bibliography - immigrant info · 303 bibliography citizenship (1996). summary of findings,...

303 Bibliography Citizenship (1996). Summary of Findings, Testimony and Remarks, Legal Immigrants: Obstacles on the Road to Citizenship and Voting, Senate Select Committee on Citizenship Participation in Government. (1997). Latino Cultural Citizenship: Claiming Identity, Space and Rights. In W. Flores & R. Benmayor (Eds.). Boston, MA: Beacon Press. (1998). Research Among New and Prospective Citizens (Re: Voter Education and Civic Involvement). San Francisco, CA: Northern California Citizenship Project. Abalos, D. T. (1987). The Politics of the Latino Family. Journal of Hispanic Policy, 2. Arvizu, J. R., & Garcia, F. C. (1996). Latino Voting Participation: Explaining and Differentiating Latino Voting Turnout. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 18. Bachman, S. L., & Nhu, T. T. (1998). “Citizens Rites - Moved By Political Concerns, A Record Number of Immigrants from the South Bay Converge to Take the Oath of Allegiance.” San Jose Mercury News November 13, 1998. Bass, L. E., & Casper, L. M. (1999). Are There Differences in Registration and Voting Behavior Between Naturalized and Native-born Americans?: US Census Bureau. Casper, L. M., & Bass, L. E. (1996). Current Population Reports: Voting and Registration in the Election of November 1996: US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics. DeSipio, L. The New Urban Citizen: Political Participation and Political Attitudes of the Naturalized. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. — (1996). Making Citizens or Good Citizens? Naturalization as a Predictor of Organizational and Electoral Behavior Among Latino Immigrants. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 18. DeSipio, L., & de la Garza, R. O. (1998). Making Americans, Remaking America. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Glenn, E. (2000). Citizenship and Inequality: Historical & Global Perspectives. Society for the Study of Social Problems, Inc. , 47. Imai, L. (1999). Redefining Citizenship: Four Women Speak on Identity and Membership, Stanford University. Jonas, S. Reconceptualizing Citizenship in the Americas: Cross-Border Perspectives. Santa Cruz, CA: CLRC University of California at Santa Cruz. Leibowitz (1998). A Time for Decision: Citizenship at the Millennium: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Adminstration of Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services. Montoya, J. (1996). Latino Gender Differences in Public Opinion: Results from the Latino National Political Survey. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 18. Ong, A. Cultural Citizenship as Subject Making: Immigrants Negotiate Racial and Cultural Boundaries in the United States. Current Anthropology , 37.

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Page 1: Bibliography - Immigrant Info · 303 Bibliography Citizenship (1996). Summary of Findings, Testimony and Remarks, Legal Immigrants: Obstacles on the Road to Citizenship and Voting,




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