bile salts and cholestasis

Digestive and Liver Disease 42 (2010) 409–418 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Digestive and Liver Disease journal homepage: Mini-Symposium Bile salts and cholestasis Lucas Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Ulrich Beuers Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands article info Article history: Received 13 March 2010 Accepted 13 March 2010 Keywords: Bile acids Chenodeoxycholate Primary biliary cirrhosis Primary sclerosing cholangitis Ursodeoxycholate abstract Bile salts have a crucial role in hepatobiliary and intestinal homeostasis and digestion. Primary bile salts are synthesized by the liver from cholesterol, and may be modified by the intestinal flora to form secondary and tertiary bile salts. Bile salts are efficiently reabsorbed from the intestinal lumen to undergo enterohepatic circulation. In addition to their function as a surfactant involved in the absorption of dietary lipids and fat-soluble vitamins bile salts are potent signaling molecules in both the liver and intestine. Under physiological conditions the bile salt pool is tightly regulated, but the adaptive capacity may fall short under cholestatic conditions. Elevated serum and tissue levels of potentially toxic hydrophobic bile salts during cholestasis may cause mitochondrial damage, apoptosis or necrosis in susceptible cell types. Therapeutic nontoxic bile salts may restore impaired hepatobiliary secretion in cholestatic disorders. The hydrophilic bile salt ursodeoxycholate is today regarded as the effective standard treatment of pri- mary biliary cirrhosis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, and is implicated for use in various other cholestatic conditions. Novel therapeutic bile salts that are currently under evaluation may also prove valuable in the treatment of these diseases. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. 1. Introduction Bile salt synthesis, secretion and recycling represent crucial functions of the liver, the central organ for the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis. Bile salts form two thirds of organic com- pounds in mammalian bile and are continuously recycled in the body by undergoing a highly efficient enterohepatic circulation. In the small intestine, the amphipathic molecules function as micellar solubilizers, mediating the intestinal uptake of dietary fats. In addition, bile salts represent potent signaling molecules in liver and intestine: in the small intestine, they strengthen the defence against microbes by farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-dependent mechanisms and modulate hepatobiliary bile formation by FXR- controlled ileal release of the peptide hormone fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) [1,2]. In the liver, bile salts directly modulate their hepatocellular uptake, synthesis and biliary secretion at both the transcriptional level via activation of nuclear receptors and at the posttranslational level via modulation of cytosolic signaling cas- cades [3–5]. The adaptive functions of bile salts may decompensate under the pathological condition of bile secretory impairment. Bile salts are suspected to be the main causative agents of cellu- Corresponding author at: Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tyt- gat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Academic Medical Center, G4-213, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 20 5662422. E-mail address: [email protected] (U. Beuers). lar damage to hepatocytes and cholangiocytes during cholestasis [6]. The dual nature of bile salts, with their various biological func- tions on one hand and their potentially cytotoxic effects when accumulating in cholestasis on the other hand, are the focus of this review. Therapeutic effects of bile salts like ursodeoxycholate in the treatment of several of these cholestatic diseases are also addressed. 2. Evolutionary perspective on bile salts The chemical structure of bile salts differs markedly between vertebrate species, although all are variants of the same type of molecule. Among the different animal orders, but less so among families, genera and species, evolutionary processes have selected a range of distinct bile salts. ‘The end products of bile salt biosynthesis in lower vertebrates are the precursors of end products of bile salt biosynthesis in higher vertebrates’ [7]. New bile salts are discovered regularly as mass high-resolution chemical techniques are applied to bile from animal species that were not previously analysed [8]. As natural selection drove the generation of novel bile salts, it concurrently favoured the evolution of bile salt receptors. Co- evolution between bile salts and bile salt receptors was shown for the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and made probable for preg- nane X receptor (PXR), while the ability of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) to use bile salts as ligands may be a recent evolutionary event restricted to the mammalian lineage [9]. 1590-8658/$36.00 © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. doi:10.1016/j.dld.2010.03.015

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Digestive and Liver Disease 42 (2010) 409–418

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ile salts and cholestasis

ucas Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Ulrich Beuers ∗

epartment of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 13 March 2010ccepted 13 March 2010

eywords:ile acids

a b s t r a c t

Bile salts have a crucial role in hepatobiliary and intestinal homeostasis and digestion. Primary bilesalts are synthesized by the liver from cholesterol, and may be modified by the intestinal flora to formsecondary and tertiary bile salts. Bile salts are efficiently reabsorbed from the intestinal lumen to undergoenterohepatic circulation. In addition to their function as a surfactant involved in the absorption of dietarylipids and fat-soluble vitamins bile salts are potent signaling molecules in both the liver and intestine.

Under physiological conditions the bile salt pool is tightly regulated, but the adaptive capacity may fall

henodeoxycholaterimary biliary cirrhosisrimary sclerosing cholangitisrsodeoxycholate

short under cholestatic conditions. Elevated serum and tissue levels of potentially toxic hydrophobic bilesalts during cholestasis may cause mitochondrial damage, apoptosis or necrosis in susceptible cell types.

Therapeutic nontoxic bile salts may restore impaired hepatobiliary secretion in cholestatic disorders.The hydrophilic bile salt ursodeoxycholate is today regarded as the effective standard treatment of pri-mary biliary cirrhosis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, and is implicated for use in various othercholestatic conditions. Novel therapeutic bile salts that are currently under evaluation may also prove

of th Publi

valuable in the treatment© 2010

. Introduction

Bile salt synthesis, secretion and recycling represent crucialunctions of the liver, the central organ for the maintenance of

etabolic homeostasis. Bile salts form two thirds of organic com-ounds in mammalian bile and are continuously recycled in theody by undergoing a highly efficient enterohepatic circulation.n the small intestine, the amphipathic molecules function as

icellar solubilizers, mediating the intestinal uptake of dietaryats. In addition, bile salts represent potent signaling moleculesn liver and intestine: in the small intestine, they strengthen theefence against microbes by farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-dependentechanisms and modulate hepatobiliary bile formation by FXR-

ontrolled ileal release of the peptide hormone fibroblast growthactor 19 (FGF19) [1,2]. In the liver, bile salts directly modulate theirepatocellular uptake, synthesis and biliary secretion at both theranscriptional level via activation of nuclear receptors and at theosttranslational level via modulation of cytosolic signaling cas-

ades [3–5].

The adaptive functions of bile salts may decompensate underhe pathological condition of bile secretory impairment. Bilealts are suspected to be the main causative agents of cellu-

∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tyt-at Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research, Academic Medical Center, G4-213,niversity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 20 5662422.

E-mail address: [email protected] (U. Beuers).

590-8658/$36.00 © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Editrice Gastroenterologoi:10.1016/j.dld.2010.03.015

ese diseases.shed by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l.

lar damage to hepatocytes and cholangiocytes during cholestasis[6].

The dual nature of bile salts, with their various biological func-tions on one hand and their potentially cytotoxic effects whenaccumulating in cholestasis on the other hand, are the focus ofthis review. Therapeutic effects of bile salts like ursodeoxycholatein the treatment of several of these cholestatic diseases are alsoaddressed.

2. Evolutionary perspective on bile salts

The chemical structure of bile salts differs markedly betweenvertebrate species, although all are variants of the same type ofmolecule. Among the different animal orders, but less so amongfamilies, genera and species, evolutionary processes have selecteda range of distinct bile salts. ‘The end products of bile salt biosynthesisin lower vertebrates are the precursors of end products of bile saltbiosynthesis in higher vertebrates’ [7]. New bile salts are discoveredregularly as mass high-resolution chemical techniques are appliedto bile from animal species that were not previously analysed [8].

As natural selection drove the generation of novel bile salts,it concurrently favoured the evolution of bile salt receptors. Co-

evolution between bile salts and bile salt receptors was shownfor the farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and made probable for preg-nane X receptor (PXR), while the ability of the vitamin D receptor(VDR) to use bile salts as ligands may be a recent evolutionary eventrestricted to the mammalian lineage [9].

ica Italiana S.r.l.

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10 L. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, U. Beuers /

. Biochemical cycle of bile salts

.1. Synthesis and chemical properties

Primary bile salts – cholate (C) and cheonodeoxycholate (CDC)n humans – are synthesized by hepatocytes via enzymatic mod-fication of cholesterol, adding hydroxyl groups and oxidizing theide chain. The thus formed bile salt is an amphipathic molecule,uch more hydrophilic than cholesterol, which empowers it to effi-

iently form micelles [3,10]. These characteristics are necessary forhe physiological function of bile salts during fat uptake from thentestine but also make them potentially dangerous for cell mem-rane integrity under cholestatic conditions. Biotransformation ofile salts by bacteria in the intestine results in the formation of sec-ndary bile salts, such as deoxycholate (DC) and lithocholate (LC).acterial and hepatic biotransformation contribute to the forma-ion of tertiary bile salts such as ursodeoxycholate (UDC) [11].

Unconjugated bile salts have a pKa of approximately 5. Hydrox-lation and conjugation with taurine or glycine reduces the pKaf bile salts, improving water solubility and reducing their abilityo cross lipid membranes [12,13]. C27 bile alcohols are conjugatedith sulfate. C27 bile salts are conjugated with taurine. C24 bile salts

re mainly conjugated with taurine or glycine and to a lesser extentith glucuronate, N-acetylglucosamine, or sulfate.

At physiological pH, bile salts are mostly present in theireprotonated salt form, but under more acidic circumstances therotonated bile acid becomes more prevalent. The ionized bile salt

s more amphipathic, better water-soluble and a stronger emul-ifier than the protonated bile acid thereby strengthening theormation of mixed micelles. Conjugation increases the ratio of ion-zed bile salt over protonated bile acid molecules at the prevalentH of 5–7 in the duodenum. Taurine and glycine conjugates of bilealts are resistant to enzymatic cleavage by pancreatic esterases.

.2. Plasticity of the bile salt pool

Influenced by both primary bile salt synthesis in the liver andile salt metabolism in the liver and intestine, the composition ofhe bile salt pool of an individual is dynamic. The relative con-ributions of different primary and secondary bile salts can vary,ependent on regulatory mechanisms and environmental factors.

For example, ursodeoxycholate (UDC) is a primary bile salt inost members of the bears (Ursidae) family, and comprises 30–60%

f total serum bile salts in these animals [14–16]. During hiberna-ion the percentage is increased [15,16], probably an adaptationhat is protective to the biliary tree during the long fasting period.n humans, UDC is formed by colonic bacteria from the primary bilealt, CDC, via the intermediate 7-ketolithocholate, and thus strictlypeaking a tertiary bile salt. Typically it accounts for about 1–3%f total bile salts. In cholestatic patients treated with UDC at dailyoses of 15 mg/kg, the contribution of this bile salt may rise up to5% of total serum bile salts [17].

Physiological changes in the composition of the bile salt poolccur during human life. The bile salt pool of the fetus and new-orn is markedly different from the adult bile salt pool, with moreydrophilic bile salts due to hydroxylation of positions C1, C4 and6. The adult bile salt pool size is maintained at 3–5 g mainlyy a negative feedback loop of bile salts on their own synthe-is. The key enzymes of bile salt synthesis, CYP7A1 and CYP8B1,re tightly regulated at the transcriptional and posttranscriptionalevel.

The bile salt pool is influenced by the diet: vegetarians haveower concentrations of bile salts in their stools, especially litho-holate [18,19]. A high-fat diet was shown to increase the cholateo total bile salt molar ratio as opposed to the effects of a very low-at diet [20]. The change in nutrition habits in western societies

ive and Liver Disease 42 (2010) 409–418

might thus have modified the average bile salt pool and biliary andintestinal bile salt pattern [21].

3.3. Hepatocellular bile salt transport

Biliary bile salts originate from two sources: direct synthesis byhepatocytes and recycling via the enterohepatic circulation, deliv-ering bile salts via the portal vein to the basolateral side of thehepatocyte. Bile salts are taken up either via the Na+ taurocholatecotransporting protein (NTCP) or via sodium-independent uptakeby one of the organic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs, par-ticularly OATP1B1 and OATP1B3) [22]. Upon delivery to the apicalhepatocellular membrane most likely via bile salt binding proteins,bile salts are secreted by the bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11)[22,23].

3.4. Bile salts in bile

Biliary bile contains a mix of 3–10 individual bile salts or bilealcohols in significant amounts [8,24]. In addition, bile containsinorganic molecules such as ions and bicarbonate, as well as organiccompounds such as phospholipids, cholesterol, bilirubin, adenosinenucleotides [25] and proteins such as albumin and immunoglob-ulins [26–28]. Still, hepatic bile contains relatively little protein,while the gallbladder bile is richer in protein, probably due to mucinsecretion [29,30].

3.5. Intestinal absorption and hepatobiliary resecretion

Bile salts and bile alcohols are recycled after secretion via bileto the intestine. In the process of enterohepatic cycling, bile saltsare taken up from intestinal lumen and transported to the livervia the portal vein, where these molecules are reabsorbed by thehepatocytes, to be secreted into bile again [31]. Enterocytes mainlyof the terminal ileum, but in humans at markedly lower amountsalso the upper small intestine express an apical sodium-dependentbile salt cotransporter, ASBT, the key mediator of intestinal bilesalt uptake. In cholestatic patients, duodenal ASBT expression wasfound to be markedly impaired in comparison to control patients,and mRNA levels were inversely correlated to plasma bile salt andbilirubin concentrations [32]. This effect mirrors the transcriptionalregulation of ASBT expression by the bile salt sensor, farnesoid Xreceptor, FXR. Ost�-Ost� and MRP3/ABCC3 are two transporters inthe basolateral membrane of enterocytes that are thought to furtherchannel the resorbed bile salts towards mesenteric venous bloodand, thereby, enterohepatic recycling [33,34].

Circadian rhythms influence bile salt cycling, and disruption ofthe circadian clock affects bile salt control and leads to hepaticcholestasis in mice [35]. During long periods of fasting the turnoverof this cycle can be diminished by storage of bile salts in the gall-bladder. In patients after cholecystectomy and in animals withouta gallbladder, such as horses, elephants and rats, bile salts are mostprobably retained in the intestine during fasting to achieve a sim-ilar effect but the precise regulation of the proposed slowdownof the enterohepatic circulation of bile salts remains to be furtherunraveled [3].

Bile salts may also be absorbed by the biliary epithelium, prob-ably by ASBT, and transported back to the hepatocyte in a processcalled cholehepatic shunting [36,37]. The physiological relevanceof this mechanism is unclear as bile salt transport via cholangio-

cellular ASBT does not appear to be a high throughput system forphysiological bile salts. Thus, it could be speculated that cholangio-cyte bile salt uptake may serve a purpose of signaling rather thanbile salt conservation via cholehepatic shunting and may representa crucial step in the regulation of cholangiocyte secretory activity.
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L. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, U. Beuers /

Stimulation of cholehepatic shunting by bile salts has been par-icularly observed with C23 bile salts like norUDC (see 6.3). Whethertimulation of cholehepatic shunting is instrumental to the anti-holestatic and antifibrotic effect of norUDC as observed in anxperimental model of fibrosing cholangitis, the Mdr2−/− mouse38], is unclear. NorUDC is being evaluated as a possible therapeutictrategy in cholestatic diseases [39].

.6. Modification by gut bacteria

The intestinal flora has the ability to modify luminal bile saltsefore mucosal resorption. Various species of bacteria are knowno deconjugate bile salts. The rate of deconjugation is dependentn the bacterial load. For example, jejunal bacterial overgrowthnduced by gastric proton pump inhibitor (omeprazole) treatment

as shown to speed up this process [40], and doxycycline treat-ent lowers the rate of bacterial modification of bile salts [41].

reatment of mice with antibiotics resulted in enhanced levels ofLC in the liver, which was not observed in germfree mice, stressinghe impact of the intestinal flora on the composition of the bile saltool [42]. Administration of specific strains of bacteria was showno modify the bile salt pool in an animal model. Thus, this typef bile salt pool modification might become a future therapeuticpproach in case bile salt pool composition will turn out to affecthe course of hepatobiliary and possibly gastro-intestinal diseases41,43].

.7. Fecal excretion

The rectal concentration of bile salts is approximately twentyimes lower than the concentration high in the small intestine,ue to an ∼95% reuptake of bile salts in the gastro-intestinal tract.bout 5% of the secreted bile salts are thus lost via the faeces underhysiological conditions.

. Beneficial effects of bile salts

.1. Induction of bile flow

Bile salts are the major osmotic driving force for bile formation.ctive secretion of bile salts against a steep concentration gradi-nt across the apical hepatocyte membrane leads to passive waterovement into bile, forming the bile salt-dependent fraction of bile


.2. Detoxification

Liver and small intestine are the main sites of detoxification inhe body, and bile is the primary excretory route for substancesuch as bilirubin, cholesterol and waste products. Bile salts helpolubilise lipophilic xenobiotic molecules and may bind heavyetal cations that are excreted via the biliary route [3]. Different

ydrophobic bile salts also act as potent transcriptional inducersf uptake carriers (biotransformation phase 0), biotransformationnzymes (phase 1 and 2) and export pumps (phase 3) in liver androbably intestine, by activating nuclear receptors such as PXR, FXRnd VDR [5,44].

.3. Food digestion

Bile salts act as tensioactives for the absorption of dietary fats.

pon meal ingestion bile is secreted into the duodenal lumenfter contraction of the gall bladder in response to cholecystokinin,nd by enhanced bile production from the liver. Secretin releasedy cells in the duodenum stimulates HCO3

−-rich bile flow viaecruitment of the Cl−/HCO3

− exchanger, AE2, the cAMP-sensitive

ive and Liver Disease 42 (2010) 409–418 411

chloride channel, CFTR, and the aquaporin, AQP1, to the apicalmembrane of cholangiocytes [45]. Bile formation is tightly reg-ulated at the level of the duodenum where increasing bile saltlevels activate mucosal FXR and its executer, small heterodimerpartner (SHP), which subsequently suppresses duodenal secretinexpression via inhibition of the transcription factor beta-cell E-boxtransactivator 2 (neurogenic differentiation factor 1 in mice) [46]to complete the feedback loop.

4.4. Protection against bacterial overgrowth

Bile is an important modulator of the intestinal flora [1].Although not germfree, the small intestine contains markedly lessbacteria than the large intestine. Failure to adequately secrete bilesalts to the duodenum leads to bacterial overgrowth as observedin cirrhotic patients [47,48] or after bile duct obstruction in ani-mal experiments [49]. The exact mechanism of bile salt-mediatedcontrol of the intestinal flora remains to be further unraveled, butprobably includes both direct effects on the growth of bacteriavia accumulation of bile salts in the organisms [2,50], and indi-rect effects via bile salt-induced, FXR-mediated [51], antibacterialactions of the intestinal mucosa [1,4,51].

In the biliary tract, bile salts probably confer crucial protectionagainst microbes. Under normal circumstances the biliary tract ispractically free from bacteria, bile salts are thought to make animportant contribution to the defence against colonisation of thebiliary tract, again both via direct antimicrobial properties and viainduction of local defence mechanisms [52–54].

4.5. Signaling

Bile salts are increasingly recognized as important signalingmolecules in liver, bile ducts and the intestine [3,4,55,56]. Theycan alter transcriptional activity by stimulating nuclear recep-tors like FXR, PXR and VDR [57]. Various bile salts can alsomodify intracellular signaling pathways, including [Ca++]i-, pro-tein kinase C (PKC)-[58–63] and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase(PI3K)/AKT-dependent [64–66] pathways and differentially acti-vate the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), ERK 1/2,p38MAPK, and JNK [67]. Bile salts thereby modulate their synthesis,expression and targeting of transport proteins and biliary secretion,but also various other metabolic processes by transcriptional andposttranscriptional mechanisms.

4.6. Glucose metabolism

The ability of bile salts to activate the PI3K/AKT pathway thatamong others has an effect on the insertion of the glucose 4-transporter (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane illustrates the effectof bile salt signaling on glucose metabolism [4,68–70]. With theiractivating effect on the AKT pathway bile salts function in a waywhich is similar to insulin, thus regulating the uptake of insulinfrom the blood into the hepatocytes. Further modulation of theglucose metabolism is effectuated through activation of SHP tran-scription via FXR, which then inhibits gluconeogenesis by thebinding transcription factors FOX01, CEBP� and HNF4�. The FXRagonist GW4064 was shown to counteract insulin resistance andhyperglycaemia in animal studies [71], and INT-747, another FXRagonist, is currently under evaluation for use in the treatment oftype 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

4.7. Endocrine signaling

Bile salts have only recently been recognized as modifiers ofhormonal signaling [72,73]. Thyroid hormone signaling is alteredby bile salts, as they stimulate the production of active T3 in mouse

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rown fat tissue. While humans have only small amounts of brownat, bile salts were implicated to have similar stimulating effectsn the metabolic rates of human cell cultures [74]. It was earlierhown in mice that bile salts could counteract obesity induced byigh-fat diets [75].

.8. Immunological signaling

The immune system is implicated in many diseases, both by itsrotective functions in, e.g. bacterial infection and as a potentialause of harm in, e.g. autoimmune diseases. Bile salts have beenlaimed to influence immune functions whereby the molecularechanisms involved remain largely unknown so far. Particularly

econdary bile salts are recognized as weak ligands for the Vitaminreceptor, a regulator of calcium homeostasis that is also involved

n immunity [76,77]. Bile salts also directly affect cellular immunity.t supraphysiological concentrations, they were shown to suppress

he cytokine production of monocytes, probably via TGR5, and maynhibit phagocytosis and reactivity to LPS stimulation [78]. Bile saltsan furthermore induce degranulation of eosinophils [79]. How allhese experimental observations can be translated to the clinicaletting remains unclear [80].

. Pathological effects of bile salts

Bile salts are potentially toxic to living cells when present atupraphysiologic levels. At low micromolar concentrations, uncon-ugated more than conjugated hydrophobic bile salts such as LC,DC, or DC can cause damage particularly of mitochondria, withoutffecting integrity of plasma membranes. At high micromolar andillimolar concentrations they may even dissolve plasma mem-

ranes [81,82]. The more hydrophilic conjugated bile salts likeUDC generally only yield toxic effects at doses above their criticalicellar concentration in the millimolar range [83,11].Under physiological circumstances the intracellular concentra-

ion of unbound bile salts is tightly controlled to prevent damage toell organelles. Under cholestatic conditions due to impaired hepa-ocellular or cholangiocellular secretion and/or biliary obstruction,ntracellular bile salt levels can rise to the point where glycine-nd taurine-conjugated hydrophobic bile salts such as GCDC, TCDC,DC and TDC inflict damage to cell organelles like the mitochondria

82,84,85]. In the liver, both hepatocytes and cholangiocytes areargets of bile salt-induced damage. The exact mechanisms of bilealt-induced damage are still under debate, but bile salts appear toause both mitochondrion-mediated damage [84] and tissue stressue to the induction of inflammatory processes [11].

.1. Plasma membrane damage

High concentrations of hydrophobic bile salts in the millimolarange in vitro, especially above the critical micellar concentration,ay solubilise membrane components. Hydrophobic more than

ydrophilic bile salts bind to the lipid bilayer, and may cause holesn the plasma membrane [86]. Cholangiocytes are directly exposedn their apical side to millimolar levels of bile salts. However,holangiocyte plasma membrane damage is not observed in vivo,uggestive of protective mechanisms under physiological circum-tances [82]. Thus, plasma membrane damage appears to play noajor role in bile salt-induced liver injury in vivo.

.2. Mitochondrial damage

The mitochondrion is particularly vulnerable to bile salt-nduced damage. Elevated intracellular levels of hydrophobic bilealts can trigger the loss of the integrity of the mitochondrion. Thisan lead to the permeabilisation of mitochondrial membranes (the

ive and Liver Disease 42 (2010) 409–418

so-called mitochondrial permeability transition) [87–91], whichprovokes depolarization of the organelle, uncoupling of oxidativephosphorylation and mitochondrial swelling. Ultimately this leadsto mitochondrial collapse, cytochrome c release, and activation ofapoptosis. Mitochondrial damage caused by hydrophobic bile saltsappears to be at least partially caused by the generation of rad-ical oxygen species [92,93], providing a rationale for antioxidanttreatment in cholestasis [90]. Still, in vivo no evidence for the ben-efit of antioxidant therapy in the management of cholestasis exists[94,95].

5.3. Induction of apoptosis

Toxic bile salts such as GCDC, the predominant human dihy-droxy bile salt under cholestatic conditions, may induce apoptosisvia generation of reactive oxygen species followed by epidermalgrowth factor receptor-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of Fas.This Fas death receptor-dependent process is independent of Fasligand, but requires oligomerization of Fas by increasing cell sur-face trafficking of this death receptor [96,97]. GCDC can also directlyinduce the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis by a Fas-independentmechanism, which might represent an escape mechanism, whenthe faster extrinsic pathway is not available [98,99].

5.4. Endoplasmic reticulum-mediated apoptosis

Apoptosis can also be initiated in the endoplasmic reticulum(ER). The concept of ER stress was only recently established, butappears to be an important cause for the initiation of programmedcell death, making it a target for novel therapeutics [100]. Clog-ging of the ER with misfolded proteins may result in the loss ofintegrity of the ER membrane, leading to Ca2+ release into thecytosol and subsequent activation of intrinsic apoptotic cascades[101]. Accumulating bile salts induce ER stress, which in turn canactivate programmed cell death pathways as shown in hepatocytesin vitro treated with hydrophobic bile salts [102,103], and in an invivo model of cholestasis [104].

6. Therapeutic effects of bile salts

6.1. Ursodeoxycholate (UDC)

Extensive experimental evidence of the past 25 years [105] indi-cates that UDC improves impaired hepatocellular [106] as wellas cholangiocellular [107] secretion by mainly posttranscriptionalmechanisms as reviewed previously [14,108–110]. In cholestatichepatocytes, Ca2+/cPKC�/PKA-dependent [14,106,111,112] or pos-sibly MAPK-dependent [67] targeting of apical transporters suchas the bile salt and conjugate export pumps, Bsep and Mrp2, maycontribute to the anticholestatic effect of UDC. In cholangiocytes,UDC-induced stimulation of biliary HCO3

− secretion may dependon purinergic signaling [113–115] and apical targeting of AE2 andCFTR possibly analogous to the mechanism described in cholestatichepatocytes [14,106]. Thereby, UDC may also decrease bile toxic-ity. In addition, UDC has been shown to exert potent antiapoptotic[116] and otherwise cytoprotective effects [117–119] in hepato-cytes and cholangiocytes [14,108–110].

Bile salts modulate cellular functions after entry via specificbile salt carriers like NTCP in hepatocytes and ASBT in cholangio-cytes and ileocytes or via the membrane receptor, TGR5, which is

expressed by various cell types except hepatocytes within and out-side the liver. UDC is a poor/negligible ligand of TGR5. Thus, it is notsurprising that beneficial effects of UDC have mainly been observedat the level of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes under pathophysio-logical conditions.
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L. Maillette de Buy Wenniger, U. Beuers /

The therapeutic effects of UDC in various cholestatic disordersre summarized below.

Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC): UDC (13–15 mg/kg/day) is todayegarded as the treatment of choice for patients with PBC basedn placebo-controlled trials and long-term case-control studies120]. UDC improved serum liver tests including bilirubin, AP,GT, AST and ALT as well as cholesterol and immunoglobulin M

evels, and ameliorated histological features in large doubleblind,lacebo-controlled trials [121–125]. UDC delayed the histologicalrogression of the disease in patients treated in an early stage125,126]. However, a survival benefit was not shown in any ofhese trials possibly due to the limited number of patients includedn these studies and the limited periods of follow-up too shortor this slowly progressing disease. When a combined analysis ofata from the French, Canadian and Mayo PBC patients was per-ormed after a follow-up of 4 years UDC treatment was associatedith a significant reduction in the likelihood of liver transplanta-

ion or death [127]. Interestingly, this benefit was disclosed duringhis limited observation period in patients with advanced diseaseut not yet in those with mild disease (serum bilirubin <1.4 mg/dL24 �mol/L), histologic stage 1 or 2) [127].

Meta-analyses which included studies of 3 months’ to 2 years’uration and trials using UDC doses which are today known to be

neffective were not able to confirm the beneficial effect of UDC onong-term survival [128,129]. However, trials with a short duration2 years and inappropriate UDC dosage included in these meta-nalyses may have diluted informations of long-term studies andight be regarded as inappropriately selected for a well-based sur-

ival analysis considering an estimated disease duration of one towo decades. Therefore, meta-analyses which included only studiesf long duration (>2 years) and those that used an effective dose ofDC (13–15 mg/kg/day) showed that long-term UDC significantly

mproved transplant-free survival [130,131]. Recent reports con-rmed favourable effects of UDC (13–15 mg/kg/day) on long-termurvival in patients with PBC over 10–20 years [132–135]. Treat-ent with UDC led to a transplant-free survival similar to that of a

ealthy control population matched for age and gender in patientsith early stage disease and to improved survival in comparison to

he estimated survival at the start of treatment as calculated by theayo risk score for PBC [132–135].A good biochemical response to UDC defined as a decrease in

P to less than 60% of pretreatment levels or normalization atyear (“Barcelona criteria”) [133] or a serum bilirubin ≤ 1 mg/dL

17 �mol/L), AP ≤ 3 × ULN, and AST ≤ 2 × ULN at 1 year (“Parisriteria”) [134] identified those patients with a good long-erm prognosis. Prognostic superiority of the “Paris criteria” wasbserved in an independent cohort [135]. These data may allowhe conclusion that UDC beneficially affects the long-term prog-osis of PBC, but that additional therapeutic options for UDCon-responders are needed.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC): Pilot trials of UDC10–15 mg/kg/day) in PSC in the early 1990s revealed improve-

ent of serum liver tests [136–139]. In a small, placebo-controlledrial, the prognostic surrogate marker, serum bilirubin, and histo-ogical features as evaluated by a multiparametric score, improved139]. In the first large-scale trial which analyzed 102 patients [140]fter follow-up for a median of 2.2 years under 13–15 mg/kg/day ofDC or placebo, again, improvement in serum liver tests includingilirubin was observed, but no improvement in symptoms, histo-

ogical disease stage, time to treatment failure or transplantation,nd long-term prognosis was observed [140]. Higher doses of UDC

20–25 mg/kg/day) in order to maximally enrich UDC in bile [141]emonstrated significant improvements in serum liver tests, histo-

ogical grade of fibrosis and cholangiographic features in a pilot trialhen compared to placebo treatment [142]. In addition, an open

abel trial using high-dose UDC (25–30 mg/kg/day) showed a signif-

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icant improvement in projected survival using the Mayo risk scoreas surrogate marker of survival [143]. These data were confirmed ina 2-year double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled dose rang-ing pilot study of 31 patients in which the low dose (10 mg/kg/day)and the medium dose (20 mg/kg/day) tended to improve and thehigh dose (30 mg/kg/day) significantly improved projected survivalcalculated with the Mayo risk score albeit partly due to more poten-tial for biochemical improvement in the high dose group [144].A Scandinavian trial recruited the largest group of PSC patients(n = 219) for the longest treatment period (5 years) ever studiedusing a dose of 17–23 mg/kg/day and demonstrated a trend towardsincreased survival in the UDC-treated group when compared withplacebo [145]. However, it was still insufficiently powered (a pri-ori intended number of participants: n = 369) and the biochemicalresponse was unexpectedly poor in this trial which prompted ques-tions about adequate compliance in a part of the study population.Finally, a multicentre study using high doses of 28–30 mg/kg/dayof UDC in 150 PSC patients over 5 years has been stopped becauseof an enhanced risk in the UDC treatment group to reach primaryendpoints such as liver transplantation or development of varicesin more advanced disease while biochemical features improvedin the UDC group [146]. In this trial, more than 40% of patientswere in an advanced histological stage 3 or 4 before starting 5-yeartreatment with high-dose UDC [146]. It remains a matter of spec-ulation whether for patients with advanced stage disease [147],long-term high-dose UDC might have overturned the remaininghepatobiliary secretory function and, thereby, put additional riskto those patients. In conclusion, while UDC improves serum livertests including prognostic surrogate markers of PSC at doses of15–20 mg/kg/day, the role for UDC in slowing the progression ofPSC is as yet unclear and high-dose UDC (30 mg/kg/day) may evenbe harmful particularly in late stage disease.

Patients with PSC have a markedly increased risk in compar-ison to the normal, age- and sex-matched population to developintestinal and hepatobiliary malignancies [148]. A chemopreven-tive effect of UDC against intestinal and hepatobiliary malignanciesin PSC is under discussion based on experimental studies in vitroand in vivo as well as clinical observations. A reduced risk ofcolonic dysplasia was described in a cross-sectional study of 59PSC patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) undergoing colonoscopicsurveillance for those under UDC while those in the control groupshowed an exceptionally high rate of dysplasia [149]. A trendtowards reduced relative risk (RR) of colon dysplasia (RR 0.59,95% CI 0.26–1.36, p = 0.17) and a lower mortality (RR 0.44, 95%CI 0.22–0.90, p = 0.02) was described in a study which compared28 PSC patients with UC under UDC treatment to 92 PSC controlpatients with UC [150]. A marked risk reduction for developing col-orectal dysplasia or carcinoma (RR 0.26; 95% CI 0.06–0.92, p = 0.03)was observed in a group of 52 patients with PSC and UC when theywere treated with UDC as compared to placebo within the abovementioned trial [140] and followed endoscopically for 355 patient-years [151]. Thus, currently there is suggestive but limited evidencefor the use of UDC for chemoprevention of colorectal cancer in PSC[120].

Effects of UDC on the risk to develop hepatobiliary malignanciesin PSC are even less clear. Analysis of 198 and 150 PSC patients fromScandinavia and the U.S., respectively, during 5-year treatment didnot reveal a difference between UDC- and placebo-treated patientsregarding CCA development [145,147]. A cohort study including150 patients followed for a median of 6.4 years under UDC andendoscopic treatment found CCA in 5 patients (3.3%) [152], about

half the expected incidence of CCA of about 0.8–1.5% per year in PSC[153]. Lack of UDC treatment was identified as an independent riskfactor for the development of hepatobiliary malignancy in a cohortof 255 PSC patients listed for liver transplantation within a periodof 11 years [154].
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Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP): UDC improves pruri-us and serum liver tests in up to 80% of ICP patients [155–161].n recent trials, fetal complication rates and rates of prematureelivery were markedly lower than those reported in the past andtillbirth was not observed in several of the trials [156–160]. Thus,o difference was found in fetal complication rates between UDC-nd placebo-treated patients although the time to delivery wasonger and closer to normal in UDC-treated than in placebo-treatedCP patients. Thus, UDC (10–20 mg/kg/day) is today regarded ashe first-line treatment for ICP based on evidence obtained fromandomized, controlled clinical trials.

Cystic fibrosis-associated liver disease (CFALD): UDC20–30 mg/kg/day) improves serum liver tests [162,163], his-ological appearance (over 2 years) [164] and nutritional statusn CFALD. The optimal dose of UDC and its impact on survival arenclear [120].

Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 1–3 (PFIC1, PFIC2,FIC3): UDC can be considered as a first step in the medical treat-ent of all types of PFIC [165]. However, in PFIC1 and PFIC2,

aused by mutations of the ATP8B1/FIC gene and ABCB11/BSEP gene,espectively, UDC appears to be ineffective in most cases. In PFIC3haracterized by impaired biliary phospholipid secretion due toBCB4/MDR3 mutations, UDC improves serum liver tests in almostalf the patients [166].

Drug-induced cholestasis: Case series indicate that UDC mayeverse prolonged drug-induced cholestasis in the majority ofatients treated when it does not respond to drug withdrawal only167].

Hepatic complications of allogeneic stem cell transplantation: Hep-tic complications of allogeneic stem cell transplantation includeevelopment of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS, previouslyeno-occlusive disease (VOD)) and acute or chronic graft-versus-ost disease (GvHD). UDC alone (without heparin) has been studied

n three randomized trials for the prophylaxis of SOS (as defined byiochemical and clinical criteria) [168–170] and reduced the inci-ence of SOS in two of them [168,169] and in a meta-analysis ofhe three trials (relative risk (RR) 0.34; confidence interval (CI).17–0.63) which also revealed a decrease in transplant-relatedortality (RR 0.58; CI 0.35–0.95) [171]. These data have to be

een with some caution as patients with confounding liver diseasesncluding GVHD or sepsis- and drug-induced liver disease were notxcluded, and a decrease in SOS-induced mortality has not beenhown. Although prophylactic use of UDC to prevent SOS after allo-eneic stem cell transplantation is broadly prescribed worldwideoday, UDC is not (yet) generally recommended as prophylaxis ofOS before allogeneic stem cell transplantation [172].

UDC is not recommended in actual guidelines for treatment ofhronic hepatitis B [173] and chronic hepatitis C [174] and can-ot be recommended for severe, icteric alcoholic cirrhosis andteatohepatitis (ASH) [175]. No convincing data are available foron-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) [176].

.2. Cholate

Taurocholate exerts anticholestatic and cytoprotective effectsn hepatocytes and cholangiocytes in experimental cholestasis177–179]. In comparison to UDC, cholate binds more effectivelyo the nuclear bile salt receptor FXR and may – in contrast to UDC

affect transcriptional activity of various genes including thosenvolved in bile salt synthesis.

Inborn errors of bile salt metabolism: In patients with

nborn errors of bile salt synthesis like 3�-hydroxysteroid �5-xidoreductase deficiency or 5�-reductase deficiency, toxic bilealt intermediates are accumulating in the hepatocyte, leading toholestasis and liver cell injury [180,181]. These patients oftenespond well to administration of the defective physiological bile

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salts [182]. Cholate appears to be both an effective and safe long-term treatment of at least the most common of these diseases [183].

6.3. Nor-ursodeoxycholate (norUDC)

NorUDC, the C23 analogue of UDC, is an effective anticholestatic,anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic agent in experimental scle-rosing cholangitis [38,184]. In Mdr2−/− mice, norUDC improvedcholangitis and fibrosis, while tauro-norUDC did not change thesemarkers, and dinorUDC caused more fibrosis and cholangitis.NorUDC is a strong inducer of biliary HCO3

− secretion and bile flowin experimental animals and humans, possibly by a cholehepaticcycling of its unconjugated form [185,186] as shown in mice byaccumulation of norUDC in liver [184], which is not observed forUDC at therapeutic doses. NorUDC is only poorly amidated, whichmakes rapid cholehepatic shunting possible [184]. UnconjugatednorUDC in bile could accept a proton from carbonic acid and couldsubsequently be taken up in the cholangiocyte and rerouted forcholehepatic shunting. NorUDC uptake would thus lead to additionof a HCO3

− molecule to bile [187].Patient studies with norUDC are not yet available, but are eagerly

awaited, especially for treatment of primary sclerosing cholangitis[39].

6.4. 6-Ethyl-chenodeoxycholate (6-ECDC)

6-ECDC, a semi-synthetic bile salt homolog and selectivefarsenoid X receptor (FXR) agonist, is currently under investigationas a drug in the treatment of PBC, type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholicfatty liver disease (NAFLD) [188–190]. Phase II trials showed its effi-cacy in type 2 diabetes patients with NAFLD and in PBC, and studiesin non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients are currently per-formed.

7. Conclusion

Fifty years ago bile salts were regarded as single-purposeddetergents that were only produced to aid fat digestion. Asfor so many examples from the medical field new techniquesunveiled numerous additional functions of bile salts, which enabledthe development of clinical applications of these multifacetedmolecules. Bile salt therapy is currently the pillar of treatmentof several chronic cholestatic diseases, and while a better under-standing of the potentially harmful properties of bile salts enablesthe design of protective strategies novel synthetic bile salts offerpromising new options for the optimisation of patient care incholestasis.

Conflict of interest statementUlrich Beuers has received lecture fees from the Falk Foundation,Gilead, Roche, Schering-Plough and Zambon. Lucas Maillette de BuyWenniger has nothing to disclose.

List of abbreviations

ASBT, apical sodium-dependent bile salt cotransporter; BSEP,bile salt and conjugate export pump; C, cholate; CCA, cholan-giocarcinoma; CDC , chenodeoxycholate; DC, deoxycholate;6-ECDC, 6-ethylchenodeoxycholate; ER, endoplasmic retic-ulum; FGF19, fibroblast growth factor 19; FXR, farnesoidX receptor; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; NTCP,

Na+ taurocholate cotransporting protein; OATP, organic aniontransporting polypeptide; PBC, primary biliary cirrhosis; PI3K,phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, pro-tein kinase C; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis; PXR,
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pregnane X receptor; RR, relative risk; SHP, small heterodimer


[61] Bouscarel B, Kroll SD, Fromm H. Signal transduction and hepatocellular bile

partner; SOS, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome; UC, ulcerativecolitis; UDC, ursodeoxycholate; VDR, vitamin D receptor.


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