black widow · 2010. 1. 14. · 7:30 p.m. in the evening rev. e. v. wrlght of the molroiw...

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1944 TORRANCB HIRALD. TorrinM, C.llfomla PAflB 8-6 (Political Advfrtls Ci>olltlcal Advertise EUCT . Superior Couft Office 17 ^^^—^^^^^^^^^mm^m: .v.XHM^lH^HMHBIMi LeRoy Dawsen ^^" JUDGE MUNICIPAL COURT (Political Adv (Political Advcrtls n FOUR REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR PROPOSITION 4 9 | California It the ONLY «taff that new 1 penalizes non-profit charity and welfare agencies by taxing them. If Proposition Four It approved this will be corrected. 0 £ The contributions YOU now make to char* * Ity and welfare Institutions will ALL be used for that purpose If you vote FOR Proposition 4. 3 " wl " nabl * >n> «h""Kter -building Instl- ** tvtlons serving youth to Increase their pro- grams and reduce the 'Increasing juvenile . delinquency rate In the state. 0 M Leaders of every faith and creed li ^ state urge your support of thU me« In the measure. "FAIR PLAY FOR CHARITY' NOTICE: Copy for Church Noiicti cannot be accepted after 10 a. m. Tuctday, H. Wosley Roloff. pastor. Marce- llna at Arlington. One block from the postofflco. Phone 131. Sunday 8»rvlces Sunday school. 9:80 a.m. Morning service, ,11 a,m. Topic: "A Reasonable Faith," message by Rev. H. Wcslcy Roloff. Evening service." 7:30 p.m. In the evening Rev. E. V. Wrlght of the Molroiw Evangelical church will speak on the subject. "Was It Necessary for Christ to Die?" Din-- Ing the week, except Saturday, and ; Hunday. Nov. 12, Reverend Byron K. Chapman will preach at the 7:30 hour. Prof. Evarett C. Mills, director of song. -pmyo the Evn ve- FIRST BAPTIST Rev. C. Miles Northrup'pastor. u-Hon and Martlna. Phone 148. Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. De- partments for all ages. Harry Hllller, general superintendent Morning .service, 10:60 o'clock. 'Christ Died for the Individual." Special music directed by Leslie Lang. * loe, 7:30 o'clock. The Chiilrs of the Bible." This III he Hpcclal music night. Young People's meeting 6:30 p.m. Children and udult Training fellow- hip groups. Wednesday, 7;»0 p.m.. Brltton Ross Bible study and prayer mooi- ng. Wednesday. 10:30. Child Evangcl- sm class. 11:20. Evangelistic Re- eased Time for public school chll- li'cn of Ith. fith and 6th grades. FOURSQUARE CHURCH. 1207 El Prado. Rov. and M Arthur P. Pedersen. pastors. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Specla Morning service. 11 o'clock. Top : "In Remembrance of Me." Crusader service, 6:30 p.m. gellHtlc service, 7:30 SAINT ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Engracla, between Arlington Manue The Rev Paul Mo 660. Wheeler, Rector. Sunday Services 9:30 a-in., Junior church and school. 11:00 a.m., morning prayer and Sunday. 6:30 p.m., young people's meeting. 7:30 p.m., third, holy communion and service of Interces 8:00 a.m., second Sunday, hoi communion for the young poopli followed by breakfast. Meetings- First Thursday, 7:80 p. m., Gar dena Guild. First Friday. 8 p. m., St. Ci Guild. Second Wedncsdoy, 7:30 Vestry meeting. Second Thursday, 1:30 I Woman's Auxiliary. ASSEMBLY OF GOO Paul H. Perry, pastor. 1741 Bor Sunday s Morning Christ's i Evening i -cadlng. Wcdnesc Friday, itudy nioi :hool. 9:30 a. m. .vonmlp, 10:46 o'ck mboiisadors, 6:00 p. m. cr.vico, 7:45 p. m. cetlng each mor-nlr except Saturday, Blhl y son-Ice, 7:45 p. i Voting People's t\K at 7:45 p. m. 'It'.H Tin Change." Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., preacl rvice. Holy Ghost service. Friday. 7:80 p.m., Midweek E> gcllstlc service. anyone cordially Invited to services. (Piillllrnl Adwrtli (Political A.lvi-rllH (Political Adv nt) LABOR! IF SIDNEY CAN TAKE $1 NOW, WHAT WILL HE TAKE LATER? Labor Unions were formed for the betterment of labor ... and all those with lound leadership an serving* their purpose well. Now a group of radical communist-minded leaders ha* gotten Into control and I* using labor to further their own political Interests. It Is your Inherent right and duty to vote secretly as you please. HI LLM AN - BRO WDER MUST GO! Remember this! There are no tabor unions !r> Germany, Italy, Russia, or other totalitarian countries. If you allow the PAC Communist Interests to gain control here, the life of your unions wilt be short, and labor commlisars will rule. Vote for a continuancu of the American way under which every man is free to work and live as he pleases. Give your children this same privilege... Vote for Oewey and Bricker. It is TIME to r/mtk-to Work-to Vote! Registered Democrats CAN vote for Dewey on November 7th. All ballots are the same ... no matter how you are registered. YOUR VOTE IS SECRET) DEMOCRATS for DEWEY, INC. 417 SOUTH HILL STREET Ml 1611 LOS ANGELES 13, CALIFORNIA WARREN B. PINNEY, Chairman (Political Advertl PON'T VOTE YOURSELF A Proposition No. 12, the misnamed "Right To Work" bill, does net give yew any "Right To Work" that you da net already have. It will, however, give you the "Right To Work" for LOWIR wages. It will reduce the standards of living of every working man and woman ... It will create disunity between management and label ... It will Impede the war effort by destroying peace an the home front... It will create chaos In post war planning . . . Don't vote yourself a wage cut! VOTE CITIZENS COMMITTEE AQAINST PROPOSITION NO. 12 1720 Cardena lilvd..' Oardena ( oerk west of WnHtrrn), ul 16f.t . Phone ME 4-1064. Rev, S. Martin Eldsath, pastor. Sunday srhool, 9:45 a.m. Morning service. 11 a.m. Topii "Whuu Opportunity Knocks." Kvonlng service, 7:80 p.m. "Tl Reward of the Klghteous." , p.m. Westminister Fellowship S. clety. Thursday. Nov. 2, at 6:30 p.i the Potluck Fellowship will meet the pariah hall. Tile topic for tl evening' will be "The Story of Ja. cob." The Women's Society will holi onthly (day. No ell I.ll Hi 1 t 12. The Insp meeting will coir .m. The pastor wl r. Him topic: "Cllrli Cliur. chair: MlHS Do Hit day. K. Durto LATTER DAY SAINTS Woman's clubhouse. Wllfi Newland, bishop. Runday school. Relief Society -nd Primary. 10 a, m. ducrament meeting. Sunday. <:80 Evening service at 7:30. Topi p. m. uvement m e e 11 u n p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST 2123 218th st. and Manuel uv Sunday morning services at 11 Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Wednes- day evening meeting, 8 p.m. Read Ins room at 1750 Manuel ave., l: a.m. to 4 p.m. each week day. "Sin shall not have domlnloij over you: for ye are not under th law, but under grace," Paul de- clares to the Romans In the Golden Text of the Sunday Lesson-Sermon on "Adam and Fallen Man" In all brandies of The Mother Church. The First Church' of Christ, Scien- tist, In Boston. Bible citation from Genesis reads, "And all the days of Enoch roe hundred sixty and five And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for Ood took him." Paul says in Hebrews, "By faith Enoch was translated tlmt be ihould not see death; and yas not found, because God had translated before bin translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith It Is Impos- please him: for he that couieth to Ood must believe tlmt be I, and tlmt he Is a rcwanler of hem that diligently seek him." Mary Baker Eddy says In "Scl- ince and Health with Key to the Jcrlpturea:" "If Enoch's perception lad been confined to the evidence before his material senses, be could never have 'walked with God,' nor been guided Into the demonetratlon of life eternal." (l-olltlcal Adv nt) Uowncy in 51/, years was absent 43% of Senate Roll Culls. During war yean as absent more than half of the time 52% to be enact. Engracla and Manuel avenues. Rev. Fr, Joseph L. Bauer. paator. Telephone 882. Masses Sundays: I, I and 10a.m. Manes Holydayi: 6 and I a.m. Week day Mass: 8 a.m. Novena services to Bacred Heart, Wednesday, 7:80 p.m. Devotions to Bacred Heart, First Friday, 8 a.m. Classes for converts, Monday evening, 7 to I p.m.; Wednesday evening, after services. Confessions: Saturdays. 4 to 8 p.m., 7:30 to 9 run.; eves of Holy- days and First Fridays, same time. Catechism classes: Wednesdays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 9:80 a.m. Altar boy meetings, Wednesdays at 4:80 p.m. Chair rehearsal, Mondays at 7x60 p.m. Altar Society meetings, last Wednesday of month. 8:30 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1415 Engracla avc. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. C. B. King, superintendent Morning service at 10:40 o'clock. Day. Miss Alleva Graft ntate sec speaking. etary, Wo Work, e, 7:30 o'clock. lan Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Wednesday evening, 8 p.m., choir MBTHODI8T CHURCH Rev. Harry Branton, pastor. El ado at Manuel, In front of high all o'clo 7:30 Ing s(«*vlco, 11 Evening service, 7:30 Young people's meeting, riod followed by fellowship hour. Wednesday evening, official hoard Thursday evening, choir rehearsal at 7:30. Tuesday, Nov. 7, Circle No. 3 will meot at the parsonage, 1620 Wednesday prayer groups meet In the different homes at 10 o'clock. Thursday. Woman's Society busln tin nd progri c-h fo CHURCH OF CHRIST Horvices at Torrance Men's Bible Class building on Cravens. Boyd Field, pastor. Morning service. 11 o'clock. Evening service, 7:45 o'clock. Tuesday evening services, 7:45 o'clock. KEYSTONE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morn- Ing worship. 11 o'clock. Young people, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service, 7:80 p, m. Midweek services, Wednesday and Friday, 7:30 p. m. NAZARBNE CHURCH W. A. Penncr, pnstor. 1601 West Sunday'school. 9:45 a.m. Victory- Sunday. Morning service, 11 a.m. ' Young People's meeting, 6:80. Evening service. 7:80 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS Meets at 7:30 Thursday evening In their hall opposite public library Rev. Reynolds,' Hcrmosa Boachi preachlrtg. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Acacia and Svnoma avea. Phone 591. Frank D. Mechllng, pastor. Sunday school. 9:30 a. m. Morning service, 10:45 o'clock. Topic: "Playing Fair." Officers and teachers of the Hun- day school will meet Monday. Nov. 6, 7:16 p.m. Meeting of Church Council Monday, Nov. 6. at 8 p.m. GI EQUIPMENT LIGHTER Fifteen pounds less In clotii- Ing and equipment Is being car- ried today by the individual sol- dier than he did in 1941, the Ninth Service Command Quar- termaster Corps said today at Fort Douglas, Utah. Venetian Blinds Repaired Repainted New Cords and Tape Call Redondo 8570 BAY CITIES VENETIAN BLIND CO. 1402 Camino Real Hermota TOR A WICMR VICTORY Help build the deadly BLACK WIDOW . The Northrop BLACK WIDOW P-61 Night Fighter has spearheaded one of the most spectacular of the Third Army's drives against the Germait West Wall... shot buzzbombs out of the sky... sent JU-88s, FW-llOs and the vaunted Messerschmitta down in flames. And scourged the Jap from the night skies of the Pacific. No wonder the Army is % calling for more of the hard-hitting BLACK WIDOWS! GET A JOB AT NORTHROP... Help in the production of these planes. Help keep our Army supplied with all the Black Widows they need to bring a quicker victory! Experience in building planes is not necessary-Northrop will train you and pay you as you learn. Northrop Aircraft employees work on a 5 day-50 hour week... have Saturdays and Sundays free. Workers' wage status is reviewed every sixteen weeks. And as a long- range production program is planned by Northrop, every worker can look ahead to yearly vacations with a full 96 hours pay. SEE THE WORK DONE To give you an idea of the work you'll be doing at Northrop, visit one of the Work Demonstration Centers located at 5736 CRENSHAW BOULEVARD and 8501 SOUTH VERMONT AVENUE... open 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., Monday through Saturday. Designers and Builders of the BLACK WIDOW P-61 Night Fighter WHERE TO APPLY IT'S EASY TO GIT A JOB AT NORTHROP: / For your WMC Referral Card you can apply directly i to the main employment office, 451 North Hawthorne ( Blvd., in Hawthorne, or to the downtown interview I office, 541 West Eleventh Street,' at Flower, or to \ your local United States employment service office.

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  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1944 TORRANCB HIRALD. TorrinM, C.llfomla PAflB 8-6

    (Political Advfrtls Ci>olltlcal Advertise


    . Superior Couft Office 17

    ^^^—^^^^^^^^^mm^m: .v.XHM^lH^HMHBIMi


    (Political Adv (Political Advcrtls



    VOTE FORPROPOSITION 49 | California It the ONLY «taff that new

    1 penalizes non-profit charity and welfareagencies by taxing them. If PropositionFour It approved this will be corrected.

    0 £ The contributions YOU now make to char** Ity and welfare Institutions will ALL be

    used for that purpose If you vote FOR Proposition 4.

    3 " wl" nabl* >n> «h""Kter -building Instl-** tvtlons serving youth to Increase their pro-

    grams and reduce the 'Increasing juvenile . delinquency rate In the state.

    0 M Leaders of every faith and creed li ^ state urge your support of thU me«

    In the measure.


    NOTICE: Copy for Church Noiicti cannot be accepted after 10 a. m. Tuctday,

    H. Wosley Roloff. pastor. Marce- llna at Arlington. One block from the postofflco. Phone 131.

    Sunday 8»rvlces Sunday school. 9:80 a.m.Morning service, ,11 a,m. Topic:

    "A Reasonable Faith," message by Rev. H. Wcslcy Roloff.

    Evening service." 7:30 p.m.In the evening Rev. E. V. Wrlght

    of the Molroiw Evangelical church will speak on the subject. "Was It Necessary for Christ to Die?" Din-- Ing the week, except Saturday, and

    ; Hunday. Nov. 12, Reverend Byron K. Chapman will preach at the 7:30 hour. Prof. Evarett C. Mills, director of song.

    -pmyo the Evnve-

    FIRST BAPTISTRev. C. Miles Northrup'pastor.u-Hon and Martlna. Phone 148.Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. De-

    partments for all ages. Harry Hllller, general superintendent

    Morning .service, 10:60 o'clock. 'Christ Died for the Individual."

    Special music directed by Leslie Lang. *

    loe, 7:30 o'clock. The Chiilrs of the Bible." This

    III he Hpcclal music night.Young People's meeting 6:30 p.m.

    Children and udult Training fellow- hip groups.Wednesday, 7;»0 p.m.. Brltton

    Ross Bible study and prayer mooi- ng.

    Wednesday. 10:30. Child Evangcl- sm class. 11:20. Evangelistic Re- eased Time for public school chll- li'cn of Ith. fith and 6th grades.

    FOURSQUARE CHURCH. 1207 El Prado. Rov. and M

    Arthur P. Pedersen. pastors. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Specla

    Morning service. 11 o'clock. Top : "In Remembrance of Me." Crusader service, 6:30 p.m.

    gellHtlc service, 7:30


    Engracla, between ArlingtonManue The Rev Paul Mo

    660.Wheeler, Rector.Sunday Services 9:30 a-in., Junior church and

    school.11:00 a.m., morning prayer and

    Sunday.6:30 p.m., young people's meeting.7:30 p.m., third, holy

    communion and service of Interces

    8:00 a.m., second Sunday, hoicommunion for the young pooplifollowed by breakfast.

    Meetings- First Thursday, 7:80 p. m., Gar

    dena Guild. First Friday. 8 p. m., St. Ci

    Guild.Second Wedncsdoy, 7:30

    Vestry meeting. Second Thursday, 1:30 I

    Woman's Auxiliary.ASSEMBLY OF GOO

    Paul H. Perry, pastor. 1741 Bor

    Sunday s Morning Christ's i Evening i

    -cadlng. Wcdnesc Friday,

    itudy nioi

    :hool. 9:30 a. m. .vonmlp, 10:46 o'ck mboiisadors, 6:00 p. m. cr.vico, 7:45 p. m. cetlng each mor-nlr except Saturday, Blhl

    y son-Ice, 7:45 p. i Voting People's t\K at 7:45 p. m.

    'It'.H Tin Change."Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., preacl rvice. Holy Ghost service. Friday. 7:80 p.m., Midweek E>

    gcllstlc service. anyone cordially Invited to

    services.(Piillllrnl Adwrtli (Political A.lvi-rllH (Political Adv nt)

    LABOR!IF SIDNEY CAN TAKE $1 NOW, WHAT WILL HE TAKE LATER?Labor Unions were formed for the betterment of labor ... and all those with lound leadership an serving* their purpose well. Now a group of radical communist-minded leaders ha* gotten Into control and I* using labor to further their own political Interests. It Is your Inherent right and duty to vote secretly as you please.

    HI LLM AN - BRO WDER MUST GO!Remember this! There are no tabor unions !r> Germany, Italy, Russia, or other totalitarian countries. If you allow the PAC Communist Interests to gain control here, the life of your unions wilt be short, and labor commlisars will rule. Vote for a continuancu of the American way under which every man is free to work and live as he pleases. Give your children this same privilege... Vote for Oewey and Bricker.

    It is TIME to r/mtk-to Work-to Vote!

    Registered Democrats CAN vote for Dewey on November 7th. All ballots are the same ... no matter how you are registered. YOUR VOTE IS SECRET)


    WARREN B. PINNEY, Chairman

    (Political Advertl


    Proposition No. 12, the misnamed "Right To Work" bill, does net give yew any "Right To Work" that you da net already have. It will, however, give you the "Right To Work" for LOWIR wages. It will reduce the standards of living of every working man and woman ... It will create disunity between management and label ... It will Impede the war effort by destroying peace an the home front... It will create chaos In post war planning . . . Don't vote yourself a wage cut!



    1720 Cardena lilvd..' Oardena (oerk west of WnHtrrn), ul 16f.t. Phone ME 4-1064.Rev, S. Martin Eldsath, pastor.Sunday srhool, 9:45 a.m.Morning service. 11 a.m. Topii

    "Whuu Opportunity Knocks."Kvonlng service, 7:80 p.m. "Tl

    Reward of the Klghteous." ,

    p.m. Westminister Fellowship S. clety.

    Thursday. Nov. 2, at 6:30 p.i the Potluck Fellowship will meet the pariah hall. Tile topic for tl evening' will be "The Story of Ja. cob."

    The Women's Society will holi onthly

    (day. No ellI.ll

    Hi 1t 12. The Insp

    meeting will coir .m. The pastor wl r. Him topic: "Cllrli

    Cliur. chair:

    MlHS DoHit day.

    K. Durto

    LATTER DAY SAINTSWoman's clubhouse. Wllfi

    Newland, bishop.Runday school. Relief Society

    -nd Primary. 10 a, m. ducrament meeting. Sunday.