bimedical temperature and heart beat monitor

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  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor









  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor





  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor



    The satisfaction, which comes on completion of any task/

    work/ project, would be great, but it is unmeaning without

    thanking those people who gave us constant guidance,

    knowledge and technical information about our project.

    So, this is to thanks those people who helped us at every stage

    and every difficulty which we faced in completion of our

    Project so our first thanks goes to our project guides Mr.

    RAKESH MANCHANDA their guidance and personal

    supervision through out this project, Who helped us and

    provide us every facility to have this pleasure that today we

    submitted this project. We also want to thanks all the staff



    for their co-operation.

    SHR1 KRISHAN(070110540)

  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor


    This is certified that SHRI KRISHAN student of


    ENGINEERING have been completed this project with my

    knowledge. All the information provides in the project is

    absolutely true. I here by declare that project on



    tested and found up to the mark by me.

    MR. --------------------

    (Project Guide)

    Er. -------------------


  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor



    Microcontroller Based Temperature and Heart Beat Read

    used to measure temperature and Herat beat of the person in

    contact. Microcontroller Based biomedical Temperature and

    Heart Beat Read out are suitable for operation in a small

    office/home environment for understanding, how data is read

    by microcontroller.

    The project use LM35 IC for sensing the temperature of the

    human body, when any person touches (hold) the LM 35. The

    IC converts the temperature value into the mV. The output of

    the IC is directly given to microcontroller port. The software

    of the microcontroller changes milivolt value into the

    centigrade value and display on the LCD. The blood flow into

    the finger can be sensed by photoelectrical method. For this

    LED and LDR combination is used. As we know the LDR

    changes its resistances depending upon the light intensity

    falling on it. Hence this change of resistance affects the value

    of current through the circuit. The small value of

    photoelectric current amplified by dual operational amplifier

    IC LM358 and amplified signal is given to microcontroller

    and which depending upon the value of photoelectric current

    shows the heart beat of the human on the LCD screen.

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  • 7/30/2019 Bimedical Temperature and Heart Beat Monitor


    IC1 Microcontroller PIC 16F877AIC2 LM35 temperature sensorIC3 7805 +5 volt regulatorIC4 ASK transmitterIC5 LM358D1-D4 1N4007 rectifier diodeLED1 Light emitting DiodeLDR1 Light dependent ResistorLCD1 Liquid crystal display




    R 220 OHMR 100 KR 10 KR 2.0 KR 01 KR 47 K

    R 10 K


    XTAL - 4 MHz quartz crystalS1 - PUSHTO-ON SWITCHTransformer 12v/300 mAPCB

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    A printed circuit board popularly known, as PCB does a

    special photoengraving process print a complete layout

    diagram of an electronic circuit consisting of conducting path

    in? on the other side of the PCB are mounted electronics

    component like Resistor, Capacitor, Coils, Transformers,

    Transistors, Diodes and ICs. Suitable holes are punched in

    the PCB for mounting the components, which are connected

    to the connecting paths by soldering. The PCB board is made

    of a translucent material and with a bright light on one side.

    The circuit on the opposite side can be easily traced. Printed

    circuit boards are extensively used for assembling electroniccircuits particularly those using semiconductor devices like

    transistor and ICs. Use of PCBs makes the circuit assembly

    more compact, uniform and stable than the one using hand

    wiring PCB assembly also lends itself efficiently to mass

    production methods. The different processes that take placein the fabrication of a PCB are as follows

    1. Layout designing2. Art work designing3. Transfer of conductor pattern on copper clad sheet.4. Printing of ETCH resist material on conductor pattern5. Drying & etching

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    6. stripping7. Drilling8. Surface cleaning9. Final inspection of PCB

    1)LAYOUT DESIGNING:First of all the layout design of the circuit, which is to be

    traced on the PCB, is prepared. The layout of PCB has to

    incorporate all the information on the Board before one can

    go on to the art work preparation. The detailed circuit

    diagram is very important for the layout designer but he must

    familiar with design concept and the philosophy behind the

    equipment. In this process the layout designer, tracing the

    circuit on a graph paper. By this process he marks where thehole should be. Thus the circuit which to be traced on the

    PCB is firstly traced on the graph paper or its layout is

    designed. In layout designing the distance between the copper

    tracks and lengths, size etc. of components are also taken

    consideration.2)ART WORK DESIGNING:

    From the layout design of the circuit, the art work design is

    prepared. Art work the drawing, showing conductor pattern

    on the PCB. After testing the prototype a rough layout is

    prepared on the millimeter graph paper. Artwork of thecircuit is prepared on transparent paper with sticking tapes

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    and Pads. Tapes serve as conductor paths while pads serve as

    areas for mounting component leads.


    After designing the art work on the graph paper, we transfer

    it on to the trace paper. The conductor pattern is then

    transferred on to the copper clad laminate with the help of a

    carbon paper. This transfers the pattern on the copper clad



    The conductor pattern on the copper clad laminate can beprinted by paint which are etch resist material. This resist

    material is painted on the track so that we can obtain the

    conductor parts at the desired places and rest of the copper

    removed after etching. After painting the PCB, the entire

    PCB is inspected so that there are no short circuit betweenthe two different tracks and open circuit within the same


    5)DRYING & ETCHINGAfter drying, etching is done to remove all unwanted copper,

    which is present on the portion other than the pattern onPCB. For the PCB is kept dipped in solution of ferrous

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    chloride and two or three drops of HCL. Chemical react with

    the copper and dissolve it. After some hours we get the PCB

    left only copper tracks on it.

    6)STRIPPING:After the resist has performed its duty, it has to be completely

    removed from the board. It is done by scrubbing or with the

    help of a solvent or a commercially available stripping


    7)DRILLING:Drilling of component mounting holes into the PCB is by far

    most important mechanical machining operation in PCB

    production processes. Holes are made by drilling wheneversuperior hole finish is required. There fore drilling is done by

    all the professional grades PCB manufacturers and generally

    in all small PCB production plants and laboratories. The

    importance of hole drilling into PCB has further gone up with

    its need for smaller hole diameter and higher package densitywhere hole punching is practically ruled out.

    8)SURFACE CLEANING:After drilling the surface of the board is cleaned so that the

    scraps may be removed which is settled on the board during

    drilling? Surface cleaning has to be necessarily done.

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    9)FINAL INSPECTION OF PCB:After complete fabrication the PCB inspected for any defect

    such as short circuit or open circuit. This inspection is very

    useful because if there is any fault in PCB, it is detected at the

    earlier stage so that the defected PCB may not cause any

    problem in the production of the equipment.

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    Knowing how to solder the components properly on the PCBis a prerequisite if we want to complete any electronics

    project. Learning soldering techniques enables one to

    construct, test and trouble shoot electronics circuits properly.

    Soldering is the process of joining two metals by using solder

    or we can state in this way that soldering is the alloying

    process between two metals. Solder is a metal alloy, made by

    combining tin and lead in different proportion. It is used to

    join electrically conducting parts. When soldering the parts on

    the PCB, the parts are first mechanically secured and then the

    joint is heated with a soldering iron.

    The solder is applied to the heated mating surface and is

    allowed to melt and wet the surface. The soldering iron is

    then removed from the joint. The finished solder joint forms

    conducting electrical connection and a strong mechanical

    joint between the component and the PCB.

    The soldering process involves

    1.Melting of the flux, which in turn removes the oxide filmon the metal to be soldered

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    2.Melting of the solder which makes the lighter flux and theimpurities suspended in to the surface.

    3.The solder partially dissolves some of the metal in theconnection

    4.The solder cools and fuses with the metal.The soldering techniques includes understanding of

    Soldering ToolsSoldering materialComponent preparationGood and bad soldering jointsDesoldering Techniques

    SOLDERING TOOLS:To facilitate soldering work, various tools are necessary. The

    most essential tools in the soldering practice are

    1. SOLDERING IRON:Soldering iron is lightweight soldering tools, which generate

    25 watt of heat. Which is best suited for light duty work as

    soldering various electronics component on PCB. A soldering

    iron supply sufficient heat to melt solder by heat transfer

    when the iron tip is applied to a connection to be soldered.

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    2. STRIPPERSStrippers are used to remove insulation from the wire as well

    as for cutting the wire according to the requirement. These

    strippers are so designed that they can accommodate various

    sizes of wire normally used in electronics circuits. To prevent

    damage to the wire by nicking, it should be ensured that the

    specific wire size gauge could be set through the screw

    provided on the one leg for the gauge setting.

    3. BENDING TOOLSBending tools are pliers having smooth bending surfaces so

    that they do not cause any damage to the component.


    The soldering material or solder usually employed for the

    purpose of joining together two or more metals at

    temperatures below their melting point is a fusible alloy

    consisting essentially of Lead and Tin. Most common type of

    solder used in electronics work is an alloy consisting of 60%

    tin and 40% lead. The alloy is drawn into a hollow wire whose

    center is filled with an organic paste called rosin. The resulting

    product is called 60/ 40rosin- core solder. Its melting

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    temperature is 190 C and solidifies as it cools. This alloy is

    available in wire form in several gauges. Thinner gauges are

    preferred over thicker ones. For general purpose soldering,

    18-gauge wire solder is used. For close printed circuit work 22

    or 20 gauge wire solder is used. Finer solder is easy to

    position on the joint and requires less heat for the formation

    of the joint.

    2. FLUXTo aid the soldering process, another substance known as

    flux is used. It is made of zinc chloride, hydrochloric acid,

    and phosphoric acid and rosin.

    Flux is needed to scrub away the microscopic film of oxides

    on the surfaces of metals to be soldered and it forms a

    protective film that prevents re-oxidation while the

    connection is heated to the point at which the solder melts.

    The solder used in most of the electronic work contains thisflux as a center core, which has a lower melting point than

    solder itself. When the molten flux clears the metal, it

    accomplishes two things

    It allows the solder to wet the metal. It holds the oxides suspended in the solution.

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    Metals, particularly copper when heated tend to oxidize and

    prevent the alloying or good electrical bond between the

    copper and the solder. Flux flowing over the leads, prevent

    this oxidization process and as the solder flows the flux is

    displaced allowing the solder to form an atomic bonding with

    the items being soldered together. The molten solder can then

    make contact with the cleaned and the solvent action of

    solder on metal can take place. A good flux helps to keep the

    surfaces clean.

    COMPONENT PREPARATION:Before any component lead, wire or terminal is soldered in a

    circuit; it is essential to clean it with isopropyl alcohol with thehelp of non- static Bristol brush for cleaning. The surface is

    dried with paper or lint free muslin cloth.

    The component fit properly in to the PCB, they must be

    properly formed. Forming of the component has two main


    1. To secure the lead to the circuit.2. To provide proper stress relief. The relief is necessary to

    prevent rupture of the component lead from the component

    or in case of wire, to prevent a stress pull on the solder jointand rupture of the wire strands.

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    The following steps are taken to properly bend the lead of the


    1.The bend should be attempted not closer than 3-5mm fromthe component body.

    2.The radius of the bend should be equal to twice thethickness of the lead wire.

    3.Center the component between its solder connections.4.Bend the protruding lead 45-degree after insertion into the

    circuit board & with the help of a bending tool.

    5.Cut the lead so that no portion when bent exceeds theperimeter of the board with the help of a bending tool.

    Forming is not necessary in the case of integrated circuits.

    They are simply soldered to the board without cutting their

    leads. Lead bending is the most important factor in forming.

    A few sharp back and forth bends in a component lead can

    easily because it to break close to the component

    encapsulation may result in excessive stress at the lead

    entrance, and cause cracks in the encapsulation. Such cracks

    allow moisture to enter inside of the component and result in

    gradual degradation of the component resulting in premature


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    DESOLDERING TECHNIQUE:Desoldering means removal of solder from a previously

    soldered joint. A very important consideration, which must be

    kept in mind while desoldering, is that the heat required may

    damage the base material and adjoining components.

    Appropriate tolls will be used for desoldering. So that

    minimum amount of heat is used during the desoldering

    process. Do not use sharp metal object, such as a twist drill

    for removing solder from component mounting holes. Sharp

    objects may damage plated through conductor. Two

    techniques are common in desoldering

    1. Wicking2. Sniffing- Wicking:

    A wicking solder remover may consist of a braided shield wirewith the core removed or it may be a piece of multistrand

    wire. Wicks are available commercially, which are suitable for

    desoldering work. The desoldering technique using wicking

    process is as flows

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    1. Place the wick on top of the solder joint to be solderedjoint to be desoldered.

    2. Position the iron tip on top of the wick. The heat from theiron will melt the solder. The solder will readily flow into the


    3. Cut off the wick containing the removed solder. Repeat theprocess until all the solder is removed from the joint.

    SNIFFING:Vacuum type sniffer (solder sucker) uses a spring-loaded plunger.

    It is commonly known as desolder pump. It uses a spring-loaded

    mechanism. To use the device the spring is cocked and tip of the

    vacuum pump is held against the solder joint. When the soldermelts, the trigger is operated which releases the spring, creating a

    powerful vacuum action

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    Any electronics project makes use of a variety of components.

    Basically electronics circuit consists of electric circuits with

    semiconductor devices and their associated R, C, L

    components. The semiconductor component is used for

    control purposes, amplification or rectification, where

    necessary they are used as a visual display shows the results. A

    through knowledge of components and their limitations is an

    essential part of trouble free making of a project. A good

    knowledge & understanding of special precautions in terms

    handling, soldering and measurement of components would

    reduce the chances of failure in making of electronics project.

    In an electronics project, there are only five components three

    Passive and two Active components are used as per following




    Resistors Capacitors Inductors Tubes Devices Semiconductors Devices

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    Components which are used in electronics circuit, But they arenot capable of amplifying or processing an electrical signal are

    called passive components Resistor, capacitor and inductors are

    called the passive components. But without the aid of these

    components a transistors cannot be made to amplify the signals.

    Let now discuss passive components in detail.


    It is defined as device or component, which offered resistance

    to the flow of current, is called resistors. It is relates to

    current as flows

    Resistors = voltage / current


    The function of resistors is to limit the amount of current or

    to divide the voltage in a circuit.

    The resistors are classified as given below

    1. Fixed resistors2. Variable resistors

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    FIXED RESISTORS:The value of resistors is fixed. The value of resistors cannot

    be increased or decreased. It has only two ends. The most

    commonly used types of resistors are

    1. Carbon composition type.

    2. Metal resistors.3. Wire wound resistors.

    VARABLE RESISTANCE:The value of resistors is not fixed it can be changed as per the

    requirement as in electronics circuits, sometimes it becomes

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    necessary to adjust the value of current and voltages. The

    variable resistors are usually called rheostats in other

    applications. The variable resistors an be classified as follow

    1. Linear

    2. Non- linear

    LINEAR VARIABLE RESISTORS:In this type of resistors the value of resistance from one end

    to other end is equally divided. If we measured the value of

    resistance at center of resistance then it will be equal to the

    half of the total value of resistance. The moving contact will

    determine whether the resistance in the circuit is minimum or

    maximum value. The linear variable resistors are classified as

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    1. Potentiometer2. PresetPOTENTIOMETERThe smaller variable resistors commonly used in electronics

    circuits are called potentiometer usually abbreviated as pot. So

    we can say Potentiometer is the second name of the variable


    Mostly there are three terminals to such a resistor, two are

    fixed and one is connected to the variable contact

    PRESETPreset is the variable resistors & they are used on PCB only.

    Their value can be adjusted with the help of a small screwdriver.

    It is commercially known as liner.

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    NON LINEAR VARIABLE RESISTORS(Logarithmicvariation)

    In this type of resistance the value of resistance from one end to

    other end is not equally divided. If measured the value of

    resistance at center of resistance then it will not equal to half the

    total value of resistance. But it will be less or more than fixed

    value of the resistance



    This is the maximum value and minimum value of resistor is

    in the percentage, which a resistor may undergo in value, due

    to temperature, time, and moisture and heat dissipation.


    Resistor is said to be stable, if after use under verified cycles

    of heat and moisture its final value at room. Temperature is

    almost near to its initial value at the same temperature.


    The resistor should not undergo any change in value except a

    small percentage even after a long use.


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    This is the in Watt that a resistor can dissipate at 25 C in still

    air. The value of wattage indicates that resistor can pass more

    current without any damage to itself.

    Carbon resistors are available in 1/8 w, w, w, 1 w, and 2

    w as per fig as shown

    Wire wound resistors are available in very high wattage rating.

    From fig it is clear that the size of resistor depends on the

    wattage of the resistance. The size of resistors is less ifwattage is less and vice versa.

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    Resistor values - the resistor colour code

    Resistance is measured in ohms; the symbol for ohm is anomega .1 is quite small so resistor values are often given in k and M .1 k = 1000 1 M = 1000000 .

    Resistor values are normally shown usingcoloured bands.

    Each colour represents a number as shown inthe table.

    Most resistors have 4 bands:

    The first band gives the first digit. The second band gives the second digit. The third band indicates the number of

    zeros. The fourth band is used to shows the

    tolerance (precision) of the resistor, this

    may be ignored for almost all circuits.

    The ResistorColour Code

    Colour Number

    Black 0

    Brown 1

    Red 2

    Orange 3

    Yellow 4Green 5

    Blue 6

    Violet 7

    Grey 8

    White 9

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    The function of resistors is to limit the amount of current orto divide the voltage in a circuit.


    Capacitor or sometimes referred to as a Condenser is a

    passive device, and one which stores energy in the form of an

    electrostatic field. In its basic form a capacitor consists of two

    parallel conductive plates that are not connected but are

    electrically separated either by air or by an insulating material

    called the Dielectric. When a voltage is applied to these

    plates, a current flows charging up the plates with electrons

    giving one plate a positive charge and the other plate an equal

    and opposite negative charge. This flow of electrons to the

    plates is known as the Charging Current and continues to

    flow until the voltage across the plates (and hence the

    capacitor) is equal to the applied voltage Vc. At this point thecapacitor is said to be fully charged and this is illustrated


    The parallel plate capacitor is the simplest form of capacitor

    and its capacitance value is fixed by the equal area of the

    plates and the distance or separation between them. Altering

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    any two of these values alters the value of its capacitance and

    this forms the basis of operation of the variable capacitors.

    Also, because capacitors store the energy of the electrons in

    the form of an electrical charge on the plates the larger the

    plates and/or smaller their separation the greater will be the

    charge that the capacitor holds for any given voltage across its


    By applying a voltage to a capacitor and measuring the charge

    on the plates, the ratio of the charge Q to the voltage V will

    give the capacitance value of the capacitor and is therefore

    given as: C = Q/V this equation can also be re-arranged to

    give the more familiar formula for the quantity of charge on

    the plates as: Q = C x V

    The unit of capacitance is the Farad (abbreviated to F)

    named after the British physicist Michael Faraday and is

    defined as a capacitor has the capacitance of One Farad

    when a charge ofOne Coulomb is stored on the plates by avoltage ofOne volt. Capacitance, C is always positive and has

    no negative units. However, the Farad is a very large unit of

    measurement to use on its own so sub-multiples of the Farad

    is generally used such as micro-farads, nano-farads and pico-

    farads, for example.

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    Units of Capacitance

    Microfarad (F) 1F = 1/1,000,000 = 0.000001 = 10-6 F Nanofarad (nF) 1nF = 1/1,000,000,000 = 0.000000001 =

    10-9 F

    Picofarad (pF) 1pF = 1/1,000,000,000,000 =0.000000000001 = 10-12 F

    In electronics many types of capacitors are used but in this

    project following type of capacitor are used

    1.Ceramic Capacitor2.Electrolyte capacitor3.CERAMIC CAPACITOR:

    These capacitor uses ceramic as dielectric material.

    4.ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORIn electrolytic capacitors, instead of using plates separated by a

    dielectric, the capacitors have a metallic anode with oxide film

    grown over it & this oxide layer acts as a dielectric. It is

    surrounded by electrolyte.

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    Capacitors store electric charge. They are used with resistors

    in timing circuits because it takes time for a capacitor to fill

    with charge. They are used to smoothvarying DC supplies by

    acting as a reservoir of charge. They are also used in filter

    circuits because capacitors easily pass AC (changing) signals

    but they block DC (constant) signals.


    When a p type semiconductor is suitably joined to n-type

    semiconductor, the contact surface is called pn junction.

    A pn junction is known as a semi conductor or crystal diode

    (so called because pn junction is grown out of a crystal)

    The outstanding property of a crystal diode is to conduct

    current in one direction only. A diode has two terminals.

    When arrowhead of diode symbol is positive w.r.t bar of the

    symbol, the diode is forward biased and if the arrowhead of

    diode symbol is negative w.r.t bar, the diode is reversed

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    P N



    Diode are the two terminal device like resistors and capacitorsIn diodes current is directly related to the voltage, as in the


    In diodes the current is not linearly related to voltage, like inresistors.


    They are used in the power conversion. For example they areused to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current

    (DC). Diodes are also used in voltage multiplier to convert AC

    into very high DC voltages.

    They are used in over-voltage protection for devices. Foeexample diodes are used in stepper motor and relay circuit to

    de-energize coils rapidly without the damaging voltage spikes.

    Many integrated circuits also incorporates diodes on the

    connection pins

    to prevent external voltages from damaging their sensitivetransistor

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    They are used in the logic gate construction. This referred asdiode logic.

    They are used in the temperature measuring.They are used in radio demodulation.


    Transformer is a static device i.e. one without any moving

    part, which is used to step up or step down voltage. A

    transformer works on the principle of mutual induction i.e.

    whenever the amount of magnetic flux linked with a coil

    changes, an e.m.f is induced in it. Generally transformers are

    of two types.

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    When the voltage on the secondary side is less than that of

    the primary side then it is called step down transformer.

    2. STEP UP TRANSFORMERWhen the voltage on the secondary side is more than that of

    the primary side then it is called step up transformer.

    The transformer used in the circuit serves two purposes

    a)It steps down the A.C voltage.b)It provides electrical isolation from the main

    supply hence reduces the risk of electrical shock.


    A bridge rectifier is used for full wave rectification. It uses

    four similar diodes. These are connected in the form of

    bridge. It does not required use of center-tapped transformer.

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    This reduces the size of the transformer for the same output

    & hence there is saving in space and cost.

    During positive half cycle of input voltage, diode D2 and D1

    are forward biased. Current flows through D2 and D4. It

    makes terminal A of RL positive with respect to terminal B

    current flows through RL from A to B during negative supply

    of input voltage, Diode D1 and D3 are forward biased.

    Current flows through D1, RL and D3. Direction of current

    through RL and output voltage Vo remains same. The output

    wave shapes are as per diagram. The wave shape is same as

    that of output of full wave rectifier using center tapped


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    In the bridge rectifier we use diode IN4007 whose current

    carrying capacity is 1 ampere.


    The LDR is made of photosensitive material i.e. cadmium

    solenoid, cadmium sulphide. The working of LDR is

    dependent on the light. Thats why they are called light

    dependent resistance. The resistance of the LDR depends

    upon the amount of light falling on the LDR i.e. if more light

    is falling LDR than its resistance is very low and vice versa.

    They are used in the circuit of photography, streetlight and

    hobby circuit. They are available in many size, value and

    voltage. They are available from 13.5 mm to 5mm and value

    from 0.5 k ohm to 60 k ohm and working voltage available

    upto 300 volt.

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    Voltage regulator IC unit contain the circuitry for referencesource, error amplifier, control device, and overload

    protection all in single chip. A power supply can be built very

    simply using transformer connected to ac supply to step the

    voltage to a desired level, then rectifying with a half- or full-

    wave circuit, filtering the voltage using a simple capacitorfilter, and finally regulating the DC voltage using an IC

    voltage regulator. The voltage regulator can be classified as

    Positive voltage regulator Negative voltage regulator

    Voltage regulators that provide a positive fixed regulated

    voltage over a range of load currents are schematically

    represented in diagram. The fixed voltage regulator has an

    unregulated voltage, Vin, applied to one terminal, delivers a

    regulated output voltage, Vo, from a second terminal, with the

    third terminal connected to the ground. An output input

    voltage difference must be maintained for the IC to operate,

    which means that the varying input voltage must be always be

    kept large enough to maintain a voltage drop across the IC to

    permit proper operation of the internal circuit. A group of

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    fixed- positive voltage regulators is the series 78, which

    provide fixed voltages from 5V to 24V.

    CRYSTAL OSCILLATORSA crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the

    mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric

    material to create an electrical signal with a very precise

    frequency. This frequency is commonly used to keep track of

    time (as in quartz wristwatches), to provide a stable clock

    signal for digital integrated circuits, and to stabilize

    frequencies for radio transmitters and receivers. The most

    common type of piezoelectric resonator used is the quartz

    crystal, so oscillator circuits designed around them were called

    "crystal oscillators".

    Quartz crystals are manufactured for frequencies from a few

    tens ofkilohertz to tens of megahertz. More than two billion

    (2109) crystals are manufactured annually. Most are small

    devices for consumer devices such as wristwatches, clocks,

    radios, computers, and cell phones. Quartz crystals are also
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    found inside test and measurement equipment, such as

    counters, signal generators, and oscilloscopes.

    A crystal oscillator is basically a tuned oscillator. It uses a

    piezoelectric crystal as a resonant tank circuit. The crystal

    (usually quartz) provides a high degree of frequency stability.

    Therefore, the crystal oscillators are used whenever great

    stability is required. In this project a crystal is used which has

    the value 32.678 MHz.



    A push-to-make switch returns to its normally open (off)

    position when you release the button, this is shown by the

    brackets around ON. This is the standard doorbell switch
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    The light emitting diode (LED) is, as name implies that will

    give off visible light when it is energized. A light emitting

    diode is basically a pn junction that emits light when forward

    biased. Germanium and silicon diodes have less probabilities

    of radiating light. By using materials such as gallium arsenide

    phosphide (GaAsP) and gallium phosphide (GaP) we can

    produce LEDs that radiate red, green or orange light. This

    type of LED find application in instrumental displays, panel

    indicators, digital watches, calculators, multimeters, intercoms,

    telephone switch board etc. Infrared LED use gallium

    arsenide (GaAs), and they emit invisible (infrared) radiation.

    These LED find application in burglar- alarm systems and

    other areas requiring invisible radiation.

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    Anode Cathode

    The correct polarity of an LED can usuallybe determined as follows:

    sign: +

    polarity: positive negative

    terminal: anode cathode

    wiring: red blackpinout: long short

    interior: small large

    shape: round flat

    marking: none stripe


    LEDs emit light when an electric current passes through them

    IC 358(OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER)These devices consist of two independent high-gains,

    frequency compensated operational amplifiers designed to

    operate from a single supply over a wide range of voltage.

    The low supply current drain is independent of the magnitude

    of the supply voltage. Application include transducer

    amplifier, dc amplification blocks, and all the conventional

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    operational amplifier circuit that now can be implemented

    more easily in single supply voltage systems. For example,

    these devices can be operated directly from the standard 5-V

    supply used in digital system and easily can be provide the

    required interface electronics without additional +/- 5-V



    Special Microcontroller Features: 100,000 erase/write cycle Enhanced Flash program memorytypical

    1,000,000 erase/write cycle Data EEPROM memory typical Data EEPROM Retention > 40 years Self-reprogrammable under software control In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) via two pins Single-supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator forreliable operation

    Programmable code protection Power saving Sleep mode Selectable oscillator options

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    In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via two pinsCMOS Technology: Low-power, high-speed Flash/EEPROM technology Fully static design

    Wide operating voltage range (2.0V to 5.5V) Commercial and Industrial temperature ranges Low-power consumption


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    Operating Frequency DC20 MHzResets (and Delays) POR, BOR (PWRT, OST)

    Flash Program Memory (14-bit words) 8KData Memory (bytes) 368EEPROM Data Memory (bytes) 256Interrupts 15I/O Ports Ports A, B, C, D, ETimers 3Capture/Compare/PWM modules 2Serial Communications MSSP, USART

    Parallel Communications PSP10-bit Analog-to-Digital Module 8 input channelsAnalog Comparators 2Instruction Set 35 InstructionsPackages 40-pin PDIP

    44-pin PLCC44-pin TQFP44-pin QFN

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    The liquid crystal display (LCD) has the distinct advantage of

    having a lower power requirement than the LED. It is

    typically in the order of microwatts for the display, as

    compared to same order of milliwatt of LED. It does,

    however, require an external or internal light source, is limited

    to a temperature range 0 to 60 centigrade. A liquid crystal is a

    material that will flow like a liquid but whose molecular

    structure has some properties normally associated with solids.

    For the light scattering units are generally made of nematic

    crystal structure as shown in fig.

    The individual molecules have a rod like appearance as shown

    in the fig.

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    When no voltage applied across the LCD then incident light

    will simply pass through and the liquid crystal structure will

    appear clear. If voltage is applied across the conducting

    surface as shown in fig the molecules arrangement is

    disturbed, will the result that regions will be established with

    the different indices of light refraction. The incident light will

    be reflected in different directions at the interface between

    regions of different indices of refraction with the result thatthe scattered light has a frosted glass appearance. The frosted

    look occurs only where the conducting surface are opposite

    each other and remaining area remain translucent. A digit on

    an LCD display may have the segment appearance shown in

    fig. The black area is actually a clear conducting surfaceconnected to the terminal below for external control. Two

    similar masks are placed on opposite sides of a sealed thick

    layer of liquid crystal material. If the number 2 were required,

    the terminal 8, 7,6,3,4 and 5 would be energized.

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    Pin connection of LCD

    LM35 (Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors)

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    The LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature

    sensors, whose output voltage is linearly proportional to the

    Celsius (Centigrade) temperature. The LM35 thus has an

    advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in

    Kelvin, as the user is not required to subtract a large constant

    voltage from its output to obtain convenient Centigrade

    scaling. The LM35 does not require any external calibration or

    trimming to provide typical accuracies of 14C at room

    temperature and 34C over a full 55 to +150C

    temperature range. Low cost is assured by trimming and

    calibration at the wafer level. The LM35s low output

    impedance, linear output, and precise inherent calibration

    make interfacing to readout or control circuitry especiallyeasy. It can be used with single power supplies, or with plus

    and minus supplies. As it draws only 60 A from its supply, it

    has very low self-heating, less than 0.1C in still air. The

    LM35 is rated to operate over a 55 to +150C temperature

    range, while theLM35C is rated for a 40 to +110C range (10 with

    improved accuracy). The LM35 series is available packaged in

    hermetic TO-46 transistor packages, while the LM35C,

    LM35CA, and LM35D are also available in the plastic TO-92

    transistor package. The LM35D is also available in an 8-lead

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    surface mount small outline package and a plastic TO-220



    Calibrated directly in Celsius (Centigrade) Linear + 10.0 mV/C scale factor 0.5C accuracy guarantee able (at +25C) Rated for full 55 to +150C range Suitable for remote applications Low cost due to wafer-level trimming Operates from 4 to 30 volts Less than 60 A current drain Low self-heating, 0.08C in still air Nonlinearity only 14C typical Low impedance output, 0.1 W for 1 mA load

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    As per circuit diagram of project, it is build around thePIC16F877A microcontroller along with temperature and

    heartbeat sensor. The block diagram of the circuit is given


    Heart beat sensor circuit

    Heart rate can be measured by the ECG wave form or by the

    blood flow into the figure (Pulse method). The pulse method

    is simple and convenient. When blood flows during the

    systolic stroke of the heart into the body parts, the finger gets

    its blood via the radial artery on the arm. The blood flow intothe finger can be sensed photoelectrical.




    PIC 16F877 A






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    To count the heart beats, here we use a small LED as a light

    source on the one side of the figure (thumb) and observe the

    change in the light intensity on the other side. The blood flow

    causes variation in light intensity reaching the LDR, which

    results in change in signal strength due to change in the

    resistance of the LDR. The photocurrent is converted into

    voltage and amplified by operational amplifier IC LM358. The

    detected signal is given to the non inverting input pin-3 and

    output is fed to another non-inverting input pin-5 for

    squaring and amplification. The output pin 7 is connected to

    the 15 of microcontroller which is port C pin. The

    microcontroller is programmed to read this signal and

    converted this signal into number of heart beat per minute.The heart beat per minute is display on the transmitter LCD

    by microcontroller program.

    Temperature sensor circuit

    Person whose body temperature is to be measure, he shouldtouch the temperature sensor or hold it into the figures. The

    temperature sensors give a voltage which is directly

    proportional to the measured temperature. In the project

    popular voltage output analog integrated circuit temperature

    sensor LM35DZ is used to sense the temperature. This is a 3-pin analog output sensor which provides a linear output

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    voltage of 10 mV/? C. The output of the temperature sensor

    is given to microcontroller pin no 2, which is port A

    input/output pin. The microcontroller programmed to read

    the input of temperature sensor and read value of

    temperature is display on the LCD by microcontroller


    Liquid crystal display

    The LCD is used as output display device. It shows the value

    read by the microcontroller from temperature sensor and

    heart beat sensor. The LCD data inputs D0 to D7 to

    microcontroller pin no 33 to 40 respectively (these are Port B

    pins). The LCD pin 4 to 6 are connected to the

    microcontroller pins 27 to 29 respectively (these are Port Dpins)

    Power supply:-

    A conventional circuit provides the 5volt regulated power

    supply for the circuit. The A.C. mains stepped down by

    transformer X1 to deliver a secondary output of 12 volt, 250

    mA, which is rectified by full wave rectifier comprising of

    diodes , filtered by capacitor C (1000 mfd) to eliminate ripples

    and regulated by IC 7805 (IC1) to provide regulated 5V

    power supply for the circuit.

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    The working of project can be shown/understand by flow

    chart given below

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    Software used in the project

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    1. Mount the components at the appropriate placesbefore soldering. Follow the circuit description and

    components details, leads identification etc. Do not

    start before making it confirm that all the components

    are mounted at the right place.

    2. Do not use a spread solder on the board, it may causeshort circuit.

    3. Do not sit under the fan while soldering.4. Position the board so that gravity tends to keep the

    solder where you want it.

    5. Do not over heat the components at the board. Excessheat may damage the components or board.

    6.The board should not vibrate while solderingotherwise you have a dry or cold joint

    7. Do not put the Kit under or over voltage source. Besure about the voltage either D.C or A.C. while

    operating the gadget.

    8. Do not spare the bare ends of the components leadsotherwise it may short circuit with the other


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    1.Principle of Electronics by V.K .MEHTA2.Basic Electronics by ERNARD GROB3.Electronics maker MAGAZINE
