bio metrics .biometric authentication

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  • 8/8/2019 Bio Metrics .Biometric Authentication




    The advent of technology has lead to use of counterfeits by which any confidential data may be

    accessed. So, there is a need to use identification procedures which can not be counterfeited.Here comes the use of biological (related to physical or behavioral traits) which cannot be faked

    or counterfeited. Biometrics is the study of methods for uniquely recognizing humans based

    upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits .

    In information technology, biometric authentication refers to technologies that measure andanalyze human physical and behavioural characteristics for authentication purposes. Examples of

    physical (or physiological or biometrc) characteristics include fingerprints, eye retinas and irises,

    facial patterns and hand measurements, while examples of mostly behavioural characteristicsinclude signature, gait and typing patterns. All behavioral biometric characteristics have a

    physiological component, and, to a lesser degree, physical biometric characteristics have a

    behavioral element.

    The purpose of this paper is to present the different methods used in this technology veryconsisely with related examples. The ways in which counterfeits are kept away from reaching

    critical data and preventing false members reaping additional benefits.

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  • 8/8/2019 Bio Metrics .Biometric Authentication


  • 8/8/2019 Bio Metrics .Biometric Authentication


    Verification mode, where the biometric system authenticates a person's claimed identity from

    their previously enrolled pattern. This is also called one-to-one matching. In most computeraccess or network access environments, verification mode would be used. A user enters an

    account, user name, or inserts a token such as a smart card, but instead of entering a password, asimple touch with a finger or a glance at a camera is enough to authenticate the user.

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    Block diagrams of enrollment, verification, and identification tasks.

    FAR and FRR - Two vital specifications:

    FAR False Acceptance Ratio is the rate at which a biometric system accepts falsely. FAR is

    basically the degree of measure of the security level that the system can offer. It may vary in the

    range of One out of 10,000 to One out of One Million.

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    FRR False Rejection Ratio is defined as the rate at which a system rejects falsely. FRR is an

    indication of comfort factor and typically in the range of One out of 100 to One out of 10,000.

    The FAR and FRR are mutually exclusive or inversely proportional to each other for givenbiometric system i.e., a given combination of an algorithm and hardware device.

    Types of Biometrics:

    Some of the biometrics technologies areshown

    ear, b) face, c) face thermo-gram, d) hand thermo-gram

    e) hand vein f) hand geometry g) fingerprint h) iris

    i) retina j) signature k) voice

    Fingerprints: The patterns of friction ridges and valleys on an individual's fingertips are uniqueto that individual. For decades, law enforcement has been classifying and determining identity by

    matching key points of ridge endings and bifurcations. Fingerprints are unique for each finger of

    a person including identical twins. One of the most commercially available biometric

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    technologies, fingerprint recognition devices for desktop and laptop access are now widely

    available from many different vendors at a low cost.

    With these devices, users no longer need to type passwords instead, only a touch providesinstant access. Fingerprint systems can also be used in identification mode. Several states check

    fingerprints for new applicants to social services benefits to ensure recipients do not fraudulentlyobtain benefits under fake names

    Fingerprint images from: a) a live-scan FTIR-based optical scanner; b) a live-scan

    capacitive scanner; c) a live-scan piezoelectric scanner; d) a live-scan thermal scanner; e) an off-line inked impression; f) a latent fingerprint .

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    Fingerprint sensors can be embedded in a variety of devices for user recognition purposes.

    Face Recognition: The identification of a person by their facial image can be done in a number

    of different ways such as by capturing an image of the face in the visible spectrum using aninexpensive camera or by using the infrared patterns of facial heat emission. Facial recognition

    in visible light typically model key features from the central portion of a facial image. Using a

    wide assortment of cameras, the visible light systems extract features from the captured image(s)that do not change over time while avoiding superficial features such as facial expressions or

    hair. Several approaches to modeling facial images in the visible spectrum are Principal

    Component Analysis, Local Feature Analysis, neural networks, elastic graph theory, and multi-resolution analysis. Some of the challenges of facial recognition in the visual spectrum include

    reducing the impact of variable lighting and detecting a mask or photograph. Some facial

    recognition systems may require a stationary or posed user in order to capture the image, thoughmany systems use a real-time process to detect a person's head and locate the face automatically.

    Major benefits of facial recognition are that it is non-intrusive, hands-free, continuous and

    accepted by most users.

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    Two dimensional grayscale images representing distinctive characteristics

    of a facial image

    Speaker Recognition: Speaker recognition has a history dating back some four decades, where

    the output of several voice filters was averaged over time for matching. These acoustic patternsreflect both anatomy (e.g., size and shape of the throat and mouth) and learned behavioral

    patterns (e.g., voice pitch, speaking style). This incorporation of learned patterns into the voice

    templates (the latter called "voiceprints") has earned speaker recognition its classification as a"behavioral biometric." Speaker recognition systems employ three styles of spoken input: text-

    dependent, text-prompted and text independent. Most speaker verification applications use text-

    dependent input, which involves selection and enrollment of one or more voice passwords. Thevarious technologies used to process and store voiceprints include pattern matching algorithms,

    neural networks, matrix-representation and decision trees.

    Ambient noise levels can impede collection of the initial and as well as subsequent voice

    samples. Performance degradation can result from changes in behavioral attributes of the voiceand from enrollment using one telephone and verification on another telephone. Voice changes

    due to aging also need to be addressed by recognition systems.

    Iris Recognition: This recognition method uses the iris of the eye, which is the colored area that

    surrounds the pupil. Iris patterns are thought unique. The iris patterns are obtained through avideo-based image acquisition system. Iris scanning devices have been used in personal

    authentication applications for several years. Systems based on iris recognition have substantiallydecreased in price and this trend is expected to continue. The technology works well in both

    verification and identification modes (in systems performing one-to-many searches in a

    database). Current systems can be used even in the presence of eyeglasses and contact lenses.

    The technology is not intrusive. It does not require physical contact with a scanner. Irisrecognition has been demonstrated to work with individuals from different ethnic groups and


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    Iris images

    Hand and Finger Geometry: These methods of personal authentication are well established.

    Hand recognition has been available for over twenty years. To achieve personal authentication, a

    system may measure either physical characteristics of the fingers or the hands. These include

    length, width, thickness and surface area of the hand. One interesting characteristic is that somesystems require a small biometric sample (a few bytes). Hand geometry has gained acceptance in

    a range of applications. It can frequently be found in physical access control in commercial and

    residential applications, in time and attendance systems and in general personal authenticationapplications.

    Signature Verification: This technology uses the dynamic analysis of a signature to authenticate

    a person. The technology is based on measuring speed, pressure and angle used by the personwhen a signature is produced. One focus for this technology has been e-business applications and

    other applications where signature is an accepted method of personal authentication.

    Keystroke dynamics : It is hypothesized that each person types on a keyboard in a characteristic

    way. This behavioral biometric is not expected to be unique to each individual but it offerssufficient discriminatory information to permit identity verification. Keystroke dynamics is a

    behavioral biometric; for some individuals, one may expect to observe large variations from

    typical typing patterns. The keystrokes of a person using a system could be monitoredunobtrusively as that person is keying in information.

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    Retinal scan : The retinal aviculture is rich in structure and is supposed to be a characteristic of

    each individual and each eye. It is claimed to be the most secure biometric since it is not easy tochange or replicate the retinal aviculture. The image capture requires a person to peep into an

    eyepiece and focus on a specific spot in the visual field so that a predetermined part of the retinalaviculture may be imaged. The image acquisition involves cooperation of the subject, entails

    contact with the eyepiece, and requires a conscious effort on the part of the user. All these factorsadversely affect public acceptability of retinal biometrics. Retinal aviculture can reveal some

    medical conditions (e.g., hypertension), which is another factor standing in the way of public

    acceptance of retinal scan-based biometrics.

    Facial, hand and hand vein infrared thermo-grams : The pattern of heat radiated by the humanbody is a characteristic of each individual body and can be captured by an infrared camera in an

    unobtrusive way much like a regular (visible spectrum) photograph.

    The technology could be used for covert recognition and could distinguish between identicaltwins. A thermo-gram based system is non-contact and non-invasive but sensing challenges in

    uncontrolled environments, where heat-emanating surfaces in the vicinity of the body, such as,

    room heaters and vehicle exhaust pipes, may drastically affect the image acquisition phase. Arelated technology using near infrared imaging is used to scan the back of a clenched fist to

    determine hand vein structure. Infrared sensors are prohibitively expensive which is a factor

    inhibiting widespread use of the thermo-grams.

    Gait: Gait is the peculiar way one walks and is a complex spatio-temporal biometric.

    Gait is not supposed to be very distinctive, but is sufficiently characteristic to allow verification

    in some low-security applications. Gait is a behavioral biometric and may not stay invariant,

    especially over a large period of time, due to large fluctuations of body weight, major shift in thebody weight, major injuries involving joints or brain, or due to inebriety. Acquisition of gait is

    similar to acquiring facial pictures and hence it may be an acceptable biometric. Because gait-based systems use video sequence footage of a walking person to measure several differentmovements of each articulate joint, it is computing and input intensive.

    Odo r: It is known that each object exudes an odor that is characteristic of its chemical

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    composition and could be used for distinguishing various objects. A whiff of air sur-rounding an

    object is blown over an array of chemical sensors, each sensitive to a certain

    group of (aromatic) compounds. A component of the odor emitted by a human (or any animal)body is distinctive to a particular individual. It is not clear if the in-variance in the body odor

    could be detected despite deodorant smells and varying Chemical composition of thesurrounding environment.

    DN A: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the one-dimensional ultimate unique code

    for one's individuality, except for the fact that identical twins have identical DNA

    patterns. It is, however, currently used mostly in the context of forensic applications

    for person recognition. Several issues limit the utility of this biometric for other applications:

    Contamination and sensitivity: it is easy to steal a piece of DNA from an unsuspecting subject

    that can be subsequently abused for an ulterior purpose;

    Automatic real-time recognition issues: the present technology for DNA matching re-quires

    cumbersome chemical methods (wet processes) involving an expert's skills and is not geared for

    on-line non-invasive recognition;

    Privacy issues: information about susceptibilities of a person to certain diseases could begained from the DNA pattern and there is a concern that the unintended abuse of genetic code

    information may result in discrimination, for example, in hiring practices.

    Ea r: It is known that the shape of the ear and the structure of the cartilaginous tissue

    of the pinna are distinctive. The features of an ear are not expected to be unique to an

    individual. The ear recognition approaches are based on matching the distance of salient

    points on the pinna from a landmark location on the ear.

    Why Use Biometrics?

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    Using biometrics for identifying human beings offers some unique advantages. Biometrics can

    be used to identify you as you. Tokens, such as smart cards, magnetic stripe cards, photo ID

    cards, physical keys and so forth, can be lost, stolen, duplicated, or left at home. Passwords canbe forgotten, shared, or observed. Moreover, today's fast-paced electronic world means people

    are asked to remember a multitude of passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs) for

    computer accounts, bank ATMs, e-mail accounts, wireless phones, web sites and so forth.Biometrics hold the promise of fast, easy-to-use, accurate, reliable, and less expensive

    authentication for a variety of applications. There is no one perfect biometric that fits all needs.

    All biometric systems have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are, however, somecommon characteristics needed to make a biometric system usable. First, the biometric must be

    based upon a distinguishable trait. For example, for nearly a century, law enforcement has used

    fingerprints to identify people. There is a great deal of scientific data supporting the idea that no

    two fingerprints are alike. Technologies such as hand geometry have been used for many yearsand technologies such as face or iris recognition have come into widespread use. Some newer

    biometric methods may be just as accurate, but may require more research to establish their

    uniqueness. Another key aspect is how user-friendly a system is. The process should be quick

    and easy, such as having a picture taken by a video camera, speaking into a microphone, ortouching a fingerprint scanner. Low cost is important, but most implementers understand that it

    is not only the initial cost of the sensor or the matching software that is involved. Often, the life-cycle support cost of providing system administration and an enrollment operator can overtake

    the initial cost of the biometric hardware.

    The advantage biometric authentication provides is the ability to require more instances of

    authentication in such a quick and easy manner that users are not bothered by the additionalrequirements. As biometric technologies mature and come into wide-scale commercial use,

    dealing with multiple levels of authentication or multiple instances of authentication will becomeless of a burden for users.

    Uses for Biometrics

    Biometric-based authentication applications include workstation and network access, single sign-

    on, application logon, data protection, remote access to resources, transaction security, and Web

    security. The promises of e-commerce and e-government can be achieved through the utilizationof strong personal authentication procedures. Secure electronic banking, investing and other

    financial transactions, retail sales, law enforcement, and health and social services are already

    benefiting from these technologies. Biometric technologies are expected to play a key role inpersonal authentication for large-scale enterprise network authentication environments, Point-of-

    Sale and for the protection of all types of digital content such as in Digital Rights Management

    and Health Care applications. Utilized alone or integrated with other technologies such as smart

    cards, encryption keys and digital signatures, biometrics is anticipated to pervade nearly allaspects of the economy and our daily lives.

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    Recent advances in biometric technology have resulted in increased accuracy at reduced costs;

    biometric technologies are becoming foundation for many highly secure identification andpersonal verification solutions. Today's biometric solutions provide a means to achieve fast,

    user-friendly authentication with a high level of accuracy and cost savings. Many areas will

    benefit from biometric technologies. Highly secure and trustworthy electronic commerce, forexample, will be essential to the healthy growth of the global Internet economy. Many biometric

    technology providers are already delivering biometric authentication for a variety of web-based

    and client/server based applications to meet these and other needs. Continued improvements in

    technology will bring increased performance at a lower cost. Interest in biometrics is growingsubstantially. Evidence of the growing acceptance of biometrics is the availability in the

    marketplace of biometric-based authentication solutions that are becoming more accurate, less

    expensive, faster and easy to use. While biometric authentication is not a magical solution that

    solves all authentication concerns, it will make it easier and cheaper for us to use a variety ofautomated information systems.

    Certain specific biometric technologies that may have been identified to adequately describe thesubject matter in no way imply endorsement by the Biometric Consortium, the National Institute

    of Standards and Technology, or the National Security Agency, nor does it imply that the

    technologies identified are the only ones available in the marketplace.

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  • 8/8/2019 Bio Metrics .Biometric Authentication



    Biometricsby John D. Woodward Jr., Nicholas M. Orlans, Peter T. Higgins

    Biometrics: Advanced Identify Verification: The Complete Guideby Julian D. M.Ashbourn

    Biometrics: Identity Verification in a Networked Worldby Samir Nanavati, Michael

    Thieme, Raj Nanavati

    Introduction to Fingerprint Comparisonby Gary W. Jones

    Intelligent Biometric Techniques in Fingerprint and Face Recognition by L. C. Jain, U.Halici, I. Hayashi, S. B. Lee, S. Tsutsui