bibliography - springer978-94-009-8783-8/1.pdf212 bibliography burnet, j. [2), platonis opera,...

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Page 1: BIBLIOGRAPHY - Springer978-94-009-8783-8/1.pdf212 BIBLIOGRAPHY BURNET, J. [2), Platonis Opera, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1900, (in 5 vols.). BURNET, J. [3), Early Greek Philosophy, New


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Page 7: BIBLIOGRAPHY - Springer978-94-009-8783-8/1.pdf212 BIBLIOGRAPHY BURNET, J. [2), Platonis Opera, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1900, (in 5 vols.). BURNET, J. [3), Early Greek Philosophy, New


Academy 4, 5, 6 Acropolis 3, 55 Aleuadae 27 Alexidemos 34 Allen, R.E. 119, 120, 129,203 Anabasis 23 Andic, M. 82, 83, 211 Anthemion 24, 56 Antiphon 9 Anytus 22, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, 67, 182, 183 Apology 16, 19, 24 Archer-Hind, R.D. 188 Archytas 5, 14, 15 Aristeides 60 Aristippos 27 Aristokles 3 Aristotle 3, 4, 15, 23, 83, 105, 106, 114, 115,

142 Ariston 4,5 Aristophanes 17 Argeian 4 Athens 3, 4, 5, 27, 28, 39, 59, 60, 88, 187

Benecke,A. 167, 168, 169, 170 Berkeley, G. 130 Black, M. 146 Bluck, R.S. IX, XI, 22, 28, 37, 54,97,117,166,

167,179,185,202,207 Bud!: IX

Brown,M.16, 82, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 165, 178

Burnet, J. IX,S, 6, 18, 191 Butcher, F.H. 167, 168, 169

Callic1es 152 Campbell, L. 20 Catling, H. W. XIII

Chaerophon 73 Charmides 4,8,20, 190 Cherniss, H. 128, 129, 137 Chomsky, N. XI, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142,


Codrus 3 Cook Wilson, J. 167 Cornford, F.M. XI, 20, 21,184,185 Cratylus 3 Crito 14, 16, 190 Crombie, I.M. 201 Cross, R.C. 191, 199,203 Croiset, A. IX, 31 Cudworth, R. 143

Daedalus 154 Delphi 19 Descartes 128 Diogenes Laertius 3 Dionysius 4, 5 Dodds, E.R. 152, 153 Drakon 4

Epinomis 159, 161 Empedoc1es 7,34 Epistles (Platonic) 6 Euc1eides 5, 9 Eudoros 60 Euripides 194 Euthydemus 177 Euthyphro 74, 81, 82 Euthyphro 8, 16, 17,20,74, 76, 81, 89

Farquharson, A.S.L. 167 Field, G.C. 5,6 Findlay, J.N. 4 Fleming, N. 134 Fowler, H.N. 7, 89 Freud, S. 8 Fritzche 24

Gaiser, K. 4 Geach, P. 111 Georgiadis, C. XIV

Gorgias7,23,27,28,30, 33,34, 39,61,63,74, 83,90,91,105,115,205

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GorgiasIx, 73,74,152,153,183,189,190,192 Grene, D. 194 Grote, G. 3,4, 15,23 Gulley, N. XIII, 155 Guthrie, W.K.C. 6,22,159,185

Hackforth, R. 191 Handley, E. W. XIII

Hare, R.M. 134, 135, 136, 139, 142, 145 Heijboer, A. 167 Heracleitos 3 Hitchcock, D. XIV

Homer 67 Hippolytus 194

Ismenias 56 !socrates 6

Jaspers, K. 3 Johnson, S. 130, 131 Joseph, H.W.B. 191

Kleophantos 59 Kant, E. XI, 77, 152

Laches 17, 19 Lamb, W.R.M. 192 Larisa 63, 201 Larisaeans 27 Lasserre, F. 160, 161 Lattimore, R. 194 Laws 6,22 Leontius 197 Lewis, C.I. 106 Loeb 7, 89, 192 Lutoslawski, W. 203 Lysis 8, 16, 17,20 Lysimachus 60

Mayo, B. 17 Marinus 3 Medea 194 Medea 194 Megara 5 Melesias 60 Meletas 20 Memorabilia 194 Metaphysics (Aristotle's) 3, 15 Moravcsik,J.136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144 Morrison, J.S. 22 Morrow, G.R. 5, 6 Murphy, N.R. 202

Nahnikian, G. 99, 100, 103

Paralos 60 Parmenides 7, 9,11 Parmenides 8, 9 Penner, T. 198, 199 Pericles 3, 60, 183 Persians 3 Persephone 40 Phaedo X, 97,131, 155, 187, 188, 189, 204 Phaedra 194 Phaedrus 7 Phaedrus 7,191 Pheidias 57 Philolaus 5 Pindar 34 Plotinus 3 Polemarchus 93 Polus 73, 74 Politics (Aristotle's) 83, 105 Politikos (Plato's) 186 Porphyry 3 Prodicus 33, 63 Proklus 3, 4 Protagoras 20, 57, 58, 119, 182, 193 Protagoras 110, 118, 119, 189, 192, 195, 196,

198 Pythagorean 14, 15, 22 Pythodorus 9

Randall, J.R. 4, 9, 10,204 Republic 4,5,6, 12, 14, 17,20,76,85,88,93,

156,185,186,187,189,190,192,196,197, 198,199,200,202,203,204,206

Robinson, R. 12, 16,20,75,76,93, 100, 113, 122, 166

Robinson, T.M. 189, 190, 191, 192 Ross, W.D. 22,105,106,107,148 Ryle, G. 5,9, 10, 20, 21, 102, 146

Santas, G. 195, 196, 198 Sesonske, A. 134 Seventh Letter 3 Sextus Empiricus 4 Schanz 31 Schneider 31 Sicily 22 Simonides 115 Slave-boy XI, 14, 15,24, 120, 123, 131, 132,

148,150,151,152,153,156,157,159,160, 161, 162, 165,202,205,206

Snell, B. 194 Solon 2

Page 9: BIBLIOGRAPHY - Springer978-94-009-8783-8/1.pdf212 BIBLIOGRAPHY BURNET, J. [2), Platonis Opera, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1900, (in 5 vols.). BURNET, J. [3), Early Greek Philosophy, New


Sophisticis Elenchis, De 115 Sophist(s) 16, 18,20,24,57,58,61.62.105.

127, 182 Sophutl7, 18,20, 195 Spartan(s) x, 67 Stahl, H.P. 15, 179 Stephanos 60 Stephanus XI, 174 Stocks, J. L. 191 St. George Stock IX Stranger, the, (Laws) 21 Syracuse 5, 14

Taylor, A.E. 6, 9,18,20,174,188,191 Teiresias 67 Theaetetus 11,21 Theaetetus 8, 9, 10, 159, 161,201,204 Theodorus 5 Theognis 62 Themistocles 59, 60, 66, 183 Theophrastus 4 Thessalians 27 Thessaly 23, 28 Tho~,I.E. 15,45,76,159 Thomist 106

Thompson, E.S.IX, 23, 31, 33, 36,41,64,81, 115,178

Thrasymachus 11 Thucydides 60, 183 Timaios/Timaeus 191, 192, 194,204

Unwritten Teaching (Plato's) 7 Utopia 6

Venn,J.133 Vlastos, G. 110, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137,

139,142,145,147,152,194,195,199,206 Vogel, C.J. de 4, 188

Walsh, 1.1. 194 Warner 194 Weldon, T.D. 152 Winspear, A. 187, 191 Woodbridge, F.l.E. 18,19 Woozley, A.D. 191, 199

Xanthias 60 Xanthippos 60 Xenophon 22, 23, 194

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agathon 115, 116 akrasia 189, 192-200 analogy, characteristic of 119; pedagogical

use of 119-20; relational 78-80; whole­part 114-21

analogy of proportionality 102, 108-13 anamnesis 15, 91, 112, 125--162 anhypotheton 204 aporia 11, 122, 153, 154, 160, 161 arete 73, 82, 199, see also virtue Athenian gentlemen 182f. auto kath' hauto 77-9

cause, material/formal 97, 101 characteristics, accompanying 99ff.; defin­

ing 100, 102; essential/accidental 92, 107; identifying/essential 75f., 99ff.; univer­sally accompanying 99

charioteer myth 191 class properties 83 coherence criterion 13, 156,204 collection (method of) 10 connotation 81 conventional morality 14, 185, 186, 187f. courage 126

definition, disjunctive 82; and enumeration 81-90, 94; model 96ff.; ignotum per ig­notius 101

denotation 81 dialectic 16, 23, 74, 99 dialectical method 16 dianoia 204 dioikeo 88-89 Divided-line 186f., 202, 203, 204, 206 division (method of) 10 doxa 191,201-29, see also opinion

eidos/eide 13, 82, 104, 114, 129 elenchos 10, 12, 13, 16, 18,23,209, 153, 160;

and eristic 19-21; and inquiry 11 ; negative

10; separable from dialectic 10; tool of testing 10

episteme 177, 202, 203, 204 eristic 96, 99, 122; and elenchos 19-21; para­

dox 12, 129, 130, 132, 135, 144, 148, 157, 165

Eristics 131 extension/intension 81,86 eudaimonia 177

Form and content 87,88, 9Off., 140-7 Forms 15; complex 106; and sche­

mata/formulae 102, 140-7; see also what-is-X question

Games-audiences 10 genus and difference 80,106, 109-11 genus-species 84, 88, 109, 114f. geometry versus stereometry 101 goods, bodily 117,175,195; external goods

117; of soul 175, 176 good in itself versus good for man 116, 174,

178, 184

hypothesis 10, 12, 155-6, 164-200

incommensurability of diagonal 15

kata holou 114, 118 kalon 115 knowledge 125--162, 143,201-9; versus con­

viction 154, 205; see also episteme and noesis

meaning, manner and mode of 93

noesis 205, 206, 207 nous 177

opinion 13; see also doxa, correct/true opinion 14, 154, 184f., 201-9

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ophelimon 90, 116 ouaia 82; -pathos 74, 92; -property 74f.

paradox 10, 12, 122f. phronesis 177, 186 Plato, Academy 4, 5; biography 3-6; cur­

riculum 6; on dialogue form 6--10; early training ~; as teacher 4; as writer 4

propositional logic, beginnings of 179-82

Socrates, biography 4-5; personal character­istics 4f.; and sophistry 17ff.; view oflearn­ing 184-5; see also elenchos, dialectic

Socratic dictum (to know the right is to do it) 179-200

Socratic method 20f., 204 Sophists 12,18,182; view of teaching 123f.,

127,152 Sophistry 16--21 Stereometry versus geometry 101 Stylometry 22 soul, ante-natal existence of 128; body-soul unity 190; bipartite 189f.; tripartite 189-192

tabula rasa 143, 148 tether metaphor 13, 154 term (common name) 94 thumos 191 ti-poion distinction 73-80, 156-62 ti-question 85, 165f. 201

univocity 83, 84, 86, .107

verbal symbol 105-7 virtue, its relations to beneficial 174-6; eu­

daimonia 176--7; good 172-5; knowledge 171, 172, 184; nous 176, 177; phronesis 176--7; teachable 171, 172, 185; wisdom 175

virtues, cardinal 94; civic 117

what-is-X question 73-80, 87, 90ff., 97, 105-113, 161f.

whole-part analogy 114-121