bitumen training

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  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    NEW PLYMOUTH OFFICE:Phone 067597065Fax 067597066

    HAMILTON OFFICE:Phone 078392787Fax 078392787Email [email protected]

    SHORT COURSES:LisaKnowles l [email protected] ext 705JanKivell [email protected] ext708

    CONFERENCES AND SPECIALISTWORKSHOPS:JillWarner [email protected] ext709


    FOR DEGREE/DIPLOMA:JillWarner [email protected] ext709

    THE DIP ENG (CIVIL):ClarenceMorkel [email protected] [email protected]


    NZIHT operates as an independent company with the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki as the sole shareholder.


    Bitumen tanker and Plant OPeratOr (1 day)Palmerston North 8 September / Hamilton 12 September / Christchurch 15 September

    The operaon of bitumen tankers, sprayers, bitumen storage and blending plants demands a sound knowledge of the properes of bitumen and

    associated products and adherence to strict safety procedures. Producon is improved if operators have the appropriate advanced knowledge and skill

    to accurately and safely use plant and equipment. Quality is maintained by bitumen product knowledge, adherence to handling procedures, accurate

    blend calculaon and careful record keeping. This course is designed as a follow-on from the awareness level Bitumen Safety course specically for

    hands-on operators.

    Please Note: This course is a prerequisite to the Bitumen Sprayer Operator Course

    Topics Include:

    Bitumen, addives, polymers, emulsions Safe operaon of xed plant

    Roading NZ Code of Safe Pracce Loading, bending, heang and transferring

    Transfer hose safety and compliance Plant maintenance

    Storage and transportaon Dangerous goods classicaon & labelling

    Measurement and control Safe tanker operaon

    Sampling and documentaon Calculaon of blends

    Record keeping Plant maintenance safety

    For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below

    Bitumen SPrayer OPeratOr (1 day)Palmerston North 9 September / Hamilton 13 September / Christchurch 16 September

    Precise and competent operaon of the bitumen sprayer is essenal to successful chipsealing operaons. Sprayer performance is improved if operators

    have detailed knowledge of the principles of the chipsealing process and the appropriate skills to accurately use the equipment. Output quality is

    enhanced by bitumen product knowledge, adherence to safe handling procedures and careful record keeping.

    Topics Include:

    Bitumen products for chipsealing Chipseal types and basic design principles Storage, blending and transportaon Sampling and documentaon

    Sprayer types, pumps and operang systems Troubleshoong Spray charts Correct spraybar set-up Hand-spraying Sprayer maintenance

    Operaonal safety RNZ E/2 industry cercaon of sprayers Field measurement and control Calculaon of hot spray rates for cutbacks and

    emulsions Spraying Hot PMBs Bitumen sprayer record keeping.

    For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below.

    August 2011


    Bitumen BaSic Safety (1 day)Auckland 20 September / Hamilton 23 September / Palmerston North 26 September

    Christchurch 28 September / Dunedin 30 SeptemberIt is absolutely essenal that all those involved in any way with bituminous materials fully understand the signicant hazards presented and the

    procedures used to ensure safety. This is an essenal awareness course for anybody involved in any way with the road surfacing industry and is

    presented with the aid of graphic praccal demonstraons. A special variaon of this course Bitumen - Managing the Risk is designed specically for

    senior managers, engineers and supervisors. It is a pre-requisite for other advanced courses for those handling, working near, operang or maintaining

    bitumen equipment or supervising the use of bituminous materials. This course will assist with compliance with the Health and Safety in Employment

    Act and the self-governance Operate Safe scheme administered by Roading New Zealand.

    Topics Include:

    Introducon to bituminous materials including emulsions

    Health hazards, personal precauons

    Hazards when working around bitumen plants and hot-mix plants

    Hazards associated with eld operaons

    Importance of appropriate training

    Dangers of water

    First aid for bitumen burns

    Dangerous goods, ash point, auto-ignion, safe distance Explosion hazards, empty tank hazards

    Maintenance hazards, spillage precauons

    Fire safety including hands on experience in the use of portable re exnguishers to ght ammable liquid res

    Miscellaneous associated hazards encountered in the road surfacing industry

    For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below.





  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:

    Page 2

    August 2011

    Gain the

    National CerticateinCivil Infrastructure(General Introductory Skills)

    For only $120* + GST Aend ve blocks o-job (total 8 days over 20 weeks)

    O job training is included Full assessment of unit standards on the NZQA framework

    Napier intake starng 8-9 September

    Other centres on request

    Training includes the following blocks:

    * Only available to NZ Cizens or Permanent Residents of NZ with proof of residency/cizenship.

    For full informaon please contact the programme co-ordinator:

    Jan Kivell

    NZ Instute of Highway TechnologyE: [email protected] P: 06 759 7065 ext 708

    Level 1 Basic Trac Controller (TC) (1 day o-job training & self-directed study)

    *Unit standards: 5627, 20877, 20878

    Survey & Set Out Stage 1 (2 day o-job training & self-directed study)

    *Unit standards: 6476, 6480

    Basic Worksite Knowledge (2 days o-job training & self-directed study)

    Unit standards: 6453, 1978, 12382, 17592, 17593, 22283

    Health & Safety for Civil Construcon (2 days o-job training & self-directed study)

    Unit standards: 6475, 17327, 20868, 20870, 20873

    First Aid (1 day o-job training)

    Unit standards: 6401, 6402

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    rOad netwOrk cOnditiOn analySiS

    (2 dayS)

    Christchurch 24-25 August (conrmed)

    Over the past decade, the use of high speed data collecon

    devices, coupled with the structured storage and access of

    data has become the norm for many road networks in NewZealand and elsewhere. The ability to ulize this informaon

    in an ecient and innovave manner has become an

    essenal requirement for engineers involved in the planning

    and allocaon of resources related to road networks.

    This course is designed to equip engineers and analysts

    with the fundamental understanding and praccal skills to

    analyse and interpret key trends in road network condion

    and performance. The course introduces the key types of

    network level condion data, and illustrates, through the

    use of worked examples, how this data can be eecvely

    analysed and summarized to facilitate raonal decision

    making and allocaon of resources. The course also covers

    the preparaon and analysis of data to support the calibraon

    of network deterioraon models.

    The course includes computer work in which parcipants

    will implement the principles through use of Microso Excel

    macros and the JunoViewer soware.

    Topics Include: Typical network condion data types and their


    Descripve stascs and best pracces in graphical

    analysis and reporng

    Structuring your data for analysis- example using

    Microso Access

    Introducon to Excel macros and their use to access andprocess data

    Key graphs and stascs used to summarize network

    condion trends

    Determining and analysing deterioraon rates and the

    impact of treatments and how to use this data to support

    deterioraon modelling

    For further informaon please contact Lisa Knowles,

    details below.

    underStanding nZS3910:2003

    cOnditiOnS Of cOntract (2 dayS)

    Dunedin 2-3 August

    Palmerston North 17-18 August

    Christchurch 24-25 August

    Auckland 19-20 OctoberHow well do you know the contents of NZS3910, which are

    the rules for administering and managing civil and building


    This popular course, from a praccal and hands-on point

    of view will benet Clients, Consultants and Contractors

    regarding how to manage and administer contracts and to

    understand their obligaons and liabilies in terms of these

    General Condions of Contract

    Major points covered are: Types of contracts

    Contractor and Client obligaons

    Role of the Engineer / Engineers representave Variaons and how to value them

    Extensions of me and the nancial implicaons to



    Terminaon of contracts / sub-contracts

    Calculaon of percentages for on-site costs, overhead

    and prot and rate per working day

    On compleon of this course parcipants will have theknowledge to: Use course notes as an up to date reference for managing


    Understand NZS3910:2003

    Be familiar with dierent types of contracts

    Understand the procedure for lodging claims and the

    concept of being me-barred and those claims being

    dismissed as being out of me

    Understand extension of me and associated

    implicaons and costs

    Be able to value variaons

    For further informaon please contact Lisa Knowles,

    details below.

    aSPhalt mix deSign (2 dayS)

    Christchurch 29-30 August

    Asphalt paving mix design requires a clear understanding of design standards and specicaon requirements. Design also

    demands close aenon to the details of tesng procedures to ensure an economical blend and gradaon of aggregates.

    Durable asphalt mixes must provide for stability, sucient voids and workability to permit ecient construcon. This course

    has been updated to include the latest design methods from America and Australia. The methods will include Austroads

    APRG 18 Selecon and Design of Asphalt Mixes and SHRP Superpave Mix Design. This will assist engineers and supervisors

    in their understanding of the design process and specicaons.

    Topics Include: Objecves of design mix Desirable mix properes

    Design of non-structural mixes Designing a mix/praccal consideraons

    Mix design and procedures Performance based specicaons

    Quality assurance Producon tesng and interpretaon of test results

    Overview of asphalt manufacture and construcon techniques.For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    Bridge inSPectiOn & maintenance PrOcedureS (2 dayS)

    Christchurch 28-29 September

    Hamilton 19-20 October

    Bridges are valuable assets, which cannot be built and then forgoen. Defects do occur which require

    aenon during the life of a bridge. Natural events such as oods and earthquakes cause damage. Somebridge components deteriorate and require replacement within the life of the bridge.

    The bridge environment can aect durability and must be recognised. These areas must be addressed and appropriate maintenance

    carried out to ensure connued public safety as well as to maintain the asset and minimise repair costs.

    Topics include:

    Asset management systems

    The inspecon procedure

    Condion assessment for common bridge materials

    Repair procedures

    Coangs for steel structures

    Economic evaluaon

    Durability and maintenance of bridging materials

    Maintenance requirements

    Waterway, drainage and seismic damage

    On compleon of this course parcipants will have the knowledge to:

    Idenfy the principles of bridge inspecon and maintenance

    Carry out bridge inspecons under supervision

    Gain an understanding of administraon and management systems

    Use the Transit NZ Bridge Inspecon and Maintenance Manual to inspect and evaluate bridge condions and detect faults

    Prepare repair procedures under supervision

    Detect potenal instances of bridge failure

    Learn ways to enhance durability of materials used in bridge construcon.

    For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below.

    leaderShiP training (3 dayS)

    Auckland 29-31 August / Christchurch 21-23 September / Wellington 18-20 October

    This course is aimed at anybody who is in charge of a work team of any size. It is delivered in an inducve (experienal) format which

    allows parcipants to be totally involved in the learning process. The course is high on involvement and equips the parcipants to take

    the concepts into the workplace and use them. There is an assessment programme at the end where they, their mentor and their

    line manager sign o the transfer to work component of the training. In this three day course there is also me to include the DiSC

    Behavioural Prole Diagnosc. This invaluable tool enables parcipants to understand themselves, the eect their behaviour has on

    others and how to create the opmum work environment for each of their direct reports.

    DiSC Behavioural proling links directly to leadership and delegaon, communicaon, feedback, performance management and

    handling conict. It therefore provides a base for learning that takes the knowledge gained into atudinal and behavioural changes by

    having parcipants learning the valuable skill of knowing when and how to adapt their leadership behaviour to those they are leading

    and interacng with at all levels of the organisaon.

    Topics include the following Modules: Module One - Improving Performance

    Module Two - Learning, Learning how to learn

    Module Three - Communicaon

    Module Four - Expectaons of people

    Module Five - The Leader/Manager concept

    Module Six - Teamwork; Building and maintaining teams

    Module Seven - Movaon

    Module Eight - Conict management

    Module Nine - DiSC Workshops

    Module Ten - Performance management

    Module Eleven - Coping & Stress Prole

    Module Twelve - Time Management

    Module Thirteen - Transfer to work

    For further informaon please contact Lisa Knowles, details below.


  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    geOmechanicS fOr new Zealand rOading (1 day)

    Dunedin 6 October

    Wellington 12 October

    Auckland 2 November

    This course draws together the necessary soil invesgaon and geotechnical procedures for roading construcon and maintenance.

    The course provides an up-to-date overview of invesgave techniques and analysis.

    Topics Include:

    Geotechnical engineering and pavement design

    Fundamental soil properes


    Planning geomechanical invesgaons

    In-situ invesgaon and tesng Laboratory tesng issues

    Eects and control of water movement

    Soil strength improvement

    Bearing capacity

    On compleon of this course parcipants will have the knowledge to:

    Understand the role of engineering judgement to obtain eecve soluons to soil mechanics

    Idenfy fundamental properes of soils

    Plan a geotechnical invesgaon

    Apply geotechnical invesgaons to improve pavement construcon

    Ulise pavement stabilisaon techniques.

    Who Should Aend?

    Engineers, technicians, supervisors and Local Authority sta involved in pavement design and construcon.

    For further informaon contact Lisa Knowles, details below.

    chiPSeal deSign (2 dayS)

    Palmerston North 5-6 September

    Factors aecng the design and the eld performance of chipseal surfacings are complex. Local condions can signicantly aect seal

    design and performance. A detailed knowledge of the materials, treatment selecon, design procedures and construcon processes is

    essenal to any understanding of chipseal performance on the road.The design procedures from the recently-published textbook Chipsealing in New Zealand provide the basis for this course including

    worked examples. In addion, the praccal applicaon of the NZTA P/17 performance-based specicaon will be covered in detail,

    including worked examples.

    Topics Include:

    Understanding the stresses

    Skid resistance basics

    Assessing chipsealing needs

    Preseal treatments

    Bitumen, emulsions addives, polymers


    Chip materials and specicaons

    Design processes & opons

    Worked design exercises Types of plant used in chipsealing construcon

    Construcon of chipseal and reseals

    Analysis of faults, failures & xes

    Sampling and tesng

    Quality assurance

    Contractual responsibilies and procedures for P/17

    Determinaon of acceptance criteria for P/17

    Acceptance tesng for P/17

    Worked P/17 examples

    For further informaon contact Jan Kivell, details below.

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    Turn a Corner in your CareerBachelor of Engineering Technology (Highways)

    Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Highways)Enrolling now!!!

    7.370 Trac


    7.350 Drainage


    7.320 Project


    7.340 Geometric


    To develop a comprehensiveunderstanding of trac engineeringprinciples and pracce, and enquirethe ability to analyse trac owdata and physical requirements tolead to the eecve design of tracnetworks and intersecons.

    Part A 11 - 15 July

    Part B 29 August - 2nd September

    To examine in detail the

    components of highway drainagesystems, and undertake thedesign of surface and sub-soildrainage systems for urban andrural roads.

    Part A 8 - 12 August

    Part B 26 - 28 October

    To study road geometrics in detailand to apply knowledge and skillsgained to the safe, funconal andaesthec design of road alignments inaccordance with the requirements ofcurrent Codes of Pracce.

    Part A 5 - 9 September

    Part B 31st October - 4th November

    To introduce students to the art of ProjectManagement with the knowledge requiredto plan and implement contract worksusing programme management techniques,to relate project management to contractacvies and to procure, implement andeecvely manage civil construconcontracts.

    Part A 25 - 29 July

    Part B 29th August - 2nd September

    The Bachelor of Engineering

    Technology (Highways)

    and Graduate Diploma in

    Engineering (Highways) is

    oered in associaon with the

    Western Instute of Technology

    at Taranaki (WITT) which is

    the accredited provider and isstructured in a Block Course

    Part Time Study Model making

    it accessible to persons who

    are in employment and want

    a part-me study programme.

    Applicants may apply to join

    the BEngTech(Highways) and

    GradDipEng(Highways) at the

    start of any term.

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    To provide students with anunderstanding of road distressmechanisms, how to remedy them,and how to develop a cost eecveroad maintenance strategy, including

    bridge and culvert maintenancerequirements.

    22 - 26 August

    Diploma in Highway Engineering

    (including exit qualicaon Cercate in Highway Engineering)

    Enrolling now!!!

    6010 Drainage








    6007 Computer

    Aided Design

    6002 TracEngineering

    6005 Contract


    To study road geometrics in detailand to apply knowledge and skills

    gained to the safe, funconal andaesthec design of road alignments inaccordance with the requirements ofcurrent Codes of Pracce.

    5 - 9 September

    To study and demonstrate anacceptable level of competence inthe use of a selected road designsoware program e.g. MXRoad orsimilar.

    31st October - 4th November

    To develop an understanding oftrac engineering principles andpracce, and acquire the ability toconduct trac surveys and physicalrequirements to lead to the eecvedesign of trac networks andintersecons.

    11 - 15 July

    Create an understanding of thegeneral condions of Contract NZS3910, extension of me claims,compeve tendering process forphysical works and professionalservices, Cost esmang and RiskAnalysis

    25 - 29 July To examine the components of

    highway drainage systems, andundertake the design of surface andsub-soil drainage systems for urbanand rural roads.

    8 - 12 AugustNZIHT are currently accepng applicaons for enrolment from

    suitable candidates. If you wish to be considered for enrolment on this

    specialised roading qualicaon then dont delay APPLY NOW!!!

    Jill Warner E-mail: [email protected]: 06 759 7065 Ext 709

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:


    August 2011

    Survey & Set Out Stage 1 (1 day)

    Palmerston North 12 August

    Christchurch 12 September

    This is a praccal course that excites and enables all eld sta to read and interpret plans andassist with survey and seng out acvies. The course gives a strong emphasis on understandingconstrucon plans, dimensions, datums, survey marks, accuracies, elevaons and layouts toenable all parcipants to condently appreciate the works scope and detail. Basic measurements,oseng and marking out for construcon works are discussed and demonstrated.

    Understanding with eld exercises using levelling equipment and level reducons to establish design heights gives eld stanew skills. The course reinforces eld checking, recording, basic calculaons and good survey techniques. Further advancedapplicaons are oered in stage 2.

    Topics Include: Understanding plans and symbols Interpreng constraints and services Explaining survey and set out equipment Use of levels, digital grade level, tapes and laser levels Set out of pegs, proles, baer boards and stakes Locaon of services

    Reading, recording and reducing level observaons Construcon site survey consideraons Area and volume calculaons.

    On compleon of this course parcipants should be able to apply knowledge learnt to: Set up, read, record and calculate using a level Assist a surveyor with planning and preparaon work for survey setout Assist a surveyor to take eld measurements Understand construcon drawings and their funcons Locate and idenfy features on construcon drawings Invesgate services and mark and record them.

    For further informaon contact Lisa Knowles, details below.

    Survey & Set Out Stage 2 (2 dayS)

    Auckland 14-15 September

    Christchurch 28-29 September

    Palmerston North 12-13 October

    Survey and set out errors can be very costly in materials, labour and reputaon. This praccalcourse covers the skills needed to set out construcon works common on NZ projects. This coursesuits foremen, site supervisors and project managers who require a rounded appreciaon of allconstrucon aspects. The course covers the use of total staons, levelling and GPS equipment.Included is an understanding and manipulaon of coordinates, survey calculaons, company QAsurvey requirements and onsite survey safety.

    Field exercises cover the setout of oset marking for crossfalls, grades and alignment for roads and kerbing and the posionalsetout of small detailed construcon works for both posion and level from coordinate and dimensional plans. This coursegives parcipants condence in survey setout and an appreciaon when further direcon or support should obtained froma licensed surveyor.

    Topics Include: Levelling methods and praccal applicaons Contract drawings and instrucons Interpretaon of survey informaon Reading and vericaon of set out informaon Communicaon, errors and correcve acons Establishing requirements and seng out levels Measuring and recording asbuilt requirements Marking/recording on-site services Reference systems and co-ordinates Set up and reading theodolite/EDM Set out for posion and levels for a construcon job.

    For further informaon contact Lisa Knowles, details below.

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    August - October 2011

    KEY: Confrmedcourses,butspacesstillavailable



    Aggregates or Pavement Construction (1 day) 29 September

    27 October




    An Introduction to Quality Management Systems or the Civil Industry (2 days) 29-30 August Auckland $640.00

    Asphalt Mix Design (2 days) 29-30 August Christchurch $640.00

    Asphalt Paving Construction Supervisor (3 days) 15-17 August26-28 September



    Asphalt Production Plant Operation (2 days) 1-2 August12-13 September



    Bitumen Basic Saety (1 day) 20 September 23 September26 September28 September30 September

    AucklandHamiltonPalmerston NorthChristchurchDunedin


    Bitumen Sprayer Operator (1 day) 9 September 13 September16 September

    Palmerston NorthHamiltonChristchurch


    Bitumen Tanker and Plant Operator (1 day) 8 September 12 September15 September

    Palmerston NorthHamiltonChristchurch


    Bridge Inspection and Maintenance Procedures (2 days) 28-29 September 19-20 October



    Bulk Earthmoving (2 days) 22-23 August Auckland $640.00

    Chipseal Design (2 days) 5-6 September Palmerston North $640.00

    Civil Construction Supervisor #1 (2 days) 25-26 August Christchurch $640.00

    Civil Construction Supervisor #2 (3 days) 15-17 August20-22 September



    Construction & Maintenance o Unsealed and Forestry Roads (1 day) 22 August Auckland $420.00Drainage Construction Supervisor (1 day) 19 August Wellington $420.00

    Geomechanics or NZ Roading (1 day) 6 October 12 October



    Geometric Design or Roads (2 days) 1-2 September Wellington $640.00

    Inspecting Roads and Establishing Maintenance Needs (1 day) 18 August Auckland $420.00

    Installation & Maintenance o Road Drainage Systems (1 day) 31 August Auckland $420.00

    Installation & Maintenance o Roadside Signage (1 day) 11 August Christchurch $420.00

    Leadership Training (3 days) 29-31 August21-23 September18-20 October



    Level 1 Basic Trafc Controller (TC) (1 day) 3 August

    9 August17 August25 August30 August7 September12 September20 September21 September29 September4 October5 October11 October18 October26 October


    WanganuiNelsonAucklandChristchurchNew PlymouthRotoruaPalmerston NorthDunedinNapierChristchurchAucklandLower HuttTaupoHamilton


    plusNZTA Registration$40.00

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    August - October 2011

    KEY: Confrmedcourses,butspacesstillavailable



    Level 1 Site Trafc Management Supervisor (STMS) (2 days) 8-9 August

    16-17 August18-19 August23-24 August24-25 August6-7 September14-15 September27-28 September11-12 October13-14 October19-20 October26-27 October8-9 November


    Lower HuttTaupoAucklandChristchurchTaurangaWanganuiAucklandNew PlymouthRotoruaPalmerston NorthDunedinNapier


    plusNZTA Registration$40.00

    Microsot Project (1 day) 17 August Auckland $450.00

    Pavement and Rehabilitation Design (2 days) 19-20 September Auckland $750.00Pavement Suracing Supervisor Chipsealing (2 days) 20-21 September Auckland $640.00

    Reresher Level 1 STMS andReresher Level 1 Basic TC (1 day)

    4 August10 August26 August31 August8 September13 September20 September30 September5 October6 October12 October

    19 October27 October

    TaurangaWanganuiAucklandChristchurchNew PlymouthRotoruaPalmerston NorthNapierChristchurchAucklandLower Hutt


    $300plusNZTA Registration$40.00

    Reinstatement o Service Trenches (1 day) 13 October Wellington $420.00

    River Protection & Flood Damage (2 days) 23-24 August Dunedin $640.00

    Road Lighting Course A to AS/NZS 1158 (1 day) 23 August Wellington $420.00

    Road Lighting Course B Design Training (1 day) 24 August Wellington $420.00

    Road Network Condition Analysis (2 days) 24-25 August Christchurch $750.00

    Saety in Trenches (1 day) 24 August Christchurch $420.00

    Stabilisation o Road Pavements (1 day) 5 October Dunedin $420.00

    Supercharged Supervisors Toolkit (1 day) 23 August6 October



    Survey and Set out Stage 1 (1 day) 12 August

    12 September

    Palmerston North



    Survey and Set out Stage 2 (2 days) 14-15 September 28-29 September12-13 October

    AucklandChristchurchPalmerston North


    Understanding NZS3910:2003 Conditions o Contract (2 days) 2-3 August17-18 August24-25 August19-20 October

    DunedinPalmerston NorthChristchurchAuckland


  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:

    Page 11

    August 2011

    The NZIHT reserves the right to alter course dates, postpone

    or cancel courses due to unoreseen circumstances or where

    numbers are not sufcient.

    Post or Fax to:

    The Course Co-ordinator,

    New Zealand Institute of Highway Technology Ltd

    PO Box 4273, New Plymouth 4340

    Phone (06) 759 7065, Fax (06) 759 7066

    Please note: Confrmation letters will be sent fve working days prior to the course date.

    Cancellations: participant withdrawals must be notifed in writing. Withdrawals ater the close-o date (5 working days prior to the course

    date) will be charged 50% o the course ee. Non attendance will also be charged the ull rate. Substitute participants are welcome.

    Please reer to page 9 o our 2011 Training Programme or ull registration details and conditions.

    Course cost $ ____________________

    Plus 15% GST $ ____________________

    Cheque enclosed for: $ ____________________

    (Please make payable to the NZ Institute of Highway Technology Ltd), or

    Please invoice us for: $ ____________________

    Name o NZIHT Short Course: _________________________________________________________________________

    Course Location: ___________________________________Course Date: ______________________________________

    Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Name and Postal Address o your organisation: __________________________________________________________


    Contact person: ___________________________________All correspondence will be forwarded to the Contact Person

    Email: ___________________________________________

    Phone: ___________________________________________Fax: _____________________________________________

    Order No: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Short Course Registration Form

  • 7/30/2019 Bitumen Training


    FOR ALL ENQUIRIES: Phone:067597065,Fax:067597066FOR SHORT COURSES: LisaKnowles:[email protected],JanKivell:[email protected] DIPLOMA/DEGREE JillWarner:[email protected]:

    Page 12

    August 2011

    018'/$'4Quality Hotel PlymoutH international

    new PlymoutH taranaKi

    'Utilising new and existing technology to achieve value for money'

    Utiliing new and exising technology to achieve valUe for Money

    We are pleased to announce that the 12th Annual NZTA/NZIHT

    conference will be held from 6-8 November 2011 at the Quality

    Hotel, Plymouth International, New Plymouth, Taranaki.





    (QTOQTGKPHQTOCVKQPRNGCUGEQPVCEVJill Warner, Conference Co-ordinator - NZ Institute o Highway Technology Ltd, Phone06 759 7065 ext. 709 [email protected]

    This is a call for technical and policy

    papers and registrations of interest.The papers will be reereed and selected

    by an independent and expert panel. Favourable

    consideration will be given to papers which challenge

    the current way o doing things and indicate how

    the industry can do things smarter, more eciently

    and better to achieve more value or money.

    We look orward to you joining us in New Plymouth

    Winner - Best Small City in the World Award

    Liveable Communities Awards, Nov 2008

    Winner - Top Town in New Zealand

    North & South Magazine, Nov 2008

    COST - The cost of the conference will be $740.00 +gst per

    delegate. This includes the catering, welcome function,

    conference dinner and entertainment.

    TOPIc Innovations and value or money

    Suracing & pavement design and maintenance

    Moving reight in New Zealand

    Procurement and contract models

    ITS and traveller inormation Saety

    Risk Assessment

    Asset Management

    Trac Management with a customer ocus

    Skid resistance and suracing

    Do our specifcations, standards, perormance

    measures and contract conditions encourage

    our goal o always "value or money" - and i

    not, why not?

    PAPER SUBMISSION - Abstracts must be 200 - 450 words and

    submitted electronically as PDF or Word attachment before the 31st July

    2011 [email protected] On your abstract please include the ollowing:

    Title o Paper, Author(s) and/or the Presenter, Contact details or the

    Author(s) and/or Presenter and a brie bio o Presenter.