blogger to wordpress migration

Blogger to WordPress Migration By- Rahul Bansal Founder& Director rtCamp Solutions Pvt. Ltd. http :// / Blogs in rtBlogs Network

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This slideshow covers important steps need to migrate from to self-hosted Wordpress without affecting your permalinks, search engine ranking, traffic, etc.


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Blogger to WordPress Migration


Rahul BansalFounder& Director

rtCamp Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Blogs in rtBlogs

Page 2: Blogger To WordPress Migration

Basic – v/s

From, you can download wordpress and install it on your server. You normally pay for server space. You normally buy a domain name in this

case. is like You can blog without paying any bucks. You don’t have control that can offer you normally.

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Why to move?

Better Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You don’t have to wait for Google to add some X feature to blogger

You are not restricted by Bloggers’ template tags which limit the way you can enhance your blogs’ user interface.

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Step 0: Add your custom domain name to blogger

First and most important step is - “BUY A CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME FOR YOUR BLOG”

Because… It gives unique identity to your blog It also makes your blog accessible across

wider geographic reason

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Step o: Add your custom domain name to blogger

Steps… Log into Blogger’s dashboard. Find your blog’s publishing settings. Go to advance settings or buy a domain

name from their itself.

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Step o: Add your custom domain name to blogger

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Step 1: Setup a dummy WordPress blog

You can do this on your PC locally

Some articles suggest using for this!

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Step 2: Configure permalinks on locally installed wordpress Go to “Settings >> Permalinks”

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Step 3: Import blog to local WordPress

Go to “Tools >> Import”

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Step 3: Import blog to local WordPress

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Step 4: Changing DNS settings for your domain name

We initially assumed that you are using custom domain name.

One domain can point to one blog. Currently its pointing to blog.

You need to make it point to your webhost where you want to install and run your Wordpress blog.

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Step 5: Fixing permalinks for imported post

WordPress post link: http://localhost/2009/01/national-conference-on-advanced-computer-systems-ncacs-09-hindustan-college-of-engineering.html post link for same post:

Fixed permalink: http://localhost/2009/01/national-conference-on-advanced.html

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Step 5: Fixing permalinks for imported post<?php   require_once('wp-load.php');    $res = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_id, meta_value FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'blogger_permalink'");  $wpdb->print_error();    foreach ($res as $row) {      $slug = explode("/", $row->meta_value);      $slug = explode(".", $slug[3]);            $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name ='" . $slug[0] . "' WHERE ID = $row->post_id");      $wpdb->print_error();  }    echo "DONE";?>

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Step 6: Exporting local wordpress blog

Go to “Tools >> Export”.

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Step 7: Prepare Your Webhost…

Configure custom domain on your webhosting account.

Upload & Install WordPress. Most webhost provide one-click interface for this.

Change permalink structure like we did in step 2. (Ref: Slide #8)

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Step 8: Moving from local wordpress to WordPress @ your webhost

Go to “Tools >> Import” (again) but select Wordpress this time.

Upload XML file we saved in step 6 and just follow next few steps. (Ref: Slide #14)

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Step 9: Miscellaneous but important Testing new wordpress’ permalinks & SEO

What to do with blog now? Don’t Delete it!

Moving feed subscribers

Installing Blogger to Wordpress permalink redirection plugin -

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Open Ends…

Your images in old posts will remain on your Blogger account.

There is no tool which can “generate” Wordpress theme from a Bloggers template.

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What if I can’t do this myself

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