bibliography978-1-349-27044-6/1.pdf · bibliography aniol, w., 'miedzy koncem historii a...

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Bibliography Aniol, W., 'Miedzy koncem historii a powrotem do przyszlosci. 0

nowych zagrozeniach dla bezpieczenstwa europieskiego' (Between the end of history and return to the future. New threats for European security.) Studia Po/ityczne, no.1 (1992), pp. 139-148.

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Bauman, Z., Socjologia (Sociology) Warsaw: Wyd. Zysk & S-ka., 1990.

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Bokszaski, Z., '0 czynnikach ksztaltujacych obraz Polski i Polakow w swiecie' (On the factors shaping the image of Poland and Poles in the world) Kultura i Spoleczenstwo, vol. 37, no.1/1993, pp. 28-41.

Brym, R. J., 'The emigration potential of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Russia: recent survey result~',

Migration, no. 11/12/1991, pp. 107-118. · Cielemecki, M., 'Straznica na pograniczu' (Watchtower in the

frontier region) Przeg/ad Tygodniowy, 1 July 1990, p. 7. COE (Council of Europe). 6th Conference of European Ministers responsible for migration affairs. A review of the implementation of community relations policies, Migration Policy Group, Warsaw, 16-18 June/1996.

Cordel, K., 'Upper Silesia and the Politics of Accommodation', Regional and Federal Studies, vol. 5, no. 3/1995, pp. 307-25.


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Aliens Bill 67; see also Aliens Law Aliens Law (1963) 67, 70-1, 73 Aliens Law (1997) 4, 67-87 asylum68 asylum-seekers 3,18, 30, 35, 45, 57-

61,64, 66, 107 Aussiedler 6, 19, 20, 35, 189-90

Balcerowicz reforms 157 Belarussian border 113 Berlin Wall 1 Border Guard 11, 26, 45, 46, 47,

54-5, 57, 71, 74, 75, 80, 82, 83, 85, 115, 122 legislative framework 93-96 mission 90-3 operations 99-101 structure 96-9

brain drain (inverse) 28, 41 British Asylum Act of 1992; 73 border zone 93

Central Public Opinion Survey Office 212, 214

circulatory migrations 124 Comecon4, 33, 151 communist regime 90 Constitutional Tribunal 81 Council for Refugee Affairs 74-5 Cramer coefficient 140 cross-border movement 115,121,

146, 166 cross-border mobility 45-9, 51

demographic compensation 177 demographic impact of emigration

186 demographic processes (Silesia)

178, 186 deportation 78 deportation centres 83, 85, 99 deportation records 26


dual citizenship 7, 183-84, 191, 196, 199

Dublin Convention 85

economic transition 157 ethnic adaptation 178 ethnic conflict(s) 3, 178 ethnic consciousness 180 ethnic Germans 6, 180 ethnic Jews 6 ethnic minorities 145 ethnocentrism 207 European Social Contract 78 European Union 13, 85, 98, 99,

108, 151 expenditures

of foreigners 154-6 by nationality 154-6

expulsion 79, 178 see also Vertreibung

First World War 118, 171, 178 foreign currency reserves 148 Frontier Defence Corps (prewar)


Geneva Convention 68-9, 73, 75 German asylum law 84 German ethnic list 174 see also

Vo/ksliste German citizenship 20, 184, 190,

193 German minority 20, 178, 182-3,

184, 199 organizations 182

German-Polish inter-governmental agreement 36

German Reich 173 Gorbachev I Greek Catholic churches 117 gypsies (Polish) 34,214,217

human rights 90, 94

illegal arms trade 91 illegal border crossing 26, 102 illegal emigration 23


illegal immigration 23 immigrants

admission of 208 illegal 11, 67, 78, 99 material status of 209 Poles' attitudes towards 206-23 Poles' behaviour towards 202-19 quotas 208

indigenous Silesians 173, 176, 177, 180 national identification 179-80

industrialisation 16 inflow

offoreigners 120 of citizens ofthe former USSR 120-2 of Germans 120

informal bazaars 145 see also informal markets

informal markets 145 wholesale activities 147, 153 geographic location 148 turnover 149-50 foreigners' participation 152-154 customers 149, 156

Iron Curtain 120

job-seeking immigrants 128, 208, 212 attitudes towards 211

Labour Code 76 labour markets I, 9, 13, 29, 51, 55,

66, 75-6, 78, 186-7 Labour Office 77 Law on Employment and

Countering Unemployment 76-7 Lithuanian border 113

Lemkos Ill, 113 Main Customs Office 93 managerial migration 3, 7 Martial law Ill Mazowiecki, Tadeusz 93 migrants

categories I 08-11 illegal 45, 50, 78 transit 34

migration balance 172, 176, 177 definition 105 east-west I 05

economic 172, 191


forms of 106, 107-11 illegal 51, 90, 100-1 incomplete 9, 22,25-6,27, 31, 32,34 policy 10, 13, 22, 45, 51, 67, 87 statistics I 06 strategy 9 studies 107 theories 30, 37 see also theories of migration

transit 27 migratory movements

spatial dimension 107 Ministry of Defence 93, 96 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 70 Ministry of Internal Affairs 70, 73 Ministry of Public Security and

Interior 92 multi-ethnic societies 1

NATO enlargement 13 New York Protocol 68-70, 73 nuclear trafficking 10 I

Office for Migration and Refugee Affairs 70, 75, 122

Office of State Protection I 01 organized crime 90, 99 Orthodox churches 117


pedlars 24 see also petty traders pedlar trade 33 Pearson's linear correlation 131 pendular trade 163 see also

suitcase trade permanent migration 12, 22 see

also settlement Permanent Residence Permit 12,

45, 77, 87, 117, 161 petty trade

migrations 121 petty traders 3, 8-9, 22, 24, 29, II 5,

128-36, 145, 146-7, 151 activities 145 nationality 146

Plenipotentiary for Refugees 70 Polish eastern frontier (border)

customs clearance 123 intensity of movement 122

number of crossings 122 with Lithuania 47-8 with Belarus 47-8 with Ukraine 47, 48 with Russia 47, 48

Polish Constitution 64, 70, 81 Polish diaspora 17, 20 Polish enterprises 150

turnover ISO-I Polish ethnicity 86 Polish frontiers (borders) 66

opening of 146 Polish Institute of Tourism 49 Polish Interior Ministry 113 Polish National Bank 49, ISO

foreign currency reserves 14 7-8 Polish People's Republic 92 Polish southern border 46-7, 48 Polish western border 46-47, 48 population mobility 46-8 ports of entry 48

re-admission agreements 84-5 Red Anny garrisons 115-6 refugee-applicant 26


refugee application 27 refugees 22, 35, 66, 73, 107

attitudes towards 211 refugee status 73, 77 repatriates

settlement 6 repatriation 12, 22, 66, 86-7 resettlers

from the former USSR 198 respondents (to eastern border

survey) by educational level 124-5 by occupational status 125 by nationality 127 by aim of the trip 128-30 by the strategy of mobility 131-5 by profits from trade 135-6 by intentions to settle abroad 136-7 by intentions to work abroad 137-40

Rozycki bazaar 146

Second World War 86, 118, 168, 172, 174, 177, 179

security intelligence services 101 settlement abroad (permanent

emigration) 22 settlement immigration 22 Silesian population 172

ageing 186-7 age structures 186 birth rates 186-7 demographic and social disparities 187 educational structure 187 feminisation 187

regional ethnicity 174 sex ratio 187

structure of employment 186-7 SchengenGroup 69,84 Schengen Treaty 14 shuttle migrants 8 social distance 206, 220 social reforms 16

Solidarity government 93 Soviet command centre 116 Soviet invasion 17 Soviet troops 111, 117 Soviet garrisons 116 Spataussiedler 189-90, 193, 196,

199 state policy 105 State Population Committee 211 stereotypes 207,208,217,220 suitcase trade 145, 151

temporary workers 22 terrorism 91 theories of migration

neoclassical theory 38 new economics oflabour migration 38 globalization theory 38 dual labour market theory 38

traffickers 26 trafficking drugs 91, 99 travel industry 48

Ubersiedler 189, 196 Ukrainian frontier 113 Ukrainian Nationalist Guerilla

Index 237

Forces 117 UN High Commission for Refugees

68 Upper Silesian conurbation 169 Upper Silesian Union 183

Warsaw bazaar SO-l, 115, 145-67 Warsaw stadium market 9-10 see

also Warsaw bazaar customers 156 turnover 159 employment 159-60 criminal activity 160-1 ethnic sectors 161-2 mafia 165

Warsaw Pact 4 Western Polish frontier

transactions on 146 cross-border shopping 146

World Tourist Organisation 49

Vertreibung 178 Vertriebene 189 Volksdeutsche 172 Volksliste 172

Yalta agreement 17