bible in verses: genesis [miqhael-m. khesapeake]


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Genesis in Verses -from the Bible/Tora-

in versification of  Miqhael-M. Khesapeake (Bible’s Genesis as poetry)


W W W W 

A product of philological transpositionwhich is accurate and respectful of the text.It contains no controversial doctrinal content and expresses the original biblical text whichcan be viewed as proper by many readers.

It has the character of a translation.


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I 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earthy-clod.1:2 And the earthy-clod flormless was and void and over the surface of the deep there wasdarkness, lonely ' twas.And the Spirit of God moving wasover the surface of the waters.1:3 And said then God:

«Let there be light.»And there issued was the light.1:4 And the light was seen by God,who viewed it as good.And separated was the light  from the darkness by God.1:5 And the light was called Day by God and the darkness was called Night.And there was eveningand there was morning,what ’s a very Day, the first one being.1:6 And once again said then God:«Let there be an expanse in the midst of the watersand let it separate these waters:waters from waters.» 1:7 And God made the expanse’s canopyand separated the waters from below this canopy from the watersabove the canopy.And so it was.1:8 And the expanse’s canopyby God was called heavens’sky.And there was evening

and there was morning.A second Day.1:9 And then said God:«Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place.And let the dry-clod be appeared.»And so it was.1:10 And the dry-clod called was Earth by God;

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and the gathering together of waterscalled was by Him Seas.And He viewed it as good.1:11 And said then God:«Let the Earth bring forth grass, yielding seed all sorts of plants

and bearing fruits the fruit trees,after their kind,in them bearing seed,all over the Earth’s side.»And so it was.1:12 And the Earth brought forth grassand also yielding seed plants,after their kind,and growing fruit tressin them bearing seed,after their kind;and then viewed God  that it was good.

1:13 And was there another eveningand another morning:a third Day.1:14 And then said God:«Let there be lightscovering the heavens’ canopy, to separate the Night from the Dayand let them be for signsas well as for seasons,days and years. 1:15 And let them be in the heavens’ canopy for lights, to give upon the Earth their light.»

And so it was.1:16 And then made God  two great lights above; the greater light to rule the day, the lesser light to rule the night.He also made the stars’ light.1:17 And set them all in the heaven’s canopy,onto the Earth to give light,1:18 to rule over the day and over the night,and to separate the darkness from the light.And then viewed God  that it was good.1:19 And was there another evening

and another morning:a fourth Day.1:20 And then said God:«Let the waters bring forth swarmsof living creaturesand above the Earth let fly birds,in the open expanseof the heavens’ canopy.»

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1:21 And then great whales created God and every living moving creature,and swarming with them were the waters,all after their kind;and every winged flying creature,after its kind;

and then viewed God  that it was good.1:22 And blessed them God,saying: « Be fruitful and multiplyand fill the seas’ waters;let birds be fuitful flying on the skyand let them on ground multiply!»1:23 And was there another eveningand another morning: the fifth Day.1:24 And then said God:«Let the earth bring forth the living creatureafter its kind,all sorts of creeping things and cattleand all beasts of the earth,after their kind;»and so it was.1:25 And God made the beasts of the earthafter their kind thenand everything that creeps on the ground,after its kind;and then viewed God  that it was good.1:26 And then said God:«

Let us make man in our image,one after our likeness too:and let them rule over the fish of the sea,over the birds of the sky,over the cattle and over all there’s to be,over all the creeping thingcreeping on the earth.»1:27 Then created man God,in the image of God He created him;male and female were they created by Him.1:28 And blessed were they by God and unto them God said:« Be fruitful and multiplyand the whole earth replenish,and subdue the land;and about the sea, rule over the fish,and over the birds of the skyand over all living moving thing there’s to beand which moves on the earth.»1:29 And said then God: « Behold,

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I ’ve given you every yielding-seed plant  that there’s on the ground and every tree too,in which there’s a seed of an yielding tree;it ’s the food for you. 

1:30 And to every beast of the earthand to every bird of the skyand to every moving thing which has lifeI ’ve given every green plant, for being food;»and so it was.1:31 And saw then God every thing that He had made,and behold: it was very good.And was there another eveningand another morning: the sixth Day.

II 2:1 Thus the heavens and the Earthwere finished all,and all the hosts of them.2:2 And on the seventh DayHis work completed was,all He had done.And He rested on the seventh Day, from all this work He made.2:3 And blessed by God was then the seveth Day,sanctifying it: because in it He rested  from all the work He created and made.

2:4 This’

s the account of the heavens and the Eath, the time when they were created,in what Day Godlord the heavens and the Earth has made.2:5 But no plant of the field was in the earth yet,and no herb of the field had sprouted yet, for Godlord had not sent rainupon the earth;and no man was there yet  to cultivate the ground.2:6 But there went up a mist from the ground and was watered the whole face of the Earth.2:7 And Godlord formed a man of dust out of the ground;

and then He breathed into his nostrilsHis Breath of Life;And thus man became a living one.2:8 And Godlord planted a garden eastward,in Eden. And He in there placed  the man He had made.2:9 And out of the ground made Godlord grow every tree to the sight 

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delightful and good for food.There was as well in the garden the Tree of Life, in the garden’s middle side,and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil was there in sight.2:10 And a river went out of Eden then, to water through all the garden;

and parted it was from thence,and became into four heads.2:11 The name of the first is Pison:it flows around the whole Havilah’s land,where there’s gold.2:12 And this one of that land is a good gold;bdellium and onyx stoneare there too.2:13 And the name of the second river Gihon is;around Cush’s land it flows.2:14 And the name of the third river isHiddekel; east of Assyria it flows as well.

And Euphrates is the name of the fourth.2:15 And Godlord took the manand put him there in,in the Eden’s garden He put him, to cultivate it and keep it.2:16 And Godlord commanded the man,saying this: "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat;2:17 but of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat either a little bit;since in the day thou eatest from it  thou shalt surely be dead."2:18 And Godlord said:«

It is not good  that the man should live there alone. I ’m goin’ to make hima good helper suitable for him, a good one.»2:19 And out of the groound ’s dust He formed every beast living on the field,and of the air every bird,and brought them to Adam, the man, to see what he would call them;and whatsoever Adam called a living creature, that was its name.2:20 And Adam gave names to every cattle

and to the birds of the sky,and to every beast of the field,but there was no good helper for Adam however.2:21 And Godlord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam then,and he slept.He took from one of his ribsand closed up the flesh at that place.

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2:22 And the rib which Godlord had taken from man' twas made a woman;and she was brought to the man.2:23 Adam said then: «This is bone of my bonesand flesh of my flesh: I ’m gonna call her woman,because she’s taken out of man.»

2:24 Therefore that ’s why a man shall leave

 his mother and his father and shall cleaveunto his wife: and one flesh together they shall be.2:25 And naked were they both, the man and his wife,and they were not ashamed at sight.

III  3:1 Now the Serpent was more subtil than any other creatureof the field, which Godlord had made.And saying unto the woman he was:"Indeed has ever God said ‘thou shalt not eat  from any sort of tree in the garden’?" 3:2 And unto the Serpent the woman said:We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden indeed, 3:3 but of the fruit of the Tree which there’s in the midst of the garden God has said: ‘thou shalt not eat either a little bit;since in the day thou eatest from it  thou shalt surely be dead.’" 3:4 And unto the woman then the Serpent said:"Let me tell you somethin’: You surely shall not die! 3:5 For God knows well that in the day ye eat from it,either a little bit,opened shall be your eyes then,and as gods ye shall be,

knowing good and evil, really." 3:6 And when the woman saw that the Tree good was for food indeed, and that pleasant it was to the eyes, like a tree fated to make one wise,she took of the Tree’s fruit and ate;also to her husband with her she gaveand he likewise ate. 3:7 And the eyes of them both opened now wereand they knew that naked they were;and they sewed some fig leaves together and made themselves aprons,covering their laps. 3:8 And they heard Godlord ’s sound in,

 the Godlord in the garden was walkin’ right thenin the cool of the day.Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Godlord, amongst the trees there in the garden’s shade. 3:9 And Godlord unto Adam then called and said unto him: "Where art thou?"

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 3:10 And he said then: "Thy sound I heard in the garden’s sideand I was afraid, because I was naked there in,and I hid myself from thee..." 3:11 "Who told thee that thou wast naked, man?Have thou ever eaten from that Tree

of which not to eat I commanded thee?" 3:12 And then said the man:"The woman whom thou gavest to be with me,she gave me of the tree,and that ’s why I ate." 3:13 And unto the woman said the Godlord:"What ’s this thou hast done?"So the woman said: "The Serpent is the onewho beguiled me to eat,so I did eat." 3:14 And unto the Serpent said then Godlord:"Because thou hast done this, thou’re now cursed more than all cattle

and more than every of the field beast!Upon thy belly shalt thou go and thou shalt eat dust  for all the days of thy life! 3:15 "And enmity I ’ll put between theeand the woman, and between thy seed and hers;it shall bruise thy head,and thou shalt bruise his heel!" 3:16 And He also said unto the woman:"I ’ll greatly multiplyin childbirth thy sorrow and thy pain,in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;

and to thy husband thy desire shall beand he shall rule over thee." 3:17 And He said unto Adam:"Because thou hast hearkened unto the voiceof thy wife and hast eaten of the Treeof which I commanded thee,saying: ‘thou shalt not eat either a little bit,’cursed is now the ground, for thy little sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life! 3:18 Thorns also and thistles shall be

brought forth to thee;and as food the herb thou shalt eat, the one which growing is on the field. 3:19 In the sweat of thy face thy bread thou shalt eat, till thou return unto the ground ’s dust;wast thou taken for out of it: for what thou are it ’s dust and thou shalt return unto the ground ’s dust...

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 3:20 And Adam called his wife Eve,because she’s the mother of all men to live. 3:21 And Godlord made for Adam and his wife garments of leather and clothed them. 3:22 And thus said Godlord then:"Behold, the man as one of us is become,

knowing good and evil now;rather, lest he put forth his hand and take of the Tree of Life as well,and eat, and living for ever..." 3:23 Therefore Godlord sent him forth from the garden of Eden then, to cultivate the ground ’s dust,out of which he himself was taken. 3:24 So he drove out the manand at the east of the garden of EdenCherubims He placed,and there also were swords of firewhich were turning every direction about,

 to guard the way of the Tree of Life.

IV 4:1 And what ' twas occurred was that Adam knew his wife Eve,and her child Cain she bareand conceived there;and said she then: "I have gottena manchild from God,by His help."4:1 And it occurred that she also bare his brother, Abel. Abel ’s work was to be a keeper of sheep. And Cain’s work was for the ground, as a tiller.4:3 And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering, unto the Lord.4:4 And also Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.And Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering as well.4:5 But unto Cain and his offeringHe had no good viewing.So Cain became very wrothand his countenance fell.

4:6 And then to Cain said Lord:"Why art thou wroth?And why thy countenance fallen is?If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?4:7 And if thou doest not well, which lieth at the door the sin is.And its lure by thee desired is, But thou hast to rule over it!4:8 And lo, Cain is talking to his brother Abel;

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and it came to pass, when they were together in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and killed him there.4:9 And unto Cain the Lord said:"Where is thy brother Abel?"And said he: "I know not, how could I tell?

Am I my brother ’

s watcher?How, then?”4:10 And He said to him: "What hast thou done?The voice of thy brother ’s blood cries unto me from the ground!"4:11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, opening its mouth to receive thy brother ’s blood from thy hand!4:12 When thou tillest the ground it shall not henceforth yield unto thee its strength;a fugitive wanderer shalt thou be on the earth.4:13 But Cain answered the Lord like this:"My punishment grater than I can bear is!4:14 Behold, thou hast driven me out  this day from the face of the eath!I must hide myself from thy face and become

a restless wanderer on the earth;everyone that finds me shall slay me."4:15 And then replied to him the Lord:"Therefore, whosoever kills Cainvengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.And set a mark upon Cain the Lord,lest anyone finding him should kill him.4:16 And then out of the Lord ’s face Cain went off and lived in the land of Nod,on the east of Eden.4:17 And Cain knew his wife;and she conceived and bare her child Enoch.He built a city and named this city after his son, Encoh.4:18 Irad was born to Enoch, Irad fathered Mehujael and Mehujael fathered as well,and his son was Lamech.4:19 Lamech took two wives: the name of the one was Adach,and the name of the other, Zillah.4:20 Adah bare Jabal; he was the father of those nomadic that in tents dwell,and who have cattle as well.4:21 His brother Jubal was called; he was the father of those who the lyre and the pipe played.4:22 Zillah bare also Tubal-Cain, the one who made all those of bronze and all iron tools.

Tubal-Cain’s sister was Naamah.

4:23 Lamech said to his wives: Adah and Zillah, hear my voice now; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech, for I killed a man for wounding me,and a boy for stricking me.4:24 If Cain is to be avenged sevenfold, truly for Lamech it shall be seven-and-seventhfold!

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4:25 And Adam knew his wife again,and she bare a son, his name was Seth, for Godlord, she said, has given me another child in place of Abel,whom Cain killed.

4:26 Also a son to Seth born was,and his name Enos was.At that time on the name of the Lord  people began to call loud.

V  5:1 This is the family book of those descendantsof the generations of Adam.On the day when man was created by God,He made him in the likeness of God. 5:2 He created them male and female.When they were created, He blessed them calling them man. 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years

when he fathered a child in his likeness,after his image, and he called him Seth. 5:4 After the birth of Seth Adam lived eight hundred years;and he fathered sons and daughters. 5:5 Therefore Adam’s lifetime was nine hundred and thrity years.Thereafter he died. 5:6 And an hundred and five years old Seth waswhen fathered Enos. 5:7 Eight hundred and seven years live Seth after the birth of Enos,and fathered sons and daughters. 5:8 Seth’s life was nine hundred and twelve years, then he died. 5:9 Enos was ninety years old when he fathered Kenan. 5:10 Enos lived eight hundred and fifteenand fathered sons and daughters. 5:11 The days of Enos were nine hundred and five yearsand then he died. 5:12 Kenan lived seventy years well when he fathered Mahalalel. 5:13 Kenan lived eight hundred yearsafter the birth of Mahalalel and fathered sons and daughters. 5:14 Kenan’s life lasted nine hundred and ten years, then he died. 5:15 Sixty and five years old was Mahalalel 

when he fathered Jared. 5:16 And eight and thirty years lived Mahalalel after the birth of Jared,and he fathered sons and daughters. 5:17 So Mahalalel ’s life lasted eight hundred ninety and five yearsand he died afterwards. 5:18 An hundred sixty and two was Jared when he fathered Enoch.

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 5:19 Eight hundred years lived Jared after the birth of Enoch,and he fathered sons and daughters. 5:20 So Jared ’s life lasted nine hundred sixty and two years; then he died. 5:21 Sixty years old was Enoch

when he fathered Methuselah. 5:22 And after the birth of Methuselah three hundred years with God walked Enoch,and fathered sons and daughters. 5:23 So three hundred sixty and five years lived Enoch. 5:24 With God was walkin’ Enoch,and he was not there to be found,because God took him up from the ground. 5:25 An hundred eighty and seven years old was Methuselahwhen he fathered Lamech. 5:26 Eight hundred eighty and two years lived Methuselathafter the birth of Lamech,and he fathered sons and daughters.

 5:27 So all the days of Methuselathwere nine hundred sixty and nine years;and then he died. 5:28 An hundred eighty and two years was Lamechwhen a son he fathered. 5:29 And he named him Noah,saying: "This one shall bring us comfort  from the agonizing labour of our effort, from that by Godlord cursed ground’s support". 5:29 Five hundred ninety and five years lived Lamechafter Noah’s birthand he fathered sons and daughters. 5:30 So seven hundred seventy and seven years was the life of Lamech, then he died. 5:31 Five hundred years old was Noahand he fathered Shem, Ham and Japhet.

VI 6:1 When mankind began to multiply all over and daughters were born to them,6:2 the sons of God saw how beautiful these daughters wereand as their wives they took them.6:3 And said then Godlord about them:"My spirit shall last not with mankind for ever,because corrupt they are.

Their days shall be an hundred and twenty years only."6:4 The Nephilim beings were also on Earth then,when the sons of God came to those daughters pretty,and they bare children to them; they were the heroic men of old, those of renown.


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This excerpt of Bible’s Genesis is an attempt of expressing the biblical text in verses, as poetry, but without any aberation like changing the prosaic text into poetry by adding too many new words or clauses for the sake of the rhyme. This desideratum has been possible to be achieved by transposing the words and expressions and by confronting a couple of Bible versions as: King James Version Apocrypha, King James withStrong’s and Geneva Notes, New King James Version (1982), New American Standard Bible with Codes (1977), New International Version (1984), The Living Bible, American Standard Version (1901), McDanald Idiomatic Translation and Holman ChristianStandard Bible. For the choice of some philosophical terms that represent my conceptual interpretation I used the Septuagint.

Making this Genesis in verses - which is actually making the "Bible" as poetry - tries to prove the Bible as a cultural work and to be mademore readable and look more interesting for people; not just as a religious, dogmatic authority, but as a cultural work that must be read with the same pleasure as reading a novel: without becoming scared of demons, Hell, curses, etc., without being scared in general but being just open to a peculiar cultural understanding. This book is an attempt of proposing the Bible or Tora to the publishing houses as a cultural work of literature, and not only as a holy book of any particular cult or religion. However, despite its lyric form it has the same accuracy as any other English version, like as to be used by people in churches or temples as a holy book, if they think it should be viewed as holy. Of course, this isnot the sole possiblity of versification, and one could offer a different lyric solution. But I hope you will enjoy it.

There is a Romanian, Ioan Ciorca, who transposed the whole Romanian Bible into a Romanian version in verses; his work is admitted evenby himself as just an work of art, a literature, a gigantic cultural epopee with 1815 verses, proposed for the Guiness Book. His version has no character of a translation and has lots of changes from the genuine text, which makes it inappropriate for using it as a translation or at least  for reading it as reading the text of the Bible. Maybe it is beautiful, but it was the Bible sacrificed on the altar of poetry.