bibliography insurgency 1962

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    HVIIHvll'MANllESOIWES ITCES iCEIl OFFIFlCE________operating uinder cont ract with


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    The contents of this publication do notnecessarily represent the official opinionor policy of the Department of the Army

    The Human Resources Research Office is a nongovernmental agency of The George Washington University,operating under contract with the Department of the Army (DA 44-188-ARO-2). HumRRO's mission, stated byAR 70-8, is to conduct studies and research in the fields of training, motivation, leadership, and man-weaponssystem analysis.

    Research is reported by HumRRO in publications of several types.1. Technical Reports are prepared at the completion of a research Task or major portion thereof. They are

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    3. Research Memoranda may he preprred at any time and need not be directly associated with a particularresearch Task. They report findings that may be of interest to a research or military audience or to both. Theydo not recommend Army action.

    4. Consulting Reports are prepared following completion of a specifically requested consulting actionunder HumRRO's Technical Advisory Services. They are designed for a specific military audience and usually

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    Technical Reports and Research Blletins may be requested from the Director's Office, which also issuesa complete bibliography. Other publications may be obtained from the Director of Research of the originatingUnit or Division.

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    Research Memorandum




    Franklin Mark Osanka



    Human Resources Research Office

    The George Washington UniversityHUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE

    operating under contract withTHE DEPARTi1INT OF THE ARMY

    November 1962 Task SPECIAL

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    George Santayana

    This is a Selected Subject bibliography concerning the various

    aspects of counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare. For th e

    most part, the items cited have been published recent ly.! / Sometimes

    not so recent items are included when any of the subject categories

    are exceptionally weak. While individuals may find many different

    uses fo r this bibliography, it is designed primarily fo r individual

    study and uni t training.

    The majority of th e items in this bibliography are available in

    average-sized Service l ibraries and in many of the larger public

    l ibraries . Items no t available in a given l ibrary can often be

    obtained through inter- l ibrary loan.

    A serious study of available his tor ica l works should engender

    the formulation of a real is t ic and f lexible doctrine of operations.

    1/ For an extensive subject l is t ing of works published before 1962, see:"7Research Bibliography on Guerrilla and Unconventional Warfare" (over1,000 items l is ted) in Modern Guerrilla Warfare: Fighting CommunistGuerrilla Movements, 1941-1961, F.M. Osanka (ed.), The Free Press ofGlencoe, New York, 1962.

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    Counterinsurgency Operations

    A. General .. . . * . . . . . . . . ...* . .. . i

    B. Civic Action. @ . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

    C. Psychological Operations . . . . . ...... . . . . 2

    D. Defensive Measures. ..... . . .I. . . . . . . 3

    E. Cotnterguerril la Operations .a.. . . ....... 3

    a. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    b. A ir Power and Airborne Operations .. . . . . . 4

    c. Riot Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    d. The Use of Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    e. Training, Advising, and Leading Indigenous Troops. . 6

    f. Unit Training. . . . . . . .... ................. . 6

    g. Arti l lery in Guerrilla Warfare . . . . . . . . 7

    h. Logistics in Guerrilla Warfare . . . . . . . . 7

    i. Tactics . .. .. . . .. . . . . ... 7

    Area Operations Case Studies

    A. Russia, World War II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

    B. Communist China . . . . . .a. * . . . . . . . . . 9

    C. The Philippines, Post-World War IT . . . . . . . . .10

    D. Greece, Post-World War II . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 10

    E. Indochina . . . . . . . . . ............. 10

    a. French-Indochina War . .............. 10

    b. Laos .. . . . ...... . .i 9 0

    c. South Viet-Nam . . . ..... .. 11


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    F. Malaya, Post-World War II ..... . . . . . .. . 12

    G. The Korean War . . . . . . . . . ........... 12

    H. The Cuban Revolution.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    I. The Algerian Rebellion. o. . . . . . . *. .. . . 13

    The Role of the U. S. Armed Forces

    A. General . . ..a . * a o a o a a *. . . e o . * * 13

    B. U. S. Arnmr Special Forces . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . lb

    Recommended Background Reading . .0. . . . . . . . . .. .. . lb

    Communist Writings on Insurgency . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    Unconventional Warfare . . .e. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . 15

    Theories of Guerrilla and Unconventional Warfare . . . . . . . . 16

    United States Foreign Policy . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    Insurgency and the Law of Nations. . . .. .. .. .. .. ... 17

    Underdeveloped Areas and Communist "Wars of NationalLiberation". .. . a . . . . . .. .. .. . . 17

    Internal Subversion and Internal Security.. . . . . .o . . . . 18

    Annotated Bibliographies . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . 18


    The citations followed by an asterisk (*) have been reprinted inModern Guerrilla Warfare: Fighting Comnunist Guerrilla Movements, 1941-1961, F.M. Osanka (ed.), The Free Press of Glencoe, New York, 1962.

    The citations followed by two asterisks (nt) have been reprinted

    in The Guerrilla - and How to Fight Him, T.N. Greene (ed.), FrederickA. Praeger, New York, 1962.


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    A. General

    Bashore, B.T. "Dual Strategy fo r Limited War," Military Review,May 1960. *

    Black, E.P. "The Problems of Counter Insurgency," U.S. NavalInstitute Proceedings, October 1962.

    Clutterbuck, R.t. "Bertrant Stewart Prize Essay, 1960," The ArfmyQuarterly (England), September 1961.

    Dougherty, J.E. "The Guerril la War in Malaya," U.S. Naval Ins t i tu teProceedings, September 1958. *

    Gray, D.W. "When We Fight a Small War," Army, July 1960.

    Hessler, W.H. "Guerril la Warfare Is Different ," U.S. Naval Ins t i tu te

    Proceedings, April 1962.

    Huntington, S.P. "Guerril la Warfare in Theory and Policy," in ModernGuerril la Warfare: Fighting Communist Guerril la Movements, 191--1-91,F.M. Osanka (ed.), The Free Press of Glencoe, New York, 1962.

    Jordan, G.B. "Objectives and Methods of Communist Guerril la Warfare,"Military Review, January 1950.

    Kelly, G.A. "Revolutionary War and Psychological Action," Mili taryReview, October 1960. *

    Kutger, J.P. "Irregular Warfare in Transi t ion," Military Affairs,Fal l 1960. *

    Palmer, Jr. , B., and Fl in t , R.K. "Counter-Insurgent Training," Army,June 1962.

    Papagos, A. "Guerril la Warfare," Foreign Affairs, January 1952. *

    Rostow, W.W. "Countering Guerrilla Attack.," (or iginal title,"Guerril la Warfare in Underdeveloped Areas") Army, September1961. * *.-

    Tirona, T.C. "The Philippine Anti-Communist Campaign," Air Uni-versi ty Quarterly Review, Summer 1954. *

    Wainhouse, E.R. "Guerr i l la War in Greece, 1946-1949 - A Case Study,"Military Review, June 1957. *

    * *- For ci tat ions followed by one or tw Q aster isks , see note on page ii.


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    B. Civic Action

    Bellinger, Jr. , J.B. "Civilian Role in Antiguerril la Warfare,"Military Review, September 1961.

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Malaya: Case History in Area Operations," Army,May 1962.

    Dohnanyi, E. von. "Combatting Soviet Guerrillas," Marine CorpsGazette, February 1955. * **

    Lansdale, E.G. "Civic Action Helps Counter the Guerril la Threat.,"Army Information Digest, June 1962.

    Lit t le , J.T. "Counterinsurgency Campaign," Army Information Digest,July 1962.

    Rigg j R.B. "Twilight War," Military Review, November 1960.

    Scaff, A.H. The Philippine Answer to Communism, Stanford UniversityPress, Stanford, 1955.

    Slover, R.H. "Action Through Civic Action," Army Information Digest,October 1962.

    Swarm, W.R. "Civic Action," Military Government Journal and News Letter,July-August 1962; Congressional Record, 10 August 1962 (page A612h).

    Walterhouse, H.F. "Civic Action: A Counter and Cure fo r Insurgency,"Military Review, August 1962.

    C. Psychological Operations

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Psywar: The Lessons from Algeria," Military Review,December 1962.

    Houn, F.W. To Change a Nation, The Free Press, New York, 1962.

    Kelly, G.A. "Revolutionary War and Psychological Action," Military

    Review, October 1960. *

    Linebarger, R.M.A. Psychological Warfare, Duell, Sloane, and Pearce,New York, 1960.

    Ney, V. Notes on Guerril la War: Principles and Practices, CommandPublications (Box 6303, N.W. Station), Washington, D.C., 1961.


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    D. Defensive Measures

    Bealer, A.W. "Command Post Minute i1en," Marine Corps Gazette,September 1952.

    Lyke, J.P. "Protection fo r Rear Areas," Military Review, March 1960.

    McClure, B. "Russiats Hidden Army," infantry Journal (now Army),July and August 1949. *

    Pickert , W. "Antiairborne and Antiguerril la Defense," translated andcondensed in Military Review, August 1957.

    Warnbrod, K. "Defense of Rear Areas," Infantry School Quarterly(now Infantry), April


    E. Counterguerri l la Operations

    a. General

    "Anti-Guerri l la Operations," Australian Army Journal, May 1961.

    Codo, E.M. "Guerri l la Warfare in the Ukraine," Military Review,November 1960. *

    "Considerations in Fighting I r regular Forces," Infantry, July-August1962.

    Crockett, A. "Action in Vialaya," Marine Corps Gazette, January 1955. *

    Decker, J.R. "Anti-Guerri l la Warfare," Marine Corps Gazette,August 1951.

    Dohnanyi, E. von. "Combatting Soviet Guerrillas,," Marine CorpsGazette, February 1955. * **

    Geneste, M.E. "Danger From Below," U.S. Naval Ins t i tu te Proceedings,

    November 1960.

    Geneste, M.E. "Guerril la Warfare," Infantry, January-February 1961. *

    Grimland, N.G. "The Formidable Guerril la," Army, February 1962.

    Hanrahan, G.Z. "The Chinese Red Army and Guerrilla Warfare," CombatForces Journal (now Army), February 1951. *

    Htaik, T. "iEncirclement 14thods in Guerril la Warfare," MilitaryReview, August 1961.

    Huntington, S.B. "Raiders: Sea and Land," Marine Corps Gazette,May 1962.


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    Lieber, A.G. "Hide and Seek With Guerr i l las ," Infantry, March-April 1962.

    Meyers, B.F. "Malaya Jungle Patrol ," Marine Corps Gazette,October 1960.

    "Military Operations Against I r regular Forces," Infantry, July-August 1962.

    Palsokar, R.D. "Fighting the Guerr i l la ," Journal of the Unitcd ServiceInst i tute of India, October-December 1961.

    Rigg, R.B. "Get Guerrilla-Wise," Combat Forces Journal (now Army),September 1950.

    Varma, P. "Jungle Operations Against Guerr i l las ," Infantry Journal(India), April 1960.

    b. Air Power and Airborne Operations

    Andlauer, L. "Air Support in Counter-Guerrilla Warfare," Journal ofthe United Service Ins t i tu te of India, July-September 1961.

    Bashore, B.T. "Vertical Counter-Attack by Counter-Insurgents,"Army, April 1962.

    Bethouart, H. "Combat Helicopters in Algeria," Marine Corps Gazette,January 1961. **

    Campbell, H.D. "Aviation in Guerrilla Warfare," Marine Corps Gazette,February, May, and November 1931.

    Collins, J.M. "Deep Penetration Parachute Patrol," Ar__, December1959.

    Cough, J. "Air Power and Counter-Insurgency," The Airman, August 1962.

    Devin, J.H. "Long Range Patrol l ing," Infantry, October-November 1960.

    "Five Years in Malaya," United Service Quarterly (England), October


    Griff in , W.P. "Army Aviation in Support of Counter-Guerrilla Operations,"U.S. Army Aviation Digest, September 1962.

    Hilbert, M.D. and Murray, E. "Use of Army Aviation in CounterinsurgencyOperations," U.S. Army Aviation Digest, October 1962.

    LeMay, C.E. "Counter-Insurgency and the Challenge Imposed," TheAirmars, July 1962.


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    McCormick, L. . "The Small Airborne in a Long Range Penet ra t ion Role,"

    Austra l ian Army Journal, January 1956.

    Meyerr, B.F. "Force Recon," Marine Corps Gazette, May 1961.

    Mowery, L.L. "Parachuting From Army Aircraf t ," In fan t ry, July 1957.

    Murray, J.C. "The Ant i -Bandi t War," Marine Corps Gazette, May 1954.

    Odneal, B.L. "Raid Type Operations - Via Helicopter Airmobile Forces,"U.S. Army Aviation Digest , September 1962.

    Riley, D. "French Helicopter Operations in Algeria," Marine CorpsGazette, February 1958.

    Scholin, A.R. "Air Commandos: USAF's Contribution to Counterinsurgency,"A ir Force Magazine, August 1962.

    S la te r, K.R.C. "Air Operations in Malaya," Royal United ServieeIns t i tu t ion Journal (England), August 1957.

    Smith, W.J. "Sta lk ing Dragon and Flying Tigers ," The Airman,July 1962.

    Sutc l i ff e , M.W. "Malayan Operations," U.S. Army Aviation Digest ,October 1962.

    c. Riot Control

    Booth, G. "Handling a Mob," (in Army l e t t e r s ) , Army, October 1960.

    Burnham, J. "S t i cks , Stones, and Atoms," Ordnance, January-February1961. *

    Hutchinson, W.E. "Riots and Marines," Marine Corps Gazette, March 1962.

    Lucas, J.B. "Riot Control ," Infant ry, January-February 1962.

    Methvin, E.H. "Mob Violence," Military Review, March 1962 ( o r i g i n a l l y

    publ i shed as "Mob Violence and Communist Stra tegy," Orbis, Summer1961).

    Miller, W.L. "Riot Control With Chemical Agents," Marine CorpsGazette, March 1961.

    d. The Use of Dogs

    Clapper, P.R. "Hound th e Enemy," Marine Corps Gazette, February. 1961.


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    Deringer, Jr. , C.H. "The Infantry Goes to the Uogs," Infantry,October-December 1958.

    Gormian, P.F. "Scout Dogs on Patrol ," The Infantry School Quarterly(now Infantry), July 195L.

    e. Training, Advising, and Leading Indigenous Troops

    Collins, J .F. "The Individual Side of Counter-Insurgency," Army,AuFust 1962.

    Curtin, E.P. "American Advisory Group Aids Greece in War on Guerrillas,"Armored Cavalry Journal (now Armor), January-February 1909.

    Fellows, E. "Training Native Troops in Santo Domingo," Marine CorpsGazette, December 1923.

    Grell , W.F. "A Marine with th e O.S.S.," Marine Corps Gazette,December 1945.

    Harrison, T. World Within, Cressett , London 1959.

    Lawrence, R. de T. "USAF Aids South Viet-Nam," The Airman, August 1962.

    Lit t le , J.T. "Counterinsurgency Campaign," Army Information Digest,July 1962.

    Mansfield, W.R. "Ambush in China," Marine Corps Gazette, March 1946.

    Mansfield, W.R. "Marine with the Chetniks," Marine Corps Gazette,January 19h6.

    Puckett, R., and Galvin, J.R. "Lancero," Infantry, July-September 1959.

    Wilkinson, W.C. "Problems of a Guerrilla Leader," Military Review,November 1952.

    Williams, S.T. "The Pract ical Demands of MAAG," Mili tary Review,July 1961.

    Yarborough, W.P. "Trouble Shooters on the Spot," Army InformationDigest, September 1962.

    f. UnIL Training

    Barrow, C., and Tyler, C.B. "Hit Back Hard," Leatherneck, July 1962.

    Bealer, A.W. "Command Post Minute Men," Marine Corps Gazette,September 1952.


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    Booth, ,. "Operation owamprat," Combat Forces Journal (noi. Arm),October 1950.

    Easterbrook, E.F. "Guerrilla Training Is Standard Fare fo r 25thDivision," Army Navy Air Force Journal and Register, 4 August 1962.

    Easterbrook, E.F. "Realism in Counterinsurgency Training," Army

    Information Digest, October 1962.

    Johnson, J.R. "Antiguerrilla Exercise," Marine Corps Gazette,December 1955.

    Page, G. "Tr ia l s on the Wilderness Trail," Army Information Digest,August 1962.

    Palmer, Jr., B., and Fl in t , R.K. "Counter-Insurgent Training," Army,June 1962.

    g. Art i l le ry in Guerri l la Warfare

    Jennings, R.M. "Special Warfare -- The Jungle," Artillery Trends,August 1961.

    Leach, C.R. "Special Warfare -- Th e Guerri l la ," Art i l le ry Trends,August 1961.

    Leach, C.R., and O'Shea, J r. , C.J. "Art i l le ry vs. Guerrillas,"Marine Corps Gazette, September 1962.

    O'Shea, J r. , C.J. "Special Warfare -- Fire Control," Art i l le ry Trends,November 1961.

    "Special Warfare -- Support of the Guerri l la ," Art i l le ry Trends,November 1961.

    Tanaskovich, R. "Modern Weapons and Partisan Warfare," Translated andcondensed in Military Review, July 1962.

    h. Logist ics in Guerrilla Warfara"Logist ical Support of Guerri l la Warfare," Review (formerly Quarter-

    master Review), May-June 1962.

    i. Tactics

    "Ambush: Some Examples of Successful Ambushes in Tropical Warfare,"Australian Army Journal, May 1958.

    Austin, M. "Some Thoughts on Ambushes in Tropical Warfare," Australian

    Army Journal, June 1958.


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    Chappelle,L'. "How Castro Won,"' iarine Corps Gazette, February 19o1.

    "Character is t ics of Guerril la Operations," Infantry, Hay-June 1962.

    Cornett, J.G. "Jungle Bashing," Infantry, May-June 1962.

    Dodson, C.A. "Put Your Mind to Mayhem," Army, November 1961.

    Harrington, S..A. "The Strategy and Tactics of Small Wars," MarineCorps Gazette, December and November 1921.

    Hart, F.A. "Jungle Ambush," Infantry, farch-April 1962.

    Isaksson, O.H. "The Australian Jungle Training Centre," Infantry,May-June 1962.

    Lesh, B.A. "Anti-Guerrilla SOP," Infantry, July-August 1962.

    Macaulay, N. "The Strategy of Guerrilla Conquest," The NationalGuardsman, September 1961.

    McClure, B. "Russia's Hidden Army," Infantry Journal (now Army),July and August 1913. .

    Meyers, B.F. "Malaya Jungle Patrol," Marine Corps Gazette, October


    Miers, R.C. "Ambush," Army, February 1959.

    "The Nature of the Beast," Infantry, Ply-June1962.

    Peard, R.W. "The Tactics of Bush Warfare," Infantry Journal (nowArmy), September-October 1931.

    Rigg , R.B. "Red Parallel: The Tactics of Ho and MaUo," Combat ForcesJournal (now Army), January 1955. *

    Sollom, I.H. "Nowhere Yet Everywhere," Marine Corps Gazette, June 1958. *

    Widder, D.J.W. "Ambush -- The Commander's Attrition Punch," Army,NOvember 1961.


    A. Russia, World War II

    Burke, W.A. "Guerrilla Without Morale: The White Russian Partisans,"Military Review, September 1961.


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    Codo, E.

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    Tirona, T.C. "The Philippine Anti-Communist Campaign," Air UniversityQuarterly Review, Summer 195b. *

    Villa-Real, L.A. "Huk Hunting," Combat Forces Journal (now Army),November 1954. -

    D. Greece, Post-World War II

    Murray, J.C. "The Anti-Bandit War," Marine Corps Gazette, January,February, March, April , and May 1954. **

    Papagos, A. "Guerrilla Warfare," Foreign Affairs, January 1952. *

    Wainhouse, E.R. "Guerrilla Warfare in Greece, 19L6-1949: A CaseStudy," Military Review, June 1957. *

    E . Indochina

    a. French-Indochina War

    Fall , B.B. "Indochina: The Bleeding War," Military Review, October1953. *

    Fall, B.B. Stree t Without Joy, Stackpole, Harrisburg, 1961.

    Geneste, M.E. "Danger From Below," U.S. Naval Ins t i tu te Proceedings,

    November 1960.

    Geneste, M.E. "Guerrilla Warfare," Infantry, January-February 1961. *

    Giap, Vo Nguyen. "O n Guerrilla Warfare," Marine Corps Gazette, April ,May, June, July, August 1962.

    Linebarger, R.V.A. "Indochina: The Bleeding War," Combat ForcesJournal (now Army), March 1951.*

    Rigg , R.B. "Red Para l le l : The Tactics of Ho and Mao," CombatForces Journal (now Army), Janusry .9S5.*

    Tanham, G.K. Communist Revolutionary Warfare, Praeger, New York, 1961.

    b. Laos

    Hotchkiss, V.C. "Laos -- Country of Conflict," Military Review,June 1961.


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    Jonas, A.'i., and Tanham, G.K. "Laos: A Phase in Cyclic RegionalRevolution," Orbis, Spring 1961. *

    Litt le, J.T. "Counterinsurgency Campaign," Army Information Digest,July 1962.

    c. South Viet-Nam

    Bashore, B.T. "Soldier of the Future," Army, September 1961.

    Bashore, B.T. "Vertical Counter-Attack by Counter-Insurgents,"Army, April 1962.

    Co lins., J.F. "The Individual Side of Counter-Insurgency," Army,August 1962.

    Conner, J.J. "Teeth for the Free World's Dragon," Army Information

    Digest, November 1960.

    Jablonsky, H.J. "Counterinsurgency Is Your Business," Army InformationDigest, July 1962.

    Johnson, L.B. "The Challenge to the United States in Southeast Asia,"Army Information Digest, November 1961.

    Kleinman, F.K. "Army Front and Center," Army., August 1962,

    Labin, S. "Killing Our Ally," Military Review, May 1962.

    Lawrence, R. de T. "USAF Aids South Viet-Nam," The Airman, August1962.

    LeMay, C.E. "Counter-Insurgency and the Challenge Impose4," 1 T h eAirman, July 1962. -

    Marshall, S.L.A. "An Exposed Flank in South Vietnam," The Reporter,7 June 1962.

    Rigg , R.R. "Catalog of Viet Cong Violence," Military Review,

    December 1962.

    Warner, D. "The Invisible Front Lines of South Vietnam," TheReporter, 17 August 1961. *

    Woodyard, J.H. "Ambush by Bamboo," Infantry, July-August 1962.

    Yarborough, W.P. "Trouble Shooters on the Spot," Army InformationDigest, September 1962.


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    F. Malaya, Post-World War II

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Malaya: Case History in Area Operations," Army,May 1962.

    Crockett, A. "Action in Malaya," Marine Corps Gazette, January 1955. *

    Dougherty, J.C. "The Guerrilla War in Malaya," U.S. Naval Inst i tuteProceedings, September 1958. *

    Linebarger, R.M.A. "They Call 'em Bandits in Malaya," Combat ForcesJournal (now Army), January 1951. *

    Meyers, B.F. "Malaya Jungle Patrol," Marine Corps Gazette, October1960.

    Miers, H. Shoot to Kill, Faber, London, 1959.

    Phipps, G.C. "Guerrilla in Malaya," Infantry, May-June 1961.

    G. The Korean War

    Beebe, J.E. "Beating the Guerrilla," Military Review, December 1955.

    H. The Cuban Revolution

    Alexander, R.J. Prophets of the Revolution, Macmillan, New York, 1962.

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Today, an Island: Tomorrow, a Continent," Orbis,Fall 1962.

    Chappelle, D. "How Castro Won," Marine Corps Gazette, February 1960. i- t

    Guevara, Ernesto 'Che'. "La Guerra de Guerrilla," Army, March, April,May 1961. *

    Kling, M. "Cuba: A Case Study of a Successful Attempt to Seize PoliticalPower by the Application of Unconventional Warfare," The Annals,May 1962 (Condensed, "Cuba: A Case Study of Unconvention Warfare,"Military Review, December 1962).

    Macaulay, N. "Castro's Threat to the Hemisphere," Marine Corps Gazette,March 1961.

    McConaughy, J.B. "Latin America - Soviet Target," Military Review,October 1961.


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    I. The Algerian Rebellion

    Bjelajac , S.N. "Psywar: The Lessons From Algeria,," Military Review,December 1962.

    Braestrup, P. "Part isan Tactics - Algerian Style," Army, August 1960. ir

    Croizat, V.J. "The Algerian War," Marine Corps Gazette, December 1957.

    Geneste, M.E. "Danger From Below," U.S. Naval Ins t i tu te Proceedings,November 1960.

    O'Ballance, E. "The Algerian Struggle," Army Quarterly, October 1960.


    A. General

    "A n Individual (Arthur G. Trudeau) Comments on Guerrilla Warfare,"Armed Forces Chemical Journal, May-June 1961.

    Bjelajac , S.N. "Unconventional Warfare in the Nuclear Era," Orbis,Fall 1960. *

    Burke, A.A. "The U.S. Navy's Role in General War and Conflict Shortof General War," Naval War College Review, Apri l 1959.

    LeMay, C.E. "Counter-Insurgency and th e Challenge Imposed," The Airman,July 1962.

    Norman, L., and Spore, J.B. "Big Push in Guerrilla Warfare," Army,March 1962.

    Rosson, W.B. "Accent on Cold War Capabil i t ies ," Army InformationDigest, May 1962.

    Rosson, W.B., e t al. "The United States Army in Special Warfare,"Army, November 1962.

    Troxel, 0. "Special Warfare - A New Appraisal," Army InformationDigest, December 1957.

    Witze, C. "USAF Polishes I ts New COIN," A ir Force and Space Digest,June 1962.

    Yarborough, W.P. "Trouble Shootera on the Spot," Army InformationDigest, September 1962.


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    Yaruoroaghj -. i . "'Unconventional arfere: One ',iitary View,"The Annals, Nay 1962.

    B. U. S. Army Special Forces

    Asprey, R.B. "Special Forces: Europe," Army, January 1962.

    Bjela jac , S.N. "Unconventional Warfare in the Nuclear Era," Orbis,Fall 1960. *

    Dodson, C.J. "Special Forces," Army, June 1961.

    Flanagan, E.N?. "Hit and Run -- The Role of Special Forces," TheNational Guardsman, December 1961.

    Hamlett, B. "Special Forces: Training for Peace and War," ArmyInformation Digest, June 1961.

    Hanrahan, G.Z. "Guerril la Warfare," Marine Corps Gazette, March 1956.

    McCleasson, A.G. "Have Guts, Will Travel," The National Guardsman,April 1960.

    Page, G. "Trials on the Wilderness Trai l ," Army Information Digest,August 1962.

    Rosson, W.B. "Accent on Cold War Capabi l i t ies ," Army InformationDigest, May 1962.

    Troxel, 0. "Special Warfare - A New Appraisal," Army InformationDigest , December 1957.

    Yarborough, W.P. "Special Warriors of the U.S. Army," The Airmax_ ,November 1961.

    Yarborough, W.P. "Unconventional Warfare," The Annals, May 1962.


    Blacker, I.R. (ed.) Irregulars, Partisans, Guerrillas: Great Storiesfrom Rogers' Rangers to the Haganah, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1954.

    Callwell , E.C. Small Wars: Their Principles and Practices H.M.Stationary Office, London, 1906.

    Crozier, B. The Rebels: A Study of Post-War Insurrect ions , BeaconPress, Boston, 1960.


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    Linebarger, R..i.b. Psychological 'Harfare, Due~l, Sloan, and Pearce,New York, 1954.

    Miksche, F.O. Secret Forces: The Technicues of Underground Movements,Faber and Faber, London, 1950.

    Ney, V. Notes on Guerrilla War: Principles and Practices, CommandPubl icat ions (Box 6303, N.W. Station), Washington, D.C., 1961.

    Standing, P.C. Guerrilla Leaders of the World: From Charelte to De Wet,Houghton, Boston, 1913 (S. Paul, London, 1913).


    Giap, Vo Nguyen. "On Guerrilla War," Marine Corps Gazette, April,May, June, July, August 1962.

    Guevara, Ernesto 'Che'. "La Guerra de Guerrillas," Arm, March, April,May 1961. *

    Lenin, V.-. "Partisan Warfare," Orbis, Summer 1958. *

    Mao Tse-tung. "Strategic Problems in th e Anti-Japanese Guerrilla War,""O n Protracted War," and "Strategic Problems in China's RevolutionaryWar," in Mao Tse-tung: An Anthology of His Writing, A. Fremantl.e,(ed.), Mentor Paperbacks, New American Library, New York, 1962.


    Atkinson, J.D. "In the Shadow of War," Army Information Digest,September 1961.

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Soviet Unconventional Warfare Capabil i t ies ," Mil i taryReview, November 1959.

    BJelajac, S.N. "Unconventional Warfare in the Nuclear Era," 'Orbis,Fall 1960. *

    Bielajac, S.N. "Unconventional Warfare: American and Soviet Approaches,"The Annals, May 1962.

    Delaney, R.F. "A Case fo r Doctrine of Unconventional Warfare," U.S.Naval Ins t i tu te Proceedings, September 1961.

    Garthoff, Raymond L. "Unconventional Warfare in Communist Strategy,"Foreign Affairs , July 1962.


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    Jacobs:. .. D. "Irregular Warfare and the Soviets," Military Review,May 1958. *

    Jordan, .1.B. "Objectives and Method of Communist Guerrilla Warfare,"Military Review, January 1960. *

    Knorr, Klaus. "'Unconventional Warfare: Strategy and Tactics in

    Internal Political Strife," The Annals, May 1962.

    Kutger, J.P. "Irregular Warfare in Transition," Military Affairs,Fall 1960. *

    Lindsay, F.A. "Unconventional Warfare," Foreign Affairs, January1962 (Reprinted in Military Review, Junr 7).

    Marshall, C.B. "Unconventional Warfare as a Concern of American ForeignPolicy," The Annals, May 1962.

    Ney, V. "Guerrilla Warfare and Modern Strategy," Orbis, Spring 1958. *

    Yarborough, W.P. "Unconventional Warfare: One Military View,"The Annals, May 1962.

    Zawodny, J.K. "Unconventional Warfare," American Scholar, Summer 1962.


    Bjelajac, S.N. "Strategy of Protracted Defense," Military Review,June 1960.

    Downey, E.F. "Theory of Guerrilla Warfare," Military Review,May 1959.

    Hughes, H.S. "Grandeur and Misery of Guerrilla Warfare," Commentary,August 1962.

    Wilkins, F. "Guerrilla Warfare.," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings,March 1954. *


    Marshall, C.B. "Unconventional Warfare as a Concern of American ForeignPolicy," The Annals, May 1962.

    Ramsey, H.C. "The Modernization Process and Insurgency," ForeignService Journal, June 1962.


  • 7/29/2019 Bibliography Insurgency 1962


    Rosto, '. . "Countering Guerrilla Attack," (o r ig ina l title, "Guerrilla

    Warfare in Underdeveloped Areas") Army, September 1961. **


    L:sson, D.M.R. "The Laws o f C iv i l War," The Army Quarterly (EnglUn),

    Apr i l 1961.

    Greenspan, M. "In terna t ional Law and I ts Protec t ion fo r Par t i c ipan t sin Unconventional Warfare," The Annals, June 1962.

    Powers, Jr., R.D. "Insurgency and the Law o f Nations," JAG Journal ,May 1962.

    Sohreiber, J. "Par t i sans , Resistance Fighters, Saboteurs," t r ans l a t edand condensed in M il ita ry Review, April 1962.


    Bjela jac , S.N. "Soviet Activ i t ies in Underdeveloped Areas," M ilitaryReview, February 1961. *

    Bowles, W.D. "Sovie t Russia as a Model fo r Underdeveloped Areas,"World Pol i t i c s , Apr i l 1962.

    Fiszman, J.R. "The Appeals of Maoism in Pre indus t r i a l SemicolonialP o l i t i c a l Cultures, , , P o l i t i c a l Science Ouarter ly, Vol. 74 , 1959.

    Hilsman, R. "Internal War: The New Communist Tactic," in ModernGuerr i l la Warfare: Fighting Communist Guerr i l la Movements-T,94l-1961, F.M. Osanaca (edU.), The Free Press or Uiencoe, New YoIk,1962.**

    Jacobs, W.D. "Wars of Libera t ion ," Mil i ta ry Review, July 1962.

    Rostow, W.VI. "Countering Guerr i l la Attack," (o r ig ina l title, Guer r i l l aWarfare in Underdeveloped Areas") Army, September 1961. * **

    "Sovie t Mil i ta ry Aid: Sources of In ternat ional Conflict , ." t r ans l a t edand condensed in Mil i ta ry Review, February 1962.

    Thornton, T.P. "Peking, Moscow, and th e Underdeveloped Areas,"World Pol i t i c s , July 1961.


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    Alexinsky,G. "The Evolution of a Police State ," t rans la ted and con-densed in Military Review, April 1962.

    Bjelajac, S.N. "Soviet Unconventional Warfare Capabili t ies,"Mili tary Review, November 1959.

    Knorr, Klaus. "Unconventional Warfare: Strategy and Tactics in InternalPol i t i ca l Str i fe ," The Annals, May 1962.

    Rhyne, R. "Patterns o f Subversion by Violence," The Annals, May 1962.

    Snyder, R.C. "Security Against Subversive Activi t ies ," Proceedingsof the Academy of Pol i t i ca l Science, May 1951.

    Zawodny, J.K. "Guerri l la and Sabotage: Organization, Operations,Motivations, Escalation," The Annals, Nay 1962.


    "Guerri l la Warfare," Military Review, May 1962 (Annotated bibliographyof some Military Review ar t ic les on guerr i l la warfare).

    Ney, V. "Guerri l la War - Annotated Bibliography," Military Review,November 1961.

    Osanka., F.M. "Guerri l la War: Annotated Paperback Bibliography,"Marine Corps Gazette, February 1962.
