bistrita. nostalgii citadine - partea 1


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Page 2: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

Edilie Tngrijitd de (Ausgabe betreut von - edited by): Sidor CostinagiTehnoredactare & design (technische Ausftihrung & Design - editing and design): Sidor Costinagi

Limba germand (deutsch - translation into German): Christine WeberLimba englezd (englisch - translation into English): Daniela Mariana Danea


Page 3: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

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Page 4: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1



Cxv#,nt tneiffiePe nesimfite, anii se scurg in angrenajul lui Cronos, oferindu-ne pufine satisfacfii, rare succese qi,

mai ales, obligAndu-ne la prea multe renun![ri. Nemiloasa clepsidrd a vielii, acceptatd'unanim, devine, la vremea inseratului vielii, pentru cei mai mul1i dintre noi, o povarS.

Odatd cu trecerea anilor, de la o anumitd vArstS, timpul este copleqitor de intens receptat, zborul

iui cergind clipei eternitate.Intrali incrizdde timp am dori, parcd, sd mai evocdm ceva, ceea ce pirea cindva insignifiant,

sau chiar intim, acel ceva... pdstrat caunbalsamin inima fiecdruia - amintirile.Tdrziu, constatdm efemeritatea acestora, ca de altfel qi a lucrurilor zdmislite cu pricepere,

f[cute sd ddinuie. Abia cdnd incep sd dispar[ o cunogtin!6, un vecin, o casd, mai apoi un prieten, o stradd,constatdm cu tofii cd, odat[ cu ei, se stinge gi o parte a sufletului nostru. Iatd de ce am convingerea cd este

de datoria celor mai vArstnici sd-qi facd amintirile cunoscute celor tineri , chiar dacdpentruinii ar putea I Ipdrea irelevante. Numai consemndndu-le le putem feri de desuetudine gi uitare.

Cu toate cd in viala comunitdlii noastre s-au desfbqurat momente de mare reverberalie istoricd 9isocial6 de-a lungul vremurilor, nu asupra 1or voi insista in r0ndurile ceurmeazd. ci asupra perioadelor de

linigte qi armonii, cAnd s-aupus bazele unei culturi gi civilizalii citadine remarcabile, cdnd s-a edificatmult gi s-aprosperatpe mdsurd.

Multi vreme am considerat cdeste datoria altora s[ aqtearnd pe hdrtie slove pline de admirafie,despre urbea noastrd, a$a cum a fost eapdnd nu de mult, cdt gi despre realizdrrle unor concitadinivaloroqi, treculi demult in eternitate, c[rora le datordm multe.

Cumtimpul atrecut ...qi soligtiinu auapdrut, v-a$ rugasd-miingdduilimie, acest "intermezzo."Impresionat de multe reahzdrrale inaintagilor noqtri, md simt obligat sd vi le amintesc ai si vi-i

reamintesc, aducdndu-le astfel un omagiu qi o pioasi recunoqtinJd.Dup[ zeci de ani de colecjionare a ilustratelor qi fotografiilor cu oameni qi locuri din Bistrila de

altddatd, vi le ofer in speranja cd ele vor vorbi mai mult decdt v[ pot spune eu in pulinele pagini ale

acestui album, ce se doreqte a fi o restituire a unor drepturi patrimoniale c[tre orSgeanul de astdzi,maipufin informat gi doritor sd le cunoascS. Sper, deasemene a, ca ele sd ofere gi un prilej de duioasd aducereaminte pentru bistrilenii cu mai multe amintiri.

Totul se vrea animat de gratitudine pentrudragostei ce o port urbei noastre patriarhale qi,prosperitat ea zlleide mAine.

bistri{eanul de odinioarS, o m[rturisire sincerd ade ce nu, civilizafiei, decenlei gi speranfei in


Page 5: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

fsrw&NImperceptibly, the years pass together with the wheels of Cronos, with little satisfaction, with

little success and more than that with too many giving-ups. The pitiless hourglass of life, accepted by allof us, becomes a burden, an ephemeral instant in the twilight of our life.

Passing the years, from a certain age the time is overwhelming and intense intercepted, and itsfl ight beggs for eternity.

Being a permanent lack of time, we seem to wish to conjure up something that once seemedinsignificant ormaybe intimate, that somethitrg. . . Kept like abalm in everybody's heart the memories.

Later, we notice their ephemerity as well, and that of the things made with ability, made to last.Only when an acquintance, a neighbor, a house and then a friend and a street disappear we notice that apart of our soul goes together with them. That's why I am convinced that it is up to the old that thememories be Known by the young even if for some of them this could appear irrelevant. Only by putting

I t1them down can we save them from disuse and forgetfulness .Even if in our community's life there were some moments ofhistorical and social reverberation,

I am not going to insist on them but on the moments of peace and harmony, when a remarkable culturaland social citylife was founded.

For a long time I thought that it was other people's duty to put down words full of admirationabout our town, as it was not a long time age and about its people's achievements to whom we owe verymuch.

As the time passed. . . andthe soloists didnot come up let me be the ,,intermezzo" .Being impressed by what our predecessors did I feel ,, forced" to remind then to you and bring

them all myrespects.After tens of years of collecting pictures and photos with the people from the ancient Bistrila, I

want to offer them to those who are interested in, hoping that they will tell you more than I can tell you inthe few pages ofthis album, which wants to be a restitution of some patrimonial rights. It is dedicated totownsmen less informed and eager for details. I hope it will also be a recollection for all the people inBistrilawho have some memories left.

I want that everything will be a sincere avowal of the love I have for our patriarchal town andwhy not, for civilization dec ency and hope for tomorrow's fl owering.

The author

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Tout doucement les ann6es s'6coulent sous le signe de Cronos avec peu de satisfactions, avec derares succds et trop de renoncements. Le cruel sablier de la vie, unanimement accept6, devient, vers lafin de I'existence, pour la plupart des mortels, un fardeau ou un moment 6ph6mdre.

La fuite du temps, d un certain dge, est trds intens6ment ressentie: son vol supplie d I'instant1'6ternit6. Par faute de temps, nous d6sirerions revivre quelque chose, ce qui semblait nagudreinsignifiant ou intime, ce quelque-chose qu'on garde comme un baume au fond du coeur .... lessouvenirs.

Plus tard on constate que ceux-ci sont fugitifs tout comme les objets cr66s avec habilet6, faitspour durer djamais. Petit d petit on constate la disparition d'une connaissance, d'un voisin, d'une maison,ensuite d'un ami ou d'une rue et I'on sent qu'ils ont emport6 notre 0me.

Voild pourquoi, j'ai la conviction que c'est le devoir des personnes dg6es de pr6server lessouvenirs pour que lesjeunes les connaissent eux-aussi. Il faut les noter pour les prot6ger de I'oubli et delatutilit6.

Bien que dans la vie de notre communaut6 aient eu lieu, le long des ann6es, des moments degrande effervescence historique et sociale, j'insisterai dans ce livre sur les p6riodes paisibles etd'harmonie quand on a cofirmenc6 d 6difier une culture et une civilisation citadine remarquables etquand la soci6t6 abeaucoup prosp6r6.

Un certain temps j'ai consid6r6 que ce n'est pas mon devoir de coucher sur le papier des motspleins d'admiration pour notre bourg, tout comme il se pr6sentait il n'y a pas longtemps et sur lesr6alisations de nos citoyens valeureux, pass6s de vie d tr6pas, auxquels nous sommes redevables.

Le temps s'est envo16.... les auteurs n'apparaissent pas, permettez-moi donc cet ,,intermezzo".Puisque je suis trds touch6 des r6alisations de nos pr6curseurs, je me sens oblig6 de vous les rappeler etainsi en leurrendre hommage.

Aprds une dizaine d'ann6es, ou je me suis fait une collection de cartes postales illustr6es et desphotos repr6sentant des gens et des endroits de la Bistrifa d'autrefois, je peux les offrir d ceux qui s'yint6ressent, en ayant I'espoir qu'elles peuvent exprimer plus que moi-m6me, dans les pages de monalbum qui se veut une restitution des droits patrimoniaux faite au citadin de notre ville, moins inform6et d6sireux de les apprendre. J'espdre qu'elles se constituent en un 6mouvant souvenir pour les ancienshabitants de Bistrifa.

Tout ce que je vous propose veut 6tre un signe de gratitude pour mes concitoyens, unt6moignage sincdre de I'amour que je porte d mon ancien bourg patnarcal et, pourquoi pas, d lacivilisation , d la d6cenpe et d I'espoir dans un prospdre lendemain.


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Page 8: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1


82 l253 1

,9r*meteu@n-Ar,g * @att"rrn^alBurgul Bistrila(Die Bistritzer Burg - The burgh of Bistrita)Strizi(StraBen - Streets)Nostalgii citadine(StiidischeNostalgie - Townmelancholy)Edifrcii(Die Gebiiude - Large Buildings )Poqtalionul(Die Postkutsche - The Mail Coach)

q6kt mzdie*h(lfu.h/k r"A' Cy,;,k - 91fu*',a aahet)34 Casa Ioan Zidaru(Das Haus des Ioan Zidaru - The House loan Zidaru)37 Turnul Dogarilor(Der FaBbinder-Turm - The Coopers' Tower)43 Catedrala Evanghelicd(Die Evangelische Kirche - The Evangelical Cathedral)52 S[rb[toare in Piala Centrald(Feiertag auf dem Hauptplatz - Festival in Central Square)59 Complexul Sugdlete(Der Kornmarlt mit Laubengiingen - The Sugdlete Complex)72 Diminelile de duminici(Sonntagmorgen - Sunday Mornings)

@1i""*rra di, lanu (@,w- *d @Aranolrc - @irr'a*d and a'ar.ilhxart)

77 Casa de Culturi(Das Kulturhaus '' The house of Culture)86 Petrecerile cu joc, balurile(Tanzunterhaltungen, B611e - Dancing parties, balls)93 Tdrgurile bistrilene(Bisffitzer Miirkte - Bistrita Fairs)

101 SfAnta seari de Crdciun(Weihnachtsabend - The Holy Christmas Night)111 Obiceiuri de CrSciun la saqii din Ghinda

(Weihnachtsbrduche bei den Sachsen von Ghinda/Windau)(Christmas traditions of the Saxos of Ghinda)

Page 9: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

9'"r* le rylan eN66U"A,"y,yAu" - g*ttt t areat)

118 Schieferberg123 Schullerwald129 $trandul lui Bonnet(Das Bonnet-Bad - Bonnet's Swimming Place)133 La scdldat(Beim Baden - Bathing)139 Promenada(Die Promenade - The Promenade)144 Corso(Der Korso Corso)149 Rdmas bun, toamni!(Herbst leb wohl! Farewell, autumn!)

Oa,menltr, ,t utfr,lta,r,t O/6)uot"roooul (8),gl"nlriten, - (/i'Vt *,1nrutfeaaaont)

152 Familii bigtinage de romdni(Einheimische rumiinische Familien - Native Romanian families)158 Bardul de la Hordou - oaspete(Der Barde von Hordou ein Gast - The Hordou bard - as a guest)16I Reuniunea invilitorilor romdni de confesiune greco-catolici

(Versammlung der rumiinischen griech.-kathol. Lehrer aus dem Bezirk Nasaud)(Greek Catholic Romanian Teachers Reunion in the district of Nisiud)

165 Reuniunea romAnd de cdntiri din Bistrila(Rumiinischer Sdngerverein Bistritz - Romanian Singers'Association of Bistrija)

169 Reuniunea meseriaqilor rom6ni(Verein der rumiinischen Handwerker - The Romanian Craftsmen's Association)

174 Comitetul Bisericei Greco-Catolice Rom6ne din Bistrila an 1929(Das rumiinische griech.-kathol. Kirchenkomitee von Bistritz imJahre 1924)(The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church Committee of Bistrita 1924)

L78 Organizatlile tineretului gcolar din Bistrila la inceput de secol(Schulorganisationen der Bistritzer Jugend am Anfang des Jahrhunderts)(Bistrila School students organisation at the begining of the century)

185 Societatea "Dacia"(Studentenverbindung ,,DACIA" - The 'oDacia" Society)190 Liceul "Alexandru Odobescu"

(Das Lyzeum ,,Alexandru Odobescu" - Alexandru Odobescu High School)195 $coala de agriculturd(Die Landwirtschaftsschule - The Agriculture School)199 Muzicanlii bistrileni(Die Bistritzer Musikanten - Bistrila Musicians)206 Lutierii(Die Geisenbauer - Violin makers)210 Ateliereie de fot6grafie(Fotoateliers der Stadt - Photographer's Studios in town)220 Evreii(Die Juden - The Jews)225 Asocialia tineretului cregtin maghiar

(Der christliche Verein der ungarischen Jugend - The Association of Christian Hungarian Youth)228 Copii ai strizii(StraBenkinder - Street children)234 Dr. Alexandru Moldovan240 Dr. Licinius Grapini243 Dr. Iulian Chitul252 Fotografii, martori la evenimente

(Fotografien als Zeugnisse Bistritzer Begebenheiten - Photos - witnessing events)257 Bishila, ieri qi azi(Bistritz gestern und heute - Bistrita - past and present)

Page 10: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

S*r*gwnJ eSYmtfXDovezi arheologice, care sd ateste existenfa unor aqezdminte omeneqti pe arealul actual al

oragului Bistrifa, sunt multiple qi dateazd. din comuna primitivd qi perioada daco-romand. Burgul a fostinsd intemeiat de coloniqtii sagi, cirora regele Ungariei Bela al IV-lea le-a oferit ca privilegii gi intinseteritorii. Colonizarea masivd a teritoriului Bistrifei s-arealizat abia in secolul al XIII-lea, cdnd au sositaici marea majoritate a coloniqtilor germani, venili din Ducatul Luxemburg, de pe Valea Moselei, dar gidin Flandra qi Saxonia, aqa dupd cum s-a putut deduce pebazacercetlrilor lingvistice gi dialectologiceefectuate.

Primele rzvoare scrise legate de prezenla coloniqtilor germani qi secui pe aceste meleagurialdturi de populalia bdqtinagd de origine valahd, pecenegd gi chiar slavd dateazd din secolul aI XII-lea.Informalii din aceastb ultimd perioadd sunt numeroase. Ele se intind de-a lungul a peste 800 de ani,incepdnd cu anul 1191. Cu toate acestea, istoricii au opinii diferite cu privire la prima atestaredocumentard a Bistrilei, deoarece unii fac abstracfie de numele inilial al burgului, cel de Nossa, aga cumnumeau primii colonigti sagii, reqedinfa finutului Nosnergau, in prima perioadd a existenlei sale.

Dintre numeroasele variante ce doresc sd stabileasci prima atestare documentard a oraquluinostru, cea mai verosimild mi se pare cea suslinutd de bistrileanul Dr JOST LINKNER, din Wels(Austria) care, in articolul "Numele Bistrilei de-a lungul vremurilor", din cartea "BISTNTZ IN lrSIEBENBURGEITI", vol.I, apdrutd la Wehrheim/Taunus (Germania), in anul 1980, ardtd cd oraqulBistrila a fost menlionat, de-a lungul istoriei sale, in peste 36 de variante toponimice, dintre care 10 auca formd debazd cuvAntul NOSA, intre anii I24l qi 166I,24 de variante slavul BISTRICHE, din anul1264qipe"ndastdzi,precumqitoponimiculromdnescfARGflROs,St/,menfionatla1839 deJ.LENKVTREUENFELD, in LEXICONUL GEOGRAFIC AL TRANSILT/ANIEI.

Ori, tocmai aceastd varietate toponimicd a generat incertitudini in stabilirea primei menliondriscrise.

Mulli istorici, care auvenit in contact cu documente ale vremii in care apare toponimicul deNOSA,nu au fbcut legdtura cu actuala denumire de Bistrifa, de unde qi firegtile semne de intrebare.

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Cetatea Bistrila, fn anul 1602; gravurd de H.J. SchollembergerDie Bistritzer Burg im Jahre 1602, Gravur von H.J. Schollemberger

Bistrila Fortress in 1602, engraving by H.J. Schollemberger

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Aceastd idee este suslinutd qi in articolul ,,Bistrifa in vechile cronici gi rapoarte", al regretatului,Prof. Dr ERNST WAGNER,unul dintre cei mai competenfi cercetbtori ai istoriei oragului, careconfirma ci cea mai veche atestare documentard a oragului Bistri{a, in care el apare sub denumirea deNOSA, este cea din ,,CODICELE ONGINAL AL MAN,{STINI BENEDICTINIL)R DINLUXEMBURG ", document in care se descrie rnvaziatdtarilor in Transilvania inanul I24l .

Textul original, scris in limba latind de cdtre PREASFINTIA SA DIONISOS, unul dintre ceipatrusprezece scriitori salvatori, este reluat in detaliu qiin "MONUMENTA GERMANIAE HISTOzuCASCRIPTORES ", Tabloul l4,pagina 65, ca gi in lucrare a "IZVOAHE ASUPRA ISTONEI SASILOR DINTRANSILVANIA INTRE ANII 1191-1975", Edilia II, K)LN-\IENA,IgBI, in care puginu 20, areurmdtorul conlinut: "iN ANUL I24I DE LA INTRU?AREA D)MNULUI, CHIAR iu-puutNtczPASTELOR (31 martie), PESTE CODNI CARPATILOR AU ur{rt{ur r,{TARII iu nOoU,q, UNTARG AL UNGURILOR, OMORAND 4OOO DE OAMENI SAU MAI MULTI. iN MARTEAACELEIA$TsAprAuAwt Q apritie) AU Fosr zM)RATI iu rAncut NosA oritq cnnSTrNn o A DouAH)ARDA r,{rln { ,q uArirrr iw TRANSILVANIA iw pnorrruu,q BURZA zMzRANDCONDUCATORUL OSTILOR DIN TARA TRANSILI/ANIEI SI PE TOTI )AMENTI 5,4t. Lq 4 A7NLIEAU c..[zur iu s.trut KzKELBURGH (KUMELBURGH) MAr MULT DE 30.000 DE oAMENr. DEASEMENI, iU tOU DINAINTEA DUMTNICII MISERTCORDIET (11 apritie) AU CizuT iw on qsutHERMANNSDORF (VILAHERMAN) MAI MULTDE ]OO OOO DE LOCALNICI".

De altfel, intr-un document de la curtea impdratului Ferdinand I, intocmit laViena la 31 augustl559,sepomeneqtepentruprimaoard"deBistrilaintr-untextreferitorlaComitele EmerichdeSalzburg,pomenitin anull222.

Cu prilejul unor comemordri recente, organizate de notabilitdfile locale, se sublinia c5 primaatestare documentard a oragului ar fi datatd in anul 1264, menli.onat fiind Documentul emis dePapaU{an al IV-lea, prin care acesta cerea Ducelui $tefan al Transilvaniei sd restituie Ungariei, linutulBistrilei gi al Rodnei. Denumirea sub care apare oragul in textul original, scris in lirnba latind, eraBISTNCHE.

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Proiect urbanistic secolul XWI - Stadtbild XVII. Jh. - Town plan, 1736


Page 12: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

uANrut REGINEI, s-l r,(cur iurnz nINE gI NUMITUL REGE, rurAt rlu, AIitrc.[ iuporrutu onzer,{ya $I TI, spRE pr,cua,{ $r NEAJUNSUL NUMITEI REGINE,NrgrE ]ATE St p,{uAtmtnt mtutrE iu uua,l on6mnr,{ BrsrRrcHE , RzDNA, nELNA SICn,q,TI,nkL{T PE CAruE LE-Au sr,{pArur iN NUWf$T P,q,Cz.IrAT SUSNUMITA, CAr $TT)ATE il.uNrlgzm ]ALE, DIN YREMUN ,1. c,{non AMINTIRE s-A zrilRDUT.................",semnatd la I 6 iulie I 264.

Agadar, avdnd in vedere ci existd o menlionare documentard de epocd, ce este legatd de anulI24l,inanul 2001 , se implines c 7 60 de ani de c0nd numele oragului nostru este menlionat in scris.

' Au fost la modd, in ultima weme, aniversdri intempestive, menite s5 alimenteze vanitSli giorgolii conjuncturale sau politicianiste, ale primarilor autohtoni, care au intinerit urbea noastr5, cucdlivazecide ani, in dauna adevirului istoric.

l 3

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Yhe Mrge af &tswi{a

There are numerous archeological testimonies to assert the existence of some humansettlements on the present setting of the town ofBistri{a and they all date back to the primitive communeand the Dacian and Roman period. But the burgh was founded by the Saxon colonists to whom the Kingof Hungary Bela the fourth offered (as privileges) vast territories. The massive colonization of theterritory of Bistrifa was achieved only in the 13{h century when most of the German settlers arrivedhere coming from the duchy of Luxemburg, the Mosela valley coming from Flanders and Saxony, asone can inferfrom linguistic and dialectalresearch.

The first written sources connected to the German and Saxon colonists on this land by the nativepopulations of Wallachian, Petchenegian and even Slavic origin date back to the 12th century. Theinformation from this last period is very abundant. It spans along over 800 years starting from 1191.However, historians have different opinions about the first documentary attestation of Bistrila, becausesome do not take into account the initial name of the burgh, that of Nossa, as the first Saxon colonistsused to call the capital ofNosnergan county during the first period of its existence.

Among the numerous variants trying to establish the first documentary attestation of our town,the most reliable seems to be that of the late Dr. Jost Linker from Wels (Austria) who, in his article "Thename of Bistrifa along the centuries" in the book "Bistritz in Siebenburgen", vol I, edited atWehrheim/Taunus (Germany) in 1980 showed that Bistrila had been mentioned throughout its historyinover36toponymicalvariants,l0ofwhichhadasabasisthewordNOSAbetweenl24landl66l,24variants had the Slavic BISTRICHE starting from 1264 up to now and the Romanian toponymical ofTARGU ROSSU, mentioned in 1839 by J Lenk V. Trenenfeld in the geographical lexicon ofTransilvania.

But this very toponymical variety has caused uncertainty in establishing the first writtenattestation.

Many historians, who had accsss to the documents of the time when the toponymical term ofNOSA appeared, failed to make the connection with the actual name of Bistrila, hence some confusionappeared.

This idea is also upheld by the article "Bistrifa in the old chronicles and reports'by prof. dr.Ernst Wagner, one of the most learned researchers of the history of the town of Bistrifa, who confirmedthat: the oldest document attestation of the town Bistrila, where it appeared as NOSA was in "TheOriginal manuscript of the Monastery of the Benedictines in Luxembourg", document where the Tatarinvasion in Transylvania of 1240 is described.

The original text, written in Latin by His Holiness Dionysus, one of the 14 militant writers, isdetailed in "Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores" picture 14 page 65, as well as in the work"sources about the history of the Saxons of Transylvania between ll9I-197 5", Second edition , Koln-Vienna, 1981, where, on page 20, it is stated: " In the year l24l Anno Domini, on the very Easter Day(March 31st ), upon the Carpathians woods there rushed the Tatars horde in Rodna, a burgh of theHungarians, killing"4000, if not more. On Tuesday the same week (April 2nd) 6014 Christians werekilled in NOSAburgh! The second Tatar horde rushed at Transylvania Burza Province, killing the rulerof the army of Transylvania and allhis people. OnApril4th over 30000 people died in the village ofKokenburgh (Kumelburgh). On Thursday before Mercy Sunday (April 1lth) over 100000 inhabitantsdied in the town ofHermannsdorf (Vila Herman)".

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Anyway, the first reference to Bistrifa is made in a document of the court of Emperor Ferdinand,written in Vienna on April 3 1st, 1559 and also mentioned in a text referring to Emerich of Salzburg in1222.Onthe occasion of some recent commemorations, organizedby local officials, they emphasizedthat the first documentary testimony of the town would dale 1264 and mentioned the Document issuedby Pope Urban 4thby which he had asked to Duke Stefan of Transylvania to yield to Hungary thecounties of Bistri{a and Rodna. The name of the town in the original text, written in Latin, was Bistriche.

Here is its content:" Bishop Urban, ourbeloved Christ follower, the firstborn of ourbeloved sonBela, King of Hungary beware of everything unfair and unsuitable and especially of all deedapparently covering some unfair offence addressed to our beloved Maria, the great queen of Hungary ,your father and queen Maria's, without the queen's consent, there had been once done between you andthe said Krg, your father you had violated the law and, therefore you had invaded some lands andcounties calledBISTRICHE, Rodna, ZelnaandCrainimdt, whichhadbeenpeacefullyruledbyboththesaid queen and her forerunners back to times immemorial . . . " signed in July I6th,1264.

Therefore, keeping in mind that there is a documentary mentioning of the time, referring to theyear l24l , in 2001 it is 760 years since our town was mentioned in writing.

There have been fashionable lately to have flabbergasting celebrations made to increase thepolitical and circumstantial vanities of native mayors who have made our town appear tens of yearsyounger, in spite ofthe historical truth.


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Oragul Bistrifa a fost edificat de cltre coloniqtii sagi, pe prima teras6 a Rdului Bistrifa, intr-ozond de mare interes strategic, cu resurse in imediata vecindtate. Planul inilial a respectatcaracteristicile arhitectonice ale epocii gi ale specificului german, vizibile in cetdlile medievaleenropene ale acelor wemuri, aqezarea fiind ulterior inconjuratd cu zi&ti de apdrare gi bastioane cupor,ti de acces fortificate.

Refeaua stradald a avut o geometrie paraleligi parlial convergentd Pielei Centrale, de form6dreptunghiulard,. Strdzile transversale sunt elementesecundare ale arhitecturii iniliale, ele apdrdndulterior, din rafionamente strategice qi funcfionale.Strddulele inguste ce aveau forma unor pasajepietonale asigurau cdi de acces spre sistemul deapdrare al ceti1ii. In orag mai pot fi intdlnite qi azi 15astfel depasaje.

Vechiul centru aloragului Bistrila, ca aspecturbanistic" se inscrie incategoria burgurilor germane ale inceputului de mileniu, avind gi specificuloraqelor sdsegti din Transilvania secolelor al XII lea gi al Xl[-lea.

Numeroase erau p6raiele ce drenau strizile principale pini in secolul alXIX-lea, ele av6nd atdt un caracter igienic, din lipsa canalizdrii, cdt gi unulfuncfional, pundnd in miqcare morile din oraq, dar asigurdnd gi apa necesardatelierelor manufacturiere gi gospoddriilor or[genilor. In anul 1550 apare IaViena, cartea "Chorographia Transilvaniei", a lui Reicherstorffer, care gi faceo pr ezentare a oraqului B istrif a :

"Oragul Bistrila, aqezattn qesul uneivdi larg deschise, are de o partegi de alta dealuri cu podgorii. Prin mijlocul orasului carge rAil cu acelasinume ce seindreaptdspre laturade miazdzia suburbieidejos gitndutd dupddoud mile se uneSte cu rAil Someq qi este tmbelqagat mai ales tn pegti. Lapatru mile de oraqul Bistrila sunt minele d.e aur din Rodna, na mai pulinvestite ca minele de aur de lu Baiu-Mare, la cupdtul celdlalt al

Pasai SI - Passage.ilI* TransilvanieL"In anul I 564 la Viena, Giovan Andreea Gramo publicd o scurtd descriere a Transilvaniei in care

este prezentat in detaliu oraqul Bistrifa.'"Oruqul cdpetenie Si dl dintdi dintre toate oragele este Sibiul, urmeazd apoi Bragovul gi

Bistrilu.. La o depdrtare de 7 mile de Beclean se gdseqte frumosul, bogatul, popalatul Si puterniculoras Bistrila ugeiat pe un loc qes, tntr-o vale veseld, tnconjuratd de izvoure, care udd tntreaga valespre vest pdnd la dealul foarte inult, depdrtat ca vreo mie cinci sute paqi qi mai bine, de zidurileoragului, celelulte trei laturi ale orasalui, in parte scdldate de apele unor usemene& izvoare, in parteade miazdzi un pul'lat care se umple de rdu,fac cu acest orag sdJie de necucerit. Forms sa este ovald;Cele doud latari mai mici sunttndreptate una spre sud Si cealaltd spre nord, isr celelulte doud una

Forti/icalii - Die Befestigungen - Forffications

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spre est qi alta spre vest, Strdzile drepte sunt tdiste de la un capdt lu celdlalt de pAraie formate dinacele izvoare Si cure curg prin tot orasul spre murelefolos al locuitorilor qi totodatd spre desJfrtareaochilor privitorilor.

$i pe Jiecure din luturile aceleu este o poartd principald ca foarte multe mori de-a lungul

Eanlurilor puse tn miqcare de upa izvoarelor ce ldgnesc acolo, qi ele pot sd mucine mai mult decfrt cernevoile oraqului. Are o bisericdfrumoasd reJrtcutd de un meSter din Bergamo, pe cheltuisla proprie aorasului Si care este tnchinatd Sfdntei Fecioare, dar ucam se slujegte tn ea dupd tnvdldtura luiLuther ca giin toate celelalte orage sdseqti din aceastd lard. Phraiele umintite care curg prin oraq setmpreund la ieSireu lor tn suburbia dinspre miazdzi qi se varsd upoi la paisprezece mile spre nord. "

Poarta Lemnelor 1830 - Das Holtztor 1830 - Woods'Gate 1830

l s

Strada Lemnelor cu poarta ddrdmatd in 1850Die Holtzgasse mit dem 1850 abgetragenen Tor

Woods'Gate and the 1850 Gate

Poarta RodneiDas Rodnaer Tor

Rodna gate

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Pasaj XIVPassage XIV

to I

ffiiStrada Spitalului I 904

Spitalgasee 1904Hospital Street 1904

Strada Spitalului 1901Spitalgasse 1901

Hospital Street 1901

Sistrita --. Res*t*rczeSpil*tgne*e -- Kdrhda'ttr?fl '

Page 18: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1



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BisericaRomano-CatolicdsiRestaurantulFritsch, l92l Rdm.kath.KirchemitRestaurantFrischlg2lThe Roman-Catholic Church and Fritsch Restaurant l92I

l t t&,:i:,;;,w'; : f

Strada Ungureascd, 19 I 7 - [Jngargasse 1917 - The Hungarian Street, 1917

StradaLemnelof 1916 - Holtzsasse 1916 - Woods'Street,l9l6

Page 19: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

Strada Lemnelor 1902se observd Sanlurile de suprafald

Holtzgasse 1902man kann die Wassergrtiben erkennen

Woods Street, 1902one could see the surface ditches

:' #t l' " '.'+L^^'4 1.4

r * r , a r . r t r 1 . r . ) F . * i

Piala Centrald, latura de sud-est, 1905 - Hauptplatz, siid1stl. Seite, 1905- Central Square, the south-east side, 1905

€.i ;r{- 1. t {4./ Lj }{.-{

". ,. i{^ -, i. F, i, ' * t u i "& . / : " -

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PoSta qi Casa Molitoris, 1901 - Post und Molitoris-Haus, 1901 - The post-ffice und Molitoris House, l90l

Page 20: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

Vedere aeriand dinspre nord 1916 - Ltlftansicht gegen Norden 1916 - North air view 1916Ilustratd cu Strada Lemnelor in 1903 - Holtzsasse,tg1j -

l , '

. . :Consilierii orasului si muncitorii, la inceputul pavdiii strditlot lgi5 - GemeinderatundArbeiter E'egtn d7\*alJenpflastfiffig, tiSs

&i*triix - i}**si*rer*

Tbwn Councillors and the workers before starting to pave the streets, 1935

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Evang. Kirche und Holtzgasse, 1g70The Evangelical Church and Woods'Street, I gZ0


Biserica Evanghelicd;i Strada Lemnelor lg70 Strada Pungarilor 1903Beutlergasse 1903

"Pungarilor" Street, I 903

Piala Centrald latura de sud, 1928 - si)dliche seite des Hauptplatzes 1928 - central square, the south side, I92g

Page 22: Bistrita. Nostalgii citadine - partea 1

1 906. The Posr-oflice und Hospitol Street


Spi i ; r lq rssr ,

$ir*:** liu*g* rli*r,. ilr;r'lkr1r*$i: - l:fl.,itil lt{, t;isril

&lsd kiilv{rosUntere V&rstadl

{Sistritx} Sesc**r*p*




Amenajarea stradald a zonei dejos a oraqului, 1912 - Stra/Senbau im unteren Teil der Stadt, 1912Street arrangement in the west side ofthe town, l9l 2

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,a l

In anul 1763 Nicolaus Olahus publicd la Viena lucrarea "Despre Dacia", unde in capitolul"Despre Transilvania" face referire laplaiurile bistrilene :

t'$ieul izvordste din lara Secuilor spre nord qi unindu-se mai intdi cu rAil Bistrila, carescaldd oraqal BistrQu, destul deinsemnatprin bogdlia sa gi namdrul ordgenilor, se varsd mai sus deoruSulDej."

In anul 1885 E. Albert Bielz publici la Viena "Siebenburgen Ein Handbuch fiir Reisende"(Transilvania Diclionar de cilitorie) in care se insistd asupra mai multor itinerarii din judeful BistrilaNds[ud, a oraqului ca gi descrierii drumurilor sale de la Reghin la Bistrifa,Ydli Someqului, MunfilorRodnei qi a traseului Bistrila - Dej.

Din secolul al XV-lea, bistrifenilor li se ingdduie sd edifice gi construcfii din piatrd gi sd-gi ridicezidui de apirare gi fortificafii, pentru a putea face fafd, ndvdlirii hoardelor migratoare din RdsdritulEuropei.

La sfdrgitul secolului al XV[-lea, cdnd puterea economicd gi politici a oragului a crescut,manifestdrile de independenfi gi autoguvernare local[ nu au mai fost pe placul diriguitorilor cur,tilorEuropei Centrale, motiv pentru care au ordonat ddrdmarea zidurilor de apdrare gi a fortificaliilor, maiales cd migrafiile din rdsdrit au incetat sd mai fie un pericol.

Cdtinaintagii nogtri au stat de veghe la hotarele de rlsdrit ale civilizaliei europene, jertfindu-se,Europa a putut prospera, in mare parte datoriti 1or, care aici, la riscruce de civlliza\ii qi imperii, au fostun scut ce a asigurat pacea qi linigtea atdt de necesard prosperdrii Europei Centrale gi Occidentale, atdtde pufin recunoscdtoar e astdzi,pentru tot ce s-a fEcut atunci pentru ea.

Ba mai mult, locuitorii acestor meleaguri au pdstrat cu sfinlenie elemente de culturd qicivilizalie europeandpe care apuseniiinqiqi le-aupierdutde-alungul wemurilor.

La sfhrgitul secolului aI XIX-lea, existenla unor ora$e- cetd[itransilvdnene, puternic fortificate,era greu de a fi acceptatd, de aristocrafia europeand. Aceasta era pu{in dispusd sd acorde sprijintendinlelor de independenf[ a burgurilor transilv[nene. Pentru a le putea supune, frrdrezewe, gi u leaservi total, Curtea de la Viena d[ ordin expres de ddrAmare a fortifica{iilor, bastioanelor qi a porfilor deacces ale tuturor cet[filor ardelene, ceea ce a dus la o sdrdcire arhitectonicd medievaH ireparabila.

Odat[ cu demolarea zidurilor de apdrare ale Cetdfii gi extinderea perimetrului construib il, aparcgi o noud sistematizare a refelelor stradale, aceasta primind, ulterior,txtcaracter rectangular gi o lniimeconsiderabild, ceea ce a permis oragului sd se extindl concentric in jurul vechiului plan urbanistic.Acest faptafrcutcaparteaveche aburgului medieval si sepdstrezeinceamai mareparte, pdnd astdzi,fbrd intervenlii moderniste severe.

Aga se face cd au mai rdmas cAteva vestigii medievale dintre care a$ aminti fragmentelezidurilor de apirare, Turnul Dogarilor, Mdndstirea Dominican6, Biserica Minorililor, CJmplexularhitectonic Sugdlete qi Biserica evanghelicd-luteran[, ce pot fr vizitate qi admirate qi astdzi. Aici,goticul tirziu, barocul gi neoclasicul pot fi intAlnite pretutindeni. De asemenea se poate constata cuugurinld in arhitectonica edificiilor bistrilene din secolele al XV[-lea 9i al XV[I-lea qi o interferenfd astilurilor clasice cu elemente autohtone, ceea ce oferd burgului medieval, o varietate arhitectonicdaparte, de interes turistic.

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The town of Bistrila was founded by the Saxon Colonists on the first terrace of the River Bistrifa,in a highly strategic area with resources nearby. The initial plan obeyed the architectural characteristicsof the age and to the German features, visible in the mediaeval European fortress of those times, thesettlementbeing later surroundedby defense walls andbastions with fortified access gates.

The street network had a parallel and partially convergent to the Central Square geometry in arectangular shape. The transverse streets are secondary elements of the initial architecture; theyappeared later out of functional and strategical reasons. The narrow streets in the shape of pedestrianpassages were access ways to the defense system of the fortress. There are 15 such passages in our townno\\-.

The old centre of the town of Bistrifa, as town - planning aspect, enlists in the category ofGerman burghs from the beginning of the millennium, also having the typical trait ofthe Saxon Townsin Transylvania ofthe l2thand 13th centuries.

There were numerous rinrlets draining the main streets up to the 19th century; they had bothhvgienic character, as the sewerage system was missing, and a functional one, setting into motion themills in the town but ensuring the necessary water for the manufacture workshops and people's houses I rgin town. In 1550 the book "The Chorography of Transylvania" by Reicherstorffer, appeared in Vienna, I

presenting the town ofBistrila:"The town of Bistrifa, situated on the plain of a wide-open valley has, on both sides hills and

r-ineyards. The river with the same name flows in the middle of the town towards the Southem part ofthe lower suburb and after 2 miles away from Bistrila it flows into the Somes river. Four miles awaythere are the gold mines of Rodna, not less famous than the gold mines in Baia Mare, at the other end ofTransylvania."

ln 1564, at Vienna, GiovanAndreea Gramo published a short description of Transylvania wherethe town of Bistrila is given a detailed account:

"The capital city and the first one of all is Sibiu, then comes Brasov and Bistrifa...7 miles awayfrom Beclean there is the beautiful, rich, crowded and strong town of Bistrifa situated in a plain, on amerry valley surrounded by springs which water the whole valley westwards to the very high hill, overone thousand and five hundred steps away the town walls; the other three sides of the town, partly$ atered by such springs and southwards a wide well which the river fiIls, make this townunconquerable. It is oval shaped. The two smaller sides go one southwards and the other northwardsand the other two go one westwards and the other eastwards. The straight streets are cut from one end tothe other by rivulets formed from these springs and they flow all over the town for the inhabitants'useand by passers' delight.

And every side has amain gate with very many mills along ditches, propelled by the springsor-er there, and they grind more than the local needs. It has a beautiful church, restored by a worker fromBer-eamo, at the town's expense dedicated to the Holy Mother, but now the service is done after Luther'stgaghing, the same as in all the Saxon towns of this country The rivulets flowing through the townjoinu'hile getting out in the southern suburbs and then flow fourteen miles northwards."

In 1763 Nicolaus Olahus published in Vienna his book "On Dacia" where, he refers to thecounty of Bistrila in the chapter "On Transylvania":

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" The $ieu springs from the Szeckler county to the north and meets first the river Bistrifa, whichbathes the town of Bistrila highly important due to its wealth and to the number of its inhabitants, thenflows up from the town ofDej."

In 1885 E. Albert Bielz published in Vienna "siebenburgen Ein Handguch frir Reisende"(Transylvania. ATravelling dictionary) where he insists on more itineraries in BistrilaNasaud district,on the town and also describing his travels from Reghin to Bistrifa, The Valley of the Someg, the RodnaMountains and the road BistriJa Dej.

Beginning with the 15th century the inhabitants of Bistrila were allowed to build stonebuildings, and to raise fortifications and defense walls in order to cope with the invasions of themigratory hordes from eastern Europe.

At the end of the 17th century when the economical and political power of the town had grown,the manifestations of independence and local self-governing were no longer tolerated by the leaders ofAustria Imperial Court. That is why they ordered the fortifications and the defense walls to be pulleddown, moreover due to eastern invasions which were no longer a threat.

As long as our forefathers had watched the Eastern frontiers of the European civilization,Europe could thrive, greatly due to those who, at the crossroads of civilizations and empires, were like apeace-ensuring shield so necessary for the welfare of Europe, yet ungrateful for all that has been donefor its actual well-being.

Moreover, the people of these places have piously preserved elements of European culture andcivilizationwhich theWesternEuropeans themselves have lostthroughoutthe centuries.

At the end of the 19th century the existence of some Transylvanian fortresses, well-protected,was difficult to accept by the European aristocracy, unwilling to support the independence tendency ofTransylvanian burghs. In order to subject them unconditionally and to fully enslave them, the RoyalCourt of Vienna ordered the fortifications, the bastions and the access gates ofArdeal fortresses to bepulled down, which led to an irretrievable waste ofmedieval architecture.

Along with demolishing the defense walls ofthe Fortress and the expansion ofthe buildin garea,there appears a new systematization of the street network. The streets gofa rectangular charact6r andthey were considerably widened, which afforded the town to expand conientrically iround the old townplan. But this fact allowed the old part of the medieval burgh to-be preserved up tothis day, without anyserious changes.

Therefore, some medieval vestiges have been preserved among which the fragments of thedefense walls, The Coopers' Tower, The Dominican Monastery The Church of the Minorites, theSugdlete architectural complex, and the Lutheran-Evangelicai Church, which can be visited andadmired even nowadays. Here, late Gothic, Baroque and Neoclassicism may be seen everywhere. Onecan easily notice in the architecture of Bistrila buildings of the ITthand 18th centuries, the interferenceof classical andnative elements which offerto the medievalburgh a special architecturalvarietywhichtourists are most interested in.