bibliography and citation index

BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CITATION INDEX ACCARDO, N. J., and J. ADR~ANI: Brachial plexus block: simplified technic using axillary route. Sth. med. 3. (Egham., Ala.) 1949, 42,923. Cited by ~TROM, p. 325. ADR~I, J., and D. CAMPBELL: The absorption of topically applied tetracaine and cocaine. Laryngoscope 1958, 68,65. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119. ALBERT, A.: Ionization, pH and biological activity. Pharmacol. Z&o. 1952, 4, 136. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 55,69. ALB~RT, J., and B. IAFSTROM: Bilateral ulnar nerve blocks for the evaluation of local anaesthetic.agents. Acta anaesth. scand. 1961, 5, 99. Cited by ALB~RT and LGFSTROM, p. 71, 72, 77. ALB~RT,J., and B. L~~PSTROM: Bilateral ulnar nerve blocks for the evaluation of local anaesthetic agents. 11. Tests with a new longer acting agent, LAC-43, and with tetra- caine. Ackr anaesth. scand. 1965,9, 1. Cited by ALB~RT and LOFSTROH, p. 77. ARVAHITAKI, A., and N. CHALAZONITB: Diffusibilitk de I’anhydride carbonique dans l’axone ghnt, ses effets sur Ies vitesses de l’activitk bidlectrique. C. R. Soc. Eiol. (Paris) 1954, 14,952. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 92. ~TROY, A. : Influence of nome local anaesthetics upon the adrenaline contraction of isolated strips of rabbit aorta. Acta physwl. scand. 1964, SO, 30. Cited by ALB~RT and MFSTROM, p. 76, 77. ~TROM, A., and N. H. PEWON: Some pharmacological properties of o-methyl-a-propyl- aminopropionanilidt-a new local anaesthetic. Brit. 3. Phnrmcrcol 1961, 16, 32. Cited by BONICA et a l , p. 211,212; ENGLESSON et al., p. 141, 143, 145; CEDDES, p. 37,44; KATZ, p. 34, 35; SADOVE, p. 271, 275; THORNTON, p. 314, 319; TRUANT, p. 19, 22; VASCONCELOS, p. 237,239,242,247; WENDL, p. 249,256. ~TROY, A., and N. H. PEIISSON: The toxicity of some local anesthetics after application on the nasal mucosa of the rabbit. 3. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 1961, 132, 87. Cited by VASCONCELOS, p. 239, 247. VON BAHR, V., and E. ERIKSON: Citanest (L 67), a new local anaesthetic. Translation from Smka Uk. Tidn. 1962, 59, 2221; Siidertiilje 1963. Cited by ERIKSON, p. 295, 296; SADOVE, p. 271,275; SAUNDEXS, p. 281,285; VASCONCELOS, p. 242,247. VON BAHR, V., and E. E E I K ~ ~ ~ N : Citanest (L 67). Klinisk vilrdering av ett nytt lokal- anestesimedel. Nwd. Med. 1963,69,283. Cited by EIUKSSON and GRANBERG, p. 80,85. BARTH, L. : Untemuchungen iiber die Wirkungsdauer von Pantocainlibungen mit und ohne Adrenalinzusatzan der Tracheobronchialschleimhaut des Menschen. Forfschr. R6ntgenstr. 1954, a0, 396. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119. BERLINO, C., and H. BJORN: L 67-a new local anaesthetic of anilide type. Experimental determination of its efficacy in dental plexus anaesthesia in man. Translation from Swig. Td&.-F&b. Tan. 1960, 52, 511; Siidertiilje 1963. Cited by VABCONCELOS, p. 242, 247. BERNHARD, C. G., E. BOHM and S. HOJEBERG: A new treatment of status epilepticus. Intravenous injections of a local anesthetic (lidocaine). Arch. Neurol. Pgchiat. (Chicago) 1955,74,208. Cited by ENGLIBSON et al., p. 144, 145. ,

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ACCARDO, N. J., and J. ADR~ANI: Brachial plexus block: simplified technic using axillary route. Sth. med. 3. (Egham., Ala.) 1949, 42,923. Cited by ~ T R O M , p. 325.

A D R ~ I , J., and D. CAMPBELL: The absorption of topically applied tetracaine and cocaine. Laryngoscope 1958, 68,65. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119.

ALBERT, A.: Ionization, pH and biological activity. Pharmacol. Z&o. 1952, 4, 136. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 55,69.

ALB~RT, J., and B. IAFSTROM: Bilateral ulnar nerve blocks for the evaluation of local anaesthetic. agents. Acta anaesth. scand. 1961, 5, 99. Cited by ALB~RT and LGFSTROM, p. 71, 72, 77.

ALB~RT,J., and B. L~~PSTROM: Bilateral ulnar nerve blocks for the evaluation of local anaesthetic agents. 11. Tests with a new longer acting agent, LAC-43, and with tetra- caine. Ackr anaesth. scand. 1965,9, 1. Cited by ALB~RT and LOFSTROH, p. 77.

ARVAHITAKI, A., and N. CHALAZONITB: Diffusibilitk de I’anhydride carbonique dans l’axone ghnt, ses effets sur Ies vitesses de l’activitk bidlectrique. C. R. Soc. Eiol. (Paris) 1954, 14,952. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 92.

~ T R O Y , A. : Influence of nome local anaesthetics upon the adrenaline contraction of isolated strips of rabbit aorta. Acta physwl. scand. 1964, SO, 30. Cited by ALB~RT and MFSTROM, p. 76, 77.

~ T R O M , A., and N. H. PEWON: Some pharmacological properties of o-methyl-a-propyl- aminopropionanilidt-a new local anaesthetic. Brit. 3. Phnrmcrcol 1961, 16, 32. Cited by BONICA et a l , p. 211,212; ENGLESSON et al., p. 141, 143, 145; CEDDES, p. 37,44; KATZ, p. 34, 35; SADOVE, p. 271, 275; THORNTON, p. 314, 319; TRUANT, p. 19, 22; VASCONCELOS, p. 237,239,242,247; WENDL, p. 249,256.

~ T R O Y , A., and N. H. PEIISSON: The toxicity of some local anesthetics after application on the nasal mucosa of the rabbit. 3. Pharmacol. exp. Ther. 1961, 132, 87. Cited by VASCONCELOS, p. 239, 247.

VON BAHR, V., and E. ERIKSON: Citanest (L 67), a new local anaesthetic. Translation from S m k a U k . Tidn. 1962, 59, 2221; Siidertiilje 1963. Cited by ERIKSON, p. 295, 296; SADOVE, p. 271,275; SAUNDEXS, p. 281,285; VASCONCELOS, p. 242,247.

VON BAHR, V., and E. E E I K ~ ~ ~ N : Citanest (L 67). Klinisk vilrdering av ett nytt lokal- anestesimedel. Nwd. Med. 1963,69,283. Cited by EIUKSSON and GRANBERG, p. 80,85.

BARTH, L. : Untemuchungen iiber die Wirkungsdauer von Pantocainlibungen mit und ohne Adrenalinzusatz an der Tracheobronchialschleimhaut des Menschen. Forfschr. R6ntgenstr. 1954, a0, 396. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119.

BERLINO, C., and H. BJORN: L 67-a new local anaesthetic of anilide type. Experimental determination of its efficacy in dental plexus anaesthesia in man. Translation from Swig. T d & . - F & b . Tan. 1960, 52, 511; Siidertiilje 1963. Cited by VABCONCELOS, p. 242, 247.

BERNHARD, C. G., E. BOHM and S. HOJEBERG: A new treatment of status epilepticus. Intravenous injections of a local anesthetic (lidocaine). Arch. Neurol. Pgchiat. (Chicago) 1955,74,208. Cited by ENGLIBSON et al., p. 144, 145.




BODANSKY, 0. : Methemoglobinemia and methemoglobin-producing compounds. Pharmacol. Rev. 1951, 3, 144. Cited by ONJI and TYUMA, p. 158.

BONICA, J. J.: The Management of Pain. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia 1953. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 210, 212.

BONICA, J. J.: Clinical investigation of local anesthetics. Anesthesiology 1957, 18, 110. Cited by A L B ~ R T and LOFSTROM, p. 71, 77; BONICA, p. 94; BONICA ct al., p. 205, 212.

BONICA, J. J., S. ENGLESSON and A. O’KEEFE: Clinical evaluation of local anesthetics. VII. Citanestm. This Volume, p. 205. Cited by ENGLESSON et al., p. 143, 145.

BONICA, J. J., P. H. BACKUP, C. E. ANDERSON, D. HADPIELD, W. F. CREEPS and B. F. MONK: Peridural block: Analysis of 3,637 cases and a review. Anesthesiology 1957, 18, 723. Cited by FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 225, 226, 228, 230.

BROMAGE, P. R. : Continuous lumbar epidural analgesia for obstetrics. Canad. med. Ass. 3. 1961,85, 1136. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 61,65,69; VASCONCELOS, p. 247.

BROMAGE, P. R.: Spread of analgesic solutions in the:epidural space and their site of action; a statistical study. Brit. J . Anaesth. 1962, 34, 161. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 210, 212; BROMAGE, p. 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 69; VASCONCELOS, p. 238, 245, 247.

BROMAGE, P. : DifusHo e aGHo local das soluqks analgesicas introduzidas no espaGo peridural. Rev. bras. Anestes. 1962, 12, 225. Cited by FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 229, 230.

BROMAGE, P. R. : Exaggerated spread of epidural analgesia in arteriosclerotic subjects. Brif. med. 3. 1962, 2, 1634. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 69.

BROMAGE, P. R. : Regional anaesthesia, spinal anaesthesia. International Anesthesiology Clinics. Little Brown & Company, Boston, Mass. 1963, 1, 547. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 67, 69.

BROMAGE, P. R., M. F. BURFOOT, D. E. CROWELL and R. T. PETTICREW: Quality of epidural blockade. I: Influence of physical factors. Brit. J . Anaesth. 1964, 36, 342. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 130, 131.

BROMAGE, P. R., and J. G. ROBSON: Concentrations of lignocaine in the blood after intra- venous, intramuscular, epidural and endotracheal administration. Anaesthesia 1961, 16, 461. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 66, 67, 69; ENGLESSON et al., p. 144, 145; LUND, p. 109, 110; TELIVUO, p. 118, 119.

BULLOCK, K., and J. GRUNDY: Lignocaine hydrochloride and its solutions: purity tests, stability and assay. 3. Pharm. (Lond.) 1955, 7 , 755. Cited by GEDDES, p. 43, 44.

CALDWELL, P. C.: Studies on the internal pH of large muscle and nerve fibres. 3. Physiol. 1958,142,22. Cited by BROMAGE, p. 57,69,92.

CRAWFORD, 0. B. : Comparative evaluation in peridural anesthesia of lidocaine, mepiva- caine and L-67, a new local anesthetic agent. Anesthesiology 1964, 25, 321. Cited by ENGLESSON et al., p. 143, 145; FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 223, 229, 230; SADOVE, p. 271, 275.

DARLING, R. C., and F. J. W. ROUGHTON: The effect of methemoglobin on the equilibrium between oxygen and hemoglobin. Amer. 3. Physiol. 1942, 137, 56. Cited by SADOVE et al., p. 180, 182.

DEACOCK, A. R. DE C., and W. T. SIMPSON: Fatal reactions to lignocaine. Anaesthesia 1964, 19, 217. Cited by FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 228, 230.

EHRLICH, P., and A. EINHORN: Ueber die physiologische Wirkung der Verbindungen der Cocainreihe. Ber. dtsch. chem. Ges. 1894, 27, 1870. Cited by TRUANT, p. 19, 22.

ENGLESSON, S., E. ERIKSSON, S. WAHLQVIST and B. ORTENOREN: Difference in tolerance to intravenous Xylocaine and Citanest (L-67), a new local anesthetic. A double blind study in man. First European Congress of Anesthesiology Proc. 1962, 2, No. 206. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 2 11,2 12; ERIKSSON and GRANBERG, p. 80,85; FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 229,230; GOLDMAN, p. 309,311 ; LUND, p. 102,110; SADOVE, p. 271,275; THORNTON, p. 314, 319; VASCONCELOS, p. 247.

ERIKSSON, E.: L 67-experimental evaluation of a new local anaesthetic in man. Acta anaesfh. scand. 1961, 5, 191. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 210, 211, 212; ENGLESSON et al., p.



143,145; FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 223,229,230; SADOVE, p. 271,276; VASCONCELOS, p. 237, 239, 242, 247.

ERIKSSON, E., and T. GORDH: Clinical trials of a new local anaesthetic. Acta unuesth. scand. 1959, Suppl. 2, 81. Cited by VASCONCELW, p. 239, 242, 247; WENDL, p. 249, 256.

ERIKSSON, E., and H.-G. SKARBY: Forenklad metod for axilkr plexusanestesi. (Film). [Simplified method for axillary plexus block.] Nard. Med. 1962, 68, 1325. Cited by ERIKSON, p. 291, 296.

EVELYN, K. A., and H. T. MALLOY: Microdetermination of oxyhemoglobin and sulfhe- moglobin in single sample of blood. 3. Bwl. Chcm. 1938, 126, 655. Cited by ONJI and TWMA, p. 157, 158.

FINCH, C. A. : Medical progress; methemoglobinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia. New England3. Mcd. 1948, 239, 470. Cited by ONJI and TYUMA, p. 157, 158.

FOLDES, F. F.: Factors which alter the effects of muscle relaxants. Ancsthcsiolugy 1959, 20, 464.: Cited by KATz, p. 34, 35.

FOLDES, F. F., R. MOLLOY, P. G. MCNALL and L. R. KOUKAL: Comparison of toxicity of intravenously given local anesthetic agents in man. 3. Amcr. mcd. Ass. 1960, 172, 1493. Cited by ENQLESSON et al., p. 144, 145.

GEDDES, I. C.: La mtthode de dttoxication de la Xylocaine au moyen de I'isotope C1*. Ancsth. A&. Munim. 1958, 15,908. Cited by GEDDES, p. 42, 44.

GOLDMAN, V.: Citanest" in dental surgery. This Volume, p. 297. Cited by THORNTON, p. 313, 319.

COLDMAN, V., and W. GRAY: Clinical trial of a new local analgesic agent. Brit. dent. 3. 1963, 115, 59. Cited by GOLDMAN, p. 297, 300, 301, 302, 311.

GORDH, T. : Heart-volume studies I. Pneumopericardium as plethysmograph for cardio- metry in the rabbit. Actu unacsth. scund. 1964,8, 1. Cited by GORDH, p. 139.

GORDH, T.: Heart-volume studies 11. Effect of various anaesthetics and drugs on the heart volume in the rabbit. Actu anacsth. scund. 1964,8, 15. Cited by GORDH, p. 139.

GORDH, T. : Heart-volume studies 111. Phonocardiographic and electrocardiographic changes during dilatation of the heart in the rabbit. Ada unacsth. scund. 1964, 8, 35. Cited by GORDH, p. 139.

GRIPPITH, M. A.: Prilocaine (Citanest)-a double blind trial. Mcd. 3. Aurt. 1964, 1, 722. Cited by SAUNDERS, p. 282,285.

HALPERN, B. N., and R. BINAQHI: Selective permeability of living membranes to carbonic acid. Nature 1959, 183, 1397. Cited by BROMAQE, p. 57, 69, 92.

HARRISON, D. C., J. H. SPROUSE and A. G. MORROW: The antiarrhythmic properties of lidocaine and procaine amide. Circulation 1963, 28, 486. Cited by KATZ, p. 34, 35.

HARTMANN, A. F., A. M. PERLEY and H. L. B A R N E ~ : Study of some of the physiological effects of sulfanilamide; methemoglobin formation and its control. 3. Clin. Znvcstigution 1938, 17,699. Cited by ONJI and TWMA, p. 157, 159.

HITCHCOCK, P., and K. K. KEOWN: The management of cardiac arrhythmia during cardiac surgery. Sth. mcd. 3. (Bghum., A h . ) 1959, 52, 702. Cited by KATZ, p. 34, 35.

HJELM, M., and M. H. HOLMDAHL: Clinical significance and prevention of the methae- moglobinaemia induced by prilocaine (Citanest"). Actu unacsth. scand. 1964, Suppl. 15, 151. Cited by HJELM and HOLMDAHL, p. 161, 170.

HJELM, M., and M. H. HOLMDAHL: Biochemical effects of aromatic amines. 11. Cyanosis, methaemoglobinaemia and Heinz-body formation induced by a local anaesthetic agent (prilocaine). Actu anacsth. scund. 1965, 9, 99. Cited by HJELM and HOLMDAHL, p. 161, 170.

HOLLUNQER, G.: On the metabolism of lidocaine. 11. The biotransformation of lidocaine. Actu phurmucol. (Kbh.) 1960, 17, 365. Cited by ~ T R O M , p. 51 ; GEDDES, p. 43,44.

HOOPER, R. L.: Intravenous regional anesthesia: a report on a new local anesthetic agent. Cunud. Anacsth. Soc. 3. 1964, 11, 247. Cited by FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 229, 230.



HORECKER, B. L., and F. S. BRACKETT: Rapid spectrophotometric method for the deter- mination of methemoglobin and carbonylhemoglobin in blood. 3. Biol. Chmz. 1944, 152, 669. Cited by ONJI and TYUMA, p. 151, 156, 157, 159.

JOSEPH, D.: Methaemoglobinaernia and anaesthesia. Brif. J . Anacsth. 1962, 34, 309. Cited by SADOVE et al., p. 180, 182.

KEIL, W., and H. VIETEN: 1st der Zusatz von Adrenalin bei der Anaesthesie des Tracheo- bronchialsystems fur die Bronchographie noch zu verantworten ? Fortschr. Rijntgcnstr. 1952, 76, 796. Cited by TELIVUO, p. 115, 119.

KEIL, W., and H. VIETEN: Neuen Gesichtspunkte fur die Anbthesie des Tracheobronchial- systems, insbesondere zur Bronchographie. Fortschr. Rijntgcnstr. 1952, 77, 409. Cited by TELIVUO, p. 115, 119.

KIESE, M. : Oxydation von Anilin zu Nitrosobenzol im Hunde. Nuunyn-Schmiedcbng’s Arch. cxp. Path. Pharmak. 1959, 235, 354. Cited by HJELM and Holmdahl, p. 169, 170.

KOLLER, C. : Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber Localanaesthesierung am Auge. Klin. Mbl. Augcnhcilk. 1884, 22, Beilagenheft p. 60. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 205, 212.

KRAHL, M. E., and G. H. A. CLOWES: Physiological effects of nitro- and halo-substituted phenols in relation to extracellular and intracellular hydrogen ion concentration. 11. 3. cell. comp. Physwl. 1938, 11, 21. Cited by BROMACE, p. 57, 69.

KRAHL, M. E., A. K. KLETCH and G. H. A. CLOWES: Role of changes of extracellular and intracellular hydrogen ion concentration in action of local anaesthetic bases. 3. Pharma- col. cxp. Tho. 1940, 68, 330. Cited by BROMACE, p. 55, 57, 69.

LESTER, D. : Formation of methemoglobin ; species differences with acetanilide and aceto- phenetidine. 3. Phurmacol. cxp. Thcr. 1943, 77, 154. Cited by ONJI and TYUMA, p. 157, 159.

LOPOREN, N. : Studies on local anesthetics. Xylocainc, a new synthetic drug. Haeggstrom, Stockholm 1948. Cited by BROMACE, p. 56, 69.

LOFOREN, N., and C. TOGNOR: Studies on local anesthetics. XX. Synthesis of some 0- monoalkylamino-2-methyl-propionanilides. A new useful local anesthetic. Actu chcm. scand. 1960, 14, 486. Cited by BONICA et al., p. 205, 212; FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 223, 230; SADOVE, p. 271, 276; TRUANT, p. 19, 22; VASCONCELOS, p. 237, 247; WENDL, p. 249, 256.

LUND, P. C.: Peridural anesthesia. A review of 10,000 administrations. Acta anacsth. scand. 1962,6, 143. Cited by VASCONCELOS, p. 242, 247.

MCMAHON, F. G., and L. A. WOODS: Estimation of metabolism of lidocaine (Xylocaine, alpha-diethylamino-2,6-acetoxylidide.) Fed. Proc. 1951, 10, 32 1. Cited by GEDDES, p.

MCMAHON, F. G., and L. A. WOODS: Further studies on the metabolism of lidocaine (Xylocaine) in the dog. 3. Pharmucol. cxp. Ther. 1951, 103, 354. Cited by GEDDES, p. 43,44.

MILNE, M. D., B. H. SCHRIBNER and M. A. CRAWPORD: Non-ionic diffusion and the excre- tion of weak acids and bases. Amcr. 3. Mcd. 1958,24,709. Cited by ERIKSON and GRAN- BERG, p. 82, 85.

MORCH, E. T., M. K. ROSENBERC and A. T. TRUANT: Lidocaine for spinal anesthesia. Acta anacsth. scand. 1957, 1, 105. Cited by LUND, p. 106, 110, 322.

NISHIMURA, N. : Algunas observaciones sobre analgesia peridural. Acfus I X Congress0 Argcn- tino dc Ancsfesiologia, Buenos Aires, 5-1 1 octubre, 1963, p. 387. Cited by FORTUNA and BRUSAROSCO, p. 229, 230.

PRICE, H. L. : Circulatory actions of general anesthetic agents and the homeostatic roles of epinephrine and norepinephrine in man. Clin. Pharmacol. Thcr. 1961, 2, 163. Cited by WAHLQVIST, p. 129.

RUBIN, H. J.: Toxicity of certain topical anesthetics used in otolaryngology. Arch. Otoluryn. (Chicago) 1951, 53,411. Cited by TELIVUO, p 115. 119.




S m v q M. S.: Clinical experience with Citanest", a new local anesthetic. This Volume, p. 271. Cited by S m w z et al. p. 175, 182.

SADOVE, M. S., R. ROSENBURQ, F. N. HELLER, M. J. STORTZ and R. F. ALs~ecm: Citanest", a new local anesthetic agent. Anesth. Analg. (Clcuclrmd) 1964,48,527. Cited by Smom, p. 271, 276; VASCONCELOS, p. 247.

SOEHRINO, K.: Pharmakologie der Lokalanaesthetika. h l . Prux. 1950, 2, 30. Cited by WENDL, p. 250, 256.

SUNO, C. Y., and A. P. TRUANT: Fate oflidocaine. Fed. Proc. 1954,13,408. Cited by GEDDES,

SUNQ, C. Y., and A. P. TRUANT: The physiological disposition of lidocaine and its com- parison in some respects with procaine. 3. Pharmacol. exp. %. 1954, 113, 433. Cited by &TROY, p. 51 ; GEDDES, p. 43,44; WAHLQVIST, p. 127.

SVINHUWUD, G., B. C)RTENOREN and S.-E. JACOBSON: The estimation of lidocaine and prilpcaine in biological material by gas chromatography. Scand. 3. clin. Lab. Inuest. 1965, 17, 162. Cited by TEL~~VO, p. 116, 119, 122, 126; WAHLQWST, p. 127.

TAUBMANN, G., and G. JIJNO: Toxikologische Untersuchungen zur Praxis der Lokal- antisthesic. Naunyn-Schrniedeberg's Arch. exp. Path. PharmoA. 1930,156,1. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119.

TEQN~R, C., and K. E. DOMEIJ: Synthesis of a-propylamino-2-methyl-(carbonyl-C1')pro- pionanilide. Ada c h . stand. 1962, 16, 1041. Cited by GEDDES, p. 37, 44.

TELIWO, L. : Comparison of Carbocain-Thesat" and lidocaine as surface anaesthetics for the lower respiratory tract. Acta oto-laryng. (Stockh.). 1964, 58, 490. Cited by TELIWO, p. 115, 119.

THORNTON, J. A., and J. JOHNSTON: The use of 4% prilocaine for topical analgesia. A preliminary report. Anuesthesia 1964,19,576. Cited by Gomw, p. 309,311.

TULLAR, P. E., and E. W. ROBERTS: Effectiveness of L-67 and lidocaine as block anesthetics. J . dmt. Res. 1961, 40,678. Cited by VASCONCELOS, p. 242, 247.

TRUANT, A. P.: Local anesthetic and toxicologic properties of Citanest". This Volume, p. 19. Cited by ~ T R O M , p. 23, 27.

VAN SLYKE, D. D., A. HILLER, J. R. WEISINQER and W. 0. CRUZ: Determination of carbon monoxide in blood and of total and active hemoglobin by carbon monoxide capacity. Inactive hemoglobin and methemoglobin contents of normal human blood. 3. Biol. C h . 1946,166, 121. Cited by ONJI and TYUYA, p. 156, 157, 159.

VASCONCELOS P a c r o s , G., S. Martinez OSORIO, R. ~ARS~SLLO VELAZQWEZ and V. ORO FRANCO: Un nuevo agente en anestesia peridural obstetrica, Citanest, L-67. Rev. mex. Ancstcs. 1964, 13,23. Cited by VASCONCELOS, p. 237, 245,246,247.

WAQMAN, I. H., and R. H. DE JONO: Relation between pC0, and electrical seizure activity induced by lidocaine. Fed. Proc. 1964,- 348. Cited by ENCLESSON, p. 149; ENQLESSON et al., p. 47, 49, 50.

WAHLQVIST, S.: Discussion. This Volume, p. 127. Cited by ENOLESSON et al., p. 143, 145. WENDL, H.: Experiences with a new local anaesthetic, L 67, in epidural analgesia. Acta

anaesth. stand. 1960, Suppl. 6 4 2 . Cited by WENDL, p. 250,256. WEISS, L.: Tlu structure and fwrction of the membranes and sufices of cells. Bioch . Soc. S p p .

1963, No. a, p. 45, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Cited by BROMAQE, p. 68, 69.

WIEDLINO, S. : Blodtrycksverkningar av lokalanestetika i kombination med vasokonstrik- torer. Odont. T. 1953, 61, 347. Cited by Gomw, p. 307, 308, 309, 31 1.

WIEDLINO, S.: The effect of local anaesthetics in combination with vasoconstrictors on blood pressure. Aust. 3. Dent. 1954,58, 180. Cited by GOLDMAN, p. 311.

WIEDLINO, S. : Xylocaine. Tlu pharmacological basis of its clinical use. Almquist and Wiksell, Stockholm 1959; 2nd ed., 1964. Cited by GEDDES, p. 42,44.

WIEDLINQ, S. : Studies on a-n-propylamino-2-methylpropionanilidca new local anaesthetic.

p. 43,44.



Actapharmacol. (Kbh.) 1960, 17, 233. Cited by ~ T R O M , p. 25, 27; ENCLESSON et al. p. 141, 145; GEDDES, p. 37, 44; SADOVE, p. 271, 276; THORNTON, p. 314, 319; TRUANT, p. 19, 22; VASCONCELOS, p. 237, 239, 242, 246,247; WENDL, p. 249,256.

WIEDLINC, S.: Reproduction study of Citanestm and Xylocaine@. This Volume, p. 45. Cited by TRUANT, p. 22.

WIEDLINC, S., and C. T E C N ~ R : Local anaesthetics. Prop. Med. Chcm. 1963,3,332. Cited by WIEDLING, p. 11.

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