blogging explosion nz gafe summit

Blogging Explosion

Upload: manaiakalani

Post on 17-Jun-2015




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This presentation was given at the NZ Google Apps for Education Summit in Auckland. The practical tips start on Slide 18! Many of the slides have Video tutorials which are in Vimeo, not YouTube. Access these tutorials from here The workshop was designed to share tips on how to manage multiple blogs in a class. The experience of the Manaiakalani Cluster has been developed over several years and 1000+ studen


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Blogging Explosion

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A blog gives you your own voice on the web

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Confident Connected Actively Involved

Life Long Learners

Goals for our Students• have opportunities to develop personal voice

• have an authentic audience

• have a digital age learning environment

• become engaged in their learning

• become creators of content, not just consumers

of content

• have raised achievement outcomes

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In the beginning

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Manaiakalani via EHSAS

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ebsite > Blogs animation

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Helen Squires

Myles Webb

Jenny She

Sarah Gleeson

Allanah King

Jan Zawadzki

Mia Szymanik

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Class blog

getting started

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Getting organised

• Blog naming system

• URL system eg pes+firstname+firstletter

• Create a ‘Super Admin’ email address

• Teacher Dashboard or go it alone?

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Getting organised

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Getting organised

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Getting started

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Getting started




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Getting started

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Getting started

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monitoring interactions

• Using the Blogger Settings well

• Teacher Dashboard

• Dedicated email account

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monitoring interactions

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monitoring interactions

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monitoring interactions

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personal voice

• Those near and dear

• The twitterverse

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personal voice

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personal voice


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personal voice

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Year 5 bloggers

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Cluster-wide implementationThe Manaiakalani Schools

Year 1-13

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Parents: Informed Participation

Transparent Accessible Informed

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The obvious next step from a successful class blog is creating individual blogs for each student. And once each student has a blog you have to think school wide or what happens to the blogs at the end of the year?  This is very exciting and has proven to play a successful part in raising

student achievement outcomes. But in practical terms, how do you manage multiple blogs? Using Blogger as the obvious blog platform the Manaiakalani Cluster of schools have nearly 1000 blogs and have implemented some very

practical solutions to ensure that they are effective learning tools.  In this session you will be shown how we manage the practical aspects of creating blogs at the class, individual student, school and cluster levels.  NB: We will

presume that you already know how to create and manage one blog.