big data with sql server

Big Data with SQL Server Philly Code Camp November 2012 Mark Kromer BI & Big Data Technology Director @kromerbigdata @mssqldude

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My updated Big Data with SQL Server presentation from my Razorfish case study. Presented Nov 17 @ Philly Code Camp.


Page 1: Big Data with SQL Server

Big Data with SQL Server

Philly Code CampNovember 2012

Mark KromerBI & Big Data Technology Director

Page 2: Big Data with SQL Server

‣What is Big Data?

‣The Big Data and Apache Hadoop environment

‣Big Data Analytics

‣SQL Server in the Big Data world

‣How we utilize Big Data @ Razorfish

What we’ll (try) to cover today


Page 3: Big Data with SQL Server

Big Data 101

‣ 3 V’s

‣ Volume – Terabyte records, transactions, tables, files

‣ Velocity – Batch, near-time, real-time (analytics), streams.

‣ Variety – Structures, unstructured, semi-structured, and all the above in a mix

‣ Text Processing‣ Techniques for processing and analyzing unstructured (and structured)

LARGE files

‣ Analytics & Insights

‣ Distributed File System & Programming

Page 4: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ Batch Processing

‣ Commodity Hardware

‣ Data Locality, no shared storage

‣ Scales linearly

‣ Great for large text file processing, not so great on small files

‣ Distributed programming paradigm

Page 5: Big Data with SQL Server

using Microsoft.Hadoop.MapReduce;

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class TotalHitsForPageMap : MapperBase


public override void Map(string inputLine, MapperContext context)



var parts = Regex.Split(inputLine, "\\s+");

if (parts.Length != expected) //only take records with all values




context.EmitKeyValue(parts[pagePos], hit);



MapReduce Framework (Map)

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public class TotalHitsForPageReducerCombiner : ReducerCombinerBase


public override void Reduce(string key, IEnumerable<string> values, ReducerCombinerContext context)


context.EmitKeyValue(key, values.Sum(e=>long.Parse(e)).ToString());



public class TotalHitsJob : HadoopJob<TotalHitsForPageMap,TotalHitsForPageReducerCombiner>


public override HadoopJobConfiguration Configure(ExecutorContext context)


var retVal = new HadoopJobConfiguration();

retVal.InputPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("W3C_INPUT");

retVal.OutputFolder = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("W3C_OUTPUT");

retVal.DeleteOutputFolder = true;

return retVal;



MapReduce Framework (Reduce & Job)

Page 7: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ Big Data ≠ NoSQL

‣ NoSQL has similar Internet-scale Web origins of Hadoop stack (Yahoo!, Google, Facebook, et al) but not the same thing

‣ Facebook, for example, uses Hbase from the Hadoop stack

‣ Big Data ≠ Real Time

‣ Big Data is primarily about batch processing huge files in a distributed manner and analyzing data that was otherwise too complex to provide value

‣ Use in-memory analytics for real time insights

‣ Big Data ≠ Data Warehouse

‣ I still refer to large multi-TB DWs as “VLDB”

‣ Big Data is about crunching stats in text files for discovery of new patterns and insights

‣ Use the DW to aggregate and store the summaries of those calculations for reporting

Mark’s Big Data Myths

Page 8: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ Web Analytics

‣ Big Data Analytics

‣ Digital Marketing – Ad Server Analytics

‣ Multiple TBs of online data per client per year

‣ Elastic Web-scale MapReduce & Hadoop

‣ Increase ROI of digital marketing campaigns

Razorfish & Big Data

Page 9: Big Data with SQL Server

Big Data Analytics Web Platform

Data Source


Data M











Stacking Effect

Media Level Data WarehouseAudience Level

Data WarehouseBig Data

SandboxesData Mapping

Business RulesExternal &

Extended Data

Tableau, SAS &Excel


Page 10: Big Data with SQL Server

In-Database Analytics (Teradata Aster)

Prepackaged Analytics Functions (including Attribution)

• Because of built-in analytics functions and big data performance, Aster becomes the data scientist’s sandbox and BI’s big data analytics processor.

Page 11: Big Data with SQL Server

SQL Server Big Data – Data Loading

Amazon HDFS & EMR

Data Loading

Amazon S3 Bucket

Page 12: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ sqoop import –connect jdbc:sqlserver://localhost –username sqoop -password password –table customers -m 1

‣ > hadoop fs -cat /user/mark/customers/part-m-00000

‣ > 5,Bob Smith

‣ sqoop export –connect jdbc:sqlserver://localhost –username sqoop -password password -m 1 –table customers –export-dir /user/mark/data/employees3

‣ 12/11/11 22:19:24 INFO mapreduce.ExportJobBase: Transferred 201 bytes in 32.6364 seconds (6.1588 bytes/sec)

‣ 12/11/11 22:19:24 INFO mapreduce.ExportJobBase: Exported 4 records.

SqoopData transfer to & from Hadoop & SQL Server

Page 13: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ SQL Server Database‣ SQL Server 2008 R2 or 2012 Enterprise Edition

‣ Page Compression

‣ 2012 Columnar Compression on Fact Tables

‣ Clustered Index on all tables

‣ Auto-update Stats Asynch

‣ Partition Fact Tables by month and archive data with sliding window technique

‣ Drop all indexes before nightly ETL load jobs

‣ Rebuild all indexes when ETL completes

‣ SQL Server Analysis Services‣ SSAS 2008 R2 or 2012 Enterprise Edition

‣ 2008 R2 OLAP cubes partition-aligned with DW

‣ 2012 cubes in-memory tabular cubes

‣ All access through MSMDPUMP or SharePoint

SQL Server Big Data Environment

Page 14: Big Data with SQL Server


‣Sqoop adapter



‣In-memory analytics

‣Scale-out MPP

SQL Server Big Data Analytics Features

Page 15: Big Data with SQL Server

‣ What is a Big Data approach to Analytics?

‣ Massive scale

‣ Data discovery & research

‣ Self-service

‣ Reporting & BI

‣ Why did we take this Big Data Analytics approach?

‣ Each Web client produces an average of 6 TBs of ICA data in a year

‣ The data in the sources are variable and unstructured

‣ SSIS ETL alone couldn’t keep up or handle complexity

‣ SQL Server 2012 columnstore and tabular SSAS 2012 were key to using SQL Server for Big Data

‣ With the configs mentioned previously, SQL Server is working great

‣ Analytics on Big Data also requires Big Data Analytics tools

‣ Aster, Tableau, PowerPivot, SAS
