birth of srirama

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  • 7/25/2019 Birth of SriRama


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    The Aswamedha sacrifice as well as the sacrifice intended to procure progeny performed by the

    highsouled King having been completed , the celestials who partook in their share of the offerrings too

    returned to their respective abodes

    Having completed the sacred vows , the king along with the queens entered the city accompanied by

    the servants soldiers and carriers.

    All the kings who came to witness the sacrifice have been honored by the king Dasaratha according to

    their accomplishments. The kings too very much pleased, bowed low to Sage Vasisht and started back

    for their respective lands. The soldiers of the glorious kings were delighted with the honors received

    and were shining brightly.

    After all the visiting kings have left, then king Dasaratha too entered the city following the best of



    The sage Rishyasrumga having been duly worshipped left along with his wife Shanta. He was followed

    by the king Romapada. Dasaratha too followed them for while before taking leave.

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    Having bid farewell to all , the king felt happy. Thinking about the birth of his sons the king lived happily.



    After the completion of Yaga six seasons have rolled on. Then after twelve months, on the ninth day of

    the month of Chiatra during the fourth quarter of the star Pushyami presided over by Aditi, SriRama

    was born to Kausalya, with five planets in their ascendancy. And Jupiter in conjunction with Moon

    appeared in Karka. At that auspicious time Srirama was born. He is the leader of all the three worlds

    and respected by all. He is endowed with all that is good.

    He is the delight of the scion of Ikshwakus. He represents half the power of Vishnu. He has well

    proportioned limbs, eyes with reddish tinge as well as a booming voice resembling the sound of kettle

    drums. With a son of great prowess , Kausalya shone much like Aditi who had the vajrayudha wielding

    Indra as her son.


    Kaikeyi gave birth to Bharata who represnted a fourth of Vishnu's prowess and he is endowed with all

    virtues, and is an embodiment of true valor. Then the two sons Lakshmana and Satrughna were born to

    Sumitra. They were skilled in the use of all weapons and were endowed with fourth part of Vishnu'sprowess.


    Bharata always of pleasing manners, was born under the star of Pushyami and the auspicious

    constellation of Meena. Lakshmana and Satrughna were born under the star Aslesha in the

    constellation of karkata when the Sun was over the meridien. The four sons all endowed with excelent

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    qualities were born at different times. When they were born Gandharvas sang melodiously. The

    Apsaras danced. The kettle drums made their resounding noises. Flowers flew down from the heavens.

    Ayodhya celebrated the event like a great festival with participation of people. The main through fares

    were full of actors and dancers putting on their shows. The streets marked with rush of people were full

    of bards singing songs of praise. The king gave away gifts to the entourage and gave away thousands

    of cows and gold coins to Brahmins.

    On the eleventh day the king celebrated the ceremony of giving names. Sage Vasishta peformed the

    ceremony with delight , naming Kausalya's son as Rama and Sumitra's sons as Lakshmana and

    Satrughna and Kaikeyi's son as Bharata.

    The king offered food to all the citizen of Ayodhya as well as people from the vilages. For Brahmins he

    gave away variety of jewels. Then he got appropriate ceremonial rituals related to the birth performed.

    Among the four sons , Rama the eldest gave the most pleasure to the King. He also became dear to all

    much like the creator himself who is admired by all . All the princes learnt Vedas. They are great

    warriors. They were always of the intent of working for the benefit of the people. They were endowed

    with wisdom and were repositories of all excellences.

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    Among them Rama bore himself with great lustre and is possessed of a true valor. He is the delight of

    all. Like moon he is without blemish. He is skillful in all actions while riding an elephant , a horse and a

    chariot. He is skillful in the arts of archery . He is devoted and always involved in serving his father.

    From his childhood Lakshmana is always devoted to his elder brother Rama and is the delight of all. He

    will forget his own comforts and take care of Rama's needs. He is virtually Rama's other soul.


    The best of men Rama too would not sleep unless Lakshman is next to him. He would not take the

    tasty food brougt for him. When Rama goes for hunting on a horse he would be there with him walking

    on foot. Lakshmana's brother Satrughna too is like him. He is dearer to Baharata than his own life.

    Satrughna also has deep respect for Bharata.

    The Dasaratha felt supremely delighted with his four sons very much like the the Brahma himself with

    the gods surrounding him. The four sons were endowed with rich wisdom , adorned with all virtues, all

    knowing and far sighted . King Dasaratha, the father of those four possessing unique glory and

    splendour, too rejoiced like Brahma the ruler of Universe.

    Those four, tigers among men. were devoted to study of Vedic studies , well versed in the art of archery

    and always devoted to the service of parents. Then the king whose mind is given to piety deliberated

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    with family priests about the princes marriage. While the king was deliberating thus the great sage

    Viswamitra possessed of unique glory arrived.

    Seeking an audience with the king , he announced to the gate keepers. " Announce my arrival to the

    King. I belong to the line of Kusa, My name is Viswamitra , son of King Gadhi'. Hearing that

    arnnouncement of sage, spurred on by that command, the gate keepers ran to the Kings palace. They

    reached the kings palace and conveyed the arrival of Viswamitra to the king.


    The king delighted to hear those words, went forth along with his priests to receive him like Indra went

    to receive Brahma. Seeing that sage radiating the power of his penance the king was very happy. Then

    the king offered ritual waters for cleaning. The sage having received the offerings enquired after the

    welfare of king and the kingdom.

    " O King ! Are your treasury , kingdom , frends and relatives safe? Are all vassals under your controland are all enmies subdued? Are all the sacrficial duties and duties to the citizens going apace?'

    Then the sage aproached Vasishtha and exchaged greetings and there after met all others and

    exchanged greetings as appropriate.

    Then all of them entered the court and took their places according to their ranks.

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    Thrilled with joy , the higly magnanimous king then spoke with the sage after offering him due worship. '

    O , Maharshi! Your arrrival gives us a delight like obtaining nectar for one self, like rain water in an area

    of drought, like the birth of a son for one without one through his wife, like the recovery of treasue for

    one who lost his, like the joy of great festivals. O Maharshi welcome to you '.

    s s



    'O Great One! what is your desire. What should I do ? You deserve to receive what ever is required.

    Your arrival here is considered as our luck. To day I feel as though my birth stands fulfilled and my life is

    fulfilled . You were intially known as Rajsrshi and later attained the tittle of Brahmarshi . Hence you areworthyof our adoration. Your coming here is wonderful and our house is purified. Please let me know

    what is the resaon for your arrival. I am ready to fulfill your wishes'.

    'Oh Kausika ! do not have any concerns about your needs. You are equivalent of Gods to us. I will have

    the works completed without leaving anything pending. O Brahmarshi ! With your arrival I consider that

    all the religious merits attained by me have borne fruit.'

    Hearing those words of prayer which were not only pleasing to heart but also to ears , the sage whose

    renown is occassioned by his excellences, whose renown is spread far and wide, and who was

    distinguished by his virtues, experienced supreme delight.

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    Thus ends the chapter 18 of Balakanda in Ramayana.

    || om tat sat ||

    || om tat sat||