binding kinetics of glucose and allosteric activators to...

17 Published on Web 04/28/2009 r 2009 American Chemical Society 5466 Biochemistry 2009, 48, 5466–5482 DOI: 10.1021/bi900374c Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Allosteric Activators to Human Glucokinase Reveal Multiple Conformational States Mathias Antoine, Jean A. Boutin,* and Gilles Ferry Division de Pharmacologie Mol eculaire et Cellulaire, Institut de Recherches Servier, 125 Chemin de Ronde, 78290 Croissy-sur-Seine, France, Received March 5, 2009; Revised Manuscript Received April 28, 2009 ABSTRACT: Slow conformational changes have been proposed to be responsible for the kinetic positive cooperativity of glucokinase (GK) with glucose. Induced-fit and preexisting equilibrium kinetic models have been previously suggested. In the present study, equilibrium and pre-steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to resolve those conflicting reports. Multiphasic transients were observed after rapid mixing of apo-GK with glucose. Progress curve analysis revealed inconsistencies with the induced-fit model. The glucose dependence of the major kinetic phase supported the preexistence of at least two slowly interconvert- ing GK conformers. In the absence of glucose, 80% of the GK population is likely poised in a largely open conformation (K D 30 mM). The remaining 20% is in a more compact conformation (K D 0.2 mM). Transients revealed three additional phases likely reflecting intermediates on the pathway between the superopen and the closed conformer. Using an intrinsically fluorescent GK activator (GKA), it was shown that GK can bind GKA in the absence of glucose, confirming the validity of the preexisting equilibrium model. Additionally, a perturbation of the GKA binding kinetic parameters after preequilibration of closed GK with an ATP analogue suggested a local rearrangement of the allosteric site upon nucleotide binding. Our data suggest that, in the absence of any ligand, GK might be able to extensively sample the conformational space delimited by the superopen and the closed conformations. The complex GK conformational equilibrium is readily shifted upon binding of ligands such as glucose or GKAs on specific GK conformers. Glucokinase (GK, 1 also known as hexokinase D or hexokinase IV) belongs to the hexokinase family and catalyzes the phosphor- ylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate. It is the main glucose phosphorylating enzyme expressed in pancreatic β-cells and hepatocytes of most mammals, where it plays a central role in glucose homeostasis. In β-cells, GK is a critical component of the glucose sensory mechanism controlling insulin secretion (1). In hepatocytes, the high control strength of GK regulates the hepatic glucose metabolism (2). Consequently, mutations inacti- vating GK cause a form of diabetes called type 2 maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY2) (3, 4). Mutations enhancing the catalytic activity of GK and lowering the threshold for glucose-stimulated insulin release cause persistent hyperinsuline- mia hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI) (5, 6). The existence of such activating mutations strongly suggested that development of drugs increasing GK activity might represent a promising novel therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. To fulfill its role as a glucose sensor, GK features a mild positive cooperativity coupled to a low affinity for glucose and a lack of product inhibition. This kinetic behavior is unique among other hexokinases. GK being a monomeric enzyme, the origin of the positive cooperativity for glucose had to be kinetic in nature. Two kinetic models, the “mnemonical” (7) and “slow- transition” (8) models, were proposed to account for the positive cooperativity of rat GK. Both models share the requirement for GK to slowly equilibrate between two conformations differing in their relative affinities for glucose (for a review see ref 9). A kinetic hysteretic behavior during the approach to equilibrium was later observed, consistent with a slow glucose-induced conformational transition (10). This slow conformational change was further characterized by taking advantage of the intrinsic fluorescence of GK (11). X-ray crystallography eventually described two structures revealing GK in a superopen conformation in the absence of glucose and a major reorientation of the small domain of GK after glucose binding, switching the enzyme in a closed conformation (12). Following the initial work of Lin et al. (11) on rat GK, two independent fluorescence stopped-flow studies were performed recently with human GK. However, two completely different mechanisms were deduced from the observed fluorescence transients. On one hand, data seemed consistent with an “induced-fit” glucose binding model (13), whereas on the other hand, data were in *Address correspondence to this author. Phone: +33 1 55 72 27 48. Fax: +33 1 55 72 28 10. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 Abbreviations: GK, glucokinase; GKA, glucokinase activator; GKRP, glucokinase regulatory protein; WT, wild type; TCEP, tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine; G6PDH, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; SPA, surface proximity assay; ITC, isothermal titration calorimetry; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; PFK-FBP, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose- 2,6-biphosphatase; AMP-PNP, adenosine 5 0 -(β,γ-imino)triphosphate; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide.

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Page 1: Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Allosteric Activators to · Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Allosteric Activators to Human Glucokinase Published on Web 04/28/2009 r 2009 American Chemical Society

5466 Biochemistry 2009, 48, 5466–5482

DOI: 10.1021/bi900374c

Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Allosteric Activators to Human Glucokinase RevealMultiple Conformational States

Mathias Antoine, Jean A. Boutin,* and Gilles Ferry

Division de Pharmacologie Mol�eculaire et Cellulaire, Institut de Recherches Servier, 125 Chemin de Ronde,78290 Croissy-sur-Seine, France,

Received March 5, 2009; Revised Manuscript Received April 28, 2009

ABSTRACT: Slow conformational changes have been proposed to be responsible for the kinetic positivecooperativity of glucokinase (GK) with glucose. Induced-fit and preexisting equilibrium kinetic models havebeen previously suggested. In the present study, equilibrium and pre-steady-state fluorescence spectroscopyhas been used to resolve those conflicting reports. Multiphasic transients were observed after rapid mixing ofapo-GK with glucose. Progress curve analysis revealed inconsistencies with the induced-fit model. Theglucose dependence of the major kinetic phase supported the preexistence of at least two slowly interconvert-ing GK conformers. In the absence of glucose, ≈80% of the GK population is likely poised in a largely openconformation (KD ≈ 30 mM). The remaining 20% is in a more compact conformation (KD ≈ 0.2 mM).Transients revealed three additional phases likely reflecting intermediates on the pathway between thesuperopen and the closed conformer. Using an intrinsically fluorescent GK activator (GKA), it was shownthat GK can bind GKA in the absence of glucose, confirming the validity of the preexisting equilibriummodel. Additionally, a perturbation of the GKA binding kinetic parameters after preequilibration of closedGKwith anATP analogue suggested a local rearrangement of the allosteric site upon nucleotide binding. Ourdata suggest that, in the absence of any ligand, GK might be able to extensively sample the conformationalspace delimited by the superopen and the closed conformations. The complex GK conformationalequilibrium is readily shifted upon binding of ligands such as glucose or GKAs on specific GK conformers.

Glucokinase (GK,1 also known as hexokinaseDor hexokinaseIV) belongs to the hexokinase family and catalyzes the phosphor-ylation of glucose to glucose 6-phosphate. It is the main glucosephosphorylating enzyme expressed in pancreatic β-cells andhepatocytes of most mammals, where it plays a central role inglucose homeostasis. In β-cells, GK is a critical component of theglucose sensory mechanism controlling insulin secretion (1).In hepatocytes, the high control strength of GK regulates thehepatic glucose metabolism (2). Consequently, mutations inacti-vating GK cause a form of diabetes called type 2 maturity onsetdiabetes of the young (MODY2) (3, 4). Mutations enhancingthe catalytic activity of GK and lowering the threshold forglucose-stimulated insulin release cause persistent hyperinsuline-mia hypoglycemia of infancy (PHHI) (5, 6). The existence of suchactivating mutations strongly suggested that development ofdrugs increasing GK activity might represent a promising noveltherapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

To fulfill its role as a glucose sensor, GK features a mildpositive cooperativity coupled to a low affinity for glucose and alack of product inhibition. This kinetic behavior is unique amongother hexokinases. GK being a monomeric enzyme, the origin ofthe positive cooperativity for glucose had to be kinetic innature. Two kinetic models, the “mnemonical” (7) and “slow-transition” (8) models, were proposed to account for the positivecooperativity of rat GK. Both models share the requirement forGK to slowly equilibrate between two conformations differingin their relative affinities for glucose (for a review see ref 9).A kinetic hysteretic behavior during the approach to equilibriumwas later observed, consistent with a slow glucose-inducedconformational transition (10). This slow conformationalchange was further characterized by taking advantage of theintrinsic fluorescence of GK (11). X-ray crystallographyeventually described two structures revealing GK in a superopenconformation in the absence of glucose and amajor reorientationof the small domain of GK after glucose binding, switchingthe enzyme in a closed conformation (12). Following theinitial work of Lin et al. (11) on rat GK, two independentfluorescence stopped-flow studies were performed recently withhuman GK. However, two completely different mechanismswere deduced from the observed fluorescence transients. Onone hand, data seemed consistent with an “induced-fit” glucosebinding model (13), whereas on the other hand, data were in

*Address correspondence to this author. Phone: +33 1 55 72 27 48.Fax: +33 1 55 72 28 10. E-mail: [email protected].

1Abbreviations: GK, glucokinase; GKA, glucokinase activator; GKRP,glucokinase regulatory protein;WT, wild type; TCEP, tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine; G6PDH, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase; SPA, surfaceproximity assay; ITC, isothermal titration calorimetry; DSC, differentialscanning calorimetry; PFK-FBP, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase; AMP-PNP, adenosine 50-(β,γ-imino)triphosphate;DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide.

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Article Biochemistry, Vol. 48, No. 23, 2009 5467

agreement with a “preexisting equilibrium” model (14). Sincethen, no clarification of the glucose binding mechanism has beenattempted.

Recent drug discovery projects allowed the identificationof small molecule GKAs. Most of these compounds werereported in vitro to increase the GK activity by enhancingthe apparent glucose affinity (see ref 15 for a review). Interest-ingly, some of the disclosed GKAs also increased theGK catalytic rate constant. GKAs are also reported to weakenthe interaction between GK and its regulatory protein(GKRP) (16-18). In vivo studies revealed that GKAs areable to decrease glucose levels in normal and diabetic animalmodels (16, 19-21).

In this work, the kinetics of the glucose-induced GKconformational changes were reinvestigated using thestopped-flow fluorescence approach in an effort to clarifythe crucial mechanism linking glucose binding and GKconformational dynamics. The same methodology combinedwith additional equilibrium binding studies was used todecipher the binding mechanism of two reference GKAs,belonging to the amino benzamide- and cyclopropane-basedseries.


Materials. D-(+)Glucose, HEPES, G6PDH, NADP,Na-ATP, and TCEP were obtained from Sigma. GK activatorsLY2121260 (2-(S)-cyclohexyl-1-(R)-(4-methanesulfonylphenyl)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid thiazol-2-ylamide) from Eli Lilly& Co. and compound A (N-thiazol-2-yl-2-amino-4-fluoro-5-(1-methylimidazol-2-yl)thiobenzamide) from Banyu Pharma-ceutical were synthesized in-house as described (22, 12) andsolubilized with DMSO to a 10 mM solution.Expression and Purification of Human GK. Human

glucokinase isoform 1 (pancreatic) was cloned from residue12 to the C-terminus in the pET28 vector. The constructalso possessed an N-terminal hexahistidine tag followed bythe TEV cleavage site ENLYFQG. Expression was obtainedin Escherichia coli BL21 DE3. Purification was performedon Ni-NTA followed by ion-exchange chromatography on aHitrap Q FF column and a gel filtration on a Superdex200 column essentially as described in Kamata et al. (12).Aliquots of purified GK were stored at -80 �C. Enzymepurity was checked to be>95%by SDS-PAGE and denaturingESI-MS. GK molecular concentration was determined spectro-photometrically using an extinction coefficient at 280 nmof 35130 M-1 cm-1. Prior to each experiment, excess glucoseand glycerol were removed by dialyzing stock GK solutionstwice at 4 �C and at a 1/1000 ratio (v/v) against buffer A(50 mM HEPES/Na, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM MgCl2, 2 mMTCEP, pH 7.1).Steady-State Kinetics. GK activity was measured by mon-

itoring the rate of G6P formation using the G6PDH/NADP-coupled enzyme assay. Initial rate measurements were carriedout at 25 �C in buffer A on a Pherastar microplate reader(BMG Labtech) by following the increase of absorbance at340 nm due to the reduction of NADP. Assays were performedin a 384-well microplate with a final volume of 50 μL per well.To determine glucose or Mg-ATP-related kinetic parameters,either glucose concentration was varied (0-50 mM) whilemaintaining a saturating (4 mM) Mg-ATP concentration orMg-ATP concentration was varied (0-4 mM) while maintaining

a saturating (50 mM) glucose concentration. A lag phaseobserved in the early time course of the reaction was omittedfor the determination of the initial rate. This lag phase is likelydue to the coupled-enzyme assay, as already described (23).Initial rate data obtained with varying glucose concentrationswere fitted to the Hill equation (eq 1).

kobs ¼ kcatSh

K0:5h þ Sh


Initial rate data obtained with varying Mg-ATP concentrationsor in the presence of GK activators were fitted to theMichaelis-Menten equation. Nonlinear least-squares regression analysiswas performed with SigmaPlot 9.01.Equilibrium Binding of Glucose to GK. Fluorescence

measurements were performed at room temperature on aVarioskan Flash microplate reader (Thermo), using 96-well,half-bottom, black microplates. Glucose binding to GK inducesa conformational change and an increase of the intrinsicTrp fluorescence emission intensity. Apparent glucose bindingto GK was monitored by measuring the GK fluorescenceemission spectra after incubation of 5 μM GK with variousglucose concentrations (0-50 mM) in buffer A. Excitation wasset at 280 and 295 nm to observe emission from 300 to 550 nm.Background fluorescence was subtracted, and maximum emis-sion values were plotted as a function of glucose concentrationand fitted to the hyperbolic binding equation (eq 2), whereFobs represents the observed fluorescence, Fmax, the fluorescenceof the GK-glucose complex, [Glc], glucose concentration, andKDapp, the apparent dissociation constant of the GK-glucosecomplex.

Fobs ¼ Fmax½Glc�KDapp þ ½Glc� ð2Þ

Equilibrium Binding of Activators to GK. Fluorescencemeasurements were performed at room temperature on aVarioskan Flash microplate reader (Thermo), using 96-well,half-bottom, black microplates. Intrinsic fluorescence emissionof compound A is strongly enhanced when bound to GK,thus providing a direct probe to assess its binding toGK. Bindingof compound A and LY2121260 to GK was studied accordingto the general framework described by Roehrl et al. (24), exceptthat the observed variable used in our study was fluorescenceintensity instead of anisotropy. Direct binding of compound Ato GK was carried out by incubating 0.5 μM compound A andan increasing GK concentration in buffer A supplementedwith 5% DMSO. Binding was assessed in three differentconditions: without glucose, with 100 mM glucose, or with100 mM glucose complemented with 4 mMAMP-PNP. Intrinsicfluorescence of compound A was specifically measured bysetting excitation at 360 nm and reading emission at 425 nm.Data were fitted to the quadratic equation (eq 3), withFobs representing observed fluorescence, FSB, the fraction ofbound compound A, fAB, fluorescence level of bound compoundA, fAF, fluorescence level of free compound A, KDCA, dissocia-tion constant of the GK-compound A complex, [A],total concentration of compound A, and [GK], total concentra-tion of GK. Competitive binding between fluorescent compoundA and nonfluorescent LY2121260 to GK was carried outin a similar way by incubating 0.5 μM compound A, 0.8 μMGK, and an increasing LY2121260 concentration. Data werefitted to the complete competitive binding model described by

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Scheme 1 and eq 4, with [LY] representing the total concen-tration of LY2121260 and KDLY the dissociation constant of theGK-LY2121260 complex.

Fobs ¼ FSBf AB þ ð1-FSBÞf AF


FSB ¼KDCA þ ½A� þ ½GK�-

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðKDCA þ ½A� þ ½GK�Þ2 -4½A�½GK�



Fobs ¼ FSBf AB þ ð1-FSBÞf AF


FSB ¼2

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðd2 -3eÞ cosðθ=3Þ-d


3KDCA þ 2

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðd2 -3eÞ cosðθ=3Þ-d


d ¼ KDCA þ KDLY þ ½A� þ ½LY�-½GK�



θ ¼ arccos-2d3 þ 9de-27f


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðd2 -3eÞ3



375 ð4Þ

Pre-Steady-State Binding Kinetics of Glucose and Acti-vators to GK. Transient kinetics were measured at 25 �C with aSFM-300 stopped-flow mixer fitted with a FC-15 cell andcoupled to a MOS-200 M rapid spectrophotometer fitted witha 150WXe-Hg lamp (Bio-Logic). Typical dead timewas 2.6ms.GK tryptophans were excited at 295 nm to minimize photo-bleaching and excitation of tyrosine, to reduce inner-filter effectsarising from activators or nucleotides, and to take advantage ofthe strong 297 nmHg emission line. GK-bound compoundAwasexcited at 360 nm to minimize both GK and free compoundA excitation and to take advantage of the strong Hg emissionline at 365 nm. Two photomultipliers were used, the first oneto record GK fluorescence via a 320 nm cutoff filter combinedwith a UG11 band-pass filter to block compound A fluorescenceand the second one to record compound A fluorescence via a400 nm cutoff filter. Binding experiments were performed underpseudo-first-order conditions bymixing an equal volume (75 μL)of GK and ligand (glucose, AMP-PNP, or GKA) in buffer A,complemented with 5% DMSO when GKAs were present. GKconcentration after mixing was 1 μM. When preequilibrated

binary and ternary GK complexes were studied (GK-glucose,GK-glucose-AMP-PNP, GK-glucose-GKA), excess ligand(s) were included in both syringes, whereas the variable ligandwas kept in only one syringe. At least five traces for each variableligand concentration were recorded. To increase the signal/noiseratio, an oversampling strategy was used. Data acquisition wastriggered 40 ms before the flow stop with a fast sampling rate,followed by a second time base with a slower sampling rate,averaging the data still acquired at the initial fast sampling rate.When necessary, an additional time base was included to captureearly kinetic transitions occurring during the first 200 ms. Datawere then reduced off-line by applying a logarithmic samplingroutine included in the BioKine software provided with theinstrument.Pre-Steady-State Data Analysis. Fluorescence traces were

first analyzed individually with the BioKine software as a sumof up to four exponential terms, as described by eq 5, with n beingthe number of exponentials, ai, the amplitude of the ith expo-nential, kobs i, the rate constant of the ith exponential, c, the traceend point, and bt accounting for the slow linear drift caused byphotobleaching.

y ¼Xni¼1

aie-kobs i t þ bt þ c ð5Þ

When best fits required up to four exponentials, justification ofthe four terms was qualitatively assessed by the visual inspectionof the residual plot from the regression. Additionally, a quanti-tative statistical model comparison between the four exponentialequation and the three and two exponential equations was alsocarried out with Prism 4.02, using the extra sum-of-squares F-testand the corrected Akaike’s Information Criteria (AICc) toolsincluded in the software.

kobs values were plotted against ligand concentration and fittedto the relevant equation. When a biphasic dependence of kobsagainst glucose concentration was observed, data were fitted tothe cyclic four-step preexisting equilibrium model described byScheme 2 and eq 6 by nonlinear regression analysis, as describedpreviously (14). When a linear dependence was observed withGKA, data were fitted to the one-step binding mechanismdescribed by Scheme 3 and eq 7. When a biphasic dependenceof kobs against GKA concentration was observed, data were

Scheme 1 Scheme 2: Simplified Cyclic “Preexisting Equilibrium” ModelDescribing GK Interaction with Glucosea

aGKSO andGKOare the low- andhigh-affinity conformers describedby the glucose dependence of kobs3Glc, and Glc glucose.

Scheme 3

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fitted to the cyclic four-step preexisting equilibrium modeldescribed by Scheme 4 and eq 8.

kobs ¼ k3Glc þ ½Glc� k2Glc


1 þ ½Glc�KDGlcSO

þ k-3Glc þ ½Glc� k-2Glc


1 þ ½Glc�KDGlcO


kobs ¼ kon½GKA� þ koff ð7Þ

kobs ¼ k3GKA þ ½GKA� k2GKA




k-3GKA þ ½GKA� k-2GKA




Kinetic Simulations. Demo version of Berkeley Madonnaand KinTek Explorer were used for modeling and testing ofdifferent kinetic mechanisms for ligand binding to GK.


Steady-State Kinetics and Equilibrium Glucose Binding.The recombinant human GK used in this study is the pan-creatic isoform, deleted from its 11 first residues, His-taggedon its N-terminus, and purified to homogeneity. Steady-statekinetic behavior of the His-tagged truncated GK was deter-mined for glucose and ATP. GK showed positive cooperativitywith glucose (nH = 1.8, K0.5Glc = 8.5 mM) while hyperbolicsaturation was observed with ATP (KMATP = 0.7 mM).kcat was 54 s-1.

As expected (12, 19), addition of 20 μM compound Aor LY2121260 resulted in the loss of positive cooperativitywith glucose and in activation of GK catalysis. GK activatorsincreased both kcat and the apparent glucose affinity (kcatCA =64 s-1, KMGlcCA = 0.76 mM, kcatLY = 75 s-1, KMGlcLY =0.63 mM).

As also described (11, 13-15, 26), glucose addition to GKinduced a strong increase of the tryptophan fluorescence emis-sion.No significant spectral shift was observedwith excitation setat 295 nm. The apparent binding affinity of glucose was close tothe values previously determined (KDappGlc = 5.5 mM, datanot shown). Kinetic parameters and apparent KD displayed bythe His-tagged truncated GK are similar to the reported valuesfor wild-type GK, confirming the functional integrity of thetruncated enzyme.

Pre-Steady-State Glucose Binding Kinetics. Pre-steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to investigatethe kinetics of glucose binding to GK (13, 14). However,discrepancies between reports remain unresolved. Previous fluor-escence stopped-flow studies reported either monophasic orbiphasic transients, leading to diametrically opposite mechanism(see Discussion).

In our hands, the fluorescence traces recorded after rapidmixing of apo-GK and glucose were clearly multiphasic, and thebest fit was obtained with four exponential terms, as seen fromthe residual plots (Figure 1). Additionally, both the F-test and theAICcmethodswere used to quantitatively compare the quality ofthe fits between the four, three, and two exponential models.Comparing the two and three exponential fits to the fourexponential fit lead to F ratios of 383 and 56, respectively, andthus to the statistical rejection of the two and three phase fitscompared to the four phase fit. Using the AICc method,differences in AICc between the two and three exponential fits

FIGURE 1: Time-resolved glucose-induced conformational changemonitored by GK intrinsic fluorescence (λexc = 295 nm). Represen-tative fluorescence transient recorded after rapid mixing of apo-GK(1 μM) and glucose (50 mM) in buffer A. The upper frame shows therecorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit toone, two, three, and four exponentials.

Scheme 4: Simplified Cyclic “Preexisting Equilibrium” ModelDescribing GK Interaction with GKAa

aGKSO andGKOare the low- and high-affinity conformers describedby the GKA dependence of kobs4GKA and GKA glucokinase activator:compound A or LY2121260.

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and the four exponential fit were 560 and 94, respectively, clearlyindicating that the four exponential fit model is largely preferred.

Using high glucose concentration, the third phase accountedfor two-thirds of the total amplitude, while the first, second, andfourth phase represented each 5-10% of the total amplitude.Thus, only the third phase was observable for the lowest glucoseconcentrations used. When plotted against glucose concentra-tion, total fluorescence intensity yielded an hyperbolic trend,readily fitted to eq 2 and led to an apparent KDappGlc value of4.3 mM, in agreement with the microplate equilibrium data(data not shown). Repeating the experiment on a stopped-flowinstrument similar to the ones used in previous reports(SX18MV-R; Applied PhotoPhysics) led to similar results.

The observed rate constant for the third phase, kobs3Glc,exhibited a biphasic dependence on the glucose concentration,as observed by Kim et al. (14). The kobs3Glc values decreasedhyperbolically from0.7 s-1 at 0.01mMglucose to 0.3 s-1 between2 and 5 mM glucose before increasing at concentrations above5 mM and starting to level off at high glucose concentrations(above 50 mM). It is noteworthy that kobs3Glc values are veryclose to the kobs measured by Kim et al. (14).

This kinetic behavior is consistent with a cyclic equilibriuminvolving four species: two preexisting GK conformers, both ofthem being able to bind glucose, and the same conformerscomplexed with glucose, as described by Scheme 2. For the sakeof clarity, and as assumed by Kim et al. (14), the two GK

conformers could tentatively be assigned to the superopen(GKSO) and open (GKO) conformations proposed by Kamataet al. (12). Assuming that glucose binding is spectroscopicallysilent, the decrease in kobs3Glc reflects the slow unimolecularisomerization between GKSO and GKO, followed by the rapidbinding of glucose, yielding GKO-Glc: kobs3Glc decreases from(k3Glc+ k-3Glc) to k3Glc. This reaction pathwill be referred to asroute A. The increase in kobs3Glc describes the rapid binding ofglucose to GKSO yielding GKSO-Glc, followed by the slowunimolecular isomerization from GKSO-Glc to GKO-Glc:kobs3Glc increases from k-2Glc to (k-2Glc + k2Glc). This reactionpath will be referred to as route B. Decoupling between the twokinetic paths A and B is granted by KDGlcSO being greater thanKDGlcO.

The kobs3Glc values were then fitted to eq 6. Derivation of a setof six kinetic parameters from a single set of kobs3Glc values, withresulting k2Glc, k-2Glc, k3Glc, and k-3Glc values being quite close,led to high systematic standard errors. Nevertheless, the resultingfit showed a good correlation with the experimental data, with acoefficient of determination R2 = 0.91 (Figure 2). Based on thisfit, the preequilibrium between GKSO and GKO is governed bya forward rate constant k3Glc = 0.13 s-1 and a reverse rateconstant k-3Glc = 0.63 s-1. KDGlcSO was 30 ( 7 mM andKDGlcO was 0.24 ( 0.04 mM. The equilibrium betweenGKSO-Glc andGKO-Glc is governed by a forward rate constantk2Glc = 0.8 s-1 and a reverse rate constant k-2Glc = 0.05 s-1.

FIGURE 2: Dependence of kobs1Glc, kobs2Glc, kobs3Glc, and kobs4Glc on glucose concentration. The solid line is a fit of kobs3Glc to eq 6 withparameters k3Glc = 0.13 s-1, k-3Glc = 0.63 s-1, KDGlcSO = 30 mM, k2Glc = 0.8 s-1, k-2Glc = 0.05 s-1, KDGlcO = 0.24 mM. Note thesemilogarithmic scale for kobs3Glc.

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Assuming an irreversible GKSO-Glc to GKO-Glc transition(k-2Glc = 0) led to an improvement of the fit error (fit errorbelow 0.04 s-1) but did not significantly alter the remainingparameters; neither improved the R2 value. This assumption ishowever mechanistically invalid, as introduction of such anirreversible step would lead to the loss of the fluorescence glucosedependence. Based on this analysis, no conclusion could bedrawn regarding the intrinsic value of k-2Glc, apart from thefact that it is <0.1 s-1. It is noteworthy that no informationregarding the on and off rate constants for glucose (k1Glc, k4Glc

and k-1Glc, k-4Glc) could be derived from the data.The ratio k-3Glc/k3Glc predicts that, in the absence of glucose,

about 80%of apo-GK is in theGKSO conformation. This result iskey in the attribution of the increased fluorescence quantum yieldto a specific species. Indeed, if the fluorescence increase is linked toglucose binding toGK, as proposed previously (14), and assumingreasonable k1 and k4 for glucose binding (1 � 107 M-1 s-1) forboth GKSO and GKO, and two k-1 and k-4 values compatiblewith measured KDGlcSO and KDGlcO (k-1 = 3 � 105 s-1 forGKSO-Glc and k-4 = 2 � 104 s-1 for GKO-Glc), simulationpredicts a burst of fluorescence during the dead time of theinstrument, followed by a slow exponential rise. The simulatedburst amplitude increases with glucose concentration, asGKSO becomes saturated by glucose. This behavior is notobserved experimentally. If one now assumes that the increasedfluorescence arises from the conformational transition fromGKSO to GKO, regardless of the glucose binding, simulationnow predicts the absence of a fluorescence burst and the observa-tion of a slow single exponential. This analysis supports theassignation of the low quantum yield species to both GKSO andGKSO-Glc and the high quantum yield species to both GKO andGKO-Glc.

Despite a fairly high imprecision due to their low amplitudes,the observed rate constants for the three other phases, kobs1Glc,kobs2Glc, and kobs4Glc, were essentially independent of glucoseconcentration, suggesting the existence of three additional uni-molecular isomerizations, with on average kobs1Glc ≈ 50 s-1,kobs2Glc ≈ 2.5 s-1, and kobs4Glc ≈ 0.07 s-1. Importantly, incontrast to a previous report from Heredia et al. (13), no lineardependence with glucose concentrations was observed for the

fastest phase, kobs1Glc, thus ruling out the observation of abimolecular binding event.

Addition of three extra steps to the simplified mechanismdescribed by Scheme 2 generates many complex mechanisms,potentially complicated by partitioning steps. Global analysis ofkinetic traces integrates the variation of both observed rateconstants and signal amplitudes, thus providing a better resolvingpower than the traditional fitting approach relying only onobserved rate constant analysis. However, because of the weakamplitudes of the three apparent additional phases and therelated absence of signal for glucose concentration less than5-10 mM, combined with the increase of parameters to befitted, global analysis of the raw fluorescence transients was notundertaken.Fluorescence Properties of Compound A. The UV-visible

absorption spectrum of compound A (Figure 3) dissolved inbuffer A containing 5% DMSO featured a major peak centeredat 275 nm and a minor peak centered at 345 nm. When excitingcompound A at these two wavelengths, a broad fluorescenceemission centered at 455 nm was recorded. Excitation spectraconfirmed the two λmax at 275 and 345 nm (Figure 4A). Whenswitching to more apolar solvents like ethanol and DMSO, ared shift of the two excitationmaxima, a blue shift of the emissionmaximum, and an increase of the quantum yield occurred(data not shown). Those results establish that compound A isan environment-sensitive fluorophore.Equilibrium Binding of Compound A and LY2121260 to

GK. Addition of an equivalent of GK in 100 mM glucose tofree compound A in buffer A containing 5% DMSO led to

FIGURE 3: Chemical structures of compound A and LY121260.

FIGURE 4: Fluorescence properties of compound A. (A) Fluorescence excitation and emission spectra of 20 μM compound A in bufferA containing 5% DMSO. The excitation spectrum was recorded from 240 to 400 nm with emission fixed at 455 nm. Emission spectra wererecorded from400 to 600 nmwith excitation fixed at 275 nm (solid line) or at 345 nm (dashed line). (B) Fluorescence emission spectra of 20μMfreecompoundA (dashed line), 20μMGK+100mMglucose (dash-dot line), and 20μMcompoundA+20 μMGK+100mMglucose (solid line).Excitation was set at 295 nm.

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similar results than observed with apolar solvents. CompoundA excitation maxima were red shifted to 280 and 360 nm(not shown), while the emission maximum was blue shifted to425 nm, together with a strong increase of the quantum yield(Figure 4B). Thus, binding of compoundA to the allosteric site ofGK can conveniently and selectively be monitored through theenhancement of its intrinsic fluorescence. Additionally, a slightquenching of the GK fluorescence emission was also observed.

To determine the equilibrium dissociation constant KDCA forbinding of compound A to GK, the intrinsic fluorescenceemission of compound A was recorded as a function of totalGKconcentration. Titration of compoundAwithGK resulted ina sigmoidal increase of compound A intrinsic fluorescenceagainst the log of total GK concentrations. In the presence of100mMglucose,KDCAwas estimated≈0.07 μM. In the presenceof 100 mM glucose and 4 mM AMP-PNP, KDCA was estimated≈0.04 μM. In the absence of any ligands, KDCA was estimated≈9 μM (Figure 5A). It should be stressed that because of thestrong sensitivity of the fit toward compound A concentration,the fitted KD values are only provided as estimates (a 3-folddecrease of the fixed compound A concentration in the fittingprocedure led to a 10-fold increase of KDCA, with a reasonablygood fit to the data).

Competitive binding assays were performed in the presence ofcompoundA to determine the equilibrium dissociationKDLY forbinding of LY2121260 to GK. The intrinsic fluorescence emis-sion of compound A was recorded as a function of totalLY2121260 concentration. Titration of the preformed GK-compound A complex with LY2121260 resulted in a sigmoidaldecrease of compound A intrinsic fluorescence relative to the logof total LY2121260 concentrations. In the presence of 100 mMglucose, KDLY was estimated ≈0.4 μM; in the presence of100 mM glucose and 4 mM AMP-PNP, KDLY was estimated≈0.3 μM (Figure 5B).Pre-Steady-State Binding of Compound A and

LY212160 to GK in the Presence of 100 mM Glucose. Tobetter understand the interaction between GK and its activators,the kinetics of binding have been investigated by the stopped-flow

fluorometry approach. Both compound A intrinsic fluorescenceand GK intrinsic fluorescence were used to monitor bindingof compound A to GK, whereas GK fluorescence was theonly available probe to monitor binding of LY2121260 to theallosteric site.

Upon mixing of GK with compound A, in the presence of100 mM glucose, GK fluorescence displayed a biphasic transientcomposed of a major fast quenching followed by a weak slowfluorescence increase (Figure 6A). The slow phase was onlydefined for the two highest concentrations used. Each phasecould be individually fitted to a single exponential. Whenmonitoring compound A fluorescence on the same time scale, abiphasic transient was also observed, composed of a major fastburst of fluorescence followed by a weak slow increase of thesignal (Figure 6B). Each phase could be individually fitted to asingle exponential.

Observed rate constants for the fast phases were linearlydependent on compound A concentration (insets in Figure 6A,B),consistent with a simple bimolecular association of GKO andcompound A, yielding a quenching of GKO fluorescence. Linearregression of the data yielded a similar second-order associationrate constant konCA of 1.13 � 106 M-1 s-1 for both fluorescencereadings and a dissociation rate constant koffCA of 0.5 s-1 and3 s-1, observed with GK and compound A fluorescence, respec-tively. To obtain a better precision on the measure of this slowdissociation rate constant, koff was independently measured bythe displacement of compound A from the allosteric site of GKO

by excess LY2121260, monitored by compound A fluorescence.The resulting decay in compound A fluorescence confirmed itsdisplacement by LY2121260 (Figure 6C). The transient could befitted to a double exponential, with the fastest one representingmore than two-thirds of the total amplitude. The second ratewas only 2-fold slower. While it is unclear why two phasesare observed, one might suggest that it could arise from thecontribution of two closed GK conformers.We assumed that thefastest kobs reflected the major contribution. The kobs values wereindependent of LY2121260 concentrations. This observationconfirmed that dissociation of compound A is the rate-limiting

FIGURE 5: Equilibriumbinding of compoundAandLY2121260 toGK,monitored by compoundA intrinsic fluorescence, in bufferA containing5%DMSO. (A)Direct binding experiment between 0.5 μMcompoundA andGK, in the presence of 100mMglucose and 4mMAMP-PNP (O),in the presence of 100 mM glucose (b), or in the absence of any ligands (9). The lines are fits to eq 3, with KDCA ≈0.04 μM in the presence of100 mMGlc and 4 mMAMP-PNP (dashed line),≈0.07 μM in the presence of 100 mMGlc (solid line), and≈9 μM in the absence of any ligand(solid line). (B) Competitive displacement of 0.5 μMcompoundA from 0.8 μMGKbyLY2121260, in the presence of 100mMglucose (b) and inthe presence of 100mMglucose and 4mMAMP-PNP (O). The lines are fits to eq 4 usingKDCAvaluesmeasured in (A)withKDLY≈ 0.4μMin theabsence of AMP-PNP (solid line) and KDLY ≈ 0.3 μM in the presence of AMP-PNP (dashed line). Experiments were performed in bufferA containing 5% DMSO.

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FIGURE 6: Kinetics of the interaction of compound A with the GK-glucose complex. (A) GK (1 μM) was mixed with compound A (20 μM) inthe presence of 100 mM glucose in buffer A containing 5% DMSO, and the GK fluorescence was recorded (λexc = 295 nm). (B) Same as (A)but compoundA fluorescence was recorded (λexc= 360 nm).Upper frames show the recorded transients; lower frames show the residuals for thebest fit to one and two exponentials. Insets show the linear dependence of kobs against compoundA concentration. (C)Dissociation of compoundA was measured by preequilibrating GK (1 μM) with compound A (10 μM) and mixing it with excess LY2121260 (50 μM) in the presence of100mMglucose, whilemonitoring compoundA fluorescence (λexc=360 nm).Upper frames show the recorded transients; lower frames show theresiduals for the best fit to one and two exponentials.

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step in the displacement reaction, not the LY2121260 association.Thus, kobs = koffCA = 0.43 s-1. KDCA calculated from konCAand koffCA was 0.36 μM.

Observed rate constants for the slowphases following compoundA binding were essentially independent of compound A concentra-tion, with a similar kobs value of 1.2 s-1 for both fluorescencereadings. The slow phase could tentatively be assigned to aninduced-fit unimolecular isomerization of the GKO-compoundA complex or to the binding of glucose to the activator-boundGK.

Binding of LY2121260 under the same conditions led tosimilar results. Upon mixing of GKO with LY2121260 in thepresence of 100 mM glucose, GK fluorescence displayed abiphasic transient (Figure 7A). Analysis of the fast phase led toa kon value for LY2121260 slightly lower than its counterpart forcompound A: konLY = 0.94 � 106 M-1 s-1. Displacement ofbound LY2121260 by an excess of compound A allowed for theprecise determination of the dissociation rate constant: koffLY =0.37 s-1 (Figure 7B).KDLY calculated from konLY and koffLYwas0.40 μM, in good agreement with the equilibrium data.

Observed rate constants for the slow phase followingLY2121260 binding were essentially independent of LY2121260concentration, with a kobs value of 1.5 s-1. The slow phase istherefore tentatively assigned to an induced-fit unimolecularisomerization of the GK-LY2121260 complex or, more likely,to the binding of glucose to the activator-bound GK.Pre-Steady-State Binding of Compound A and

LY212160 to GK in the Presence of 100 mM Glucose and4 mM AMP-PNP. Upon mixing of GKOAMP-PNP with

compound A, in the presence of 100 mM glucose and 4 mMAMP-PNP, GK fluorescence displayed a fast monophasicquenching (Figure 8A). When monitoring compound A fluores-cence on the same time scale, a monophasic signal increase wasobserved (Figure 8B). Fast phases were fitted to a single expo-nential. Observed rate constants were linearly dependent oncompound A concentration, consistent with a simple bimolecularassociation of GKO and its activator (insets in Figure 8A,B).Linear regression of the data yielded an average second-orderassociation rate constant konCA of 1.67� 106M-1 s-1, faster thanin the presence of glucose only, and a dissociation rate constantkoffCA of 0 s-1 and 4.8 s-1 for GK and compound A fluorescence,respectively. Displacement of compound A from the allosteric siteof GKO by an excess of LY2121260, monitored by compoundA fluorescence, resulted in a koffCA of 0.62 s-1 (Figure 8C).Kinetically determined KDCAAMP-PNP was 0.37 μM, undistin-guishable from the KDCA.

Binding of LY2121260 under the same conditions led tosimilar results. Upon mixing of GK with LY2121260 in thepresence of 100 mM glucose and 4 mM PNPAMP, GK fluor-escence displayed a fast monophasic transient (Figure 9A).Regression analysis led to a kon value for LY2121260 slightlyfaster than in the presence of glucose only (konLY = 1.09 �106 M-1 s-1). Displacement of bound LY2121260 by excesscompound A allowed for the precise determination of thedissociation rate constant (koffLY= 0.30 s-1) (Figure 9B).KDLY

calculated from konLY and koffLY was 0.27 μM, in agreementwith the equilibrium data.

FIGURE 7: Kinetics of the interaction of LY2121260 with the GK-glucose complex. (A) GK (1 μM final) was mixed with LY2121260 (20 μMfinal) in the presence of 100 mM glucose in buffer A containing 5%DMSO, and the GK fluorescence was recorded (λexc = 295 nm). The upperframe shows the recorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one and two exponentials. The inset shows the lineardependence of kobs against LY2121260 concentration. (B) Dissociation of LY2121260 was measured by preequilibrating GK (1 μM final) withLY2121260 (10 μMfinal) andmixing itwith excess compoundA (50μM)whilemonitoring compoundA fluorescence (λexc=360 nm). The upperframe shows the recorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one and two exponentials.

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Pre-Steady-State Binding of Compound A andLY212160 to GK in the Absence of Any Ligands. Previousstructural and biochemical studies led to the conclusion that theabsence of glucose precluded the binding of GK activators to theprotein. However, this conclusion did not integrate the presenceof 10-20%GKO in the total apo-GK population resulting from

the conformational preexisting equilibrium. The combination ofthe preexisting equilibriummechanism and the structural modelssuggests that GKAs could bind to the minority GKO subpopula-tion preexisting in the absence of glucose, hence lowering theGKO concentration and further shifting the equilibrium fromGKSO toward theGKO conformer. However, this prediction was

FIGURE 8: Kinetics of the interaction of compound A with the GK-glucose-AMP-PNP complex. (A) GK (1 μM final) was mixed withcompoundA (20 μMfinal) in the presence of 100mMglucose and 4mMAMP-PNP in bufferA containing 5%DMSO, and theGK fluorescencewas recorded (λexc = 295 nm). (B) same as (A) but compound A fluorescence was recorded (λexc = 360 nm). Upper frames show the recordedtransients; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one exponential. Insets show the linear dependence of kobs against compoundA concentration. (C) Dissociation of compound A was measured by preequilibrating GK (1 μM final) with compound A (10 μM final) andmixing it with excess LY2121260 (50 μM) in the presence of 100 mM glucose and 4 mMAMP-PNP while monitoring compound A fluorescence(λexc = 360 nm). The upper frame shows the recorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one and two exponentials.

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not entirely supported by experimental results, as more complexresults were obtained.

Indeed, upon mixing of GKwith compound A, in the absenceof any ligand, GK fluorescence displayed a fast but weakquenching followed by a larger slow increase (Figure 10A). Thetransient could be satisfactorily fittedwith two exponential terms.The fast quenching could likely be assigned to the bindingof compound A to the minority GKO conformer. However,accurate determination of the associated rate constant wasobscured by the weak amplitude of the signal (about 10% ofthe total amplitude). Thus, no quantitative analysis of the datawas attempted. The slow increase of GK fluorescence wasreminiscent of the transition from GKSO to GKO induced byglucose. Unexpectedly, the observed rate constant for this secondphase (kobs2CA) exhibited a biphasic dependence on compoundAconcentration. The value of kobs2CA decreased hyperbolicallyfrom 0.19 s-1 at 1 μM compound A to 0.1 s-1 between 10 and20 μM compound A before slowly increasing at a concentrationabove 20 μM and starting to level off at high compound Aconcentration (above 60 μM) (Figure 10A). This kinetic pattern issimilar to the one observed previously with glucose and suggests akinetic mechanism based on the cyclic preexisting equilibriummodel. Fitting of kobs2CA to eq 7 led to fairly high systematicerrors on the parameters values. However, a good correlationwas observed between the fit and the data (R2 = 0.98) withthe following parameters: k3CA = 0.06 s-1, k-3CA = 2.5 s-1,KD2CA = 0.06 μM, k2CA = 0.12 s-1, k-2CA = 0.01 s-1, andKD1CA= 45 μM (inset in Figure 10A). It should be stressed that

because of the limited access to low GKA concentrations, fittingwas not sensitive to the k-3CA value. Constraining the k-3CA

value to 0.8 s-1 during the fitting procedure did not significantlychange the five other parameters. Thus, the k-3 valuesdetermined in this study for GKA binding have to be consideredsolely as rough estimates.

It should be noticed that the amplitude of the GK fluorescenceincrease observed after rapid mixing with compound A reachedsaturation for concentrations >40 μM, with a fluorescenceintensity representing around 30-40% of the equilibriumintensity observed with compound A and saturating glucose.Thus, in the absence of glucose, compoundAmight not be able tofully shift the GKSO-GKO equilibrium toward GKO.

When monitoring compound A fluorescence on the same timescale, a multiphasic increase was observed (Figure 10B). At highcompound A concentrations, the transient could be fittedwith four exponential terms, as seen from the residual plots.Additionally, both the F-test and the AICcmethods were used toquantitatively compare the quality of the fits between thefour, three, and two exponentials models, as described for theglucose binding. Again, comparing the two and three exponentialfits to the four exponential fit lead to F ratios of 220 and 41,respectively, thus to the statistical rejection of the two and threephase fits compared to the four phase fit. Using theAICc method, differences in AICc between the two and threeexponential fits and the four exponential fit were 395 and 71,respectively, clearly indicating that the four exponential fitmodel is largely preferred.

FIGURE 9: Kinetics of the interaction of LY2121260 with the GK-glucose-AMP-PNP complex. (A) GK (1 μM final) was mixed withLY2121260 (20 μM final) in the presence of 100 mMglucose and 4 mMAMP-PNP in buffer A containing 5%DMSO, and the GK fluorescencewas recorded (λexc = 295 nm). The upper frame shows the recorded transient; the lower frame shows the residuals for the best fit to oneexponential. The inset shows the linear dependence of kobs against LY2121260 concentration. (B) Dissociation of LY2121260 was measured bypreequilibrating GK (1 μM final) with LY2121260 (10 μM final) and mixing it with excess compoundA (50 μM)while monitoring compound Afluorescence (λexc = 360 nm). The upper frame shows the recorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one and twoexponentials.

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The fourth phase accounted for more than 70% of the totalamplitude. The observed rate constant for the fourth phase, kobs4,exhibited a biphasic dependence on compound A concentration,as observed previously for kobs2 measured via GK fluorescence,with almost identical kobs values. Fitting to eq 6 led to poorererrors than obtained with GK fluorescence; still, a good correla-tion was observed between the fit and the data (R2 = 0.95) (insetin Figure 10B). Estimated parameters were k3CA = 0.002 s-1,k-3CA= 8.4 s-1,KD2CA= 0.02 μM, k2CA= 0.10 s-1, k-2CA=0.0001 s-1, and KD1CA = 5 μM.

Although suffering of a significant imprecision due to their lowamplitudes, the observed rate for the three other phases seemed tobe essentially independent of compound A concentration, sug-gesting the presence of three additional unimolecular isomeriza-tions, as observed with glucose binding to apo-GK. On average,the rate constants observed with compound A were close to their

counterparts observed with glucose, with kobs1CA = 60-80 s-1,kobs2CA = 5 s-1, and kobs3CA = 0.3 s-1. It is probable that thefastest kobs, kobs1CA, represents contributions from both com-pound A binding and fast GK isomerization. The inabilityto observe these three minority phases while monitoring GKfluorescence could result from the low amplitude of these phasesand the likely combination of signals of opposite amplitude fromcompoundAbinding toGK (quenching ofGK fluorescence) andGK isomerizations (increase of GK fluorescence).

Interestingly, parameters obtained from eitherGKor compoundA fluorescence showed that the kinetic KD2CA lied in the range ofthe equilibrium KDCA for GKO, suggesting that the minorityGKO conformation described in the glucose binding experimentis also involved in compound A binding. It is then tempting toassign GKSO as the major conformer involved in the preexistingequilibrium with GKO, also able to bind compound A as defined

FIGURE 10: Kinetics of the interaction of compound A with apo-GK in the absence of glucose. (A) Apo-GK (1 μM) was rapidly mixed withcompound A (80 μM) in buffer A containing 5% DMSO, and the GK fluorescence was recorded (λexc = 295 nm). The upper frame shows therecorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for the best fit to one and two exponentials. (B) Same as (A) but compound A fluorescencewas recorded (λexc=360nm).Theupper frame shows the recorded transient; lower frames showthe residuals for the best fit toone, two, three, andfour exponentials. Insets show the dependence of the major kobs against compoundA concentration. The solid line is a fit to eq 8 with parametersk3CA=0.06 s-1, k-3CA=2.5 s-1,KD2CA=0.06μM, k2CA=0.12 s-1, k-2CA=0.01 s-1, andKD1CA=45μMfor theGKfluorescence readingand k3CA = 0.002 s-1, k-3CA = 8.4 s-1, KD2CA = 0.02 μM, k2CA = 0.10 s-1, k-2CA = 0.0001 s-1, and KD1CA = 5 μM for the compound Afluorescence reading.

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by KD1CA. This hypothesis is supported by the similarity ofthe microscopic rate constants k3Glc/k-3Glc and k3CA/k-3CA

determined from glucose or compound A binding to GK.Results obtained for LY2121260 binding toGKwere compar-

able to their compoundA counterparts.Uponmixing ofGKwithLY2121260, in the absence of any ligand, GK fluorescencedisplayed a slow increase. The transient could be satisfactorilyfitted with a double exponential (Figure 11). The slowest phaseaccounted for more than 80% of the signal amplitude. No fastquenching could be observed, maybe because of low amplitude.The slow increase of GK fluorescence was reminiscent of thetransition induced by glucose and compound A. The observedrate constant for the major phase (kobsLY) exhibited a biphasicdependence on LY2121260 concentration. kobsLY decreasedhyperbolically from 0.12 s-1 at 2.5 μM LY2121260 to 0.07 s-1

between 10 and 20 μM LY2121260 before slowly increasing atconcentrations above 20 μM and starting to level off at highLY2121260 concentrations (above 60 μM). This kinetic pattern isvery similar to the one observed previously with glucose orcompound A and suggests a similar kinetic mechanism based onthe cyclic multiequilibrium between four species. Fitting ofkobsLY to eq 6 led to high systematic errors on the parametervalues. However, a good correlationwas observed between the fitand the data (R2 = 0.92) with the following parameters: k3LY =0.02 s-1, k-3LY = 2.0 s-1, KD2LY = 0.08 μM, k2LY = 0.15 s-1,k-2LY = 0.03 s-1, and KD1LY = 110 μM (inset in Figure 11).

As observed with compound A, the equilibrium GK fluores-cence intensity after bindingwithLY2121260 represented around40% of the fluorescence intensity after LY2121260 binding toGK in the presence of glucose. Thus, in the absence of glucose,LY2121260 might not be able to fully shift the GKSO-GKO

equilibrium toward GKO.Moreover, as observedwith compoundA, the kineticKD2LY is

similar to the equilibriumKDLY forGKO. This broad similarity isin line with the suggestion that the preexisting equilibriummodeldescribing apo-GK interaction with GKAs involves the sameGK conformers than glucose binding, i.e., GKSO and GKO.


It has long been recognized that GK plays a central rolein glucose homeostasis as the primary glucose sensor inpancreatic β-cells and hepatocytes. The sensor properties ofGK rely on its positive cooperativity toward its substrateglucose. Long before the resolution of GK crystal struc-tures, this unusual kinetic behavior for amonomeric enzymehas been rationalized by the existence of a slow equilibriumbetween twodistinctGKconformers, eachonebeing able tobind glucose.

Interactions between GK and several GKAs have previouslybeen studied by several techniques such as SPA, DSC, ITC,and steady-state kinetics (17). However, no microscopic rateconstants for association and dissociation have been madeavailable in the literature.Preexisting Equilibrium and Glucose-Induced Confor-

mational Changes: Unification of Apparently ConflictingObservations. Two independent fluorescence stopped-flowstudies were recently published but resulted in two divergentglucose-binding mechanisms. On one hand, Heredia et al. (13)first described an apparently biphasic transient. A linear depen-dence of kobs fast on glucose concentration was observed, as wellas a hyperbolic dependence of kobs slow on glucose concentration,consistent with a classical two-step “induced-fit” mechanism.Following this proposition, in the absence of glucose, apo-GKwould be homogeneously present as the GKSO conformer.Glucose would then slowly bind to GKSO before inducingthe isomerization to the GKO conformer. On the other hand,Kim et al. (14) reported a monophasic transient, with a biphasicdependence of kobs on glucose concentration. This biphasicdependence is the kinetic trademark of the cyclic four-stepmechanism described by Schemes 2 and 3.

Repeating the same experiments in similar conditions, weobserved up to four transitions. We suggest that both technicaland analytical issues are responsible for those discrepancies.Concerning the fluorescence transients published by Herediaet al. (13), despite the low resolution of the figure, it seems clearthat the residual plot displayed a fairly high systematic error,especially below 0.5 s. We suggest that addition of one or twoexponential terms would improve the quality of the fit. By thesame token, it is likely that extending the acquisition time up to50-100 s would also help to uncover the slowest phase, aspointed out recently by Molnes et al. (25). Moreover, we did notobserve a dependence of the fastest transition, kobs1, againstglucose concentration. This difference likely comes from thedifferent fitting procedures used and suggests that the GKfluorescence is not directly sensitive to glucose binding. Thissuggestion is reinforced by the fact that the apparent second-orderrate constant determined by Heredia et al. (13) (550 M-1 s-1) is

FIGURE 11: Kinetics of the interaction of LY2121260 with apo-GKin the absence of glucose. Apo-GK (1 μM) was rapidly mixed withLY2121260 (80 μM) in buffer A containing 5% DMSO, and theGK fluorescence was recorded (λexc = 295 nm). The upper frameshows the recorded transient; lower frames show the residuals for thebest fit to one and two exponentials. The inset shows the dependenceof kobs against LY2121260 concentration. The solid line is a fit toeq 8 with parameters k3LY = 0.02 s-1, k-3LY = 2.0 s-1, KD2LY =0.08 μM, k2LY=0.15 s-1, k-2LY=0.03 s-1, andKD1LY=110 μM.

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orders of magnitude smaller than what could be expected for thebinding of a small molecule to a protein (106-108 M-1 s-1).Concerning the fluorescence transient published by Kim et al.(14), the combination of a fairly high instrumental noise with asingle linear acquisition rate and a too short acquisition timemight have masked the three additional low-amplitude transi-tions, leaving the major kobs3 as the only observable transition.Therefore, we are confident that GK does not obey the induced-fit mechanism proposed by Heredia et al. (13). Instead, theglucose dependence of the major transition we observed, kobs3, isin agreement with the cyclic preexisting equilibrium modelproposed by Kim et al. (14), as described by Scheme 2.

Nevertheless, questions remain regarding the three additionalminor transitions observed in this work. Are those transitionsrepresentative of three steps of a global conformational change oronly of subtle local rearrangements in the microenvironment ofthe three Trp present in GK, unrelated to the major conforma-tional change from superopen to closed GK? Three pieces ofevidence suggest that the three minority transitions actuallyreflect discrete steps of a global conformational change. First,those three phases are observed not only with GK intrinsicfluorescence but also with compound A fluorescence. Ascompound A signal is independent of Trp fluorescence, it is thenclear that the observed transitions cannot only arise from slightstructural relaxations in the local microenvironment of GK’sTrp. Second, targeted molecular dynamics simulations (27)predicted that the overall conformational transition from closedto superopen GK might include three intermediates (P1, P2, andP3). Therefore, the complete transition from superopen to fullyclosed GK would also include five potentially observable con-formers: GKsuperopen, GKInt1, GKInt2, GKInt3, and GKclosed,linked by four kinetic steps. Third, a fluorescence biphasictransient was observed after manually jumping apo-GK from1 to 39 �C in the absence of glucose (25). Despite the low timeresolution of the experiment that precluded the observations offast transitions, it seems clear that additional conformationalrelaxations occurred during the dead time of the reportedexperiment. This result also supports the existence of multipleGK conformers preexisting in the absence of any ligand. In thiscontext, extending the studies of Trp-mutated GKs (25, 26) withpre-steady-state ligand binding experiments could shed morelight on the nature of the fluorescence transients observed withwild-typeGK.Moreover, detailed relaxation experiments such asT-jumps or pressure jumps might also help to characterize thecomplex conformational equilibria of wild-type GK.Preexisting Equilibrium and GK Activator Binding.

Previous ITC-based studies reported the absence of GKA bind-ing to GK in the absence of glucose (18). In contrast, ourfluorescence equilibrium titration experiment unambiguouslyshowed that at least compound A can actually bind to GK inthe absence of glucose. Differences in experimental conditionsbetween ITC and fluorescence titrations combined to calori-metric contributions from the conformational changes accom-panying GKA binding to apo-GK might have hidden GKAbinding when monitored by ITC.

Based on the results from the glucose binding study, thesimplified preexisting equilibrium model states that, in theabsence of glucose, GK slowly shuttles between two conforma-tions. Throughout this paper, these conformations were assignedto the superopen and open conformations, following Kamataet al. (12). Although reasonable, there is currently no experi-mental evidence confirming the validity of this assumption in

solution. Based on this simplified kinetic model and on thestructural observation that the allosteric site is not formed onGKSO, GKAs are theoretically restricted to bind the minorityGKO present in the absence of glucose and consequently to shiftthe GKSO-GKO equilibrium toward GKO. Kinetically, thissituation is equivalent to route A and results in a decrease ofthe kobs associated with the GKSO-GKO transition with increas-ing GKA concentration, as measured via GK fluorescence.Experimentally, a decrease of kobs is observed for the lowestGKA concentrations used, governed by the microscopic rateconstants k3GKA and k-3GKA, in reasonable agreement withtheir counterparts determined from the glucose binding data.Unexpectedly, a slight increase of kobs for higher GKA concen-trations is also measured. This increase can be explained by anoperational route B, with GKSO being also able to bind GKA,although with a modest KD (around 50-100 μM). This kineticobservation reinforces the equilibrium binding data and clearlyestablishes that GK binds GKA even in the absence of glucose.Furthermore, it strongly suggests that the conformer referred toso far as GKSO does not correspond to the superopen conforma-tion crystallographically described, as it is able to bind GKA.It could then reasonably be assigned to one of the threeintermediate conformers poised between the superopen and openstructure, predicted by the molecular dynamics results (27).A tempting hypothesis would be to assign GKSO to GKInt1 andGKO to GKInt2 (P3 and P2 states, respectively (27)). Indeed, thefree energy landscape derived from the targeted moleculardynamics suggests that the greatest energy barrier lies betweenGKsuperopen and GKInt1, followed by the GKInt1 to GKInt2

barrier, the GKInt2 to GKInt3 barrier, and finally the GKInt3

to GKclosed barrier. Such a situation would kinetically translatein the following relationship: ksuperopen to Int1 < kInt1 to Int2 <kInt2 to Int3 < kInt3 to closed, suggesting that ksuperopen to Int1 = kobs4,kInt1 to Int2 = kobs3, kInt2 to Int3 = kobs2, and kInt3 toclosed = kobs1.

Additionally, compared to the kinetic parameters determinedfrom the simplified glucose binding model, the 10-fold differencebetween k2GKA and k2Glc suggests that boundGKAperturbs theconformational equilibrium by slowing the transition fromGKSO to GKO, likely because of steric hindrance.

As a conclusion, the cyclic preexisting equilibrium modeldescribed by Schemes 2 and 3 should be regarded as a simplifiedmechanism that might explain the main kinetic features of GKinteractions with glucose andGKAs.However, taken as a whole,our data strongly suggest that this simplified pathway does notaccount for minority kinetic transitions that likely reflect discretesteps in the multiple GK conformational equilibria. Althoughmore work is clearly needed, we propose that instead of shuttlingbetween two relatively open conformations in the absence ofglucose, GK might be able to perform an extensive sampling ofthe accessible conformational space delimited by the superopenand the fully closed limiting conformations and driven bythe likely existence of three stable intermediate conformers.Following this interpretation and the additional elements devel-oped in the next paragraph, we propose a working kinetic modeldepicted by Scheme 5.

An important question still remains unresolved: are the super-open and fully closed conformations able to bind glucose? Indeed,superopen GK does not display a fully structured glucose bindingsite, and fully closed GK may restrict glucose accessibility to theactive site. On one hand, the lack of glucose dependence for thethree low-amplitude transitions apparently suggests that the GKconformers giving rise to those additional transients do not bind

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glucose, at least in the investigated glucose concentrations wherereliable rate constants could bemeasured. On the other hand, veryweak glucose binding to the superopen GK and strong glucosebinding to closedGK conformers cannot be ruled out by our data.Moreover, similar KDGlc for two different GK conformers wouldpresumably also hide any glucose dependence of the associatedobserved rate constant. In this regard, advanced moleculardynamics and docking studies between GK and glucose andGKAs could be informative.Evaluation of Pre-Steady-State Kinetics as a Tool for

Ranking GKActivators.GKAs binding to closedGK revealeda kon rate too slow (1 � 106 M-1 s-1) to be diffusion-limited,suggesting a relatively occluded access to the allosteric site. Thekon for compound A and LY212160 were broadly similar, with aslightly faster kon for the smaller compound A. This subtledifference might come from a sterically easier access to theallosteric site for the somewhat smaller compound A. The koffwere slow and very close for the twoGKAs studied. Interestingly,the koff were in the same range than some steps of the GKconformational changes. This similarity might suggest thatthe rate-limiting step for dissociation of the GKAs is linked toa conformational change. Therefore, it seems that difference inkon and not in koff is the main factor governing KD differencebetween GKAs. Testing the binding of smaller and bulkierGKAs should allow validation of this hypothesis.

Although the potential correlation between GKA bindingparameters and GK activation strength has not been studiedyet, pre-steady-state fluorescence kinetics represents a usefultool to precisely characterize GKAs binding to closed GKconformers and to rank those small molecules according to theirkon, koff, and/or KD.Kinetic Suggestion for a Previously Unobserved Super-

closed Conformation after AMP-PNP Binding? A previousfluorescence study suggested that addition of the nonhydrolyz-able ATP analogue AMP-PNP to closed GK led to a quenching

of GK intrinsic fluorescence, allowing the determination of itsintrinsic KD (14). Molnes et al. (25) suggested that this observa-tion might have been biased by the absence of corrections for thenucleotide absorbance and the resulting inner filtering. UsingN-acetyltryptophanamide as a control, we confirmed that thenucleotide inner-filter effect is responsible for the apparent GKfluorescence quenching reported previously (data not shown).Therefore, no KD could be accurately derived from the data.

Using the fluorescence stopped-flow approach with a shortpath length cell minimizing inner filtering, mixing AMP-PNPwith GK led to a slow, barely visible quenching of GKfluorescence, with or without glucose preequilibration (datanot shown). No linear increase of kobs with the AMP-PNP con-centration was observed; thus the transients do not reflect thebimolecular binding ofAMP-PNPandGK.No clear variation ofkobs with increasing AMP-PNP concentration could be observed.Those results are in qualitative agreement with previous observa-tions (14). It could be concluded that GK fluorescence is notdirectly sensitive to AMP-PNP binding and that it does notprovide any information related to AMP-PNP binding.

However, when AMP-PNP was allowed to equilibrate withGKand glucose before addition ofGKAs, a small but significantincrease of konGKA and koffGKA was observed, with a morepronounced effect for compound A than LY2121260. AlthoughKDGKA was not modified by the addition of AMP-PNP becausethe increased kon was compensated by the increased koff, thisperturbation of the binding rate constants suggests that bindingof AMP-PNP induced a conformational change. Becausecompound A was more sensitive than LY2121260 to theAMP-PNP-induced conformational alteration, it is unlikely thatbinding of AMP-PNP induced a global conformational changeto a “superclosed” conformer. Instead, AMP-PNP binding maylocally influence the structure or dynamics of the allosteric site,rendering it a little more accessible to compound A but not to thebulkier LY2121260.

Scheme 5: Qualitative Working Model Describing the GK Conformational Dynamics and Interactions with Its Ligandsa

aThe rounded rectangle qualitatively describes the putative conformational dynamics of apo-GK in the absence of ligands. GKsuperopen andGKclosed

refer to the two crystallographic structures fromKamata et al. (12). GKInt1, GKInt2, and GKInt3 are three intermediate conformers. GKInt1 and GKInt2

are the twomajor conformers, GKInt1 being the most favored conformer. GKAbinding to apo-GK is described above the apo-GK rectangle, leading tothe major GKclosed-GKA complex. Glucose binding to apo-GK is described by the first line below the apo-GK rectangle, leading to the majorGKclosed-Glc complex. Steps labeled with an interrogation mark have not been characterized in this study. The two rectangular boxes are identical toScheme 3 and Scheme 2. GKA binding to the preformed binary GKclosed-Glc complex and ternary GKclosed-Glc-AMP-PNP complex is described inthe lower part of the mechanism.

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Preexisting Equilibrium and Implications for the Allos-teric Regulation of GK. Postexpression regulation of GKactivity is of crucial importance for the physiology of hepatocytesand pancreatic β-cells. In the liver, control of the GK activity isprovided by the GK regulatory protein (GKRP) that binds toGK and inhibits the enzyme when low glucose conditionsprevail (28, 29). Inhibition is also mediated by small moleculessuch as palmitoyl-CoA (30, 31). Recently, interaction andactivation of GK by the bifunctional enzyme 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase (PFK/FBP) has beenreported (32, 33). Besides this potential physiological activator,GK is strongly activated by synthetic GKAs.

Presumably, the key of the regulation of the GK activity is thestabilization of a specific GK conformation via binding ofeffectors to this GK conformer. Schematically, activators willspecifically bind active GK conformers, i.e., closed conforma-tions, whereas inhibitors will specifically bind inactive GKconformers, i.e., open conformations. Binding of an effector toa specific GK conformer will pull the complex out of the GKconformational equilibrium and force the system to reequilibrate,resulting in a net increase of the total concentration of thetargeted conformer. Thus, known GK effectors can essentiallybe seen as reversible conformational traps.

In this context, the preequilibrium model states that whateverthe glucose concentration considered, yet in the physiologicalrange, GK will still be able to populate unfavored minorityconformational states. In other words, while high glucose con-centration favors closed GK conformers, it does not eliminateopen conformers. Similarly, low glucose concentration favors theopen conformers, but closed conformers are still present. Theseminor conformational states provide essential anchoring pointsfor effectors to finely tune GK conformational landscape, inturn responsible for the GK activity. This model qualitativelyaccounts for the influence of glucose and GKAs on theGK-GKRP interaction. Indeed, in low glucose concentration,open GK conformers will prevail and bind to GKRP. However,a low amount of closed GK conformers will still be present andavailable to bind glucose or GKAs. Addition of glucose and/orGKAs will shift the equilibrium toward the closed conformersand induce the dissociation of the GK-GKRP complex.Thus, every molecule able to stabilize the closed GK conformers,potentially including PFK-FBP, is expected to impairthe GK-GKRP interaction. The kon and koff rate constantsdetermining the strength of the interaction between GK and theeffector will modulate its effect on the GK-GKRP complex.Quantitative predictions of the effect of modulators will requirethe estimation of the complete set of rate constants governing themodel. The recentmolecular characterization of theGK-GKRPinteraction (18) is a valuable step in this perspective.

Discovery of a GKA specific for the pancreatic GK isoformcould be a desired outcome. However, in light of our modeland from a strictly molecular point of view, the search for a potentGKA that would strictly exert its activity on the pancreatic GKisoform is presumably vain, as such a molecule would also likelyhave a significant effect on theGK-GKRP interaction on the liver.


We are grateful to Dr. S. Goldstein, Dr. M. Wierzbicki, andtheir teams for the GKA synthesis, to Pr. G. Branlant andhis team for granting us access to an Applied PhotoPhysicsstopped-flow instrument, and to Dr. A. Van Dorsselear, Dr.S. Sanglier-Cianferani, and C. Atmanene for MS determination.


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