blood rush

The Fear to Kill By: Adam Taylor

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Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Young Felix Harley has the worst week of his life. He then finds out he is a number one target for death but why?


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The Fear to Kill

By: Adam Taylor

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Death in Japan !

“Mr.Harley!” Yelled one of the prefects. “Here now”, I rushed down the stairs out of my room, and up the stairs into the north tower. When I arrived Prefect Adolf was waiting for me with another man that I recognised from somewhere. When Felix was younger his parents had sent him to boarding school as they traveled a lot and Felix was young then so they couldn’t take him everywhere. He had an English father and a German mother. His mother had a very rich father so that’s where all their money came from. Felix walked over to the other side of the room and stood in front of Prefect Adolf’s desk. “Take a seat young man,” he said. Felix slowly but surely sat down in his seat and Prefect Adolf slid a letter from under his desk and handed it to Felix. “It’s from your father’s lawyer.” I opened up the very tightly sealed envelope.


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He had an English father and a German mother. His mother had a very rich father so that’s where all their money came from. Felix walked over to the other side of the room and stood in front of Prefect Adolf’s desk. “Take a seat young man,” he said. Felix slowly but surely sat down in his seat and Prefect Adolf slid a letter from under his desk and handed it to Felix. “It’s from your father’s lawyer.” I opened up the very tightly sealed envelope. Inside was a beige piece of paper with neatly written letters printed in Italic. He neatly unfolded it trying not to crumple it. Prefect Adolf then said “Read it Outloud.” So I did


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“Nov 13, 1922 !FELIX HARLEY, ! On the 12 of November your parents were climbing a mountain in Japan. Sadly there was a landslide and your mother was trapped under the rocks and your father severely injured. 3 hours later, he sadly past away as well from a minor concussion. The will of your parents will be read out tomorrow at their funeral in Germany. Unfortunately you can’t go to the funeral because of school needs. !Sincerely, Paul Loners !Lawyer of Tobey Harley ! “Thats it,” “Ok, you may go back to your dorm now, Is everything ok?” “Yes,” I lied, I walked down the stairs and tear’s started to pour down my cheeks. I let them run until I got to the bottom of the stairs, where the long walk back to my dorm across the sports field started.


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That was when I didn’t want anyone to see me crying because all the four towers could see me. So I wiped away the tears and ran as fast as I could back to my dorm. As soon as I was in I burst back into tears.


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The Letter a

The next day I woke with a start I pulled on my clothes, woke up my friend Mohammed and we both went down to breakfast. After we ate, Mohammed said he needed to go to his crossword society meeting with Prof. Peterson. Mohammed was in charge of the crossword society and was Prof. Petersons favorite student.

! After a long boring day of school Mohammed and I met up in our tower and had a long conversation about our homework. A few hours later Mr.Johnson walked in. In his usual long black suit and a pink tie. He called Mohammed out into the hall. A few moments later I was called out too. After a long piece of silence Mr. Johnson finally spoke “ Professor Peterson as you may know hasn’t been here over the past few days and we have just received a letter from him. Would you like to open it?” “Yes please.”


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Mohammed opened up the envelope and unfolded it. He then read it aloud. “To my dear old Mohammed, !I have been kidnapped by a group of bandits in the west of London. Last night I heard they are after one of your friends. Felix Harley.” he stopped “Mr. Harley” Mr. Johnson said “We need to get you out of here, We need to send you somewhere. They're after you”


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Cambridge ! “Cambridge, thats where they’ll never think you're there” “But, where in Cambridge” I replied after Mr.Johnson. “Maybe a Pub inn” “no,no thats… too obvious. Maybe the University, they wouldn’t think a 14 year old would be there would they.” “ I guess but who would let me stay there, None of the Prefects or professors would let me stay with them. I’m… I’m only 14. But then I guess there’s nowhere else. Unless you have any more Idea’s”. “No” he Replied. !

3 Day’s Later !The sign read ‘Welcome’. I was shaking, I couldn’t control my thought’s ,all of my emotions were rushing to my brain. Scared, excited, nervous and most of all frightened. I was going somewhere I had never been and there were a band of murderers after me.


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I walked in. There were students everywhere walking in multi directions all over the place. I saw a man walking towards me I hid behind Mr. Johnson. When he came over he said something in French to Mr. Johnson. I can speak French I just couldn’t hear them over the noise of all the students. “ Felix I would like to introduce you to Mr.Doulette he’s the Language studies teacher and he is aware of what is happening. The school is also aware and are on full security to make sure nothing happens to you. I’ll hand you over, stay safe.” Next Mr. Johnson disappeared into the crowd. “Nice to meet you sir. I will show you around and make you feel at home. The people are really kind around here, and would be fine to let you stay until its safe. I’ll take you to the dining hall to get some food first. Today we have sunday lunch.” After he said that I cheered up a bit “ Sunday lunch, Thats my favourite” “Oh, you’ll love it then.” “I’m French and English food is slobber but Cambridge sunday lunch is the best.”


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I noticed I was getting a bit of attention now but it was fine, I was used to it at Eton. But this was different and a lot more crowded. Mr.Doulette took me into a room filled with prefects and other teachers. Mr.Doulette said something in a language I didn’t understand. We went and sat in the far corner of the room but after about an hour I bet every teacher in the school was asking questions or waiting to ask them, they were all inquisitive about why I was there. Finally, I asked Mr.Doulette if we could go. At this point I am more scared of the teachers than Death. The next place he took us was my room. I would be sleeping with a guard outside so the bandits couldn’t get me during the night or when I’m hang’in out there during the day.


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Run !

It was about 7 days before I saw Mr.Doulette He told me he had some stern news “ Prof. Santiago our Science studies teacher here at Cambridge has been murdered and…..” Bang! a loud sound stopped Mr.Doulette in the middle of his sentence, everyone went quiet, until another bang sounded and everyone started screaming. Then someone said something on the school speaker system. I had met the head before but this was nothing like it, and when the sound calmed down I started to run. The man on the speaker had said “ Turn in Felix Harley or you all die.” ! I decided I was to hide in the bins out behind the western tower I was in the southern tower by the common rooms. Luckily I was small enough to fit round everyone and occasionally I improvised by going through someone’s legs. After about 5 minutes, I got to the south tower.


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I slammed through the door and out the back, I dived into one of the empty bins and slammed the lid. I must have been in there for hours I couldn’t tell I had lost my watch somewhere. When I heard some voices they were there for maybe 10 minutes. Then one man yelled “If you're here show yourself or the whole school blows!” I didn’t reply, and as I thought they left. I decided to get out and follow them. It looked like they were headed for the entrance they must have been leaving. One man nearly saw me a couple of times. Finally they got in something, I think it was a lorry. I decided to jump into one of the crates they were loading to follow them . I realised that they were all empty for some peculiar reason.


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It’s going Down !

I was only in there for 2 minutes when I got picked up and put into what I thought was a lorry. After 10 minutes of straight driving I decided to take a peek out the box. It seemed I was on the top of a mound of crates. There were no men in sight so I decided to jump out. I quickly slid the lid back on and ran to the back of the van. There was a complicated lock that I would never be able to open so I decided to look in some of the crates and see what there was. The first few I looked at were empty, finally I came across a crate where there was a lock. Luckily I always carry a pen knife in my shoe so I slid my shoe off and picked the pen knife out. I flicked open the bottle opener and it fit perfect the lock opened up and I lifted the lid. Inside there were about fifty handguns. I rummaged through some of them. I found one that was quite small but could fold up and fit in my shoe incase I needed it.


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I also got a heavy gun just for an emergency. At the very bottom there was a rucksack full of grenades so I decided to put my gun in that and and put it on my back. I decided that I should put everything as it was before and hide somewhere. They would soon stop so I needed to find somewhere to hide that wasn’t in one of the crates. I found a little gap in the roof that was big enough to fit through. On top there was another floor they must be using one of the London buses to disguise them. Up stairs there were just rows after rows of seats so this was obviously not being used. I walked over to the window and peered through the curtain I just caught a glimpse of a sign in bold saying ‘MANCHESTER’. We were obviously pulling into Manchester. I ran to the back to confirm and as I did I noticed that there was a balcony out the back. We were about to pass a few tree’s and as I said it. I jumped. I clung hold of a branch for dear life and swung myself up onto the branch and made my way quickly down the tree.


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When I got down I saw a quad bike with its keys in. I ran over and flung my legs over. I had never ridden one but my father had who had shown me. I put it into gear and fired away I was chasing them down the road. It looked like they were heading for the docks I went on the opposite side of the guard house so they wouldn’t see me I rushed alongside the bus until they went up a ramp onto a ship. I then got off and jumped into a rowing boat where I rowed out to the bow of the ship where I climbed up the ladder and onto the back of the ship. I placed several bombs from my bag and set the timer to 30 minutes. I then ran up to the control tower to see what was happening with all the equipment and to find out where Prof. Peterson was. On the way I saw a huge machine from a window and inside was the Professor. He was screwing on a few panels with some levers and buttons on. Then some men came in and put a gun to his head and told him to go through a door. I slowly crept through the window still conscious of the bombs and followed them.


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It led to an unusually looking room where I hid behind some cupboards and listened.I thought I told you not to return without the boy.” “Sorry mam he mustn’t have gone to Cambridge maybe the professor at Eton was lying.” “Then go threaten him”. There was a pause it sounded like a man and woman talking. After that the man said something “We killed all of them after we asked” …… Bang! There was a loud noise of some sort when I lifted my head to see what happened the woman was walking out the door and next door the man was being carried away. Dead! “ Head for the Isle of Man we’ll have to go without him.”


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Out Now !

I followed the woman into a wide opened room where the machine was that I had seen from the window except it was as if the one I saw before was just a model. This was so much bigger and more advanced. I saw an awkwardly weird room. I peered through the window. There sat the Professor alone. He was writing down something. I swung open the door and as soon as the professor saw me he put a smile on his face. “We’re getting out of here we have 5 minutes.” “Ok” and that was all the professor said. I then gave him the pistol from in my shoe and gave him some grenades. I got out my tommy gun and some grenades. When we walked out the door the ship gave a sudden lurch. It was moving. “We have to run” I said. We ran down to the bow of the ship where my boat was still there we through our grenades at the oil tank and rowed all the way out to the port we then fired away at the machine room that the professor pointed out.


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Finally we threw the weapons in the sea. “Thank, you Felix. I bet you have no idea what you have just done.” “No” I replied. “You have saved the whole of Russia, That machine was a super bomb ten times more critical than a nuke.” “B-but who would want to do that.” “Babushka, the Russians killed her family in the great war and she is there for revenge. Or was there for revenge.” we both laughed “ But thats not the point you just saved a country if not the world.” There were sirens in the distance. “Let’s get out of here” I said

1 day later !

“It seems we can’t stay out of trouble can we” mentioned Prefect Adolf. I didn’t reply. “ Although you have done a great deed you have cost 6 people there lives. Remember i’m watching you at all times from now on. “Ok.”