bise rawalpindi past paper _2nd year_ biology 2006-2015

P P a a s s t t P P a a p p e e r r s s ( ( 2 2 nd Y Y e e a a r r ) ) Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Rawalpindi B B i i o o l l o o g g y y - - I I I I (2006-2015)

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Page 1: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

PPaasstt PPaappeerrss ((22nndd YYeeaarr)) BBooaarrdd ooff IInntteerrmmeeddiiaattee aanndd SSeeccoonnddaarryy EEdduuccaattiioonn RRaawwaallppiinnddii

BBiioollooggyy--IIII (2006-2015)

Page 2: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2006

(Subjective Type-46 Marks)

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 1 Write short answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What is counter-current multiplier mechanism?

(ii) What is all or none principle?

(iii) What is epilepsy?

(iv) Give some ways to save energy.

(v) What is embryonic induction?

(vi) Differentiate between viviparous and ovoviviparous.

(vii) What is genetic code?

(viii) How transgenic animals are produced?

(ix) Differentiate between pioneers and climax community.

(x) What is the location of deserts in Pakistan?

(xi) What are hydrothermal vents?

(xii) What is multifactorial inheritance?

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x10=30)

Q: 2 (a) Describe the structure and function of human nephron.

(b) What is the significance of secondary growth in plants?

Q: 3 (a) Write a brief note on structure and function of thyroid gland.

(b) What is Nitrogen Depletion? Describe its remedies.

(c) Distinguish between different zones in fresh water lakes.

Q: 4 (a) Describe human menstrual cycle.

(b) What are the endangered species?

Q: 5 (a) Explain Mendel’s law of independent assortment. Explain it with an example.

(b) What is green house effect?

Q: 6 (a) Describe evidences of evolution from any five branches of biology.

(b) Give characteristics of plants and animals adapted to desert life.

(Objective Type-29 Marks)

Q: 7 Encircle the correct answer. (8x1=8)

(i) The solution whose concentration resemble to internal solution is the _____________.

(ii) The living cells of cartilage are called _____________.

(iii) Ganglia are the concentrations of cell bodies of _____________.

(iv) Which light was effective in preventing flowering in cock lebur?

(v) Temperature influences the growth of plants within a range of _____________.

Page 3: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

(vi) Mouse has number of chromosomes _____________.

(vii) The period between two consecutive divisions in life cycle of cell is _____________.

(viii) When a single has multiple phenotypic effects the phenomenon is _____________.

Q: 8 Complete the following sentences. (8x1=8)

(i) An organism that has had a foreign gene, inserted into it is called _____________.

(ii) Archaebacteria can tolerate temperature up to _____________.

(iii) Regions with high rain fall are suitable for growth and are known as _____________.

(iv) The nephrons which are arranged along the border of cortex and medulla are called _____________.

(v) The tissues by which bones are connected with bones are called _____________.

(vi) _____________ the behavioral activities occurring at regular intervals in living things.

(vii) The total gestation period in human female is about _____________ days.

(viii) _____________ is the pigment free area that appears at the time of fertilization that affects the

development mechanism.

Q: 9 (a) Match Column A with Column B. (9x1=9)


Vasa recta Juxtamedullary nephron

Uremia Renal failure

Callus Wound of stem & root

Bone cell Osteocyte

Etiolation Chlorosis

Etiologist Lorenz

Labour pain Oxytocin

Endometrium Uterus

Microcephally Small skull

(b) Draw and label the diagram of the root tip with reference to phases of growth. (4)

Page 4: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2007

(Subjective Type-46 Marks)

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 1 Write short answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What is difference between deforestation and afforestation?

(ii) Give any three names of major ecosystems on land in Pakistan.

(iii) What is biomass?

(iv) Define Gene Pool.

(v) What is Anther Culture?

(vi) Differentiate between wild type and mutant.

(vii) How can you identify the cancer cells?

(viii) What is the function of RNA polymerase in transcription?

(ix) Define embryonic induction.

(x) Define vernalization.

(xi) What are GA3 and its use?

(xii) What is tetany?

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x10=30)

Q: 2 (a) Explain vasodilatation and vasoconstriction.

(b) Describe the polymerase chain reaction in detail.

Q: 3 (a) Write brief note on muscle fatigue, tetany and cramp.

(b) How did Meselson and Stahl show that DNA replication is semi conservative?

Q: 4 (a) Write a note on spinal cord.

(b) Describe different stages of xerosere.

Q: 5 (a) What are the functions of placenta during pregnancy?

(b) Describe hydrospheric eco system and give its common features.

Q: 6 (a) Describe the process of regeneration in different animals.

(b) Write a note Green House Effect.

(Objective Type-29 Marks)

Q: 7 Encircle the correct answer. (8x1=8)

(i) The site of conversion of ammonia to urea is _____________.

(ii) In children, deficiency of calcium and vitamin D causes _____________.

(iii) Cytoplasmic processes carrying impulses away from _____________.

(iv) Reproduction is very important to the survival of _____________.

(v) The branch of Biology dealing with the study of aging is named as _____________.

Page 5: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

(vi) The gene for white eye trait in Drosophila is located on _____________.

(vii) When a single gene has multiple phenotypic effects, phenomena is called _____________.

(viii) Desert plants like Cacti and Euphorbia store water in their _____________.

Q: 8 Complete the following sentences. (8x1=8)

(i) The non surgical procedure of removing kidney stone is termed as _____________.

(ii) _____________ is stored in the muscle cell as reserve food.

(iii) A placenta is established between uterine and _____________ tissues for the exchange of oxygen.

(iv) During _____________ homologous chromosomes get close to each other.

(v) A sudden change in the structure of a gene is called _____________.

(vi) Archaebacteria can tolerate high temperature up to _____________.

(vii) The distribution of life in lakes depends on _____________ and place for attachment.

(viii) To save energy is actually refers to the _____________ of energy.

Q: 9 (a) Match Column A with Column B. (9x1=9)


Tundra Most fragile

Fibro-cartilage Epiglottis

Treponema sp. Syphilis

Puffiness of hands Myxoedema

Pyrolysis Solid wastes

Juxtamedullary Nephron Vasa recta

Sex-limited trait Beard

T-tubule Triad

Yellow cytoplasm Muscles Cells

(b) Draw and label the diagram of collenchyma cells. (4)

Page 6: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2008

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) A cell loses water when placed in _____________.

(A) Hypotonic Solution (B) Isotonic Solution (C) Hypotonic Solution (D) Distilled Water

(ii) The supporting tissues of plants are _____________.

(A) Collenchyma (B) Sclerenchyma (C) Parenchyma (D) Both A and B

(iii) The number of cranial nerves in man _____________.

(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 31 (D) 62

(iv) Reproduction is important for the survival of _____________.

(A) Species (B) Individual (C) Population (D) Both A and C

(v) Young tissues or growth of cells that retain the potential to divide _____________.

(A) Meristems (B) Xylem (C) Phloem (D) Cork

(vi) The particular array of chromosomes that an individual possesses is called _____________.

(A) Genotype (B) Phenotype (C) Karyotype (D) Both A and B

(vii) The spread of tumor cells and establishment of secondary areas of growth is called _____________.

(A) Epistasis (B) Metastasis (C) Epiblast (D) Hypoblast

(viii) Genes keep on hopping on different loci are called _____________.

(A) Alleles (B) Multiple Alleles (C) Jumping Genes (D) Both A and B

(ix) Which trait is inherited directly from father to his sons only?

(A) X-linked (B) Y-linked (C) Autosomal (D) X and Y-linked

(x) Organisms used as bio-filters are _____________.

(A) Transgenic Bacteria (B) Protoplasts

(C) Transgenic Animals (D) Bacteriophages

(xi) In a population that is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium, 16% of the individuals show the recessive trait.

What is the frequency of the dominant allele?

(A) 0.8 (B) 0.6 (C) 0.4 (D) 0.2

(xii) The role a species plays in a community _____________.

(A) Habitat (B) Habit (C) Niche (D) Food Chain

(xiii) Nutrients tend to be concentrated near the bottom sediments in _____________.

(A) Pond (B) Lake (C) Ocean (D) All of these

(xiv) Solid wastes are source of energy if converted by _____________.

(A) Hydrogenation (B) Pyrolysis (C) Bioconversion (D) All of these

(xv) Branched and striped muscles are _____________.

(A) Smooth (B) Cardiac (C) Skeletal (D) Both B and C

(xvi) Plant hormone that promotes leaf fall _____________.

(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Abscisic Acid (D) Gibberellins

(xvii) Syphilis is caused by _____________.

(A) Virus (B) Spirochete (C) Protozoan (D) Fungus

Page 7: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any TWENTY TWO questions. (22x2=44)

(i) What is the difference between the excretory system of insects and other animals?

(ii) What is the mode of locomotion in cockroach?

(iii) What do you know about test tube babies?

(iv) What is sympathetic nervous system?

(v) What do you know about collenchyma cells?

(vi) What is parthenocarpy?

(vii) What is the percentage of incidence of different types of kidney stones?

(viii) What are neurotransmitters? Name their various types.

(ix) How peritoneal dialysis is done?

(x) What is latent learning?

(xi) What do you know about “Callus”?

(xii) Differentiate between primary and secondary growth.

(xiii) Explain point mutation with an example.

(xiv) Define a true-breeding variety.

(xv) What do you know about cell cycle?

(xvi) Explain phenylketanuria.

(xvii) Differentiate between neurocoel and blastocoel.

(xviii) What is a nucleosome?

(xix) What do you know about malignant tumor?

(xx) What is a test cross? What did Mendel devise this cross?

(xxi) Define regeneration. Give one example.

(xxii) Explain sex-limited trait.

(xxiii) What are paliandromic sequences?

(xxiv) What is meant by ex-vivo and in-vivo gene therapy?

(xxv) What is micro propagation?

(xxvi) What do you mean by inheritance of acquired characteristics?

(xxvii) Define endangered species.

(xxviii) Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.

(xxix) Define symbiosis.

(xxx) What are limnetic and profundal zones?

(xxxi) Differentiate between weather and climate.

(xxxii) Why forests are called environmental buffers?

(xxxiii) What is wild life?

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 3 Describe the structure of a sarcomere and its contraction initiated by nerve impulse.

Q: 4 Compare nervous coordination and chemical coordination.

Q: 5 Describe the experiments of Beadle and Tatum on Neurospora. What was their conclusion?

Q: 6 Define and explain the various stages of Mitosis also give its significance.

Q: 7 What is gene therapy? Describe methods and practical application of gene therapy.

Page 8: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2009

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) In cockroach most of the re-absorption of salts and water take place in the _____________.

(A) Intensive (B) Mid gut (C) Rectum (D) Malpighian tubules

(ii) Which of the following is plantigrade?

(A) Horse (B) Monkey (C) Rabbit (D) Carnivore

(iii) Which of the following is the earliest form of muscles?

(A) Cardiac Muscles (B) Smooth Muscles (C) Skeletal Muscles (D) Alary Muscles

(iv) The cold receptors in human beings are nearly more abundant, than heat receptors _________ times.

(A) 27 times (B) 10 times (C) 15 times (D) 20 times

(v) The maximum speed of nerve impulse recorded in human beings is _____________.

(A) 120 m/sec (B) 100 m/sec (C) 150 m/sec (D) 200 m/sec

(vi) All of the following are day neutral plants except _____________.

(A) Tomato (B) Maize (C) Cotton (D) Wheat

(vii) The negative physiological changes in our body are called _____________.

(A) Teratology (B) Aging (C) Degeneration (D) Abnormalities

(viii) Penicillium, a fungus has the following pairs of chromosomes _____________.

(A) One pair (B) Two pairs (C) Three pairs (D) Four pairs

(ix) Highly condensed portions of chromatin are called _____________.

(A) Euchromatin (B) Heterochromatin (C) Centrosome (D) None of these

(x) In Kline felter's syndrome _____________.

(A) One x-chromosome is missing (B) Additional sex chromosome is present

(C) Sex chromosome fail to segregate (D) None

(xi) The basic unit of biological information is _____________.

(A) Gene (B) Locus (C) Chromosome (D) Allele

(xii) Who for the first time found white eye mutant in Drosophila?

(A) Morgan (B) Calvin Bridges (C) Correns (D) De varies

(xiii) All suspension cultures of Digitalis lanata produce _____________.

(A) Quinine (B) Digitoxin (C) Ricinodeic Acid (D) Vernonia

(xiv) Who out of the following scientists believed in Divine creation?

(A) Darwin (B) Lamarck (C) Linnaeus (D) Wallace

(xv) An association between the roots of the plants growing in acidic soils and certain fungi is called _______.

(A) Mutualism (B) Mycorrhiza (C) Lichen (D) Succession

(xvi) The rain fall in desert ecosystem is _____________.

(A) Less than 25 to 50 cm (B) From 50 to 75 cm (C) From 100 to 200 cm (D) From 250 to 750 mm or not at all

(xvii) A single chlorine atom can react with ultra violet rays and destroy ozone molecules as many as _______.

(A) One million (B) One billion (C) Five Million (D) 2 Billion

Page 9: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any TWENTY TWO questions. (22x2=44)

(i) What are hydrophytes?

(ii) Differentiate between osmoconformers and osmoregulators.

(iii) Write two storage functions of liver and effects on homeostasis.

(iv) What is turgor pressure? Give its role in plants?

(v) What is the difference between endoskeleton and exoskeleton?

(vi) Give two characters of auxins.

(vii) What is synapse?

(viii) Differentiate between innate and learning behaviour.

(ix) Write a short note on vernalization.

(x) What is Follicle Artesia?

(xi) What is Genital herpes?

(xii) What is the role of cytokinins in apical dominance?

(xiii) What are teratogen and teratology?

(xiv) Why Vernon Ingram is famous for?

(xv) What are leading and lagging strands?

(xvi) Define a transcription bubble.

(xvii) What is role polymerase-I and DNA ligase?

(xviii) What are apparent symptoms of Down’s syndrome?

(xix) Define necrosis.

(xx) What is the pattern of x-linked inherited traits?

(xxi) What is hemophilia? Give its different types.

(xxii) Differentiate between homogametic and heterogametic individuals.

(xxiii) What is the role of oxytocin in labour?

(xxiv) Name the hormones secreted by placenta.

(xxv) What are fraternal twins?

(xxvi) Define:

(a) Gestation period (b) Menopause.

(xxvii) Give the function of gastrin and secretin.

(xxviii) Define:

(a) Behaviour (b) Habituation.

(xxix) Give two characteristics of Hormones.

(xxx) What are the organs of locomotion in Euglena, Paramecium, Amoeba, and Starfish?

(xxxi) Name the bones of Pelvic girdle in Maga.

(xxxii) Name the cells associated with bone.

(xxxiii) How land mammals respond to cold weather?

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 3 Explain the mechanism of nerve impulse.

Q: 4 (a) Describe the repair process of a simple fracture of bone.

(b) Give graphical / diagrammatically representation of Bryophyte lifecycle.

Q: 5 Discuss Meiosis in detail and give its significance.

Q: 6 (a) How did evolution proceed from prokaryotes to eukaryotes?

(b) Write a note on importance of Mitosis.

Q: 7 Write a note on acid rain and green house effect.

Page 10: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2010

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) Incidence of calcium phosphate type kidney stone is _____________.

(A) 70% (B) 20% (C) 15% (D) 10%

(ii) Water losses from cells when placed in _____________.

(A) Hypotonic Solution (B) Isotonic Solution (C) Distilled Water (D) Hypertonic Solution

(iii) Tonoplast is a membrane bounding a _____________.

(A) Cell (B) Vacuole (C) Mitochondria (D) Nucleus

(iv) Epinasty is caused by _____________.

(A) Auxin (B) Cytokinin (C) Gibberellins (D) Ethene

(v) Largest part of brain is _____________.

(A) Thalamus (B) Hypothalamus (C) Cerebrum (D) Cerebellum

(vi) Plants growing in darkness become _____________.

(A) Chlorotic (B) Etiolated (C) Stunted (D) Folded

(vii) Average loss of blood during delivery in human is _____________.

(A) 150 cm3 (B) 250 cm3 (C) 350 cm3 (D) 450 cm3

(viii) Parthenocarpy occurs due to high level of _____________.

(A) Proteins (B) Enzymes (C) Auxins (D) Lipids

(ix) Gut of ascidians develops from _____________.

(A) Clear Cytoplasm (B) Yellow Cytoplasm

(C) Gray Vegetal Cytoplasm (D) Gray Equatorial Cytoplasm

(x) mRNA is synthesized by, _____________.

(A) Polymerase (B) RNA polymerase II (C) DNA polymerase (D) Ligase

(xi) Spread of tumor cells and establishment of secondary areas of growth is due to _____________.

(A) Metastasis (B) Epistasis (C) Epiblast (D) Hypoblast

(xii) The trait inherited from father to son only is _____________.

(A) X-linked (B) Y-linked (C) Autosomal (D) Non-disjunction

(xiii) Cystic fibrosis patients lack a gene that codes for trans-membrane carrier of _____________.

(A) Calcium ions (B) Chloride ions (C) Sodium ions (D) Potassium ions

(xiv) The change from reducing to oxidizing atmosphere means that life could no longer arise ____________.

(A) Biotically (B) Abiotically (C) Analytically (D) Photo synthetically

(xv) Which plays the role of a species in a community?

(A) Habit (B) Habitat (C) Niche (D) Food chain

(xvi) Ecosystems dominated by humans tend to be _____________.

(A) Undisturbed (B) Complex (C) Simple (D) Destroyed

(xvii) A single chlorine atom can react with ultraviolet rays and destroy _____________ ozone molecules.

(A) One thousand (B) One million (C) Two million (D) Ten million

Page 11: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any TWENTY TWO questions. (22x2=44)

(i) How osmoregulation in marine fish differs from fresh water fish?

(ii) Draw metabolic pathways in urea cycle.

(iii) What is mechanism of counter current multiplier?

(iv) How Klinefelter’s syndrome differs from Turner’s syndrome?

(v) How necrosis differs from apoptosis?

(vi) What is erythroblastosis foetalis?

(vii) What is testicular feminization syndrome?

(viii) A normal woman, whose father was colourblind, marries a colour blind man. What proportion of their

children can have normal colour vision?

(ix) How tendon differs from ligament?

(x) How plantigrades differ from unguligrades?

(xi) What is spondylosis?

(xii) What is feedback mechanism? Also give its two functions.

(xiii) What is Parkinson’s disease? How it is caused?

(xiv) Write two commercial applications of gibberellins.

(xv) Define parthenocarpy. Also give two examples.

(xvi) Distinguish between menstrual and oestrous cycle

(xvii) What is ovoviviparous condition? Give an example.

(xviii) Differentiate between embryonic development & growth.

(xix) How is notochord formed in the chick embryo?

(xx) Explain inheritance of acquired characteristics by Lamarck?

(xxi) What is genetic drift? Also give its effects.

(xxii) Differentiate between divergent and convergent characteristics.

(xxiii) What is nucleosome?

(xxiv) What is the contribution of P. A. Levine in biology?

(xxv) Differentiate between transcription and translation.

(xxvi) Why is hemophilia more common in human males than in females?

(xxvii) What is a ‘Wild Type’ organism?

(xxviii) Give two examples of foliage lichen.

(xxix) How is Nitrosomonas functionally different from Nitrobacter?

(xxx) Differentiate between “Thar” and “Thal”.

(xxxi) What is profundal zone? Give its life.

(xxxii) What is demography?

(xxxiii) What is stone cancer? Give its cause.

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 3 (a) Discuss nature of excretory products in animals to various habitats.

(b) Explain tropic movements and their types in plants.

Q: 4 (a) Where adrenal gland is present?

(b) Explain green house effect and discuss its causes.

Q: 5 (a) Give a sketch of Bryophyte life cycle.

(b) Discuss the factors effecting gene frequency.

Q: 6 (a) What is meiosis? Describe its prophase-I.

(b) Write down a detailed note on succession.

Q: 7 (a) Write down the main points of Watson and Crick model of DNA.

(b) Explain the process of polymerase chain reaction.

Page 12: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2011

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) The whole of the world land is called _____________.

(A) Lithosphere (B) Ecosphere (C) Hydrosphere (D) Biosphere

(ii) The coniferous forests located at high altitude are called _____________.

(A) Boreal (B) Alpine (C) Temperate (D) Desert

(iii) The decline in thickness of ozone layer is caused by increasing level of _____________.

(A) Hydrocarbons (B) Nitro carbons (C) Fluorocarbons (D) Chlorofluorocarbons

(iv) The incidence of calcium oxalate type kidney stones are _____________.

(A) 50% (B) 70% (C) 80% (D) 90%

(v) Femur, Tibia and fibula are the bones of _____________.

(A) Neck (B) Skull (C) Fore Limb (D) Hind Limb

(vi) The most toxic nitrogenous waste is _____________.

(A) Urea (B) Uric Acid (C) Creatinine (D) Ammonia

(vii) Muscle fatigue is caused by accumulation of _____________.

(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Fumaric Acid (C) Lactic Acid (D) Alcohol

(viii) Kohler performed many experiments to show _____________.

(A) Latent learning (B) Imprinting (C) Habituation (D) Insight learning

(ix) Secretin is a hormone produced by _____________.

(A) Liver (B) Gut (C) Pancreas (D) Adrenals

(x) Germinating pollen grain is a rich source of _____________.

(A) Gibberellins (B) Auxins (C) Abscisic Acid (D) Cytokinin

(xi) Oviparous animals _____________.

(A) Lay eggs (B) Give birth to young (C) Give larvae (D) Give pupae

(xii) Which type of light favours elongation of cells in plants?

(A) Red light (B) Blue Light (C) Infrared (D) Ultraviolent

(xiii) The 5-carbon sugar in DNA is _____________.

(A) Ribose (B) Maltose (C) Fructose (D) Deoxy-ribose

(xiv) Each bivalent is consisted of four _____________.

(A) Chromosomes (B) Chromatids (C) Chiasmata (D) Spores

(xv) Green-colour blindness is called _____________.

(A) Deutranopia (B) Tritanopia (C) Tetranopia (D) Protanopia

(xvi) Which of these would not expect to be a biotechnology product?

(A) Vaccine (B) DNA probe (C) Protein (D) Steroid

(xvii) The vermiform appendix is a vestigial organ in _____________.

(A) Herbivores (B) Carnivores (C) Omnivores (D) Frugivores

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any FIVE questions. (5x2=10)

(i) Name two types of sclerenchymatous cells. Give their function.

(ii) Differentiate between exoskeleton and endoskeleton.

(iii) How a cilium beat and helps in locomotion of paramecium according to suggestion of Bradford?

(iv) What is apomixis?

(v) Name various parts of male reproductive system of man.

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(vi) Define menstrual cycle and menopause.

(vii) How cytokinesis takes place in a plant cell?

(viii) Define non disjunction of chromosomes.

Q: 3 Write answers of any FIVE questions. (5x2=10)

(i) What is imprinting?

(ii) Name hormones released by adrenal gland.

(iii) Give two functions of cytokinins hormones.

(iv) Define species.

(v) Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs.

(vi) What are the main sources of water pollution?

(vii) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources.

(viii) Define biodiversity and forest.

Q: 4 Write answers of any FIVE questions. (5x2=10)

(i) Define karyotype and nucleosome.

(ii) Differentiate between transcription and Translation.

(iii) Compare genotype and phenotype.

(iv) Define law of segregation

(v) What is dihybrid cross?

(vi) Compare population and community.

(vii) Define autecology and synecology.

(viii) Differentiate between Habitat and Niche.

Q: 5 Write answers of any SEVEN questions. (7x2=14)

(i) Differentiate between hydrophytes and xerophytes.

(ii) Define excretophore.

(iii) Write about urea cycle.

(iv) What is cleavage?

(v) What is microcephally?

(vi) Describe the process of cloning.

(vii) What are bioreactors?

(viii) Name three zones in Lake Ecosystem.

(ix) What is desertification?

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 6 (a) Describe the function of a nephron in human body.

(b) Elaborate the chromosomal theory of heredity. How did Morgan support it experimentally?

Q: 7 (a) Discuss sliding filament model of Muscle contraction.

(b) Explain diabetes mellitus type II and its genetic basis.

Q: 8 (a) Explain the role of hormones produced by the posterior lobe of pituitary gland.

(b) Describe any two evidences in favour of evolution.

Q: 9 (a) Illustrate human female reproductive cycle.

(b) Write a note on food web.

Q: 10 (a) Distinguish between metaphase and anaphase of mitosis.

(b) State and explain atmospheric pollution.

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BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2012

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) The stage that lasts for days, weeks or even years is _____________.

(ii) Secretors have dominant secretor gene "Se" on chromosome _____________.

(iii) Meristem is _____________.

(iv) Eustachian tubes connect throat with _____________.

(v) Overgrazing may lead to _____________.

(vi) Layering is a characteristic of _____________.

(vii) The upper layer of earth crust is _____________.

(viii) Which one of the following is excretophore?

(ix) The arginine is split by arginase to form urea and the precursor _____________.

(x) The living cells of cartilage are called _____________.

(xi) The collenchyma cells have protoplast and usually lack _____________.

(xii) Abscisic acid can be sprayed on tree crops to regulate _____________.

(xiii) Gastrin stimulates the secretion of _____________.

(xiv) Luteinizing hormone induces _____________.

(xv) Plant hormone florigen is produced in _____________.

(xvi) Temperature influences rate of growth within a range from _____________.

(xvii) The gene causing the white eye trait in drosophila resides only on the _____________.

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) Define homeostasis and anhydrobiosis.

(ii) Differentiate between metanephridium and protonephridium.

(iii) Define counter-current multiplier.

(iv) Give the cause of cramp.

(v) Give three disadvantages of exoskeleton.

(vi) Define nastic movement. Name its types.

(vii) What arc neurotransmitters? Give its examples.

(viii) Give three main actions of nicotine on coordination.

(ix) What is kinesis? Give an example.

(x) Differentiate between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

(xi) Define oestrous cycle.

(xii) Define apomixis.

Q: 3 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) Define genic system and give its one example.

(ii) What is monochromy?

(iii) What is meant by discontinuous variations?

(iv) Define hydrothermal vents

(v) Define modern synthesis.

(vi) Name the species declared extinct in Pakistan.

(vii) Differentiate between autecology and synecology.

(viii) Define food chain with an example.

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(ix) Enlist two roles played by soil.

(x) Differentiate between primary and secondary succession.

(xi) Define hydroelectric power.

(xii) Define geo-thermal energy.

Q: 4 Write answers of any SIX questions. (6x2=12)

(i) What is morula?

(ii) How does mesoderm form coelom in developing embryo?

(iii) What is karyotype?

(iv) Differentiate between heterochromatin and euchromatin.

(v) What is phosphodiester bond?

(vi) How does cytokinesis occur in plants?

(vii) What are restriction endonucleases?

(viii) What is climate?

(ix) Give various features of profundal zone.

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 5 (a) Describe excretion in plants in detail.

(b) Elaborate chromosomal theory of heredity.

Q: 6 (a) Explain about significance of secondary growth in plants.

(b) What are reasons to use Drosophila as an experimental organism?

Q: 7 (a) Explain the mechanism of transmission of impulse through synapse.

(b) Discuss fossil record in favour of evolution.

Q: 8 (a) Describe human female reproductive cycle.

(b) Discuss flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Q: 9 (a) How does metaphase differ from anaphase of mitosis?

(b) Write a note green house effect.

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BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2013

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) 2, 4 D kills broad leaved _____________.

(ii) Oviduct is generally called as _____________.

(iii) Fruit ripening is often accompanied by a burst of respiratory activity, called the _____________.

(iv) The hypoblast is mainly presumptive _____________.

(v) The number of chromosomes in frog is _____________.

(vi) The pairing of homologous chromosomes is _____________.

(vii) Diabetics are unable to metabolize blood _____________.

(viii) A commonly used restriction enzyme is _____________.

(ix) The change in frequency of alleles at a locus that occurs by chance is _____________.

(x) Charles Eton defined the niche as the species’ _____________.

(xi) In Sindh, the desert ecosystem is called _____________.

(xii) Ozone molecule is made up by building of three atoms of _____________.

(xiii) Which part of the plant body serves as excretophore?

(xiv) Non-surgical removal of kidney stone is called _____________.

(xv) Cardiac muscles are the muscles of the _____________.

(xvi) Which is not unguligrade?

(xvii) Antidiuretic hormone is also called _____________.

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 68

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What are macronutrients? Give at least four examples.

(ii) Give two examples of symbiotic organisms.

(iii) Define Neo-Darwinism.

(iv) What is the effect of under secretion of vasopressin?

(v) What is muscle fatigue? Give its causes.

(vi) What are ectotherms? Give two examples.

(vii) Write the composition of thin filament of myofibril.

(viii) Give the function of ligament and tendons.

(ix) Define analogous organs and give an example.

(x) Define anhydrobiosis.

(xi) Write down thermoregulatory mechanisms in bats and dogs.

(xii) How blood pressure is synergistically affected by adrenaline and non-adrenaline?

Q: 3 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) Define cloning. What are its advantages?

(ii) What are test tube baby?

(iii) Give some common control of AIDS.

(iv) What is growth correlation?

(v) Give some symptoms of aging.

(vi) Define meristem. Name its types based on position.

(vii) What are Okazaki fragment?

(viii) What is RNA polymerase? Give its role in transcription.

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(ix) How climate differs from weather?

(x) Write down three ways of energy conservation.

(xi) Give four main importance of forest.

(xii) Name some adaptations in plants for terrestrial ecosystem.

Q: 4 Write answers of any SIX questions. (6x2=12)

(i) What is G1 phase? What does happen in this phase?

(ii) What is probe? How is it traced?

(iii) Describe the causes of cancer briefly.

(iv) Define co-dominance and give an example.

(v) What is epistasis? Differentiate it from dominance.

(vi) Define molecular scissors. How are they obtained?

(vii) What is equatorial plate? How is it formed in mitosis?

(viii) How can you trace a murderer, who assaulted women on a deserted place?

(ix) Differentiate between dominant and recessive traits with examples.

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 5 (a) Describe osmoregulation in marine animals.

(b) How did Hershey and Chase prove experimentally that DNA is hereditary material?

Q: 6 (a) Describe briefly exoskeleton in arthropods along with moulting.

(b) Compare Mitosis with meiosis, and describe the importance of Mitosis.

Q: 7 (a) Explain the instinctive behaviour with examples.

(b) How sex is determined in various groups of plants?

Q: 8 (a) Describe female reproductive cycle.

(b) State the causes and effects of Green house effects.

Q: 9 (a) Give an account of Tundra Ecosystem.

(b) What is growth? Discuss different phases of growth in plants.

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BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2014

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) Blood supplied to kidneys from each cardiac beat is _____________.

(ii) Super cool Cytosol, without ice formation, is caused by _____________.

(iii) The hyphae of fungi are _____________.

(iv) Acute forms of arthritis usually result from _____________.

(v) Nociceptors produce sensation of _____________.

(vi) Second meiotic division in oocytes, until fertilization proceeds as far as _____________.

(vii) Human embryo remains enclosed in a sac called _____________.

(viii) The shell, over chick egg, is secreted as it passes through _____________.

(ix) Human cells contain types of tRNA molecules _____________.

(x) Contractile ring in cytokinesis is formed by _____________.

(xi) The phase in meiosis-I which may last for days, weeks or even years is _____________.

(xii) ABO blood group system in man is encoded by a polymorphic gene on chromosome _____________.

(xiii) _____________ makes the bacterial cell more permeable to take up recombinant plasmids.

(xiv) In terrestrial vertebrates, the gill pouches develop into _____________.

(xv) Moderate grazing is very helpful to maintain ecosystem _____________.

(xvi) The biome, which has very fertile soil, rich in organic matter with maximum water holding capacity is


(xvii) As CFCs rise to the atmosphere, the ultraviolet rays release _____________.

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 83

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What are mesophytes? Give examples.

(ii) Explain genetic drift as factor affecting gene frequency.

(iii) Give structure of a protonephridium.

(iv) How cytokinesis takes place in plants?

(v) Explain the terms epinasty and hyponasty.

(vi) Define the terms gastrocoel and neurocoel.

(vii) What are homologous and analogous organs?

(viii) How molecular biology provides an evidence for evolution?

(ix) Write down characteristics of cancer cells.

(x) Differentiate between osmoconformers and osmoregulators.

(xi) Give role of skeleton in mineral homeostasis and blood cell production.

(xii) Differentiate between sclerenchyma cells and collenchyma cells.

Q: 3 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) Define feedback mechanism.

(ii) Enlist any four types of learning behaviour.

(iii) Name any two hormones of Human gut.

(iv) Define apomixis.

(v) Differentiate between fraternal and identical twins?

(vi) What is oestrous cycle?

(vii) Give impact of mismanaged agricultural ecosystem.

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(viii) Name salt tolerant plant and its role in future.

(ix) Differentiate between coniferous Alpine and Boreal forest.

(x) Give two adaptations for terrestrial ecosystem.

(xi) Name any three factors which upset the balance of nutrient cycle.

(xii) Why urine is preferable vehicle for biotechnology products?

Q: 4 Write answers of any SIX questions. (6x2=12)

(i) What is a nucleosome?

(ii) Differentiate between gene and allele.

(iii) Define transcription.

(iv) Differentiate between phenotype and genotype.

(v) What is test cross?

(vi) Define co-dominance.

(vii) Differentiate between habitat and ecological niche.

(viii) Differentiate between ectoparasites and endoparasites.

(ix) Differentiate between autecology and synecology.

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 5 (a) What is renal failure? Describe its cure.

(b) Write a note on wild life.

Q: 6 (a) Define joints. How are they classified?

(b) Write a short note on Neo-Darwinism.

Q: 7 (a) Explain the role of auxins in plants.

(b) Write a note on grazing.

Q: 8 (a) Explain about, “Seed Dormancy”.

(b) How did Meselson and Stahl show that DNA replication in semi conservative?

Q: 9 (a) Describe the process of aging.

(b) Explain co-dominance with the help of MN blood group system in man.

Section-III (Practical)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x5=15)

Q: 10

(i) Sketch and Label the nervous system of cockroach.

(ii) Draw and label different bones of forelimb of frog.

(iii) Write down procedure to demonstrate phenomenon of geotropism.

(iv) Investigate the water content of soil sample.

(v) Write down short answers.

a. What are amphibious kinds of hydrophytes?

b. Define muscle.

c. What are the glands with ducts known as?

d. Why is the egg shell porous?

e. What is meant by balanced ecosystem?

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BBiioollooggyy--IIII 2015

Time: 20 minutes (Objective Type) Marks: 17

Q: 1 Encircle the correct option. (17x1=17)

(i) Which of the biomes has been increased in area by human activities?

(ii) Which of the following is a renewable resource?

(iii) The plants that have adaptation of small and thick leaves to reduce water loss are called ____________.

(iv) The excretory product that requires minimum water for its elimination is _____________.

(v) Muscle fatigue is caused by _____________.

(vi) Which of the following animal has hydrostatic skeleton?

(vii) Which of the hormone suppresses ovulation?

(viii) Reproduction is very important to the survival of _____________.

(ix) External fertilization occurs in _____________.

(x) In which developmental stage, germs layers are formed?

(xi) The sequence of nucleotides that determines the amino acid sequence of a protein in called _________.

(xii) Mongolism is also known as _____________.

(xiii) Bivalents or Tetrads are formed in _____________.

(xiv) Chances of genetic recombination are minimized due to _____________.

(xv) Which of the enzymes act as molecular scissors?

(xvi) Who published an essay on “The principle of population”?

(xvii) Study of single population’s relationship to environment is called _____________.

Time: 3:10 hours (Subjective Type) Marks: 83

Section-I (Short Questions)

Q: 2 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What is peritoneal dialysis? Explain.

(ii) Briefly describe urea cycle.

(iii) Write a note on kidney transplantation.

(iv) How does tendon differ from ligament?

(v) Differentiate between sap wood and heart wood.

(vi) What are disadvantages of exoskeleton?

(vii) How cytokinesis occurs in plants?

(viii) Differentiate between apical and lateral meristems.

(ix) What do you know by Turner’s syndrome?

(x) What events occur in anaphase of mitosis

(xi) What is Neo-Darwinism?

(xii) Differentiate between endangered and threatened species.

Q: 3 Write answers of any EIGHT questions. (8x2=16)

(i) What are biological rhythms?

(ii) Define neurotransmitters and give examples.

(iii) What is midbrain’s reticular formation?

(iv) How process of child birth is initiated in human?

(v) Define gestation period and after birth.

(vi) What is oestrous cycle?

(vii) What are restriction endonucleases?

(viii) What are plasmids? Give their role.

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(ix) What is industrial effluent? Give its impact.

(x) Name three deserts of Pakistan and their location.

(xi) Differentiate between aquatic & terrestrial ecosystem.

(xii) Distinguish between normal health and diseases.

Q: 4 Write answers of any SIX questions. (6x2=12)

(i) Define niche.

(ii) Differentiate between euchromatin & heterochromatin.

(iii) Write contribution of Rosalin Franklin.

(iv) What are polygenic traits? Give two examples in humans.

(v) Differentiate between linkage and crossing over.

(vi) Differentiate between a food chain and a food web.

(vii) What would be the sex of a Drosophila and a human with XXY chromosomes?

(viii) What is difference between biotic and abiotic components? Give examples of abiotic components.

(ix) Give various types of chromosomes depending upon location of centromere.

Section-II (Essay Type)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x8=24)

Q: 5 (a) Explain pleiotropy with the help of examples.

(b) What is aging? How will you explain this process?

Q: 6 (a) What are the functions of placenta during pregnancy?

(b) How did Meselson and Stahl show that DNA replication is semi conservative?

Q: 7 (a) Differentiate between sclerenchyma cells and collenchyma cells and sketch their diagrams.

(b) Describe factors affecting gene frequency.

Q: 8 (a) Define osmoregulation and describe osmoregulation in plants.

(b) Describe the water and land as renewable resources.

Q: 9 (a) Describe role and commercial applications of Auxins.

(b) Define succession. Explain different stages of xerosere.

Section-III (Practical)

Attempt any THREE questions from this section. (3x5=15)

Q: 10

(i) Sketch and label the male reproductive system of frog.

(ii) Make the labeled diagram of urostyle of frog.

(iii) Write down the procedure to study mitosis in onion root tips. Draw the metaphase and telophase stage.

(iv) Draw and label the structure of hen’s egg

(v) Write down short answers.

a. How much energy is passed from one trophic level to other trophic level?

b. What is difference between positive and negative phototropism?

c. Define muscle twitch.

d. Give position of nervous system in cockroach.

e. Give behavior of chromosome during metaphase.

Page 22: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

AAnnsswweerr KKeeyy OObbjjeeccttiivvee

2006 2007 Question 7 Question 7

(i) Isotonic solution (i) Liver

(ii) Chondrocytes (ii) Rickets

(iii) Neuron (iii) Axon

(iv) Red Light (iv) Species and Population

(v) 0-50 °C (v) Gerontology

(vi) 40 (vi) x-chromosome

(vii) Inter phase (vii) Pleiotropy

(viii) Pleiotropy (viii) Stem

Question 8 Question 8

(i) Transgenic organisms (i) Lithotripsy

(ii) 120 °C (ii) Glycogen

(iii) Forests (iii) Foetal

(iv) Juxtamedullary nephrons (iv) Meiosis

(v) Ligaments (v) Mutation

(vi) Biorhythms / Biological Rhythms (vi) 120 °C

(vii) 280 days (vii) Access to light

(viii) Gray crescent (viii) Conservation

2008 2009 (i) Hypertonic Solution (i) Rectum

(ii) Both A and B (ii) Monkey

(iii) 24 (12 pairs) (iii) Smooth Muscles

(iv) Both A and C (iv) 10 times

(v) Meristems (v) 120 meters per second

(vi) Karyotype (vi) Wheat

(vii) Metastasis (vii) Aging

(viii) Jumping genes (viii) One pair

(ix) Y-linked (ix) Heterochromatin

(x) Transgenic Bacteria (x) Additional sex chromosome is present

(xi) 0.8 (xi) Gene

(xii) Niche (xii) Calvin Bridges

(xiii) All of these (xiii) Digitoxin

(xiv) All of these (xiv) Linnaeus

(xv) Cardiac (xv) Mycorrhiza

(xvi) Abscisic Acid (xvi) Less than 25 to 50 cm

(xvii) Spirochete (xvii) One million

Page 23: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

2010 2011 (i) 15% (i) Lithosphere

(ii) Hypertonic Solution (ii) Alpine

(iii) Vacuole (iii) Chlorofluorocarbons

(iv) Auxins (iv) 70%

(v) Cerebrum (v) Hind Limb

(vi) Etiolated (vi) Ammonia

(vii) 350 cm3 (vii) Lactic acid

(viii) Auxins (viii) Insight learning

(ix) Gray vegetal cytoplasm (ix) Gut

(x) RNA polymerase II (x) Auxins

(xi) Metastasis (xi) Lay eggs

(xii) Y-linked (xii) Red light

(xiii) Chloride ions (xiii) Deoxy-ribose

(xiv) Abiotically (xiv) Chromatids

(xv) Niche (xv) Deutranopia

(xvi) Simple (xvi) DNA probes

(xvii) One million (xvii) Carnivores

2012 2013 (i) Pachytene (i) Dicots

(ii) 19 (ii) Fallopian Tube / Uterine Tube

(iii) Virus free (iii) Climacteric

(iv) Middle ear (iv) Endoderm

(v) Desert (v) 26

(vi) Grassland (vi) Zygotene

(vii) Soil (vii) Sugar

(viii) Leaves (viii) EcoR1

(ix) Ornithine (ix) Mutation

(x) Chondrocyte (x) Occupation

(xi) Secondary wall (xi) Thar

(xii) Fruit drop (xii) Oxygen

(xiii) Gastric juice (xiii) Leaves

(xiv) Ovulation (xiv) Kidney transplant

(xv) Leaves (xv) Heart

(xvi) 0-35 °C (xvi) Bear

(xvii) x-chromosome (xvii) Vasopressin

Page 24: Bise Rawalpindi Past Paper _2nd Year_ Biology 2006-2015

2014 2015 (i) 20% (i) Desert

(ii) Solutes (ii) Land

(iii) Chemotropic (iii) Xerophytes

(iv) Bacterial Invasion (iv) Uric acid

(v) Pain (v) Lactic acid

(vi) Metaphase (vi) Sea anemone

(vii) Amniotic Sac (vii) Progesterone

(viii) Uterus (viii) Species and Population

(ix) 45 (ix) Aquatic Environment

(x) Actin and myosin (x) Gastrulation

(xi) Pachytene (xi) Gene

(xii) 9 (xii) Down’s syndrome

(xiii) Calcium chloride (xiii) Zygotene

(xiv) Eustachian tube (xiv) Gene linkage

(xv) Grassland (xv) Restriction Endonuclease

(xvi) Temperate Deciduous Forest (xvi) Malthus

(xvii) Chlorine (xvii) Autecology