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Page 2: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB


Page 3: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB





In 192B. a German scientiat. C.E. Ehrenberg uasd

the tsr. 'bacteriu.'. The bacteria ere a.ell .icroacopic

orgenia.e with reletively eimple end pri.itive farm of

the cellular orgenieation known ee 'Procaryotic'. The

staining reactione of becteria ere of greatsr importence

in their differentietion and identificetion. In 1SS.,

Daniah phySician Gram diacovered the strain. known es

Gram-stain. neDaly Gram positive and Gram negative.

The gram poaitive bacteria reaiet decolourieation with

acetone. alcohol and r •• eins .tained with methyl

violet in dark purple colour. In tha ea.e of Grem

negative bacterie. decolourisetion takes pleee.

Bacteria een be clasaified eceording to their

morphological charecterietica ae lower and higher.

The lower bacterie ere generally unicelluler etructure

and never in the form of a mycelium or sheethad

fila.ente e.g. COCCi, bscilli. bivrioue. Ipirille and

apirohatee. The higher becterie are fila.entoue

oroanilme. lome beino sheathed ond growing with

Page 4: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

branching to form a myc.lium, having c.rtain cella

.pecialised for reproduction. The microorgania.a,

capable of producing di ••••• in anim.l or hum.n b.inV,

aro known a. pathogenic. Moat of the .icro-organi •• a

pr ••• nt on the akin and mucous .embranae ara non­

pathogenic •.

B.ct.riology i. the acience thet deel. with the

study of bacteria. aacteria ia the microecopic

organi •• of plant kingdom, d.void of chlorophyll.

The th.r.p.utic. known b.for. the ti .. 0' E~lich .as

cinchona for m.leria, ip.ach fore.oabic dye.nt.ry and

mercury for treating eyphilie have ba.n ueed. Th.

di •••••• of protozoal end spiroch •• tel origin have bean

m.d. to re.pond to .ynth.tic ch •• Qth.r.p.utic .vente

during the fir.t two dec.d •• of '9th century. The

microbiologiet and clinical personnel ov.rlooked the

po •• ibl1ity th.t the bacterioetatic compounds would

inhibit rapid r.production of pathog.nic bacteria .nd

enable the leucocyt.a and other defenca mecheni •• of

the ho.t to cope with f.w static invadera.

Peul Ehrlich, father of chemotherapy u.ed the

term chBllotharapy to d •• crib. the cur a of an infectious

di.eae. without injury to the hoat known .a ch.moth.rap.utic

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agsnt. and clasaified ecco~dlng to di ••••••• nd the

inf.ction., .uch as entibact.ri.l, .ntiprotozoal,

.ntivi~.l, .ntin.opl •• tic, .ntitubercular and antifungal

ag.nt ••

In this •• ction .. thod. u •• d for tin vitrot

•••••••• nt of antib.cteri.l agent. hes b.en de.cribad.

Antibacterial subatanc •• ~nd preparations ere cla •• ified

as disinfectants, antis.ptica and chemotherepeutic .gent ••

The t.rm disinfactant i. u.ed to elimineto o~ d.stroy

infection .nd should b. capable of killing e wid • •

range of bacteria. An antieeptic ia u •• d to control

or .liminato bact.riel infection. A ch.rr.otherap:!utic

agent i. an antibactarial .ubstanc. administered

.y.te.etically fo~ the tr.atment of inf.ction, .ey

be either bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal in it. action,

its main function ie to prevent the multiplication

Antibact.rial egents

They are an. type of chemother.peutic egent.

u.ed egeinot tha bacterial dise.see end divided into

two typ.e according to thair action on bacteria

becterioetatic end bect.ricidel agente. An agant i.

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I) r: () .... d

conaidered 'bactarioatatic' when it inhibite furthe~

growth or Multiplication of becteria and cleaaed ae

'bactaricidal' when it kille the becteri •• AntiMiarobi.l

egents ars the chemotherapeutic subatenc.e thet dostro¥

or inhibit the growth of Microorganieme in the living

tiseus. Antibiotics ere aubetencee produced b~ living

orgeni.M end ere .ufficient1~ noftootoxic to b. u •• d a.

anti.icrobiel .g.nt ••


Varieties of '~vivo' .creening method. hee

been ueed to evaluete the entibacteriel ectivit,.

Testing in lIic8 hea baco," Btendard. the ."n.Uivit,

of bacteria to antimicrDbiel agenta ie tea ted b, the

B811e methods 8S in other form of

principIa. of which ere Bhown in

microbiological 386 figure •

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I N C U I A T I o N


No v1eible org.nism

No visible growth

... , " . '

. ~ ,

.. ' . . _. . .. . - " ..


Via.t.bla growth

Bactericidal concantration

Bacteriostatic concentration

In vitro !!thods

'In vitro' teating is u.efUl for entibect.:ri.l

epect:rum deter_in.tion of • coapound end comparinll it

with other Silent.. Several type. of procedure. are in

use for a.aaying·th. potency of antibiotic prep.ration

fo:r ther.p.utic purpo... The _.thod. b.en

_edified and used for e.nsitivity tos' of unknown


i) Serial dilution 1n broth3B1 -Seri.l dilutions of the drug being •••• y.d .1'.

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made in unifo~m emounts of stenderd b~oth in cultu~e

tub.s. These era inoculat.d with e unifo~m of

cells to test organis.. After incubation, turbidity

(or is •• eBured by turbidimeter and

turbiditi.s (e.ount of growth) ar. with a

dilution ss~ies made in the aame wey but with entibiotic

r.fe.ence et.nd.~d of •••• ured potency.

ii) Str.ak enesy in .gor (lac. cit.,381

Gr.ded dilutione of the subet.nce to b.

e~e plsced in e eeriee of petri diehe. in which i.

pou~.d .bout 10 al of melted end cooled eoer, contents

mi •• d with d~ug dilution. Aft.r ege~ he. herdened,

the pl.tes me~ked into savere1 sectore, eech of which

ie stre.k.d with different test oroenism.

iii) Diffueion tsete

Diffusion teete on solid medie have been adopted

by most of the wherein the entimic~obial

egent is held in e reservoir from which it diffuse.

t~ouOh egar medium to form diffusion gradient to

which tha microo~geni •• s, growin, in Or on the oger,

ere e.poeed. The eize of inhibition zone depends

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upon tha factor that influanca tha diffuaion of the

antimicrobial agent as well ea the rata of growth of

tha ol'gania ...

a) Agar atrip diffusion!!!! !2I sensitivity

This is a siMpls technique which has been

originally usad by rleming. A strip of agar ia cut

frOM tha cantre at e place of suitab1s cultura madiuM.

Appropriata a .. aunt of sntiMicrabial agant ia addad to

lIoltan agar and pipattad into the guttar in the ~dium

and the DUl'feca of the agcr is inocUlated by etr@~king

Clulture,a to ba teeted.

b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic

~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

A zane of inhibition of growth around a diek

.ay indicata that tha antimicrobial agant is aither

bactariaCidal 01' bactariostatic. Tho presence 01'

abesnca of living o~ganisme within tha zone of

apparent caMp1ata inhibition of growth an diffusion

p1atas hava baan ahown by replica plate method.

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c) Diffusion t.sta ~ filte~ paper diake !2! d.t.~Mining .ansitivity 319

This conatitute e i.pla and ~elieble technique

i.p~egnating •• all disk of standard filte~ peper with

given amount of antibiotic placing the. on plates of

cultu~ Medium inoculatad with the organia. to be

teated. Afte~ inoculation the degree of eeneitivit~

by maasuring the aasily visible era._ of inhibition of

growth which hae bean p~oduced b~ the diffusion of

entibiotic frOM tha disk into the surrounding is


W. have undertaken ths apaciee StaphYlococcua

eureu. and ~E~e_c_h_e_~~i_c_h_i_a coli for the antibacterial

ecreening of the cOMpounde synthesieed in Parta If


1, Stephylococcue eureus - re.ily I MicFococceceee

In 1811, Koch obee~ved .tcrococcua like

organiam in pUSS Poeteur (1880) cultivated theee cocci

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in liquid ~edia. ogaoton (1881) found it prasent

in pus of acute chromic absceeses end found it

pathoganic fo~ .ica and Quinaa piga.

They ere &~am (+) cocci, ovoid or spheroidal,

nan-matila. arranged in group of cluate~a. grow on

nutriant agar end produce colonies, which ara goldan

yellow. white or lemon yellow in colour, aerobaa or

feculetive aneerobee, biochemical activities end

hae~lytic power are varieble. pathogsnic at~aina

'produca coagula.a, far.ant glucoaa, lecto.a, mannitol

with production of ecid. liquefy gelation and produce

pus in the leeion.

Genua I Staphylococcus

Staphylococcus i. diffarentiatad fro •• icro­

coccus, enother genus of the .ame family, by the

ability to utilise glucosa, .annitol a~ pyruvate

anacrcbically. Staphylococci ara found on the akin

or mucous membranee of tha animal body, especially of

tha no •• and mouth. where they often occur in largs

numbera even under nor •• l conditions.

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Speciee I StaphylocoCCUs aureue

The individual cells ere 0.8 to 0.9 U in

die.eter. Thel ere sphericel, non-.. tlle, non­

capsuleted, non-sporing, stein with ordinarl aniline

dyes and Gram (+)ve, typically arranged in groups.

The.e ere e.robe. or facultative enaerobes end grow

eoeilyon nutrient agar. The optimum te.perature for

the growth is 37- but the range of temperature veries

frOM '0- to .0- optiMUM pH is 7 •• to 7.6.

2) Eecherichia coli - ramily I Enterobacteriaceee

They ere Gre. (-)ve rode, motle with peritrichate

flegelle, or non-motile. They do not for. sporee end

are primerily environmantel seprophytas end ecevengers,

found in the inteetinal trect of man or lower animels.

GenUE I Eecherichia

This genue comprisee Eacherichia ~ and

eeverel variente, and ie af particular interoat aince

they occur comMonll in the normal intestinal tract of

man and animals. Eecherichia coli i. the ... t -di.tinctively fecal opecie ••

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') r:: 7 .... \)

Speciee • Escherichie E2!!

Eecherichie in 1885 diecoversd E.cherichi.

coli from the f •• ce. of the new born who ehowed the -org.nisms in the intestins within,3 d.ys .fter birth.

The ••• re Gr.~ -(-lve rode 2 to • ~, commonly eean in

coccob.cillery forM .nd r.re1y in fil.mentoue form ••

E.coli ere gener.lly non-pathog.nic .nd incriMin.t.d

•• p.thogen., becsu.e eometime •• trains have been found

to bladder, .ppendix, .eningiti., pneoMOnie and other

infectione end this species ie a recognieed p.thogene

in the vet.rinary field.


Becterioet.tic .ctivity c.n be d.termined on

eolid or liquid medi., depende on •••••• in9 by

.0 •• meen. the extont of inhibition of growth. We

heve adopted 'The diec or Teblet method' for the

sen.itivity teeting.

After the report of the 'Internation.l 390 collaborative atudy which we. involved with

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investig.ting 'the dilc test', thl method recommended

hal be.n adopt.d in Sweed.n. In U.S.A. the modified

KirbY_B.u.r3,t t.chnique he. been edopted a. the

officiel .ethod by the food .nd druge ad.inietretion.

The main etimulu. for atand.rdi •• tion in U.K. h •• co.e

from r.commendetion of the ule of the controlled

.ingle diec method3'2.

In thie method nutri.nt .gar of appropri.t.

compoeition i. h •• vily inoculated with the de.ired .11 ov.r the eurf.c. of the eolidifi.d .gar

or mix.d with .g.r, while .till fluid, b.fore pouring

the pl.te. If an antibiotic .olution of unknown potancy

i. •••• y.d. the organism us.d i. atock .train of

known •• n.itivity to .t.nd.rd cl ••••• of th.t .ntibiotic.

Me •• ur.d .tr.ngth. of the .ntibiotic eolution to be

teet.d ere .pplied to tha inoculated .gar in diec or

uniform thickn.s. of sterile filter peper. end

pleced on the surface of the plet. b.fore incubating.

Saveral d.vic •• er. evaileble for epplic.tion of the

di.cs. The .ntibiotic diffue •• outward from eech

diec end inhibit. growth in the .gar eround it. The

width of the zan. indicat.e, the eeneitivity of the

organism to the agent or .gente being through

the or ab.enc. of a zone and i. of gr.eter


Page 15: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

() f:)'9 ._l

As bacteriostatica ia a dynamic aituation

dependant not on tha sgent concerned but also a

number of other fectore particularly tim. of contact,

te.perature and nutritional environment in which the

organisma find the.selves as well aa tha typa and

numbar of celle involvad.

factors ~uencinq inhibition ~ si •• s

i) Ingrsdisnta s! culture madia

Many substances era pre.ent in culture madia

which may affect tha zone of inhibition, common

ingrediant •• uch a. peptone, tryptona, ye •• t eKtract

and agar may vary in mineral content and .. y influence

tha ectivity of ao.a antibiotic. It is well known

that Ca, Mg and fe affact aenaitivity zonee produced

by tetracycline a and gantamycin.

11) ~C~h;o:i:ce: g! medium

Coneiatent end reproducible re.ulta are obtainad

in media preparad e.pacially for aenaitivity t.ating.

The plata. mu.t be poured flat with an even depth,

very thin plate. ara unaatisfectory.

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iii) Effect s! 2H

The activit~ of eminogl~coside& i& enhanced

in alkaline media. reduced in acidic madie. the

reveree i8 .hown by t.trecyclin.

h) Size of inoculum --Although many entibiotics sre not msrkedly

effect.d by lerge number orgeni... ell inhibition

zone. are diminished by heav~ inocula. The ideal

inoculum ie the ona which givas an even dense growth

without being confluent. Overnight broth culture. of

organiame end Buitebl. euspeneions from Golid medie

can be diluted accurately to give optimum inoculator

for eensitivity teeting. In prectice ••• ti.f.ctor~

results can be echieved by teking a loopful of a well

grown culture or a euitably made auepen.lon of

organism and spreading It with dry ateriie eweb393•

The performence s! diffueion technique

i) Composition e! nutrient eger

Peptone 2.0 9' NeCl 2.0 gJ Meat extract 3.2 la

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Agar-agar powder B.O gl PH 7 •• , distillad water 1000 .1.

ii) Strangth 2! .ntibiotic

Until very r.cently, there hea little or

no agreement reg.rding the strength of antibiotic

diece for uee 'in vitro' e.neitivity te.ta.

iii) Storege ~ di.c.

Di.cs should alwsys be kept cool and dry and

wh.n .pplied to the .. diu •• hould b. pr •••• d firMly

to eneure proper cont.ct and .ven diffu.ion diec mey

be epplied to culture madi. v.ry conveni.nt with fino

point.d forc.p, di •• ecting nesdl •• or hypod.rmic

needls. of conv.nient .ize.

iv) Incub.tion !!!!

It should ideally be the miniMum required for

the normal growth of the organism. Prolonged incubation

which heve been pr.vented frOM reproducing but which

are not killed. It ie claar thet ouoh methode ara

euiteble only for organism that reproduce repidly,

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and anything in the ~ediu. or leck of any optimum

phyeical condition reducaD the growth, will produce

artificelly large zonee of inhibition.

v) Controle

ror the correct interpretetion of resulte and

recognition of eny eource of error in disc diffueion

eensitivity teeta the correct uee of control organie.

is eseentiel. If ~ultiple disce, neceeeitating tho

u.a of whale platee era ueed, cant~ol pletee ahould

be eet up for avery drug and medium used. ror

routing daily uee, the are most conveniently

kept in a refrigeretor et ,. on eterile throet ewebe,

e jar full of such awebe can be impregneted at one

ti .. ee thay keep well et leeet e weak.



Although chemotherepy of tuberc~lo&is hes be.n

precti •• d in aome for~ or the other, for over two

thoueand yeare, it hea b.en a clinicel re.lity for

the last three decades only. Primativa treetment

fo~ tuberculoaia such ee injection of tannin or

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.nim.1 charco.1, mud batho, 1argD doi1r

consumption of .pDen and •• eBiv. gold •• 1t injection.

parBiated for manr ¥eer •• all th ••• war. r.ported br

Koch •• inf.ctiva guin •• pig .r. manr ob.t.c1e. that confront the ehemoth.ropr

of tubarcu10aia. Some of them era -

i) Tubercle beci11uB eurvivaB for a number of rBere

in • hoBt without inducing .nd provoc.tion.

ii) It is • slow growing org.niB. which doeo not

81icit a .harp and maaeive reaction from the


iii) Tubercula_is iu a communic.b1e disa.a. and h ••

• xiuted aa • conutent streaB on human surviv.1.

iv) ThB di.eas. c.uu. axtanuiv. ti.sue de.truction

.nd live viru1ant bacilli g.t protection in

the c.vitiee, debri •• nd n.crotic •• ,

where ther remein protected to che.other.peutic

It w.e therefore naceo •• rr to .volve

.n ideal, more effective and e.fer che.otherepeutic

drug treetment for the d •• dlr infectiou. die •••••

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The drug ao evolved ehould be alow in producing the

raaietant atrain and relativaly fraa fro~ undeairable

aide effacta.

Tubercla bacilli known aa Bacillua Cal.ette

&uarin or ECG4BO has baan daveloped. [ven though

to data there ia no conclueive evidence thet vaccinotion

with BCG cDnfere ecquired reaietance on hu •• n being,

but it ia conaidered p.obable that it ia of aome


Theaearch for aubatance to entagonia. the

reepiratory stimulant. of M. tuberculoaia by aalicylic 415 acid led to the diacove:ry of P.A.S. • Howaver, the

letter does not .ffact tha :raapiration or antagoniaa

Dalicylic acid, which is fact ia not :raapiratory

aubatrata in the Mycobacterium. Tha retional parauit

of acraaning haa ao •• time bean faithful aa a reeult of

common practice of blind acreening of chemical


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Metho~ !! teetinq !! tub.~culoetetic drugs

e) In vitro !£!!

The in vitro t~et principelly ccnsiets 01

se.ding tubercle becilli into e eynthetio culture

~edium. Thie conoi.ts of gr2ded concentration of the

subetance to be tB.ted, renging fro~ zero concentration.

for contzvl purpo.e. to conc.ntration approaching the

toxic dose.

b) In vivo

Mice, guina. pig or rabbits ere inoculated with

bovine tubercle bacilli. Some of the infected eni .. 1e

treated orally or par.ntorally at various dose lev.le

with the aubetence to be while othars untreated

animale ere maintained ae controle. A widely used

technique following pathology of the di ••••• pzvc •••

by .acrificing traated and untreeted infected eniDal.

in which the infection epread to various organs. A

series of druga affactive egein.t axp.rimentel and

clinical tuberculo.i. hes been dav.loped durin, the

last thirty yeers beginning with 4,4'-diomino diphenyl

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eUlphone. atreptomycin and ethambutol. Exheuetive

reviewa by different authore heve boon publiehad on 4"_41' thie topic of cheaotherapy of tuberculoeia •

The -lIIDdern work could be considered to have

started with the obeervation of Riet, Rich end rallis,

their finding that the larga dose of sulph.nilamidea

produced a beneficiel effect on ths davelopmant of

experimental tuberculoeie, we confirmed by Suttle

and Parieh42D-422.

In this aection the perticulare of in vitro

testing of the com,ounds deacribed 1n Parte I to III

for their antitubercular a'nd entibacterial ectivitJ,f have

baen recorded in tablae - 15 to 25.

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The stud1 hss been carried out according to the

mathod adoptsd by aauar-Kirby at al. 73 Discs praparsd

trom whatman til tar papel' no. 1 with 4 •• diamatel'

which heve been sterilized by heat (160 1 tor 30 min).

Tha concantration of compound in diac is 200 ~g/diGks.

which havs baen prapal'ad using acatona/DMr aa a aolvant.

Nutriant agar has been uaad tor growth of Staphylococcua

auraua and E.coli. Tha auapenaion af the organiam

hac baan apread on nutl'ient agar plata b1 stel'ililad

cotton swab and discs put by sterilized 'orcap.

InCUbation has baan carriad out at 37- for 24 hl'a. tho

diamatel' at gl'owth inhibition Zona noted. S. 8Ul'8US

rspreeenta graM poaitiva organiam and r.coli reprosenta

gram nagativs organia ••

Antitubarculoais ausceptibility tasting

The compound tested against standard strain

of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H3yRv' The compounda

diSSolved in D~F/acetona and added in Lowanstein

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Janao'a r.edium so thet final concentration of tha

compound in 10 pg/ml and 100 pg/ml of medium.


The compounda .dded before inepiae.tion, the

chemicel containing medium is distributed in 7 ml

amount ia eere. capped McCortueyla tubes. All the

tubes inspisaated in elopping poaition at ao' for .5 minutea. The medium io inoculeted according to the

423 reco •• endation of W.H.O.

The inoeulu~ for the susceptibility teeta hee

been prepered by edding approximately 2.0 mg of growth

from tho prim.ry cultUre on B loop to 5 .1 eterile

diatilled water in a 7.0 ml screw cepped tuba together

with 6x3 am gl.aa beede. The tubea ahoken mechanically

for one minute end e full 3 .m loopful of auepeneion

inoculated onto each slope. Duplicete alopee fro. compound inoculated end the drug free control

slope aleo aat up with each teat. The tubea incubated

at 37' and tho rasulte of the teeta raad after 6 weeke.

We have etudiod the activity at two different concen­

tratione, t.e. 10 ~g/.l and 100 ~g/ml.

Page 25: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB




+ Indicetea inhibition aona occurs

++ Indicates aon. diemeter mora than 15 mm.

_ Indicates no inhibitory aona around the diRe.


i) -ii) +

Indicata. no inhibitory .ff.ct, i.e. co.pound

ie not affactive.

Indicates inhibitory effect, i.a. compound

is affactive.

iil) Solvent control end plein control indicatee tha

growth of bacterie end has not bean recorded in

the 'tables.

Page 26: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB


Q!. l!!l TyPE (1)




------------.---------.--------------------------------------Sr. f~o •


Antibacterial . !::!~!!I----__ -S.eureue E.coli

Antitubercular acti-~1_i!2~f~~~a!!!1_

to 100

-------------------------------------------------------------1. -c 6HS - .. - -Z. -CH2C6"5 - - - +

3. -J.O.e,H5 .. + + +

•• -4.Cl.C,H. + + - +

5. -2.e1.C,H4 - - - -6. -2.0CH3·C,H .. - - - -T. -J.OCH3·C,H. + - - -B. -"~OCH3·C6H .. + - - -,. -Z.CH3·e,H. - - + +

to. -4.CH3·',H .. - + - +

H. -2,0'2"S·C,H .. - .. .. -12. -4.0C 2HS·C,H4 - + .. -13. -",COO'2 H5.1: 6H• - - - .. ---------------------.--.--.---------------------------------

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gr !,!:!!;. ll!l (11) •

Br ~I


Cl o S I

R (II)

-------------------------------------------------------------Antibactorial Antitubuculu Sir. R R' activity activity No. iconcn • .1.18/mu

~-------r--DIi --rn---T n-.aureua .CD -------------------------------------------------------------, . -CH-CH-C ,H5 H - - - -2. -2.0H.C,H4 H - - + +

3. -'.N0 2·C,H4 H + - - -•• -l.N02 ·C,H • H - - - -s. -'.OCHl·C,H. H + + - -Ii. -3,4-CH2(0)2C,H3 H - - - -T. -'.a1'.'.20H.C'"3 H ++ + - +

8. -'.Cl.C ,H. H + + - -9. -2.0H.C,". eHt=OOH - - - -10. -'.OH.C,H4 eH2COOH - - - -1.1. -'.0 H. 30e H3C ,H3 CH2CODH - - - -12. -'.N0 2·C,H. C"2COOH - + - -13. -3.N02·C,". C"2COOH - - - -1 •• -'.DCH3oC,H. CH2CODH - - - + 15. -3,4-CH2(0)2C,H3 CH2eOOH + - - --------------------------------------------------------------

Page 28: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

') .... 2· ..... ( ....


Q!. THE ~ (1ll)

(II I)

-------------------------------------------------------------51'. No.

Antibactel'ia1 AntitubeZ'Cu1al' actl-!;!!!~l_______ ~~I_l~~~~J~!l S.eureu3 E.co1i . 10 100

-------------------------------------------------------------1. • •• CH3·C,". + + + +

2. -C'"5 + - - +

3. -tH-tH.C,"S - - - +

•• - •• OH.C,". ++ + + +

5. • •• N0 2 ·C,H4 + - - +

6. -3.N0 2·C,". + - - -1. -2.0".C,". + + + +

I. -3'''I:H2 (0)21: 6H3 • - - -9. -"0",301:"3·1: 6"3 - - + + 1 O. -3 ,.-di-OC"3'C ,H3 • - • +

11. -5-II',2-0H.1: 6"3 ++ + + +

12. -5-11'-3, .. dl-0I:H3 ++ + - +

13. -2-C1.C,H. - - + --------------------------------------------------------------

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TIl IlL E I !.!!. ANTI!1ACTERtAI. ACTIVITY Qf..!.!:!.l COMPOUNDS Q!. .I!!.t Ilfl (a)




---------------------------------------------------------s~. No. R

__ ~~!!~~;!!!!~!_~!l!!!~l ___ S.eureuD E.eoll

---------------------------------------------------------1 • -2-0CH3·C,". - -2. .4-oC~.C,H. + + "

3. -2-CH 3·C,H. - -•• -4-CH3oC,". + -s. .2-OC2 "5. C 6H• - •

5. .4-C1.C 6". + +

1. -C"2· C,HS - •

6. • •• OC2 H5·C 6H4 - + ,. -e,"S - -10. -3-C"3 oC ,H. - -11. -2-C1.C 6H4 - -12. -3-oCH3 ·C,H. + -13. -3-C1.C 6H. - +


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--------.-------------------------------------------------51'. No. R

~~!!~!~!~!!!_!=!:~!!r ____ _ 5.aureua E.cali

--------------------------------------------------.-------1 • -C 6H5 - -2. -t H-CH-t 6HS + -3. -4-oCH3 ·C,H4 - .+

4. -4.0HoC,H4 + . ++

5. -2.0H.C 6H4 - -6. -4.Cl.C,H. + .+

1. -2.Cl.C6H. - -o. -4.N~ .C,H4 + +

9. -3.N0 2·C6H. - -10. -3.4-CH2(0)2oC 6H4 - -11. -4.0H. 3OCH3 .C ,H3 - +

12. -3.4-di-OCH3 oC 6H3 - -13. -3. 5-dlBr.2.0H.C ,HZ + +


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-------------------------------------------------------s~. No. R

~!!~!:!!:!!!_~:!!~!!l ____ _ S.eureus E.coli

-------------------------------------------------1. -C,HS - -2. -CHtoCH.C 6HS - -3. -4.0CH3 ·C,HA - +

4. -4.0 H. C ,HA - +

5. -2.0H.C 6HA + + ,. -4.Cl.C 6HA - -T. -2.Cl.C,HA + -B. -A.N0 2·C,HA - +

9. -3.1\'02· C 6H4 - -10. -3.4-CHZ(O)2C,H3 - -11. -4-PH.30CH3·C 6H3 + + 12. -3, 4-d1-PC H3 • C ,H3 - -13. -S-Br.3,4-di-OCH3·C,H2 - -1A. -S-B~. 2-0H.C ,H3 - ---------------------------------------.------------------

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(VII) .

--------------------------------------------------------Sr. No. R

~~!!~!!~!!!!!_~2!!!!!1._ S.aurau8 E.coli

-------------------------------------------------, . -C,H!! - -2. -2.0CH3·t,H4 - -3. -3.0CH3·C,H. + -•• -4 .OCH 3• C ,H4 ++ +

5. -2.CH3·C,H4 - -15. -3.C H3• C6H. - +

7. -4.CH 3·C 15H. + -8. -2.0C2 HS·C I5H• - -II. • •• OCZH,.C,H. + + , O. _z. Cl.t iSH. - -, , . .l.Cl.C,H. - +

'2. - •• Br.C ,H. - +

'3. -CHZ·C,HS - -'4. - •• Cl.C,H. ++ ++


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ru:. m. !l!!I. (illl)




----------------------------------------------.-------------. S". No. R

Ant1bacta,,1al Ant1tubal'cula" activit~ activity _________________ t22~~2~_~2~!!l. __"aua f.coli 10 100

-------------------------------------------------------------1 • -C,HS - + + +

2. -2-Cl.C,H. + - + +

3. -3-Cl.C,H. + +. - +

4. .4-Cl.C,H. + + + +

5. -2.CH3 ·C,H. • • • -,. -3.C H3 .C ,H. + + - +

7. - •• CH3 ·C,H. + + + +

S. • •• OCH 3 ,C(jH. + + + +

9. -2.0C 2HS·C,H. • - - -10. -3.0CH3·C,H. + + • +


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')-8 .~ , TABLE I II


n!. THE ~ (a)

N-N s N~"\ I II II



.-----------------.------------------------------------------Antibacterial Antituberculer Sr. R activitr activity No. ________________ i!2~!~_~~!!!1 ___

5.eureue E.coli 10 1 DO

-------------------------------------------------------------1 • -2.CH3·C 6H4 + - • -2. -3.CH3·C 6H4 - - - -3. -4.C "3. C 6"4 - + - -4. -2.Cl.C 6H4 + ++ + +

5. -3.C1.C 6"4 + + • +

I. -4.Cl.C 6". ++ + + +

T. -2.0CH3·C 6"4 + • - -8. -3 .OC"3. C,H. - - - -t. -4.0C"3· C,H. + + - -10. .4.0C2 H5·C 6H. + + - -11. -CHz·C,Hs + + - -12. -C 15"5 - - - --------------------------------------------------------------

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L1!. l.!1t I.l.el. (IS'>




--------------------------------------------------------------Antibllctllrial Antitubarcular Sr. R activity . activity No. .________________ i~~~~~~~2!!!l ____

5.eureue f.col! 10 100

-------------------.-----------------------------------------, . -t,"S - - - -2. -4.tH 3·C 6H. - + - -3. -3.CH3·C,". + - + +

4. -2.CH3 ·C,H. - - - -5. -4.Cl.C,H. ++ + + +

6. -3.Cl.C6". + + - +

7. -2.Cl.C6H• + - - -8. -2.0C"3· C'"4 - + - -,. -3.0CH3 ·C,H4 + - - -10. -4.0C H3.t,H4 ++ + + +

11. -4.0C2"S·C,H. ++ + - + , 2. -tH2·t,H. - - - --------------------------------------------------------------

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Q!. l.!K n!!. (U,)


--------------------------------------------------------------Antibacterial Anti tube1'cu1 8ZO Sr. R, R2

IIctivity IIctivity No. l~2~!!~i!--!1 ___ .-------------

S.eU1'IlU8 E.coli 10 tOO ----------.---------------------------------------------------1. tH3 tH3 + + + +

2. t2 H5 C2HS - + + +

3. t ,H/5 CH, + + + +

4. t,H6 C6H, + + - +

5. CH 2CH2OH CH2tH2OH - - - -6. t,H6 C2H5 - - + +

T. Ind010 + + - +

B. JI'Io1'pho1ino - - - -,. Piperidino + - + +

10. P),1'1'010 - + + +

11. P he nothillzino + + - + 12. Tet1'IIch101'ophenothiazino + + + +


Page 37: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

:~ 8.1


Resulte !! table. 1!

The biologicel atudi.e of 2-(4-hydroMy.Seiodo­

.3.methoMY phenyl).3.eryl.4.thiazolidinone reveeled

tho compounds did not ahow any noteworthy entibacterial

activity Bince Moat of the compound a ere inactiva

with two or thraa aMcaptiona which ahow alight ectivity.

The aimilar typa of concluaion .ay ba drawn f:lO •.

their antitubercular activity r.aults. Tha co.pounda

with chloro and mathyl groupe Gubetitution to 3-phenyl

ring hava good activity_

Resulta of tsbla - '6 .. -

The activity date of 2-eryl-3-(4-broQO.l.

chloro phenyl)-S.aubatituted.4-thielolidinone show

that mora compounda ara active ageinet S.aureue than

E.coli but thay aro modarately active. Moat of tha

co.pounda hava been found inactive ageinst ~7Rv at.ain

at low concantration and at higher concentration, aoma

compounde inhibit the growth of the bacillua.

Page 38: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

Raaulta 2! table. 11

The antibacterial and antitubarcular activit~

of 2.eryl-3-C4-chloro phano.~ acat8mido)-5-carbD.~

.ath~l-"thiazolidinone hava baen recordad in thin

tabl.. They found to poasaae antibectarial activity

against S.auraua and E.coli to ao.a a.tant ahowing

,,' u ') .... () ......

varr •• all inhibition zonee. Some compoundo hava baan

found to show antitubercular activit~ against H3TRv

atrain of M~ tubarculo.h, at highar concantration.

~R_o_a_u_l_t_s 2! table • 11

Thia tabla includ.a the activit~ reaults of

=-(aubatituted or~l em1no).2-bromo~4,5-.eth~lenedio.~

phen~l ecetonitrilea. So .. of the cOMpounds show

antibactarial activit~ against S.eureua and E.coli.

The compounds with ortho and mota, substitution found

more active.

Raaulta !!2! tebla - !1

This tabla indicataa tha biologicel scraaning

rasults of =-(3,S-dibromo-4-hydro.~ benzorl hydrazino)­

Dubstituted eryl acetonitrilas. Tha m.n~ compounds

Page 39: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

are farelv active againat E.coli. Soma of them ara

also active again.t S.aureu.. Tha compound. having

pera substitution to aryl ring shows good activity.

Roeult. 2! table - 19

oc-(4-Mathyl ph.noxy ecetyl hydrazino).aryl

acetonitrilea ar. for their bactaricidal

property. Moat of the compounds found inactiv. aoain.t

S.eureua end E.coli. They hove baen elso testad for

antitub.rcular activity but the raaulta era noteworthy

becausa almoat all tha compounds ara inactiva.

Reaulta of tabla - 21 - -The a.riaa of this tabla ia of becausa

of the amino nitrila. group having hydroxy and broMO

group in ph~nyl zing. Moot of tha compound. era

equ.lly la.a or mora activa againat both otrsin.

Compounds having 4-.ethoxYt 4-chlolo t 4-.ethyl moiaty

ahow oignificant activity.

Rosulta of tabla - 22 - -'10m ths expari •• ntal data 1t waa ob.erved that

Page 40: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB


all the compounds ahow hiQh activity againat bacteria

S,"auroue and E.coli. Antitubercular activity of

compounds heD been determined uaing HlyRy atrain of

Mycobacterium tubarculaaia. All the compounds ehow a

little to atrong entitubarcu1ar activity. It haa be.n

observed that aubatitution is para and mata poeition

in tha phenyl ring ia more potent than tha ortho


Reaulte of table - 23 - -All the cDmpDunda ohow activity Dgainat S.sureu ••

out of tham. o-aniayl. benzyl and p-chlorophenyl

derivDtiva. are more active againat S.aureua, whila

.-chlorophenyl and benzyl darivativea ara mora active

egeinet t.coli e. comparad ta athar compounda. Only

chloro Gubatituted compound ahow antitubarcular activity.

Beeulte 2! !2! teble - ~

Moat of the compoundu wera found to axhibit

activity againet 5.auraua and E.coli. Organia •• para

position of phenyl ia MOra activa than ortho and meta

poaition. It haa becn alao observed that titla compounde

Page 41: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

ara mora active againet S.eureue .then E.coli. The

ecra.ning resulte of the 'in vitro' antitubercular

activity of compounde shaw that all compounds .re

inactiv. at low concentration. but sarno active at

highar concentration (100 ug/.l).

It haa been obeerved that .aet of the compounds

ehow aignificant activity against 5.eureus and E.cali.

The compounds found more active cgainst the etrain

of M. tuberculoeie. Compounde heving indolyl. methyl­

ani11nyl and phonathiezinyl ~~i.ty shaw higheat

activity againet H37Rv .train.

Generel diacuseion SD ~ctivitY2! 4-thiezolidinonee

The 4-thiazolidinanae. etudiad have found to

poeaess antibacterial activity but most of them are

inactive to moderately active. Some compounds shaw

goad antitubercular activity. No atructure activity

correlation cen be aatobliehad fram the resulte. The

aryl or aryloxy acetyl hydrazino derivatives also have

ne influence an the activity. in the etudy of the

Page 42: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

Gene~el diecuseion ectivity £! ~-eminonitrilee ~ releted compounds

The =-aminonitrilea derivatives have got no

interesting antibecteriel activitN except few of

them. The derivativea from 5-iodovenilline have more

number of compounde which are Bctive. No much effect

of cyeno group ha. been found the ectivitN.

Generel diecu8sion!n ~ivity!! 1,3,4-oxBd!ezole


The 1,3,4-oxBdiezole derivative. studied ehowed

feirlN good antituberculer activitN. Compounds show

a little to strong antibacterial activity. PyridNl

ring increaeee the becteriel ectivitN. nut no cleer

etructure activity reletion h •• been concluded. It

ie cleer thet 1,3,4-oxsdiezoles have interesting

entibacterial Dnd antitubercular activity.

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SECTIONI2 • • • • • •• •


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SPECTRQSCOPIC ANALYSIS (ir), nuclear magnetic re.onance (nmr) •

and ultraviolet (uv) apactra of aever.l rapr.a.ntativ.a

from the aynthaaised compounda h.v. be.n racordad.

Tha spectroacopic snalysis of a compound much

about ita structura. The infrarad apectra giva infor­

matiDn about function.l grDupe in tha compound. The

nucle.r magnatic reaon.nca spectra show situ.tion

of protona and tha ultr.violat atudy indic.ting

elactronic aituation of the molecula. The epectr. of

a.var.l compounda, recorded .s 'raphe 1 to 19.


Tho ir apectre of aevarel eyntheai.ed compound. been meesured in KBr pallets. The spectra h.v.

bean taken on lackman. Acculab-10 sp.ctrophotometer

.t C.ntr.l .nd M.rin. Chamic.l. R •••• rch Inatitut.,, between the 2.5 _ 16.5 ~ (4000-600 em-')

end .hown ea Graphs 1 - ,. Th. d.ta has be.n

interpret ad .nd di.cua.ed.

Graph I ~

The epectr. of 2-(4-hydroxy-5_iodo_3_

Page 45: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB


.methoxy phenyl) -3- (3-methoxyphenyl) -4-thiozoU.dinone

ehowa a weak absorption band et 3300 ca- ' auggesting

the presence of stretching vibration of -DH group. A -1 .

bsnd at 1650 em may indicate the prsoence of C-O

group in thiazolidinone. The peculier band at .1 -1 1210 cm end 1040 cm for C-O stretohing of erylkyl

group. Ths ather bsnda may bs aesigned to C-H, C-C

stretching end deformation vibratione.

iraph ! 2

The ir spsctra of 2-(4.nitrophBnyl)-3-(4-bro~o-

.3-chloro phsnyl).S-cerboxy mBthyl-4.thiszolidinona

1 _1

ehow the characteristic absorption bsnd at 680 cm

1 _1

aey indicate the pressncs of -C-O group, at 1 40 em -1 in the range of 1200.1025 ca for thiezolidinone

ring syetam, bands at 1525 and 1325 em-' indieataa .1 vibration in sryl nitro compounds at 2845 cm for

-1 C-H (stretching) in CH 2 and at 810 cm for C-N

NO 2

stretching. Absorption for nuJol (as mulling agent)

hava baen obssrved at 300-2900, 1460-'460 and 1380 cm-1•

Tha other benda may ba assignsd to C-C and C-H

stretching snd deformation vibrations. The halogena

e -1 ahow bands bstwean 00 - 600 em •

Page 46: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

Graph I 3

(4-chlorophenoxy Bcetemido)-5-carboxymethyl-4-

thiezolidinone exhibit the following characterietic -1 -1 bands in Clll at 2900 end 2830 cm for N-H stretching

of -CONH-, ot -1 1680 and 1640 CIII for C.O etretching -1 in amide and thiazolid!none at 1125 cm for C-o(atretch)

, -1 in ether linkage et 1600 CIII for -N-C-S grouping, at

1020 c.- ' fo'r C-Cl etretching. The other banda may

be a.aignad to C-C and C-H atretching and daforMation


Graph. !

Tha iJ: apectre 0' a: -( J ,5-dibJ:OIII0-4-h~roxy

benzoyl hydrazino)-4-.athoxy phe.yl acetonitrile ahow

the characteristic fJ:equenciea of various functional

groupe ee under. A week band at 3650 cIII- ' for -OH

group at 2'00 and 2830 cm- ' 'oJ: N-H atretching of

-CONH, et 1680 c.-, fOJ: C-o (atretching) in acid

1 -t -1 hydrazide, at 450 cm C-H (daf.) in methyl, "5 CIII

-1 for C-O (etr.) in ether linkege between BOD - 600 em

fOJ: C-BJ: groupa. The otheJ: bende cen b. aaeigne,d to

Page 47: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

C-H and C.C stretchln; and deformation vibrations.

Tho absorption for C~N cannot be observed due to 73 adjacent hetero atom •

Graph I l

The infrared epectra of a: -( 4 •• ethyl phenoxy

acatyl hydrazino)-3.4-methylenedlOlCY phenyl aceto

nitrile ahow the cheroctariotic froquanciee of various

functional ;roupa ae under. At 3060 end around

2900 cm-' for N-H(etr.) in hydrazide, et 1665 em-' for -1 C.O stretch. at 1600 c. for aromatic ring. at 1240 .,

and 1030 em for t-o-c etrotching for acymrnetriesl ., and ay •• atrical reapectively. at 1440 em (atr) in

methyl. at 1600 (w) for aromatic rino, at 1250 (m)

and 1110(m), 1030 (m) for ethar linkage of 3,4 •

• ethylenediaxy phenyl gnup. In cc-arnino nitrilu the

band for C~N ia elmoat abeent due to preeence of

vicinaa nitrooen atom.

Graph I !

Tho ir spectra of 2.'-N-(4-methoxyphenyl).

carboxamido methyl thisr.5-(4-mathylphenyl).1,3,4_

oxediazole ahow the charectarietic frequancias of

Page 48: BIOLOGICAL TESTING SPECTRQSCQPIC 4.pdf · b) Replica platB method to ~ bacteriostatic ~ bectaricida1 action 3BB

varioue functionel under. At 3240 -1 groups ae o.

for N-H stretching in amide, at 1660 -1 for C-o CID

etretching, between -1 1460 to 1 UO cm for C-H etretch-

ing in C"3' at 1220 1 _1 and 025 c. for C-O-C ethersl -1 linkage, at 1590 cm for C.N in oMadiazole ring.

Tha othar banda .ay be easignad to C-H, C-C, N-H stretch­

ing or daformetion vibrations.

Graph , 7

The ir apectre of 2-("phenyl thioa.m!carbazido)-

1 ,3,'-oxediezols ahow tha charecteristic frequenciea

of various functional groupa oa under. At 3460 e.- ' for N-H atratching, at 1570 e.- ' for C.N etretching in

1 -1 conjugated, et 13 0 em for C.S stretching -1 end 1010 em for t-o-t in oxadiazola ring. The

other banda .ay be a.eigned to C-H, t-t, N-H etretch­

ing or defor.etion vibrationa.

Greph I 8

Tha ir apectra of 4-(2-mathylphenyl)-~(5-phenyl_


ahow- the characteriatic frequencies of verioua

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functional groupe as under. At 3240 cm- ' for N-H -1 stretching in e.ide. at 1650 em for C-o etrAtching.

et 1440 and 1310 ca- ' for C.S linkege. et '.10 c.- t

-t for t-H stretching in CH3 at 1600 cm for C.N in

oxediazole ring.

Graph' ,

The ir epectra 0' Mannich baees show the

cheracteristic frequenciee of varioue functional

groups as under. At 1600 cm- t for C.N group in oxediazole

1 1 -1 ring. between 0'0 to 050 cm for Cas otrotching

1 _1 f h vibration. at 010 cm or C-O-C at erel linkage in

oxediazolo ring. The other bande me~ be aesignad to

C-H. C-C etretching or deformation vibratione.


Ths UV epectre of eeverel e~nthesieed compound

were meeeured in ebooluta alcohol ee a solvent. The

epectra were taken on Toehnl~ol Spectrophotometer.

model No. RLD-2. The correeponding nil VS 00

curves ere drswn e. graphs (10 and 1t). The region

etudied is from 200 nm to .00 nm.

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;)()3 '. ,

Gnph , t,o

Tha UY &pect~a of m-a.inonitrila of broaa

piperonal type (~) and 5-iodo vanillin (II) ahowad

threa ebaorption maxima whieh a~a charactaristic of

thia typa of coapounda (l) DC -( 4_mathoxyphe nyl Elmino)­

.2_bromo-4,5-methylenadioxy phenyl acatonitrile gava

abaorption .axia. at 224 nm, 234 nm and 217 nm.

(II) CC -(3-Anisidino).4-hydroxy-5-ioda-3-methoxy

phenyl acetonitrila gava abaorption aaxi .. et 223 na,

232 na and 264 nm.

Graph I tt

The UY apeetra af 2_(2 .. hydroxy phanyl)-3-(4_

chloro phanoxy acataaido)_5-cerbaxy mathyl-'­

thiezolidinona show three absorption aaxi .. at 2tS na,

232 nm and 295 nm which era characteristics of the

type of coapounda.


The nuclaa~ megnatic reaonance (NMR) spectroscopy

of aelsctad compounda has besn studied. Tha apactra

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have bean taken ueing appropriete deutrated aolvent

by Regional Sophieticated Instrumentetion Centre. lIT.


Graph No. 12

2- (4-Chlorophany1) -3-( 4-bromo-3-ch1 oropheny1)­

-4-thie.o1idinone in ecetone d, ee eo1vent ehow

absorption between 2.22 to 2.8-r'(lIu1tip1~te) for

arDmatic protonc and at about 6.07 for CH2 group of

thie.o1idinone ring. The peak at 3.4 'I .ay be for

t-H reeonanca of the ring.

Graph I 13

Acetone d6 ha. been u.ed a. a aolvant for

p.r atudy of 2.(2-hydroxy pheny1)-3-(4-ch10rophenoxy

acetamido)-5-cerboxYllethyl-4-thiazolidinona. It

give. the following abSorption bandl!l 0.95 T (singlet)

for -COOH proton. 2.25 to 2.6 7 ([email protected])

for 2-hydroxyphenyl protene. between 2.85 to 03.05 T (lIu1tiplata) for 4-ch1orophenoxy proton. and at

1.05 T (8ing1et) for -CH2 of cerboxy .. thylane group.

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.) ()~ ,..,l V

Graph I 14

The NMR epectre of 1-(4-methylphenyl amino)

1-(6-bro~,3,4-.ethylenedioxy phenyl)-acetonitrila

(in acetona d, as a aolvant) ahow absorption betwean

2.67 to 3.25 'T' (mUltiPlete) for BrOllllltiC protona, at

3.B4 T' (singlet) for CH2 of -o-C"2-0- group, and et

7.6' 7' (ainglat) for C"3 group.

Graph , 15

m-(3,S-Dibromo-4-hydroxy benzoyl hydrezino)_

-4-methoxy phanyl acetonitrila in acetone d, ee a eolvant

sholt absorption betwsen 1.13 to 2.16 7' (multipl!to)

and about 2.75 to 2.95 ~ (multipl!te) for aromatic

protona end et 6.0' 'T' (8inglet) for -oCH3 protons.

Graph I 16

CDCl3 hes bean ueed ea a solvent for pmr etudy

of =-(4-methylphenoxy acatyl hydrezino)-3.4-

.athylenedioxy phenyl acetonitrile. It ,ivea the

following ebsorption bands.between 2.46 to 3.2 T

(mulU.p1e.te) for erolletic protone. ot 3.,67' (d.nght)

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fu CH2

of -o-CH2-O- group end at 5.35'7' (singht)

for CHZ protona of -oCH2CO- group.

Graph , 11

Acetone d, he. b •• n ua.d .e • aolvent for pmr

a tudyof a: - (4-c:hlor D 8n111no) - 4- h,vdrolCy-5-iodo ... 3-

m.thoxy phenyl acetonitrile. It givos the followin,

abaorption bands, batw.en 2.5 to 2.6!) 'I (multipltte)

for Dramatic: protons at 6.2 rr (ein,l.t) for CH3 proton of -oCH3 group.

Graph I 18

NMR apectra of 2_~N_(4_matho.yph.nyl) ...

carboxamido~ethyl thiSi-S-(4-.ethylphanyl)_1.3,4-

olCldlelole in scatone d, es Bolvent show absorption

bands b.tween 1.9 to 3.0 ~ (multlpl~te), 2.33 to

2.45 'T' (multlPltte) and 3.0 to 3.05 7' (lnult1pl!te) fa.

aro •• Uc: protons. And at 5.U '7' (Singlet) of CHZ protons,

at 6.2 'T (Singlet) for CH3 p.l'otDn of -OCH3 group and

at 7.15 7' (linglet) for CH3 group.

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Graph I 1,

Acetone d, ha. b •• n u •• d •• a eolvent for

pmr .tudy of "(3-•• thylph.n~l)-L-(5-phenyl-1.3.4-

oxediezol-2-yl-thio)-ac.ty17-thio.emicorbazida.. It

giv •• the following absorption bende, betw.en 2.25 to

2 •• 0 rr' (.ultip1et.) about 2.6 to 2.15 '7' (.ultipl~t.)

end 2.9 to 3.0 'I' (.ul tiplet.) for .romatic protone.

And about 7.2 '7' (elnglet) for CH3 protons.

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..,..... , •



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