bisleri and aquafina

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report on comparision of mineral water products



SUBMITTED TO:K. J. Somaiya College of Science & CommerceAffiliated to Mumbai University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of M.Com ( Part-I )ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014



I, Ayyapan Iyer hereby certify that Anand Thakkar student of K.J. Somaiya Collge of Science & Commerce, has completed project on Comparative analysis of Aquafina and Bisleri in academic year 2013-14. The information submitted in this project is true and original to best of my knowledge.

_______________ ________________Prof. Ayyapan Iyer External Examiner

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe satisfaction, which accompanies the successful completion of the project, is incomplete without the mention of a few names. I take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who helped me make this project possible. First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my Faculty Guide Prof. Ayyapan Iyer for her guidance and support throughout my project. Her calm demeanor and willingness to teach has been a great help in successfully completing the project. My learning has been immeasurable and working under her was a great experience.Finally, I would like to thank my Institute Comparative analysis of Aquafina and Bisleri for making this experience of working on such a project possible for me. The learning from this experience has been immense and would be cherished throughout life.



Water is the most important liquid in the world. Without water, there would be no life, at least not the way we know it. In today's living condition, the need for Pure Drinking Water is becoming the issue for the common Man. Eighty percent of the human metabolism consists of water. This is the reason why 90% of human diseases are water borne. There are 3 types of water impurities, which are root cause of water borne diseases. 1. Microbiological-Bacteria / virus.2. Dissolved impurities - chemical.3. Imbalance of Mineral Content.

There are rapid changes that are taking place in our environment since long and the air and the water pollution is on an increase. The main source of drinking water is river and downstream which also have not been able to escape the pollution. When a consumer became aware of the problems caused by water pollution the market saw an advent of ceramic water filters, which filters the dust and suspended particles but dissolved impurities and microbiological impurities are not cleared out. The mineral balance is also not maintained.

1980's witnessed more changes by a tap attachment wherein Iodine resin is used to filter the water. It deactivates microbiological impurities to an extent but has side effects due to iodine and it does not take care of dissolved impurities mineral balance.

Late 1980's witnessed Ultra Violent based purifier, which filters dust and deactivates bacteria to a great extent. It maintains the odor and color of water but does not clear out the dissolved impurities and mineral particles. Thus came advent of mineral water.

Historically, the need for purified water within Indian homes had been kept down to a minimum. Essentially, there were three types of water that was used for different purposes. The first type was used for rinsing. The second type, which was used for cooking, was cleaner and kept covered. The third type was the cleanest drinking water and was very often boiled before use.

Since an average family needed a small quantity, not more than five or six liters a day, boiled and filtered water had been a convenient solution for some time .The fallouts were obvious. It was very difficult to convince the people that purification system was worth the price. There was no visible way to demonstrate the benefit. The otherwise somnolent market began to change once companies like Eureka Forbes targeted the office segment, while the mineral water players went after travelers. Ion Exchange was the only company, which had any measure of success in entering homes with Zero-B. But clean drinking water returned on the national agenda a little later.Around 1989, drinking water became an issue again.


A few years back, the packaged drinking water market had been crawling at the rate of 3-4%, or even a lower figure. Indians carried drinking water in earthen pitchers, plastic or PUF bottles. But increasing case of typhoid and other water borne diseases began to be reported. In addition to this, liberalization happened and the mineral water industry began to be stirred and shaken. The market started growing an astounding rate of over 100% per annum. The fact that there were very few players in the market meant that their business grew by leaps and bounds.

The market today has grown to Rs.1100 crore. The organized sector- branded packaged drinking water has only Rs.700 crore of market share. The rest is accounted for by the unorganized sector which is dominated by small regional players. The market is still growing at a rate greater than 80% per annum.

In the branded segment, Parles Bisleri is the market leader with a share of more than 40%. Other major players in the market are Kinley, Aquafina, Kingfisher, Ganga of T-Series, Himalayan, Nestle, Bailey, Catch, Paras. Sensing the opportunity that this segment holds, MNCs began to draw up plans to enter the market. Today the market is proving to be yet another battlefield for an ongoing battle between the domestic and MNCs. Last year the industry had around 170 brands. This figure is over 300 presently. The boom in the market has also encouraged MNCs to draw up plans to enter the market.

Coca-Cola made a splash when it launched Kinley brand and is now doing reasonably well. Nestle, the global leader in the packaged drinking water market, has also come up with its premium product, Perrier though Brand Pure Life is almost dying. Pepsis Aquafina is also growing in the market. Britannia is also launching Evian.

Almost the first to challenge Bisleris near monopoly was Pepsis Aquafina. Though Pepsi launched its bottled water in just one SKU (stock keeping unit) of 750 ml. in the very starting but now they have also launched 1 litre, the Chauhans of Bisleri were galvanized into action. They launched their 500ml. bottle to stave off competition.


At present the various major players in the packaged drinking water market can be outlined as following in terms of % market share:

Brand Names ( Company )Market share %

Bisleri ( Aqua Minerals )44%

Kinley ( Coca- Cola )31%

Aquafina ( Pepsi )15%

Other Regional Player10%


AQUA Mineral Ltd. is the owner of famous BISLERI brand of packaged drinking water. It is the part of renowned PARLE group in India. This group is engaged in various activities of which packaged drinking water forms one of its core business.

The origin of Bisleri lies in Italy and the brand owes its name to founder Felice Bisleri, an Italian Entrepreneur. In 1967, Bisleri set up a plat in Mumbai for bottling and marketing mineral water, which was first of its kind in India. However, it did not work. Among other reasons, the fact was that the Indian consumer was unprepared to accept bottled mineral water. This was the main reason responsible for its failure. Consumer mindsets were more geared towards boiling water at home.

In 1969, Parle bought over the Bisleri brand. In those days the Bisleri water was not available in glass bottles. Parles taking charge of Bisleri did not make a dramatic difference to the brands fortunes immediately. While it did gain in terms of visibility and reach (piggybacking on Parles existing distribution network), efforts to expand the bottled water market were not exactly painstaking. Parle at that particular time was interested in making soda water and not packaged drinking water. There were just minor initiatives on the part of the company for making packaged drinking water as it is not considered to be very profitable business at that time a people still considered boiling water to be safer than packaged drinking water. Moreover they were not ready to pay for a commodity like water which was so abundantly available. In 1972-73 Parle changed the packaging of its boiling water and made it available in PVC (poly vinyl chloride) bottles and that significantly made a difference in the sales. The buyers, then, were mainly the upper class- the trendy people.


Bisleri was the first to market bottled water in a totally virgin market and naturally people associate the brand with bottled water. Now Bisleri is perhaps already ten steps ahead of its local competitors and endeavor to widen its gap in the months to come.

The brand positioning of Bisleri stresses on pure, clean and safe drinking water. Sales have grown by 140% in the year 2000 in the coming year, Bisleri hopes to boost its sales by more than 400%.

Bisleri expects 75% of its volume to come from bulk parts of 5 lt. and 20 lt. (Currently it amounts to be less than 35%). The latter is to be targeted at homes and the former at offices.

Some of the future Bisleri commands in the Indian market are:

New packaging in bottles and 20 lt. jar. Increase the distribution network with an investment of over 200 crores. Strengthen the presence in traditionally weak areas by setting up 12 new bottling facilities at a cost of 150 crores. Target to achieve Rs.1000 crore and a fleet of 2500 trucks.


Ludhiana Noida Delhi Jaipur Kathmandu, Nepal Calcutta Ahemdabad Mumbai Hyderabad Goa Bangalore Chennai


Bisleri has become a generic brand in bottle water segment & complies with both WHO and IS standard of quality. Bisleri has received the IS certified for its production also. Bisleri has 17 manufacturing plants situated in India & Nepal. Bisleri plant in Delhi is the largest in Asia as compare to other mineral water plants. Bisleri has the largest market share and is market leader.

Besides the above mentioned major achievements, Bisleri has always maintained leadership position in the market. The company has been expanding continuously through the past few years at rate of 200%.


Its a compliment being generic to the category, but its not very good when consumers think any mineral water brand is Bisleri.

Bisleri, a product established in India by Ramesh Chauhan, Chairman of Parle Aqua Minerals has become a generic brand. Bisleri was the first marketed bottled water in a totally virgin market. The brand has become synonymous with packaged drinking water, thus consumers accept any brand offered by the retailer when they ask for Bisleri.

So far Ramesh Chauhans Bisleri enjoys the largest market share of 44% in the giant packaged drinking water industry and is growing at the rate of 80% per annum. Annual sales of Bisleri have touched Rs.616 crores. In seventies, Bisleri was the only packaged drinking water which had national presence and the sale was to tune of approximately one hundred thousand cases valued at about Rs.60lacs. PRODUCT AND PRODUCTION PROCESSES PRODUCT1. Product variantsBisleri is available in a range of sizes (SKUs) given below:

SKUSales in %

Cups4 %

500 ml.10 %

1 lt.28 %

1.2 lt.39 %

2 lt.4 %

5 lt.6 %

20 lt.9 %


1 lt.

1.2 lt.

2 lt.

5 lt.

20 lt.

The percentage wise contribution (value) to sales of various SKUs is pictorially shown below:

2. Product innovationTo make sure that the product that reaches the consumer is always high quality and also meets international standards, Bisleri has always been involved in improving its product packaging. One such recent development is the temper proof break-away seal. Bisleri also recognizes the need to produce environment friendly products and is working on the PET project.Recent innovation at Bisleri has been Break-Away seal: keeping in mind the consumers need should recognize a genuine product that cannot be tempered with, Bisleri developed the Break-Away seal. The unique cap has been patented and cannot be duplicated or tempered with. This technology development in the product ensures that the consumer will only get a highly safe product when they consume Bisleri packaged drinking water.

3. Product packagingTo ensure purity of the bottled water, the bottles that are used are blown and filled at the factory itself, to avoid contamination. Bisleri is extremely conscious of environmental issues since PET bottles are not bio-degradable and not easy to dispose. The company is currently working on the PET recycling project, where they will collect bottles from various places, crush and shred them. The shredded material will then be made into ropes, PET containers for the non-food industry and other PET like polyester fibre, flower vase, gift items etc.


Over the last 15 year, company has set up 10 new units besides taking on 7 franchisees. And over the 3 year, the 120 bottle per minute (bpm) capacity of the 17 units across the country will be increased to 250 bpm. Today Bisleris manufacturing each indicates that it is represented across the country except in east the east.

The Mineral water plant is being set to international standards with a high degree of automation and in-build mechanism maintaining high standards of sanitation and hygiene.

The entire plant and the piping, which comes in contact with the process water, are made of food grade stainless steel. A strict code of hygiene and religiously conducted quality controls tests (8 in number) every shift further ensures quality product.

Bisleri is 100% free from bacteria and toxic minerals. Water is purified in plant capable of consistently producing uniform quality of high purity water which meets Bisleris high standards. It undergoes exciting quality controls from the water source stage to final packaging.


Purity and safety are two major factors taken care in sourcing and processing of Bisleri water. Under ground spring is carefully selected based on its portability and pathogen free water. Great care goes in tapping this source. Only water below 25 meter is tapped. This is to avoid any surface contamination to percolate and mix with under ground water source. Area surrounding the water collection tube at the surface is protected and kept clean.

The steps of manufacturing process are given below.

Step 1: the water is collected in water storage tank where it is chlorinated, giving sufficient contact time (1 hr.) for chlorine to destroy all bacteria. Water then passes through sand filter and carbon filter. Sand filter removes all suspended particles whereas carbon filter removes odour and chlorine. The water is now free of all bacteria, suspended particles and chlorine.

Step 2: the water now goes to ion exchange where the water is softened (the undesirable heavy salts are removed). This helps in digestion.

Step 3: Water now passes through reverse osmosis plant, which is capable of getting rids of even minute traces of toxic minerals, should and happen to exist. In its simplest form the reverse osmosis plant consists of semi permeable membrane which acts as molecular filter.

Step 4: Water now comes to second water storage tank and it once again chlorinated. Just prior to use water is passed through carbon filter to remove chlorine and then through a series of micron filters of diminishing pores size. It is also sterilized with ultra violet light and ozonated to attain a dissolved ozone residual concentration of 0.4 mg/lt. and maintain this concentration for at least 4 min. This internationally accepted ozonation is on the safer side and guarantees and overkill most micro organisms.

Step 5: Pet bottles in which it is filled are stretch are blow moulded 100C as such are sterlite. Bottles are rinsed with water prior to filling and immediately capped using rip off closures to ensure tamper proofing.DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

Product:ConvenienceDistribution: IntensiveChannel Length: Medium

Its obvious that availability holds the key to the market. For any product to be successful the distribution system has to be really good. Large tracts of the country have not been explored by the national brands, which explain the proliferation of smaller brands.

Bisleris strategy is to build a direct distribution system at an all India level. That means serious investments in company owned trucks and carts. Parle hopes to double its existing fleet of 1000 trucks. This would make it the largest fleet owner in the country.

Currently, Bisleri has around 80,000 retail outlets in the country with about 12,000 each in the metros of Delhi and Mumbai. It is intended to increase this number to 10, 00000 outlets in order to expand brands reach.

In order to service the home segment, the 5lt. packs are being pushed through the route of fat dealers (wholesale dealers) who are retailers as well as stockiest and serve as supply points from where customer can pick the required quota. The customer can call the fat dealer and place order for home delivery of 5lt. pack. 180 of these dealers are already functional, and more are in the process of being appointed. The idea is to make Bisleri all pervasive.


Sales management involves planning, implementation and control of sales function.

Sales function comprises of all the activities and process involved in bringing product and services to a point where prospective customer want the product and services.



The schemes which the company follows in Delhi region for targeted growth are as follows:

500 ml. & 1 lt. Promotions specifically for schools and colleges are given for this. Executives are given specific targets and incentives for activating restaurants, cinema hall and other institutional segments. Small sub-distributors are given incentives in form of discounts and schemes to promote specifically in walled cities.

1.2 lt. Cross schemes are given on other packages mainly 500 ml. and 1 lt., which will be in terms of 1.2 lt. Some routes are exclusively served by only 1.2 lt. and no 1 lt. this helps in giving boost to sale of this SKU. Display of 1.2 lt. on specified route on at least 5 outlets per market.

2 litre & 5 litre As both the packages cater to almost similar needs and in terms of outlets their clientele is very much similar generally cross schemes are given on these two packages which help in one package pulling the other, thus in turn increasing the sales of both. To club these above SKUs with refill schemes of 20 lt. jar. Plan to carry out a shop-to-shop promotion in market like Gaffar market, Karol Bagh, Pahar Ganj where Bisleri will supply 5 lt. jar for their self consumptions.

20 litre jars Launched Break-away seal cap to obtain a niche over competition and to put a full stop at duplicity. Tie-ups with caterers and banquets in markets of East and West Delhi. Street Promotion done at elite residential colonies of South Delhi to promote Household clientele.


Every brand needs a good advertisement campaign to establish itself in the market. So it becomes very imperative to look at various ad campaigns that Bisleri undertook to build itself as a brand. Bisleri started its game-plan with the punch-line of Pure and Safe and used the same catch-line for advertising. But with the advent of many new players, all claiming the purity, it became very imperative for Bisleri to differentiate its product so as to stand out in the market. Bisleri found the answer in sealed cap bottles. It claimed 100% purity. While the bottles of other brands, it claimed, could be refilled with ordinary or even germinated water. Bisleris seal capped bottles ensured the consumer of purity of water and one time using the bottles. The ad showed a milk-man and a child showering their buffaloes and filling the so-called mineral water bottles with the same water he is drinking. Next clip shows the Bisleri bottles being sealed with plastic caps and ensuring the purity of water. The ad did work of Bisleri and it got its much needed product differentiation.



Quality standard: - Every bottle of BISLERI is put through a rigorous Multi stage purification processes which includes micron filtration and ionization. It acquires 6 stages of purification processes which ensure quality water which is pure and safe for drinking purpose. Good manufacturing are the strength all the time processing in religiously monitored at every stage...Trust for brand: - More than 50 lakhs people trust the BISLERI. They buy only BISLERI water because it has became generic name for mineral water. For example: - When people go to buy the mineral water many of them ask for BISLERI, even though they get other brand.

Large range of products: - BISLERI offers a large range of products which attracts consumer of all categories. For example: - 1 litre or 500 ml pack is useful for individual buyers, 12 litres or 20 litres is useful for organization. Therefore it attracts large number of customer.Marketing: - BISLERI is promoted by an aggressive print & TV. TV is backed by a Hoarding & point of sale material. Every interface with customer is used as an opportunity to reinforce. For example: - All vehicles used for supply have been painted in light green, bears the BISLERI logo & sport catchy baseline likes drink and drive.

Distribution system: - With little belief in the distributor system, the company leverage its large fleet of truck to supply bottled water directly to retailers through a system called Route Selling where the driver of truck is trained to be a service person. This ensures that water supplied is fresh and bottles are in good shape. BISLERI has more than 80,000 outlets in the country.


Method adopted for distribution: - THE ROUTESELLING policy adopted by BISLERI for distribution is more expensive than more commonly followed method of appointing distributors in different towns. This reduces the profit of company. The dealer margin is reduced due to this .therefore not many dealer keeps BISLERI in many areas. Indirectly this is reducing the coverage of BISLERI. Reuse of bottle by local sellers and illegal manufacturers: - Market research conducted by BISLERI revealed that the other overriding concern for this set of buyers is the tampering of seal and the reuse of bottles. Many have witnessed used bottles being refilled at railway stations. This deteriorates the brand image of BISLERI.

Faults in production: - Tests conducted by various authorities shows that it contains pesticides. In 2002 the 2cm long insect was found in the bottle of BISLERI. This has affected its sales and reputation. The license of its two factories one at Noida and other at Bangalore has been cancelled because of fault in production.

Pressure by government authority: - After insect was found in the bottles, FDA (Food & Drug Adulteration) has cancelled the production of BISLERI. Afterwards it was allowed to resume it but in this period its customer were moved towards other products. It is constantly under check by various authorities.

Not meeting the demand of the customer: - In certain parts of south in our country big bottles of BISLERI are in huge demand but the company is unable to meet the demand of the consumers. This is affecting the demand for the product. So People are forced to use other brands of mineral water.


Fast growing field: - The best beverage for India in the new millennium seems to be water. In recent years, the bottled drinking water market has been witnessing high decibel level of activity, with a host of new entrants. The bottled water market which worth Rs. 1000 crore is expected to be Rs. 5000 crore by 2010. This will increase a lot of scope for bottled water market.

Bisleri can utilize its distribution chain: - With BISLERI becoming a generic name for bottled drinking water. If company can manage the distribution chain of the product to make it available where the consumer needs it the most, the company may well succeed in his gamble with water. For this the company can connect it with dealers and other distributors who will market the products for them all around the world.

Launch of premium pack: - The Company also has its premium product range. This is prepared keeping 5-star hotels and other premium customer. This pack will be sold at Rs. 20 per litre. This will give a tough competition to the EVIAN, the biggest player in the premium water range which sells its 1 litre water at a hefty of Rs.85 per litre.

Change of image: - The Company has changed the color of the product. It has changed from blue to green. By changing the color, the company has provided a new product to the consumers; they will be getting a new and a refreshing product.

Increase in production:- BISLERI is eyeing the Market and is In the process of increasing the production by setting 4 new plants adding to its 23plants. This will increase the production capacity of the company.


Entering of new players:- To get some share in the market many new players are entering in the market. Among them major names are Godrej, which is launching its product AQUA-PURE and Tata-Tea is looking forward to but Himalayan, this will increase the competition. Also Britannia which is distributing EVIAN is planning to launch its own brand. There are also new entrants ATCO with BRILLIANT water, DS FOODS with CATCH are also coming. Even Hindustan lever is planning to enter into the market. This is give a tough competition to the current water brands including BISLERI.

Illegal manufacturers:- Company is facing a tough competition from illegal manufacturers in the rural areas. The illegal manufacturers provide water at a very cheaper rate then the branded manufacturers. There are 1000s of illegal manufacturers which are providing the water at a very cheaper rate. This is a serious problem for branded manufacturers. This companies also use the fake name of branded bottled water i.e. BISLERI and supply their products in the market.

Strong distribution channel of the other manufacturers:- Analysts feel that BISLERIS break away seal will not at all be effective the company having strong distribution channel will only survive. This rings the warning bell for BISLERI because among other players Kinley and Aquafina are having a strong distribution network of Coke and Pepsi. Nestle will be banking on its chocolate distribution network. Even though the BISLERI has a strong networks but its concentration on bulk segment can lead to improper network.

New government policy:- For preparing 1 litre of mineral water 3 litre of ground water is required. Government was not charging tax on the extraction of the ground water. Now by introducing the new policy government is going to impose tax on the extraction of the ground water, this will increase the production cost because of which the companies will be forced to increase the price which all consumers of all categories can not afford. The companies can compensate the high production cost by reducing their marketing expenses but this will keep the consumer unaware about the product. This is also effect the quality of the bottled water.COMPANY PROFILEPEPSICO INC.AQUAFINA

PepsiCo Inc is an Americanmultinationalcorporation headquartered inPurchase,New York, United States, with interests in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of grain-based snack foods, beverages, and other products. PepsiCo was formed in 1965 with the merger of thePepsi-ColaCompany andFrito-Lay, Inc. PepsiCo has since expanded from its namesake productPepsito a broader range of food and beverage brands, the largest of which include an acquisition ofTropicanain 1998 and a merger withQuaker Oatsin 2001 which added theGatoradebrand to its portfolio as well.

As of 2009, 19 of PepsiCo's product lines generated retail sales of more than $1billion each, and the companys products were distributed across more than 200 countries, resulting in annualnet revenuesof $43.3billion. Based on net revenue, PepsiCo is the second largest food & beverage business in the world. Within North America, PepsiCo is ranked (by net revenue) as the largest food and beverage business. Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyihas been the chief executive of PepsiCo since 2006, and the company employed approximately 285,000 people worldwide as of 2010.


The recipe forPepsi, the soft drink, was first developed in the 1890s by aNew Bern,North Carolinapharmacist and industrialist,Caleb Bradham, who named it "Pepsi-Cola" in 1898. As the cola developed in popularity, he created thePepsi-Cola Companyin 1902 and registered a patent for his recipe in 1903.[3]The Pepsi-Cola Company was first incorporated in the state of Delaware in 1919.[4]The company went bankrupt in 1931 and on June 8 of that year the trademark and syrup recipe was bought byCharles Guthwho owned a syrup manufacturing business in Baltimore, Maryland. Guth was also the president ofLoft, Incorporated, a leading candy manufacturer and used the company's labs and chemists to reformulate the syrup. He further contracted to stock the soda in Loft's large chain of candy shops and restaurants, which were known for their soda fountains, used Loft resources to promote Pepsi, and moved the soda company to a location close by Loft's own facilities in New York City. In 1935 the shareholders of Loft sued Guth for his 91% stake of PepsiCo in the landmarkGuth v. Loft Inc.. Loft won the suit and on May 29, 1941 formally absorbed Pepsi into Loft, which was then rebranded as Pepsi Cola Company that same year. (Loft restaurants and candy stores were spun off at this time.) In the early 1960s the company product line expanded with the creation ofDiet Pepsiand purchase ofMountain Dew.


Our MissionOur mission is to be the world's premier consumer products company focused on convenient foods and beverages. We seek to produce financial rewards to investors even as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our business partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.

Our VisionPepsiCo's responsibility is to continually improve all aspects of the world in which we operate environmental, social, economic creating a better tomorrow than today.

Our vision is put into action through programmes and a focus on environmental stewardship, activities to benefit society and a commitment to build shareholder value by making PepsiCo a truly sustainable company.


Aquafinais a brand ofbottled waterproducts produced byPepsiCo, Inc., consisting of both unflavored and flavored water. The Aquafina brand name is also licensed for use on multiple skin care products, including lip balm and wrinkle cream.It was first distributed inWichita, Kansas in 1994, before becoming more widely sold across the United States, Spain, Canada, Lebanon, Turkey, theGCC countries, Iran, Egypt, Vietnam, Pakistan and India. As of 2009, Aquafina represented 13.4 percent of domestic bottled water sales in the United States, making it the number 1 bottled water brand as measured by retail sales.Its primary competition includesDasani,smartwater,Nestl Pure Life,Poland Spring,Deer Parkandprivate-labelwater brands.


Aquafina was first launched in the US in 1994. With its unique purification system and great taste, Aquafina soon became the bestselling brand in the country.

In India, Aquafinas journey began with its launch in Bombay in 1999 and it was rolled out nationally by 2000. On the strength of its brand appeal and distribution, Aquafina has become one of Indias leading brands of bottled water in a relatively short span of time.

How does Aquafina's purification process differ from other brands of bottled waters?

While other brands of bottled water may also have similar purification steps such as reverse osmosis and ozonation, Aquafina's extensive purification system involves seven separate steps that together work to deliver pure Aquafina. At Aquafina, we understand that when you pay for bottled water, you expect consistent purity and great taste. That's why Aquafina has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in purification processes and exceeds purity standards set by the federal government.



Mountain Dew

Lay's potato chips


Diet Pepsi

Tropicana beverages


Doritos tortilla chips Lipton teas

Quaker foods and snacks



Ruffles potato chips

Aquafina bottled water

Pepsi Max

Tostitos tortilla chips

Sierra Mist

Fritos corn chips

Walkers potato crisps


STRENGTH Brands image Financially sound Distribution channel/coverage Technology advancement Quality Price competitive Personnel aspect Market expertise International component High promotional activities

WEAKNESS New to the company Low market share

OPPORTUNITIES Capture the market New areas Market potential Brand awareness Increase in investment

THREATS Higher availability of competitors Technological environment New in market



Products Pepsi Diet Pepsi Pepsi Twist 7 Up Diet 7 Up 7 Up Cherry Miranda (Orange & Apple) Mountain Dew Aquafina

PricesPepsiCo has adopted a market penetration price at the time when it was introduced. Coca cola covered the large market but now the prices of PepsiCo is same as of its competitors,PlacesPepsiCo has 730 plants working correctly around the world and in USA and Canada 200 plants are working there rest 530 are working in other countries of the world. PromotionPepsiCo does its promotion through media; electronic media as well as print media through flyers, by sponsoring cricket matches and in many other places. Promotion is also done through print media. The PepsiCo have signed some agreements with a very strong and expanded retailers such as Pizza hut and KFC when you go to Pizza hut or KFC you will find only the PepsiCo products and nor its competitors products. These agreements are based on the Incentives that PepsiCo offers to these retailers.PepsiCo has continued using product endorsement by using TV Actors/ Models and cricketers in order to promote their Products.


PepsiCo was the worlds largest snack and beverage company. More exactly the companys corporate strategy had diversified the company into salty and sweet snacks, soft drink, orangejuice, bottled water, ready to drink tea and coffee... About picking new industries to enter and deciding on the mean of entry, PepsiCo used related diversification through acquisition and merger to quicker launch a brand-new operation, hurdle entry barrier as acquiring technology know how, establish supplier relationships, match rivals efficiency and to move directly to the task of building a strong market position. As early as 1968, the company began to pursue growth through acquisition outside snacks and beverages. A list of acquisition is 1977 acquisition ofPizza Hut, 1978-tacobell. 1986-Kentucky Fried Chicken, Mug root beer, &UP international, smart food ready to eat popcorn, Walkers Crisps, Smiths Crisps, Mexican cookie


As we have seen from the market survey that packaged drinking water industry is very huge and growing rapidly. The water market is going to reach Rs. 2000 cr. till the end of 2003. Thus we can imagine how big the water market is and imagine the growth in this industry. This market is having large share of unorganized sector. In water industry production cost is very low. But the distribution cost of operations and make sure about the availability of water.

Bisleri distribution network to retail outlets is the best example. They have given 20 lt. jars to the retailers and thus reduce the distribution cost. Now there is trend in the market to give bottle without security and a dispenser free of cost to a party using 100 lt. of water.

With the big players, who have the support of the financial muscle and a large consumer base in other categories with them, like Pepsi, Britannia, Nestle and Coca-Cola the battle is the tougher arena of brand building. All the multinationals are looking at high-octane advertising targeting specific consumer segments. Sensing troubled waters ahead, Bisleri is busy working in strategy to soak up the competition and protect his water kingdom. By the strategies followed by the Bisleri has become a synonym of packaged drinking water.

By the institutional survey, dealers survey and the consumers survey we got many conclusions and found out the market share of the brands involved in this industry. According to it Bisleri is the market leader having the market share of 44%, Kinley is its nearest competitor having its market share of 31%, Aquafina 15% and other brands are covering 10% of their market share. Thus company should emphasis more on its advertisements, retailers and wholesalers margin. Company should also have a keen quality control system because their break-away has been accepted by the public.