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PRINCIPLES OF SALES IN SPORT Tuesday 10/11/2011 WK07-D01

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  • 1.PRINCIPLESOF SALES INSPORTTuesday 10/11/2011WK07-D01

2. SPM215TUESDAY 10/11/2011Review, Q&AAssignment ReviewEXAM #1 ReviewFeature - BenefitMaking a cold call for an AppointmentScript a phone cold callForecast Meeting 3. REVIEWSocial Style 4. THE SOCIAL STYLE MATRIX The social style matrix helps sales people adapttheir communication styles. Dimensions of social styles Assertiveness The degree to which people have opinions about issues and make their positions clear to others. Responsiveness Based on how emotional people tend to get in social situations. 5. HOW ASSERTIVE ARE YOU? Assertiveness is the ability to formulate andcommunicate ones own thoughts, opinions andwishes in a clear, direct and non-aggressive way. 6. SELLING TO VARIOUS SOCIALSTYLES Drivers Use adirect, businesslike, organizedpresentation with quick actionand follow-up. Expressives Demonstrate how products willhelp the customer achievepersonal status andrecognition. Amiables Build a personal relationship. Analyticals Use solid, tangible evidencewhen making presentations toanalyticals. 7. ASSIGNMENT - THE JUNGTYPOLOGY TEST A somewhat similar questionnaire, can be taken and scored online at: The questionnaire consists of 72 questions that can be answeredin less than 20 minutes. The questionnaire will be evaluated on-line and you will be characterized by four letters. example: INTJ Browse the site KnowYourType Discover the meaning of the letters associated with you and see if they fit with your own perceptions of yourself. Bring that information to NEXT CLASS NO HAND-IN 8. SPM215FEATURE - BENEFIT 9. WHAT ARE FEATURES? A factual statement about the product or service being promoted.Features are not what enticecustomers to buy. 10. "WHATS IN IT FOR ME?" A benefit answers the customer question "Whats in it forme?" meaning the feature provides the customer withsomething of value to them. A customers perception of each features benefit, results iswhat attracts him or her to a particular product or service. 11. JOHNSON & JOHNSON,REACH ONE ULTIMATE CLEANTOOTHBRUSH Johnson & Johnson asked Metaphase to help them innovate bybringing ergonomics and design to a toothbrush built forperformance, by bringing together high-tech materials andstructures which would enhance comfort, control in the hand, andefficacy in the mouth. A. The Ergonomic handle, thumb-grip points have beenoptimized to support expert recommended brushingtechniques. B. Ergonomic flexibility in grip location accommodate differenthand sizes and brushing techniques. C. Ergonomic flexibility in grip zone location accommodatedifferent brushing orientations inside the mouth. 12. FEATURES & BENEFITS When you try to sell the features of your product or service,youre making the customer do all the work to figure outwhy they want the feature. It is in a sellers best interest to draw the connectionbetween the feature and the benefit for them. To do that, you have to know the benefits yourself. 13. HOME DEPOT BRANDS -HOME SERVICES Product Features ? ? ? Product Benefits ? ? ? 14. Why The Home Depot?Licensed & Insured Installation ProfessionalsWe work only with installers and home service professionals who meet the highest standards for experience,know-how and customer service. At The Home Depot, we screen and perform background checks on all of ourinstallers before we send them out on any job, to ensure they have all applicable licenses and insurance.When you hire us for your project, youll know we will get the job done right.Peace of MindThe Home Depot offers superior warranties on our installation service labor and products, to give you peace ofmind on the quality of your installation project. All of our installation services are backed by our one-yearwarranty on labor as well as warranties on all of our products*.Project Management, from Start to FinishWhen you work with The Home Depot, you wont have to go to the trouble of finding multiple installers andhome service professionals for different parts of your project. From your initial consultation all the way throughto the installation and cleanup, well make sure the project is done right.Flexible FinancingFor all of our home installation services, The Home Depot offers many ways to pay. Well work with you to findthe financing option that is most convenient for you, to get your installation project underway right away. 15. CLUB AMERICA 16. FEATURE & BENEFIT Think of what you are selling to Home Depot Think of your teams product(s) What are the description elements - features Think of your sport complex What are the description elements - features Think of existing customer promotion / event What are the description elements - features 17. FEATURE & BENEFITS STATEMENT Feature (20) 30-second add placements Benefit statement We could increase your prime-time marketing exposure by 50% 18. CLASS PROJECT Product Features of your team Identify 10 product features Identify feature categories Group by similar feature categories you have 10 minutes Identify your best benefit statement 19. Features - TellBenefits - Sell 20. CLASS PROJECT Product Features of your team Identify 10 product features Identify feature categories Group by similar feature categories you have 10 minutes Identify your best benefit statement Identify your benefit bullet 21. FEATURE & BENEFITS STATEMENT Feature (20) 30-second add placements Benefit statement We could increase your prime-time marketing exposure by 50% Benefit bullet market exposure 22. SPM215MAKING A COLD CALL FOR ANAPPOINTMENT 23. MAKING AN APPOINTMENT The right person Focus of receptivity Focus of dissatisfaction Focus of power The right time The right place Office Virtual locations 2009 Selling Skills Institute 24. TELEPHONING FORAPPOINTMENTS Most often used to make the initial appointment The goal is to make the appointment, not sell the product or service Salespeople need to anticipate objections and decide exactly how to respond 25. Cold Call WARNING !!! Asking the prospect to many Situation Questions Get answers to Characteristics of a Good Prospect questions Do your homework .FIRST !!! 26. SPM215SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALL 27. NEXT SALES CALLTRISH MUELLERSENIOR VICE PRESIDENT & CHIEF MARKETINGOFFICER Trish Mueller is senior vice president and chief marketing officer for The HomeDepot. She is responsible for the Companys strategic marketing vision, as well asits category marketing and brand development. Trish joined The Home Depot in 2009 as vice president of advertising. Prior tojoining the Company, she was senior vice president, advertising and marketing forThe Sports Authority. Trish has an extensive background in the retail industry andhas held senior officer marketing management roles at American Signature, a $1billion-plus furniture store company, and ShopNBC, a home shopping network. She began her retail career with Montgomery Ward, where over a 15-year periodshe held positions of increasing responsibility in merchandising, field operationsand marketing. Trish earned a bachelors degree magna cum laude in business management fromPlattsburgh State University. Cold Call me 28. ASSIGNMENT 06 COLD CALLDue Tuesday, Oct. 18thMake a phone cold call based on your Opportunity Plan State call objective Script the call Your statements Prospects responses 29. SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALL Pre-Call Have a profile of the (right) person to talk with Have a rudimentary level of knowledge of who you are calling Persons Name Company Location Business Profile / Industry Know what your call objective is Have a benefit statement and benefit bullet prepared Know if you want a continued phone conversation or you prefer a face-to-face appointment if successful Have an appointment date-time-location ready What do you say ??? 30. SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALL Greeting Hello, (the name of the person you are calling) Trish Mueller this is (your name) Pat Ryan from (your company) Club America in (your location) Mexico City Do Not Ask hey how are you doing How is the weather If they have time to talk with youyou have not yet earned the rite for chatting 31. SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALL Reason for your call (the name of the person you are calling) Mr./Mrs. . I wanted to contact you to introduce you to our (Your companys product or service) that can (Brief benefit statement) Example: Increase your prime-time marketing exposure by 50% Is (The name if the company you are calling) interested in (Benefit Bullet) Waite for a response.. 32. SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALLPossible outcomes: Good:Is Interest in your proposition(The name if Most Likelythe company Deflectionhand you offyou are calling)interested in Questionstell me more(Benefit Bullet) Objectiondont understand Not so good: Rejection1000s of reasons 33. SCRIPT A PHONE COLD CALL RESPONSE Positive Response Phone Continuation Thats greatConfirm time availability (keep call to 15-20 minutes max.) Ask open ended questions Provide a mini overview Confirm continues interest Positive Response Face-to-Face Continuation Thats greatwe should get together to review your business in more detail, would (date, time, location) work foryou? Do NotOffer an open-ended time like sometime next week Question or Objection Response With a potential positive outcome Its a judgment callAnswer the question directly Give the objection the necessary consideration Provide your expanded, but brief benefit response How is (date-time-location) to continue our conversation Rejection Response End the conversation Thank YouGood-bye 34. REJECTION RESPONSE You may want to Confirm you are talking with the right person Ask if there may be any future needs Ask if they want to be on your mail list 35. FOLLOW-UP COLD CALLMr. Im calling you in regard to the requestyou made through our e-mail magazine. May Ihelp you with additional information aboutour company? Are you interested inIncreasing your market share? 36. ADDITIONAL PRE-CALLPLANNING Plan how to make a good impression Plan how to further uncover the customers needs and strengthenthe presentation Plan to answer anticipated questions and concerns Practice Practice Practice 37. ASSIGNMENT 06 COLD CALLDue Tuesday, Oct. 18thMake a phone cold call based on your Opportunity Plan State call objective Script the call Your statements Prospects responses 38. SPM215FORECAST MEETING 39. TEAM FORECAST MEETING Weekly meeting with sales management to: Review progress Identify problems Update sales forecast Allocate resources Opportunity Plan Overview Forecast 40. OPPORTUNITY PLAN SPM215 Sales Account Opportunity Plan your name / franchise name / January 31, 2010 ACCOUNT NAME: PROJECT/OPPORTUNITY: (your accounts business name)(the name you give to this opportunity)Overview of OpportunityThe Accounts Vital Information ACCOUNT STREET ADDRESS:Your Anticipated This OpportunityORDER DATE:AMOUNT TO US:/ /20XX$ 000,000.00 ACCOUNT WEB ADDRESS: (http://www.(url).com)Your Anticipated This OpportunityREVENUE DATE:WIN PROBABILITY:/ /20XX% 0-100 ACCOUNT PRIMARY CONTACT: Primary Contact PHONE: (VP of Marketing for your Customer)Primary Contact EMAIL: This Accounts Business Description: Annual Revenue:Corporate HQ: Fiscal Year End Affiliation(s) / Parent Company: ($M) (location)Month: (A high-level description of the Account)Our ProposedThe AccountsProduct or Service:Need, Problem, or Project: (description of the beverage opportunity)(the customers need, problem to solve, or project) Overview of this sales opportunity: ( Business Outcome Customers Goals & Objectives ) (The customers and your desired business outcome, goals and objectives) 41. SPM215SALES CALL 42. NEXT SALES CALLTRISH MUELLERSENIOR VICE PRESIDENT & CHIEF MARKETINGOFFICER Trish Mueller is senior vice president and chief marketing officer for The Home Depot. She is responsible for the Companys strategic marketing vision, as well as its category marketing and brand development. Trish joined The Home Depot in 2009 as vice president of advertising. Prior to joining the Company, she was senior vice president, advertising and marketing for The Sports Authority. Trish has an extensive background in the retail industry and has held senior officer marketing management roles at American Signature, a $1 billion-plus furniture store company, and ShopNBC, a home shopping network. She began her retail career with Montgomery Ward, where over a 15- year period she held positions of increasing responsibility in merchandising, field operations and marketing. Trish earned a bachelors degree magna cum laude in business management from Plattsburgh State University.