block dynamic tu trang cad-note

44 1. Create a wall This is the first po st of the dynamic block tutorial series. We introduce you how you can add a parameter and link an action to it. The sample used in this post is only a simple  brick wall. It allows you to use it to draw straight walls without having to draw several  parallel lines and hatches. Read how you can create a wall dynamic block here. 2. Create a column In this net tutorial! we create a rectangular concrete column. "o u will add two  parameters and two actions. #urthermore! we cover about parameter properties. "o u will learn to control the stretch si$e and make it stretch to both direction. %earn how to create a column dynamic block here.

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Dynamic Block


Trong CAD cng c nhng on videoclip hng dn v Block Dynamic Create a wall

This is the first post of the dynamic block tutorial series. We introduce you how you can add a parameter and link an action to it. The sample used in this post is only a simple brick wall. It allows you to use it to draw straight walls without having to draw several parallel lines and hatches.

Read how you can create a wall dynamic block here.

2. Create a column

In this next tutorial, we create a rectangular concrete column. You will add two parameters and two actions. Furthermore, we cover about parameter properties. You will learn to control the stretch size and make it stretch to both direction.

Learn how to create a column dynamic block here.

3. Create a door

In this tutorial, we cover more. This time you create a door. Then add a parameter then link 3 actions to that parameter. To add more fun to this, we use a little magic that can help you to trim wall when you place the door.

Learn how you can create a door dynamic block here.

4. Add more action to door

In this tutorial, we add more action to the door. We add a flip action to allow you flip the door opening. We also add an alignment parameter to allow your door to align automatically.

Learn about flip parameter and alignment parameters here.

5. Using visibility states

Visibility states is the simplest way to make a dynamic block. However, it is very useful if you want to show objects in different ways or different variations.

Learn how you can control objects visibility in dynamic block here.

6. Using geometric and dimensional parameters

When dynamic block was first introduced in AutoCAD, AutoCAD didnt have parametric features. Now that AutoCAD has it, you can also use it in dynamic block. It works differently with dynamic block action. However, it allows you to control dynamic block by the object size, not by action.

Go to this tutorial if you want to learn how to create dynamic block using parameters.

7. Using fields in dynamic block

This is an example of using dynamic block and other features. We use a symbol and a field to automatically show coordinate of that particular point.

See how you can create an automatic coordinate label using dynamic block here.

Learn from our AutoCAD block best practices e-book

If you are interested to learn more about AutoCAD blocks (not only dynamic block) you might want to check our e-book: AutoCAD block best practices.

This e-book covers thoroughly about AutoCAD blocks. From basic to advanced tutorial. You can learn how to create block, how to use attributes, fields, extract data to make reports, and more.

Check this page if you are interested to purchase the e-book.

Dynamic Block Tutorial #1: Creating Wall

August 20, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 16 Comments

Dynamic block feature has opened many possibilities to enhance your AutoCAD libraries and your workflow. You can manage less objects in your library, and you can automate some process with it. In this first AutoCAD dynamic block tutorial, we will learn how to create an object with adjustable length. Many practices can use this process, but this time we will create a wall.

How long does it take to draw a simple floor plan with AutoCAD? Lets say a typical rent office plan, not much walls to be drawn, plenty of open spaces. What if I say only need a few minutes? Includes annotation, door schedule, column schedule, and wall schedule? Drawing, not designing.

The secret is prepare your template, create some reusable content definitions, some customization, use the proper tools, then you are ready to rock! I will post several tutorials to prepare them, and will close this series with using all of them in creating our plan! In this topic, we will create a wall definition with dynamic block. You will see how dynamic block can speed up the design process.

Creating the Wall

Create a new file. Use acadiso.dwt as template. Sorry if you use imperial units, you might want to try use the same unit as I do, or use imperial by converting it.

Lets create 3 layers:

1. A-Wall, set the color to red, lineweight to 1.5

2. A-Wall-Structure, set the color to 9, lineweight to 0.09

3. A-Wall-Pattern, set the color to 8, lineweight to 0.00

For your information, if you are not familiar with lineweight 0.00, setting it to 0.00 will plot the AutoCAD geometry using the lineweight as thin as your plotter can support.

Why we created 3 AutoCAD layers? We separate the structure and hatches so we can represent our AutoCAD drawing in different details. When we represent it in relatively large scale drawing, we can show all of them. But when we use very small scales, we will hide some details i our drawing. Yes, if you are Revit user, Im imitating Revit detail level :)

Lets start drawing our object. Activate layer A-Wall. Draw a rectangle with size 500150 like below. Then draw rectangle 500110 inside it on layer A-Wall-Pattern. After that, add a brick pattern on layer A-Wall-Structure. I use ANSI32 with scale 8 for this drawing. Make sure the pattern is associated!

Defining Block

After creating the wall geometry, lets create a block from it.

Select your wall as the block objects, and pick insertion point as shown below. Give your block name brickwall.

First step is done. Youve created a reusable content for wall object, next we will add some intelligence to our object.

Add some Action

I want my wall can be stretched so it can fit wherever I place it. This is a very simple AutoCAD dynamic block, but I think its perfect practice if you never created a dynamic block. To add actions to your block, you have to open it in block editor.

Select your block, right click, and select Block Editor from context menu. This will bring you to block editor interface. Lets take a look to Block Authoring Palette.

It has three palette: parameters, actions, and parameter sets. Placing parameters is how you specify which parts of your objects to be references, and provide the information to actions you will add later.

Open your parameter palette, then activate linear parameter. Place the linear parameter like below. Its similar to placing dimension!

See the arrow on both side. We only need this wall stretched on the right side only, so we dont need the left arrow. Select the left arrow, and delete it.

Open properties palette, its on view tab. Or you can simply type CH [enter] for command line freaks.

Select your parameter, change the distance label to Length.

We will use this label to create our wall schedule later. If you dont change it, then you will have the default value distance as column header.

Now we have finished placing our parameter. Now the block know we want to do something with the distance with the referenced points. There are several action can use linear parameter, but now we want to use stretch.

Open the action palette. Activate stretch action.

Select parameter:Select the linear parameter youve placed before.

Specify parameter point to associate with action or enter [sTart point/Second point] :

Select the right point of our parameter, we want the wall stretched to this side.

Specify first corner of stretch frame or [CPolygon]:

This time you will have to define the stretch frame. Same with when you are doing stretch, only this time you predefine it.

Specify objects to stretchWe want all of our objects to stretch, so select them all.

Specify action location or [Multiplier/Offset]:Place the action location. You can place it anywhere, its just a symbol. But the better place is near your action, so if anybody want to modify it later can find it easily.

Close your block editor. When AutoCAD ask you to save your block, save it. You are done!

Test your block, see if it works perfectly. stretch it to lengthen and shorten it.

Next, we will create another dynamic block. We will create multiple size of column inside a block. We will also use the column in our complete plan I promised you earlier.

Dynamic Block Tutorial #2: Creating Column

August 26, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 7 Comments

Lets continue our AutoCAD dynamic block tutorial. We have created a basic dynamic block tutorial by adding one stretch action to our wall block. We will discuss further about parameter properties in this post.

Now lets talk about what we want to achieve. We want one block that contain several column size. But column size is not supposed to be modified by freely stretching it. We have to limit the column minimum and maximum size. And we also have to set the increment value for this size, so the changes can be predictable.

If youre not familiar with dynamic block, you should read this tutorial first. Basically we are doing the same thing, but there are some properties we are going to change. As we did when we create wall, we have to add some layers. Lets add these layers:

1. A-Column, color:green, lineweight: 0.20

2. A-Column-Pattern, color:8, lineweight: 0.00

3. A-Column-Structure, color:9, lineweight: 0.09

Lets create our column. Set layer A-Column as current layer. Draw a rectangle with size 400x400mm. Change your current layer with A-Column Structure, then offset your rectangle by 20mm. Remember to set the offset object layer to current. So this operation will create a new object on current layer. Offset it to the inside of the existing rectangle.

Command:OFFSETCurrent settings: Erase source=No Layer=Source OFFSETGAPTYPE=0Specify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] : lEnter layer option for offset objects [Current/Source] : CSpecify offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] :Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] :Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] :Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] :

The last one, set your current layer to A-Column-Pattern. Fill the inner rectangle with concrete hatch.

Create a block from these objects. Make sure the insertion point is the column center.

Give the block name Rectangular Column. After you finish defining the block, open block editor and edit it.

Similar to what we did in creating wall, we have to add parameters. This time we need to modify the column length and width, so we need to place 2 parameters.

Select the Distance1 parameter, then open properties palette.

1. Change the parameter name to width.

2. Change the distance type to increment.

3. Set the distance increment to 100

4. Set the distance minimum to 150

5. Set the distance maximum to 600

6. Under Misc category, change the base location to Midpoint.

Do the same thing to Distance2.

I think you already know what to do next: add the stretch action. But this time you add it to the both sides. Refer to the dynamic block #1 tutorial.

After you finish, close dynamic block editor. Try your block!

You should see some thick mark every 100mm between 150 and 600. Oops, my bad! You cant create 150mm width column because we set the increment to 100! The minimum width you can achieve is 200. You have to change the increment to 50 to get it.

We also changed the base location to midpoint. So when we stretch it, it will be stretched both way. Not so difficult creating dynamic block, isnt it?

Next, we will create a dynamic block for door.

Dynamic Block Tutorial #3: Door

August 27, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 34 Comments

This is the last object we are going to create using AutoCADdynamic block. We are going to create a door. Basically its not that different with what we did with dynamic block before. But this time, we are going to learn about action properties in dynamic block. We are going to use wipeout as well.

Now, open your previous dynamic block tutorial file. We are going to create all of our dynamic blocks in a single AutoCAD file. This file will be our block library. We will create several dynamic blocks here. Dont loose it until we finish our tutorial.

Creating the Geometry

In your AutoCAD file, create a new layer: A-Door, with color: blue, and lineweight: 0.09 mm. Set this layer as current layer.

Draw a 50150 rectangle as the frame. Copy it to its right with 700mm distance. Draw a rectangle 30650 as door panel. Then draw an arc for swing symbol to complete it.

The last thing we are going to add is a wipeout. Activate it, and draw a rectangle wipeout that covers the whole door width.

You will see the door frames are covered by the wipeout. Select the wipeout, right click, then from context menu select draw order>send to back.

Why do we use wipeout? We are going to host our door to a wall. We dont want to trim or modify our wall after door placement. And modifying the wall length will be reported incorrectly. So we add wipeout to cover our wall later. We will try this at the end :)

Now as usual, create a block from this object. We will create it as dynamic block. Give it name Single Door. You can define insertion point wherever you think appropriate. Open your block in block editor.

Adding Parameters and Action

We are still using linear parameter. Add a linear parameter as below.

Delete the left arrow. Or you can change number of grips value to 1 in properties palette.

There are 3 action we need to add, based to this parameter:

1. Add a stretch action to stretch our door width. Similar to what we do with adding action to dynamic block wall. This time we only need to create a small rectangle to include the right door frame and the wipeout.

2. Add scale action to resize the arc door swing symbol. This action is very simple to add. Just select the parameter, then select the arc. [ENTER] to finish.

3. Add another stretch action for resizing the door panel. Only select the door panel when this action ask you to select object.

Parameter and Action Properties

Placing those action is easy I believe. But we are not finish yet. We are going to limit the size. We dont want AutoCAD users to change the door size without a guidance. We will change some parameter properties just like we did when we create column. Select the parameter. Change the Dist type to List and click the button to input distance value list.

Dont forget to change this parameter name to something like width or door width.

*You may want to use Increment. But since the last time we used it, I think it will be better to use list now.

Add more values to define your door width.

The last one, is changing an action properties. Not only parameter has properties! Remember the stretch action for the door panel? Where do you think the door panel will be stretch? Horizontally!

We need to change a property to override this behavior. Select this action, open your palette property. Under overrides category, change the angle offset to 90 degrees.

This will override the stretch action, it will stretch the door panel vertically even the parameter is stretch horizontally.

Ok, we are done! Save block, and close block editor.

If you have difficulties with the tutorial, you can watch this video. But sorry, this video dont use WIPEOUT. But shouldnt be a problem, because we are emphasizing on parameters and actions.

Video o dayOne more thing. We still can see our wipeout frame. Lets turn it off. Activate wipeout, then type F [ENTER] to activate frame option. Type OFF [ENTER] to turn it off.

Command: WIPEOUTSpecify first point or [Frames/Polyline] : FEnter mode [ON/OFF] : OFFRegenerating model.

Try to stretch your door and dont forget to try placing your door at walls!


1. If you cant see the wipeout covering your wall, select your wall and change the drawing order: send it to back.

2. You might want to add flip actions so you dont need to mirror it.

Dynamic Block Tutorial #4: Adding More Actions

September 1, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 2 Comments

Previously, we have created door as AutoCAD dynamic block. We add some actions so this door can be resized to an available width in our list. But its not perfect yet. At least not for our purpose. In this AutoCAD tutorial, we are going to add more actions so this door can be flipped, and will align automatically to our wall orientation.

Open your AutoCAD file that contain the door block we have created on previous tutorial. Open that block in block editor. We are going to add two flip actions. Lets just use parameter sets. Parameter sets basically just the same with placing parameters and actions. Only it place them both right away. Sometimes this is harder to control. But flip action is quite simple, so I think this will be safe :) In block authoring palette, open parameter set tab. Activate flip set.

We are going to add one flip action first. Click first and second point at mid point of our door frame as below. This will allow our door to be flipped vertically.

When we placed the flip action set, the only thing we define is the reflection line. Look at the action button, we have a warning sign on it. It means we havent give all the data its required. We havent define which objects will be affected by this action.

Click on the flip action button, right click. Select action selection set>new selection set from context menu.

When AutoCAD ask you for objects, type ALL [enter]. Do not try to select objects, just type all to select all objects. Ive tried to select by crossed window, and my dynamic block didnt work as expected. I suspect that there are some objects are not selected. It shows different numbers on how many objects selected.

Try to test your dynamic block, and see if it works fine. Now lets move on, we are going to add another flip action. Add it so we can flip our door horizontally.

Just like before, add all objects to be flipped. Test it. You will see that our insertion point is shifted. There is no way to eliminate this error by using parameters and action only. At least theres no way that I know. Even in door sample from Autodesk, they cant keep the insertion point at its place. We can use dimension and geometric constraints in AutoCAD 2010 (or newer), but not with parameter and actions. I will write about parametric constraints later, after we finish our plan.

However, we can minimize this impact. I hate to move my door after I placed it. So I add one more stretch action to our linear parameter. I add the stretch frame outside the flip parameter. I want this parameter also stretched when my door is resized.

I also change the distance multiplier to 0.5. Changing this value will keep my flip action at midpoint of my door width. (Door width changes)/2.

Save it, and test it. When we stretch it first, then flip it horizontally, then the insertion point will remain at its position. But if we stretch it at this position, then the insertion point will be shifted. At least this is better.

The last parameter we will add is alignment. Alignment dont need action. We just add this parameter, and it will work.

This is our finished door.

Save it, close block editor. Try to place some wall, vertical, horizontal, and angled wall. Try our door to these walls :)

I hope you like this trick. If do you, spend some time to see our AutoCAD tips list here!

Dynamic Block Tutorial #5: Controlling Visibility

November 3, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 4 Comments

Its been a while since I wrote my last dynamic block tutorial. Besides of using parameters and actions, there is one thing left: using visibility states. You can hide and show some (or all) objects and save them on separate visibility state.

Lets take a dynamic block sample from AutoCAD. I use the trees block. Insert it to your drawing, and click the down arrow in the block. You will see a list of trees. Try to change it to other type of tree.

What it does is hiding objects that form the palm (plan) and show other objects. Lets try to create our own visibility states.

These doors are actually have a same door type. The only difference is the door on the left can be opened to inside and outside. And the other one can only be opened to one direction.

*What do you call them? single swing and double swing door?

Create a drawing like the door on the left. Make it as a block. Then open it in block editor. Youve been doing this several of times, havent you? :)

We cant click any button in visibility panel yet. To enable the visibility states, we need to place visibility parameter first. You can find it in block authoring palette, parameters tab.

Place it near your block. Pick a good spot, so you and others who will use it can find it easily.

Click the visibility states button. The visibility states dialog box will open.

By default, we will have one visibility state with name VisibilityState0. Select it, and click rename. Rename it to double swing door (or something you prefer).

Click new to create a new visibility state. Give it name single swing door. And make sure you select the leave visibility of existing objects unchanged in new state. Click OK.

AutoCAD will automatically set the new visibility state as current. If the single swing door is not current, select it and click set current. Click OK to close the dialog.

Now we will hide some lines. Activate make invisible from your ribbon.

Select all the dashed line that showing the door swing. [enter] to accept.

Click visibility mode to see/hide the invisible lines as opaque lines or hidden. You may want to set it as hidden to see applied changes clearly. But sometimes you need to see the invisible objects when you need to change it to visible.

Test your visibility state. Change it from one to another in visibility state list.

If everything is working fine, you can save the block and close the block editor.

Using Parametric Features in Dynamic Block

December 4, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 8 Comments

Parametric feature is very useful if you have similar object with slightly different geometry or size. In manufacturing, if you have nuts and bolts that looks the same, but have different sizes, parametric features is perfect for this purpose. This kind of remind us about dynamic block, isnt it? Dynamic block has the same purpose, but has limitation. I cant figure yet how we can use it in AEC industry, except for reusable contents. So this time, we are going to create a column with dynamic block. This is similar with the column we created in dynamic block tutorial. But we are not using the parameter and action. We are going to use geometric and dimension constraint. We will see how we can get different dynamic block behavior.

For a start, lets create two rectangles like this.

I made a 200x200mm rectangle and offset it 20mm to outside. The 200x200mm is the column, and 20mm is the column finishing layer. Make it as a block, and use the center of the rectangle as insert point. Same like we did before.

Lets activate the dimensional constraint. use linear dimension, and snap to the rectangle end points. Change the constraint name immediately to h and w like below.

Now we will tell AutoCAD that we want the finish thickness is 20mm. Lets add one more constraint, name it finish.

Here is the deal. We have four rectangular sides that need to define the offset distance. Add them all and when AutoCAD ask you for the value, type =finish. It means we are going to use the same value as the previous constraint.

And when AutoCAD ask you the number of grips, enter 0. We dont need it since we refer to finish constraint. Here is the finished dimension constraint placement.

We havent finished yet. But lets test it before we continue. Click parameter manager button on your ribbon.


As you can see, the result can be unpredictable! Why? We havent tell AutoCAD the objects relations to each other. We need to add geometric constraint.

Undo until you see the rectangle back. We will add geometric constraint to these rectangle. Instead of adding them one by one, lets activate Auto Constraint. Press S then [enter] to change the settings. Deactivate all, except perpendicular. We want or rectangle sides to be perpendicular to each other.

Click OK then select them all. Add one horizontal constraint to any horizontal edges. You can left the whole constraint on actually. Not just the perpendicular. I just want you to know the option exist :) Try to change the parameters again. We still have a problem: the insertion point is shifted.

The last thing, we need to define a fixed point as the center of the column. Lets create a point at #0,0. You can activate point by typing POINT then [enter]. Then type #0,0 [enter]. If you cant see the point, type DDPTYPE [enter] to change the point appearance. Lock it at its position using fix constraint.

Now add dimensions from the point to the rectangle edges. Use h/2 and w/2 as the value. This will make sure our column center wont shifted.

Lets try again. Does it work? We will explore this column again next time.

How to: Label Coordinate in AutoCAD

November 9, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 77 Comments

I had this question several times: can we automatically label our coordinate in AutoCAD? If you are Civil3D user, then you most likely will suggest them to use C3D. But can AutoCAD actually do it? YES!

I saw many people use AutoLISP to do that task. It works great. But sometimes you may want to have your own labeling symbol and format. So, why not using field?

Creating a reference object

First, we need to create an object as a reference point. It can be a point, a circle, or any symbol you want it to appear. I use this symbol.

I prefer to use point or circle. We can easily use the point position or circle center.

Creating an Attribute Definition

After we have the reference object, we need to define an attribute definition. You can activate it by clicking it on your ribbon, home tab, block panel.

Or simply type ATTDEF then [enter].

Lets define our attribute. Give the attribute tag, prompt like below. In default field, type X Y = then click insert field.

Change the field category to objects, and in field names, select object. Click select object button to define the object type. Select the circle, dont select anything else!

AutoCAD will list all available properties. Select center (or if you use point, select position). Because I only use it in 2D drawings, I dont need it to display Z value. I turn it off. Change the format if necessary.Click OK.

Click OK again to close the define attribute dialog box. Place your attribute definition in desired location.

Optional: Define Adjustable Leader

If you dont want to have leader in your coordinate label, you can skip this step.

I add a line that will be used as leader.

Create the Block

Now we can define the block. Click create from ribbon, block panel.

Select all the objects, and define the center as insertion point. Activate Open in Block Editor on lower left of this dialog. We are going to add some dynamic functionality. Click OK.

AutoCAD will show the edit attribute dialog. We dont want to modify it as it is updated automatically. Just click OK.

Add the Control Grip

What we want to do is adding a grip control, so we can modify the text (and optionally leader) placement. In block authoring palette, activate the point parameter.

Now place it where you want the grip appear.

Now activate the stretch action.

Select the point parameter, create the stretch frame like below, and select the line and attribute definition. [Enter] to end it.

Now we are done! Save this block and close block editor.

Using the Label

How we can use the label? Just insert the block, and click on the point you want to show the coordinate. After you have one of the block in your drawing, you can copy it and place it on several points you wanted.

Because we add a control grip, we can move the text and leader position!

Because we use field, if you move your points, the value will be automatically updated! Very cool, isnt it?

Why Attribute Definition? Why not Just Use Text?

You might ask this: why not just use text with field? I know we can insert field within text, single or multiline. But it doesnt work. You may want to try it by yourself.

Apparently the field will consider the reference point always at 0,0,0 when you create a block. It works if you dont create a block from them, but I believe you want to use it as reusable content, arent you?

Using Lookup Table in Dynamic Block

December 11, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 4 Comments

We created a door using stretch action in dynamic block tutorial. It was a good practice, but can be better. Stretching them might not be the best option. Sometimes we want the door at specific sizes. Providing the users a list would be better. We can use lookup table.

Lets open the door in that tutorial. Rename the linear parameter to width or door width. And change the number of grips to 0. We dont want our users to use other than specified sizes.

Place a lookup parameter. Place it anywhere you like it. When AutoCAD ask for the number of grips, type 1 then [enter]. It suppose to be the default value by the way.

After you place the lookup action, change the parameter name to door type.

Then place the lookup action.

AutoCAD will open a lookup table. We are going to define the door sizes here.

Click the add properties button. We only have one parameter here. Select the width parameter and click OK. The width column is added to your table. If you have more than one parameter, you can show them all here. For example, our column has 2 parameters.

Fill the table with the sizes and door type as you want.

Make sure we set the last row properties as allow reverse lookup. If we set it as read only, we wont see the list.

Click OK, save your block, and save block editor. Try your block. Select the block and click the down arrow to access the list. No grips, so no body can use a size thats not specified in our list.

We can do that too with dimensional constraints, using a block table. We will discuss about this later.

How to: Keep Attributes at Dynamic Block Center

October 6, 2010 by Edwin Prakoso 6 Comments

Do you like using AutoCAD dynamic block? If you use stretch action, some element may not be on expected place. For example, block attributes will not stay at center.

In this AutoCAD tip, we created some drawing elements and add an attribute at the block center. We want to change the block size by stretching it.The challenge is to keep the attribute at the block center. There are two ways we can do to achieve it:

1. Keep the it at its position and stretch the block both ways

2. Stretch the block to one direction and at the same time move the attribute to keep it at the center.

Lets try this. I use a simple dynamic block for this tip: a room number tag.

Creating the attribute

Creating it is just the same, we use ATTDEF. To make this easier, set the justification to center.

One more thing: make sure lock position is active. Some action will not work if you set the position to not lock.

First alternative: stretch to both directions

This should be easy. Its similar to what I described in this dynamic block tutorial, creating column. We set the base location to Midpoint, and add two stretch actions.

Second alternative: Stretch and move actions

If you create a more complex dynamic block, you probably dont want to stretch it to both direction. For example, you want to create a table that also has array action. When you stretch it, not only the table size change, but also add more chairs. The table sample is available in CAD Notes e-book: AutoCAD Block Best Practices.

In this situation, it will be easier to stretch the block to one direction. To keep the attribute at the center, we add one more action to move it when afterstretching the block.

Remember: the attribute have to move half of the stretch action distance. If we stretch the distance 100 units, then we should move it 50 units. To achieve this, select the move action icon. Open properties palette and change the distance multiplier to 0.5.

Try it and have some fun! See video below to see how to do it.

Dynamic Block Action vs Dynamic Block Parameters

December 30, 2009 by Edwin Prakoso 3 Comments

We have created an AutoCAD column block by using two methods: using dynamic block actions and using parametric features (geometric and dimensional constraint). So whats the difference? Why we should use parametric instead of dynamic block actions? It looks like using action is easier than using parametric design.

1. Dynamic block actions are basically AutoCAD tools that we used in conventional AutoCAD drawing. We stretch, scale, move, or mirror our objects.

2. Parametric is maintaining the objects geometry (using geometric constraint) and control the object sizes (using dimensional constraint). They are different in many ways.

For simple objects like rectangular column, dynamic block actions maybe easier. But when you need to maintain complex objects relationships then you may want to consider parametric features.

Lets take this profile as an example. Its almost impossible to control the profile sizes using dynamic block actions. I dont think we can do that.

By using parameters, we can tell AutoCAD how we want those objects related to each other.

It may look scary, but its not difficult. Just a repetitive task and some logic applied. Further more, we can add some calculation expression to relate those objects further.

And sure, we can create a table just like lookup table in dynamic block action.

We can choose the sizes we defined in the table, from a drop down list.

My profile is maintaining the relationship between other geometry objects. No matter which size I choose.

Sure, we can use stretch action to change the profile size. But we cant define every geometry sizes. Dimensional constraint can do that.

*Do you realize that there is no radius/diameter parameter in block authoring palettes?

Trong CAD cng c nhng on videoclip hng dn v Block Dynamic-> Bn chn 1 Block bt k -> G Bedit -> OK ->Nhn ln trn thanh Toolbar -> Bn cnh Nt Close Block Editor c nt biu tng ch i mu trng (Learn About Dynamic Blocks) -> Bn bm vo -> New Feather Workshop xut hin (Main menu -> Procedure -> Dynamic Blocks)

y bn xem cc on video nho nh hng dn Dynamic Blocks nh c hng dn tng bc, hay lm. Tue_NV hc theo cch ny

1 Dynamic Block l Block c dynamic parameters (c th c thm Attribute)Attribute ko phi l Block

To Dynamic Block -> nh to block bnh thng nhng gn thm phn Dynamic parameterTo Attribute dng lnh ATTDEF.Bn search trn din n c 1 bi hng dn to Dynamic Block rt chi tit.Thn!

Cm n bc Nguyen Hoanh v Video, em lm theo v c ng nh bc ch, c iu em vn cha hiu on sa Distance Multi.. t 1 v 0.5 l ngha l g,(bn cht)Nu nguyn l 1 th vng trn khng t chnh gia hnh, nhng nu l 0.5 th li c, vy bn cht y con s 0.5 c ngha g, tc dng nh th no, thanks bc

Gi im gc phi di ca hnh ch nht l im A (chnh l im r chut m ko )Tc l khi ko on cnh di hnh ch nht i 1 on AB (theo phng distance nm ngang) l L th hnh trn phi t dch i 1 on 0,5 L (tnh t gc A)Vy phi nhp 0,5 vo Distance multi...

Chc l ti bn chn delete, mun i tng vn nguyn nh trc khi block th bn chn retain, mun i tng bin thnh block va to th chn convert to block.

Chc bn thnh cng!