binondo case study

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  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    Table of Contents

    I. Executive Summary 3II. Introduction 3III. Background of the Study

    5IV. Statement of the Problem

    1V. !naly"i" 1#

    VI. !lternative $our"e of !ction 1#VII. $onclu"ion

    1#VIII. %eference"



  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    I. Executive Summary

    &hi" 'a'er di"cu""e" the 'roblem" ob"erved by the grou' "uch a" tra(c) 'arking

    i""ue") 'ollution) etc. and aim" to 'rovide fea"ible "olution". &he *r"t 'art

    contain" the hi"tory of the city +ith almo"t # year" of ,ili'ino-$hine"e culture

    and tradition) follo+ed by the background of the "tudy +hich 'rovide" the ba"i"

    and u"ti*cation for the "olution" to be 're"ented. &he ideal "olution" are ba"ed

    on !merican architect and urban 'lanner /aniel Burnham and !r. ,elino Palafox)


    II. Introduction

    Binondo) anila 2al"o kno+n a"

    $hinato+n i" located u"t

    acro"" the Pa"ig %iver o''o"ite the S'ani"h

    +alled city) Intramuro". &he area +a"

    originally for $atholic $hine"e) but non-

    $hri"tian $hine"e +ere allo+ed to move

    into $hinato+n much later in 14. !" of

    61) Binondo ha" a total of 16)75

    re"ident") and a 'o'ulation den"ity of


    &he "tructure that "ignal" a touri"t"9

    arrival in $hinato+n i" the $hine"e

    :ood+ill !rch. Pa"t the !rch) there are

    icon") in"titution" and feature" ty'ical of$hinato+n".


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    !" in $hinato+n el"e+here around the +orld) $hinato+n ha" no "hortage of

    $hine"e food. &here are a lot of di"he" that are mixed +ith ,ili'ino cooking.

    &here are a lot of bargain item" in $hinato+n. Be 're'ared to bargain for mo"t of

    the good". ;o+ever) be +ary of 'ick 'ocket" at mo"t of the cro+ded 'lace" in

    thi" area.

    It i" recommended to vi"it thi" 'lace if you are a fan of $hine"e food. If you have

    a "trong "tomach) try the balut, a develo'ing duck embryo that i" boiled and

    eaten in the "hell. It i" commonly "old a" "treetfood in the Phili''ine".

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    Even during the !merican occu'ation) ) 1 to arch 63)

    11. In hi" honor) a "tatue +a" erected be"ide Binondo $hurch at one end of

    the "treet named after him.

    Binondo remain" the authentic $hine"e enclave of anila and

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    !ccording to !merican architect /aniel Burnham) @ake no little 'lan". &hey

    have no magic to "tir men9" blood and 'robably +ill not them"elve" be realiAed.

    Burnham +a" behind anila9" original ma"ter'lan commi""ioned by the

    $ommon+ealth government in 1>) +ho"e obective +a" to tran"form the city

    from an old colonial out'o"t to a modern urban area ada'ted to changed time"

    and modern need".

    &he"e +ord" ca'ture the very e""ence of Burnham9" "'irit one that re're"ent"

    hi" vi"ion on ho+ highly livable citie" "hould be de"igned. In hi" ma"ter'lan)

    Burnham envi"ioned anila a" a city of e(cient road "y"tem") of Guaint

    +ater+ay" u"ed for tran"'ortation) and of +aterfront") 'romenade") 'ark+ay")

    and neocla""ical building". anila) in Burnham9" mind) +a" to become like many

    of the +orld9" +ell-'lanned citie" +here every re"ident i" a "hort +alking

    di"tance from a 'ark) 'lace" of +ork) and lei"ure and recreational center".

    If etro anila9" urban 'lanning +ere the com'uter game Sim$ity) the 'layer

    +hich +ill be our 'olitical leader") no le"" ha" done 2and i" doing an aby"mal

    ob. a"" tran"it "tation" +ere built clo"e to exclu"ive gated communitie" and

    huge military cam'") the re"ident" of +hich don9t even take 'ublic tran"'ort.

    %oad" and 'arking "'ace" unable to kee' u' +ith the ever-increa"ing number of

    vehicle". Infra"tructure inca'able of handling let alone mitigating the eHect"

    natural calamitie". !nd an army of lo+-income re"ident" 'u"hed into the corner"of the metro'oli") toiling and forever 'riced out of the hou"ing market.

    &hi" roughly de"cribe" the ty'e of ob our 'olitical leader" have accom'li"hed in

    term" of urban 'lanning) +hich ha"n9t actually 'rogre""ed "ince the S'ani"h

    time") Palafox "aid.

    &he Phili''ine" ha" for decade" been follo+ing the +rong model for urbani"m)

    "aid Palafox.

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    @&here are a number of Forth !merican) Euro'ean) and !u"tralian citie" that are

    doing +ell. &he"e include Bo"ton) San ,ranci"co) Vancouver) Jurich) elbourne)

    and Sydney) +hich all boa"t mixed-u"e) mixed-income) +alkable develo'ment")

    "aid Palafox. @obility i" not a 'roblem in the"e citie" a" their re"ident" can

    either +alk) bike) or take 'ublic tran"'ort.

    Cuxuriou" develo'ment" and gated communitie" "it "ide by "ide "lum") +hile

    countle"" o(ce +orker" "'end hour" commuting from their +ork'lace" to home.

    Ke") mixed-u"e develo'ment" and to+n"hi'" are on the ri"e) but the great

    maority of home" 'eddled by the"e develo'ment" cater only to have") +hile the

    have-not" get 'u"hed into the dark corner" of the city.

    Safety from ri"k") both natural and man-made) i" al"o a maor concern. Dho +ill

    forget the ?ooding cau"ed by &y'hoon

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    com'leted. @&hi" i" a''alling given our local government" have budget for

    beauty conte"t" and yet they have none for 'ro'er urban 'lanning) "aid Palafox.

    !nother exam'le i" the metro'oli"9 ma"" tran"it "y"tem. !fter anila9" Cight %ail

    &ran"it 2C%& +a" com'leted in 175) not a "ingle kilometer of train track +a"

    con"tructed for 1# year") +hen E/S! %& commenced o'eration 1. It tookanother 11 year" for additional train track" +ere added to C%&) +hen the track

    +a" extended from onumento in $aloocan to Forth !venue in MueAon $ity.

    ,or many year") not a "ingle kilometer of train track +a" con"tructed in etro

    anila after the C%& commenced o'eration" in 175) "ignifying our leader"9 lack

    of "en"e +hen it come" to urban 'lanning.

    (. )e Should Shun the Car*Centric +odel

    Phili''ine 'olitician" and 'lanner" don9t recogniAe +alking a" the mo"t ba"ic

    form of tran"'ortation hence) they don9t con"ider it +hen they de"ign urban

    area". &ake Bonifacio :lobal $ity) for in"tance) etro anila9" 'o"ter child for

    urban 'lanning. ;a" anyone "een a covered +alk+ay to get from one building to

    another &hi" i" "ome+hat odd given that the Phili''ine" i" a tro'ical country

    and "udden do+n'our" are not uncommon.


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    &o demon"trate) our %& and C%& "tation" are "urrounded by lo+-den"ity

    communitie" and gated military cam'") "aid Palafox. @El"e+here in the +orld)

    they have mixed-u"e high-den"ity re"idential develo'ment" +ithin +alking

    di"tance from ma"" tran"it "tation". &hi" eliminate" reliance for 'rivate car".

    !" a re"ult) the average etro anila em'loyee "'end" a''roximately 1)hour" a year in tra(c) "tudie" "ho+. $om'are thi" to mere 3 hour" 'er year in

    more 'rogre""ive nation". &hi" create" "o much +a"ted man-hour" and "o much

    air 'ollution.

    If given the choice) 'eo'le like to live in environment-friendly citie" and

    communitie" tho"e that are acce""ible) +alkable) "afe) convenient) clean)

    mixed-income) cro""-generational) and mixed-u"e. &he "ort of 'lace" 'eo'le live)

    +ork) "ho') learn) +or"hi') and "eek health care +ith 6#-hour cycle activity


    &he average etro anila em'loyee "'end" about 1) hour" a year in tra(c)

    +a"ting too much hour".

    I/. Statement of the 'roblem

    &he follo+ing are the 'roblem" +e "a+8encountered in Binondo.

    1. 0arro# roadso"t road" are narro+ and can only *t one car at a time) thereby

    increa"ing the travel time to get from one 'oint to another. &hey are

    originally ba"ed on the kale"a) and not on the ee'ney" and other modern

    tran"'ortation". &he "treet" are al"o cro+ded +ith vendor".

    6. Building character

    &he building" have an incon"i"tent character for the 'ur'o"e they are"erving. ! commonly ob"ervable "cenario i" that the building character for

    re"idential and commercial e"tabli"hment" i" virtually the "ame for each

    other. o"t building" look like an a'artment but actually it i" a re"taurant

    or a "tore.

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    (. Electrical #iringsElectrical +iring" are lo+-hanging and bunched together +hich could be

    "een a" a *re8electrical haAard.

    ,. -rainage&here are fe+ drainage" in "ide+alk" +hich could lead to ?ooding if not

    addre""ed 'ro'erly) and al"o narro+ canal" that lead to a river under a



  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    . 'ollutionDe are already immune to everyday "cenario" "eeing garbage u"t

    any+here. $hinato+n i" no exce'tion a" they al"o "uHer from i""ue" in

    garbage di"'o"al. Dhile it i" a +ell-kno+n fact that that the food that you

    +ill encounter here in $hinato+n are all deliciou") it i" +orth noting that

    the food can be aHected by the environment. &he river ha" a really bad

    "mell due to the amount of 'ollution in it. &ouri"m in thi" area i" at "take

    due to thi" i""ue.. 2ack of green s3aces or 3arks

    In addition to being cro+ded) Binondo al"o lack" o'en8green "'ace". De

    could *nd no re"ting area in the conge"ted di"trict exce't for the "ho'"

    in"ide or at the Cucky $hinato+n all.


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    4. Tra5c 6o# and 3arkingFarro+ road") a con"iderable volume of car" and a high 'o'ulation den"ity

    re"ulted in a con"iderably "lo+ tra(c ?o+. If not remedied) it could get

    +or"e and aHect 2'articularly the re"ident" and touri"t" economically and

    'hy"ically. !l"o) mo"t car" u"t 'ark" on the "ide of the road.

    /. nalysis


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    !ccording to =evin CynchQ" Image of a $ity) ! city mu"t have a 'ath) edge)

    di"trict) node") and landmark". Binondo ha" 4 'ath" or tran"'ortation route" +ith

  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    o"t +orld leader" +ould *r"t con"ult the be"t 'lanner") architect") and

    engineer" before con"tructing a built environment. &hi" i" "omething that +e

    "hould ada't. In order to really @*x Binondo it "hould "tart from "cratch.

    ;o+ever) that i" im'o""ible) and the only thing that +e can do i" to a''ly Guick

    and tem'orary *xe".

    Dhile mo"t 'roblem" in the area can be "olved architecturally) it all boil" do+n to

    the +illingne"" of the re"ident" to coo'erate and di"ci'line them"elve".

    /III. "eferences


  • 7/23/2019 Binondo Case Study


    1. ,rialde) . 2615) 0uly 15. /! o'en" 6 ne+ly rehabilitated ?ood 'um'ing

    "tation" . %etrieved 3

    >. Dhat I" Drong +ith Nrban Planning in etro anila 261#) ,ebruary >.
