodicity. Five grew during the wet season, May to November, and three had frequent periods of dormancy throughout the year. Patterns of leaf exchange and reproductive phenology did not completely explain the observed variation in timing of growth. A model couples these data with concurrent climate measurements to predict how climate affects tree growth. Localización: Este es el documento completo.

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Publicación no.: 170 Primera comunicación nacional ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático / Costa Rica. Ministerio del Ambiente y Energía. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, San José, CR. San José: MINAE / IMN, 2000. 101 p. (Proyecto COS/95/G31). Enlace: Costa Rica has taken part in climate change activities for over a decade. it ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on October 13, 1994, and accordingly, it has conducted different initiatives. The First National Communication on Climate Change summarizes most of the activities carried out in the country in conformity with this commintment. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14179. Biblioteca OET: AD 398. Publicación no.: 171 Climatic impact of tropical lowland deforestation on nearby montane cloud forests [Impacto climático de la deforestación de las tierras bajas tropicales en los bosques nubosos montanos vecinos] / Lawton, Robert O; Nair, Udaysankar S; Pielke, Roger A; Welch, Ronald M. (University of Alabama. Department of Biological Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35899, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), v. 294, p. 584-587. 2001. Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) depend on predictable, frequent, and prolonged immersion in cloud. Clearing upwind lowland forest alters surface energy budgets in ways that influence dry season cloud fields and thus the TMCF environment. Landsat and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite imagery show that deforested areas of Costa Rica's Caribbean lowlands remain relatively cloud-free when forested regions have well-developed dry season cumulus cloud fields. Further, regional atmospheric simulations show that cloud base heights are higher over pasture than over forest areas under reasonable dry season conditions. These results suggest that land use in tropical lowlands has seriour impacts on ecosystems in adjacent mountains. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7349. NBINA-6744. Publicación no.: 172 Changes in reef community structure after fifteen years of natural disturbances in the Eastern Pacific (Costa Rica) [Cambios en la estructura de la comunidad de un arrecife después de quince años de perturbaciones naturales en el Pacífico oriental (Costa Rica)] / Guzmán-Espinal, Héctor M; Cortés-Núñez, Jorge. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 2072, Balboa, PA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Bulletin of Marine Science (ISSN 0007-4977), v. 69, no. 1, p. 133-149. 2001. Enlace: Eastern Pacific coral reefs have been severely disturbed by natural events during the past two decades. We have monitored changes in reef structure and reef recovery after ENSO 1982-83 (starting in 1984), at sixteen permanent plots in four different habitats at Caño Island, Costa Rica. Reefs were also severely affected by dinoflagellate blooms in 1985, and by warming events in 1987, 1990-95 and 1997-98. The 1982-83 event caused approximately 100% coral mortality in shallow reef zones at Caño Island, particularly of pocilloporid species. Coral recruitment may have coincided with putative larval pulses during the various ENSO events or shortly after, as deduced by the presence of sexual recruits during 1987-88 and widespread sexual recruitment in 1993-94. Mortality of juvenile and adult colonies during the 1997-98 ENSO warming was low (5%), suggesting that populations of massive and branching corals may have been more tolerant of elevated thermal stress than during previous events. Supporting this notion are the Reynolds SST comparative plots for 1982-83 and 1997-98, which indicate similar warming

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trends and temperature maxima at this locality. Reefs at Caño Island are recovering, with significant increases in the number of now sexual recruits. Although 1984 levels of coral cover have not yet been attained island-wide, 70% cover occurs in reef areas on the north side of the island. Other disturbances, such as phytoplankton blooms that affected Pocillopora spp. In all habitats, may have retarded reef regeneration, complicating the course of recovery after the 1982-83 ENSO warming disturbance. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7580. NBINA-3973. Publicación no.: 173 Coral bleaching and mortality associated with the 1997-98 El Niño in an upwelling environment in the Eastern Pacific (Gulf of Papagayo, Costa Rica) [Decoloración de corales y mortalidad asociada con El Niño 1997-98 en un ambiente nutritivamente rico en el Pacífico oriental (Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica)] / Jiménez-Centeno, Carlos E; Cortés-Núñez, Jorge; León-Campos, Aleazar; Ruiz-Campos, Eleazar. (Universität Bremen. ZMT, Fahrenheitstr 6, D-28359 Bremen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: jcortes> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Bulletin of Marine Science (ISSN 0007-4977), v. 69, no. 1, p. 151-169. 2001. Enlace: Coincidental with the 1997-98 El Niño, overall coral bleaching (32.4% of all colonies) and mortality (5.7%) were observed on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, in the seasonally cool waters of the Gulf of Papagayo and in the more thermally stable waters of Golfo Dulce, At a Pavona clavus reef (Culebra Bay, Gulf of Papagayo), mean seawater temperature at 7 m depth ranged from 0.2 °C to 3.9 °C warmer than in previous years for nearly all months during 1997 and 1998. Water column temperature to 25-30 m depth was above 29 °C for several days, which exceeded the long term average. Even though mortality was low for most coral species, it was severe ( 90% decrease in live cover) in a small population of Leptoseris papyracea known only at Culebra Bay. Pocillopora spp. Accounted for more than 60% and 80% of all bleached and dead colonies, respectively. Other coral species regained their normal pigmentation by the beginning of 1998 with little evidence of tissue mortality. The El Niño event of 1997-98 is considered the strongest on record by some measures, but coral mortality on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica was much less than in previous events, drawing attention to El Niño disturbance variability on local scales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7978. NBINA-3972. Publicación no.: 174 Population declines and priorities for amphibian conservation in Latin America [Disminuciones de la población y prioridades para la conservación de anfibios en Latinoamérica] / Young, Bruce E; Lips, Karen R; Reaser, J.K; Ibáñez-D., Roberto; Salas, A.W; Cedeño, J.R; Coloma, L.A; Ron, Santiago R; La Marca, E; Meyer, J.R; Muñoz, A; Bolaños-Vives, Federico; Chaves-Cordero, Gerardo A; Romo, D. (NatureServe, 1101 Wilson Blvd, 15th Floor, Arlington, VA, 22209, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Conservation Biology (ISSN 0888-8892), v. 15, no. 5, p. 1213-1223. 2001. Though dramatic amphibian population declines have been reported worldwide, our understanding of the extent of the declines in Latin America, where amphibian diversity is high, is limited to a few well-documented studies. To better understand the geographic extent of declines, their possible causes, and the measures needed to improve Latin American scientists' ability to research the phenomenon and make effective management recommendations, we convened three regional workshops with 88 Latin American herpetologists and conservationists. Population declines are widespread in Latin America. At

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least 13 countries have experienced declines, and in 40 cases species are now thought to be extinct or extirpated in a country where they once occurred. Declines or extinctions have affected 30 genera and nine families of amphibians, Most declines have occurred in remote highlands, above 500 m in elevation in Central America and above 1000 m in the Andes. Most documented declines occurred in the 1980s. Of the possible causes studied to date, climate change appears to be important at one site and chytrid fungal disease has been identified at sites in three countries. Although many monitoring studies are currently underway in a variety of habitats, most studies are recent and of short duration. In a signed resolution, workshop participants called for greater collaboration and communication among scientists working in Latin America to understand the geographic extent of population declines and the distribution of possible causal factors. In situ conservation is important to protect habitats, but captive-rearing programs for species subject to imminent extinction are also needed. Better understanding of the taxonomy and natural history of amphibians and more funding for research and monitoring are critical to developing a scientific basis for management action to arrest and reverse population declines. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7559. NBINA-4755. Publicación no.: 175 N2O emissions from humid tropical agricultural soils: Effects of soil moisture, texture and nitrogen availability [Emisiones de N2O de suelos agrícolas del trópico húmedo: Efectos sobre la humedad del suelo, textura y disponibilidad de nitrógeno] / Weitz, A.M; Linder, E; Frolking, S.E; Crill, P.M; Keller, Michael. (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, 07701 Jena, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Biology and Biochemistry (ISSN 0038-0717), v. 33, no. 7/8, p. 1077-1093. 2001. We studied soil moisture dynamics and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from agricultural soils in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Using a split-plot design on two soils (clay, loam) we compared two crop types (annual, perennial) each unfertilized and fertilized. Both soils are of andic origin. Their properties include relatively low bulk density and high organic matter content, water retention capacity, and hydraulic conductivity. The top 2-3 cm of the soils consists of distinct small aggregates (dia. 0.5 cm). We measured a strong gradient of bulk density and moisture within the top 7 cm of the clay soil. Using automated sampling and analysis systems we measured N2O emissions at 4.6 h intervals, meteorological variables, soil moisture, and temperature at 0.5 h intervals. Mean daily soil moisture content at 5 cm depth ranged from 46% water filled pore space (WFPS) on clay in April 1995 to near saturation on loam during a wet period in February 1996. On both soils the aggregated surface layer always remained unsaturated. Soils emitted N2O throughout the year. Mean N2O fluxes were 1.04+-0.72 ng N2O -N cm N2O (mean ± standard deviation) from unfertilized loam under annual crops compared to 3.54 ± 4.31 ng N2O -N cm² h-¹ from the fertilized plot (351 days measurement). Fertilization dominated the temporal variation of N2O emissions. Generally fluxes peaked shortly after fertilization and were increased for up to 6 weeks ('post fertilization flux'). Emissions continued at a lower rate ('background flux') after fertilization effects faded. Mean post-fertilization fluxes were 6.3 ± 6.5 ng N2O -N cm N2O while the background flux rate was 2.2+-1.8 ng N2O -N cm² h-¹. Soil moisture dynamics affected N2O emissions. Post fertilization fluxes were highest from wet soils; fluxes from relatively dry soils increased only after rain events. N2O emissions were weakly affected by soil moisture during phases of low N availability. Statistical modeling confirmed N availability and soil moisture as the major controls on N2O flux. Our data suggest that small-scale differences in soil structure and moisture content cause very different biogeochemical environments within the top 7 cm of soils, which is important for net N2O fluxes from soils. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7767. NBINA-135.

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Publicación no.: 176 Modeling trace gas emissions from agricultural ecosystems [Modelaje de emisiones de gases traza de ecosistemas agrícolas] / Li, C.S. (University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, Durham, NH 03824, US). En: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (ISSN 1385-1314), v. 58, no. 1/3, p. 259-276. 2000. A computer simulation model was developed for predicting trace gas emissions from agricultural ecosystems. The denitrification-decomposition model consists of two components. The first component, consisting of the soil climate, crop growth, and decomposition submodels, predicts soil temperature, moisture, pH, Eh, and substrate concentration profiles based on ecological drivers (e.g., climate, soil, vegetation, and anthropogenic activity). The second component, consisting of the nitrification, denitrification, and fermentation submodels, predicts NH3, NO, N2O, and CH4 fluxes based on the soil environmental variables. Classical laws of physics, chemistry, or biology or empirical equations generated from laboratory observations were used in the model to parameterize each specific reaction. The entire model links trace gas emissions to basic ecological drivers. Through validation against data sets of NO, N2O, CH4, and NH3 emissions measured at four agricultural sites (Jiangsu, China; Costa Rica; Texas, USA; and Henan, China, respectively), the model showed its ability to capture patterns and magnitudes of trace gas emissions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-131. Publicación no.: 177 Global climatic change and Brazilian ecosystems [El cambio climático mundial y los ecosistemas brasileños] / Moreira, A.G; Schwartzman, S; Moreira, A.G (ed.); Schwartzman, S. En: As mudancas climaticas globais e os ecossistemas brasileiros Brasilia: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazonia, 2000. 165 p. ISBN: 85-87413-02-3. This book is based on the papers and discussions of a conference held on 22-23 October 1998 in Brazil. Sections deal with Brazil within the international framework (including the Kyoto protocol, and greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil), carbon in Brazilian ecosystems (including the importance of cerrado in capturing carbon), experiences of carbon-fixing projects in Bolivia and Costa Rica, and society and climatic change (including the participation of NGOs in current discussions). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 178 Emisión de gases con efecto invernadero y fijación de carbono en el sistema de producción de café (Coffea arabica) en Costa Rica [Emission of gases with greenhouse and carbon fixation effects in the coffee production system (Coffea arabica) in Costa Rica] / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). XIX Simposio Latinoamericano de caficultura. Memoria, San José CR2-6 Octubre, 2000. En: Boletín de Promecafé (ISSN 1010-1527), no. 87/88, p. 59-68. 2000. The emission of gases with greenhouse and carbon fixation effects was studied in coffee in Costa Rica. Application of nitrogen fertilizer appeared to have a direct effect on the emission of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide The main fluctuations in the emission of nitrous oxide occurred on the first days after application of nitrogen fertilizer. Emissions of nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide were lower in coffee ecosystems than in natural woodlands. The concentration of ammonium and nitrate in the soil was related to emission of nitrous oxide. Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton.

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Publicación no.: 179 Short-term nitrous oxide profile dynamics and emissions response to water, nitrogen and carbon additions in two tropical soils / Nobre, A.D; Keller, Michael; Crill, P.M; Harriss, R.C. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas, Avenida Andre Araujo, 2936, BR-69083000 Manaus, Amazonas, BR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biology and Fertility of Soils (ISSN 0178-2762), v. 34, no. 5, p. 363-373. 2001. Tropical soils are potentially the highest and least studied nitrous oxide (N2O) production areas in the world. The effect of water, nitrate and glucose additions on profile concentrations and episodic emissions of N2O for two volcanic soils in Costa Rica was examined. Magnitudes of episodic N2O pulses, as well as overall N2O emissions, varied considerably and consistently, depending on soil texture, soil water content, and kind and availability of substrates. Emission pulses began within 30 min, peaking no later than 8 h after wetting. Production in the soil occurred mainly in the layer between 5 and 20 cm deep, but depended directly on the temporal dynamics of the water profile. Changes in soil NO3- were associated with soil N2O concentration changes. Depending on the treatments, one episodic N2O production event driven by one moderate rain could account for less than 15% to more than 90% of the total weekly production. Previous survey studies may have underestimated the contribution of N2O emissions from tropical soils. In order to improve budgets and models of N2O emissions. episodic emissions driven by rain events and amendments must be considered. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-84. Publicación no.: 180 Balance of emissions with greenhouse effect in silvopastoral systems in three life zones of Costa Rica [Balance de emisiones con efecto invernadero en sistemas silvopastoriles en tres zonas de vida de Costa Rica] / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio; Ibrahim, Muhammad A, (comp.). (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). International Symposium on Silvopastoral Systems and II Congress on Agroforestry and Livestock Production in Latin America, San José CR2-9 Abr. 2001. En: Silvopastoral systems for restoration of degraded tropical pasture ecosystems Turrialba: CATIE / GTZ / DANIDA / IUFRO / FAO, 2001. p. 107-111. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE 631.58063 I61s 2001. Publicación no.: 181 El bosque como proceso fundamental de los servicios ambientales en Costa Rica / Bermúdez-Ramírez, Flor; Garita-Cruz, Damaris; Rodríguez-Chacón, Johnny. (Universidad Nacional. Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales y Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 2000. 113 p. Seminario de Graduación, Lic. Ingeniería en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ciencias de la Tierra y el Mar, Heredia (Costa Rica). Enlace: Los beneficios que los bosques le prestan al planeta es uno de los temas de más actualidad. La fijación de carbono, la protección de la biodiversidad, la estabilización del clima, la madera como tal, la producción de agua para consumo humano y producción de energía, son algunos de los productos y servicios provenientes de los bosques y que benefician a la comunidad mundial. Costa Rica como país visionario en el aspecto de la conservación de los recursos naturales, gestiona desde la década de los 60, la creación y protección de áreas silvestres, que comprenden dentro de sí una buena parte de cobertura

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boscosa. Con la primera Ley Forestal de 1969, se inicia un proceso legislativo en procura de la conservación y el manejo del recurso bosque. Esto conlleva a la formulación de leyes posteriores, que promueven diferentes incentivos para su conservación, los cuales con el tiempo y a raíz del cambio climático, se convierten en lo que hoy se denomina Pago por Servicios Ambientales. A partir de la Cumbre de Río se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de proteger los bosques del mundo y aprovechando este momento coyuntural, aparecen en Costa Rica los Servicios Ambientales, como un mecanismo que procura la consolidación de las áreas boscosas. Esto se hace patente en la actual Ley Forestal No. 7575, donde se definen y tipifica en cuatro los servicios ambientales que brinda el bosque y las plantaciones forestales: por lo tanto se amplía la visión de la función del bosque y la necesidad de compensar económicamente a los due;os de bosque. "El Bosque como Proceso Fundamental de los Servicios Ambientales en Costa Rica", es un documento, que tiene por objetivo reconocer la importancia del bosque en la producción de bienes y servicios ambientales en beneficio de la sociedad costarricense, así como formular un documento actualizado y de consulta que contribuya a dar lineamientos básicos de la política nacional en torno a los servicios ambientales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13852. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis B516. Publicación no.: 182 Intensificación de la ganadería en Centroamérica: beneficios económicos y ambientales / Pomareda-Benel, Carlos (ed.); Steinfeld, H (ed.). (Servicios Internacionales para el Desarrollo Empresarial (SIDE S.A.), Apdo. 111-2050, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario Intensificación de la Ganadería en Centroamérica: Beneficios Económicos y Ambientales, Turrialba CR24-26 May. 1999. Turrialba: CATIE / FAO / SIDE, 2000. 334 p. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.7414 I61. Publicación no.: 183 Fijación de carbono por pastos tropicales en las sabanas de suelos ácidos neotropicales / Fisher, M.J; Trujillo, W. Seminario Intensificación de la Ganadería en Centroamérica: Beneficios Económicos y Ambientales, Turrialba CR24-26 May. 1999. En: Intensificación de la ganadería en Centroamérica: beneficios económicos y ambientales. Pomareda-Benel, C; Steinfeld, H. (eds.) Turrialba: CATIE / FAO / SIDE, 2000. p. 115-135. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.7414 I61. Publicación no.: 184 Secuestro de carbono en los bosques: el papel de los bosques en el ciclo global de carbono / Kanninen, Markku. (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), P.O. Box 6596, JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, ID <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario Intensificación de la Ganadería en Centroamérica: Beneficios Económicos y Ambientales, Turrialba CR24-26 May. 1999. En: Intensificación de la ganadería en Centroamérica: beneficios económicos y ambientales. Pomareda-Benel, C; Steinfeld, H. (eds.) Turrialba: CATIE / FAO / SIDE, 2000. p. 137-149. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.7414 I61. Publicación no.: 185 Fijación de carbono, emisión de metano y de óxido nitroso en sistemas de producción bovina en Costa Rica / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario Intensificación de la Ganadería en Centroamérica: Beneficios Económicos y Ambientales, Turrialba CR24-26 May. 1999.

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En: Intensificación de la ganadería en Centroamérica: beneficios económicos y ambientales. Pomareda-Benel, C; Steinfeld, H. (eds.) Turrialba: CATIE / FAO / SIDE, 2000. p. 151-174. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.7414 I61. Publicación no.: 186 Agroforestería y sistemas de producción animal en América Central / Camero-Rey, L.A; Camargo-García, J.C; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M. (CATIE. Area de Sistemas Agroforestales y Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Apdo. Postal 7170, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario Intensificación de la Ganadería en Centroamérica: Beneficios Económicos y Ambientales, Turrialba CR24-26 May. 1999. En: Intensificación de la ganadería en Centroamérica: beneficios económicos y ambientales. Pomareda-Benel, C; Steinfeld, H. (eds.) Turrialba: CATIE / FAO / SIDE, 2000. p. 177-198. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.7414 I61. Publicación no.: 187 Potencial económico de los productos no maderables de los bosques secundarios en la Región Chorotega de Costa Rica / Berrocal-Jiménez, Alexander; Quesada-Monge, Ruperto Francisco (ed.). (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario avances en el manejo del bosque secundario en Costa Rica. Memoria, San José CR11 Feb. 2000. Cartago: ITCR, 2000. p. 85-95. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 634.92097286 S471 2000. Publicación no.: 188 Restauración de la cobertura vegetal en la Reserva Forestal Monte Alto, Hojancha, Guanacaste / Fonseca-Méndez, Karol; Vásquez-Sánchez, Laura C; Quesada-Monge, Ruperto Francisco (ed.). (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia, CR). Seminario avances en el manejo del bosque secundario en Costa Rica. Memoria, San José CR11 Feb. 2000. Cartago: ITCR, 2000. p. 156-165. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 634.92097286 S471 2000. Publicación no.: 189 La valoración como proceso fundamental de los servicios ambientales / Rodríguez-Hernández, Higinia; Valerio-Segura, Freddy; Vindas-Chaves, Danilo V. Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 2000. 70 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca del CINPE (Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible): Tesis 3891. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis R696v. Publicación no.: 190 Dióxido de carbono (CO2) como un proceso fundamental de los servicios ambientales en Costa Rica / Bermúdez-Oconitrillo, Roxana; Díaz-Hernández, Arnulfo; Escribano-Montoya, Jorge. Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 2000. 102 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis B516d. Publicación no.: 191 Restauración de la cobertura vegetal en la Reserva Forestal Monte Alto, Hojancha, Guanacaste / Fonseca-Méndez, Karol; Vásquez-Sánchez, Laura C. Heredia: Universidad

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Nacional, 1999. 97 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis F676re. Publicación no.: 192 Fijación de carbono en plantaciones de melina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.), teca (Tectona grandis L.f:) y pochote (Bombacopsis quinata Jacq.) en los cantones de Hojancha y Nicoya, Guanacaste, Costa Rica / Cubero-Moya, José Alberto; Rojas-Piedra, Susana Raquel. (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Apdo. 594-2120, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 1999. 94 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). Enlace: Los ecosistemas forestales ya sean bosques o plantaciones a través de los procesos de la fotosíntesis y respiración toman el dióxido de carbono (CO2) de la atmósfera, incorporando el carbono (C) a su estructura y liberan oxígeno (O2), convirtiéndose en medidas de mitigación para disminuir o mantener los niveles actuales de CO2. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar en términos ambientales y económicos la fijación y almacenamiento de carbono en plantaciones forestales. La investigación se desarrolló en Hojancha y Nicoya, con plantaciones de Gmelina arborea, Tectona grandis y Bombacopsis quinata en Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Se realizó un muestreo por especie, edad y sitio para obtener la fracción de carbono en la biomasa seca. Se tomaron 162 muestras en el campo, 54 por especie para realizar la determinación de la fracción de carbono, mediante el método de calorimetría, el cual permite obtener de cada muestra la cantidad de energía total en kcal/kg, transformadas a moles de carbono potencial fijado mediante la relación de moles (g/peso molecular). Para Gmelina arborea a la edad de 4 a;os en el sitio A la fracción de carbono fue de 0,36 y en el sitio B 0,32, para los 8 años el sitio A presentó una fracción de 0,40 y el sitio B de 0,36, a la edad de 10/12 años el sitio B presentó 0,35. Para Tectona grandis a la edad de 5 años en el sitio A la fracción de carbono fue de 0,33 y en el sitio B 0,32, para los 8 años el sitio A presentó una fracción de 0,34 y el sitio B de 0,33, a la edad de 12 años el sitio A presentó una fracción de 0,38 y el sitio B 0,36. Para Bombacopsis quinata, a la edad de 5 años, el sitio A presentó una fracción de carbono de 0,33 , para los 8 años el sitio A presentó una fracción de 0,36, para estas edades no se encontraron sitios B, a la edad de 15 años no se ubicaron plantaciones de sitios clasificados como A y B, siendo esta especie una excepción, debido a que sólo se obtuvo información de sitios de bajo rendimiento (C) por lo que se decidió incluir esta clasificación. La fracción de carbono determinada en la investigación demostró que los sitios de alta productividad (A) presentaron fracciones más altas con respecto a los sitios medios (B), así mismo se encontraron variaciones en las diferentes edades por especie. El análisis financiero se hizo por especie, estudiando dos indicadores financieros el Valor Actual Neto (VAN) y la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) incluyendo y excluyendo el pago por el servicio de fijación de carbono para cinco diferentes escenarios, la inclusión por este pago es un aporte en el flujo de caja del reforestador que va de $4,15 a $45,7 dependiendo de la especie y del precio de la tonelada de carbono, convirtiéndose este pago en un complemento para el mantenimiento de la plantación durante los años previos al período de turno o corta final. El uso de la madera proveniente de plantaciones forestales debe ser destinada a productos duraderos, de largo plazo con el fin de retener más carbono durante períodos más prolongados, convirtiéndose estos ecosistemas forestales en sistemas de fijación y almacenamiento continuos. El Estado debe de incrementar el área anual a establecer en plantaciones forestales con el fin de mantener un stock disponible de carbono para las negociaciones internacionales de comercialización por el servicio de fijación de carbono.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: T470. NBINA-8526. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis C962f. Publicación no.: 193 Propuesta de un sistema de compensación de servicios ambientales para los robledales de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica / Otárola-Guerrero, Marco; Venegas-Gamboa, Isabel. Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 1999. 173 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis O87pr. Publicación no.: 194 Soil hydraulic controls over nitrogen oxide emissions and nitrogen cycling in tropical agriculture [Controles hidráulicos del suelo sobre las emisiones de óxido de nitrógeno y el reciclaje del nitrógeno en la agricultura tropical] / Weitz, A.M. (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, 07701 Jena, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, 2000. 136 p. ISBN: 0-599-74011-6. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, Graduate School, Durham, NH (USA). Soils are the major natural source of nitrous oxide (N2O). Intensive land use increased atmospheric concentrations of this greenhouse gas. Soil microbes produce and consume nitrogen oxides (NO, N2O) during the processes of nitrification (aerobic) and denitrification (anaerobic). Micro-scale variability of controlling factors cause nitrification and denitrification to occur simultaneously in soils, resulting in high spatial variability of nitrogen oxide emissions. Fertilization increases nutrient availability and thus N2O fluxes. Forest soils in the humid tropics account for 20-50% of all N2O sources. Expansion and intensification of tropical agriculture is expected to increase atmospheric N2O concentrations. We measured N2O fluxes from secondary humid tropical forest soils at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, followed fluxes during forest conversion and studied emissions from unfertilized and fertilized agricultural soils. We related fluxes to soil moisture dynamics and agricultural practice. Gases were measured using manual and automated chamber techniques. Soil moisture content was measured using manual (auger) and automated (Time Domain Reflectrometry; TDR) sampling techniques. A 3-phase-mixing model was found suitable to calibrate TDR technique for the studied soils. The field experiment was based on a split-plot design, comparing clay versus loam, each under fertilized and unfertilized annual and perennial crop. Soils feature relatively low bulk density, high hydraulic conductivity and high organic matter content. Mean soil moisture content was above 70% water-filled-pore-space (WFPS) in both soils and land uses. N2O was emitted throughout the year. Fluxes from forest soils showed no seasonality. Forest conversion caused fluxes to increase temporarily. Fertilization was the dominant source for temporal variability under agricultural use, differences in flux dynamics were large between individual post-fertilization phases. N2O -loss as % of applied fertilizer-N increased with soil moisture. Spatial variability was generally high, especially post-fertilization. Repeated fertilization increased mean and variation of fluxes. Emissions simulated by regression models and by the physically based Denitrification-Decomposition model matched field measured fluxes well. Both modeling techniques confirmed that nutrient availability and soil moisture content were the dominant flux controls. In aggregated soils differences in soil structure between the surface layer and soil at 0.05 m depth may affect moisture content and consequently soil N2O fluxes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8355. Publicación no.: 195 Ecology and evolution of Phainoptila melanoxantha (Bombycillidae, aves) in the highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama [Ecología y evolución de Phainoptila melanoxantha

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(Bombycillidae, aves) en las tierras altas de Costa Rica y el occidente de Panamá] / Barrantes-Montero, Gilbert. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, Museo de Zoología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). St. Louis, MO: University of Missouri, 2001. 175 p. ISBN: 0-599-99078-3. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Missouri, International Center for Tropical Ecology, St. Louis, MO (USA). Composition of species in a community is the result of historical and ecological events operating at different temporal and spatial scales. Regional historical changes in geomorphology and climate generally promote dispersal and speciation when new habitats are created and connectivity between similar habitats change at regional and local scales. Biotic interactions, such as competition and predation are also important factors in determining species membership in a given community. In this study I examined the role of historical and ecological factors in determining species composition, and speciation of the highland avifauna of Costa Rica and western Panamá. Then I analysed the ecology and evolution of Phainoptila melanoxantha, a highland endemic species. In particular, I addressed aspects of diet, reproduction, population dynamics, and causes of genetic and morphological divergence of this species. I studied how historical (i.e, geological and climatic changes) and ecological (i.e., diet, altitudinal distribution) factors determined species composition and distribution in the region. Results of this study indicate that composition of this highland avifauna is the result of recurrent dispersal events from South and North America, and likely lowland species that adapted to gradual changes in climatic conditions. I studied the general aspects of P. melanoxantha ecology and population dynamics. The major goals were (1) - to describe habitat use, diet, and reproductive behavior of this species; and (2) - to analyse the dynamics (extinction - colonization events) of local populations of P. melanoxantha within the context of a metapopulation framework. Results indicated that P. melanoxantha inhabits mainly subalpine, elfin, and upper montane forests where it feeds on a large variety of fruit species with little overlap among mountain ran. The main goal in Chapter 3 was to assess the effect of gene flow and altitudinal changes in highland forests on the geographic distribution of haplotypes of P. melanoxantha, using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Finally, I found that major haplotype divergence in the intraspecific phylogeny, as well as in the cladistic nested analysis were congruent with observed morphological discontinuities. I studied the effect of wind on shaping wing and tail morphology in the two subspecies of P. melanoxantha; P. m. melanoxantha and P. m. parkeri. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8070. Publicación no.: 196 Perception de l'environnement et des changements climatiques chez les leaders de groupes verts du Quebec et du Costa Rica [Percepción del ambiente y de los cambios climáticos de los líderes de grupos ambientalistas de Quebec y de Costa Rica] / Perron, B. (Université de Montréal. Département de Sociologie, C.P. 6128, succ. Centre.ville, Montréal (Quebec) H3C 3J7, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). Montreal: Université de Montreal, 2000. 250 p. ISBN: 0-612-52117-6. Dissertation, Ph.D., Université de Montreal, Graduate School, Montreal (Canada). Enlace: Cette thèse, de nature exploratoire, s'inscrit dans ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler l'étude des dimensions humaines des changements environnementaux globaux. Elle vise d'abord à saisir les différents schémas attitudinaux de pensée "environnementale" qui animent les leaders de groupes verts, pour ensuite en arriver é une meilleure compréhension de la perception du phénoméne des changements climatiques chez ceux-ci. Trois études ont été réalisées afin d'atteindre ces objectifs généraux. Bien que ces études adoptent chacune un cadre théorique spécifique é leurs problématiques respectives, des approches

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générales s'en dégagent. D'une part, pour expliquer les attitudes environnementales, une approche psychosociologique, qui tient compte de déterminants l'structurels; sociodémographiques (âge, lieu, éducation, sexe, nationalité) et de déterminants cognitifs (attitudes gérales ne ciblant pas nécessairement l'environnement), est privilégiée. D'autre part, la sociologie des mouvements sociaux sert d'arriêre-plan conceptuel pour situer les sujets de recherche, c'est-à-dire les leaders de groupes verts. Au point de vue méthodologique, ces trois études utilisent le même questionnaire standardisé. La premiêre étude est réalisée auprês de leaders de groupes verts du Québec. Elle vise à en établir une typologie. Trois types de leaders émergent des analyses effectuées. Les "écologistes', plus radicaux, sont méfiants à l'égard de la science et de la technologie conventionnelle et acceptent que des sacrifices économiques soient faits pour améliorer la qualité de l'environnement. Ils sont plus jeunes que les autres et militent majoritairement à Montréal. Quant aux "environnementalistes nationalistes" et aux "environnementalistes de marché", ils se distinguent principalement par des positions divergentes à l'égard d'Hydro-Québec. Les premiers percoivent positivement cette société d'état, tandis que les seconds la voient d'un mauvais oeil et en favorisent la privatisation. La deuxiême étude cherche à voir si le problême global des changements climatiques constitue un dossier générateur d'une solidarité à l'intérieur du mouvement vert international. Elle est réalisée auprês de leaders de groupes verts du Québec et du Costa Rica afin d'incorporer une dimension Nord-Sud aux analyses. Les attitudes des répondants à l'égard d'aspects-clés des changements climatiques sont comparées en fonction de deux facteurs potentiellement discriminants: leur appartenance à un type d'orientation idéologique verte ("écologisme", "environnementalisme" ou "environnementalisme de marché") et leur nationalité. Enfin, la dernière étude cherche à découvrir les déterminants de l'appui à sept (7) politiques de protection du climat par les leaders de groupes verts du Québec et du Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8371. Publicación no.: 197 Are tropical forests an important carbon sink? Reanalysis of the long-term plot data [¿Son los bosques tropicales importantes almacenadores del carbono? Reanálisis de los datos a largo plazo de parcelas] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 12, no. 1, p. 3-7. 2002. In a recent (1998) publication of Science, data from a large number of forest inventory plots were used to estimate biomass trends in old-growth tropical forests. Although no evidence was found of net biomass change in mature Paleotropical forests, old growth of the humid Neotropics was inferred to have been a substantial biomass carbon sink in recent decades. Methodological artifacts affected this analysis, however. Many humid Neotropical plots were measured strictly at breast height, where tropical trees frequently have buttresses and other protruberances. Because biomass allometric equations are based on above-buttress tree diameters, and because bole irregularities show disproportionately rapid radial increments, estimates of biomass and biomass increase must be based on above-buttress measurements. In addition, some plots were on recent floodplains, where forests undergo biomass accretion during primary succession. The data set includes 25 sites from the humid lowland Neotropics that were measured above buttresses with standard techniques and that were not on recent floodplains. Mean estimated biomass change for these sites was 0.3 Mg ha-1 -yr-1, with a 95% confidence interval including 0.0 (-0.3 to +0.9 Mg ha-1 yr-1). While the Science study was a laudable attempt to address an important aspect of the global carbon budget, the underlying data do not indicate a significant biomass carbon sink in old-growth forests of the humid Neotropics.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7732. NBINA-3833. Publicación no.: 198 Estimation of tropical forest structural characteristics using large-footprint lidar / Drake, Jason B; Dubayah, Ralph O; Clark, David B; Knox, R.G; Blair, J. Bryan; Hofton, Michelle A; Chazdon, Robin L; Weishampel, J.F; Prince, S.D. (University of Georgia. Warnell School of Forest Resources, Athens, GA 30602-2152, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Remote Sensing of Environment (ISSN 0034-4257), v. 79, no. 2/3, p. 305-319. 2002. Quantification of forest structure is important for developing a better understanding of how forest ecosystems function. Additionally, estimation of forest structural attributes, such as aboveground biomass (AGBM), is an important step in identifying the amount of carbon in terrestrial vegetation pools and is central to global carbon cycle studies. Although current remote sensing techniques recover such tropical forest structure poorly, new large- footprint lidar instruments show great promise. As part of a prelaunch validation plan for the Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL) mission, the Laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS), a large-footprint airborne scanning lidar, was flown over the La Selva Biological Station, a tropical wet forest site in Costa Rica. The primary objective of this study was to test the ability of large-footprint lidar instruments to recover forest structural characteristics across a spectrum of land cover types from pasture to secondary and primary tropical forests. LVIS metrics were able to predict field-derived quadratic mean stem diameter (QMSD), basal area, and AGBM with R² values of up to .93, .72, and .93, respectively. These relationships were significant and nonasymptotic through the entire range of conditions sampled at the La Selva. Our results confirm the ability of large-footprint lidar instruments to estimate important structural attributes, including biomass in dense tropical forests, and when taken along with similar results from studies in temperate forests,, strongly validate the VCL mission framework. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7733. NBINA-4297. Publicación no.: 199 Bactris gasipaes agroecosystems for heart-of-palm production in Costa Rica: changes in biomass, nutrient and carbon pools with stand age and plant density [Agroecosistemas para la produción de palmito de Bactris gasipaes en Costa Rica: cambios en biomasa, nutrimentos y carbono con la edad de la plantación y densidad de las plantas] / Ares, A; Boniche, J; Molina-Rojas, Eloy; Yost, R.S. (University of Hawaii at Manoa. Departmet of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Field Crops Research (ISSN 0378-4290), v. 74, no. 1, p. 13-22. 2002. Perennial tree crops develop through growth phases that differ in the rate of biomass and carbon build-up, and in the relative contribution of various pools and fluxes to nutrient cycles and nutrient supply for plant growth. To define these phases in peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) agroecosystems for heart-of-palm production, we estimated biomass in stands up to 20 years of age in the humid tropical lowlands of Costa Rica. Dry biomass of foliage, petioles and stems were estimated using allometric equations which have been previously generated by applying nonlinear seemingly unrelated regression procedures to data from harvests of peach palm plants. Total aboveground biomass trajectories through time were fitted by a three-parameter logistic function with total biomass stabilizing at about 6.3 Mg/ha. There were no differences in standing biomass between stands on Andisols and Ultisols. Trends in nutrient pools through time were similar to those for biomass. The order in size of nutrient pools was N (up to

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approximately 120 kg/ha) K (up to 90 kg/ha) Ca (up to 45 kg/ha) Mg, S, P (all up to 15-17 kg/ha). Peach palm plant bases and coarse roots are relatively large fractions of total plant biomass, and consequently of sequestered carbon and nutrients. The amount of carbon per unit area in plant tissue in peach palm agroecosystems in the Atlantic region of Costa Rica was about 8% of the carbon in forests of the same region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-186. Publicación no.: 200 Save the clouds, too [También salve las nubes] / Torres, A. En: Environment (ISSN 0013-9157), v. 44, no. 3, p. 4. 2002. Deforestation affects more than the forest and its inhabitants-it also changes weather patterns by reducing the amount of water in the air for cloud formation. Researchers from the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) have found that logging in Costa Rica's lowland forests is changing the region's weather. UAH scientists tracked the way clouds are formed in the lowlands and then swept into the mountains by strong winds. Normally, trees distribute water into the air through transpiration. This also cools the air, which keeps the cloud base low. The low-lying clouds are a vital source of water for the mountain forests during the annual dry season, but when trees are cut down, the air warms and pushes the clouds too high to provide enough water for the mountain forests. Ron Welch, chairman of UAH's atmospheric science department, says, "We're seeing that if you deforest the lowlands it impacts the environment several hundreds of kilometers away"-a discovery that may have serious implications for conservation efforts in Central America. The researchers found that in the last 25 years, Costa Rica's cloud base has risen, the dry season has become several weeks longer, and the amphibian population has diminished. In addition, UAH biologist Robert Lawton points out, "Reduced cloud interaction with the mountains might mean a substantially reduced supply of water". Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-202. Publicación no.: 201 Tree cutting harms water supplies [La tala de árboles daña los suministros de agua] / Johnson, D. En: The Futurist (ISSN 0016-3317), v. 36, no. 2, p. 6-7. 2002. Heavy logging in the forests of Costa Rica's Caribbean lowlands is changing that country's weather patterns, according to scientists studying cloud formations there. "We're seeing that if you deforest the lowlands it impacts the environment several hundreds of kilometers away," reports Ron Welch, chairman of the Atmospheric Science Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). Using satellite and on-site data sources, UAH researchers have created models that track the way clouds are formed in Costa Rica's lowlands and then pushed into the mountains by strong trade winds. Low clouds are a vital source of water for the country's mountain forests during the annual dry season. Costa Rican lowland forests put water vapor into the air through transpiration, a process that is essential to the formation of dense, lowlying clouds. Trees also cool the air in this region, keeping the cloud base low. Cutting down the forests reduces the amount of water available for cloud formation and also warms the air. Warmer air drives the cloud layer to a higher altitude and trade winds carry the clouds into the mountains, but not at the low levels required to bring sufficient water to mountain forests. In the past 25 years Costa Rica's cloud base has risen, according to UAH researchers. During the same period the country's dry season has grown longer by several weeks and there has been a decline in the amphibian population. Altering the cloud forest may also bring unwelcome economic and social changes to the lowlands. Low clouds in Costa Rica are an essential water source for mountain forests during the

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dry season. In this valley near the Pacific coast, the clouds also provide enough water to support a regional dairy industry. A model of simulated cloud cross sections in Cordillera de Tilarán, Costa Rica. Above, the model shows smaller clouds at a higher altitude above a totally deforested lowland region. Below, the model reveals large, low-level clouds over a completely forested landscape. "There are some important potential hydrologic impacts. Dry season river flows might change. Reduced cloud interaction with the mountains might mean a substantially reduced supply of water for urban water systems, reduced water for irrigation, and reduced water for hydroelectric development," argues Robert Lawton, a biologist at UAH. Deforestation in Costa Rica could have a significant impact on the prospects of protecting Central America's biological "hot spots" fragmented regions that are especially rich in plant and animal life--extending from Guatemala to Panama. Ongoing research may help determine the range of climate effects related to Costa Rican deforestation. It could also guide conservation efforts and land-management practices in the future. "We have a chance here to develop a set of tools to allow us to look anywhere, from Cameroon to Fiji or Ecuador, and find out what might happen under various land-use scenarios," concludes Welch. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7868. NBINA-201. Publicación no.: 202 Nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, and methane fluxes from soils following clearing and burning of tropical secondary forest [Flujos de óxido nitroso, óxido nítrico y metano de suelos luego de la tala y quema de bosques secundarios tropicales] / Weitz, A.M; Veldkamp, Edzo; Keller, Michael; Neff, J.C; Crill, P.M. (University of New Hampshire. Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space, Durham, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 103, no. D21, p. 28.047-28.058. 1998. Conversion of humid tropical forest to agriculture significantly alters trace gas emissions from soils. We report nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), and methane (CH4) fluxes from secondary forest soils prior to and during deforestation, and throughout the first agricultural cropping. Annual average nitrogen oxide emissions from forest soils were 1.5 ng N cm² h-1 for N2O and 0.9 ng N cm² h-1 for NO. Forest clearing increased the level of extractable nitrate in soils and average nitrogen oxides fluxes (2.7 no N cm² h-1 for N2O, and 8.1 ng N cm² h-1 for NO). Immediately after biomass burning, short-term peaks of N2O and NO (123 ng N cm² h-1 for N2O, and 41 ng N cm² h-1 for NO) were superimposed on generally increased fluxes. Peak emissions declined within 3 days after burning. Postburn fluxes stayed higher than measured on adjacent forest sites for 3-4 months (averages for postbum fluxes were 17.5 ng N cm² h-1 for N2O, and 19.2 ng N cm² h-1 for NO). Increased N2O and NO emissions after clearing and until cropping were probably due to a combination of increased rates of nitrogen cycling and higher gaseous diffusion in drying soils. Compared to emissions from young pastures in the region, fluxes of nitrogen oxides from unfertilized agricultural areas were low (3.9 ng N cm² h-1 for N2O and 3.4 ng cm² h-1 for NO), probably due to nitrogen uptake by fast growing corn plants and losses by leaching with draining soil water in the wet season. Variation in CH4 fluxes was high for all land use periods. Forest soils consumed an average of 1.0 mg CH4 cm² h-1, which slightly increased in drier soils after clearing (1.2 mg CH4 cm² d-1). Postburn CH4 consumption by soils was slightly reduced (0.8 mg CH4 cm² d-1) compared to forest soils. Unfertilized agricultural soils consumed less CH4 than forest soils. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7768.

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Publicación no.: 203 Accelerated Pleistocene coral extinctions in the Caribbean basin shown by uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating [Extinciones aceleradas de corales durante el Pleistoceno en la cuenca del Caribe demostrado mediante datación con uranio-plomo (U-Pb)] / Getty, S.R; Asmerom, Y; Quinn, T.M; Budd, Ann F. (Colorado College. Department of Geology, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geology (Boulder) (ISSN 0091-7613), v. 29, no. 7, p. 639-642. 2001. Ages of corals and shallow-marine sequences define rates of marine invertebrate evolution, tectonic uplift, and paleoclimate change, yet accurate ages are difficult to obtain prior to the Late Pleistocene. We report a new approach for combining uranium-lead (U-Pb) and uranium-series dating for the Middle Pleistocene corals from the Caribbean side of Costa Rica. Two corals have 230Th/238U in secular equil., small excesses in d234U, and 206Pb*/238U ages of 1.02±0.07 and 1.288±0.034 Myr. The latter coral age dates a recognized geomagnetic event to ~ 1.3 Myr, a time at which no polarity events had been identified. The new ages also show that the major coral extinction in the Caribbean Basin occurred shortly after 1.0-0.9 Ma, much more recently than previously thought. This coral extinction now coincides with the global change at 1.0-0.8 Ma to the current pattern of glacial-interglacial cycles and amplified changes in sea level. These factors may have provided a new, strong environmental mechanism for rapid habitat modification and coral extinction. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8590. NBINA-1200. Publicación no.: 204 Late Holocene environment history and tephrostratigraphy in northwestern Costa Rica: a 4000 year record from Lago Cote [Historia y tefrostratigrafía del ambiente en el Holoceno Tardío en el noroeste de Costa Rica: un registro de 4000 años del Lago Cote] / Arford, M.R. (The University of Tennessee. Department of Geography, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-09251420, US). Knoxville, TN: The University of Tennessee, 2001. 139 p. Thesis, M.Sc., The University of Tennessee, Graduate School, Knoxville, TN (USA). Paleoecological studies in the neotropics are revealing changes in past climate regimes and human use of the landscape that where previously unknown. Few paleoecology studies have been conducted in Costa Rica and, in most of these studies, strong evidence of prehistoric human impacts overwhelmed evidence of climate signals. Lago Cote, in the Cordillera de Tilarán, is the largest natural lake in Costa Rica (198 ha). Because of its size, Cote sediments reflect a more regional record of pollen and charcoal accumulation. The sediments also preserve tephra layers from past eruptions of nearby Arenal Volcano. In this thesis, I present an environmental history and tephrostratigraphy based on pollen, charcoal, and tephra preserved in 3.6 m sediment core from Lago Cote. High amounts of grass charcoal and grass pollen from the lower part of the core indicate a drier climate regime with frequent landscape fires from ~ 3900 cal. yr BP. After 2600 cal. yr BP, a dramatic decrease of grass pollen and charcoal reflects wetter conditions that limited landscape fires and agriculture. This climate change occurred simultaneously with an archaeological phase change documented in the nearby Arenal basin by the Proyecto Prehistórico Arenal. Small peaks in pollen of lower montane pollen taxa at the base of this zone may indicate forest regeneration. Comparison of Cote tephra to an earlier tephrochronology at the nearby El Tajo site was not straighforward. Cote tephras, analyzed by X-ray fluorescence, show differences in mineral composition when compared to the more proximal El Tajo tephras, and have lower levels of silicon dioxide than found at El Tajo. Because of major differences in tephra chemistries, visual comparison was a more effective way to compare tephra layers between the sites. Three tephra layers reported from El Tajo are not present in the Cote sediments, including the most recent Arenal Eruption

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in 1968. Two tephra layers in the lower part of the Cote core are not part of the El Tajo tephrochronology, and represent earlier eruptions from Arenal or the nearby and older Chato volcano. In the Cote sediments, peaks in Cecropia pollen follow at least two tephra layers, most likely indicating vegetation regeneration following eruptions of Arenal volcano. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 395. Publicación no.: 205 Joint implementation in Costa Rica: a case study at the community level [Realización conjunta en Costa Rica: un estudio de caso a nivel comunitario] / Segura-Bonilla, Olman; Lindegaard, K. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible (CINPE), Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Sustainable Forestry (ISSN 1054-9811), v. 12, no. 1/2, p. 61-78. 2001. The policy of joint implementation (JI) is emerging as a new strategy for implementing global environmental aims, especially with regard to regulating the climate change process, where emission source and sink countries agree to develop a joint programme on a mixed argument of partnership and cost effectiveness. Pros and cons have emerged during the development of this system. Costa Rica is the first country, together with Norway, to launch such a programme jointly, and Costa Rica is also the first country developing Carbon Tradable Offset bonds to be sold on the world market as a new commodity. The JI projects should be viewed from many angles and considered with respect to the issues of cost effectiveness, environmental effects, equity, linkage dynamics and the learning effects of the specific projects. A project in the community of Junquillal de Santa Cruz in northern Costa Rica is described to explore such questions and effects. Forestry projects are considered an especially complicated issue, in that the forest provides a whole range of services and products and, accordingly involves a wide range of actors and stakeholders. A JI programme in itself is not going to solve the problems at the community level. However, if accompanied by public and private initiatives, it definitely can generate an important change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9508. 333.750.97 C641. Publicación no.: 206 La Selva un modelo de investigación y ecoturismo: Actividades de una Estación Biológica en Costa Rica / Boyero, Luz; Bosch, J; Matlock, Robert B., Jr. (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, ES <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Quercus (Revista de Observación, Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza) (ISSN 0212-0054), Cuaderno 191, p. 43-47. 2002. Las estaciones biológicas facilitan notablemente el trabajo de campo a los investigadores y han proporcionado buena parte de la información disponible sobre ecosistemas tropicales. Una de las más veteranas y productivas es la Estación Biológica La Selva, en pleno bosque tropical de Costa Rica, por donde han pasado cientos de especialistas, algunos de ellos españoles, desde que fue fuera inaugurada en el año 1954. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S7974. Publicación no.: 207 The effects of climate on the growth and physiology of tropical rainforest trees [Los efectos del clima en el crecimiento y fisiología de árboles del bosque lluvioso tropical] / O'Brien, Joseph J. (USDA. US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 320 Green St, Athens, GA 30601, US <E-

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mail: [email protected]>). Miami: Florida International University, 2001. 120 p. ISBN: 0-493-43978-1. Dissertation, Ph.D., Florida International University, Graduate School, Miami, FL (USA). Tropical rainforests account for more than a third of global net primary production and contain more than half of the global forest carbon. Though these forests are a disproportionately important component of the global carbon cycle, the relationship between rainforest productivity and climate remains poorly understood. Understanding the link between current climate and rainforest tree stem diameter increment, a major constituent of forest productivity, will. be crucial to efforts at modeling future climate and rainforest response to climate change. This work reports the physiological and stem growth responses to micrometeorological and phenological states of ten species of canopy trees in a Costa Rican wet tropical forest at sub-annual time intervals. I measured tree growth using band dendrometers and estimated leaf and reproductive phenological states monthly. Electronic data loggers recorded xylem sap flow (an indicator of photosynthetic rate) and weather at half-hour intervals. An analysis of xylem sap flow showed that physiological responses were independent of species, which allowed me to construct a general model of weather driven sap flow rates. This model predicted more than eighty percent of climate driven sap flow variation. Leaf phenology influenced growth in three of the ten species, with two of these species showing a link between leaf phenology and weather. A combination of rainfall, air temperature, and irradiance likely provided the cues that triggered leaf drop in Dipteryx panamensis and Lecythis ampla. Combining the results of the sap flow model, growth, and the climate measures showed tree growth was correlated to climate, though the majority of growth variation remained unexplained. Low variance in the environmental variables and growth rates likely contributed to the large amount of unexplained variation. A simple model that included previous growth increment and three meteorological variables explained from four to nearly fifty percent of the growth variation. Significant growth carryover existed in six of the ten species, and rainfall was positively correlated to growth in eight of the ten species. Minimum nighttime temperature was also correlated to higher growth rates in five of tile species and irradiance in two species. These results indicate that tropical rainforest tree trunks could act as carbon sinks if future climate becomes wetter and slightly warmer. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 393. NBINA-9258. Publicación no.: 208 Predicted regional impacts of climate change on the geographical distribution and diversity of tropical forests in Costa Rica [Predicción de impactos regionales causados por el cambio climático en la distribución geográfica y diversidad de los bosques tropicales en Costa Rica] / Enquist, Carolyn A.F. (University of New Mexico. Department of Biology, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Biogeography (ISSN 0305-0270), v. 29, no. 4, p. 519-534. 2002. Aim: Spatial models generated in a geographical information system (GIS) are utilized to predict shifts in the distribution and diversity of tropical forests in Costa Rica in response to climate change. Location: Analyses were conducted using the Holdridge life zone classification system for the Central American country of Costa Rica. Methods: Mean annual precipitation and temperature ranges were varied to reflect different magnitudes of climate change and then used to predict the distributions of nineteen forest types (life zones). Holdridge et al.'s (1971) field survey data of species richness and endemism for ten Costa Rican life zones were also analyzed and considered in view of the climate change scenarios. Results: The scenarios indicated that shifts in the distribution of tropical forest life zones are likely to occur as a result of climatic changes. High elevation life zones were shown to be more sensitive to

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changes in temperature, while lower elevation life zones tended to be more sensitive to changes in precipitation. Regional life zone diversity was greatly reduced in an extreme wet and warm climate scenario. Three elevation-associated life zones (lower montane rain forest, montane rain forest, and premontane rain forest) ranked in the top four in percentage number of endemic species. The lowland seasonally dry forest life zone ranked second in this group, suggesting that this life zone has a unique species composition in comparison with other lowland Holdridge life zones. On the nineteen life zones, these four life zones displayed particular sensitivity to the climate changes modelled here. Main conclusions: Elevation-associated life zones may be particularly vulnerable to future climatic changes. This is also true of lowland seasonally dry forest. Geographical regions in Costa Rica that contain these life zones are likely to warrant special management and conservation attention in the event of predicted climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6735. Publicación no.: 209 Stocks and flows of coarse woody debris across a tropical rain forest nutrient and topography gradient [Los saldos y flujos de residuos lenosos forestales a través de un gradiente nutrientes y topografía del bosque húmedo tropical] / Clark, David B; Clark, Deborah A; Brown, S; Oberbauer, Steven F; Veldkamp, Edzo. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 164, no. 1/3, p. 237-248. 2002. Large pieces of standing or fallen dead wood, known as coarse woody debris (CWD), play important roles intemperate forest carbon and nutrient cycles, and affect the abundance and distribution of many classes of organisms. CWD biomass and inputs are poorly documented in tropical rain forests (TRF), and the causes for their variation at landscape- scales in this biome have not been studied. We quantified standing and fallen CWD stocks and inputs in upland (non-swamp) old-growth TRF at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. We used a network of 18 0.5 ha plots sited in three edaphic conditions to analyze soil nutrient effects on CWD stocks and inputs controlling for topography, and to examine topographic effects controlling for soil nutrients. The edaphic conditions were flat inceptisols, flat ultisols, and steep ultisols. Chemical analyses confirmed the existence of an almost three-fold gradient in total P and K in the upper 1 m of soil. We also annually censused all live woody stems 10 cm diameter above buttresses in each plot in September/October from 1997 to 2000 to obtain data on stand structure and dynamics. Fallen CWD stocks averaged 46.3 Mg ha-1 (22.3 Mg C ha-1), while standing CWD averaged 6.5 Mg ha-1 (3.1 Mg C ha-1). There were no significant differences in volume or mass of standing or fallen CWD among edaphic conditions. Annual inputs of CWD averaged 4.9 Mg ha-1 (2.4 Mg C ha-1). Turnover time of fallen CWD was ca. 9 year. Neither stocks nor inputs were correlated with stand structure (number of trees per plot, plot basal area, or plot estimated above-ground biomass). Potential differences in CWD stocks and inputs among sites with different edaphic conditions may have been obscured by a 10-fold variation in tree mortality among plots and a two-fold variation in mean CWD input among years. Analysis of sample variance showed that stocks of CWD were adequately sampled with the 18 0.5 ha plot design, but that inputs were measured with low precision. At La Selva fallen and standing CWD stocks together equaled ca. 33% of estimated above-ground live woody biomass. Tropical rain forest CWD and its associated carbon are intermediate in pool size and turnover rate between fine litter and live trees. Our results show that scaling up TRF CWD estimates to larger spatial scales maybe more constrained by the quality of data obtained over single landscapes than by

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variation due to zonal soil nutrient and topographic conditions. Both the magnitude and vagility of TRF CWD pools are likely to change with global climate change, but the overall direction of change is uncertain. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5999. Publicación no.: 210 Potential effects of climate change on canopy communities in a tropical cloud forest: an experimental approach [Efectos potenciales del cambio climático en las comunidades del dosel en un bosque nuboso tropical: un enfoque experimental] / Nadkarni, Nalini M; Solano, R. (The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 98505, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Oecologia (ISSN 0029-8549), v. 131, p. 580-586. 2002. Global climate change models predict reduced cloud water in tropical montane forests. To test the effects of reduced cloud water on epiphytes, plants that are tightly coupled to atmospheric inputs, we transplanted epiphytes and their arboreal soil from upper cloud forest trees to trees at slightly lower elevations that are naturally exposed to less cloud water. Control plants moved between trees within the upper site showed no transplantation effects, but experimental plants at lower sites had significantly higher leaf mortality, lower leaf production, and reduced longevity. After the epiphytes died, seedlings of terrestrial gap-colonizing tree species grew from the seed banks within the residual mats of arboreal soil. Greenhouse experiments confirmed that the death of epiphytes can result in radical compositional changes of canopy communities. Thus, tropical montane epiphyte communities constitute both a potentially powerful tool for detecting climate changes and a rich arena to study plant/soil/seed interactions under natural and manipulated conditions. This study also provides experimental evidence that the potential effects of global climate change on canopy and terrestrial communities can be significant for cloud forest biota. Results suggest there will be negative effects on the productivity and longevity of particular epiphytes and a subsequent emergence of an emerging terrestrial component into the canopy community from a previously suppressed seed bank. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9442. NBINA-309. Publicación no.: 211 Climate change and forest management in the Western Hemisphere [Cambio climático y manejo forestal en el hemisferio occidental] / Dore, M.H.I. (Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, L2T 2M5, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Sustainable Forestry (ISSN 1054-9811), v. 12, no. 1/2, 191 p. 2001. After an introduction by the editor (pages 1-5), this special issue presents a collection of 8 papers on various aspects of forest policy in relation to climate change and to forest management in South, Central and North America. The papers are arranged in 3 parts. Part I, Integrated forest management, has 3 papers covering obstacles to comprehensive integration, forest management for timber production in relation to concern over biodiversity in Argentina and Costa Rica, and the impact of the regulation of climate change through new international initiatives such as policies designed to fulfil emission reduction targets by adopting bilateral policies (as exemplified by joint implementation in Costa Rica). Part II, Amazonia forests, has 2 papers addressing the role of the Brazilian rain forest in the global carbon cycle and the implications for the sustainable use of the rain forests. Part III, North American forests, has 3 papers focusing on the carbon cycle and the valuation of Canadian forests for carbon sequestration, the sustainable management of forests in British Columbia, and deforestation and land use change in Mexico. Localización: No disponible.

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Publicación no.: 212 Emisión de gases con efecto invernadero y fijación de carbono en el sistema de producción de café (coffea arabica) en Costa Rica [Gas emission with the greenhouse effect and nitrogen fixation in the system of coffee (Coffea arabica) production in Costa Rica] / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Boletín de Promecafé (ISSN 1010-1527), no. 89, p. 9-17. 2001. Investigations were conducted to determine the pattern of emission of N2O and CO2 in soils under coffee in Costa Rica, to determine a possible relationship between emissions and soil types, to determine the quantity of fixed nitrogen in soil under coffee. Data are presented on soil fertility under shaded coffee in Cartago and coffee fully exposed to the sun in Heredia, Costa Rica, in 1999, as well as total N2O and CO2 emissions, and N and C emissions in 1990, 1996 and 1997. Information is provided on materials and methods used in relation to crop management in the shade and full sun position, sampling of gas emissions, temperature and humidity of soil, N-NH4 and N-NO3 content in soil, soil density and soil fertility. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 213 Heads in the clouds [Cabezas en las nubes] / Holmes, B. (151 Wardour St, London, W1F 8WE, GB <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: New Scientist (ISSN 0262-4079), v. 162, no. 2185, p. 32-36. 1999. The effects of global warming on the cloud forest ecosystems of Costa Rica are discussed. The author describes the depletion of the frog populations and the change in the bird and lizard fauna. One researcher, Alan Pounds, a conservation biologist affiliated with the University of Miami, Florida, set out to study why the frogs were disappearing from the Monteverde cloud forest. Twenty of the 50 frog species in his 30-square-kilometer study site vanished after a population collapse in 1987, and other population crashes followed in 1994 and 1998. The key to the mystery of what was causing these crashes was the steady increase from 1973 to 1998 in the number of dry days in each winter dry season, and the frequency of dry spells lasting five or more days. The solution to the one puzzle brought on another. During this same time there was a trend toward cooler days and warmer nights, making cloudier than usual conditions. This may support the idea that a fungal infection has killed frogs from Central America to Australia and that the climate change may be an underlying factor. Fungus is typically not infectious, but when an animal is stressed from some other factor, it is more likely to become infected. The findings at Monteverde also fit with the growing belief that the first effects of climate warming should be observed at high-elevation sites, particularly in the tropics. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8317. Publicación no.: 214 Ecología y conservación de bosques neotropicales [Ecology and conservation of neotropical forests] / Guariguata-Urbano, Manuel R (ed.); Kattan, G.H (ed.). (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza. Unidad Manejo Bosques Naturales, Apdo. 7170, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Cartago: Libro Universitario Regional (EULAC-GTZ), 2002. 692 p. ISBN: 9968-801-11-9. El presente volumen ofrece una visión general del conocimiento actual sobre la ecología de los bosques húmedos y lluviosos del neotrópico. Nuestra intención ha sido la de seleccionar los temas más representativos para ilustrar la compleja dinámica de estos bosques, pero necesariamente se han

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quedado algunos temas importantes por fuera. Además, algunos capítulos presentan revisiones básicas, mientras que otros ofrecen un análisis quizás más profundo de un tema en particular. El libro está organizado en seis secciones. Las dos primeras secciones presentan una descripción básica del escenario sobre el cual se desarrolla el bosque neotropical. En la Sección I se describe la evolución del bosque, comenzando con los fenómenos geológicos y de cambio climático global que han dictado la distribución y estructura de este ecosistema a gran escala espacial y temporal, terminando con los factores históricos que han operado a escalas espacio-temporales menores. La Sección II discute algunos de los factores abióticos más importantes en la biología del bosque, como son la luz, el agua y los nutrimentos, y su interacción con la vegetación. En conjunto, estas dos secciones presentan una visión comprensiva de los factores que determinan los patrones de distribución, estructura y diversidad de los bosques húmedos y lluviosos neotropicales a múltiples niveles de organización biológica. La Sección III se enfoca principalmente a nivel de organismo y presenta algunos procesos ecofisiológicos esenciales como son la adquisición de carbono atmosférico por parte de las plantas y los patrones de flujo de agua a través de ellas, y examina en particular la ecofisiología de epífitas y hemiepífitas, las cuales constituyen una parte importante del bosque, en términos de diversidad de especies y en el control de ciertos procesos del ecosistema. En la Sección IV se enfatizan algunos aspectos de la dinámica poblacional de organismos como árboles y mamíferos, y cómo esta dinámica se traduce en patrones a nivel de comunidad. La Sección V se centra en las interacciones entre organismos que modulan algunos de los principales procesos bióticos del bosque neotropical, como son las interacciones entre microorganismos y plantas, la herbivoría y las defensas de las plantas, la polinización y la frugivoría. Estas interacciones representan la quintaesencia de este ecosistema y han sido tema de intenso estudio por varias décadas. Finalmente, el libro cierra con una sexta sección que explora ciertos aspectos de la interacción contemporánea entre la población humana y la ecología del bosque. El primer capítulo de esta sección ilustra las consecuencias de la fragmentación de los bosques sobre la diversidad biológica, mientras que el segundo describe cómo se recuperan la estructura y la función del bosque por medio de la sucesión secundaria luego de la deforestación. El último capítulo expone de manera resumida el desarrollo de una importante técnica de estudio, la teledetección, la cual puede ser de gran ayuda para evaluar, a gran escala, los procesos de deforestación y, a la vez, para intentar mitigar los efectos de esta deforestación. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 574.52642 E19ec. Publicación no.: 215 Pago por servicios ambientales en Costa Rica [Payment for environmental services in Costa Rica] / Rodríguez-Zúñiga, J.M; Sáenz-Faerron, Alexandra. (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Apdo. 594-2120, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Forestal Centroamericana (ISSN 1021-0164), no. 37, p. 68-71. 2002. Costa Rica has implemented a system of payment for forest environmental services provided by small and medium-sized forest owners, operated through the PSA (Pago de Servicios Ambientales, the Payments for Environmental Services programme). The PSA is executed by FONAFIFO (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal), and since its inception in 1997, the scheme has increased the competitivity of the of the forest sector. It operates through contracts for forest protection, forest management, and reforestation and afforestation activities. Details are tabulated of the areas (in hectares) involved in each of these 4 categories for the period 1997-2001, and of the total number of beneficiaries (contracts) involved. Details are also tabulated of the comparative amounts of payment assigned under the PSA

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scheme and under the earlier CAF (Certificados de Abono Forestal, the Forest Credit Certificate programme) scheme (where it involved environmental services) for the same period (1997-2001). Achievements so far are discussed, including the creation and implementation by the PSA of CSAs (Certificados de Servicios Ambientales, certificates of Environmental Services) and the REFORESTA (Reactivacion de la Reforestacion Comercial en Costa Rica) project. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 216 Geographic and vertical patterns of stable carbon isotopes in tropical rain forest soils of Costa Rica [Patrones geográficos y verticales de los isótopos estables del carbón en suelos de bosques lluviosos tropicales de Costa Rica] / Powers, Jennifer S; Schlesinger, W.H. (University of Minnesota. Department of Soil, Water & Climate, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061), v. 109, no. 1/2, p. 141-160. 2002. Understanding the natural variability in the stable carbon isotope composition of vegetation and soils can aid studies of soil carbon dynamics, and is a prerequisite for using C-13 as a natural tracer when vegetation communities change from one photosynthetic pathway to another (e.g. C4 pasture grasses replacing C3 forests). To examine the geographic and vertical patterns of δ13C under mature rain forest vegetation, we measured the isotopic composition of leaf litter, roots, and mineral soil profiles in 35 plots located in a 140,000-ha study region in northeastern Costa Rica. We hypothesized that soil carbon isotopic composition would be closely coupled to the signature of detrital inputs (the average δ13C of forest floor and fine-root biomass) and that the increase in δ13C with depth would be related to abiotic variables that influence soil carbon turnover rates. The correlations between surface soil isotopic composition (0-10 cm) and biophysical factors varied across the landscape. In multiple regression analyses, combinations of soil particle-size distribution and soil C/N ratio explained between 60% and 82% of the variation in surface soil isotopic composition for different regions in the landscape, but the isotopic composition of litter and roots did not explain any additional variation. The isotopic composition of litter, roots, and surface soils (0-20 cm) was fairly similar over large, regional gradients of elevation and edaphic properties (the range of variation was 2.6 parts per thousand), but diverged considerably at depths below 20 cm (up to 5.8 parts per thousand differences). These large regional differences in the isotopic composition of soil C at depth are attributed to variation in soil carbon turnover rates across the landscape. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-495. Publicación no.: 217 Evolution of the Organization for Tropical Studies [Evolución de la Organización para Estudios Tropicales] / Burlingame, Leslie J. (Franklin and Marshall College. Science, Technology, and Society Program; P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista de Biología Tropical (ISSN 0034-7744), v. 50, no. 2, p. 439-472. 2002. Enlace: The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS)/Organización para Estudios Tropicales (OET) has evolved in many ways since its founding in 1963 as a non-profit consortium offering graduate courses and facilitating research in tropical ecology in Costa Rica. By 2002, its international membership included about 65 institutions, including four from Costa Rica. It had developed three Costa Rican field stations (La Selva, Las Cruces, and Palo Verde) with excellent facilities for teaching and research, and itwas constructing a new Costa Rican office at the University of Costa Rica. Combinations of internal and external pressures influenced OTS to develop in new directions in the 1980s and 1990s. It became more

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diversified and more concerned with applied science in its traditional areas of graduate education and research facilitation. The Organization also evolved into new niches: more applied biology, professional education, environmental education and policy, conservation efforts, and an expanded geographic distribution to other Latin American countries. OTS was composed of changing combinations of people (Boards, members, staff) with evolving and competing priorities for limited financial resources. External environmental changes also shaped OTS's evolution. New problems of increased tropical deforestation, the emergence of the biodiversity "crisis" and conservation biology, global climate change, and calls for sustainable development affected OTS constituents and funding priorities of governments and foundations. Both internal and external pressures have in some cases demanded for OTS to improve its relationship with: Costa Rican biologists and their institutions, the Costa Rican government, and Costa Ricans living around the three OTS field stations. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8485. NBINA-2263. Publicación no.: 218 Relationships among soil carbon distributions and biophysical factors at nested spatial scales in rain forests of northeastern Costa Rica [Relaciones entre la distribución del carbono del suelo y los factores biofísicos en escalas espaciales anidadas en bosques lluviosos del noreste de Costa Rica] / Powers, Jennifer S; Schlesinger, W.H. (University of Minnesota. Department of Soil, Water & Climate, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061), v. 109, no. 3-4, p. 165-190. 2002. Forested soils in the tropics contain a large carbon pool that may respond to global environmental changes such as climate warming and land-use change. A better understanding of the distribution of tropical soil carbon (C) pools is necessary in order to manage soil C as well as to predict its potential responses to global change. The goals of this study were to quantify the relationships among soil C and environmental variables for 35 forest plots in a 140,000-ha landscape in northeastern Costa Rica, and to identify variables that can predict soil C storage at unsampled sites. The biophysical variables included indices of net primary productivity (forest floor mass, root biomass, and an index of productivity derived from satellite imagery), soil particle-size distribution and mineralogy, elevation, and slope. Soil carbon storage in these volcanic soils was relatively high, ranging from 51.1 to 138.6 Mg C ha-1 in the top 30 cm of mineral soil. The relationships among forest soil C and biotic and abiotic variables were different for low-elevation (120 m) and high-elevation (120-800 m) sites, and elevation explained much of the variability in soil C concentrations. Soil particle-size distribution and mineralogical variables are correlated in this landscape and co-vary in predictable ways along the elevation gradient. Thus, elevation represents a weathering gradient with younger, allophanic soils at higher elevations and older soils with gibbsite, goethite, and kaolinite as dominant clay minerals in the lowlands. We propose two mechanisms of C stabilization: soil C concentrations and contents are positively correlated to the amount of noncrystalline clays (e.g. Allophane, imogolite, and ferrihydrite) in the high elevation soils, and positively correlated to aluminum in organo-metal complexes in the low elevation sites. The strong correlations among soil C concentrations, contents, and elevation (mediated through effects on soil mineralogy) indicate that it is possible to predict soil C in this landscape using variables that are easily mapped in a geographic information system. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-626. Publicación no.: 219 Efecto de la variación estacional en la cantidad de luz y de las interacciones planta-herbívoro sobre la fenología inversa de Jacquinia nervosa (Theophrastaceae) / Chaves-Badilla,

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Oscar M. San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2002. 95 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado en Biología, San José (Costa Rica). Entender el efecto de los diferentes factores bióticos y abióticos sobre los patrones fenológicos de las plantas neotropicales es crítico para comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas tropicales. Durante las últimas cuatro décadas se ha realizado un nomero considerable de investigaciones en este campo, aunque sesgadas hacia unos pocos bosques lluviosos y con frecuencia limitadas a aspectos descriptivos. Los bosques secos, pese a tener un mayor número de plantas endémicas que los bosques lluviosos, han recibido relativamente poca atención. La marcada estacionalidad que caracteriza a estos bosques afecta considerablemente el comportamiento cíclico de las plantas y, por ende, la productividad primaria y las interacciones planta-animal. Los escasos estudios realizados en los bosques secos muestran que la mayoría de las especies arbóreas son caducifolias durante la estación seca, debido a los efectos adversos de la prolongada sequía (finales de noviembre a abril. Sin embargo, existe un reducido grupo de especies que presenta un patrón fenológico inverso al anterior, en el cual todas las hojas sufren abscisión al llegar la estación lluviosa. Estas especies presentan una fenología estacional bien marcada, lo cual facilita el estudio de los factores proximales y evolutivos que determinan su patrón fenológico. En Costa Rica, la única especie con fenología inversa es el arbusto freatofítico de sotobosque Jacquinia nervosa (Theophrastaceae), el cual se encuentra restringido a la provincia de Guanacaste, donde es muy común. Hasta ahora se desconoce la importancia relativa de los factores que regulan su fenología. En este estudio, examiné el efecto de la variación estacional en la disponibilidad de luz, medida como densidad de flujo fotónico (DFF), como posible factor proximal en la fenología de J. nervosa, y el efecto de la presión de herbivoría como posible causa evolutiva. Desde octubre deð 2000 hasta agosto del 2001, realicé censos quincenales del número de hojas, flores y frutos en una muestra de 36 plantas reproductivas de entre 1.2 y 5.5 m de altura. Medí la cantidad de luz directa e indirecta que llegaba a cada individuo en diciembre del 2000, febrero, mayo y julio del 2001 mediante análisis de fotografías hemisféricas del dosel. Analicé el peso foliar específico (PFE), la expansión foliar, la filotaxia y la anatomía foliar para determinar el grado de especialización de J. nervosa a las condiciones prevalecientes en la estación seca, especialmente al ambiente lumínico. Medí el daño por herbivoría de las hojas con un método longitudinal, en el cual seleccionó aleatoriamente 6 ramas por planta, cuyas hojas, una vez marcadas, fueron censadas cada 15 días para medir la pérdida acumulativa de área foliar, y para establecer el tipo de herbívoros presentes. Para determinar la depredación pre-dispersión de semillas a lo largo del período de fructificación, recolecté mensualmente 15 frutos por planta y conté el total de semillas sanas y dañadas, así como el tipo y número de frugívoros presentes. El pico de producción de hojas ocurrió en forma simultánea con la producción de yemas florales y coincidió con el pico en la DFF durante el mes de febrero. La caída de hojas aumentó progresivamente conforme disminuía la DFF entre mayo y julio. Por su parte, el peso foliar específico no varió significativamente con la DFF. La expansión foliar completa se alcanzó en 20.5 días (D.E.= 5.7, n = 150). El análisis anatómico de las hojas reveló características típicas de especies esclerofíticas perennifolias (p. ej., una hipodermis esclerenquimatosa y el mesófilo de empalizada moltiple). La antesis empezó en la primera semana de febrero y se extendió hasta marzo. En estos meses se formaron los primeros frutos inmaduros. La fructificación alcanzó un pico principal a mediados de febrero y un pico secundario a finales de marzo del 2001. El desarrollo y la maduración de estos frutos comprendió cuatro meses de la estación seca (de enero a abril del 2001) y los tres primeros meses de la estación lluviosa (de mayo a julio del 2001). Sin embargo, solamente un 3% de las flores llegaron a formar frutos; esto fue afectado de forma significativa por el nivel de sincronía floral, pero no por la sincronía foliar ni por el tamaño de la planta.

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Así, una mayor sincronía floral permite atraer mayor número de polinizadores, lo que se traduce en un incremento de la polinización y la fructificación. La sincronía poblacional en la producción de hojas fue alta (88 % +- D.E. = 6 %), mientras que en la floración (38 % +- 26 %) y en la fructificación (18% +- 18 %) fue mucho menor. La mayor parte de la herbivoría follar estuvo concentrada en las hojas jóvenes, con una pérdida de áÿrea foliar promedio de 37% (D.E.= 34%, n = 195). Los escarabajos masticadores Epicauta sp. fueron los principales herbívoros de estas hojas. En las hojas maduras los daños más evidentes fueron causados por el escarabajo raspador Coptopycla rufonotata. La herbivoría promedio de semillas en los primeros frutos inmaduros, producidos en marzo, fue de 1.04 % (D.E. = 5.43, n = 85), mientras que al final de la estacion de crecimiento fue de 42.3% (D.E.= 47.2, n = 122); esta herbivoría fue causada principalmente por una especie no identificada de la familia Tortricidae. La estrecha relación entre la variación de la DFF y la producción y la abscisión foliar, las ramas agrupadas en la parte externa de la copa (con hojas orientadas verticalmente), la anatomía foliar interna y la gran inversión de biomasa en el sistema radical de las plántulas (y probablemente de los adultos), así como el considerable daño causados por insectos fitófagos en hojas, frutos y semillas, en conjunto reflejan una adaptación a condiciones de sequía. Todo esto sugiere que la fenología de J. nervosa representa una adaptación para explotar la mayor disponibilidad de luz directa durante la estación de sequía del bosque seco, pero no un escape temporal de la herbivoría. Las condiciones sombreadas prevalecientes en el sotobosque durante la estación lluviosa probablemente hacen que en J. nervosa los costos respiratorios de mantener las hojas sean mayores que los beneficios de la fijación de carbono. Por esta razón, la fenología inversa se convierte en una respuesta adaptativa, que le permite a la planta lidiar con las fluctuaciones estacionales en la disponibilidad de luz y optimizar la ganancia de carbono en el período cuando la luz en el sotobosque no es limitante. Esto demuestra que, al menos en algunas plantas de los bosques tropicales más estacionales, los factores climáticos podrían tener una mayor importancia en la regulación de los patrones fenológicos que la presión de herbivoría u otros factores bióticos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 405. Publicación no.: 220 Biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from a lowland tropical wet forest in Costa Rica [Emisiones de compuestos orgánicos volátiles biogénicos desde un bosque húmedo tropical de tierras bajas en Costa Rica] / Geron, C; Guenther, A; Greenberg, J; Loescher, Henry William; Clark, Deborah A; Baker, B. (US EPA. National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Research Triangle PK, NC 27711, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Atmospheric Environment (ISSN 1352-2310), v. 36, no. 23, p. 3793-3802. 2002. Twenty common plant species were screened for emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) at a lowland tropical wet forest site in Costa Rica. Ten of the species examined emitted substantial quantities of isoprene. These species accounted for 35-50% of the total basal area of old-growth forest on the major edaphic site types, indicating that a high proportion of the canopy leaf area is a source of isoprene. A limited number of canopy-level BVOC flux measurements were also collected by relaxed eddy accumulation (REA). These measurements verify that the forest canopy in this region is indeed a significant source of isoprene. In addition, REA fluxes of methanol and especially acetone were also significant, exceeding model estimates and warranting future investigation at this site. Leaf monoterpene emissions were non-detectable or very low from the species surveyed, and ambient concentrations and REA fluxes likewise were very low. Although the isoprene emission rates reported here are largely consistent with phylogenetic relations found in other studies (at the family, genus, and

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species levels), two species in the family Mimosaceae, a group previously found to consist largely of non-isoprene emitters, emitted significant quantities of isoprene. One of these, Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze, is by far the most abundant canopy tree species in the forests of this area, composing 30-40% of the total basal area. The other, Zygia longifolia (Humb. & Bonpl.) Britton & Rose is a common riparian species. Our results suggest that the source strength of BVOCs is important not only to tropical atmospheric chemistry, but also may be important in determining net ecosystem carbon exchange. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-686. Publicación no.: 221 Los servicios ambientales de los bosques: el caso de cambio climático [The forests environmental services: The case of the climatic change] / Castro-Salazar, René. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas, Apartado Postal 960-4050, La Garita de Alajuela, CR). Cambridge, MS: PNUD, 2000. 142 p. Like many tropical countries, Costa Rica is losing its forests: private landowners, cut down forests to grow crops and the government cannot afford to buy land for conservation. However, foreign countries can help, preserving tropical forest is theirmost cost-effective option for reducing carbon emissions. This thesis investigates this possibility using Costa Rica's state-owned Wildlife Conservation Areas (WCAs) as a case study. Finding cost-effective ways to sequester carbon or reduce carbon emissions is important because reducing global warming is both urgent and costly: possibly 2% of the world's GDP. Deforestation increases carbon emissions into the atmosphere and contributes to global warming. Reducing deforestation and growing trees can help to sequester carbon, and reduce emissions. Various studies suggest that forest carbon sequestration may be a cost-effective way of reducing cost. According to the literature reducing emissions in the energy sector in industrialized countries will exceed $100 per ton. By contrast, the cost of sequestering carbon in US forests will cost from $10 to $100 per ton of carbon depending on the scale of the forestry projects and on the increasing opportunity cost of the land. The cost of sequestering carbon in permanent forests is even lower in Costa Rica than in the United States. The estimates developed in this thesis suggest that 92% of the carbon sequestered in the proposed expansion of the WCAs will cost less than $50 per ton. Moreover, some landowners inCosta Rica may be willing to preserve private natural forests or switch from traditional crops or cattle-raising to forest plantations if the price of sequestered carbon were to rise to as little, as $10 per ton. Therefore, using tropical forest as a carbon sink may have economic, ecological, and social benefits. Economically, it may reduce mitigation costs and facilitate capital transfer from industrialized to developing nations. Society benefits because forests are often located in the poorest rural areas; the ecological benefits come from keeping forest cover, especially primary forest, which is crucial to conserving tropical biodiversity. Localización: Biblioteca Carlos Monge A.: 363.738.74 C355s. Biblioteca del INCAE: COS 333.75.09.728.6 C355E. Publicación no.: 222 Contenido de carbono en el bosque seco tropical / Watson-Céspedes, Vicente; Kauffman, B; Hughes, R.F; Tosi-Olin, Joseph A., Jr; Jobse, Judith C; Hughes, A; Kauffman, D. (Tropical Science Center, Apdo. 8-3870, 1000 San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Seminario sobre ecosistemas forestales de bosques secos mesoamericanos. I, Heredia CRNov. 13-15, 2002. En: Ecosistemas forestales de bosque seco tropical: investigaciones y resultados en Mesoamérica Heredia: Universidad Nacional / INISEFOR, 2002. p. 111-118. ISBN: 9968-9996-1-X.

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Introducción: El Centro Científico Tropical está participando en una investigación colaborativa con un conjunto de organizaciones de Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelanda y Canadá, sobre el secuestro [captura] de carbono por los ecosistemas terrestres de Costa Rica. El análisis a realizar por el Proyecto incluye la determinación del contenido de carbono en los bosques primarios, así como el carbono almacenado en los diferentes sistemas de usos de la tierra actual y su tasa de acumulación para pasar de lo actual a lopotencial. Sin embargo, en este artículo se expondrá solamente lo relacionado con el muestreo realizado para el bosque primario y específicamente para los sitios de la Zona de Vida Bosque seco Tropical sensu Holdridge (1947, 1967). La determinación del contenido de carbono en los bosques primarios es importante, por un lado, para saber la cantidad almacenada en este tipo de ecosistemas y, por otro lado, porque éstos constituyen el máximo potencial de almacenamiento de carbono en un sitio. Este dato interesa desde el punto de vista ecológico y también económico sobre todo para proyectos de secuestro de carbono que entrarían a funcionar de aprobarse el protocolo de Kyoto. En este sentido, si entrara a funcionar dicho protocolo requerirá de la existencia de herramientas prßcticas que puedan predecir fácilmente y con un grado bueno de exactitud la cantidad de carbono que se puede acumular en los ecosistemas terrestres, de ahí que sean importante tambiÚn poder predecir estos datos. El método del balance hídrico basado en Zonas de Vida es explicado en ONERN 1976. Se basa en que evapotranspiración es igual al factor 58,93 por la biotemperatura entendida ésta como la suma de los valores entre 0 °C y 30 °C. También se considera que la capacidad de retención de agua del suelo es igual a un décimo de la precipitación y que en condiciones de faltante de agua, el suelo es capaz de suministrar hasta un 50% del agua que tiene almacenada. Por otro lado, se considera un mes efectivamente seco cuando el suelo al final del mes tiene menos agua que el punto de tensión de agua. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 634.92 E19e. PV. Publicación no.: 223 Spatial and temporal dynamics of a Costa Rican tropical dry forest [Dinámica espacial y temporal de un bosque seco tropical costarricense] / Enquist, Carolyn A.F. (University of New Mexico. Department of Biology, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Las Cruces, NM: The University of New Mexico, 2002. 55 p. ISBN: 0-493-55249-9. Dissertation, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico, Las Cruces, NM (USA). Long-term data from tropical dry forest communities are needed to understand the factors that influence tree species composition and forest dynamics, information critical to the conservation and management of this biome. The San Emilio tropical dry forest study area in the Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG), Sector Santa Rosa in northwestern Costa Rica offered the opportunity to investigate these unique tropical forests. Chapter two is a study that describes the tree species abundance, composition and biomass of the San Emilio tropical dry forest based on over 30,000 individual trees that were mapped and measured in 1976 and 1996. During the 20 years, total stem density per ha deceased by 27%, yielding a forest-wide annual mortality rate of 3.52%. However, forest-wide annual recruitment was lower (3.05%), signaling that the forest was not in a steady state but was in a transitional phase. Above-ground forest biomass decreased by 3.5%, most likely caused by a long-term decrease in rainfall. Chapter three investigates the effect of physical heterogeneity on the community dynamics of the San Emilio tropical dry forest. Analyses of vegetation surveys conducted in 1976 and 1996 showed that rates of change in stem density and biomass across the forest were related to variation in seasonal soil moisture and topography. The more xeric and highly variable areas showed the greatest change in stem density. The study suggests that the non-random heterogeneity found within the physical landscape of the San Emilio tropical dry forest contributed to local forest dynamics. Furthermore, on both spatial and

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temporal scales, these findings support previous work suggesting that neotropical dry forest dynamics are responsive to seasonal climates and the resulting microtopographic availability of soil moisture. Chapter four explores the effects of heterogeneity on tree species and plant functional groups found in the San Emilio forest. While responding to this physical heterogeneity, the spatial and temporal variability in species abundance patterns reflect a forest on a successional trajectory that maybe affected by shifts in regional climate. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5619. Publicación no.: 224 Climatic impact of lowland deforestation on tropical montane cloud forests in Costa Rica [Impacto climático de la deforestación de las tierras bajas en los bosques nubosos montanos tropicales en Costa Rica] / Nair, Udaysankar S. (University of Alabama. National Space Sciences & Technology Center, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35806, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Boulder, CO: Colorado State University, 2002. 129 p. ISBN: 0-493-68602-9. Dissertation, Ph.D., Colorado State University at Boulder (USA). Tropical montane cloud forests depend on predictable, frequent, and prolonged immersion in clouds. Recent studies have shown that there has been a reduction in dry season moisture input from direct interception of cloud water and wind blown mist at the lee edge of the Monteverde cloud forest, Costa Rica, since the mid 1970s. This reduction of moisture could be responsible for the population crashes of anurans observed in the region. It has been hypothesized that this behavior is a result of increases in cloud base height, linked to increased sea surface temperatures. This study presents a complementary hypothesis, that deforestation upstream of the Monteverde cloud forest preserve is responsible for the observed changes in cloud base height. An automated cumulus cloud classification scheme is used to extract monthly spatial maps of the frequency of occurrence of cumulus cloudiness over Costa Rica from GOES-8 visible channel satellite imagery. It is found that cumulus cloud formations in the morning hours over deforested regions are suppressed compared to forested areas. The degree of suppression appears to be associated with the extent of deforestation. This difference in cloud formation between forested and deforested areas is a clear signal of land-use change influencing the regional climate. The Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) simulations are used to explore the differences in cloud field characteristics over the lowland pasture and forest surfaces. Statistically significant differences in cloud base height and cloud thickness are found between the forest and pasture simulations, clouds having higher base heights and being thinner over pasture surfaces compared to forest surfaces. There are enhanced sensible heat fluxes over pasture surfaces compared to forest surfaces, while forest surfaces have higher latent heat fluxes. RAMS is also used to examine the impact of lowland deforestation on orographic cloud formation. Numerical modeling simulations of orographic cloud formation is examined for three types of deforestation scenarios where the most recent estimate of forest cover for the Costa Rican region is used. Numerical modeling suggests that deforestation shrinks the areal extent of the orographic cloud banks and elevates its base to higher altitudes. The increase in cloud base height is on the order of 200 m for complete deforestation and 100 m for partial deforestation. Increases in cloud base height of this magnitude may significantly impact the hydrology of the cloud forest regions. Deforestation results in a decrease of the orographic cloud cover, with the decrease being proportional to the amount of deforestation. The results from this study suggest that land use in tropical lowlands has serious impacts on ecosystemsin adjacent mountains. Deforestation in the Costa Rican lowlands may have a detrimental effect of increased frequency of mist free days upstream at Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8396. Publicación no.: 225 Internalising the externalities' of tropical forestry: a review of innovative financing and incentive mechanisms [Internalización de las externalidades' de la silvicultura tropical: estudio de los mecanismos innovadores de financiación e incentivación] / Richards, M. (Overseas Development Institute. Regent's Park, London NW1 4NS, GB). London: ODI, 1999. 45 p. (European Union Tropical Forestry; Paper 1). ISBN: 0-850003-402-7. Enlace: The main objective of this paper, commissioned by the European Commission, is to review the potential of 'innovative' financing and financial incentive mechanisms (IFIMs) for 'sustainable' forestry in the tropics, and to attempt to provide policy guidance for donors and other decision makers. The approach taken is to examine the key problems that IFIMs seek to overcome. It was found that the issues of financing and how to create positive financial incentives are not easy to separate. It is argued that the main problem is not a lack of finance per se, but that forestry is unattractive compared to alternative land uses, primarily due to market and policy failures which either depress the value of forest products and services, or make other land uses more profitable. Policy failures in particular cause negative or perverse incentives for forestry. Thus the key challenge is to find ways of modifying market incentives so that forestry becomes more attractive than alternative land uses, including forestexploitation. This can result either from improving returns to forestry or by reducing its opportunity cost. A key aspect of this is forestry's time or discounting problem: forest managers can rarely afford to wait for the benefits of long-term management when alternative land uses provide much quicker returns. For ease of analysis, the IFIMs are classified into four main approaches: those based on a transfer payments approach, comprising domestic fiscal 'market-based instruments' and international transfer payments; those that try to build markets for forestry's global public good values; the channelling of private and public investment flows towards forestry; and the modification, clarification or creation of property rights. Other approaches with a high potential impact on user incentives, notably the regulatory approach, are integrated into the discussion of these four approaches. There have been a few relatively isolated successes with fiscal market-based instruments like 'polluter or beneficiary' pays taxes and differential land use taxation. Market-based instruments can be used to tackle perverse incentives and bring private costs and benefits closer to social costs and benefits, so that the resulting financial incentives make forestry a case of 'enlightened self-interest'. However the taxes have generally been set too low to achieve the necessary impact on user incentives. Similarly, forest pricing policies (royalties, concession rents, etc.) have generally underpriced the resource and encouraged rent-seeking behaviour. Bidding for forest concessions could help establish optimal timber prices, and performance bonds have the potential to overcome the crucial discounting problem of forest management, but face the same public sector implementation problems as other instruments. International transfer payment mechanisms like the Global Environment Fund (GEF) and debt-for-nature swaps are blunt (not tied to a specific forest value) and limited because there is little impact on user incentives, although conservation trust funds provide an important institutional basis for channelling innovative finance. International taxes, including a tax on the tropical timber trade, face severe technical and national sovereignty problems in ensuring the money is effectively spent. This is a drawback for any mechanism which does not 'internalise' the benefits by modifying user returns directly. Carbon trading, timber certification, bioprospecting deals, fair trade and marketable 'Forest Protection and Marketing Obligations' involve market mechanisms for capturing the global 'externality' benefits of forestry. Of these, carbon trading has most potential since it

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is linked to the international regulatory process of establishing emission limits, but faces major technical and political problems. Also the market for tropical forestry carbon offsets may be smaller than previously thought (although there is a divergence of views here); and it is by no means certain forestry will be included in the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol. Timber certification suffers from both a demand and supply problem: the market is thin, and temperate countries are best placed to take advantage of it. As with other attempts to capture global externalities, international environmental regulations are essential for creating demand and willingness to pay. Considerable hope has been expressed in channelling private international capital flows towards sustainable forestry, but with the underlying market incentives increased private capital flows could exacerbate the problems. One hope is that ethically-based equity shareholders might influence institutional portfolio priorities, while if forestry-based carbon trading takes off, a range of carbon mitigation investmentscould emerge. Some argue that creating, clarifying or modifying property rights will encourage long-term investment, but this is unlikely if the underlying financial incentives are unaltered. But donors might be more active in promoting international legislation on intellectual property rights, and encouraging international environmental NGOs to experiment with tradeable development rights (TDRs) - possibly through GEF funds. At present there is insufficient global willingness to pay for TDRs. The main reason deforestation occurs is because people find it profitable. At the same time, and by definition, 'sustainability' demands that the underlying problems be tackled. IFIMs should therefore counter market and policy failures as far as possible. These factors point to a high potential for carbon trading, 'polluter and beneficiary pays' taxes and other market-based instruments, appropriate forest pricing and performance bonds, always accompanied by appropriate regulatory measures. However the opportunity costs of promoting IFIMs also need to be considered if this means under-investing in (arguably) more effective policies for arresting forest degradation, particularly those that counter the so-called extra-sectoral causes of deforestation. An essentialcomplement to attempts to make sustainable forestry more attractive (which many see as a losing battle anyway) is to make forest degradation less attractive. For example, measures to discourage land speculation in frontier areas have major potential. Another set of actions or policies can reduce the pressure on the forest by increasing the opportunity cost of forest-degrading activities, for example, by increasing the attractiveness of alternative non-forestry livelihoods. Priorities include investing in human capital (for example, rural education) and increasing the productivity of labour-intensive agriculture away from the frontier. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-179. Publicación no.: 226 Geo Costa Rica: una perspectiva sobre el medio ambiente / MINAE / PNUMA, Apartado Postal 10104-1000, San José, CR E-mail: San José: Universidad de Costa Rica / Observatorio del Desarrollo, 2002. 162 p. ISBN: 9977-50-043-6. Introducción: La publicación de este primer informe GEO Costa Rica: una perspectiva ambiental por parte del Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) de la República de Costa Rica, responde a dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, se busca establecer un mecanismo de rendición de cuentas ante la sociedad costarricense, en el campo de las políticas ambientales. En segundo lugar, responde a una recomendación del Foro de Ministros de Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe para elaborar evaluaciones ambientales integradas de orden nacional y regional como instrumento en el proceso de diseño e implementación de políticas en este campo. Ante la decisión ministerial de elaborar el informe, el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA), Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe (ORPALC), en su calidad de organismo de coordinación técnica del Foro de Ministros,

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solicitó al Observatorio del Desarrollo de la Universidad de Costa Rica (OdD-UCR) colaborar con el MINAE brindando asesoramiento técnico y facilitando el proceso de elaboración del informe. El OdD es centro colaborador para Mesoamérica del PNUMA en el proyecto GEO (Global Environment Outlook), ocupado desde 1995 de la elaboración de evaluaciones ambientales integradas de ámbito global, regional y nacional. Las evaluaciones ambientales integradas propuestas por el PNUMA en su proyecto GEO suponen un análisis consultado sobre el estado del ambiente y las políticas de respuesta a este estado, incluyendo una consideraciónde las presiones que determinan el estado ambiental, y los impactos que resultan de ellas, tanto en el orden social como natural. El análisis se centra en los diferentes recursos que constituyen el acervo natural de un país o región: la tierra, los bosques, la biodiversidad, las aguas, las zonas costeras y marinas, así como la atmósfera. Se incluye igualmente una consideración específica de la situación ambiental en las áreas urbanas, así como el tema de los desastres (en lo relativo a sus causas e impactos relacionados con el ambiente natural) y, finalmente, el análisis especial de los impactos del estado del ambiente en la salud humana. También es fundamental en el enfoque GEO la elaboración de un conjunto de escenarios sobre tendencias previsibles odeseables en la evolución futura de la situación ambiental, que permita orientar la toma de decisiones en este campo. En este primer ejercicio para Costa Rica, la disponibilidad de recursos técnicos y financieros permitió una aproximación razonable en laaplicación del enfoque GEO. Partiendo de la finalidad de apoyar las funciones de rectoría del MINAE en el campo de la información y asistencia en la toma de decisiones, los objetivos específicos se centraron en establecer una "línea base" -es decir, un punto de referencia para evaluaciones posteriores- que contribuyera al establecimiento de un sistema nacional de información ambiental y un conjunto básico inicial de series estadísticas en este campo. Para acercarnos a estos objetivos, el proceso de elaboración del informe empezó por el establecimiento de un grupo de puntos focales temáticos dentro del MINAE, con el cometido de promover y facilitar las acciones necesarias -entre ellas, identificar las variables e indicadores fundamentales para la evaluación ambiental integrada, así como los expertos relevantes en la elaboración del análisis y, finalmente, acometiendo en buena medida la redacción inicial de informes temáticos que constituyen la base de esta publicación. El grupo de puntos focales logró desarrollar de manera muy satisfactoria las acciones encomendadas, convirtiéndose en el principal acervo humano para esfuerzos posteriores en este campo por parte del MINAE, y avanzando la finalidad de construcción de capacidades institucionales que anima al PNUMA con su proyecto GEO. La lista de puntos focales del MINAE se encuentra en el apéndice de Reconocimientos. Un segundo paso importante en la elaboración del informe fue la convocatoria del grupo de expertos identificado por los puntos focales delMINAE, quienes contribuyeron a perfilar mejor los problemas existentes en el campo ambiental en el país, así como las variables más importantes para su análisis. El resultado de su trabajo se ha presentado en un primer informe técnico de avance, editado en octubre de 2001; la lista completa de personas que colaboraron en esta fase también se encuentra en el apéndice de Reconocimientos. Por su parte, al Observatorio del Desarrollo de la Universidad de Costa Rica le correspondió aportar insumos conceptuales y metodológicos, recopilar los datos necesarios y construir las series históricas correspondientes, así como coordinar la elaboración y edición de los informes. La revisión atenta de los borradores del informe por parte del equipo de ORPALC-PNUMA en México, así como por parte de la Ministra de Ambiente y Energía, Licda. Elizabeth Odio Benito, resultaron invaluables en esta fase final del proceso. El resultado de estos esfuerzos está a la vista. En el capítulo 1, sobre el estado del ambiente, se pasa revista a la situación actual de los principales recursos naturales en el país: tierra, bosques, biodiversidad, agua, costas y mares, así como atmósfera. Las secciones inicialmente previstas sobre áreas urbanas y desastres no pudieron

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completarse y quedan pendientes para próximos esfuerzos. En el capítulo 2 se realiza un recuento de las principales acciones de política emprendidas en los últimos años en el país, con énfasis en los cuatro años correspondientes a la Administración Rodríguez Echeverría. Noobstante la amplitud del análisis presentado en este capítulo, las limitaciones de este primer ejercicio impidieron avanzar suficientemente en la valoración crítica de las políticas impulsadas, así como de la organización general de la gestión ambiental en el país (tanto pública como privada); queda ello pendiente también para el futuro. Finalmente, el ejercicio de elaboración de escenarios, contemplado inicialmente, no pudo intentarse, y pasa a formar parte de la agenda futura. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6723. Publicación no.: 227 The carbon cycle and the value of forests as a carbon sink: a tropical case study [El ciclo del carbono y el valor de los bosques como almacenadores de carbono: estudio de caso tropical] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Dore, M.H.I. ed.); Guevara, R (ed.). (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Sustainable forest management and global climate change: selected case studies from the Americas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2000. p. 107-147. ISBN: 1-84064-161-4. This paper reviews the different types of carbon sink services provided by forests and addresses the issue of placing economic values on them. The concept of joint implementation is discussed in more detail and an example of its application is presented. Various methods to estimate the magnitude and economic value of the carbon sink services rendered by each of the three main types of tropical forests in Costa Rica: natural primary, naturally regenerating secondary, and artificial plantations are also presented and illustrated. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 228 Estimating the greenhouse gas benefits of forestry projects: a Costa Rican case study [Estimando los beneficios de los proyectos forestales de gases invernadero: estudio de caso costarricense] / Busch, C.B; Sathaye, J.A; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo. (Lawrence Energy Technologies Division. Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Energy Analysis Department, Berkeley, CA 94720, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Berkeley, CA: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2000. 119 p. (LBNL; no. 42289). Enlace: If the Clean Development Mechanism proposed under the Kyoto Protocol is to serve as an effective means for combating global climate change, it will depend upon reliable estimates of greenhouse gas benefits. This paper sketches the theoretical basis for estimating the greenhouse gas benefits of forestry projects and suggests lessons learned based on a case study of Costa Rica's Protected Areas Project, which is a 500,000 hectare effort to reduce deforestation and enhance reforestation. The Protected Areas Project in many senses advances the state of the art for Clean Development Mechanism-type forestry projects, as does the third-party verification work of SGS International Certification Services on the project. Nonetheless, sensitivity analysis shows that carbon benefit estimates for the project vary widely based on the imputed deforestation rate in the baseline scenario, e.g. the deforestation rate expected if the project were not implemented. This, along with a newly available national dataset that confirms other research showing a slower rate of deforestation in Costa Rica, suggests that the use of the 1979-1992 forest cover data originally as the basis for estimating carbon savings should be

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reconsidered. When the newly available data is substituted, carbon savings amount to 8.9 Mt (million tones) of carbon, down from the original estimate of 15.7 Mt. The primary general conclusion is that project developers should give more attention to the forecasting land use and land cover change scenarios underlying estimates of greenhouse gas benefits. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6588. Publicación no.: 229 Environmental controls on net ecosystem-level carbon exchange and productivity in a Central American tropical wet forest [Controles ambientales sobre el intercambio de carbono y productividad a nivel de ecosistema en un bosque húmedo tropical centroamericano] / Loescher, Henry William; Oberbauer, Steven F; Gholz, H.L; Clark, David B. (Oregon State University. Department of Forest Sciences, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 9, no. 3, p. 396-412. 2003. Difficulty in balancing the global carbon budget has lead to increased attention on tropical forests, which have been estimated to account for up to one third of global gross primary production. Whether tropical forests are sources, sinks, or neutral with respect to their carbon balance with the atmosphere remains unclear. To address this issue, estimates of net ecosystem exchange of carbon (NEE) were made for 3 years (1998-2000) using the eddy-covariance technique in a tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Measurements were made from a 42 m tower centred in an old-growth forest. Under unstable conditions, the measurement height was at least twice the estimated zeroplane height from the ground. The canopy at the site is extremely rough; under unstable conditions the median aerodynamic roughness length ranged from 2.4 to 3.6 m. No relationship between NEE and friction velocity was found using all of the 30-min averages. However, there was a linear relationship between the nighttime NEE and averaged u* (R2 = 0.98). The diurnal pattern rn of flux was similar to that found in other tropical forests, with mean daytime NEE ca. - 18 µmol CO2 m

2 s-1 and mean nighttime NEE 4.6 µmol CO2 m2 s-1.

However, because - 80% of the nighttime data in this forest were collected during laminar flow conditions (< 0.2 m2 s-1), nighttime NEE was likely underestimated. Using an alternative analysis, mean nighttime NEE increased to 7.05 µmol CO2 m2 s-1. There were interannual differences in NEE, but seasonal differences were not apparent. Irradiance accounted for - 51% of the variation in the daytime fluxes, with temperature and vapour pressure deficit together accounting for another - 20%. Light compensation points ranged from 100 to 207 µmol PPFD m2 s-1. No was relationship was found between 30-min nighttime NEE and tower-top air temperature. A weak relationship was found between hourly nighttime NEE and canopy air temperature using data averaged hourly over the entire sampling period (Q10 = 1.79, R2 = 0.17). The contribution of below-sensor storage was fairly constant from day to day. Our data indicate that this forest was a slight carbon source in 1998 (0.05 to -1.33 t C ha-1 yr-1), a moderate sink in 1999 (-1.53 to -3.14 t C ha-1 yr-1), and a strong sink in 2000 (-5.97 to -7.92 t C ha-1 yr-1). This trend is interpreted as relating to the dissipation of warm-phase El Niño effects over the course of this study. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8985. NBINA-4304. Publicación no.: 230 Arrecifes y ambientes coralinos de Bahía Culebra, Pacífico de Costa Rica: aspectos biológicos, económico-recreativos y de manejo [Coral reefs and environments of Culebra Bay, Pacific coast of Costa Rica: biology, economic and recreational considerations, management] / Jiménez-

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Centeno, Carlos E. (Universidad de Costa Rica. CIMAR y Escuela de Biología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista de Biología Tropical (ISSN 0034-7744), v. 49, Suppl. 2, p. 215-231. 2001. Enlace: The coral reefs (AC) and coral communities on basalts (CCB) or sand (CCA) of Bahia Culebra (Golfo de Papagayo, northern Pacific coast of Costa Rica), were compared with descriptors such as cover percentage, diversity, substrate topographical heterogeneity (I-H), associated organisms and frequency of recreational-commercial diving activities on them. Sea urchin abundance and IH were similar among the three reefal environments. The AC had higher coral cover (ca. 40%) and total live cover (50%). The CCB had higher macro and calcareous algae (5%) and sponges (2%). Associated organisms (2%) and general diversity (0.6) were higher in the CCA. Branching coral species (Pocillopora spp.) accounted for 40% of total coral cover in the reefs, followed by massive species (ca. 30%). In the CCB, branching species contributed ca. 80% and massive ca. 19%, whilst in the CCA ca. 68% and ca. 29% respectively. These differences could be related with the substrate consolidation and ample depth range of coral communities. Most of the recreational dives were conducted at the CCB; only occationally the CCA and AC are visited. Interviewed divers had a principal interest on fish and it is precisely at the CCB where highest fish diversity and biomass are observed. Comercial divers tend to prefer the CCB because of their abundance and distribution in the bay. At the outer littoral of Bahia Culebra, diversity of all taxa and live coral cover zonal distribution are generally higher. In addition to these descriptors, indexes that indicate the regional value of a particular reef or coral community are recommended. Coastal infrastructure is mainly concentrated at three areas of the bay; one of them harbors a rare Leptoseris papyracea reef (the only reported so far in the eastern Pacific) and the solely Costa Rican living population of the free living coral Fungia (Cycloseris) curvata. A resort marina will be built over this reef. A protection plan for this and other reefal environments of Bahia Culebra is urgent and must include the monitoring of environmental variables and coral health. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. NBINA-8200. Publicación no.: 231 The United States Initiative on Joint Implementation: forest sector projects [La Iniciativa de los Estados Unidos sobre la Implementación Conjunta: proyectos del sector forestal] / Dixon, R.K; Young, C.E.F; Palo, M (ed.); Uusivuori, J (ed.); Mery, G. (U.S. Department of Energy. Office of Power Technologies, Deputy Assistant Secretary, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585, US). En: World forests, markets and policies Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. p. 121-134. ISBN: 0-7923-7171-2. Flexible economic instruments, such as joint implementation (JI), the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and emissions trading, offer a concomitant means to facilitate economic, energy, and environmental security. The United States Initiative on JointImplementation (USIJI) was established as a pilot programme to facilitate voluntary project investments by US entities to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. In addition to sharing the worldwide environmental and societal benefits of GHG emission reduction, the USA will gain improved market access, achieve lower cost of green technologies, and strengthen international credibility for its efforts in addressing a global threat. USIJI, working under guidelines established by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), has developed a set of operational criteria for evaluating project proposals. To date, USIJI has received more than 150 project proposals, of which 36 have been accepted into the pilot programme. The 36 USIJI projects span four principal sectors: forestry, energy, waste and agriculture. This project portfolio

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includes a diverse set of forest sector conservation and carbon (C) sequestration practices and activities in 8 countries (Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico and Russia). Preliminary estimates suggest that cumulative C sequestration potential of this project portfolio may exceed 75 Tg C. Methodological and technical issues concerning forest sector project baselines, boundaries and monitoring will need to be improved in the future. While the forest sector C offset industry is growing worldwide, human and institutional capacity building is required to realize meaningful, long-term environmental protection and economic security. In addition to the main paper by Dixon (pp. 121-132), there is a discussion of the subject by Young (pp. 133-134). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 232 Spatial organization of diversity in tropical montane forest avifaunas: Implications for persistence of endemic species [Organización espacial de la diversidad en las avifaunas en el bosque montano tropical: Implicaciones para la persistencia de especies endémicas] / Rabenold, Kerry N; Jankowski, Jill E. (Purdue University. Department of Biological Sciences, Lilly Hall, 915 W State St, W Lafayette, IN 47907, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. 87th, and Annual International Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration. 14Th, abstracts, Tucson, AR USAugust 04-09, 2002. En: Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 87, p. 242. 2002. (Abstract only). We investigate the rate of change in species composition of bird communities across a variety of scales in the mountain forests of Costa Rica. Understanding how high regional biodiversity of areas like Central America is partitioned between local (alpha) diversity of small areas (10-100 ha) within particular habitat types, and landscape (beta) diversity over larger areas encompassing multiple habitats, is a longstanding conceptual goal in ecology and an important guide for conservation planning. If species are sufficiently specialized for particular forest types along an altitudinal gradient, beta diversity will be high and regionally endemic species may be further limited spatially on a local scale. We ask whether habitat specialization is associated with rarity within habitat types, resulting in a syndrome of vulnerability for regional endemics that are rare at all scales. We find strong similarity of species composition at a particular altitude (lower montane rainforest), both within the Monteverde Cloudforest Reserve, and between neighboring reserves in the Tilarán range. Using comparisons with other studies, we find differences increasing with distance among mountain ranges. Species composition changes rapidly with altitude on tropical mountains, especially on the Pacific slope of Costa Rica, and our data show surprisingly rapid change even within recognized life zones. At the highest elevations, where the impact of climate change is greatest, species with geographically limited ranges tend to also have narrow ecological tolerances and to be rare within their habitats. This accumulation of risk factors makes these endemics particularly vulnerable to extinction. Publicación no.: 233 Twenty years of change and development in a tropical dry forest, Guanacaste, Costa Rica [Veinte años de cambio y desarrollo en un bosque seco tropical, Guanacaste, Costa Rica] / Enquist, Carolyn A.F. (University of New Mexico. Department of Biology, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1091, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. 86th, Madison, WI USAugust 05-10, 2001. En: Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts, v. 86, p. 86. 2001. (Abstract only). Localización: No disponible.

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Publicación no.: 234 Los sistemas silvopastoriles y el calentamiento global: un balance de emisiones [Silvopastoral systems and global warming: a gas emission balance] / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agronomía Costarricense (ISSN 0377-9424), v. 26, no. 1, p. 17-24. 2002. Enlace: A gas emission balance was carried out in SPS located in the Montano Low Forest (MLF), Wet Premontain Forest (WPF), and Tropical Wet Forest (TWF) of Costa Rica. The methane emission from cattle, N2O and CO2 emission from soil, temperature, humidity, carbon, ammonium and nitrate contents, and soil compaction were determined in SPS as well as in natural forest ecosystems. In the SPS located at the MLF and TWF emissions were higher than in natural ecosystems. In both, the N-NH4 soil concentration positively influenced the nitrous oxide gas emission. In the WPF ecosystem, the net emission showed a favorable N20 balance (-1.58 kg of N ha-1 year-1) for the SPS but the natural forest emitted less C (3.51 kg of C ha-1 year-1). The methane emission factor determined was 654 kg CH4 ha-1 year-1 in the WPF, 183 kg CH4 ha-1 year-1 in the TWF and 360 kg CH4 ha-1 year-1 in the MLF. The emission efficiency expressed as g of CH4kg-1 of produced milk was MLF: 19, WPF: 22 and TWF: 31. The carbon in the soil was higher in the SPS than in the natural forest ecosystems. The annual amount of C per land unit in the arboreal component was higher in the SPS of the WPF and TWF than in the MLF. The lowest balance value (418 kg of C ha-1 year-1) was estimated for the SPS inthe TWF and the highest (3911 kg of C ha-1 year-1) for the SPS in the WPF; an intermediate range was estimated for the SPS located in the MLF (2418 kg of C ha-1 year-1). The total emission of N2O was higher in the bovine production systems than in the natural ecosystem, with the exception of the SPS located in the WPF. The emission of carbon dioxide was always higher in the SPS. The total carbon amount stored in the soil profile was higher in the SPS. The balance indicated that all farms eva-luated act as originators of greenhouse gases, methane being the main gas affecting the final balance. Localización: Biblioteca OET: A. NBINA-12150. Publicación no.: 235 Tropical rain forest tree growth and atmospheric carbon dynamics linked to interannual temperature variation during 1984-2000 [Crecimiento del bosque lluvioso tropical y dinámica del carbono atmosférico ligados a la variación de la temperatura en diferentes años durante 1984-2000] / Clark, Deborah A; Piper, S.C; Keeling, C.D; Clark, David B. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 5852-5857), v. 100, no. 10, p. 5852-5857. 2003. Enlace: During 1984-2000, canopy tree growth in old-growth tropical rain forest at La Selva, Costa Rica, varied 2-fold among years. The trees' annual diameter increments in this 16-yr period were negatively correlated with annual means of daily minimum temperatures. The tree growth variations also negatively covaried with the net carbon exchange of the terrestrial tropics as a whole, as inferred from nearly pole-to-pole measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) interpreted by an inverse tracer-transport model. Strong reductions in tree growth and large inferred tropical releases of CO2 to the atmosphere occurred during the record-hot 1997-1998 El Niño. These and other recent findings are consistent with decreased net primary production in tropical forests in the warmer years of the last two decades. As has been

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projected by recent process model studies, such a sensitivity of tropical forest productivity to on-going climate change would accelerate the rate of atmospheric CO2 accumulation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8984. NBINA-4303. Publicación no.: 236 Estimating rainy season nitrous oxide and methane fluxes across forest and pasture landscapes in Costa Rica [Estimando los flujos de óxido nitroso y metano de la estación lluviosa a través del paisaje del bosque y potreros en Costa Rica] / Reiners, William A; Keller, Michael; Gerow, Kenneth G. (University of Wyoming. Department of Botany, Laramie, WY 82071, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior. Third, Villanova, PE USJune 21-25, 1997. En: Biogeochemical investigations at watershed, landscape, and regional scales. Wieder, R.K; Novak, M; Cerny, J, (eds.) Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. p. 117-130. ISBN: 0792351673. The objectives of this research were to estimate exchanges of CH4 and N2O, both radiatively active gases, between soil and atmosphere on hilltop, slope and swale hillslope positions of northeastern Costa Rica; and to assess the importance of accounting for topography in making areal estimates across hilly terrain. Emission rates from soils were measured during the rainy season on three hillslope positions of both actively grazed pastures and primary forests. Emission rates from pasture and forest sites were significantly different for both gases. Differences between slope positions, though notable, were not significantly different for CH4, but were significantly different for N2O. The forest landscape was partitioned with GIS methods into hilltop, slope and swale topographic positions. The calculated areas for each of these were multiplied by their respective emission rates to calculate overall flux from the entire forested area ofH4 flux ranged from -6,201 to -6,658 g CH4 d-1. Errors associated with both estimating mean emission rates for each hillslope position and judgmental errors in partitioning the landscape into hillslope positional classes are important tomaking landscape-scale estimates of flux. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 237 An intimate knowledge of trees [Un conocimiento íntimo de los árboles] / Kaiser, J. En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), v. 300, p. 566-567. 2003. A husband-wife ecologist team whose 20-year study of tropical rainforests has yielded a wealth of insights now suggests that global warming could be worse than expected. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S8986. NBINA-4305. Publicación no.: 238 Below-ground carbon dynamics as a function of climate variability in undisturbed soils of a neotropical rain forest [Dinámica del carbono en el suelo como una función de la variabilidad del clima en suelos no perturbados del bosque lluvioso neotropical] / Schwendenmann, Luitgard C. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Silviculture, Department of Tropical Silviculture; Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). (ISSN 0939-1347) Göttingen: Universität Göttingen / Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme, 2002. 132 p. Dissertation, Dr., Universität Göttingen, Forschungszentrum Waldökosysteme, Göttingen (Germany). A través de un estudio llevado a cabo durante varios años se investigó el efecto de la temperatura y del contenido de agua en el suelo sobre la dinámica del carbono en un bosque húmedo tropical. La región de estudio, Estación Biológica La Selva, se ubica en la vertiente atlántica de Costa Rica. El clima está caracterizado por altas precipitaciones. Los suelos de la región son de origen volcánico. El experimento se llevó a cabo sobre viejas terrazas aluviales ('old alluvium') así como también sobre suelos residuales

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fuertemente meteorizados ('residual'). Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: (i) Cuantificación de la respiración del suelo en dos diferentes tipos de suelo, (ii) Cálculo de las tasas de producción de CO2 en diferentes profundidades de suelo, (iii) Investigación de la influencia de la temperatura y del contenido de agua en el suelo sobre la producción de CO2 y la respiración del suelo, (iv) Descripción de los procesos que influyen en la distribución vertical de la concentración de CO2 y (v) Cuantificación de la porción disuelta del carbono y del nitrógeno orgánico, así como la caracterización biológica y química en relación con la profundidad del suelo. Para esto fueron llevadas a cabo desde abril de 1998, en un total de 6 parcelasexperimentales, con intervalos de dos semanas, las siguientes mediciones. Para la caracterización de la respiración del suelo fueron instaladas en cada parcela experimental un total de 8 'cámaras de la respiración'. Se utilizó un aparato de gas infravermelho LiCor portátil para las mediciones de la respiración en el campo. Paralelamente se llevaron a cabo las mediciones de la temperatura y de la humedad del suelo. En cada parcela experimental se estableció una calicata de 3 hasta 4 m de profundidad. En diferentes profundidades se instalaron sondas para la toma de pruebas de gases, sensores de temperatura, instrumentos para medir humedad y lisímetros para sacar muestras de agua. Los coeficientes de difusión que dependen de la profundidad del suelo fueron estimados a través de fórmulas empíricas y comparados contra un perfil de Radon (222Rn). El cálculo de las tasas de producción de CO2 se llevó a cabo tomando como base los coeficientes de difusión estimados y los perfiles de CO2 medidos. Los resultadosmás importantes son: 1. La respiración del suelo (11 Mg ha-1 a-1) en los sitios experimentales sobre las viejas terrazas aluviales fue 20 % menor con respecto a los sitios ubicados sobre suelos residuales (14 Mg ha-1 a-1). La variabilidad espacial pudo ser aclarada a través del contenido de carbono en el suelo, la biomasa de raíces finas y la concentración de fosfato. La dinámica anual mostró dependencia del contenido de agua en el suelo. Bajas emisiones de CO2 fueron medidas tanto para bajas como para altas concentraciones de agua en el suelo. Las tasas más altas de respiración fueron determinadas para contenidos de agua entre 0.35 y 0.50 cm3. La influencia de la temperatura del suelo sobre la respiración ha sido atribuida probablemente a la dependencia entre el contenido de agua en el suelo y la temperatura del suelo. 2. Las concentraciones de CO2 en las capas más cercanas a la superficie del suelo mostraron una fuerte variación temporal. Para valores muy altos del contenido de agua subió el contenido de CO2 en el aire del suelo hasta en un 3 %. En las capas de suelo más profundas, el porcentaje de CO2 en el aire del suelo fue 10 %. Por debajo de 1 m de profundidad se disolvió el 90 % del contenido total de dióxido de carbono en el agua del suelo. 3. La producción de CO2 se concentra en los primeros 0.5 m del perfil del suelo (85 - 90 %) y estuvo influenciado por el contenido de agua en el suelo. La producción en capas de suelo más profundas estuvo correlacionada con el contenido de agua en el suelo y la radiación solar. En los sitios sobre las viejas terrazas aluviales ('old alluvium') se comprobó una fuerte dependencia de la temperatura del suelo en profundidades entre 2 - 3 m. 4. El registro del carbono orgánico disuelto es bajo (< 10 %) encomparación con las cantidades de carbono que se producen en forma de caída de hojarasca. A través de la alta capacidad de absorción de los suelos arcillosos se retiene en el suelo 80 % del DOC producido. Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 413. LS. LC. Publicación no.: 239 Historical and future land use effects on N2O and NO emissions using an ensemble modeling approach: Costa Rica´s Caribbean lowlands as an example [Efectos del uso histórico y futuro en las emisiones de N2O y NO utilizando un enfoque de modelaje conjunto: Las tierras bajas caribeñas de Costa Rica como ejemplo] / Reiners, William A; Liu, Shuguang; Gerow, Kenneth G; Keller, Michael; Schimel, Davis S. (University of Wyoming. Department of Botany, Laramie, WY 82071-

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3165, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Biogeochemical Cycles (ISSN 0886-6236), v. 16, no. 4, p. 1068-1085. 2002. The humid tropical zone is a major source area for N2O and NO emissions to the atmosphere. Local emission rates vary widely with local conditions, particularly land use practices which swiftly change with expanding settlement and changing market conditions. The combination of wide variation in emission rates and rapidly changing land use make regional estimation and future prediction of biogenic trace gas emission particularly difficult. This study estimates contemporary, historical, and future N2O and NO emissions from 0.5 million ha of northeastern Costa Rica, a well-documented region in the wet tropics undergoing rapid agricultural development. Estimates were derived by linking spatially distributed environmental data with an ecosystem simulation model in an ensemble estimation approach that incorporates the variance and covariance of spatially distributed driving variables. Results include measures of variance for regional emissions. The formation and aging of pastures from forest provided most of the past temporal change in N2O and NO flux in this region; future changes will be controlled by the degree of nitrogen fertilizer application and extent of intensively managed croplands. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9005. NBINA-6095. Publicación no.: 240 Soil microbial dynamics and biogeochemistry in tropical forests and pastures, southwestern Costa Rica [Dinámica microbiana del suelo y biogeoquímica en bosques y potreros tropicales, suroeste de Costa Rica] / Cleveland, Cory C; Townsend, Alan R; Schmidt, S.K; Constance, B.C. (The University of Colorado. Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, Campus Box 450, Boulder, CO 80309, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 13, no. 2, p. 314-326. 2003. Enlace: Tropical rain forest ecosystems are currently undergoing unprecedented rates of land conversion and land use change. Recent research suggests these activities profoundly influence nutrient cycling, but the principal mechanisms driving variation in nutrient status following land conversion are still not well understood. In this study, we used soils of varying fertility (oxisols and mollisols) in Costa Rica to investigate how conversion of tropical rain forest to cattle pasture affects the size and function of the microbial community, and to explore possible relationships between microbial dynamics and biogeochemistry. Our pasture sites are relatively lightly managed, and total pools, of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) were not significantly different from their forest counterparts. However, pools of available elements were different; most notably, plant available forms of P were significantly lower in the oxisol pasture than in the oxisol forest site. In addition, we found that land conversion led to fundamental changes in the size and activity of the soil microbial community. Microbial biomass was consistently higher in forests than in pastures, particularly in the oxisol sites, where it was more than twice the pasture value. Forest sites were also characterized by a microbial community that was more active, responded more rapidly to carbon substrate additions, and showed strong seasonal variation. Our results provide evidence that changes in biogeochemical cycling following land conversion observed here and elsewhere may be directly related to changes in microbial community structure and function. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9041. NBINA-3725.

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Publicación no.: 241 Substantial labile carbon stocks and microbial activity in deeply weathered soils below a tropical wet forest / Veldkamp, Edzo; Becker, A; Schwendenmann, Luitgard C; Clark, Deborah A; Shulte-Bisping, H. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Soil Sciences & Forest Nutrition; Busgenweg 2, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 9, p. 1171-1184. 2003. Enlace: Contrary to large areas in Amazonia of tropical moist forests with a pronounced dry season, tropical wet forests in Costa Rica do not depend on deep roots to maintain an evergreen forest canopy through the year. At our Costa Rican tropical wet forestsites, we found a large carbon stock in the subsoil of deeply weathered Oxisols, even though only 0.04-0.2% of the measured root biomass (> 2 mm diameter) to 3 m depth was below 2 m. In addition, we demonstrate that 20% or more of this deep soil carbon (depending on soil type) can be mobilized after forest clearing for pasture establishment. Microbial activity between 0.3 and 3 m depth contributed about 50% to the microbial activity in these soils, confirming the importance of the subsoil in C cycling. Depending on soil type, forest clearing for pasture establishment led from no change to a slight addition of carbon in the topsoil (0-0.3 m depth). However, this effect was countered by a substantial loss of C stocks in the subsoil (1-3 m depth). Our results show that large stocks of relatively labile carbon are not limited to areas with a prolonged dry season, but can also be found in deeply weathered soils below tropical wet forests. Forest clearing in such areas may produce unexpectedly high C lossesfrom the subsoil. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-922. Publicación no.: 242 Spatial and temporal variation in soil CO2 efflux in an old-growth neotropical rain forest, La Selva, Costa Rica [Variación espacial y temporal en el flujo de CO2 en un bosque lluvioso neotropical de viejo crecimiento, La Selva, Costa Rica] / Schwendenmann, Luitgard C; Veldkamp, Edzo; Brenes, T; O'Brien, Joseph J; Mackensen, J. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Silviculture, Department of Tropical Silviculture; Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biogeochemistry (ISSN 0168-2563), v. 64, p. 111-128. 2003. Enlace: Our objectives were to quantify and compare soil CO2 efflux of two dominant soil types in an old-growth neotropical rain forest in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica, and to evaluate the control of environmental factors on CO2 release. We measured soil CO2 efflux from eight permanent soil chambers on six Oxisol sites. Three sites were developed on old river terraces ('old alluvium') and the other three were developed on old lava flows ('residual'). At the same time we measured soil CO2 concentrations, soil water content and soil temperature at various depths in 6 soil shafts (3 m deep). Between 'old alluvium' sites, the two-year average CO, flux rates ranged from 117.3 to 128.9 mg C m-2 h-1. Significantly higher soil CO2 flux occurred on the `residual' sites (141.1 to 184.2 mg C m2 h-1. Spatial differences in CO2 efflux were related to fine root biomass, soil carbon and phosphorus concentration but also to soil water content. Spatial variability in CO2 storage was high and the amount of CO2 stored in the upper and lower soil profile was different between `old alluvial' and `residual' sites. The major factor identified for explaining temporal variations in soil CO2 efflux was soil water content. During periods of high soil water content CO2 emission decreased, probably due to lower diffusion and CO2 production rates. During the 2-year study period inter-annual variation in soil CO2 efflux was not detected.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-921. Publicación no.: 243 Above ground carbon sequestration potential in mixed and pure tree plantations in the humid tropics [Potencial de acumulación de carbono en plantaciones mixtas y puras en el trópico húmedo] / Shepherd, D; Montagnini, Florencia. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Tropical Forest Science (ISSN 0128-1283), v. 13, no. 3, p. 450-459. 2001. The use of tree plantations for carbon sequestration can contribute to the mitigation of the increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Proper design and management of plantations can increase biomass accumulation rates, making them more effective carbon sink. The purpose of this study was to compare above ground biomass production (and subsequently carbon sequestration potential) after six years of growth between three different native tree plantations composed of pure- and mixed-species plots in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. In plantation 1, Vochysia guatemalensis, Jacaranda copaia and the four-species mixed stands had similar total biomass values, but Calophyllum brasiliense was significantly lower. In plantation 2, themixed-species and the Dipteryx panamensis pure-species plots had higher values than the others. In plantation 3, Hyeronima alchorneoides, V. ferruginea and the four-species mixture had similar total biomass. Based on carbon ton-year calculations, J. copaia had the highest value, followed by V. guatemalensis, the four-species mix in plantation 1 and then by the four-species mix in plantation 2. The results of this research suggest that several native tree species in the region have a varying potential for carbon accumulation and that altering species in plantation design can influence the above ground biomass accumulation rates of tree plantations. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10068. Publicación no.: 244 Linking carbon inputs to sustainable agriculture in Canadian and Costa Rican agroforestry systems [Relación entre el aporte de carbono y la agricultura sustentable en sistemas agroforestales en Canadá y Costa Rica] / Oelbermann, Maren. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). Guelph, ON: University of Guelph, 2002. 208 p. ISBN: 0-612-71747-X. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Guelph, Ontario (Canada). Alternative land management practices, including agroforestry, can rejuvenate marginal soils and increase soil C sequestration to help mitigate atmospheric CO2 emissions. The objective of this study was to quantify C inputs in temperate and tropical alley cropping systems. In Costa Rica 18, 9 and 3-year old Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O. F. Cook and G. sepium (Jacq.) Walp. were combined with maize and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and in Canada 12-year old hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x nigra DN 177) was alley cropped with maize (Zea mays L.) and soybeans [(Glycine max L. (Merr.)]. The 18 and 9-year old tropical system, with either tree species, had an input of 2365 and 3960 kg C ha-1 from maize and bean residues, where maize roots contributed approximately 14% of total residue C input and bean roots contributed 12%. Comparatively crop C input in Canada was 2118 kg C ha-1 for maize and 826 kg C ha-1 for soybeans, where roots contributed 10 to 14% of the total C inputs. A higher C input from crop residues in the tropical biome results from two cropping seasons per year compared to a single crop in the temperate system. Carbon input from 18-year old tree prunings was 4003 kg C ha(-1), and 1038 and 1038 kg C ha-1 for 9 and 3-year old trees. Annual C input from hybrid poplar prunings was 1407 kg C ha-1 with an additional contribution of 816 kg C ha-1 from autumnal litterfall within 3.5 m of the tree row. Soil organic C (SOC) ranged from 139, 101 to 96 Mg C ha-1 for 18, 9 and 3-year old tropical systems,

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whereas the temperate system SOC pool was 125 Mg C ha(-1). The proportion of C derived from C4 plants to a 20 cm depth in tropical alley crops was 35% (18-yr) and 24% (9-yr), with similar values (23%) in the temperate system. These results suggest that the rate of SOC turnover in tropical soils (14 yrs) is greater than that of temperate soils (45 years). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis O28. Publicación no.: 245 Ecosystem-level responses of carbon and energy from a tropical wet forest in Costa Rica [Respuestas a nivel de ecosistema del carbono y energía de un bosque húmedo tropical en Costa Rica] / Loescher, Henry William. (Oregon State University. Department of Forest Sciences, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, 2002. 93 p. ISBN: 0-493-85051-1. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (USA). Whether tropical forests are sources, sinks, or neutral with respect to their carbon balance with the atmosphere remains unclear. To address this issue, estimates of net ecosystem exchange of carbon and energy (NEE) were made for 3 years (1998 - 2000) using the eddy-covariance technique in a tropical wet forest in La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Mean daytime NEE was ca. ± 18 µmol CO2 m2 s-1 and mean nighttime NEE 4.6 µmol CO2 m

2 s-1 (efflux). However, because - 80% of the nighttime data in this forest were collected during laminar flow conditions (< 0.2 m2 s-1), nighttime NEE was likely underestimated. Using an alternative analysis, mean nighttime NEE increased to 6.9 µmol CO2 m

2 s-1. Incident radiation accounted for - 51% of the variation in the daytime fluxes, with temperature and vapor pressure deficit together accounting for another - 20%. This forest was a slight negative carbon sink in 1998 (- 0.08 to - 1.42 t C ha-1 yr-1), a moderate sink in 1999 (-1.65 to - 3.21 t C ha-1), and a strong sink in 2000 (- 6.1 to - 8.1 t C ha-1). This trend is interpreted as relating to the dissipation of warm-phase El Niño effects over the course of this study. The effects of net radiation (Rn), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and surface conductances on energy balance and evapotranspiration (ET) were also determined for this forest. Sensible (H) and latent heat (lambda E) fluxes were estimated as the sum of above canopy eddy-covariance fluxes and changes in below-canopy heat profiles. Albedowas about 12% of incident radiation and did not differ seasonally. Rn was significantly different among years, explaining about 79% of the variation in each of the H and lambda E fluxes. The effects of VPD did not explain any additional variation in heat fluxes. Lambda E was always greater than H (when Rn exceeded 40 W m2). The dimensionless decoupling coefficient, Omega; was always 0.5 and peaked at 0.7, suggesting that ET for this the forest was generally decoupled from physiological controls. Therewas better precision in estimating lambda E flux using the Priestly-Taylor model rather than using the more physiologically-based Penman-Monteith model. Annual ET was 54 - 66% of bulk precipitation and utilized 88 - 97% of available energy (R n). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5634. Publicación no.: 246 Policy innovations for private forest management and conservation in Costa Rica [Innovaciones en política para el manejo y conservación forestal en Costa Rica] / Snider, A.G; Pattanayak, Subhrendu K; Sills, Erin O; Schuler, J.L. (University of Minnesota. Department of Forest Resources, 115 Green Hall, 1530 Cleveland Ave N, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Forestry (ISSN 0022-1201), v. 101, no. 5, p. 18-23. 2003.

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Costa Rica is a leader in innovative forest conservation and management policies, including a program of direct payments to private forest landowners for environmental services. This approach is widely advocated but rarely implemented, and thus the Costa Rican experience constitutes a valuable real-world policy experiment. We discuss the motivation for this program, its domestic and international funding sources, and the structure of contracts with landowners. The successes and challenges facing the Costa Rican program offer insights for other countries-both developed and developing-regarding policies for private forest management. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1034. Publicación no.: 247 Belowground carbon allocation in forests estimated from litterfall and IRGA-based soil respiration measurements / Davidson, E.A; Savage, K; Bolstad, P; Clark, Deborah A; Curtis, P.S; Ellsworth, D.S; Hanson, P.J; Law, B.E; Luo, Y; Pregitzer, K.S; Randolph, J.C; Zak, D.R. (The Woods Hole Research Center, POB 296, Woods Hole, MA 02543-0296, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (ISSN 0168-1923), v. 113, p. 39-51. 2002. Allocation of C to belowground plant structures is one of the most important, yet least well quantified fluxes of C in terrestrial ecosystems. In a literature review of mature forests worldwide, Raich and Nadelhoffer (1989) suggested that total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA) could be estimated from the difference between annual rates of soil respiration and aboveground litterfall. Here we analyze new measurements of soil respiration and litterfall, including data from the Ameriflux network. Our results generally agree with Raich and Nadelhoffer's previous work. A regression analysis of data from mature forests produced the following relationship: annual soil respiration = 287 + 2.80 × annual litterfall. This regression slope indicates that, on average, soil respiration is roughly three times aboveground litterfall-C, which further implies that TBCA is roughly twice annual aboveground litterfall-C. These inferences are based on the uncertain assumption of soil C stocks being at steady state. Nevertheless, changes in soil C would have to be very large to modify the conclusion that TBCA is generally much larger than litterfall. Among only mature temperate hardwood forests, however, the correlation between litterfall and soil respiration was poor, and the correlation among years for a single site was also poor. Therefore, the regression cannot be relied upon to provide accurate estimates of soil respiration or TBCA for individual sites. Moreover, interannual variation in TBCA, short-term changes in C stocks, or different temporal scales controlling leaf litter production and soil respiration may cause important deviations from the global average. The regression slope for data from young forests is steeper, possibly indicating proportionally greater TBCA, but the steady-state assumption is more problematic for young forests. This method Allocation of C to belowground plant structures is one of the most important, yet least well quantified fluxes of C in terrestrial ecosystems. In a literaturereview of mature forests worldwide, Raich and Nadelhoffer (1989) suggested that total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA) could be estimated from the difference between annual rates of soil respiration and aboveground litterfall. Here we analyze new measurements of soil respiration and litterfall, including data from the Ameriflux network. Our results generally agree with Raich and Nadelhoffer's previous work. A regression analysis of data from mature forests produced the following relationship: annualsoil respiration = 287 + 2.80 × annual litterfall. This regression slope indicates that, on average, soil respiration is roughly three times aboveground litterfall-C, which further implies that TBCA is roughly twice annual aboveground litterfall-C. Theseinferences are based on the uncertain assumption of soil C stocks being at steady state. Nevertheless, changes in soil C would have to be very large to modify the conclusion that TBCA is

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generally much larger than litterfall. Among only mature temperate hardwood forests, however, the correlation between litterfall and soil respiration was poor, and the correlation among years for a single site was also poor. Therefore, the regression cannot be relied upon to provide accurate estimates of soil respiration or TBCA for individual sites. Moreover, interannual variation in TBCA, short-term changes in C stocks, or different temporal scales controlling leaf litter production and soil respiration may cause important deviations from the global average. The regression slope for data from young forests is steeper, possibly indicating proportionally greater TBCA, but the steady-state assumption is more problematic for young forests. This method for estimating TBCA may be most appropriate where interannual variation is averaged over several years of observations and where a near-steady-state assumption of soil, litter, and root C stocks is least problematic. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-964. Publicación no.: 248 Evaluación del impacto de los sistemas silvopastoriles sobre la recuperación de pasturas degradadas y su contribución en el secuestro de carbono en lecherías de altura en Costa Rica [Evaluation of the impact of silvopastoral systems on soil recovery in degraded pastures and on carbon sequestration in high altitude dairy cattle farms in Costa Rica] / Villanueva-Najarro, Cristóbal; Ibrahim, Muhammad A. (CATIE. Departamento de Agricultura y Agroforestería, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 1022-7482), v. 9, no. 35, p. 35-36. 2002. Enlace: The impact of the silvopastoral systems (SPS) Alnus acuminata with Pennisetum clandestinum on the recovery of degraded pasture soils and its contribution to C sequestration was evaluated. The systems were monoculture pastures (MP); pastures with two year old A. acuminata (SPS2); with three year old A. acuminata (SPS3); and with four year old A. acuminata (SPS4). Bulk density, resistance to penetrometer, total N and soil C were higher in the SPS compared to the MP, and improved with the age of the trees. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5362. Biblioteca Museo Nacional: SD19 A3. Publicación no.: 249 El cambio climático y los humedales en Centroamérica: Implicaciones de la variación climática para los ecosistemas acuáticos y su manejo en la región / Rojas-Araya, Manrique; Campos-Ortiz, Max; Alpízar-Vaglio, Edwin; Bravo-Chacón, Juan; Córdoba-Muñoz, Rocío. (Unión Mundial para la Naturaleza (UICN). Oficina Regional para Mesoamérica, Apdo. Postal 146-2150 Moravia CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: UICN, 2003. 40 p. ISBN: 9968-743-78-X. Introducción: Centroamérica está formada por un angosto istmo ubicado en el cinturón tropical, donde la interacción entre el predominante viento alisio y la compleja topografia hacen que se presenten contrastes climáticos importantes entre las vertientes Caribe y Pacífico. La región del Gran Caribe donde se localiza Centroamérica es una zona de interacciones climáticas entre los hemisferios norte y sur. En esta región la zona de convergencia intertropical, el movimiento de los ciclones tropicales, las ondas del este y el desplazmiento de los frentes fríos, son algunas manifestaciones climáticas que hacen que la zona sea climáticamente compleja. Otros factores de escalas inter-anuales como los eventos de El Niño y la Niña, hacen que los fenómenos climáticos puedan alcanzar niveles extremos, produciendo desastres y afectando las actividades productivas, los asentamientos humanos y los recursos naturales. El cambio en el clima que enfrenta hoy día el planeta, producto del aumento de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, hace que los escenarios futuros y las proyecciones para el Istmo no sean muy favorables.

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Estudios regionales y nacionales referenciados en las comunicaciones nacionales ante el Convenio Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (UN-FCCC) evidencian variaciones importantes en elementos del clima regional como la temperatura, la precipitación, la nubosidad y la escorrentía. Los estudios hechos en Centroamérica demuestran la sensibilidad de los sistemas productivos y la fragilidad de los recursos naturales ante variaciones en el clima actual (PCCC, 1995; MARENA, 2000; MINAE-IMN, 2000). Las proyecciones globales indican que uno de los sistemas más afectados por la variabilidad climática y los eventos extremos son los ecosistemas de humedales. A pesar que no existen estudios específicos en Centroamérica que relacionen el cambio climático con los humedales, es de esperarse que bajo las condiciones descritas en los escenarios de cambio climático presentados en las comunicaciones nacionales, estos ecosistemas sufrirán alteraciones significativas, con sus consecuencias directas e indirectas en las poblaciones humanas que de ellos dependen para subsistir. Esto lo confirman estudios específicos hechos en Estados Unidos (LeRoy et. al., 2002), que permiten realizar comparaciones sobre los impactos en los ecosistemas de Centroamérica. En la mayoría de las regiones del planeta el cambio climático produce un aumento en la temperatura atmosférica, que a su vez causa un aumento en la temperatura del agua que tiende a alterar los procesos ecológicos y la distribución geográfica de las especies acuáticas. Para la región del Pacífico Centroamericano es de esperarse que la temperatura promedio anual sea aproximadamente 3 °C mayor que la actual. (MARENA, 2000; MINAE-IMN, 2000). A pesar de que algunas especies podrían adaptarse a las nuevas condiciones, las barreras que hoy día antepone el ser humano, limitan los correcdores de migración de las especies y aumenta la probabilidad de extinción y la pérdida neta de biodiversidad. Además de un incremento en la temperatura, se prevé que el cambio climático en la región también tendrá incidencia en el aumento del nivel medio del mar debido al calentamiento del océano, tanto por expansióntérmica o aumento de volumen por fusión de los hielos. El presente documento pretende hacer una breve descripción de la importancia de los humedales y documentar la experiencia regional sobre los riesgos del cambio climático en el agua y en el manejo de los humedales. De este modo, brinda recomendaciones que conduzcan a establecer un proceso de diálogo regional y de información a los actores, que permitan definir políticas para aumentar el nivel de preparación y adaptación al cambio climático, en función de los recursos hídricos y el manejo de los humedales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 505. Publicación no.: 250 Age and long-term growth of trees in an old-growth tropical rain forest, based on analyses of tree rings and 14C [Edad y crecimiento y crecimiento a largo plazo de los árboles en un bosque lluvioso tropical de viejo crecimiento, con base al análisis de los anillos de crecimiento y radiocarbono (14C)] / Fichtler, Esther; Clark, Deborah A; Worbes, Martin. (Universtaet Goettingen. Institut für Forstbotank, Buesgenweg 2, Goettingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 35, no. 3, p. 306-317. 2003. Enlace: In an old-growth tropical wet forest at La Selva, Costa Rica, we combined radiocarbon (14C) dating and tree-ring analysis to estimate the ages of large trees of canopy and emergent species spanning a broad range of wood densities and growth rates. Wecollected samples from the trunks of 29 fallen, dead individuals. We found that all eight sampled species formed visible growth rings, which varied considerably in distinctiveness. For five of the six species for which we combined wood anatomical studieswith 14C-dates (ring ages), the analyses demonstrated that growth rings were of annual formation. The oldest tree we found by direct ring counting was a Hymenolobium mesoamericanum

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Lima (Papilionaceae) specimen, with an age of ca. 530 years at the time of death. All other sampled individuals, including very large trees of slow-growing species, had died at ages between 200 and 300 years. These results show that, even in an everwet tropical rain forest, tree growth of many species can be rhythmic, with anannual periodicity. This study thus raises the possibility of extending tree-ring analyses throughout the tropical forest types lacking a strong dry season or annual flooding. Our findings and similar measurements from other tropical forests indicate that the maximum ages of tropical emergent trees are unlikely to be much greater than 600 years, and that these trees often die earlier from various natural causes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: B. NBINA-2073. Publicación no.: 251 Nitrous oxide flux from dry tropical forests [Flujo de óxido nitroso de bosques seco tropicales] / Matson, Pamela A; Vitousek, Peter M; Volkmann, Carol; Maass, J. Manuel; García, Georgina. (NASA. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, US). Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America on Perspectives in Ecology: Past, Present, and Future. 75th, Snowbird, UT USJuly 29-August 2, 1990. En: Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America (ISSN 0012-9623), v. 71, no. 2 (Suppl.), p. 241-242. 1990. [Abstract only]. Fluxes of nitrous oxide were determined in several sites in drought-deciduous tropical forest, an extensive but little-studied biome. N2O-N fluxes from eight sites within intact Mexican forest averaged 0.91 ng cm-2 h-1 during the wet season; they were virtually absent in the dry season. Two subsistence maize fields yielded increasec soil N2O-N fluxes, while five pastures were more variable. Watering during the dry season caused a substantial but short-lived pulse of N2O. Similar fluxes were observed in less-intensive sampling of dry-forest sites in Hawaii and Costa Rica. Overall, N2O fluxes from soils of dry tropical forests appear to be similar to those from moist tropical forests during the wet season and very low during the dry season. Localización: Biblioteca OET: B. Publicación no.: 252 Annual variation in tree growth in a tropical wet forest: impact of climate variability [Variación annual del crecimiento de árboles en un bosque húmedo tropical: impacto de la variabilidad climática] / Clark, Deborah A; Clark, David B. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology held at the AIBS (American Institute of Biological Sciences), San Antonio, TX US, August 4-8, 1991. St. Louis, MO: Association for Tropical Biology, 1991. no pagination. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 253 Analysis of alternative methods for estimating carbon stock in young tropical plantations [Métodos de análisis alternativos para estimar el almacenamiento de carbono en plantaciones tropicales jóvenes] / Losi, Christopher J; Siccama, Thomas G; Condit, Richard; Morales, Juan E. (Allegheny National Forest, Bradford District, HC 1 Box 88, Bradford, PA 16701, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 184, no. 1/3, p. 355-368. 2003. Estimates of carbon stock in forest plantations are generally based on allometric equations relating either carbon or biomass to diameter at breast height (DBH). These equations are usually based on measurement of the fresh mass of each tree with sub-samples taken to determine moisture content to

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convert to dry weight. However, drying time and the number of sub-samples varies between studies. Furthermore, the carbon concentration of different tree parts is rarely measured directly, but generally assumed to be 50% of dry weight. This study analyzed those assumptions and determined their effect on regression equations and on species-specific stand level estimates of carbon stock for Anacardium excelsum and Dipteryx panamensis growing in 7-year-old mixed-species plantations in Panama. Four methods were used to develop aboveground carbon estimates for the same sample of trees. Results indicated that the drying time, the number of sub-samples taken, and whether or not carbon was measured directly had only a small effect on the estimate of carbon stock for the entire cohort of trees. None of the methods developed using the same sample of Panamanian trees gave stand level estimates of carbon stock that differed by more than 10% from the best estimate for either species. Another sample of slightly larger D. panamensis trees growing in 5- and 6-year-old mixed-species plantations in Costa Rica (J. Trop. For. Sci. 13 (3) (2001) 450) was used to develop a second set of regression equations. We hypothesized that a regression equation would give a more accurate estimate of carbon stock if the range of tree sizes used to produce the regression more closely matched the range of sizes that the regression was being applied to. When the Costa Rican equation developed using the full range of trees was compared to a Panamanian equation developed using the full range of tree diameters that we sampled, the estimates of carbon stock for the Panamanian plantation differed by 10.2%. However, when two additional regression equations were created using the range of tree diameters that overlapped, the estimates of carbon stock for the Panamanian plantation differed by only 5.2%, supporting our hypothesis. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1117. Publicación no.: 254 Carbon dynamics and land-use choices: Building a regional-scale multidisciplinary model [Dinámica del carbono y elecciones del uso de la tierra: construyendo un modelo multidisciplinario de escala regional] / Kerr, Suzi; Liu, Shuguang; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Hughes, R.F. (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 19 Milne Terrace, Island Bay, Wellington, NZ <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Environmental Management (ISSN 0301-4797), v. 69, no. 1, p. 25-37. 2003. Policy enabling tropical forests to approach their potential contribution to global-climate-change mitigation requires forecasts of land use and carbon storage on a large scale over long periods. In this paper, we present an integrated modeling methodology that addresses these needs. We model the dynamics of the human land-use system and of C pools contained in each ecosystem, as well as their interactions. The model is national scale, and is currently applied in a preliminary way to Costa Rica using data spanning a period of over 50 years. It combines an ecological process model, parameterized using field and other data, with an economic model, estimated using historical data to ensure a close link to actual behavior. These two models are linked so that ecological conditions affect land-use choices and vice versa. The integrated model predicts land use and its consequences for C storage for policy scenarios. These predictions can be used to create baselines, reward sequestration, and estimate thevalue in both environmental and economic terms of including C sequestration in tropical forests as part of the efforts to mitigate global climate change. The model can also be used to assess the benefits from costly activities to increase accuracy and thus reduce errors and their societal costs. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1112. Publicación no.: 255 The social meaning of carbon dioxide emission trading: Institutional capacity building for a green market in Costa Rica [El significado social de la comercialización de la emisión de

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dióxido de carbono: Construyendo la capacidad institucional para un mercado verde en Costa Rica] / Miranda-Quirós, Miriam; Dieperink, Carel; Glasbergen, P. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, P.O. Box 555-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment, Development and Sustainability (ISSN 1387-585X), v. 4, no. 1, p. 69-86. 2002. Enlace: Forests offer good possibilities for the sequestration of carbon dioxide. This service can be commodified by the introduction of carbon (dioxide) credits, which can be traded on a carbon market. The premise of this paper is that the traditional economic view on the construction of these carbon markets is a too simplistic one, particularly, because it neglects the social meaning of a carbon market for developing countries. From their viewpoint as suppliers of carbon credits such a market has a broader meaning. It must be seen as a social mechanism for improving both the living conditions of local people and a more encompassing improvement of the environment than climate as such. What initially might be labelled as a carbon market might better be understood as a more encompassing 'green market'. The agreement between Costa Rica and Norway, officially known as the Reforestation Conservation Activities Implemented Jointly Project (RFCAIJP) represents a clear example of a green market. In this paper, we study the development, characteristics and benefits of that market, asking the question what lessons can be learned from this first practical experiences. More specifically we focus on the conditions that have made this type of agreement successful. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6506. Publicación no.: 256 Quantifying mortality of tropical rain forest trees using high-spatial-resolution satellite data [Cuantificación de la mortalidad de árboles del bosque lluvioso tropical utilizando datos de satélites de alta resolución espacial] / Clark, David B; Soto-Castro, C; Alfaro-Alvarado, Luis Diego; Read, J.M. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo. 676, 2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-0248), v. 7, p. 52-59. 2004. Assessment of forest responses to climate change is severely hampered by the limited information on tree death on short temporal and broad spatial scales, particularly in tropical forests. We used 1-m resolution panchromatic IKONOS and 0.7-m resolution QuickBird satellite data, acquired in 2000 and 2002, respectively, to evaluate tree death rates at the La Selva Biological Station in old-growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica, Central America. Using a calibration factor derived from ground inspection of tree deaths predicted from the images, we calculated a landscape-scale annual exponential death rate of 2.8%. This corresponds closely to data for all canopy-level trees in 18 forest inventory plots, each of 0.5 ha, for a mostly-overlapping 2-yearperiod (2.8% per year). This study shows that high-spatial-resolution satellite data can now be used to measure old-growth tropical rain forest tree death rates, suggesting many new avenues for tropical forest ecology and global change research. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9822. NBINA-1106. Publicación no.: 257 Phyllobates vittatus (Golfodulcean dart frog) / Ryan, Michael J. (Southern Illinois University. Department of Zoology, Carbondale, IL, 62901, US). En: Herpetological Review (ISSN 0018-084X), v. 33, no. 4, p. 318. 2002. Costa Rica: San José: Tres Piedras, 15 km NW of Platanillo, 26 km SW of San Isidro de General (9° 19'30"N, 83°52'00"W), Quebrada Terciopelo. 25 January 2001. Mason Ryan. Verified by Federico

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Bolaños and Gerardo Chavez. Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Costa Rica (MZUCR). MZUCR 15981. This colorful, secretive dendrobatid is endemic to the Golfo Dulce region of southwestern Costa Rica. Herein 1 report a 75 km extension north of the Golfo Dulce region, and a new provincial record for San Jose. An unsubstantiated observation was made 17 km N of Dominical in Matapalo (9°19'45"N, 83°80'00"W) on 21 February 2001. A male was observed calling along a stream, but 1 did not have the landowner's permission to collect animals. These extensions are especially interesting because the climate changes from very humid to sub-humid from south to north (Campbell 1999. In W. E. Duellman [ed.], Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp.lll-210, Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, Maryland), and Tres Piedras and Matapalo are roughly in the middle of the moist southern and drier northern life zones, respectively. These new localities suggest that P. vittatus is able to occupy a slightly drier life zone than previously thought. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9795. Publicación no.: 258 Impact of global changes on the reproductive biology of trees in tropical dry forests [Impacto de los cambios globales en la biología reproductiva de árboles en los bosques secos tropicales] / Bawa, Kamaljit S. (University of Massachusetts. Department of Biology, 100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125-3393, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: learning the lessons in a seasonal dry forest. Frankie, G.W; Mata-Jiménez, A; Vinson, S.B., (eds.) Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004. p. 38-47. ISBN: 0-520-24103-7. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.9516097286 b615. Publicación no.: 259 An ultrasonically silent night: the tropical dry forest without bats [Una noche ultrasónicamente silenciosa: el bosque tropical seco sin murciélagos] / LaVal-Bugg, Richard K. (Santa Elena de Monteverde, Apdo. 24-5655 Monteverde CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: learning the lessons in a seasonal dry forest. Frankie, G.W; Mata-Jiménez, A; Vinson, S.B., (eds.) Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2004. p. 160-176. ISBN: 0-520-24103-7. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 333.9516097286 b615. Publicación no.: 260 Sources or sinks? The responses of tropical forests to current and future climate and atmospheric composition [¿Fuentes o sumideros? Las respuestas de los bosques tropicales al clima actual y futuro y a la composición atmosférica] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences (ISSN 0962-8436), v. 359, p. 477-491. 2004. Enlace: How tropical rainforests are responding to the ongoing global changes in atmospheric composition and climate is little studied and poorly understood. Although rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) could enhance forest productivity, increased temperatures and drought are likely to diminish it. The limited field data have produced conflicting views of the net impacts of these changes so far. One set of studies has seemed to point to enhanced carbon uptake; however, questions have arisen about these findings, and recent experiments with tropical forest trees indicate carbon saturation of canopy leaves and no biomass increase under enhanced CO2. Other field observations indicate decreased forest productivity

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and increased tree mortality in recent years of peak temperatures and drought (strong El Niño episodes). To determine current climatic responses of forests around the world tropics will require careful annual monitoring of ecosystem performance in representative forests. To develop the necessaryprocess-level understanding of these responses will require intensified experimentation at the whole-tree and stand levels. Finally, a more complete understanding of tropical rainforest carbon cycling is needed for determining whether these ecosystems are carbon sinks or sources now, and how this status might change during the next century. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9595. NBINA-1251. Publicación no.: 261 A global problem for a global movement? An exploratory study of climate change perception by green groups' leaders from Quebec (Canada) and Costa Rica [¿Un problema global para un movimiento global? Estudio exploratorio de la percepción del cambio climático por parte de líderes de grupos ecologistas de Quebec (Canada) y Costa Rica] / Perron, B; Vaillancourt, J.G; Durand, C. (Université de Montréal. Départment of Sociologie, C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal,Quebec H3C 3J7, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Society and Natural Resources (ISSN 0894-1920), v. 14, p. 837-855. 2001. This article examines the possible unifying effect of climate change on leaders of green groups. The main goal is to identify ideological or North/South differences in attitudes on key aspects of climate change among them. Attitudinal data obtained with a standardized questionnaire administered to leaders from Quebec and Costa Rica are used to generate a typology. Three types of green orientations emerge: "ecologists," "mainstream environmentalism," anti "market environmentalism." General perceptions toward climate change and specific opinions about policy options related to global warming are compared on the basis of these orientations and of national origin. Results show that green leaders are divided on all measured attitudes concerning climate change. Most differences are explained hip diversity in ideological orientation, mainly by divergent viewpoints held by ecologists. The differences based on national origin are mainly explained by contrasted contextual features between Quebec and Costa Rica. The results do not provide convincing evidence of cognitive solidarity in the green movement concerning climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S4077. Publicación no.: 262 Impact of global warming and locally changing climate on tropical cloud forest bats [Impacto del calentamiento global y los cambios climáticos locales sobre los murciélagos del bosque nuboso tropical] / Laval, R.K. (Santa Elena de Monteverde, Apdo. 24-5655 Monteverde CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Mammalogy (ISSN 0022-2372), v. 85, no. 2, p. 237-244. 2004. Enlace: Significant changes in local climate and correlated changes in non mammalian vertebrate populations have been documented in the Monteverde cloud forest in the Tilarán Mountains of northern Costa Rica, leading to the prediction that corroborative changes should occur in bat populations. Habitat changes resulting from development for ecotourism, including a 19% increase in forest, might also be expected to impact bat populations. Analysis of data collected between 1973 and 1999 in Monteverde supports the hypothesis, although changes are less dramatic than those shown for birds, reptiles, and amphibians in earlier studies. Capture rates did not change significantly during the 27 year sample period, but relative species abundance increased, and at least 24 new species (of mostly lowland distribution) were

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recorded in the study area during the 1980s, 1990s, and through early 2002. These changes are likely a consequence of climatic change following global warming, forest clearing, and an increase in amount of secondary forest. This latter factor is a result of changes in land use due to development for tourism. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1310. Publicación no.: 263 Estimating soil carbon fluxes following land-cover change: a test of some critical assumptions for a region in Costa Rica / Powers, Jennifer S; Read, J.M; Denslow, Julie Sloan; Guzmán, S.M. (University of Minnesota. Department of Soil, Water & Climate, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 10, no. 2, p. 170-181. 2004. Changes in soil carbon storage that accompany land-cover change may have significant effects on the global carbon cycle. The objective of this work was to examine how assumptions about preconversion soil C storage and the effects of land-cover change influence estimates of regional soil C storage. We applied three models of land-cover change effects to two maps of preconversion soil C in a 140 000 ha area of northeastern Costa Rica. One preconversion soil C map was generated using values assigned to tropical wet forest from the literature, the second used values obtained from extensive field sampling. The first model of land-cover change effects used values that are typically applied in global assessments, the second and third models used field databut differed in how the data were aggregated (one was based on land-cover transitions and one was based on terrain attributes). Changes in regional soil C storage were estimated for each combination of model and preconversion soil C for three time periods defined by geo-referenced land-cover maps. The estimated regional soil C under forest vegetation (to 0.3 m) was higher in the map based on field data (10.03 Tg C) than in the map based on literature data (8.90 Tg C), although the range of values derived from propagating estimation errors was large (7.67-12.40 Tg C). Regional soil C storage declined through time due to forest clearing for pasture and crops. Estimated CO2 fluxes depended more on the model of land-cover change effects than on preconversion soil C. Cumulative soil C losses (1950-1996) under the literature model of land-cover effects exceeded estimates based on field data by factors of 3.8-8.0. In order to better constrain regional and global-scale assessments of carbon fluxes from soils in the tropics, future research should focus on methods for extrapolating regional-scale constraints on soil C dynamics to larger spatial and temporal scales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S9649. NBINA-1400. Publicación no.: 264 Temperature effects on metamorphic rates in the tropical poison frog, Dendrobates auratus: Implications for global warming [Efectos de la temperatura sobre las tasas metamórficas en la rana tropical venenosa Dendrobates auratus: Implicaciones para el calentamiento global] / McRobert, S.P; Korbeck, R.G., Jr. (Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, US). National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science Innovation Exposition. 166th, Washington, D.C. USFeb. 17-22, 2000. , 2000. p. A75. We examined the effects of temperature on developmental rate and survival in tadpoles of the poison frog Dendrobates auratus. Tadpoles reared at 26.2 and 29.4°C reached metamorphosis significantly faster, and had significantly higher rates of survival, than tadpoles raised at 22.3 and 30.9°C. Field studies showed that the mean temperature of bodies of water utilized by D. auratus tadpoles in La Suerte, Costa Rica was 26.2°C. Information such as this may aid efforts to maintain and breed tropical frog species in captivity. Localización: No disponible.

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Publicación no.: 265 Decline of a tropical amphibian fauna [Disminución de la fauna tropical de anfibios] / Lips, Karen R. (Southern Illinois University. Department of Zoology, Carbondale, IL 62901-6501, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science Innovation Exposition. 166th, Washington, D.C. USFeb. 17-22, 2000. , 2000. p. A34. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 266 Paying for forest environmental services: the Costa Rican experience [Pagando por los servicios ambientales forestales: la experiencia costarricense] / Rodríguez-Zúñiga, J.M. (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Apdo. 594-2120, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Unasylva (ISSN 0041-6436), v. 54, no. 212, p. 31-33. 2003. Enlace: This paper describes the measures done in Costa Rica in restoring and conserving its natural resources by introducing innovative mechanisms by which smallholder owners of natural forests and forest plantations receive direct payments for the environmental services that these forests provide to the society. These services include: mitigation of greenhouse gases (carbon sequestration); protection of water for rural, urban or hydro-electric purposes; protection of biodiversity for conservation, sustainable scientific and pharmaceutical purposes, research, genetic improvement and protection of ecosystems and life forms; and preservation of natural scenic beauty particularly for tourism. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2241. Publicación no.: 267 Carbon sequestration: An underexploited environmental benefit of agroforestry systems [Captación de carbono: Un beneficio ambiental subexplotado de los sistemas agroforestales] / Montagnini, Florencia; Nair, P.K. Ramachandran. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestry Systems (ISSN 0167-4366), v. 61, no. 1, p. 281-295. 2004. Agroforestry has importance as a carbon sequestration strategy because of carbon storage potential in its multiple plant species and soil as well as its applicability in agricultural lands and in reforestation. The potential seems to be substantial; but it has not been even adequately recognized, let alone exploited. Proper design and management of agroforestry practices can make them effective carbon sinks. As in other land-use systems, the extent of C sequestered will depend on the amounts of C instanding biomass, recalcitrant C remaining in the soil, and C sequestered in wood products. Average carbon storage by agroforestry practices has been estimated as 9, 21, 50, and 63 Mg C ha-1 in semiarid, subhumid, humid, and temperate regions. For smallholder agroforestry systems in the tropics, potential C sequestration rates range from 1.5 to 3.5 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. Agroforestry can also have an indirect effect on C sequestration when it helps decrease pressure on natural forests, which are the largest sink of terrestrial C. Another indirect avenue of C sequestration is through the use of agroforestry technologies for soil conservation, which could enhance C storage in trees and soils. Agroforestry systems with perennial crops may be important carbon sinks, while intensively managed agroforestry systems with annual crops are more similar to conventional agriculture. In order to exploit this vastly unrealized potential of C sequestration through agroforestry in both subsistence and commercial enterprises in the

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tropics and the temperate region, innovative policies, based on rigorous research results, have to be put in place. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1458. Publicación no.: 268 Something missing in fragile cloud forest: the clouds [Algo perdido en el frágil bosque nuboso: las nubes] / Yoon, C.K. En: The New York Times (ISSN 0362-4331), Nov. 20, 2001, Sec. F, p. 4. 2001. An article by R.O. Lawton and colleagues in a recent issue of Science 294:584-587. 2001, reports that the Monteverde cloud forest in the mountains of Costa Rica is under threat. Cloud forests, which are found throughout the Tropics, are usually rich in biodiversity and often provide a final refuge of biodiversity in places where the lowlands have been cleared and developed. Lawton and colleagues found that, in spite of Monteverde's tens of thousands of protected acres, the forest may be at risk because the clouds that bathe the mountains appear to be disappearing. Deforestation in the lowlands is raising the mountains' curtain of life-enriching fog and mist over the forest, leaving increasing areas of the forest without cloud cover. Researchers believe that the disappearance of the cloud, together with the effects of global warming, may explain some recent ecological changes observed in Monteverde. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3305. Publicación no.: 269 The potential negative impacts of global climate change on tropical montane cloud forests [Impactos negativos potenciales del cambio climático global sobre los bosques nubosos montanos] / Foster, P.N. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, US). En: Earth-Science Reviews (ISSN 0012-8252), v. 55, no. 1/2, p. 73-106. 2001. Nearly every aspect of the cloud forest is affected by regular cloud immersion, from the hydrological cycle to the species of plants and animals within the forest. Since the altitude band of cloud formation on tropical mountains is limited, the tropical montane cloud forest occurs in fragmented strips and has been likened to island archipelagoes. This isolation and uniqueness promotes explosive speciation, exceptionally high endemism, and a great sensitivity to climate. Global climate change threatens all ecosystems through temperature and rainfall changes, with a typical estimate for altitude shifts in the climatic optimum for mountain ecotones of hundreds of meters by the time of CO2 doubling. This alone suggests complete replacement of many of the narrow altitude range cloud forests by lower altitude ecosystems, as well as the expulsion of peak residing cloud forests into extinction. However, the cloud forest will also be affected by other climate changes, in particular changes in cloud formation. A number of global climate models suggest a reduction in low level cloudiness with the coming climate changes, and one site in particular, Monteverde, Costa Rica, appears to already be experiencing a reduction in cloud immersion. The coming climate changes appear very likely to upset the current dynamic equilibrium of the cloud forest. Results will include biodiversity loss, altitude shifts in species' ranges and subsequent community reshuffling, and possibly forest death. Difficulties for cloud forest species to survive in climate-induced migrations include no remaining location with a suitable climate, no pristine location to colonize, migration rates or establishment rates that cannot keep up with climate change rates and new species interactions. We review previous cloud forest species redistributions in the paleo-record in light of the coming changes. The characteristic epiphytes of the cloud forest play an important role in the light, hydrological and nutrient cycles of the cloud forest and are especially sensitive to atmospheric climate change, especially humidity, as the epiphytes can occupy incredibly small eco-

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niches from the canopy to crooks to trunks. Even slight shifts in climate can cause wilting or death to the epiphyte community. Similarly, recent cloud forest animal redistributions, notably frog and lizard disappearances, may be driven by climate changes. Death of animals or epiphytes may have cascading effects on the cloud forest web of life. Aside from changes in temperature, precipitation, and cloudiness, other climate changes may include increasing dry seasons, droughts, hurricanes and intense rain storms, all of which might increase damage to the cloud forest. Because cloud forest species occupy such small areas and tight ecological niches, they are not likely to colonize damaged regions. Fire, drought and plant invasions (especially non-native plants) are likely to increase the effects of any climate change damage in the cloud forest. As has frequently been suggested in the literature, all of the above factors combine to make the cloud forest a likely site for observing climate change effects in the near future. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1499. Publicación no.: 270 Economic value of the carbon sink services of tropical secondary forests and its management implications [Valor económico de los servicios de almacenamiento de carbono de los bosques tropicales secundarios e implicaciones en su manejo] / Ramírez, Octavio A; Carpio, Carlos E; Ortiz, Rosalba; Finegan, Bryan. (Texas Tech University. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Box 42132, Lubbock, TX 79409-2132, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental and Resource Economics (ISSN 0924-6460), v. 21, no. 1, p. 23-46. 2002. This paper explores the economic feasibility of secondary forest regeneration and conservation as an alternative in the campaign addressing the problem of global warming. Detailed measurements of tropical secondary forests over time, in different ecological zones of Costa Rica, are used to evaluate carbon storage models. The paper addresses key issues in the international discussion about cross- and within-country compensation for carbon storage services and illustrates a method to compute/predict their economic value over time under a variety of scenarios. The procedure is applicable to other developing countries where secondary forest growth is increasingly important. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1484. Publicación no.: 271 The environmental consequences of tax differentiation by vehicle age in Costa Rica [Consecuencias ambientales de la diferenciación de impuestos a los vehículos por su edad en Costa Rica] / Johnstone, N; Echeverría-Bonilla, Jaime; Porras, Ina T; Mejías-Esquivel, Ronald. (<E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> ). En: Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (ISSN 0964-0568), v. 44, no. 6, p. 803-814. 2001. This paper provides an overview of the potential environmental benefits in Costa Rica of increasing the relative tax rate on imported used cars. Analysis of this policy instrument has been chosen because Costa Rican fiscal policy has traditionally favoured the import of used cars. Moreover, a tax which differentiates between new and used cars can be a good proxy for taxes based directly upon emission levels. The results of the simulation reveal considerable environmental benefits in terms of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide emissions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1478. Publicación no.: 272 Poblaciones de anfibios en declive ¿Un fenómeno global? / Márquez, R; Lizana, M.

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En: Quercus (Revista de Observación, Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza) (ISSN 0212-0054), Cuaderno 94, p. 6-10. 1993. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 273 Population growth and sustainable development [Crecimiento de la población y desarrollo sostenible] / West, S. , 2004. 4 pp. The global human population is approaching 6.4 billion, with 80 million people added each year. This staggering growth reflects an average of 4.1 births and 1.8 deaths each second. Fortunately, such rapid growth is not expected to continue forever due to declining family sizes in most nations. Depending on the level of optimism assumed, the United Nations predicts that the population will level out at 7.7 to 11.2 billion people between 2030 and 2100. Humans have an enormous impact on the Earth and its resources. It was recently estimated that we have altered 39-50% of the Earth's surface, with 16-23% of the world's land area converted for agriculture. Although it is difficult to measure land conversion precisely, it is clear humans have altered a large portion of the planet's land surface. Furthermore, we divert 70% of the readily available fresh water for agricultural and other human uses. The exploitation of land and fresh water by the human population means that there are fewer resources and less habitat available to other species. Humans also deplete species directly through harvest. For example, roughly two-thirds of fish species are being harvested at unsustainable rates. Humans exert additional pressures on the environment in the form of pollution, introduction of species to areas outside their natural range (upsetting natural population dynamics), and deforestation and desertification (causing global food shortages and climate change). Fossil fuel combustion, soil cultivation, biomass burning, and tropical deforestation have increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, causing more heat to be trapped in the atmosphere and resulting in a 0.6°C increase in mean global temperature over the last century. The human population is not evenly distributed across the globe; 80% of the world's population is found in less developed countries. Projected future population growth is also expected to be concentrated in those nations. In particular, the United Nations Population Reference Bureau calculates that the population of less developed countries will increase by 57% before 2050, whereas more developed countries are expected to increase by only 3%. The areas with the most rapid human population growth and highest population density generally harbor the highest diversity of species. For example, the areas of highest species diversity (biodiversity hotspots, such as the Mediterranean Basin, the Tropical Andes, and the Caribbean) have a human population growth rate 1.8 times higher than the worldaverage, and a population density 71% greater than the world average. The fact that population density and future growth are highest in the most biodiverse regions will likely accelerate the ongoing extinction crisis. Consumption of resources is also notdistributed evenly throughout the world. However, the global distribution of consumption is virtually opposite that of population growth, with the vast majority of resource use occurring in more developed nations. For example, roughly 16% of the world's population is responsible for using 80% of the available resources, and an American citizen uses 30 times more resources on average than a citizen of India. As poorer countries continue to develop, their consumption is projected to increase dramatically.Given that human populations will continue to grow and that individuals in poorer nations will likely increase their per capita consumption of resources over time, it is critical to assess potential ways to minimize the impact that current and future human populations will exert on the environment. A variety of strategies are currently being used to balance population growth, economic development, and environmental health. These strategies for sustainable development

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include such diverse goals as changing farming practices, providing new kinds of tourist experiences, and designing more environmentally friendly cities. There are currently 3 billion people living on the equivalent of less than $2 US per day. Poverty often promotes environmental destruction, as poorer people rely heavily upon extraction of natural resources. At the same time, environmental degradation worsens poverty, resulting in a vicious cycle of environmental degradation and human suffering. Combating poverty is clearly an important step in the struggle to preserve the environment and ecosystems. In 1992, participants at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development drafted the Rio Declaration, which established that although individual countries are entitled to use their natural resources for economic development, each nation should ensure that those resources and a healthy environment will be available for both current and future generations. Below are examples of how the concept of sustainable development has beenused to help reduce the impacts of human societies and promote conservation. Each year, 500 million tons of pesticides are utilized worldwide. At the same time, nearly 800 million people suffer from a lack of nourishment. Sustainable agriculture seeks tobolster food production while reducing the environmental degradation associated with conventional farming methods. Sustainable farming emphasizes the prevention of erosion, conservation of water resources, and retention of soil nutrients. It also advocates decreased dependence on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and fossil fuels to reduce both environmental toxicity and farmer expense. To achieve these goals, some farmers have adopted intercropping, which involves growing multiple species of crop ornoncrop plants intermixed in a single field. The presence of additional plant species can reduce water loss and erosion. Another strategy involves planting cover crops during nongrowing seasons. Cover crops can prevent erosion, improve soil quality and nutrient levels, and improve crop performance during the growing season. For the control of insect pests and plant diseases, sustainable agriculture emphasizes the use of natural pesticides and the attraction or release of predatory insects. As human populations grow, environmental problems associated with agriculture also increase. For example, the amount of land dedicated to food production has increased 400% since 1700. Shifting to more sustainable growing methods can help us to balance environmental health with the nutritional demands of future generations. As poorer nations are beginning to industrialize and acquire consumptive habits similar to those of developed nations, there is an increasing need to shift toward sustainable sources of energy. Currently, national economies are largely dependent on nonrenewable sources of energy, especially fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas), which make up 86% of world consumption. An important goal of sustainable development is to help societies shift to renewable sources of energy, particularly those that minimize pollution. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1544. Publicación no.: 274 Diversity and composition of tropical soil nitrifiers across a plant diversity gradient and among land-use types [Diversidad y composición de los nitrificadores del suelo tropical a través de un gradiente de diversidad de plantas y entre diferentes tipos de uso del suelo] / Carney, K.M; Matson, Pamela A; Bohannan, B.J.M. (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, POB 28, Edgewater, MD 21037, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-023X), v. 7, no. 8, p. 684-694. 2004. Enlace: Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) perform the rate-limiting step of nitrification, a key ecosystem process that in part determines the fate of nitrogen in ecosystems. However, little is known about the factors that determine soil AOB diversity or composition, especially in tropical systems. Using a set of

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study systems in Costa Rica, we examined whether plant diversity or land-use influenced AOB diversity or composition and whether AOB diversity or composition were associated with nitrification rates. We characterized the molecular diversity and composition of AOB via polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, and sequencing of 16S rDNA. We found that AOB diversity or composition did not change significantly across plant diversity treatments. In contrast, AOB differed among land-use types in some measures of diversity and in composition, and differences in AOB composition among land-use types were correlated with potential rates of nitrification. Our results suggest that anthropogenic changes of ecosystems can alter microbial communities in ways that may affect the processes they mediate. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1546. Publicación no.: 275 The Forest in the Clouds: Nobody knew that tree cutting 30 miles away would jeopardize Costa Rica's delicate jewel [El bosque en las nubes: Nadie sabía que cortar árboles a 30 millas de distancia puede poner en peligro una delicada joya de Costa Rica] / Margolis, M. En: Newsweek (New York) (ISSN 0028-9604), Oct. 29, p. 58. 2001. When he first visited the wind-swept Monteverde cloud forest in the 1970s, University of Alabama biologist Robert O. Lawton "fell in love." No wonder. It is a luxuriant patch of tropical forest tucked away in the Tilarán mountain range, a great greenwall rising dramatically to 1,800 meters above the coastal lowlands of Costa Rica. Pilots recognize it by the permanent veil of cumulus clouds. Every year 70,000 tourists walk among the dripping forests, where relative humidity routinely reaches 100 percent, and marvel at the wealth of wildlife, from the ruby red-eyed tree frog to the sonorous blue-crowned motmot. Tourists for the most part tread lightly on the delicate cloud- forest habitat. But the nature they seek in the highlands is facing a threat from afar. Developers, ranchers and small farmers have for decades been steadily slashing and burning their way deep into the lowlands of Costa Rica, near the coasts. Today only 1,200 square kilometers, or 18 percent of the original lowland forest, remains untouched. Nobody ever suspected that cutting forests at sea level would influence weather patterns on Tilarán, 30 miles downwind, but it does. As Lawton and colleagues wrote in last week's Science magazine, the results could prove disastrous for thisaerie in the clouds and the rich nature it supports. Scientists collected satellite images and field observations and then ran their data through a climate-change model from Colorado State University. Their initial findings are disturbing. As the trade winds pass over the now barren coastal forests, they pick up less moisture than they did when the forests were lush. When the hotter, drier air reaches the Tilarán mountains, it must climb higher before it yields enough moisture for clouds to form. Although the mountainside is still green, its life-giving mantle of clouds has been steadily shrinking. Just what this means for the ecology of the Monteverde preserve is still an open question. A lot is at stake. The dense, dripping cloud forest regulates temperatures and contributes to rainfall in the surrounding tropics. Its leafy canopy is home to an empire of animals and microorganisms, and more epiphytes--plants that live off other plants--than anywhere else on earth. Scientists are especially concernedover the fate of many cloud-forest birds, such as the resplendent quetzal, with its streaming tail feather, and the three- wattled bellbird, so named for its patented clanging call. Botanists have also cataloged 475 species of orchids. Environmental scientists first suspected something amiss in the late 1970s, when they observed a change in the habits of Monteverde wildlife. As clouds receded, birds and bats were forced to fly ever higher up the slopes. Scientists suspect that some reptiles have fled their old habitats altogether, leading to a general collapse of the reptile population. The splendid golden toad (Bufo periglenes), named after the male's bright gilded

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hue, has been declared extinct; it was unique to Monteverde. "Lose a cloud forest and you lose a whole family of species, some of which may be unique," says Lawton. It's not too late, he says, to restore the clouds. Slowing deforestation along the coasts and replanting cleared areas with fruit trees could help restore moisture to the air. It will take years of work before scientists know just how severe the damage will be to Monteverde. But by then, many more species may have gone by the wayside. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 276 Does conservation planning matter in a dynamic and uncertain world? [¿Importa la planificación de la conservación en un mundo dinámico e incierto?] / Meir, E; Andelman, S.J; Possingham, H.P. (University of California at Santa Barbara. National Center of Ecology Analysis & Synth, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-023X), v. 7, no. 8, p. 615-622. 2004. Loss of biodiversity is one of the world's overriding environmental challenges. Reducing those losses by creating reserve networks is a cornerstone of global conservation and resource management. Historically, assembly of reserve networks has been adhoc, but recently the focus has shifted to identifying optimal reserve networks. We show that while comprehensive reserve network design is best when the entire network can be implemented immediately, when conservation investments must be staged over years, such solutions actually may be sub-optimal in the context of biodiversity loss and uncertainty. Simple decision rules, such as protecting the available site with the highest irreplaceability or with the highest species richness, may be more effective when implementation occurs over many years. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2027. Publicación no.: 277 Plant vulnerability to climate change [Vulnerabilidad de las plantas al cambio climático] / Berry, P, 2004. 4 pp. En: AccessScience@McGraw-Hill,, DOI 10.1036/1097-8542.YB040225, last modified: March 4, 2004 (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1554. Publicación no.: 278 Responses of tropical forests to global warming and increased drought: the evidence to date and critical research needs [Respuestas de los bosques tropicales al calentamiento global e incremento de la sequía: la evidencia actual y necesidades críticas de investigación] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tropical Forests: Past, Present, Future. The Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City PA, July 29-Aug. 3, 2002. Panamá City: The Association for Tropical Biology, 2002. p. 20. (Abstract only). Recent process model studies indicate that increasing temperatures and associated decreases in rainfall in much of the tropics will decrease net carbon uptake of tropical forests through impacts on both photosynthesis and respiration. A recent inversion model based on atmospheric data indicates that large carbon emissions from the terrestrial tropics have already occurred in years of peak temperatures and rainfall minima during 1978-1999. New evidence from ground-based studies supports these trends. In old-growth rain forest at La Selva, Costa Rica, annual tree growth was strongly negatively related to annual temperatures during 1984-2000, and forest-wide inventory plots showed a

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39% reduction in biomass increment in the record-hot1997/98 El Niño. Long-term monitoring studies around the tropics indicated significantly increased tree mortality associated with that mega-Niño. Although the prevalence of still-air nights in tropical forests makes eddy covariance measurements problematic for estimating whole-forest carbon balance, lines of evidence from such studies in the Amazon and in Costa Rica suggest that carbon uptake by these forests is sensitive to even small temperature increases. Forest dry-down experiments in Amazonia show pervasive ecosystem impacts from increased drought. There is a pressing need to monitor annual forest performance in representative old-growth tropical forests worldwide, with standardized methods and publicly-accessible data and metadata. Until such data are available, the effects of climate change on tropical forests will remain poorly understood. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 519. Publicación no.: 279 What are we learning from experiences with markets for environmental services in Costa Rica?: a review and critique of the literature [¿Qué hemos aprendido de experiencias con mercados para servicios ambientales en Costa Rica?: revisión y crítica de la literatura] / Rojas, Manrique; Aylward, Bruce A. (Eco-Asesores Integrados, Apartado 72-4400 Ciudad Quesada, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>, ). London: International Institute for Environment and Development, Environmental Economics Programme, 2003. 102 p. (Series: Markets for environmental services; no. 2). ISBN: 1843694557. Enlace: Introduction: The use of markets and payments for environmental services is a topic gaining increasing attention amongst policy-makers and environment and development practitioners around the globe. Simply put, the term 'environmental services' can be taken to refer to the overall concept of natural systems providing a continuous flow of valuable goods and services to society. This is in contrast to similar services provided by man-made physical infrastructure and technological capital (i.e. water treatment, artificial fertilization, genetic modification) for which these environmental services are a substitute. The use of market mechanisms as a means of incorporating the economic value of these environmental services into the financial decision-making of producers and consumers is an additional tool that can be employed to resolve longstanding market failures that lead to less than desirable economic outcomes - i.e. having fewer environmental services and paying more for their man-made substitutes. In the developing world, Costa Rica has led efforts to experiment with the application of these mechanisms, many of which were simply ideas on paper just a few years ago. A survey of markets for environmental services by IIED highlights the formative role Costa Rica has played and provides a rich characterization of the economics of these initiatives in a global context (Landell-Mills and Porras 2002). As a complementary effort, this paper digs deeper into the literature regarding the Costa Rica experience in an effort to see what we are learning from the experience: how has technical, scientific and economic information on environmental services fed into these initiatives? To what extent are these initial experiences being monitored and evaluated? Is there a feedback loop that connects these experiences with learning about environment and development issues, particularly in the local context of policy-making within the country? The principal objective of the literature review is to identify and review documents and other material that address the following: 1. the local origins of the concept of payments and markets for environmental services and how they have developed over time, particularly in relation to the broader international development of the concept and local necessities/realities (historical and trend analysis); 2. the types of existing initiatives related to markets for environmental

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services, and who is participating in such initiatives (descriptive work); 3. the knowledge base that underpins market development, i.e. the extent to which markets are based on specific scientific and technical knowledge regarding the biophysical, economic and social relationships involved as opposed to general views on the subject (critical assessment); 4. the initiatives undertaken and underway to date with respect to the monitoring and evaluation of the experience with payments and markets for environmental services and to what extent (and with what results) the literature assesses these initiatives in terms of economic efficiency, environmental effectiveness, and social equity and/or poverty reduction. Where written material is not available or does not provide comprehensive coverage, interviews with those involved in these initiatives were used to supplement the documentary evidence. Given that IIED has undertaken a thorough review of the global literature on this topic and identified the examples emerging from Costa Rica, objectives 1 and 2 draw heavily on the existing IIED work by attempting to cross-check, confirm and, where possible, expand the coverage (in number and depth) of existing cases of markets and payments. The added value of the literature review will be in the deepening of the knowledge base and analysis of its content with respect to objectives 3 and 4. This in turn provides a basis for charting a way forward. The paper is organized to cover the objectives one by one. In the first chapter the local origins of the concept of markets and payments for environmental services in Costa Rica is explored. The paper then turns to the experiences (or market cases) gained so far in the country, providing in each of the succeeding chapters a description and review of each of the cases, an assessment of the role of knowledge in the development and formulation of the initiatives and a report on monitoring and evaluation underway to date. The paper concludes by drawing out some of the lessons learned and making recommendations regarding practical steps that other countries, researchers and financing organizations might take to improve the process of launching such initiatives in the future. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4513. Publicación no.: 280 Paleoclimate records from Central American cave calcite (Speleothem) deposits: results and progress [Registros paleoclimáticos de los depósitos de calcita de cuevas centroamericanas: resultados y progreso] / Lachniet, M.S; Asmerom, Y; Burns, S.J; Patterson, W.P; Seltzer, G.O; Wurster, C; Piperno, D. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Apartado 202, Balboa, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tropical Forests: Past, Present, Future. The Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, PA, July 29-Aug. 3, 2002. Panamá City: The Association for Tropical Biology, 2002. p. 60. (Abstract only). We present paleoclimate proxy records from Central American speleothems that 1) constrain climate changes on millennial time scales, and 2) provide evidence for climate variability over decadal to centennial time scales. Stable isotope values in tropical precipitation reflect both the temperature of condensation and precipitation amount of an air mass, such that increased precipitation amount and decreased temperature result in lower delta ?18O values. Speleothems contain oxygen derived from precipitation, and if formed in isotopic equilibrium, provide a direct paleoprecipitation proxy record. Our speleothems from Costa Rica and Panamá, dated by precise U/Th methods, provide the first terrestrial stable isotopic records from the region. Stalagmite V1 from Costa Rica began growth before 10,140 yr BP and ceased about 5,200 yr BP. The oldest calcite has delta ?18O values 1), higher than the early and mid Holocene periods, suggesting some combination of cooler and/or drier conditions.During the early and mid Holocene, delta ?18O values vary by ?0.75?sigma, on decadal to centennial time scales, suggesting variations in dripwater delta ?18O values, which are related to

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precipitation amount associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Additional records are being generated for Panamanian stalagmites, and hold promise for providing longer, more continuous paleoclimate records for the region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 519. Publicación no.: 281 The geography of cloud formation and the biogeography of cloud forests: development of a quantitative approach [Geografía de la formación de nubes y la biogeografía de los bosques nubosos: desarrollo de un enfoque cuantitativo] / Lawton, Robert O; Nair, Udaysankar S; Welch, Ronald M. (University of Alabama. Department of Biological Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35899, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tropical Forests: Past, Present, Future. The Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City PAJuly 29-Aug. 3, 2002. Panamá City: The Association for Tropical Biology, 2002. p. 64. (Abstract only). Cloud forests, distinctive elements of montane vegetation throughout the tropics, are dependent upon predictable, frequent and prolonged immersion in cloud. Cloud forests are of interest in conservation and regional hydrological planning. However, we know little about how cloudy cloud forests are, or about the extent to which orographic cloud formation is influenced by natural climatic fluctuations, global warming, or regional land use. We present the initial steps, using ground observation, satellite imagery and atmospheric modeling, toward describing a quantitative geography of cloud forest cloudiness. Compiled data from GOES satellite imagery provides quantitative data on the proportion of time sites are covered by cloud. This approach reveals diurnal, seasonal, and between year variation in orographic cloud coverage at individual Central American cloud forest sites, and considerable between site variation as well. Such quantitative assessments of cloud cover and immersion should enhance between site comparisons in biogeographic and ecological analyses. Regional atmospheric modeling of the Cordillera de Tilarán and the associated lowlands of northern Costa Rica (with CSU RAMS) suggests that deforestation of lowland forests upwind of cloud forest sites can influence convective and orographic cloud formation, reducing cloud cover and raising the base of orographic cloud decks. Regional land use can thus interact with the natural geographic variation in cloud formation and exacerbate conservation problems in tropical mountains. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 519. Publicación no.: 282 Potential effects of climate change on canopy communities in a tropical cloud forest: an experimental approach [Efectos potenciales del cambio climático en las comunidades del dosel en un bosque nuboso tropical: un enfoque experimental] / Nadkarni, Nalini M; Solano, R. (The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA 98505, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tropical Forests: Past, Present, Future. The Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City PAJuly 29-Aug. 3, 2002. Panamá City: The Association for Tropical Biology, 2002. p. 79. (Abstract only). Global climate change models predict reduced cloud water in tropical montane forests. To test the effects of reduced cloud water on epiphytes, plants that are tightly coupled to atmospheric inputs, we transplanted epiphytes and theirarboreal soil from upper cloud forest trees to trees at slightly lower elevations that are naturally exposed to less cloud water. Control plants moved between trees within the upper site showed no transplantation effects, but experimental plants at lowersites had significantly higher leaf mortality, lower leaf production, and reduced longevity. After the epiphytes died, seedlings of terrestrial gap-colonizing tree species grew from the seed banks within the residual

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mats of arboreal soil. Greenhouse experiments confirmed that the death of epiphytes can result in radical compositional changes of canopy communities. Thus, tropical montane epiphyte communities constitute both a potentially powerful tool for detecting climate changes and a rich arena to study plant/soil/seed interactions under natural and manipulated conditions. This study also provides experimental evidence that the potential effects of global climate change on canopy and terrestrial communities can be significant for cloud forest biota.Results suggest there will be negative effects on the productivity and longevity of particular epiphytes and a subsequent emergence of an emerging terrestrial component into the canopy community from a previously suppressed seed bank. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 519. Publicación no.: 283 Biodiversity informatics, monitoring technologies and community science: challenges in the tropics [Informática sobre biodiversidad, tecnologías de monitoreo y ciencia comunitaria: retos en los trópicos] / Stevenson, R.D; Haber, William A; Morris, R.A. (University of Massachusetts at Boston. Department of Biology, MA 02125, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tropical Forests: Past, Present, Future. The Association for Tropical Biology Annual Meeting. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City PAJuly 29-Aug. 3, 2002. Panamá City: The Association for Tropical Biology, 2002. p. 112. (Abstract only). Two of the most important environmental problems facing humanity are global warming and loss of biodiversity. For the tropics, where biodiversity is high but changes in climate variables are expected to be relatively small, montane sites are likely to be the best locations for detecting change because change occurs over relatively short distances, facilitating field data collection. Climate variables to monitor include incident radiation, temperature, cloud cover patterns, precipitation, and extreme weather events. Biological variables to monitor include phenological data (migration events, flowering and fruiting times) and species distributions. New advances in microelectronics should greatly increase the spatial resolution of theclimate measurements. We outline a general scheme for monitoring that includes a planning process, metadata standards, web based information systems to report and share data, a quality assurance plan, and an adaptive management plan. Special attention is paid to the limitations of statistical designs that can be used to detect change and to a citizen science component in which local communities can gather data and influence policy. A process is proposed to have the monitoring scheme certified by independent scientific organizations. This general scheme is applied to the Monteverde region with the goal of quantifying the relationship between the statistical power needed to detect change, the costs of monitoring, and the probability that a 20 year programcan detect change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: AD 519. Publicación no.: 284 Characterization and dry deposition of carbonaceous aerosols in a wet tropical forest canopy [Caracterización y deposición de partículas secas de aerosoles carbonáceos en el dosel de un bosque tropical húmedo] / Loescher, Henry William; Bentz, J.A; Oberbauer, Steven F; Ghosh, T.K; Tompson, R.V; Loyalka, S.K. (Oregon State University. Department of Forest Sciences, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 109, no. D02309, doi:10.1029/2002jd003353. 2004. Carbon aerosol concentration was measured using an impactor on a 42 m tower over a wet tropical forest in La Selva Biological Station, northeast Costa Rica. Samples were collected at three different

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heights, 42, 21, and 2 m, for 2 months during the wet season in 1998. Winds originated from two directions, southeast from the Caribbean Sea and west from the continental isthmus. Concentrations were normalized by the fraction of dry sampling time during the collection. The distribution was negatively skewed for the range of aerodynamic diameter aerosols measured. The main size constituent was in the class 4.7-3.3 microm, accounting for ~0.70 microg C mol -1. No significant difference was found in the distribution of aerosol carbon with height, suggesting a well-mixed column of air, minimal resuspension, and that the source was from surrounding land use types. Functional relationships were developed to describe the loading of aerosols to the atmosphere and the removal by precipitation. Deposition was estimated using these relationships, combined with three different estimates of velocity deposition derived from (1) aerodynamic and canopy conductance, (2) aerodynamic and momentum conductance, and (3) traditional estimates of gravitational settling diffusion, impaction, and interception. Annual deposition estimates were 2.9, 5.0, and 9.6 kg ha-1 yr-1, respectively. Concentrations of carbon aerosols reported here are as much as two orders of magnitude higher than those reported elsewhere. Annual dry deposition estimates, however, were within the range of other estimates but were likely underestimated. Potential effects on deposition caused by seasonal burns and El Niño-Southern Oscillation are discussed. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1653. Publicación no.: 285 Potencial de carbono y fijación de dióxido de carbono de la biomasa en pie por encima del suelo en los bosques de Costa Rica / Rodríguez-Quirós, Jorge Eduardo; Pratt, L. (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD). Asesor Regional, San José, CR <Fax: (506)2961545> <E-mail: [email protected]>). [Alajuela]: INCAE / CLADS, 1998. 69 p. (CEN; no. 762). En setiembre de 1996, la Universidad de Harvard y el Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas (INCAE) emprendieron un proyecto de tres años para proveer asesoría a las naciones de Centroamérica en la formulación de una estrategia competitiva que integre sus vastos recursos biológicos y su capital humano altamente emprendedor de manera innovadora, dentro del marco de la Alianza Centroamericana para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ALIDES). En el área ambiental se le solicitaba asistir a los gobiernos centroamericanos en el análisis de las oportunidades y las restricciones para el desarrollo económico y, a partir de esto, diseñar e instrumentar nuevas estrategias que permitieran identificar y desarrollar oportunidades aprovechando su situación geográfica estratégica y su diversidad biológica, para así atraer mayor intercambio comercial e inversión, protegiendo al mismo tiempo el medio ambiente y su rica base de recursos naturales. Los esfuerzos de investigación dentro del desarrollo de mercados de mitigación de CO2, se deberían enfocar a: Desarrollar el concepto de Compensaciones Comerciales Certificadas de Gases con efecto de Invernadero (CCC), por medio de un mayor análisis de su mercado mundial, así como el uso de la tecnología para incrementar la aceptación del público de este mecanismo y demostrar su aplicación. Identificar cuellos de botella y eliminar obstáculos que inhiban la penetración al mercado de tecnologías para la reducción de emisiones y la expansión de la capacidad de captura de dióxido de carbono. Fortalecer los instrumentos financieros que regulan los CCC. Como parte de este estudio el Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas (INCAE) en conjunto con el Centro Latinoamericano para la Competitividad y el Desarrollo Sostenible, la Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) y el Harvard Institute for International Development tienen el placer de presentar los avances logrados en la investigación realizada para cuantificar la oferta potencial de compensaciones de carbono derivadas del recurso bosque centroamericano y, en este caso concreto, el potencial de carbono y fijación de dióxido de

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carbono en la República de Costa Rica, tomando como base los datos de uso del suelo estimados para 1996 y utilizando los años 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 y 2020 como escenarios basados en las metas formuladas en el Documento "Perspectivas para el Desarrollo del Sector Forestal de Costa Rica hacia el 2020" presentado en el III Congreso Forestal Centroamericano, celebrado en San José de Costa Rica, en setiembre de 1997. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1638. Publicación no.: 286 Participación de la empresa privada en la conservación de la energía ante la apertura de un mercado global ambiental (el caso de INCSA) / Vega-Araya, E.E; Pratt, L. [Alajuela]: INCAE / CLADS, 1999. 53 pp. (CEN; no. 717). Introducción: Ante los problemas relacionados con el cambio climático y el efecto invernadero, a partir de la Cumbre del Ambiente de Río de Janeiro en 1992, los países hablan de estabilizar y/o reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. En Costa Rica se crea una Oficina de Cambio Climático adscrita al Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Dicha oficina emite una directriz (solicitud) a todas las empresas con procesos productivos altamente contaminantes y consumidoras de energía de instalar aparatos de mediciones de emisiones y de estabilizar estas emisiones estables en el nivel de 1992. Por ser voluntaria, esta directriz no necesariamente se cumple en todas las empresas del país, y es necesario generar mecanismos de mercado para lograr este tipo de metas. En este trabajo se analizará la posibilidad que presenta uno de estos mecanismos de mercado para la solución del problema, desde la perspectiva de una empresa particular. El objetivo fundamental del caso es hacer el análisis de entorno con opciones de plantaciones forestales y/o bosques naturales, opciones de ahorro energético y ubicar esto desde la perspectiva de un gerente diseñando el futuro de una empresa altamente contaminadora, o altamente consumidora de energía. Se ha identificado una industria con un proceso productivo caracterizado por ser gran consumidor de energía y a su vez altamente contaminante, la Industria Cementera. En Costa Rica hay solamente dos empresas productoras de cemento que se reparten el mercado equitativamente.Se ha realizado este trabajo con una de ellas, la Industria Nacional de Cemento S.A. (INCSA), quienes amablemente han colaborado con este consultor suministrando información. Se han analizado las opciones que tiene la empresa ante la eventual apertura del Mercado Global Ambiental definido en el Protocolo de Kioto en diciembre de 1997, que en su artículo 12 define el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio. Las opciones analizadas viables según el estado actual de la tecnología comercial para disminución del CO2 en la atmósfera son la de conservación energética (sustitución de combustibles fósiles por combustible no contaminante y/o reducción del uso de energía por unidad de cemento producida) y la de compensación de emisiones a través de fijación de CO2 con bosques y plantaciones forestales. También se podría aplicar proyectos como el uso de sistemas de absorción de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en procesos productivos (filtros), además de los citados en el párrafo anterior, pero dado el actual estado de la tecnología, aún no pueden competir comercialmente con las otras dos opciones, según estudios realizados en países desarrollados. Este tipo de proyectos no son analizados en el presente caso. Antes del análisis sugerido, se presenta información general sobre el entorno legal y económico relacionado con las posibilidades que ofrecería el Mercado Global Ambiental a la empresa privada. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1631. Publicación no.: 287 Estimación del costo marginal de los servicios fijación de carbono en Costa Rica / Sancho-Villalobos, F; Pratt, L. [Alajuela]: INCAE / CLADS, 1999. 34 pp. (CEN; no. 704).

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Introducción: El estudio del tema del cambio climático implica una revisión de la influencia que ha tenido el hombre sobre uno de los sistemas que interactúan en el complejo funcionamiento de nuestro planeta. Lamentablemente, los niveles de este efecto han alcanzado límites amenazantes, tanto para la vida del hombre como para la existencia de muchas otras especies. La humanidad enfrenta el dilema de actuar decididamente en el presente ante una amenaza que se proyecta dentro de varias décadas en el futuro, y que hoy en día sólo ha mostrado un ligero perfil de su peligro, cobrando un importante precio ambiental, social y económico. Sin embargo, el precio hasta hoy cobrado y las proyecciones que se han dibujado, demuestran que los grandes costos que implican las acciones para enfrentar el cambio climático, son de por sí, menores a los que enfrentará el planeta en el futuro si no se ejercen esas acciones. Este panorama es lo que ha generado la discusión en cuanto a la creación de un mercado de servicios de fijación y reducción de carbono. Se ha partido del concepto que este mercado no sólo significa una gran oportunidad para el mundo en desarrollo de proteger sus riquezas forestales y para permitirle un desarrollo realmente sostenible en lo ambiental y en uso de tecnologías limpias, sino que además se reconoce el potencial del mercado de carbono en favorecer el desarrollo social y económico, ya que implicará el flujo de recursos desde los países industriales, que más emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero producen, hacia los países en desarrollo, cuya competitividad en los servicios del bosque se considera como punto de partida. Este trabajo pretende identificar si Costa Rica realmente tiene una competitividad en los servicios del bosque que le permita aprovechar con éxito las oportunidades que abre el mercado de carbono. Este objetivo se trata de alcanzar con el uso de una metodología de apego científico suficiente, para que los resultados señalen si el país obtiene provecho máximo al estimular el uso de la tierra hacia la conservación, cubriendo el costo económico para los propietarios, sean privados o estatales. Si el comercio de Costa Rica lo hace con ese tipo de resultados estará en vía de que el mercado del carbono contribuya no sólo en loambiental, sino que también en lo económico y social, ya que crearía fuentes de trabajo alternativas a las que desplaza la conservación, pero igualmente remuneradas. Se evitará así la peligrosa tendencia de ofrecer los recursos naturales a precios bajos sin criterio económico, que reproduzca ese concepto erróneo de que son recursos gratuitos para la sociedad. El trabajo se dividió en dos partes, la primera ofrece el bagaje requerido para reconocer los factores que propician la aparición del mercado ambiental y que son lo suficientemente fuertes como para que los países en desarrollo apunten a aprovechar ese nuevo nicho. La segunda parte analiza el caso de Costa Rica, basándose en un proyecto de áreas protegidas vigentes. Se le aplican los criterios económicos con la información revelada en el proyecto base para identificar el costo del servicio ambiental para Costa Rica y el potencial de comercio internacional que se desprende. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1630. Publicación no.: 288 The influence of plant diversity and land use on the composition and function of soil microbial communities [Influencia de la diversidad de plantas y el uso de la tierra en la composición y función de las comunidades microbianas del suelo] / Carney, K.M. (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, POB 28, Edgewater, MD 21037, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 2003. 105 pp. Dissertation, Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford, CA (USA). Soil microbial communities mediate many critical ecosystem processes. Little is known, however, about the major factors that determine microbial community composition, and whether differences in microbial communities influence ecosystem process rates. Using an experimental system at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, and a set of land use sites, I examined whether plant diversity, plant community composition, season, and land use influenced soil microbial communities and their

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functioning. This dissertation consisted of three main studies. In the first, I determined whether plant community composition, plant diversity, or season (i.e. wet versus dry) affected overall soil microbial community composition, as measured by phospholipid fatty acidanalysis. I found that plant diversity significantly affected soil microbial community composition and that within a given plant diversity level, plant community composition affected microbial community composition. I found no strong seasonal trend in microbial community differences, although there were differences in composition across sampling dates. In the second study, I examined the effect of differences in overall microbial community composition on soil carbon cycling rates. I found that soil microbes that were compositionally distinct also differed in their abilities to decompose a suite of 24 labile carbon substrates (an assay termed "catabolic potential"). To determine whether differences in catabolic potential were indicative of a more real-world process (i.e. leaf litter decomposition), I conducted a factorial litter decomposition transplant experiment in the laboratory. My results suggest that microbial community composition has a significant influence over this process rate. In the third study, I used the same sites described above as well as two new land use types (i.e., forest and pasture) to explore patterns of diversity and function of a specific taxonomic and functional group: ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB). I found no significanteffect of plant diversity on either AOB diversity or composition, and no strong effect of land use on AOB diversity. However, I did find that land use affected AOB composition. Differences in composition were driven by the relative abundance of two genera: Nitrosospira and Nitrosomonas. Preliminary evidence suggests that these differences in composition may influence soil nitrification rates. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5417. Publicación no.: 289 Centroamérica frente al cambio climático / Rojas, Ana Victoria; Rodríguez-Quirós, Jorge Eduardo; Guzmán, Julio. San Salvador: FAO / Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo, San Salvador, 2003. 68 p. (Serie Centroamericana de Bosques y Cambio Climático). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Venezuela (IICA): P01 206. Publicación no.: 290 Costa Rica frente al cambio climático / Leiva, Mario; Alfaro-Murillo, María de los Angeles; Hidalgo, Marisol; Méndez-Rodríguez, Alberto. San Salvador: FAO / Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo, San Salvador, 2003. 60 p. (Serie Centroamericana de Bosques y Cambio Climático). Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4181. Biblioteca Venezuela (IICA): P01 207. Publicación no.: 291 Mercados ambientales globales: estudios de caso / Castro-Salazar, René; Pratt, L. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas, Apartado Postal 960-4050, La Garita de Alajuela, CR). San José: INCAE / PNUD, 1999. 100 pp. Hacia el petróleo verde en las Américas. El nuevo mercado mundial del carbono: el dilema de Costa Rica. Los bosques de Costa Rica y el mercado de créditos de reducción de carbono. Estudio de caso: puente en el Río Tempisque. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 292 The emerging global market for carbon: the Costa Rica dilemma [El nuevo mercado mundial del carbono: el dilema de Costa Rica] / PNUD Proyecto Regional de Medio Ambiente y

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Desarrollo RLA/97/006 Reunión del Comité Intersesional del Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe. 4ª. , Lima. PE. 2 de octubre de 1999. México, D.F.: PNUD, 1999. 33 pp. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 293 Country case study on sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in Costa Rica. Final report / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Energía y Minas. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, San José, CR. Nairobi: UNEP, 1995. 100 pp. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 294 Arboreal ant species richness in primary forest, secondary forest, and pasture habitats of a tropical montane landscape [Riqueza de especies de hormigas arbóreas en hábitats de bosque primario, bosque secundario y potreros de un paisaje tropical montano] / Schonberg, L.A; Longino, John T; Nadkarni, Nalini M; Yanoviak, Stephen P; Gering, J.C. (413 Rogers St NW, Olympia, WA 98502, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 36, no. 3, p. 402-409. 2004. Canopy invertebrates may reflect changes in tree structure and microhabitat that are brought about by human activities. We used the canopy fogging method to collect ants from tree crowns in primary forest, secondary forest, and pasture in a Neotropical cloud forest landscape. The total number of species collected was similar in primary forest (21) and pasture (20) habitats, but lower in secondary forest (9). Lower diversity in secondary forest was caused by lower species density (no. of species per sample). Rarefaction curves based on number of species occurrences suggest similar community species richness among the three habitats. This study has implications for conservation of tropical montane habitats in two ways. First, arboreal ant species density is reduced if secondary forest replaces primary forest, which increases the chance of extinction among rare species. Second, pasture trees may serve as repositories of primary forest ant communities due to similar tree structure. Localización: Biblioteca OET: B. NBINA-1777. Publicación no.: 295 Tropical forests and global warming: slowing it down or speeding it up? [Bosques tropicales y el calentamiento global: ¿reduciéndolo o aumentándolo?] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (ISSN 1540-9295), v. 2, no. 2, p. 73-80. 2004. Enlace: The world's tropical forests take up and emit large amounts of carbon (C) through photosynthesis and respiration. Their response to global changes in the atmosphere and climate could therefore act as a feedback. Only recently has research been focused on the possibility that tropical forests may not be in C balance. There is currently a vigorous debate about whether these ecosystems might be accelerating or slowing down the rate of atmospheric CO2 accumulation, and thus global warming. The evidence is thin in either direction, and in some cases highly uncertain. Some findings raise the possibility that higher temperatures could make tropical forests increasing C sources to the atmosphere - a positive feedback effect. To project where our climate isheaded, it is critical to resolve two questions: how

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tropical forests are reacting to changing climate, atmosphere and land use and how they will continue to respond over the coming decades. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1776. Publicación no.: 296 Carbon sequestration in tropical and temperate agroforestry systems: a review with examples from Costa Rica and southern Canada [Captura del carbono en sistemas de agrosilvicultura tropicales y templados: una revisión con ejemplos de Costa Rica y el sur de Canadá] / Oelbermann, Maren; Voroney, R. Paul; Gordon, Andrew M. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (ISSN 0167-8809), v. 104, no. 3, p. 359-377. 2004. Deforestation in the tropics and fossil fuel burning in temperate regions contribute to the largest flux of CO2 to the atmosphere. Therefore, land-use systems that increase the soil organic matter (SOM) pool and stabilize soil organic carbon (SOC) need to be implemented. Agroforestry systems have the potential to sequester atmospheric carbon (C) in trees and soil while maintaining sustainable productivity. The potential to sequester C in agroforestry systems in tropical and temperate regions is promising, but little information is available to date. The objective of this paper is to give an overview of the history of agroforestry and to outline differences in management practices between tropical and temperate systems. This review focuses on C inputs, SOC pools and SOC stabilization with highlights from Costa Rican and Canadian systems, and their role in C sequestration and trading. The potential to sequester C in aboveground components in agroforestry systems is estimated to be 2.1 x 10-9 Mg C year-1 in tropical and 1.9 x 10-9 Mg C year-1 in temperate biomes. However, the type of agroforestry systems and their capacity to sequester C vary globally. For example, alley cropping is an agroforestry practice where trees are integrated with crops, therefore storing C in the woody components of the trees and in the soil, with a continual addition of organic material from tree prunings and crop residues. Studies from Costa Rica have shown that a 10-year-old system with E. poeppigiana sequestered C at a rate of 0.4 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in coarse roots and 0.3 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in tree trunks. Tree branches and leaves are added to the soil as mulch, contributing 1.4 Mg C ha-1 year-1 in addition to 3.0 Mg ha-1 year-1 from crop residues. This resulted in anannual increase of the SOC pool by 0.6 Mg ha-1 year-1. Despite the two crop rotations in tropical agroforests, C input from crop residues is similar between the two biomes. The total organic matter input, however, is still greater in tropical systems due to the larger addition from tree prunings. This greater input does not necessarily increase the SOC pool significantly when compared to a temperate system of similar age as a result of faster turnover rates of the SOM pool. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1765. Publicación no.: 297 Above- and below-ground carbon inputs in 19-, 10- and 4-year-old Costa Rica Alley cropping systems / Oelbermann, Maren; Voroney, R. Paul; Kass, Donald Charles Lieber; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (ISSN 0167-8809), v. 105, no. 1/2, p. 163-172. 2004. Carbon (C) input from tree prunings and crop residues help to maintain the soil organic C pool in tropical agroforestry systems. This study quantified the C stock of tree roots and C input from tree prunings and crop residues in 19-, 10- and 4-year-old Erythrina poeppigiana and Gliricidia sepium alley cropping

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systems in Costa Rica. The 19-year-old alley cropping system was studied at two fertilizer levels (tree prunings only [-N], and tree prunings plus chicken manure [+N]), and was compared to a sole crop. The 10- and 4-year-old systems were also studied at two fertilizer levels (tree prunings only [-A], and tree prunings plus Arachis pintoi as a groundcover [+A]), and compared to a sole crop. In the 19-year-old system C input from G. sepium was significantly greater (P < 0.05) compared to E. peoppigiana, but for both tree species there was no significant difference between +N and -N treatments. For the 10- and 4-year-old systems, E. poeppigiana had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) C input fromprunings compared to G. sepium, and the presence of A. pintoi increased pruning biomass productivity significantly in these systems. Tree roots of 10- (4527 kg C ha-1) and 4-year-old (3667 kg C ha-1) E. poeppigiana represented 16 and 28% of the total C allocation. Carbon input from maize (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) residues were not significantly different (P < 0.05) between alley crops and sole crops in the 19-year-old system per unit of cropped land. In this system, +N treatments had a significantly greater (P < 0.05) C input from bean residue than in -N treatments, but no such trend was observed for maize residues. Carbon input from maize and bean residues were significantly greater (P < 0.05) in alley crops than the sole crops, but not significantly different (P < 0.05) between +A and -A treatments in the younger system. The greatest input of organic material occurred in the 19-year-old alley crop followed by the 10- and 4-year-old alley crops. This additional input of organic material in alley crops, mostly derived from tree prunings, will help to maintain or increase the level of the soil organic carbon pool. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1766. Publicación no.: 298 Quaternary geology and paleoclimate of Costa Rica: Evidence from glaciation, stable isotopes of surface waters, and a speleothem / Lachniet, M.S. (University of Nevada. Department of Geosciences, Las Vegas, NV 89154, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Syracuse, N.Y., 2001. 140 pp. Dissertation, Ph.D., Syracuse University Graduate School, Syracuse, N.Y. (USA). Quaternary climates of the Caribbean Region are poorly known. This study investigates the terrestrial evidence of Costa Rican Quaternary paleoclimates via analysis of the Quaternary glaciation of the Costa Rican highlands to estimate temperature reductions associated with the last local glacial maximum, an analysis of the spatial and temporal variability in stable isotope values of Costa Rican surface waters and precipitation, and analysis of the stable isotope values of speleothems to estimate past variations in precipitation amount. The highest peaks of Costa Rica were glaciated during the late Quaternary, attesting to a significantly different climate in the Central American isthmus. New evidence of glacial extent comes from striated, grooved, and channeled bedrock in previously undocumented sites. During the last local glacial maximum, estimated as 12,000 14C yr BP, an ice cap 35 km² in extent covered the highest peaks of the Cordillera de Talamanca around Cerro Chirripó, 2 km² of ice existed around Cerro Kamuk, and 5 km² existed on Cerro de la Muerte. In Chirripó Park, the paleo equilibrium line altitude (ELA) was 3500 m. Cirque floor elevations around Cerro Kamuk of 3260 m suggest a lower paleo ELA there. The modern °C isotherm of 5000 m suggests a late Pleistocene ELA depression of 1500 m, associated with a temperature depression of 8 to 9°C. Analysis of a calcite speleothem from the Caribbean slope of Costa Rica provides direct evidence of past variations in precipitation amount on decadal time scales. δ18O calcite values prior to 10,140 yr BP are &sim;1&permil; higher than early Holocene values. These lower values may be explained by a temperature reduction of 5°C, decreased rainfall and relative humidity, or some combination of the two. To interpret the δ18O record preserved in this speleothem, a calibration study was undertaken to determine the spatial and temporal variation in stable isotopes in surface waters and precipitation δ18O water values are most strongly correlated with

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precipitation amount and follow distinct regional trends. Deuterium excess values suggest that moisture recycling contributes to the moisture flux along the Nicaragua Trough. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8461. Publicación no.: 299 Tropical response to the 8200 yr BP cold event? Speleothem isotopes indicate a weakened early Holocene monsoon in Costa Rica / Lachniet, M.S; Asmerom, Y; Burns, S.J; Patterson, W.P; Polyak, V.J; Seltzer, G.O. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Apartado 202, Balboa, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geology (Boulder) (ISSN 0091-7613), v. 32, no. 11, p. 957-960. 2004. A δ18O monsoon rainfall proxy record from a U-Th-dated Costa Rican stalagmite (8840-4920 yr B.P.) documents an early Holocene dry period correlative with the high-latitude 8200 yr B.P. cold event. High δ18O values between ca. 8300 and 8000 yr B.P. demonstrate reduced rainfall and a weaker monsoon in Central America. A relatively wetter and more stable monsoon was established ca. 7600 yr B.P. The early Holocene dry event suggests a tropical-extratropical teleconnection to the 8200 yr B.P. cold event and a possible association of isthmian rainfall anomalies with high-latitude climate changes. The likely source of such a tropical anomaly is a decrease in Atlantic thermohaline circulation and atmospheric perturbations associated with drainage of proglacial lakes and freshwater discharge into the North Atlantic. A weaker monsoon at 8200 yr B.P. may be linked to wetland contraction and a decrease in methane observed in Greenland ice cores. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3194. Publicación no.: 300 Exchange processes of volatile organic compounds above a tropical rain forest: implications for modelling tropospheric chemistry above dense vegetation [Procesos de intercambio de compuestos orgánicos volátiles arriba de un bosque lluvioso tropical: implicaciones para el modelaje de la química troposférica por encima de una vegetación densa] / Karl, T; Potosnak, M; Guenther, A; Clark, Deborah A; Walker, J; Herrick, J.D; Geron, C. (National Center for Atmospheric Research. Atmospheric Chemistry Division, Boulder, CO, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 109, no. D18306, p. 1-19. 2004. [1] Disjunct eddy covariance in conjunction with continuous in-canopy, gradient measurements allowed for the first time to quantify the fine-scale source and sink distribution of some of the most abundant biogenic (isoprene, monoterpenes. methanol, acetaldehyde, and acetone) and photooxidized (MVK--MAC, acetone, acetaldehyde, acetic, and formic acid) VOCs in an old growth tropical rain forest. Our measurements revealed substantial isoprene emissions (up to 2.50 mg m h-1) and light-dependent monoterpene emissions (up to 0.33 mg m h-1) at the peak of the dry season (April and May 2003). Oxygenated species such as methanol, acetone, and acetaldehyde were typically emitted during daytime with net fluxes up to 0.50, 0.36, and 0.20 mg m h-1, respectively. When generalized for tropical rain forests, these fluxes would add up to a total emission of 36, 16, 19, 106, and 7.2 Tg/yr for methanol, acetaldehyde, acetone, isoprene, and monoterpenes, respectively. During nighttime we observed strong sinks for oxygenated and nitrogen-containing compounds such as methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, MVK+MAC, and acetonitrile with deposition velocities close to the aerodynamic limit. This suggests that the canopy resistance (Re) is very small and not the rate-limiting step for the nighttime deposition of many VOCs. Our measured mean dry deposition velocities of methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, MVK+MAC, and acetonitrile were a factor 10-20 higher than estimated from traditional deposition models. If our measurements are generalized, this could have important implications for the

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redistribution of VOCs in atmospheric chemistry models. Our observations indicate that the current understanding of reactive carbon exchange can only be seen as a first-order approximation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10174. Publicación no.: 301 Species, rotation, and life-form diversity effects on soil carbon in experimental tropical ecosystems [Especies, rotación y efectos de la diversidad de formas de vida sobre el carbono del suelo en ecosistemas tropicales experimentales] / Russell, Ann E; Cambardella, C.A; Ewel, John J; Parkin, T.B. (Iowa State University. Department of Natural Resource Ecology & Management, 253 Bessey Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1021, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 14, no. 1, p. 47-60. 2004. Extensive areas of species-rich forests in the tropics have been replaced by tree monocultures over the last two decades, and the impact on biogeochemical cycles is unclear. We characterized effects on soil carbon dynamics of species identity and rotation frequency in experimental plantations containing three native, non-N-fixing tree species, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Cedrela odorata, and Cordia alliodora, grown in monocultures and in polycultures with two monocot species, Euterpe oleracea and Heliconia imbricata. Over all treatments, change in total soil organic carbon (TSOC, 0-15 cm) after 10 years ranged from a loss of 24% (0.9 mg/ha in 1-yr rotation of Cedrela) to an increase of 14% (0.6 mg/ha under Hyeronirna polycultures). Species differed in their effects on quantities of TSOC (P = 0.038), but differences were more pronounced in light particulate organic matter (LPOM; P = 0.001), a biologically active, sand-size soil fraction that constituted 6% of TSOC. Effects of rotation frequency were strong; in Cedrela and Cordia, the 4-yr rotations had higher soil C stocks than did long-term monocultures, where soil C stocks had declined under 10-yr-old trees. Under Cedrela and Cordia, polycultures had significantly higher stocks of soil C than monocultures, whereas soil C stocks were high under Hyeronima in both cultures. In polycultures, Hyeronima dominated detrital inputs, contributing 88% of litterfall and fine-root growth, whereas Cedrela and Cordia contributed 34%. Root C:N ratio and fine-root growth accounted for most of the variability in changes in soil C stocks after 10 years in long-term rotations (partial R² . Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10242. NBINA-3838. Publicación no.: 302 Manejo, secuestro de carbono e ingresos de tres especies forestales de sombra en cafetales de tres regiones contrastantes de Costa Rica [Management, carbon sequestration and revenues from three timber tree species associated to coffee in three producing regions of Costa Rica] / Dzib-Castillo, B.B. Turrialba: CATIE, 2003. 124 pp. Thesis, Mag. Sc., Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Programa de Educación para el Desarrollo y la Conservación, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: Surveys were performed in 66 coffee farms to assess the effect of agricultural management on the aerial biomass and PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by three timber tree species predominant in coffee agroforestry systems of three contrasting regions of Costa Rica. The tree species were Cordia alliodora in the sub-optimal low-altitude region of La Suiza, Turrialba; Eucalyptus Deglupta in the optimal high-altitude region of Grecia-Naranjo; and Terminalia amazonia in the sub-optimal low-altitude region of San Isidro, Pérez Zeledón. The average total tree aerial biomass was for C. alliodora 77 ± 54 t ha-1 with a density of 184 trees and 13 years of age; for T. amazonia, 66 ± 33 t ha-1 with a density of 373 trees and 8 years of age; for E. deglupta, 28 ± 20 t ha-1 with a density of 78 trees and 8 years of

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age. The statistical analyses showed that tree density and age as well as coffee management were the predominant factors affecting tree biomass. The amount of carbon sequestered in the aerial part of trees varied a lot within a species due to the large differences in terms of densities observed in the coffee agroforestry systems. The following results were obtained : for C. alliodora 39 ± 27 t ha-1 ; for T. amazonia 32 ± 16 t ha-1;and for E. deglupta, they were 14 ± 10 t ha-1. This is an indication that coffee agroforestry systems are procuring an important environmental service. The factors affecting the most PAR interception by the tree canopy were tree density, age, diameter, height and total tree biomass. This study also demonstrated that the densiometer is a cheap, precise and easy to use tool to assess light interception by the canopy of the three species as it can be used independently of the sudden variations in solar radiation intensity. From the present surveys, it was shown that the decrease of coffee prices during the last ten years has resulted in a decrease of coffee productivity from 23% in the optimal region to 43-48% in the sub-optimal ones. It also illustrates that shade management has become more important while the use of agrochemical inputs strongly decreased. Regarding sale of timber, it was shown that its importance in terms of revenue differed considerably between tree species and regions. For C. alliodora, the results demonstrated that sale of timber could account for 83% of accumulated coffee revenues after 13 years. For E. deglupta and T. amazonia, timber revenue after 8 years represented 6 and 54% of the accumulated coffee revenues for the period, respectively. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1928. Publicación no.: 303 Diatom paleoecology of Laguna Zoncho, Costa Rica [Paleoecología de las diatómeas de la Laguna Zoncho, Costa Rica] / Haberyan, K.A; Horn, Sally P. (NW Missouri State University. Department of Biology, Maryville, MO 64468-2002, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Paleolimnology (ISSN 0921-2728), v. 33, no. 3, p. 361-369. 2005. We analyzed diatoms in a sediment profile from Laguna Zoncho in southern Pacific Costa Rica (lake elevation 1190 masl, depth 2.6 m, area 0.75 ha) spanning some 3240 cal yr. Diatoms are common in the profile, which we subdivide into three zones. Zone C (similar to 3240 - 1020 cal yr B. P.) is dominated by Staurosira construens var. venter and Aulacoseira spp; during this time, the lake was dilute and circumneutral. Benthic and acidophilous taxa increase gradually in the upper section of this zone. Zone B (similar to 1020 - 460 cal yr B. P.) almost totally lacks Aulacoseira, and instead is dominated by combinations of Eunotia minor, Encyonema lunatum, Gomphonema gracile, and Pinnularia braunii. Previous pollen and charcoal analysis indicates that this zone falls within the peak of prehistoric agricultural activity at the lake, but diatoms may also reflect climate change. During this period, the lake was likely shallower and more acidic, but not eutrophic. Finally, Zone A (similar to 460 cal yr B. P. to AD 1997) begins near a 1.5-cm tephra layer from nearby Volcán Barú; diatom assemblages are dominated by Aulacoseira spp., and suggest deepening of the lake and return to conditions similar to Zone C. This was a time of indigenous population decline and forest recovery in the Zoncho region, probably reflecting the impact of European diseases on the native population, although climate change and impacts of the tephra deposition cannot be wholly discounted. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10367. NBINA-2128. Publicación no.: 304 Forest conservation and the clean development mechanism: Lessons from the Costa Rican protected areas project [Conservación del bosque y el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio: Lecciones del proyecto costarricense de áreas protegidas] / Vöhringer, Frank. (Wagenigen University.

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Department of Social Sciences, Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, Hollandseweg 1,6706 KN, Wageningen, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (ISSN 1381-2386), v. 9, no. 3, p. 217. 2004. Deforestation is currently the source of about 20 of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Avoided deforestation has, nonetheless, been ruled out as a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) category in the Kyoto Protocols first commitment period, because several methodological issues were considered too difficult to resolve. This paper explores whether CDM issues such as (1) carbon quantification, (2) additionality and baseline setting, (3) leakage risks, (4) non-permanence risks, and (5) sustainable development can be adequately dealt with in large, diversified forest conservation projects. To this aim, it studies the case of the Costa Rican Protected Areas Project (PAP), an Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) project which was meant to consolidate the national park system to avoid deforestation, promote the growth of secondary forests and regenerate pastures on an area that, in total, covers 10 of the national territory. The case study examines how the issues mentioned above have been addressed in the project design and in the certification process. It is found that baseline uncertainties are the major problem in this case. Nonetheless, the case suggests the possibility to address CDM issues by specific requirements for project design and very conservative and temporary crediting. Provided that other case studies support this conclusion, eligibility of well-designed forest conservation projects under the CDM in the second commitment period may be worth considering, given the secondary benefits of avoided deforestation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2423. Publicación no.: 305 Efecto del pago por servicios ambientales y otras variables socioeconómicas en la adopción de usos del suelo amigables con el ambiente en zonas ganaderas de Esparza, Costa Rica y Matiguás, Nicaragua [Effect of the payment for environmental services and other socioeconomic variables in the adoption of silvopastoral systems in cattle areas of Costa Rica (Esparza) and Nicaragua (Matiguás)] / Cerrud-Santos, H.N. Turrialba: CATIE, 2004. 167 pp. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Socioeconomía Ambiental, CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of the variables introduced by the project on the adoption level of friendly soil uses with the environment. The adoption level is measured through a compound index that qualifies each soil usepresent in the farms according to its contribution level to the protection of the biodiversity and the capacity to fix carbon. The farms were evaluated of the beginning of the project to establish a base line (2003) and the a new evaluation in the 2004 was carried out. The incremental points were assessed in the compound index for each farm and based on the obtained value of the payment for environmental services (PES) was carried out. This research took into account a total of 267 farms: 132 in Costa Rica and 135 in Nicaragua. Among the most important conclusions was found, in the case of Costa Rica, the farms that receives PSA (Groups B and C) they have obtained incremental points average statistically for farms higher to the one obtained by the Group A (group control), that which indicates the adoption you uses of friendly soil with the atmosphere on the part of the groups that benefit with the PSA. In the case of Nicaragua, since the groups that receives PSA (Groups B and C) presented points average by farms for the 2004, statistically higher to the one obrained by the Group A, indicates a positive effect in the adoption of soil uses proposed. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2390. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis C417e.

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Publicación no.: 306 Amphibian population declines in Latin America: A synthesis [Disminución de las poblaciones de anfibios en Latinoamérica: una síntesis] / Lips, Karen R; Burrowes, P.A; Mendelson, Joseph R., III; Parra-Olea, Gabriela. (Southern Illinois University. Department of Zoology, Carbondale, IL 62901-6501, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 37, no. 2, p. 222-226. 2005. The loss of global amphibian biodiversity has been well documented in recent years. The greatest information from Latin America came from countries such as Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, and Puerto Rico. The five papers in this special section illustrate the critical status of Latin American amphibians and further demonstrate certain commonalities of amphibian population declines within the region. These studies provide a framework by which future research and management could proceed in all tropical regions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2614. Publicación no.: 307 Payment for environmental services in Costa Rica: Carbon sequestration estimations of native tree plantations [Pago por servicios ambientales en Costa Rica: Estimaciones de captura de carbono de plantaciones forestales de árboles nativos] / Redondo-Brenes, Alvaro. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Resources Bulletin, v. 24, p. 20-29. 2005. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10594. NBINA-2473. Publicación no.: 308 Potential carbon mitigation and income in developing countries from changes in use and management of agricultural and forest lands [Atenuación potencial del carbono e ingresos de paises en desarrollo a causa de los cambios en el uso y manejo de tierras agrícolas y forestales] / Niles, J.O; Brown, S; Pretty, J; Ball, A; Fay, J. (University of California. Energy and Resources Group, Berkeley, CA 94720, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Essex: University of California / Winrock International / University of Essex, 2001. 26 pp. (Centre for Environment and Society; Occassional Paper no. 2001-04). Enlace: The many opportunities for mitigating atmospheric carbon emissions in developing countries include implementing sustainable agricultural practices on existing lands, slowing tropical deforestation, and reforesting degraded lands. This new analysis shows that over the next ten years, forty-eight major tropical and subtropical developing countries have the potential to reduce the atmospheric carbon burden by about 2.2 billion tonnes of carbon. Given a central price of $10 tonne of carbon and a discount rate of 3%, this mitigation would generate a net present value of about $16.1 billion collectively for these countries. Achieving these potentials would require a significant global effort, covering more than fifty million hectares of land, to implement carbon-friendly practices in agriculture, forest, and previously forested lands. These estimates of host-country income potentials do not consider that outside financial investment may or may not be available. Our calculations also take no account of the additional benefits of carbon sequestration in forest soils undergoing reforestation, increased use of biomass, and reduced use of fossil fuel inputs and reduced agricultural emissions. In all events, realizing these incomes would necessitate substantially greater policy support and investment in sustainable land uses than is currently the case.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2249. Publicación no.: 309 Modelación y proyección de tres usos del suelo forestales y agroforestales en Costa Rica: aplicación al Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio [Models and forecasting of three forest and agroforest land uses in Costa Rica: an application to the Clean Development Mechanism] / Venegas-Gamboa, Isabel. Turrialba: CATIE, 2004. 99 pp. Thesis, Mag. Sc., Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica). The Kyoto Protocol commits industrialized countries and economies in transition to cut their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) to 5% below their 1990 levels by 2012 The Kyoto Protocol established the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism), which enables developed countries and economies in transition of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) to meet their GHG reduction targets at lower cost through projects in developing countries. The Marrakesh conference established that the only eligible forest activities in the CDM are aforestation and reforestation. According to the CDM, forestry projects must demonstrate additionality in the reduction of carbon emissions Additionality is the difference between the carbon sequestration withthe project and without the project. The "without-project" scenario will be used as the baseline. Meanwhile, the baseline is a requisite for estimating the project additionality. The objective of this work is to model and to forecast the national baseline of three land uses and analyze their implication for Clean Development Mechanism projects in Costa Rica. In order to determine which types of land uses will be analyzed, criteria related to the Kyoto Protocol and the agreements of Marrakesh were taken into account as well as economic and environmental relevant criteria for agricultural activities. Forest plantations, coffee and secondary forest were selected. Data gathering was based on secondary information about land uses, land use changes and explicative variables of the three land uses A database was constructed with information for the period of 1970-2000. In order to complete the time series interpolation and extrapolation were used. In order to construct the models of land use change, two approaches were tested: the first was based in the tendency of the land use and the second one was based on the explicative variables of the land use. Finally, these approaches were compared. In the first approach, data was forecasted until the year 2012 (the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto protocol) using two forecast methods STEPAR and EXPO Five curves were obtained for each use Outlier curves and those with the same shape were eliminated. With the resulting curves three new curves were obtained with the maximum, average and minimum values. In the second approach a linear regression model was constructed in order to explain the changes in each land use area. A regression analysis used the F test in order to obtain the significant explicative variables for each land use The explicative variables were extrapolated with the same methods as in the first approach Finally the model was applied with extrapolated variables in order to calculate future land uses areas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2401. Publicación no.: 310 Last glacial maximum equilibrium line altitudes in the circum-Caribbean (Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela) / Lachniet, M.S; Vázquez-Selem, L. (University of Nevada. Department of Geosciences, Las Vegas, NV 89154, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Quaternary International (ISSN 1040-6182), v. 138, p. 129-144. 2005. Equilibrium line altitude (ELA) estimates for Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) paleoglaciers in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Venezuela were determined using the accumulation area balance ratio (AABR), accumulation area ratio (AAR), toe-to-headwall altitude ratio (THAR), and the maximum

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altitude of lateral moraine (MALM) methods. LGM glacial expansions are chronologically constrained in Mexico, the Merida Andes of Venezuela, the mountains around Bogota, Colombia, and the Ruiz-Tolima massif, Colombia. Undated glacial sites are tentatively correlated to dated sites on the basis of similar moraine morphology and weathering characteristics. LGM ELAs are 3400-3950 m in central Mexico, 3544 m for Guatemala, 3477 ± 13 m for Costa Rica, 4104 ± 197 m for the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, 3480 m for the Ruiz-Tolima region of Colombia, 3345 ± 130 m for the mountains around Bogota, Colombia, 4151 ± 181 m for the Sierra Nevada de Cocuy, Colombia, and 3576 ± 163 m for the Merida Andes of Venezuela. As the modern ELA and/or °C isotherm is found at 4900 ± 200 m, LGM ELA depression in the circum-Caribbean region was between 500 and 1625 m. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2655. Publicación no.: 311 Deforestation and cloud forests in Costa Rica [Deforestación y los bosques nubosos en Costa Rica] / Lawton, Robert O. (University of Alabama in Huntsville. Department of Biological Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35899, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Review (ISSN 1080-644X), v. 9, no. 2, p. 1-8. 2002. Introduction: The Monteverde Forest Reserve in Costa Rica is a cloud forest ecosystem. Cloud forests receive a dependable and prolonged bath in clouds as trade winds push warm, moist air inland. Cloud forests in Central America are biological hotspots; that is, they support an unusual amount of biological diversity. However, deforestation not in Monteverde Reserve itself, but in lowland forests upwind has changed the conditions for cloud formation. Conversion of the lowland forests to pasture has resulted in drier, warmer air flowing into the cloud forests. This is our first indication that land use in tropical lowlands can have adverse effects on adjacent ecosystems. We spoke with Bob Lawton about his work in the cloud forests of Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2248. Publicación no.: 312 The role of dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic nitrogen, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen in a tropical wet forest ecosystem [El papel del carbón orgánico disuelto, el nitrógeno orgánico disuelto y el nitrógeno inorgánico disuelto en un ecosistema de bosque húmedo tropical] / Schwendenmann, Luitgard C; Veldkamp, Edzo. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Silviculture, Department of Tropical Silviculture; Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecosystems (ISSN 1432-9840), v. 8, no. 4, p. 339-351. 2005. Although tropical wet forests play an important role in the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, little is known about the origin, composition, and fate of dissolved organic C (DOC) and N (DON) in these ecosystems. We quantified and characterized fluxes of DOC, DON, and dissolved inorganic N (DIN) in throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution of an old-growth tropical wet forest to assess their contribution to C stabilization (DOC) and to N export (DON and DIN) from this ecosystem. We found that the forest canopy was a major source of DOC (232 kg C ha-¹ y-¹. Dissolved organic C fluxes decreased with soil depth from 277 kg C ha-¹ y-¹ below the litter layer to around 50 kg C kg C ha-¹ y-¹ between 0.75 and 3.5m depth. Laboratory experimentsto quantify biodegradable DOC and DON and to estimate the DOC sorption capacity of the soil, combined with chemical analyses of DOC, revealed that sorption was the dominant process controlling the observed DOC profiles in the soil. This sorption of DOC by the soil matrix has probably led to large soil organic C stores, especially below the rooting zone. Dissolved N fluxes in all strata were dominated by mineral N (mainly NO3(3)(-)). The dominance of NO3- relative to

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the total amount nitrate of N leaching from the soil shows that NO3- is dominant not only in forest ecosystems receiving large anthropogenic nitrogen inputs but also in this old-growth forest ecosystem, which is not N-limited. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2703. Publicación no.: 313 Variation in leaf litter nutrients of a Costa Rican rain forest is related to precipitation [La variación en los nutrimentos de la hojarasca del suelo de un bosque lluvioso costarricense está relacionada con la precipitación] / Wood, Tana E; Lawrence, Deborah A; Clark, Deborah A. (University of Virginia. Department of Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biogeochemistry (ISSN 0168-2563), v. 73, no. 2, p. 417-437. 2005. By assessing current leaf litter nutrient dynamics, we may be able to predict responses of nutrient cycling in tropical ecosystems to future environmental change. The goal of this study was to assess whether nutrient cycling is related to seasonal variation in rainfall in a wet tropical forest. We examined leaf litter of an old-growth tropical rain forest in N.E. Costa Rica over a 4-year period to explore seasonal and inter-annual changes in leaf litter nutrient concentrations, and to evaluate potential short- and long-term drivers of variation in litter nutrient concentration, particularly that of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N). We also examined the temporal dynamics of calcium, potassium, and magnesium in the leaf litter. Leaf litter (P) and %N changed significantly with time, both seasonally and inter-annually. Seasonal changes in leaf litter (P) were strongly positively correlated with rainfall from the previous 2 weeks; cations, however, were inversely related to this measure of current rainfall, while %N was not related to rainfall. We propose that the positive relationship between current rainfall and leaf litter (P) is due to a response by the vegetation to an increase in nutrient availability and uptake. In contrast, given the negative relationship between current rainfall and cation concentrations, leaching from live leaf tissue is a more likely driver of short-term changes in cations. Should global climate change include altered rainfall patterns in this biome, one class of ecosystem-level responses could be significant changes in P and cation cycling. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2698. Publicación no.: 314 Climate change and biodiversity: synercistic impacts [Cambio climático y biodiversidad: impactos sinergísticos] / Hannah, L; Lovejoy, T.E, (eds.). En: Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science; no. 4 Washington, DC: Conservation International, 2003. 123 pp. ISBN: 1-881173-74-7. The chapters of this volume that follow focus on the synergistic and cascading impacts of climate change on biodiversity that occur when multiple factors interact. Researchers are working to understand these compound impacts using numeric computer models, field experimentation, and conceptual models framed by experts in multi-disciplinary assessment. The two chapters of this introductory section explore models and experimental methods that have been applied in research on the impacts of climate change on biotic interactions. Chapter 1 describes synergies and the models that may be used to simulate them. Because the models needed to directly simulate synergies are very complex, however, relatively few synergies have been successfully simulated. Instead, many synergies have been examined in conceptual models, through experimental manipulation, or by combining single-factor models. Chapter 2 explores these more fundamental approaches, which have been used to build understanding of synergies piece by piece. Chapters 1 and 2 lay the groundwork for Chapters 3-12, which draw on the

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methods described here and add others, such as conceptual models of fire or physiological effects of CO2, to paint a provocative, if partial, portrait of the synergistic effects of climate change on biodiversity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2715. Publicación no.: 315 Measuring carbon storage in tropical forests [Midiendo la captura de carbono en los bosques tropicales] / Silver, Whendee L. (University of California. E.S.P.M. Ecosystem Sciences Division, 151 Hilgard Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-3110, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Review (ISSN 1080-644X), v. 11, no. 10, p. 9-16. 2004. Enlace: Introduction: Planting trees on worn out farm or pasture land has been proposed as a way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. Forests or woodlots build wood out of gases such as carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil. Carbon therefore can be stored in wood for a while before it is released back to the air when the wood is burned or decomposed. Reforestation can accomplish several good things at the same time: water purification; recovery of habitat for plants and animals; improvement of local climate conditions, for instance near cloud forests or deserts; and removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Schemes are afoot to start up a carbon market in which people who provide the service of removing carbon from the air will be paid by the people who put it there. Such a market requires some sort of measurement of how much carbon is sequestered by the trees, and for how long. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2719. Publicación no.: 316 Phytogeography of the bryophyte floras of oak forests and paramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica [Fitogeografía de las floras de Briofitas de robledales y el páramo de la Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica] / Holz, Ingo; Gradstein, Stephan Robbert. (Universität Greifswald. Institute of Botany, Grimmer Str 88, D-17487 Greifswald, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Biogeography (ISSN 0305-0270), v. 32, no. 9, p. 1591-1609. 2005. Aim: Central America is a biogeographically interesting area because of its location between the rich and very different biota of North and South America. We aim to assess phytogeographical patterns in the bryophyte floras of oak forests and paramo ofthe Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Location: Tropical America, in particular the montane area of Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. Methods: The analysis is based on a new critical inventory of the montane bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca. All species were assigned to phytogeographical elements on the basis of their currently known distribution. Absolute and percentage similarities were employed to evaluate floristic affinities. Results: A total of 401 species [191 hepatics (liverworts), one hornwort, 209 mosses] are recorded; of these, 251 species (128 hepatics, one hornwort, 122 mosses) occur in oak forests. Ninety-three per cent of all oak forest species are tropical in distribution, the remaining 7% are temperate (4%) and cosmopolitan (3%) species. The neotropical element includes almost 74% of the species, the wide tropical element (pantropical, amphi-atlantic, amphi-pacific) only 19%. A significant part of the neotropical species from oak forests are species with tropical Andean-centred ranges (27%). As compared with bryophyte species, vascular plant genera in the study region are represented by fewer neotropical, more temperate and more amphi-pacific taxa. Bryophyte floras of different microhabitats within the oak forest and epiphytic bryophyte floras on Quercus copeyensis in primary, early secondary and late secondary oak forest show a similar phytogeographical make-up to the total oak forest bryophyte flora. Comparison of oak forest

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and paramo reveals a greater affinity of the paramo bryophyte flora to temperate regions and the great importance of the paramo element in paramo. Surprisingly, oak forests have more Central American endemics than paramo. Main conclusions: (1) Providing first insights into the phytogeographical patterns of the bryophyte flora of oak forests and paramo, we are able to confirm general phytogeographical trends recorded from vascular plant genera of the study area although the latter were more rich in temperate taxa. (2) Andean-centred species are a conspicuous element in the bryophyte flora of Cordillera de Talamanca, reflecting the close historical connection between the montane bryophyte floras of Costa Rica and South America. (3) High percentages of Central American endemics in the bryophyte flora of the oak forests suggest the importance of climatic changes associated with Pleistocene glaciations for allopatric speciation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2786. Publicación no.: 317 Changing bee composition and frequency on a flowering legume, Andira inermis (Wright) Kunth ex DC. during El Niño and La Niña years (1997-1999) in Northwestern Costa Rica [Composición y frecuencia cambiante de abejas en una leguminosa florecida, Andira inermis (Wright) Kunth ex DC. durante los años de El Niño y La Niña (1997-1999) en el noroeste de Costa Rica] / Frankie, Gordon W; Rizzardi, Mark A; Vinson, S. Bradleigh; Griswold, Terry L; Ronchi, P. (University of California. Department of Entomological Sciences, Berkeley, CA 94720, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (ISSN 0022-8567), v. 78, no. 2, p. 100-117. 2005. In 1999, bees were sampled from several flowering individuals of the leguminous tree, Andira inermis (Papilionoideae), at two sites in northwestern Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica. One site, city outskirts of Liberia, was experiencing steady encroachment of human development, whereas the other was a moderately impacted cattle ranch/wildland area near the small town of Bagaces. A standardized method was employed to sample the bees, which had been used previously in 1996 in the same tree populationsat the same two sites (Frankie et al., 1997). Results of the 1999 samples were compared with those taken in 1996 to examine possible changes in bee diversity and abundance. During this three-year period, El Niño and La Niña climatic events had occurred back-to-back, and this combination of weather patterns provided an opportunity to evaluate possible short-term changes in the bee taxa that use A. inermis as one of their preferred host plants. Other bee host plants at both sites were also surveyed for seasonal flowering, the results of which formed a broader context for assessing the A. inermis bee samples. The comparison revealed the following. (1) The composition of bees had changed with reductions in large bees from 1996 to 1999; most noticeably someanthophorids and especially Centris and Epicharis. Africanized honey bees and smaller bee taxa remained about the same in composition and overall abundance. (2) During El Niño and La Niña years from mid 1997 through early 1999, the flowering of key resources for large bees, especially Byrsonima crassifolia, was substantially delayed (and sometimes reduced) to the point where building and provisioning of bee nests was likely reduced, which apparently led to declines in large bee taxa. Other possible causes of decline, including increasing agricultural development in the region, are also discussed. (3) Intertree variation in attraction of bees to A. inermis was documented in both 1999 and 1996, but persistence of this variable attraction on the same individual trees could be only partially evaluated in 1999. The flowering pattern(s) of individual A. inermis trees has proved to be highly variable within and between the two study sites. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3315.

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Publicación no.: 318 Carbon storage in coffee agroecosystems of southern Costa Rica: potential applications for the clean development mechanism [Captura de carbono en agroecosistemas de café en el sur de Costa Rica: aplicaciones potenciales para el mecanismo de desarrollo limpio] / Polzot, C.L. (York University. Faculty of Environmental Studies, Toronto, ON MWJ 1P3, CA). Toronto: York University, 2004. 162 pp. Thesis, M.Sc. in Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Ontario (Canada). Climate change is one of the greatest environmental and economic threats facing the world today. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have increased the level of greenhouse gases - the primary contributors to global warming - in the atmosphere. This accumulation is changing the Earth's weather patterns, resulting in higher global temperatures, rising sea levels and a potential shift in the distribution of the world's ecosystems. There is a growing need to develop strategies that will reduce current levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and curtail future emissions. The Kyoto Protocol represents an international strategy: it establishes emission reduction targets for industrialized countries and incorporates a Clean Development Mechanism for trading carbon credits generated by projects implemented in developing countries. Tree-based land-use systems, such as the shade-grown coffee agroecosystems of southern Costa Rica, sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass. Simultaneously, these agroecosystems provide additional products and services to local residents and reduce pressure on existing forests. Therefore, increasing tree cover in coffee production is a viable option for mitigating climate change that also provides social, economic and ecological benefits. The objective of this study is to generate aboveground carbon-stock inventory data for five coffee production systems in southern Costa Rica, which employ various degrees of structural complexity in their shade layer. The sites include coffee grown with poró (Erythrina poeppigiana), guaba (Inga sp.), banana (Musa spp.), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) and diversified shade (primarily Terminalia amazonia and Cedrela odorata). An advanced secondary-forest site at the Los Cusingos Neotropical Bird Sanctuary is used as a control. The carbon-stock of shade trees, coffee bushes and leaf litter is calculated for each site, and the income that could be generated from a one-time payment for the environmental service provided by shade trees (carbon storage) is estimated. Results indicate the coffee production system that stores the most amount of carbon per hectare in its aboveground biomass is Diversified Shade (31.6 t C ha-¹), employing a variety of shade-tree species in three distinct layers. Conversely, the Inga sp. system - a shaded monoculture with low structural complexity in its shade layer - stores the least carbon (11.0 t C ha-¹). The carbon-stock of the other systems examined falls within this range and varies according to structural complexity, species composition and management practices. This study recommends that the shade layer in coffee agroecosystems be made more complex for increased carbon storage and maintenance of biodiversity, as previous papers suggest. In the case of southern Costa Rica, a carbon sequestration project implemented under the Clean Development Mechanism could provide farmers with an incentive to select management practicesthat favour higher carbon-stocks and biodiversity. Such an endeavour would have social, economic and environmental benefits and would provide an example that could be replicated in other small watersheds of Central America. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2772. Publicación no.: 319 Energy dynamics and modeled evapotranspiration from a wet tropical forest in Costa Rica [Dinámica de la energía y modelo de evapotranspiración de un bosque húmedo tropical en Costa Rica] / Loescher, Henry William; Gholz, H.L; Jacobs, Jennifer M; Oberbauer, Steven F. (Oregon

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State University. Department of Forest Sciences, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Hydrology (ISSN 0022-1694), v. 315, no. 1/4, p. 274-294. 2005. The effects of albedo, net radiation (Rn), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and surface conductances on energy fluxes and evapotranspiration (ET) were determined for a wet tropical forest in NE Costa Rica from 1997 to 2000. Sensible heat fluxes (H) were estimated by the combination of eddy-covariance and the change in below-canopy heat profiles. Above-canopy latent heat fluxes (lambda E) were estimated by the residuals from Rn and H, and below canopy ?E fluxes. Surface reflectance (albedo) was about 12% of incident solar radiation and did not differ seasonally. Rn was significantly different among years and explained about 79% of the variation in H and lambda E fluxes. The effects of VPD did not explain any additional variation in heat fluxes lambda E fluxes were always greater than H fluxes when Rn 40 W m-². Understory heat fluxes were small and contributed little towards daily energy exchange, but may be significant when Rn is small. A dimensionless coefficient (Q) was used to determine the relative importance of aerodynamic conductance (ga) and bulk canopy conductance (gb) on lambda E flux. During the day, Q was 0.6 and peaked at 0.85 suggesting that the forest was decoupled from physiological controls, lambda E fluxes are more dependent on Rn than water availability, and ga exerts more control on AE fluxes than gb. Because of these results, both the Priestly-Taylor and the Penman-Monteith models performed well using only Rn. Because the canopy is wet about 32% of the time, there was better precision in estimating lambda E fluxes using the Priestly-Taylor model (with an empirically estimated alfa=1.24), when the canopy was wet. Annual ET was 1892, 2292 and 2230 mm for 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. Annual ET ranged from 54 to 66% of bulk precipitation. Using a Rutter-type model, interception losses were 17-18% of bulk precipitation. The overall amount of energy needed for annual ET accounted for about 88 to 97% of total Rn. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2758. S10773. Publicación no.: 320 Host country attractiveness for CDM non-sink projects / Jung, M. (Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20347 Hamburg, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Energy Policy (ISSN 0301-4215), v. 34, p. 2173-2184. 2006. Enlace: In the present study, CDM host countries are classified according to their attractiveness for CDM non-sink projects by using cluster analysis. The attractiveness of host countries for CDM non-sink projects is described by three indicators: mitigation potential, institutional CDM capacity and general investment climate. The results suggest that only a small proportion of potential host countries will attract most of the CDM investment. The CDM (non-sink) stars are China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia and Thailand. They are followed by attractive countries like Costa Rica, Trinidad and Tobago, Mongolia, Panama, and Chile. While most of the promising CDM host countries are locatedin Latin America and Asia, the general attractiveness of African host countries is relatively low (with the exception of South Africa). Policy implications of this rather inequitable geographical distribution of CDM project activities are discussed briefly. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2757. Publicación no.: 321 Global gap analysis: towards a representative network of protected areas [Análisis global de omisiones de conservación: hacia una red de áreas protegidas representativa] /

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Rodrigues, A.S.L; Andelman, S.J; Bakarr, M.I; Boitani, L; Brooks, T.M; Cowling, R.M; Fishpool, L.D.C; Fonseca, G.A.B; Gaston, K.J; Hoffman, Michael; Long, J; Marquet, P.A; Pilgrim, J.D; Pressey, R.L; Schipper, Jan; Sechrest, W; Stuart, S.N; Underhill, L.G; Waller, R.W; Watts, M.E.J; Xie, Y. (University of California at Santa Barbara. National Center of Ecology Analysis & Synth, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Washington DC: Conservation International, 2003. 98 pp. (Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science; no. 5). The problem: Increasing human pressure on natural resources is transforming our planet's ecosystems and leading to irreversible biodiversity loss. The opportunity: Governments worldwide acknowledge the value of protected areas as conservation tools, and so set land aside for this purpose. An assessment of the completeness of the current global network of protected areas is a critical tool needed to strategically expand and strengthen the coverage of protected areas. The data: Four remarkable datasets have just become available that allow a first attempt at this assessment. The World Database on Protected Areas holds more than 100,000 spatial records of protected areas. Distribution maps produced through the IUCN Red List partnership now cover 11,171 species: 1,183 globally threatened birds, 4,734 mammals (978 threatened), and 5,254 amphibians (1,467 threatened). The analysis: This project overlaid species distribution maps onto protected area maps using Geographic Information Systems to assess howwell each species is represented in protected areas. Assessment of the highest priority areas for consolidating and expanding the protected area network requires information on irreplaceability and threat. Irreplaceability measures how options for achieving species representation targets are reduced if a site is not conserved. Threat can be calculated as the number of threatened species present at a site, weighting those with higher extinction risk. Sites of exceptional irreplaceability and threat were identified as the most urgent conservation priorities. These include currently protected sites - priorities for strengthening the existing global network of protected areas - and unprotected sites - priorities for the expansion of the global network. Theresults: At least 1,310 species (831 at risk of extinction) are not protected in any part of their ranges. Amphibians, overall, are less well covered than birds or mammals. Areas identified as urgent (both for strengthening and for the expansion of the global network) are mainly concentrated in tropical forests, especially in areas of topographic complexity, and on islands. Proportionally, Asia is a higher priority for the expansion of the global network of protected areas, while the need for strengthening the existing network is mainly emphasized in Africa and South America. The percentage of area already protected in a given country does not inform how much more protection is needed - the level of endemism is a much better predictor. The implications: The current global network of protected areas is far from achieving a complete coverage of vertebrate species. The expansion of the global protected area network cannot be based on area targets (10 percent or otherwise): it must instead be based on biodiversity information. Many unprotected regions are highly irreplaceable and threatened - it is essential to ensure that they are adequately protected as soon as possible. Likewise, many existing protected areas urgently require increased investment. This analysis does not cover aquatic biodiversity, nor address issues of the persistence (only of the representation) of biodiversity. Nevertheless, expanding the global network of protected areas into the regions highlighted as urgent priorities in this global gap analysis would go a long way towards the conservation of bird, mammal, and amphibian species, and provide a first step towards a truly representative protected area system. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2721.

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Publicación no.: 322 El impacto social de los mercados de carbono en Costa Rica: Estudio de campo de la Región Huetar Norte / Miranda-Quirós, Miriam; Porras, Ina T; Moreno-Díaz, Mary Luz. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, P.O. Box 555-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Heredia: Universidad Nacional / CINPE / IIED, 2004. 58 pp. Enlace: In this study the authors assess the impacts of the Payments for Environmental Services scheme in relation to reforestation activities as a source of carbon sinks. One of the aims is to test a methodology based on the five assets approach of the Sustainable Livelihoods framework. The study finds that the PES scheme has had important impacts on financial assets, not so much from the payments themselves, but from the expected income from timber sales. The payments have acted as a catalysing factor for reforestation activities, covering some of the upfront costs. Nevertheless high transaction costs for entering the scheme are noted as an obstacle. There have been important effects on human assets mainly in the form of transfer of knowledge on reforestation through technical assistance as well as learning through trial and error. The PES programme has had important impacts on social organisation encouraging alliances between NGOs and serving as a means to consolidate objectives, capacity and financial resources of some organisations working with groups of small landowners. Natural assets have benefited as the PES programme has contributed to the recovery of forest landscapes in the area. A side benefit of this has been promotion of the local tourist industry. The area of negative impact is for physical assets as the PES has contributed to greater use of existing infrastructure, roads, particularly and has not generated improvements. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2734. Publicación no.: 323 Paying for biodiversity conservation services - Experience in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua [Pago por servicios de conservación de la biodiversidad - Experiencia en Colombia, Costa Rica y Nicaragua] / Pagiola, Stefano; Agostini, P; Gobbi, José Alberto; de Haan, C; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Murgueitio, Enrique; Ramírez, E; Rosales, M; Ruiz, J.P. (World Bank. Department of Environment, 1818 H St Nw, Washington, DC 20433, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected] <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Mountain Research and Development (ISSN 0276-4741), v. 25, no. 3, p. 206-211. 2005. One of the most important reasons for the degradation of biodiversity, in mountain areas and elsewhere, is that the people who make land use decisions often receive few 0 or no benefits from. biodiversity conservation. Understandably, therefore; they generally ignore potential biodiversity benefits 6,0 when choosing land use practices. The end result-is that biodiversity is often lost, as are many other off-site benefits such as the regulation of hydrological flows. Efforts to enhance biodiversity conservation need to take account of the constraints faced by individual land users, who decide what practices to adopt on their land. Over the years, a variety of efforts have been made to boost the profitability of biodiversity-friendly practices for land users. with mixed results. A further approach, which has received increasing attention in recent years, is to provide direct payments for the provision of environmental services such as biodiversity conservation. The simple logic of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) is that compensating land users for the environmental,services a given land use provides, makes them more likely to choose that land use rather than another. The Regional

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Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project, whichis being implemented by the World Bank with financing from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is piloting the use of PES as a means of generating biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration services in watersheds at three sites in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2870. Publicación no.: 324 Forest fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: case studies of Costa Rica and Vancouver Island [Fragmentación del bosque y conservación de la biodiversidad: estudios de caso de Costa Rica y la Isla Vancouver] / Roman, G; Emerson, L; Fairweather, K. , 2001. 134 pp. The conservation of biodiversity is an important responsibility for humanity for economic, aesthetic, ecological, and ethical reasons. Human-caused habitat fragmentation is a major threat to the conservation of biodiversity. We assessed the impacts of forest fragmentation on biodiversity in two widely differing regions: Costa Rica and Vancouver Island. First, we quantified landscape fragmentation patterns in both regions. Subsequently, it was shown how current landscape patterns, such as the representativeness of ecosystem types, sizes of habitat patches, and degree of landscape connectivity, are impacting biodiversity in the two regions. Many of these impacts were species-specific, and were obtained directly from the literature, while others could only be inferred by established generalized rules. One important conclusion is that the impacts of fragmentation on biodiversity may have very extensive effects under rapid climate change scenarios. The future outlook for biodiversity conservation in both regions was also assessed. This was done by first documenting initiatives towards a system of land use compatible with conservation, and subsequently pointing out areas where improvements could be directed. We conclude that both regions studied still have a long way to go before incentives and mechanisms are in place that encourage land use patterns compatible with biodiversity conservation objectives. Creating the transition towards such a system must be a high priority for everyone, and will requiremany changes in styles of resource management, in the attitudes, lifestyles, and consumption patterns of individuals, and in the ways in which businesses go about their operations. The Importance of This Study: The conservation of the Earth's biodiversity is thought by many to be one of the most important and pressing issues of our time. Ordinary citizens, prominent scientists, resource managers, university professors, environmentalists, schoolchildren, and government bureaucrats from all parts of the world are just some of the important groups of people that have acknowledged the importance of saving the earth's biotic wealth. In Canada, a public opinion poll prepared by the Angus Reid Group showed that 94% of Canadians would support Federal Endangered Species Legislation, and that the majority of rural Canadians would be willing to use at least a portion of their privately owned land for endangered species conservation (Canadian Endangered Species Coalition, 2001). Globally, the recognition of the importance of biodiversity conservation is reflected by the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), first presented at the1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, by 168 countries (Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2001). In many regions, the increasing public awareness on the importance of conserving biodiversity is being expressed in many ways. We can note this just from the increased usage of the term 'biodiversity' (despite the fact that it is not commonly fully understood), and also by the increasing referral to biodiversity in the rhetoric of government policies and mandates (see: BC CORE, 1995a; Budowski, 1992). However, although many conservation-oriented activities and programs have been plannedthe widespread recognition of the importance of biological conservation does not necessarily mean that specific actions have been taken to address the root causes of threats to biodiversity. Actual changes in land use and related policies,

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which satisfybiodiversity conservation objectives, are considered by many to be scarce (UNEP, 2000). The reasons for this are complicated, and have a lot to do with the extreme difficulties involved in satisfying multiple objectives in planning. Defining a trajectoryof development that satisfies all environmental, economic, and social objectives may at best be excruciatingly difficult, and at worst may be outright impossible. Therefore, tradeoffs between objectives may often be forced into being during planning activities. Governments, corporations, small businesses, non-government organizations, and public citizens will make these tradeoffs, either consciously or unconsciously, in their daily operations. We need more integration of environmental thinking into decision-making about agriculture, forestry, trade, investment, infrastructure, development and finance (UNEP, 2000). However, the seemingly inconsequential consumption and lifestyle choices of individuals also make a huge difference, as these have a huge cumulative impact on many aspects of society, on the economy, and on the environment. Therefore, decision-making has a dire need for being as fully informed as possible. However, relevant information must be presented in such a manner so as to not become too complicated or to paralyze or blind the decision-maker. Whether decisions are made by a government-run round-table deciding on regional land use planning, corporations deciding where to buy its raw goods, or individuals deciding where to shop for furniture, more informed decision-making at all levels will bring us closer to the realization of satisfying as many developmental objectives that we strive for as possible. If people understand clearly what the consequences of certain actions are, they will likely make decisions that are more consistent with the achievement of the multiple values that they respect. Aims and Goals of This Project: The overarching goal of this paper is to assess the impacts of forest fragmentation on biodiversity. The aims implicit within this goal are: 1. To inform the reader on the level of importance of specific threats to biodiversity. 2. To quantitatively assess the current state of the landscape, with respect to forest fragmentation, in two study regions. 3. To show how the quantified patterns of forest fragmentation across the landscapes affect biodiversity in the two study regions. 4. To discuss the underlying causes of forest fragmentation in the two regions. 5. To compare and contrast the differences in relative threats to the components of biodiversity affected for the two study regions. 6. To show the differences in conservation strategies in "developed" vs. "less developed" regions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1225. Publicación no.: 325 Carbon and nitrogen geochemistry of sediments in the Central American convergent margEn: Insights regarding subduction input fluxes, diagenesis, and paleoproductivity / Li, L; Bebout, G.E. (Lehigh University. Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, 31 Williams Dr, Bethlehem, PA 18015, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 110, no. B11, Article B11202, doi:10.1029/2004JB003276. 2005. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations and isotopic compositions were determined for sediments from Ocean Drilling Program legs 170 and 205 offshore of Costa Rica, in an attempt to characterize C-N flux into the Central America (CA) convergent margin and identify signatures of diagenesis and changing productivity in this sediment section. Samples from sites 1039 and 1253 (outboard of the trench) contain 62 to 2382 ppm total nitrogen (TN) with δ15N (Air) values of +2.4 to +8.5 parts per thousand, 0.04-2.65 wt% total organic carbon (TOC) with δ13C (VPDB) values of -25.4 to -20.8 parts per thousand, and 1.1-87.3 wt% carbonate with delta(13)C values of +0.1 to +3.2 parts per thousand and delta(18)O(VSMOW) values of +21.3 to +34.2 parts per thousand. Total organic C and TN concentrations strongly depend on lithology, with carbonate-rich samples containing smaller amounts of both. Total

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organic C and TN concentrations and isotopic compositions also vary systematically within single units, perhaps reflecting small degrees of diagenetic alteration but mostly significant increase in productivity since the early Pliocene. Sediment subduction feeds 1.3 x 1010 g yr-1 N (mean δ15N = +5.7 parts per thousand), 1.4 x 1011 g yr-1 TOC (mean δ13C = -22.0 parts per thousand) and 1.5 x 1012 g yr-1 oxidized C (mean δ13C = +1.9 parts per thousand) into the 1100 km CA convergent margin. Incorporating possible inputs in altered oceanic crust (AOC) and by tectonic erosion, the C-N inputs appear to be far larger than the arc outputs. A small part of this excess C and N is probably returning toward the surface by devolatilization, along structural heterogeneities in the forearc, and the remaining inventory is likely recycling into the deeper mantle. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3197. Publicación no.: 326 Case of the dwindling cloud forest [El caso del bosque nuboso en disminución] / Holmes, B; Fogden, Michael P.L (phot.); Fogden, Patricia (phot.). (151 Wardour St, London, W1F 8WE, GB <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: International Wildlife (ISSN 0020-9112), v. 30, no. 4, p. 20-27. 2000. Enlace: Something is amiss in Costa Rica's famous foggedin hilltops, and global climate change may be the cause. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3256. Publicación no.: 327 Plant communities, soil microorganisms, and soil carbon cycling: Does altering the world belowground matter to ecosystem functioning? [Comunidades de plantas, microorganismos del suelo y ciclo del carbono del suelo: ¿Altera la materia mundial bajo tierra el funcionamiento del ecosistema?] / Carney, K.M; Matson, Pamela A. (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, POB 28, Edgewater, MD 21037, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecosystems (ISSN 1432 9840), v. 8, no. 8, p. 928-940. 2005. Enlace: Soil microorganisms mediate many critical ecosystem processes. Little is known, however, about the factors that determine soil microbial community composition, and whether microbial community composition influences process rates. Here, we investigated whether aboveground plant diversity affects soil microbial community composition, and whether differences in microbial communities in turn affect ecosystem process rates. Using an experimental system at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, we found that plant diversity (plots contained 1, 3, 5, or 25 plant species) had a significant effect on microbial community composition (as determined by phospholipid fatty acid analysis). The different microbial communities had significantly different respiration responses to 24 labile carbon compounds. We then tested whether these differences in microbial composition and catabolic capabilities were indicative of the ability of distinct microbial communities to decompose different types of litter in a fully factorial laboratory litter transplant experiment. Both microbial biomass and microbial community composition appeared to play a role in litter decomposition rates. Our work suggests, however, that the more important mechanism through which changes in plant diversity affect soil microbial communities and their carbon cycling activities may be through alterations in their abundance rather than their community composition. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3367.

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Publicación no.: 328 The effects of temperature on development and survival in tadpoles of the tropical poison frog Dendrobates auratus [Efectos de la temperatura sobre el desarrollo y sobrevivencia en renacuajos de la rana tropical venenosa Dendrobates auratus] / Korbeck, R.G., Jr; McRobert, S.P. (Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, US). En: Russian Journal of Herpetology (ISSN 1026-2296), v. 12, no. 1, p. 13-16. 2005. We examined the effects of temperature on developmental rate and survival in tadpoles of the poison frog Dendrobates auratus. Tadpoles reared at 26.2 and 29.4°C reached metamorphosis significantly faster, and had significantly higher rates of survival, than tadpoles raised at 22.3 and 30.9°C. Field studies showed that the mean temperature of bodies of water utilized by D. auratus tadpoles in La Suerte, Costa Rica was 26.2°C. Information such as this may aid efforts to maintain and breed tropical frog species in captivity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3365. Publicación no.: 329 Widespread amphibian extinctions from epidemic disease driven by global warming [Amplias extinciones de anfibios por enfermedad epidémica inducida por el calentamiento global] / Pounds, J. Alan; Bustamante, M.R; Coloma, L.A; Consuegra, J.A; Fogden, Michael P.L; Foster, P.N; La Marca, E; Masters, Karen L; Merino-Viteri, A; Puschendorf, Robert; Ron, Santiago R; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Still, C.J; Young, Bruce E. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 439, no. 7073, p. 161-167. 2006. As the Earth warms, many species are likely to disappear, often because of changing disease dynamics. Here we show that a recent mass extinction associated with pathogen outbreaks is tied to global warming. Seventeen years ago, in the mountains of Costa Rica, the Monteverde harlequin frog ( Atelopus sp.) vanished along with the golden toad ( Bufo periglenes). An estimated 67% of the 110 or so species of Atelopus, which are endemic to the American tropics, have met the same fate, and a pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) is implicated. Analysing the timing of losses in relation to changes in sea surface and air temperatures, we conclude with 'very high confidence' (99%, following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) that large-scale warming is a key factor in the disappearances. We propose that temperatures at many highland localities are shifting towards the growth optimum of Batrachochytrium, thus encouraging outbreaks. With climate change promoting infectious disease and eroding biodiversity, the urgency of reducing greenhouse-gas concentrations is now undeniable. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3411. Publicación no.: 330 Feel the heat: Rain forests may slow their growth in warmer world [Sienta el calor: Los bosques lluviosos pueden retardar su crecimiento en un mundo más caluroso] / Perkins, S. En: Science News (ISSN 0036-8423), v. 163, no. 17, p. 260. 2003. Enlace: During a long-term research project in a Central American rain forest, mature trees grew more slowly in warm years than they did in cooler ones. This observation hints that tropical forests may become less

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efficient at removing planet-warming carbon dioxide from the atmosphere if global temperatures continue to rise. From 1984 to 2000, scientists studied the old-growth forest at La Selva, Costa Rica. Annually, the team measured the diameter of all mature trees within a 2 km² area. They found that diameter growth varied significantly from year to year and was related to average daily temperature. The annual tree growth from 1984 to 1986, the coolest interval during the period, averaged 81% greater than the growth tallied during the record hot spell related to the El Niño that began late in 1997. The average daily temperature difference between the two periods was about 1.4°C. Tree growth in the forest was also particularly slow during the El Niño year of 1987, says Deborah A. Clark, a biologist at University of Missouri, St. Louis. Clark and her colleagues report their results in an upcoming Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Looking at global carbon dioxide measurements during the same period, the researchers noticed that quantitiesof the gas attributable to land plants in tropical regions increased during warm years. That phenomenon could stem from typical plant-growth characteristics, the researchers say. Plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients into carbohydrates. When the plants tap into their stores of carbohydrates for chemical energy, however, they return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, just as animals do, in the process called respiration. Although a plant's rate of photosynthesis begins to drop off above a temperature that's characteristic of its species, its rate of respiration continues to rise with increasing temperatures, says Clark. Most of the observed global spikes in carbon dioxide during warm years probably stemmed from the increased respiration of tropical land plants, but some may have been produced by other sources, such as forest fires or agricultural burning, says Stephen C. Piper, a biogeochemist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, Calif., and acoauthor of the team's report. The growth rate of mature trees can be a useful indicator of the climate's effect on the rest of an ecosystem, says David S. Schimel of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. The link that Clark's team discovered between slow growth rates in Costa Rican trees and increases in the atmospheric carbon dioxide traceable to tropical plants is "an innovative result that's hard to argue with," he says. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3283. Publicación no.: 331 Geología, geomorfología y depósitos glaciares en los páramos de Costa Rica / Lachniet, M.S; Seltzer, G.O; Solís, L. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), Apartado 202, Balboa, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Páramos de Costa Rica. Kappelle, M; Horn, S.P. (eds.) Santo Domingo de Heredia: Editorial INBio, 2005. p. 129-146. ISBN: 9968-927-09-0. This article presents a brief summary of the glacial geology and superficial deposits in the Costa Rican páramos, primarily in the Chirripó National Park. As a result of their high elevation, the páramos have experienced strong climate changes duringthe Pleistocene, when mountain glaciers and ice covered the highest peaks around Cerros Chirripó, de la Muerte, and Kámuk. There are various glacial deposits such as subglacial and ablation tills, fluvio-glacial outwash and terraces, kame terraces, and moraines within the ice limit. Outside the ice limit, periglacial deposits like solifluction fans overlay outwash. Freeze-thaw processes have produced blockfields on some peaks and resulted in the fracturing of cobbles and boulders. In addition to these depositional forms, numerous erosive forms typical of mountain glaciation are present. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 581.753.097286 P222.

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Publicación no.: 332 Registros de sedimentos lacustres de la vegetación del Holoceno e historia del fuego en el páramo de Costa Rica / Horn, Sally P; League, B.L. (The University of Tennessee. Department of Geography, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-09251420, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Páramos de Costa Rica. Kappelle, M; Horn, S.P. (eds.) Santo Domingo de Heredia: Editorial INBio, 2005. p. 253-273. ISBN: 9968-927-09-0. We examined pollen, pteridophyte (ferns and fern-allies) spores, and charcoal in a 5.6 m long sediment core from Lago de las Morrenas 1, and charcoal in a 1.1 m long sediment core from Lago Chirripó, to reconstruct postglacial vegetation and fire history in the Chirripó páramo. Lago de las Morrenas 1, the largest lake in the Valle de las Morrenas of Chirripó National Park, is presently surrounded by treeless páramo vegetation and has apparently been so since deglaciation approximately 10,000 radiocarbon years ago. Pollen spectra suggest no pronounced changes in vegetation since ice retreat. Pollen percentages for Poaceae and other páramo taxa decline upward, whereas percentages for certain subalpine, lower montane, and lowland forest taxa increase slightly; these changes may reflect the impact of prehistoric human activity as well as slight upslope migration of forest taxa owing to postglacial climatic warming. Cores from both lakes contain abundant microscopic charcoal (examined on microscope slide as well as macroscopic charcoal (quantified by sieving), indicating that fires set by people are lightning have repeatedly burned the Chirripó páramo. The microscopic charcoal record from Lago Chirripó spans the last 4,000 radiocarbon years and shows peaks in fire activity that generally match peaks in the corresponding section of the Lago de las Morrenas 1 microscopic charcoal record. The uppermost sections of both sediment cores show lower charcoal influx rates than some deeper sections, suggestingthat recent fire recurrence intervals in the Chirripó páramo are not unprecedented. A high-resolution analysis of macroscopic charcoal in contiguous 1-cm intervals of the Lago de las Morrenas 1 core confirms that fires burned within the lake watershed throughout the Holocene, and reveals variations in charcoal influx that mad signal Holocene climate variability. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 581.753.097286 P222. Publicación no.: 333 Distribución, impacto humano y conservación de los páramos neotropicales / Hofstede, R.G.M. (University of Amsterdam. Hugo de Vries Laboratory, Department of Systematics, Evolution and Paleobiology, Kruislaan 318, 1098 SM Amsterdam, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Páramos de Costa Rica. Kappelle, M; Horn, S.P. (eds.) Santo Domingo de Heredia: Editorial INBio, 2005. p. 701-724. ISBN: 9968-927-09-0. An outline of the geographic distribution of the paramos in the Neotropics, the impacts and threats which endanger their future, as well as initiatives aiming at the conservation of this ecosystem are presented. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 581.753.097286 P222. Publicación no.: 334 Climatic unpredictability and parasitism of caterpillars: Implications of global warming [El impredecible climático y el parasitismo de larvas de lepidópteros: consecuencias del calentamiento global] / Stireman, J.O. III; Dyer, Lee A; Janzen, Daniel H; Singer, M.S; Lill, J.L; Marquis, Robert J; Ricklefs, R.E; Gentry, G.L; Hallwachs, Winnie; Coley, Phyllis D; Barone, J.A; Greeney, Harold F; Connahs, Heidi; Barbosa, P; Morais, H.C; Diniz, I.R. (Wright State University. Department of Biological

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Sciences, Dayton, OH 45435, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 0027-8424), v. 102, no. 48, p. 17384-17387. 2005. Enlace: Insect outbreaks are expected to increase in frequency and intensity with projected changes in global climate through direct effects of climate change on insect populations and through disruption of community interactions. Although there is much concern about mean changes in global climate, the impact of climatic variability itself on species interactions has been little explored. Here, we compare caterpillar-parasitoid interactions across a broad gradient of climatic variability and find that the combined data in 15 geographically dispersed databases show a decrease in levels of parasitism as climatic variability increases. The dominant contribution to this pattern by relatively specialized parasitoid wasps suggests that climatic variability impairs the ability of parasitoids to track host populations. Given the important role of parasitoids in regulating insect herbivore populations in natural and managed systems, we predict an increase in the frequency and intensity of herbivore outbreaks through a disruption of enemy-herbivore dynamics as climates become more variable. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-3916. Publicación no.: 335 Climatic impact of land use change on the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor [Impacto climático del cambio de uso de la tierra en el Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano] / Ray, Deepak K. Huntsville, AL: The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2005. 124 pp. ISBN: 0-542-16468-X. Dissertation, Ph.D., The University of Alabama in Huntsville (USA). The proposed Mesoamerican Biological Corridor (MBC) is an ambitious effort to stem and turn back the erosion of biodiversity in one of the world's biologically richest regions. Two broad categories of forests, based on their hydrometeorological dependence, are identified in Mesoamerica: (1) those requiring sufficient dry season rainfall; and (2) those requiring frequent immersion in clouds in the dry season (e.g., cloud forests). In the absence of a high-resolution rainfall data set, a statistical method is used to estimate rainfall from climatological cloud cover and rain gauge rainfall in northern Mesoamerica. Rainfall estimated from this method show deficits 25mm in the peak dry season month of March at several locations when compared to the climatologically occurring rainfall over forests. Numerical modeling analysis shows that future deforestation would lead to spatially widespread decreases in rainfall up to 100 mm at certain locations like those in the Peten region of Guatemala. Even forested corridor regions would suffer rainfall decreases. The data suggests that deforestation is locally intensifying the dry season, so that forest regeneration in some parts of the MBC, particularly in the central Peten of Guatemala, may not result in second-growth forest that is characteristic, but rather in forests more typical of drier conditions. New techniques for cloud forest mapping are developed and tested in Costa Rica that could be potentially useful for cloud forest biogeographers. Numerical modeling studies conducted for the Monteverde cloud forests of Costa Rica show that if the lowland and premontane regions were completely forested, the orographic cloud banks would have intersected the mountains at the lowest elevations, covered the largest land surface area, and remained longest on the ground in the montane regions. Deforestation has decreased the area immersed in orographic clouds in the montane regions by around 5-13% and raised the bases of the orographic cloud deck by about 25-75m in the afternoon. Results show that further deforestation in the lowland and premontane regions

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would lead to around 15% decrease in the cloud forest area immersed in orographic clouds and also raise the bases of the orographic cloud deck by up to 125 m in the afternoon. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5411. Publicación no.: 336 Retention of inorganic nitrogen by epiphytic bryophytes in a tropical montane forest [Retención de nitrógeno inorgánico por parte de Briofitas epífitas en una bosque tropical montano] / Clark, Kenneth L; Nadkarni, Nalini M; Gholz, H.L. (US Forest Service. Silas Little Experiment Forest, No Global Change Program, 501 4 Mile Rd, New Lisbon, NJ 08064, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 37, no. 3, p. 328-336. 2005. We developed and evaluated a model of the canopy of a tropical montane forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica, to estimate inorganic nitrogen (N) retention by epiphytes from atmospheric deposition. We first estimated net retention of inorganic N by samples of epiphytic bryophytes, epiphyte assemblages, vascular epiphyte foliage, and host tree foliage that we exposed to cloud water and precipitation solutions. Results were then scaled up to the ecosystem level using a multilayered model of the canopy derived from measurements of forest structure and epiphyte mass. The model was driven with hourly meteorological and event based atmospheric deposition data, and model predictions were evaluated against measurements of throughfall collected at the site. Model predictions were similar to field measurements for both event based and annual hydrologic and inorganic N fluxes in throughfall. Simulation of individual events indicated that epiphytic bryophytes and epiphyte assemblages retained 33-67 percent of the inorganic N deposited in cloud water and precipitation. On an annual basis, the model predicted that epiphytic components retained 3.4 kg N ha/yr, equivalent to 50 percent of the inorganic N in atmospheric deposition (6.8 kg N ha/yr). Our results indicate that epiphytic bryophytes play a major role in N retention and cycling in this canopy by transforming highly mobile inorganic N (ca. 50% of atmospheric deposition is NO3 ) to less mobile (exchangeable NH4+) and recalcitrant forms in biomass and remaining litter and humus. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4096. Publicación no.: 337 Responses of natural communities to climate change in a highland tropical forest [Respuestas de comunidades naturales al cambio climático en un bosque tropical de altura] / Pounds, J. Alan; Fogden, Michael P.L; Masters, Karen L. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Climate change and biodiversity. Lovejoy, T.E; Hannah, L. [eds.] New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2005. p. 70-74. ISBN: 0300104251. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: 577.2222 L897c. Publicación no.: 338 Rainforests: Carbon sink or carbon source? Could tropical forests soon contribute to global warming? [Bosques lluviosos: ¿almacenadores de carbono o fuente de carbono? ¿Podrían pronto contribuir los bosques tropicales al calentamiento global?] / Rosner, H. En: Seed [electronic magazine from], Apr./May, p. 59-67. 2006. Everything you thought you knew about the rainforest may soon prove completely wrong In a remote portion of Costa Rican jungle, a team of ecologists is measuring every known quantity about tropical forests-every piece of gunk that falls to the ground, every wisp of carbon that rises to the sky, how much

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air goes into the soil, what the bugs are eating. And they're finding that as the temperature rises from global warming, the rainforest-long thought to be a repository of greenhouse gas-grows more slowly. This discovery, and the data they've collected since making it, indicate that if the rainforest's temperature crosses a certain as-yet unknown threshold, there's a very good chance the trees will begin to decay, emitting carbon instead of storing it. And we all know what that means. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4090. Publicación no.: 339 Almacenamiento, fijación de carbono y valoración de servicios ambientales en sistemas agroforestales en Costa Rica [Carbon storage and fixation, and valuation of environmental services in agroforestry systems in Costa Rica] / Avila-Vargas, G; Jiménez-Otárola, Francisco; Beer, John W; Gómez-Flores, Manuel; Ibrahim, Muhammad A. (CATIE. Sistemas Agroforestales y Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), v. 8, no. 30, p. 1-4. 2001. Enlace: Carbon storage and fixation were studied En: 1) agroforestry systems of Coffea arabica (coffee) associated with Eucalyptus deglupta (eucalyptus) aged four, six or eight years, C. arabica associated with Erythrina poeppigiana (mountain immortelle) and Brachiaria brizantha (brachiaria) pasture associated with Acacia mangium (mangium) or with E . deglupta; and in 2) monocultures of coffee, B. brizantha or Ischaemun indicum (ratana) pasture in full sun. More than 89% of the C stored in the systems was soil C. Carbon fixation in the trees was between 0.4 and 2.2 t ha-1 year-1. The contribution of the tree component to the total C stored by the system varied from 1%, for six year old eucalyptus in coffee, to 7% for mangium in brachiaria pastures. In Costa Rica, the amount presently paid for the environmental service of C storage (US$ 10-13 ha-1) is inadequate to have a significant impact on land use. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4175. Publicación no.: 340 The dynamics of deforestation and the supply of carbon sequestration: illustrative results from Costa Rica [La dinámica de la deforestación y el suministro de la captura de carbono: resultados ilustrativos de Costa Rica] / Kerr, Suzi; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo. (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 19 Milne Terrace, Island Bay, Wellington, NZ <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment for growth in Central America: environmental management for sustainability and competitiveness. Panayotou, T. (ed.) Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Press, 2001. 20 pp. (Harvard Studies in International Development Series). ISBN: 0674003594. Introduction: This chapter aims to contribute to the effective design of the rules that could allow lowcost carbon sequestration efforts in any number of tropical locations to replace high-cost emissions-reduction efforts in developed northern countries.2 The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol could potentially create such a market. This market could provide benefits for the tropical countries both directly, through profits from the sale of certified emissions credits (CERs), and indirectly, through side-benefits from forest protection, including biodiversity protection, watershed protection, and increased tourism potential. Creating the rules for such a market, however, involves considerable fixed costs. Participating in the market involves large costs on the part of the countries producing CERs. Can the market generate sufficient supply of CERs to justify the costs of its creation?

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What will the effect be of including tropical carbon sequestration on the global carbon price?The integrated analysis in this paper provides an illustration of a methodology that can be used to estimate the potential value of CERs from the protection of existing forest, and form a dynamic supply function. The model can also indicate which local characteristics are likely to contribute to high values from participation in the land-use component of the CDM. We use data from Costa Rica to estimate the model and simulate results. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4075. Publicación no.: 341 How can carbon sequestration in tropical forests be rewarded? Evidence from Costa Rica [¿Cómo puede premiarse la captura del carbono en bosques tropicales? Testimonio de Costa Rica] / Kerr, Suzi; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Boscolo, M. (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 19 Milne Terrace, Island Bay, Wellington, NZ <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment for growth in Central America: environmental management for sustainability and competitiveness. Panayotou, T. (ed.) Cambridge, MA: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Press, 2001. 40 pp. (Harvard Studies in International Development Series). ISBN: 0674003594. Introduction: As empirical evidence that human activities are affecting the global climate increases, so do efforts to identify and evaluate climate mitigation and adaptation options. Forest managers and policy makers around the world are increasingly participating in and following such efforts, since forestry activities (e.g., reforestation, slowing deforestation, or improved forest management) could in principle play an important role within the set of climate-change mitigation strategies. According to the last IPCC assessment (Watson et al. 1996), initiatives to slow deforestation, promote natural forest regeneration and create a global forestation program (plantations and agroforestry) have the potential to offset 12-15 percent of global fossil fuel carbon emissions from 1995 and 2050. More than two-thirds of such opportunities exist in the tropics. While the magnitude of these numbers indicates a potential role for land- and forestry-based projects as carbon sinks, questions have been raised over the feasibility of such projects as mitigation strategies, especially in developing countries. These questions stem from concerns about environmental integrity reflected in the requirements of Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol, which clarifies the potential role of developing countries in climate-change mitigation. Their key role comes within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).2 Developing countries can contribute carbon offsets through the CDM only if these offsets are "additional" to what would have happened in the absence of the initiative, are real and long-term, and can be accurately measured, monitored, and verified. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4076. Publicación no.: 342 Tropical forest dynamics and climate change [Dinámica del bosque tropical y cambio del clima] / Locatelli, Bruno; Karsenty, A. (CIRAD-Foret-CATIE, Global Change Group, Apdo 2, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Beyond tropical deforestation: from tropical deforestation to forest cover dynamics and forest development. Babin, D. (ed.) Paris: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2004. p. 97-120. ISBN: 9231039415. This paper discusses the inclusion of tropical carbon sinks in the fight against climatic change. The possible impact of the Kyoto Protocol on tropical forest dynamics is also presented. Localización: No disponible.

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Publicación no.: 343 Carbon storage in shade-grown coffee agroecosystems of southern Costa Rica: potential applications for the Clean Development Mechanism [Captura de carbono en agroecosistemas de cafetales bajo sombra en el sur de Costa Rica: aplicaciones potenciales para el Mecanismo de Desarrollo en Limpio] / Polzot, C.L. (York University. Faculty of Environmental Studies, Toronto, ON MWJ 1P3, CA). Toronto: York University, 2004. 162 pp. Thesis, M.E.S., York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Toronto, ON (Canada). Climate change is one of the greatest environmental and economic threats facing the world today. Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests, have increased the level of greenhouse gases - the primary contributors to global warming - in the atmosphere. This accumulation is changing the Earth's weather patterns, resulting in higher global temperatures, rising sea levels and a potential shift in the distribution of the world's ecosystems. There is a growing need to develop strategies that will reduce current levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and curtail future emissions. The Kyoto Protocol represents an international strategy: it establishes emission reduction targets for industrialized countries and incorporates a Clean Development Mechanism for trading carbon credits generated by projects implemented in developing countries. Tree-based land-use systems, such as the shade-grown coffee agroecosystems of southern Costa Rica, sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in their biomass. Simultaneously, these agroecosystems provide additional products and services to local residents and reduce pressure on existing forests. Therefore, increasing tree cover in coffee production is a viable option for mitigating climate change that also provides social, economic and ecological benefits. The objective of this study is to generate aboveground carbon-stock inventory data for five coffee production systems in southern Costa Rica, which employ various degrees of structural complexity in their shade layer. The sites include coffee grown with poró (Erythrina poeppigiana), guaba (Inga sp.), banana (Musa spp.), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) and diversified shade (primarily Terminalia amazonia and Cedrela odorata). An advanced secondary-forest site at the Los Cusingos Neotropical Bird Sanctuary is used as a control. The carbon-stock of shade trees, coffee bushes and leaf litter is calculated for each site, and the income that could be generated from a one-time payment for the environmental service provided by shade trees (carbon storage) is estimated. Results indicate the coffee production system that stores the most amount of carbon per hectare in its aboveground biomass is Diversified Shade (31.6 t C ha-¹), employing a variety of shade-tree species in three distinct layers. Conversely, the Inga sp. system - a shaded monoculture with low structural complexity in its shade layer - stores the least carbon (11.0 t C ha-¹). The carbon-stock of the other systems examined falls within this range and varies according to structural complexity, species composition and management practices. This study recommends that the shade layer in coffee agroecosystems be made more complex for increased carbon storage and maintenance of biodiversity, as previous papers suggest. In the case of southern Costa Rica, a carbon sequestration project implemented under the Clean Development Mechanism could provide farmers with an incentive to select management practicesthat favour higher carbon-stocks and biodiversity. Such an endeavour would have social, economic and environmental benefits and would provide an example that could be replicated in other small watersheds of Central America. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 344 Foraminifera and coccolithophorid assemblage changes in the Panama Basin during the last deglaciation: Response to sea-surface productivity induced by a transient climate

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change [Cambios en el conjunto de foraminíferos y coccolitofóridos en la Cuenca de Panamá durante la última glaciación: Respuesta a la productividad de la superficie del mar inducida por un cambio climático transitorio] / Martínez, I; Rincón, D; Yokoyama, Y; Barrows, T. (Universidad Eafit. Departamento de Geología, Area de Ciencias del Mar, Medellín 3300, CO <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (ISSN 0031-0182), v. 234, no. 1, p. 114-126. 2006. The responses of community assemblages of planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and coccolithophorids to transient climate change are explored for the uppermost 2 m of cores ODP677B (1.2° N; 83.74° W, 3461 m) and TR163-38 (1.34° S; 81.58° W, 2200 m),for the last similar to 40 ka. Results suggest that the deglaciation interval was a time of increased productivity and a major reorganization of planktonic trophic webs. The succession in dominance between the planktonic foraminifera species Globorotaliainflata, Globigerina bulloides, and Neogloboquadrina pachyderma denote four periods of oceanographic change: (1) advection (24-20 ka), (2) strong upwelling (20-15 ka), (3) weak upwelling (14-8 ka) and (4) oligotrophy (8 ka to present). Strong upwelling for the deglaciation interval is supported by the low Florisphaera profunda/other coccolithophorids ratio and the high percentage abundance of Gephyrocapsa oceanica. Benthonic foraminifera assemblage changes are different in both cores and suggest significant regional variations in surface productivity and/or oxygen content at the seafloor, and a decoupling between surface productivity and export production to the seafloor. This decoupling is evidenced by the inverse relationship between the percentage abundance of infaunal benthonic foraminifera and the percentage abundance of N. pachydermia. The terrigenous input of the Colombian Pacific rivers, particularly the San Juan River, is suggested as a possible mechanism. Finally, the Globorotalia cultratal Neogloboquadrina dutertrei ratio is used to reconstruct the past influence of the Costa Rica Dome-Panama Bight and cold tongue upwelling systems in the Panama Basin. A northern influence is suggested for the late Holocene (after 5 ka) and the last glacial (before 20 ka), whereas a southern influence is suggested for the 20-5 ka interval. There is a correspondence between our reconstructed northern and southern influences and previously proposed positions of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4668. Publicación no.: 345 Economic returns from the biosphere [Ingresos económicos de la biosfera] / Chichilnisky, G; Heal, G. (Columbia University. Earth Institute, 535 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027-6902, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 391, p. 629-630. 1998. Industrial companies and environmentalists are traditional opponents. But conflict may not be necessary: there is money to be made in projects that embrace environmental goals. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5212. Publicación no.: 346 Golden toads, null models, and climate change [Sapos dorados, los modelos nulos y el cambio climático] / Pounds, J. Alan. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Froglog [Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force] (ISSN 1026-0269), no. 23, August, 2 pp. 1997.

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A decade after the 1987 population collapse that led to the disappearance of the endemic golden toad (Bufo periglenes), amphibians in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica's Cordillera de Tilaran show little sign of recovery. Twenty species of frogs and toads (40% of the anuran fauna) have been missing from a 30 km2 study area throughout the 1990s (Pounds et al., in press). In the debate over the significance of amphibian declines in undisturbed highland areas, arguments have hinged on standards of scientific proof and the absence of long-term demographic data for most species. Long-term data are essential to judge whether a particular population is in decline. Diverse tropical faunas, however, afford an approach that does not rely on these data. My co-workers and I asked whether the observed number of disappearances exceeds that expected for naturally fluctuating populations (Pounds et al., in press). To formulate null models that estimate the expected number of disappearances, we examined long-term studies of other amphibian assemblages. We chose studies that were conducted on spatial scales appropriate for comparison with Monteverde and that illustrated how unstable populations can be. From these studies, we estimated the probability that a single species would disappear in response to a natural disturbance such as a drought. Substituting this value in a binomial distribution, we calculated the likelihood that a particular number of species would disappear simultaneously. In light of the resultant probability distributions, the declines at Monteverde appear to go well beyond natural fluctuations. Even when we doubled our initial probability estimate, our conclusions were the same. We believe that the results confirm the naturalist's intuition; it is indeed extraordinary that so many populations would crash and disappear. A comparison with breeding birds in the same area puts the loss of anuran diversity in perspective (Pounds et al., in press). The relative frequency of absences for frogs and toads was much greater than that for breeding birds in general. It was similar to that for invasive open-country birds whose habitats had largely reverted from farmland to forest after being annexed to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Amphibian habitats, however, seemed unchanged. Climate may have been a key factor in the declines (Pounds, in press). Although there is growing evidence that epidemic disease has been an important proximate cause of mortality, different pathogens have been implicated in declines on different continents. The patterns suggest the existence of a common denominator, and global warming could fill this role through various mechanisms. At Monteverde, there is a strong 24-year trend toward more severe dry seasons. Previousanalyses suggested that climate had played a role in the 1987 crash (Pounds and Crump 1994). They did not reveal major trends, however, because they focused on monthly and annual data rather than day-to-day patterns. Variability of daily precipitation has increased, leading to drier extremes, without affecting monthly or yearly averages. Days with no measurable precipitation have become more frequent and have increasingly coalesced into dry periods. The patterns suggest a change in the advective processes that account for most precipitation during the dry season. As moisture-laden trade winds meet the windward (Caribbean) slope of the cordillera and flow upward, they cool adiabatically, producing a large orographic cloud bank. I hypothesize that atmospheric warming has raised the mean height at which condensation begins and thereby has increased the average altitude at the base of this cloud bank. Because higher clouds may pass over the cordillera with reduced turbulence and drag, they may be less likely to produce low-intensity precipitation (mist) before dissipating on the leeward (Pacific) side. Local temperature trends, viewed in relation to the modulating effects of clouds, are consistent with global warming and this condensation-height model. Biological patterns also follow the model's predictions. Many premontane breeding bird species have invaded lower-montane habitats, whereas some lower-montane species have retreated up the mountain slopes. In multiple regression analyses, patterns of daily precipitation during the dry season account for most of the year-to-year variation in the rate of invasion by

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premontane bird species. The same patterns are strongly correlated with abundance in highland populations of anoline lizards that have declined and disappeared. For both climate and biological responses, fluctuations in sea-surface temperature (i.e. the signal of El Nino) account for much of the variation superimposed on the long-term trends. The most extreme patterns of daily precipitation were associated with the 1986-87 warm episode, which immediately preceded the collapse of amphibian populations. The condensation-height model and evidence for it are summarized in an overview of the biology of Monteverde's amphibians and reptiles in relation to the declines (Pounds, in press). Supporting data and analyses are in a forthcoming paper (A. Pounds, M. Fogden, and J. Campbell, unpubl.), which will be presented in the BirdLife International/WWF workshop "Impacts of Climate Change on Flora and Fauna" in September at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. Global warming is an important threat to highland biological communities. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve announces the formation of the Monteverde Climate Panel, an interdisciplinary group that will focus on this problem. We also announce completion of the Golden Toad Laboratory for Conservation (GTLC), devoted to research, applied conservation, and education. Details will be given in a future issue of Froglog. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10786. NBINA-4494. Publicación no.: 347 Laboratory production of vouchered reference charcoal from small wood samples and non-woody plant tissues / Orvis, K.H; Lane, Chad s; Horn, Sally P. (The University of Tennessee. Department of Geography, 304 Burchfiel Geography Building, Knoxville, TN 37996-09251420, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Palynology (ISSN 0191-6122), v. 29, p. 1-11. 2005. Enlace: Taxonomic identification of small fragments of burned plant tissue in lake sediment profiles can enhance reconstructions of past vegetation, fire regimes, and climate. Vouchered reference collections of charcoal prepared from both soft and woody plant tissues, analogous to modem pollen reference collections, will be required for making rigorous identifications and for knowing the level of certainty achieved. Published methods of laboratory production of charcoal may only poorly mimic pyrolysis as itoccurs in wildfires, and tend to require large volumes of plant material. We present a method for preparing reference charcoal from dried plant specimens that is simple, provides a high degree of control, yet requires only small tissue samples. Based on results of a series of experiments, we recommend placing dried samples in 25 cm(3) perforated-base porcelain Gooch filtering crucibles, surrounded by 250-500 mu m sand; saturating the sand with water and draining; and placing for eight to nine minutes ina furnace heated to 550 degrees C. The wet sand delays heating so that temperature rise is steep. Pyrolysis is brief and occurs under hypoxic conditions due to temporary oxygen flushing by water vapor. Using our method we achieved excellent results on both woody and soft tissues from a variety of plant taxa. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4686. Publicación no.: 348 Squandering paradise? The importance and vulnerability of the world's protected areas [¿Despilfarro del paraíso? La importancia y vulnerabilidad de las áreas protegidas del mundo] / Carey, C; Dudley, N; Stolton, S. Gland: WWF-World Wide Fund For Nature, 2000. 233 pp. Enlace:

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Protected areas are a vital component of any conservation strategy and also serve a host of other social, cultural and economic needs. Yet the quality of many protected areas is currently declining as a result of an onslaught of threats and pressures. Many more remain insecure and their long-term future in uncertain. This report explains why protected areas are important, looks at the trends and nature of the threats facing them and makes some predictions about the likelihood of losses. It is illustrated with a range of specially prepared case studies and examples. It ends with some proposals and a call for action in the lead-up to the World Parks Congress in 2002. Protected areas are the cornerstones of all national and regional conservation strategies. They act as refuges for those species that cannot survive in managed landscapes and as areas where natural ecological processes can continue unhampered by human interference. They are a vital resource for continuation of natural evolution and, in many parts of the world, for future ecological restoration. Human beings benefit directly from the genetic potential contained in the world's plants and animal species, a significant proportion of which are currently at risk. Most people also believe that we have an ethical obligation to prevent extinctions caused as a result of our own actions. Protected areas also play a number of key social and economic roles. Many indigenous and local peoples are given vital protection by protected areas, where theycan continue traditional lifestyles that are now often impossible elsewhere. A disproportionate amount of the world's drinking water comes from areas where natural forest has been preserved and protected areas also help to maintain healthy rivers systemsand smooth out the impacts of floods and soil erosion. Marine protected areas maintain coastal fisheries and in consequence are often supported by neighbouring communities. National parks and nature reserves are important 'green lungs', providing space for people to relax, practice sports and experience nature and wilderness. They help to protect traditional cultural and spiritual values. In many countries, key national parks are regarded as part of the nation's 'ecological heritage areas' as important as, say, Chartres cathedral or the Taj Mahal. There is an assumption that once a protected area has been identified and declared, its values will be preserved. Sadly, this is not necessarily the case. The quality of protected areas and associated biological diversity can suffer in many ways, ranging from the removal of key species (such as poaching of elephants or great apes) through various types of more general ecological damage to, in extreme cases, almost total destruction. Even if protected areas themselves remain relatively intact, they can be badly affected as a result of isolation and fragmentation if land use in surrounding areas changes dramatically. The report identifies a wide range of threats, from the impacts of human settlement and illegal hunting and fishing through to more complex impacts such as air pollution and climate change. Three general trends can be identified. First, problems seldom come singly. If a protected area is under threat it is likely to be facing a whole range of different threats; it is quite unusual for a protected area to be perfectly secure except for one overwhelming problem. (There are rare exceptions, such as when a previously well-managed national park is subjected to mining or oil drilling). Secondly, protected areas only work in the long-term if they have the support of the people who live inside them or around them. The notion of a protected area as a pristine, empty wilderness is a myth in most places. Protected areas contain human populations - many belonging to communities resident for hundreds or even thousands of years. These communities need to agree with and participate in the management of the protected area. Third, many problems are beyond the control of individual protected area managers and their staff: a few poorly funded conservation personnel cannot address threats from pollution, drainage, highly organised poaching operations or war. Indeed, the underlying causes of the threats ? including such pervasive issues as poverty, over-consumption by a minority and the breakdown of the rule of law - are often far more

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significant than the concrete actions that actually do the damage within a national park or wilderness area. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4506. Publicación no.: 349 High-resolution airborne profiles of CH4, O3, and water vapor near tropical Central America in late January to early February 2004 / Richard, E.C; Tuck, A.F; Aikin, K.C; Kelly, K.K; Herman, R.L; Troy, Robert Francis; Hovde, S.J; Rosenlof, K.H; Thompson, T.L; Ray, E.A. (University of Colorado. Atmospheric & Space Physics Laboratory, 1234 Innovat Dr, Boulder, CO 80303, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0747-7309), v. 111, no. D13, AR D13304. 2006. Enlace: [1] High-resolution (1 Hz at true airspeeds near 200 m s(-1)) observations of methane, ozone, water vapor, and temperature taken between the surface and 18 km from the WB57F aircraft near San José, Costa Rica (10 °N, 84 °W), are used to examine processes influencing the maintenance of these profiles. There was a clearly defined thermal tropopause on each of the eight profiles, accompanied by structure on methane-ozone scatterplots on the five profiles having methane observations. There was a well-defined decrease in methane mixing ratio between approximately 12 and 15 km in each of these five profiles, 2 - 5 km beneath the thermal tropopause, correlated with sharp changes in water vapor and equivalent potential temperature. The methane observations are interpreted as meaning that air is recirculated between the lower stratosphere and the upper tropical troposphere. At the point on each vertical profile where the water vapor had its minimum value, the air was never saturated or apparently supersaturated, although apparent supersaturation with respect to ice was observed in vertically extensive, near-adiabatic layers with tops some 200 - 300 m below the water vapor minimum on all profiles. One of the profiles also exhibited apparent supersaturation above its water vapor minimum, near 18 km. We examine the decrease in water vapor to minimal values as a four-stage process in which its mixing ratio was lowered from similar to 10 to similar to 3 ppmv, consider the role of solar and thermal evaporation of the smaller ice particles in the final stage of the dehydration process, and correlate features separating near-adiabatic layers above 150 hPa pressure altitude with local sea surface temperatures. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4687. Publicación no.: 350 Paying for biodiversity conservation services in agricultural landscapes [Pago por los servicios de conservación de la biodiversidad en paisajes agrícolas] / Pagiola, Stefano; Agostini, P; Gobbi, José Alberto; de Haan, C; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Murgueitio, Enrique; Ramírez, E; Rosales, M; Ruiz, J.P. (World Bank. Department of Environment, 1818 H St Nw, Washington, DC 20433, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected] <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: enriq). Washington, D.C: World Bank, 2004. 33 pp. (Environment Department Paper; no. 96). Enlace: Adoption of improved silvopastoral practices in degraded pasture areas is thought to provide valuable local and global environmental benefits, including biodiversity conservation, However, these practices are insufficiently attractive to individual land users for them to adopt them spontaneously, particularly due to their high initial costs. This paper describes the contract mechanism developed for the Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Ecosystem Management Project, which is being implemented with financing

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from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The project is testing the use of the payment-for-service mechanism to encourage the adoption of silvopastoral practices in three countries of Central and South America: Colombia, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. The project has created a mechanism that pays land users for the global environmental services they are generating, so that the additional income stream makes the proposed practices privately profitable. Designing the mechanism required addressing issues such as (1) measuring the actual amount of environmental services being provided, so that appropriate payments can be made; (2) providing payments in a way that resulted in the desired change in land use; and (3) avoiding the creation of perverse incentives (for example, for land users to cut down existing trees so as to qualify for additional payments for tree planting). Two variants of the proposed payment mechanism are being tested, with participating land users assigned randomly to one or the other. The project also includes extensive monitoring of the effectiveness of each mechanism in stimulating adoption of the proposed measures and of the resulting impact on environmental services and on household welfare. These features, together with the three-country approach, will provide in the coming years a very rich dataset for testing the use of contract mechanisms for biodiversity conservation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4467. Publicación no.: 351 Long-term CO2 production from deeply weathered soils of a tropical rain forest: evidence for a potential positive feedback to climate warming [Producción a largo plazo de CO2 de suelos profundamente mineralizados de una selva lluviosa tropical: evidencia para una regeneración positiva potencial al calentamiento climático] / Schwendenmann, Luitgard C; Veldkamp, Edzo. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Silviculture, Department of Tropical Silviculture; Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 12, no. 10, p. 1878-1893. 2006. Currently, it is unknown what role tropical forest soils will play in the future global carbon cycle under higher temperatures. Many tropical forests grow on deeply weathered soils and although it is generally accepted that soil carbon decomposition increases with higher temperatures, it is not known whether subsurface carbon pools are particularly responsive to increasing soil temperatures. Carbon dioxide (CO2) diffusing out of soils is an important flux in the global carbon. Although soil CO2 efflux has been the subject of many studies in recent years, it remains difficult to deduct controls of this flux because of the different sources that produce CO2 and because potential environmental controls like soil temperature and soil moisture often covary. Here, we report results of a 5-year study in which we measured soil CO2 production on two deeply weathered soil types at different depths in an old-growth tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Three sites were developed on old river terraces (old alluvium) and the other three were developed on old lava flows (residual). Annual soil CO2 efflux varied between 2.8’3.6 lmol CO2-Cm2 s-1 (old alluvium) and 3.4-3.9 lmol CO2-C m2 s-1 (residual). More than 75% of the CO2 was produced in the upper 0.5m (including litter layer) and less than 7% originated from the soil below 1m depth. This low contribution was explained by the lack of water stress in this tropical wet forest which has resulted in very low root biomass below 2m depth. In the top 0.5m CO2 production was positively correlated with both temperature and soil moisture; between 0.6 and 2m depth CO2 production correlated negatively with soil moisture in one soil and positively with photosynthetically active radiation in the other soil type. Below 2m soil CO2 production strongly increased with increasing temperature. In combination with reduced tree growth that has been shown for this ecosystem, this would be a strong positive feedback to ecosystem warming.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4640. Publicación no.: 352 Lowland tree loss threatens cloud forests - Science News of the week - deforestation in Costa Rica affecting the environment [La pérdida de árboles de las tierras bajas amenaza a los bosques nubosos - Noticias de ciencia de la semana - la deforestación en Costa Rica que afecta el ambiente] / Perkins, S. En: Science News (ISSN 0036-8423), v. 160, no. 16, p. 245. 2001. Enlace: Changes in regional climate brought about by large-scale deforestation in the eastern lowlands of Central America are affecting weather downwind in the mountains, imperiling ecosystems there. Satellite photos of the lowlands in the dry season show that clouds are absent or sparse over deforested areas but are thicker over the forests of neighboring Nicaragua. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4589. Publicación no.: 353 Tree growth, mortality, physical condition, and microsite in old-growth lowland tropical rain forest [Crecimiento del árbol, mortalidad, condición física y micrositio en un viejo bosque tropical lluvioso de tierras bajas] / Clark, David B; Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies, Interlink 341, P.O. Box 02-5635, Miami, FL 33102, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 87, no. 8, p. 2132. 2006. Tree species richness in tropical rain forest typically exceeds several hundred species over mesoscale landscapes. There is no generally accepted ecological theory that accounts for the coexistence of so many species with the same general morphologies and the same basic requirements of light, nutrients, water, and physical space. In part, this lack of theory rests on the lack of understanding of the post-establishment ecology for the vast majority of tropical tree species. Of even more immediate concern is the lack of data on tree performance in relation to climate; such data are critical to project effects of global climate change on tropical forests. Here we present data from a project designed to examine the post-establishment ecology of 10 species of tropical wet forest trees selected to span a range of predicted life history patter ns. The study site was terra firme old-growth tropical wet forest at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Particular emphasis has been placed on evaluating the precision of measurements, metadata development, and annual measurements of all individuals. Because the climates of all forest environments show significant interannual variation, the annual time interval is a powerful scale at which to study therelation of tree performance to climate variation. It is also a temporal interval that captures the scale of microhabitat variations and the responses of trees to this variation in tropical rain forest. We present data on survivorship, growth, and microhabitat for 3381 individuals from 50 cm tall to canopy-level individuals measured annually between 1983 and 2000 (the study is ongoing and complete through 2005), thus adding seven years? data and the dominant canopy species at La Selva to the data set we published in 2000. The data set is unique in its scope (number of years of continuous annual measurements, number of monitored individuals) as well as in the degree of metadata documentation and unrestricted access to the raw data. The data have been used to study life history patterns, relations with microhabitats including edaphic factors and crown light environments, relations among ecophysiology, morphology, and performance, and the relation of tree performance to climate variation both at local and global scales. The data have also been used in a diversity of remote sensing studies.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4664. Publicación no.: 354 Growth, productivity, aboveground biomass, and carbon sequestration of pure and mixed native tree plantations in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica [Crecimiento, productividad, biomasa aérea y captura de carbono de plantaciones forestales puras y en mezcla de árboles nativos en las tierras bajas del Caribe de Costa Rica] / Redondo-Brenes, Alvaro; Montagnini, Florencia. (Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 232, no. 1/3, p. 168-178. 2006. In Costa Rica, reforestation programs with indigenous tree species area recent activity. Information is still scarce on long-term species performance and silvicultural management to ensure the success of tree plantings, especially for mixed stands. This study aims to estimate growth, aboveground biomass, and carbon sequestration of nine native tree species growing in mixed and pure plantings. The study was carried out at La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. More than a half of the tree species studied (e.g. Calophyllum brasiliense, Jacaranda copaia, Terminalia amazonia, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Vochysia ferruginea, Balizia elegans) are distributed from Mexico-Guatemala to South America and a few have more limited distribution in Central America (e.g. Vochysia guatemalensis, Virola koschnyi, Dipteryx panamensis). The nine tree species are divided into three sets. The 3 members of each set were grown separately in pure plantations, and together in mixed plantation, giving 12 monocultures and 4 mixtures. Plantation 1 (13 years old) is composed of V. guatemalensis, C. brasiliense, and J. copaia. Plantation 2 (13 years old) is comprised of D. panamensis, T. amazonia and V. koschnyi. Plantation 3 (12 years old) is composed of H. alchorneoides, B. elegans, and V. ferruginea. Overall, all the species had good growth and productivity either in pure or mixed stands in comparison to other native and exotic species growing in similar ecological conditions. The exception was C. brasiliense in mixed stands, where it was suppressed by the fast-growing species V. guatemalensis and J. copaia. At the stand level, the mixed stands performed well for volume, basal area, aboveground biomass, and carbon sequestration, in comparison to other pure or mixed plantations of tropical timber species. Pure plantations of V. guatemalensis, V. ferruginea, V. koschnyi, J. copaia, and T. amazonia also presented good productivity. At the tree level, V. guatemalensis, J. copaia, T. amazonia, H. alchorneoides, and D. panamensis performed better in mixtures than in pure stands for diameter, height, aboveground biomass, and carbon sequestration estimations. Values for the former three species were significantly higher in mixed than in pure stands. C. brasiliense was the only species with significantly better growth in pure stands than in mixed stands, for the three-species combination examined. The results show that mixed plantings had similar or higher productivities for several of the variables examined, but conclusions, on relative productivities depend on the species and growth features, interactions among species, and the variables quantified. In addition, there is a need to continue monitoring over longer time-frames, and for further studies of the species interactions and site factors involved, in order to develop reforestation guidelines for a range of objectives and environmental settings. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4751. Publicación no.: 355 La experiencia de Costa Rica en áreas protegidas / Pauchard, A. (University of Montana. School of Forestry, Missoula, MT 59812, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambiente y Desarrollo (ISSN 0716-1478), v. 16, no. 3, p. 51-60. 2000.

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Enlace: Costa Rica is internationally recognized for its management of its protected areas. With its high biological diversity, this country has positioned conservation as a pillar of its development. During the last decade, the government has stimulated a process of modernization of the the National System of Protected Areas (SINAC). The creation of Conservation Areas, as territorial units for the management of resources, has permited the establishment of conservation programs reaching beyond the limits ofthe protected areas. Incentives for ecotourism have also generated high economic returns for the country as well as an increasing number of visitors to the protected areas. There is a polemic concerning the positive and negative impacts of tourism in the protected areas. While for some this represents a unique form for obtaining resources for the maintenance of these areas, for others, it is a factor in the destruction of the natural patrimony. There is also no consensus concerning the effects of tourismon the communities adjacent to the protected areas. The challenges for the future of the protected areas in Costa Rica are centered on increasing the conservation of the adjacent areas, increasing the incorporation of the local community, mitigating the negative effects of ecotourism, maintaing a low scale of tourism, and above all, encouring research that will permit supporting sustainable development. Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10840. NBINA-4735. Publicación no.: 356 Will buying tropical forest carbon benefit the poor? evidence from Costa Rica? [¿Beneficiará a los pobres la compra de carbono del bosque tropical? ¿evidencia de Costa Rica?] / Kerr, Suzi; Lipper, Leslie; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Cavatassi, Romina; Davis, Benjamin; Hendy, Joanna; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo. (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 19 Milne Terrace, Island Bay, Wellington, NZ <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Wellington: Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 2004. 39 pp. Enlace: We review claims about the potential for carbon markets that link both payments for carbon services and poverty levels to ongoing rates of tropical deforestation. We then examine these effects empirically for Costa Rica during the 20th century using an econometric approach that addresses the irreversibilities in deforestation. We find significant effects of the relative returns to forest on deforestation rates. Thus, carbon payments would induce conservation and also carbon sequestration, and if land users were poor could conserve forest while addressing rural poverty. We also give a weak result that the poorest areas would respond more to payment, i.e. if anything the impact is higher there, though there may well be no difference. If there is no difference, transaction costs and other practical issues could lead carbon payments policies not to be focused upon the many small poor land users. Nonetheless the poorest areas have much more forest per capita and could benefit. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4720. Publicación no.: 357 Catastrophic population declines and extinctions in neotropical harlequin frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus) [Catastrófica disminución y extinciones de la población en ranas arlequín (Bufonidae: Atelopus)] / La Marca, E; Lips, Karen R; Lötters, S; Puschendorf, Robert; Ibáñez-D., Roberto; Rueda-Almonacid, J.V; Schulte, R; Marty, C; Castro, F; Manzanilla-Puppo, J; García-Pérez, J.E; Bolaños-Vives, Federico; Chaves-Cordero, Gerardo A; Pounds, J. Alan; Toral-C., E; Young, Bruce E. (Universidad de Los Andes. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales, Laboratorio de Biogeografía, Apartado Postal 116, Mérida 5101-A, VE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <).

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En: Biotropica (ISSN 1744-7429), v. 37, no. 2, p. 190-201. 2005. We surveyed the population status of the Neotropical toad genus Atelopus, and document recent catastrophic declines that are more severe than previously reported for any amphibian genus. Of 113 species that have been described or are candidates for description, data indicate that in 42 species, population sizes have been reduced by at least half and only ten species have stable populations. The status of the remaining taxa is unknown. At least 30 species have been missing from all known localities for at least 8 yr and are feared extinct. Most of these species were last seen between 1984 and 1996. All species restricted to elevations of above 1000 m have declined and 75 percent have disappeared, while 58 percent of lowland species have declined and38 percent have disappeared. Habitat loss was not related to declines once we controlled for the effects of elevation. In fact, 22 species that occur in protected areas have disappeared. The fungal disease Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has been documented from nine species that have declined, and may explain declines in higher elevation species that occur in undisturbed habitats. Climate change may also play a role, but other potential factors such as environmental contamination, trade, and introduced species are unlikely to have affected more than a handful of species.Widespread declines and extinctions in Atelopus may reflect population changes in other Neotropical amphibians that are more difficult to survey, and the loss of this trophic group may have cascading effects on other species in tropical ecosystems. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4759. Publicación no.: 358 What role for tropical forests in climate change mitigation? The case of Costa Rica [¿Qué papel para los bosques tropicales en la mitigación del cambio climático? El caso de Costa Rica] / Boscolo, M; Kerr, Suzi; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo. (Harvard University. Harvard Institute for International Development, Cambridge, MA 02138-2902, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Institute for International Development, 1999. 43 pp. (Development Discussion Paper; no. 675). Enlace: Land and forestry-based activities could in principle play important roles as climate change mitigation strategies. In practice, however, several questions have been raised about their feasibility. Therefore, understanding the processes and determinants of land use changes is critical. This paper aims to contribute to such understanding in the larger part of a larger project on sustainable development and economic growth. It begins with a dynamic model of land use. The model generates deforestation equations that are estimated from data in Costa Rica on land use, environment, and geography, and, in the case of geo-referenced information, from secondary data. Results suggest that susceptibility to deforestation depends on environmental, geographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Such results may be of use in establishing baselines. The next stage of this work will add variables such as land value in order to permit the analysis of the effects of payments for carbon sequestration. Even in its current state, the model?s results can be linked to carbon storage and accumulation functions in order to quantify the supply of carbon offsets by Costa Rica resulting from changes in land use. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4772. Publicación no.: 359 What drives tropical deforestation? A meta-analysis of proximate and underlying causes of deforestation based on subnational case study evidence [¿Qué dirige la deforestación tropical? Un meta-análisis de las causas próximas y subyacentes de la deforestación con base a un

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estudio de caso subnacional] / Geist, H; Lambin, E. (University of Louvain. Department of Geography, LUCC International Project Office, Place Louis Pasteur 3, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BE [email protected]). (ISSN 1138-7424) Louvain-la-Neuve: University of Louvain, 2001. 136 pp. (LUCC Report Series; no. 4). Enlace: To conclude this overview on proximate, underlying and other causes associated with tropical deforestation, we developed a preliminary scheme which depicts the relations between proximate and underlying causes as translated from the meta-analysis of subnational cases in a descriptive manner. Compared to another, most recent descriptive (but not quantified) scheme, striking similarities (e.g., grouping of natural causes at the proximate or direct level) and minor differences (e.g., formatting of cultural and technological factors) are obvious - cf Figures 2 and 3. Considering our meta-anlysis to be the first study which relates underlying to proximate causes in a systematised manner, a summarisation of the quantified scheme of Figure 3 is provided in Figure 9 (inlay). To conclude the discussion of strengths and weaknesses of the methodology used (which certainly has implications for the conclusions drawn from the statistical results), we are aware of own interpretation bias (variable grouping, coding, data exploration), while original author bias is minimal and selection bias (case study areas, not so agents) is limited. As compared to the methodological foundations of other case study comparisons (see subchapters 1 and 2.1), we feel that our standard criteria, i.e., to choose only ISI covered journal articles and to try a middle way between fine-scale local studies and crossnational data explorations, is unique and timely. This meta-analysis is the first study which, in a systematised manner, relates underlying to proximate causes for a very large number of case studies - and, first time, quantifies the causative linkages (cf Figure 9). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4786. Publicación no.: 360 Soil carbon dynamics and residue stabilization in a Costa Rican and southern Canadian alley cropping system [Dinámica del carbono del suelo y estabilización del residuo en un sistema de cultivo por callejones costarricense y en el sur canadiense] / Oelbermann, Maren; Voroney, R. Paul; Thevathasan, Naresh V; Gordon, Andrew M; Kass, Donald Charles Lieber; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: andrea_schloenvoigt@y). En: Agroforestry Systems (ISSN 0167-4366), v. 68, no. 1, p. 27-36. 2006. Agroforestry systems can play a major role in the sequestration of carbon (C) because of their higher input of organic material to the soil compared to sole crop agroecosystems. This study quantified C input in a 19-year old tropical alley cropping system with E. poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F Cook in Costa Rica, and in a 13-year old hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x nigra DN-177) alley cropping system in southern Canada. Changes in the level of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool, residue decomposition rate, residue stabilization efficiency, and the annual rate of accumulation of SOC were also quantified in both systems. Carbon input from tree prunings in Costa Rica was 401 g C m² y-¹ compared to 117 g C m² y-¹ from litterfall at the Canadian site. In southern Canada, crop residue input from maize (Zea mays L.) was 212 g C m² y-¹, 83 g C m² y-¹ from soybeans (Glycine max L.) and 125 g C m² y-¹ for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and was not significantly different (p 0.05) from the sole crop. The averageyearly C input from crop residues in Costa Rica was significantly greater (p 0.05) in the alley crop for maize (134 g C m² y-¹) and Phaseolus vulgaris L. bean crops (35 g C m² y-¹) compared to the sole crop. The SOC pool was

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significantly greater (p 0.05) in the Costa Rican alley crop (9536 g m²) compared to its respective sole crop (6143 g m²) to a 20 cm depth, but no such difference was found for the southern Canadian system. Residue stabilization, defined as the efficiency of the stabilization ofadded residue (crop residues, tree prunings, litterfall) that is added to the soil C pool, is more efficient in southern Canada (31%) compared to the alley cropping system in Costa Rica (40%). This coincides with a lower organic matter decomposition rate (0.03 y-¹) to a 20 cm depth in Canada compared to the Costa Rican system (0.06 y-¹). However, the average annual accumulation rate of SOC is greater in Costa Rica (179 g m² y-¹) and is likely related to the greater input of organic material derived from tree prunings, compared to that in southern Canada (30 g m² y-¹) to a 20 cm depth. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4857. Publicación no.: 361 Migración ambiental inducida por variabilidad climática: El caso del Corredor Centroamericano de la Sequía [Environmental migration induced by climatic variability: The case of the Central American Corridor of the Drought] / Vega-García, Heidy. (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Relaciones Internacionales, Centro de Ambiente y Desarrollo, Apdo 86-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: heidyv2002>). San José: Universidad Nacional / Centro Mesoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible del Trópico Seco (CEMEDE), 2005. 66 pp. ISBN: 9968-9527-4-5. La migración es un fenómeno dinámico. Cada día en el mundo miles de personas se trasladan de un lugar a otro, en búsqueda de las mejores condiciones que les posibilite una calidad de vida satisfactoria. En algunas regiones, más que en otras, la migración se convierte en un mecanismo necesario y muchas veces inevitable. De forma tradicional, se ha estudiado que la migración obedece principalmente a razones socioeconómicas y políticas. Sin embargo, como se establece en la presente investigación, el análisis de un fenómeno tan importante no debe ser limitado por tal enfoque. En este sentido, a la luz de las corrientes académicas internacionales más novedosas, se plantea una nueva perspectiva para articular un entendimiento más integral de las causas de los flujos migratorios: la propuesta teórico-conceptual sobre la migración ambiental. Dicha propuesta adquiere relevancia al considerarse el caso particular del contexto centroamericano. Recientemente, gran parte de las zonas rurales de este espacio geográfico han sido afectadas por una serie de eventos ambientales, especialmente las sequías, que han generado la pérdida de las cosechas de productos de consumo básico. Tal situación se vio incrementada por el creciente desempleo debido a la crisis de los precios internacionales del café. Estas pérdidas agrícolas, así como el cierre de fincas cafetaleras, incidieron en el aumento de la inseguridad alimentaria, desencadenando hambrunas en casos extremos (caso de Matagalpa). En dicha coyuntura, se identificó que estos episodios de crisis alimentaria motivaron el desplazamiento de grupos humanos, dentro y entre los Estados centroamericanos. Por lo tanto, desde hace pocos años es innegable considerar que la migración en la región también es influenciada por factores ambientales. Sin embargo, el carácter reciente de este análisis pone en evidencia que aún existe gran desconocimiento de este fenómeno en los círculos académicos locales y en las esferas políticas de toma de decisiones. En suma, la migración ambiental centroamericana debe ser una preocupación fundamental, dado que la región presenta elementos de gran vulnerabilidad socioambiental, especialmente relacionados con eventos de variabilidad climática. A pesar de que incluso se ha logrado avanzar en el tema de la vulnerabilidad y se ha identificado un Corredor Centroamericano de la Sequía, aún no ha sido posible aproximarse al potencial que las condiciones ambientales y el contexto socioeconómico en este espacio geográfico presentan para la migración ambiental. En este sentido, tampoco se han identificado escenarios presentes y futuros de migración ambiental regional; no se ha determinado un modelo de análisis y no

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se han generado propuestas de políticas públicas. Estos aspectos son los principales productos que pretende aportar esta investigación. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4922. Publicación no.: 362 Determinants of leaf litter nutrient cycling in a tropical rain forest: Soil fertility versus topography [Determinantes del reciclaje de nutrimentos del mantillo en un bosque lluvioso tropical: Fertilidad del suelo contra topografía] / Wood, Tana E; Lawrence, Deborah A; Clark, Deborah A. (University of Virginia. Department of Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecosystems (ISSN 1432-9840), v. 9, no. 5, p. 700-710. 2006. We investigated the influence of landscape-level variation in soil fertility and topographic position on leaf litter nutrient dynamics in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. We sampled across the three main edaphic conditions (ultisol slope, ultisol plateau, and inceptisol) to determine the effect of soil nutrients on leaf litter nutrient concentrations while controlling for topography, and to examine topographic effects while controlling for soil nutrients. Both leaf litter macronutrient [phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg)] and micronutrient concentrations were quantified throughout a 4-year period. Leaf litter [P], [N] and [K] varied significantly among soil types. The variation in [P], [N], and [K] was explained by soil fertility alone. Leaf litter [S], [Ca], and [Mg] did not vary among the three soil types. Macronutrient (P, K, Mg, S, Ca) concentrations in the leaf litter were much less variable than those of Fe and Al. Lower variability in essential plant nutrients suggests a great deal of plant control over the amount of nutrients resorbed before senescense. Leaf litter macronutrient concentrations varied significantly over the 4-year period, but the temporal variation did not differ among the three edaphic types as anticipated. Hence, although the magnitude of nutrient fluxes may be controlled by local factors such as soil fertility, temporal patterns are likely regulated by a common environmental variable such as precipitation or temperature. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4864. Publicación no.: 363 ¿Qué estamos aprendiendo de la experiencia con los mercados de servicios ambientales en Costa Rica? Revisión y crítica de la literatura / Rojas, M; Aylward, Bruce A. (Eco-Asesores Integrados, Apartado 72-4400 Ciudad Quesada, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>, ). London: International Institute for Environment and Development, Environmental Economics Programme, 2003. 112 pp. (Series: Markets for environmental services; no. 2). ISBN: 1843694557. El uso de mercados y el pago de servicios ambientales es un tema que ha venido ganando terreno entre los hacedores de políticas, ambientalistas y desarrolladores alrededor del mundo. Visto desde una perspectiva simple el termino "servicios ambientales", se refiere al concepto de sistemas naturales que proveen un flujo continuo de bienes y servicios a la sociedad. Lo anterior contrasta con servicios similares brindados por infraestructura física hecha por el hombre y capital tecnológico (tratamiento de agua, fertilización artificial, ingeniería genética) para los que los servicios ambientales son un substituto. El uso de mecanismos de mercado como herramienta para incorporar el valor económico de los servicios ambientales a la toma de decisiones financieras de productores y consumidores es una herramienta adicional que podría ser utilizada para resolver las eternas fallas de mercado que conllevan a un bajo rendimiento económico- tener menos servicios ambientales y pagar más por sus sustitutos hechos por el hombre. En el mundo en vías de desarrollo, Costa Rica ha liderado esfuerzos para

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experimentar con la aplicación de esos mecanismos, muchos de los cuales eran simplemente ideas sobre papel años atrás. Una encuesta sobre mercados de servicios ambientales realizada por IIED evidencia el rol formativo que ha tenido Costa Rica y provee una rica caracterización de la economía de estas iniciativas en un contexto global (Landell-Mills and Porras 2002). Como una inciativa complementaria este documento profundiza en la literatura sobre la experiencia costarricense con el fin de visualizar lo que estamos aprendiendo de esa experiencia: ¿cómo ha calzado dentro de estas iniciativas la información técnica, científica y económica sobre servicios ambientales? ¿Qué alcance tienen el monitoreo y la evaluación de estas experiencias iniciales? Existe un retrocontrol que conecte estas experiencias con el aprendizaje ambiental y temas de desarrollo, particularmente en el contexto local de elaboración de políticas dentro del país. El principal objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es identificar y analizar documentos y otros materiales que estén dentro de la siguiente temática: 1. los orígenes locales del concepto de pago y mercado de servicios ambientales y como estos han evolucionado a través del tiempo, particularmente en relación con el amplio desarrollo internacional del concepto y con las necesidades / realidades locales; 2. el tipo de iniciativas existentes relacionadas con los mercados de servicios ambientales, y quien esta participando en estas actividades (trabajo descriptivo); 3. el conocimiento base que soporta el desarrollo de mercados, ej. el punto en el que se basan los mercados, un conocimiento técnico y científico que toma en cuenta la relación biofísica, económica y social que surge de los diferentes puntos de vista sobre el tema; 4. las iniciativas tomadas con respecto al monitoreo y evaluación de la experiencia con pagos y mercados de servicios ambientales y hasta donde y con que resultados la literatura toma estas iniciativas en términos de eficiencia económica, eficiencia ambiental, equidad social y/o reducción de la pobreza. En los casos en los que el material escrito no esta disponible o no brindaba una buena cobertura se realizaron entrevistas con las personas involucradas en estas iniciativas con el fin de completar la información requerida. Dado que el IIED ha realizado una revisión de la literatura global en este tema y que ha identificado ejemplos en Costa Rica, los objetivos uno y dos se cumplen con información existente del IIED. Además, se realiza un control cruzado confirmatorio y una expansión de la cobertura de los casos existentes de pago de servicios ambientales. El valor agregado de la revisión bibliografía esta en la profundización del conocimiento base y análisis de sus contenidos con respecto a los objetivos tres y cuatro. El documento esta organizado con el fin de cumplir con los objetivos uno a uno. En el primer capítulo se explora el concepto de mercado y pago de servicios ambientales en Costa Rica. Posteriormente, este escrito evalúa la experiencia ganada hasta el momento por el país, y brinda en los subsiguientes capítulos una descripción y un análisis de los casos, además de evidenciar el papel que tiene el conocimiento dentro del desarrollo y formulación de cada una de las iniciativas hasta la fecha. Finalmente se concluye con la presentación de las lecciones aprendidas y las recomendaciones prácticas sobre los pasos que otros países, investigadores y organizaciones financieras deberían tomar para mejorar el proceso de implementación de este tipo de actividades en el futuro. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4513. Publicación no.: 364 Skeletal extension rates of Cenozoic Caribbean reef corals / Johnson, K.G; Pérez, M.E. (Natural History Museum. Department of Palaeontology, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, GB <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Palaios (ISSN 0883-1351), v. 21, p. 262-271. 2006. There has been significant biological and environmental change in Caribbean coral reefs during the past 30 million years, including two periods of accelerated turnover of species in the zooxanthellate coral

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biota that may have been correlated with changes in regional sea-surface productivity during the Early Miocene and the Early Pleistocene. Skeletal extension rates measured on x-radiographs of 11 massive genera of fossil corals collected from Late Oligocene to Pleistocene units from across the Caribbean were analyzed to determine whether average coral growth responded to these regional environmental changes. The observed patterns were evaluated by comparisons with records of Recent coral growth rates taken from published literature. These analyses suggest that there is significant variation in average growth rate among corals living in the Recent Indowest Pacific, eastern Pacific, and Caribbean, even when broad ranges of taxa and habitats are intermingled. When applied to fossils, a similar analysis suggests that rates of growth do not change overall through time. One exception is during the Late Miocene, when rates of growth were significantly lower than from other fossil units or for Recent colonies from the Caribbean. However, the Late Miocene colonies sampled for this study lived in relatively deep, turbid habitats, so the observed reduced growth rates may have resulted from local low availability of light. Similar facies were not sampled in other stratigraphic intervals, so there is no strong evidence for reduced regional average growth rates for Caribbean corals during the past 30 million years. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4825. Publicación no.: 365 "Desarrollo" depredador globalizado / Delgado-Rodríguez, M. En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 147, p. 8-9. 2005. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4832. Publicación no.: 366 Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics using stable isotopes in 19- and 10-year-old tropical agroforestry systems [Dinámicas del carbono y nitrógeno del suelo utilizando isótopos estables en sistemas agroforestales tropicales de 19 y 20 años de edad] / Oelbermann, Maren; Voroney, R. Paul; Kass, Donald Charles Lieber; Schlönvoigt, Andrea M. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061), v. 130, no. 3/4, p. 356-367. 2006. Conversion of forests to agricultural land in the American tropics, through traditional agricultural practices such as shifting cultivation, has not been able to maintain stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), and increasing population pressure has ledto shortened fallow periods, causing further losses of soil fertility. However, land management practices such as agroforestry can provide a sustainable alternative to single cropping because of its ability to maintain or increase the SOC pool. This study quantified SOC and nitrogen (N) pools, gross SOC turnover, residue stabilization efficiency (RSEAC) in the alley crop, soil delta13C partitioning, C3-C abundance and delta15N dynamics in 19- and 10-year Gliricidia sepium and Erythrina poeppigiana alley cropping system. Each system was studied at two fertilizer levels (tree prunings only [-N or -A], and tree prunings plus chicken manure [+N], or Arachis pintoi as a groundcover [+A]), and was compared to a sole crop system. The SOC and N pools were significantly higher (p 0.05) in the 19-year-old alley crop compared to the sole crop, but not significantly different (p 0.05) in the 10-year-old system. Soil C and N (%) showed a similar trend as that of the SOC and N pools in both 19- and 10-year-old systems. Gross SOC turnover, to a 20 cm depth, ranged from 12 to 21 years in the 19-year-

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old alley crop compared to 50 years in the sole crop, and from 20 to 32 years in the 10-year-old alley crop compared to 106 years in the sole crop. The RSEAC ranged from 10% to 58% in the 19-year-old system, and from 3% to 43% in the 10-year-old system. The delta13C signature of the soil shifted significantly (p 0.05) towards that of C3 vegetation in the alley crop due to the greater input of organic residues from tree prunings compared to the sole crop. The proportion of input from tree prunings only in the 19-year-old alley crop ranged from 14% to 20%, and from 9% to 11% in the 10-year-old system to a soil depth of 20 cm. The delta15N signature of the soil showed two patterns: that of the 19-year-old system being enriched in delta15N, and that of the 10-year-old system being depleted in delta15N compared to the sole crop. The addition of manure in the 19-year-old system has enriched the soil delta15N and in the 10-year-old system the soil was depleted due to the N2-fixing groundcover A. pintoi. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4891. Publicación no.: 367 Racha de huracanes revive debate sobre cambio climático / Manso-Sayao, Paulo. (MINAE. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, POB Box 7-3350, 1000 San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 148, p. 7-8. 2006. Enlace: Costa Rica fue el único país en Centroamérica que durante el siglo XX no fue afectado en forma directa por un ciclón tropical. Sin embargo, debido a la orografía del país, los efectos indirectos de los ciclones tropicales sobre la precipitación son tanto, o más importantes que los efectos directos en periodos mayores de un día. Asimismo, por su frecuencia, trayectoria e intensidad, los ciclones tropicales del mar Caribe son los que en realidad más afectan a Costa Rica y en particular nuestra vertiente del Pacífico. La severidad del comportamiento climático durante la pasada temporada de ciclones tropicales tuvo grandes efectos en el país. Las pérdidas directas acumuladas superaron los 100.000 millones de colones solo en infraestructura pública y cultivos. Debido a los efectos indirectos de los ciclones tropicales en el Caribe y el Golfo de México, entre septiembre y octubre se registró uno de los períodos atemporalados más extensos y severos en la historia climática de nuestra vertiente pacífica. Y se pronostica que la temporada de ciclones tropicales de este año estará por encima de lo normal. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4837. Publicación no.: 368 The interaction of clouds and dry air in the Eastern tropical Pacific [La interacción de las nubes y el aire seco en el Pacífico oriental tropical] / Zuidema, P; Mapes, B; Lin, J.L; Fairall, C; Wick, G. (University of Miami. Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences, MPO, Miami, FL 33149, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Climate (ISSN 0894-8755), v. 19, no. 18, p. 4531-4544. 2006. Cloud radar observations of eastern Pacific intertropical convergence zone cloud vertical structure are interpreted in light of soundings, 100-km-scale divergence profiles calculated from precipitation radar Doppler velocities, and surface rain gaugedata, from a ship at 10° N, 95° W during the 2001 East Pacific Investigation of Climate ( EPIC) experiment. The transition from convective to stratiform rain is clear in all four datasets, indicating a coherence from local to 100-km scale. A novel finding is dry air intrusions at altitudes of 6-8 km, often undercutting upper-level ice clouds. Two distinct dry air source regions are identified. One is a relatively dry area overlying the cooler waters of the Costa Rica oceanic thermocline dome, centered approximately 400 km east-northeast of the ship site. The other is the even drier near-equatorial subsidence zone south of 6° - 7° N. The former source is somewhat peculiar to this specific

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ship location, so that the ship sample is not entirely representative of the region. The 20-25 September period is studied in detail, as it depicts two influences of the dry air on cloud vertical structure. One is the modulation of small-scale surface-based convection, evident as a weakening and narrowing of cloud radar reflectivity features. The other springs from intense sublimation cooling as differential advection brought snowing anvil clouds over the dry layers. During one half-day period of strong sublimation, the cooling rate is inferred to be several tens of degrees per day over a 100-hPa layer, based on a heat budget estimate at 100-km scale involving the horizontal wind divergence data. This is consistent with fluxing ice water contents of 0.05-0.10 g m(-3) derived from the cloud radar reflectivities. The temperature profile shows the dynamically expected response to this cooling, a positive-negative-positive temperature anomaly pattern centered on the sublimating layer. A buoyancy-sorting diagnostic model of convection indicates that these upper-troposphere temperature anomalies can cause premature detrainment of updrafts into the lower part of the cloudy layer, a feedback that may actively maintain these long-lasting dense anvils. Middle-troposphere southerly dry air inflow is also evident in large-scale analysis. Given the proximity of the dry equatorial subsidence zone to the eastern tropical Pacific, the differential advection of dry and cloudy air, the ensuing sublimation, and its dynamical aftereffects may play a role in establishing the region's climate, although the extent of their significance needs to be further established. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5264. Publicación no.: 369 Carbon isotope fractionation by methane-oxidizing bacteria in tropical rain forest soils [Fraccionamiento de isótopos del carbono mediante bacterias oxidantes del metano en suelos de bosques lluviosos tropicales] / Teh, Y.A; Silver, Whendee L; Conrad, M.E; Borglin, S.E; Carlson, C.M. (University of California at Berkeley. Department of Geography, 507 McCone Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 111, no. G2, AR G02001. 2006. [1] Humid tropical forests have the potential to be significant sources or sinks of atmospheric methane (CH4), a radiatively important trace gas. Methane oxidation can consume a large fraction of the CH4

produced in tropical soils, although controls on this process are poorly understood. Using soil incubation experiments, we investigated the effects of CH4 and oxygen (O2) concentrations on C isotope fractionation and CH4 oxidation in tropical rain forest soils. We also explored the effects of these environmental variables on the isotope fractionation factor for CH4 oxidation (a), which is widely used to evaluate the relative contributions of CH4 production and oxidation to the atmospheric CH4 pool. Methane oxidation was sensitive to CH4 at lower CH4 concentrations (< 850 ppmv) and insensitive to O2 concentrations between 3 and 21%. Maximum rates of CH4 oxidation were between 8.2 ± 1.2 and 11.3 ±1.5 nmol CH4 hour-¹ g dry soil-¹. Measured values for were a sensitive to both CH4 oxidation rate and CH4 concentration. Alpha was inversely proportional to CH4 oxidation rate (r² = 0.86, P < 0.01). A multiple regression model that included CH4 oxidation rate, CH4 concentration and the interaction of the two terms explained a high proportion of the variability in a (r² = 0.94, P < 0.0001). These data suggest that it is possible to accurately determine a, allowing for more precise estimates of CH4 oxidation by isotope mass balance. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6449. Publicación no.: 370 La captura de carbono: un servicio ambiental en fincas cacaoteras indígenas / Somarriba-Chávez, Eduardo; Quesada, F; Villalobos, Marilyn. (CATIE. Area de Cuencas y Sistemas

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Agroforestales, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Turrialba: CATIE, 2006. 28 pp. (Serie técnica. Manual técnico / CATIE; no. 64). ISBN: 9977-57-425-1. Este manual se elaboró con el objetivo de servir como material de apoyo en procesos de educación e información sobre los servicios ambientales en pueblos indígenas y campesinos. Fue financiado por el Proyecto Captura de Carbono y Desarrollo de Mercados Ambientales en Cacaotales y otros Sistemas Agroforestales Indígenas en Talamanca, Grant TF052118, Banco Mundial. El proyecto Captura de Carbono fue financiado por el Banco Mundial al Gobierno de Costa Rica (MINAE), diseñado y ejecutado participativamente entre el CATIE, ACOMUITA, ADITIBRI, ADITICA, ACICAFOC y MINAE. La Asociación Comisión de Mujeres Indígenas Bribrí de Talamanca (ACOMUITA) es la organización escogida por los gobiernos indígenas de la región de Talamanca para representar a los productores y administrar el Proyecto de Carbono. La Asociación Coordinadora Indígena Campesina de Agroforestería Comunitaria de Centroamérica (ACICAFOC). Este organismo funciona como enlace entre las organizaciones indígenas de Centroamérica, que podrían interesarse en proyectos similares en sus respectivas regiones. La Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de los Territorios Indígenas Bribrí (ADITIBRI), es el gobierno del pueblo Bribrí. La Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de los Territorios Indígenas Cabécar (ADITICA), es el gobierno del pueblo Cabécar. El Banco Mundial es el organismo que financió el Proyecto con fondos del gobierno de Japón (fideicomiso japonés). Grant TF052118. El Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía (MINAE) y el Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO) fomentan la preservación de los bosques pagando por servicios ambientales y se financian con el dinero recaudado mediante un impuesto a los combustibles y aportes de la cooperación internacional. El Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), es una asociación civil sin fines de lucro integrada por 13 países miembros de la región tropical de América Latina. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4962. Publicación no.: 371 Implicaciones económicas del almacenamiento del CO2 en un bosque húmedo tropical en Costa Rica, bajo diferentes estrategias de intervención [Economic implications of CO2 storage on a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica, under different intervention strategies] / Rodríguez-Rubí, L.E. Turrialba: CATIE, 1997. 72 pp. Thesis, Mag. Sc. en Ciencias Agrícolas y Recursos Naturales, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: The present study consisted on estimating carbon storage in a very humid tropical forest, under different interventions and management strategies and their economic implications through time. This study was carried out in a forest near a village called La Tirimbina, located in northern Costa Rica. The area is under silvicultural experimentation, on a random block design with three treatments. The experimental area consisted of 9 blocks measuring 1 hectare each, where three silvicultural models were placed. The first model or treatment one consisted of forest plots with utilization and a treatment two in the protection canopy treatment three was forest with utilization and a mixture of liberation and partial refinement. The estimation of stored carbon was done using real data from trees with a diameter equal to or more than 10 cm, according to diameter measurements made during six years from data based on the Natural Forest Management Department at CATIE, and on simulated data from 3 posterior utilizations from the seventh year. The analysis was done for a period of 60 year. For this, mathematical equations to predict biomass were used. The method used for the financial analyses with and without carbon valuation was the benefit-cost ratio, which permits to determine the financial rentability from each treatment. Three indicators were used: Net present value (NPV), Rate Internal Return (RIR) and the

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benefit cost analysis. Necessary information to develop the analysis was provided by the Natural Forest Management Department at CATIE, using market prices and unitary cost from year 1997. The amount of stored carbon through time didn't show considerable differences for treatments one and two, treatment three presented the smallest amount of stored carbon. The results of the financial analyses without carbon valuation indicated that treatment is the most profitable because it presented the highest NPV. However, results of the financial analyses with the carbon valuation as a environmental service indicate that the witness treatment is the one that presents the highest financial indicators (NPV, B/C) so, it is the most profitable. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4971. Publicación no.: 372 Valoración del servicio de fijación y almacenamiento de carbono en bosques privados en el Area de Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central, Costa Rica [Valuation of the environmental service of sequestration and storage of carbon in private forests of the Área Conservación Cordillera Volcánica Central] / Segura-Madrigal, M.A. (CATIE. Proyecto Flujos de Carbono en América Central, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Turrialba: CATIE, 1999. 133 pp. Thesis, Mag. Sc. en Ciencias Agrícolas y Recursos Naturales, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Escuela de Posgrado, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: The objective of this research was to calculate the value of carbon sequestration and storage in natural forests of private farms in Tirimbina of Sarapiquí and in Corinto of Guápiles, Costa Rica. These farms receive payment for sustainable forest management and for forest protection. In addition, they received technical assistance for forest management from FUNDECOR. A total of 27 farms were selected which were in a radius of 10 km from the two experimental areas administered by CATIE, Los Laureles de Corinto in Guápiles and Tirimbina Rain Forest Alliance, Sarapiqui. Initially, a quantification of total biomass and carbon storage was carried out. The information from the two experimental areas was used to determine the dominant tree species in the region. Of these species, a minimum of one and a maximum of four individuals per species was located and cut in the farms for biomass analysis. The total biomass of the seven down species and a total of 19 individuals were measured. The fraction of carbon was determined in eight species (20 individuals) and the specific gravity of the wood in nine species (23 individuals). With this information allometric equations were generated to relate the total biomass, the total volume and the carbon content of the dbh, the commercial height, total height, stem biomass, stem volume, and the combination of the first three variables. The best tree-level volume model was used to estimate the total volumes by plot and for each treatment in the experimental areas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4972. Publicación no.: 373 Uncertainties in, and interpretation of, carbon flux estimates using the eddy covariance technique / Loescher, Henry William; Law, B.E; Mahrt, L; Hollinger, D.Y; Campbell, J; Wofsy, Susan C. (Oregon State University. Department of Forest Sciences, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 111, no. D21S90, doi:10.1029/2005JD0069322006. [1] Whole ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange estimated with the eddy covariance (EC) technique has been central to studies on the responses of terrestrial ecosystems to disturbance and intra-annual and interannual variations in climate, but challenges exist in understanding and reducing the uncertainty

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in estimates of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2. We review the potential uncertainties associated with the eddy covariance technique, including systematic errors from insensitivity to high-frequency turbulence, random errors from inadequate sample size associated with averaging period, vertical and horizontal advection issues, and selection criteria for removing periods of inadequate mixing from further analyses. We also discuss benefits andcaveats of using independent measurements to evaluate EC-derived NEE, such as comparisons of EC-derived annual NEE and allometric net ecosystem production estimates (NEP) and interpretation of nighttime NEE with scaled chamber-based estimates of ecosystem respiration. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4935. Publicación no.: 374 Polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the North American atmosphere [Bifenilos policlorinados y difeniléteres polibromados en la atmósfera norteamericana] / Shen, L; Wania, Frank; Lei, Ying D; Teixeira, C; Muir, Derek C.G; Xiao, H. (University of Torono at Scarborough. Department of Chemistry and Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Pollution (ISSN 0269-7491), v. 144, no. 2, p. 434-444. 2006. To assess the spatial concentration variability of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the atmosphere on a large continental scale, their annually integrated air concentrations were determined in 2000/2001 using XAD-based passive air samplers (PAS). The network included 40 stations in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Belize and Costa Rica, and covered 72 degrees of latitude and longitude. Total concentrations of PCB and PBDE congeners ranged from below the detection limit to 130 ng PAS(-¹) and 24 ng PAS(-¹), respectively. PCBs displayed a large variation between urban, rural and remote sites, whereas PBDEs did not follow such a pattern. Open burning of "Penta"-containing waste may have contributed to thePBDEs detected in the air samples from rural and remote areas. Air from the Canadian Arctic had a relatively higher percentage of lighter PCB congeners than air sampled in the tropical region, which is interpreted as evidence for global fractionation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-4959. Publicación no.: 375 Effects of poverty on deforestation: distinguishing behavior from location [Efectos de la pobreza en la deforestación: comportamiento notable según la localidad] / Kerr, Suzi; Lipper, Leslie; Pfaff, Alexander S.P; Cavatassi, Romina; Timmins, J; Hendy, Joanna; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Davis, Benjamin. (Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, 19 Milne Terrace, Island Bay, Wellington, NZ <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Rome: FAO / Agricultural and Development Economics Division, 2004. 27 pp. (ESA Working Paper (FAO); no. 04-19). Enlace: We summarize existing theoretical claims linking poverty to rates of deforestation and then examine this linkage empirically for Costa Rica during the 20th century using an econometric approach that addresses the irreversibilities in deforestation. Our data facilitate an empirical analysis of the implications for deforestation of where the poor live. Without controlling for this, impacts of poverty per se are confounded by richer areas being different from the areas inhabited by the poor, who we expect to find on more marginal lands, for instance less profitable lands. Controlling for locations’ characteristics, we find that poorer areas are cleared more rapidly. This result suggests that poverty reduction aids forest conservation.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5049. Publicación no.: 376 Seasonal variation in the stable isotopic composition of precipitation in the tropical montane forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica [Variación estacional en la composición de isótopos estables de la lluvia en el bosque montano tropical de Monteverde, Costa Rica] / Rhodes, A.L; Guswa, A.J; Newell, S.E. (Smith College. Department of Geology, Northampton, MA 01063, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Water Resources Research (ISSN 0043-1397), v. 42, no. 11, AR W11402. 2006. Climate and land use change may diminish orographic clouds over tropical montane forests, stressing biota and water resources during dry seasons. From 2003 to 2005 we measured the stable isotopic composition of precipitation and throughfall in Monteverde, Costa Rica, to distinguish convective, wet season rainfall associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) from dry season, orographic rain produced by northeasterly trade winds. While event-to-event fluctuations of delta O18 and delta H2 are high, monthly samples reveal a seasonal signal that may be used to trace water through the hydrologic cycle. Deuterium excess indicates that water evaporated from land is an important flux to the region during the transitional and dry seasons whenwinds from the Caribbean slope dominate. Following the shift to convective rainfall at the start of the wet season, when the western equatorial winds influence the Pacific slope of Costa Rica, d excess values become depressed. Yet as the wet season progresses, the excess begins to climb. These data suggest that several months of rain are needed following an acute dry season on the northern Pacific slope before a terrestrial evaporative signal is detected in wet season precipitation. The evaporative flux may result from a wet season expansion of surface water bodies and flooding of seasonal wetlands. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5194. Publicación no.: 377 Arrecifes y comunidades coralinas de Bahía Culebra, Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica / Jiménez-Centeno, Carlos E. (Universität Bremen. ZMT, Fahrenheitstr 6, D-28359 Bremen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José, 1998. 218 pp. Tesis, M.Sc., Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: Tesis 477. Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: TFG 17884. Publicación no.: 378 Tropical montane cloud forests: time for action [Bosques nublados tropicales montanos: tiempo para la acción / Forêts tropicales montagnardes de nuages: il est temps d'agir] / Aldrich, M (comp.); Bubb, P (comp.); Hostettler, S (comp.); van de Wiel, H (comp.). (WWF International Forests for Life, Avenue du Mont Blanc, CH-1196 Gland, CH <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Gland: WWF International/IUCN The World Conservation Union, 2000. 32 pp. ISBN: 2-88085-245-5. Enlace: Tropical Montane Cloud Forests (TMCFs) are beautiful evergreen forests, frequently enveloped in clouds and mist. Every tree trunk, branch and rock surface is covered in moss, ferns, orchids and other epiphytic plants. Although few cloud forests have been systematically explored, it is recognised that they are storehouses of biodiversity. And little by little their vital role as sources and providers of freshwater for millions of people is being unravelled and recognised. It is not surprising that with these almost magical properties, TMCFs possess strong spiritual and cultural values in many parts of the world. Yet cloud forests are seriously at risk. The majority of the TMCFs which remain are only fragments

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of their original extent. Rural poverty, insecurity of land tenure and policy failures underlie many of the threats to the world's cloud forests. Growing populations, unsustainable land uses and official development policies that ignore forest values all drive deforestation. Whilst some forest conservation projects exist in all regions with TMCF, many areas are not valued or protected at all. Sometimes only after the cloud forest has gone do local people and governments appreciate its unique functions. We have to act now, before it is too late. This informative and timely report has been produced in response to a perce ived lack of public and political awareness of the status and value of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests (TMCFs). Whilst a science based publication, it has been written in terms that will also inform and stimulate concern among a non-scientific audience. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5121. Publicación no.: 379 Detecting tropical forests' responses to global climatic and atmospheric change: current challenges and a way forward [Detectando respuestas de los bosques tropicales al cambio climático y atmosférico mundial: desafíos actuales y en camino] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo. 676, 2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 39, no. 1, p. 4-19. 2007. Because of tropical forests? disproportionate importance for world biodiversity and for the global carbon cycle, we urgently need to understand any effects on these ecosystems from the ongoing changes in climate and atmosphere. This review, intended to complement existing data reviews on this topic, focuses on three major classes of challenges that we currently face when trying to detect and interpret directional changes in tropical forests. One is the very limited existing information on the historical context of study sites. Lasting effects from past climate, natural disturbances, and/or human activities could be significantly affecting current-day processes in tropical forests and need to be investigated for all active field sites. Second, whileprogress has been made in recent years on standardizing and refining research approaches, a number of methods- and data-limitations continue to affect efforts both to detect within-forest changes and to relate them to ongoing environmental change. Important outstanding needs are improved sampling designs, longer time-series of observations, filling key data gaps, and data access. Finally, forest responses to ongoing environmental change are complex. The effects of many simultaneously changing environmental factors are integrated by the plants, and their responses can involve significant lags, carryovers, and non-linearities. Specifying effects of individual environmental changes, however, is required for accurate ecosystem-process models and thus for projecting future impacts on these forests. After discussing these several types of challenges and ways to address them, I conclude with a priority agenda for this critical area of research. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5294. Publicación no.: 380 Wood and soil-atmosphere carbon dioxide fluxes from a tropical forest ecosystem [Flujos de dióxido de carbono de la madera y del suelo-atmósfera de un ecosistema de bosque tropical] / Lopes, E.C. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, 2005. 124 pp. ISBN: 0542312697. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH (USA). Carbon cycling in tropical rainforests is an important component of the global carbon budget. A better understanding of controlling mechanisms and magnitude of CO2 sources from tropical forests will improve our ability to predict future impacts of climate changes. The research presented in this dissertation has focused on determining the magnitude and characteristics of the CO2 flux from tropical

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wood and soil surfaces. Stem CO2 fluxes were measured in a tropical moist forest at Tapajós National Forest (TNF) in Brazil and in a tropical wet forest at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica (LS) using infrared gas analysis methods. Annual Stem CO2 fluxes for TNF and LS averaged 1.7 µmol m-2 s-1 and 4.5 µmol m-2 s-1, respectively. At TNF wood surface area was calculated (4161 m 2 ha -1) and wood CO2 flux extrapolated to ground area resulted in an annual flux of 259 g C m-2 yr-1. Soil-atmosphere CO2 fluxes were measured at TNF using infrared gas analysis methods. Line sampling of soil CO2 fluxes made on randomly placed 30 meters transects averaged 4.7 ± 0.2 µmol m-2 s-1 with higher rates during the wet season (4.9 ± 0.3 µmol m-2 s-1) than during the dry season (4.4 ± 0.2 µmol m-2 s-1). Fluxes were weakly correlated with precipitation and not correlated with soil moisture or temperature. Geostatistical analysis of grid sampling of soil CO2 fluxes indicated that they were not spatially dependent. Fluxes measured during wet season and dry season on grid sampling averaged 5.6 ± 0.2 µmol m-2 s-1 and 4.5 ± 0.1 µmol m-2 s-1, respectively. The estimated annual average of soil surface CO2 flux for the TNF was 1780 g C m-2 yr-1. Assuming that root and heterotrophic respiration each contribute about 50% of soil CO2 efflux, then approximately 890g C m-2 yr-1 derive from each source. The estimated gross primary photosynthesis for the TNF is 3000 g C m-2 yr-1 (Miller et al., 2004). Therefore, estimated contribution of wood and root CO2 flux to the GPP are respectively 8.7% and 15%. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5429. Publicación no.: 381 Caribbean and Pacific moisture sources on the Isthmus of Panama revealed from stalagmite and surface water δ 18O gradients - art. no. L01708 / Lachniet, M.S; Patterson, W.P; Burns, S.J; Asmerom, Y; Polyak, V. (University of Nevada. Department of Geosciences, Las Vegas, NV 89154, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276), v. 34, no. 1, p. 1708-1708. 2007. We test the hypothesis that the Pacific Ocean contributes moisture to the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over southern Central America, by spatial analysis of surface water δ 18O values from Panama and Costa Rica. The δ 18O values decrease with distance from the Caribbean Sea to the isthmian divide then gradually increase from the divide toward the Pacific slope, which suggests a contribution of both Caribbean and Pacific sourced moisture to the isthmus. We estimated the Pacific moisture contribution for Pacific slope regions of 22% to 64%. The δ 18O values from stalagmites from five cave systems demonstrate decreasing δ 18O values with distance from the Caribbean, implicating the Atlantic Basin as a dominant moisture source. Constraining modern moisture sources is important for the interpretation of stable isotopic proxy records of past rainfall, because of the combined influence of Pacific and Atlantic ocean-atmosphere phenomena on ITCZ rainfall over the Isthmus of Panama. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5455. Publicación no.: 382 Seasonality and foliar nutrient dynamics of a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica [Estacionalidad y dinámica de los nutrimentos foliares de un bosque lluvioso tropical en Costa Rica] / Wood, Tana E. (University of Virginia. Department of Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 2006. 145 pp. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Virginia, Graduate Faculty, Charlottesville, VA (USA). Through the examination of seasonal patterns of leaf litter nutrient cycling we may be better able to predict the response of tropical ecosystems to future environmental change. This work examines how seasonal variability in litter nutrient dynamics affects ecosystem function of a wet tropical forest in Costa Rica. I investigated the importance of litter nutrient dynamics through two experiments

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manipulating forest floor litter, and observations of nutrient resorption. The response to litter application was explained by the phosphorus (P) concentration of added litter. The response was not related to total P inputs, or to the concentration or inputs of nitrogen (N). The quality of leaf litter inputs is determined at the time of abscission via nutrient resorption (withdrawal of nutrients during senescence). Examination of foliar nutrient concentrations in nine common canopy tree species showed a mean resorption efficiency of 49% for P and 46% for N. Therefore, as much as 2.5 kg/ha/yr of P and 50 kg/ha/yr of N are recycled internally by the vegetation. Among these nine species, senesced leaf nutrient concentrations correlated positively with those of the green leaves. Therefore, variability in the quality of leaf litter inputs is likely a reflection of green leaff nutrient concentrations. Modeled shifts in the relative importance of these species at the stand-level indicate that a change in species dominance could have a major impact on stand-level nutrient economy by significantly altering annualinputs of leaf N and P to the forest floor. This effect was greatest when Vochysia ferruginea was dominant, resulting in significantly lower leaf N and P inputs to the forest floor. Green and senesced leaff nutrient concentrations as well as nutrient resorption efficiency for the nine species were significantly higher in the wet versus the dry season. Low nutrient resorption during the dry season could reflect either incomplete resorption due to water stress or lower plant demand during this period. A more detailed evaluation of foliar N and P for two species (Pentaclethra macroloba and Laetia procera) showed that both green and senesced leaf nutrient concentrations as well as resorption efficiency changed significantly over the short-term (bi-weekly).This variability in foliar nutrients and resorption efficiency was not related to climate over the four-month study period (rainfall, light, temperature). It is possible that variability in nutrient resorption is driven by species-specific changes in phenological demands. This idea is supported by the different temporal patterns of foliar nutrients of P macroloba and L. procera. Results from this study demonstrate the dynamic nature of wet tropical forests. From the soil pool to the leaves of canopy trees, nutrients varied significantly both over the short-term (bi-weekly) and seasonally (wet and dry season). Species differed in their resorption efficiency, foliar nutrient concentrations, as well as their response to temporal variability in climate. Therefore, should land-use and climate change be accompanied by a shift in species dominance, both the pattern and magnitude of nutrients cycled in litterfall would likely change. With it, the functioning of tropical forests would be altered, as well as feedbacks on atmospheric carbon, water and energy balance. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5389. Publicación no.: 383 Economic aid and the environment [Ayuda económica y el ambiente] / Repetto, R. En: EPA journal (ISSN 0145-1189), v. 16, no. 4, p. 20-22. 1990. Approximately 1/3 of the signatories of the Montreal Protocol on ozone depletion were developing countries lacking the resources to pay for its implementation. Germany announced at 25% reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 2005, the Netherlands, the UK, and Japan promised similar steps. The southern hemisphere has to reduce emissions with improved technology from the northern hemisphere, as 45% of greenhouse gases are generated there. There is need to finance such initiatives: $20-50 billion a year is required by 2000 to help these countries. The world Resources Institute proposed a green investment fund for the environment or Ecovest. It was first proposed in Eastern Europe by the Nordic Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO) in 1990 with aninitial capital of $47 million. The US Overseas Private Investment Corporation set up a $100 million for-profit Environmental Investment Fund for eastern Europe and the developing world for sustainable agriculture, forest management, eco-tourism, renewable energy, and pollution prevention. Debt-for-nature swaps

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between nongovernmental agencies and governments to purchase debt at discount have been paid in bonds for nature conservation in Bolivia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Zambia, and Madagascar. $69 million of Costa Rica's debt was converted in 2 years to save parks, protected areas, and finance reforestation. The debts of some African countries have been written off by donor countries. The Bush Administration proposed to write off parts ofLatin America's $7 billion debt. The Global Environment Fund of the World Bank proposed to lend $300-400 million a year for environmental projects in developing countries and in Eastern Europe. The main goals are to protect the ozone layer, prevent deforestation and desertification, and clean up pollution. Some companies finance reforestation in Guatemala to offset their own emissions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7028. Publicación no.: 384 Effects of the Younger Dryas cooling event on late quaternary montane oak forest in Costa Rica / Islebe, Gerald A; Hooghiemstra, Henry. (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Apartado 424, CP 77000, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, MX <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology and conservation of neotropical montane oak forests. Kappelle, M. (ed.) Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2006. p. 29-38. (Ecological Studies Series; v. 185). ISBN: 978-3-540-28909-8. Climate change is expected to profoundly impact global vegetation types. Those changes can be best evaluated if we understand past climate change and its impact on vegetation types. From research by Martin (1964), we know that glacial times had impact on Costa Rican vegetation.Later paleoecological and palynological studies from the Cordillera de Talamanca include Hooghiemstra et al. (1992), Horn and Sanford (1992), Horn (1993), Islebe et al. (1996), Islebe and Hooghiemstra (1997), and Rodgers and Horn (1996). The Younger Dryas cooling event (11,000-10,000 14C years BP), the last stage of the Pleistocene, is of great interest as there is still an exciting discussion questioning if this event was global, or rather restricted to some regions of the northern hemisphere. To date, the effects of the Younger Dryas cooling have been observed in ice cores (Dansgaard et al. 1989), marine sediments (Kennett 1990), and terrestrial cores from different parts of the world (Peteet 1993, 1995). For Central America and northern South America, a Younger Dryas cooling event has been suggested for Guatemala (Leyden 1995), Costa Rica (Islebe et al. 1995), Colombia (van Geel and van der Hammen 1973; van der Hammen 1978; Kuhry et al. 1993; Hooghiemstra and van der Hammen 1995), Ecuador (Clapperton et al. 1997), and Peru (Thompson et al. 1995).However, the lack of bracketing radiocarbon dates (i.e., dates that delimit events by an upper and lower age boundary) is a problem in many paleorecords (Heine 1993; Van't Veer et al. 2000). In this chapter, we present data from the La Chonta bog area, located in the Cordillera de Talamanca. Hastenrath (1973) reported several glacier advances, and that at 10,000 years BP the deglaciation process had ended. Our study site is located at 2,310 m altitude and is today surrounded by montane oak forest.We consider this altitude as strategic to understand past vegetation changes. The objective of this chapter is to analyze the impact of the Late Glacial-Holocene transitional climatic conditions on montane oak forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5514. Publicación no.: 385 Arthropod assemblages in epiphyte mats of Costa Rican cloud forests [Comunidades de artrópodos en la maraña de epífitas de bosques nubosos costarricenses] / Yanoviak, Stephen P; Nadkarni, Nalini M; Solano, R. (Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, 200 9th Street SE, Vero Beach, FL 32962, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 39, no. 2, p. 202-210. 2007. Tropical cloud forests are functionally important ecosystems, but are severely threatened due to deforestation and fragmentation. Epiphyte mats, accumulations of live vegetation and dead organic matter on tree trunks and branches, are a conspicuous component of cloud forests and harbor diverse assemblages of meso- and microarthropods. We compared the morphospecies richness, composition, and abundance of arthropods in epiphyte mats between primary and secondary forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica, and at two nearby replicate sites. Epiphyte mats were thinner and less structurally diverse in secondary forest. We collected ca 36,000 micro- and mesoarthropods from epiphyte mats in the 2-yr study. Whereas arthropod morphospecies richness did not differ among forest types, arthropod abundance was significantly higher in secondary forest due to larger numbers of ants, especially Solenopsis spp. Arthropod assemblages showed a high degree of taxonomic overlap both within and between primary and secondary forests (Jaccard abundance-based similarity = 0.93-0.96). Although characteristics of the arthropod fauna proved to be similar among sites and between forest types, there was a significant temporal effect: arthropod morphospecies richness in epiphyte mats generally was lower in the dry season (February-May), when many taxa probably became dormant or sought shelter against desiccation in deeper portions of mats. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5719. Publicación no.: 386 ¿Hay o no hay biodiversidad en plantaciones forestales? / Piedra-Jiménez, C; Zúñiga-Garita, Igor. (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, 3000 Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Heredia: Universidad Nacional / Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, s.f. 13 pp. El presente artículo trata de responder una pregunta que a través de los años muchos investigadores se hacen: ¿Hay o no hay biodiversidad en las plantaciones forestales? Si no fuera así, no habría razón por la cual aún se aplican estudios destinados a solucionar esta interrogante en muchas partes del mundo. Se menciona el propósito del establecimiento de las plantaciones forestales, contestando a una pregunta de ¿por qué existen en el planeta? Además, se dio la necesidad de establecer los principales impactos que provocan las plantaciones forestales al ambiente, que por lo visto son tanto positivos como negativos, según la situación y las políticas que se aplican para la incorporación de las plantaciones forestales en los distintos países del orbe.La conclusión es un poco relativa, en el sentido de que hay razones que identifican a las plantaciones como promotoras hacia una recuperación de biodiversidad, suplantando tierras que han sido degradadas año tras año, por actividades agrícolas y ganaderas; por otra parte, hay otras razones que modifican esta situación, identificando por lo contrario a las plantaciones forestales como actividades que sustituyen al bosque natural y por lo tanto se promueve la degradación de la biodiversidad. A raíz de estos, los autores del artículo dejan a criterio del lector la respuesta a la pregunta original del estudio, proporcionándoles una base científica, cargada de información determinante. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5521. Publicación no.: 387 Simulation of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from tropical primary forests in the Costa Rican Atlantic Zone [Simulación de las emisiones de óxido nitroso y óxido nítrico de bosques primarios en la Zona Atlántica costarricense] / Liu, Shuguang; Reiners, William A; Keller, Michael; Schimel, Davis S. (Raytheon Systems Company. EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD 57198, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Environmental Modeling and Assessment (ISSN 1364-8152), v. 15, p. 727-743. 2000. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) are important atmospheric trace gases participating in the regulation of global climate and environment. Predictive models on the emissions of N2O and NO emissions from soil into the atmosphere are required. We modified the CENTURY model (Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 51 (1987) 1173) to simulate the emissions of N2O and NO from tropical primary forests in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica at a monthly time step. Combined fluxes of N2O and NO were simulated as a function of gross N mineralization and water-filled pore space (WFPS). The coefficients for partitioning N2O from NO were derived from field measurements (Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 8 (1994) 399). The modified CENTURY was calibrated against observations of carbon stocks in various pools of forest ecosystems of the region, and measured WFPS and emission rates of N2O and NO from soil to the atmosphere. WFPS is an important factor regulating nutrient cycling and emissions of N2O and NO from soils making the accuracy of the WFPS prediction central to the modeling process. To do this, we modified the hydrologic submodel and developed a new method for the prediction of WFPS at the monthly scale from daily rainfall information. The new method is based on: (1) the relationship between monthly rainfall and the number of rainfall events, and (2) the relative cumulative frequency distribution of ranked daily rainfall events. The method is generic and should be applicable to other areas. Simulated monthly average WFPS was 0.68-0.02 - identical with the field measurement average of 0.68-0.02 from the annual cycle observed by Keller and Reiners (Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 8 (1994) 399). Simulated fluxes of N2O and NO were 52.0-9.4 mg-N m-² month-¹ and 6.5-0.7 mg-N m-² month-¹, respectively, compared with measured averages of 48.2-11.0 mg-N m-² month-¹ and 7.1-1.1 mg-N m-² month-¹. The simulated N2O/NO ratio was 11.2-1.9 compared with the measured value of 10.9-4.7. WFPS is the dominant determinant of the fraction of gross N mineralization that is emitted from the soil as N2O and NO. If WFPS were not limiting during part of the year, this fraction would be 4.2%. With some periods of lower WFPS, the realized fraction is 2.2%. Because of the strong relationships between N2O and NO emission rates and rainfall and its derivative, WFPS, these moisture variables can be used to scale up nitrogen trace gas fluxes from sites to larger spatial scales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5649. Publicación no.: 388 Propuesta metodológica para evaluar la adaptación de los productores a la variabilidad climática, principalmente la sequía, en cuencas hidrográficas en América Central [Methodological proposal to evaluate the farmer's adaptation to climate variability, specifically drought in Central America's watershed] / Benegas-Negri, L.A. Turrialba: CATIE, 2006. 145 pp. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Manejo Integrado de Cuencas Hidrográficas, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica). Central America have drought continues zones exposed to natural disasters and food periodical scarcity but it has a responsal to this climate variability with people adaptation, aspect that was looking for evaluation. Therefore, was elaborated a standard to evaluate the farmer's adaptation to the climate varialibility, specifically drought in Central America's watershed, obtained through contributions of professionals of this region. It was obtained five principles, ten criteria, twenty six indicators and fifty one verifiers. This standard was applied in the watershed of the Aguas Calientes' river in Nicaragua, previous multicriteria evaluation of the acceptance level of the standard, which was mean. The general qualification indicates a low adaptation level to this condition. The analysis of drought adaptation strategies and technologies existing and the perception of climate variability were based in surveys, interviews, workshops and field visits. It was prioritize the most vulnerable areas and the solution

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alternatives in a participative way. It was analyzed the financial feasibility of two crops (henequen and pitahaya) existing like adaptation to drought options. It was confirmed the vulnerability of this watershed, which most vulnerable areas are located in the middle and low stratums; and, in spite of that, in the middle zone there are not application of water harvest and storage strategies and plantation of fruit trees; and in the low zone there is exclusively the irrigation strategy, being insignificant the green manures and alive and died barriers, revealing the weaknesses of the most vulnerable zones. The henequen crop under the actual production system is untenable, but with the fiber transformation in thread, it's profitable. The pitahaya produced in patio present positive financial indicators with low capitalization of investments; however, this crop would be a good adaptation alternative if it has increased the density of plants maintaining the patio areas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5771. Publicación no.: 389 El pago de los servicios ambientales y las comunidades indígenas [The pay of environmental services and indigenous communities] / Torres-Carral, G. (Universidad Autónoma Chapingo. Departamento de Sociología Rural, Chapingo, Méx, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ra Ximhai (ISSN 1665-0441), v. 2, no. 1, p. 187-207. 2006. Enlace: The present work deals with ample way the discussion and the practice of the payment by environmental services, which is a subject very debated at the directed present time to know the benefits and/or risks that imply these payments, according to the institutional normativity, as well as in relation to modus operandi of transnational corporative ones through its foundations. These payments by conservation are important in views of the environmental crisis and their possible solution. In connection with this last one it is important to know which is the performance of non-indigenous and indigenous communities as much as established in the rural world of countries like Mexico, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Panama, etc. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5464. Publicación no.: 390 Soil organic carbon pool under native tree plantations in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica [Depósito de carbono orgánico debajo de plantaciones de árboles nativos en las tierras bajas del Caribe de Costa Rica] / Jiménez, Juan José; Lal, Rattan; Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A; Russo-Andrade, Ricardo O. (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología CSIC, Avda Regimiento Galicia, s/n Jaca, E/22700 Huesca, ES <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 241, p. 134-144. 2007. We evaluated the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool and selected physico-chemical soil variables in a plantation with native tree species established in a degraded pasture of the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. Studies on the rate and accumulation of aboveground biomass and C have been conducted in native tree plantations of Costa Rica. However, more studies on the SOC pool are needed since only few works provide information on the subject. The tree plantation was established in 1991 on a 2.6 ha degraded pasture (Ischaemum sp.). Four species were selected: Vochysia guatemalensis Smith, Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess, Stryphnodendron excelsum Poeppig et Endl. and Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao. Average SOC concentration ranged from 44.9 to 55.2 g kg-¹ (0-10 cm), and decreased with depth up to 12.7-16.8 g kg-¹ (40-50 cm). The highest SOC pool was measured under H. alchorneoides and V. guatemalensis, i.e. 131.9 and 119.2 Mg C ha-¹, respectively, whereas in the pasture

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it was 115.6 Mg C ha-¹. The SOC pool has not changed significantly under the tree species evaluated 14 years after establishment. A multivariate ordination technique named between-within class principal component analysis was used to determine the factors and trend that explain the variability in the data. The effect of vegetation in the SOC and selected soil variables measured in this study was only detected for H. alchorneoides. The information presented herein about the depth distribution of the SOC fraction improves our knowledge for further developing prediction models. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5665. Publicación no.: 391 Lignin and enhanced litter turnover in tree plantations of lowland Costa Rica / Raich, James W; Russell, Ann E; Bedoya-Arrieta, R. (Iowa State University. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Ames, IA 50011, US <E-mail:[email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 239, no. 1/3, p. 128-135. 2007. We quantified the effect of overstory species composition on forest floor dynamics in lowland Costa Rica. Aboveground litter production and forest floor mass were measured over 1 year in 16-year-old single-species plantations established in a randomized complete block design with four blocks. The tree species investigated (=experimental treatments) were Hyeronima alchorneoides, Pentaclethra macroloba, Pinus patula subsp. tecunumanii, Virola koschnyi, Vochysia ferruginea, and Vochysia guatemalensis. Organic matter fluxes in litterfall, which averaged 10.1 Mg ha-¹ year-¹, were similar to those reported from comparable Neotropical plantations, whereas nitrogen fluxes in litterfall (up to 210 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) were high. Litter production was significantly greater beneath Hyeronima and V. ferruginea than beneath Virola, primarily due to high rates of non-woody litter production by Hyeronima, large amounts of twig litter production by V. ferruginea, and low production of both fractions by Virola. V. ferruginea had significantly more branch litter on the ground than did any other species, whereas Hyeronima had the largest accumulations of non-woody (mostly leaf) litter. Accumulations of woody litter correlated closely with rates of branchfall: branches _1 cm in diameter persisted on the forest floor for 0.9 year on average, independent of species. Rates of decay of non-woody litter, in contrast, varied significantly among species, with fastest rates (2.8 year-¹) observed beneath Pentaclethra and the slowest decay rates (1.5 year-¹) in plots of V. guatemalensis. Contrary to expectations, litter decay rates increased with increasing lignin contents, paralleling results of a concomitant study that found a significant negative correlation between litter lignin and surface-soil organic matter content. Our results demonstrate that different overstory-tree species generate significantly different forest floors, in terms of mass, composition and dynamics. These differences affect soil restoration, tree regeneration and other ecological processes important to selecting species for tropical plantation establishment and reforestation efforts. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5394. Publicación no.: 392 Using lidar to identify structural differences between primary and secondary tropical rainforests [Utilizando la técnica "lidar" para identificar las diferencias estructurales entre bosques lluviosos tropicales primarios y secundarios] / Cowden, C.C; Weishampel, J.F. (University of Central Florida. Department of Biology, 400 Central Florida Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32816-2368, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Working Forests in the Tropics: Conservation through Sustainable Management. Abstracts, University of Florida, Gainesville USFebruary 25-26, 2002. , 2002. p. 52. Enlace:

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(Abstract only). Remote sensing is an invaluable tool for estimating forest cover over vast or inaccessible areas; such techniques have been applied to measure various biophysical attributes of forest canopies including height, stand volume, and aboveground biomass. The development of large footprint lidar (light detection and ranging) has allowed accurate mapping of canopy structure of closed canopies with high leaf area indices (LAI). Analysis of lidar return waveforms has yielded various structural descriptions such as canopy surface height, height profiles, and canopy volume. Field research has shown primary and secondary tropical rainforests to be both structurally and floristically discrete; therefore, remotely sensed canopy characteristics may be able to distinguish primary forests from secondary forests. Secondary forests act as nutrient sinks, and primary forests are potential sources but remain relatively at equilibrium under natural disturbance regimes (gap-phase dynamics). Thus the ability to discern rainforest types is integral in developing accurate estimates of global carbon dynamics and local nutrient cycling. For this study, lidar data were collected from primary and secondary tropical rainforests at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica in March 1998 for the Vegetation Canopy Lidar (VCL) mission. Using height, fractal dimension, and semi-variance techniques on this lidar transect data, we assessed the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary tropical rainforest. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-5231. Publicación no.: 393 Protection fails to stem amphibian decline [La protección no puede prevenir la disminución de anfibios] / Williams, N. En: Current Biology (ISSN 0960-9822), v. 17, no. 10, p. 339-340. 2007. Enlace: A long-term analysis of amphibian and reptiles in a Costa Rican nature reserves designated to protectect them reveals an alarming fall in numbers. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6183. Publicación no.: 394 Análisis del sistema de pago por Servicios Ambientales en la rentabilidad de una plantación de Gmelina arborea, en la zona Huetar Norte, Costa Rica / Espinoza-Miranda, A. (Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Coordinadora de Educación Ambiental, San José, CR). En: Strucplan On Line, 14 p. 2007. Enlace: Desde hace dos décadas Costa Rica se ha ocupado del campo ambiental, al igual que lo han hecho otros países y Organismos Internacionales, en busca de soluciones para incorporar un moderno concepto de compensación a los empresarios por los servicios ambientales que brinda el bosque y las plantaciones forestales a la sociedad. La problemática mayor del sector forestal está centrada en la tecnología y financiamiento de la sostenibilidad de los proyectos de reforestación, considerando que el retorno de la inversión se produce en el mediano y largo plazo, principalmente para garantizar un buen manejo silvicultural de las plantaciones. Por tal razón el Estado creó el Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO) con la finalidad de buscar alternativas de solución a la falta de financiamiento para el desarrollo de proyectos sostenibles que mejoren la calidad de vida de la sociedad costarricense. Es necesario por tanto evaluar hoy día el Sistema de pago por Servicios Ambientales, como principal fuente de financiamiento para asegurar el éxito en función de rentabilidad financiera de los proyectos de reforestación con especies maderables. En esta investigación se presenta la importancia del problema, se indica el problema principal, los objetivos: general y específicos, así como la conceptualización de las variables. Se desarrolla el marco teórico que abarca conceptos básicos utilizados en este estudio, los

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cuales de una u otra forma, han permitido conocer y permitirán aplicar los indicadores de laestructura de costos, la rentabilidad financiera de esta actividad. Los aspectos técnicos, involucran los términos en cuanto a la descripción de los sitios o fincas, especificaciones de las plantaciones, características de la especie, requisitos técnicosy legales para optar por el financiamiento, entre otros. Se hace referencia a la metodología empleada, las fuentes de información, la descripción de los instrumentos, su validez, alcances y limitaciones. Se analizan e interpretan los datos obtenidos con cada uno de los instrumentos aplicados en la investigación, incorporando el análisis estadístico y gráfico para su mayor comprensión. Finalmente, se presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones por objetivo, además de una recomendación global que incluye todos los lineamientos expuestos y propone una solución financiera integrada del problema. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6384. Publicación no.: 395 Multi-scale variation in fine-root biomass in a tropical rain forest: a seven-year study [Variación multiescala en biomasa de raíces finas en un bosque tropical lluvioso: un estudio de siete años] / Espeleta-Delgado, Javier F; Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, INTERLINK-341, P.O. Box 02-5635, Miami, FL 33102, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Monographs (ISSN 0012-9615), v. 77, no. 3, p. 377-404. 2007. Enlace: Understanding the dependency of ecosystem processes on spatial and temporal scales is crucial in current efforts to model ecosystem responses to global change. Here we present a case of nonlinear interactions between temporal and spatial scales in a high spatial- and temporal-resolution study of fine-root biomass responses to edaphic and climatic variation in a lowland tropical rain forest (La Selva, Costa Rica). The spatiotemporal variation in fine roots in this forest was considerably greater thanthat for aboveground live biomass and litterfall. Standing stocks of both live and dead fine roots varied strongly during a seven-year period (up to 10-fold) and across two edaphic gradients with different soil nutrient and water variation (up to four-fold). Fine-root biomass decreased with soil fertility and volumetric soil water content, but responses across a landscape gradient (decreasing with total soil P and K and increasing with N:P ratio between two Oxisols with different weathering) differed from those across a topographic gradient in older Oxisols (increasing with total Fe and Al and decreasing with Ca, Mg, and C:N ratio down the slopes). The spatial contrasts across the landscape gradient (but not in the topographic gradient) changed substantially through time, and they, in fact, disappeared entirely by the middle of the study interval. Shortterm monitoring of belowground standing biomass could thus lead to important biases when quantifying root responses. The positive time 3 gradient interaction in fine-root biomass across soil types (but not downslope) also indicates nonlinear changes in spatial patterns across temporal scales, so studies on temporal responses also need to be spatially explicit at narrow scales. This interaction also appears to be more complex than previously recognized: semester-averaged fine-root biomass was negatively correlated with soil water content in the preceding semester, but the relationship was restricted to residual Oxisols. To increase the accuracy of global carbon cycle models in the future, a critical complement to observations of ecosystem processes at regional and global scales will be quantifying these processes through multiple years and across the substantial edaphic gradients that typically exist within landscapes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-6935.

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Publicación no.: 396 Manual para mejores prácticas de conservación de las tortugas marinas en Centroamérica / Chacón-Chaverri, Didiher; Valerín, N; Cajiao-Jiménez, María Virginia; Gamboa, H (il.); Marín, G (il.). (Asociación ANAI, Apdo 170-2070, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). s.l.: PROARCA/CAPAS, 2000. 155 p. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-1645. Publicación no.: 397 Processes responsible for the nitrous oxide emission from a Costa Rican Andosol under a coffee agroforestry plantation [Procesos responsables para la emisión de óxido nitroso de un Andosol costarricense bajo una plantación agroforestal de café] / Hergoualc'h, Kristell; Skiba, Ute; Harmand, Jean Michel; Oliver, Robert. (CIFOR ENV BOCBD, POB 0113, Bogor 16000, ID <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biology and Fertility of Soils (ISSN 0178-2762), v. 43, p. 787-795. 2007. Enlace: We used the inhibitor acetylene (C2H2) at partial pressures of 10 Pa and 10 kPa to inhibit autotrophic nitrification and the reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) to N2, respectively. Soils (Andosol) from a Coffea arabica plantation shaded by Inga densiflora in Costa Rica were adjusted to 39, 58, 76 and 87% water-filled pore space (WFPS) and incubated for 6 days in the absence or presence of C2H2. Soil respiration, nitrification rates and N2O emissions by both processes were measured in relation to soil moisture conditions. At all WFPS studied, rates of N2O and N2 productions were small (4.8; 14.7; 23 and 239.6 ng N- N2O g-¹ d.w. d-¹ at 39, 58, 76 and 87% WFPS, respectively), and despite a low soil pH (4.7), N2O was mainly produced by nitrification, which was responsible for 85, 91, 84 and 87% of the total N2O emissions at 39, 58, 76 and 87% WFPS, respectively. At the three smaller values of WFPS, a linear relationship was established between WFPS, soil respiration, nitrification and N2O released by nitrification; no N2 was produced by denitrification. At more anaerobic conditions achieved by a WFPS of 87%, a large rate of N2O production was measured during nitrification, and N2 production accounted for 84% of the gaseous N fluxes caused by denitrification. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7073. Publicación no.: 398 Climate change implicated in amphibian and lizard declines [Cambio climático implicado en la disminución de anfibios y lagartijas] / Wake, David B. (University of California. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology, Berkeley, CA 94720-3160, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 0027-8424), v. 104, no. 20, p. 8201-8202. 2007. The Tink Frog (Eleutherodactylus diastema), once a commonly encountered species with dense populations, is one of 17 species of amphibians and lizards that have experienced steep declines, on the order of 75%, over the past 35 years at the La Selva Biological Station in lowland northeastern Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7204. Publicación no.: 399 Some aspects of climate in Costa Rica using historical data from the XIX century [Algunos aspectos del clima en Costa Rica utilizando datos históricos del siglo XIX] / Amador-Astúa, Jorge

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A. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas y Escuela de Física, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, v. 9, no. 2, p. 64-74. 2002. Enlace: A brief historical account, of the early development of meteorology in Costa Rica, particularly during the 1700s and 1800s, and, of the first meteorological observations taken in the country, is presented. Quantitative meteorological data were scarceand descriptive evidence of atmospheric phenomena predominated over most of the XVIII century. During the first third of the 1800s, Rafael F. Osejo, provided the first descriptions and explanations of local climate, floods and, of what appears to be, the intrusion of cold air masses in the Caribbean region of Central América. Danish botanist, A. S. Oersted made systematic meteorological observations of precipitation and temperature during 1846-47, that clearly showed, what is probably, the earliest quantitative description of the Mid-Summer Drought (MSD) or "veranillo" in the country. Documentary sources of the period 1830-1890 often refer to snowfalls in the highest mountain tops of Costa Rica. A simple analysis of synoptic data for the last few decades helped to understand the possible origin and the meteorological likelihood for such an extreme meteorological situation. Since no such conditions are known to have been scientifically documented during the last decades, this could be a plausible indication of climate change since that century, specially if recent evidence of ongoing warming at high altitude peaks is considered. Temperature information, although very disperse in public and private archives, was collected from primary and secondary sources and quality controlled. Monthly temperature values were constructed for the period 1866 to 1887 for San José. This time series together with that for the period 1888 to 1899, has been used to study some aspects of the climate in the region. Anomalies of temperature during the period of study clearly show the warming associated with some El Niño events (including the 1876-78 episodes, the most intense event of the century) and the cooling in the region possibly due to the Krakatau eruption of 1883. Theresults of this research bring the attention about the importance of meteorological data rescue and the use of documentary historical sources in the reconstruction of extreme events of past climate. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7156. Publicación no.: 400 Tree species effects on soil properties in experimental plantations in tropical moist forest [Efectos de las especies de árboles en las propiedades del suelo en plantaciones experimentales en bosque húmedo tropical] / Russell, Ann E; Raich, James W; Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J; Fisher, R.F. (Iowa State University. Department of Natural Resources, Ecology & Management, Ames, IA 50011, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Soil Science Society of America Journal (ISSN 0361-5995), v. 71, no. 4, p. 1389-1397. 2007. We resampled one of the earliest replicated experimental sites used to investigate the impacts of native tropical tree species on soil properties, to examine longer term effects to 1-m depth. The mono-dominant stands, established in abandoned pasture in 1988 at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, contained six species, including one exotic, Pinus patula ssp. tecunumanii (Eguiluz & J.P. Perry) Styles, and five native species: Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Ktze (N2-fixing); Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao; Virola koschnyi Warb; Vochysia ferruginea Mart; and Vochysia guatemalensis J.D. Smith. Soil organic carbon (SOC) differed significantly among species in the surface (0-15 cm) layer, ranging from 44.5 to 55.1 g kg-¹, compared with 46.6 and 50.3 g kg-¹ in abandoned pasture and mature forest,

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respectively. The change in surface SOC over 15 yr ranged from -0.03 to 0.66 Mg C ha-¹ yr-¹. The species differed in the quantity and chemical composition of their detrital production. Soil organic C was significantly correlated with fine-root growth, but not with aboveground detrital inputs. Soil organic C increased with potential C mineralization on a grams of C basis, indicating that species influenced both the quality and quantity of SOC. Contrary to expectations, SOC declined with increasing fine-root lignin concentrations, indicating that lignin-derived C did not dominate refractory SOC pools. We hypothesize that differences among species in the capacity to increase SOC stocks involved fine-roottraits that promoted soil microbial turnover and, thus, greater production of recalcitrant, microbial-derived C fractions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7317. S11414. Publicación no.: 401 Running hot and cold: Are rainforest sinks or taps for carbon? [Funcionan caliente y frío: ¿Son los bosques lluviosos tropicales sumideros o fuentess de carbono?] / Levy, S. (<E-mail: [email protected]>) En: Bioscience (ISSN 0006-3568), v. 57, no. 7, p. 552-557. 2007. Conventional wisdom has long held that tropical rainforests act as a sink for carbon dioxide, cleansing the atmosphere of a major greenhouse gas. However, biologists studying the forests of Costa rica are finding that rising temperatures are causing trees to grow less and to pump out more casrbon dioxide, adding to an accelerating pattern of global warming. On a cloudy day, the rainforest seen from the top of the La Selva canopy research tower seems to go on forever. In fact, La Selva is the small tip of a peninsula of remnant habitat in a landscape heavily altered by human activities. Some researchers helieve this may make data from La Selva less relevant to conditions in Amazonia and other areas with large swaths of tropical forest. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7306. Publicación no.: 402 New techniques for accurate measurement of water and water isotopes: Insights into the mechanisms that control the humidity of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere [Nuevas técnicas para la medida exacta del agua y de los isótopos del agua: Entendimiento de los mecanismos que controlan la humedad de la troposfera superior y la estratosfera baja] / Sayres, D.S. Cambridge: Harvard University, 2006. 136 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (USA). Enlace: Elucidating the mechanisms that control stratospheric humidity is essential if global climate models are to accurately predict how changes in the boundary layer will effect ozone loss in the stratosphere. One method of testing which dehydration mechanisms are prominent in the tropical upper troposphere is using the isotopic ratio of water vapor, as the ratio records the dehydration history of the air parcel. Measurements of the isotopic ratio of water vapor in the overworld stratosphere, over the continental United States and Gulf of Mexico, show air that is enriched in HDO compared with previous remote measurements of tropical stratospheric air. It is concluded that the cause of this enrichment is evaporation of lofted ice as a result of deep convection that penetrates as high as 430 K. Based on a simple mixing model, it is shown that as much as 40% of water vapor in the midlatitude overworld is the result of convective ice lofting. During the recent CR-AVE mission, tropical profiles of HDO and H2O show that the tropical stratosphere over Costa Rica in wintertime is also enriched in HDO. However, measurements in the lower part of the TTL are consistent with convective air following a Rayleigh profile

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and detraining at 350 K and then rising without further depletion. It is proposed that the stratospheric air over Costa Rica is heavily influenced by middleworld air from the midlatitudes and is not the result of slow ascent in the tropics. The measurements used in this thesis were obtained using anew instrument that leverages advances in electronic design and laser development with the sensitivity obtained from cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy to make accurate measurements of water isotopes. The Harvard Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (ICOS) instrument uses a high-finesse optical cavity to produce kilometer pathlengths in a meter sized cell. The theory and application of ICOS as a tracer instrument are laid out in the context of making accurate measurements traceable to laboratory standards. Laboratory calibrations with two different water addition systems as well as cross-calibration with other water and water isotope instruments yield an accurate determination of molecular line strengths and line widths and a robust method for testing the ICOS fitting algorithm. Comparisons with other water and water isotope instruments were made during the AVE-WIIF campaign. ICOS shows good agreement in both H2O and HDO when compared to other instruments. However, a small bias is detected at low mixing ratios and pressures below 100 mbar. The cause of this bias is described as well as possible solutions. Accurate remote sensing measurements are also important for understanding the role of convection and other dehydration mechanisms. Comparisons made during the CRYSTAL-FACE mission use in situ ice water content (IWC) from the Harvard Total Water and Water Vapor instruments with remote measurements of radar reflectivities from the Cloud Radar System (CRS). A cloud model is used to assess the sampling error caused by comparing measurements that sample air parcels that are not spatially nor temporally collocated. The conclusion from the model, which is confirmed by the CRYSTAL-FACE data, is that measurements must be made within 2 kilometers of each other. Limiting the comparisons to times when in situ and remote measurements were within 2 kilometers of each other, IWC derived from CRS measurements is within 15% of the IWC measured in situ. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7459. Publicación no.: 403 Frog declines: Exploring connections among climate change, immunity and disease [Disminución de ranas: Explorando las conexiones entre el cambio climático, inmunidad y enfermedad] / Beecher, N.A. Bloomington: Indiana University, 2006. 112 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (USA). Frog and toad populations have been declining drastically all over the world. For the past 20 years, marked declines have been recorded for 40% of the frog and toad species in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve (MCFP), Costa Rica, where climate change and disease have been implicated. Our study explored possible connections between climate change, immunity and disease susceptibility, examining in particular how climate-induced changes in pond water levels may influence amphibian immune systems. We examined immune development and function (thymus growth, antibody production and skin graft rejection) in Meadow treefrogs (Hyla pseudopuma), a declining species in the MCFP, when tadpoles developed under various water regimes. During the wet seasons of 2001-2004, laboratory experiments were conducted in the MCFP by subjecting tadpoles to constant or declining water levels. Field studies also took place in man-made and natural forest ponds that experienced different rainfall and pond water retention patterns. Our studies suggested that development under shallow or highly variable water levels led to weaker immunity. Under these conditions, both tadpoles and young froglets were less able to reject foreign tissue, an important immune response involved ininitially fighting off infection. These data support the hypothesis that climate-induced changes in pond water can influence amphibian immune development as well as function. Collectively, these results may have important

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implications concerning climate change effects on amphibian populations, as well as the possible role of immunosuppression and increased disease susceptibility in species declines. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8445. Publicación no.: 404 Tropical rainforests: Carbon sink or carbon source? [Bosques lluviosos tropicales: ¿Sumideros de carbono o fuentes de carbono?] / Rosner, H. Boulder: University of Colorado, 2006. 37 p. ISBN: 978-0-542-96910-2. Thesis, M.Sc., University of Colorado at Boulder (USA). To make a model that can accurately predict the impacts of climate change, it's crucial to know whether tropical forests will in fact be sinks for carbon dioxide - net reducers of CO2in the atmosphere - or whether they'll be sources, releasing more CO2 than they absorb. The research of Deborah A. and David B. Clark, at La Selva in Costa Rica, hints at the idea of rainforests as CO2 sources, a scary proposition that could speed up the effects of global warming. Armed with decades of data, the Clarksare now showing that enough global warming will slow the growth of tropical trees, which could cause rainforests to emit more carbon dioxide than they soak up, and by century's end, trees in the tropical forests could die. Instead of saving us from the greenhouse effect, the world's rainforests could contribute to it. This thesis includes a reported work of journalism about the Clarks' research, as well as thoughts about the potential for a longer body of work on this topic. It concludes with observations about the relationship between scientists and journalists. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7644. Publicación no.: 405 An incentive mechanism for reducing emissions from conversion of intact and non-intact forests [Un mecanismo para incentivar la reducción de emisiones para la conversión de bosques intactos y no intactos] / Mollicone, D; Achard, F; Federici, S.E; Grassi, H.D; Belwared, G; Raes, A; Seufert, F; Stibig, G; Matteucci, H.J; Schulze, G. (Commission of European Communities. Joint Research Centre, Institute of Environmal Sustainability, CCR, TP 440, I-21020 Ispra, IT <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Climatic Change (ISSN 0165-0009), v. 83, no. 4, p. 477-493. 2007. This paper presents a new accounting mechanism in the context of the UNFCCC issue on reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries, including technical options for determining baselines of forest conversions. This proposal builds on the recent scientific achievements related to the estimation of tropical deforestation rates and to the assessment of 'Cyintact' forest areas. The distinction between 'Cyintact' and 'Cynon intact' forests used here arises from experience with satellite-based deforestation measurements and allows accounting for carbon losses from forest degradation. The proposed accounting system would use forest area conversion rates as input data. An optimal technical solution to set baselines would be to use historical average figures during the time period from 1990 to 2005. The system introduces two different schemes to account for preserved carbon: one for countries with high forest conversion rates where the desired outcome would be a reduction in their rates, and another for countries with low rates. A 'Cyglobal' baseline rate would be used to discriminate between these two country categories (high and low rates). For the hypothetical accounting period 2013-2017 and considering 72% of the total tropical forest domain for which data are available, the scenario of a 10% reduction of the high rates and of the preservation of low rates would result in approximately 1.6 billion tCO(2) of avoided emissions. The resulting benefits of this reduction would be shared between those high-rate countries which reduced deforestation and those low-rate countries which did not increase their deforestation over an agreed threshold (e.g., half of "global" baseline rate).

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7344. Publicación no.: 406 Above- and belowground carbon sequestration under various land-use systems and soil types in Costa Rica [Captura de carbono por encima y por debajo del suelo en diversos sistemas de uso de la tierra y tipos de suelo en Costa Rica] / Jiménez, Juan José; Lal, Rattan. (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología CSIC, Avda Regimiento Galicia, s/n Jaca, E/22700 Huesca, ES <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Carbon sequestration in soils of Latin America. Lal, R; Cerri C.C; Bernoux, M; Etchevers, J; Cerri, E. (eds.) Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 2006. p. 167-185. ISBN: 9781560221371. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10919. Publicación no.: 407 Efecto del cambio climático en la agricultura. Experiencias en Costa Rica / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). [San José]: Roberto Villalobos & José. A. Retana, s.f. 2 p. Enlace: La alteración de los patrones climáticos afectará indudablemente la producción y la productividad agrícola de diferentes maneras, dependiendo de los tipos de prácticas agrícolas, sistemas y período de producción, cultivos, variedades y zonas de impacto. Se estima que los principales efectos directos derivados de las variaciones en la temperatura y precipitación principalmente, serían la duración de los ciclos de cultivo, alteraciones fisiológicas por exposición a temperaturas fuera del umbral permitido, deficiencias hídricas y respuesta a nuevas concentraciones de CO2 atmosférico. Algunos efectos indirectos de los cambios esperados se producirían en las poblaciones de parásitos, plagas y enfermedades (migración, concentración, flujos poblacionales, incidencias, etc.) disponibilidad de nutrimentos en el suelo y planificación agrícola (fechas de siembra, laboreo, mercadeo, etc.). Una de las formas más utilizadas actualmente para estudiar el impacto de un cambio climático sobre los sistemas agrícolas ypecuarios, es evaluando escenarios futuristas de cambio en modelos computacionales de simulación de crecimiento de cultivos. Estos permiten analizar el comportamiento productivo durante todo el ciclo del cultivo bajo diferentes marcos climáticos, obteniendo resultados sobre los efectos de variaciones en la temperatura, la precipitación y la radiación solar, principalmente. La mayoría de estos estudios aplican variaciones en la temperatura máxima, mínima o en la media y en la precipitación. Los rangos devariación de los elementos meteorológicos, son generados por Modelos de Circulación General (MCG). Si bien es cierto que existen desacuerdos entre los investigadores sobre la magnitud de cambio en estos elementos, la tendencia en las investigaciones agrícolas que utilizan escenarios climáticos derivados de los MCG es que sean del orden de 1 a 4°C en la temperatura, con un aumento o disminución en la lluvia diaria entre un 5 y un 15%. Con estos rangos de variación, las posibilidades de construcción de escenarios es grande, máxime que algunos modelos de simulación de crecimiento permiten manejar combinaciones de factores y factores aislados como tratamientos de estudio. Además de la temperatura y la precipitación, el otro elemento de cambio importante a evaluar es el contenido de CO2. Los MCG trabajan sobre el estimado de alcanzar el equilibrio climático ante una concentración de CO2 duplicada de la actual (323 ppm). Experimentos con altos contenidos de CO2 indican que el comportamiento estomático producido, podría generar una economía del agua consumida por las plantas, así como un efecto fertilizante en el caso de las leguminosas. Además, un incremento en la concentración del CO2, aumentaría directamente la taza de fotosíntesis y la producción de biomasa de las plantas C3, con cambios poco significativos en las plantas C4, como el maíz, sorgo y caña de azúcar.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7188. Publicación no.: 408 Programa de asistencia holandés para estudios de cambio climático: Proyecto de evaluación del impacto del cambio climático sobre la producción agrícola de Costa Rica / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). [San José]: Roberto Villalobos & José. A. Retana, s.f. 3 p. Enlace: El objetivo general del proyecto fue estudiar el impacto de un cambio climático sobre los cultivos agrícolas de frijol, papa y café en las principales regiones de producción en Costa Rica. Específicamente se analizó el efecto de variaciones en la temperatura del aire y la precipitación sobre la fisiología general y los rendimientos del cultivo de frijol en la Región Huetar Norte y de los cultivos de café y papa en la Región Central de Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7186. Publicación no.: 409 Measurements of trace gases in the tropical tropopause layer [Mediciones de gases traza en la capa de la tropopausa tropical] / Marcy, T.P; Popp, P.J; Gao, R.S; Fahey, D.W; Ray, E.A; Richard, E.C; Thompson, T.L; Atlas, Elliot L; Loewenstein, M; Wofsy, Susan C; Park, S; Weinstock, E.M; Swartz, W.H; Mahoney, M.J. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Chemical Sciences Division, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO 80305, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Atmospheric Environment (ISSN 1352-2310), v. 41, no. 34, p. 7253-7261. 2007. A unique dataset of airborne in situ observations of HCl, O3, HNO3, H2O, CO, CO2 and CH3Cl has been made in and near the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). A total of 16 profiles across the tropopause were obtained at latitudes between 10°N and 3°S from the NASA WB-57F high-altitude aircraft flying from Costa Rica. Few in situ measurements of these gases, particularly HCl and HNO3, have been reported for the TTL. The general features of the trace gas vertical profiles are consistent with the concept of the TTL as distinct from the lower troposphere and lower stratosphere. A combination of the tracer profiles and correlations with O3 is used to show that a measurable amount of stratospheric air is mixed into this region. The HCl measurements offer an important constraint on stratospheric mixing into the TTL because once the contribution from halocarbon decomposition is quantified, the remaining HCl (>60% in this study) must have a stratospheric source. Stratospheric HCl in the TTL brings with it a proportional amount of stratospheric O3. Quantifying the sources of O3 in the TTL is important because O3 is particularly effective as a greenhouse gas in the tropopause region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7405. Publicación no.: 410 Growth, carbon sequestration, and management of native tree plantations in humid regions of Costa Rica [Crecimiento, captura de carbono y manejo de plantaciones de árboles nativos en regiones húmedas de Costa Rica] / Redondo-Brenes, Alvaro. (Yale University. School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 210 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: New Forests (ISSN 0169-4286), v. 34, no. 3, p. 253-268. 2007. The Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species

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reforestation programs throughout the country. This research aims to provide information about growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species (Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) growing in small and medium- sized plantations in the Caribbean and Northern lowlands of Costa Rica. A total of 179 plots were evaluated in 32 farms. Overall, I found that V. guatemalensis, V. ferruginea, H. alchorneoides, and T. amazonia were the species with the fastest diameter, total height, and volume growth; and T. amazonia and D. panamensis sequestered more carbon. Moreover, I found that the plantations that had been thinned before this assessment had the best growth. The results of the present research enhance the criteria elaborated in previous research findings to improve species choices for reforestation and silvicultural management in Costa Rica and in other regions with similar ecological features. Furthermore, they support the concept that tropical plantations can serve diverse economic, social, and ecological functions that may ultimately help reduce atmospheric CO2 accumulation. The Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species reforestation programs throughout the country. This research aims to provide information about growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species (Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) growing in small and medium-sized plantations in the Caribbean and Northern lowlands of Costa Rica. A total of 179 plots were evaluated in 32 farms. Overall, I found that V. guatemalensis, V. ferruginea, H. alchorneoides, and T. amazonia were the species with the fastest diameter, total height, and volume growth; and T. amazonia and D. panamensis sequestered more carbon. Moreover, I found that the plantations that had been thinned before this assessment had the best growth. The results of the present research enhance the criteria elaborated in previous research findings to improve species choices for reforestation and silvicultural management in Costa Rica and in other regions with similar ecological features. Furthermore, they support the concept that tropical plantations can serve diverse economic, social, and ecological functions that may ultimately help reduce atmospheric CO2 accumulation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7404. Publicación no.: 411 The CO2 tracer clock for the Tropical Tropopause Layer [El reloj marcador de CO2 para la capa de la tropopausa tropical] / Park, S; Jiménez, R; Daube, B.C; Pfister, Leonhard; Conway, T.J; Gottlieb, E.W; Chow, V.Y; Curran, D.J; Matross, D.M; Bright, A; Atlas, Elliot L; Bui, T.P; Gao, R.S; Twohy, C.H; Wofsy, Susan C. (Harvard University. Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, MA 02138, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ISSN 1680-7316), v. 7, no. 14, p. 3989-4000. 2007. Enlace: Observations of CO2 were made in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in the deep tropics in order to determine the patterns of large-scale vertical transport and age of air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL). Flights aboard the NASA WB-57F aircraft over Central America and adjacent ocean areas took place in January and February, 2004 (Pre-AURA Validation Experiment, Pre-AVE) and 2006 (Costa Rica-AVE, CR-AVE), and for the same flight dates of 2006, aboard the Proteus aircraft from the surface to 15 km over Darwin, Australia (Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment, TWP-ICE). The data demonstrate that the TTL is composed of two layers with distinctive features: (1) the lower TTL, 350-360 K (potential temperature(theta); approximately 12-14 km), is subject to inputs of

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convective outflows, as indicated by layers of variable CO2 concentrations, with air parcels of zero age distributed throughout the layer; (2) the upper TTL, from theta=similar to 360 K to similar to 390 K (14-18 km), ascends slowly and ages uniformly, as shown by a linear decline in CO2 mixing ratio tightly correlated with altitude, associated with increasing age. This division is confirmed by ensemble trajectory analysis. The CO2 concentration at the level of 360 K was 380.0(±0.2) ppmv, indistinguishable from surface site values in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) for the flight dates. Values declined with altitude to 379.2(±0.2) ppmv at 390 K, implying that air in the upper TTL monotonically ages while ascending. In combination with the winter slope of the CO2 seasonal cycle (+10.8±0.4 ppmv/yr), the vertical gradient of -0.78±0.09) ppmv gives a mean age of 26(±3) days for the air at 390 K and a mean ascent rate of 1.5(±0.3) mm s-¹. The TTL near 360 K in the Southern Hemisphere over Australia is very close in CO2 composition to the TTL in the Northern Hemisphere over Costa Rica, with strong contrasts emerging at lower altitudes (360 K). Both Pre-AVE and CR-AVE CO2 observed unexpected input from deep convection over Amazonia deep into the TTL. The CO2 data confirm the operation of a highly accurate tracer clock in the TTL that provides a direct measure of the ascent rate of the TTL and of the age of air entering the stratosphere. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7496. Publicación no.: 412 A stable isotope approach to neotropical cloud forest paleoclimatology [Un enfoque de isótopos estables para la paleoclimatología del bosque nuboso neotropical] / Anchukaitis, Kevin J. (Columbia University. Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Tree-Ring Laboratory, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10946, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona, 2007. 165 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., The University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences, Tucson (USA). Enlace: Many tropical trees do not form reliable annual growth rings, making it a challenge to develop tree-ring width chronologies for application to paleoclimatology in these regions. Here, I seek to establish high-resolution proxy climate records from trees without rings from the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica using stable isotope dendroclimatology. Neotropical cloud forest ecosystems are associated with a relatively narrow range of geographic and hydroclimatic conditions, and are potentially sensitive to climate variability and change at time scales from annual to centennial and longer. My approach takes advantage of seasonal changes in the delta18O of water sources used by trees over a year, a signature that is imparted to the radial growth and provides the necessary chronological control. A rapid wood extraction technique is evaluated and found to produce cellulose with delta18O values indistinguishable from conventional approaches, although its application to radiocarbon requires a statistical correction. Analyses of plantation-grown Ocotea tenera reveal coherent annual delta18O cycles up to 9h. The width of these cycles corresponds to observed basal growth increments. Interannual variability in delta18O at this site is correlated with wet season precipitation anomalies. At higher elevations within the orographic cloud bank, year-to-year changes in the amplitude of oxygen isotope cycles show a relationship with dry season climate. Longer delta18O chronologies from mature Pouteria (Sapotacae) reveal that dry season hydroclimatology is controlled at interannual time scales by variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific (ENSO) and the Western Hemisphere Warm Pool (WHWP), which are correlated with trade wind strength and local air temperature. A change in the late 1960s toward enhanced annual delta18O amplitude may reflect low frequency changes in the Atlantic and Pacific ocean-atmosphere system. This study establishes the basis for cloud forest isotope dendroclimatology

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and demonstrates that the local climate of neotropical cloud forests is sensitive to interannual, and perhaps, multidecadal changes in important large-scale modes of climate variability. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7386. Publicación no.: 413 Fungal and viral pathogen occurrence in Costa Rican amphibians [Presencia de hongos y virus patógenos en anfibios costarricenses] / Picco, Angela M; Collins, James P. (Arizona State University. School of Life Sciences, Tempe, AR 85287, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Herpetology (ISSN 0022-1511), v. 41, no. 4, p. 746-749. 2007. Amphibians are declining globally at an unprecedented rate. Disease and climate change are implicated as causes of enigmatic declines. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is an amphibian pathogen prevalent in the Neotropics and is commonly associated with declining populations. Another amphibian pathogen, ranavirus, has not been detected in the nontemperate areas of the Neotropics, but few investigators have sampled for it. We used molecular techniques to test for Bd and ranaviruses in two areas of Costa Rica with a history of amphibian declines. We detected Bd from field-sampled amphibians in Monteverde and Las Cruces, Costa Rica; ranaviruses were not detected in either area. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that Bd was involved in declines at both sites, and provides additional information on its distribution in Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7852. Publicación no.: 414 The susceptibility of tropical forest bird communities to habitat fragmentation [La susceptibilidad de las comunidades de aves de bosques tropicales a la fragmentación del hábitat] / Sigel, Bryan J. (Tulane University. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 310 Dinwiddie Hall, Orleans, LA 70118, US <E-mail: [email protected]>), 192p. New Orleans, LA: Tulane University, 2007. Dissertation, Ph.D., Tulane University, School of Science and Engineering, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (USA). Habitat fragmentation impacts on bird communities are relatively well studied in the temperate zone, where brood parasites and non-forest predators are the main causes of declining avian biodiversity. However, life history traits of tropical species suggest different and more diverse effects of habitat fragmentation on tropical bird communities. This dissertation used historical data and quantitative comparisons of fragmented and control sites to infer causes and patterns of tropical avian community response to fragmentation in Central America. Particular ecological guilds, namely forest understory insectivores, mixed-species flock participants, and birds that nest on or near the ground declined or disappeared from La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica since the 1950s as the site became increasingly isolated from other forest. Spot-maps of twenty-two insectivorous bird species at Costa Rica in the 1970s indicate that insectivore populations were probably never large enough to be viable, emphasizing the need for larger reserves given the low density of many tropical forest species. Comparisons of four forest sites (24.6-1200 ha) to an non-fragmented control site in southeastern Nicaragua show significant reduction in biodiversity, corresponding decline in total bird abundance, and changes in community composition, even in the larger sites. Lack of change in the Nicaraguan control site suggests landscape changes rather than climate change is the most parsimonious explanation for community changes in the fragments. Finally, comparison of community changes in two large isolated forest reserves, La Selva and Barro Colorado Island, Panama, demonstrate similar patterns of losses of insectivores and low nesting species. However, landscape level and climatic differences between the two sites also affect the ability of some species to persist in remaining forest. Overall, this dissertation suggests that deterministic

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factors, especially ecological characteristics, put particular species at risk to landscape changes. No single mechanism appears to explain all the patterns, but small population size, poor dispersal ability, and increase in nest depredation are implicated by this study. Further investigation is needed to assess the relative importance of these and other mechanisms. Moreover, trophic cascades involving other taxa are predicted as a result of the lack of ecological replacement of disappearing specialized forest insectivores. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8085. Publicación no.: 415 Efecto de ENOS sobre la agricultura del arroz en la Región Chorotega y la agricultura del frijol en la Zona Norte de Costa Rica / Anonymous. San José: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, s.f. 5 p. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7486. Publicación no.: 416 Proyecto captura de carbono y desarrollo de mercados ambientales sistemas agroforestales indígenas de cacao / ACOMUITA (Asociación Comisión de Mujeres Indígenas de Talamanca). En: Siwa' Pakök, v. 1, no. 1, p. 1-8. 2005. Enlace: La relación entre nosotros los seres humanos y la naturaleza es un asunto que nos preocupa a todos. En los tiempos pasados cuando nuestros mayores vivieron en estas tierras, practicaron una forma de vida que no ocasionaba ningún tipo de problema al ambiente. Hoy la realidad es muy diferente. Estamos convencidos de que la clave del cambio se encuentra en las enseñanzas de nuestros antepasados. La forma en que ellos aprovechaban los recursos, son una valiosa enseñanza. Por eso estamos trabajando en el diseño de una propuesta para que no tengamos que botar todas nuestras montañas para poder sobrevivir. Durante miles de años los Bribris y Cabécares de Costa Rica, al igual que otros pueblos indígenas, aprendieron a hacer un uso racional de los recursos naturales, de manera que las actividades de sobrevivencia, tales como la cacería, la pesca y la agricultura, no ocasionaran daños serIos a las montañas, ríos y animales. Así por ejemplo, un cazador solo mataba lo que realmente necesitaba para comer, caminaba entre las montañas con mucho respeto, pues para su creencia, en las montañas habitan seres que la protegen y castigan a todo aquel que abusa. La misma regla se aplicaba para la pesca. Otro principio de vida era compartir la cacería y los alimentos obtenidos en la montaña con parientes y amigos, ya que para un indígena la falta más grave es mezquinar la comida. Esto ha cambiado mucho, hoy casi no se respeta las reglas que nuestros antepasados nos enseñaron, se matan muchos animales sin necesidad, se abusa de la pesca, al grado que cuesta ver peces en nuestros ríos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7662. Publicación no.: 417 Marine coastal dynamics and primary production response in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica: A multi-sensor satellite approach [Dinámica marina costera y respuesta dinámica de la producción primaria en el Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica: Un enfoque mediante satélite con múltiple sensores] / Lei, Z. Enschede: International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, 2002. 129 p. Thesis, M.Sc. in Earth Resources and Environmental Geosciences, Specialisation Natural Hazard Studies, International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, Enschede (The Netherlands).

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Enlace: The tropical ocean labeled as "global heat engine" plays a major role in global physical processes; heat flux moderates seawater temperature and changes water momentum, thereby influencing global climate. Phytoplankton is often referred to as the "biological pump", it constitutes the main marine primary production, fixes CO2 from the air and mitigates the "greenhouse" effect. But so far, how much phytoplankton is produced annually and what kind of factors affect their growth remains unknown. The objectives of this case study are focused on the spatio-temporal marine physical processes and primary productivity, and physical process impacts on phytoplankton primary production. AVHRR, SeaWIFS, TM, SeaWind and AMI data have been processed for the parameter extraction of sea surface temperature, phytoplankton pigment concentration, suspended sediment concentration, wind speed and direction. The 2 thermal bands of AVHRR at nighttime are applied for processing. A non-linear algorithm is used in the calculation, which has advantage of some atmosphere remove and satellite zenith angle correction, the other techniques are applied for quality improvement, such as temporal data match and cloud detection technique. An OC4 algorithm (Case 2 Water) is availableapproach for chlorophyll-a extraction, it concerns the suspended sediment impacts and chlorophyll spectrum shift when the concentration increases, and but the errors are larger than the errors of sea surface temperature and suspended sediment calculation. A simple linear formula is applied for the estimation of annual phytoplankton primary production. The parameter of Climate Integrate Factor is defined for estimation of potential primary production it is composed of the variables of solar hours and rainfall. A Natural Logarithm algorithm is suitable for suspended sediment calculation in this study, TM band 3 is sensitive to the change of suspended sediment, and the band 3/5 removed the unexpected atmosphere impact. There are four series of products: sea surface temperature, phytoplankton pigment, phytoplankton primary production and suspend sediment, and other annex data of wind map and SAR were processed for analysis. Annual sea surface temperature between 1991 and 2001 are analyzed on spatiotemporal change, anomalous "hot pool" and "cold tongue" distribution and formation reason. The monthly sea surface temperature in 1998 focused on comparison of sea surface temperature with daily solar hours and rainfall. These results are compared to El-Niño sea surface temperature in 1998 for impact analysis. The monthly phytoplankton pigment concentration and primary production in 1998 are calculated, then potential yearly primary production was estimated based on the Climate Intergrate Factor in the passed decade. The analysis of primary production was concentrated on spatial distribution and its formation. The four maps of suspended sediment concentration were produced between 1998 and 2001, so as to analysis on spatio-temporal change. The tide and wave currents were analyzed based on suspended sediment plumes and the wave textures on SAR image. The modeling of complex sea current was established for gulf physical analysis. The affections of sea surface temperature in 1998 and suspended sediment in 1998 on phytoplankton pigment in 1998 were analyzed in the open sea. The research in Golfo Dulce demonstrates that: (1) sea surface temperature in the gulf is controlled by the factors of extra-terrestrial solar radiance, but is highly affected by climate change and horizontal heat flux. A so-called "hot spot" and "cold tongue" of anomalous sea surface temperature have been detected in the gulf. The El-Niño event directly affects gulf sea surface temperature. SST has impact on phytoplankton growth speed, 30.01ºC is the critical temperature; (2) There are three types of complex sea currents appear in the gulf: flooding tide dominant, counter-clockwise and clockwise. The sea current model shows that the flooding current is stronger than the ebbing current. Counter-clockwise type is dominant in the gulf. It dilutes and shifts the phytoplankton population and distribution. The distribution and concentrations of suspended sediment are mainly dependent on the tidal cycle and river sand supply;

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(3) suspended sediment concentration has a light attenuation effect on the phytoplankton growth. High suspended sediment concentration with an impact of -0.25 mg/m3 *ssc mg/l affects the pigment concentration larger than low suspended sediment concentration with impact of -0.02 mg/m3 * ssc mg/l; (4) The observed phytoplankton pigment concentration "dome" shows that phytoplankton primary production is determined by the river nutrients during the rainy season, rather than by upwelling of the deep-water nutrient supply. The gulf primary production is estimated 1.4´105 ton in 1998, potential primary production is 1.8´105 ton. Remote sensing technique is available approach for researches on SST, SSC, PPC, PPP and wave current, especially on daily monitoring of SST, PPC, wave current at mesoscale. The gulf physical processes and biological processes are more complicate than in open sea, accurate calculation and correction are necessary for the parameter extraction. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7688. Publicación no.: 418 Hydrological impacts of converting tropical montane cloud forest to pasture, with initial reference to northern Costa Rica [Impactos hidrológicos de convertir los bosques nubosos montanos tropicales en potreros, con referencia inicial al norte de Costa Rica] / Bruijnzeel, Leendert Adriaan, (comp.). (Vrije Universiteit. Faculty of Earth Sciences, Tropical Environmental Hydrology Programme (TRENDY), Amsterdam, NL <E-mail: [email protected]>). Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit, 2006. 52 p. (Final Technical Report DFID-FRP Project; no. R7991). Enlace: Declining dry season flows in Central America constitute a problem for rural and urban water supplies and may in due course hamper agricultural production and hydropower generation. This project aimed to quantify the impact of cloud forest conversionto pasture on stream flow in northern Costa Rica using hydrological process research and modeling. A measuring protocol has been developed as well as a simplified, yet physically-based and spatially distributed model (FIESTA_CQflow) to predict the impactof (cloud) forest conversion on stream flow at the operational scale (1,000 km-2). A similar but more data-lean model designed to better understand the impacts of land-cover or climatic change on water budgets at the national and international scale (FIESTA_fog_delivery) has also been developed and applied to Costa Rica and to all of Central America and Mexico. The models are needed for developing realistic payment for environmental services schemes. Sustainable livelihood aspects in the study area are addressed by a specifically designed twin project (R 8174). Two micro-catchments under undisturbed cloud forest and mature pasture were instrumented heavily to quantify the fate of rainfall and fog water inputs for the two land covers. Mathematical descriptions of the relevant hydrological processes (notably rainfall and fog interception, evaporation and drainage) under forested and cleared conditions were derived from the measurements for use in the hydrological models. The changes in water budget resulting from the conversion of (cloud) forest were predicted at the operational and (inter)national scale using the above-mentioned models. Chief policy-relevant research results: conventionally measured rainfall inputs are seriously underestimated under the prevailing climatic and topographic conditions. By combining information on the angle of incidence of the precipitation with topographic aspect and inclination much more realistic estimates were obtained of catchment-wide precipitation inputs. Water inputs via fog were modest in most cases except at spatially limited "hot spots". Conversion of cloud forest to pasture leads to roughly doubled storm flows at the local scale due to soil compaction by cattle but at the operational scale no significant increase was observed. Any local effects of increased runoff response to rainfall in some parts of the catchment are ?diluted? by flow contributions from other, less affected or rainless parts. The predicted effect of cloud forest conversion

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to pasture on annual water yields at the operational and national scale was very limited. Neither were effects on dry season flows pronounced although progressive soil degradation over time might change this. These nearneutral results are due to the fact that reductions in the amounts of fog and horizontal precipitation trapped by the vegetation after forest conversion are compensated by similar or larger reductions in vegetation water use. Forest conversion in the lowlands leads to larger increases in total water yield. Simulations of the hydrological consequences of the most likely projected climate change for Costa Rica suggest climatic drying and warming to have a greater impact on the water balance than (even large-scale) changes in land cover. Thus, conservingforests has rather small impacts on water budgets in the mountains but reduces total water yield in the lowlands. The value of forests must be expressed in terms of their benefits for water quality, (long-term) regulation of flows, suppression of erosionand (shallow) landsliding, conservation of biological and genetic diversity, carbon sequestration potential, and aesthetic and eco-touristic values rather than water yields. Implications for policy and socio-economic development: the FIESTA_CQflow and nation-wide “fog delivery” models proved to be important new tools allowing better estimates of total precipitation inputs to remote headwater areas, identification of hydrological “hot” and “cold” spots in the landscape, and the evaluation of hydrologicalimpacts of (cloud) forest conversion to pasture or climate change at operational and policy-making scales. The models enable the application of economic models by environmental economists to predict the socio-economic consequences of specific land-cover interventions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7691. Publicación no.: 419 Monitoring secondary tropical forests using space-borne data: implications for Central America [Seguimiento de los bosques tropicales secundarios, mediante datos transmitidos en el espacio: consecuencias para Centroamérica] / Castro-Esau, K.L; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Rivard, Benoit. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Building 1-26, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: International Journal of Remote Sensing (ISSN 0143-1161), v. 24, no. 9, p. 1853-1894. 2003. Enlace: Tropical secondary forests, which play an important role in carbon sequestration, may be monitored using space-borne sensors. Secondary forest biomass or age estimation from space-borne data may be used to quantify the carbon sink these forests represent. At current capabilities, roughly three successional stages up to 15 years of age may be identified from Landsat TM data. Using synthetic aperture radar, reliable biomass estimates may be made up to approximately 60 tons/ha. The potential for overcoming these limitations is reviewed, including the synergy of radar and optical imagery and the unprecedented spatial and spectral resolutions of new sensors. Most of the available literature to date is from the Amazon; in this paper, applicability to Central America is considered, which has a much more heterogeneous landscape and the dynamics of secondary growth have a special significance in the framework of conservation biology and carbon sequestration. We conclude that critical issues in this region will be topographical correction and stratification according to ecological and site quality variables. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7711. Publicación no.: 420 Payment of environmental services in Costa Rica: Evaluating impact and possibilities [Pago por servicios ambientales en Costa Rica: Evaluando el impacto y posibilidades] /

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Russo-Andrade, Ricardo O; Candela, G. (Escuela de Agricultura de la Región Tropical Húmeda (EARTH), Apdo. Postal 4442-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tierra Tropical (ISSN 1659-2751), v. 2, no. 1, p. 1-13. 2006. Enlace: Conclusions: Seen from the perspective of poor rural communities, the Costa Rican experience, offers several lessons, as pointed out by Rosa et al. (2004): First, it shows the importance of broad participation in the early stages of PES schemes to ensure their long-term legitimacy and sustainability. An accelerated institutionalization of PES schemes, without adequately including the interests of small producers and indigenous communities, generates restrictions that are difficult to overcome later.Second, without strong and representative organizations of small producers and indigenous communities, it is difficult to ensure participation that will result in truly inclusive schemes. Third, the global orientation, eligibility criteria, and operational rules largely determine the capacity for inclusion in the PES schemes. In some settings, greater inclusion requires seeing beyond the forest to link up with other productive activities that are central to livelihoods. Fourth, a broad focus on a wide range of practices for the provision of environmental services can be important for improving, diversifying, and strengthening the livelihood strategies of rural communities. The impact of PES schemes can be enhanced when they promote environmentally improved productive activities such as agro-forestry, agro-ecotourism, non-timber products, and sustainable agriculture. Fifth, the incorporation of local-level perspectives, priorities, and visions can empower local communities and promote participatory management. Finally, there are some issues on the program that would need some attention. One is the good will of the government expecting that PSE would help to alleviate poverty in small rural communities versus the facts of what actually happens. As mentioned, the recent surveys by Zbinden and Lee (2005) observed that the large farmers (not necessarily poor) are the real beneficiaries of the program. Moreover, an unpublished study by Hope et al. (2005) has investigated how the PES program may contribute to poverty reduction for small-scale land owners in the upper water catchment?s area of the northern Tilarán region of Costa Rica. Participation in the PES program is limited due to weak dissemination, disputed land claims, and inelastic commitment to compensation payment levels. Additionally, program design and impacts may be improved by clarification of resource claims and environmental service provision rights, and simplifying program goals to defensible biophysical and/or socio-economic criteria. The authors studied three livelihood groups representing the main activities in the area, two productive (coffee and livestock) and one in the service sector (ecotourism) and no group viewed PES as a significant factor. Even in the case that the region is only a part of the entire program, these issues should be taken into consideration in a reviewing process. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7699. Publicación no.: 421 Zonas edafoclimáticas aptas para especies forestales bajo escenarios de cambio climático: un estudio de caso en Costa Rica / Cervi-F., A.P; Imbach-Bartol, Pablo Andrés; Vallejo-Rendón, Alvaro; Tito, Marcos Rugnitz; Pérez, C.J. (Universidade de São Paulo. Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luis de Queiroz", Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, BR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Turrialba: CATIE, s.f. Enlace: Climate variability and climate change may cause shifts in optimal sites for competitive production of different forest tree species. This study explored the variation of current optimal soil and climatic conditions for five forest species of commercial value in Costa Rica: Tectona grandis L. f., Gmelina

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arborea (L.) Roxb., Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken, Hyeronimia alchorneoides Allemao, and Vochysia guatemalensis (Donn. Sm.). The study consisted of developing a tool that could be used for planning and adequate site selection considering climatic variables, actual and future under climate change scenario for year 2100. A review of bioecological requirements of the above species was conducted; digital maps of soil type's distribution, climate parameters, etc., were collected from national institutions. Climate scenarios were derived from the I National Communication to the UNFCCC. Interviews were conducted to obtain actual locations of current plantations of the above species. The study showsthat current optimal areas for commercial plantations suffer geographical shifts under the climate change scenario used. Optimal areas for T. grandis, C. alliodora, and H. alchorneoides, decrease by 19.5%, 13.7% and 30.8%, respectively. For G. arborea and V. guatemalensis, optima areas increase 4.5% and 21.1%, respectively. The study concludes that selection of appropriate plantation sites will require the consideration of climate change scenarios otherwise the competitiveness of timber production may be at stakes. Further efforts are needed to allocate digital positioning coordinates for forest plantation sites and trees used as seed sources. This will enable a better evaluation of the potential of current plantations and future site selection. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7710. Publicación no.: 422 The social impacts of carbon markets in Costa Rica: A case study of the Huetar Norte region [Los impactos sociales de los mercados del carbono en Costa Rica: Estudio de caso de la región Huetar Norte] / Miranda-Quirós, Miriam; Porras, Ina T; Moreno-Díaz, Mary Luz. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, P.O. Box 555-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: mmoreno>). London: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2004. 47 p. Enlace: This study assesses the impacts of the payments for environmental services (PES) programme in Costa Rica in relation to reforestation activities for the establishment of carbon sinks. The methodology used is the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA)which is based on five assets: financial, human, social, physical and natural. The study shows that the PES programme has had a significant impact on financial assets, not so much through the payments themselves but from the income expected from timber sales. The payments have acted as a catalyst for reforestation programmes, covering some of the initial outlay. However, the high transaction costs and obstacles to joining the scheme can preclude access to the PES for some of the most vulnerable groups who are dependent on other government programmes for their survival (e.g., peasants in receipt of housing support). There have been important benefits in terms of human assets through the provision of technical assistance and through “learning by doing”, particularly in relation to reforestation. The PES programme has had a considerable impact on social organisation, encouraging alliances between NGOs and providing the financial and human capital to consolidate objectives in organisations working with small producers. There has been a positive impact on the recovery of forest landscapes in the area, contributing to improvements in natural assets, which in turn has brought benefits for tourism. There have also been negative effects, particularly in relation to physical assets, including the deterioration of existing infrastructure such as roads and bridges, through increased use. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7712.

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Publicación no.: 423 Aplicación de incentivos a la conservación de la biodiversidad en Costa Rica / Barrantes-Moreno, Gerardo. Heredia: Universidad Nacional / Instituto de Políticas para la Sostenibilidad, 2000. 28 p. Enlace: Introducción: Este documento trata sobre los incentivos a la conservación de la biodiversidad aplicados en Costa Rica desde 1969. Los mismos buscan minimizar el deterioro ocasionado a la biodiversidad debido, fundamentalmente, a la deforestación y, revertir, en lo posible, dicho proceso. Hasta la fecha, se han usado diferentes instrumentos que se han modificado de acuerdo a su efectividad, costos y financiamiento. Durante todo el período, 1969/2000, Costa Rica ha acumulado una amplia experiencia en la aplicación de dichos incentivos. El conocimiento adquirido en este campo, permite que el país avance hacia esquemas más efectivos y consolidados en términos legales, institucionales, administrativos, técnicos y financieros. Estos avances son, en gran medida, una manifestación de los logros que se han alcanzado con las políticas de conservación que se han implementado en el país en las últimas tres décadas. Los incentivos pueden clasificarse en tres grandes grupos. El primero de ellos se dirige a incentivos fiscales que promueven, bajo diferentes instrumentos, el reconocimiento de aquellas tierras sometidas a algunas actividades de conservación. El segundo corresponde a los subsidios económicos que buscan facilitar la recuperación de las áreas deforestadas y reconocer el manejo de la cobertura forestal disponible. Hasta aquí los instrumentos utilizados todavía no reconocen la importancia social y económica del bosque están fundamentados en objetivos puros de reforestación ambiental conservación y recuperación de ecosistemas. El tercer grupo es el pago por servicios ambientales del bosque, como reconocimiento de los beneficios sociales y económicos que de él se derivan. Este mecanismo se ha popularizado nacional e internacionalmente, y hay mucho interés de implementarlo. Lo anterior se manifiesta en las distintas leyes sobre ambiente que se han promulgado en los últimos a;os, y en la discusión frecuente del tema en distintos congresos y seminarios en el mundo. También se encuentra ese interés en los organismos multilaterales como el Banco Mundial, Naciones Unidas, Fondo Mundial para el Medio Ambiente y otros, así como en los acuerdos internacionales tales como, la Cumbre de la Tierra en 1992, Cambio Climático y Diversidad Biológica. Precisamente, es el pago por servicios ambientales al que se le da una amplia discusión en este documento, por lo novedoso del tema, el reconocimiento internacional del mismo y la efectividad mostrada en la aplicación en Costa Rica. Este mecanismo puede considerarse como un incentivo positivo dado que internaliza, dentro de los precios, el costo de brindar un servicio ambiental, promoviendo así una distribución más equitativa de costos y beneficios asociados a la conservación entre los diferentes actores sociales involucrados. La sociedad costarricense ha hecho reconocimiento de los aspectos anteriores a través de la política, la legislación y las instituciones. Estas últimas, apegadas a la normativa legal, supervisan y promueven el aprovechamiento sostenible de la naturaleza en sus múltiples formas. Todo este aparato, es quizás, la mayor fortaleza que presenta Costa Rica como argumento de que se están dando pasos importantes para garantizar la conservación y uso sostenible de la riqueza natural, a pesar del costo económico que implica todo este esfuerzo para la sociedad en su conjunto. En general, los incentivos aplicados pueden separarse en dos etapas. La primera, 1969-1995, marcada por un proceso legal de apoyo para reducir la deforestación y aplicar incentivos fiscales y económicos que apoyaran la iniciativa. Es así como se aprueban una serie de instrumentos que se fueron modificando conforme a la evaluación de resultados obtenidos. Esta primera etapa reconocía explícitamente el deterioro forestal, pero no asignaba una importancia social y económica mayor a la cobertura forestal disponible, ya que el bosque era considerado solamente como un productor de madera. Esto era lo que

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le daba valor al mismo. A partir de 1996, y en concordancia con acuerdos como la Convención de Diversidad Biológica y la de Cambio Climático, se empieza a reconocer que el bosque es más que un productor de madera. Que hay muchos beneficios derivados del mismo que también aportan al bienestar de la sociedad y que no son reconocidos ni por el mercado ni por el Estado. Es así como se inicia en Costa Rica, un reconocimiento de tales beneficios y se establece en la legislación el concepto de servicios ambientales derivados del bosque y plantaciones forestales. Esto marca el inicio de la segunda etapa, cuyas diferencias con la anterior son sustanciales. Aquí se reconoce explícitamente que estos ecosistemas ofrecen servicios ambientales que deben ser compensados económicamente por parte de los beneficiarios y redistribuidos a los poseedores de tales servicios. Con este mecanismo se promueve una distribución más equitativa de costos y beneficios asociados a la conservación. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-2947. Publicación no.: 424 First direct landscape-scale measurement of tropical rain forest Leaf Area Index, a key driver of global primary productivity [Primera medición a escala de paisaje del Índice de Área Foliar de los bosques lluviosos tropicales, un motor clave de la productividad primaria] / Clark, David B; Olivas-Rojas, Paulo C; Oberbauer, Steven F; Clark, Deborah A; Ryan, Michael G. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo 676, San Pedro de Montes de Oca 2050, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-023X), v. 11, p. 163-172. 2008. Leaf Area Index (leaf area per unit ground area, LAI) is a key driver of forest productivity but has never previously been measured directly at the landscape scale in tropical rain forest (TRF). We used a modular tower and stratified random sampling to harvest all foliage from forest floor to canopy top in 55 vertical transects (4.6 m-2) across 500 ha of old growth in Costa Rica. Landscape LAI was 6.00 ± 0.32 SEM. Trees, palms and lianas accounted for 89% of the total, and trees and lianas were 95% of the upper canopy. All vertical transects were organized into quantitatively defined strata, partially resolving the long-standing controversy over canopy stratification in TRF. Total LAI was strongly correlated with forest height up to 21 m, while the number of canopy strata increased with forest height across the full height range. These data are a benchmark for understanding the structure and functional composition of TRF canopies at landscape scales, and also provide insights for improving ecosystem models and remote sensing validation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-7839. Publicación no.: 425 Small-scale digesters in Costa Rica [Pequeños digestores en Costa Rica] / Lansing, Stephanie; Botero, R.B; Martin, J. (The Ohio State University. Ecological Engineering Program, Columbus, OH 43210, US). En: BioCycle (ISSN 0276-5055), v. 48, no. 2, p. 48-51. 2007. This study aimed to provide small-scale farmers with digesters that produce methane and electricity to meet household needs while reducing disease and environmental degradation caused by poor waste water management. Seven Taiwanese-model digesters located in the Limón Province of Costa Rica were investigated. All digesters used animal waste water, with the majority using swine manure. Multiple inflow and outflow samples were collected from each of the seven digesters during visits from July to October 2005. In total, over 200 water samples were collected and analysed for the following: pH, temperature, conductivity, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, turbidity, suspended solids, ammonium, orthophosphate, and total kjeldahl nitrogen.The digesters in this study were

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effective at producing a sustainable energy source and improving the water quality by providing a more useful source of organic fertilizer, reducing the impact of the waste water on the receiving waters, and generating methane to meet the farmers' cooking needs. Organic matter and solids concentrations were consistently reduced in the effluent waters and ammonium concentrations were increased. The low-tech, plug-flow, Taiwanese-model digesters analysed in this study wereable to produce methane at levels comparable to high-tech digesters. The methane production in these digesters creates a number of indirect environmental and societal benefits, including: (1) a reduction in deforestation associated with firewood collection; (2) less hours devoted to firewood collection; (3) eliminating the need to purchase propane for cooking; and (4) a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8289. Publicación no.: 426 Extrapolation study for the Carbon Sequestration Project of pasture systems in the American tropical forest systems [Estudio de extrapolación para el Proyecto Captura de Carbono de sistemas de potreros en los sistemas de bosques tropicales americanos] / Engelen, V; van Huting, J. (ISRIC - World Soil Information, PO Box 353 NL). En: Report - ISRIC World Soil Information, no. 2006/03, 39 p. 2006. This document presents the results of an extrapolation study for the Carbon Sequestration Project (CSEQ) - a research Network for the Evaluation of Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Pasture, Agropastoral and Silvopastoral Systems in the American Tropical Forest Ecosystem. Research ecosystems of CSEQ are: (1) Andean hillsides, Colombia; (2) humid tropical forest, Amazonia, Colombia; (3) humid tropical forest, Atlantic Coast, Costa Rica; and (4) sub-humid tropical forest, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica. Similarity was based on climatic parameters, topography (elevation and slope) and soil conditions. The length of growing period was used to characterize the climate conditions of the research sites. A digital elevation model with a resolution of 90 m was used to define elevation and slope conditions, while soil characterization originated from the Soil and Terrain Database of Latin America and the Caribbean. Available (sub)continental data allowed only for a low resolution of the maps produced (scale 1:5 M). Results are presented as maps and in tabular format. Some 7000 and 3000 km² of areas similar to the Andean hillsides ecosystem occurred in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The humid tropical forest ecosystem, represented by the Amazonia sites in Colombia with flat topography, extended to 288 000 km² of similar areas with Haplic Acrisols and 80 000 km² of Haplic Ferralsols covering large parts of the Amazon basin in Colombia, Brazil and Peru. The same ecosystem with rolling topography occupied less than 10000 km². Similar areas as the research sites in the humid tropical forest in Costa Rica covered 750 km² in the country itself and in neighbouring Nicaragua and Guatemala. The sub-humid tropical forest ecosystem of Costa Rica had equivalent areas in the country itself and in Panama and Nicaragua, totalling 1300 km². Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 427 A new initiative to use carbon trading for tropical forest conservation [Una nueva iniciativa para utilizar el comercio del carbono para la conservación del bosque tropical] / Laurance, William F. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 0843-03092, Balboa, PA). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 39, no. 1, p. 20-24. 2007. An alliance of 15 Developing Countries known as the Coalition for Rainforest Nations, led by Papua-New Guinea and Costa Rica, has attempted to revive efforts to use carbon credits to slow deforestation. This

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paper discusses the main features of this initiative, reasons of its rapidly gaining political support, as well as the technical and political challenges that may lie ahead. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8213. Publicación no.: 428 Emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y agricultura orgánica / Castro, Jonathan; Amador, Manuel. (Corporación Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense (CEDECO), Apdo. 209-1009, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> ). San José: CEDECO, 2006. 62 p. Enlace: La problemática de gases invernadero, calentamiento global y cambio climático han ganado terreno en varios ámbitos de discusión. En academias científicas, centros de investigación, alianzas políticas globales y sociedad civil se presta mayor atenciónal comportamiento del hombre en su entorno y como esto influencia las condiciones climáticas globales. El contexto mundial recalca la necesidad de generar alternativas de índole global para distribuir responsabilidades y compromisos de solución a la problemática. Surgen nuevas dinámicas de cooperación que dan cabida al reconocimiento de servicios ambientales globales. La Corporación Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense (CEDECO) en una ONG vinculada históricamente al acompañamiento de procesos deapoyo a la gestión de la agricultura orgánica. Con el apoyo y coordinación del Instituto Humanista de Cooperación con Países en Desarrollo de los Países Bajos (HIVOS) y la Federación Mundial de Movimientos de Agricultura Orgánica (IFOAM), asume en el año2003 una investigación novedosa sobre el papel que juegan las fincas orgánicas alrededor de la emisión de gases con efecto invernadero. El proyecto pretende, mediante la investigación científica, generar metodologías que permitan validar la Agricultura Orgánica en su capacidad para mitigar del cambio climático mediante la reducción de emisiones de gases de invernadero y el secuestro de carbono. Procura introducir elementos para la retribución de servicios ambientales, balances energéticos y el reconocimiento de la producción de alimentos sanos desde la finca orgánica para la sociedad. Se investigan 15 fincas de pequeños y medianos productores orgánicos en diferentes regiones de Costa Rica. Incluye diferentes cultivos y estados de avance en la producción orgánica (convencionales, transición, certificados). Se da un alto valor a la participación y aporte de los productores orgánicos en la solución de un problema de pertinencia global. Las metodologías desarrolladas abarcan principalmente en papel de las fincas en la mitigación de emisiones de óxidos nitrosos desde suelos, el secuestro y conservación de carbono en suelos, la eficiencia energética de la producción orgánica y la ganadería orgánica como opción de mitigación de gases de invernadero. Paralelamente se ejecutan mediciones socioeconómicas valorando factores que influencian los productores en la toma de decisiones para el manejo de sus fincas. Finalmente, se genera un modelo matemático de interpretación. Este modelo está compuesto de variables socioeconómicas y biológicas en fincas. El modelo es una herramienta para orientar la toma de decisiones en una estrategia integral del abordaje de la mitigación del cambio climático mediante la Agricultura Orgánica en regiones específicas. El presente documento presenta el enfoque metodológico generado por CEDECO para explicar las variables que influencian el manejo en una finca orgánica y como éste da cabida a la menor emisión de gases, la fijación de carbono y la producción de alimentos orgánicosa la sociedad. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8128. Publicación no.: 429 Riding the wave: reconciling the roles of disease and climate change in amphibian declines [Montando la ola: conciliando los papeles de la enfermedad y el cambio climático en la disminución de los anfibios] / Lips, Karen R; Diffendorfer, J; Mendelson, Joseph R., III; Sears, M.W.

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(Southern Illinois University. Department of Zoology, Carbondale, IL 62901-6501, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: PLoS Biology (ISSN 1545-7885 (online)), v. 6, no. 3, p. 441-454. 2008. Enlace: We review the evidence for the role of climate change in triggering disease outbreaks of chytridiomycosis, an emerging infectious disease of amphibians. Both climatic anomalies and disease-related extirpations are recent phenomena, and effects of both are especially noticeable at high elevations in tropical areas, making it difficult to determine whether they are operating separately or synergistically. We compiled reports of amphibian declines from Lower Central America and Andean South America to create maps and statistical models to test our hypothesis of spatiotemporal spread of the pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), and to update the elevational patterns of decline in frogs belonging to the genus Atelopus. We evaluated claims of climate change influencing the spread of Bd by including error into estimates of the relationship between air temperature and last year observed. Available data support the hypothesis of multiple introductions of this invasive pathogen into South America and subsequent spread along the primary Andean cordilleras. Additional analyses found no evidence to support the hypothesis that climate change has been driving outbreaks of amphibian chytridiomycosis, as has been posited in the climate-linked epidemic hypothesis. Future studies should increase retrospective surveys of museum specimens from throughout the Andes and should study the landscape genetics of Bd to map fine-scale patterns of geographic spread to identify transmission routes and processes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8288. Publicación no.: 430 Phenology and stem diameter increment seasonality in a Costa Rican wet tropical forest [Fenología e incremento estacional del diámetro del tallo en un bosque costarricense tropical húmedo] / O'Brien, Joseph J; Oberbauer, Steven F; Clark, David B; Clark, Deborah A. (USDA. US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, 320 Green St, Athens, GA 30601, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 40, no. 2, p. 151-159. 2008. The relationship between phenology and tree stem diameter increment is largely unexplored in tropical species, especially in wet tropical forests. To explore links between these phenomena, we measured stem diameter increment and phenology often canopy tree species from a range of functional types in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica to test for seasonal and interannual patterns. We measured stem diameter increment using band dendrometers and visually assessed leaf and reproductive phenology monthly from 1997 to 2000. We categorized the species into groups based on patterns of leaf exchange and reproduction. Species were either deciduous with synchronous or asynchronous leaf drop, or evergreen with continuous or seasonal leaf flushing. Flowering occurred supra-annually, annually, or continuously. Of the ten species studied, four species, Cecropia insignis, Dipteryx panamensis, Lecythis ampla, and Simarouba amara, had consistent seasonal stem diameter increment patterns in both years. Dipteryx panamensis and L. ampla were deciduous with synchronized leaf drop. Cecropia insignis was evergreen and produced new leaves continuously. Simarouba amara, also evergreen, exchanged leaves over a brief period once a year. We tested whether stem diameter increment was correlated to phenology using logistic regression. Leaflessness significantly explained patterns in stem diameter increment but reproductive phenology did not. Deciduous trees were 2.6-9.3 times more likely to grow less than average the month following leaffall than in months when trees had full crowns.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8438. Publicación no.: 431 Potential of soil carbon sequestration in Costa Rica [Potencial de captura de carbono del suelo en Costa Rica] / Alvarado-Hernández, Alfredo. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Agronomía y Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Carbon sequestration in soils of Latin America. Rattan, L; Cerri, C.C; Bernoux, M; Etchevers, J; Pellegrino-Cerri, C.E. (eds.) Binghampton, NY: The Haworth Press, 2006. p. 147-165. ISBN: 978-1-56022-136-4. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: S10918. Publicación no.: 432 Fijación de carbono en palma aceitera en la región tropical húmeda de Costa Rica [Carbon fixation in an oil palm crop system in the humid tropical region of Costa Rica] / Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A; Russo-Andrade, Ricardo O; Cueva-Moya, Juan Jacobo; Subía-Loayza, Esteban Cristóbal. (EARTH University. Agronomy Department, Mercedes de Guácimo, P.O. Box 4442-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tierra Tropical (ISSN 1659-2751), v. 2, no. 2, p. 197-202. 2006. Enlace: The amount of C in the plant biomass and soil component of an oil palm crop system (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) was quantified in this experiment. The C stored in the soil was calculated from the soil %C, bulk density, and sample depth. The C stored in the biomass was calculated from the biomass %C and the dry weight. The total carbon sequestration average of an oil palm agroecosystem (aboveground carbon biomass + soil carbon) attained 96.02 Mg ha-1 of C (soil depth, 0 cm to 30 cm) and 126.03 Mg ha-1 of C (0 cm to 50 cm), of which 22.68 Mg ha-1 of C were found in the oil palm aboveground plant biomass, and the remaining part in the soil. Soil was the system component that stored the higher amount of C, 76.4 % (0 cm to 30 cm) and 82.1 % (0 cm to 50 cm). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8544. Publicación no.: 433 Fijación de carbono en un bosque secundario de la región tropical húmeda de Costa Rica [Carbon fixation in a secondary forest in the tropical region of Costa Rica] / Chacón-Montes de Oca, Paula; Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A; Russo-Andrade, Ricardo O. (EARTH University, Mercedes de Guácimo, P.O. Box 4442-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tierra Tropical (ISSN 1659-2751), v. 3, no. 1, p. 1-11. 2007. Enlace: The conversion of abandoned pastures to secondary forests constitutes an alternative to increase carbon fixation, therefore contributing to the mitigation of global warming. The objective of this study was to determine the fixed carbon in the above-ground biomass of a 15 year-old secondary forest, located in the humid tropics of Costa Rica. Ten plots of 100 m2 were harvested separately by component (mulch, herbaceous plants, vines, understorey and saplings) for the direct determination of its above-ground biomass and fixed carbon. Data of diameter at breast height (DBH), height and density were taken in the plots for calculation of volume and stored carbon of trees over 10 cm diameter. The total above-ground biomass was (99.9 ± 15.7) Mg ha-1. In the secondary forest, 46.4 Mg ha-1 of C was fixed, with a fixation rate of 3.1 Mg ha-1 of C per year.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8543. Publicación no.: 434 Servicios ecosistémicos e hidroenergía en Costa Rica [Ecosystem services and hydropower generation in Costa Rica] / Leguía-Hidalgo, Efraín José; Locatelli, Bruno; Imbach-Bartol, Pablo Andrés; Pérez, C.J; Vignola, Raffaele. (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). Grupo Cambio Global, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecosistemas (Revista Científica y Técnica de Ecología y Medio Ambiente) (ISSN 1697-2473), v. 17, no. 1, p. 16-23. 2008. Enlace: The purpose of this study is to identify forest ecosystems that provide hydrological ecosystem services (HES) relevant for the adaptive capacity to climate change in the hydropower sector of Costa Rica. We assessed a methodological framework that considers spatial linkages between land use, capacity of the ecosystem to produce environmental services, and the utility that hydropower plants derive from those HES in a context of vulnerability to climatic events. Hydropower plants receive HES from 24% of the national territory, where forest cover represents 52% of land use. The watersheds of Rio Reventazón, Grande de Tárcoles and Grande de Térraba are the more important in terms of area providing HES. Approximately 70% of forest ecosystems identified during the course of this study providing HES to the hydropower sector are currently outside the national protected areas system. The results of this study are relevant for the implementation of adaptive management plans in forest ecosystems providing HESand thus, improve the resilience to climate change in the hydropower sector. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8575. Publicación no.: 435 Climatic cycles may affect reef growth [Los ciclos climáticos pueden afectar el crecimiento de los arrecifes] / Glynn, Peter W. (University of Miami. Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Division of Biology and Living Resources, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149-1098, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Smithsonian Institution Research Reports (ISSN 0364-0175), no. 26, p. 4. 1979. (Sin resumen). Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 436 Biogeography of tropical montane cloud forests. Part I: Remote sensing of cloud-base heights [Biogeografía de los bosques nubosos tropicales montanos. Parte I: Sensores remotos de la altura base de las nubes] / Welch, Ronald M; Asefi, Salvi; Zeng, Jian; Nair, Udaysankar S; Han, Qingyuan; Lawton, Robert O; Ray, Deepak K; Manoharan, Vani Starry. (University of Alabama. National Space Sciences & Technology Center, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35806, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (ISSN 1558-8424), v. 47, no. 4, p. 960-975. 2008. Cloud-base heights over tropical montane cloud forests are determined using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud products and National Centers for Environmental Prediction global tropospheric final analysis (FNL) fields. Cloud-base heights are computed by subtracting cloud thickness estimates from cloud-top height estimates. Cloud-top pressures determined from the current MODIS retrieval algorithm often have serious cloud-top pressure retrieval errors at pressures 700 hPa. The problem can be easily remedied by matching cloud-top temperature derived from the 11-mu m channel to the dewpoint temperature profile (instead of the temperature profile) obtained from the FNL dataset. The FNL dataset at 1 spatial resolution produced results that were nearly equivalent to those

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derived from radiosonde measurements. The following three different approaches for estimating cloud thickness are examined: 1) the constant liquid water method, 2) the empirical method, and 3) the adiabatic model method. The retrieval technique is applied first for stratus clouds over U. S. airports for 12 cases, with cloud-base heights compared with ceilometer measurements. Mean square errors on the order of 200 m result. Then, the approach is applied to orographic clouds over Monteverde, Costa Rica, with estimated cloud-base heights compared with those derived from photographs. Mean square errors on the order of 100 m result. Both the empirical and adiabatic model approaches produce superior results when compared with the constant liquid water (CLW) approach. This is due to the fact that CLW is more sensitive to natural variations in cloud optical thickness. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8745. Publicación no.: 437 La conservation de la nature dans une perspective de développment durable: le cas du Costa Rica [La conservación de la naturaleza en una perspectiva de desarrollo sostenible: el caso de Costa Rica] / Marín-León, Rolando. Chicoutimi: Université du Québec, 1990. 188 p. Thesis, M.Sc. in Regional Studies, Université du Québec á Chicoutimi (Canada). Enlace: Durant ce siècle, le développement technologique a amélioré grandement le confort d'une bonne partie de l'humanité. Cependant, au nom du progrès, on s'est très peu soucié des ravages causés à l'environnement. Les modifications climatiques, l'accumulation des déchets, l'épuisement des sols, la disparition des forêts et la destruction des écosystèmes sont autant de signes perceptibles de cette détérioration. La dégradation de l'environnement est telle, qu'elle ne se limite pas à certaines zones ou régions; elle se fait patente à l'échelle planétaire et menace les grands systèmes de la biosphère, bases même de la vie. Il est évident que cette situation ne pourra continuer à sévir longtemps sans causer des torts irréparables à la planète et à la vie qu'elle soutient. Des changements s'imposent, des changements profonds tant dans les mentalités que dans le système économique actuel lequel est, dans une grande mesure, à l'origine des torts causés à l'environnement. La survie même de notre espèce sur cette planète en dépend. Si nous, les êtres humains, réussissons à trouver le juste équilibre entre nos besoins économiques et notre environnement, alors là peut-être que nous aurons une chance de continuer à nous perpétuer sur cette terre. Si jusqu'à présent nos rapports avec la nature et avec notre environnement ont été ceux de proie et prédateur, cette situation ne devrait plus être tolérée. Des nouveaux rapports sont nécessaires si on veut aspirer à un avenir plus sûr. On doit finalement se rendre compte, et c'est l'idée maîtresse de ce travail, qu'on peut sauver l'environnement sans mettre en opposition la nature et les humains. Voilà en quelques mots ce que veut dire le développement durable, ce concept qui est si en vogue dernièrement un peu partout sur la planète. En nous servant du cas précis du Costa Rica, nous avons tenté de démontrer que la conservation de l'environnement n'est pas nécessairement en conflit avec le développement. Ce pays, qui s'est lancé depuis deux décennies dans un ambitieux plan de conservation de sa nature, commence à voir les fruits de ses politiques. D est reconnu au niveau mondial pour ses efforts visant à protéger ses richesses biologiques. Il a aussi été grandement favorisé par l'ampleur qu'a pris le tourisme naturel et scientifique sur son territoire. De la même façon, la population a vu l'intérêt qu'il y a à conserver la nature grâce à toutes sortes de projets de développement durable que le gouvernement et plusieurs organisations privées, tant du Costa Rica que d'autres nations, ont mis de l'avant dans les dernières années. Bien que ce pays a connu, et connaît actuellement, de graves problèmes en ce qui concerne ses ressources naturelles, il y existe une volonté d'intégrer de plus en plus environnement et économie. Le pays s'est déjà doté de politiques visant le

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développement durable de la société toute entière. Il reste que ses politiques devront être appliquées et faire la preuve qu'elles sont viables. Ce qu'il faut retenir cependant est que c'est une expérience intéressante qui mérite d'être regardée de plus près, car même si l'on parle de développement durable un peu partout, peut-on parler vraiment de développement durable si l'exploitation actuelle des ressources conduit à une dégradation telle de l'environnement qu'elle compromet les chances des générations futures de pouvoir répondre à leurs besoins? Pour les fins de ce travail, nous présentons l'argumentation en sept chapitres. Le premier chapitre est constitué par l'introduction où ont été expliqués la problématique et les buts de cette étude. Dans le deuxième chapitre, en nous basant dans un premier temps sur des données actuelles, nous avons brossé un tableau très éloquent de l'état dans lequel se trouve l'environnement de la Terre à l'heure actuelle. Notre but a été de donner une idée globale des menaces qui nous guettent et en même temps de faire comprendre que la protection de la nature et de notre environnement n'est plus une idée farfelue d'un groupe d'idéalistes, mais bel et bien un besoin réel si nous voulons continuer à nous perpétuer sur cette planète. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons tenté d'expliquer pourquoi, un peu par tout dans le monde, ont été créées des aires naturelles protégées, à quoi elles servent et quelle est leur importance. Ceci ayant toujours à l'esprit que les schémas de développement économique ne pourront pas être atteints sans, d'abord, avoir réussi un équilibre entre les activités humaines et l'environnement naturel. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on s'est attardé à «expliquer» le Costa Rica. Nous y avons parlé des principaux traits géographiques, historiques, culturels et économiques de ce pays afin de mieux le situer. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons parlé de la transformation qu'a subi le milieu naturelau Costa Rica à travers les siècles et jusqu'à maintenant, et ce pour mettre en relief l'impérieux besoin qu'a le pays de trouver un équilibre entre son développement et la conservation de ses ressources naturelles. Dans le cinquième chapitre, nous retournons au cas particulier du Costa Rica, en parlant des facteurs qui ont permis l'établissement de tout le réseau actuel d'aires protégées du pays. Nous avons abordé l'historique, les difficultés auxquelles on a dû faire face, le développement du réseau pendant les deux dernières décennies, sa problématique actuelle et les mesures qui ont été prises pour son développement futur. Dans le sixième chapitre, on traite de la conservation et du développement durable, c'està- dire de la conservation comme instrument de développement. On y explique comment le Costa Rica se dirige vers une nouvelle notion du développement, dans une première tentative pour doter le pays d'une stratégie claire en vue d'intégrer et de rendre compatible la conservation avec le développement économique. On y parle aussi de quelques exemples qui démontrent que la conservation peut attirer une grande quantité d'avantages économiques, en plus, bien sûr, des avantages écologiques bien connus. On y démontre que la conservation peut travailler en harmonie avec l'agriculture, la foresterie, la pêche et d'autres projets de développement. À la fin du chapitre, on traite aussi de l'importance que revêt l'implication de la population dans la conservation de la nature. Dans notre septième et dernier chapitre, la conclusion de ce travail, on met en évidence les nouveaux efforts que le Costa Rica doit réaliser afin d'améliorer et consolider ses acquis en matière de conservation, s'il veut leur viabilité. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8728. Publicación no.: 438 Woody understory plant diversity in pure and mixed native tree plantations at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica [Diversidad de plantas leñosas del sotobosque en plantaciones puras y en mezclas de árboles nativos en la Estación Biológica La Selva, Costa Rica] / Butler, Rose; Montagnini, Florencia; Arroyo-Mora, J. Pablo. (University of North Carolina at Asheville, 11304 Mt Crest Dr,

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Huntsville, AL 35803, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 255, no. 7, p. 2251-2263. 2008. Tree plantations can be an important tool for restoration of abandoned pasturelands in the tropics. Plantations can help speed up secondary forest succession by improving soil conditions, attracting seed-dispersal agents, and providing shade necessary for understory growth. In this study, abundance and richness of understory regeneration was measured in three native tree plantations 15-16 years of age at La Selva Biological Station in the Costa Rican Caribbean lowlands. Each plantation contained tree species in pure plots, a mixture of the species, and natural regeneration plots (no trees planted). The greatest abundance of regeneration was found in the understory of pure plots of Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D.Don., Vochysia guatemalensis Donn.Sm., Dipteryx panamensis Benth, Vochysia ferruginea Mart., and in two mixed stands, while the lowest was found in the natural regeneration treatments with about half the values as in the plantation stands. There was a significant negative correlation between percent canopy openness and abundance of regeneration in the understory. Two distinctive clusters separated the regeneration treatments from the mixed and pure plantations at a very low Bray-Curtis similarity value. The natural regeneration treatments are separated from mixed and pure plantations in the two-dimensional ordination. The lack of difference between the understory make-up of pure and mixed plantations in abundance, species richness, and seed-dispersal syndromes of understory species suggests that planting mixed stands is not necessarily superior to planting pure stands for promoting understory diversity of woody species. While regeneration of woody species can be faster under pure- or mixed-species plantations than in open pastures, the abundance, richness and species composition depends on each plantation species, or species assemblages in case of the mixtures. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8838. Publicación no.: 439 Emissions de gaz à effet de serre par le sol et stockage de carbone en caféiculture conduite sur des Andosols en climat tropical [Soil greenhouse gases emissions and carbon storage in coffee plantations on Andosols in tropical climate] / Hergoualc'h, Kristell. (CIFOR ENV BOCBD, POB 0113, Bogor 16000, ID <E-mail: [email protected]>). Montpellier: Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2008. 229 p. Dissertation, Docteur du Centre International d'Études Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques Discipline: Sciences du sol, Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (France). Enlace: Coffee plantations represent 7.5% of the world’s permanent crops and generally use large amounts of N fertilizer (up to 350 kg N ha-¹ y-¹). Coffee is often grown under the shade of N fixing trees. The contribution of N fixing plants to N2O emissions is a growing concern in the sustainable development framework. To date results in the literature are contradictory. We, therefore, studied the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance in two highly fertilized (250 kg N ha-¹ y-¹) coffee plantations, in Costa Rica: a monoculture and a plantation shaded by the N2 fixing legume species Inga densiflora. We periodically measured soil fluxes of N2O, CH4 and CO2, their edaphic determinants (gravimetric moisture, water-filled pore space, temperature and mineral nitrogen content) and soil N mineralization rates. In addition, we characterized, in the laboratory, the biological parameters of nitrification-denitrification and their related N2O and N2 production in order to simulate continuous N2O emissions using the models NGAS and NOE for a one year period. We also assessed soil C dynamic and C accumulation in biomass and litter. Our measurements showed a very large contribution of fertilizer induced N2O emissions, on

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average 77%, to the annual budgets (4.3 ± 0.3 and 5.8 ± 0.5 kg N2O-N ha-¹ y-¹, in the monoculture, and the shaded plantation, respectively). The fertilizations also temporarily increased soil respiration rates. The low values of the biological activities (notably denitrification potentials 1 kg N ha-¹ d-¹) explained that the observed N2O fluxes were always smaller than 300 g N ha-¹ d-¹in environmental conditions yet favourable to N2O production (high soil temperature, moisture and nitrate content). The similarity of the biological activities measured in bothcoffee plantations and also the similar annual N2O budgets derived through measurements and modelling suggests only a small magnitude effect of the N2 fixing legume tree species on N2O emissions. The sum of soil non CO2 GHG fluxes and C storage in the shaded culture (11.93 ± 2.17 Mg CO2-equivalent ha-¹ y-¹was 4 times larger than the total GHG balance in the monoculture (2.67 ± 1.94 Mg CO2-equivalent ha-¹ y-¹). Our results therefore confirm that coffee grown in an agroforestry system, on an Andosol, increases the GHG sink and that, for the current context, the use of an N2 fixing legume species as shade tree does not contradict this observation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8664. Publicación no.: 440 Baseline assessment for environmental services payments from satellite imagery: A case study from Costa Rica and Mexico [Línea básica para la evaluación de los pagos por servicios ambientales de las imágenes de satélite: Un estudio de caso de Costa Rica y México] / Kalácska, Margaret Eika Rose; Sanchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Rivard, Benoit; Calvo-Alvarado, Julio César; Quesada-Avendaño, Mauricio. (McGill University. Department of Geography, 805 Sherbrooke W, Montreal, PQ H3A 1KG, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Environmental Management (ISSN 0301-4797), v. 88, no. 2, p. 348-359. 2008. In this study we evaluate the accuracy of four global and regional forest cover assessments (MODIS, IGBP, GLC2000, PROARCA) as tools for baseline estimation. We conduct this research at the national scale for Costa Rica and for two tropical dry forest study sites in Costa Rica (Santa Rosa National Park) and Mexico (Chamela-Cuixmala). We found that at the national level, the total forest cover accuracy of the four land cover maps was inflated due to an overestimation of forest in areas with an evergreen canopy. However, the four maps greatly underestimated the extent of the deciduous forest (dry forest); an ecosystem that faces high deforestation pressure and poses complications to the mapping of its extent from remotely sensed data. For the tropical dry forest sites, all maps have low forest cover accuracies (mean for Santa Rosa: 27%; mean for Chamela-Cuixmala: 56%). This has implications for policy implementation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8845. Publicación no.: 441 Climate change scenario for Costa Rican montane forests [Escenario de cambio climático para los bosques montanos costarricenses] / Karmalkar, A.V; Bradley, R.S; Díaz, Henry F. (University of Massachusetts. Department of Geosciences, Amherst, MA 01003, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276), v. 35, no. 11, AR L11702. 2008. Tropical montane cloud forests are characterized by persistent immersion in clouds, an important source of moisture during the dry season. Future changes in temperature and precipitation could alter cloud cover at the vegetation level and seriously affect mountain ecosystems. A regional climate modeling study, that focuses on changes in the distributions of temperature and precipitation, in Costa

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Rica shows, in general, an increase in temperature and a decrease in precipitation under the A2 scenario. At high elevations, warming is amplified and future temperature distribution lies outside the range of present-day distribution. Compared to the Caribbean side, temperature changes are greater at high elevations on the Pacific side. Model results also show significant changes in precipitation amounts and variability and an increase in the altitude of cloud formation on the Pacific side that may have serious implications for mountain ecosystems in and around Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8844. Publicación no.: 442 Évaluation de la séquestration du carbone dans des plantations agroforestières et des jachères issues d'une agriculture migratoire dans les territoires autochtones de Talamanca, au Costa Rica [Evaluación de la captura de carbono en plantaciones agroforestales y en barbecho de una agricultura migratoria en los territorios indígenas de Talamanca, Costa Rica] / Valentini, Simiane Grégoire. Québec: Université Laval, 2007. 128 p. Thesis, M.Sc. en Biologie Végétale, Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation, Québec (Canada). Enlace: L'accroissement des concentrations atmosphériques de gaz à effet de serre est la cause d'importants changements climatiques. La présente étude visait à évaluer la séquestration du carbone dans trois systèmes agraires au Costa Rica. Cinq traitements ont été comparés : jachère jeune faisant partie d'un cycle d'agriculture migratoire, jachère âgée, système agroforestier (SAF) de cacaoyers sous ombrage mono-spécifique de Cordia alliodora, SAF de cacaoyers sous ombrage multi-spécifique et SAF de bananiers sous ombrage multispécifique. L'analyse démontre que les SAF de cacaoyers emmagasinent une quantité supérieure de carbone comparativement aux autres traitements. Environ 58 % du carbone total présent dans les unités expérimentales se retrouve dans le sol. Les arbres d'ombrage et les cacaoyers ont contribué à la majeure partie du carbone aérien vivant, soit 85 % en moyenne. Il ressort de cette étude que les SAF de cacaoyers sous ombrage constituent une solution de rechange avantageuse au système d'agriculture migratoire. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8677. Publicación no.: 443 Tropical turmoil: a biodiversity tragedy in progress [Agitación tropical: una tragedia de la biodiversidad en curso] / Bradshaw, Corey J.A; Sodhi, Navjot S; Brook, Barry W. (University of Adelaide. School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Research Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability, Adelaide, South Australia, AU <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (ISSN 1540-9295), v. 7, no. 2, p. 79-87_. 2009. Enlace: All is not well for biodiversity in the tropics. Despite recent debate over the extent of future tropical extinctions and the effectiveness of reserve systems, the continued disappearance of habitat, soaring human population, and loss of vital ecosystem services demand immediate action. This crisis is worrying, given that tropical regions support over two-thirds of all known species and are populated by some of the world's poorest people, who have little recourse to lower environmental-impact lifestyles. Recent evidence has shown that, in addition to unabated rates of forest loss, coastal development, overexploitation of wildlife, catchment modification, and habitat conversion are threatening human well-being. We argue that the recent technical debate about likely extinctions masks the real issue ? that, to prevent further loss of irreplaceable tropical biodiversity, we must err on the side of caution. We

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need to avoid inadvertently supporting political agendas that assume low future extinction rates, because this will result in further destruction of tropical biodiversity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8841. Publicación no.: 444 Construcción de la huella de carbono y logro de carbono neutralidad para el Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). Costa Rica / Guerra-Alarcón, Leonardo. Turrialba: CATIE, 2007. 94 p. Thesis, Mag. Sc. en Socioeconomía Ambiental, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: Current international concern for climate change, and its potential negative effects, has prompted various organizations and institutions to understand their Greenhouse Gases (GHG) dynamics. Carbon footprint is a GHG dynamics indicator that is internationally accepted. The carbon footprint of an individual, organization or institution is obtained by quantifying its GHG emissions in a specific time period, and it is expressed as equivalent tCO2. Knowing an institution's carbon footprint is a first step to identify ways of reducing or mitigate its GHG emissions. This study examined: a) the institutional carbon footprint of the Tropical Agronomical Center for Research and Education (CATIE) and b) its carbon removal capacity through its natural capital. The study analyzed institutional activities with the highest emissions from 2003 to 2006, and identified the carbon removal capacity of all land uses that comprise the institution?s natural capital. Mean GHG emissions were 2402 tCO2e from 2003 to 2006.The highest GHG emissions were associated with: a) farm activities (cattle enteric fermentation, cattle manure and urine management, and application of synthetic fertilizers to crops); b) air travel; and c) fuel use (diesel and gasoline) for institutional vehicles and machinery. Mean GHG removal was 4392 tCO2 from 2003 to 2006. Forest plantations and agroforestry systems (line plantations, trees within crop fields, and silvopastoral systems) were the land uses that removed more CO2. The GHG balance from 2003 to 2006 indicates that the institution's natural capital removes more CO2 than what is emitted. However, other factors like indirect emissions, which were not considered in this study, could change the institution’s GHG balance. To consider this aspect and others related to carbon neutrality, a systemic thought analysis was used to give strategic recommendations to the institution. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8802. Publicación no.: 445 Aboveground biomass and ecosystem carbon pools in tropical secondary forests growing in six life zones of Costa Rica [La biomasa aérea y los reservorios de carbono de los ecosistemas en los bosques tropicales secundarios cada vez mayores en seis zonas de vida de Costa Rica] / Cifuentes-Jara, Miguel. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, 2008. 164 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Enlace: Carbon sequestration in tropical secondary forests growing in all climates must be quantified to understand their potential role in adaptation and mitigation strategies of global climate change. Total aboveground biomass (TAGB), soil carbon, and total ecosystem carbon (TEC) were measured in 54 secondary forests growing along a broad bioclimatic gradient of 6 life zones, from lowland Dry to Premontane Rain forests in Costa Rica. The potential of regenerating secondary forests to offset carbon losses due to climate change-mediated primary forest degradation into the year 2100 was also determined. TAGB ranged from 12 Mg·ha-1 (5 MgC·ha-1) in a 9-yr Dry forest to 298 Mg·ha-1 (143 MgC·ha-1) in a 60-yr Wet forest. TAGB and carbon were correlated with forest age and the ratio of potential

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evapotranspiration to precipitation. Secondary forests were predicted to reach TAGB 90% of that in primary forest in 35 to 126 yrs. Mean soil carbon to 1 m ranged from 127 to 278 Mg·ha-1 in the Dry and Premontane Rain life zones. There was no correlation of soil C pools with age. TEC was as high as 440 Mg·ha-1 in a 40-yr Premontane Rain forest. Maximum rates of TEC sequestration were highest (14 - 33 Mg·ha-1·yr-1) in life zones with intermediate levels of precipitation and lowest (7 and 12 Mg·ha-1·yr-1) in the Dry and Premontane Rain life zones. Secondary forests were predicted to attain ecosystem C levels similar to that of primary forests in 44 - 105 yrs. Based upon simulations of forest growth and the changing land area covered by differing life zones due to climate change, carbon losses from primary forests ranged from 6 to 65 Tg under two different climate change scenarios for the year 2100. Secondary forests would need to cover 19% of each life zone to offset the larger flux of carbon into the atmosphere. Our modeling did not include additional carbon losses associated with changing disturbance regimes and other climate change responses. Results from this study underscore the value of secondary forests for their potential to sequester carbon across a diversity of tropical climates as a means of climate change mitigation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8887. Publicación no.: 446 Nitrogen dynamics and soil nitrate retention in a Coffea arabica-Eucalyptus deglupta agroforestry system in Southern Costa Rica [Dinámica del nitrógeno y retención del nitrato de suelo en un sistema agroforestal Coffea arabica-Eucalyptus deglupta en el sur de Costa Rica] / Harmand, Jean Michel; Avila, Héctor; Dambrine, Etienne; Skiba, Ute; de Miguel, Sergio; Renderos, Reina Vanessa; Oliver, Robert; Jiménez-Otárola, Francisco; Beer, John W. (Centre de Coopération International en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), UR Ecosystèmes de plantations, S/C UR SeqBio ? IRD (SupAgro), 2 Place Viala, Bât 12, 34060 Montpellier cedex 01, France <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> ). En: Biogeochemistry (ISSN 0168-2563), v. 85, no. 2, p. 125-139. 2007. Nitrogen fertilization is a key factor for coffee production but creates a risk of water contamination through nitrate (NO3-) leaching in heavily fertilized plantations under high rainfall. The inclusion of fast growing timber trees in these coffee plantations may increase total biomass and reduce nutrient leaching. Potential controls of N loss were measured in an unshaded coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plot and in an adjacent coffee plot shaded with the timber species Eucalyptus deglupta Blume (110 trees ha-1), established on an Acrisol that received 180 kg N ha-1 as ammonium-nitrate and 2,700 mm yr-1 rainfall. Results of the one year study showed that these trees had little effect on the N budget although some N fluxes were modified. Soil N mineralization and nitrification rates in the 0-20 cm soil layer were similar in both systems (about 280 kg N ha-1 yr-1). N export in coffee harvest (2002) was 34 and 25 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in unshaded and shaded coffee, and N accumulation in permanent biomass and litter was 25 and 45 kg N ha-1 yr-1, respectively. The losses in surface runoff (about 0.8 kg mineral N ha-1 yr-1) and N2O emissions (1.9 kg N ha-1 yr-1) were low in both cases. Lysimeters located at 60, 120, and 200 cm depths in shaded coffee, detected average concentrations of 12.9, 6.1 and 1.2 mg NO3-N l-1, respectively. Drainage was slightly reduced in the coffee-timber plantation. NO3- leaching at 200 cm depth was about 27 ± 10 and 16 ± 7 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in unshaded and shaded coffee, respectively. In both plots, very low NO3- concentrations in soil solution at 200 cm depth (and in groundwater) were apparently due to NO3- adsorption in the subsoil but the duration of this process is not presently known. In these conventional coffee plantations, fertilization and agroforestry practices must be refined to match plant needs and limit potential NO3- contamination of subsoil and shallow soil water.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8915. Publicación no.: 447 Field studies of ice supersaturations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer [Estudios de campo de sobresaturaciones de hielo en la tropopausa tropical] / Troy, Robert Francis. Los Angeles: University of California, 2007. 190 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles (USA). In this dissertation I use data from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Laser Hygrometer (JLH) to study and characterize the magnitude and distribution of water vapor, supersaturated with respect to ice, in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL). There are substantial, and longstanding, discrepancies among instruments on satellites, balloons, radiosondes, and aircraft as to the levels of supersaturation of air parcels in the TTL. One aircraft instrument has reported values of over 200 percent relative humidity with respect to ice. Relative humidity levels as high as 200 percent do not agree with laboratory results, which set a maximum limit of approximately 165 percent for persistent supersaturation, and would require revision of the microphysical models of homogeneous ice nucleation. It is important to accurately determine values of water vapor supersaturation levels in the TTL because knowledge of the composition and dynamics of this region is critical to understanding the energy balance of the atmosphere and its effects on future climate change. To this end, we developed a new calibration system for laser hygrometers that has allowed us to analyze data from JLH and derive water vapor volume mixing ratios with an uncertainty of 7%, and relative humidity over ice with an uncertainty of 10%. The Costa Rica-Aura Validation Experiment (CR-AVE) was a NASA aircraft mission to characterize composition, clouds, and humidity in the TTL. In January and February 2006, a high-altitude NASA WB-57F aircraft made a series of flights from San José, Costa Rica, into the TTL over the equatorial Eastern Pacific Ocean. Several of these tights were characterized by unusually cold and highly supersaturated conditions near the tropical tropopause. Our new laboratory calibration has been applied to the CR-AVE data. I analyze the water vapor and relative humidity along the aircraft flight path derived from water vapor concentrations measured by JLH and static temperature provided by the Meteorological Measurement System (MMS) on the aircraft. I show that the levels of supersaturation in the TTL are in keeping with laboratory experiments and microphysical theory and rarely exceed levels of 165 percent relative humidity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9023. Publicación no.: 448 Impacto del cambio climático en la biodiversidad: El caso de Monteverde, Costa Rica / Calvo-Alvarado, Julio César. (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Congreso Agronómico Nacional. XI. Resúmenes, San José CR San José: Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos, 1999. p. 385-386. Enlace: El calentamiento global ha producido una serie de desbalances en los ecosistemas que apenas si podemos atisbar. Existe un gran debate mundial entre científicos sobre si dicho calentamiento es cierto, si el mismo en verdad se relaciona con la concentración de gases de invemadero, o si más bien es un ciclo natural del clima de la tierra y que por lo corto de nuestros registros meteorológicos no es imposible valorar la magnitud de estos cambios en un mayor contexto histórico. Mientras este debate transcurre lo cierto es que los cambios que el ser humano ha realizado en el planeta ha repercutido en el equilibrio de la naturaleza. Hace 7 años el CCT en colaboración con la Universidad de Virginia (Tosi et al. 1992) realizó un estudio sabre los impactos potenciales de cambio climático en la productividad forestal de los bosques de Costa Rica. Este estudio concluyó que con un aumento de 2.5° C un 44% del

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territorio sufrirá cambios en sus Zonas de Vida, y que con un aumento de 3.5°C los cambios afectarán a un 60% del territorio. El estudio reveló que las Zonas de Vida Bosque Seco Tropical, Bosque Pluvial Montano y el Páramo desaparecerán. Los dos escenarios se asumen ocurrirían de manera progresiva hasta alcanzar un máximo impacto en alrededor de los años 2060. El estudio discute impactos sabre todo en ellos balances hídricos de los sistemas, la productividad del sector agrícola y forestal y deja como una incógnita los impactos en la biodiversidad. Hoy día existe evidencia científica suficiente para demostrar que los cambios de clima (Zonas de Vida) efectivamente han estado ocurriendo y han afectado la conservación de la biodiversidad, poniendo a riesgo la supervivencia de muchas especies. En la Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde del CCT, los investigadores Pounds, Fogden y Campbell (Pounds, A. et al. 1999), encontraron que unas 50 especies de ranas y sapos en un área de 31 km², incluyendo la especie endémica Sapo Dorado (Bufo periglenes), desaparecieron después de cambios bruscos en sus poblaciones. Los investigadores aducen que los cambios en estas poblaciones se relacionan a cambios de la frecuencia de niebla en losperíodos secos, que se correlaciona negativamente con la temperatura de la superficie del Oceáno Pacífico Ecuatorial. Los cambios biológicos y climáticos observados sugieren que el calentamiento de la atmósfera ha elevado el nivel promedio de las nubes orográficas, con 10 cual los bosques de Monteverde perciben cada vez menos lluvia horizontal y lloviznas. Los autores también demuestran que actualmente los bosques montanos de Monteverde albergan varias especies de aves típicas del piso premontano, con lo cual se apoya la hipótesis de que las aves responden al cambio de clima siguiendo su distribución en función de las gradientesclimáticas. De la misma manera algunas poblaciones de lagartijas apoyan la hipótesis de los autores. La lagartija Norops tropidolepis, que se ha encontrado es muy sensitiva a variaciones de lluvia, desapareció de Montervede, mientras que la lagartija Norops intermedius, que no es sensitiva a las variaciones de lluvia y más bien gusta de climas más secos y cálidos, no ha demostrado ningún cambio en su población en los últimos años. Estos estudios dan apenas una ligera perspectiva de lo complejo de los cambios que pueden sufrir los ecosistemas y su biodiversidad debido a cambios en el clima. A esto se debe añadir que los cambios en las poblaciones y su distribución espacial alterarán los hábitats de otras especies que no son sensibles a cambios climáticos, pero que con las interrelaciones con otras especies igualmente se verán amenazadas. Como lo demuestra el estudio de Pounds et al. (1999), los cambios en las poblaciones de animales son fácilmente observables, más difícil será evaluar los cambios en la composición de plantas de los ecosistemas y como estos cambios afectarán las poblaciones de animales. Este tipo de estudios reafirma la necesidad de meditar seriamente las implicaciones de la concentración de gases de invernadero y de las posibles medidas de mitigación que se puedan establecer. También es necesario reevaluar el diseño de las áreas protegidas de tal manera que se de mayor énfasis al manejo de las áreas de amortiguamiento, a establecimiento de los corredores biológicos y en fin a todas aquellas acciones que fomenten la conectividad y reduzcan la fragmentación de los ecosistemas. Es posible que estas medidas ayuden a algunas especies a adaptarse a las condiciones de cambio. Los ecosistemas particulares y únicos (por ejemplo los Bosques Nubosos) requieren de atención inmediata en medidas de protección, investigaci6n y educación. Las especies de estos ecosistemas serán probablemente los que no tengan opciones de adaptación y sobrevivencia ya que no podrán desplazarse físicamente ante los cambios de bio-climas, sobre todo porque los mismos se localizan en las cumbres de las montañas (Still et al., 1999). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9099.

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Publicación no.: 449 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Introducción escenarios climáticos para Costa Rica / Campos-Ortiz, Max. (Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos. Proyecto Centroamericano sobre Cambio Climático, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / Instituto Meteorológico Nacional / Vrije University / Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos, 1999. 30 p. Enlace: Introducción: La creciente preocupación por el impacto que pueda tener un cambio en el clima sobre las diferentes actividades humanas y los recursos naturales, ha provocado que los países Partes del Convenio Marco de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático (UN-FCCC) consideren la posibilidad de formular políticas que consideren limitaciones en las emisiones de gases de efecto de invernadero a la atmósfera. Con el fin de que estas políticas no tengan una repercusión social o económica, los tomadores de decisiones han considerado necesario desarrollar una sólida base de conocimiento científico que sustente la legislación y que al mismo tiempo represente beneficios en otros campos del ambiente y del desarrollo sostenible. Con base en lo anterior, el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional de Costa Rica ha firmado un convenio de cooperación con el Gobierno de Holanda, mediante el cual se establece la cooperación técnica y financiera para desarrollar un estudio para estimar la vulnerabilidad de los bosques, los recursos costeros en la zona de Puntarenas y la agricultura (café, papa y frijol) en varias zonas del país, ante un potencial cambio climático. Este estudio requiere del desarrollo de escenarios que contemplen los posibles cambios en elementosclimáticos importantes como la temperatura y la precipitación, y que podrían afectar la actividad normal de estos sectores. Para desarrollar estos escenarios es necesario partir de dos consideraciones importantes: en primer lugar, desde la revolución industrial, la influencia del hombre sobre el clima global ha sido de una dimensión igual o mayor que la influencia debida a las variaciones naturales; en segundo lugar, es importante tener claro que un cambio en el clima adicionará una dificultad mayor a la sostenibilidad de los recursos, particularmente durante el próximo siglo, donde se espera que la población del mundo alcance los 11 billones. El conocimiento sobre el comportamiento del sistema climático, afectado por el aumento en la concentración de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera, se encuentra en constante evolución. Este comportamiento se puede representar a través de modelos que simulan el comportamiento presente y futuro del clima y cuyos resultados son utilizados en la construcción de escenarios climáticos. Estos escenarios son posteriormente incorporados a modelos de ecosistemas, agrícolas, económicos, etc., para valorar los impactos que un clima cambiante pueda tener sobre estos sistemas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-8969. Publicación no.: 450 Where does biodiversity go from here? A grim business-as-usual forecast and a hopeful portfolio of partial solutions [¿De dónde proviene la biodiversidad a partir de ahora? Como de costumbre, un sombrío pronóstico de negocios y una cartera de esperanza de soluciones parciales] / Ehrlich, Paul R; Pringle, Robert M. (Stanford University. Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford, CA 94305, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 0027-8424), v. 105, Suppl. 1, p. 11579-11586. 2008. Enlace: The threats to the future of biodiversity are many and well known. They include habitat conversion, environmental toxification, climate change, and direct exploitation of wildlife, among others. Moreover, the projected addition of 2.6 billion people by mid-century will almost certainly have a greater

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environmental impact than that of the last 2.6 billion. Collectively, these trends portend a grim future for biodiversity under a business-as-usual scenario. These threats and their interactions are formidable, but we review seven strategies that, if implemented soundly and scaled up dramatically, would preserve a substantial portion of global biodiversity. These are actions to stabilize the human population and reduce its material consumption, the deployment of endowment funds and other strategies to ensure the efficacy and permanence of conservation areas, steps to make human-dominated landscapes hospitable to biodiversity, measures to account for the economic costs of habitat degradation, the ecological reclamation of degraded lands and repatriation of extirpated species, the education and empowerment of people in the rural tropics, and the fundamental transformation of human attitudes about nature. Like the carbon "stabilization wedges" outlined by Pacala and Socolow [Pacala S, Socolow R (2004) Stabilization wedges: Solving the climate problem for the next 50 years with current technologies. Science 305:968-972] (1), the science and technologies needed to effect this vision already exist. The remaining challenges are largely social, political, and economic. Although academic conservation biology still has an important role to play in developing technical tools and knowledge, success at this juncture hinges more on a massive mobilization of effort to do things that have traditionally been outside the scope of the discipline. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9149. Publicación no.: 451 Biogeography of tropical montane cloud forests. Part II: Mapping of orographic cloud immersion / Nair, Udaysankar S; Asefi, Salvi; Welch, Ronald M; Ray, Deepak K; Lawton, Robert O; Manoharan, Vani Starry; Mulligan, Mark; Sever, Tom L; Irwin, Daniel; Pounds, J. Alan. (University of Alabama. National Space Sciences & Technology Center, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35806, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology (ISSN 1558-8424), v. 47, no. 8, p. 2183-2197. 2008. This study details two unique methods to quantify cloud-immersion statistics for tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs). The first technique uses a new algorithm for determining cloud-base height using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud products, and the second method uses numerical atmospheric simulation along with geostationary satellite data. Cloud-immersion statistics are determined using MODIS data for March 2003 over the study region consisting of Costa Rica, southern Nicaragua, and northern Panama. Comparison with known locations of cloud forests in northern Costa Rica shows that the MODIS-derived cloud-immersion maps successfully identify known cloud-forest locations in the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) database. Large connected regions of cloud immersion are observed in regions in which the trade wind flow is directly impinging upon the mountain slopes; in areas in which the flow is parallel to the slopes, a fractured spatial distribution of TMCFs is observed. Comparisons of the MODIS-derived cloud-immersion map with the model output show that the MODIS product successfully captures the important cloudimmersion patterns in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The areal extent of cloud immersion is at a maximum during morning hours and at a minimum during the afternoon, before increasing again in the evening. Cloud-immersion frequencies generally increase with increasing elevation and tend to be higher on the Caribbean Sea side of the mountains. This study shows that the MODIS data may be used successfully to map the biogeography of cloud forests and to quantify cloud immersion over cloud-forest locations. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9170.

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Publicación no.: 452 Fluxes of greenhouse gases from Andosols under coffee in monoculture or shaded by Inga densiflora in Costa Rica [Emisiones de gases de invernadero de andosoles en cafetales en monocultivo o bajo sombra con Inga densiflora en Costa Rica] / Hergoualc'h, Kristell; Skiba, Ute; Harmand, Jean Michel; Henault, Catherine. (CIFOR ENV BOCBD, POB 0113, Bogor 16000, ID <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biogeochemistry (ISSN 0168-2563), v. 89, no. 3, p. 329-345. 2008. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of N fertilization and the presence of N-2 fixing leguminous trees on soil fluxes of greenhouse gases. For a one year period, we measured soil fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), related soil parameters (temperature, water-filled pore space, mineral nitrogen content, N mineralization potential) and litterfall in two highly fertilized (250 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) coffee cultivation: a monoculture (CM) and a culture shaded by the N2 fixing legume species Inga densiflora (CIn). Nitrogen fertilizer addition significantly influenced N2O emissions with 84% of the annual N2O emitted during the post fertilization periods, and temporarily increased soil respiration and decreased CH4 uptakes. The higher annual N2O emissions from the shaded plantation (5.8 ± 0.3 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) when compared to that from the monoculture (4.3 ± 0.1 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) was related to the higher N input through litterfall (246 ± 16 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) and higher potential soil N mineralization rate (3.7 ± 0.2 mg N kg-¹) stop d.w. d-¹) in the shaded cultivation when compared to the monoculture (153 ± 6.8 kg N ha-¹ year-¹) and 2.2 ± 0.2 mg N kg-¹ d.w. d-¹). This confirms that the presence of N-2 fixing shade trees can increase N2O emissions. Annual CO2 and CH4 fluxes of both systems were similar (8.4 ± 2.6 and 7.5 ± 2.3 t C- CO2 ha-¹ year-¹), -1.1 ± 1.5 and 3.3 ± 1.1 kg C- CH4 ha-¹ year-¹), respectively in the CIn and CM plantations) but, unexpectedly increased during the dry season. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9166. Publicación no.: 453 Stable isotope chronology and climate signal calibration in Neotropical montane cloud forest trees / Anchukaitis, Kevin J; Evans, Michael N; Wheelwright, Nathaniel T; Schrag, Dan P. (Columbia University. Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10946, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 113, no. G3, AR G03030. 2008. Tropical montane cloud forests are ecosystems intrinsically linked to a narrow range of geographic and meteorological conditions, making them potentially sensitive to small changes in precipitation or temperature. We investigate the potential application of stable isotope analysis to cloud forest dendroclimatology at Monteverde in Costa Rica in order to be able to extract both chronological and paleoclimate information from trees without annual growth rings. High-resolution delta O-18 measurements are used to identify regular cycles in wood of up to 9 parts per thousand, which are associated with seasonal changes in precipitation and moisture sources. The calculated annual growth rates derived from the isotope time series match those observed from long-term basal growth measurements. Interannual variability in the oxygen isotope ratio of lower forest trees is primarily related to interannual changes in wet season precipitation. Forward modeling independently supports our detection of both annual chronology and a climate signal. The confirmation of annual chronology and sensitivity to interannual climate anomalies suggests that tropical cloud forest dendroclimatology can be used to investigate local and regional hydroclimatic variability and change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9284.

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Publicación no.: 454 Payments for watershed services in Costa Rica: Case study [Pago por servicios ambientales de las cuencas hidrográficas en Costa Rica: Estudio de caso] / Calvo-Alvarado, Julio César. (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forests in sustainable mountain development: a state of knowledge report for 2000. Task Force on Forests in Sustainable Mountain-Development. Price, M.F; Butt, N. (eds.) Wallingford: CABI Publishing / IUFRO, 2000. p. 428-429. (IUFRO Research; Series no. 5). ISBN: 0-85199-446-6. Enlace: The hydrological benefits of forest cover in mountain watersheds include the maintenance of water quality and the volume of runoff and its distribution in time. These benefits are a watershed service provided by forests and enjoyed by society generally, with no compensation for the owners of the forests within the watershade. Many urban authorities, hydroelectric corporations, and irrigation projects usually use the hydrological resource of mountain watersheds without acknowledging this service. In Costa Rica, Act No. 7.5 75 of 1996 instituted a novel system for payment for watershed services as a compensation for forest owners. This law acknowledges watershed services of: (i) greenhouse effect gas mitigation; (ii) water protection for urban, ruralor hydroelectric use; (iii) biodiversity protection; and (iv) scenic beauty. Al] forest owners committed to forest protection and sustainable management potentially benefit from this law. System management focuses on the National Fund of forest Financingof Costa Rica (FONAFIFO), which is in charge of collecting resources and paying the beneficiaries for the watershed services. FONAFIFO funds come mainly from two different sources - a selective tax on consumption of fuels and other hydrocarbons, and international payment for environmental services of global value. FONAFIFO has been able to negotiate the payment of watershed services for water protection with several hydroelectric corporations. The first company to negotiate the payment of these services was Compañía Energía Global, which owns two hydroelectric projects in the Central Volcanic Range. Thís company acknowledges the payment of watershed services to forest owners in two watersheds. On average, the company pays US$ 10 ha-¹ year-¹ and the resulting funds are disbursed by FONAFIFO, along with the Foundation for the Development of the Central Volcanic Range (FUNDECOR). Another company to join this initiative was Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz, which agreed to pay up to US$40 ha-¹ year-¹ in ahydroelectric project in the Aranjuez river watershed in the Tilarán Range. Studies show that the value of this watershed service varíes from US$5 ha-1 year-1 to US$70 ha-¹ year-¹. The sums fixed for the payment for watershed services in Costa Rica have resulted from negotiations between FONAFIFO and the corporations; they are a balance between the willingness to pay, and the importance of the forest for the protection of the hydrologic resource. Encouraged by this positive experience, FONAFIFO and the Government of Costa Rica have been negotiating, with the support of the World Bank and other major donors, the establishment of the first world ecomarkets. The aim is to pronnote the development of markets for environmental services from private forests.This would promote the protection of biodiversity in large areas of private forest located mainly in buffer zones of the protected areas of Costa Rica, in habitat corridors, and in hydrologically important watersheds. This novel idea allows owners to be acknowledged for the service they provide for Costa Rican society and the world. It is estimated that some type of forest covers 40.3% of Costa Rica; 60% of this is private forest. Payment for these watershed services thus plays a significant role in conservation and sustainable development sin ce the country cannot afford the policy of creating more National Parks, and other units of absolute protection. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9228.

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Publicación no.: 455 El pago de servicios ambientales, un mecanismo financiero para la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero y desarrollo rural / Sáenz-Faerron, Alexandra. (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal (FONAFIFO), Apdo. 594-2120, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: FONAFIFO, 2005. s.p. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9232. Biblioteca OET: AD 997. Publicación no.: 456 Global warming, elevational range shifts, and lowland biotic attrition in the wet tropics / Colwell, Robert K; Brehm, Gunnar; Cardelús, Catherine L; Gilman, Alex C; Longino, John T. (University of Connecticut. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology U-42, Storrs, CT 06269-3042, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), v. 322, no. 5899, p. 258-261. 2008. Many studies suggest that global warming is driving species ranges poleward and toward higher elevations at temperate latitudes, but evidence for range shifts is scarce for the tropics, where the shallow latitudinal temperature gradient makes upslopeshifts more likely than poleward shifts. Based on new data for plants and insects on an elevational transect in Costa Rica, we assess the potential for lowland biotic attrition, range-shift gaps, and mountaintop extinctions under projected warming. We conclude that tropical lowland biotas may face a level of net lowland biotic attrition without parallel at higher latitudes (where range shifts may be compensated for by species from lower latitudes) and that a high proportion of tropical species soon faces gaps between current and projected elevational ranges. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9542. Publicación no.: 457 New satellites help quantify carbon sources and sinks [Nuevos satélites ayudar a cuantificar las fuentes y los sumideros de carbono] / Houghton, R.A; Goetz, S.J. (Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA 02543, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: EOS: Transactions, American Geophysical Union (ISSN 0096-3941), v. 89, no. 43, p. 417-432. 2008. Enlace: Deforestation and forest degradation account for between 7% and 30% of total anthropogenic carbon emissions [Canadell et al., 2007; Denman et al., 2007]. This wide range of values results from three major uncertainties: rates of deforestation, carbonstocks (biomass and soils) in forests prior to deforestation, and changes in carbon stocks within forests (i.e., both increases from growth and decreases from degradation). Historically, rates of deforestation and reforestation, together with estimates of forest biomass, have been used to calculate the net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere [Woodwell et al., 1983; Detwiler and Hall, 1988; Hall and Uhlig, 1991;Fearnside, 2000; DeFries et al., 2002; Achard et al., 2004; Houghton, 2003]. This net flux is the difference between the sinks of carbon in growing and recovering forests and the sources from burning and decay associated with deforestation. Satellite imagery, particularly from Landsat, has long been used to sample deforestation rates [DeFries et al., 2002; Achard et al., 2004; Skole and Tucker, 1993; Hansen et al., 2008]. Obtaining estimates of biomass, reforestation, and forest growth and degradation, however, has proven more difficult. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9584.

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Publicación no.: 458 Tropical-forest density profiles from multibaseline interferometric SAR / Treuhaft, Robert N; Chapman, Bruce D; dos Santos, João Roberto; Dutra, Luciano V; Gonçalves, Fábio G; da Costa-Freitas, Corina; Mura, José Claudio; de Alencastro-Graca, Paulo Maurício; Drake, Jason B. (California Institute of Technology. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, 138-212, Pasadena, CA 91011, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Denver, CO USJul. 31-Aug. 4, 2006. En: 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), v. 1-8, p. 2205-2207. 2006.ISBN: 978-0-7803-9509-1. Vertical profiles of forest density potentially are robust indicators of forest biomass, fire susceptibility and ecosystem function. Tropical forests, which are among the most dense and complicated targets for remote sensing, contain about 45% of the world's biomass. Remote sensing of tropical forest structure is therefore an important component to global biomass and carbon monitoring. As in radio astronomy, which uses multibaseline radio interferometry to measure the structure of celestial objects, so multibaseline interferometric SAR (InSAR) can be used to estimate the vertical structure of forests. Vegetation density profiles, along with radar backscattering characteristics and attenuation, determine the radar brightness profile "seen" by InSAR. This paper will describe an experiment at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica (similar to 3 m rainfall/year) in which we flew 18 effective fixed baselines over tropical forests at C-band (0.056 m wavelength) and L-band (0.25 m). Preliminary inversions for radar brightness profiles will be compared to extensive lidar profiles measured in the same area. They will also be compared to field-measured profiles. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 459 Ecological dynamics of vector-borne diseases in changing environments [Dinámica ecológica de enfermedades transmisibles mediante vectores en entornos cambiantes] / Chaves, Luis Fernando. (Emory University. Department of Environmental Studies, Atlanta, GA 30322, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan, 2008. 184 p. Dissertation, Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). One of the major threats for the current functioning of the world we know is the uncertainty about the effects of global climate change. This dissertation aims to understand the effects of a changing environment on the ecological dynamics of vector-borne diseases, one of the major burdens for human populations worldwide. Vector-borne diseases are expected to be highly sensitive to the effects of climatic change, because of the natural history of both the vectors and parasites, which are highly sensitive to small changes in precipitation and temperature. This dissertation investigates several aspects of the effects of changing environments in vector-borne diseases: (i) The plausibility of early warning systems to predict the future dynamics of a disease based on its association to climatic forces, using a time series for cutaneous leishmaniasis cases from Costa Rica,1991-2001 (ii) The mechanisms regulating co-infections of malaria parasites in the island of Santo, Vanuatu, 1983-1997, and (iii) Abrupt dynamical changes in diseases along smoothly changing environments, temporally for malaria in the archipelago of Vanuatu,1983-1999, and spatio-temporally for cutaneous leishmaniasis in Costa Rica, 1996-2000. Methods involved a suite of qualitative andquantitative techniques in order to robustly assess the reliability of results. Frequency, time and time-frequency domain statistical techniques for time series analysis were used to study the association between disease dynamics and climate, time modelspredictive ability for early warning systems was tested with "out-of-fit" data. Signed digraph loop

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analyses and quantitative discrete time models were used to discern working hypothesis about parasite species co-infection regulation. Statistical techniques for breakpoints were used to study abrupt dynamical changes. In addition, spatial clustering techniques were used as guidance to establish transmission risk factors. Results show that early warning systems are feasible goals, that malaria parasites and their interactions seem to be regulated in a bottom-up fashion, and that abrupt changes on the sensitivity to the effects of climate change are dependent on the context of transmission. Finally, all the results confirm the importance of considering the whole environmental context in which vector-borne diseases are transmitted and the need for abstraction to understand and manage the underlying complexity. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9939. Publicación no.: 460 Natural forest management plans in Costa Rica: A potential framework for assessing tree biodiversity [Planes de manejo de bosques naturales en Costa Rica: Un posible marco para evaluar la biodiversidad de árboles] / Arroyo-Mora, J. Pablo. Storrs, CT: The University of Connecticut, 2008. 112 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (USA). Long-term global tropical forest trends are limited in their capacity to assess ecosystem changes due to human impacts and climatic events. Two main limitations for national inventories, the basis for global scale forest assessments such as those compiled by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), are: (1) very few tropical countries have complete inventories of their forest resources; and (2) national forest cover assessments for some countries are derived from large scale remotely sensed forest cover analyses, which limit our understanding of biodiversity at local and regional spatial scales. My work addresses the use of natural forest management plans (NFMPs) as a potential framework to assess tree biodiversity in the Central Volcanic Cordillera Conservation Area in Costa Rica (ACCVC). NFMPs are the basis for selective logging practices throughout the tropics. They summarize information about tree species abundance and spatial distribution in forest units based on a forest inventory compiled for a specific diameter threshold (e.g. 30 and 60 cm in Costa Rica). In this work, I have created a preliminary Forestry Geographic Information System (FGIS) that encompasses tree species abundance and distribution based on NFMPs between 1995 and 2005. The FGIS analysis shows that management trends were driven by government incentives during the first period while a sudden decline in the second period was perhaps due to social groups' critiques on non-sustainable management practices. In addition, forest management is being carried out in only a small fraction of the total forest area, with a primary focus on the largest forest remnants in the ACCVC (21 out of 630 fragments). When I compared tree diversity assessments for eight managementunits to a taxonomically developed independent tree inventory ( 10 cm diameter) I found that by using the 30 cm diameter threshold, NFMPs lack sufficient sample size to characterize species richness. Nonetheless, with NFMP data it is possible to assess local diversity for trees 30 cm diameter and potentially regional diversity for trees 60 cm diameter. Moreover, the use of hyperspectral data shows that units logged at different times are distinguishable from imagery collected during a single time frame. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9940. Publicación no.: 461 Pervasive canopy dynamics produce short-term stability in a tropical rain forest landscape [La dinámica dominante del dosel produce a corto plazo la estabilidad en un paisaje de bosque lluvioso tropical] / Kellner, James R; Clark, David B; Hubbell, Stephen P. (Carnegie Institution for

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Science, Department of Global Ecology, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E.mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-023X), v. 12, p. 155-164. 2009. A fundamental property of all forest landscapes is the size frequency distribution of canopy gap disturbances. But characterizing forest structure and changes at large spatial scales has been challenging and most of our understanding is from permanent inventory plots. Here we report the first application of light detection and ranging remote sensing to measurements of canopy disturbance and regeneration in an old-growth tropical rain forest landscape. Pervasive local height changes figure prominently in the dynamics of this forest. Although most canopy gaps recruited to higher positions during 8.5 years, size frequency distributions were similar at two points in time and well-predicted by power-laws. At larger spatial scales (hundreds of ha), height increases and decreases occurred with similar frequency and changes to canopy height that were analysed using a height transition matrix suggest that the distribution of canopy height at the beginning of the study was close to the projected steady-state equilibrium under the recent disturbance regime. Taken together, these findings show how widespread local height changes can produce short-term stability in a tropical rain forest landscape. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-9869. Publicación no.: 462 Ecological management and sustainable development in the humid tropics of Costa Rica [Manejo ecológico y desarrollo sostenible en los trópicos húmedos de Costa Rica] / Kohlmann, Bert; Mitsch, William J; Hansen, David O. (Universidad EARTH, Apdo. Postal 4442-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Engineering (ISSN 0925-8574), v. 34, no. 4, p. 254-266. 2008. Introduction: Costa Rica is an ideal reference point for tropical ecology in the world. It has abundant majestic wet and dry forests, impenetrable coastal and inland wetlands, wild rivers, productive estuaries, fog- and rain-shrouded mountains, and active volcanic landscapes that support some of the most impressive dense biodiversity found on the planet. Because of its fortuitous tropical setting, it has also served as an important location for agricultural production, including crops such as coffee, bananas, pineapples, wood and wood products. Its incredible ecological systems have also attracted more ecotourists and adventure travelers per square kilometer than any other country in the world (22.5 international ecotourists/km² calculated on data reported by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). The current focus on climate change has increased interest in the amount of carbon fluxing through these productive ecological and agronomic systems as well as the potential impacts of new weather patterns on coastal and inland systems. Results of a collaborative research program between EARTH University in Costa Rica and The Ohio State University in the USA are presented in this special issue of Ecological Engineering. This research suggests how humans and nature can live in harmony and sustainability in this splendid environment. This is the essence of ecological engineering. The present special issue arose from the vision and desire of EARTH University's rector, Dr. José Zaglul, and Ohio State University (OSU)’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences dean, Bobby Moser, to initiate strategic collaborative research and student and faculty exchange. Assistance in doing so was provided by Congressman David Hobson, 7th Congressional District, of the US House of Representatives. In spring 2004, the International Programs in Agriculture Office at OSU solicited proposals from its faculty members with research experience and expertise on topics of bio-energy and resource management and conservation in the tropics. In June of that year, it sponsored a visit by ProfessorsRattan Lal, Jay Martin, William Mitsch, Roger Williams, and Michael Ellis, and Project Coordinator Richard Fortner, to

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EARTH University. There they met with Professors Edgar Alvarado, Pedro Bidegaray, Raúl Botero, Marlon Brevé, Carlos Hernández, Bert Kohlmann, Humberto Leblanc, Carlos Montoya, Shuichi Okumoto, Jorge Celso Rodríguez, Ricardo Russo, Egbert Spaans, Pánfilo Tabora, Julio Tejada, Marvin Weil, and Jane Yeomans. Together they held a seminar at which they presented and discussed possible collaborative topics for research. Research collaborations were identified in this process and the results of this meeting were presented to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). DOE supported the research proposal presented and agreed to provide partial funding for it. Field research was initiated in 2005. The 11 papers in this special issue focus on topics related to the ecology, agro-ecology and social and economic conditions found in the Parismina River watershed, in which EARTH University is located. The research focused on solutions to problems encountered by communities in the watershed and opportunities for sustainable management of the ecosystems there. The problems were initially identified by Carlos Hernández, the first EARTH Research Coordinator, and were summarized in a strategic document entitled "A Systems Approach to Sustainable Development in Rural Communities in the Parismina Watershed, Guácimo, Limón, Costa Rica", which served as a basic reference for ensuing research. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10098. Publicación no.: 463 Tropical wetlands for climate change research, water quality management and conservation education on a university campus in Costa Rica [Humedales tropicales para investigación sobre el cambio climático, manejo de la calidad del agua y educación de la conservación en un campus universitario en Costa Rica] / Mitsch, William J; Tejada-Ramírez, Julio César; Nahlik, Amanda M; Kohlmann, Bert; Bernala, Blanca; Hernández, Carlos E. (Ohio State University, 352 W Dodridge St, Columbus, OH 43202, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Engineering (ISSN 0925-8574), v. 34, no. 4, p. 276-288. 2008. EARTH University is a small agronomic university with a theme of sustainability in eastern Costa Rica. Several natural and constructed wetlands on its campus are used for research, water quality improvement, and higher education. It has become an important location for research and teaching on humid tropical wetland ecology and management. A 112-ha flow-through Raphia taedigera (Arecaceae) forested wetland is being used for climate change research, focusing on carbon sequestration and methane generation. Methane emissions are measured seasonally and are comparable to rates in tropical wetlands published elsewhere. Carbon sequestration by the wetland appears to be substantially higher than similar flow-through temperate zone wetlands. Treatment wetlands are used on campus to improve water quality of effluents from an animal farm, a dairy plant, a landfill, and a banana paper plant. Water quality was substantially improved in all of these wetlands except the landfill leachate wetland. All of these campus wetlands have been integrated into the four-year education program of EARTH University and 22 undergraduate projects have been completed on wetlands over the past 14 years. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10096. Publicación no.: 464 A comparison of soil carbon pools and profiles in wetlands in Costa Rica and Ohio [Una comparación de los reservorios de carbono del suelo y los perfiles en humedales en Costa Rica y Ohio] / Bernal, Blanca; Mitsch, William J. (Ohio State University, 352 W Dodridge St, Columbus, OH 43202, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Engineering (ISSN 0925-8574), v. 34, no. 4, p. 311-323. 2008.

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Wetlands are large carbon pools and play important roles in global carbon cycles as natural carbon sinks. This study analyzes the variation of total soil carbon with depth in two temperate (Ohio) and three tropical (humid and dry) wetlands in Costa Rica and compares their total soil C pool to determine C accumulation in wetland soils. The temperate wetlands had significantly greater (P < 0.01) C pools (17.6 kg C m-²) than did the wetlands located in tropical climates (9.7 kg C m-²) in the top 24 cm of soil. Carbon profiles showed a rapid decrease of concentrations with soil depth in the tropical sites, whereas in the temperate wetlands they tended to increase with depth, up to a maximum at 18-24 cm, after which they started decreasing. The two wetlands in Ohio had about ten times the mean total C concentration of adjacent upland soils (e.g., 161 g C kg-¹) were measured in a central Ohio isolated forested wetland, and 17 g C kg-1 in an adjacent upland site), and their soil C pools were significantly higher (P < 0.01). Among the five wetlands study sites, three main wetland types were identified - isolated forested, riverine flow-through, and slow-flow slough. in the top 24 cm of soil, isolated forested wetlands had the greatest pool (10.8 kg C m-²), significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the other two types (7.9 kg C m-²) in the riverine flow-though wetlands and 8.0 kg C m-²) in a slowly flowing slough), indicating that the type of organic matter entering into the system and the type of wetland maybe key factors in defining its soil C pool. A riverine flow-through wetland in Ohio showed a significantly higher C pool (P < 0.05) in the permanently flooded location (18.5 kg C m-²) than in the edge location with fluctuating hydrology, where the soil is intermittently flooded (14.6 kg C m-²). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10093. Publicación no.: 465 Influences of Atlantic climate change on the tropical Pacific via the Central American Isthmus [Influencias del cambio climático en el Atlántico sobre el Pacífico tropical a través del istmo Centroamericano] / Xie, Shang Ping; Okumura, Yuko; Miyama, Toru; Timmermann, Axel. (University of Hawaii at Manoa. International Pacific Research Center US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Climate (ISSN 0894-8755), v. 21, p. 3914-3928. 2008. Recent global coupled model experiments suggest that the atmospheric bridge across Central America is a key conduit for Atlantic climate change to affect the tropical Pacific. A high-resolution regional ocean' atmosphere model (ROAM) of the eastern tropical Pacific is used to investigate key processes of this conduit by examining the response to a sea surface temperature (SST) cooling over the North Atlantic. The Atlantic cooling increases sea level pressure, driving northeasterly wind anomalies across the Isthmus of Panama year-round. While the atmospheric response is most pronounced during boreal summer-fall when the tropical North Atlantic is warm and conducive to deep convection, the Pacific SST response is strongest in winter-spring when the climatological northeast trade winds prevail across the isthmus. During winter, the northeasterly cross-isthmus winds intensify in response to the Atlantic cooling, reducing the SST in the Gulf of Panama by cold and dry advection from the Atlantic and by enhancing surface turbulent heat flux and mixing. This Gulf of Panama cooling reaches the equator and is amplified by the Bjerknes feedback during boreal spring. The equatorial anomalies of SST and zonal winds dissipate quickly in early summer as the seasonal development of the cold tongue increases the stratification of the atmospheric boundary layer and shields the surface from the Atlantic influence that propagates into the Pacific as tropospheric Rossby waves. The climatological winds over the far eastern Pacific warm pool turn southwesterly in summer/fall, superimposed on which the anomalous northesterlies induce a weak SST warming there. The ROAM results are compared with global model water-hosing runs to shed light on intermodel consistency and differences in response to the shutdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Implications for interpreting paleoclimate changes

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such as Heinrich events are discussed. The results presented here also aid in understanding phenomena in the present climate such as the Central American midsummer drought and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10104. Publicación no.: 466 Dung-beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from the Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Talamanca, Costa Rica [Abejones estercoleros (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) de la Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Talamanca, Costa Rica] / González-Maya, José Fernando; Mata-Lorenzen, Juan. (ProCAT Internacional. Proyecto de Conservación de Aguas y Tierras, Las Alturas de Coto Brus, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Check List (ISSN 1809-127X), v. 4, no. 4, p. 458-463. 2008. Enlace: Dung-beetle species are considered an important focal indicator group in tropical forests. During 2007, eighteen traps were set in two permanent biodiversity plots during one week surveys in Las Tablas Protected Zone within La Amistad Biosphere Reserve. The main purpose of this study was to determine the group composition and diversity as the basis for permanent monitoring and to measure potential impacts of land use change and climate change on mountain diversity. Pitfall traps were placed randomly within the plots with human feces as bait. A total of 26 species distributed in 13 genera and six tribes were collected. The composition of species includes eight endemic species, seven for Costa Rica (CR) and Panama and one only for CR. The diversity found in this study was typical of previous studies in the region. Further sampling is needed to obtain the total number of species for the area. This study is part of an on-going research project about climate change impacts and biodiversity monitoring in this important ecoregion of Mesoamerica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10133. Publicación no.: 467 One-third of reef-building corals face elevated extinction risk from climate change and local impacts [Un tercio de los arrecifes de coral se enfrentan a elevados riesgos de extinción debido al cambio climático y los impactos locales] / Carpenter, Kent E; Abrar, Muhammad; Aeby, Greta; Aronson, Richard B; Banks, Stuart; Bruckner, Andrew; Chiriboga, Angel; Cortés-Núñez, Jorge. (IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Species Programme Species Survival Commission (SSC) and Conservation International (CI) Global Marine Species Assessment. Old Dominion University, Biological Sciences, Norfolk, VA 23529, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Science (ISSN 0036-8075), v. 321, no. 5888, p. 560-563. 2008. The conservation status of 845 zooxanthellate reef-building coral species was assessed by using International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Criteria. Of the 704 species that could be assigned conservation status, 32.8% are in categories with elevated risk of extinction. Declines in abundance are associated with bleaching and diseases driven by elevated sea surface temperatures, with extinction risk further exacerbated by local-scale anthropogenic disturbances. The proportion of corals threatened with extinction has increased dramatically in recent decades and exceeds that of most terrestrial groups. The Caribbean has the largest proportion of corals in high extinction risk categories, whereas the Coral Triangle (western Pacific) has thehighest proportion of species in all categories of elevated extinction risk. Our results emphasize the widespread plight of coral reefs and the urgent need to enact conservation measures.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10016. Publicación no.: 468 Beta diversity along environmental gradients: implications of habitat specialization in tropical montane landscapes [Diversidad beta a lo largo de gradientes ambientales: consecuencias de la especialización en el hábitat de los paisajes tropicales de montaña] / Jankowski, Jill E; Ciecka, Anna L; Meyer, Nola Y; Rabenold, Kerry N. (Purdue University. Department of Biological Sciences, Lilly Hall, 915 W State St, W Lafayette, IN 47907, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Animal Ecology (ISSN 0021-8790), v. 78, no. 2, p. 315-327. 2009. Understanding how species in a diverse regional pool are spatially distributed with respect to habitat types is a longstanding problem in ecology. Tropical species are expected to be specialists along environmental gradients, and this should result in rapid compositional change (high beta diversity) across landscapes, particularly when alpha diversity is a small fraction of regional diversity. Corollary challenges are then to identify controlling environmental variables and to ask whether species cluster into discrete community types along a gradient. We investigated patterns of avian species' distributions in the Tilarán mountains of Costa Rica between 1000 m and 1700 m elevation where a strong moisture gradient exists. High beta diversity was found with both auditory counts adjusted for detectability and extensive capture data, revealing nearly complete change in community composition over a few kilometres on the Pacific slope. As predicted, this beta diversity was roughly twice as high as on temperate mountain sides. Partial Mantel analyses and canonical correspondence analysis indicate that change in species composition is highly correlated with change in moisture (and correlated epiphyte cover) at different distances from the continental divide on the Pacific slope. Altitude was not a good predictor of change in species composition, as species composition varies substantially among sites at the same elevation. Detrended correspondence analysis and cluster analysis revealed a zone of rapid transition separating a distinct cloud forest community from rainshadow forest. On the Caribbean slope, where a shallower moisture gradient was predicted to result in lower beta diversity, we found lower rates of compositional change and more continuous species turnover. Results suggest that habitat specialization of birds is likely a strong ecological force generating high beta diversity in montane landscapes. Despite overall rapid rates of species turnover, zones of relatively coherent composition couldbe identified. Landscapes with such high beta diversity are common in the tropics, although little studied. They offer high benefit/cost opportunities for conservation, particularly as climate change threatens to alter the species composition of communities of habitat specialists. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10413. Publicación no.: 469 Monitoring carbon stocks in the tropics and the remote sensing operational limitations: from local to regional projects [Vigilancia de las reservas de carbono en los trópicos y las limitaciones operativas de la teledetección: de proyectos locales a regionales] / Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Castro-Esau, K.L; Kurz, W.A; Joyce, A.T. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Building 1-26, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 19, no. 2, p. 480-494. 2009. Current remote sensing technologies are effective tools for contributing to the estimation of terrestrial carbon stocks and carbon stock changes. This paper provides an overview of information requirements, sensor capabilities and limitations, and analysis approaches for the use of remotely sensed data in the

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generation of tropical carbon sequestration monitoring systems. While it is evident that remotely sensed data have tremendous utility for monitoring carbon stock changes, it is important to be aware of their limitations. Three critical limitations are: (1) the definition of methods and algorithms to accurately estimate forest age, (2) the provision of techniques that can yield accurate estimation of deforestation rates in both tropical dry andwet forest environments, and (3) the strong need to develop new approaches to link biophysical variables (e. g., leaf area index) to spectral reflectance to support spatially distributed carbon sequestration models. The validity of final estimates of carbon and carbon stock changes rests on complex issues at several levels, from the data themselves, to the analysis, interpretation, and validation of the data. Consideration of these issues, as well as the need for sound project planning and development within budget constraints, will be important in the development of carbon stock monitoring programs in the tropics. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10495. Publicación no.: 470 Tropical forest and the emerging CO2 market [El bosque tropical y el nuevo mercado de CO2] / Castro-Salazar, René; Cordero-Castaño, S.A. (Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas, Apartado Postal 960-4050, La Garita de Alajuela, CR). En: Investigacion Agraria, Sistemas y Recursos Forestales (ISSN 1131-7965) , v. 10, no. 1, p. 185-204. 2001. Enlace: Since the Earth Summit gathered in Rio Janeiro in 1992, more than 180 countries of the world have been negotiating the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change including a strategy to reduce the emissions of gases that are thought to contribute to global warming. The Kyoto Protocol (1997) ?that was announced recently will be ratified? includes provisions to allow countries where emissions reductions are very costly to meet their reduction targets by buying credits from countries where emissions reductions are cheaper. This strategy is still being debated; moreover, the sixth conference of the parties (COP VI) reached only a partial agreement. Costa Rica has been a pioneer in developing and selling emission reduction credits. Costa Rica's carbon credits came primarily from two sources. First, converting cultivated fields and pastures into forests and second, from reducing deforestation. In 1996, in an unprecedented transaction, Costa Rica sold its first 200,000 tons of carbon emission reduction credits to Norway for $10 per ton of carbon. In early 1998, however, Costa Rica received no bids when it tried to auction an additional 1,000,000 tons of carbon credits with a floor price of $20 per ton. During the year 2001, other 8 Latin American countries offered credits to the World Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund at prices between $2.9 and $20 per ton. Carbon trade final results will depend on the ultimate rules, regulations, and carbon prices. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10232. Publicación no.: 471 Encouraging climate change adaptation through payment for environmental services: Case studies in the Pacific region of Costa Rica [Fomento de la adaptación al cambio climático a través de pago por servicios ambientales: Estudios de casos en la región del Pacífico de Costa Rica] / Smith, Carolyn Elizabeth. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo, 2008. 111 p. ISBN: 9780494438176. Thesis, Master of Environmental Studies in Environment and Resource Studies, University of Waterloo (Canada). During the last decade, climate change has prolonged droughts and increased rainfall intensity, which has resulted in an increase in the number of flash floods and tropical storms. These events are affecting

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Costa Rica's agriculture sector and are impacting the country's food security. The main objective of this study was to evaluate farmers' local knowledge and perceptions about climate change and determine the impacts of the payment for environmental services (PES) programme on assisting farmers to integrate information and use innovative technologies to adapt to climate change. Research indicates that although climate change is affecting Costa Rican agriculture, there are adaptation strategies to help alleviate the negative impacts. Farmers in two geographical areas were interviewed to evaluate their integration of climate change information into land management practices. The two areas were Esparza, in the northern part of the province of Puntarenas, and Durika, in southern Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Farmers interviewed in Esparza were chosen based on their involvement in a PES project developed by Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). Farmers in Durika were chosen because they practice sustainable agricultural techniques that more formally integrate climate change information. Results showed that the PES project was a successful approach to encourage farmers to adapt to climate change. Farmers in Durika and Esparza mentioned the importance of financial incentives combined with improved knowledge and understanding of climate change to encourage adaptation. Important adaptation strategies implemented in Esparza included the use of agroforestry, Brachiaria spp . grasses, water conservation and protection, and supplements. Based on the success of CATIE's project combined with comments made from farmers in Durika, recommendations are made to improve this project and extend information into the rest of the country. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10581. Publicación no.: 472 Potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic [Posibles impactos del cambio climático sobre la diversidad biológica en Centroamérica, México y la República Dominicana] / Anderson, Eric R; Cherrington, Emil A; Flores, Africa I; Pérez, Joel B; Carrillo Roberto; Sempris, Emilio. (CATHALAC, Water Center for the Humid Tropopics of Latin America and the Caribbean, 111 Ciudad Saber, 0843-03102 Clayton, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). Panama City: CATHALAC / USAID, 2008. 105 p. ISBN: 978-9962-8941-1-7. Enlace: The recently-published Fourth Assessment Report of the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests that Latin America and the Caribbean will certainly not be left unscathed by such global changes. Within the broader region, Mesoamerica and the Caribbean stand out as their biological resources of are globally significant, putting both sub-regions in the ranks of the world?s top twenty-five "biodiversity hotspots." In Mesoamerica alone, 7% of the globe's terrestrial species inhabit less than 1% of earth's landmass. One key concern, therefore, is the impact climate change will have on such globally significant biodiversity. Among other questions, this study seeks to assess the potential impacts of rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns on the region's species and ecosystems. Within the geographic domain of Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, this study utilizes a novel geospatial modeling approach, integrating both climatological and biodiversity data to assess which areas and species might be significantly impacted by imminent changes in precipitation and temperature patterns. High-resolution climatological scenario data from the SERVIR, PRECIS and WorldClim initiatives were variously used as inputs in the analysis, acknowledging that while climate scenario data are not predictions and possess uncertainties, they nonetheless constitute useful tools that can allow Governments, local communities, and international communities to better plan strategies for mainstreaming initiatives to facilitate adaptation to climate change in the region. According to the modeling work conducted, if worst case scenario conditions prevail, by the 2020s, the Caribbean coasts

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of lower Central America will be significantly impacted by climate change. Countries that would be affected include Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Furthermore, by the 2080s, in terms of the "comfort zone" of climatic niches that species and ecosystems are tolerant to, if worst case scenario conditions prevail, all of the ecosystems and species of Central America and the Dominican Republic will be subjected to conditions well outside of their traditional "comfort zone," while with the exception mainly of parts of Baja California and the Yucatan, Mexico's ecosystems and species would go largely unaffected. This is because the majority of Mexico's ecosystems already tolerate a relatively wide temperature and precipitation threshold, likely indicating resilience to climate changes that may occur. Additionally, in terms of the potential climate change impact on existing protected areas, , the ecosystems and species most likely to be affected by are already within protected areas for a large part. One would therefore expect that if these ecosystems continue to be protected, for a variety of reasons, the chances of these ecosystems adapting to climate change would be higher compared to those vulnerable ecosystems currently outside existing protected areas networks. This analysis also identifies critical areas that may require specific interventions to facilitate the adaptation of species to climate change. It is also worth pointing out, however, that in addition to climate change, ecosystems and species will likely continue to be threatened by deforestation. Expanding from previous climate research that has largely focused on the magnitude of potential climate change, this study also presents a novel framework with which climate change impacts can be assessed in specific natural systems. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10626. Publicación no.: 473 Elevation and forest clearing effects on foraging differ between surface- and subterranean- foraging army ants (Formicidae: Ecitoninae) [Los efectos de la elevación y la tala de los bosques difieren en en el forrajeo de superficie y subterráneo en las hormigas ronchadoras (Formicidae: Ecitoninae)] / Kumar, Anjali; O'Donnell, Sean. (University of Washington. Department of Psychology, Animal Behavior Program, Seattle, WA 98195, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: The Journal of Animal Ecology (ISSN 0021-8790), v. 78, no. 1, p. 91-97. 2009. 1. Forest fragmentation often results in a matrix of open areas mixed with patches of forest. Both biotic and abiotic factors can affect consumer species' ability to utilize the altered habitat, especially for species that range over large areas searching for prey. 2. Army ants (Formicidae: Ecitoninae) are highly mobile top predators in terrestrial Neotropical ecosystems. Army ant foraging behaviour is influenced by forest clearing at lowland sites, and clearing can reduce army ant population persistence. 3. Because high temperatures are implicated in hindering above-ground army ant foraging, we predicted that forest clearing effects on army ant foraging would be reduced at higher (cooler) elevations in montane forest. We also predicted that subterranean foraging, employed by some army ant species, would buffer them from the negative effects of forest clearing. 4. We quantified the foraging rates of above-ground and underground foraging army ants at eight sites along an elevational gradient from 1090 to 1540 m a.s.l. We asked whether these two foraging strategies cause a difference in the ability of army ants to forage in open matrix areas relative to elevationally matched forested habitats, and whether elevation predicts open area vs. forest foraging rate differences. 5. As predicted, army ants that forage above-ground had lower foraging rates in open areas, but the open area vs. forest difference declined with elevation. In contrast, underground foragers were not affected by habitat type, and underground foraging rates increased with elevation. Ground surface temperatures were higher in open areas than forested areas.

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Temperatures declined with elevation, and temperature differences between open and forested areas decreased with elevation. 6. We conclude that army ants that forage above-ground may be restricted to forested areas due to a thermal tolerance threshold, but that they are released from this limitation at higher elevations. We further suggest that underground foraging permits some army ants to persist within modified landscapes. Our findings have implications for the effects of habitat modification and climate change on these top predators. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10587. Publicación no.: 474 Identifying critical areas for conservation: biodiversity and climate change in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic [La identificación de áreas críticas para la conservación: la diversidad biológica y el cambio climático en Centroamérica, México y la República Dominicana] / Anderson, Eric R; Cherrington, Emil A; Tremblay-Boyer, Laura; Flores, Africa I; Sempris, Emilio. (CATHALAC, Water Center for the Humid Tropopics of Latin America and the Caribbean, 111 Ciudad Saber, 0843-03102 Clayton, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity (ISSN 1488-8386), v. 9, no. 3/4, p. 89-99. 2008. Given the rapidity and intensity of anthropogenic impacts on natural systems, assessing the effectiveness of current protected areas in preserving biodiversity is especially important in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, which contain a wide array of species and ecosystems. In light of the growing need to consider climate change in policymaking, combining climate change projections with biodiversity maps allows scientists and decision-makers to understand possible climate change impacts on biodiversity. In this study, we use GIS to identify spatial relationships between regional climate change models and species habitat ranges for Mesoamerica and the Caribbean. Evaluating possible effects of climate change in terms of temperature and precipitation involves three factors historical averages, historical ranges, and future averages. Because different ecosystems and species exist at different temperature and precipitation ranges, we consider "comfort zones" of each area. We develop a quantitative, spatial measurement of climate change intensity of each area by calculating the difference between historical and future averages and dividing that difference by the area's comfort zone, at a spatial resolution of 1km². The result is a normalized grid of projected climate change severity. According to the modeling results, should worst case scenario conditions prevail, by the 2020s, the Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, will be significantly impacted by climate change. By the 2080s, all of the ecosystems and species of Central America and the Dominican Republic may be subjected to conditions well outside of their traditional comfort zone, while most of Mexico's ecosystems and species are at lower risk of severe climate change impacts. Integrating species richness data with the climate change severity analyses identifies critical areas that may require specific interventions to facilitate the adaptation of species to climate change. The information generated points not only to the utility of current protected areas, but is also useful in guiding the development of new protected areas and biological corridors, for the reduction of the potential impacts of future climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12149. Publicación no.: 475 Assessing the scale of prehistoric human impact in the neotropics using stable carbon isotope analyses of lake sediments: a test case from Costa Rica [Evaluando la magnitud del impacto humano prehistórico en los neotrópicos mediante análisis de isótopos estables de carbono de

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los sedimentos de lago: estudio de caso de Costa Rica] / Lane, Chad S; Horn, Sally P; Taylor, Zachary P; Mora, Claudia I. (Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54912, epartment of Geography). En: Latin American Antiquity (ISSN 1045-6635), v. 20, no. 1, p. 120-133. 2009. Analyses of pollen and other terrestrial microfossils in sediment profiles from Neotropical lakes can complement and extend archaeological studies by documenting the timing of prehistoric human disturbances within watersheds. However, assessing the scale of prehistoric human impact from sedimentary microfossil assemblages alone is often difficult. We explore here the utility of combining stable carbon isotope (delta C-13) analyses of lake sediments and isotopic mixing models to improve our ability to gauge the extent of prehistoric human disturbance recorded in sediment profiles. Our test case involves the analysis of a sediment core front Laguna Bonillita on the central Caribbean slope of Costa Rica that spans approximately the last 2,700 calendaryears. Variations in the delta C-13 values of the Laguna Bonillita sediments suggest that human population growth and environmental impacts in the watershed were at their maximum similar to cal yr 300 B.C. This finding is in keeping with archaeological evidence of rapid regional population growth at this time but differs from initial interpretations of the sediment record that were based on pollen and charcoal analyses alone. Me. believe that the use of stable carbon isotope data from sediment profiles can improve estimates of the scale of prehistoric human impact and in doing so improve the contributions of paleoecological research to archaeology. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10671. Publicación no.: 476 Elevational patterns of diversity and abundance of eusocial paper wasps (Vespidae) in Costa Rica [Patrones de la diversidad altitudinal y abundancia de avispas papeleras eusociales (Vespidae) en Costa Rica] / Kumar, Anjali; Longino, John T; Colwell, Robert K; O'Donnell, Sean. (University of Washington. Department of Psychology, Animal Behavior Group, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 41, no. 3, p. 338-346. 2009. We used a standard sampling protocol to measure elevational patterns of species richness and abundance of eusocial paper wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Costa Rica. The sample transect of six sites spanned approximately 2000 m in elevation from lowland to montane forest. Species accumulation curves and species richness estimates both document a low elevation peak in paper wasp species richness at 50 and 300 m asl, with a decline in species richness at higher elevations. Comparison of species composition among elevations revealed strong species turnover from a rich lowland fauna to a depauperate, but distinct, montane fauna. We also observed a general trend toward a greater abundance of paper wasps at higher elevations, a pattern not usually observed in eusocial insects. Army ant species that prey on paper wasps declined in abundance with elevation across the sample transect, a pattern that has been observed at other sites. We discuss the possibility that elevational changes in predation pressure affect variation in paper wasp abundance and species richness. Eusocial paper wasp species employ one of two modes of colony founding, independent and swarm founding. We found that the total abundance of individual swarm-founding wasps was higher at all elevations than the abundance of independent-founding wasps, supporting previous suggestions that Neotropical swarm founders are more successful ecologically. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10679.

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Publicación no.: 477 Cambio climático y biodiversidad / Gitay, Habiba (ed.); Suárez, Avelino (ed.); Watson, Robert T (ed.); Dokken, David Jon (ed.). [Geneva]: IPPC, 2002. 85 p. (Documento Técnico del IPCC; no. V). ISBN: 92-9169-104-7. Enlace: En el ámbito mundial, las actividades humanas han causado y van a seguir causando una pérdida en la biodiversidad debido, entre otras cosas, a cambios en el uso y la cubierta de los suelos; la contaminación y degradación de los suelos y de las aguas (incluyendo la desertificación), y la contaminación del aire; el desvío de las aguas hacia ecosistemas intensamente gestionados y sistemas urbanos; la fragmentación del hábitat; la explotación selectiva de especies; la introducción de especies no autóctonas, y el agotamiento del ozono estratosférico. La tasa actual de la pérdida de biodiversidad es mayor que la de la extinción natural. Una pregunta esencial en este Documento es ¿cuánto puede el cambio climático (ya sea de forma natural o inducido por elhombre) aumentar o impedir estas pérdidas de la biodiversidad? Los cambios en el clima ejercen una presión adicional y ya han comenzado a afectar a la biodiversidad. Las concentraciones atmosféricas de gases de efecto invernadero han aumentado desde tiempos preindustriales debido a actividades humanas, sobre todo la utilización de combustibles fósiles y los cambios en el uso y en la cubierta de los suelos. Estos factores, junto a las fuerzas naturales, han contribuido a los cambios en el clima de la Tierra a lo largo de todo el siglo XX: ha subido la temperatura de la superficie terrestre y marina, han cambiado los patrones espaciales y temporales de las precipitaciones; se ha elevado el nivel del mar, y ha aumentado la frecuencia e intensidad de los fenómenos asociados con El Niño. Dichos cambios, sobre todo la subida de las temperaturas en algunas zonas, han afectado a la estación de la reproducción de animales y plantas y/o la de la migración de los animales, a la extensión de la estación de crecimiento, a la distribución de las especies y el tamaño de sus poblaciones, y a la frecuencia de las plagas y brotes de enfermedades. Algunos ecosistemas costeros o aquellos en altitud y latitud altas también se han visto afectados por los cambios en el clima regional Se espera que el cambio climático afecte a todos aspectos de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, dichos cambios tienen que tener en cuenta los impactos de otras actividades humanas pasadas, presentes y futuras, incluyendo el aumento en las concentraciones atmosféricas de dióxido de carbono (CO2). Para la amplia gama de escenarios de emisión del Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC), se estima que la temperatura media de la superficie terrestre ascienda entre un 1,4y un 5,8°C para finales del siglo XXI, que las zonas terrestres experimenten un calentamiento más alto que los océanos, y que las latitudes altas se calienten más que los trópicos. Se estima que la elevación del nivel del mar asociada con dicho cambios esté comprendido entre 0,09 a 0,88 m. En general, se espera un aumento en las precipitaciones en latitudes altas y en zonas ecuatoriales, y que disminuyan en zonas subtropicales aunque aumenten las fuertes precipitaciones. Se espera que el cambio climático afecte directamente a organismos individuales, a poblaciones, a la distribución de especies, y al funcionamiento de los ecosistemas (por ejemplo debido a un aumento de las temperaturas y cambios en las precipitaciones y, en el caso de ecosistemas marinos y costeros, se esperan cambios en el nivel del mar y fuertes tormentas repentinas) e indirectamente (por ejemplo mediante el impacto de los cambios climáticos en la intensidad y la frecuencia de fenómenos tales como los fuegos arrasadores). La pérdidamodificación y fragmentación del hábitat, y la introducción y extensión de especies no autóctonas van a afectar los impactos producidos por el cambio climático. Una proyección realista del estado futuro de los ecosistemas terrestres debe tener en cuentatambién las pautas de uso de los suelos y del agua, las que van a afectar en gran medida a la capacidad de los organismos para responder a los cambios climáticos mediante la migración. El efecto general del cambio climático estimado provocado

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por el hombre muestra que los hábitats de muchas especies se desplazará hacia los polos o hacia altitudes mayores respecto a sus emplazamientos actuales. Las distintas especies se van a ver afectadas de forma diferente por el cambio climático; van a migrar a diferente velocidad a través de paisajes naturales fragmentados, y muchos ecosistemas actualmente dominados por especies de larga vida (tales como árboles longevos) van a tardar mucho antes de que manifiesten los efectos de estos cambios. Por lo tanto, es probable que se modifique la composición de la mayoría de los ecosistemas actuales, ya que es improbable que las especies que componen dichos ecosistemas cambien de emplazamiento todas a la vez. Se espera que los cambios más rápidos sucedan cuando sean acelerados por cambios en patrones de alteraciones no climáticas tanto naturales como antropogénicas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10634. Publicación no.: 478 Importance of land use versus atmospheric information verified from cloud simulations from a frontier region in Costa Rica [Importancia del uso de la tierra versus la información atmosférica verificada de una nube de simulaciones de la región fronteriza en Costa Rica] / Ray, Deepak K; Pielke, Roger A; Nair, Udaysankar S; Welch, Ronald M; Lawton, Robert O. (Purdue University. Forestry and Natural Resources, W Lafayette, IN 47907, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 114, AR D08113. 2009. Land-use/land-cover (LULC) change has been recognized as a key component in global climate change, and numerous climate modeling studies at regional to global scales document this. The research strategies have invariably been to first conduct baseline simulations of current conditions to evaluate model performance. Then simulation of regional climate with land cover changes (LCC) implemented within the model allows differences with the baseline simulation to be used as evidence of global to regional-scale climate impacts of LCC. However, even state-of-the-art regional climate models require two data sets to conduct reasonable baseline simulations. These are representative current land cover and atmospheric information over the study region. In frontier and developing areas (where most of the rapid land-use conversion is taking place), these data sets are frequently unavailable and the errors in simulations are due to either inaccurate land cover, insufficient atmospheric information, nonrepresentative model physics, or a combination of one or more of the above. This study shows that in one frontier region, that surrounding the Cordillera de Tilarán of Costa Rica, the accuracy of simulating clouds decreases by 1% to 3% if default model land cover information is used. If the atmospheric data sets used are the ones usually available to researchers (with land cover information held constant), then the model accuracy is reduced by 21% to 25%. Model runs without updated land cover or atmospheric information reduce model accuracy slightly further. Precipitation comparisons also provide similar results. This study thus shows that the critically important data set for conducting accurate simulations is not land cover information but atmospheric information. Researchers may similarly get significant increase in the accuracy of their baseline simulations elsewhere by using radiosondes/rawinsondes over their study region. Finally, since atmospheric information is not available for different landscape scenarios, assessments of the relative role of LULC change will have to continue to rely on using the standard atmospheric data set and the acceptance that the use of more detailed atmospheric data to initialize and provide lateral boundary conditions would have reduced the uncertainties in such landscape sensitivity studies. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10721.

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Publicación no.: 479 Almacenamiento de carbono en el suelo y la biomasa arbórea en sistemas de usos de la tierra en paisajes ganaderos de Colombia, Costa Rica y Nicaragua [Carbon storage in soil and tree biomass in different land use systems in cattle-dominated landscapes in Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua] / Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Chacón-León, Mario; Cuartas, César A; Naranjo, Juan; Ponce, Guillermo; Casasola-Coto, Francisco. (CATIE, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), no. 45, p. 27-36. 2007. Enlace: Although the capacity of forests and some silvopastoral systems to store carbon is well known, there is little information about their potential to sequester carbon in soil and tree biomass in the main land uses in landscapes dominated by cattle. We estimated the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) and tree biomass carbon in different land uses in Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The land uses evaluated were degraded pasture, native pasture and improved pasture with and without trees, fodder bank, forest plantation, riparian forest and secondary forest. Degraded pasture was the land use with less carbon in all three countries. Our results show that in the three agricultural landscapes studied, degraded pastures had significantly lower C stocks compared to improved pastures with trees and forest systems, and that there are good opportunities for C sequestration in agricultural landscapes dominated by cattle. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12174. Publicación no.: 480 Efecto de la aplicación de los pagos por servicios ambientales en el stock de carbono de un paisaje ganadero en Esparza, Costa Rica / Zamora, Sheila; Chacón-León, Mario; Vallejo-Rendón, Alvaro. (CATIE. Departamento de Agricultura y Agroforesteria, Proyecto Enfoques Silvopastoriles, Grupo GAMA, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Congreso Internacional de los Servicios Ecosistémicos en los Neotrópicos: estado del arte y desafíos futuros / International Congress on Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: State of the art and future challenges, Valdivia CL13-19 de noviembre de 2006. En: Bosque (ISSN 0717-9200 (online)), v. 27, no. 2, p. 175. 2006. Enlace: Abstract only: Se evaluó el efecto del pago por servicios ambientales (PSA) en el stock de carbono de un paisaje ganadero en Esparza, Costa Rica. El área de estudio abarcó 2.074,5 ha y se conformó de 60 fincas. Se compararon los cambios de uso de la tierra entre los años 2003-2004 en 13 distintos usos de la tierra. Se construyeron modelos de secuestro de carbono para cada uso de la tierra, los cuales se basaron en datos de campo y datos de la literatura, utilizando para esto el programa de cómputo CO2Fix. A su vez, se modeló el cambio de stock de carbono al nivel de paisaje utilizando para eso y CO2 Land. Los bosques ribereños, bosques secundarios y plantaciones fueron los usos de la tierra con mayor stock de carbono por hectárea con 323 y 202 MgCha-1. A nivel de paisaje, en 2003 los usos de la tierra que mayor aporte hicieron al stock de carbono fueron las pasturas naturales con baja densidad de árboles (29%) y los bosques ribereños (27%), mientras que para 2004 fueron las pasturas naturales con alta densidad de árboles (29%), los bosques ribereños (24%) y las pasturas mejoradas con alta densidad de árboles (20%) quienes hicieron el mayor aporte. La diferencia del stock de carbono presente debido al cambio de uso de la tierra fue de 89.614,80 ha. Los resultados demuestran la importancia de los sistemas forestales y agroforestales para secuestrar carbono al nivel de paisaje, por lo que programas de PSA deben

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contemplar distintas estrategias para secuestro de carbono, si se quiere crear un impacto real a la solución del problema del cambio climático global. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10821. Publicación no.: 481 Depósitos de carbono en el suelo y la biomasa arbórea en diferentes sistemas de usos de la tierra en tres paisajes neotropicales en Colombia, Costa Rica y Nicaragua / Chacón-León, Mario; Ibrahim, Muhammad A; Cuartas, César A; Naranjo, Juan; Ponce, Guillermo; Casasola-Coto, Francisco. (CATIE, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Congreso Internacional de los Servicios Ecosistémicos en los Neotrópicos: estado del arte y desafíos futuros / International Congress on Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: State of the art and future challenges, Valdivia CL13-19 de noviembre de 2006. En: Bosque (ISSN 0717-9200 (online)), v. 27, no. 2, p. 193. 2006. Enlace: Abstract only: Se determinaron los depósitos de carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) y de la biomasa arbórea arriba del suelo en distintos usos de la tierra en Colombia, Costa Rica y Nicaragua. Los usos de la tierra evaluados fueron pasturas degradadas, naturales y mejoradas con y sin árboles, bancos forrajeros, plantaciones forestales, bosques riparios y bosques secundarios. Para determinar el COS se tomaron muestras de suelo y se determinó el C orgánico (%) y la densidad aparente mediante análisis de laboratorio. Para determinar el carbono (C) en la biomasa, se establecieron parcelas temporales, se midió el diámetro a la altura del pecho de todos los árboles y mediante ecuaciones alométricas se calculó la biomasa. El bosque secundario fue el uso de la tierra que presentó mayores cantidades del total de C (COS más C en biomasa) con 297,63 t ha-1 en Costa Rica; 162.17 t ha-1 en Nicaragua, mientras que en Colombia fueron los bosques riparios con 211,07 t ha-1. En los tres países las pasturas degradadasfueron el uso de la tierra que menos total de C almacenó con 26,48 t ha-1 para Costa Rica, 72,5 t ha-1 para Nicaragua y 68,51 t ha-1 en Colombia. Los resultados muestran que, en cada uno de los paisajes ganaderos analizados, las pasturas degradadas no están aportando significativamente al secuestro de carbono. El establecimiento de pasturas mejoradas con alta densidad de árboles puede hacer que estos usos de la tierra degradados posean un alto potencial de secuestro de carbono, el cual se vería incrementado al nivel de finca y del paisaje insertando pequeñas áreas de plantaciones forestales y liberando otras áreas para dar paso a la regeneración natural del bosque Palabras clave: agroforestería, ganadería y ambiente, secuestro de carbono, sistemas silvopastoriles. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10821. Publicación no.: 482 Propuesta metodológica para determinar el balance de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) en paisajes agropecuarios / Cuartas, César A; Naranjo, Juan; Murgueitio, Enrique; Ibrahim, Muhammad A. (Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria (CIPAV), Carrera 2 Oeste Nº 11-54, Cali, CO <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Congreso Internacional de los Servicios Ecosistémicos en los Neotrópicos: estado del arte y desafíos futuros / International Congress on Ecosystem Services in the Neotropics: State of the art and future challenges, Valdivia CL13-19 de noviembre de 2006. En: Bosque (ISSN 0717-9200 (online)), v. 27, no. 2, p. 197. 2006. Enlace: Abstract only: En muchas regiones tropicales se han promovido durante los últimos años prácticas que pretenden modificar la imagen que se tiene en relación a las consecuencias ambientales negativas que

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generan las explotaciones agropecuarias y, en particular, los ambientes ganaderos. Dentro de dichas prácticas se pueden mencionar la reducción en la utilización de concentrados para animales, mejor utilización de sistemas de pastoreo, adopción de prácticas agroforestales y silvopastoriles, incorporación de especies que fijan N biológicamente y, por ende, reducen la utilización de fertilizantes químicos, manejo adecuado de desperdicios, entre otras. CIPAV viene participando en el Proyecto Enfoques Silvopastoriles para el Manejo Integrado de Ecosistemas (BM-FAO-CATIE-CIPAVNITLAPAN), el cual está siendo implementado con financiamiento del Fondo Global Ambiental (GEF). El proyecto evalúa el uso del mecanismo de pago por servicio ambiental, con el fin de estimular la adopción de prácticas silvopastorilesen Colombia, Costa Rica y Nicaragua; además, pretende ajustar una metodología para estimar el balance de GEIs en fincas ganaderas y paisajes agropecuarios. Para tal fin se seguirán las sugerencias realizadas por el IPCC (2005) Orientación sobre las buenas prácticas para uso de la tierra, cambio y uso de la tierra y silvicultura (OBP-UTCUTS), los resultados reportados por el Dr. Don Johnson, de la Universidad estatal de Colorado, y Livestock Analysis Model (LAM) Software desarrollado por la Agencia de Protección del Ambiente de EE.UU. La hipótesis que se sigue pretende demostrar que el manejo adecuado de los recursos naturales en fincas ganaderas conduce a conservar la biodiversidad y contribuye a la mitigación del cambio climático. La adopción de mejores prácticas silvopastoriles en áreas de pasturas degradadas se piensa que provee beneficios ambientales tanto a nivel local como global. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10821. Publicación no.: 483 Respiration from coarse woody debris in an old-growth tropical rain forest, Costa Rica [Respiración de los desechos gruesos de madera en un bosque lluvioso tropical de viejo crecimiento, Costa Rica] / Schwendenmann, Luitgard C; Ghebray, Tesfay. (Universität Göttingen. Institute of Silviculture, Department of Tropical Silviculture; Busgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). The Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation Annual Meeting, Morelia MXJuly 15-19, 2007. , 2007. p. 272. Enlace: (Abstract only): Although the carbon balance of tropical forests is likely to play a big role in climate change, it is still poorly understood. Coarse woody debris (CWD) is an important component of the carbon stored in tropical forests. At La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, CWD contains ca. 33 % as much carbon as in the live trees aboveground. Respiration from decomposing CWD in tropical forests has been found to produce large CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The objectives of our study were (1) to quantify the carbon transfer through respiration from CWD, (2) to evaluate which abiotic and biotic factors (wood density, CWD temperature and CWD moisture, nutrient and lignin content) control CWD respiration rates and (3) to compare the magnitude of coarse woody debris respiration rates with other CO2 efflux rates in an old-growth tropical rain forest (La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica). Coarse woody debris was classified into three decomposition categories (sound, partially decomposed and fully decomposed). Respiration from CWD was measured using closed, dynamic chambers connected to an infrared gas analyzer. Per unit bole surface CO2 efflux ranged between 2.0 æmol/m²/s (partially decomposed) and 2.8 æmol/m²/s (sound). Coarse woody debris classified as sound (0.53 g/cm³) had a higher wood density than partially (0.40 g/cm³) and fully decomposed (0.30 g/cm³) pieces. We did not find any significant correlation between respiration of CWD and abiotic factors (wood temperature and moisture). Although not significant, respiration rates were negatively correlated with lignEn:N ratio. In this oldgrowth forest, respiration from CWD (per unit area) is higher than respiration from living woody

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tissue (stem respiration; 1.34 æmol/m²/s). Soil respiration rates at range between 2.8 to 3.6 æmol/m²/s. Thus, coarse woody debris is an important carbon component in this old-growth forest. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10594. Publicación no.: 484 A critical analysis of ecosystem services as a tool in conservation projects: the possible perils, the promises, and the partnerships [Análisis crítico de los servicios de los ecosistemas como una herramienta en los proyectos de conservación: los posibles peligros, las promesas, y las asociaciones] / Goldman, Rebecca L; Tallis, Heather. (Nature Conservancy, Worldwide Office, 4245 N Fairfax Dr, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22203, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (ISSN 0077-8923), v. 1162, p. 63-78. 2009. Human modifications of the environment are growing in number and geographic extent, expanding to all of the Earth's surfaces and affecting the vast majority of the Earth's natural resources. Increases in demand for resources, growing levels of poverty, and more extensive urbanization, among other changes, lead to a need to move beyond parks and classic conservation approaches to incorporate humans and working landscapes more directly in conservation efforts. One approach to do this is to focus on ecosystem services, the benefits ecosystems provide to humans. Here conservation projects that focus only on biodiversity are analytically compared with those that include ecosystem-service goals to dispel myths and explore promises. Projects conducted by The Nature Conservancy, the world's largest conservation organization, are used, and it is demonstrated that not only do ecosystem-service approaches engage new landscapes, stakeholders, and funding sources, but that they do so without neglecting traditional biodiversity goals and the traditional approaches of protection and preservation. Seven case studies that uniquely create a broker-type structure to determine how to distribute money for the provision of particular services to the satisfaction of a wide range of stakeholder interests are focused on. It is found that all use local, independent leadership to initiate partnership formation, which then leads to the creation of a separate institutional entity that has legal rights to determine fund provision. The activities encouraged by these entities, and which therefore appear to satisfy a wide array of interests, are supporting education, rewarding best management practice, creating jobs, and monitoring outcomes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10852. Publicación no.: 485 Las redes de conectividad como base para la planificación de la conservación de la biodiversidad: propuesta para Costa Rica [Connectivity networks as a basis for biodiversity conservation planning: a proposal for Costa Rica] / Arias-Castillo, Elvis; Chacón-Chavarría, Oscar; Herrera-Fernández, Bernal; Induni-Alfaro, Gustavo; Acevedo-Mairena, Heiner; Coto, Mario; Barborak, James R. (MINAET. Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (ISSN 1659-1216), no. 54, p. 37-43. 2008. Fragmentation can result in habitat loss, reduction in size and increasing isolation of remaining habitat patches, with consequent loss of species at local and regional scales, as well as changes in faunal assemblages and ecological processes. Fragmentation can also impede the ability of species to shift to more appropriate habitats in response to climate change. For more than 30 years, Costa Rica has strived to conserve its biodiversity through the design and implementation of proposals to maximize ecological

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connectivity among protected areas. In response to continuing loss and fragmentation of habitat over the past several decades, and utilizing new information and biological knowledge, this paper presents an updated proposal for improved structural connectivity for the National System of Protected Areas of Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. Publicación no.: 486 El monitoreo ecológico como herramienta de manejo para la conservación: bases conceptuales y estructura del Programa de Monitoreo Ecológico Terrestre en Áreas Protegidas y Corredores Biológicos de Costa Rica [Ecological monitoring as a conservation management tool: the conceptual basis and structure of the Ecological Monitoring Programme for Costa Rica’s Protected Areas and Biological Corridors (PROMEC-CR)] / Finegan, Bryan; Céspedes-Agüero, Margarita Victoria; Sesnie, Steven E; Herrera-Fernández, Bernal; Induni-Alfaro, Gustavo; Sáenz-Méndez, Joel Cris; Ugalde-Gómez, Jesús; Wong-Reyes, Grace. (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza. Programa Manejo Integrado de Recursos Naturales, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (ISSN 1659-1216), no. 54, p. 66-73. 2008. Enlace: National-scale monitoring of protected areas and biological corridors is necessary for the effective management of complex, ever-changing and poorly known ecological systems. Also is now a condition for meeting the obligations of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The PROMEC-CR is being implemented by the National System of Conservation Areas of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunication. In its first phase, the Program will evaluate the conservation status of biodiversity at the national scale through three indicators focusing on, respectively, cover and fragmentation of natural ecosystems and their rates of change, and the effectiveness of protected areas management. At the same time, six additional indicators will be developed and tested, these providing a more integral evaluation of biodiversity covering key aspects of biological corridors, fauna groups and forest dynamics. The grave threat raised by climate change will be monitored directly by one indicator and as an explicit component of the monitoring of all the others. Localización: Biblioteca OET: R. NBINA-11107. Publicación no.: 487 Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) - assessing the opportunity in Costa Rica [Reducción de las emisiones causadas por la deforestación y la degradación forestal (REDD) - evaluación de la oportunidad en Costa Rica] / Castro-Kahle, Federico. (Imperial College London. Business School, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, GB <E-mail: [email protected]>). London: Imperial College London, 2009. 66 p. Thesis, Master Business Administration, Imperial College London, Business School (United Kingdom). Deforestation and climate change are closely interlinked. Indeed, forest loss accounts for approximately one fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. In response to this situation, the international community is envisioning the creation of a mechanism -called REDD- that would provide financial compensation for countries to avoid deforestation. This system would involve channelling money from the global carbon financing sector to individual forest users with the purpose of making forest conservation more profitable than contending non-forest uses. The objective of this project is to assess Costa Rica's prospects in becoming an important destination of financial incentives generated by REDD. The relevant

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characteristics of the country are thus measured against the main factors that will determine the country's participation in the mechanism. The results of the investigation show that Costa Rica's forestry evolution positions it in an unfavourable situation with regards to essential REDD factors. It appears that the next climate change mitigation agreement would predominantly channel financial incentives to deforesting countries, a group in which Costa Rica does not take part due to its successful conservation policies and actions. Nevertheless, there is still room for the country to have a significant participation in REDD. If the mechanism embraces countries that are currently enhancing their carbon stocks -rather than depleting them through deforestation- Costa Rica is in a good position to benefit from the synergies of forest conservation and market-based instruments. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10960. Publicación no.: 488 Entrevista a Rodrigo Gámez / Giannoni, Gerardo (ed.). En: Celebrar el pasado, construir el futuro: cincuenta años de desarrollo en América Latina. Washington, DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2009. p. 218-219. ISBN: 1-59782-094-6. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10834. Publicación no.: 489 Evaluación del mecanismo de desarrollo limpio en Costa Rica. ¿Un país demasiado verde para beneficiarse del MDL? / Landreau, Benjamin. (<E-mail: [email protected]> ). San Pedro de Montes de Oca: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006. 131 p. Proyecto Final de Graduación, Master en Gestión Ambiental y Ecoturismo con énfasis en Diseño de Políticas, Universidad de Costa Rica, Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). Enlace: El objetivo principal del estudio es evaluar los resultados de los proyectos MDL en Costa Rica, tanto existentes como potenciales, desde el punto de vista económico, social y ambiental. Las conclusiones del documento se basan principalmente en la evaluación de los cinco proyectos MDL costarricenses, que se encuentran actualmente en la fase de validación o registro por parte de la Junta Ejecutiva del mecanismo. Estos proyectos son la planta hidroeléctrica Cote, planta hidroeléctrica La Joya, planta eólica La Tejona, proyecto biogás del relleno sanitario Río Azul y proyecto de forestación y reforestación CoopeAgri. Se observa que el potencial del MDL para promover el desarrollo sostenible varía mucho según el tipo de proyecto llevado a cabo. En el estudio se realiza un análisis separado para los proyectos de generación eléctrica y los proyectos de forestación y reforestación. En primer lugar se demuestra que los proyectos MDL de generación eléctrica tienen un impacto relativamente marginal, principalmente porque la línea base del país es ya cercana a las "cero emisiones". Como Costa Rica produce su energía de manera limpia ya desde hace muchos años, el ahorro de emisiones en este sector siempre va a ser pequeño. Eso produce un sentimiento negativo con respeto al MDL y los actores costarricenses del sector de la producción eléctrica perciben que el país está siendo castigado por ser demasiado "verde". En segundo lugar se concluye que el impacto de los proyectos de forestación y reforestación bajo el MDL sería mucho más positivo para el país. Los resultados iniciales de CoopeAgri, el primer proyecto forestal en base al MDL, son positivos, así como la evaluación ex ante de seis nuevos proyectos forestales. Principalmente se demuestra que el MDL podría ser una fuente adicional importante de financiamiento y ampliación del programa costarricense de Pago por Servicios Ambientales, programa que promueve la

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reforestación del país ya desde 1996. Pero ahora que el país puede replicar la metodología diseñada para el proyecto CoopeAgri, el éxito de los nuevos proyectos MDL depende principalmente de variables exógenas tales como los futuros compromisos de reducción de emisión después del 2012 y el levantamiento de la prohibición de los Certificados de Reducción de Emisiones proveniente de proyectos forestales en el Sistema Europeo de Comercio de Emisiones. Para terminar se hacen algunas recomendaciones. Las principales son las siguientes: Para beneficiarse más del MDL, los proyectos de generación eléctricadeberían proponer una nueva línea base para Costa Rica, más favorable, que se definiera a escala de América Central. Son probablemente las empresas costarricenses las que tienen la posibilidad más clara para beneficiarse del MDL, al duplicar directamentelos modelos exitosos de generación eléctrica que se aplicaron en Costa Rica en los países vecinos que no tienen una línea base tan "verde" como la de Costa Rica. A nivel forestal, el principal reto para que el desarrollo promovido por el MDL sea realmente sostenible es su capacidad para contribuir con la resolución del problema de la pobreza extrema, empezando con la aplicación del programa de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en los territorios indígenas. Otros sectores, en particular el de transportes, presentan un alto potencial para Costa Rica El fortalecimiento de la Oficina Costarricense de Implementación Conjunta (OCIC) ayudaría a maximizar el impacto positivo del MDL para el país. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10723. Publicación no.: 490 Immediate and long-term nitrogen oxide emissions from tropical forest soils exposed to elevated nitrogen input [Emisiones inmediatas y a largo plazo de óxido de nitrógeno de suelos expuestos a la elevada aportación de nitrógeno de los bosques tropicales] / Koehler, Birgit; Corre, Marife D; Veldkamp, Edzo; Wullaert, Hans; Wright, S. Joseph. (Johannes Gutenberg University at Mainz. Geographic Institute, 55099 Mainz, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 15, no. 8, p. 2049-2066. 2009. Tropical nitrogen (N) deposition is projected to increase substantially within the coming decades. Increases in soil emissions of the climate-relevant trace gases NO and N2O are expected, but few studies address this possibility. We used N addition experiments to achieve N-enriched conditions in contrasting montane and lowland forests and assessed changes in the timing and magnitude of soil N-oxide emissions. We evaluated transitory effects, which occurred immediately after N addition, and long-termeffects measured at least 6 weeks after N addition. In the montane forest where stem growth was N limited, the first-time N additions caused rapid increases in soil N-oxide emissions. During the first 2 years of N addition, annual N-oxide emissions were five times (transitory effect) and two times (long-term effect) larger than controls. This contradicts the current assumption that N-limited tropical montane forests will respond to N additions with only small and delayed increases in soil N-oxide emissions. We attribute this fast and large response of soil N-oxide emissions to the presence of an organic layer (a characteristic feature of this forest type) in which nitrification increased substantially following N addition. In the lowland forest where stem growth was neither N nor phosphorus (P) limited, the first-time N additions caused only gradual and minimal increases in soil N-oxide emissions. These first N additions were completed at the beginning of the wet season, and low soil water content may have limited nitrification. In contrast, the 9- and 10-year N-addition plots displayed instantaneous and large soil N-oxide emissions. Annual N-oxide emissions under chronic N addition were seven times (transitory effect) and four times (long-term effect) larger than controls. Seasonal changes in soil water content also caused seasonal changes in soil N-oxide emissions from the 9- and 10-year N-addition plots. This suggests that climate change scenarios, where rainfall quantity and seasonality change, will alter

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the relative importance of soil NO and N2O emissions from tropical forests exposed to elevated N deposition. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11184. Publicación no.: 491 Above-ground forest biomass is not consistently related to wood density in tropical forests [La biomasa por encima del suelo no está sistemáticamente relacionada con la densidad de la madera en los bosques tropicales] / Stegen, James C; Swenson, Nathan G; Valencia, Renato; Enquist, Brian J; Thompson, Jill. (University of Arizona. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 1041 E Lowell St, Biosciences W Room 310, Tucson, AZ 85721, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Ecology and Biogeography (ISSN 1466-822X), v. 18, no. 5, p. 617-625. 2009. Aim: It is increasingly accepted that the mean wood density of trees within a forest is tightly coupled to above-ground forest biomass. It is unknown, however, if a positive relationship between forest biomass and mean community wood density is a general phenomenon across forests. Understanding spatial variation in biomass as a function of wood density both within and among forests is important for predicting changes in stored carbon in response to global change, and here we evaluated the generality of a positive biomass-wood density relationship within and among six tropical forests. Location: Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico and Ecuador. Methods: Individual stem data, including diameter at breast height and spatial position, for six forest dynamics plots were merged with an extensive wood density database. Individual stem biomass values were calculated from these data using published statistical models. Total above ground biomass, total basal area and mean community wood density were also quantified across a range of subcommunity plot sizes within each forest. Results: Among forests, biomass did not vary with mean community wood density. The relationship between subcommunity biomass and mean wood density within a forest varied from negative to null to positive depending on the size of subcommunities and forest identity. The direction of correlation was determined by the associated total basal area-mean wood density correlation, the slope of which increased strongly with whole forest mean wood density. Main conclusions: There is no general relationship between forest biomass and wood density, and in some forests, stored carbon is highest where wood density is lowest. Our results suggest that declining wood density, due to global change, will result in decreased or increased stored carbon in forests with high or low mean wood density, respectively. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10945. Publicación no.: 492 Biotic and abiotic controls on diurnal fluctuations in labile soil phosphorus of a wet tropical forest [Controles bióticos y abióticos en las fluctuaciones diurnas del fósforo lábil del suelo de un bosque tropical húmedo] / Vandecar, Karen Lynn; Lawrence, Deborah A; Wood, Tana E; Oberbauer, Steven F; Das, Rishiraj; Tully, Katherine L; Schwendenmann, Luitgard C. (University of Virginia. Department of Environmental Sciences, POB 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 90, no. 9, p. 2547-2555. 2009. The productivity of many tropical wet forests is generally limited by bioavailable phosphorus (P). Microbial activity is a key regulator of P availability in that it determines both the supply of P through organic matter decomposition and the depletion of bioavailable P through microbial uptake. Both microbial uptake and mineralization occur rapidly, and their net effect on P availability varies with soil moisture, temperature, and soil organic matter quantity and quality. Exploring the mechanisms driving P availability at fine temporal scales can provide insight into the coupling of carbon, water, and nutrient

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cycles, and ultimately, the response of tropical forests to climate change. Despite the recognized importance of P cycling to the dynamics of wet tropical forests and their potential sensitivity to short-term fluctuations in bioavailable P, the diurnal pattern of P remains poorly understood. This study quantifies diurnal fluctuations in labile soil P and evaluates the importance of biotic and abiotic factors in driving these patterns. To this end, measurements of labile P were made every other hour in a Costa Rican wet tropical forest oxisol. Spatial and temporal variation in Bray-extractable P were investigated in relation to ecosystem carbon flux, soil CO2 efflux, soil moisture, soil temperature, solar radiation, and sap-flow velocity. Spatially averaged bi-hourly (every two hours) labile P ranged from 0.88 to 2.48 µg/g across days. The amplitude in labile P throughout the day was 0.61-0.82 µg/g (41-54% of mean P concentrations) and was characterized by a bimodal pattern with a decrease at midday. Labile P increased with soil CO2 efflux and soil temperature and declined with increasing sap flow and solar radiation. Together, soil CO2 efflux, soil temperature, and sap flow explained 86% of variation in labile P. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10953. Publicación no.: 493 Selecting for extinction: nonrandom disease-associated extinction homogenizes amphibian biotas [Selección para la extinción: enfermedad no aleatoria asociada a la extinción homogeneiza biotas de los anfibios] / Smith, Kevin G; Lips, Karen R; Chase, Jonathan M. (Washington University at St Louis. Tyson Research Center, 6750 Tyson Valley Rd, Eureka, MO 63025, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology Letters (ISSN 1461-023X), v. 12, no. 10, p. 1069-1078. 2009. Studying the patterns in which local extinctions occur is critical to understanding how extinctions affect biodiversity at local, regional and global spatial scales. To understand the importance of patterns of extinction at a regional spatial scale, we use data from extirpations associated with a widespread pathogenic agent of amphibian decline, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) as a model system. We apply novel null model analyses to these data to determine whether recent extirpations associated with Bd have resulted in selective extinction and homogenization of diverse tropical American amphibian biotas. We find that Bd-associated extinctions in this region were nonrandom and disproportionately, but not exclusively, affected low-occupancy and endemic species, resulting in homogenization of the remnant amphibian fauna. The pattern of extirpations also resulted in phylogenetic homogenization at the family level and ecological homogenization of reproductive mode and habitat association. Additionally, many more species were extirpated from the region than would be expected if extirpations occurred randomly. Our results indicate that amphibian declines in this region are an extinction filter, reducing regional amphibian biodiversity to highly similar relict assemblages and ultimately causing amplified biodiversity loss at regional and global scales. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11195. Publicación no.: 494 Tree growth inference and prediction when the point of measurement changes: modelling around buttresses in tropical forests [Inferencia y crecimiento de los árboles cuando el punto de medición cambia: modelos en torno a las gambas en los bosques tropicales] / Metcalf, C. Jessica E; Clark, James S; Clark, Deborah A. (Pennsylvania State University. Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics (CIDD), State College, PA 16802, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0266-4674), v. 25, no. 1, p. 1-12. 2009. Estimation of tree growth is generally based on repeated diameter measurements. A buttress at the height of measurement will lead to overestimates of tree diameter. Because buttresses grow LIP the

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trunk through time. it has become common practice to increase the height: of measurement, to ensure that measurements remain above the buttress. However, tapering of the trunk means that increasing measurement height will bias estimates of diameter downward by up to 10% per m of height. This bias could affect inference concerning species differences and climate effects on tree demography and on biomass accumulation. Here we introduce a hierarchical state space method that allows formal integration of data on diameter taken at different heights and can include individual variation, temporal effects or other covariates. We illustrate our approach using species from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica. Results include trends that are consistent with some of those previously reported for climate responses and changes over time, but differ in relative magnitude. By including the full data-set and accounting for bias and variation among individuals and over time, our approach allows for quantification of climate responses and the uncertainty associated with measurements and the underlying growth process. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10239. Publicación no.: 495 Changements climatiques et développement durable: Pratiques individuelles et collectives de costaricains. Étude de cas des Cantons de Golfito et Talamanca [Cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible: prácticas individuales y colectivas de los costarricenses. Estudio de caso de los Cantones de Golfito y Talamanca] / St-Onge, Véronik. Chicoutimi: Université du Québec, 2009. 202 p. ISBN: 9780494499153. Mémoire, M.A. en Études et Interventions Régionales, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada). Les changements climatiques sont généralement traités comme un problème environnemental global. Alors que les paramètres environnementaux les provoquant ou en découlant sont de mieux en mieux connus, les aspects sociaux sont les moins documentés. Cette recherche vise à les explorer, en tentant de répondre à la question suivante: quelles sont les pratiques individuelles et collectives de costaricains par rapport aux changements climatiques et au développement durable? Pour y répondre, un cadre conceptuel du développement durable a été retenu. Les quatre variables d'analyse ont été les quatre pôles du développement durable: l'économie, le social, l'environnement et la gouvernance. De deux à quatre indicateurs ont été choisis pour chacune des quatre variables. Cette recherche de type qualitatif comprend deux études de cas réalisées dans deux cantons distincts du Costa Rica. Un pays en développement a été choisi parce que les scientifiques du climat affirment que ce sont ces pays qui souffriront le plus des impacts des changements climatiques et aussi pour évaluer si les populations rurales de pays en développement avaient conscience de cette réalité. L'une des collectivités étudiées avait entamé une démarche d'Agenda 21 local (A21L), un outil facilitant la mise en oeuvre du développement durable au niveau local. Notre étude vise à déterminer si la démarche de l'A21L a eu une influence sur la sensibilité environnementale de ses habitants. Cinquante entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées dans lescantons de Golfito et de Talamanca en 2007-2008. Les résultats de l'enquête permettent de conclure que l'A21L n'a pas été un facteur de sensibilisation pour les répondants de Golfito. Par contre, le phénomène des changements climatiques est bien connu des répondants, mais ses causes sont souvent mal comprises. Les impacts des changements climatiques sont mieux identifiés, sans que des craintes particulières soient émises par rapport à l'un des risques reconnus, soit la hausse du niveau de la mer. À l'échelle individuelle, la majorité des répondants affirment avoir développé une conscience environnementale et adopté plusieurs pratiques écologiques, notamment en lien avec la gestion des ordures ménagères et la protection de la nature. Ils pensent que tous les êtres vivants souffriront également des changements climatiques. Ils soutiennent l'économie locale par l'achat de

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produits alimentaires locaux. Ils croient qu'il est urgent de lutter contre les changements climatiques et ont plusieurs pistes de solutions. Ils participent aussi à la vie sociale du canton. À l'échelle collective, la plupart des répondants croient que leur administration municipale n'accomplit aucune action pour protéger l'environnement, mais ils ont plusieurs idées quant aux améliorations à apporter. Par contre, plus de la moitié des répondants pensent que leur administration municipale aide la population à s'adapter aux changements climatiques. Ils ont encore une fois plusieurs suggestions d'amélioration. Ils apprécient aussi l'idée d'implanter des incitatifs économiques écologiques à l'échelle locale, mais seulement environ la moitié des répondants croit leur administration municipale capable d'en mettre en place. Peu de répondants pensent que le gouvernement local aide à luttercontre la pauvreté. Enfin, presque tous les répondants connaissent un lieu où ils peuvent exprimer leurs préoccupations au gouvernement municipal, mais une minorité pense que l'administration municipale écoute réellement les besoins de la population. En somme, les costaricains rencontrés semblent sensibles au développement durable de leur communauté et à la question des changements climatiques, mais il leur manque de l'information au sujet de l'environnement, des activités municipales et de leurs droitsciviques pour qu'ils puissent agir et mieux s'adapter aux changements climatiques. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11065. Publicación no.: 496 Biodiversidad y cambio climático en Costa Rica: Informe Final / Ugalde-Gómez, Jesús; Herrera-Villalobos, Alvaro; Obando-Acuña, Vilma; Chacón-Chavarría, Oscar; Vargas-Del Valle, Manuel; Matamoros-Delgado, Alonso; García-Víquez, Randall; Fuentes-González, Gilbert. (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Apdo. Postal 22-3100, Santo Domingo de Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: am). Santo Domingo de Heredia: Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), 2009. 175 p. Enlace: La biodiversidad es importante para el ser humano, ya que de ella se obtienen una gran variedad de bienes y servicios indispensables para la sobrevivencia del ser humano. El cambio climático está considerado como una de las principales amenazas globales para la biodiversidad en todos sus niveles. Si bien el cambio climático no es algo nuevo, la actividad humana ha alterado la estructura de muchos de los ecosistemas del mundo, disminuyendo su resiliencia frente a los cambios. El análisis de las interacciones entre biodiversidad y cambio climático resulta particularmente relevante en Costa Rica, donde se registran cerca de 91.000 especies, el 18% del medio millón de especies que se estiman están presentes en el país y aproximadamente un 4,5% de las especies conocidas en el mundo. La información sobre la diversidad genética de las especies costarricenses es escasa. El conocimiento relacionado con especies domesticadas es mayor, destacándose aquellas plantas utilizadas en la producción alimenticia y maderable. A nivel de ecosistemas terrestres existen al menos seis sistemas de clasificación que definen números variables de ecosistemas para el país. La información sobre los ecosistemas de aguas continentales en Costa Rica, tanto lóticos como lénticos,es limitada y se ha desarrollado recientemente. Se han identificado tres provincias ícticas, cuatro ecorregiones de aguas continentales y 13 Unidades Ecológicas de Drenaje. En el caso de ecosistemas marinos se han identificado 69 estuarios, gran cantidadde playas arenosas, rocosas y fangosas, tres localidades con pastos marinos en el Caribe y dos en el Pacífico, 127 manglares, estando la mayoría (96%) en la costa pacífica y un área arrecifal de 970 km2 identificándose 10 arrecifes coralinos en la costa Caribe y 42 en la costa Pacífica. Costa Rica cuenta con 166 áreas silvestres protegidas en sus diferentes categorías las cuales cubren un 25,97% del

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territorio terrestre y un 0,9% de su extensión marina. Sin embargo, este esfuerzo conservacionista está muy lejos de proteger adecuadamente los diferentes ecosistemas identificados en el país, y más aún de proteger los procesos evolutivos y ecológicos necesarios para una buena salud de los ecosistemas. La evaluación de los ecosistemas dulceacuícolas del país señala que humedales como las lagunas, canales naturales, esteros y manglares están siendo transformados a un ritmo alarmante y solo la mitad se encuentran protegidos. Para los ecosistemas marinos se reconoce la falta de protección, ya que el porcentaje de mar patrimonial que se protege en la actualidad está por debajo de los estándares recomendados y no cubren las áreas identificadas como importantes para la biodiversidad. En lo que a especies se refiere, se tiene un total de 1.824 especies amenazadas a escala nacional, ya sea con poblaciones reducidas o en vías o peligro de extinción. En el caso de la Lista Roja de especies amenazadas de la UICN para Costa Rica se encuentran registrados 1 anfibio como extinto y 235 especies amenazadas. La lista de CITES (Convenio Internacional para el Tráfico de Especies Silvestres) para Costa Rica tiene registradas en los diferentes apéndices un total de 1.768 especies. Los ecosistemas como estuarios, manglares, playas, pastos marinos, arrecifes y comunidades coralinas sufren cambios constantes producto de la acción humana mediante la contaminación de las aguas y sobreexplotación de sus recursos. La limitación de estudios en el pasado que funcionen como línea base, con un método de muestreo sistematizado y detallado, limita la posibilidad de documentar los cambios poblacionales de las especies del país. Para las plantas hasta hace un par de décadas se viene registrando información sobre la composición y estructura del bosque mediante el uso de parcelas. En el futuro estas parcelas podrán servir para medir cambios en la biodiversidad de este grupo taxonómico. En general se puede decir que muchas de las especies del país han experimentado una reducción en su área de distribución y en su tamaño poblacional debidoa los cambios en la cobertura de sus hábitat y/o sobre explotación por parte del ser humano, llevando a que algunas de estas se encuentren amenazadas. En Costa Rica se han realizado varios estudios, algunos de ellos desde hace 30 años, que bajo diferentes enfoques y grupos taxonómicos, analizan los impactos del cambio climático sobre la biodiversidad. En anfibios se ha observado una marcada declinación en las poblaciones y especies de anfibios, principalmente aquellos localizados en tierras altas, así como de anfibios y reptiles de tierras bajas. Estas últimas relacionadas con reducciones en la cantidad de la hojarasca, un microhábitat importante para estos animales, atribuido a un aumento gradual en la temperatura y en la humedad de la región, es la principal causa de estas declinaciones. De igual forma se ha documentado el efecto del cambio climático sobre el crecimiento de los árboles, donde se obtuvo una reducción en la producción primaria neta de los bosques tropicales en años calientes durantes las últimas dos décadas. Los autores sugieren que sus resultados son congruentes con otros estudios que demuestran que el aumento de la temperatura provoca que la tasa de respiración sea mayor que la tasa de fotosíntesis, reduciéndose la producción primaria neta. Las nubes de Monteverde parecen estar desapareciendo. La razón principal es la deforestación pero no en los bosques nubosos de Monteverde, sino en las tierras bajas, lo cual está generando un fuerte impacto en las nubes de Monteverde. También se han realizado estudios relacionados con las zonas de vida, que sugieren que aquellas localizadas en elevaciones altas podrían ser más sensitivas a incrementos en temperatura que a los cambios en la precipitación, mientras que aquellas en elevaciones bajas podrían ser más susceptibles a los cambios en las precipitaciones. Estudios con aves han mostrado que varias especies se han desplazado a tierras más altas en donde estaban ausentes, mientras que aquellas que ocupaban previamente tierras altas han declinando en abundancia. Lo que es consistente con estudios con otros grupos como epífitas, rubiáceas del sotobosque, geométridos (pollillas) y hormigas.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11203. Publicación no.: 497 Correlations between El Niño-Southern Oscillation and changes in Nearctic-Neotropic migrant condition in Central America [Correlaciones entre El Niño-Oscilación Sur y cambios en la condición de aves migratorias Neártico-Neotrópico en América Central] / Wolfe, Jared D; Ralph, C. John. (USDA. US Forest Service, Pacific SW Research Station, Redwood Sci Lab, 1700 Bayview Dr, Arcata, CA 95521, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: The Auk (ISSN 0004-8038), v. 126, no. 4, p. 809-814. 2009. Climatic changes induced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) commonly influence biological systems; however, climatic variability and multitrophic interactions within tropical latitudes remain poorly understood. We examined relationships between migrant condition and ENSO during spring migration in Costa Rica. Our study is based on correlating an ENSO index with body-condition metrics of six Nearctic-Neotropic migrant bird species during stopover in Costa Rica over a 10-year period. This study is the first to report correlations between El Niño and changes in condition of multiple migrant species. The condition of one insectivore improved, whereas two frugivores experienced reduced condition during El Niño. Our detected correlations suggest that the ENSO cycle may influence changes in migrant mass; such interactions may ultimately affect demographics of certain frugivorous and insectivorous migrant species. Potential future management considerations are discussed in light of global climate change and our findings. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11076. Publicación no.: 498 An ecological and socio-economic analysis of forest regeneration in Costa Rica [Análisis ecológico y socioeconómico de la regeneración de los bosques en Costa Rica] / Boardman, Ben N.M. London: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, 2007. Dissertation, Ph.D., Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (United Kingdom). The research involves an interdisciplinary investigation of terrestrial ecosystem regeneration, from ecological and socio-economic perspectives, in the dry forest of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The dry forest has been extensively cleared and the land has been used predominantly for agriculture and livestock production. The Costa Rican government is seeking to restore forest cover on privately owned agricultural and pastoral land, by providing incentives for forest conservation and reforestation. An analysis of a government incentive mechanism, known as Payment for Environmental Services (PES), which recognises biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, ecotourism and hydrological services and encourages agroforestry, forest protection and plantations, lies at the heart of the research. The penetration of PES in the research area was found to be 21%, despite strong environmental consciousness and awareness. Attitudes towards the institutions involved were negative. Those receiving payments complained of a reduced and late payment. The ecological dimension used bioindicators of birds and butterflies to evaluate the conservation value of the incentivised land uses, and under which environmental characteristics they were favoured. Statistical analysis determined the variability of bioindicator responses (abundance, richness and diversity) across habitats over the two seasons. A carbon analysis evaluated the habitats in terms of carbon storage. Recommendations involve making PES more attractive and transparent to the landowners, increasing the payments, reducing the transaction costs, increasing the length of the contracts, raising awareness, preventing the leakage of money, ensuring the payments are timely, mixing the PES habitats, using native species and increasing the landscape heterogeneity and connectivity. Payments should target forests, live fences, trees in

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pastures and native plantations, notably, Madero Negro Gliricidia sepium and Pochote Bombacopsis quinata. Payments should also target the priority areas and buffer zones, especially the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 499 Impacts of forest-to-agriculture conversion on aboveground and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks along a bioclimatic gradient in Costa Rica [Impactos de la conversión de bosques en agricultura sobre el carbono aéreo y del suelo y el almacenamiento de nitrógeno a lo largo de un gradiente bioclimático en Costa Rica] / Jobse, Judith C. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, 2008. 207 p. Dissertation, Ph.D. in Wildlife Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (USA). Tropical forest-to-agriculture conversions contribute to about 20% of contemporary global C emissions. Current global C flux estimates assume C is lost from vegetation and soils over time due to this conversion, and that C stocks in agricultural lands are fairly uniform across the tropics. Global C stock and flux estimates may contain large errors if these assumptions are incorrect. I asked the following research questions: (1) Do aboveground and soil C and N stocks and their net changes due to forest-to-agricultural conversion differ among life zones and agricultural land use types in Costa Rica?; (2) Do aboveground and soil C and N stocks and their net changes due to forest-to-pasture conversion differ by pasture age?; and (3) Can life zone specific estimates reduce potential biases and uncertainty of regional and global C flux estimates for forest-to-agricultural conversions' I sampled soil and aboveground C and N stocks at 62 agricultural sites in Costa Rica stratified by land use and life zone and compared them to mature forests. Ecosystem and soil C and N stocks varied more by life zone than by land use. Net soil C and N stock changes due to forest-to-pasture conversion differed by life zone; soil stocks decreased in the Tropical dry forest and Lower Montane rain forest life zones and increased in the other life zones. Generally, ecosystem C and N stocks in pastures decreased with pasture age, but the effect of age was smaller than life zone and conversion effects. My estimates of Costa Rican ecosystem C stocks in agricultural lands were 2-fold greater and my ecosystem C flux estimates due to forest-to-agricultural conversions were 8-19% lower than Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)-endorsed estimates. Therefore to reduce uncertainty and bias, incorporation of ecosystem C stock variability related to life zone into regional and global models is more important than including variability related to pasture age or land use type. Overall, my results confirm that forest-to-agriculture conversions represent a significant alteration to global C cycles, and contribute to reducing uncertainty in the magnitude of such changes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11135. Publicación no.: 500 Effects of climate change on global biodiversity: a review of key literature [Efectos del cambio climático en la biodiversidad mundial: una revisión de la literatura fundamental] / Kannan, Ragupathy; James, Douglas A. (University of Arkansas. Department of Biological Sciences, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72913, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 50, no. 1, p. 31-39. 2009. There is very little doubt among the scientific community that human induced greenhouse gas emission has contributed significantly to the climate change. Most significant changes in the earth's temperature have been noticed since the advent of the industrial era in the late 1800s. Over the past 100 years, the earth's surface has warmed by approximately 0.6°C. Human activities such as the large-scale burning of fossil fuels to operate power plants and automobiles are releasing greenhouse gases like CO2 into the

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atmosphere at an unprecedented rate. Humans are currently releasing 70 million tonnes of CO2 per day into the atmosphere. This paper draws from the major papers that have appeared in journals on this topic over the past two decades, and gives an overview of anthropogenic climate change and its impact on a wide variety of life-forms in various ecosystems. After a brief overview of climate change and its causes, focus is given to amphibian extinctions in Central America, the poleward and altitudinal shifts in the distribution of various organisms (especially butterflies), the spread of pathogen-driven diseases, the bleaching of coral reefs, and the changes in community and trophic dynamics in various marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11155. Publicación no.: 501 Estrategia nacional Costa Rica: Fase Operativa III 2005-2008 (Oficentro la Virgen Nº 2, Apartado 4540-1000 Pavas, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>)./ SGP / Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones (PPD) del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), San José, CR. San José: Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones (PPD) del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM), 2009. 29 p. Enlace: Introducción: El presente documento constituye la actualización de la estrategia de país para la Fase Operativa III del Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (SGP/GEF), de Marzo 2005 a Febrero 2008. Se realizó una revisión de la misma para poder mostrar un mayor cumplimiento del programa con los criterios del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial, la incorporación de nuevas Áreas Focales y Programas Operacionales, pero sobre todo para mejorar la calidad y el impactode la programación, orientando las estrategias futuras con las lecciones aprendidas generadas por el Programa. Esto se refleja en la congruencia de la misma con el Marco Estratégico y el Documento de Proyecto Global, un mayor enfoque sectorial y apoyo para la incidencia en políticas en esta nueva Fase, que conducirán a un mayor impacto en las intervenciones y una mejor selección, monitoreo y evaluación de proyectos. Participaron en la revisión, los integrantes del Comité Directivo Nacional, líderes indígenas, líderes de organizaciones socias y el Equipo del SGP, en diferentes actividades realizadas para este fin y en la revisión del documento final. Durante varios talleres realizados en el 2004-2005, se hizo una revisión del propósito, objetivos y estrategias. Se incorporaron nuevas áreas focales y se definieron las líneas estratégicas prioritarias para esta nueva Fase Operativa: Turismo Rural comunitario, Corredores Biológicos, Territorios Indígenas, Producción Sostenible, Brigadistas y COVIRENAS. Se resaltaron los valores impulsores para guiar el quehacer institucional, un análisis de factores internos y externos, influencias críticas, entre otros aspectos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10970. Publicación no.: 502 Políticas y sistemas de incentivos para el fomento y adopción de buenas prácticas agrícolas: como una medida de adaptación al cambio climático en América Central / Sepúlveda, Claudia J; Ibrahim, Muhammad A. (CATIE. Programa de Ganadería y Manejo del Ambiente (GAMMA), Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Turrialba: CATIE, 2009. 292 p. (Serie Técnica. Informe Técnico; no. 377). ISBN: 978-9977-57-485-1. Enlace: Between 2003 and 2007, the GEF/Silvopastoral project evaluated the effect of the payment for environmental services (PES) on the changes in land use (LU) in cattle farms in Esparza, Costa Rica. An ecological index *ecological points(was developed as a tool for PES, which was based on the potential of

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each LU to sequester carbon and preserve the biological diversity. Results showed that the PES led to a decrease of degraded pasture areas by 14.2%, to an increase in areas with improved pasture with trees of 39.4%, and in forests of 0.9%, as well as 125.6 km of multistrata living fences. Evaluations concluded that PES motivated the adoption of silvopastoral systems on cattle farms, such as pastures improved with trees and living fences, which provide important contributions to carbon sequestration, improvement of water parameters and to preservation of biological diversity, and they helped improve income from the farm. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10976. Publicación no.: 503 Importancia del acceso a recursos genéticos de Musa en América Latina y el Caribe [The importance of accessing Musa genetic resources for Latin America and the Caribbean] / Vézima, Anne. En: Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (ISSN 1659-1216), no. 53, p. 72-80. 2009. Enlace: The Latin American and Caribbean region produces as many bananas as the Asian region but, unlike the latter, it does not harbour locally domesticated varieties and wild species whose genes could be used to breed bananas that are better at fighting diseases or adapting to climate change. A significant share of the crop's genepool is conserved in genebanks, and made available globally to the research community through the international network of ex-situ genebanks; nonetheless, the political and legal uncertainties regarding the exchange of genetic resources have created challenges for acquiring new materials that can subsequently be made globally available for research and breeding. The multilateral system of access and benefit sharing created by the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, should help remove the main obstacles to the exchange of germplasm and as such help farmers and scientists find sustainable solutions to the problems plaguing bananas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10975. Publicación no.: 504 Linkages between mitigation and adaptation in land-use change and forestry activities [Vínculos entre la mitigación y la adaptación en el cambio de uso de la tierra y las actividades silviculturales] / Murdiyarso, D; Robledo, C; Brown, S; Coto, O; Drexhage, J; Forner, C; Kanninen, Markku; Lipper, L; North, N; Rondon, M. En: Tropical forests and adaptation to climate change: in search of synergies. Robledo, C., Kanninen, M., Pedroni, L. (eds.) Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR, 2005. p. 122-153. ISBN: 979-24-4604-4. This chapter explores the opportunities for linking mitigation activities with efforts to increase adaptive capacity. Because the issue involves two separate objectives, each with multiple stakeholders and scales of analysis, win-win situations are emphasised. Criteria and indicators for monitoring adaptation to climate change are discussed in the light of emerging standards for mitigation project development and monitoring. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 505 Increasing the efficiency of conservation spending: The case of payments for environmental services in Costa Rica [El aumento de la eficiencia del gasto de conservación: el caso de los pagos por servicios ambientales en Costa Rica] / Engel, Stephanie; Wünscher, Tobias; Wunder, Sven. (Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH, Zürich, CH <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail:

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[email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Proceedings of an international expert workshop, Freiburg DEMay 9-11, 2007. En: A global network of forest protected areas under the CBD: opportunities and challenges. Schmitt, C.B., Pistorius, T., Winkel, G. (eds.) Remagen: Verlag Kessel, 2007. p. 83-90. ISBN: 3-935638-90-6. Payments for environmental services (PES) are an increasingly used instrument both for financing and implementing conservation. The Costa Rican national PES scheme is often considered as a leading model in this regard. We find that improved targetingcould substantially increase the efficiency of the program, in the sense that total environmental services achieved with a given budget were found to nearly double when environmental benefits, threat, and participation costs are considered in site selection. The results have implications for an upscaling of PES or the selection among potential conservation projects more generally. Nevertheless, targeting involves implementation costs and faces scientific, administrative and political challenges. Promising approaches for overcoming these challenges include: development of simple targeting tools; improved data availability; implementing targeting from the very start of a program; and using auctions to elicit participation costs. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11383. Publicación no.: 506 Preguntas frecuentes sobre impactos socioeconómicos y ambientales en proyectos forestales MDL [Frequent questions about socioeconomic and environmental impacts in CDM forestry projects] / Locatelli, Bruno; Salinas, Zenia M. (CATIE. Global Change Group, Ap. 2, Turrialba 7170, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Guía para el diseño de proyectos MDL forestales y de bioenergía. Salinas, Z. &; Hernández, P. (eds.) Turrialba: CATIE, 2008. p. 83-105. (Serie Técnica. Manual Técnico (CATIE); no. 83). ISBN: 978-9977-57-461-5. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST MT-83. Publicación no.: 507 Guía sobre los mercados y la comercializacion de proyectos MDL forestales [Guidebook to markets and commercialization of forestry CDM projects] / Neeff, T; Henders, S. Turrialba: CATIE, 2007. 45 p. (Serie Técnica. Manual Técnico (CATIE); no. 65). ISBN: 9977-57-427-1. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: CATIE ST MT-65. Publicación no.: 508 Metodología para estimar la remoción y la reducción de gases efecto invernadero por prácticas de manejo mejoradas en pastizales bajo el estándar de carbono voluntario [Methodology to estimate the removal and reduction of greenhouse gases by improved management practices on grassland under the voluntary carbon standard] / Romero-Vargas, Jenny Catalina. Turrialba: CATIE, 2009. 186 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Agricultura Ecológica, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: This investigation is focused on the development of a methodology for estimating removals and reductions of GHG in pastures based on the VCS guides in the category of Agricultural Land Management (ALM), so that projects in these kind of lands can benefit from carbon market. This methodology is the first one developed for the ALM category under the VCS, category that has been excluded from carbon markets, providing thus a way for merchandising carbon credits generated by project activities in grasslands. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11266.

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Publicación no.: 509 Additionality of the clean development mechanism: insights from Central American case studies / Lindsay, Abby. (Tufts University. Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, 97 Talbot Avenue, Medford, MA 02155, US). Medford, MA: Tufts University, 2009. 110 p. ISBN: 9781109327953. Thesis, M.A., Tufts University, Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Medford, MA (USA). The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was developed to involve developing countries in emission reductions by allowing them to sell carbon credits generated from emission-reducing projects. This study focuses on the interaction between renewable energy, CDM, and small developing countries, analyzing barriers to projects and decision-making factors that determine whether projects are pursued in Honduras and Costa Rica. A host of barriers were found, ranging from low electricity production revenues to investment barriers. The major decision-making factors were government policies, financial viability with and without revenue from credits, and other barriers. Furthermore, since the carbon credits can be traded into cap and trade systems, the emission reductions must be additional. This study uses the barriers and decision-making factors to analyze the additionality of CDM projects in comparison to theory. The results found that in most cases the reasons cited would not have prevented the projects from being implemented. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11378. Publicación no.: 510 Evidence for Pleistocene population divergence and expansion of Anopheles albimanus in southern Central America [Evidencia de la divergencia de la población en el Pleistoceno y la expansión de Anopheles albimanus en el sur de Centroamérica] / Loaiza, José R; Scott, Marilyn E; Bermingham, Eldredge; Rovira, José; Conn, Jan E. (McGill University. Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ISSN 0002-9637), v. 82, no. 1, p. 156-164. 2010. Enlace: The micro-geographic structure of Anopheles albimanus was studied in southern Central America using partial sequences of the mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (COI). Analysis of molecular variance supported significant genetic structure betweenpopulations from Costa Rica and western Panama versus those from central-eastern Panama (PhiCT = 0.33), whereas the within group divergence was shallow and statistically insignificant (PhiST = 0.08). Furthermore, a statistical parsimony network depicted three divergent groups of haplotypes that were not evenly distributed across the study area. Our findings are in partial agreement with previous studies, yet they do not support physical barriers to gene flow or contemporary isolation by distance in thisregion. Instead, three co-occurring groups of An. albimanus may be the result of multiple introductions, most likely caused by historical fragmentation and subsequent secondary contact. In addition, the molecular signature of population expansion of An. albimanus was detected in central-eastern Panama approximately 22,000 years ago (95% confidence interval [CI] 10,183?38,169). We hypothesize that the population structure of An. albimanus, as determined by our COI locus analysis, is the result of late Pleistocene climatic changes in northern South America. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13869.

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Publicación no.: 511 Water quality improvement and methane emissions from tropical and temperate wetlands [Mejora de la calidad del agua y las emisiones de metano de los humedales de zonas tropicales y templadas] / Nahlik, Amanda M. (Ohio State University, 352 W Dodridge St, Columbus, OH 43202, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University, 2009. 145 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., The Ohio State University, Environmental Science Graduate Program. Wetlands are important ecosystems in our landscape because of the broad array of ecosystem services they provide to humans and the environment. Wetlands have unique biotic and abiotic chemical interactions among soil, water, and vegetation that, combined with long retention times that are characteristic of wetlands, allow for nutrients, metals, and organic pollutants to be removed from the water column, resulting in cleaner water. The same characteristics that make wetlands so efficient at improvingwater quality also provide anaerobic conditions and organic substrate that is optimal for methanogenesis, the microbial production of the greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4). The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the biogeochemistry, specifically water quality improvement and CH4 emissions, of natural and created wetlands in tropical and temperate climates. Five tropical treatment wetlands dominated by floating aquatic plants and constructed to deal with a variety of wastewaters were compared for their effectiveness in treating organic matter and nutrients in the Parismina River Basin in eastern Costa Rica. Wastewaters were from a dairy farm, a dairy processing plant, a banana paper plant, and a landfill. Four of the five wetland systems were effective in reducing nutrient levels of effluents before water was discharged into rivers. Ammonia nitrogen (N) levels in water entering most wetlands were considerably higher than ambient (i.e., riverine) levels; concentrations were reduced by as much as 92% in the wetlands, which retained, at a maximum, more than 166 g NH4-N m-² y-¹. Nitrate N removal occurred in low concentrations in the inflows (less than 1 mg-N L-¹). Phosphate phosphorus (P) was effectively reduced through the wetlands (92 and 45% reductions through dairy farm wetlands, 83% reduction through banana paper wetlands, and 80% reduction through dairy processing wetlands). Retention of phosphate ranged from 0.1 to 10.7 g-P m-² year-¹ in the treatment wetlands. Dissolved oxygen in the wetland outflows were ?2 mg L-¹ in three of the sampled wetlands, most likely a result of the abundant free-floating macrophytes that sheltered the water from diffusion and shaded aquatic productivity. The efficacy of these created wetlands to treat effluents from different sources varied, and modified wetland designs or active management may be necessary to further improve water quality. Recommendations on tropical wetland design and management are presented, as are suggestions for implementing an ecological engineering approach with farmers in Central America. Wetlands are one of the largest natural sources of the greenhouse gas CH4 released to the atmosphere. Despite the fact that a large percentage of wetlands occur in tropical latitudes, CH4 emissions from natural tropical wetlands are not well understood. The objective this research was to compare wetland CH4emissions from three natural tropical wetlands located in different climatic and ecological areas of Costa Rica. There were three distinct tropical wetland ecosystems: 1) a humid flow-through wetland slough with high mean annual temperatures (25.9 ºC) and precipitation (3700 mm yr-¹); 2) a stagnant rainforest wetland with high mean annual temperatures (24.9 ºC) and precipitation (4400 mm yr-¹); and 3) a seasonally wet riverine wetland with very high mean annual temperatures (28.2 ºC) and lower mean annual precipitation (1800 mm yr-¹). CH4 emission rates measured from sequential gas samples using non-steady state plastic chambers during 6 sampling periods over a 29-month period from 2006-2009 were higher than most rates previously reported for tropical wetlands. Means (medians) were 356 (116), 906 (145), and 1004 (371) mg CH4-C m-² y-¹ for the three sites, with highest rates (p = 0.000) occurring at the seasonally flooded wetland site compared to the humid sites. Highest CH4 emissions occurred when

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water levels were between 30 and 50 cm. We estimate that Costa Rican wetlands produce about 1.3 Tg yr-1 of CH4, or approximately 1 percentof global tropical wetland emissions. Elevated CH4 emissions at the seasonally wet/warmer wetland site suggests that some humid tropical wetlands of Central America may emit more CH4 if temperatures increase and precipitation decreases with climate change. There have been few studies of CH4 emissions in created and restored wetlands. We measured seasonal and spatial patterns of CH4emissions over a two-year period (2006-08) from two 12 to 14-year-old created wetlands in central Ohio, one initially planted and the other allowed to self-colonize, to determine how season, hydrology, and the original wetland creation approach influence those emissions. Median (mean) spring/summer CH4 emissions for the planted and self-colonized wetlands were 56 (84) and 111 (287) mg CH4-C m-² y-¹for Wetland 1 and Wetland 2 respectively, while autumn and winter emissions were considerably lower (11 (28) and 24 (66) CH4-C m-² y-¹, respectively). Overall, the two created wetlands were different with respect to CH4 emissions,with the plant self-colonized wetland emitting higher annual CH4 emissions (median and mean emissions of 19 and 68 g CH4-C m-² y-¹, respectively) than the planted wetland (median and mean emissions were 6 and 17 g CH4-C m-² y-¹, respectively). Since hydrology and soil/water temperature were identical for the two wetlands, we hypothesize that differences in carbon accumulation due to higher net primary productivity in the self-colonized wetland may be causing higher CH4 emissions in that wetland. Net primary productivity in the self-colonized wetland was higher 7 out of 11 years prior to the study. Mean CH4 emissions from the two created wetlands were 21 and 83 % of the CH4 emission of 82 g CH4-C m-² y-¹ measured in a natural wetland in Ohio with similar hydrologic patterns. Annual CH4 emissions increased at a higher rate in the planted wetland than in the self-colonized wetland over a four-year period with increases of 4 and 16 g CH4-C m-² y-¹ in the planted and self-colonized wetland, respectively. CH4 emissions from created wetlands in their early decades may depend as much or more on the methods used to create the wetlands (e.g. planting vs. natural colonization) as on the hydrogeomorphic conditions of the wetlands. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11702. Publicación no.: 512 Roles of atmospheric and land surface data in dynamic regional downscaling [Roles de los datos de la atmósfera y la superficie de la tierra en la reducción dinámica a escala regional] / Ray, Deepak K; Pielke, Roger A; Nair, Udaysankar S; Niyogi, Dev. (University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Institute of Environment, St Paul, MN 55108, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (ISSN 0148-0227), v. 115, AR D05102. 2010. In studies dealing with the impact of land use changes on atmospheric processes, a key methodological step is the validation of simulated current conditions. However, regions lacking detailed atmospheric and land use data provide limited information with which to accurately generate control simulations. In this situation, the difference between baseline control simulations and different land use change simulations can be quite different owing to the quality of the atmospheric and land use data sets.Using multiple simulations at the Monteverde cloud forest region of Costa Rica as an example, we show that when a regional climate model is used to study the effect of land use change, it can produce distinctly different results at regional scales, depending on the amount of data available to run the climate simulations. We show that for the specific case of land use change impact studies, the simulation results are very sensitive to the prescribed atmospheric information (e.g., lateral boundary conditions) compared to the land use (surface boundary) information. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11719.

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Publicación no.: 513 Efecto de los cambios ambientales en la biodiversidad de la cuenca del Río Frío, utilizando grupos bioindicadores y su aplicación en los programas de desarrollo sostenible / Moreno, Tania. Informe del Primer Taller de Difusión, Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio CR23-24 Junio, 2009. [s.l.]: Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional de Costa Rica / Centro Iberoamericano de Biodiversidad de la Universidad de Alicante / Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, 2009. 20 p. Enlace: Durante los dias 23 y 24 de Junio de 2009, se realizó en las instalaciones de la estación El Pilón, del Parque Nacional Volcán Tenorio, un Taller dirigido a distintos colectivos de la sociedad civil e instituciones gubernamentales locales de la Cuenca de Río Frío, en el marco del proyecto de Cooperación Interuniversitaria que lideran la Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional de Costa Rica y el Centro Iberoamericano de Biodiversidad de la Universidad de Alicante, junto con el Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad de Costa Rica, (se adjunta invitación al Taller y programa en el anexo 1) Durante dos días se impartieron una serie de charlas y se organizaron reuniones y actividades en las que participaron investigadores, funcionarios del Ministerio del Ambiente, responsables de turismo de la región, guías turísticas locales, propietarios de fincas, colectivos de mujeres, grupos indígenas Malecus y diversas asociaciones de campesinos. El objetivo era informar y discutir con diferentes colectivos el estado de conservación de la cuenca de Río Frío y dar a conocer las amenazas que pueden tener los impactos derivados de las crecientes transformaciones del medio natural. Asimismo se tuvo una especial atención en informar sobre los posibles impactos antediferentes escenarios que el cambio climático puede tener en las comunidades locales y presentar el proyecto de Cooperación Interuniversitaria financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo. Con el fin de informar del proyecto a los actores asistentes, se diseñó un documento que fue repartido como material de apoyo durante la sesión de trabajo (se adjunta en el anexo 2). Objetivos del Taller: Dar a conocer los componentes del proyecto "Efecto de los cambios ambientales en la biodiversidad de la cuenca del Río Frío utilizando grupos bioindicadores y su aplicación en los programas de desarrollo sostenible y analizar los efectos del cambio climático en la conservación de la biodiversidad". Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11721. Publicación no.: 514 Métodos de reducción de escala: aplicaciones al tiempo, clima, variabilidad climática y cambio climático / Amador-Astúa, Jorge A; Alfaro-Martínez, Eric José. (Universidad de Costa Rica. DFAOP-Escuela de Física, Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI), San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica (ISSN 1390-2776), v. 11, p. 39-52. 2009. Enlace: However this output is not very useful to study local impacts, as its spatial resolution is courser than the scale of local impacts. It is very important to consider this issue when studying, for instance, climate impacts on human activities, coastal-marine biodiversity and tropical coral reefs. In general terms, there have been two different approaches to deal with this scale and information difference: the dynamic and the statistic downscaling methods. In this work, the basic climate elements are presented and the possible physical causes of atmospheric changes are discussed. Also, a summary of the main physical concepts that define the climate system as well as the climate and climate variability of a region with respect to the mean atmospheric state and the general aspects of the problem of climate change with emphasis on regional scales is presented. In addition, this study describes the methodological schemes of the downscaling process and presents a discussion of downscaling advantages anddisadvantages,

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while providing applications for regional weather and climate as well as for socio-economic benefits in coastal, agricultural and tourism activities, among others. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11298. Publicación no.: 515 Situación de los bosques del mundo - 2009 [State of the world´s forests - 2009] (FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, IT)./ FAO, Rome, IT. Rome: FAO, 2009. 158 p. ISBN: 978-92-5-306057-3. Enlace: En esta octava edición bienal de la Situación de los bosques del mundo se considera el futuro próximo de los bosques y la actividad forestal en los ámbitos subregional, regional y mundial. Tomando como base los estudios periódicos de perspectivas delsector forestal más recientes realizados por la FAO, se examinan los efectos que factores externos, tales como los cambios demográficos, económicos, institucionales y tecnológicos podrían ocasionar en los bosques. Debido a la globalización y a la mejora de las comunicaciones, los escenarios regionales estarán cada vez más relacionados entre sí. Sin embargo, algunos países y regiones están mejor preparados para afrontar los próximos desafíos y aprovechar las nuevas oportunidades, mientras que otros todavía carecen de las condiciones institucionales, jurídicas y económicas esenciales para ordenar sus recursos forestales de manera sostenible. Los bosques y la actividad forestal en América Latina y el Caribe se verán influidos por el ritmo de la diversificación económica y los cambios en la dependencia de la tierra. En América Central y el Caribe, donde la densidad de población es elevada, el aumento de la urbanización causará el abandono progresivo de la agricultura, la deforestación disminuirá y algunasde las áreas desforestadas se convertirán de nuevo en bosques. En América del Sur, a pesar de la baja densidad de población, es poco probable que el ritmo de deforestación disminuya en un futuro próximo. Los elevados precios de los alimentos y del combustible favorecerán la deforestación continuada para la producción ganadera y de cultivos agrícolas, con el fin de satisfacer la demanda mundial de alimentos, forrajes y biocombustibles. La ordenación sostenible de los bosques continuará siendo un desafío en diversos países donde la tenencia de la tierra no está bien definida. La región de América Latina y el Caribe podría beneficiarse de manera considerable del aumento de la demanda de los bienes públicos mundiales proporcionados por los bosques, en particular la captura y el almacenamiento de carbono, pero para hacer realidad este potencial se requerirá una mejora sustancial de los marcos normativos e institucionales. Los bosques plantados aumentarán, fomentados por inversiones privadas y por la continua demanda mundial de madera y productos madereros de Asia. No obstante, es poco probable que el incremento del ritmo de plantación sea suficiente para contrarrestar la constante deforestación. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-10583. Biblioteca OET: AD 1006. Publicación no.: 516 Long-term, widespread, taxonomic and geographic prevalence of chytrid fungus in Costa Rican anurans [Prevalencia taxonómica y geográfica generalizada a largo plazo del hongo de la chytridiomicosis de los costarricenses] / Puschendorf, Robert; Bolaños-Vives, Federico; Chaves-Cordero, Gerardo A. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting: Tropical Hotel Manaus, 2003. (Abstract only). In Costa Rica at least 23 species of anurans have suffered declines, and 12 of these have not been found for more than a decade. Most populations of Costa Rican highland anurans have

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apparently gone extinct. Climate change has been linked to the declines at one site (Monteverde), but a chytrid fungus, which thrives at low temperatures and occurs in a wide range of host species around the world, has also been linked to these declines. We examine specimens of Costa Rican anurans collected in 1986, prior to the declines through an altitudinal transect, when a large portion of the original herpetofauna was still intact. Skin from the pelvic patch from 202 specimens of 30 species was processed and checked histologically for the fungus. Chytrid infections occurred in almost all altitudes, including the lowlands. Infected specimens occurred in five out of the six families examined. Individuals of species that later declined and as well as species that have not declined were infected. Specimens from four out of the five different reproductive modes represented in this study were positive for chytrid infection. Publicación no.: 517 Tropical cloud forest climate variability and the demise of the Monteverde golden toad [Variabilidad climática de los bosques nubosos tropicales y la desaparición del sapo dorado de Monteverde] / Anchukaitis, Kevin J; Evans, Michael N. (Columbia University. Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, 61 Rute 9W, Palisades, NY 10946, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 1091-6490), v. 107, no. 11, p. 5036-40. 2010. Widespread amphibian extinctions in the mountains of the American tropics have been blamed on the interaction of anthropogenic climate change and a lethal pathogen. However, limited meteorological records make it difficult to conclude whether currentclimate conditions at these sites are actually exceptional in the context of natural variability. We use stable oxygen isotope measurements from trees without annual rings to reconstruct a century of hydroclimatology in the Monteverde Cloud Forest of Costa Rica. High-resolution measurements reveal coherent isotope cycles that provide annual chronological control and paleoclimate information. Climate variability is dominated by interannual variance in dry season moisture associated with El Niño Southern Oscillation events. There is no evidence of a trend associated with global warming. Rather, the extinction of the Monteverde golden toad (Bufo periglenes) appears to have coincided with an exceptionally dry interval caused by the 1986-1987 El Niño event. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11771. Publicación no.: 518 Resiliencia de los ecosistemas naturales terrestres de Costa Rica al cambio climático / Jiménez-Méndez, Mildred. Turrialba: CATIE, 2009. 140 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Manejo y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales y Biodiversidad, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: This study aims at i) identifing the impact of climate change across the geographical distribution of Costa Rican life zones, which are indicators of the geographical distribution of the country's major ecosystems, and ii) assessing resilience of the life zones to climate change. Using the WORLDCLIM global climate database (the average climatology being 1950-2000 with a1 km² resolution), distribution maps of current life zones were drafted according to the Holdridge model. The resilience analysis was made by using four criteria and its respective indicators to assess the country's life zones: forest cover and fragmentation levels in permanent protected areas; floristic composition change level; the level of threat and the level of change in surfaces of each life zone. Finally, as a complement to the adaptation

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and resilience analysis, connectivity routes were proposed between life zones in transition under the 2020 A2 and B2 scenarios. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11779. Publicación no.: 519 Factores que influyen en la composición y diversidad de bosques en una red de conectividad ecológica en un paisaje fragmentado mesoamericano / Chain-Guadarrama, Adina. Turrialba: CATIE, 2009. 143 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Manejo y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales y Biodiversidad, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: This work highlights the importance of this ecology network connecting forest along an altitudinal gradient in short term will allow to have solid arguments for the future management of a biological corridor between this two priority conservation areas in Mesoamerica, that in turn allow the structural and functional connectivity and in long term represents a base line to ecological monitoring and species modeling under different climate change scenarios. Results also suggest that spatial landscape structure (related to isolation and fragmentation) at different scales has more influence on plant diversity and structure than landscape composition (habitat richness or habitat availability). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11780. Publicación no.: 520 Diversidad y distribución potencial de escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) bajo escenarios de cambio climático en un paisaje fragmentado al Sur de Costa Rica / Pulido-Herrera, Luz Astrid. Turrialba: CATIE, 2009. 88 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Manejo y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales y Biodiversidad, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: The present work was carried out in a landscape located between two major conservation areas of Costa Rica, which maintain a significant percentage of the country's biodiversity. Dung beetles communities of forest fragments were characterized and distribution patterns of the identified groups were determined, modeling the effects of climate change on dung beetles species distribution found within this landscape. Cautions in the interpretations of these results most be taken into account, considering that only environmental variables, such as temperature and precipitation, were used in the modelinghowever, in spite of the degree or uncertainty this modeling tool provides information about possible displacement of some species in the near future, and provides elements for decision making strategies developed to face and mitigate some of the possible effects of climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11781. Publicación no.: 521 Silvicultural and economic aspects of pure and mixed native tree species plantations on degraded pasturelands in humid Costa Rica [Aspectos silvícolas y económicos de las plantaciones de especies de árboles nativos puros y mixtos en protreros degradados en el trópico húmedo de Costa Rica] / Piotto, Daniel; Craven, Dylan; Montagnini, Florencia; Alice, Federico E. (Yale University. School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, 370 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06511, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: New Forests (ISSN 0169-4286), v. 39, no. 3, p. 369-385. 2010.

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Reforestation of degraded land in tropical regions provides one means of restoring ecosystems and improving rural livelihoods. Most plantations in humid tropical regions are established in pure plots, including few species of high commercial value, generally exotics. The present study compares growth and economic viability of 15-16 year-old trees of native species in pure and mixed plantations on degraded pasturelands at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. The species with the best growth were Vochysia guatemalensis, Virola koschnyi, Jacaranda copaia, Terminalia amazonia, and Hyeronima alchorneoides. The mixed plantations performed better than pure plantations for all growth variables considered, including height, diameter at breast height, volume, and aboveground biomass. Mixed plantations outperformed pure plantations economically, with Net Present Value (NPV) of $1,124 to $8,155/ha and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 7.7-15.6% depending on the species mixture. The most profitable pure plantations were those of Vochysia guatemalensis, with NPV and IRR of $6,035/ha and 14.3%, respectively; Hieronyma alchorneoides ($2,654 and 10.8%); and Virola koschnyi ($1,906/ha and 9.22%). These are the estimated benefits that would be accrued at harvest. These projections are realistic since the decision to harvest is generally mandated not just by profit maximization but by economic necessity, thus many small- to medium-scale farmers in Costa Rica harvest plantations prior to the completion of the rotation length. Mixed plantation may be the preferred system for reforestation with native species designed for timber production or carbon sequestration because this system is more economically viable and productive than pure plantations. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11356. Publicación no.: 522 Priorities and pitfalls for assessing the responses of tropical forests to global climatic and atmospheric change: lessons from research to date [Prioridades y dificultades para evaluar las respuestas de los bosques tropicales al cambio climático y atmosférico a nivel mundial: lecciones desde la investigación hasta la fecha] / Clark, Deborah A. (Organization for Tropical Studies. La Selva Biological Station, Apdo. 676, 2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Americas. Abstracts, Ciudad de Panamá, PA, February 25-29, 2008. , 2008. p. 37. (Abstract only). At the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, findings from long-term monitoring of annual tree growth (25 years) and forest carbon cycling (10 yr) suggest dramatic forest responses to climatic variation. However, experiences associated with this research and with other recent studies underscore a series of caveats and information gaps that will continue to make it especially challenging to detect climate-change effects on tropical forests. A fundamental constraint for such investigations is the need for sufficient time-series of observations. With only a few successive census intervals completed for most tropical-forest monitoring sites, the power to detect correlations between environmental factors and forest performance will remain low for a considerable time, and climatic relationships that appear to exist early on can disappear as a short time-series is extended. A critical limitation for nearly all long-term tropical-forest study sites is the lack of high-quality multi-decade records of most climatic and atmospheric factors. Another important outstanding need is to make the data underlying recent findings in this field freely available to the scientific community. Multiple issues arise in the analysis of temporal series of forest growth measurements; cohort data and stand-level data require different approaches, and inappropriate analyses can distort the findings. More robust indicators will come when monitoring in small, unreplicated plots is extended to the larger landscape. Special challenges for detecting tropical-forest responses to environmental change are: incomplete and changing taxonomies (the requirement for vouchers); the potentially large role of site history; the rarity

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of long-term data on plant reproduction; and the still limited understanding of the ecophysiology underlying forest performance. In this paper I illustrate these issues with examples from recent studies and conclude with a set of priorities for going forward. Localización: Este es el documento completo. Publicación no.: 523 Changes on ecosystem growth due to climate change in tropical dry forests in the Americas [Cambios en el crecimiento de los ecosistemas debido al cambio climático en los bosques secos tropicales en las Américas] / Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Rivard, Benoit. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Building 1-26, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Americas. Abstracts, Ciudad de Panamá, PA, February 25-29, 2008. , 2008. p. 41. (Abstract only). Our understanding of how tropical dry forests will respond to increases in temperature and reductions on precipitation in the America's is unknown since most of current research, in terms of tropical forest's responses to climate change, is biased towards tropical rainforests. In this paper we analyze the potential impacts of climate change in tropical dry forests in the Americas using an integration of temperature and precipitation data sets coupled with observations from Global Circulation Models; plus forest phenology based on the use of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Enhance Vegetation Index (EVI) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) observations derived from NASA's Moderate Resolution Spectro-Radiometer (MODIS). Observed changes on phenological patterns in Mexico's tropical dry forests present the possibility of using this fragile ecosystem as a barometer to quantify early manifestations of ecological systems to climate change in the Americas. We conduct our analyses at two different levels: single time series analysis and large-scale level analysis. Our results indicate a significant and important sensitivity of Mexico's tropical dry forests to climate change with less significant responses in terms of phenological dynamics for tropical dry forests in Costa Rica and Brazil. We explore the possibility that future tropical dry forests will have an increase on the dominance of drought resistant species and a notorious increase in tree mortality, as growing seasons become sorter. Our Mexican results pose an important question about the future of this tropical ecosystem and how local biodiversity will response under future climate change scenarios. Publicación no.: 524 Biomass and carbon accumulation in secondary forests and forestry plantations used as restoration tools in the Caribbean region of Costa Rica [Biomasa y acumulación de carbono en bosques secundarios y plantaciones forestales utilizados como herramientas de restauración en la región Caribe de Costa Rica] / Fonseca-González, William; Alice, Federico E; Montero, Johan; Toruño-Gutiérrez, Henry; Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A. (Universidad Nacional. Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Americas. Abstracts, Ciudad de Panamá, PA, February 25-29, 2008. , 2008. p. 60. (Abstract only). Biomass and carbon accumulation were studied in secondary forests (5, 8 and 18 years old) and forestry plantations of Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. and Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão at the EARTH University, located in the Caribbean zone of Costa Rica. Sampling plots, each of 500 m², were established in both forest ecosystems. The above and belowground biomass, the necromass (litter and dead woody material) and the soil organic carbon were estimated in all plots. The carbon content in biomass was quantified by component. The highest carbon storage was found in plantations of H. alchorneoides, followed by plantations of V. guatemalensis and, lastly, secondary forests. The above and

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belowground biomass and the necromass increased with age in the secondary forests and plantations. In contrast, the herbaceous biomass decreased with age in both ecosystems. The aboveground biomass stored between 11 and 17% of total carbon. Soil, at a depth of 30 cm, was the main carbon pool, accounting for 82.5-86.3% of the total ecosystem carbon. Publicación no.: 525 Projecting the local impacts of climate change on a Central American montane avian community [Proyección de los impactos locales del cambio climático en una comunidad de aves de montaña de América Central] / Gasner, Matthew R; Jankowski, Jill E; Ciecka, Anna L; Kyle, Keiller O; Rabenold, Kerry N. (Purdue University. Department of Biology, 915 W State St., West Lafayette, IN 47907, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: keiller.kyle@gmail> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biological Conservation (ISSN 0006-3207), v. 143, no. 5, p. 1250-1258. 2010. Significant changes in the climates of Central America are expected over the next century. Lowland rainforests harbor high alpha diversity on local scales (1 km²), yet montane landscapes often support higher beta diversity on 10-100 km² scales. Climate change will likely disrupt the altitudinal zonation of montane communities that produces such landscape diversity. Projections of biotic response to climate change have often used broad-scale modelling of geographical ranges, but understanding likely impacts on population viability is also necessary for anticipating local and global extinctions. We model species' abundances and estimate range shifts for birds in the Tilarán Mountains of Costa Rica, asking whether projected changes in temperature and rainfall could be sufficient to imperil high-elevation endemics and whether these variables will likely impact communities similarly. We find that nearly half of 77 forest bird species can be expected to decline in the next century. Almost half of species projected to decline are endemic to Central America, and seven of eight species projected to become locally extinct are endemic to the highlands of Costa Rica and Panama. Logistic-regression modelling of distributions and similarity in projections produced by temperature and rainfall models suggest that changes in both variables will be important. Although these projections are probably conservative because they do not explicitly incorporate biological or climate variable interactions, they provide a starting point for incorporating more realistic biological complexity into community-change models. Prudent conservation planning for tropical mountains should focus on regions with room for altitudinal reorganization of communities comprised of ecological specialists. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-11883. Publicación no.: 526 Decision-making by farmers regarding ecosystem services: Factors affecting soil conservation efforts in Costa Rica [Toma de decisiones por parte de los finqueros en relación con los servicios del ecosistema: Factores que afectan los esfuerzos de conservación del suelo en Costa Rica] / Vignola, Raffaele; Koellner, Thomas; Scholz, Roland W; McDaniels, Tim L. (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE). Climate Change Program, Turrialba 7170, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Land Use Policy (ISSN 0264-8377), v. 27, no. 4, p. 1132-1142. 2010. The impact of climate change on farm soils in the tropics is the combined result of short-term soil management decisions and expanding precipitation extremes. This is particularly true for cultivated lands located in steeply sloping areas where bare soil is exposed to extreme rainfall such as the Birris watershed in Costa Rica. Farmers in this watershed are affected by increasing degradation of soil regulation services and respond with different level of efforts to conserve their soils. This paper

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examines influences on farmers' decisions through a survey involving interviews with a sample of farmers (n = 56) to test hypotheses on how a combination of cognitive variables (beliefs, risk perception, values) and socioeconomic variables shape decisions on soil conservation. Results show that farmers' awareness of their exposure level to soil erosion combines with other variables to determine their level of soil conservation. Using discriminant analysis, three groups of farmers were identified based on their soil conservation efforts. ANOVA pairwise-comparison among these groups showed significant differences in respect to levels of awareness, perception of risk, and personal beliefs along with territorial exposure and participation in soil conservation programs. Our results help to understand farmers' complex decision-making on soil conservation and help designing policies to support the provision of soil regulation services especially in areas highly exposed to increasing frequency of extreme precipitation events such as Central America. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12218. Publicación no.: 527 Impacts of individual tree species on carbon dynamics in a moist tropical forest environment [Impactos de especies de árboles individuales en la dinámica del carbono en un entorno de bosque tropical húmedo] / Russell, Ann E; Raich, James W; Bedoya-Arrieta, Ricardo; Valverde-Barrantes, Oscar J; González-Jiménez, Eugenio. (Iowa State University. Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Ames, IA 50011, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 20, no. 4, p. 1087-1100. 2010. In the moist tropical forest biome, which cycles carbon (C) rapidly and stores huge amounts of C, the impacts of individual species on C balances are not well known. In one of the earliest replicated experimental sites for investigating growth of native tropical trees, we examined traits of tree species in relation to their effects on forest C balances, mechanisms of influence, and consequences for C sequestration. The monodominant stands, established in abandoned pasture in 1988 at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, contained five species in a complete randomized block design. Native species were: Hieronyma alchorneoides, Pentaclethra macroloba, Virola koschnyi, and Vochysia guatemalensis. The exotic species was Pinus patula. By 16 years, the lack of differences among species in some attributes suggested strong abiotic control in this environment, where conditions are very favorable for growth. These attributes included aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), averaging 11.7 Mg C.ha-¹.yr-¹ across species, and soil organic C (0-100 cm, 167 Mg C/ha). Other traits differed significantly, however, indicating some degree of biological control. In Vochysia plots, both aboveground biomass of 99 Mg C/ha, and belowground biomass of 20 Mg C/ha were 1.8 times that of Virola (P = 0.02 and 0.03, respectively). Differences among species in overstory biomass were not compensated by understory vegetation. Belowground NPP of 4.6 Mg C.ha-¹.yr-¹ in Hieronyma was 2.4 times that of Pinus (P 0.01). Partitioning of NPP to belowground components in Hieronyma was more than double that of Pinus (P = 0.03). The canopy turnover rate in Hieronyma was 42% faster than that of Virola (P < 0.01). Carbon sequestration, highest in Vochysia (7.4 Mg C.ha-¹.yr-¹, P = 0.02), averaged 5.2 Mg C.ha-¹.yr-¹, close to the annual per capita fossil fuel use in the United States of 5.3 Mg C. Our results indicated that differences in species effects on forest C balances were related primarily to differences in growth rates, partitioning of C among biomass components, tissue turnover rates, and tissue chemistry. Inclusion of those biological attributes may be critical for robust modeling of C cycling across the moist tropical forest biome. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12220.

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Publicación no.: 528 Storms drive altitudinal migration in a tropical bird [Las tormentas dirigen la migración altitudinal en un ave tropical] / Boyle, W. Alice; Norris, D. Ryan; Guglielmo, Christopher G. (University of Western Ontario. Department of Biology, London, ON N6A 5B7, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Series B: Biological Sciences (ISSN 0962-8452), v. 277, no. 1693, p. 2511-2519. 2010. Enlace: Although migration is a widespread and taxonomically diverse behaviour, the ecological factors shaping migratory behaviour are poorly understood. Like other montane taxa, many birds migrate along elevational gradients in the tropics. Forty years ago, Alexander Skutch postulated that severe storms could drive birds to migrate downhill. Here, we articulate a novel mechanism that could link storms to mortality risks via reductions in foraging time and provide, to our knowledge, the first tests of this hypothesis in the White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera), a small partially migratory frugivore breeding on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica. As predicted, variation in rainfall was associated with plasma corticosterone levels, fat stores, plasma metabolites and haematocrit. By collecting data at high and low elevation sites simultaneously, we also found that high-elevation residents were more adversely affected by storms than low elevation migrants. These results, together with striking temporal capture patterns of altitudinal migrants relative to storms, provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that weather-related risks incurred by species requiring high food intake rates can explain altitudinal migrations of tropical animals. These findings resolve conflicting evidence for and against food limitation being important in the evolution of this behaviour, and highlight how endogenous and exogenous processes influence life-history trade-offs made by individuals in the wild. Because seasonal storms are a defining characteristic of most tropical ecosystems and rainfall patterns will probably change in ensuing decades, these results have important implications for understanding the ecology, evolution and conservation of tropical animals. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12243. Publicación no.: 529 Ecological and genetic divergence between two lineages of Middle American tungara frogs Physalaemus (Engystomops) pustulosus [Divergencia ecológica y genética entre dos linajes de las ranas túngara centroamericanas Physalaemus (Engystomops) pustulosus] / Pröhl, Heike; Ron, Santiago R; Ryan, Michael J. (Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover. Institut für Zoologie, Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: BMC Evolutionary Biology (ISSN 1471-2148), v. 10, AR 146. 2010. Enlace: Background: Uncovering how populations of a species differ genetically and ecologically is important for understanding evolutionary processes. Here we combine population genetic methods (microsatellites) with phylogenetic information (mtDNA) to define genetic population clusters of the wide-spread Neotropical tungara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus). We measure gene flow and migration within and between population clusters and compare genetic diversity between population clusters. By applying ecological niche modeling we determine whether the two most divergent genetic groups of the tungara frog (1) inhabit different habitats, and (2) are separated geographically by unsuitable habitat across a gap in the distribution. Results: Most population structure is captured by dividing all sample localities into two allopatric genetic lineages. The Northern genetic lineage (NW Costa Rica) is genetically homogenous while the Southern lineage (SW Costa Rica and Panama) is sub-divided into three

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population clusters by both microsatellite and mtDNA analyses. Gene flow is higher within the Northern lineage than within the Southern lineage, perhaps due to increased landscape heterogeneity in the South. Niche modeling reveals differences in suitable habitat between the Northern and Southern lineages: the Northern lineage inhabits dry/pine-oak forests, while the Southern lineage is confined to tropical moist forests. Both lineages seem to have had little movement across the distribution gap, which persisted during the last glacial maximum. The lack of movement was more pronounced for the Southern lineage than for the Northern lineage. Conclusions: This study confirms the finding of previous studies that tungara frogs diverged into two allopatric genetic lineages north and south of the gap in the distribution in central Costa Rica several million years ago. The allopatric distribution is attributed to unsuitable habitat and probably other unknown ecological factors present across the distribution gap. Niche conservatism possibly contributes to preventing movements across the gap and gene flow between both groups. Genetic and ecological data indicate that there is the potential for ecological divergence in allopatry between lineages. In this context we discuss whether the Northern and Southern lineages should be recognized as separate species, and we conclude that further studies of pre- and post-zygotic isolation are needed for a final assessment. Identified population clusters should motivate future behavioral and ecological research regarding within-species biodiversity and speciation mechanisms. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12248. Publicación no.: 530 Experimental drought in a tropical rain forest increases soil carbon dioxide losses to the atmosphere [La sequía experimental en un bosque tropical aumenta las pérdidas de dióxido de carbono del suelo a la atmósfera] / Cleveland, Cory C; Wieder, William Russell; Reed, Sasha C; Townsend, Alan R. (University of Montana. Department of Ecosystem and Conservation Sciences, 32 Campus Dr,CHCB 423B, Missoula, MT 59812, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecology (ISSN 0012-9658), v. 91, no. 8, p. 2313-2323. 2010. Climate models predict precipitation changes for much of the humid tropics, yet few studies have investigated the potential consequences of drought on soil carbon (C) cycling in this important biome. In wet tropical forests, drought could stimulate soil respiration via overall reductions in soil anoxia, but previous research suggests that litter decomposition is positively correlated with high rainfall fluxes that move large quantities of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the litter layer to the soil surface. Thus, reduced rainfall could also limit C delivery to the soil surface, reducing respiration rates. We conducted a throughfall manipulation experiment to investigate how 25% and 50% reductions in rainfall altered both C movement into soils and the effects of those DOM fluxes on soil respiration rates. In response to the experimental drought, soil respiration rates increased in both the -25% and -50% treatments. Throughfall fluxes were reduced by 26% and 55% in the -25% and -50% treatments, respectively. However, total DOM fluxes leached from the litter did not vary between treatments, because the concentrations of leached DOM reaching the soil surface increased in response to the simulated drought. Annual DOM concentrations averaged 7.7 ± 0.8, 11.2 ± 0.9, and 15.8 ± 1.2 mg C/L in the control, -25%, and -50% plots, respectively, and DOM concentrations were positively correlated with soil respiration rates. A laboratory incubation experiment confirmed the potential importance of DOM concentration on soil respiration rates, suggesting that this mechanism could contribute to the increase in CO2 fluxes observed in the reduced rainfall plots. Across all plots, the data suggested that soil CO2 fluxes were partially regulated by the magnitude and concentration of soluble C delivered to the soil, but also by soil moisture and soil oxygen availability. Together, our data suggest that declines in

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precipitation in tropical rain forests could drive higher CO2 fluxes to the atmosphere both via increased soil O2 availability and through responses to elevated DOM concentrations. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12279. Publicación no.: 531 Eco-tourism certification - Does it make a difference? A Comparison of systems from Australia, Costa Rica and Sweden [Certificación de ecoturismo - ¿Hay alguna diferencia? Una comparación de los sistemas de Australia, Costa Rica y Suecia] / Haaland, Hanne; Øystein, Aas. (Kristians University of Agder. Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Serv Boks 422, N-4604 Kristiansand, NO <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (ISSN 1502-2250), v. 10, no. 3, p. 375-385. 2010. In the current context of climate change, discussions about tourism sustainability are gaining increased momentum. Over the past decade, some operators worldwide have started to certify their products and services as ecotourism or sustainable tourism. A certification or approval is considered to be a sign of general high product quality as well as an indication of environmentally and socially sound products. In this research note, we examine three different ecotourism certification and approval systems - from Sweden, Costa Rica and Australia. The note is based on a literature review of three different approval systems, conducted parallel to the planning of the Norwegian approval system for ecotourism launched in 2008. We outline the criteria and standards required in the different programmes as well as the basic principles of how the three systems are organised, financed and implemented. The programmes' strengths and weaknesses are briefly discussed, keeping a Scandinavian context in mind. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 532 Carbon's calculatory spaces: the emergence of carbon offsets in Costa Rica [Espacios para cálculos del carbono: La aparición de las compensaciones de carbono en Costa Rica] / Lansing, David M. (University of Maryland Baltimore County. Department of Geography and Environmental Systems, 211-C Sondheim Hall, Baltimore, MD 21250, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (ISSN 0263-7758), v. 28, no. 4, p. 710-725. 2010. This paper analyzes the practices of calculation needed to create carbon forestry offsets in Costa Rica, paying special attention to the spaces that are produced through such practices I argue that the calculations needed to bring a carbon offset into being as a commodity is a process that results in the coconstitution of relational space, absolute Cartesian spaces, and the bounded territory of the nation-state. I develop my argument by drawing on Martin Heidegger's writings on calculation technology, and the question of being and examine the spaces that result from carbon offset calculations performed by the Costa Rican state. Central to my argument is the idea that the practices of calculation are productive of a technological metaphysics, where the world becomes disclosed to us as an object of orderability. This ontological orientation allows for the objects and subjects of the world, in this case carbon commodities as well as producers and consumers of carbon offsets, to become relationally embedded in the world through the production of bounded Cartesian space. The production of such 'graspable' spaces simultaneously reinforces and undermines the territoriality of the Costa Rican state. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12395. Publicación no.: 533 Characterization of soil organic matter and black carbon in dry tropical forests of Costa Rica [Caracterización de la materia orgánica del suelo y el carbón negro en los bosques tropicales secos de Costa Rica] / Lorenz, Klaus; Lal, Rattan; Jiménez, Juan José. (Ohio State Univ, Carbon

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Management & Sequestrat Ctr, Sch Environm & Nat Resources, Columbus, OH 43210 US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> ). En: Geoderma (ISSN 0016-7061), v. 158, no. 3/4, p. 315-321. 2010. Soil organic matter (SOM) in dry tropical forests (DTFs) of Costa Rica is less studied compared to wet tropical forests. Specifically, black carbon (BC) from biomass burning during the dry season but also prescribed burning during any prior pastoral land use contributes to SOM in DTF. Data on BC are needed for predicting the response of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to the projected climate change as BC is among the most persistent SOC fractions. Therefore, SOM was characterized and BC contentsestimated selectively as soot (soot-BC) for 0-10 cm depth of a 60 yr. old live oak (Quercus oleoides) forest (Qu) and a 400 yr. old-growth forest (Of) at Sector Santa Rosa of Área de Conservación Guanacaste in northwestern Costa Rica. We expected that SOM chemistry at Qu is more closely related to the previous pastoral land use than at Of, and that a higher frequency of fire at Qu contributes to higher soot-BC concentrations than at Of. SOM was characterized by solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and soot-BC estimated by both NMR after chemical oxidation with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), and by C analysis and mass balance after thermal oxidation in air at 375 degrees C. SOM at Qu was more aliphatic but less aromatic than at Of as the duration in which woody litter input was dominant was shorter in the younger compared to the older forest. Alkyl Cat Of was relatively enriched after chemical oxidation, and aryl C and lignin relatively depleted. In contrast, only small changes in these spectral regions were observed at Qu after oxidation may be due to stabilization by Fe oxides. Thus, higher inputs along with higher proportions of stabilized soot-BC fractions in the mineral phase may have contributed to higher soot-BC concentrations at Qu compared to Of determined by NMR after chemical oxidation (31.3 vs. 14.8% of SOC in the form of soot-BC). However, soot-BC values after thermal oxidation were lower (3.9 and 3.7% for Of and Qu, respectively), and not related to values obtained by NMR which highlights the need for the development of a standardized quantification method for soil BC. This method must be applied to study BC in the entire soil profile on a larger number of plots, especially in landscape depressions that receive run-on during the rainy season, to elucidate the fate of BC in the DTF which may be prone to frequent wildfires in the future. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12390. Publicación no.: 534 Why and how much are firms willing to invest in ecosystem services from tropical forests? A comparison of international and Costa Rican firms [¿Por qué y cuánto están las empresas dispuestas a invertir en servicios de los ecosistemas de los bosques tropicales? Una comparación de las empresas internacionales y de Costa Rica] / Koellner, Thomas; Sell, Joachim; Navarro, Guillermo A. (Universität Bayreuth. Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences, D-95440 Bayreuth, DE <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Economics (ISSN 0921-8009), v. 69, no. 11, p. 2127-2139. 2010. In recent years, schemes for payment for ecosystem services PES have emerged in tropical countries. Besides public demand, the private demand offers the opportunity to develop PES. The goal of this paper is to investigate the potential demand by firms for four ecosystem services from tropical forests: biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, scenic beauty, and watershed protection. Those are the four granted in the forest legislation and rewarded for in the PES scheme in Costa Rica. To explain stated willingness to invest WTI, we assess influential factors: expectations with respect to financial and non-financial benefits of investing in ecosystem services; experience with forest ecosystem services; firm attributes, like origin, sector membership, and size; and finally, perceived behavioral control. We sent a

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questionnaire to over 900 international and Costa Rican firms from different sectors. The low response rate of the survey of overall 6% can be explained by - in a business context - rather new topic of ecosystem services from tropical forests. The analysis showed that a firm's willingness to invest (WTI) depends on the origin of the firm. International firms are interested in buying certificates mainly for carbon sequestration; CostaRican firms, for all four ecosystem services in the following order: watershed protection, biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration, and scenic beauty. Indirect and non-financial benefits are surprisingly important and can impede the development of ecosystem service markets. At the same time, the activities of intrinsically motivated green entrepreneurs in a financially oriented firm setting might be a prerequisite within a firm context for bringing such innovative topics as ecosystem services from tropical forests to the table. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12398. Publicación no.: 535 The future of tropical forests [El futuro de los bosques tropicales] / Wright, S. Joseph. (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, PA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (ISSN 0077-8923), v. 1195, p. 1-27. 2010. Five anthropogenic drivers-land use change, wood extraction, hunting, atmospheric change, climate change-will largely determine the future of tropical forests. The geographic scope and intensity of these five drivers are in flux. Contemporary land use change includes deforestation (about 64,000 km² yr-¹ for the entire tropical forest biome) and natural forests regenerating on abandoned land (about 21,500 km² yr-¹with just 29% of the biome evaluated). Commercial logging is shifting rapidly from Southeast Asia to Africa and South America, but local fuelwood consumption continues to constitute 71% of all wood production. Pantropical rates of net deforestation are declining even as secondary and logged forests increasingly replace old-growth forests. Hunters reduce frugivore, granivore and browser abundances in most forests. This alters seed dispersal, seed and seedling survival, and hence the species composition and spatial template of plant regeneration. Tropical governments have responded to these local threats by protecting 7% of all land for the strict conservation of nature-a commitment that is only matched poleward of 40 degrees S and 70 degrees N. Protected status often fails to stop hunters and is impotent against atmospheric and climate change. There are increasing reports of stark changes in the structure and dynamics of protected tropical forests. Four broad classes of mechanisms might contribute to these changes. Predictions are developed to distinguish among these mechanisms. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12423. Publicación no.: 536 Tropical wetlands: seasonal hydrologic pulsing, carbon sequestration, and methane emissions [Humedales tropicales: pulso hidrológico estacional, captura de carbono y las emisiones de metano] / Mitsch, William J; Nahlik, Amanda M; Wolski, Piotr; Bernal, Blanca; Zhang, Li; Ramberg, Lars. (The Ohio State University. School of Environment and Natural Resources, Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, 352 W Dodridge Street, Columbus, OH 43202, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Wetlands Ecology and Management (ISSN 0923-4861), v. 18, p. 573-586. 2010. This paper summarizes the importance of climate on tropical wetlands. Regional hydrology and carbon dynamics in many of these wetlands could shift with dramatic changes in these major carbon storages if the inter-tropical convergence zone (ITCZ) were to change in its annual patterns. The importance of seasonal pulsing hydrology on many tropical wetlands, which can be caused by watershed activities, orographic features, or monsoonal pulses from the ITCZ, is illustrated by both annual and 30-year

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patterns of hydrology in the Okavango Delta in southern Africa. Current studies on carbon biogeochemistry in Central America are attempting to determine the rates of carbon sequestration in tropical wetlands compared to temperate wetlands and the effects of hydrologic conditions on methane generation in these wetlands. Using the same field and lab techniques, we estimated that a humid tropical wetland in Costa Rica accumulated 255 g C m-² year-¹ in the past 42 years, 80% more than a similar temperate wetlandin Ohio that accumulated 142 g C m-² year-¹ over the same period. Methane emissions averaged 1,080 mg-C m-² day-¹ in a seasonally pulsed wetland in western Costa Rica, a rate higher than methane emission rates measured over the same period from humid tropic wetlands in eastern Costa Rica (120-278 mg-C m-² day-¹). Tropical wetlands are often tuned to seasonal pulses of water caused by the seasonal movement of the ITCZ and are the most likely to be have higher fire frequency and changed methane emissions and carbon oxidation if the ITCZ were to change even slightly. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12424. Publicación no.: 537 Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change: what role for policy-makers, society and scientists? [Adaptación basada en los ecosistemas al cambio climático: ¿qué papel para los responsables políticos, la sociedad y los científicos?] / Vignola, Raffaele; Locatelli, Bruno; Martínez, Celia; Imbach-Bartol, Pablo Andrés. (CATIE. Climate Change Program, Turrialba 7170, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (ISSN 1381-2386), v. 14, no. 8, p. 691-696. 2009. In developing countries where economies and livelihoods depend largely on ecosystem services, policies for adaptation to climate change should take into account the role of these services in increasing the resilience of society. This ecosystem-based approach to adaptation was the focus of an international workshop on "Adaptation to Climate Change: the role of Ecosystem Services" held in November 2008 in Costa Rica. This article presents the key messages from the workshop. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12427. Publicación no.: 538 A comparison of nutrient dynamics and microbial community characteristics across seasons and soil types in two different old growth forests in Costa Rica [Una comparación de la dinámica de los nutrimentos y las características de la comunidad microbiana a través de las estaciones climáticas y tipos de suelo en dos diferentes bosques primarios de Costa Rica] / Eaton, William D; Mcdonald, S; Roed, M; Vandecar, Karen Lynn; Hauge, J.B; Barry, Dwight. (Kean University. Department of Biological Sciences, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 52, no. 1, p. 35-48. 2011. Enlace: This use of nutrient and microbial metrics were examined as potential indicators of change in microbial community structure and nutrient dynamics across landscape-scale nutrient and seasonal moisture gradients in the Carbono Project forest soils in Costa Rica. Previous studies showed a decrease in net primary productivity occurred in these forests during the warmer years. In this study, differences were found in soil microbial community structure and function and nutrient dynamics across seasons andsoil types. Most critically, when the soil moisture decreased in the dry season, there was a significant decrease in fungal contribution, carbon biomass development, and efficiency of carbon utilization in the soils. The implications are that should these forests continue to become warmer or the dry seasons

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lengthen, it could have measurable impacts on the soil biomass development and soil ecosystem health. The metrics from this study appear to have potential use for monitoring forest soil conditions. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12213. Publicación no.: 539 Coffee agroforestry systems in Central America: I. A review of quantitative information on physiological and ecological processes [Sistemas agroforestales de café en Centroamérica: I. Una revisión de la información cuantitativa sobre procesos fisiológicos y ecológicos] / van Oijen, Marcel; Dauzat, Jean; Harmand, Jean Michel; Lawson, Gerry; Vaast, Philippe. (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH-Edinburgh), Bush Estate, Penicuik EH26 0QB, Midlothian, Scotland, GB <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestry Systems (ISSN 0167-4366), v. 80, no. 3, p. 341-359. 2010. Coffee is widely grown across Central America at altitudes between 600 and 2500 m, mostly in association with trees that provide shade and other services. Research on coffee agroforestry systems has identified many environmental factors, management strategies and plant characteristics that affect growth, yield and environmental impact of the system. Much of this literature only presents qualitative estimates of the importance of the different. growth determining factors, or highly site-specific estimates. Quantitative information is required to allow statistical analysis or the construction of process-based models of the system. Here, we review the available quantitative information for the latter purpose, with emphasis on the data needs for modelling agroforestry systems common in Central America. Process-based models require environmental data weather, soil and data on the physiological characteristics of the coffee plants and trees. Our review showed that the current literature is insufficient to allow full parameterisation of a process-based model for any coffee-tree combination. Information on weather, coffee and trees is highly limited, but soil information seems more adequate. A regional network of replicated multi-factorial experiments, focusing on the interactive effects of different environmental factors, may help address the main knowledge gaps. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12439. Publicación no.: 540 Heat exposure in sugarcane workers in Costa Rica during the non-harvest season [Exposición al calor en los trabajadores de la caña de azúcar en Costa Rica durante la temporada de no cosecha] / Crowe, Jennifer; Moya-Bonilla, José Manuel; Román-Solano, Bryan; Robles-Ramírez, Andrés. (Universidad Nacional. MPH, Regional Institute for Studies on Toxic Substances (IRET), Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Health Action (ISSN 1654-9880), v. 3, 5619, DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5619. Enlace: This observational pilot study was carried out at three sugarcane companies in Costa Rica. Its main objective was to determine the potential for heat stress conditions for workers in one sugarcane-growing region in Costa Rica during the maintenance (non-harvest) period. Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) variables were measured with a heat stress meter and threshold value limits and the Sweat Rate Indexes were calculated for each workplace. It was determined that workers in this study were in heat stress conditions. Costa Rica is likely to experience warmer temperatures and increased heat waves in the coming decades. It is therefore important to take action to decrease current and future heat-related risks for sugarcane workers in both harvest and non-harvest conditions and in all sugarcane growing regions in Costa Rica. It is also necessary to improve guidelines and occupational health standards for protecting worker health and productivity in the tropics.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12469. Publicación no.: 541 Biomass estimation in a tropical wet forest using Fourier transforms of profiles from lidar or interferometric SAR / Treuhaft, Robert N; Gonçalves, Fábio G; Drake, Jason B; Chapman, Bruce D; dos Santos, João Roberto; Dutra, Luciano V; de Alencastro-Graca, Paulo Maurício; Purcell, George H. (CALTECH, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, MS 138-212, Pasadena, CA 91109, US <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E). En: Geophysical Research Letters (ISSN 0094-8276), v. 37, no. L23403. 2010. Tropical forest biomass estimation based on the structure of the canopy is a burgeoning and crucial remote sensing capability for balancing terrestrial carbon budgets. This paper introduces a new approach to structural biomass estimation based on theFourier transform of vertical profiles from lidar or interferometric SAR (InSAR). Airborne and field data were used from 28 tropical wet forest stands at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, with average biomass of 229 Mg-ha-¹. RMS scatters of remotesensing biomass estimates about field measurements were 58.3 Mg-ha-¹, 21%, and 76.1 Mg-ha-¹, 26%, for lidar and InSAR, respectively. Using mean forest height, the RMS scatter was 97 Mg-ha-¹, approximate to 34% for both lidar and InSAR. The confidence that Fourier transforms are a significant improvement over height was 99% for lidar and approximate to 90% for InSAR. Lidar Fourier transforms determined the useful range of vertical wavelengths to be 14 m to 100 m. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12209. Publicación no.: 542 The Costa Rican herpetofauna: conservation status and future perspectives [La herpetofauna costarricense: estado de conservación y perspectivas futuras] / Sasa-Marín, Mahmood; Chaves-Cordero, Gerardo A; Porras, Louis W. (Organización para Estudios Tropicales Apdo. 676-2050, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Conservation of Mesoamerican Amphibians and Reptiles. Wilson, Larry David; Townsend, Josiah H; Johnson, Jerry D. (eds.). Eagle Mountain, UT: Eagle Mountain Publishing, LC, 2010. p. 510-603. ISBN: 978-0-9720154-4-8. The Costa Rican herpetofauna presently consists of 420 species (189 amphibians, 231 reptiles), of wich 71 species (52.19) are endemic to the country. Considering the size of its surface area, Costa Rica contains more herpetolofaunal species than any other Mesoamerican country. This extrema amount of species richness is due to ecological and historical factors that have allowed the development of different patterns of colonization, dispersal, and in situ speciation. Localización: Biblioteca OET Publicación no.: 543 Assessing tropical forests' climatic sensitivities with long-term data [Evaluación de las sensibilidades de los bosques tropicales con datos climáticos a largo plazo] / Clark, Deborah A; Clark, David B. (University of Missouri. Department of Biology, 1 Univ Blvd, St Louis, MO 63121, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biotropica (ISSN 0006-3606), v. 43, no. 1, p. 31-40. 2011. Analyses relating long-term records of tree growth to interannual climatic variation at La Selva, Costa Rica have revealed marked forest sensitivities to both temperature and dry-season intensity (Clark et al. 2010). The tropical-forest biome is certain to become warmer, and many areas may become drier. Testing the generality of the La Selva findings with similar analyses of field data from diverse forests

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across the biome will be a valuable next step. Based on our experiences during the La Selva studies, we propose that such assessments will need to address three issues. One is the number of repeat forest measurements. Short series of re-censuses can be an unreliable basis for assessing climatic sensitivities. For some key climatic factors (e.g., temperature), records consisting of fewer than 10-12 re-censuses can span limited climatic ranges, producing erratic and largely nonsignificant correlations. Multiyear census intervals exacerbate these data limitations. Second, different types of forest-growth data call for different analysis approaches. Cohort and tree-ring records need to be adjusted for ontogenetic growth changes, while stand-level data require taking into account potentially confounding influences from forest compositional changes, as from succession. Third, a reliable meteorological record is critical. Poor-quality or internally inconsistent climatic records can fatally corrupt assessments of forest sensitivities. To be usable in such analyses, the meteorological record requires data quality control, gap filling, and adjustments to maintain the record's internal consistency in the face of commonly occurring methods changes (instruments, siting). We illustrate these issues using analyses of the long-term La Selva records. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12575. Publicación no.: 544 Methane emissions from tropical freshwater wetlands located in different climatic zones of Costa Rica [Emisiones de metano de los humedales tropicales de agua dulce ubicados en diferentes zonas climáticas de Costa Rica] / Nahlik, Amanda M; Mitsch, William J. (The Ohio State University. Environmental Science Graduate Program and School of Environment and Natural Resources, 352 W Dodridge St, Columbus, OH 43202, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 17, no. 3, p. 1321-1334. 2011. Wetlands are the largest natural source of the greenhouse gas methane to the atmosphere. Despite the fact that a large percentage of wetlands occur in tropical latitudes, methane emissions from natural tropical wetlands have not been extensively studied. The objective this research was to compare methane emissions from three natural tropical wetlands located in different climatic and ecological areas of Costa Rica. Each wetland was within a distinct ecosystem: (1) a humid flow-through wetland sloughwith high mean annual temperatures (25.9 degrees C) and precipitation (3700 mm yr-¹); (2) a stagnant rainforest wetland with high mean annual temperatures (24.9 degrees C) and precipitation (4400 mm yr-¹); or (3) a seasonally wet riverine wetland with very high mean annual temperatures (28.2 degrees C) and lower mean annual precipitation (1800 mm yr-¹). Methane emission rates were measured from sequential gas samples using nonsteady state plastic chambers during six sampling periods over a 29-month period from 2006 to 2009. Methane emissions were higher than most rates previously reported for tropical wetlands with means (medians) of 91 (52), 601 (79), and 719 (257) mg CH4-C m-² day-¹ for the three sites, with highest rates seen at the seasonally flooded wetland site. Methane emissions were statistically higher at the seasonally wet site than at the humid sites (P 0.001). Highest methane emissions occurred when surface water levels were between 30 and 50 cm. The interaction of soil temperature, water depth, and seasonal flooding most likely affected methanogenesis in these tropical sites. We estimate that Costa Rican wetlands produce about 0.80 Tg yr-¹ of methane, or approximately 0.6% of global tropical wetland emissions. Elevated methane emissions at the seasonally wet/warmer wetland site suggest that some current humid tropical freshwater wetlands of Central America could emit more methane if temperatures increase and precipitation becomes more seasonal with climate change. Localización: Bilioteca OET: NBINA-12261.

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Publicación no.: 545 Long-term change within a Neotropical forest: assessing differential functional and floristic responses to disturbance and drought [Cambio a largo plazo dentro de un bosque neotropical: evaluación de las diferentes respuestas funcionales y florísticas a la perturbación y la sequía] / Enquist, Brian J; Enquist, Carolyn A.F. (University of Arizona. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Tucson, AZ 85721, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 17, no. 3, p. 1408-1424. 2011. Disentangling the relative roles of biotic and abiotic forces influencing forest structure, function, and local community composition continues to be an important goal in ecology. Here, utilizing two forest surveys 20-year apart from a Central American dry tropical forest, we assess the relative role of past disturbance and local climatic change in the form of increased drought in driving forest dynamics. We observe: (i) a net decrease in the number of trees; (ii) a decrease in total forest biomass by 7.7 Mg ha-¹ but when calculated on subquadrat basis the biomass per unit area did not change indicating scale sensitivity of forest biomass measures; (iii) that the decrease in the number of stems occurred mainly in the smallest sizes, and in more moist and evergreen habitats; (iv) that there has been an increase in the proportion of trees that are deciduous, compound leaved and are canopy species, and a concomitant reduction in trees that are evergreen, simple-leaved, and understory species. These changes are opposite to predictions based on recovery from disturbance, and have resulted in (v) a uniform multivariate shift from a more mesic to a more xeric forest. Together, our results show that over relatively short time scales, community composition and the functional dominance may be more responsive to climate change than recovery to past disturbances. Our findings point to the importance of assessing proportional changes in forest composition and not just changes in absolute numbers. Our findings are also consistent with the hypothesis that tropical tree species exhibit differential sensitivity to changes in precipitation. Predicted future decreases in rainfall may result in quick differential shifts in forest function, physiognomy, and speciescomposition. Quantifying proportional functional composition offers a basis for a predictive framework for how the structure and diversity of tropical forests will respond to global change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12590. Publicación no.: 546 Global warming, elevational ranges and the vulnerability of tropical biota [Calentamiento global, rangos altitudinales y la vulnerabilidad de la biota tropical] / Laurance, William F; Useche, D. Carolina; Shoo, Luke P; Herzog, Sebastian K; Kessler, Michael; Escobar, Federico; Brehm, Gunnar; Axmacher, Jan C; Chen, I-Ching; Arellano-Gámez, Lucrecia; Hietz, Peter; Fiedler, Konrad; Pyrcz, Tomasz; Wolf, Jan H.D; Merkor, Christopher L; Cardelus, Catherine L; Marshall, Andrew R; Ah-Peng, Claudine; Aplet, Gregory H; del Coro-Arizmendi, M; Baker, William J; Barone, John; Bruehl, Carsten A; Bussmann, Rainer W; Cicuzza, Daniele; Eilu, Gerald; Favila, Mario E; Hemp, Andreas; Hemp, Claudia. (James Cook University. School of Marine and Tropical Biology, Cairns, Qld 4870, AU <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biological Conservation (ISSN 0006-3207), v. 144, no. 1, p. 548-557. 2011. Tropical species with narrow elevational ranges may be thermally specialized and vulnerable to global warming. Local studies of distributions along elevational gradients reveal small-scale patterns but do not allow generalizations among geographic regions or taxa. We critically assessed data from 249 studies of species elevational distributions in the American, African, and Asia-Pacific tropics. Of these, 150 had sufficient data quality, sampling intensity, elevational range, and freedom from serious habitat

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disturbance to permit robust across-study comparisons. We found four main patterns: (1) species classified as elevational specialists (upper- or lower-zone specialists) are relatively more frequent in the American than Asia-Pacific tropics, with African tropics being intermediate; (2) elevational specialists are rare on islands, especially oceanic and smaller continental islands, largely due to a paucity of upper-zone specialists; (3) a relatively high proportion of plants and ectothermic vertebrates (amphibians and reptiles) are upper-zone specialists; and (4) relatively few endothermic vertebrates (birds and mammals) are upper-zone specialists. Understanding these broad-scale trends will help identify taxa and geographic regions vulnerable to global warming and highlight future research priorities. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12597. Publicación no.: 547 Species richness, endemism, and conservation of American tree ferns (Cyatheales) [Species richness, endemism, and conservation of American tree ferns (Cyatheales)] / Ramírez-Barahona, Santiago; Luna-Vega, Isolda; Tejero-Díez, Daniel. (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Mexico City 04510, DF, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biodiversity and Conservation (ISSN 0960-3115), v. 20, no. 1, p. 59-72. 2011. Analyses of richness and endemism of Cyatheales (tree ferns) in tropical America were performed and evidence of a diversity gradient is presented. For this, the occurrence ranges of 239 species were plotted into a 5 degrees x 5 degrees grid-cell map and then analyzed using species richness and endemism indices. Here we show that species richness and endemism are not distributed randomly over the landscape, but do aggregate into defined regions of high diversity in tropical America: the northern Andes, lower Central America, upper Central America and Mexico, the Guyana Highlands, southeastern Brazil, and the Antilles. These distributional patterns are congruent with the geographical distribution of cloud forest, which in turn is determined by topography, high humidity, and persistent cloud immersion. The mountain regions of tropical America, especially the cloud forests, harbour most of the species of American Cyatheales and have high levels of habitat loss and climatic fragility. Conservation policies for Cyatheales are centred on the local use and trade of many tree fern species, but none such policies focus on cloud forest habitat loss. This makes tree ferns a critically endangered group of plants. In the face of the current environmental crisis and global climate change, the presence of Cyatheales in these regions sounds the alarm on their conservation priorities. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12612. Publicación no.: 548 Agroforestry associating coffee and Inga densiflora results in complementarity for water uptake and decreases deep drainage in Costa Rica [La asociación agroforestal de café e Inga densiflora da como resultado la captación complementaria de agua y disminuye el drenaje profundo en Costa Rica] / Cannavo, Patrice; Sansoulet, J; Harmand, Jean Michel; Siles, P; Dreyer, E; Vaast, Philippe. (UR EPHOR. Agrocampus Ouest - Centre d'Angers, 2 rue Le Nôtre, F-49045 Angers 1, FR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (ISSN 0167-8809), v. 140, no. 1/2, p. 1-13. 2011. The shade impact by Inga densiflora on water use and drainage in a coffee agroforestry system (AFS) was compared to coffee monoculture (MC) in Costa Rica. Rainfall interception, transpiration, runoff and soil water content were monitored during 3 years. Runoff was lower in AFS than MC (5.4 and 8.4% of total rainfall, respectively) and a higher water infiltration was observed under AFS. Still, the higher combined rainfall interception + transpiration of coffee and shade trees in AFS resulted in a lower

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drainage than in MC. No coffee water stress was recorded either in AFS or MC as relative extractable soil water remained above 20% during the dry seasons. Time course of soil water content showed enhanced access to soil water between 100 and 200 cm depth in AFS. This suggests complementarity for soil water between coffee and shade trees. The model HYDRUS 1D predicted that drainage at 200 cm depth accounted for a large fraction of annual rainfall (68% for MC and 62% for AFS). Climatic scenario simulations showed (1) a potential competition for water between coffee and shade trees when the dry season was extended by 4-6 weeks compared to actual, and (2) a severe reduction in annual drainage, but without competition for water when rainfall was reduced down to 40% of the actual. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12691. Publicación no.: 549 Climate change and the hummingbirds of Monteverde, Costa Rica: Monitoring and experiments [El cambio climático y los colibríes de Monteverde, Costa Rica: Monitoreo y experimentos] / Deliso, Elizabeth. (Centro Científico Tropical, Apartado 8-4870-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Mesoamericana (ISSN 1659-2794), v. 12, no. 1, p. 15-23. 2008. Enlace: It has been recently reported that the climate in Monteverde, Tilarán Mountain Range, Costa Rica, is changing rapidly, and that these changes have begun to affect wildlife populations in the region. It is possible that there will be a shift in the spatial and temporal distributions of both hummingbirds and plants and a change in the relative abundances of species. A decline in nectar resources resulting in a reduction of hummingbird diversity is possible. Because of the complexity of the potential effects, it is crucial to implement a monitoring program and conduct experiments to deepen our understanding of the relationship between climate change and wildlife biology. I describe a plan for undertaking this research at the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. This includes determining the population sizes and relative abundances of hummingbirds in the region, identifying important flowering plant species, delineating their phenologies, and noting hummingbird visitation rates to these plants. Techniques for measuring nectar are described. Experiments to ascertain the effects of precipitation, temperature, and cloud cover on nectar production are outlined. Baseline data from earlier studies in the region can be compared to new data in order to determine the extent to which climate change has already begun to impact the hummingbirds of Monteverde. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12666. Publicación no.: 550 An evaluation of the century model to predict soil organic carbon: examples from Costa Rica and Canada [Una evaluación del modelo del siglo para predecir el carbono orgánico del suelo: ejemplos de Costa Rica y Canadá] / Oelbermann, Maren; Voroney, R. Paul. (University of Waterloo. Department of Environment & Resource Studies, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, CA <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestry Systems (ISSN 0167-4366), v. 82, no. 1, p. 37-50. 2011. Greater organic matter inputs in agroforestry systems contribute to the long-term storage of carbon (C) in the soil, and the use of simulation models provides an opportunity to evaluate the dynamics of the long-term trends of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in these systems. The objective of this study was to apply the Century model to evaluate the long-term effect of agroforestry alley crop and sole crop land management practices on SOC stocks and soil C fractions. This study also evaluated the accuracy between measured field data obtained from a 19-year old tropical (TROP) and 13-year old temperate

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(TMPRT) alley crop and their respective sole cropping systems and simulated values of SOC. Results showed that upon initiation of the TROP and TMPRT alley cropping systems, levels of SOC increased steadily over a similar to 100 year period. However, the sole cropping systems in both tropical and temperate biomes showed a decline in SOC. The active and passive C fractions increased in the TROP agroforestry system, however, in the TMPRT agroforestry system the active and slow fractions increased. The input of organic matter in the TROP and TMPRT agroforestry systems were 83 and 34% greater, respectively, compared to the sole crops, which likely contributed to the increased SOC stock and the C fractions in the alley crops over the 100 year period. Century accurately evaluated levels of SOC in the TROP (r² = 0.94; RMSE = 226 g m²) and TMPRT (r² = 0.94; RMSE = 261 g m²) alley crops, and in the TROP (r² = 0.82; RMSE = 101 g m² ) and TMPRT (r² = 0.83; RMSE = 64 g m²) sole crops. Century underestimated simulated values in the alley cropping systems compared to measured values due to the inability of the model to account for changes in soil bulk density with increasing organic matter inputs with tree age from prunings or litterfall. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12753. Publicación no.: 551 Retrieval of canopy height using moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data [Recuperación de la altura del dosel mediante el espectroradiómetro de imágenes de resolución moderada de datos (MODIS)] / Wang, Zhuosen; Schaaf, Crystal B; Lewis, Philip; Knyazikhin, Yuri; Schull, Mitchell A; Strahler, Alan H; Yao, Tian; Myneni, Ranga B; Chopping, Mark J; Blair, J. Bryan. (Boston University. Department of Geography & Environment, Centre of Remote Sensing, Boston, MA 02215, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Remote Sensing of Environment (ISSN 0034-4257), v. 115, no. 6, p. 1595-1601. 2011. In this study we use the 500 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) product to develop multivariate linear regression models that estimate canopy heights over study sites at Howland Forest, Maine, Harvard Forest, Massachusetts and La Selva Forest, Costa Rica using (1) directional escape probabilities that are spectrally independent and (2) the directional spectral reflectances used to derive the directional escape probabilities.These measures of canopy architecture are compared with canopy height information retrieved from the airborne laser Vegetation Imaging Sensor (LVIS). Both the escape probability and the directional reflectance approaches achieve good results, with correlation coefficients in the range 0.54-0.82, although escape probability results are usually slightly better. This suggests that MODIS 500 m BRDF data can be used to extrapolate canopy heights observed by widely-spaced satellite LIDAR swaths to larger areas, thus providing wide-area coverage of canopy height. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12862. Publicación no.: 552 Los líquenes como indicadores de la contaminación atmosférica en el área metropolitana de San José, Costa Rica / Méndez-Arburola, Olga Isabel. San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1977. 60 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Biología, San José (Costa Rica). Enlace: Lichens were used as a pollution indicator in the metropolitan area of San José, Costa Rica. Transplants showed a positive correlation between the percentage of dead cells in the thallus and the ketone soluble substances deposited on it. Those parts of the city where pollution is greatest (industrial areas and heavy traffic) were also the ones where lichens suffered the most, and in some extreme cases the

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thallus died after 8 months of exposure. Besides this transplant experiment, the coverage of Parmelia lichens on the bark of several tree species was determined in some areas of the city. The results of these observations suggest that the city of San José has three different kinds of air environment in relation to lichen survival: normal, transitional and desertic, as reported for other cities of the world. The most frequent air pollutants in San José are: CO, CO2, C2H5OH, Cl2, HCl, H2S, H3PO4, H2CrO4, NO, NH3, NH4Cl, SO2 and Zn. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12913. Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 4333. Publicación no.: 553 Hydropower capital: Costa Rica and the río Pacuare during times of free trade and regional integration [Capital de energía hidroeléctrica: Costa Rica y el río Pacuare en tiempos de libre comercio y la integración regional] / Perry, Denielle M. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, 2010. 127 p. ISBN: 9781124020167. Thesis, M.Sc. in Geography, University of Nevada, Department of Geography, Reno, Nevada (USA). In response to neoliberal economic pressures since the late 1980s, protectionist policies of Central American countries have been reworked into an agenda that promotes free trade and regional integration. The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the Plan Puebla-Panama (PPP) are complimentary trade and infrastructure integration initiatives that exemplify this neoliberal shift. Hemispheric concerns over climate change and energy security have translated into increased demand for "renewable" resources, moving the construction of new hydropower facilities to the forefront of planning for a regionally-integrated electricity system. In Costa Rica hydrological resources are considered to be the country's greatest natural resource. The country's "hydropower capital" has been regulated by the state for over half a century; however, new legislature is increasingly liberalizing private entry into the sector. Coupled with provisions of the CAFTA treaty, these new laws complicate the decision-making arena for development versus conservation. Through an investigation of proposed development on the Río Pacuare this study provides a political economic and political geographical analysis of both the environment in which hydropower project development decisions are being made and the emergence of resistance movements. For over two decades opposition has kept the state-run electric company's Pacuare dam development plans at bay. Nonetheless, realignments of national and regional political economic forces give rise to new pressures to pursue hydropower projects on the Río Pacuare. This thesis considers the historic circumstances, regional impetus and national pressures in the energy sector that influence proposed hydropower development on the river. Additionally, countervailing pressures to protect the cultures and environment of the Pacuare are examined. Further initiatives to both develop and resist hydropower are considered as a reflection of political geographic conditions in which international, regional, national and local scales are linked. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12950. Publicación no.: 554 Amphibian mystery misread [Misterio de anfibios malinterpretado] / Pounds, J. Alan; Masters, Karen L. (Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve. Tropical Science Center, Golden Toad Laboratory Conservation, Box 73, Santa Elena 5655 Puntarenas, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature (ISSN 0028-0836), v. 462, no. 7269, p. 38-39. 2009. Across the globe, frogs, toads and salamanders are disappearing, even in protected habitats. In Extinction in Our Times, James Collins and Martha Crump try to reassure us that these vanishing creatures are not warning of large-scale environmental deterioration like canaries in a coal mine, but are

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simply "telling us that they themselves are in trouble". A book blaming a fungus for the disappearance of amphibians from wild places wrongly downplays the role of environmental change; warn Alan Pounds and Karen Masters. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12952. Publicación no.: 555 Realizing carbon's value: discourse and calculation in the production of carbon forestry offsets in Costa Rica [Apreciando el valor del carbono: el discurso y el cálculo en la producción de las compensaciones de carbono forestal en Costa Rica] / Lansing, David M. (University of Maryland Baltimore County. Department of Geography and Environmental Systems, 211-C Sondheim Hall, Baltimore, MD 21228, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Antipode (ISSN 0066-4812), v. 43, no. 3, p. 731-753. 2011. This article examines the relation between discourse and value in the production of a carbon forestry offset project among indigenous smallholders in Costa Rica. By analyzing a pivotal cost-benefit calculation that changed the trajectory of the project, this article makes two principal claims. First, the intelligibility of the calculation is grounded in a discursive formation that is emergent from a history of development projects in the region, where particular ways of speaking about the relation between indigenous bodies and agriculture have allowed carbon's commodification to emerge as a desirable project. Second, the calculations resulted in quantified representations of space that were necessary for the offset to become useful within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol. In this case, the forestry offset's use value derived from quantified representations of agricultural space; a process that opened some forms of land use for receiving carbon while foreclosing on others. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12970. Publicación no.: 556 Amplification and dampening of soil respiration by changes in temperature variability [La amplificación y la amortiguación de la respiración del suelo por cambios en la variabilidad de la temperatura] / Sierra, C.A; Harmon, M.E; Thomann, E; Perakis, S.S; Loescher, Henry William. (Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, 07745 Jena, DE <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Biogeosciences (ISSN 1726-4189 (online)), v.8, p. 951-961. 2010. Enlace: Accelerated release of carbon from soils is one of the most important feedbacks related to anthropogenically induced climate change. Studies addressing the mechanisms for soil carbon release through organic matter decomposition have focused on the effect of changes in the average temperature, with little attention to changes in temperature variability. Anthropogenic activities are likely to modify both the average state and the variability of the climatic system; therefore, the effects of future warming on decomposition should not only focus on trends in the average temperature, but also variability expressed as a change of the probability distribution of temperature. Using analytical and numerical analyses we tested common relationships between temperature and respiration and found that the variability of temperature plays an important role determining respiration rates of soil organic matter. Changes in temperature variability, without changes in the average temperature, can affect the amount ofcarbon released through respiration over the long-term. Furthermore, simultaneous changes in the average and variance of temperature can either amplify or dampen the release of carbon through soil respiration as climate regimes change. These effects depend on the degree of convexity of the relationship between temperature and respiration and the magnitude of the change in temperature variance. A potential consequence of this effect of variability would be higher respiration in regions

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where both the mean and variance of temperature are expected to increase, such as in some low latitude regions; and lower amounts of respiration where the average temperature is expected to increase and the variance to decrease, such as in northern high latitudes. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-12983. Publicación no.: 557 Using Lidar and Radar measurements to constrain predictions of forest ecosystem structure and function [Utilización de las mediciones de Lidar y de Radar para limitar las predicciones de la estructura y función de los ecosistemas forestales] / Antonarakis, Alexander S; Saatchi, Sassan S; Chazdon, Robin L; Moorcroft, Paul R. (Harvard University. Department Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, 26 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Applications (ISSN 1051-0761), v. 21, no. 4, p. 1120-1137. 2011. Insights into vegetation and aboveground biomass dynamics within terrestrial ecosystems have come almost exclusively from ground-based forest inventories that are limited in their spatial extent. Lidar and synthetic-aperture Radar are promising remote-sensing-based techniques for obtaining comprehensive measurements of forest structure at regional to global scales. In this study we investigate how Lidar-derived forest heights and Radar-derived aboveground biomass can be used to constrain the dynamics of the ED2 terrestrial biosphere model. Four-year simulations initialized with Lidar and Radar structure variables were compared against simulations initialized from forest-inventory data and output from a long-term potential-vegetation simulation. Both height and biomass initializations from Lidar and Radar measurements significantly improved the representation of forest structure within the model, eliminating the bias of too many large trees that arose in the potential-vegetation-initialized simulation. The Lidar and Radar initializations decreased the proportion of larger trees estimated by the potential vegetation by; similar to 20-30%, matching the forest inventory. This resulted in improved predictions of ecosystem-scale carbon fluxes and structural dynamics compared to predictions from the potential-vegetation simulation. The Radar initialization produced biomass values that were 75% closer to the forest inventory, with Lidar initializations producing canopy height values closest to the forest inventory. Net primary production values for the Radar and Lidar initializations were around 6-8% closer to the forest inventory. Correcting the Lidar and Radar initializations for forest composition resulted in improved biomass and basal-area dynamicsas well as leaf-area index. Correcting the Lidar and Radar initializations for forest composition and fine-scale structure by combining the remote-sensing measurements with ground-based inventory data further improved predictions, suggesting that furtherimprovements of structural and carbon-flux metrics will also depend on obtaining reliable estimates of forest composition and accurate representation of the fine-scale vertical and horizontal structure of plant canopies. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13162. Publicación no.: 558 Interactions of climate, carbon, and nutrient cycling in wet tropical forest [Interacciones del cambio climático, el carbono y el ciclo de nutrimentos en los bosques tropicales húmedos] / Wieder, William Russell. (University of Colorado. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 450 UCB-1560 30th St, Boulder, CO 80303, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Boulder, CO, 2011. 103 p. ISBN: 9781124621708. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Boulder, Colorado (USA). Tropical forests play a substantial role in the global carbon (C) cycle and are projected to experience significant environmental change, highlighting the importance of understanding the factors that control

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C and N cycling in this biome. Yet interactions between biogeochemical and abiotic variables, notably species diversity and precipitation, remain poorly resolved in the tropics. In a wet lowland tropical forest in southwest Costa Rica I examined how: i) biologically generated chemical diversity affected soil C mineralization; ii) abiotic and chemical factors control litter decomposition; and iii) potential changes in precipitation and labile C inputs may alter nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. I investigated how inter-specific chemical variation in soluble dissolved organic matter (DOM) affected heterotrophic soil respiration in a series of laboratory incubations. Following DOM additions, soil respiration rates varied by as much as an order of magnitude; largely driven by variation in the C: phosphorus (P) ratio of DOM. These results suggest that tropical tree species composition may influence soil C storage and mineralization via variation in plant litter chemistry. Subsequently, I assessed how variation in precipitation and litter chemistry affect rates of leaf litter decay. Despite exceptionally high rainfall, simulated throughfall reductions consistently slowed rates of litter decomposition. Overall, variation between species was greater than variation induced by throughfall reductions, andwas best explained by initial litter solubility and lignEn: P ratios. These results support a model of litter decomposition where mass loss rates are positively correlated with rainfall, and reemphasize the importance of litter solubility and P availability in controlling decomposition rates. Finally, I examined how changes in precipitation and labile C availability may affect soil N2O production. Experimentally reducing throughfall significantly increased emissions of N2O; at least part of this response was driven by an increase in the concentration of litter-to-soil inputs of dissolved organic C under the drier conditions, as well as a positive relationship between leaf litter inputs and soil N2O production. These results highlight the importance of understanding the potential direct effects of changing precipitation on soil biogeochemistry (e.g., altered soil redox conditions), and also the indirect effects resulting from interactions between hydrologic, C, and N cycles. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13194. Publicación no.: 559 Influence of climatic variables, forest type, and condition on activity patterns of Geoffroyi's spider monkeys throughout Mesoamerica [Influencia de las variables climáticas, tipo de bosque y condición sobre los patrones de actividad de los monos colorados a través de Mesoamérica] / González-Zamora, Arturo; Arroyo-Rodríguez, Víctor; Chaves-Badilla, Oscar M; Sánchez-López, Sonia; Aureli, Filippo; Stoner, Kathryn E. (Instituto de Ecología. División de Posgrado, AC Km 2/5 Antigua Carretera Coatepec 351, Xalapa 91070, Veracruz, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: American Journal of Primatology (ISSN 0275-2565), v. 73, no. 12, p. 1189-1198. 2011. Understanding how species cope with variations in climatic conditions, forest types and habitat amount is a fundamental challenge for ecologists and conservation biologists. We used data from 18 communities of Mesoamerican spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) throughout their range to determine whether their activity patterns are affected by climatic variables (temperature and rainfall), forest types (seasonal and nonseasonal forests), and forest condition (continuous and fragmented). Data were derived from 15 published and unpublished studies carried out in four countries (Mexico, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Panama), cumulatively representing more than 18 years (221 months, 43,645 hr) of behavioral observations. Overall, A. geoffroyi spent most of their time feeding (38.4±14.0%, mean±SD) and resting (36.6±12.8%) and less time traveling (19.8±11.3%). Resting and feeding were mainly affected by rainfall; resting time increased with decreasing rainfall, whereas feeding time increased with rainfall. Traveling time was negatively related to both rainfall and maximum temperature. In addition, both resting and traveling time were higher in seasonal forests (tropical dry forest and tropical moist forest)

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than in nonseasonal forests (tropical wet forest), but feeding time followed the opposite pattern. Furthermore, spider monkeys spent more time feeding and less time resting (i.e., higher feeding effort) in forest fragments than in continuous forest. These findings suggest that global climate changes and habitat deforestation and fragmentation in Mesoamerica will threaten the survival of spider monkeys and reduce the distributional range of the species in the coming decades. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13889. Publicación no.: 560 Los caballos fósiles de la Formación Curré, Cantón de Coto Brus, Costa Rica / Laurito-Mora, César A; Valerio-Zamora, Ana Lucía. (Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje. Núcleo de Turismo, Apdo. postal 203-2200, Coronado, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, 2010. 131 p. ISBN: 978-9977-972-22-0. En la localidad de San Gerardo de Limoncito, Coto Brus, se determinaron tres taxa de équidos fósiles que constituyen nuevos registros para Costa Rica; Protohippus gidleyi Hulbert, 1988, Calippus hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) y Dinohippus mexicanus (Lance, 1950). La fauna se recuperó de litofacies de conglomerado fino depositado en un ambiente marino próximo a la costa, asociado a facies de abanicos deltaicos subacuáticos o "fan delta", correlacionado con la subunidad superior o subunidad de lutitas (Mora, 1979) de la Formación Curré. La última ocurrencia o aparición de peces óseos representados por dos familias con Protohippus gidleyi Hulbert, 1988 y Calippus hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) con un rango Hemphilliano temprano-tardío, de alrededor de 6,57 Ma., coincide con la primera aparición de la especie Dinohippus mexicanus (Lance, 1950). Por lo tanto; la edad mínima con rango Hemphilliano temprano-tardío (Mioceno superior) corresponde con la zona de coincidencia más confiable de las tres especies y con la edad NALMA - Edades Mamífero para Norte América - (siglas en inglés) más probable para el yacimiento. Con respecto a la distribución biogeográfica de las tres especies de caballos fósiles; P. gidleyi Hulbert, 1988 se distribuye desde La Florida, las Grandes planicies del centro y sur de Norteamérica y Coto Brus en Costa Rica. Mientras que, C. hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) se extiende desde La Florida, La Mesa Central de México, Corinto en El Salvador, Rancho Lobo en Honduras y Coto Brus en Costa Rica. Por su parte, la distribución biogeográfica de D. mexicanus (Lance, 1950) comprende las Grandes Planicies del centro y sur de Norteamérica, La Florida, el norte y Mesa Central de México, y Coto Brus en Costa Rica. Además de las tres especies de caballos fósiles determinadas, la localidad fosilífera de San Gerardo de Limoncito posee otros vertebrados de ambientes marinos, terrestres y formas de hábitos anfibios, asociadas a diferentes ecosistemas terrestres y marinos. Entre los peces se tiene cuatro familias de tiburones para un total de siete especies; dos familias de rayas con cuatro especies y dos especies. De reptiles se tiene probablemente cuatro familias con tres géneros determinados y tres probables géneros y especies indeterminadas por el momento. En los mamíferos terrestres se cuenta con cuatro familias de estricto abolengo sudamericano, y tres de abolengo norteamericano; también se tienen restos de cetáceos. La asociación faunística permite diferenciar básicamente dos paleoecosistemas, uno estuarino y otro de sabanas arboladas. La naturaleza marina y subacuática del yacimiento está corroborada por la fauna de tiburones, rayas y peces óseos que sugieren un ambiente infralitoral; por su parte la presencia de mamíferos herbívoros tales como mastodontes, camellos y caballos, junto con xenarthras de gran porte como pampathcrios, perezosos y milodontidos, sugiere la posible existencia de extensas sabanas arboladas. Los molares de Calippus hondurensis, presentan un mesodesgaste, caracterizado por ectolofos agudos y prominentes, lo que sugiere que su dieta era principalmente ramoneadora. Mientras que los molares de Protohippus gidleyi

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presentan ectolofos redondeados lo que sugiere una dieta probablemente mixta tipo ramoneador-pacedor. Análisis de mesodesgaste realizado por Barrón-Ortiz & Guzmán-Gutiérrez (2009) a ejemplares de Dinohippus mexicanus de Tecolotlán, Jalisco, indican para esta especie un régimen tráfico mixto (ramoneador-pacedor); este modelo está asociado a ambientes con vegetación mixta y de mayor humedad, que aquellos ejemplares pacedores procedentes de ambientes de mayor aridez tipo pastizal. Lo anterior, sugiere que la asociación de caballos de San Gerardo de Limoncito habitó sabanas arboladas con vegetación mixta, incluso con bosque ripario y vegetación costera. En la localidad fosilífera, además de los caballos, se hallaron otros vertebrados de ambientes marinos, terrestres y formas de hábitos anfibios, asociadas a diferentes ecosistemas terrestres y marinos; lo que permitió diferenciar el paleoecosistema para el sur del país, hace 6.5 millones de años. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 569 L386c. Publicación no.: 561 Quantitative measures of immersion in cloud and the biogeography of cloud forests [Medidas cuantitativas de la inmersión en la nube y la biogeografía de los bosques nubosos] / Lawton, Robert O; Nair, Udaysankar S; Ray, Deepak K; Regmi, Avantika; Pounds, J. Alan; Welch, Ronald M. (University of Alabama at Huntsville. Department of Biological Sciences, Huntsville, AL 35899, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical montane cloud forests: science for conservation and management. Bruijnzeel, L.A; Scatena, F.N; Hamilton, L.S. (eds.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. p. 217-227. ISBN: 978-0-521-76035-5. Sites described as tropical montane cloud forests differ greatly, in part because observers tend to differ in their opinion as to what constitutes "frequent and prolonged" immersion in cloud. This definitional difficulty interferes with hydrological analyses, assessments of environmental impacts on ecosystems, and biogeographical analyses of cloud forest communities and species. Quantitative measurements of cloud immersion can be obtained on site, but the observations are necessarily spatially limited, although well-placed observers can examine 10-50 km of a mountain range under rainless conditions. Regional analyses, however, require observations at a broader scale. This chapter discusses remote sensing and modeling approaches that can provide quantitative measures of the spatiotemporal patterns of cloud cover and cloud immersion in tropical mountain ranges. These approaches integrate remote sensing tools of various spatial resolutions and frequencies of observation, digital elevation models, regional atmospheric models, and ground-based observations to provide measures of cloud cover, cloud base height, and the intersection of cloud and terrain. This combined approach was applied to the Monteverde region of northern Costa Rica to illustrate howthe proportion of time the forest is immersed in cloud may vary spatially and temporally. The observed spatial variation was largely due to patterns of airflow over the mountains. The temporal variation reflected the diurnal rise and fall of the orographic cloud base, which was influenced in turn by synoptic weather conditions, the seasonal movement of the lntertropic Convergence Zone and the north-easterly trade wind: Knowledge of the proportion of the time that sites ar immersed in clouds should facilitate ecological comparisons and biogeographical analyses, as well a land use planning and hydrological assessments in areas where intensive on-site work is not feasible. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 577.34 T856t. Publicación no.: 562 Using stable isotopes to identify orographic precipitation events at Monteverde, Costa Rica [Utilizando isótopos estables para identificar los eventos de precipitación orográfica en

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Monteverde, Costa Rica] / Rhodes, A.L; Guswa, A.J; Newell, S.E. (Smith College. Department of Geology, Northampton, MA 01063, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical montane cloud forests: science for conservation and management. Bruijnzeel, L.A; Scatena, F.N; Hamilton, L.S. (eds.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. p. 242-248. ISBN: 978-0-521-76035-5. Monteverde, in north-western Costa Rica, is located on the leeward side of the Continental Divide, and experiences strong seasonal variations in precipitation. The majority of rainfall to the region occurs during the wet season (May-October) when theIntertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) brings convective rainfall. In addition, trade winds produce orographic uplift and condensation, and this hydrological input is dominant during the transitional (November-January) and dry (February-April) seasons. This chapter assesses the viability of using stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen to identify and distinguish waters arisen from these two condensation mechanisms, with the future goal of using these signatures to trace precipitation through the hydrological cycle. Open-field precipitation and throughfall were sampled at Monteverde at an elevation of 1460 m.a.s.l. from mid-June 2003 to mid-January 2004. Cumulative precipitation was collected over a variable sampling interval that ranged from 1 to 48 clays. The sampling interval averaged 4 days during June-July 2003 and January 2004; otherwise, samples were collected on average every 26 days. The wet season yielded a wide range of isotopic values, from -13.1 to -3.0%0 (618O) and -96 to -15%0 (62H). The isotopically lightest samples were collected during June and September/ October, when the ITCZ is over Costa Rica. Rain and fog samples collected during the transitional season were isotopically heavier, ranging from -4.3 to -1.9%0 (delta18O) and -16 to + 6%0 (delta2H). January precipitation samples all yielded positive 62H values and had isotopic compositions similar to those of fog water samples reported elsewhere. The observed variation over the study period is consistent with what is expected for rain events having different condensation histories. Higher (heavier) isotopic values resulted from orographic precipitation events whereas lower (lighter) isotopic values are produced by convective and other precipitation events where the vapor mass has become progressively depleted by rain-out processes. Precipitation samples collected between September and January had d-excess values that ranged from 16% to 21%0. The highest d-excess values were found in January when orographic precipitation dominates,indicating the possibility of a recycled water component to the regional hydrological cycle. Localización: Biblioteca OET: 577.34 T856t. Publicación no.: 563 Delineation of secondary succession mechanisms for tropical dry forests using LiDAR [Delimitación de los mecanismos de la sucesión secundaria de los bosques tropicales secos con LiDAR] / Castillo-Núñez, Mauricio; Sánchez-Azofeifa, Gerardo Arturo; Croitoru, Arie; Rivard, Benoit; Calvo-Alvarado, Julio César; Dubayah, Ralph O. (University of Alberta. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Building 1-26, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, CA <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Remote Sensing of Environment (ISSN 0034-4257), v. 115, no. 9, p. 2217-2231. 2011. Research suggests that secondary forest structure and composition subsequent to human disturbance could be related to wind or vertebrate dependent seed dispersal mechanisms. This paper examines the capability of a waveform LiDAR system (LVIS: LiDAR Vegetation Imaging System) to detect the location of wind-dispersed or vertebrate-dispersed forest patches in a mosaic of a secondary Tropical Dry Forest in the Santa Rosa National Park, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Canopy-height estimations derived from LVIS data

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were used to identify and locate two types of dispersal-dependent arrangements of canopy heights: flat-topped (windborne seed dispersed) or dome-shaped (vertebrate-dispersed) fragments. Following identification, a Ripley's K indicator was used to compare the locations for each confirmed canopy type to those reported in existing maps. Results indicated that dome-shaped patches tended to be arranged in clusters at the middle of former pastures (far from older forests), and that flat-topped patches tended to be located adjacent to older forests, forming extensions from the old growth patches and at the downwind side of the slope. Such characteristics agree with the theoretical observation of the spatial configuration of vertebrate- and wind-dispersedfragments reported in the study site. Our findings demonstrate that processes controlling forest regeneration in the TDF can be successfully identified through LiDAR data. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13485. Publicación no.: 564 Paleontología, bioestratigrafía y paleoecología de los caballos fósiles de la Formación Curré en el cantón de Coto Brus, Costa Rica: análisis basado en material dental / Valerio-Zamora, Ana Lucía. (Museo Nacional de Costa Rica. Departamento de Historia Natural, Apdo. 749-1000, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2010. 2 v. Tesis, Licenciatura en Geología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela Centroamericana de Geología, San José (Costa Rica). En la localidad de San Gerardo de Limoncito, Coto Brus, se determinaron tres taxa de équidos fósiles que constituyen nuevos registros para Costa Rica; Prolohippus gidleyi Hulbert, 1988, Calippus hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) y Dinohippus mexicanus (Lance, 1950). La fauna se recuperó de litofacies de conglomerado fino depositado en un ambiente marino próximo a la costa, asociado a facies de abanicos deltaicos subacuáticos o "fan delta", correlacionado con la subunidad superior o subunidad de lutitas (Mora, 1979) de la Formación Curré. La última ocurrencia o aparición de Prolohippus gidleyi Hulbert, 1988 y Calippus hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) con un rango Hemphilliano temprano-tardío, de alrededor de 6,57 Ma., coincide con la primera aparición de la especie Dinohippus mexicanus (Lance, 1950). Por lo tanto, la edad mínima con rango Hemphilliano temprano-tardío (Mioceno superior) corresponde con la zona de coincidencia más confiable de las tres especies y con la edad NALMA - Edades Mamífero para Norte América - (siglas en inglés) más probable para el yacimiento. Con respecto a la distribución biogeográfica de las tres especies de caballos fósiles; P. gidleyi Hulbert, 1988 se distribuye desde La Florida, las Grandes planicies del centro y sur de Norteamérica y Coto Brus en Costa Rica. Mientras que, C. hondurensis (Olson & McGrew, 1941) se extiende desde La Florida, La Mesa Central de México, Corinto en El Salvador, Rancho Lobo en Honduras y Coto Brus en Costa Rica Por su parte, la distribución biogeográfica de D. mexicanus (Lance, 1950) comprende las Grandes Planicies del centro y sur de Norteamérica, La Florida, el norte y Mesa Central de México, y Coto Brus en Costa Rica. Además de las tres especies de caballos fósiles determinadas, lalocalidad fosilífera de San Gerardo de Limoncito posee otros vertebrados de ambientes marinos, terrestres y formas de hábitos anfibios, asociadas a diferentes ecosistemas terrestres y marinos. Entre los peces se tiene cuatro familias de tiburones para untotal de siete especies; dos familias de rayas con cuatro especies y peces óseos representados por dos familias con dos especies. De reptiles se tiene probablemente cuatro familias con tres géneros determinados y tres probables géneros y especies indeterminadas por el momento. En los mamíferos terrestres se cuenta con cuatro familias de estricto abolengo sudamericano, y tres de abolengo norteamericano; también se tienen restos de cetáceos. La asociación faunística permite diferenciar básicamente dos paleoecosistemas, uno estuarino y otro de sabanas arboladas. La

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naturaleza marina y subacuática del yacimiento está corroborada por la fauna de tiburones, rayas y peces óseos que sugieren un ambiente infralitoral; por su parte la presencia de mamíferos herbívoros tales como mastodontes, camellos y caballos, junto con xenarthrans de gran porte como pampatherios, perezosos y milodóntidos, sugiere la posible existencia de extensas sabanas arboladas. Los molares de Calippus hondurensis, presentan un mesodesgaste, caracterizado por ectolofos agudos y prominentes, lo que sugiere que su dieta era principalmente ramoneadora. Mientras que los molares de Protohippus gidleyi presentan ectolofos redondeados lo que sugiere una dieta probablemente mixta tipo ramoneador-pacedor. Análisis de mesodesgaste realizado por Barrón- Ortiz & Guzmán-Gutiérrez (2009) a ejemplares de Dinohippus mexicanus de Tecolotlán, Jalisco, indican para esta especie un régimen tráfico mixto (ramoneador-pacedor); este modelo está asociado a ambientes con vegetación mixta y de mayor humedad, que aquellos ejemplares pacedores procedentes de ambientes de mayor aridez tipo pastizal. Lo anterior, sugiere que la asociación de caballos de San Gerardo de Limoncito habitó sabanas arboladas con vegetación mixta, incluso con bosque ripario y vegetación costera. Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 31121. Publicación no.: 565 A taxonomic revision of the New World Hypoponera Santschi, 1938 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) [Revisión taxonómica de Hypoponera Santschi, 1938 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) del Nuevo Mundo] / Dash, Shawn T. (2905 New York Ave, Baltimore, MD, 21227, US). El Paso, TX: The University of Texas, 2011. 277 p. Dissertation, Ph.D., The University of Texas, Department of Biological Sciences, El Paso, Texas (USA). The New World taxa of the pantropic ant genus Hypoponera (Ponerinae: Ponerini) is revised for the first time. The 55 previously recognized taxa have been evaluated using morphological and, when possible, ecological and biogeographical data to resolvetaxon validity and species limits. Currently I recognize 42 species of Hypoponera, a number of which are new. I propose the following taxonomic outline: Hypoponera agilis (Borgmeier), Hypoponera aliena (F. Smith), Hypoponera antoniensis (Forel) stat. nov., Hypoponera apateae sp. nov., Hypoponera capilosa sp. nov., Hypoponera clinei sp. nov., Hypoponera clavatula (Emery) [= fiebrigi (Forel) syn. nov., = neglecta (Santschi) syn. nov.], Hypoponera coveri sp. nov., Hypoponera creola (Menozzi), Hypoponera distinguenda (Emery) [= argentina (Santschi) syn. nov., =distinguenda dispar (Santschi) syn. nov., = distinguenda histrio (Forel) syn. nov.], Hypoponera faceta (Menozzi) incertae sedis, Hypoponera fallax (Forel) stat. nov., Hypoponera famini (Forel) stat. nov., Hypoponera fenestralis (Gallardo) incertae sedis, Hypoponera foeda (Forel) [= gracilicornis (Menozzi) syn. nov.], Hypoponera foreli (Mayr), Hypoponera gleadowi (Forel), Hypoponera idelettae (Santschi), Hypoponera iheringi (Forel), Hypoponera ignigera (Menozzi), Hypoponera impartergum sp. nov., Hypoponera inexorata (Wheeler), Hypoponera inexpedita (Forel) stat. nov., Hypoponera leninei (Santschi), Hypoponera leveillei (Emery) comb. nov., Hypoponera menozzii (Santschi) incertae sedis, Hypoponera nitidula (Emery), Hypoponera opaciceps (Mayr) [= opaciceps gaigei (Forel) syn. nov., = opaciceps postangustata (Forel) syn. nov.], Hypoponera opacior (Forel) [= opaciceps jamaicensis (Aguayo) syn. nov., = opacior chilensis (Forel) junior syn.], Hypoponera pampana (Santschi) stat nov. [= opaciceps cubana (Santschi) syn. nov.], Hypoponera parva (Forel) [= reichenspergeri (Santschi) syn. nov.], Hypoponera perplexa (Mann), Hypoponera punctatissima (Roger) [= beebei (Wheeler) syn. nov., = ergatandria (Forel) syn. nov.], Hypoponera schmalzi (Emery), Hypoponera schwebeli (Forel), Hypoponera stoica (Santschi), Hypoponera subsarissa sp. nov., Hypoponera transiens (Santschi) stat. nov., Hypoponera trigona (Mayr) [= distinguenda vana (Forel) syn. nov., = trigona cauta (Forel) syn. nov., = collegiana (Santschi) syn. nov., = collegiana paranensis (Santschi) syn. nov.], Hypoponera vernacula

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(Kempf) and Hypoponera viri (Santschi). All recognized species are illustrated and described with notes on natural history and biogeography. Additionally, type images for these species are provided, serving as a photographic record. Also present is the first key to treat the New World species. This assessment provides a framework that will aid in biodiversity surveys since Hypoponera is one of the most commonly collected ants in Neotropical regions. Hypoponera is a good candidate for conservation efforts because of the genus' importance in brown food webs, its abundance, and the fact that numerous species are known only from type localities. Additionally, distributional patterns suggest Hypoponera is limited to tropical and subtropical climates with limited ranges in temperate areas. When found in temperate areas, microhabitat selection favors warm areas. I propose the use of Hypoponera monitored in ant assemblages as a metric for evaluating the effects of climate change on ant communities. The revised taxonomy of the New World Hypoponera and the recent treatment of the African fauna is a major leap forward in understanding the diversity of Hypoponera and the Ponerinae as a whole. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13585. Publicación no.: 566 e-Ciencia en el Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad / Mata-Montero, Erick. (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Apdo. 22-3100, Santo Domingo de Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Boletín de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICIT/MICIT) (ISSN 0376-1894), no. 85, p. 1-3. 2009. Enlace: INBio estableció desde sus inicios, hace veinte años, que el 100% de la información debía estar en formato digital. Esto se logró inicialmente mediante el uso de computadoras personales, pero se consolidó después por medio de sistemas de información institucionales en red como el BIMS (Barrientos y Mata 1996), y a partir del año 2000, del sistema de información Atta, que puso los datos gratuitamente disponibles en el web y ha recibido varios premios internacionales. Atta apoya un proceso científico colaborativo entre más de 400 taxónomos de todo el mundo y los taxónomos, técnicos y parataxónomos del INBio. El megaproceso científico que une a estos investigadores es el inventario de la biodiversidad costarricense, la cual es reconocidamente rica, pero todavía bastante inexplorada con respecto a algunos grupos como el de los artrópodos. En los últimos cinco años, la tasa de descubrimiento de nuevas especies para la Ciencia que ha logrado este equipo de investigadores ha sido de aproximadamente una cada dos días. Esta nueva forma de llevar a cabo el trabajo taxonómico, se conoce ahora como cibertaxonomía, está revolucionando la taxonomía en todo el mundo (Clark et al. 2009) y, por supuesto, es un claro ejemplo de e-Ciencia, no solo por la forma en que se genera la información, sino porque los 3,4 millones de registros de especímenes disponibles en el web sirven de fuente de datos para promover la e-Ciencia en todo el mundo. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13472. Publicación no.: 567 Costa Rica y la preparación de proyectos redd en la región / Tattenbach-Capra, Franz; Obando-Vargas, German. (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcánica Central. Departamento de Operaciones, Programa de Investigación y Desarrollo, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 186, p. 17-18. 2009. Enlace: (Sin resumen).

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13517. Publicación no.: 568 Deforestación, desabastecimiento de madera y proclama de carbono-neutralidad / Obando-Vargas, German. (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Cordillera Volcánica Central. Departamento de Operaciones, Programa de Investigación y Desarrollo, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 180, p. 5-7. 2008. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13526. Publicación no.: 569 Throughfall exclusion and leaf litter addition drive higher rates of soil nitrous oxide emissions from a lowland wet tropical forest / Wieder, William Russell; Cleveland, Cory C; Townsend, Alan R. (University of Colorado. Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Boulder, CO 80309, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Global Change Biology (ISSN 1354-1013), v. 17, no. 10, p. 3195-3207. 2011. Tropical forests are a significant global source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Predicted environmental changes for this biome highlight the need to understand how simultaneous changes in precipitation and labile carbon (C) availability may affect soil N2O production. We conducted a small-scale throughfall and leaf litter manipulation in a lowland tropical forest in southwestern Costa Rica to test how potential changes in both water and litter derived labile C inputs to soils may alter N2O emissions. Experimentally reducing throughfall in this wet tropical forest significantly increased soil emissions of N2O, and our data suggest that at least part of this response was driven by an increase in the concentration of dissolved organic carbon [DOC] inputs delivered from litter to soil under the drier conditions. Furthermore, [DOC] was significantly correlated with N2O emissions across both throughfall and litterfall manipulation plots, despite the fact that native NO3- pools in this site were generally small. Our results highlight the importance of understanding not only the potential direct effects of changing precipitation on soil biogeochemistry, but also the indirect effects resulting from interactions between the hydrologic, C and N cycles. Finally, over all sampling events we observed lower mean N2O emissions (1 ng N2O-N cm² h-¹) than reported for many other lowland tropical forests, perhaps reflecting a more general pattern of increasing relative N constraints to biological activity as one moves from drier to wetter portions of the lowland tropical forest biome. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13608. Publicación no.: 570 Carbon accumulation in the biomass and soil of different aged secondary forests in the humid tropics of Costa Rica [Acumulación de carbono en la biomasa y el suelo de bosques secundarios de diferentes edades en el trópico húmedo de Costa Rica] / Fonseca-González, William; Rey-Benayas, José María; Alice, Federico E. (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales e Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Campus Omar Dengo 86, Heredia 3000, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Forest Ecology and Management (ISSN 0378-1127), v. 262, no. 8, p. 1400-1408. 2011. Efforts are needed in order to increase confidence for carbon accounts in the land use sector, especially in tropical forest ecosystems that often need to turn to default values given the lack of precise and reliable site specific data to quantify their carbon sequestration and storage capacity. The aim of this study was then to estimate biomass and carbon accumulation in young secondary forests, from 4 and up

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to 20 years of age, as well as its distribution among the different pools (tree including roots, herbaceous understory, dead wood, litter and soil), in humid tropical forests of Costa Rica. Carbon fraction for the different pools and tree components (stem, branches, leaves and roots) was estimated and varies between 37.3% (±3.3) and 50.3% (± 2.9). Average carbon content in the soil was 4.1% (±2.1). Average forest plant biomass was 82.2 (±47.9) Mg ha-¹ and the mean annual increment for carbon in the biomass was 4.2 Mg ha-¹yr-¹. Approximately 65.2% of total biomass was found in the aboveground tree components, while 14.2% was found in structural roots and the rest in the herbaceous vegetation and necromass. Carbon in the soil increased by 1.1 Mg ha-¹yr-¹. Total stored carbon in the forest was 180.4 Mg ha-¹ at the age of 20 years. In these forests, most of the carbon (51-83%) was stored in the soil. Models selected to estimate biomass and carbon in trees as predicted by basal area had R² adjustments above 95%. Results from this study were then compared with those obtained for a variety of secondary and primary forests in different Latin-American tropical ecosystems and in tree plantations in the same study area. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13813. Publicación no.: 571 Impact of spatial variability of tropical forest structure on radar estimation of aboveground biomass [Impacto de la variabilidad espacial de la estructura del bosque tropical en la estimación de radar de la biomasa aérea] / Saatchi, Sassan S; Marlier, Miriam; Chazdon, Robin L; Clark, David B; Russell, Ann E. (CALTECH. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena, CA 91109, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Remote Sensing of Environment (ISSN 0034-4257), v. 115, no. 11, p. 2836-2849. 2011. Understanding the spatial variability of tropical forest structure and its impact on the radar estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB) is important to assess the scale and accuracy of mapping AGB with future low frequency radar missions. We used forest inventory plots in old growth, secondary succession, and forest plantations at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica to examine the spatial variability of AGB and its impact on the L-band and P-band polarimetric radar estimation of AGB at multiple spatial scales. Field estimation of AGB was determined from tree size measurements and an allometric equation developed for tropical wet forests. The field data showed very high spatial variability of forest structure with no spatial dependence at a scale above 11 m in old-growth forest. Plot sizes of greater than 0.25 ha reduced the coefficients of variation in AGB to below 20% and yielded a stationary and normal distribution of AGB over the landscape. Radar backscatter measurements at all polarization channels were strongly positively correlated with AGB at three scales of 0.25 ha, 0.5 ha, and 1.0 ha. Among these measurements, PHV and LHV showed strong sensitivity to AGB300 Mg ha-¹ and AGB150 Mg ha-¹ respectively at the 1.0 ha scale. The sensitivity varied across forest types because of differences in the effects of forest canopy and gap structure on radar attenuation and scattering. Spatial variability of structure and speckle noise in radar measurements contributed equally to degrading the sensitivity of the radar measurements to AGB at spatial scales less than 1.0 ha. By using algorithms based on polarized radar backscatter, we estimated AGB with RMSE Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13336. Publicación no.: 572 Temporal clustering of tropical cyclones and its ecosystem impacts [Agrupación temporal de los ciclones tropicales y su impacto en el ecosistema] / Mumby, Peter J; Vitolo, Renato; Stephenson, David B. (University of Queensland. School of Biological Sciences, Goddard Bldg, St Lucia, Qld 4072, AU <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (ISSN 0027-8424), v. 108, no. 43, p. 17626-17630. 2011. Enlace: Tropical cyclones have massive economic, social, and ecological impacts, and models of their occurrence influence many planning activities from setting insurance premiums to conservation planning. Most impact models allow for geographically varying cyclone rates but assume that individual storm events occur randomly with constant rate in time. This study analyzes the statistical properties of Atlantic tropical cyclones and shows that local cyclone counts vary in time, with periods of elevated activity followed by relative quiescence. Such temporal clustering is particularly strong in the Caribbean Sea, along the coasts of Belize, Honduras, Costa Rica, Jamaica, the southwest of Haiti, and in the main hurricane development region in the North Atlantic between Africa and the Caribbean. Failing to recognize this natural nonstationarity in cyclone rates can give inaccurate impact predictions. We demonstrate this by exploring cyclone impacts on coral reefs. For a given cyclone rate, we find that clustered events have a less detrimental impact than independent random events. Predictions using a standard random hurricane model were overly pessimistic, predicting reef degradation more than a decade earlier than that expected under clustered disturbance. The presence of clustering allows coral reefs more time to recover to healthier states, but the impacts of clustering will vary from one ecosystem to another. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13792. Publicación no.: 573 Coastal freshwater wetland plant community response to seasonal drought and flooding in northwestern Costa Rica [Respuesta de la comunidad vegetal de los humedales costeros de agua dulce a la sequía estacional e inundaciones en el noroeste de Costa Rica] / Osland, Michael J; González-Jiménez, Eugenio; Richardson, Curtis J. (US EPA. Office of Research & Development, National Health & Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Gulf Ecology Division, 1 Sabine Isl Dr, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Wetlands (ISSN 0277-5212), v. 31, no. 4, p. 641-652. 2011. Wetlands in tropical wet-dry climates are governed by distinct and extreme seasonal hydrologic fluctuations. In this study, we investigated the plant community response to seasonal flooding and drought in Palo Verde Marsh, Costa Rica. Climate change models for the region predict reduced rainfall and a drier wet season which would likely alter seasonal hydrologic cycles and prompt vegetation change. We quantified compositional change following disturbance emphasizing seasonal differences in plant life-form abundance across life history stages via standing vegetation, seed bank, and seedling recruitment measurements. Whereas the dry season standing vegetation was dominated by emergent species, aquatic species (floating-rooted, free-floating, and submerged life forms) were more dominant during the wet season. Seed bank and seedling recruitment measurements indicated that many species are resilient with life history traits that enable them to respond rapidly to extreme hydrologic filters. Interestingly, species richness was highest during seasonal flooding. Our results highlight the importance of early-wet season rainfall for plant regeneration and community change. Our findings also indicate that a drier future would likely have a large impact upon wetland plant communities with a decrease in species richness and an increase in the abundance of drought-tolerant emergent species. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13822.

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Publicación no.: 574 Temporal and spatial patterns of soil nutrient availability in a wet tropical forest, Costa Rica [Patrones temporales y espaciales de la disponibilidad de nutrimentos del suelo en un bosque húmedo tropical, Costa Rica] / Vandecar, Karen Lynn. (University of Virginia. Department of Environmental Sciences, POB 400123, Charlottesville, VA 22904, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia, 2010. 197 p. ISBN: 9781124569871. Tropical wet forests now cover approximately 13.7% of the earth's land surface (Melillo et al. 1993). Despite their relatively limited distribution, they support a disproportionately large percentage of the earth's biodiversity, and play a significant role in the global carbon budget (Brown & Lugo 1982, Melillo et al. 1993, Field et al. 1998, Clark et al. 2001). At present, human disturbance in the form of land use alteration is the primary driver of environmental change in tropical ecosystems, but changes in global atmospheric composition and subsequent climate changes may become ecologically significant in the future (Scholes and van Breeman 1997). Altered climatic conditions could affect the functioning of tropical ecosystems through the disruption of biogeochemical cycles. The limited temporal and spatial resolution of nutrient cycling studies in tropical ecosystems constrains our understanding of controls on nutrient availability in highly weathered soils. This work presents a comprehensive investigation of temporal and spatial patterns of nutrient (in particular P and N) availability in a mature tropical rain forest on timescales of hours to years and spatial scales of meters to kilometers and explores the potential environmental and biological mechanisms driving these patterns. Chapter one presents the results from a field study to determine the biotic and abiotic controls on diurnal fluctuations in soil P availability of a wet tropical forest. Chapter two includes results from a field study in which anion exchange resin membranes were used to quantify variability in labile P over days to weeks. The influence of environmental conditions and vegetation characteristics on patterns of soil P availability were compared in two sites of contrasting P fertility. Chapter three presents the results of a three year field study quantifying monthly soil nutrient (P and N) availability across a natural three-fold gradient in soil total P content. The influence of environmental conditions and vegetation characteristics on seasonal and interannual patterns of soil nutrient availability were assessed. Finally, Chapter four presents an investigation of potential links between P and N cycles as well as other soil chemical properties across a three-fold gradient in tropical forest soil P content. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14071. Publicación no.: 575 Plant functional traits with particular reference to tropical deciduous forests: A review [Características funcionales de plantas, con especial referencia a los bosques tropicales caducifolios: una revisión] / Chaturvedi, Ravikant K; Raghubanshi, A.S; Singh, J.S. (Banaras Hindu University. Department of Botany, Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory, Varanasi 221 005, IN <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Journal of Biosciences (ISSN 0250-5991), v. 36, no. 5, p. 963-981. 2011. Functional traits (FTs) integrate the ecological and evolutionary history of a species, and can potentially be used to predict its response as well as its influence on ecosystem functioning. Study of inter-specific variation in the FTs of plants aidsin classifying species into plant functional types (PFTs) and provides insights into fundamental patterns and trade-offs in plant form and functioning and the effect of changing species composition on ecosystem functions. Specifically, this paper focuses on those FTs that make a species successful in the dry tropical environment. Following a brief overview, we discuss plant FTs that may be particularly relevant to tropical deciduous forests (TDFs). We consider the traits under the following categories: leaf traits, stem and root traits, reproductive traits, and traits particularly

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relevant to water availability. We compile quantitative information on functional traits of dry tropical forest species. We also discuss trait-based grouping of plants into PFTs. We recognize that there is incomplete knowledge about many FTs and their effects on TDFs and point out the need for further research on PFTs of TDF species, which can enable prediction of the dynamics of these forests in the face of disturbance and global climate change. Correlations between structural and ecophysiological traits and ecosystem functioning should also be established which could make it possible to generate predictions of changes in ecosystem services from changes in functional composition. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13956. Publicación no.: 576 Reconciling timber provision with carbon sequestration opportunities in the tropical forests of Central America [Conciliación del suministro de madera con las oportunidades de captura de carbono en los bosques tropicales de América Central] / Khatun, Kaysara. (Basque Center for Climate Change, Alameda Urquijo 4, 40-1a, 48008 Bilbao, ES <E/mail: [email protected]>). En: Environmental Science and Policy (ISSN 1462-9011), v. 14, no. 8, p. 1091-1102. 2011. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA, 2005) has classified a number of ecosystems good and services (EGS) provided by tropical forests, namely cultural, provisioning, regulatory and support services. The primary focus of this paper is to carry out an economic assessment by comparing the financial costs and returns of selected EGS, namely carbon and timber in the tropical forests of Central America. Timber is unusual from the other EGS provided by forests in that it competes with the other services, i.e. biodiversity, recreation and water services. Carbon storage is the non-timber value most often included in forest accounts and can be equated directly with timber available in terms of biomass content. The study provides a quantitative appraisalof the carbon and timber stocks and flows of tropical (primary) forests by evaluating them simultaneously using data from a number of sources. The provision of reliable and accurate estimates of the economic value of these services is crucial to plan adequate conservation policies that encourage the protection and sustainable management of tropical forests such as those under REDD+. Results indicate that the economic return for managing natural forests is influenced by timber and carbon prices as well as the discount rate applied. Timber on face value is the better land use option; however, there are many issues that need to be considered when valuing timber, especially regarding the management regimes. Revenues under REDD+ option would be higher if co-benefits, which include monies from the extraction of timber under Sustainable Forestry Management (SFM) are considered. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-13957. Publicación no.: 577 Conservation and restoration for a changing climate in Monteverde, Costa Rica [Conservación y restauración para un clima cambiante en Monteverde, Costa Rica] / Townsend, Patricia A. Seattle, WA: University of Washington, 2011. 90 p. ISBN: 9781267032805. Dissertation, Ph.D., University of Washington, Graduate School and Department of Biology, Seattle, Washington (USA). Throughout the tropics, clearing for pasture and agriculture has degraded forest ecosystems, which often regenerate slowly following abandonment. These problems will likely be compounded by global climate change. In Monteverde, reforestation of abandoned land is critical for regional conservation goals to assist with habitat restoration and mitigating climate change. The first part of my research investigates potential methods to reduce the impacts of three ecological barriers to natural regeneration in abandoned pastures: seed predation, seed and seedling dessication, and competition

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from invasive grasses. In a field experiment, I manipulated the cover of an invasive grass and added logs to improve microsite conditions and foster recruitment of native tree species. Most of the species included in the experiment germinated best in the control grass plots. However, in the long term, several species showed highest survival in the cut grass combined with log addition treatment. These results highlighted how invasive grass competition can limit establishment of native tree seedlings. Despite an extremely active tree planting effort in Monteverde, maintenance and monitoring of planted trees is often lacking. In a subsequent study, I interviewed reforestation practitioners and landowners to determine the social and economic barriers to improving maintenance and monitoring of reforestation programs. Lack of time, money and knowledge were commonly cited constraints. To establish a link for more assistance, I explored willingness of restoration practitioners to use volunteer labor, and interviewed local educators and students of semester long tropical field courses regarding their capacity to contribute to reforestation efforts. Given support and organization from landowners, the educators and students are interested and capable of helping, especially with monitoring projects. Finally I worked on how to create regional conservation plans to prepare for climate change. I focused on using restoration to create connectivity in fragmented areas so that species can better adapt to climate change by shifting ranges and have more time for adaptation by increasing habitat and thereby bolstering population sizes. Knowledge of both ecological and socio-economicfactors and programs to monitor tree survival and growth will aid in tracking how climate change is impacting reforestation efforts. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14034. Publicación no.: 578 Carbon accumulation in aboveground and belowground biomass and soil of different age native forest plantations in the humid tropical lowlands of Costa Rica [La acumulación de carbono en la biomasa aérea y subterránea y el suelo de plantaciones de distintas edades de bosques nativos en las tierras bajas húmedas tropicales de Costa Rica] / Fonseca-González, William; Alice, Federico E; Maria Rey-Benayas, José María. (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales e Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Campus Omar Dengo 86, Heredia 3000, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: New Forests (ISSN 0169-4286), v. 43, no. 2, p. 197-211. 2012. Generic or default values to account for biomass and carbon accumulation in tropical forest ecosystems are generally recognized as a major source of errors, making site and species specific data the best way to achieve precise and reliable estimates.The objective of our study was to determine carbon in various components (leaves, branches, stems, structural roots and soil) of single-species plantations of Vochysia guatemalensis and Hyeronima alchorneoides from 0 to 16 years of age. Carbon fraction in the biomass, mean (±standard deviation), for the different pools varied between 38.5 and 49.7% (± 3 and 3.8). Accumulated carbon in the biomass increased with the plantation age, with mean annual increments of 7.1 and 5.3 Mg ha-¹ year-¹ for forest plantations of V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides, respectively. At all ages, 66.3% (± 10.6) of total biomass was found within the aboveground tree components, while 18.6% (± 20.9) was found in structural roots. The soil (0-30 cm) contained 62.2 (± 13) and 71.5% (± 17.1) of the total carbon (biomass plus soil) under V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides, respectively. Mean annual increment for carbon in the soil was 1.7 and 1.3 Mg ha-¹ year-¹ in V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides. Allometric equationswere constructed to estimate total biomass and carbon in the biomass which had an R²aj (adjusted R square) greater than 94.5%. Finally, we compare our results to those that could have resulted from the use of default values, showing how site and species specific

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data contribute to the overall goal of improving carbon estimates and providing a more reliable account of the mitigation potential of forestry activities on climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14128. Publicación no.: 579 Sustained losses of bioavailable nitrogen from montane tropical forests [Pérdidas sostenidas de nitrógeno biodisponible de los bosques tropicales montanos] / Brookshire, E.N. Jack; Hedin, Lars O; Newbold, J. Denis; Sigman, Daniel M; Jackson, John K. (Princeton University. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton, NJ 08544, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Nature Geoscience (ISSN 1752-0894), v. 5, no. 2, p. 123-126. 2012. Tropical forests account for one third of terrestrial primary production and contribute significantly to the land carbon sink. The future of this sink relies critically on forest interactions with nutrient cycles. Humid montane tropical forests are often thought to be rich in phosphorus, but to contain low levels of bioavailable nitrogen. Here, we examine the concentration of dissolved nitrogen compounds and the isotopic composition of nitrate in streams in six well-characterized and phosphorus-rich montane forests in Costa Rica, and in 55 montane forests across Central America and the Caribbean, using data collected between 1990 and 2008. We found high levels of nitrate in these streams, indicative of large losses of bioavailable nitrogen from these forests. We detected no trend in the concentration and isotopic signature of nitrate over the measurement period, implying that high levels of export are neither recent nor episodic. An analysis of the oxygen isotopic signature of stream nitrate showedthat exports are sourced from the plant-soil system, rather than from atmospheric deposition that bypasses forest biota. Our findings indicate that nitrogen-rich conditions can develop irrespective of phosphorus availability at the ecosystem scale. We suggest that nitrogen availability may not limit plant growth, or its response to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, in many montane tropical forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14132. Publicación no.: 580 Characterization of soil ecosystems in Costa Rica using microbial community metrics [Caracterización de los ecosistemas del suelo en Costa Rica utilizando mediciones de la comunidad microbiana] / Eaton, William D; Chassot, Olivier. (Kean University. Department of Biological Sciences, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 53, no. 2, p. 185-195. 2012. Enlace: The goals of the research presented in this issue of Tropical Ecology were to demonstrate that differences in soil DNA-based microbial community characteristics, biomass, microbial activity, and C and N nutrient dynamics can be used as indicators of environmental change, specifically to show how land management, restoration strategies and climate change may be impacting the soil ecosystems of lowland forests and montane cloud forests of Costa Rica. In the studies conducted in lowland secondary forests, the bacterium Frankia was found to be critical for nitrogen-fixation in the soils associated with nitrogen-fixing tree Pentaclethra macroloba, but Frankia, Rhizobium, Archaea, and Type II methanotrophs were also collectively important in recuperationof the soil N and in enhancing microbial biomass C via more efficient use of organic C. These same secondary forest soils had greater levels of inorganic P and N, organic carbon, and microbial activity, and were more fungal-dominant soil ecosystem than grasslands of the same age. In an adjacent, primary forest, the bromeliad Bromelia pinguin was found to demonstrate significant antifungal effects on the forest soil, resulting in decreases in fungal abundance, microbial biomass, and efficiency of organicC use. Lastly, in the Monteverde cloud

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forests, microbial metrics were used to show that habitats with the greatest soil moisture had more fungal-dominated soils, and unique fungal and bacterial population compositions. Given the importance of tropical soils in global C storage, their degradation, and current restoration efforts in these forests, as well as the very clear threat of decreases in precipitation due to climate change, belowground metrics should be considered as early indicators of the effects of forest restoration and/or further environmental disturbances. We hope that these articles will stimulate future studies in these important areas of Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14159. Publicación no.: 581 The impact of Pentaclethra macroloba on soil microbial nitrogen fixing communities and nutrients within developing secondary forests in the Northern Zone of Costa Rica [El impacto de Pentaclethra macroloba en las comunidades microbianas fijadoras de nitrógeno y nutrimentos en el suelo dentro de bosques secundarios de la Zona Norte de Costa Rica] / Eaton, William D; Anderson, C; Saunders, E.F; Hauge, J.B; Barry, Dwight. (Kean University. Department of Biological Sciences, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 53, no. 2, p. 207-214. 2012. In the current study, we showed that Pentaclethra macroloba appears to influence the microbial communities within the soil of secondary forests in the Northern Zone of Costa Rica. The soil closest to the Pentaclethra macroloba trees ("tree soil") hada lower abundance of the N-fixing bacteria Frankia, but greater amounts of both nifH gene and Rhizobium than soils furthest away ("forest soils"). These soils also had greater amounts of microbial biomass and were more efficient at organic carbon use as indicated by lower metabolic quotient values (qCO2). This suggests that the use of Pentaclethra macroloba in restoration of soils from harvested forests may provide a good strategy for recuperating nitrogen in the soils due to its association with N-fixing bacteria near the roots of the trees and in the nearby soils. As well, these trees were associated with enhanced microbial biomass, microbial activity, and microbial mediated enhanced efficiency of C use into the biomass, suggesting their value in improving soil richness. A tangential discovery during this study was that it was the first, to our knowledge to show the presence of Frankia in association with Pentaclethra macroloba. It is interesting to note that significant amounts of Frankia were found throughout the soils in this study, and it was present in all sites at levels far greater than Rhizobium. It is likely that Frankia is more critical in recuperating soil N within these developing secondary forests. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 582 Implications of land management on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycle dynamics in the lowland tropical forest of northern Costa Rica [Consecuencias del manejo del suelo sobre las comunidades microbianas y la dinámica del ciclo de nutrimentos en un bosque tropical de tierras bajas del norte de Costa Rica] / Hafich, K; Perkins, E.J; Hauge, J.B; Barry, Dwight; Eaton, William D. (Kean University. Department of Biological Sciences, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 53, no. 2, p. 215-224. 2012. The long-term effects of reforestation versus maintained grassland on microbial community structure and nutrient cycling provide a valuable perspective on ecosystem health and carbon sequestration potential of tropical soils in the heavily deforestedNorthern Zone of Costa Rica. The soil from the secondary forests in this area had greater levels of phosphate, inorganic nitrogen, organic carbon,

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respiratory activity, abundance and diversity of Basidomycete rDNA, abundance of fungal rDNA, and lower abundance but greater diversity of Rhizobium rDNA, and less abundance of nifH gene DNA than soils from adjacent grasslands of the same age. Critical correlations were observed between the abundance of Basidiomycete rDNA and laccase gene with the levels of phosphate, microbial biomass, organic carbon use efficiency, and percent water saturation. These data suggest a, trend towards the secondary forest soils becoming more fungal-dominant, with greater microbial activity, greater nitrogen mineralization activity and more efficient use of carbon. This project provides some of the first evidence that the management strategy of regeneration of secondary forests results in more complex soil ecosystems, with greater potential for carbon sequestration than the maintained grasslands. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 583 Differences in soil moisture, nutrients and the microbial community between forests on the upper Pacific and Caribbean slopes at Monteverde, Cordillera de Tilarán: implications for responses to climate change [Diferencias en la humedad del suelo, los nutrimentos y la comunidad microbiana entre los bosques de la vertiente alta Pacífica y Caribeña de Monteverde, Cordillera de Tilarán: consecuencias para las respuestas al cambio climático] / Eaton, William D; Roed, Melanie; Chassot, Olivier; Barry, Dwight. (Kean University. Department of Biological Sciences, 1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tropical Ecology (ISSN 0564-3295), v. 53, no. 2, p. 235-240. 2012. A study was conducted to identify soil ecosystem metrics for use in monitoring soil ecosystem health in tropical montane cloud forest habitats, and to establish a baseline of soil community characteristics. This work was performed in six unique forested habitats on the Caribbean and Pacific slopes of the Monteverde Reserve in Costa Rica. Comparisons were made of the soil moisture, nitrogen fixation activity, microbial biomass, fungal and bacterial abundance and diversity, and the abundance of key functional genes laccase (for lignin degradation by basidiomycete fungi) and nifH (for bacterial N- fixation). Differences were found in these metrics between habitats, which were correlated with soil moisture. The results of this work show that these metrics can be used as part of a program to monitor the soil ecosystems for early indicators of shifts in conditions in response to environmental change within this part of a fragile ecosystem. Localización: No disponible. Publicación no.: 584 Performing carbon's materiality: the production of carbon offsets and the framing of exchange [Realización de la materialidad del carbono: la producción de las compensaciones de carbono y la formulación de intercambio] / Lansing, David M. (University of Maryland at Baltimore County. Department of Geography, 211 Sondheim Hall, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, US <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Environment and Planning A (ISSN 0308-518X), v. 44, no. 1, p. 204-220. 2012. In this paper I provide a first-hand account of a trip designed to verify the existence of a carbon forestry offset in Costa Rica. In so doing, I reflect on how various actors become the stabilized calculative agents of scientists, state bureaucrats, indigenous leaders, GPS devices, trees, signs, and field reports that such trips require. In addition, I show how various articulations of these actors, and their emergent agencies, simultaneously maintains both the carbon offset as a commodity object aswell as a field of action and communication that allows for such an object to be exchanged. In short, I consider the verification of an offset as a performance. Doing so, I examine the agency of some actors in this process, and account for

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the uneven power relations inherent in such a process. Specifically, I advance three arguments. First, the agency of actors is constituted, in part, by various calculative devices, which themselves simultaneously occupy an unstable position of being both a material object and an abstraction. Second, the normative power of the performance I witnessed derives from its relation to the abject: spaces and ways of being that are unintelligible to the logics of offsetting that nonetheless serve to further reiterate the needfor an offset's calculative frame. Third, performing an offset is a self-reflexive process, and it is through the self-reflexivity of actors involved that the qualities of 'the forest' emerge in ways that confound the stability of an offset commodity. Inthis way, the biophysical qualities of the forest are not necessarily barriers to its commodification. Instead, it is the reflexive practices inherent in performing 'the economic' that can serve to confound the emergence of the commodified forest. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14053. Publicación no.: 585 Los mecanismos de implementación conjunta, para dar solución a la emisión de gases luego del Protocolo de Kioto [The joint implementation mechanisms, to solve gas emissions after the Kyoto Protocol] / Víquez-Ramírez, Carlos Alberto. San Pedro de Montes de Oca: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1999. 47 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Derecho, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 19032. Publicación no.: 586 Manifestaciones del cambio climático en Costa Rica y opciones de mitigación [Manifestations of climate change in Costa Rica and mitigation options] / Murillo-Aguilar, Katiana. San Pedro de Montes de Oca: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2004. 81 p. Proyecto de Graduación, Licenciatura en Periodismo, Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación Colectiva, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 23381. Publicación no.: 587 Marco jurídico del cambio climático en Costa Rica [Legal framework of climate change in Costa Rica] / Villalobos-Zamora, Juan Miguel. San Pedro de Montes de Oca: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2011. 128 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Derecho, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). Enlace: El cambio climático es considerado por la mayoría de los expertos como una realidad de extrema precaución. El no tomar decisiones adecuadas puede causar daños irreversibles en un futuro no muy lejano. Por lo tanto es fundamental que los países adopten medidas para hacer frente a este fenómeno, diseñando políticas en estrategias nacionales de desarrollo, así como la implementación de leyes adecuadas a esta materia. Costa Rica como un país que ha elaborado un discurso relacionado con la sostenibilidady protección del medio ambiente ha procedido a comprometerse en la lucha contra el cambio climático, lo que responde a una política nacional definida desde hace varios años. El asumir estos compromisos requiere una serie de acciones con diversos niveles de complejidad por parte de diversas instituciones. Costa Rica tienen varios años de haber aprobado los convenios internacionales sobre cambio climático y por lo tanto deberían haber avances sustantivos sobre todo en medidas para cumplir con los compromisos prioritarios. Por lo anterior, verificar el cumplimiento de los acuerdos en diferentes ámbitos es un paso que se considera fundamental, la presente investigación se centrará en aspectos normativos que son los que tienen que guiar lo que se va a desarrollar en el marco de dichos

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convenios. De acuerdo a todo lo expuesto queda la pregunta de que ha hecho el país para enfrentar estos retos en lo relativo con los acuerdos que ha firmado en relación con el cambio climático. El objetivo general va orientado hacia el análisis del nivel de cumplimiento de los compromisos internacionales sobre cambio climático por parte del gobierno costarricense en el ámbito normativo y desarrollar una propuesta nacional para el cumplimiento de los mismos. El método utilizado en este trabajo será el método deductivo, partiendo de un estudio exploratorio en la medida en que no existen trabajos relacionados sobre el tema en Costa Rica en la materia de derecho, mediante el la investigación y análisis de documentos generales de esta materia y trascendiendo a textos mas específicos. Además se utiliza el sistema inductivo en el sentido de que se toman circunstancias particulares que caracterizan las políticas de cambio climático en Costa Rica y su conformidad con los instrumentos internacionales ratificados. Por ultimo se procede a realizar entrevistas a profesionales relacionados con esta materia y a comparar circunstancias y situaciones que permitan tener una mejor perspectiva de los limites y alcances del desarrollo de estetema en Costa Rica, todo esto bajo el esquema del método sociológico. Como conclusiones mas importantes, se menciona la necesidad de establecer a nivel nacional una estructura educacional que incentive la armonía de las personas con el medio ambiente, esto se lograra colocando la materia de educación ambiental en los programas de educación de escuelas y colegios. Por otro lado se hace sumamente necesaria la formulación de un plan estratégico que logre enrumbar de forma efectiva todas las iniciativas privadas y publicas que existen nuestro país en materia de cambio climático, de esta manera se lograra una mayor efectividad y eficacia con los compromisos adquiridos en los convenios internacionales. Por ultimo la presente investigación plantea la creación de un cuerpo normativo interno, que de manera sistemática logre englobar todas las protestas existentes y permita una mayor viabilidad legal y administrativa a lo ya comprometido. Esta ley nacional de cambio climático será la solución a esa falta de mecanismos que implementen los acuerdos internacionales ratificados por nuestro país. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14189. Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 32159. Publicación no.: 588 Impactos del cambio climático en la distribución espacial de las zonas de aptitud potencial del cultivo de la papa (Solanum tuberosum) en la cuenca del río Reventazón, Costa Rica [Climate change impacts on the spatial distribution of the zones with potential for the cultivation of potato (Solanum tuberosum) in the watershed of the Reventazón River in Costa Rica] / Babilonia-Estrada, Rique. Turrialba: CATIE, 2011. 151 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Agricultura Ecológica, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: We evaluated the impact of climate change on the displacement of areas suitable for potato cultivation through the land evaluation methodology of the FAO-supported software ALES, based on climate scenarios generated by two general circulation models.Two suitability classes were determined: A3 (marginally suitable) and A4 (not suitable) and the economic viability by gross margin (GM), yield and total production in the productive zone. Actual GM of 1962 million colones and yield no greater than 23.98 t/ha and total production of 754 million t/ha. In both scenarios, the physically and economically suitable zones demonstrated changes in the reduction of their areas toward higher altitude, a medium to high risk of pest (T. solanivora, P. infestans) infestation and soil degradation was found. The suitability class most affected was A3 for both models. The yield is variable with the model HadCM3 and remains the same with CSIRO when compared to the actual scenario. Class A3 presents limitations for maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation, in addition to gradient and altitude. Modeling of

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suitability zones based on climate change generates information on the grades of sensitivity and permits the design of strategies for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14190. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis B114. Publicación no.: 589 Implicaciones del cambio climático para el almacenamiento de carbono y la riqueza de especies en bosques naturales en Costa Rica [Implications of the climate change for the carbon storage and species richness in natural forests in Costa Rica] / Zamora-Pereira, Juan Carlos. Turrialba: CATIE, 2011. 70 p. Tesis, Mag. Sc. en Manejo y Conservación de Bosques Tropicales y Biodiversidad, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba (Costa Rica). Enlace: The present study evaluated the potential impact of the climate change on the storage of carbon and the arboreal species, palms and tree ferns richness in natural forests of Costa Rica. The principal results indicate trends of decrease of stored carbon and species richness. These findings suppose a great contribution in the study sites prioritization for the monitoring of the variations in the natural systems owed to the climate change, as for example changes in the stocks of CO2 or migration of species. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14191. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis Z25i. Publicación no.: 590 Análisis de precipitación anual y máxima en 24, 48, 72 y 96 horas en el Caribe Central de Costa Rica / Varela Villalobos, Ana Patricia. Heredia: Universidad Nacional, 2010. 94 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Manejo de Recursos Hídricos, Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Heredia (Costa Rica). Enlace: Se estimaron periodos de retorno para lluvias máximas en 24, 48, 72 Y 96 horas utilizando registros diarios de precipitación de las Estaciones Batán (1974 a 2007, 15 snm), Siquirres (1971 a 2007; 70 msnm), La Suiza (1963 a 2007; 620 msnm) y Moravia de Chirripó (1973 a 2007; 1200 msnm) ubicadas en las cuencas de los ríos Matina, Pacuare y Reventazón-Parismina de la Vertiente Caribe de Costa Rica. El objetivo del estudio, fue analizar el comportamiento temporal de la magnitud y frecuencia de las lluvias máximas del Caribe Central de Costa Rica. Para cada Pmáx: 4, 48, 72 y 96h), se ajustaron 5 distribuciones de frecuencia de valor extremo (Log Normal de 3 parámetros, Wakeby, Log Pearson tipo III, Valor Generalizado Extremo No Paramétrica) utilizando el programa CFA3.1. La probabilidad de excedencia de cada evento fue calculada utilizando la fórmula de Cunnane. Las distribuciones de frecuencia que mejor se ajustaron a los datos fueron Wakeby, para las Estaciones Batán (15msnm) y Moravia de Chirripó (1200 msnm) y Valor Generalizado Extremo, para las Estaciones Siquirres (70 msm) y La Suiza (620 msm). Para eventos de 24h, la mediana más grande se registró en Batán, en tanto que para 48h el valor corresponde a la estación Moravia de Chirripó y para 72h y 96h a la estación Siquirres. En tanto que el evento máximo de la serie por estación y duración para ~24h, 72h y 96h fue registrado en Siquirres y para 48h en Moravia de Chirripó. Para 'Pmáx24h, el valor de la mediana fue menor en la costa, incrementa aelevaciones entre 70 y 100 msnm y luego tiende a estabilizarse entre 600 y 1200 msnm. Para eventos de 48h, 72 y 96 horas la lluvia no se estabiliza con la altura. Al igual que para Pmáx24h, la precipitación fue menor en la costa para luego aumentar entre70 y 100 msnm, descendió a los 600 msnm y aumentó nuevamente a los 1200 msnm. No existe un patrón generalizado de incremento en la frecuencia de eventos máximos en las estaciones analizadas. Sin embargo la frecuencia de eventos con periodos de retorno de 5 años aumentó durante el periodo 2000-2007. Si a consecuencia del cambio climático se esperan lluvias más intensas en el Muro, los datos indican que el mayor impacto se dará

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probablemente en las zonas ubicadas entre 30 y 50 km de la costa así como en elevaciones medias de las cuencas de la Vertiente Caribe Central. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14192. Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: Thesis V293. Publicación no.: 591 Costa Rica: efectos del cambio climático sobre la agricultura / Ordaz-Díaz, Juan Luis; Ramírez, Diana; Mora-Alfaro, Jorge; Acosta, Alicia; Serna-Hidalgo, Braulio. (CEPAL, Subsede Regional, Edificio Corporativo MCS Av. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra #193 piso 12. Col. Granada. Del. Miguel Hidalgo CP11520, México, DF, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>). México, DF: CEPAL, 2010. 72 p. Enlace: El cambio climático representa una seria amenaza para las sociedades centroamericanas por sus múltiples impactos previstos en la población y en los sectores productivos. En términos fiscales constituye un pasivo público contingente que afectará las finanzas públicas de los gobiernos por varias generaciones. Se estima que para 2030 Centroamérica aun producirá menos de 0,5% de las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) del planeta, pero al mismo tiempo será una de las regiones más vulnerables ante los embates del cambio climático. Como respuesta al mandato de la Cumbre Presidencial Centroamericana sobre Cambio Climático de mayo de 2008, la Sede Subregional en México de la CEPAL está implementando el proyecto La Economía del Cambio Climático en Centroamérica con las Autoridades de Ambiente, los Ministerios de Finanzas/Hacienda, la Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) y la Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) con el financiamiento del Departamento para el Desarrollo Internacional (DFID) del gobierno británico. En el marco del componente de agricultura de este proyecto, este estudio muestra cómo el cambio climático ocasiona reducciones en la producción, los rendimientos y el valor en la renta de la tierra de los agricultores de Costa Rica. Además, se cuantifica el efecto directo de las variaciones en temperatura y precipitación sobre la producción, rendimientos y la renta de la tierra. Diferentes estudios científicos confirman que el cambio climático global es un problema que traerá consecuencias importantes sobre el bienestar de los seres humanos y que demanda respuestas oportunas. Los efectos del calentamiento global se han reflejado en mayores inundaciones, sequías, huracanes, entre otros fenómenos. Centroamérica es una región sobre la que se han presentado algunos de estos eventos climatológicos extremos, los cuales se podrían intensificar en un futuro, de no tomarse acciones con rapidez. Un sector que particularmente puede ser de los más afectados por su alta dependencia del clima es el agropecuario y en consecuencia es prioritario prestar atención sobre los impactos que el calentamiento global podría generar sobre él. Este estudio pretende contribuir en ese sentido, para ello se analizan los impactos potenciales del cambio climático sobre el mismo. El sector agrícola ya ha dado muestras de su vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático. El huracán Mitch que azotó a Costa Rica y demás países centroamericanos en 1998, sumado a sucesivas sequíashan provocado daños al sector agropecuario de este país de alrededor de los 100 millones de dólares. En este informe se estudian los efectos del cambio climático en los próximos años y hasta 2100 sobre el sector agropecuario en su conjunto, sobre los subsectores: pecuario, agrícola y algunos de los cultivos más importantes para el país. Al alterarse el clima y con ello la producción podría darse una reconfiguración en los cultivos y de esta forma en la intensidad con que se utilicen los suelos, por ello en este trabajo también se analizan los posibles efectos sobre el valor de la tierra. Los resultados de esta investigación revelan que el cambio climático ya está dando muestras de efectos adversos sobre el sector agropecuario costarricense, los cualesa futuro podrían intensificarse en caso de que las condiciones de producción no se mejoren. Se

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examinaron los posibles efectos del cambio climático sobre la producción de maíz, frijol y café. Los resultados sugieren que es posible que para los tres cultivos ya se haya rebasado la temperatura que permite lograr los mayores rendimientos, por lo que es probable que ya se estén teniendo pérdidas de producción; además, incrementos futuros en la temperatura podrían generar mayores pérdidas. El análisis realizado sobre la producción agropecuaria (agrícola y pecuaria) y los cultivos en su conjunto de forma global sugiere que es probable que se haya rebasado la temperatura que permite en los tres casos alcanzar los mayores márgenes de producción. De igual forma los niveles de precipitación observados en los últimos años son inferiores a los que permiten lograr la mayor producción. Así, el cambio climático ya puede estar teniendo efectos adversos sobre toda la producción agropecuaria. Como resultado de los cambios en la producción agrícola, las ganancias se verían afectadas. Se encuentra evidencia que sugiere que ante el incremento de una unidad en la temperatura media anual se presentaría una reducción en el ingreso recibido por concepto de alquiler de alrededor de 1,3 dólares mensuales, lo que equivale a una disminución del 1,2% en los ingresos que provienen del alquiler de la propiedad, este decremento se agudiza si se considera a los hogares rurales en distintos deciles. En particular, para los hogares rurales que se encuentran en los primeros ocho deciles del ingreso por alquiler de la propiedad se estima una caída cercana al 2%. Los impactos de las proyecciones futuras predicen efectos negativos que van desde el 0,5% hasta cerca del 6% del ingreso por renta de la propiedad. De manera adicional, es posible observar que estos efectos muestran una dispersión considerable a través de las distintas regiones de Costa Rica. Se contabilizaron los impactos económicos del cambio climático sobre la producción agropecuaria en diferentes momentos del tiempo considerando hasta el año 2100 en relación al PIB de 2007. Los resultados sugieren que de no tomarse medidas, hacia 2050 las pérdidas serían entre el 1% y 2% del PIB con una tasa de descuento de 4%. Sin embargohacia 2100 incrementarían de forma importante, llegando a representar el 4% y podrían ser aún mayores, entre 8% y 12% del PIB si la tasa de descuento fuera de 2%. Como cualquier estudio que realice proyecciones a futuro, en el presente hay elementos queno fue posible incluir en el análisis; sin embargo, los resultados son muy consistentes y muestran la necesidad de actuar oportunamente a través de mecanismos que impidan que las pérdidas sobre el sector puedan llegar a ser de las magnitudes que aquí se muestran. Será importante adoptar medidas que permitan aminorar las causas del cambio climático, pero más importante quizás, que se establezcan medidas de adaptación. El sector agropecuario por ser estratégico tendrá que tener importancia prioritaria en las medidas que se tomen. En este trabajo se evidencia también que se ha dado cierta descapitalización del sector agropecuario, lo que con seguridad está influyendo en que la productividad sea relativamente baja. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14199. Publicación no.: 592 The effect of risk, ambiguity, and coordination on farmer's adaptation to climate change: a framed field experiment [El efecto del riesgo, la ambigüedad y la coordinación en materia de adaptación de los agricultores al cambio climático: un experimento de campo] / Alpízar-Rodríguez, Francisco; Carlsson, Fredrik; Naranjo-Barrantes, María Angélica. (CATIE. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, 7170 Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: EfD, Discussion Paper Series, DP 09-182009. Enlace: The risk of losses of income and productive means, due to adverse weather associated with climate change, can differ significantly among farmers sharing a productive landscape. In order to truly

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understand adaptation patterns to changes in climatic conditions, it is important to learn more about how farmers react to different levels of risk under measurable and unmeasurable uncertainty. Moreover, the costs associated with investments in reduced vulnerability to climatic events are likely to exhibit economies of scope. We explored these issues using a framed field experiment that realistically captured the main characteristics of production and the likely weather-related loses of premium coffee farmers in Tarrazú, Costa Rica. In 2008, the region suffered an extreme, albeit rare, climatic event (tropical storm Alma). In the aftermath of the storm, we expected and found high levels of risk aversion, but also observed farmers making tradeoffs under different risk levels. Although hard to disentangle at first, given the high level of risk aversion, we found that farmers more frequently chose safe options in a setting characterized by unknown risk. Finally, we found that farmers, to a large extent, coordinated their decisions in order to achieve a lower cost of adaptation, and that communication among farmers strongly facilitated coordination. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14193. Publicación no.: 593 Costa Rica: Rumbo a un proceso penal ambiental [Costa Rica: Toward a criminal environmental process] / Arce-Guillén, Mario; Herrera-Ugarte, Mariana. San Pedro de Montes de Oca: Universidad de Costa Rica, 2009. 319 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Derecho, San Pedro de Montes de Oca (Costa Rica). Enlace: Los recursos naturales que conforman el ecosistema planetario están agotándose a paso acelerado, producto de varios factores, entre ellos el avance despiadado del modelo de desarrollo actual, desmedido y voraz que desde el siglo XX viene generando estragos ambientales de forma cada vez más frecuentes en prácticamente todas las regiones geográficas, incluida desde luego, Costa Rica. Sin embargo, no es esta la única razón, ya que en países socialistas también se vive un desmejoramiento ambiental y despreocupación por el ambiente. Gran parte se debe a un gran desinterés en la materia. Dentro de las transformaciones negativas presentes en el medio ambiente y de particular interés por su nivel de afectación sobre la sociedad humana, destacan el efecto invernadero, generador de gran parte de los cambios climáticos experimentados en fechas recientes, así como el agotamiento de los mantos acuíferos, el cual tiene su origen en la falta de planificación hídrica en cuanto a su utilización racional. Como consecuencia de todo lo referido, se han implementado, en la mayoría de los países, instrumentos jurídicos con el objetivo de tutelar y sancionar aquellos que sin reparo alguno, lesionen el ambiente. Costa Rica no es la excepción, y de hecho, se ha caracterizado por tener un desarrollo amplio en esta materia particular de la ciencia jurídica, denominada Derecho Ambiental. A lo largo del presente trabajo, se defenderá una propuesta concreta, la cual, en consideración de los autores, bien podría ayudar a complementar las carencias de los sistemas jurisdiccionales existentes: La necesaria creación de una legislación procesal penal ambiental especial, la cual al contar con una jurisdicción especial dotada de órganos especializados y capacitados, podrá hacerle frente de una manera más apta a los constantes daños al entorno natural costarricense. Esta propuesta será apoyada en sucesos legislativos recientes ocurridos en otros países, así como en el planteamiento de un proyecto de ley presentado a la Asamblea Legislativa en el año dos mil dos, relativo a la creación de una jurisdicción penal ambiental, punto esencial de la propuesta dentro del proceso penal ambiental sugerido. Lo anterior, sin lugar a dudas, constituye un antecedente legislativo concreto presente en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. La proposición en concreto, planteada en el último Capítulo de esta investigación, pretende brindar lineamientos concretos que puedan servir, como punto de partida, a una propuesta legislativa concreta

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en esos términos, a saber, la instauración de un proceso penal ambiental idóneo, el cual bien podría constituir el paso necesario a seguir en procura de garantizar una mejor protección a nuestro entorno, lo cual es necesario si se pretende evitar daños mayores e irreparables al ambiente. La presente investigación plantea un análisis particular de los mecanismos procesales existentes para tutelar, regular y sancionar las ofensas ambientales. Lo anterior, partiendo de una premisa: Los mecanismos existentes, no permiten dar una adecuada protección del bien jurídico ambiente, y todos los elementos que en él se encierran. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14200. Publicación no.: 594 Estrategia para el manejo de la sequía en el sector agropecuario de Centroamérica / Jiménez-Umaña, Manuel. San José: CAC (Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano), 2002. 40 p. Enlace: Este documento de propuesta cuenta con un capítulo destinado a presentar los antecedentes de la participación de la Secretaría del CAC en el manejo de la sequía, establece las razones que justifican el abordaje regional y presenta la base conceptual utilizada para la elaboración de la propuesta. El siguiente capítulo se aboca a la presentación de la estrategia, e incluye el marco político que respalda las acciones; asimismo presenta los objetivos, áreas estratégicas consideradas y el papel de la Secretaría del CAC. El cuarto capítulo se ocupa del plan anual operativo para el presente año, en el cual se destaca que la Secretaría del CAC ejecuta, gestiona y apoya acciones. Finalmente, considerando que los países tienen diferentes intereses y prioridades, se presentan los elementos básicos que le permitan al sector agropecuario establecer o actualizar sus estrategias y planes de preparación en el ámbito nacional. En los anexos se profundiza el marco metodológico, y se hace un recuento de los efectos que tienen la seguía sobre el sector agropecuario y la vida rural, y se advierte sobre el derrame de los impactos hacia otros sectores de la economía. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14194. Publicación no.: 595 El cambio climático: Causas, consecuencias y la reducción de riesgos de desastre de Cruz Roja Costarricense [Climate Change: Causes, consequences and risk disaster reduction Costa Rican Red Cross] / Guzmán-Brenes, Luis Augusto. (Cruz Roja Costarricense. Dirección Nacional de Socorros y Operaciones, Proyecto Cambio Climático, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Cruz Roja Costarricense. Proyecto Cambio Climático. Dirección Nacional de Socorros y Operaciones, 2009. 89 p. Enlace: Esta publicación es parte de los esfuerzos del proyecto de Preparación para el Cambio Climático ejecutado en Cruz Roja Costarricense, con el apoyo del Centro del Clima basado en Holanda y el Programa Regional de Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres de la Federación Internacional de Sociedades de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. Este texto bajo el titulo "El cambio climático, causas, consecuencias y la reducción de riesgos de desastre de Cruz Roja Costarricense" es un documento base, el cual describe conceptos generales del cambio climático en el mundo, con especial importancia a la realidad nacional y como este fenómeno puede afectar la labor humanitaria de Cruz Roja Costarricense. Este documento es una guía de referencia para los tomadores de decisión de la Sociedad Nacional: miembros del Consejo Nacional y Gerencia General, Direcciones Nacionales, Jefaturas Nacionales, Regionales y Locales, Asistentes Regionales de Gerencia, Juntas Directivas Regionales y Locales,

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administradores de Comités Auxiliares, voluntarios y voluntarias que realizan acciones en la reducción del riego comunitario, el cual también servirá de referencia a expertos que trabajan en el tema de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático en Costa Rica. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14201. Publicación no.: 596 Política hídrica nacional y la gestión del agua como recurso y como servicio [National water policy and water management as a resource and service] / Dobles-Mora, Roberto. San José: Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones, 2008. 186 p. Enlace: Los objetivos del documento son: 1) Enunciar una política hídrica clara 2) Integrar, elaborar y aplicar la política y normativa en materia de gestión del agua como recurso y como servicio. 3) Identificar los diferentes roles instituciones que permitan devolver la gobernabilidad a la gestión del recurso hídrico dentro del marco jurídico actual. 4) Proporcionar el contexto base para la promulgación de una Ley marco del recurso hídrico moderna y apropiada a los retos del futuro. En este documento se presentan un conjunto de reflexiones que son base fundamental para la conceptualización de una Política Hídrica Nacional y de una propuesta de Ley marco en materia del recurso hídrico que Costa Rica requiere, detallando elementos nuevos importantes para una gestión hídrica moderna. Primero, se hace una revisión de la situación de los recursos hídricos, globales y nacionales, incluyendo los impactos progresivos que irá teniendo el Cambio Climático en la disponibilidad y calidad del recurso hídrico y en inversiones de adaptación y mitigación que el país deberá necesariamente realizar para enfrentar esta nueva y grave situación. Segundo, se presenta un análisis de la integralidad de la gestión del agua como recurso y como servicio. También se plantea un conjunto de elementos que contribuirán con la gobernabilidad del recurso y del servicio hídrico en Costa Rica, además de que se describe los aspectos fundamentales del marco jurídico actual, que es el punto de inicio para el Plan Nacional de Gestión Integrada de los Recursos Hídricos (PNGIRH) y los planes regionales, locales e institucionales, así como para las reformas legales que necesariamente debe tener el sector. Finalmente, se continúa con el marco de política relacionado con el recurso hídrico. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14195. Publicación no.: 597 Costa Rica a la vanguardia para afrontar los efectos de cambio climático [Costa Rica at the forefront to address the effects of climate change] / Anonymous. En: Revista Energía (ISSN 1409-0155), no. 51, p. 3-5. 2007. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: 333 R. Publicación no.: 598 Variaciones climáticas entre 1988 y 2001 y sus posibles efectos sobre la fenología de varias especies leñosas y el manejo de un cafetal con sombra en ciudad Colón de Mora, Costa Rica [Climate changes between 1988 and 2001, their possible effects on the phenology of some woody species and the management of a shaded coffee plantation in Ciudad Colón de Mora, Costa Rica] / Fournier-Origgi, Luis Alberto; Di Stéfano-Gandolfi, José Francisco. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Biología, Ciudad Universitaria, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agronomía Costarricense (ISSN 0377-9424), v. 28, no. 1, p. 101-120. 2004. Enlace: This study analyzed precipitation and temperature data taken in situ for 12 years, to determine the effects on the phenology of various woody plants, and the management of a coffee plantation in Ciudad

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Colón de Mora, Costa Rica. The general climatic pattern of the region is that described for the Central Valley. For the majority of the months analyzed, no significant temporal changes were detected over the years (except for September, in which the amount of rain increased, and August where the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures also increased), but important oscillations were observed during "El Niño" and "La Niña". These events had significant impact on flowering, fructification and management practices implemented on the coffee plantation, increasing or reducing these processes, or making them to occur earlier or later on those particular years. Also, important deviations in the phenological cycles of various tree species were observed. A positive correlation (P0.01) was observed between the productivity of the coffee plantation and the accumulated amount of rain fallen between December and April, but a negative one with respect to the maximum temperature and the magnitude of the temperature difference between the maximum and the minimum. Over the years analyzed, significant monthly changes were determined in relation to flowers developed and fruit matured in the coffee plants, and a general decrease in productivity of the coffee plantation (the lowest values were obtained after 1997-1998). The blooming and fruit maturation month was displaced until later in the year. Other factors, in addition to the climatic ones, may have interacted to explain these changes, such as the appearance of rust in the 80´s, changes in the coffee varieties in the plantation, reduction in the amounts of fertilizers applied, and others. The importance of having a good database of meteorological data, to make better agronomical decisions in case abnormal climatic events are prognosticated, is emphasized. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14196. Publicación no.: 599 La gestión del recurso hídrico y el cambio climático en Costa Rica (2000-2010) [The administration of the water resources and the climate change in Costa Rica (2000-2010)] / Jiménez-Gómez, Roberto; Vindas-Hernández, Roberto. (Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Revista Rupturas (ISSN 2215-2466), v. 1, no. 1, p. 24-52. 2011. Enlace: This paper analyzes the implications of climate change on water resources. The point of departure is a previous research by the authors which takes into consideration the impacts of climate change on water resources and some scenarios, to offer a balance of national public policies in relation to integral water resources planning and management. To this end, official documents were analyzed, some events were attended, and experts were consulted to evaluate the degree of improvement the country has had in mitigation and adaptation of water resources sector to climate change. To achieve pertinent actions it is necessary to strengthen institutions and political will. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14202. Publicación no.: 600 Cambios climáticos y causas que los originan [Climate change and underlying causes] / Bergoeing-Guida, Jean Pierre. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Geografía, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Reflexiones (ISSN 1021-1209), v. 88, no. 2, p. 1021-1209. 2009. Enlace:

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An explanation of several elements that produce changes of the global weather climate on Earth is given by the author. Volcanism, meteors and changes on the Earth orbit are the main parameters of this article. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14203. Publicación no.: 601 Cambio climático y gestión del recurso hídrico en Costa Rica [Climate change and water resource management in Costa Rica] / Jiménez-Gómez, Roberto. (Universidad Estatal a Distancia. Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 197, p. 7-8. 2010. Enlace: El presente artículo, que forma parte de un proyecto de investigación dirigido por el autor como parte del trabajo de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia, tiene como objetivo analizar las políticas diseñadas y ejecutadas para la adaptación al cambio climático enfatizando en el sector hídrico. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14204. Publicación no.: 602 Implementación conjunta y desarrollo limpio: la experiencia de Centroamérica [Joint implementation and clean development: The experience of Central America] / Tattenbach-Capra, Franz; Pedroni, Lucio. (FUNDECOR, PO Box 5581150 La Uruca, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Manejo Forestal Tropical (ISSN 1409-3456), no. 11, p. 1-7. 1999. Enlace: Centroamérica no se ha mantenido al margen del proceso de implementación conjunta de actividades para el control de emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero (GHG). El papel de Costa Rica en el desarrollo limpio y su experiencia en la implementación de proyectos de implementación conjunta (AIJ) es reconocido internacionalmente. Las iniciativas de este país han tenido un efecto catalizador sobre los demás países de la región, los cuales, a pesar de no haber tenido un rol comparable en el plano internacional, también cuentan con un número de proyectos y programas nacionales superior al promedio de los países en desarrollo. El caso de Costa Rica, por tener características únicas a nivel mundial, merece un análisis en detalle; la experiencia de los demás países de la región se resume más brevemente. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14055. Publicación no.: 603 Amenazas a aves de los bosques nubosos de Costa Rica [Threats to birds of the cloud forests of Costa Rica] / Moreno-Scott, Luisa Isabel. En: Ambientales (ISSN 1409-2158), no. 24, p. 14-17. 2002. Briefly there are explained three facts - the most recently known, but not the most important - that threatened for extinction the bird population of the cloud forest in Costa Rica: the weather change, loss of habitat in lowlands and loss of information or knowledge about the bird population on those forest, and important issue to make decisions to preserve it. Localización: Biblioteca OET: C.

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Publicación no.: 604 Manglares de la península de Nicoya, Costa Rica [Mangroves of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica] / Bravo-Chacón, Juan. (Universidad Nacional. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales, Programa ECOMA, Apdo. 86-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientales (ISSN 1409-2158), no. 30, p. 59-63. 2005. Enlace: Mangrove swamp ecosystems are spread along the Costa Rican Pacific Coast from Puerto Soley until the estuary of Coto Colorado River. In the Nicoya Peninsula, the most important area is formed by the mangrove swamps in the Tempisque River estuary system and a sector in the Nicoya Gulf. They extend over a big surface along the riverbanks in the aforementioned estuary, from Bolsón River until the Cabo Blanco estuary, in the border of the inner sector in the gulf. It includes a large portion ranging in width, from a few meters up to six kilometers, like the mangrove swamps in the Letras estuary. The direct and indirect impacts on such waterlogged areas affect in a negative way on this estuarial ecosystem, pollution by agrichemical products is a very important shocking effect presented in a short term. Likewise, the transformation in the land use in inner areas has influence by adding sediments and chemical residues. In addition, the development in the growing tourist activity in the open coastland area in the peninsula, based in a disorderly use in the marine coastal zone, has made some damage too. It must be added to these impacts, the effect in the climatic changes over these areas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14242. Publicación no.: 605 Acumulación de biomasa y carbono en bosques secundarios y plantaciones forestales de Vochysia guatemalensis e Hieronyma alchorneoides en el Caribe de Costa Rica [Biomass and carbon accumulation in secondary forests and forestry plantations as restoration tools in the Caribbean zone of Costa Rica] / Fonseca-González, William; Alice, Federico E; Montero, Johan; Toruño-Gutiérrez, Henry; Leblanc-Ureña, Humberto A. (Universidad Nacional. Instituto de Investigación y Servicios Forestales, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), no. 46, p. 57-64. 2008. Enlace: Biomass and carbon accumulation were studied in secondary forests (5, 8 and 18 years old) and forestry plantations of Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. and Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemão in the Caribbean zone of Costa Rica. Sampling plots, each of 500 m²were established in both forestry ecosystems. The above and belowground biomass, the necromass (litter and dead wood material) and the soil organic carbon were estimated in all plots. Carbon content in biomass was quantified by component. The highest increment in carbon storage was found in plantations of H. alchorneoides, followed by plantations of V. guatemalensis and, lastly, secondary forests. The above and belowground biomass and the necromass increased with age in the secondary forest and plantations. In contrast, herbaceous biomass decreased with age in both ecosystems. The aboveground biomass stored between 11 and 17 percent of total carbon. Soil was the main carbon pool, storing between 76 and 86 percent of total carbon. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14243. Publicación no.: 606 Existencias de carbono en charrales y sistemas agroforestales de cacao y banano de fincas indígenas bribri y cabécar de Talamanca, Costa Rica [Carbon storage in fallows and agroforestry systems with cacao and banana on indigenous farms of the Bribri and Cabecar peoples of

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Talamanca, Costa Rica] / Arce, Natalia; Ortiz-Malavasi, Edgar; Villalobos, Marilyn; Cordero, Silvia. (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Cartago, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), no. 46, p. 30-33. 2008. Enlace: The capacity for carbon storage in agroforestry systems (AFS) with cacao and with banana and in fallows minor of ten years old, in the indigenous zone of Talamanca, Costa Rica, was estimated in 154 farms158 temporal sample plots and allometric modelswere used to estimate carbon storage. Cordia alliodora was the most important species. We conclude it is necessary to enrich farms with valuable trees to capture carbon for sale while producing fruits, timber and other goods and services for both households and society. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14158. Publicación no.: 607 El proyecto captura de carbono y desarrollo de mercados ambientales en cacaotales y otros sistemas agroforestales indígenas en Talamanca, Costa Rica / Somarriba-Chávez, Eduardo; Villalobos, Marilyn; Sucre, Leví; López, Marina; Torres, Faustina; Torres, Abelardo; Rodríguez, Kathia. (CATIE. Area de Cuencas y Sistemas Agroforestales, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agroforestería en las Américas (ISSN 0304-2529), no. 46, p. 8-13. 2008. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14056. Publicación no.: 608 No bastan los esfuerzos del sector energía / Figueres-Olsen, Karen Christiana. En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 172, p. 10-11. 2008. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14246. Publicación no.: 609 El Plan de Acción de Bali [The Bali Action Plan] / Manso-Sayao, Paulo. (MINAE. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, POB Box 7-3350, 1000 San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 172, p. 4-5. 2008. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14247. Publicación no.: 610 Costa Rica ante el cambio climático global / Dobles-Mora, Roberto. En: Ambientico (ISSN 1409-214X), no. 172, p. 3. 2008. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14248.

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Publicación no.: 611 Almacenamiento y fijación de carbono del sistema agroforestal cacao Theobroma cacao L. y laurel Cordia alliodora (Ruiz y Pavón) Oken en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, Costa Rica / Ortiz-Guerrero, Angela Milena; Riascos-Chalapud, Lorena Dayana. Nariño: Universidad de Nariño, 2006. 111 p. Tesis, Ingeniería Agroforestal, Universidad de Nariño, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, Nariño (Colombia). Enlace: Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, Costa Rica y tuvo como fin simular la capacidad de almacenamiento y fijación de carbono del sistema agroforestal cacao Theobroma cacao - laurel Cordia alliodora, en dos condiciones de relieve (valle y loma), bajo tres densidades de siembra para laurel (6x6, 9x9 y 12x12 m) y una densidad de siembra para cacao, en un período de 25 años. Esta simulación incluyó el carbono almacenado promedio de los compartimientos suelo, necromasa y vegetación herbácea del sistema. Se probaron modelos lineales y no lineales para predecir el crecimiento en diámetro para laurel (valle y loma) y cacao, con los datos pertenecientes al ensayo "Moniliasis Resistant Hybrid Experiment at La Lola Farm" y al Proyecto Agroforestal CATIE/GTZ. Posteriormente, se desarrollaron modelos de biomasa total para cada especie y por condición de relieve, con base a las ecuaciones de biomasa aérea desarrolladas por Segura, en la misma zona. De acuerdo al análisis de varianza, todos los modelos con sus parámetros, resultaron altamente significativos al 99% de confianza (P<0,01). La simulación de la captura de carbono del sistema se calculó teniendo en cuenta porcentajes de mortalidad durante el primer año (año cero), de 8% para cacao y de 1, 10 y 15% en las densidades de 12x12, 9x9 y 6x6 m, respectivamente, para laurel. En este último escenario (6x6m), además se tuvo en cuenta un porcentaje de raleo de 31% para laurel, por las altas densidades de siembra de esta especie. La cantidad promedio de carbono almacenado en el sistema agroforestal con cacao y laurel (SAF-CL) fue de 126.4 tnC ha-1 en valle y de 114.5 tnC ha-1 en loma bajo la densidad 6x6 m. El carbono promedio almacenado en las densidades 9x9 m y 12x12 m, fue de 109.7 y 97.9 tnC ha-1, respectivamente, en un período de 25 años. Las tasa de fijación promedio en los SAF-CL de la Reserva Indígena de Talamanca, fue de 5.1 tnC ha-1 año-1 en el mismo período de tiempo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el almacenamiento de carbono entre sitios a iguales densidades de siembra, a excepción de la densidad 6x6 m, pero si entre sitios con diferentes densidades de siembra a excepción de 12x12 m valle - 9x9 m loma, 9x9 m loma - 6x6 m loma y 9x9 m valle - 6x6 m lomaen un período de 25 años. En el caso del carbono fijado, no se encontraron diferencias (P0.05). Los máximos incrementos de fijación de carbono en el sistema se presentaron durante los primeros ocho años, comportamiento que coincide con los mayores crecimientos en diámetro de las especies cacao y laurel. A partir de esta edad, las tasas de fijación mostraron una tendencia a estabilizarse. Se estimó que los compartimientos que almacenan mayor cantidad de carbono dentro del sistema, fueron en su orden: suelo, laurel, necromasa, cacao y vegetación herbácea. De acuerdo a estos resultados, se puede afirmar que la capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono del sistema agroforestal cacao - laurel, no se ve influenciada por las condiciones de relieve, y que factores como densidad de siembra y genética propia de cada especie, afectan más el comportamiento de este componente. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14057. Publicación no.: 612 El bosque tropical y su adaptación al cambio climático [Tropical forest and climate change adaptation] / Pedroni, Lucio. (CATIE. Programa de Producción y Desarrollo Agropecuario Sostenido, Area de Producción Forestal y Agroforestal, Proyecto Silvicultura de Bosques Naturales, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Turrialba: CATIE, s.f.. 2 p.

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Enlace: Potential and observed impacts of climate change on forests are many and yet difficult to understand. Climate change increases the probability of extreme weather events. Consequently, the amplitude and frequency of weather related disturbance regimes such as hurricanes, droughts and accompanying fires, pests and diseases, might also increase. The aim of the project Tropical Forest and Climate Change Adaptation (TROFCCA) is to promote adaptation of tropical forests to adverse effects of climate change through the assessment of impacts and costs of climate change, and through the development of criteria and indicators for adaptive forest management to reduce vulnerability. TROFCCA is a worldwide project with areas located in South-East Asia (Indonesia); West Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Ghana) and Central America (Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica). All of these areas are considerably vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change. However, each of them represents different aspects of vulnerability, socio-economic situations and also challenges for adaptive management of tropical forests. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14244. Publicación no.: 613 Escenarios de cambio climático regionalizados para Costa Rica [Regionalized climate change scenarios in Costa Rica] / Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando; Contreras, Wilke; Alfaro-Hernández, Maynor; Jiménez-Porras, Estefanía. (Ministerio del Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET). Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2012. 1060 p. Enlace: En vista de la urgente necesidad que tiene el país de contar con escenarios climáticos regionalizados y con el fin no solo de poder determinar los impactos específicos del cambio climático sino también para brindar el insumo necesario para los estudios de vulnerabilidad y definir mejor las políticas de adaptación desde el corto hasta el largo plazo, este trabajo presenta una versión nueva y mejorada de los escenarios de cambio climático para Costa Rica como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el índice de desarrollo humano. Las mejoras realizadas a los escenarios permitieron detectar algunas características muy importantes que no se podían apreciar en los estudios anteriores, debido precisamente a la alta resolución espacio/temporal. En la generación de estos nuevos escenarios se aplicó una técnica de reducción de escala a las proyecciones obtenidas con los modelos climáticos globales y regionales. Con dichas técnica se logró mejorar la resolución espacial hasta en un 50% con respecto a la ofrecida en estudios anteriores. Además de la sustancial disminución en la resolución espacial, también se mejoró la escala temporal, al ofrecerse resultados no solo a nivel anual, sino también a nivel estacional, trimestral y mensual. El estudio se basó en cinco modelos climáticos, cuatro de los cuales fueron globales y uno regional. No obstante, mediante una técnica de reducción de escala se logró reducir la resolución de todos ellos a una de un km en latitud y 1 km de longitud. De esta forma se produjo no solo una climatología actual de bajísima resolución, sino también los escenarios futuros hasta el 2100, particularmente para los escenarios de emisiones A2 y B2. Las variables meteorológicas consideradas fueron la precipitación y la temperatura media, no obstante, adicionalmente se generaron productos de las temperaturas máximas y mínimas. Como valor agregado a los datos producidos, se ofrecen las explicaciones físicas e hipótesis del comportamiento de los escenarios futuros. Así por ejemplo se pudo concluir que tanto la variabilidad climática como la circulación general de la atmósfera experimentarán cambios muy significativos de una temporada a otra, tal es el caso en la actividad de ciclones tropicales, los frentes fríos, vientos alisios, la zona de confluencia intertropical, etc. Debido al énfasis del proyecto en el sector hídrico, la investigación generó

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resultados a nivel de cuencas hidrográficas. En este sentido se produjeron escenarios de cambio climático para las 34 cuencas en que está dividido el país. El estudio pudo confirmar algunas conclusiones de un estudio previo, pero brindando cambios más precisos y cuantificables, por ejemplo, si bien los escenarios basados en el modelo PRECIS proyectan al 2080 un aumento de las precipitaciones anuales en las cuencas con régimen Caribe (Pacuare, Reventazón y Sixaola), las variaciones estacionales serán muy marcadas, por cuanto en el período invernal (noviembre/febrero) las lluvias más bien disminuirían hasta en un 30%, pero por el contrario aumentarían en un 100% durante el verano (junio/agosto). Estos cambios estarían relacionados con una menor actividad de frentes fríos y nortes durante el invierno, y una mayor intensidad de los vientos alisios durante el verano. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14171. Publicación no.: 614 Estudio oceanográfico costero de cuatro ensenadas: playa Platanares, playa Cabuya, playa Conejo y playa Carbón, en Cabo Velas, provincia de Guanacaste; informe parcial de los resultados de consultoría: época lluviosa / Consultoría Ecológica y Técnica de Costa Rica S.A. (ECOTEC), Apdo. 615-2010, Zapote, CR E-mail: San José: Consultoría Ecológica y Técnica de Costa Rica, 1991. p. 29-31. (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca Conmemorativa Orton: 551.45 E82. Publicación no.: 615 Changes in carbon stock and greenhouse gas balance in a coffee (Coffea arabica) monoculture versus an agroforestry system with Inga densiflora, in Costa Rica [Cambios en los valores de carbono y el balance de gases de efecto invernadero en un monocultivo de café (Coffea arabica) en comparación con un sistema agroforestal con Inga densiflora, en Costa Rica] / Hergoualc'h, Kristell; Blanchartd, Eric; Skiba, Ute; Hénault, Catherine; Harmand, Jean Michel. (CIFOR ENV, P.O. Box 0113 BOCBD, Bogor 16000, ID <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (ISSN 0167-8809), v. 148, p. 102-110. 2012. Agroforestry represents an opportunity to reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere by increasing carbon (C) stocks in agricultural lands. Agroforestry practices may also promote mineral N fertilization and the use of N2-fixing legumes that favor the emission of non- CO2 greenhouse gases (GHG) (N2O and CH4). The present study evaluates the net GHG balance in two adjacent coffee plantations, both highly fertilized (250 kg N ha-¹ year-¹): a monoculture (CM) and a culture shaded by the N2-fixing legume tree species Inga densiflora (CIn). C stocks, soil N2O emissions and CH4 uptakes were measured during the first cycle of both plantations. During a 3-year period (6-9 years after the establishment of the systems), soil C in the upper 10 cm remained constant in the CIn plantation (+0.09 ± 0.58 Mg C ha-¹ year-¹) and decreased slightly but not significantly in the CM plantation (-0.43 ± 0.53 Mg C ha-¹ year-¹). Above-ground carbon stocks in the coffee monoculture and the agroforestry system amounted to 9.8 ± 0.4 and 25.2 ± 0.6 Mg C ha-¹, respectively, at 7 years after establishment. C storage rate in the phytomass was more than twice as large in the CIn compared to the CM system (4.6 ± 0.1 and 2.0 ± 0.1 Mg C ha-¹ year-¹, respectively). Annual soil N2O emissions were 1.3 times larger in the CIn than in the CM plantation (5.8 ± 0.5 and 4.3 ± 0.3 kg N- N2O ha-¹ year-¹, respectively). The net GHG balance at the soil scale calculated from the changes in soil C stocks and N2O emissions, expressed in CO2 equivalent, was negative in both coffee plantations indicating that the soil was a net source of GHG. Nevertheless this balance was in favor of the agroforestry system. The net GHG balance at the plantation scale, which includes additionally C storage in the phytomass, was positive and about 4 times larger in the CIn (14.59 ± 2.20 Mg CO2 eq ha-¹ year-¹) than in the CM plantation (3.83 ± 1.98 Mg CO2 eq ha-¹ year-¹). Thus converting the

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coffee monoculture to the coffee agroforestry plantation shaded by the N-2-fixing tree species I. densiflora would increase net atmospheric GHG removals by 10.76 ± 2.96 Mg CO2 eq ha-¹ year-¹) during the first cycle of 8-9 years. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14154. Publicación no.: 616 Cambio climático y presiones económicas: un análisis de percepción de los caficultores mesoamericanos [Climate change and economic pressures: an analysis of perception of Mesoamerican coffee farmers] / Díaz-Porras, Rafael A. (Universidad Nacional. Maestría en Política Económica para Centroamérica y el Caribe, Heredia, CR). En: Puentes (ISSN 1563-0013), v. 10, no. 6, p. 8-9. 2009. Enlace: Un análisis comparativo de estrategias de adaptación de comunidades productoras de café ante el cambio climático y las presiones económicas fue desarrollado en cuatro países de Mesoamérica. Involucró en México a los municipios de Jitotol y Cacahoatán; en Guatemala, a las comunidades de San Lucas Tolimán, Santiago Atitlán, Santa María Ixhuatán y Nueva Santa Rosa; en Honduras, las zonas productoras de Concepción del Sur y La Campa; y en Costa Rica, los casos de León Cortés y diferentes comunidades en la Península de Nicoya. Más allá de las preocupaciones globales sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la producción, la realidad de comunidades productoras de café en cuatro países de Mesoamérica muestra que no siempre esta preocupación se encuentra presente de forma consciente. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14172. Publicación no.: 617 Estrategia nacional de cambio climático [National climate change strategy] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones San José: Editorial Calderón y Alvarado S.A., 2009. 109 p. ISBN: 978-9977-50-094-2. Enlace: El cambio climático producto del calentamiento global generado por las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEl) es una de las amenazas más apremiantes que enfrenta la comunidad internacional y cuyas repercusiones abarcan todos los ámbitos de lapolítica pública, y que tiene amplio potencial para reducir drásticamente las oportunidades de desarrollo sostenible de nuestros pueblos. El Informe Stern sobre la economía del cambio climático y los hallazgos más recientes del Panel lntergubernamental de Cambio Climático, nos indican claramente que debemos abordar este problema con un claro sentido de urgencia, dado que entre más tarde actuemos más caro nos saldrán las medidas de mitigación y adaptación, tanto en términos de costo económicos, como social y ambiental. La comunidad internacional ha venido adoptando medidas desde la Cumbre de Rio en 1992, cuando se negocia la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, pasando por el Protocolo de Kioto, que tampoco logra cumplir con las expectativas en materia de reducción de emisiones. Han pasado ya 17 años y ahora los esfuerzos requeridos son mayores para evitar consecuencias catastróficas para el planeta. Costa Rica no ha estado ajena a esta situación, y con gran sentido de compromiso empezamos a tomar una serie de medidas de política pública desde mediados de la década pasada: la consolidación del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, el fomento de la reforestación y la conservación del bosque, una ruta de desarrollo energético limpio y el aumento en la capacidad del país para mejorar las reservas de carbono fijado mediante estas actividades. Es decir, estamos haciendo un aporte significativo a la búsqueda del equilibrio del clima mundial. La propuesta que la Administración Arias ha hecho dentro de la Iniciativa Paz con la Naturaleza para avanzar hacia una economía neutra en emisiones de carbono

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para el año 2021 lanzan nuevamente al país a asumir un papel de liderazgo en la escena internacional, rompiendo con el paradigma de que los países en desarrollo no pueden aportar a resolver el problema del cambio climático. Claro está que para lograr este objetivo, además del apoyo sostenido de parte de la comunidad internacional, esperamos contar también con el reconocimiento de los mercados globales de bienes y servicios, que deben incentivar el comercio de bienes y servicios bajos en carbono y en lo cual podemos obtener ventajas competitivas. La Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático que hoy nos honramos en presentar constituye el punto de partida de un diálogo nacional para crear las condiciones y avanzar hacia la instauración de un nuevo rumbo en la economía nacional, con un contenido cada vez menor en emisiones; diálogo que debe ampliarse aún a otros sectores del gobierno y especialmente hacia los diversos sectores sociales y económicos del país. La acción concertada es requisito indispensable para crear esa nueva visión que el país requiere en esta materia, y hacia la que afortunadamente hemos venido avanzando durante los últimos tres años. La Estrategia está directamente vinculada con el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio, la Convención de Cambio Climático y los compromisos Presidenciales asumidos en la Cumbre de Cambio Climático de San Pedro Sula. Por otra parte, esta estrategia cumple también con el objetivo de indicarle a la comunidad internacional que, un pequeño país como el nuestro, que una vez fue el mayor deforestador per cápita en el mundo, ha tenido la capacidad para responder con políticas públicas que han logrado resolver y revertir el problema; y que estamos dispuestos a hacer un esfuerzo mayor para demostrar que también podemos avanzar hacia una ruta de desarrollo más limpio y neutro, sin descuidar nuestros objetivos mayores de continuar mejorando la calidad de vida y el bienestar de nuestra población. (Presentación por Jorge E. Rodríguez Quirós, Ministro del MINAET). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14197. Publicación no.: 618 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de los recursos costeros al cambio climático [Studies of climate change in Costa Rica: Evaluation of the vulnerability of coastal resources to climate change] / Costa Rica. Ministerio del Ambiente y energía / Instituto Meteorológico Nacional / Coastal Zone Management Centre / Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos San José: MINAE / IMN, s.f. 216 p. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14205. Publicación no.: 619 Vulnerabilidad y adaptación al cambio climático: Diagnóstico inicial, avances, vacíos y potenciales líneas de acción en Mesoamérica [Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: Initial diagnosis, progress, gaps and potential courses of action in Mesoamerica] / Gutiérrez, María Elena; Espinosa, Tatiana. Washington, DC: BID, 2010. 81 p. (Series Technical Notes; no. 144). Enlace: La región de Mesoamérica es una de las regiones más vulnerables al cambio climático a pesar de contribuir sólo con aproximadamente un 3% de las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero del planeta. La recurrencia de sequías e inundaciones, y de intensos y frecuentes huracanes pone en grave riesgo a las heterogéneas economías de la región, mayormente extractivas y basadas en recursos naturales que dependen fuertemente del clima (agricultura, turismo, etc.). En general, se encontró que la región mesoamericana es altamente vulnerable al cambio climático debido, entre otras causas: a) al incremento en la frecuencia e intensidad de los huracanes en la región; b) a la sensibilidad de los

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ecosistemas y biodiversidad; c) a la dependencia de las economías de las actividades sensibles al clima (como la agricultura y el turismo, o las actividades ubicadas en zonas costeras); d) a los niveles de pobreza (que superan un tercio de la población actual); e) a las necesidades de institucionalización y descentralización hacia gobiernos locales; f) a la escasa información y capacidad de investigación y desarrollo de propuestas integrales de adaptación (redes de observación hidrometeorológica y sistemas de información). Estas circunstancias ponen en evidencia lanecesidad de actuar urgentemente para hacer frente al cambio climático y sus consecuencias, es decir, promover medidas de adaptación. Los mayores impactos del cambio climático en la región se deben al incremento de eventos meteorológicos extremos, con graves consecuencias en el sector agrícola, infraestructura y vidas humanas. Por ejemplo, se ha constatado que el número de desastres relacionados con el clima aumentó 2,4 veces entre los períodos 1970-1999 y 2000-2005 (CEPAL y DFID, 2009). En términos climáticos, es patente una división de la región en dos zonas: norte y sur. La zona de la región que se extiende hacia el norte de Costa Rica es altamente vulnerable a eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos (tales como huracanes y tormentas tropicales) que podrían incrementar en intensidad y frecuencia. En cuanto a la precipitación, la tendencia en esta zona es hacia una disminución, lo que llevaría a sequías en las cuencas pacíficas. Por el contrario, en la zona al sur de Costa Rica, el promedio de precipitación proyectado tiende a incrementarse, aumentando el riesgo de deslizamientos e inundaciones (Fernández et al., 2006). La variación de la intensidad y frecuencia de las precipitaciones ha creado un estrés hídrico en el este de Centroamérica (valles de Motagua y el Pacífico en Guatemala, el este y oeste de El Salvador, las zonas central y Pacífico de Costa Rica, las regiones intermontañosas en Honduras y la Península Azuero en Panamá). Se prevé que para el año 2050, el 50% de las tierras agrícolas de la región se verán afectadas por la salinización y la desertificación (IDRC y DFID, 2008) lo que impactará la producción de maíz, arroz y otros cultivos. Debido al aumento del nivel del mar se prevén consecuencias adversas en las zonas costeras bajas de El Salvador, Nicaragua y Honduras, que incluyen inundaciones, salinización y degradación de ecosistemas. Para 2015 se proyecta un incremento de entre el 10% y el 23% de las enfermedades gastrointestinales, de transmisión vectorial (malaria, dengue y leishmaniasis) y las respiratorias, principalmente en las regiones del Caribe. En la región se observó un claro déficit de información sobre escenarios de impactos del cambio climático, así como una escasez de análisis de costo-beneficio para la adopción de estrategias de adaptación al mismo (especialmente en materia de seguridad alimentaria), además de un bajo nivel de seguimiento y monitoreo de las acciones de adaptación. Los modelos climáticos y escalas temporales y espaciales de los países difieren entre sí y carecen de información en detalle (escala local). No hay proyectos que generen y actualicen escenarios y proyecciones climáticas; la información que podría difundir los riesgos del cambio climático y la necesidad de adaptación a pequeños agricultores y ciudadanos en general se encuentra en una etapa incipiente y los estudios sobre la adaptación en los procesos de planificación del desarrollo, ordenamiento territorial y lucha contra la pobreza son escasos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14206. Publicación no.: 620 Impactos, políticas y posiciones de los países latinoamericanos rumbo a COP17 [Impacts, policies and positions of Latin American countries towards COP17] / Fuentes-Bracamontes, Rolando. Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2011. 11 p. (Serie Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano; no. 130/2011). Enlace:

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América Latina no se presenta a las negociaciones sobre cambio climático como un bloque. Los impactos en la región son muy variados, lo cual no sorprende por la extensión de la región, pero generalizando son problemas relacionados con el agua: sequía, inundaciones y lluvias torrenciales. El cambio climático por tanto afecta más a aquellos países cuyos sectores económicos dependen o usan intensivamente el agua, como pudieran ser la ganadería, la agricultura y el turismo. Las propuestas que han avanzados algunos países carecen de coordinación y obedecen más a los intereses particulares de cada país. Así, por ejemplo, Brasil impulsa el uso de biocombustibles como una forma de mitigación dada la evolución que ha tenido su programa de etanol, que se desarrolló por causas ajenas a las preocupaciones sobre cambio climático. México por su parte, ha tomado la eficiencia energética como bandera en las negociaciones. Esta es una propuesta que parece viable dado que logra beneficios que de cualquier forma los países persiguen individualmente. Estos beneficios incluyen la seguridad energética y la eficiencia en los mercados, así como el ahorro de energía. También fue uno de los promotores del Fondo Verde aprobado en Cancún. Ecuador, por su parte hace una propuesta sui generis: el pago por emisiones evitadas que implica para ellos el pago por no desarrollar sus yacimientos de hidrocarburos. Esta propuesta sería bien vista por otras regiones, como los países petroleros de Oriente Medio que reclaman una compensación por potenciales pérdidas de ingresos derivados del petróleo debido a la potencial transición hacia otros combustibles. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14198. Publicación no.: 621 Climate change and challenges for tourism in Central America [Cambio climático y retos para el sector turismo de Centroamérica] / Schatan, Claudia; Montiel, Mauricio; Romero, Indira. México: CEPAL, 2010. 77 p. (Serie Estudios y Perspectivas; no. 123). ISBN: 978-92-1-054517-4. Enlace: Tourism has been a very dynamic activity worldwide over the last fifteen years (until the 2008-2009 economic crises). Some developing countries have been very active in promoting this activity and have been successful. Among these countries are several from the Central American region, where tourism accounted for more almost 8% of GDP in 2008. Tourism is a very broad activity, which includes leisure, business and family visits, but statistics for this region do not allow a distinction between these categories. Some countries are more specialized in leisure tourism (Belize and Costa Rica) while others have a more diversified visitor composition (El Salvador and Panama). Nevertheless, all countries have plans to considerably expand its leisure tourism, which depends to a great extent on their natural attractions, mostly on the coasts or near its coasts. The study mostly concentrates on this kind of tourism. The Central American countries’ rich biodiversity, forests, coral reefs, attractive beaches, among others, are under serious threat because of climate change effects, some of which are already being experienced. The vulnerability to these events is a result not only of the region's geographical location but also of the degree to which the countries' natural resources have been degraded, especially the accelerated deforestation in most of them. Hurricanes are becoming more frequent and intense, and so are flooding, droughts, while rising sea levels and higher temperatures are to become more evident in the near future, according to scientific projections. Tourist sites are particularly sensitive to these changes, but little is being done to adapt these activities accordingly. Leisure tourism traveling to the region in mid-year will be the one mostly affected by climate change (temperatures could increase by 4°C in some tourist locations in July 2050 and greater extreme weather events could also occur around that time of the year, according to not particularly pessimistic scenarios). This paper looks at the different Central American countries' tourism characteristics and vulnerability to climate change

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phenomena; compares the different situations of tourist sites among the countries of the region; looks into the legal and institutional framework that has been developed regarding environment protection and climate change in each country under study, analyzing its progress and limitations; explores the determinants of tourism demand in the past, including the role of hurricanes and other external shocks on the flow of tourists and, finally, suggest some adaptation policies mostly for leisure tourism. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14173. Publicación no.: 622 Trade and deforestation: a literature review [Comercio y deforestación: una revisión de literatura] / Robalino, Juan Andrés; Herrera, Luis Diego. (EfD Initiative-CATIE and Universidad de Costa Rica, Turrialba, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). Geneve: WTO, 2010. 44 p. (Staff Working Paper; no. ERSD 2010-04). Enlace: Researchers are also still discussing whether trade sanctions can be used for environmental purposes. Some argue that this can help global environmental efforts but other say that this can generate perverse incentives by reducing the value of the stock of the resource, which could lead to depletion. Certainly, the amount of environmental clauses has increased significantly in trade agreements. Cross-country empirical analysis of the effects of these types of restrictions might now be possible. The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we discuss the determinants of deforestation at the micro level and discuss how trade can trigger changes in these determinants. We then discuss at the macro variables that can affect deforestation and the theoretical models developed to take into account specificities of resource abundant countries. In Section 4, we discuss the relationship between environmental policies and trade. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 5. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14174. Publicación no.: 623 Istmo centroamericano: efectos del cambio climático sobre la agricultura [Central American Isthmus: effects of climate change on agriculture] / Ramírez, Diana; Ordaz-Díaz, Juan Luis; Mora-Alfaro, Jorge; Acosta, Alicia; Serna-Hidalgo, Braulio. (CEPAL, Subsede Regional, Edificio Corporativo MCS Av. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra #193 piso 12. Col. Granada. Del. Miguel Hidalgo CP11520, México, DF, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>). México, DF: CEPAL / CCAD / DFID, 2010. 73 p. (Distr. Limitada; LC/MEX/L.924/Rev.1). Enlace: This document shows how climate change causes reduction on agricultural production, yields and profits of Central American farmers. Furthermore, this study quantifies the direct effect of variations in temperature and precipitation in production, yields and farm profits. An estimate of the effects and impacts of climate change in 2020, 2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100, using production function models, indicates that climate change will have negative impacts on agricultural production. These losses represent about 19% of GDP (Impacts by 2100 are expressed as percentages of GDP 2007). Estimates based on climate scenarios predict that the biggest share of losses are due to increases in temperature. Additionally, in regards to Honduras, the study demonstrates that agricultural profits are sensitive to variations. A marginal increase in the annual average temperature of one degree Celsius reduces the annual agricultural profits by an average of 26 dollars. This represents 3% of the average agricultural income, but up to 5% to 80% of farmers' income. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14175.

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Publicación no.: 624 Informe de factibilidad: economía del cambio climático en Centroamérica [Feasibility report: economics of climate change in Central America] / Cuevas, Fernando; Lennox, Julie. México, DF, 2009. 120 p. (Serie CEPAL; LC/MEX/L.897). Enlace: Se estima que Centroamérica produce menos del 0,5% del carbono del planeta, pero, en cambio, es una de las regiones más vulnerables ante los embates del cambio climático. El aumento de la temperatura atmosférica y del mar, la reducción y la inestabilidad en el régimen de lluvias y la subida del nivel del mar tienen impactos en la producción, la infraestructura, los medios de vida y la salud de la población. Si las sociedades centroamericanas no toman acciones para responder a este reto, ¿cuál será el impacto en términos económicos para la población?, ¿cómo se verán afectados los presupuestos públicos para atender las consecuencias? ¿Cómo podrá sortear la región las secuelas en materia de salud producidas por el cambio climático? ¿Cuáles son las opciones que tiene Centroamérica para adaptarse y cuánto costarán? La presente publicación concluye que en la subregión hay bases suficientes para emprender un estudio de fondo sobre el impacto que tendrá el cambio climático en el Istmo Centroamericano. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14176. Publicación no.: 625 Alteración de la atmósfera libre sobre Costa Rica durante eventos de "El Niño" [Fluctuation of the free atmosphere over Costa Rica during "El Niño" events] / Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando. (Ministerio del Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET). Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, 1999. 192 p. Tesis, Licenciatura en Meteorología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Ciencias, Escuela de Física, San José (Costa Rica). Con base en una técnica de composición de anomalías de los campos meteorológicos considerados, se diagnosticaron las principales alteraciones climáticas de la atmósfera libre sobre Costa Rica durante los eventos de El Niño, tales como (i) el mayor calentamiento (enfriamiento) del aire en toda la troposfera (estratosfera), (ii) la disminución de las presiones atmosféricas en superficie, (iii) los mayores valores de la temperatura potencial equivalente (0e) y la mayor profundidad de la capa convectivamente inestable, (iv) la mayor magnitud de los vientos alisios durante el verano y disminución en el invierno, (v) cortante vertical más intensa entre el invierno y el verano, (vi) la fase del oeste (este) en el Ecuador se refleja en Costa Rica como una intensificación (debilitamiento) de los vientos dominantes del este, (vii) la señal de la OCB presenta un máximo espectral en el período de 27 meses, es más intensa en 30 hPa y desaparece totalmente en 100 hPa, donde el período del máximo de energía espectral coincide aproximadamente con el ciclo del fenómeno de El Niño. Localización: Biblioteca Luis D. Tinoco: Tesis 19017. Publicación no.: 626 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Evaluación de la agricultura al cambio climático. Caso de estudio: café [Studies of climate change in Costa Rica: Evaluation of agriculture to climate change. Case study: coffee] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / The Institute for Environmental Studies of Vrije University, 1999. 13 p. Enlace: Introducción: En Costa Rica, el cultivo de café es por varias razones la actividad de mayor importancia socioeconómica: por su contribución a la producción nacional (20% del producto interno bruto (PIB)),

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por la generación de divisas (37%), y por su contribución a la generación de empleo, ya que este cultivo absorbe el 13.8% de la población económicamente activa (Ramírez, 1988). Los cultivos originales de café en América surgieron de la semilla de una sola planta de Coffea arabica variedad typica, la cual es de buena calidad, pero de baja productividad. Los primeros granos de Café llegaron a Costa Rica en 1796. En 1804 se liberó de impuestos la actividad, y en 1819, comenzó a producir el primer cafetal de Centroamérica. El año siguiente se extendió su cultivo a otros sectores del Valle Central. En 1821 los alcaldes de Cartago y San José repartieron tierras del estado para nuevas siembras de café y facilitaron el almácigo (Sandner, 1962). Es así como el café se comenzó a cultivar en forma económica en Costa Rica. Desde el inicio, el cultivo tomó la modalidad de los sistemas extensivos, y a partir de 1950 se pasa a un sistema de explotación intensiva (Pérez, 1975). Posteriormente se introducen en Costa Rica variedades como el caturra y el catuaí, que fueron traídas de Brasil. Según Fernández (1988), estas variedades encontraron condiciones aceptables para su establecimiento en esta parte de América, y con esto se logra aumentar el rendimiento. Estas variedades modernas se caracterizan por ser de porte bajo, con más flores por nudo, hojas más grandes y con mayor número de estomas. El alto nivel tecnológico de la producción y el aumento de los rendimientos, estimados en 22,6 kg de café oro por cada doble hectolitro para 1996-1997, colocan a Costa Rica entre los primeros productores del mundo (Ramírez, 1988; ICAFE, 1998). De acuerdo con Peter (1995), Costa Rica podría producir más, sin embargo, nos afecta mucho la falta de mano de obra y el alto costo de producción. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14180. Publicación no.: 627 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Evaluación de la agricultura al cambio climático. Caso de estudio: frijol [Studies of climate change in Costa Rica: Evaluation of agriculture to climate change. Case study: common bean] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / The Institute for Environmental Studies of Vrije University, 1999. 18 p. Enlace: Introducción: El frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) es una leguminosa de rápido crecimiento. En Costa Rica es la leguminosa alimenticia de mayor consumo y constituye la principal fuente de proteína (18 a 25%) para la población de menores recursos económicos (Alfaro, 1983). El frijol se cultiva en una gran diversidad de climas, con diferentes altitudes sobre el nivel del mar. La Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica (Caribe Norte), principalmente los cantones de Los Chiles y Upala, se han constituido en la principal zona semillera debido a que la topografía de la región, la receptividad del agricultor a este cultivo y las condiciones agroclimáticas propias de la zona, han permitido que la actividad se incremente, lo que se refleja en el aporte (52%) que esta zona ha hecho en los últimos cinco años a la producción nacional de este grano (Carrillo, 1996). En las plantas de frijol, el primer producto de la fotosíntesis es un compuesto de tres carbonos, este tipo de mecanismo suele llamarse metabolismo fotosintético C3, mediante el cual, la fijación de CO2 depende de una serie de reacciones que implican la pérdida de carbono y energía; este proceso se denomina fotorespiración. Bajo condiciones de alta temperatura (mayor a 30ºC) y baja disponibilidad de agua, las plantas de frijol son menos eficientes en términos fotosintéticos, que especies tropicales como el maíz, la caña de azúcar o el sorgo, que producen compuestos de cuatro carbonos (C4), y usan mecanismos de fijación del CO2 que evitan la fotorespiración. Se reporta que los mayores rendimientos de esta leguminosa se obtienen en zonas con temperaturas entre 18 y 24ºC. Temperaturas mayores de 27ºC producen caída de flores y reducen el número de granos en la vaina

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(White, 1985). El frijol es una planta que requiere que la humedad se distribuya uniformemente. Precipitaciones fuertes pueden ocasionar pérdidas en la floración y el volcamiento de las plantas. Por otra parte, la maduración y la cosecha se deben producir en un ambiente seco. La precipitación es precisamente un factor limitante de producción, debido especialmente a su irregular distribución (Monge, 1981). Estudios que permitan vislumbrar posibles impactos de un eventual cambio climático sobre actividades agrícolas tradicionales, se deben constituir en punto de partida para los tomadores de decisiones, razón por lo cual, se pretende concretar a través de este estudio, los siguientes objetivos específicos. A. -Analizar los posibles efectos de la variación de la temperatura del aire y la precipitación sobre la fisiología general del cultivo de frijol, específicamente representado por la variedad Brunca, en la Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica. B. -Analizar el impacto de las variaciones climáticas sobre la producción de biomasa y el rendimiento deesta variedad de leguminosa. C. -Sugerir medidas de mitigación, con base en las implicaciones socioeconómicas que los efectos de estas variaciones climáticas tengan sobre la actividad frijolera nacional. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14181. Publicación no.: 628 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Evaluación de la agricultura al cambio climático. Caso de estudio: papa [Studies of climate change in Costa Rica: Evaluation of agriculture to climate change. Case study: potatoes] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / The Institute for Environmental Studies of Vrije University, 1999. 18 p. Enlace: Introducción: Las proyecciones científicas sobre un eventual cambio climático indican aumentos en la temperatura (máxima, mínima y media) y cambios en el régimen pluviométrico para nuestras latitudes. Esto variará el entorno agroecológico de cultivos vulnerables como la papa, y la respuesta de su adaptación incidirá dependiendo del cultivo. Estudios que permitan vislumbrar el posible impacto de un cambio climático sobre actividades agrícolas tradicionales, se deben constituir en punto de partida para los tomadores de decisiones, razón por la cual, se pretende concretar a través de este estudio, los siguientes objetivos específicos. A. -Analizar los posibles efectos de la variación de la temperatura del aire y la precipitación sobre la fisiología general del cultivo de papa, específicamente representado por la variedad Atzimba, en la Región Central de Costa Rica. B. -Analizar el impacto de las variaciones climáticas sobre la producción de biomasa y el rendimiento de esta variedad de tubérculo. C. -Sugerir medidas de mitigación, con base en las implicaciones socioeconómicas que los efectos de estas variaciones climáticas tengan sobre la actividad papera nacional. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14182. Publicación no.: 629 Estimación del riesgo del sistema hídrico de la zona noroeste del Valle Central de Costa Rica ante los efectos de eventos meteorológicos extremos [Risk estimation of the water system in the Northwest Central Valley of Costa Rica to the effects of extreme weather events] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, Gestión de Desarrollo, San José, CR. San José: MINAE / IMN, 2007. 13 p. Enlace: Los extremos del clima se manifiestan normalmente como sequías o inundaciones. Otras manifestaciones como los deslizamientos por lluvias fuertes, las olas, o bolsas de calor o las heladas, son

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menos frecuentes en nuestras latitudes, pero de ninguna manera ausente. Los eventos meteorológicos que producen estos extremos se pueden asociar con huracanes y tormentas tropicales, condiciones atmosféricas locales o fenómenos de variabilidad climática entre muchos otros. Recientemente, se han asociado eventos atmosféricos extremos con las consecuencias del cambio climático de origen antropogénico. El Valle Central de Costa Rica es una zona vulnerable debido a la presión urbanística que afecta no solo la demanda, sino la calidad del agua que consume más de la mitad de la población total del país. Se suma a esto la componente climática de influencia predominantemente pacífica que ha hecho experimentar sequías importantes asociadas a la fase cálida de El Niño, además de eventos lluviosos extremos que generaninundaciones de tipo urbano en zonas prácticamente impermeabilizadas por el desarrollo industrial y residencial. En la parte alta del área, se encuentran las últimas zonas de bosques protegidos por Áreas de Conservación de donde fluyen importantes nacientes que conservan parte de la biodiversidad del área. Esta zona se encuentra asentada sobre los acuíferos más importantes de la Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) y de cuya oferta depende la actividad socio productiva del centro del país. El objetivo de este estudio es estimar el riesgo en el que se encuentra el sistema hídrico de la zona noroeste del Valle Central, ante la amenaza de eventos meteorológicos extremos. Se parte del concepto de que el riesgo está en función de la amenaza y la vulnerabilidad (WMO, 1999). Se determina la vulnerabilidad del sistema y la amenaza del clima, por medio de indicadores integrados en un índice de vulnerabilidad y un índice de amenaza climática expresados en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). La cuantificación del riesgo es un tópico en construcción en el tema de manejo de desastres. La adopción de una metodología para estimar riesgo y a partir de ahí diseñar una estrategia que ayude a adaptar los sistemas a las condiciones futuras del clima, se convierte en una herramienta importante de planificación, labor que se facilita cuando se emplean Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Este instrumento de medición es en sí mismo, un mecanismo de evaluación y seguimiento de eventuales proyectos debido a que puede y debeser actualizado en el tiempo. Las variaciones en el índice de riesgo van a constituirse en los indicadores que calificarán las acciones emprendidas. La labor es disminuir la vulnerabilidad social de la zona ya que la amenaza, el clima, es un factor que no se puede controlar, solo prever. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14183. Publicación no.: 630 Estudios de cambio climático en Costa Rica: Evaluación del impacto de la variabilidad climática sobre la producción agrícola de Costa Rica (conclusiones) [Studies of climate change in Costa Rica: Impact of climate variability on agricultural production in Costa Rica (conclusions)] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / The Institute for Environmental Studies of Vrije University, 1999. 3 p. Enlace: La variabilidad climática interanual afecta actividades humanas sensibles, como la agricultura. El número creciente de eventos climatológicos extremos que han ocurrido en los pasados 15 a 20 años, sugiere que tales eventos están siendo más constantesy severos, con el aumento creciente de pérdidas económicas. Por esta razón, existe una preocupación generalizada por buscar soluciones que permitan que la población que es afectada por la inseguridad de la producción agrícola y económica, pueda adaptarsea las variaciones climáticas que afectan el proceso productivo. Costa Rica es vulnerable al impacto de estas anomalías climáticas que afectan la estructura socioeconómica del país. El análisis de un posible cambio climático es importante en vista de que incrementos en la temperatura producen

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modificaciones en otros parámetros meteorológicos, exponiendo a los cultivos a diferentes condiciones ambientales, las cuales también modifican el entorno biológico. Los avances en la utilización de computadoras, han provisto a los investigadores y científicos, la oportunidad de manejar grandes volúmenes de información, y por lo tanto, la aplicación de modelos de simulación en problemas ambientales y agrícolas, ha ido aumentando en la última década. La ventaja de los modelos, es que reducen el tiempo y los recursos humanos requeridos para los análisis complejos, como los que involucran los recursos naturales, el ambiente y la producción de cultivos. Los modelos de simulación de cultivos pueden ser utilizados por los agricultores para estrategias de manejo; por educadores como herramienta de enseñanza, ayudando a los estudiantes a entender mejor la interacción entre las plantas y el medio ambiente; por los investigadores como herramienta de trabajo que les permita conocer prioridades de investigación, simular condiciones climáticas futuras, realizar pronóstico agrícola, proveer de información valiosa a los tomadores de decisiones, de tal manera que ésta les permita establecer prioridades en las medidas de mitigación, y formular las posibilidades de adaptación. Los modelos de simulación utilizados en esta investigación, han sido diseñados para proveer a los usuarios del manejo apropiado de información sobre suelos, clima, cultivo y datos experimentales, con la finalidad de simular el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de varios cultivos de importancia económica. Estos modelos han mostrado ser operacionales y presentan resultados prometedores bajo una variedad de condiciones climáticas características de algunas regiones agrícolas de Costa Rica. Estos modelos presentaron un buen ajuste entre los valores de rendimiento observado y los estimados, por lo que pueden llegar a constituirse en una herramienta valiosa en el pronóstico de cosechas, con el beneficio de poder ayudar a los tomadores de decisiones, a desarrollar planes y políticas para el mercadeo del producto, alternativas de producción y estrategias de manejo bajo diferentes sistemas de producción y ambientes. También permite acelerar la ejecución de acciones de interés agrícola, al reducir el tiempo y los recursos humanos necesarios en el análisis de decisiones complejas. Los resultados de los tres casos analizados, muestran que los rendimientos de los cultivos agrícolas se ven afectados por la variabilidad climática. Los análisis permiten concluir que el efecto de los parámetros meteorológicos sobre los rendimientos es diferencial, y que dependiendo de la condición hídrica del momento durante el ciclo del cultivo, un parámetro meteorológico puede intensificar o disminuir la influencia de otro, dependiendo del peso relativo de los correspondientes efectos, los cuales son justificados fisiológicamente. Los modelos asumen que la temperatura afecta la proporción de desarrollo del cultivo en todas las fases fenológicas, mientras que una mayor o menor disponibilidad de agua tiene un efecto diferente por fase durante el ciclo del cultivo. También se concluye que un déficit de humedad tiene un doble efecto, provoca una disminución en la eficiencia del usodel agua y reduce la producción de biomasa. Por otra parte, los rendimientos también se reducen debido a la pérdida de nutrientes que dejan de ser absorbidos al disminuir la transpiración de mantenimiento. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14184. Publicación no.: 631 Importancia del sector agropecuario costarricense en la mitigación del calentamiento global [Costa Rican agricultural sector's importance in mitigating global warming] / Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Abarca-Monge, Sergio. (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. Dirección de Protección Fitosanitaria, Turrialba, CR). San José: Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería / Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, 2001. 137 p. ISBN: 9977-9921-9-3. Enlace:

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Este documento es una compilación de varias investigaciones que se realizaron en diferentes actividades pecuarias y agrícolas, y que se relacionan de manera directa con la generación de gases con efecto invernadero, especialmente con metano (CH4), dióxido de carbono (CO2) y óxido nitroso (N2O). También se presenta información de fijación de carbono en los ecosistemas agropecuarios, comparando las emisiones que se generan en sistemas agrícolas con las determinadas en los ecosistemas naturales (bosques). Estos resultados, basados en mediciones directas realizadas en el campo, ofrecen una visión diferente de la problemática ambiental ligada al sector agropecuario, mostrando la importancia de este sector en la mitigación del Calentamiento Global del Planeta. Este documento es el primero en su género, en el cual se cuantifica por primera vez, mediante muestreos de campo, las emisiones de gases que influencia positivamente el Cambio Climático y que provienen de los ecosistemas agropecuarios de Costa Rica. Los datos e información presentada no pretenden ser concluyentes, porque se requiere continuar las investigaciones con este enfoque para mejorar el conocimiento y el entendimiento de los factores que influyen la generación de los gases con efecto invernadero, y posteriormente, desarrollar estrategias que permitan disminuir la emisión e incrementar la captura de carbono para contribuir con la mitigación del Efecto Invernadero. Se considera que la producción agropecuaria seguirá siendo un renglón importante dentro del quehacer nacional, por ello se requiere enfocar esta temática dentro del contexto productivo para desarrollar sistemas de producción acordes con el ambiente y de esta manera obtener cosechas menos contaminantes con este tipo de gases. Eneste sentido, la introducción de conceptos tales como la eficiencia de emisión permite valorar, comparar y diseñar más objetivamente los sistemas de producción, sin obviar la parte productiva y social inherente a cada agroecosistema. Esperamos que este documento genere discusión, comentarios e incluso polémica, en un sentido positivo, ya que esta es una forma para mejorar, y lograr posteriormente obtener más y mejor información sobre este tema para el beneficio del sector agropecuario nacional. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14185. Publicación no.: 632 Vulnerabilidad actual de la zona noroccidental del Valle Central de Costa Rica: Adaptación del sector hídrico al cambio climático [Current vulnerability of the northwestern area of Costa Rica's Central Valley: Adaptation of the water sector to climate change] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, San José, CR. San José: MINAE / IMN, 2005. 57 p. Enlace: Costa Rica concluyó la etapa de Análisis de Vulnerabilidad Actual del Sistema Hídrico al Cambio Climático, dentro del marco técnico y administrativo del Proyecto Regional Fomento de las Capacidades para la Etapa II Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Centroamérica, México y Cuba. Este proyecto es implementado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y utiliza como agencia regional de ejecución al Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe (CATHALAC). El proyecto busca fortalecer la capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático de todos los países de la región, por medio del aumento de la capacidad nacional de análisis y evaluación de la vulnerabilidad actual y futura de los sistemas. Si por medio de este conocimiento la vulnerabilidad se logra disminuir, el riesgo de la amenaza climática también disminuirá y el impacto en las sociedades será menor. Operativamente, el proyecto se compone de cinco etapas: 1. Formación de un grupo de actores base para dar aconocer el proyecto y establecer los lineamientos de trabajo. 2. Estimación de la vulnerabilidad actual 3. Estimación de la vulnerabilidad futura 4. Elaboración de la estrategia y el plan de acción para la adaptación 5. Seguimiento del proceso de adaptación y divulgación de resultados. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14186.

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Publicación no.: 633 Revisión de las políticas y medidas de adaptación actuales ante la vulnerabilidad del sistema hídrico al clima actual en el área del proyecto: Informe final [Review of policies and adaptation measures to existing water system vulnerability to current climate in the project area: Final report] / Miranda-Quirós, Miriam; Otoya-Chavarría, Marco; Gutiérrez-Miranda, Marcela. (Universidad Nacional. Centro Internacional en Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, P.O. Box 555-3000, Heredia, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN, 2005. 84 p. Enlace: Introducción: La sociedad mundial enfrenta la amenaza del Cambio Climático principalmente como consecuencia de la emisión de gases provenientes de la combustión de fuentes de energía fósil. La evidencia científica ha dejado al descubierto una serie de consecuencias del cambio climático, las cuales se reflejan principalmente en el aumento de la temperatura que produce descongelamiento de los hielos en regiones subpolares, aumento en la temperatura, aumento del nivel de los océanos, cambios en los patrones de las lluvias y del clima en general, entre otras. Las consecuencias anteriores traen consigo una serie de impactos que afectan la economía, el ambiente y la sociedad. Los impactos son variables, por ejemplo, al calentarse las regiones templadas favorecerá el aumento de enfermedades y parásitos que no son comunes en ciertas regiones, afectando a millones de personas que carecen de inmunidad. En el sector agrícola los efectos son variados, afectando fuertemente a las regiones dependientes económicamente de esta actividad. En muchos casos cambios en el clima varían los procesos de crecimiento de los cultivos, en otros ocasionan pérdidas parciales o totales. Así mismo, aumentará la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades en la agricultura, reduciendo de esta forma las cosechas y poniendo en peligro la seguridad alimentaria de la sociedad (Pereira, 2004). El aumento de plagas puede incidir en el uso de agroquímicos lo cual aumenta los costos, reduce la calidad de los cultivos y promueve la contaminación. En casos extremos los agricultores deben cambiar hacia otros cultivos o ampliar la frontera agrícola (Campos, 2004). Los cambios en los patrones de lluvias obligan a variar las temporadas de siembra y cosechas, alterando la oferta en los mercados y ladisponibilidad de alimentos. Además, se podría dar un aumento de los procesos erosivos y la incidencia de sequías e inundaciones. La disponibilidad de agua potable en cantidad y calidad se ve afectada así como las actividades socio-productivas que dependen de ella como la agricultura, generación eléctrica, industria, turismo, comercio y los diversos servicios conexos. Los impactos periódicos de los fenómenos de origen climático constituyen la mejor muestra de lo que podría suceder en las próximas décadas con los efectos del cambio climático. En los últimos años la ocurrencia de desastres y las pérdidas atribuibles a eventos climáticos extremos ha aumentado de forma dramática. Según las predicciones del Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (PICC) es necesario el diseño y la aplicación de medidas de adaptación para evitar desastres mayores. Ante un clima cambiante como el actual, diversos estudios demuestran la vulnerabilidad de nuestra economía y de nuestros recursos naturales ante los eventos extremos. De acuerdo con Girot y Jiménez (2003) el costo económico acumulado de los desastres en Centroamérica desde 1960 hasta 1999 asciende a $15.535 millones. El sector salud es uno de los sectores más propensos a sufrir serios impactos debido a los efectos del cambio climático sobre el recurso hídrico. Finalmente, se realizó un taller con expertos para proceder a hacer una validación de las políticas y medidas encontradas. Esto con el fin no solo de establecer si las políticas y medidas encontradas son las apropiadas, sino también para completar con otras experiencias y medir su efectividad. Adicionalmente se analizaron las fortalezas y debilidades del sector hídrico en este proceso

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y se listaron una serie de necesidades que deben trabajarse para enfrentar la vulnerabilidad del sector hídrico a los cambios en el clima actual. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14187. Publicación no.: 634 Estimación del riesgo futuro del sistema hídrico de la zona noroeste de la Gran Area Metropolitana de Costa Rica ante el cambio climático: Informe final [Estimating the future risk of the water system of the northwestern part of the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica to climate change: Final report] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, San José, CR. San José: MINAE / IMN, 2006. 34 p. Enlace: Introducción: El impacto social de los extremos meteorológicos recientes, ha motivado que en la pasada Conferencia Mundial sobre Reducción de Desastres, celebrada en Kobe, Japón en enero del 2005, se permita a la Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) y a los Servicios Meteorológicos e Hidrológicos Nacionales (SMHN) desempeñar un papel más visible como componentes esenciales de las plataformas de gestión de desastres en cualquier país del mundo. Básicamente esta gestión persigue evaluar, planificar y prevenir el riesgo social ante una amenaza, sin dejar de lado la respuesta y recuperación de los impactos (OMM 2004a). Una de las formas más típicas de concebir el riesgo es construirlo a partir de la vulnerabilidad de un sistema y la amenaza que secierne sobre él. De acuerdo con la OMM (1999), el concepto de riesgo se asocia con las pérdidas esperadas (vidas, propiedades, infraestructura) producto del impacto de una amenaza particular, que se da en un espacio y tiempo determinado. Para el caso de estudio, el clima se considera como una amenaza. Históricamente el 65% de la población mundial que es impactada por algún evento natural, lo ha sido por fenómenos de origen hidrometeorológico (EIRD/UN, 2004). Este porcentaje ha cambiado recientemente. Según la OMM (2004b), en el período 1993-2002, los extremos hidrometeorológicos afectaron el 87% de las personas impactadas por desastres de origen natural. Un 52% de muertes reportadas en ese mismo período se producen por sequías, mientras que el 11% por inundaciones. Dado que el riesgo climático surge de una interacción entre el clima (la amenaza) y la sociedad (sistema vulnerable), el aumento de los impactos registrado en años recientes, puede deberse a: 1) La población y la infraestructura en riesgo ha crecido y se ha extendido (aumento y extensión de la vulnerabilidad social, OPS 1998). 2) La magnitud y frecuencia de los extremos climáticos ha aumentado (aumento de la magnitud de la amenaza, OMM 2003). 3) Malas o deficientes prácticas de adaptacióndel sistema (disminuye la capacidad adaptativa, PNUD 2003). 4) Una combinación de las anteriores (incremento de la vulnerabilidad acumulada). Este dinamismo plantea todo un reto para el análisis de escenarios futuros de riesgo climático. Además, el estimar las condiciones socioeconómicas futuras a partir de proyecciones de un comportamiento, es un ejercicio que encierra gran incertidumbre (PRODUS 2004). Por otra parte, la exploración del clima futuro siempre será un modelaje complejo. Si el riesgo actual representa un punto estático alrededor de un año base de fácil representación cuantitativa, el riesgo a futuro debe considerar el movimiento social del sistema, las fuerzas de cambio a nivel local, regional y mundial y el cambio proyectado de la amenaza, lo cual no es fácilmente cuantificable. Si los impactos del clima extremo han aumentado en las últimas décadas, es muy probable que el riesgo futuro se modifique con respecto a la estimación actual y esto debe motivar una estrategia de adaptación dinámica y evolutiva, que prevea estos cambios. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar el riesgo futuro en el que se encuentra el sistema hídrico de la zona noroeste del Valle Central, relacionado con la amenaza del cambio climático producto del aumento en la concentración de gases de efecto invernadero. Los resultados de este estudio junto con los de vulnerabilidad actual, son

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insumos para la identificación de barreras y oportunidades que guíen la planificación de la respuesta de adaptación futura. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14188. Publicación no.: 635 Estrategia de adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático en la zona noroccidental del Gran Area Metropolitana [Adaptation strategy to climate change water system in the northwestern part of the Greater Metropolitan Area] / Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Campos-Barrantes, Magda Brígida; Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN, 2007. 62 p. Enlace: La Estrategia de Adaptación del Sistema Hídrico al Cambio Climático, se formula bajo un proceso participativo, reflexivo, de análisis, construcción y reconocimiento de las causas y efectos de los problemas sociales, económicos y ambientales relacionados con el clima como amenaza y que afectan el sistema hídrico. El Proyecto Regional "Fomento de las Capacidades para la Etapa II de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Centroamérica, México y Cuba" forma parte de las acciones para cumplir con la etapa del proceso encaminado a preparar medidas de adaptación que reduzcan la vulnerabilidad frente al cambio climático. El presente proyecto ha sido financiado por el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (GEF, por sus siglas en inglés) e implementado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD). Como Agencia Regional de Ejecución se contó con el Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe (CATHALAC). El objetivo general del proyecto ha sido así fortalecer las capacidades de adaptación al cambio climático, por medio del análisis de la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas y el diseño de una estrategia coherente de adaptación. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14208. Publicación no.: 636 Negotiation analysis for mechanisms to deliver ecosystem services: The case of soil conservation in Costa Rica [Análisis de los mecanismos de negociación para entregar servicios de los ecosistemas: el caso de la conservación del suelo en Costa Rica] / Vignola, Raffaele; McDaniels, Tim L; Scholz, Roland W. (CATIE. Climate Change Program, Turrialba 7170, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Ecological Economics (ISSN 0921-8009), v. 75, p. 22-31. 2012. The nature and structure of institutional mechanisms is fundamental for commons management, and yet has received relatively little attention for ecosystem service provision. In this paper, we develop and employ a value-focused structured decision process for a negotiation analysis about mechanisms to maintain and enhance ecosystem service (ES) provision at the watershed scale. We use a case study in the Birrís watershed of Costa Rica where upstream farmers and downstream hydropower might jointly benefit from the design of a mechanism to foster the provision of soil regulation services (SRS). We identify and use parties' fundamental objectives, and views on means to achieve these objectives, to structure a negotiation template representing the important components that a soil conservation program should include. A voting-based elicitation process was employed to identify sub-alternatives acceptable both parties, which in turn identifies the zone of bargaining, or negotiation space in which future negotiations should focus. We conclude with discussion of the potential for application of this approach to other ES contexts, and the importance of the overall policy framework to provide resources and incentives to achieve enhance ES provision. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14249.

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Publicación no.: 637 Relación de las anomalías climáticas de la atmósfera libre sobre Costa Rica y la variabilidad de las precipitaciones durante eventos de El Niño [Relationship of climate anomalies in the free atmosphere over Costa Rica and the variability of rainfall during El Niño events] / Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando; Fernández-Rojas, Walter. (Ministerio del Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET). Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, v. 8, no. 2, p. 145-157. 2010. Enlace: The main physical causes of the sharp seasonal and inter-annual changes in the two rainfall regimes of Costa Rica during El Niño events are explained by means of the results of Alvarado and Fernández (2001). It is found that the rainfall anomalies are associated with: (i) the persistence of the northerly winds in the lower troposphere and the intensification (weakening) of the easterlies in the summer (winter) period, whose interaction with topography enhances the Föhn effect, (ii) the development of anomalous westerly winds in the upper troposphere during summer, (iii) the sharp decrease of humidity in the lower troposphere and its increase at mid-levels, (iv) the shorter time of permanence over Costa Rica of the ITCZ and its location further South than usual on the Pacific, (v) the considerable increase in wind shear during winter and summer, (vi) the higher values in equivalent potential temperature (qe) and the higher elevation of the convectively unstable layer, which implies a greater potential for deep convection, (vii) the decrease in the tropical cyclone activity in the Caribbean Sea and its increase in the Pacific Ocean, and (viii) the greater convergence in Western Caribbean due to a greater dynamic instability associated to the intensification of the lower level jet. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14339. Publicación no.: 638 Variabilidad interanual y estacional de la atmósfera libre sobre Costa Rica durante eventos de El Niño [Interannual and seasonal variability of the free atmosphere over Costa Rica during El Niño events] / Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando; Fernández-Rojas, Walter. (Ministerio del Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones (MINAET). Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN), San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). En: Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos, v. 8, no. 2, p. 116-144. 2001. Enlace: In this article the main climatic fluctuations of the free atmosphere over Costa Rica during El Niño events are diagnosed by means of using a composite technique of the anomalies of the meteorological fields. These climatic fluctuations include: (i) the greater warming (cooling) of the air in all the troposphere (stratosphere), (ii) the decrease in atmospheric pressure at the surface, (iii) the greater values of equivalent potential temperature (?e) and the greater depth of the convectively unstable layer, (iv) the greater magnitude of the trade winds during the summer and their decrease during winter, (v) a more intense wind shear between winter and summer, (vi) the west (east) phase at the equator is reflected in Costa Rica as an intensification (weakening) of the dominant easterly winds, (vii) the CBO signal shows a spectral maximum in the 27 months period. It is more intense at 30 hPa and disappears completely at 100, where the period of the spectral energy maximum approximately coincides with the cycle of El Niño phenomenon. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14340. Publicación no.: 639 Evaluación de medidas para la adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático: Informe final [Evaluation of measures of water system for adaptation to climate change] / Mejías-

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Esquivel, Ronald; Watson-Céspedes, Vicente; León-Azofeifa, Moisés. (Centro Científico Tropical. Programa de Economía Ambiental, Apdo. 8-3870, 1000 San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN, 2007. 137 p. Enlace: Introducción: El Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) tiene varios años de estar involucrado con el tema del cambio climático y actualmente, coordina el proyecto: ?Fomento de las Capacidades para la Etapa II: Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Centroamérica, México y Cuba?. Como producto de la Primera Comunicación Nacional que el país presentó ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), se llegó a la conclusión de que uno de los sectores más vulnerables al Cambio Climático en Costa Rica es el relacionado con el recurso hídrico. Por esta razón, se tomó la decisión de desarrollar un Plan Piloto que investigara la vulnerabilidad del recurso hídrico en la región noroccidental de la Gran Área Metropolitana, al nortede la cuenca del río Virilla (ver Figura 1). Con la intención de cumplir con los requerimientos de la metodología propuesta por los lineamientos del Marco de Políticas de Adaptación-MPA (PNUD, 2003), se realizaron diferentes estudios que contribuyeron a conocer la línea base de la zona de estudio. Dichos estudios incluyeron información biofísica (ProDUS, 2004a), socioeconómica (ProDUS, 2004b), políticas y adaptación actuales (Miranda et al., 2005) y también el IMN elaboró mapas de amenaza climática, de vulnerabilidad, y de riesgo de la zona de estudio, los cuales se hicieron a nivel cantonal (IMN, 2005b). Además, se realizó un taller para la identificación del ?árbol de problemas? que afectan la adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático (IMN, 2006). En este estudios se presentan las medidas de adaptación al clima actual y las medidas de adaptación al cambio climático. Se pretende no solamente obtener las medidas necesarias sino visualizar su viabilidad por medio de su introducción al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y planes de desarrollo de las instituciones y organizaciones que tienen injerencia en la zona. Durante todo este proceso se ha utilizado el criterio de experto, ya que los consultores a cargo de este informe son profesionales con una amplia experiencia en el tema de los recursos naturales, incluido el recurso hídrico, economía ambiental, silvicultura, ecología forestal, sistemas de información geográfica (SIG), antropología y sicología social. La sección 2 resume los puntos principales de la problemática del cambio climático en la zona de estudio. La sección 3 presenta el avance obtenido con relación a las medidas de adaptación por los diferentes actores que están participando en el proyecto para integrar la adaptación al cambio climático en las distintas actividades y políticas sectoriales, mediante un proceso de evaluación de la viabilidad de las opciones y medidas identificados en los diferentes sectores. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14342. Publicación no.: 640 Adaptación del sistema hídrico de la zona noroccidental de la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica al cambio climático: Informe final [Adaptation of the water system of the northwestern part of the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica to climate change: Final report] / Retana-Barrantes, José A; Villalobos-Flores, Roberto; Campos-Barrantes, Magda Brígida. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN, 2007. 49 p. Enlace: Introducción: Las fuertes variaciones de la intensidad y la oscilación natural de algunos fenómenos atmosféricos han afectado significativamente la vida socio económica de muchos países, especialmente en las últimas décadas. Algunos científicos aseguran que la magnitud y recurrencia de estos fenómenos son manifestaciones del calentamiento global. La concentración de gases de efecto invernadero en la

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atmósfera se ha incrementado debido a la actividad humana, provocando un desequilibrio en el balance de la radiación que llega y sale del planeta. La respuesta es el aumento de la temperatura. La preocupación por el calentamiento global, fue el motivo por el cual en 1992 se creara la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, firmada originalmente por 155 países en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. El objetivo general fue fortalecer la capacidad de adaptación del sistema de recursos hídricos, para reducir su vulnerabilidad a los impactos del cambio climático. Al disminuir la vulnerabilidad actual, se reduce la posibilidad de impactos negativos del clima futuro. El proyecto se implementó en un área piloto, esperando replicar la experiencia al resto del país, con el fin de contar en el futuro con una estrategia nacional de adaptación al cambio climático, adecuada a las necesidades y realidades de cada localidad. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14343. Publicación no.: 641 Clima, variabilidad y cambio climático en Costa Rica [Climate, variability and climate change in Costa Rica] / Costa Rica. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Comité Regional de Recursos Hídricos, San José, CR. San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD / CRRH, 2008. 75 p. Enlace: Introducción: En las últimas décadas, los ciclos naturales de oscilación en la temperatura y la precipitación, se han visto caracterizados por fuertes variaciones que conducen a extremos climáticos y meteorológicos en diferentes partes del planeta. El efecto antropogénico, asociado a la contaminación con gases de efecto invernadero, es uno de los generadores de estas marcadas oscilaciones de la variabilidad climática. De hecho, algunos científicos coinciden en que los efectos de la variabilidad climática interanual, se están mezclando y potenciando con los efectos del cambio climático. De acuerdo con Zwiers et al 2003, el detectar cambios en el clima frente a su variabilidad, es clave en la investigación climatológica. Este reto es de reciente importancia, si se trata de evidenciar la magnitud de los cambios como signos de los efectos del calentamiento global, comparando períodos climáticos de un pasado reciente, con períodos climáticos actuales. Para poder establecer estudios de clima, variabilidad y cambio climático, es necesario caracterizar un período de tiempo suficientemente extenso, como para obtener resultados estadísticos robustos. Según el IPCC (2007), la línea base es el escenario climático de referencia o de comparación a partir del cual se determinan los escenarios y proyecciones de cambio climático. Normalmente, estos estudios tipifican las proyecciones futuras de elementos como precipitación y temperatura a diferentes horizontes de tiempo, caracterizando su tendencia, la variaciónen magnitud y su distribución espacial y temporal. La línea base junto con la proyección futura del clima, debe estar ligada por un análisis de lo que se podría llamar evidencias o signos de cambio, en el caso de que existan. Estas ?evidencias? son observaciones recientes que indiquen cambios estadísticos importantes ante el valor de referencia y que sean coherentes con los resultados de la proyección futura del clima. De esta forma, regiones que ya presentan una tendencia clara de cambio y cuya proyección futura indica un reforzamiento de esta tendencia, deben ser objeto de monitoreo constante, priorización de atención y diseño de estrategias de adaptación. De esta forma, los recursos de adaptación serán administrados en forma diferencial sobre regiones prioritarias. El objetivo de este estudio es brindar información estadística de precipitación y temperatura para tres períodos de tiempo: la línea base de referencia correspondiente a 1961-1990, el período de observación de variabilidad en los últimos15 años (1991-2006) y el escenario de cambio climático estimado para el 2070-2100. Geográficamente, la franja planetaria comprendida entre los paralelos Trópico de Cáncer y Trópico de Capricornio, se define como Zona Tropical. La ubicación de nuestro país en esta región le confiere

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características tropicales a su entorno ecológico: bosques, red hidrográfica, suelos y clima. La fauna y la flora que se adapta a estas condiciones, son por lo tanto, de tipo tropical. El clima Tropical de nuestro país, es modificado por diferentes factores como el relieve (la disposición de las montañas, llanuras y mesetas), la situación con respecto al continente (condición ístmica), la influencia oceánica (los vientos o las brisas marinas, la temperatura de las corrientesmarinas) y la circulación general de la atmósfera (IGN 2005). La interacción de factores geográficos locales, atmosféricos y oceánicos son los criterios principales para regionalizar climáticamente el país. La orientación noroeste-sureste del sistema montañoso divide a Costa Rica en dos vertientes: Pacífica y Caribe. Cada una de estas vertientes, presenta su propio régimen de precipitación y temperaturas con características particulares de distribución espacial y temporal. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14329. Publicación no.: 642 Proyecto integración del tema de cambio climático en la comunidad nacional: informe final [Project mainstreaming of climate change in the national community: final report] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Telecomunicaciones. Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, San José, CR. San José: MINAET / IMN, 2008. 45 p. Enlace: Presentación: En respuesta a la designación del Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) como punto focal de la Convención Marco de Cambio Climático y su protocolo para Costa Rica, esta institución gubernamental se ha comprometido a dar cumplimiento a los objetivos asumidos por Costa Rica. Dentro de estos, se incluye el reconocimiento del rol primordial de la educación, la formación y la sensibilización del público como herramientas imprescindibles para que la población costarricense, no sólo conozca el fenómeno del calentamiento global y sus repercusiones, sino también para que logre apropiarse de las diferentes estrategias de adaptación y mitigación en procura de su responsabilidad a nivel social. En razón de lo anterior, el IMN formuló el proyectodenominado "Integración del tema de Cambio Climático en la Comunidad Nacional" orientado a diagnosticar la situación de los programas y las actividades de educación y sensibilización de la comunidad nacional sobre el cambio climático, con el fin de enfocar de manera certera futuras acciones hacia áreas y públicos meta óptimos. Con el fin de elaborar dicho diagnóstico, el IMN contrató a la empresa consultora en comunicación y relaciones públicas Comunicación Estratégica para el Mundo S.A en setiembre delaño anterior para que en un lapso de tres meses se desarrollara todo el proyecto en mención. Concluido ese lapso, se presenta a la fecha al IMN los resultados del diagnóstico elaborado sobre la base de la serie de conclusiones extraídas a partir de los diferentes instrumentos de investigación diseñados y puestos en ejecución, que a su vez se constituyeron en las principales vías de recopilación de información para la presentación final de los productos solicitados por esta institución de gobierno. A continuación se explica el marco metodológico con la caracterización correspondiente de cada una de las herramientas de investigación elaboradas. Más adelante se expone cada uno de los productos que incluye el informe final, a saber: Tres informes concluyentes sobre el desarrollo del sondeo telefónico, los grupos focales y las entrevistas personales. Un directorio completo o listado de contactos de personas conocedoras en el país sobre el tema. La bibliografía o listado de materiales producidos hasta la fecha a escala nacional. Un recuento de los programas de investigación o de estudios relacionados con el tema de cambio climático en el país. Las conclusiones en relación a las sinergias o alianzas estratégicas existentes y/o posibles entre los diferentesactores sociales para la consecución de una estrategia articulada de coordinación entre partes y finalmente, una propuesta inicial de estrategia de comunicación en el área particular de la

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sensibilización y educación sobre el tema en el ámbito nacional. Asimismo, se adjunta a cada uno de estos productos los diferentes insumos que fueron necesarios para su consecución: encuestas, transcripciones de entrevistas, transcripciones de las sesiones de grupos focales, fotografías de las sesiones de trabajo, grabaciones en audio de las entrevistas y los grupos focales. Además, se acompaña el informe con una serie de documentación (desplegables, folletos, separadores, etc.) suministrados amablemente por diferentes participantes a lo largo de todo el proceso. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14330. Publicación no.: 643 Observación sistemática, investigación y desarrollo de capacidades para el cambio climático en Costa Rica [Systematic observation, research and capacity building for climate change in Costa Rica] / Zárate-Hernández, Eladio. San José: MINAET / IMN, 2008. 76 p. Enlace: Este documento es el producto de una consultoría elaborada para el IMN/MINAE/PNUD sobre ?Observación Sistemática, Investigación y Desarrollo de Capacidades para el Cambio Climático en Costa Rica? como parte del Proyecto de la Segunda Comunicación Nacional a la Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático. El producto principal es una propuesta para el establecimiento de una red nacional para la observación y detección del cambio climático. Se aprovecha el ejercicio para hacer una revisión lo más exhaustiva posible del estado de la red hidrometeorológica y climática nacional actual, proponiendo cursos de acción para mejorar coberturas de monitoreo de los diferentes parámetros y enfocando aquellos aspectos institucionales que deberían modificarse para que el país cuente con datos e información que apoyen su competitividad nacional e internacional. Se muestran las diferentes componentes de la red hidrometeorológica y climática nacional, revisando sus aciertos y debilidades y los cursos de acción para corregir éstas últimas. La red para fines de cambio climático se propone como una nueva componente, reconociendo que los datos que han sido utilizados en esta materia, si bien gozan de toda confiabilidad, no necesariamente han sido medidoscon instrumental especializado para tales fines o en los lugares en donde hubiese sido deseable medirlos. Se parte del hecho que en la temática del cambio climático hay dos aspectos medulares a alcanzar: la detección del cambio y su atribución, entendiendo la detección como el proceso de demostrar que el clima ha cambiado en algún sentido estadístico definido, mientras que la atribución es el proceso de señalar con algún grado de confiabilidad, las causas más probables del cambio detectado. El fundamento para establecer una red sobre cambio climático se centra por lo tanto en el primero de estos dos conceptos: la detección oportuna y con altos estándares de confiabilidad del cambio del clima. La atribución, por su parte, va más allá de los alcances de este documento. En un contexto más general, para comprender las debilidades y fortalezas que se encuentran hoy día en la actual red hidrometeorológica y climática nacional, se revisan brevemente aspectos históricos que muestran aspectos tan relevantes como el hecho que Costa Rica fue el primer país de América Latina que se incorporó a la Red Internacional de Observaciones Meteorológicas, establecida en el Primer Congreso Meteorológico Internacional en Viena en el año de 1873. Tanto en el establecimientode la red para fines de cambio climático como en la revisión de la red hidrometeorológica se utiliza principalmente el juicio experto, aunque se revisan criterios teóricos expuestos en trabajos recientes. La razón para privilegiar el juicio experto en esta propuesta es porque Costa Rica cuenta con excelentes expertos en este tema los cuales fueron consultados para elaborar este trabajo; estos expertos conocen con profundidad la problemática de la red y las vías de solución. Manejan la temática del cambio climático, del ozono, de la contaminación atmosférica, de la contaminación del agua y del manejo de datos en todos sus extremos, aspectos muy

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importantes al momento de rediseñar o establecer nuevas estaciones de monitoreo. La parte primera del documento da un vistazo sobre lo que debe entenderse por redes de monitoreo climático e hidrometeorológico, individualizando sus componentes. La parte segunda se interna en los instrumentos científicos que deben de tomarse en cuenta al diseñar redes. La parte tercera propone la nueva red para la detección del cambio climático. La parte cuarta propone el reforzamiento de la actual red hidrometeorológica y la parte quinta se dedica a los aspectos presupuestarios y a los aspectos de la institucionalidad en el manejo de la red de monitoreo en el país. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14331. Publicación no.: 644 Opciones de mitigación de gases de efecto invernadero en Costa Rica [Mitigation options of greenhouse gases in Costa Rica] / Adamson-Badilla, Marcos. (Centro de Estudios Económicos y Ambientales, Zapote, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN / PNUD / GEF / CIESA, 2008. 71 p. Enlace: Este informe contiene los resultados de actividades y productos requeridos en los Términos de Referencia (ToR). Además, se incluye una serie de actividades adicionales y solicitudes emanadas durante las diversas reuniones de coordinación con el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) y durante la revisión de un primer avance de este informe. Una de estas solicitudes expresas por la Dirección del IMN y de la Coordinación del Proyecto se refirió a la inclusión y complementación de aspectos relativos a la prioridad nacional dada a la Actual Política de Neutralidad de Carbono (CRneutral) lanzada internacionalmente por Costa Rica, y que demandó para este proyecto las tareas de elaboración de escenarios económicos y del análisis de "wedges" o cuñas de esfuerzos de mitigación de emisiones para lograr la neutralidad consistentes con dichos escenarios económicos. El IMN solicitó a CIESA incorporar el desarrollo de los escenarios económicos, y los modelos de pronósticos de emisiones de GEI al 2030, lo cual no estaba contemplado en este proyecto. En respuesta a dicha solicitud, el informe preliminar de avance se incluyó los resultados de la definición de los escenarios económicos. Esto constituye la Primera Parte del Informe. La segunda Parte del Informe está formada por los resultados de la modelación económica de demandas energéticas (hidrocarburos, eléctrico, biomasa, etc.) y su proyección al 2030. Esta sección muestra los resultados de la modelación econométrica en estimaciones energéticas y las emisiones de GEI resultantes por sector IPCC ligadas y consistentes con los modelos. Ofrece una importante cantidad de actualizaciones de proyecciones de medio plazo de emisiones de GEI, y su análisis económico, análisis de tendencias, etc. Todo esto conforme ametodologías recomendadas por el IPCC, que permiten por un lado obtener las emisiones GEI buscadas, y simultáneamente defender con modelos econométricos, niveles de significancia estadísticas e indicadores de bondad dichos resultados, de manera que no sea simplemente a un ejercicio de cálculo; sino que permite reflejar relaciones económicas asociadas a las proyecciones de emisión, y simultáneamente las demandas energéticas que se corresponden con modelos. Esto era esencial para el análisis de opciones ywedges de mitigación y reducción de emisiones. La tercera parte del informe presenta la revisión de vigencia de lineamientos de la estrategia reportada en la Primera Comunicación Nacional (PCN), y con base en las proyecciones y análisis, se ofrece la actualización de los lineamientos, políticas, medidas y proyectos para la estrategia nacional de mitigación. Lo anterior tiene el valor agregado de ser consistente con el análisis de necesidades de tecnologías de mitigación, en cuyo informe final se muestran el detalle de emisiones, políticas requeridas, barreras y oportunidades, análisis económico, etc. Esta sección es resultado de las discusiones realizadas durante los talleres de

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trabajo con el equipo del Proyecto de Cambio Climático y considera la revisión de los Inventarios Nacionales de Emisiones de GEI, Primera Comunicación Nacional (PCN), los dos últimos planes de gobierno, los postulados de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático, el documento de Política Energética, el Plan de Expansión de Energía del ICE y una amplia variedad de documentos e informes diversos, entre otros. La cuarta parte del informe ofrece el análisis de opciones de mitigación solicitado. Este análisis además, resultado de las reuniones y talleres de coordinación con las contrapartes del proyecto en el IMN, coordinadas por el M.Sc. Roberto Villalobos, requirió enfocarse y profundizar en estas opciones en un análisis de cuñas (wedges) para la mitigación: en dos grupos de opciones. El primero de ellos necesario para el logro de neutralidad al 2021. El segundo como opciones de mitigación alternativas que permiten analizar esfuerzos de mitigación. En algunas de estas opciones se analiza la situación de mitigar emisiones y lograr mantener los niveles de emisión de inicios de los 90`s , otros de logros mayores sin ser neutrales, etc. Se ofrecen como productos adicionales, para ampliar el espectro de análisis de las opciones. La sección de Políticas e instrumentos de políticas sectoriales con las consideraciones socioeconómicas y ambientales, adicionales a las ya presentadas en este reporte, se incorporan en el Reporte de Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas para la Mitigación de Emisiones de GEI, debido a que presenta una mayor correspondencia e integridad, en función de los cambios y trabajos adicionales solicitados por el IMN. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14332. Publicación no.: 645 Evaluación de las necesidades tecnológicas en relación con la mitigación al cambio climático en Costa Rica [Technology needs assessment in relation to climate change mitigation in Costa Rica] / Adamson-Badilla, Marcos. (Centro de Estudios Económicos y Ambientales, Zapote, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAE / IMN / PNUD / GEF / CIESA, 2008. 136 p. Enlace: Este Reporte Final de Evaluación de Necesidades Tecnológicas en relación con la mitigación de emisiones de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) en Costa Rica, tenía como objetivo: "Determinar y evaluar las principales necesidades y mejoras tecnológicas así como las reformas políticas, obstáculos y estrategias que deben llevarse a cabo en diferentes sectores productivos para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, alcanzando tanto los objetivos de desarrollo como la sostenibilidad del ambiente". La ventaja que presenta la estructura de evaluación de estas necesidades tecnológicas de este Reporte es que es consistente con el Reporte del análisis de opciones de mitigación de GEI. La consistencia la provee el Diseño previo de Escenarios Económicos y la Estimación y Elaboración de Pronósticos de Emisiones GEI, los cuales responden a modelos econométricos con parámetros explícitos, con niveles de significancia estadísticos y parámetros de bondad de ajuste asociados; pronósticos de la demanda de energía, que permitan estimar niveles de respuesta a cambios en las producción (Producto Interno Bruto, PIB) a nivel sectorial, para Costa Rica y las emisiones GEI correspondientes. Esto con objeto de lograr no solo generar la identificación dinámica de los sectores con mayor potencial de mitigación, así como la caracterización y jerarquización de las tecnologías evaluadas, y su incorporación en los diferentes sectores de forma consistente con los lineamientos sectoriales que fueron propuestos en el informe de opciones de mitigación. Lo anterior debido a que, una evaluación en ese sentido requiere el conocer la línea o escenario base de emisiones, para contrastarlo con la mitigación generada con las tecnologías recomendadas, a la vez que se incluyenla evaluación de barreras y oportunidades, y políticas económicas que apoyen los mismos. En este sentido, y con objeto de esclarecer la entrega de productos, explícitamente solicitada en los Términos de Referencia (ToR), este Reporte Final incluye las

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siguientes actividades: 1. La evaluación de los inventarios de gases de efecto invernadero con el fin de determinar los sectores con mayor potencial de mitigación del país basados en el nivel de emisión y el potencial de calentamiento de los gases emitidos. 2. Preparar una lista de sectores con potencial de mitigación y determinar las características de los mismos. 3. Examinar los planes nacionales específicos por sector (cuando existían) o bien, informes anuales o documentos sobre actividades del sector dentro del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, con el fin de conocer el crecimiento en las emisiones y el potencial de mitigación así como las limitaciones financieras que tienen los mismos. 4. Selección de sectores a evaluar. 5. Determinación de criterios de selección de tecnologías, que como se puede apreciar incluyen diferentes dimensiones y variables. 6. Analizar las opciones y recursos tecnológicos que se aplican a la mitigación en esos sectores. 7. Jerarquizar y elegir tecnologías de mitigación. 8. Evaluar las tecnologías priorizadas, y analizar repercusiones. 9. Evaluar la capacidad de sectores escogidos para utilizar las tecnologías. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14333. Publicación no.: 646 Efectos del clima, su variabilidad y cambio climático sobre la salud humana en Costa Rica [Effects of climate variability and climate change on human health in Costa Rica] / Retana-Barrantes, José A; Campos-Barrantes, Magda Brígida; Deford, Douglas; Villalobos-Flores, Roberto, (coord.). (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Agrometeorología, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]> <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / MINSA / PNUD, 2008. 45 p. Enlace: La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC) establece que los países firmantes, deben informar periódicamente a la Conferencia de las Partes (CP) sobre tres puntos básicos por medio de las Comunicaciones Nacionales (CN): Fuentes de emisión y absorción de gases de efecto invernadero. Información relevante para el logro del objetivo de la Convención. Programas nacionales sobre mitigación y que faciliten la adecuada adaptación al cambio. Con el fin de facilitar el reporte de la información en una forma transparente, comparable y flexible, la secretaría de la CMNUCC ha preparado instrumentos que guían la elaboración de las CN (UNFCC, 2004). Estas guías han servido de marco para adecuar la información de vulnerabilidad y adaptación de sectores relevantes para la economía y la sociedad costarricense, con el fin de que sirvan como plataforma de conocimiento para que el país inicie el camino de la adaptación ante el cambio climático con un sentido de desarrollo y aprovechamiento de oportunidades. Este reporte corresponde al capítulo de la guía de la CMNUCC bajo el título: Programas que comprenden medidas para facilitar la adecuada adaptación al cambio climático. El Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (IPCC) que constituye el brazo técnico y científico de la CMNUCC, ha desarrollado una línea de ejecución de estudios para los países signatarios. Esta línea se basa en la evaluación de vulnerabilidades de diferentes sectores ante el clima, sus impactosy medidas de adaptación. De acuerdo con el IPCC (2001), la vulnerabilidad es entendida como ?el grado al cual un sistema es susceptible ante una amenaza, o es incapaz de hacer frente a efectos adversos del cambio climático, incluyendo variabilidad climática y eventos meteorológicos extremos?. Recientemente, las consideraciones sobre el abordaje metodológico para el análisis de la vulnerabilidad y la adaptación al cambio climático, han utilizado la plataforma técnica y conceptual de la Gestión del Riesgo(Retana et al 2007). Este enfoque, de origen estrictamente social, permite definir la vulnerabilidad con mayor detalle, bajo tres ejes fundamentales: 1. Sensibilidad del sistema ante la amenaza. 2. Grado de exposición a la amenaza. 3. Resiliencia del sistema El poder comprender estos tres ejes y su función dentro del concepto general, es fundamental para el análisis operativo de la

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vulnerabilidad. De lo contrario, se volvería un ejercicio eminentemente teórico. Redefiniendo, la vulnerabilidad está en función del carácter, magnitud y tasa de variación del clima, a los cuáles un sistema está expuesto, su sensibilidad y su capacidad adaptativa. Partiendo de estos tres ejes, al analizar la sensibilidad y el grado de exposición del sistema, se debe de caracterizar la relación entre clima, variabilidad y cambio climático con las áreas, zonas o sectores más propensas a sufrir daños o pérdidas. Un sistema puede ser muy sensible al clima, pero no estar expuesto, por lo tanto su vulnerabilidad es baja. El concepto de resiliencia del sistema se relaciona directamente con la capacidad de adaptación, las nuevas formas de enfrentar los cambios, la evolución y la regulación de las comunidades. Un sistema puede estar muy expuesto y ser sensible, pero si su capacidad adaptativa es grande (resiliencia), entonces podrá disminuir su vulnerabilidad. De esta forma, el análisis integral de la vulnerabilidad, debe dejar claro las debilidades, los impactos y las medidas a tomar para fortalecer el sistema. Uno de los sectores de mayor vulnerabilidad ante el clima, su variabilidad y cambio climático es el de la salud pública. La vulnerabilidad de este sector no se basa solo en la estrecha relación entre los elementos atmosféricos y los procesos biológicos que desatan la enfermedad, sino en la relación existente entre la salud y la calidad de vida de la población. Esta a su vez, repercute directamente en el desarrollo del país. Por otro lado, el sector salud de Costa Rica, también ofrece una plataforma organizativa importante para el tema de adaptación al cambio climático bajo esquemas de desarrollo y aprovechamiento de oportunidades. Parte de la vulnerabilidad de la salud humana está dada por la exacerbación de las enfermedades ante la variabilidad climática, y el impactosocio económico que dejan a su paso. Ahora bien, el repunte de enfermedades debido al clima, puede deberse (entre otros factores) a efectos indirectos y directos de los elementos meteorológicos. Los efectos indirectos del clima sobre la salud, se asociancon el efecto sobre vectores transmisores de enfermedades como los roedores (Retana et al 2003), la marea roja (Delgado 1997, Gutiérrez 2004), o el dengue (Ebi, Dlewis, Corbalán 2005), que presentan fluctuaciones poblacionales relacionadas con eventos devariabilidad climática. Los períodos de resurgimiento y mayor incidencia de estas enfermedades han afectado la economía y la vida social del país. El tema de seguridad alimentaria y su vinculación con el clima, es otro efecto indirecto de las posibles implicaciones del cambio climático sobre la salud humana. La disponibilidad de alimentos de un país se ve comprometida por la fluctuación poblacional de plagas asociado a la variabilidad del clima (Retana et al 2003, Retana 2000) y por la afectación sobre los rendimientos de los cultivos ante eventos extremos (Villalobos 1999, Retana y Villalobos 2004). Si bien es cierto, la población costarricense tiene buenos índices de nutrición y el problema de desnutrición parece haber quedado en el pasado (Programa Estado de la Nación, 2005), aún existen zonas marginales, densamente habitadas, que viven en condiciones de pobreza extrema, como por ejemplo la población indígena de Costa Rica. Los efectos directos del clima sobre la salud pública, se evidencian en enfermedades de atención cotidiana como son el asma (Chavarría 2001, Morris 2004), la gripe (López 2007) y la diarrea (Cantero 2007b), causantes de un alto porcentaje de ausentismo escolar e incapacidades laborales. A esto, se deben sumar los efectos directos causados por eventos extremos que ocasionan daños sobre la integridad física de los individuos. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14334. Publicación no.: 647 Inventario de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del Instituto Meteorológico Nacional: Año de referencia 2008 [Inventory of emissions of greenhouse gases from the National Meteorological Institute: Reference year 2008] / Chacón-Araya, Ana Rita. San José: MINAET / IMN, 2010. 17 p.

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Enlace: El calentamiento del sistema climático es una realidad, el Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos en Cambio Climático (IPCC, por sus siglas en inglés), ha mostrado las evidencias contundentes en el Cuarto Informe de Evaluación, presentado en el año 2007. Con este antecedente y en aras de lograr un cambio en el comportamiento de la comunidad nacional e internacional; el gobierno de Costa Rica se propuso alcanzar la neutralidad en las emisiones de carbono para el año del bicentenario de la Independenciao sea, en el año 2021. Como parte de este objetivo, la directriz ministerial No. 56, del 1 de agosto del 2007 solicita a todas las instituciones públicas la elaboración y puesta en marcha de un plan de acción que contemple los seis ejes de la Estrategia Nacional de Cambio Climático; mitigación, adaptación, creación de capacidades y transferencia de tecnología, métrica, educación y sensibilización pública y financiamiento. Dentro de las acciones institucionales que se deben llevar a cabo se encuentra la realización del inventario de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de la institución. El Instituto Meteorológico Nacional ha elaborado los inventarios nacionales de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y, como parte de las acciones que debe llevar a cabo dentro del Plan de Acción Institucional de Cambio Climático, se ha elaborado el primer inventario de misiones de gases de efecto invernadero de la institución. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14335. Publicación no.: 648 Costa Rica 2009 Segunda Comunicación Nacional a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climático [Costa Rica 2009 Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] / Costa Rica. Ministerio de Ambiente, Energía y Tecomunicaciones, San José, San José: MINAET / IMN / GEF / PNUD, 2009. 264 p. ISBN: 978-9968-795-02-9. Enlace: This executive summary offers a general view of the contents discussed within Costa Rica`s Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It includes information on national circumstances, the greenhouse gas inventories for years 2000 and 2005, policies, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, as well as mitigation options. It also includes information on technology transfer, systematic observations, and other elements. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14336. Publicación no.: 649 Inventario nacional de emisión de gases con efecto invernadero y de absorción de carbono en Costa Rica en el 2000 y 2005 [National inventory of emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon sequestration in Costa Rica in 2000 and 2005] / Chacón-Araya, Ana Rita; Montenegro-Ballestero, Johnny; Sasa-Marín, Jihad. San José: MINAET / IMN, 2009. 78 p. Enlace: El presente documento presenta la evaluación de los inventarios de emisión de gases con efecto invernadero por fuentes y absorción de carbono por sumideros en el 2000 y 2005. La metodología utilizada fue la siguiente: Directrices Revisadas del Panel Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC) para Inventarios de Gases con efecto Invernadero (IPCC, 1996). Orientación del IPCC para las Buenas Prácticas y la gestión de la incertidumbre en los inventarios nacionales de gases con efecto invernadero (IPCC, 2000). Orientación del IPCC para las Buenas Prácticas en el uso de la tierra, cambio de uso de la tierra y silvicultura (IPCC, 2003). Los siguientes gases han sido evaluados: dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), monóxido de carbono (CO), óxido nitroso (N2O), óxidos de nitrógeno

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(NOx), otros hidrocarburos volátiles diferentes del metano (NMVOC), dióxido de azufre (SO2), halocarbonos (HFC), perfluorocarbonos (PFC) y hexafluoruro de azufre (SF6). De acuerdo con la metodología del IPCCel inventario se divide en cinco sectores: Energía, Procesos Industriales, Agricultura, Cambio de Uso de la tierra y bosque y, Manejo de desechos. Se realizó una evaluación de niveles de emisión con lo cual se identificaron las principales fuentes de gases con efecto invernadero que comprenden el 95% del total de emisiones en el país. Emisión de gases con efecto invernadero: Los resultados obtenidos para el inventario del 2000 y 2005 fueron los siguientes: Energía. Esta categoría cubre todas las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero generadas por la combustión o fuga de combustibles. En lo referente a las actividades de combustión de combustible se evaluaron: Generación de electricidad. Industria manufacturera y de la construcción. Residencial. Comercial, Público y servicios. Agropecuario. Consumo propio (Refinación de petróleo). Transporte. Terrestre. Ferroviario. Marítimo. Aéreo. Además se estimaron las emisiones fugitivas provenientes de la extracción y manipulación de combustibles. Las actividades más emisoras son transporte y la actividad industrial, presentándose un aumento del 15% entre el 2000 y el 2005 en el sector total ya que las emisiones aumentaron de 4.805,6 a 5.688,6 Gg de CO2 equivalente. Procesos Industriales: La producción de cemento es la principal actividad evaluada dentro de este sector. También se evalúo la producción de cal, la industria siderúrgica, la producción de ácido adípico y ácido nítrico, la producción de aluminio, la producción de magnesio, la utilización de hexafluoruro de azufre (SF6), perfluorocarbonos y hidrofluorocarbonos. Adicionalmente existen otras fuentes no principales, como la fabricación de alimentos que incluyen bebidas alcohólicas, el procesamiento de carnes, y la elaboración de azúcar y pan, entre otros. La emisión de CO2 en la producción de cemento aumentó en 28% del 2000 al 2005 mientras las emisiones potenciales de HFC aumentaron en 180% aunque se mantienen bastante bajas. Las restantes actividades mantienen similares sus emisiones en ambos años. En este sector las emisiones se incrementaron de 449,8 a 672,5 Gg1 de CO2 equivalente. Agricultura: En el sector agropecuario las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero se producen en las siguientes actividades: Fermentación entérica en el ganado. Cultivo de arroz anegado. Quema de pasturas. Quema de residuos agrícolas en el campo. Suelos agrícolas. Durante el 2000 el metano fue mayoritariamente generado por el hato bovino (86%) y en menor grado por el arroz anegado (14%). Valores mínimos fueron determinados en la quema de residuos agrícolas y en la quema de pasturas. Valores similares fueron estimados para el 2005, los cuales tuvieron una distribución de 89% para el hato bovino, 11% para el arroz anegado, mínimos para la quema de residuos agrícolas y en la quema de pasturas. El N2O en su gran mayoría durante el 2000 se emitió en los suelos dedicados a cultivos agrícolas y pasturas, siendo estos últimos los responsables de la mayor proporción de la emisión. La quema de los residuos agrícolas en el campo y la quema de pasturas generaron una cantidad mínima de este gas. En general las emisiones de este sector cambiaron de 4.608,6 a 4.603,9 Gg de CO2 equivalente. Cambio de uso de la tierra y silvicultura. Para esta actualización se estimaron las cantidades emitidas, fijadas y almacenadas de dióxido de carbono producidas por tres prácticas de manejo y las emisiones de otros gases distintos de CO2, resultado de las actividades antropogénicas: Cambios de biomasa en bosques y en otros tipos de vegetación leñosa. Conversión de bosques. Crecimiento en tierras abandonadas. Emisiones de otros gases distintos de CO2 por tala del bosque. Es importante destacar que para el 2000 y 2005, la absorción de CO2 en este sector supera los 3 millones de toneladas de CO2, lo cual hace que esta cantidad pueda ser utilizada para compensar las emisiones de los otros sectores. Manejo de desechos: En esta sección se analizan las emisiones de metano derivadas del manejo de los desechos sólidos en rellenos sanitarios así como de las aguas residuales industriales y municipales en el 2000 y 2005. La generación de metano calculada para el 2000

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fue de 29,7 Gg/año; con respecto al 2005, la generación de metano fue de 31,7 Gg/año. En el caso de las aguas residuales domésticas, se estimó que el aporte de estas aguas corresponde a una tasa de generación de metano de 22,3 Gg CH4 en el 2000 y, de 24,9 Gg CH4 en el 2005. El aporte de las aguas residuales industriales para el 2000 fue de 6,8 Gg de CH4 mientras para el 2005 este valor correspondió a 6,3 Gg de CH4. En total el sector de desechos emitió 1.236,9 Gg de CO2 equivalente en el 2000 y 1.320,9 Gg de CO2 equivalente en el 2005. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14337. Publicación no.: 650 Diagnóstico biofísico para Costa Rica [Biophysical diagnosis for Costa Rica] / Consultoría Ecológica y Técnica de Costa Rica S.A. (ECOTEC), San José, CR. San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2009. 182 p. Enlace: Este documento plasma el resultado del diagnóstico biofísico para el territorio nacional, en el Marco del proyecto de "Mejoramiento de Capacidades Nacionales para la Evaluación de la Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación del Sistema Hídrico al Cambio Climático en Costa Rica, como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el índice de desarrollo humano", Proyecto 00061152; que realiza el IMN. Se desarrolló un proceso de sistematización de información, que permite tener un panorama de línea base con la información disponible sobre las características biofísicas del país, relacionadas con el recurso hídrico. Con base en los escenarios desarrollados para el inidice creado en este proyecto, se muestran las tendencias en torno a la condicióndel recurso hídrico para el año 2030. Lo anterior potencializará un mayor beneficio futuro para la sociedad, al facilitar un indicador de vulnerabilidad potencial para el recurso hídrico en cada cuenca hidrográfica y vertiente, siendo este un insumo fundamental para la toma de decisiones, relacionadas con medidas de adaptación para reducir el riesgo a los impactos generados por la variabilidad climática producto del cambio climático, en todos las actividades actuales y futuras. El área de estudio corresponde al límite oficial del país, definido por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional que corresponde a la división político-administrativa del territorio nacional. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14338. Publicación no.: 651 Diagnóstico biofísico para Costa Rica: Adaptación del sector hídrico al cambio climático [Biophysical diagnosis for Costa Rica: Water sector adaptation to climate change] / Universidad de Costa Rica. Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible (ProDUS), Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, San José, CR. San José: MINAE / IMN / PNUD, 2004. 61 p. Enlace: (Sin resumen). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14319. Publicación no.: 652 Evaluación del potencial de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y producción de energía a partir de rellenos sanitarios y vertederos en ciudades de Costa Rica [Evaluation of the greenhouse gases and energy production landfills and dumps in the cities of Costa Rica] / Janssen, Jan. México, D.F.: CEPAL / GTZ, 2010. 93 p. + anexos. Enlace: The study "Evaluation of the greenhouse gases and energy production landfills and dumps in the cities of Costa Rica" was financed by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)

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and coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET). By means of methodologies and tools approved by the Development Mechanism (CDM) and by meetings, visits and interviews, the report analyzes future greenhouse gas emissions of solid waste landfills, the possible mitigation of these emissions and the potential of electricity production. The report also analyses the landfills La Carpio, Aserrí, Los Mangos and the Los Pinos within the Great Metropolitan Area (GMA) , such as the dumps of Zagala and Pérez Zeledón and other dumping sites outside of GMA, identifying the most appropriate technologies and evaluating the economic feasibility of projects. The period of analysis covers ten years (2010-2019). Finally, by means of projections and extrapolations, the report simulates future emissions and mitigation potential of the entire sector of domestic solid waste of the country. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14320. Publicación no.: 653 Análisis del riesgo actual del sector hídrico de Costa Rica ante el cambio climático para contribuir a mejorar el desarrollo humano [Current risk analysis of water sector in Costa Rica to climate change to help improve the human development] / Retana-Barrantes, José A; Araya-Villalobos, María Cristina; Sanabria-Valverde, Nury; Alvarado-Gamboa, Luis Fernando; Solano-Quintero, Johnny; Barrientos, Oscar; Solera, Manuel; Alfaro-Hernández, Maynor; Araya, Diego. San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2010. 98 p. Enlace: El proyecto "Mejoramiento de las capacidades nacionales para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad y la adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático en Costa Rica, como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el Índice de desarrollo humano" es financiado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo en Costa Rica (PNUD-CR), mientras que el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN) gestó la coordinación técnico-científica del estudio. Un producto importante del proyecto ha sido la evaluación del riesgo actual del sistema hídrico. Su importancia radica en que los análisis de riesgos deben de ser la base técnica que soporte la estrategia de adaptación. Sin esta primera fase, las proyecciones futuras y las eventuales acciones de adaptación, carecerían de verdaderos criterios para la toma de decisiones. La metodología permite un análisis a nivel cantonal para todo el país. Se utilizó como plataforma conceptual, la gestión de riesgos asumiendo que el riesgo es una función de la vulnerabilidad y la amenaza, de forma tal que el riesgo existe solo si la vulnerabilidad y la amenaza coinciden en tiempo y en espacio. Se considera que el riesgo es una probabilidad de pérdida, daño o impacto en un sistema si la amenaza se concretiza. En el caso específico de este estudio, se asume que el riesgo está presente en cualquier zona del país, sin embargo, se identificaron aquellos cantones que, bajo algunas características sociales y económicas relacionadas con el recurso hídrico y el desarrollo humano, son más propensos a sufrir los impactos de eventos extremos del clima. Por tanto, "estos puntos calientes" deben ser considerados como prioritarios para el diseño y ejecución de medidas de adaptación. El marco de vulnerabilidad nodebe ser la base de la estrategia de adaptación ante el cambio climático si la amenaza está invisibilizada. Si no hay referencia de la frecuencia de impactos por amenaza climática sobre estas áreas vulnerables, se puede cometer el error de planificar y gestionar solo sobre una base social y no necesariamente sobre una base de riesgo. La vulnerabilidad fue estimada a partir de 14 indicadores sociales y económicos agrupados en tres componentes básicos: infraestructura, servicios y condición humana. Estos tres componentes están ligados bajo un esquema de asociación, que a la vez responde a la presión que ejerce el cambio en el clima. Los efectos de esta presión sobre los componentes, deben de afectar la gestión del recurso agua y esta a su vez, afectar eldesarrollo humano. Los indicadores se normalizaron e integraron en un Índice de Vulnerabilidad

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Estandarizado cuyo momento de análisis debe situarse en la primera década de este siglo debido a los diferentes períodos de recolección de información. La información fue llevada a un sistema de información geográfica (SIG), para ser expresada como un mapa que presentara cinco niveles de vulnerabilidad: alto, medio alto, medio, medio bajo y bajo. El análisis de vulnerabilidad actual se realizó a nivel de provincia y cantón. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14321. Publicación no.: 654 Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad futura del sistema hídrico al cambio climático: Informe final [Assessment of future vulnerability of the water system to climate change: Final report] / Echeverría-Bonilla, Jaime. (Tropical Science Center, Apdo. 8-3870, 1000 San José). San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2011. 88 p. Enlace: En el marco del Proyecto "Mejoramiento de las capacidades nacionales para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad y adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático en Costa Rica, como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el índice de desarrollo humano", el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional, con la ayuda financiera de PNUD Costa Rica, contrató un novedoso estudio para evaluar la Vulnerabilidad Futura del sector de recursos hídricos ante el cambio climático con un horizonte hasta el año 2030. El cambio climático afectará de manera distinta a cada país y sector de la población. Algunos países, o grupos, están mejor capacitados que otros para adaptarse y hacer frente a los impactos esperados (especialmente cambios en la temperatura y la precipitación), así mismo habrá sectores de la economía y de la población mejor preparados que otros para lidiar con estos cambios. Costa Rica no es la excepción y hay sectores especialmente vulnerables a estos cambios. Uno de estos el sector de recursos hídricos, que está relacionado con el consumo de agua para consumo doméstico y el saneamiento, la generación de electricidad y la agricultura. Asimismo, en la población hay sectores que son particularmente vulnerables, incluyendo las personas dependientes, las mujeres pobres, y quienes dependen de la agricultura como principal medio de vida. La vulnerabilidad es considerada un componente del riesgo, que es también una función de la amenaza: R= f (amenaza, vulnerabilidad). En este caso la amenaza se refiere al cambio climático y sus efectos, incluyendo sequías, inundaciones y cambios en la temperatura, mientras que la vulnerabilidad se asocia con la habilidad que tiene la sociedad de enfrentarlos. A pesar de que no existe una definición universal para vulnerabilidad el Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC, 2007) la define como el grado al cual un sistema es susceptible a, o incapaz de, enfrentarse a efectos adversos del cambio climático incluyendo variabilidad climática y eventos extremos. El concepto de vulnerabilidad implica que ante amenazas similares, poblaciones o sectores diferentes van a tener impactos distintos. Por ejemplo, mientras que pequeños productores agrícolas tienen poca movilidad ante una eventual reducción en la precipitación, grandes empresas pueden moverse con facilidad hacia nuevos territorios e incluso diferentes países. La vulnerabilidad está muy ligada al desarrollo humano debido a que aquellas poblaciones con mejores ingresos, educación y salud tendrán mayor capacidad de adaptación. Uno de los principales impactos esperados del cambio climático es modificaciones importantes en el régimen de lluvias, incluyendo su cantidad y distribución en el tiempo. Esto tendrá claramente un impacto sobre el desarrollo humano1 ya que la relación de este con los recursos hídricos es fuerte. El acceso al agua es una condición necesaria, aunque no suficiente, para el desarrollo humano (PNUD, 2006 y PNUD, 2007). Y casualmente son aquellas poblaciones en condiciones de mayor pobreza las que tienen menos acceso a este recurso. El sector de recursos hídricos es de particular importancia cuando se analiza el cambio climático debido a

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que las consecuencias esperadas de este fenómeno incluyen aumentos y disminuciones en la precipitación, así como cambios en su patrón estacional. Además, el agua es un vínculo entre el sistema natural y el sistema social. Por eso toman gran importancia en la discusión sobre vulnerabilidad. En Costa Rica, el café es un ejemplo claro de un cultivo muy importante para la economía y que requiere patrones de lluvia muy marcados para tener una buena productividad. La producción de electricidad también es dependiente del agua y su distribución en el tiempo. Los recursos hídricos pueden verse afectados de muchas formas por el cambio climático, incluyendo, de acuerdo al IPCC (2008) las siguientes: Los cambios del clima afectan al ciclo hidrológico: mayor variabilidad espacial y temporal en la precipitación, según muestran los modelos climatológicos para Costa Rica. Afectan la producción agrícola, hidroeléctrica y la provisión de agua potable. Mayor frecuencia de inundaciones y sequías. Esto afectará la calidad del agua y exacerbará muchas formas de contaminación del agua (sedimentos, nutrientes, carbono orgánico disuelto). Cambios en la cantidad y la calidad del agua debidos al cambio climático afectarán la disponibilidad, estabilidad, acceso y utilización de la comida. Esto aumentará la vulnerabilidad de las familias más pobres, y reducirá la seguridad alimentaria. El cambio climático afectará la operación de la infraestructura existente para el aprovechamiento de los recursos hídricos (represas para la generación hidroeléctrica, sistemas de riego y drenaje). Plantea un reto al supuesto tradicional de que la hidrología pasada brinda una buena guía para condiciones futuras. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14323. Publicación no.: 655 Estudio para la identificación y priorización de medidas de adaptación del sistema hídrico ante los efectos adversos del cambio climático en Costa Rica: Informe final [Study for the identification and prioritization of adaptation measures from the water system to the adverse effects of climate change in Costa Rica: Final report] / Pujol-Mesalles, Rosendo, (coord., ed.); Sánchez-Hernández, Leonardo; Avila-Bolaños, Daniela; Solano-Ramírez, Railly; López-Oviedo, Claudia; Pérez-Molina, Eduardo; Zumbado-Morales, Félix; Zamora-González, Luis. (Universidad de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, CR). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible (ProDUS), 2012. 79 p. Enlace: El cambio climático es un desafío sin precedentes para la humanidad como lo es la desigualdad, la pobreza, las guerras y la intolerancia. Se deben hacer grandes esfuerzos para que se logren acuerdos entre los gobiernos de más de 200 países, tomando en cuenta la heterogeneidad de realidades y a los que el cambio climático les afecta de manera muy diferente. Es por lo tanto muy difícil avanzar en esos acuerdos globales. Pero dadas esas dificultades cada país debe enfrentar los desafíos de adaptación con o sin ayuda internacional ya que la afectación debido al cambio climático es eminente. Es importante indicar que muchos de los impactos esperables con el Cambio Climático en el sector hídrico de Costa Rica, son producto de la intensificación de eventos extremos que ya ocurren con cierta periodicidad en diferentes lugares. De acuerdo con las proyecciones climáticas, más zonas del país podrían ser afectadas indirectamente por fenómenos hidrometeorológicos relacionados con el exceso de lluvia (inundaciones) o bien escasez (sequías). Con base en diferentes estudios generados sobre proyecciones climáticas, con cierto grado de certidumbre a lo largo del territorio nacional se proyectan algunos sectores, con incrementos en la ocurrencia e intensidad de lluvias, en otros, disminución de las mismas y en todo el país un aumento en la temperatura media anual. La perspectiva social y económica recomienda en la mayoría de los casos suponer que, dado que muchas de esas realidades ya existen, lo más efectivo es plantearlo como un agravamiento de realidades ya existentes. En muchos casos, las estrategias de

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adaptación probadas por las experiencias de la evolución biológica y social, son más efectivas para enfrentar casos extremos que grandes inversiones en infraestructura. Sin embargo, hay casos de pequeñas intervenciones físicas que podrían ser efectivas. Por otro lado, las mejores estrategias de adaptación tienen fuertes componentes sociales, económicos, institucionales y políticos. Ante la atención del riesgogenerado por eventos extremos, Costa Rica tiene la ventaja de contar con una compleja red de organizaciones locales, en particular los Comités Locales de Emergencia que serán de gran importancia en la atención de catástrofes derivadas del cambio climático. Es muy importante que sus acciones estén coordinadas con otros sectores pero también que tengan suficiente información para poder mejorar su capacidad de respuesta. Costa Rica presenta una gran heterogeneidad social dentro de su territorio. Esta realidad se refleja en los patrones de asentamientos humanos e indirectamente en la vulnerabilidad a diferentes fenómenos relacionados al cambio climático. Por otro lado las diferencias entre comunidades dentro un mismo cantón implica también diferencias en la capacidad de responder ante la posibilidad de cambiar para una mejor adaptabilidad hacia el cambio climático. En este sentido, es necesario identificar las amenazas en cada cantón para poder definir estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático en estas realidades Al mismo tiempo es esencial conservar el recurso hídrico disponible de la contaminación generada por las actividades humanas y del agotamiento prematuro por un mal manejo de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas, lo anterior a través de unamejora en la gestión y aplicación efectiva de la legislación existente. El Instituto Meteorológico Nacional ha identificado mediante un análisis sobre Riesgos del Sector Hídrico ante el Cambio Climático, los cantones más vulnerables ante eventos extremoslluviosos y secos, mediante la selección de 14 indicadores relacionados con infraestructura, servicios y condición humana. Los resultados de este estudio han sido abordados como insumo para el presente documento. Dentro de los cantones más afectados por eventos extremos secos se localizan en la región Chorotega, específicamente en los cantones de Nicoya, la Cruz y Cañas que presentan alta vulnerabilidad. Estos cantones se caracteriza por sus bajos niveles de desarrollo humano y pobreza, carencias de vivienda digna sin servicios de electricidad y agua potable por acueducto, así como por presentar un menor índice de equidad de género, asociado a sus condiciones de vulnerabilidad. El resto de la región Chorotega presenta vulnerabilidad media alta, así como los cantones de Upala, Los Chiles y Guatuso en la región Norte. Los cantones de Puntarenas, Orotina y Parrita en la región Pacifico Central, así como los cantones de Pérez Zeledón y Buenos Aires en la región Brunca, y parte de los cantones de Cartago, Desamparados, Alajuelita, Orotina, Curridabat y San José dentro de la región Central. Estos cantones también presentan aunque en menos magnitud problemas de infraestructura, servicios y bajas condiciones humanas. Mientras que los cantones más vulnerablespor eventos extremos lluviosos se localizan en los cantones de Sarapiquí, Upala y Los Chiles en la zona norte del país y en los cantones de Limón, Pococí, Matina y Guácimo en la región Atlántica. Así como Parrita en el Pacífico Central y Tarrazú en el Valle Central. Este tipo de vulnerabilidad también se presenta en el cantón de Osa dentro de la zona Sur del país. Estas zonas se caracterizan por sus bajos niveles de desarrollo humano y pobreza, carencias de vivienda digna sin servicios de electricidad yagua potable por acueducto, con una importante población dependiente e inequidad en relación al género. Las medidas de adaptación propuestas en este documento tienen como objetivo que la población del país logre reducir los efectos adversos del cambio climático en el sector hídrico y los impactos de éste sobre los sectores sociales, económicos y ambientales. Para ello se identificaron los principales vacíos y desafíos con que cuenta Costa Rica en este tema, a partir de los cuales se priorizaron medidas concretas, las cuales fueron retroalimentadas con dos talleres participativos donde se interactuó con especialistas

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de diferentes ámbitos y se complementó con una revisión exhaustiva de todas las medidas y políticas desarrolladas en el país en los últimos años por diferentes instituciones públicas y privadas. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14324. Publicación no.: 656 Riesgo futuro del sector hídrico de Costa Rica ante el cambio climático [Future risk of Costa Rica's water sector to climate change] / Retana-Barrantes, José A. (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Climatología e Investigación Aplicada, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2012. 20 p. Enlace: Introducción: Uno de los principales retos para los investigadores del cambio climático, son las proyecciones futuras de condiciones actuales. Los escenarios socioeconómicos, los escenarios climáticos, la vulnerabilidad, la amenaza, la capacidad de resiliencia y el riesgo de los sistemas, son elementos importantes en los estudios sobre calentamiento global, pero son de difícil construcción cuando se desea estimarlos para horizontes de tiempo futuro. Una de las mayores dificultades es el tema de la coherencia de los resultados debido principalmente a la incertidumbre que rodea cualquier proyección. Las diferentes herramientas de exploración del futuro se acompañan de incertidumbres y limitantes propias de su mecanismo de análisis. Sin embargo, existen otros limitantes que no solo están definidas por la metodología usada, sino por factores externos que pueden hacer cambiar el rumbo de una sociedad en múltiples sentidos (económico, social, político y hasta cultural). Estos factores externos al métodode análisis, se denominan fuerzas, impulsores o motores de cambio. En un mundo tan complejo y globalizado como el actual, las fuerzas de cambio difícilmente pueden ser modelados. Estas limitaciones externas provenientes de condiciones y acuerdos económicos regionales, solo son identificadas y asumidos como existentes, tal y como lo da a entender Malone y Robere (2005). Por ejemplo, las recientes crisis económicas mundiales, las variaciones en el precio del petróleo, las pandemias globales o incluso la desestabilización social producto de algunos regímenes políticos, tienen un efecto dominó que afecta directa o indirectamente la ruta productiva y el desarrollo de los países. Esta es una de las razones por las cuales las proyecciones futuras de nuestras sociedades tienen un alto grado de incertidumbre. Aun así, tal y como lo menciona Alvarado et al. (2011), refiriéndose a la construcción de escenarios futuros de clima, estas proyecciones intentan ser construcciones coherentes y consistentes de cómo un sistema podría manifestarse en un horizonte de tiempo dado. Bajo esta perspectiva, el estudio del riesgo climático futuro, define un posible (y creíble) estado social en el que el nuevo régimen del clima presiona el sistema hídrico, amenazando el desarrollo de las comunidades. Tal y como lo propone Jones y Mearns (2005), este estudio parte del conocimiento de los riesgos climáticos actuales para luego caracterizar cómo cambiarían debido al clima futuro y a cambios posibles en el entorno socioeconómico. Este análisis es descriptivo, cualitativo y se basa en los análisis previos realizados por Retana et al (2011), Alvarado et al (2011) y Echeverría (2011). Los resultados de este estudio junto con los de vulnerabilidad actual, son insumos para la identificación de barreras y oportunidades que guíen la planificación de la respuesta de adaptación futura. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14311. Publicación no.: 657 Mejoramiento de las capacidades nacionales para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad y adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático en Costa Rica, como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el índice de desarrollo humano: Informe final del Proyecto [Improvement of national capabilities for vulnerability assessment and adaptation of the

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water system to climate change in Costa Rica, as a mechanism to reduce the risk of climate change and increasing human development index: Project final report] / Retana-Barrantes, José A (ed.). (Instituto Meteorológico Nacional. Departamento de Climatología e Investigación Aplicada, San José, CR <E-mail: [email protected]>). San José: MINAET / IMN / PNUD, 2012. 46 p. Enlace: Introducción: El proyecto "Mejoramiento de las capacidades nacionales para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad y adaptación del sistema hídrico al cambio climático en Costa Rica, como mecanismo para disminuir el riesgo al cambio climático y aumentar el Índice de desarrollo humano" fue financiado por el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y ejecutado por el Instituto Meteorológico Nacional (IMN). Su objetivo principal fue aumentar la capacidad nacional para implementar, coordinary monitorear las acciones necesarias para favorecer la resiliencia ante el cambio climático, así como fortalecer la capacidad institucional y nacional para generar e implementar políticas y estrategias de adaptación. En aspectos ideológicos y metodológicos, este proyecto constituyó la continuación y generalización del plan piloto ejecutado en el 2007 gracias al proyecto "Fomento de las Capacidades para la Etapa II de Adaptación al Cambio Climático en Centroamérica, México y Cuba" financiado por el Fondopara el Medio Ambiente Global (GEF, por sus siglas en inglés) e implementado por PNUD y el Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe (CATHALAC), siendo ejecutado en Costa Rica por el IMN. El abordaje metodológico utilizó el Marcode Políticas de Adaptación al Cambio Climático creado por el PNUD (Lim et al 2005) y adaptado a condiciones nacionales por el IMN (Villalobos et al 2007). Se trabajó bajo la plataforma de conocimiento de la gestión del riesgo como hilo conductor para analizar y dar soluciones al problema planteado: ?cómo adaptar el sector hídrico en sociedades vulnerables ante eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos, de manera tal que estas acciones tiendan a mejorar el desarrollo humano??. Bajo este esquema, se caracterizó el riesgo del sector hídrico desde un punto de vista social y en dos períodos de tiempo: el actual, estimado a partir de una composición de indicadores observados en la primera década del siglo XXI, y el período futuro estimado a partir de una proyección de indicadores socioeconómicos, contrastada con escenarios de clima futuro modelados matemáticamente, para un horizonte de tiempo aproximado al año 2030. Tomando como base los resultados obtenidos, se fijan las propuestas de adaptación para los grupospoblacionales en mayor riesgo, incluyendo la estrategia de introducción de estas acciones dentro de la Gestión Integrada del Recurso Hídrico y cómo se podría visualizar la operatividad del plan por medio de estudios de caso. Este proyecto de alguna manera responde a la rapidez con la cual se han estado observando cambios en el patrón del clima local, su magnitud y el impacto que están teniendo en los sistemas sociales y productivos de nuestras comunidades. Se exige por tanto que los procesos de planificación de la adaptación al clima, su variabilidad y cambio, sean prontos y efectivos. En este sentido, tanto el Marco de Políticas de Adaptación como la gestión de riesgo, demuestran ser una exitosa guía para el análisis del riesgo climático en escenariosde calentamiento global y el diseño de estrategias de adaptación técnicamente fundamentadas. Los resultados obtenidos son altamente operativos puesto que tienden a sistematizar la información para concretizar acciones directas sobre la sociedad. El marcode políticas propuesto por el PNUD contribuye con la construcción de escenarios robustos sobre las relaciones entre la vulnerabilidad del sistema ante la amenaza del clima y sus extremos. La adaptación del marco a las condiciones nacionales debe enfrentar el reto de diseñar estrategias bajo una perspectiva de desarrollo, procurando que el individuo, las comunidades y los países no dejen de lado la búsqueda de una mejor calidad de vida a pesar de la incertidumbre del clima futuro y la complejidad de las relaciones globales en un mundo convulso y altamente competitivo.

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Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14312. Publicación no.: 658 La economía del cambio climático en Centroamérica: Síntesis 2010 [The economics of climate change in Central America: Summary 2010] / Lennox, Julie, (coord.). México: CEPAL, 2010. 144 p. (Serie CEPAL; no. LC/MEX/L.978). Enlace: Although it is estimated that Central America will continue to generate only a minimal part of the planet's Greenhouse Gasses, it is already one of the region most vulnerable to the consequences of these emissions. Central America's historical socio-economic vulnerabilities are exacerbated by the region's location on a narrow isthmus that serves as a land bridge between two continents, surrounded by two oceanic systems, the Pacific and the Atlantic. The region is gravely affected by droughts, cyclones and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon. Given that economic activities such as agriculture are especially climate-dependent, climate change will increasingly have a bearing on the region's economies throughout the current century. In fiscal terms it constitutes a contingent public liability that will have an effect on public finance over a period spanning several generations. At the same time, Central America is home to a precious reserve of ecosystems and biodiversity that need to be preserved for the products and services they contribute to the development of current and future generations. These ecosystems are already overexploited due to the existing unsustainable pattern of development, and this depletion will be further aggravated by climate change. The relatively young populations of these countries, with their rich cultural, ethnic, linguistic and life-style diversity constitute a treasure that requires recognition and investment to develop their capabilities, including those related to adaptation to climate change. This is especially the case of the region's indigenous peoples and those of African descent. This document is a product of the project "The Economics of Climate Change in Central America" which aims to conduct an economic impact study on the effects of climate change in Central America based on various development scenarios and emissions trajectories, estimating the potential costs and benefits of a response of inaction (i.e. a business-as usual approach) or of public-policy adaptation and mitigation options to prevent or reduce adverse impacts. The study projects growth trajectories for each national economy as a whole and for major economic sectors. The impact of climate change on key sectors or areas of concern, such as agricultural yields and water availability and demand, is assessed. The costs of these impacts are estimated in order to establish the possible changes in the trajectory of economic development as affected by climate change. The Project is being carried out by the Economic Commission for Central America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Ministries of Environment and Treasury/Finance of the seven Central American countries, the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) of theCentral American Integration System (SICA) and the Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA), with funding from the Government of the United Kingdom (DFID). Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14325. Publicación no.: 659 Rapid climate change and no-analog vegetation in lowland Central America during the last 86,000 years [Cambio climático rápido y vegetación sin análogos modernos en las tierras bajas de Centroamérica durante los últimos 86.000 años] / Correa-Metrio, Alexander; Bush, Mark B; Cabrera, Kenneth R; Sully, Shannon; Brenner, Mark; Hodell, David A; Escobar, Jaime; Guilderson, Tom. (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto de Geología, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico City 04520, DF, MX <E-mail: [email protected]>).

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En: Quaternary Science Reviews (ISSN 0277-3791), v. 38, p. 63-75. 2012. Glacial-interglacial climate cycles are known to have triggered migrations and reassortments of tropical biota. Although long-term precessionally-driven changes in temperature and precipitation have been demonstrated using tropical sediment records, responses to abrupt climate changes, e.g. the cooling of Heinrich stadials or warmings of the deglaciation, are poorly documented. The best predictions of future forest responses to ongoing warming will rely on evaluating the influences of both abrupt and long-term climate changes on past ecosystems. A sedimentary sequence recovered from Lake Peten-Itza, Guatemalan lowlands, provided a natural archive of environmental history. Pollen and charcoal analyses were used to reconstruct the vegetation and climate history of the area during the last 86,000 years. We found that vegetation composition and air temperature were strongly influenced by millennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic Ocean. Whereas Greenland warm interstadials were associated with warm and relatively wet conditions in the Central American lowlands, cold Greenland stadials, especially those associated with Heinrich events, caused extremely dry and cold conditions. Even though the vegetation seemed to have been highly resilient, plant associations without modern analogs emerged mostly following sharp climate pulses of either warmth or cold, and were paralleled by exceptionally high rates of ecological change. Although pulses of temperature change are evident in this 86,000-year recordnone matched the rates projected for the 21st Century. According to our findings, the ongoing rapid warming will cause no-modern-analog communities, which given the improbability of returning to lower-than-modern CO2 levels, anthropogenic barriers to migration, and increased anthropogenic fires, will pose immense threats to the biodiversity of the region. Localización: Biblioteca OET: NBINA-14389.