blencathra field studies centre · as option crowded coasts - morecambe (full day) e aim: to...

Blencathra Centre, Threlkeld, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4SG. Tel: 017687 79601 Fax: 017687 79264 Email: [email protected] Field Studies Council is registered as a Charity No. 313364 Quality teaching Stunning locations Dedication to health and safety “High standard of tuition, delicious meals, cosy environment, fantastic staff and stunning views. What more could we ask for?” St Wilfrid’s Primary (June 2015) “Consistently high standard of all-round provision year after year, perfect for our needs for 20 years” Teacher, Westholme (June 2015) ““Blencathra gives the highest regard to student well-being and consistently provides an environment for learning, personal and social development that is safe and supportive.” Quality Badge Plus Inspection (2014) Edexcel AS and A2 Geography Programme Options Blencathra Field Studies Centre Lake District

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Page 1: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

Blencathra Centre, Threlkeld, Keswick, Cumbria, CA12 4SG. Tel: 017687 79601 Fax: 017687 79264 Email: [email protected] Field Studies Council is registered as a Charity No. 313364

Quality teaching

Stunning locations

Dedication to health and safety

“High standard of tuition,

delicious meals, cosy environment, fantastic

staff and stunning views. What more could we ask

for?” St Wilfrid’s Primary

(June 2015)

“Consistently high standard of all-round

provision year after year, perfect for our needs for

20 years” Teacher, Westholme

(June 2015)

““Blencathra gives the highest regard to student

well-being and consistently provides an

environment for learning, personal and social

development that is safe and supportive.” Quality Badge Plus Inspection (2014)

Edexcel AS and A2 Geography Programme Options

Blencathra Field Studies Centre Lake District

Page 2: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

Edexcel A-Level Geography Programme Options The following course options are designed to meet the aims of the Edexcel AS and A2 Level specification. At AS, the programmes will develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations. At A2, the programmes aim to build upon the students’ investigative and enquiry skills for Unit 4 ‘Geographical Research’. During the course, the students will develop their geographical knowledge and understanding, apply their learning to the real world through fieldwork and gain a wide range of geographical skills including graphical presentation techniques, statistical analysis and the use of modern technologies such as GIS. They will also develop their personal, learning and thinking skills through independent enquiry, team-working and reflection.

Sessions Topic

Welcome and introduction to

the centre

Students are kitted out with the equipment that they will need for their course and eat the packed lunches that they have brought with them. The first session will start after lunch.

Introduction to the course & the

National Park Ou



Aim: To develop a sense of place at the Blencathra Centre and within the Lake District National Park.

An introductory evening session during which the course aims and objectives are introduced, highlighting the assessment requirements. The students will also evaluate their understanding of geographical skills and concepts which will be covered during the course. Students use map work skills to increase their knowledge and understanding of the human and physical geography of the Lake District.

AS Option

Extreme Weather

(evening introduction)




Aim: To understand how weather data is recorded and to evaluate different techniques used.

The students visit the centre’s weather station, considering different qualitative and quantitative techniques for assessing the weather in order to create a personal weather diary to be completed throughout the course.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the physical option Topic 1 ‘Extreme Weather’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.




The study takes place in the centre grounds, therefore no transport costs are involved.

First taught session:

Number of students:

Last taught session:

Number of school staff:


Page 3: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

AS Option

Extreme Weather


St John’s in the Vale

(full day)




Aim: To investigate the causes, impacts and management of extreme weather in St John’s in the Vale.

The students visit Blease Fell and Thirlmere Reservoir to consider factors affecting flood risk in the Greta catchment. Activities include land-use mapping, examining catchment management and annotating photos and field sketches. They will then plan and carry out an investigation into land use and infiltration rates in St John’s in the Vale. This may also include an interview with a local farmer affected by flooding.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the physical option Topic 1 ‘Extreme Weather’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.



n The study begins with a walk to the viewpoint on Blease Fell behind the centre, before driving

to Thirlmere Reservoir, a journey of approximately 20 minutes, and returning via Low Bridge End farm in St John’s in the Vale.

If using centre transport, a cost of £3.50 is payable per student.

AS Option

Extreme Weather



(full day)




Aim: To investigate the causes, impacts and management of flood risk in Keswick.

The students use digital mapping skills to investigate and assess flood risk within Keswick. This is followed by an evaluation of the social, economic and environmental impacts of flooding and the town’s flood defence strategies.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the physical option Topic 1 ‘Extreme Weather’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical




n The study focuses on the River Greta in Keswick, a town which suffered severe flooding in 2005

and 2009. A wide range of hard and soft-engineering strategies are used along the course of the river, with the latest development completed in 2012.

If using centre transport, a cost of £3.50 is payable per student.

AS Option

Crowded Coats


St Bees

(full day)




Aim: To investigate the impacts of coastal erosion at St Bees and strategies which are used to manage the coastline.

Students will spend the day exploring the West Cumbrian coastline assessing the effectiveness of a variety of coastal defences, evaluating both soft and hard engineering approaches to coastal management. Students will also undertake an investigation into beach dynamics and their interaction with local coastal management strategies.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the physical option Topic 2 ‘Crowded Coasts’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.




The study takes place in the tiny coastal resort of St Bees, on the West Cumbrian coastline. The current strategy adopted by the EA is to hold the line, which involves a wide range of hard and soft engineering approaches within a 1km stretch of coastline.

The journey takes approximately 1¼ hours and, if using centre transport, costs £7.50 per student.

Page 4: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

AS Option

Crowded Coasts



(full day)




Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe fits the model of a coastal town.

This fieldwork focuses on the management of the coastal resort of Morecambe. Visitor pressure will be assessed in a variety of ways and evaluations of management strategies to reduce visitor impact will also be undertaken. Students will investigate how a coastal area is attempting to meet the challenges of the 21st Century with changing visitor patterns and increasing competition from exotic locations.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the physical option Topic 2 ‘Crowded Coasts’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.




The study takes place at the resort of Morecambe on the Lancashire coast. A thriving seaside resort in the mid 20th Century, Morecambe subsequently suffered from decline for a number of years, although more recently there has been investment and regeneration in the area.

The journey takes approximately 1½ hours and, if using centre transport, costs £9.50 per student.

AS Option

Unequal Spaces –


(full day)




Aim: To identify and understand the patterns of spatial inequalities facing people in rural Cumbria.

A study into the inequalities within rural settlements in Eden District which will include research into access to services and affordable housing and how groups within society are excluded due to factors such as income, age and health. Students will research local schemes to tackle this exclusion to gain an understanding of how inequality studies can be undertaken in a rural setting.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the human option Topic 3 ‘Unequal Spaces’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.



n Students visit three contrasting settlements within the Lake District National Park. Threlkeld is a

typical Lakeland village with good transport links, Mungrisdale is a very rural and quite isolated settlement and Grasmere is an example of a tourist honeypot.

If using centre transport, a cost of £6.50 per student is payable.

AS Option

Rebranding Places



(full day)




Aim: To investigate the impact of rebranding on the rural settlement of Grasmere.

Students study the changes transforming the fabric of the contemporary UK countryside. The move away from primary industries towards diversification and using the rural landscape as a commodity will be explored by students as they visit rural settlements such as Grasmere. Students will assess the impact of these changes and how these changes can be managed.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the human option Topic 4 ‘Rebranding Places’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.



n The study takes place in the popular village of Grasmere, one of the main tourist ‘honeypots’ in

the Lake District. Students will also have the opportunity to visit nearby Low Bridge End Farm, where they can experience first-hand how diversification has transformed local people’s lives.

If using centre transport, a cost of £6.00 is payable per student.

Page 5: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

AS Option

Rebranding Places



(half or full day)




Aim: To investigate how successfully Penrith's retail services meet the needs of its residents and to assess how the New Squares regeneration scheme is impacting the town centre.

Students will investigate the need and potential for rebranding in the urban settlement of Penrith. Rebranding schemes at both Rheged and Penrith can be visited by students who will identify strategies that have been employed to rebrand the sites and assess the effectiveness of this rebranding process.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the human option Topic 4 ‘Rebranding Places’ in Unit 2 ‘Geographical Investigations’.




The study takes place in Penrith, a small market town on the edge of the Lake District National Park. The town has recently seen large investment in the ‘New Squares’ regeneration scheme just outside of the town centre. Students may also visit Rheged, an award winning visitor attraction and also Europe’s largest grass covered building, designed to look like a Lakeland hill. The visitor centre reflects the unique nature of the region, its craft people and producers.

If using centre transport, a cost of £5.50 is payable per student.

A2 Option

Unit 3: Energy Security + Unit 4: Consuming

the Rural Landscape







Aim: To provide a case study of small scale renewable energy production in the UK.

Students examine the Renewable Energy Project at Blencathra. In 2013, a DEFRA-supported Renewable Energy Scheme was completed. Students make an Environmental Impact Assessment of the hydro-electric scheme, and visit the turbine house that supplies 35kW of power to the centre. Students do field measurements that

help explain the purpose of our feasibility study. The visit to the scheme also poses the question of suitability of this technology in a National Park, and the challenges Renewables might face. We also visit the biomass boiler house, an example of a finite renewable energy, and encourage students to consider the pros and cons of both technologies they have seen. Supplementary exercises can include a decision making exercise on Renewable Energy and a calculation of the maximum abstraction allowed at Roughton Ghyll.

The investigation is designed to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding for the Units 3 and 4.




The micro-hydro scheme is located in the Glenderaterra Valley, a 2.5km walk from the centre. The weir and coanda, as well as the turbine house can be visited.

The biomass district heating system is on site and groups can access the boiler house to see and understand the process.

A2 Option

Crowded Coasts


Solway Coast




Aim: To investigate what pressures are created on the coastline between devlopemtn and conservation.Students will assess the management strategies of the Solway Coast AONB. This could involve visiting Mawbray Bank Sand Dunes SSSI to assess the impact of people at the site as well as interviewing local stakeholders to gain an understanding of long and short-term conservation management strategies with the Solway Coast AONB.




The study will be based in and around Silloth on the Solway coast. The AONB includes many threatebned habitats such as sand dunes, salt marshes and bogs.

If using centre transport, a cost of £8.00 is payable per student.

Page 6: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe

A2 Option

Tectonic Activity & Hazards

(half, full and multiple day)




Aim: To investigate the impacts of tectonic activity in the formation of the lake District and it economic benefits.

There are a number of options available to investigate this topic around the local area, depending on the focus your group would like to take – please contact us to discuss your particular needs. Options range from an introduction to the

history of tectonic activity in the Lake District in nearby Keswick, through to detailed investigations of the impact of tectonics on the economy and landscape of the Lake District, including a case study of lead mining in Glenridding.

The investigation is designed to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding at A2 for Option 1 ‘Tectonic Activity and Hazards’ of Unit 4 ‘Geographical Research’.



n The sites visited will depend on the options chosen. Field work sites include the stunning

viewpoint of Castlehead near Keswick, the Bowder Stone in Borrowdale, the faults, folds, intrusive and extrusive features produced by the Eycott Lavas and Mosedale gabbros, and the mines at Seathwaite and Glennridding.

A2 Option

Cold Environmnents

(full day)




Aim:To investigate evidence of glaciation in the Lake District.

Students identify a range of erosional and depositional glacial landforms in the field, gaining a sense of their size, shape and formation. They will be encouraged to develop enquiry skills to uncover Easedale’s glacial and post-glacial history and consider the processes which have contributed to shaping the landscape, including a consideration of the challenges and opportunities such a landscape presents today.

The investigation is designed primarily to develop the students’ knowledge and understanding at A2 for Option 2 ‘Cold Environments – Landscapes and Change’ of Unit 4 ‘Geographical Research’.



n The study takes place along a 7km circular walk through stunning mountain landscape on

uneven footpaths in the Easedale Valley. The route starts in the honeypot village of Grasmere, leading up to Easedale Tarn and then back along Far Easedale.

If using centre transport, a cost of £6.00 is payable per student.

Additional Notes

Please feel free to request further details on the content, learning objectives and outcomes for each topic we teach.

The order of days and location of study sites may be varied due to the weather, and to avoid equipment/transport clashes.

Students are requested to bring a pen, pencil and paper. They may also find a camera, memory stick, calculator, protractor, folder in which to keep their work, colouring pencils and graph paper useful.

Course leaders are advised to bring a memory stick or portable hard drive onto which resources and students’ work can be saved.

Students will undertake activities outdoors for extended periods of time and should therefore be dressed appropriately for the prevailing weather conditions. They may need walking boots, wellies, a waterproof jacket with hood and waterproof trousers. All the above items can be hired from centre for £2 per item.

Page 7: Blencathra Field Studies Centre · AS Option Crowded Coasts - Morecambe (full day) e Aim: To investigate the impact of tourism on Morecambe and to discover to what extent the Morecambe


Transport to the fieldwork sites can be provided by Blencathra Centre. This will incur an additional cost. For a detailed breakdown of the cost, please enquire. An invoice will be made out to the school and sent out to the organiser immediately after the course.

If you have agreed to drive during the course, please complete a driving form and provide us with a copy of your full driving licence in advance.

We can provide a shuttle service to and from Penrith railway station. Which will incur and additional charge of £8 per student.

A Typical Day We make the most of your time whilst at the centre. A typical day would normally consist of a classroom session starting at 9.30am, followed by fieldwork from 10.30am to 4pm in the afternoon. On return, the students enjoy a break and then follow-up their learning in the classroom until 6pm. The after dinner session lasts around one hour. Health & Safety All tutored sessions are risk assessed and led by experienced teaching staff with specialist knowledge and fieldwork expertise. All education staff hold first aid qualifications and are trained in H&S and group management. The FSC holds the Quality Badge from The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, which is awarded to organisations which have demonstrated that they consistently deliver high quality teaching and learning experiences and manage risk effectively. Adventurous Activities We are accredited to offer a range of more adventurous activities such as gill scrambling and mountain walking. These offer the students a marvellous opportunity to develop their personal and leadership skills. Blencathra Field Studies Centre is one of seventeen centres in the UK run by the Field Studies Council, an independent education charity committed to bringing environmental understanding to all. We offer tailor-made packages for schools and youth groups as well as providing outreach education and adult training. Leading the field in innovative, effective and enjoyable approaches to learning outside the classroom, we are confident of providing a safe, secure and caring atmosphere in which students will widen their environmental understanding, improve their motivation and develop their personal and social skills. We can accommodate up to 110 people full-board, including a self-contained, self-catering unit for up to 22 people and offer a choice of half or full day sessions. | Twitter: @blencathrafsc