blazyk lipid metab

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  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Lipid Met abolism in t he Liver

    and I t s Role in Fat Digest ion

    J ack Blazyk, Ph.D.Depar t ment of Biomedical Sciences

    OU College of Ost eopat hic Medicine

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Lipid and Carbohydr at e Met abolism in t he Liver

    I n t he f ed st at e,car bohydrat e can be

    convert ed t o f at and

    expor t ed via VLDL

    I n t he f ast ed st at e,

    f at t y acids ar e

    oxidized t o pr oduceenergy and ket one

    bodies ar e expor t edas f uel f or ot her

    t issues

    Cholest erol is t hepr ecur sor of bile

    acids t hat ar e used inf at digest ion in t hegut

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Lipid Digest ion

    Digest ive enzymesf r om t he pancreas ar e

    act ivat ed by bile salt s

    t o conver t TG t o f at t yacids and 2- MG

    I nt est inal cells

    r esynt hesize TG andexpor t chylomicr ons

    int o cir culat ion

    Most of t he bile salt s

    ar e r et ur ned t o t he

    liver f or r euse

    M a r k s

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Bile Acids and Bile Salt s

    H a r p e r s

    Bile acids and bilesalt s ar e made in t he

    liver f r om

    cholest erol

    The gall bladder

    delivers bile salt s t ot he gut f or

    emulsif icat ion

    Bact eria modif y t hebile salt s and most is

    reabsorbed by

    int est inal cells

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Ent erohepat ic Cir culat ion

    M a r k s - F i g . 3 4 . 2 0

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

    Solubil it y of Cholest erol in Bile

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Overview of Cholest erol Tr anspor t

    Cholest erol is est eri f ed

    int r acellular ly by acyl-CoA:cholest er ol acylt r ansf erase or

    by lecit hin: cholest erol

    acylt r ansf erase in lipopr ot eins

    Chylomicr ons pick up pr ot einsf r om HDL

    The liver is t he maj or or gan in

    which cholest erol is pr ocessed

    Lipoprot eins car r y TG and

    cholest erol t hrough t he

    cir culat or y syst em

    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Lipopr ot eins

    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

    Tr anspor t of Diet ar y Fat t o t he Liver

    I nt est inal cells packagediet ar y f at (most ly TG)

    int o chylomicr ons

    Chylomicr ons pick up

    pr ot eins f r om HDL

    Lipopr ot ein l ipase (LPL)r emoves TG f or use in

    t issues (Apo-C-I I act ivat es


    Chylomicr on r emnant s ar e

    t aken up by t he liver

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Expor t of Fat f r om t he Liver

    TG and cholest erol isexpor t ed f r om t he liver

    as nascent VLDL

    VLDL picks up pr ot einsf r om HDL

    Lipoprot ein lipase (LPL)r emoves TG f or use in

    t issues (Apo-C-I I

    act ivat es LPL)

    VLDL is t r ansf or med t o

    LDL dur ing cir culat ion

    LDL delivers cholest erol

    t o t issues by recept or -

    mediat ed upt ake

    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab


    Role of HDL in Lipid Met abolism

    Nascent HDL is expor t edf r om liver and int est inal


    Free cholest erol is picked

    up f r om cells and ot her

    lipoprot eins, along wit hot her component s

    LCAT conver t s cholest erol

    t o cholest erol est ers (CE)

    CE is t r ansf err ed t o ot her

    lipoprot eins

    HDL r et ur ns cholest erol

    t o t he liver

    M e i s e n b e r g & S i m m o n s

  • 8/2/2019 Blazyk Lipid Metab



    D. B. Marks, A. D. Marks, and C. M. Smit h, Basic Medical Biochemist r y: AClinical Approach, Wil liams & Wi lkins, 1996

    G. Meisenber g, and W. H. Simmons, Pr inciples of Medical Biochemist r y, Mosby,1998

    R. K. Mur r ay, D. K. Gr anner, P. A. Mayes, and V. W. Rodwell , Har per s

    Biochemist r y, Applet on & Lange, 1999