biography of james stunt

Biography of James Stunt James Robert Frederick Stunt, popularly known as James Stunt born on January 21 st 1982, United Kingdom. 32 years old businessman’s estimated net worth is $5 - $7 billion. Currently he is a passionate private financier who made his fortune by doing Mining Insvestments, Gaming Industry, Trans Atlantic Shipping Industry. He is also an entrepreneur, collector, philanthropist.

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Post on 12-Aug-2015



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  1. 1. Biography of James Stunt James Robert Frederick Stunt, popularly known as James Stunt born on January 21st 1982, United Kingdom. 32 years old businessmans estimated net worth is $5 - $7 billion. Currently he is a passionate private financier who made his fortune by doing Mining Insvestments, Gaming Industry, Trans Atlantic Shipping Industry. He is also an entrepreneur, collector, philanthropist.
  2. 2. Biography of James Stunt In the year of 2011 he married to Petra Stunt, daughter of another formula 1 billionaire Bernie Ecclestone. His married ceremony took place in an imposing castle Castello Odescalchi located outside Rome. The cost of his marriage ceremony was around 1.5 million pounds. Their only daughter Lavinia, born in February 2013. They bought one of the most expensive houses in America and presently living in London and Los Angeles.
  3. 3. Biography of James Stunt James Stunt first comes in limelight in the year of 2013 when he bought one of the most expensive paintings of Van Dyck for 12.5 million pounds. As he is an art collector recently, he bought Marc Quinn Sculpture which is called Self, which is made of solid gold with a cost of $12 Million. He owned so many art collections of various famous artists named Sir Peter Lely, Sir Godfrey Kneller, Picasso and Degas, Monet, John Constable, Thomas Gainsborough, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Titian, and Sir Thomas Lawrence.
  4. 4. Biography of James Stunt James Stunt has a huge car collection, which is also included with his net worth. 3 Lamborghinis, 5 Rolls Royces, including a one of a kind Mansory Conquistador, 2 Mercedes Gullwings, an AC Cobra, and a vintage Ferrari 250 LM. When he was getting married to Petr Stunt, he gifted one 26,0000 pounds Rolls Royce to his beloved wife.
  5. 5. Biography of James Stunt Also, he has a big collection of Petrus Wine which is the most private and impressive linear collections in the United Kingdom. A famous cabinet maker, Lord Linley made cabinet for the Petrus collection, which is a temperature controlled cabinet. It is very much surprising that, James Stunt never granted an interview. He remains one of the most successful businessmen today.
  6. 6. Biography of James Stunt collections/billionaire-james-stunt-cars/ Visit: