biolÓgia angológia angol...

Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 1714 EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA Azonosító jel: BIOLÓGIA ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2018. május 15. 8:00 Időtartam: 300 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2018. május 15.

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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 1714


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2018. május 15. 8:00

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Page 2: BIOLÓGIA ANGOLógia angol nyelven emelt szint 1714 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 24 2018. május 15. Azonosító jel:

Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 2 / 24 2018. május 15.

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Important information

Read the following instructions carefully before you start your work. You have 300 minutes to complete your advanced level examination. Your written paper consists of two parts. For answering correctly the tasks (I-IX.) compulsory for everyone you are awarded 80 points. The last task (X.) contains two versions (A and B). You only have to complete one of them. You can be awarded the total of 20 points for answering only one of the two optional tasks. It means that by answering both you cannot get more points. If you do start answering both optional tasks cross out the one with a pen which you do not want to be included. If you fail to do this the examiners will automatically evaluate the ‘a’ version. Your questions are either multiple choice or open-ended ones. When answering multiple choice questions you need to write one or two capital letters into the empty boxes. These are the letters of the correct answer or answers. Make sure that your answers are unambiguous, otherwise they will not be accepted. If you want to correct your answer cross out the wrong one and write the correct letter next to it. When answering open-ended questions, you need to write technical terms, a few words, a whole sentence or several sentences or an essay. Mind your grammar because if your answer is not understandable because of bad grammar, or because it is ambiguous (e.g. it is not clear what the subject of the sentence is), it will not be acceptable even if it contains the correct terms. Points cannot be given for contradictory answers given to the same question. Each correct answer is awarded 1 point, unless otherwise indicated. Use black or blue pen.

Do not write anything into the grey boxes

Good luck for your work.

A D A D C B D correct acceptable wrong

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

I. Feast on a host plant 9 points The common oak (Quercus robur/kocsányos tölgy) is a perfect host plant for several insect species. There are an estimated 400 species which, one way or another, feed on the leaves chewing, peeling, sucking them or forming galls on them. Unique interactions among the populations can also develop. ‘In the galls, which are of the size of a small cherry, caused by the gall wasp (Andricus kollari/osztrák gubacsdarázs) large numbers of tenant insects can also develop. These are closely related to the gall wasps and live in the gall tissue made by the gall wasps since they themselves cannot induce the plant to form gall. The larvae of some of these species like the Synergus umbraculus develop in the outer wall of the gall generally causing no trouble to the host. On the contrary, they can even be beneficial by insulating the larvae of the gall wasp developing in the central chamber and thereby protecting them from intruders such as the chalcid wasp* Ormyrus nitidulus. The cydia moths (gubacsmolyok) lay their eggs on the developing gall and their larvae feed on the tissues of the gall until they bump into the larvae of either the gall causing or the tenant species. It is then that the cydia moths turn into ‘wolves’ and eat them.’

(Csóka György, Élet és Tudomány, 2015. 43. szám) gall (gubacs): The gall is an abnormally dividing group of cells giving rise to an outgrowth of plant tissue, which is induced by the activity of other living organisms such as insects. The gall provides habitat and nesting places and food source as well as protection against the weather for the organisms parasyting inside it or on the surface of it. *Chalcid wasps (fémfürkészek): small wasp species, whose larvae develop inside the larvae of other insects and thereby destroying them. 1. What type of interaction can develop between the gall wasp and the Synergus umbraculus

species? (2 points)

A) Commensalism B) Predation C) Symbiosis D) Antibiosis E) Parasitism

2. Name the interaction existing between the gall wasp and the Ormyrus nitidulus.


3. Place the following species in the food chain below. Write the capital letters in the correct order in the boxes.

A Cydia moths B Common oak C Gall wasp

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 4 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

Compare the host plant and the gall wasp. Write the appropriate letter in the box next to the statements.

A) Common oak B) Gall wasps C) Both of them D) Neither of them

4. Its cells have cell membrane.

5. Eukaryotic organism.

6. Chemotrophic organism.

7. Its cells have cell wall.

8. Its cell walls are made up of chitin.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total

II. Fungi, lichens and mosses 6 points Compare the following three groups of organisms. Write the appropriate letter in the box next to the statements. (Each correct answer is 1 point)

A) Fungus B) Lichen C) Moss D) All three of them E) Non of them

1. Eukaryotic organism.

2. Symbiosis between two types of organisms.

3. Some of its species produce antibiotics.

4. Spores are also produced during reproduction.

5. They are able to take up energy in the form of chemical bonds from their surrounding.

6. Their bodies are made up of different tissues.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 5 / 24 2018. május 15.

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III. Osteoporosis 10 points

‘The reduction in the mass and calcium carbonate content of the bones is a condition known as osteoporosis and the one which makes the bone more brittle and increases the risk of abnormal and spontaneous fractures. The name of the diseases means: porous, cavernous bone.’ — says a medical leaflet.’

Normal bone (left) and bone with osteoporosis (right) 1. Name which part (structural element) of the bone is shown in the picture.


‘The risk of developing the disease is increased by the lack of vitamin D3, which is required for the absorption and utilisation of calcium. The average calcium requirement of the body is at least 500-600 mg per day, which under certain conditions (pregnancy, breastfeeding, originally small bone mass) can be as high as 1000-1500 mg.’

2. Apart from bone formation, which processes need calcium in the body? Give two examples. (2 points)



3. Give your reason why there is an increased need for calcium during pregnancy and


………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4. Which hormones regulate the calcium level of the blood and what effect do these

hormones exert? Fill in the table below (5 points)

Name of the hormone The stimulus to induce hormone production

The effect of the hormone

It inhibits the release of calcium from the bones.

The intake of calcium in significantly larger amounts than the recommended dose for an extended period of time can cause kidney stones to be formed. 5. The risk of kidney stone formation can be lowered by increased fluid intake. Explain the

reason behind this finding. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 6 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

IV. Helpful bacteria 9 points The diagram shows how human insulin is produced with the help of bacteria.

1. Compare a human cell with a bacterial cell. Write a ‘+’ sign in the box if the given cell

type contains the cell organelle and a ‘–‘ sign if it does not! Each row correctly filled in is 1 point (3 points)

bacterial cell human liver cell Cell membrane

Nuclear envelope


2. Which human cell contains the gene of the insulin? Write the letter of the correct answer

in the box.

A) All human cells containing nucleus. B) Red blood cells. C) Only the cells of the endocrine glands. D) Only the cells of the pancreas. E) Only the cells of the Langerhans islets in the pancreas.

bacterial cell human cell



insulin gene

pro-insulin insulin

chain B chain A peptide C

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 7 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

The insulin is a polypeptide consisting 51 amino acids. During insulin production the insulin gene is inserted into the cleaved DNA molecule of the bacterium. 3. Write the letters indicating the processes of insulin synthesis in the boxes in the order they

follow each other. You do not need to use all the letters.

A) Peptid formation B) mutation C) Translation D) Replication E) Transcription F) Crossing over

From the polypeptide produced the C peptide is cut out by an enzyme leaving behind the effective insulin molecule. 4. By which enzyme we would be able to cut the insulin molecule?

A) Amylase B) Lipase C) Nuclease D) Trypsin E) Lactase

The insulin produced by the cleavage consists of two polypeptide chains as shown in the diagram above. 5. What types of bonds link chain ‘A’ and chain ‘B’ together?

A) Peptide bonds B) Covalent bonds C) Conjugated double bonds D) Disulfide bonds E) Hydrogen bonds

6. The solution of insulin produced is injected under the skin by means of a syringe or a suitable device which looks like a pen. Explain briefly why it is not effective to take the insulin through the mouth?



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 8 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

V. The dangers of healthy diet 8 points The excerpt draws our attention to the dangers of eating food high in dietary fibre often recommended as part of a healthy diet. The wholemeal flour contains all or part of the bran content deriving from the pericarp of the wheat, which is high in fibre. ‘Bakery products made of wholemeal flour and bran not suitably treated can cause hormonal diseases in small children. According to a researcher in Szeged it has often occurred recently that the flour has been contaminated with wheat infected by fusarium fungus. Last year in one of the surgeries 20 children suffering from hormonal imbalances were treated who were believed to have consumed infected wheat. (…) 2-3-year-old children show symptoms similar to the signs of pubescence like the sudden enlargement of breast. The disease is caused by phytoestrogens* deriving from the fungus, which primarily occurs in bakery products made of wholemeal flour or bran in concentrations higher than the permissible. The problem with wholemeal flour is that it contains practically the total amount of toxins associated with wheat, unlike the white flour, which only contains one third of this amount with the rest being removed with the bran fraction.’

*phytoestrogens: is the collective name of substances of plant origin, which are capable of binding to the receptors of female sex hormones and exerting their effect by doing so. The diagram shows the mechanism of action of steroid (e.g. oestrogen) hormones. Answer the questions below after studying the text and the diagram.

(HSP-90: receptor protein, which includes the subunit capable of binding with the oestrogen molecule marked with light grey in the diagram. transcription: transcription of DNA into mRNA, translation: reading off the mRNA)

The mechanism of action of steroid hormones

steroid receptor

cell membrane



cytoplasm cell nucleus regulatory

element gene

transcription mRNA translation protein

cell nucleus

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 9 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

1. What is true of the mechanism of action of ‘phytoestrogens’? Write the letters of the

correct answers into the boxes (3 points)

A) They are apolar compounds, whose receptors are found in the cell cytoplasm. B) They are polar compounds, therefore they are able to pass directly into the cell

nucleus. C) They exert their effect through the regulation of gene expression. D) The hormone shown causes the proteins to be translated directly from the DNA. E) They exert their effect similarly to the female sex hormones. F) They determine the order of amino acids of a protein.

2. Besides the danger described in the text, the foods made of wholemeal flour do have advantages. What are these advantages? Write the letters of the correct answers in the boxes. (2 points) A) It has higher fibre content compared to white flour. B) It contains more starch. C) It promotes the healthy working of the digestive system. D) Its content is more easily digestible. E) It has a beneficial effect on the endocrine functions.

3. Why is it inappropriate to use the term ‘phytoestrogen’ (plant oestrogen) in the context of

the text? Write your answer on the dotted line!



4. Which are the true statements about the hormone oestrogen (follicle hormone)? Write the

letters of the correct answers in the boxes. (2 points)

A) Its presence indicates pregnancy. B) There is a sudden rise in its concentration prior to ovulation. C) It causes the glands of the mucus lining of the uterus (endometrium) to

develop. D) In the first phase of the period the hormone is mainly produced by the

uterus mucus lining. E) It is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (hypophysis).

1. 2. 3. 4. Total

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 10 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

VI. We always need energy 8 points The energy transfer between the anabolic and catabolic processes is mostly accomplished through the mediation of ATP. 1. In what type of reaction is ATP synthesised from its constituent components? Write the

letters of the correct answers in the boxes. (2 points) A) Hydrolysis B) Condensation C) Peptide formation D) Adsorption E) Through an energy demanding process F) Through an acid-base reaction

2. In which biochemical processes is ATP formed during the flow of energy through a forest ecosystem? Write the letters of the correct answers in the boxes! (3 points)

A) In the light phase of photosynthesis. B) In the dark phase of photosynthesis. C) In glycolysis. D) In terminal oxidation. E) During digestion of food substances. F) During relaxation of muscles.

3. ATP is used when the muscles are working. A skeletal muscle uses 1.22 moles ATP during its activity. Let us suppose that this amount of ATP was produced by utilising only glucose. A) How many grams of glucose have to be used in biological oxidation to produce that

much ATP? 38 moles of ATP is produced from 1 mole of glucose in the process of biological oxidation. The molar mass of glucose: 180 g/mole. Write down your calculation. (Give your result rounded to the second decimal place.)

B) How many grams of glucose would be required for the muscle to produce the same

amount of ATP under anaerobic conditions? (Write down your calculation.) C) If the same amount of glucose were used in a skeletal muscle under anaerobic and

aerobic conditions, then how many percent of the amount of ATP produced in biological oxidation would be the amount of ATP produced in anaerobic conditions? Write down your calculation. (Give your result rounded to the second decimal place.)

1. 2. 3. Total

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Azonosító jel:

VII. Labrador genetics 8 points

Labrador retriever dog breed is bred in three distinct colours: black, yellow and brown. During the course of four crosses the following results were recorded about the inheritance of the colour: I. A cross between black and black resulted in black, yellow, brown and incorrect colour puppies being born, although the incorrect colour rarely occurs.

II. Crossing brown with brown gave rise to brown and incorrect colour puppies in 3:1 ratio. III. Yellow crossed with yellow produced yellow and incorrect colour puppies in 3:1 ratio. IV. A cross made between inbred yellow and inbred brown dogs produced uniformly black puppies. The distribution of the colour is independent of the sex of the animals. Let us assume during our calculations that the dominant form of the ‘A’ gene brings about brown colour, while the dominant form of the ‘B’ gene is responsible for the yellow colour. Furthermore, if both genes are represented by at least one dominant allele the colour of the dogs will be black.

1. The dogs showing the incorrect colour is regarded as worthless and are disqualified from further breeding. If these dogs were still crossed they would give rise to purely incorrect colour poppies. Write up the genotypes involved in the cross (by using the given symbols).

2. Dogs with black colour can have four different genotypes according to the description.

Give the other two possible genotypes. (2 points)

AABB, or AABb, or …………………, or …………………… 3. Write up the genotypes of the parents and offspring of the cross numbered IV. (2 points) Parents: yellow x brown

………………………… x ……………………………

Offspring: ………………………………………

4. In what proportions can the different colours be found among the offspring if the black dogs born in cross IV. are crossed together?

Phenotype of the offspring black yellow brown incorrect colour Phenotype proportions

5. Besides the advantages of inbreeding dogs there are risks involved as well. Describe the

advantage and the risk involved in the inbreeding method. Include the term ‘recessive’ in your reasoning. (2 points)

Advantage: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Risk: ………………………………………………………………………………………...


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 12 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

VIII. Botox 10 points The beauty industry has long been using the dangerous neurotoxin called botulinum toxin (‘botox’) produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. The following excerpt explains how the serious poisoning caused by the bacterium is brought about. The symptoms of the disease caused by Clostridium botulinum was already described in the first half of the 1800s. The anaerobic bacteria live in oxygen free environment including the soil, from which they get into waters and onto plants and agricultural produce. The bacteria can also be spread by animals as the bacteria multiply in their digestive system and then get into the soil through the manure spread in the fields. By consuming feedstuff contaminated by bacteria other animals can also be infected. During the processing of animal meat the bacteria can be transferred onto the raw meat and can produce botulinum toxin in the absence of heat treatment. The non dividing pathogen forms endospores, which are found everywhere in the soil. It is from the soil that the pathogen gets to the vegetables and other products contaminated with soil and even into honey. The bacterial cells producing botulinum toxin can multiply in dead organic matter of plant and animal origin. Endospores of the bacteria are able to withstand cooking at 100 ºC for 5-6 hours. Only when treated under high pressure and at +120 ºC (autoclaved) are the bacterial cells destroyed. They start multiplying in oxygen free environment at suitable temperature (within a range of +18 and +37 C).

1. Answer the following questions based on the excerpt. Which are the true statements about

the organism producing the ‘botox’ toxin? (2 points)

A) Prokaryotic, parasitic, chemotrophic. B) Eukaryotic , parasitic, chemotrophic. C) Prokaryotic, decomposer, chemotrophic. D) Prokaryotic, decomposer, heterotrophic. E) Eukaryotic, decomposer, heterotrophic.

2. What purpose do the endospores (bacterial spores) mentioned in the text serve?

A) For the asexual reproduction of bacteria. B) For the sexual reproduction of bacteria. C) This is the only way the pathogen bacteria can get into the host organism. D) For the bacteria to survive unfavourable conditions for a period of time. E) For producing toxins.

The toxin of the pathogen getting into the body with the food is absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood, by which it is carried to the peripheral nerve endings, where it inhibits the release of acetylcholine in the neuromuscular junction. The basic idea of the toxin’s mechanism of action is that the botulinum toxin binds to its receptor embedded in the cell membrane and gets into the axon terminal of the nerve cell by endocytosis. Once inside the axon terminal it destroys the docking proteins, whose function is to bind the synaptic vesicles to the membrane before their contents are released. This inhibits the working of the muscle. The basic principle of the poisoning is shown in the diagram. The diagram on the left shows the working of a healthy nerve cell while the one on the right demonstrates part of the neurone poisoned by the botulinum toxin.

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 13 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

Identify the details according to the text and write the appropriate letter in the box next to each statement.

3. The receptor binding the botulinum toxin.

4. Synaptic vesicle emptying by exocytosis. 5. The membrane of the muscle cell.

6. The proteins docking the synaptic vesicle. 7. What are the changes brought about by the botulinum toxin in the functioning of the body?

Write the letter of the correct answers in the boxes. (2 points)

A) It causes the permanent depolarisation of the muscle cell membrane. B) It prevents the muscles from functioning. C) It causes the hyperpolarisation of the muscle cell membrane. D) It makes it impossible for the action potential to form in the nerve fibre. E) It makes it impossible for the action potential to form in the muscle fibre.

8. What is the physiological basis of the application of botox based on the information

provided? (2 points)

A) It causes the skeletal muscles to contract permanently and thereby smoothing out the wrinkles.

B) Acting on the smooth muscles, it makes moles disappear. C) It inhibits the contraction of skeletal muscles and thereby removes the wrinkles. D) Acting on the neurons, it increases the repertoire of facial expression. E) Acting on the smooth muscles, it prevents hair loss.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Total









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1714 írásbeli vizsga 14 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

IX. Body fluid compartments 12 points The water content of the human body is about 60%. Its distribution among the different fluid compartments and organs is shown in Figure 1. The amount of ions dissolved in the intracellular fluid, interstitial fluid and blood plasma is different as shown in Figure 2. The concentrations of the ions are expressed in milliosmol/kg unit, which is the amount of charged particles in 1 kg of solution. ECF: Extracellular fluid, ICF: Intracellular fluid, Org. acids: organic acids.

Figure 1

Figure 2






n (m




interstitial fluid

cytoplasm blood plasma interstitial fluid cytoplasm

protein protein

Cations Anions

blood plasma






n (m




Mass (kg)


d pl



Intracellular fluid

Interstitial fluid

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 15 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

Explain the following differences in composition. 1. The difference in Na+ concentration between the interstitial fluid and the cytoplasm:



2. The difference in protein concentration between the blood plasma and the interstitial fluid:



3. Based on your calculations with the figures provided in the diagram, decide whether the cells or the extracellular fluid compartments contain larger quantities of cations. Write down your calculations. (2 points)

In order to preserve the water and ion content of the body, the water and ions lost in the life processes have to be continuously replaced. 4. In addition to the losses through the digestive tract name a life process:

a) which involves the loss of ions along with water loss:


b) which involves only water loss without the loss of ions:


Inadequate supply of water and ions and also the abnormal loss of these substances alter the values found in the previous diagrams.

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 16 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

In the following diagrams four physiological conditions with their distinctive values are shown, in which changes occur in the mass and/or osmotic concentration of body fluids. The diagrams only show the intracellular (grey) and the extracellular (hatched lines) fluid compartments and their mass and osmotic concentration values. The areas surrounded by the dashed lines represent the normal values of the compartments shown in the previous diagram.

Based on the changes in relation to the normal values, match the statements describing different physiological conditions with the diagram correctly demonstrating the given condition. Write the appropriate letter in the box next to each statement.

5. A condition typical after drinking large quantities of diluted liquid.

6. A condition typical of dehydration (loss of water).

7. A condition brought about after severe vomiting and diarrhoea.

8. Loss of fluid without the sensation of thirst.

9. A condition likely to cause the blood pressure to increase.

10. A condition inhibiting the release of vasopressin (ADH) into the blood.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total




us k










us k








Tömeg (kg) Tömeg (kg)

Tömeg (kg) Tömeg (kg)







n (m









n (m




Mass (kg) Mass (kg)

Mass (kg) Mass (kg)

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 17 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

X. Optional tasks 20 points A) ‘The magic of music…’ 10 points Music is as much one of the basic necessities of our lives as air. Many do not notice it until they feel the painful lack of it. (Zoltán Kodály) It takes at least two people to enjoy a musical experience: a musician or singer and a listener. Based on the following questions analyse the biological processes in the background of having this experience while listening to the aria of Judith and Bluebeard in one of the main scenes of Bluebeard’s Castle, a one-act opera by Béla Bartók.

In the following series of pictures you can see the laryngoscopic view of the larynx of one of the opera singers while singing (producing sound), while taking a breath during singing (forced, sudden inhalation) and while pausing during singing (normal breathing).

1. Identify which statement belongs to the different states while singing the aria (2 points):

A. Sound production (singing): …………………………………………………………….

B. Forced inhalation (taking a breath):……………………………………………………..

C. Normal breathing (taking a pause): ………………………………………………….…

2. Write the letter indicating the glottis in the box:

3. The song of Bluebeard starts with two motifs, in which the pitch of the singer drops significantly (by a fifth). Name the physical property of the sound that changes during singing these motifs.




state I. state II. state III.

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 18 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

4. The pitch (vocal range) of the bass singer playing Bluebeard’s role and that of the treble

singer playing Judith is different. Give the biological (anatomical) explanation for this difference in pitch.



The following diagram shows the changes in the flow of air through the larynx of one of the singers.

The sheet music shown at the beginning of this task also includes the characteristic musical signs ( , ) which shows the crescendo (gradual increase in sound volume) and decrescendo (gradual decrease in sound volume) according to the characteristic performance of the famous Hungarian bass singer Mihály Székely. 6. What changes take place in the sound production of the singer during decrescendo, in

other words as his voice gradually decreases?

A) The frequency of air resonance decreases. B) The speed of air flow decreases. C) His vocal cords tense up. D) The speed of air flow increases. E) His vocal cords relax.

5. Based on the figures of the graph and the frequency figures given in hertz (Hz) in the drawing, decide whether the graph shows Judith’s (tremble) or Bluebeard’s (bass) singing voice. Your decision should be based on your calculations, which you need to note down (1 Hz = 1 1/s) (3 points)







Closed glottis time (s)

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1714 írásbeli vizsga 19 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

The performance of a famous opera singer can be recognised not just by their unique mode of performance but also by the characteristic tone of the singer’s voice. 7. Give the biological differences accounting for the characteristic tone of the singer’s voice!



The biology of listening to music – essay 10 points Discuss the way in which the sensation of sound is brought about in the organism of the listeners while listening to the aria of Judith and Bluebeard. Include the following points in your essay: 1. The route the sound waves take from the air all the way to the inner ear; the function of the

structures involved in the process. 2. The name, site and function of the receptors. 3. Sensation and identification of the high and low pitch of the sound.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Essay Total

Essay ......................................................................................................................................................















Page 20: BIOLÓGIA ANGOLógia angol nyelven emelt szint 1714 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 24 2018. május 15. Azonosító jel:

Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 20 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

































Page 21: BIOLÓGIA ANGOLógia angol nyelven emelt szint 1714 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 24 2018. május 15. Azonosító jel:

Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 21 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

B) Energy carriers 10 points One of the most important global problems of our times is environmental pollution caused by the production of energy. One of the solutions for the problem might be the use of renewable energy sources. The table below shows the figures of electric energy production of Hungary by the sources of energy used.

Natural gas 38 % Crude oil < 2 % Nuclear energy 37 % Waste < 1 % Lignite 15 % Water < 1 % Biomass 3.6 % Wind < 1 % Brown coal < 2 % Biogas < 1 % Black coal < 2 %

1. After studying the table, work out the proportion of renewable energy as a percentage of

the total amount of energy produced. 2. Explain what is meant by renewable energy source.



3. The energy sources marked by dark background have both advantages and disadvantages

or dangers. Give one argument in favour of and against the use of each energy source marked. Your arguments should emphasise the relevant environmental and biological aspects of the given energy source. (8 points)

Nuclear energy Advantage: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Disadvantage/danger: …………………………………………………………………………

Biomass Advantage: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Disadvantage/danger: …………………………………………………………………………

Waste Advantage: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Disadvantage/danger: …………………………………………………………………………

Water Advantage: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Disadvantage/danger: …………………………………………………………………………

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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 22 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:

Greenhouse effect – essay 10 points Discuss the industrial energy production based on biomass and fossil fuels. Include the following points in your essay: 1. The greenhouse gases released during the course of industrial energy production. (Give

two examples). Explain the basic idea of the greenhouse effect. (the difference between incoming radiation and the radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface) 5 points

2. Give two possible reasons why the greenhouse effect is increasing and one possible consequence of it. 3 points

3. Two possible human activities which slow down the rate at which greenhouse effect increases. 2 points

1. 2. 3. Essay Total

Essay ......................................................................................................................................................



















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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 23 / 24 2018. május 15.

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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint

1714 írásbeli vizsga 24 / 24 2018. május 15.

Azonosító jel:


maximum achieved I. Feast on a host plant 9 II. Fungi, lichens and mosses 6 III. Osteoporosis 10 IV. Helpful bacteria 9 V. The dangers of healthy diet 8 VI. We always need energ 8 VII. Labrador genetics 8 VIII. Botox 10 IX. Body fluid compartments 12

Total score of the test: 80 X. Optional essay and problem solving task 20 Total score of the written examination: 100

date marking teacher


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