bloteiib hall · p3 m^;bchant tailor, in mciiy ami .cuilihwa bt«dj-mtdu clothing. sussex...

VOL. V. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, N E W JERSEY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1875. NO. 46 IRON ERA ETEUT SATUUHAI i r B E J . II- VOGT. Kl>lTt)iUKi>r»oiilEi'on.' i on Minis Strut now Blaciwell. TEKMS «P SUBHCIIIPTIO* ni! Mouth., •; 1M I,m montta,- - -•-• - - -.M PASSAGE TICKETS Liverpool on tto It [VJIAN, Quoenstp-rvn uawibip linci; cr.\.\ni). NATIONAL, i wiTiiool nrld Great We.teru. infUon Eo(laiitl'»»il Iloyal Bank OIlKlaDd E L1NDM.EV, Ajonl, WKkmll»»««'. Dow,;*. J. Slate Roofing j Tl ,»ji iKujliti.o.l.dBO of rkca rcsGoifaljIc. ,niniurMi^oS ol " flt ' lr0i n IV nixirir "l^RA. HARRIS, PHYSICIAN and SUIIGBON. DOVEK, N. J. K UKIIDKHOK of D.IXIKI. Joll-V P. STICKLE, Counsellor at Law AND JIASTBR IN CIIANOUIIY, HOCKAWAY. N. J J. J. VREELAND, Carpenter and liiiildor, Jobbing promptly atlonded to. 8Uon. 0a BLACKWBLI; 81., noil to Oaje, H.l.oJ . lumbor mill. - Contract) Ukcn, .ud m.lerlal furniHbail. T||-ASSIOV IIOUSK. ; Curucr or Ulai-kwoll amiflu.ioxRla. DOVER, N. J. I. B, JOLLEY, Proprietor, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEll IN CHANOEBY, yfllwiijtbe Niliouil Duiou'liiink Building ^ucrr 4ui* St., DOVEB,i N. J. trUIGIIUOUR * QBIITII. ATTORNEYS & Cur. Blickvell aud SUHWX flti.. * . .DOVER, J»TiJ;* Mb«Htb1lfi70."- i> -' l! -' 1 ; 1-lyr. " Dtnnn qillOJIAH ANUUltlON, ' ; ATTORNEY Counsellor at La^, DOVEtt, N. J. - ODlct nn iceoud floor of ibo N»tlon*t Untoi Dull Biiilflioff. •.; , ;,- f; . !M-lf V........ ' O.M.1.1, Furnishing Undertaker /.IC'ESSED AUqTIOXEI^ll AND COMJIIfl- BIIHEI1 0? DEEDS, ' Ml ordora prumpUy •tltoriiMto: VJ * ' uiNI'rlcTUBKnoF Carriages an&Sleighs, OriZrery Dc««ri|tllon. ' '.-, 5w. niwiiwcll and flnrgen Utl, DOVUB, N. J. Pullcuhr attantlon palJ tu ropafrin/r: tad piinllnj;. ft , ! »-ly AIUTI »ai] I m l r i o i or ill deieritiUuiii or OltES AM) MINKllAI.S PAHEPULLY HADE. ' . - HilardmrgaBTrmlMfu'riiiibsaoDapplieftUuti. L. o. MEjnviirl'il, . . Doitr Karri" Connt/H. J; j on, 5 Ciii'lieiitors. .. , : ! AND • : '...' . :' Jlulliloi-8. DOVEB, N.'j. ' .' ! ." . lobbing promptly attended ttf, ' S. J. PALMEIt, Architect. Organs and Melqdqon^ Repaired-and?Juned »»»»«;. In any part ot UorrM d u n l y . IA- *"" . . W. 8. WIHGHT, . . . DoTcr.N.J D. »Mim. AT LAW, xsr. a-. D °>r?Biii, xsr. a-. "mm: OHlW,JL0£mi.I. BTIlEEr, SUSSEX ' "' i>OVEK,kj. foreign ant) Dp.mestie Sega'rs ALWAV8 ON IIAN ALWAV8 ON IIANB. Q E0. A. PRESCOTT. WRPENTEB and. BUILDER, HALL, «W,inaBiil.iWfon.l.beJ. n ' l} !Sa<«lSPEfiIFIOATIONS M to "pMlty I , iovEIl,M.J, llttsiiiftss Cards. IIOMCEOPA THIC PHYSICIAN &ASUII«EOX, Cor. Blackwoll & Warren Stt. (Oppa.ilo Dover Dank,) DOVE11, K. J., tHiB ut Wotucii AnO Ubitdrai, i,i>a\vl Iba E)u nud Car Bpodsltlci. . ' OfiicaII,iun: T t,iU A.M,, 1 to 3«nd7 to8 J'.lf, 18-aopil , , . : - J. I.. LAWBENOBT"] S TJRV E YO B Sfirvoys, LCTCISIIIKI Grpftap tnkJe for Public anJ Prlvilo Iaiiii-n^moiil^ OrnoK: BHS3EX BTIIEET,' [Ne.r llio Oo>l Drldue.) . . 87 IIOVK11, H. J. .1. M. .BASSETTi. Civil Engineer and Surveyor, IIPCKAWAV, Ki J. ALL OI1DEHH l'HOMrTLY ATrENDED TO, 10-D ,_ Manufacturer of Segars and DlULIiB IN IMPOHTEP ril' TODACCO and OIOAUB, MOJlltlSTOWN. a.B.GrAG-E, JUSTIO FTHEPE/yC OOlue on Swisex Street, III tlio buililiiiK fortnurhr oouuiileiUi «n ofllou by Henry UcKnilia), ttrit floor. DOVER, H.-X Cullaciluiu nliondcd to wltli dllijfODee. Al*o, Agent for tin- but Lifj mid Fire Iniur- U. W. THURBEIj?, SUI'HIISTESDEST 01 POULIO SOlIOOLfl OF M0IUII9 OODNTI.- ; Oftii-u or*r aKO. llldUnDg ACo.'a l^T DOVEIt, N. J. }cbl oQlco Iionrs ua UaturdivB from 9 A, WQODFOUT HOUSE, THOMAS IIUIGHT, Proprietor. WOQDPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. m i I I 3 well-known properly hurecently been X extfanulvolV iiujmivud tnd mod «raited,for tlio KccommDiUtiou of Ihoto necking tvrotlrtt: iiinuucr renlduucn. Hitufttort tt lie head uj Lake KdiialcouirlHt onn ot the lnoit dealn- blpplu-oi rialindrusort to be found'within Iliu «amo dli aroooiNcw Votk, Iu tli!n nifilit ur tho Uncutmniiilflill luonnryuf Xuf ttiiirnNow IOTHBX, will. i-« jlljnt limit Itif; and flklilbR, ami flue drlvia, It IH not umiaKiicil lijniiy other in tlio locality. . : en Dtm-r, eight in I la* <1lst»n.| an tli jl uf thoDcl. Ijick. AWi-«t. It. 1L train (roro Now Vurh Iu Die moruliii;. For p«rticnhr '---2IIIIB shore. - 2l-tf IRA C. COOPER, Mason and Builder. Can tracti taken ior nil' kiutli of Umop'Wo idJobbing.-; f - i; • i " ti' i Fnrulibca*t iliurt notice. ; tdor' ''Thu Irou Kr» Ofllcc," ;Darnr. S. R. OSMUN. Son fist, IHOKUISTOH'N, N. Ji, ila Proimotor for Horrii County of Pol. s <ixl,lc*Uaii, ke., &c, ke. Mansion House. LOO VAHDS PROM D. L. Jfc W. DEPOT ruiuoilatiou«(i>i- trinnfonL i BAR and BILLIARD ROOMS,* (VORHEK BUmx 1X1) C1MAU HTS..» DO. VIS It, N . J . i . all Huaj of FOREIGN a LIQUORS and Aim. WAOKESnOTII. ADA!I j5J$j&™};' faQbtantlj oil band. .... -;• ! -. MOIAEK'H OPERA BOUSE, :. apaoloua HilUr) lutotfor all kimla of culor ''*'."- ' X Beemer,' j HEAL K ^ £liickwoU6L,noar.Sussi!x,Davor,' K. X LOTS FOlt SALE. For ilonerlplloDi of Properly *nd |)ftrtlculk r enquire at tlin otDcc. •• • , CONOL.LY & QVMU SLATE and METAL ROOFERS, . 05 SOUTH 5tli AVENUE, NEWYOKR. iONOLLrd PAl-ENT FIHB IltOOF HOOFS. Rnofx ru^lriidaiitl palutod. Qnlv^nixcil Iron ••niIccBLOutto^, Lcatlors aud Vcntilatori. T LIVE," "THE. CANDY MAN," ..,; SUSSES; STREET, DOVEU, K. i., rho keopi coniUntly on hand <ho efaolcoiiie- , OpNFEOTIONEBIER, . ill, OrinRflit, Toyi, HDBI. EDTOIOIIBI; SU- moiyi etc., tobo iocnaiutill* aactlun. SAMUEL TBEWARTEA. M. &, I. Searing CARPENTERS. andBUILDERS, BtaCETXLL BT., DOVEE.N.J. Jobbing in General. DtccmbtrSllhJKO." BLOTEIIB HALL J. W. BABBITT, PRACTICAL TAILOR. "11TAKV w i n In ttio clothing uuilu^a In 1YL »IO(IIIISTI>\V«, l,ia Lulu tip a lir e . anaincreaii!n],'tmuoauil nowload, tlio city In bU line will) lUo|Hrt;oat .tore, lur^uit Block, bi'il vorkmcu and low pricou, Mtn'i nil ^Vool Ooulile and Twi« suitBouir - - 8io,oo Good Heavy Suits - . GOO Woikiu; Puuts - ' 1.00 11 " rilra 1.60 Good WorlUus 'Paula DallbU' extra ;•' - - .... - - - 91.75 OHILDBEN'S SOTra ASPEOIALXI PEOlt «2 TO S9. auortiuiuil of FISK CLOTHIKO tor USN, .YOUriU 1 aad LO i'H. OVER 2,000 PAIB OF PANTS. Don't fall to call and in On BA1WAISS >nd iBlomaLod At Ilia lonr pricca tm (joud cloth- J. Vf. BABillT. WILLIAM SIMON, P3 M^;BCHANT TAILOR, In Mciiy ami .CUilihWa Bt«dj- Mtdu Clothing. SUSSEX ST.j. [!W dour from Blackw. - : DOVEll, N. J,, Annonnccs to lie public tint bii stock of cool* GlotU, Kincy CsmiiUDTM nnd Vm-tincB, by the yard cut to lit williout charge,or lusilo to order ilio ihnrtHBl cnlicL'. AIKO eonmanlir on .nd- a larffo vnria>y of-Oeul. 1 KuruliUlng I.ptr/tculRrljcttllitU'Oiion fotny' " """'' ilTO SUMMElt STOCK, AM being carefully Kolceied inddtTurod at prlbc. iBuitlbottinm. Iraiimldoruuwlf ID Uiroul t .iiKitlttot. with Ncivuit ondrJuvVarbd.ith- iKliouft:*. tuil tfji'ri'fuieniicto tuy prices tbe iiWIO will re«OHy dim-cru (hat I muaxlllioral Rilg«i'iK)rWt,ati1(Hir (rumIllacbtrtill, ii-lr; . -: WILLIAM SIMON. " A NEW WOOD and COAL TABD IK DOVER. Tlia Hubsciiber liai opened * now jard Tor hostks or COAL and WOOD, on ULACKWELL STKEET, noit to GAGE it HALSKY'S Lumber Tudi. Constantly on li«nd all klndi or OOAL! LBIIIQ1I, BCBAHrON ASD BITOMINODa COAL, DBLIVEUED TO ANY PAHT ... OF DOVKU Oil VICINITY. WOOD, DtU tintd ind lane, for u l a at tlo j*rd or ilollTorctl. Lime, Plaster, Cement, FEED and GRAIN ol all kinds. An experieuco orttrcWe j e » n In tht bniiociri. Vtrrantn. I thick a porfect knoirtedfjo of it, and til TVIJH fitor me with their patnmago, ran rely npon foil iroifiMi, biinoit datllDK, LOW r j l l C i a , sna_protnj!lnPin in Illling orilori. OIHCB In J. J . Vrcol«nd'i Carpenter Shop. Wm. HILL. DuTor, Ancuit25tb, 1675. W. S. & E. F. DcCAMP, NEGOTIATORS 4 PROSPECTORS lot Iroa Ores nnil Mineral Property, P. O. nt BOOKTON, N. J. Wtf.S.DxOixp. FJ).F. DIOAHP. ai-ij ; WANTED, FOE CASH, RAOS, PAPERi OLDBOOKSTOCK, LEAD, cbrran, unAss, to. , MIOHAEL WEtan's, OLACItWELL St., D0YIB, N. I It addroil by mall. SMf IX.SUIIANCE A Sl'ECIALTT. E. & G. H. Ross & Breese, Insurance Agents, Omcc, Old lion llnuk Uuildliic, Morristown, N. J. XDWIX llosH, ai:o. 11. II,M». t>Tt:]'ULK U u t u l l A. J COE, Collector, DOVEn. N. J. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Araoricau Ijitiua] 1 M , OU., of Newark H.J., A M I over SI,WO,mo Hdro!mnta' Mutual Ina. Go., of Kewark N.I,, AiisUovcr 600X00 riremou's Uutna] Iua. On; of Kfwark . H. J,, Aasttts ov,:r 500,000 Otiuiiania Uutua] Ins. Oo,, of Nowarl* H.J., Oapiui, 200,000 £tnn IuBuranca Oumpuny, of Flaitfor^ Oonn., Aisiiw, 6,OOJ,O0O OontiDetita! Iu:mraU(iu Ociiupiuiy, or Hiw York, Capitil, 1,000,000 ITulual jjuuiTil I.fe Iu. On., of Newark )0H,J., Aueti, 20,000,000 WILLIAM HARRIS, .TEWET^ER, Sussex Street, Dover, N. J. H AYIN'O rcmo<McdaiiAruflU<>l mystoro I NUI N'MI klllU ttl IllOOt ttiD Wt^lS Ot 10' uuilQiuiirH with liotinr ncf-nmmnilstinni: o'"' ' Urfitntouk ofgnodi thin oror before, BATCHES, CLOCKS a u •vo' xs E. n. ~%r. SILVEB PLATED WAKE ol Qow d«iIgD8—niisiuinsHoil Iu tills suction. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FI3STE WORK. All fcllids or rfipsMug earorullj »n.1 promptlj done. Poolinj under ubllgAtlotiB tu tlio pubtii for pant fmorit, I Loiie by good work and fall lnK to'merit & contlauaiico of tlio mtna, tr wir. HAKRIB. CHESTER MARBLE WORKS. J. S. HILDEBRANT. ikUHUriCTimiEor Monuments, Tombstones, Ac. MADK TO O11DEH INEVERY 8TVLE, I lIIE uudnntlRin;J Uu^i le»ra tu Biinounct 1 1 , tlio iiublie (list bo Is nowprcpireil to IIWQ- nfucturo iiid iril) loop coustautly ou hind thu lntcatdciiiRna of MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, BIANTLKS, &.0, Coraefory nialw oncloiwi of Qrsaito nud Star- blo rontB. Every jab WBrrnutud tofiivoc pteto snllsfiotiun- I'IICOB in ml urn t u J. s. HILDEMIANT; OlTOdlTB ClIESTEn IIoUS 10-ly CHESTER, N. J. J. HAIKHOXJSE, Cor. Blackwell &Sussex .Sts., DOVEB, K. A Runtral reduction in ptli JEWBLEY, SOLID GOLD - UINOS riila EnftraTo J, Eiiioislud a»a EusmotunioJ. PEIIA 0HA1NS and OENIS 1 VEST CHAINS. GOLD AFD BILVEK THIMBLUBi tlPEcrACLES and £YE'OLA£iiES or all do- itlpUeni. Odd, Bllrcr, Steel, llnbbur and Shell. THEFAinCIIILD OOLD TEN, uninr- paiiod Torfluoocj-aai gouorat eicelllupco. I aca ttlto adding to my stock nuw itvlcuin rllclc* of mlid (ilvot and plated ware, mitablo for wedding preiteuti, FOltKH, KPOONfi, »nd artldra fur lable uio»t greill/ naducttj jiricti HAIR JEWELRY. Deilgni of every duicrlptlun contained ia loail- ; pattern boolii, can bo mada to urdor. EiDoclil attention Rlvon to Iho EDGIM WATCH MOVEMENT, called the ATcry TVtlcli, Also, agent for tbo Howard, tfaltiutn, tfyringlMd ami KorclffO WstcL. Hiring a ipeclaltjr and vrarranli'd. ENanA^NQ NEATLV BOSU. Or.ilillii n:jrinil>.oulli> nf mind Tliat tl.riMisli Iliu comu Ilir Vihkh DUL-V-CI L-'irm Jfjr, iuiiim hu Iwauitftil, r-sloufiiiifj'! 1 . Tin- Iliinj; n-ttli)tij; ftir, Him wo iro For oiiu trnl.^-rn.IfUl moiuct, ilbfoTO the 1'iDfoci [u.or mul UJIO Can ni» he Ims^ftriD^ ciimtiitut. And loneioE wold* la c!*y nbit Ufa CutVLBIID Ilia mn blo It. al; Tu lut t!i« »oir life tu, Wo kituvv, Dtslro luual opu the |.urlal ;— J'crliapH tio luugitiu (11 bo BO lIulpK mikt tin? (ijtil iiuuiurUI. I,DI)(-III|; Oud'f Iiuiivoutvird w Witti uurpuuroaribu'ard iliiviug; Wo quunuli it tliat vru mar UHill CoiiUut witliniorilyiiriiiijj tint, would no li-flro iliu Luatl'i full i Wi And luaiiz utU clJ[iiL from liupu tohopif, IT Mi I lut uu hop* tliat to our pr-mo U,,oJ Ufttl nut only r^liunu Tli<.- inninuntH wliuu Wo Iroad Hli w»y«, Hut trli.-u tilt' Hiil'rlt li»L'tnin,_ Tlint Bumir ilifjlit K'IDJ IS aim wroucbt Ituyond Hfiir-RalifirU(itiou, Wltpu wwaro iiui[iW Kuod m thought, lloivi^rwof.flfii action. - J .»rj ltrcfiiii LowtiL. FOUKb IIKAK. 'J'licy (nuudhcr doid Onu snowy morn Ing ID fli ••. struot, Jlor culil cbuck icstinjj w ttiu |ii-arly iboo!, Around Lcr iprnd | And OD bor lip* a quint imllo it'|ionoi], Ai If In il«o|) life's woarj droam bad cloiod. Htio ilotpa tb# Inat, Intt •loop; Doaili'i leal vn> onhar brovf.aud iliulim Taiiod, ! LcftviiiK »u friend* to wutp, lovlun onen tocuue rt auimul liuum, To iprinklo DM liar boium loan and Oowon. No narui audnuittle liioO C!nptd Lori iutouderccM »n iu tLo ul^bt ' root out simtlj- from tlno world ol UgUt Into the •litulnwy hud; Mo caitbly mollior llngorud at lior 1IJ0 To lioar hjr hut lour wurintrs irbeti alio diod. K'u? nut niun Lor— Ouc gftitlo volcu ouo, loving amll Tbo doriolato uuknowa; One band of morcy tod licr o'er Doatb'a forai, Juto tlio luttor land, tu frioadi t\udlionio, ne FrUnd kojit walsb wltb near EEA-DIATI0N8. fi uffuiiB—Wrestling nmtchea, A liL'avy i lgt —The uutrmico uf tbo Tlio best TYOJ 1 to kqep bouiHu—Don't [nil n tunrlGMgo uu it. What is tbo greatest atuuil ovor taado [or civiliUfttioa V Tbe inkstand. Our (livil says lio.likcB to work after hours, bectmsu jt ia past-time. AbDokseller lutaly .arlvcrthod thnt li Lad plenty of HCATOO books for enlo. A new deflnitiou of un old maid is—A woman who bns lisbj .maid fur a lmifi time. * "Oiil coy uiuustaoba trouble you?' ..lid lie to lier.. "No,"ubo Bipbed ; "] only jolt alittle down ft. tlia inoutli." Good uovrs fur tlie Iitfldtioijists i Tlw Golden Age \>M disappeared in tlie Nation, _ .;. .' * "la tbat clock ticlit i tliei oaked a visitor, tlio ctliur day. "Right ovor them ?" snid tUo boy; 'tatu't novlieto elaa." ' . 'Sliinulo weddings" pro now coming ioto fasbluu. Tbii uorel wedding Ukos plnoo when t i old onoiigli PEOPLE'S STORE." (ONE PEICE ONLY.) •I-VO1IE3TIO DEPAHTUENT: inunxa, itnrmao, nixow CJBHO, TICEI.IO, IX1»KEU, DUKKXTB, QUILTSlUItSSUXES, T COMB XKB inTonEDj PHIsTs, ai.iaituii, ABHE, COTTOK XVD VrQhBTVM, OABftTT WA11T, i| aBVTi'roonii 1 AMD CHIUJREH'* u.nptn- w, 8. BA.nniTT, llOBJUBTOmf, If. /. Good conundrum for young ladies tu prnatico ou—when will the alphubot hnva only twODty-fivo letters? When XJ and I oro made one. A newmode of disperuiiig a mob bna been discovered—fluid to auporscdo tlio cecassary of a military forco ; it ia to paai erouud n contribution box. A woman is very liko n koltle, if JQU oomo to tbink of ft, Blio alnge nwny GO pleasantly—tlieu UUQ Btops—and, wliou you least oipcot it, aba boils over I A handsome youlb. beinff questionod by a rollior styhsb lady us to bis occupa- tion, replied tbat ho waa "imadjuster of lovcoblo alpbabcta." lie was simply a rmtcr, "Joliu, I wisli you'd eloao that door," iid an irritable father to liia son, "Your mother muat bo Molding some- body nt tlia other end of tbo hall, there's such a draught from tbat quarter." An inebriate in Fart Jorvia fell nud struck his nata ngainst a imrWa polo. On being raised from tho ground, he asked, "Wliat'n ttiunder 'zat (hio) wo- mnn vV nlrtpo.1 stockin'u ou got (hie) ogin me ?" Seven men in Fort Wayne agroed to draw straws toseewbovastlielaiieat one, but when tlio last citizen was roaoliud, bo rcfimud tn dinw, un the plen tliut ho vostoolitxy 16 roach put: nod innUo thn Iffbrt. : , . , Tlio wirninu who tliiilll^ anmud iu cloth alip|>tii-sr broken down nt tlio bent, nnd wipoa liurnusu ona ilut-jron holder, is tlio ono who leaves gristle in l iur minco picsnnrt runs a hairpin in liur bread to eeo if it's dono, Pursoa's dauglitor (totho Sqniru'e KucporJ—"What aro you doing wttb Ibo pheasants, Mugglea ? Keeper—"Wull, MUs, there's a lot o' city gciits a comin' donu with ntantor to slioot on firat. so I'm tnkiu a fovr o 1 their flifilit (oatlicra out 1" Muglminnia l>ml toudstogin nru very >ufuuilig objoots iu fluldu. It is impor- nt to kiiow (lie differonoe between llcra, but it (nkoa years to flnd out, find authorities differ, Tlio only Euro teat is to cat one. If you die, it in n toidstool. Never go to a rnujqtterndo-b&Il unless rou know who is not going. A man nay tinned with and say noft things to hit lervant-gii!, andwhen arterwnriis aho atki bimffarian iporenso of wnges ha doca not '/eel-'fjiiiterimlepoatlDnt in the ?romisei. /'J' •;•'•"' ' ';•'•"' ' • Emily Faithful advises females not to jarry*ustif*tt«'';ii«r'twinly-five yoara old; but bloasVpu, Emiljl yon migbt ns well nsk Adtnital.Semnics to keep hii mouth flhut'« ; (o*ask.a girl ol twenty to say "No"taaDiB^gomoat-riDS—jfit'sn nice one. ;• i>l "f:-;'" r -'.- •; h . ••":'.• Tlie mnnuotin which tha necessaries of. life ascouj ia price is rea'ly nliu&jngv '• Aa'.H-it -weronot enough tbottho costof clothos, food, and Eliollerubouid baFogohb,'np so ns to bo alt but out of reaob; tbo -oilier moruiug it WHO cliacoveroil that the Bun wss actu- ally rising. What next? A eonfemporory oiolaims,"Wouldn't it boftpood ])lan, vobn tho various 'walk- ate' get safely through their, trials of Rnlking nil aorta of distances, ia al! sorts of times, for nil sorts of wagers, to unito them in one great trial of setting still ami keeping qniot—with tboir names out of tho paper—say, for tho next ten years?" A for nijrhta ago, a Vickaburff woman waa trying hard to pot her drunken hus- band home, and ber words and actions were so tender thnt n oitiion halted and said—"Well, nil drunkard's wivoshnTca't your disposition," "*8h, don't nay any- thing," she replied, in o whisper, "I'vo pot to call him pet namos ta get him homo; bnt wait till ho drops inth« hill It i* n sad tliiug to we ton or twelv wouiiui get t-jgcftnur ftuil attempt to gaii 120 u 'j-ouicty Ut uid Lbs densri pin)]'.' Xlmy tried it ill Ninth aveuui Ilio ^iiierafteriiniiu. after huting tulkct up the mat tar for tliroe or four weeks. Thirteen ur fourteon of them mat by ap piiiutmcut, and after some akirtnitibiug ouo i)i tbo Dumber callud tbe meetiug; tu ordor mid auid that tho first dutj woul ha to elect a Pro;, id cut, A sbnrp-fuecd woiusu got up and HSI tliat flbd didu't wa'jt the positioin but il it wus iliu wibh of tlio tnQetiug she ehoul tuLo it, wliy, ul,o would. Tboro was puinfnl pauiiu, aud a ftit woman arose and miid (bat Bhu had constdarablo ci- piiriniiuu wilh such' eogietioa, and thai lilic thuught tho could render greatei personal aid if made President.. Then waa nuutlior paiuful pause, aud a Httli woman ,ro3e up and squoaked: "I move tu lav tun subject on th tnblo I" Tlio utlifir wotnon .loouml ut ber iu A ..ooziud wuy, aud it wfH suegostud tha a ballot bo tukon. All readily agreed t< this, aud the ballots were prepared aud a bonnet panned nrouud, wbcu the vote was counted it was found out thai uuch wumiD had put ia at lout one fu henelfnnJ throo of them hud put in tw oi tlireo. Tlio Presidentpro Urn, looku, very grave as aha stood up and it- marked. 'Ladies, I trait tlint this error may not occur again." It did, however, or at least eacb on :nnt a vote for herself, bat uu the third ballot s olioioo was tuudo and tbo lucky woman took hor sent, iinootlicd out tin folds ol hor dross, nod ronmrkad : "The next thiug in order ia tho—tbi uoit thing I" A worarn with a wart on her nose, tbeu made u Bpeooh, Ba.ving tbat she had boon tronaurer of several sun Star asaocia- tion, und that if it waa tbo wisb of tlis oouvention she. would neeojifc the nffica. It didn't ic«m to bo tbo wish, bowovcr. " I movB to adjourn I" solemnly ex- olttimed a womnn withfllarge back-comb. 'The motion is not in order," replied romnn across the room. "AniliuUie chair or you ?" deman did tbo President. " I move to roconftider thomotion I' scjtiQikcd tbo little woman. "1 support the quoatiou |" put In the fat woman. The President wiped her Bpootaclos ruppud on tho etovo pipo and replied ; "Ladies and guutlcraea, tboro ia no niolion, boforo the houao, and the ques- tion to nrijourii is out nf ordor," "Not much I" oicluimecl a woman nearly nix feet high, drawing herault up. "I'te Ht'cu muru mcotiugs of this kind than tho President ever heard of, nnd I know that nn order toadjourn is always in motion I" "Hu is your tongue I" Raid ono of tho league, uiul tha President kuoclicd -on the stove-pipe, and euiil ; "Tba oliuir bullavca she kuows hor business ai well as hoj worn mi wearing plated jowolry, or aa well as if bho had i> wn-t nn li«r noso I Wo will now proceed to oleot a Secretary and Treasurer. How shnllthoy bo elected ?" "Yiver roicor I" cried one, ' I motion by ballot I" added a sec- ond, •• 'By oxclamaUou 1" ehouteda tiiird. "You mean acdimalion," oxplaincd the President, looking at the Inst bpenlc- ur. " I don't wonr an Alaska diamond.' WHS tbo reply, "but I know ns much at no folks Unit dot" 'Less journ 1" shouted it fcuinlo wbo wnu bont in IS 10, "ImnvA the pravioiu motion," put in tho fht woman. '. "•\ViUflon.o ouo nobiitiftU a caudi- dato ?" nuked tho President. A paiuful elloncD onauod. Tlio fall of a hair-pin would IIHTO lunded likea hair-pin falling over onto n stove-boiler. 'Esau Loped to have sotno ono etco uominoto liar, &ud all tborcforo, breathed bard and kopt si lonce, I uorainnto Miu ," flnallf said the President, seeing there was a dead- lock. "You cau't nominate aud put tlio ([iiostioE too !"squeaked an oluludy with Doan-cntcherE. ' "I order tlio prayioiis mtitibn," paid a womnn with A red shawl. "Aud I'm* gain lima 1" added tho fnt womau. n'otnan, "Sonm 11" "Boam11" And thoy stalked out, loa?ing tho President tyinp; up her loft shoo, and her eyes (lashing wild-catt. And alt this ia why Detroit liWnt nuother "Society to Aid tho Deserving Poor."—Detroit Free A TAUE WOODCHUCK.—At tho house n friend, in Lawrenca County, we taly saw a ourious household pot—a anio woodclinck named Cbarlio. He was found, alone ia tbq bigbwny, in the summer uf 1879, and was then scarcely larger than an ordinary mouse. Ho soon boonmo neeuatoraod to bia nowhomo, nnd allowed tho members of- tho family to handle nnd caress him, anil wns quite playful and domesticated. For a tirno iia took up lodgings in tho birn, hut •subsequently made himself a house in tlio woodshed, which ha furnished with bits of pnpor, straw atid other light ina- orinl. lining domosticritod so young, IO never lenrned to obtain Iiis own food, ir seemed to realize that it could be ob- tained "iniba garden or flieflslds, but depended entirely unon what wns pro- i(bd for liini nt tho IIOIIKC, wbioli bo 'isitod mftiiyUmos a day. He is vory nnd of- milk, nugnr, oaks or pis, but his iworite dish is bnilod polatooa, orgrecu iiioumbcrs, nnd bo dues uot care to oat brrail. Wlicnn-yor ho is lmimry, ba runs lo tlto house, chatterin<r aa he goes, And if ho failti lo find his food in its accus- tomod plucn, hn begs of tlio lady ot the liouao, by sitting np on his hind lega lil.oE squirrel, and making a pccnliar chattering noise. - If not attended to (it unco, Uo takes hold of hor dress nnri en- deavors to pull her toward thu hid or, wbcro his food Is usually kept Ho ve- tiros caoli evening about iiinsot, always taking earn, however, not to an to bod without Ilia supiier. In tlio juttcr part if Scptombor, 1873, Clmrlie wns miasiu?, aving left the bouso as usual tlio previ- ous ovening, and was not soon again un- til tbo early part of the following April. Whan he returned, ho came directly to tha hmisa, chattering as usual, nnd seem- ed quito' firtiiliar with tha household end familjr, and Tery aeon told tlia lat- tar in plain terms tliat ho wanted his breakfast. Ho ato Tory sparingly for Dvcral days, although very thia wheu e returned from his winter a nnp. Pro- ious to loavinp in the fn.ll, he became Tory dull and iloopr, and at last, baiug entirely orercomo oy tho disposition tu sleep, be sought Iiis winter qanrters, which wcro nfterwards found under tho off, intbo barn, Tnliinff tho Ilfsili. Tbo other day & colored resident of ickburg found a bottlo of whiskey in io Eiiburbs or tho city, and hailing a iiedastrmn, hotmiuircil :— 1 Dat's wliiskey, ain't it?" "Smells like it, and I euo»s it in," wus tlio reply. "Anil there ain't uo pi?.in in it ?" "Well, tluro mav be—I can't toll j I •honldu't want to diiuk it." "If there wore pizeu I'd bu a dead nigger, eh ?" "You would." "And if dero wasn't nnypizen I'd he wastiii a pint of good whiskey ?" "Yen." The finder turned the bottlo orer and ovor, smelletl of the cohtonts three or four times', and finally made ready tn drink, saying— "Dora's hca.pi of nizou lyin' around loois, but dere'i khto hoopa of niggers in Viciborj, ta 1 Vn ffwine to tip np d» bottlo an 1 rnn do^hanoes." Hliudling hern in licit an u]>criitii)ii u nttcndL'U by ilnnger. A btc wemud ahvajHii ivrid II H mutter, luit it is i t p s attuictiling tu bo vigorously droad cd." We never jet liourd of n man wli would turn otitnf Iiis way tobofltun by ii bee. Hiving bees ia a fe:it requii ing cuiiHidernblo nerve, and tbe uioal careful jiroputatioUB oguiuiL ivouuds. case of hiving, or rutlior truusftirri from ouo hive to nnother, took jilnco tho Lualib farm, in the Bunker district, not long npo, the fuels of which just oiDio toour notice. [ftoy of our towiifiiuim know that Mi Loslio is ODD uf our must prudent farm- ers, caroful in hU uianagcmont, thorough iu iis work, and one of the most puno tual of man ina promise. He had purchased a now kind of hiv ou trial, nud desired to populate it wit a colony from ono of Ibe old hives. H< set to work on tbis object iu tlio mos characters.Uo way. Uo put ou aa oli pair of overalls, a thick shirt, and a. pair of long top buoU. Ha tioJ the battami of the overalls legs tightly nboat th itside of tlio boot leg*. Ho also put veil ovor liiu bead aud fastened it seourc- ly all around bis nock to tho collar of bis shirt. His hands wore or ' -"" gauntlet gloves, tho full hioh wore to thcsleaveaof bis sliirt. Tlius tquippod lie could safely engage iu uttacking any number of th tUikilri Ho arranged tbo two hives in a propc aunor, und proceeded tomake Ih transfer, His wifo stood iu tbo door, aa a faithful wife is prono tu do, aud care- fully watched tlie proceedings. The bees enmo out nud circled aiound Mr. Leslie, nnd buzzed ^ud sung, but lie ouly iini.ed. There is nothing BOattractive aa dun ger when you eujoy aa immunity from it. Tho boos nettled ou his bond and and legs, but lin kept «milin waaaittiutf ou his haunches, ma traimtor, and with sucli a glad fooling in his heart that ha could not dosoribo it He only kucw that ho wai Bate, and com posed and successful, nnd that was al be cared about it, Tlioro lrero a large number of tbo bees which wont into tbo now hive, but there was many of them which did not follow suit, and somo of :hem disappeared elsewhere. They were in old pair of overalls, we have said. Tima in its relentless march hud trav- craed tho seams so much that the heavy thread bad broken through inono place. It was a vory smalt slit, just in the insido of tbo leg, above tho knee. Ho well disposed person would have noticed it, but liecs ore not well disposed. He was bending over and mniling to himself when tbo first beo pierced this opening. It-went in ; no did another, and tbpn another. And then tlia first boo down on him. It waa a dreadful rmcrency for Mr, Leslie, But ha didn't pause. Bo emit- ted a yell rlmt split the air Kko a dis- ]liargo of artillcrv, f.ud then brokefor ho bam, Iia Iiurriod. Hn stepped ovor tbo other hives, and picked up a snw horse, aud stopped into a pall, nnd ran with TIOIGUOO against a tree. Tbo other boos inside sat down on himagain. Then be struck in a circlo and wont round nnd rouud with droadfut impetu- osity. Poor Mrs. Loslio I Hia'awful soroi md his gnlloping wound the yard fnirly poralyzodtho unfortunate woman. Sev- eral men working in a near lot licarc him and hastened to thoscene ; an old gentleman living in tho next houso, and >ossOBstug among olhor property, double "irrolled shot gun, oatno out and fired ,o snme Htrnlgut into tho nir.with won- derful presenco of mind. None of the cxaitcl party who rushed into tho yard recognized Mr. Loilie in tlie flying demon, groteiqiiely drossod, diagumad bytbe veil, which ho vainly itrovc to pull from his face, and suriek- Ufj at tbo ton of his voico. Ho made the barn Anally—fairly etu: Mod into it—and threw himself on the floor, nnil tore madly' at tbo overalls, whila tin horrified neighbors carefully borroi tho door, and Iiurriod tn Mm, Leslie to learn who the villiaa wns. "When tboy found that it really was Mr. Leslie they hasten ml back to him, nnd witb truo neighborly kiuduoss helped him lo unstrip. * Xlio excitement and the wounds com- bined confined him to his bed forn full week, IVIIBD ho felt strong onough to smash tbo patent boo hive with an axe, Tha aroralb) hnvo been sold to a tin lodtllor,—Danhury News. * K Curious lYcdilliijT. In tho cardons of arostauraut at Bor- in, a Bunburat German nnd lrisJapaneao wife mako their nppcarmiaa every wen- Ing. Tlio wife was brought from Japan by bor husband. It is an understood .lung that future honors ownit tbis mas, 'or bo is chosen as secretory to the Lord of Blclituofen; Prince Bianmrk nos- scssea un only daughter, betrothed to Ricbthofon, who is to proceed as Ger- lan ambaiaador to tho Court of Japan, ad ho fnust talo a RccroUry who uuder- stands tho Japanese lnuguage ; soleetion there is none, and onjy ono mnn can bo found to fill the situation. How Kippert boeamo possessed of hia Japanese treos- ire was related by himself when in a jovial frame of mind only a fovr days linae, Iu 1870, Kippert iraa serving as itcwanl's mote on board tho Ariadne, a Prussian mnn-of-war. Suddenly, the tows nrriTod that Franco had declared mr against Germany. The French pro- lonncod tba Ariadne to be in blockade, ihc was closely watched byher formidn- jlo enoinica, who outnumborftd lior by ireo to one. At that time, Herr Ton Irimlt was tha Prussian Embmstndor nt Joddo, and bis sccretarj waa suddenly taken ill, to Brandt sant to auk tlia cap- tain of tlia Ariadne if he coulil uptu-e him anyono from amanget hfs'crow who was ipnble of acting aa secretary. Tbo cap- In selected tha stoward's mate, Kippert, md ho wns solemnly installed aa secre- tary to tho ombassy, "But,raygood fellow," said Herr Ton Brandt, "you must marry ; wo want a womin to net as housekeeper." Kipport tnqnirod of tha nibauador wore bo could lluil a wifo. [err von Brandt called his Japanese irvaut, wlio understood n. little German iid laid to him, "Jack, here nro ten lollan: aaddlo two horses, and ride to ho now villago with Kippert, and huy m a wifo there." Au ho^ir later, Ktp- ;st ond Jack trotted gaily fortti, anil irrived shortly beforo sunset at tbovil- ogo which oont&inad a number of hnta. 3oforo tboso huts were Urge tauki of iratar. ID wLich the woman and girls of iho pines paddled about, arrayod in tho nrimntivo dress of our mother Eve. tippert prooeedodnlongftt afoot'B pace; lie looked through his glasses, UkiUR oc- il&r inspeotion na ha passed. When ho ladniftdeliis choice bo pointed out ta Took tlio lady of his solcction. Tha ser- rant rods up to tho hut of tho father of ,hc young lady, nnd begced him to coma jut ol doors and talk to him, stated Ibo object of hia visit, nnd tho fatbar do- oiaadcd twenty dollars lor hia daughter, but subsequently accopted flvo. Jack turned bis horse round and trottod back lo Kippert. Tlio father mitdo a sign to Ihe (laughtar. Sho jumped joyfully out :>f the tank and ran forward to Kipport's ie, which sbspreparod to follow witb sUalacrity and nlgas of great delight. Kippert gat down from bis h'jrsa to make a bow to tlio lady, and at the wma imo ho slipped a sack thnt ho had all oady over her bead. He hail previously :HL thrca holes in tho sack for the bead id arms ; thus adorned, ia duo defer- ico to European customs, t!i»y pro- ceeded on their journey. Jeasa, aa Herr ran Enndt called her, learnt with grant toiio to clean tho rooms, to niako the beds, ind to trash upthe cups and snu- :era. Her husband mndo her two Irenaca willi bia owu cloverflDgprs,in •bicb sho neomcJ most proud to vrulk uhout When tho timo arrived that Kippert nil abta to roturn to Gormanr witli Ilerr TOU Brandt, ho wished to nnd 0319a buck toher father, but iho, flung heimlf i>t his feet, reeling violent und entreating not to l>t> oft behind' lie decided nn takiug liorwitb him. : hud bceu legally mnrnecl to Jcssa, w has been christened, rncciring tbo IIU of Mary; mid tlio pretty Japanese n< p l i s German, aud moves iu society if she had been educated ina firat-rati boarding school. Tho Australian boomerang is from feet to 38 inches in length, and is various Bh&pcu, curved a little, and look ing like a wooden new moon,. It ii made of hard, heavy wood, aud wcighi from ono to three pounds. Inthickne they vary from half an inch and taper a point at oach end. One of the nativ nicked up tho pieca of wood a*tl, poiiinj it mi inaUnst, threw it, giving it o rotan motion. For tho first hundred feet oi more it went straight ahead. Tboa i lackod to tbe left and roso slightly, stil routing rapidly. It kept tbis lattei course for a hundred foot moro, perhaps, hut BOOB Yoered to tho left again, de- scribing a broader curve, and a moment atcr foil to tbo earth six or right feat in front of tho thrower, having describee] nearly acirclo in Uie air. Another lative then took the tamo boomerang md cost it, holding it vrith tho sam grip. It took tho same course, but mad broader curves, and ns it citms ronn tbo black caught it in bis right hnnd. Another native neit threw it s.nd lodgoi it on theground about twenty feel behind him afterit'had described a oird( if two hundred yards or upward. After lim they nil tried it aud but ono of them failed to bring the weapon back to tbe Bpot where they stood, Cnrnboo, t native; theu naleoted from ihe heap ol boomerangs another one and cast it vitb a short jerk. It flew vei forty or fifty yards, whirli III. •• 1 . 4 • I .1 try Iquickly foi ling liko a top, Then it dartad into tbo air, fully one hundred foot, and cameova iur heads where it soomed to Lang uta. :ionarv fork moment, thon settled slowly, .till whirling, till he caught it. Two others of the blnoks did the eamo thing. Meanwhile, the writer BOTH, I had with my knife shaved a littl* of tbo wooj from the convex side of ona of the boomer- angs. This was now offered tn ono of them to throw, Hetook it without no- ting what I hod houo, poUed it, but iloppol short, and with a contemptuous ilu pea at my improvement, threwit lowu and exclaimed : "Bale budgarr 1" no good.) Tbe others then looked at It mutiously, but it was a bale budgsry ilao to them. No ono eould be induoei o throwit. Meyers nsked thorn whythey did iot use it, but thoy could not give icfinit« answer. It was plain tbat it tboy did not like tho war it poised when hold in the liana, yet I Ci,uld not distinguish nny difference whatever bo- :vrocn this and the other weapons. Bur- cigh flion walked ta a distnnco of two mndr"d foot or moro from thoblnckB md bid Carnboo throw to him. The mtivo looked at him rather curiously, lien, comprehending wlmt waa wonted, icleotod ono of tbe lionviost of tbo niis- ulea, and turning half round, threwit with groat forco in a direction almtiBt Jpposito to whore Burligh Btood, Tbo n-capon sped smnrtlj for sixty or seventy feet, thou tacked inan instant and flew directly at Uurloigh, and had ha not most eipoditiously dncked, he would have re- ceived a hard thump, if nothing worso [t struck tlio grouid twenty or thirty mcca beyond. This faat brought out s >road gria and Eomethingr like aobuoklc from the whole of them. Carnboo oven intimated tltathe would liko to try anotb ?r cast, but Burleigh expressed himsol ull.v satisfied. Mr. (another of our party), how over, offered to "take aahot," but not a too short a range. We were standing in front of one of tbo storehouses. Coiboo placed iufront of tho door nnd stood with his hack to him, with .'a head ou his shoulder. None of us know what sort of a manoBtivrohohadinbis mind, not Meyers. Standing in this uosition, the black threw tho boomerang" straight '—id. Immediately it ciirrml in the Then it disappeared around the corner of tho boildfog, ond, before h had timo to guess what was moant, cam round tho other end (havingpassed com )]fitely around the atorebouifl) and MTL him a eouuding slap on. the back, which mads his eyes snap. Ur. It. J. Hammill, of Vermont isau swomblo for tbe following: "deutle- nicn, I have had that dog these BI'X yenra, and I never saw a dog tliat ki more. Eour years ago I was trapping iu JNcuraaKa, Ono ovomng, when I camo lioino, I -found several ot tho settlers ratting for uo. They wanted mo to .ring niy dog to help in the bnnt for i Jlnld who bad lost lis way theniriit be ore. Tho frionds of the child had been looking for him all night and all dar ind hnd uot fonnd him.'- I started with Ponto iu scaich of the child, first find- ing the boy's truck, which I showed to Ponto. Tho dog did not understand rvhnt I wanted of him, but I got ono of ie hoy's stockings, and lot Ponto smell of it, and I then Bhowcd him the track : this timo ho understood what I wanted. 0 utartod off on tlio taa, bnt I called n a hack, and gotsomebreail andcheese, md I also filled my canteen with w«Ur, nil tiod this, with the brend and meat, o the neck of thedog, and started, him iwny oiice more. "We followed as lonff ia wa could hear Ponto hark, and when vo no longer had this toguide na, wo :ampcd for the night, nnd a clear ana noonlight night it waa. We atayed in mr carap till morning, *hen wo began listen aud look around, and try ii wo utld see or hoar anything of tho child, ttor waiting, andBceinc; or hearing ailing," wo HUrted off in different di- olioua. It wns ton o'clock in tbe fore- ioon boforo our most careful searching ml listening was rotvarded. At last., as giiilied an elevated ridce, I lienrd tlio r>g bark, and .you may bo sure we Btart- 1 off quickly onough in tho direction f iho BDuud. As I came nearer I whia- Icd. Then Pouto cime running toward io, and back ho woniil bouuee again Lo rboro ho was barking before. On. com- ng up, there was tha bov lying under a Urih, nnd fast asleep 1 *Thu poor little allow was frightened when we woke im, but bo soon got over it, and asked r his mamma, aud wan told that we ould tako him to hor. Then wo naked im how ho camo to bo lost. He said lint ho started out to flnd his papa, and opt on traveling until after dark, when io got so tired tbat he lay down and font to sleep. Ho stayed in tbat place mtil morniug, and then ho got up and ned to got home, but not being able to ot any farther, ho hy down whtre we Jiind him. HA said that whoa the doer iimo he wits at first afraid of him, but o saw thethings on him, called the dug JIIID, and took them off. The boy ras eight milos from home. Borne don, ou aoe, know a great dual moro* than otuo men, nnd Ponto ia ona of the pa," Fishing Dogfi. Itev. J. II. Borthwioh linn two dogs int spont tha greater part of tbeir time fifihiug. His houso is built on tbo iank of ii bnj, wbera the water has lacked in from the Itideau Canal, and he flsh, which areTory plentiful—chub, iaas nncl porch—como up within n few eel of tha kttchon doors. Tho two dogs -oBfi n Scotch terrier, nnd the other a ross between a spnniol and a Nowfound- ncd—commence flailing in Hie morning, md spend tho wholo day at it. Tlio orrier stands on a log, and when tbo all comes near him ho mnkes a snapat itm with hia tenth, and auiuotiines uuc- •eeds iu catching hia prey. Preqnently io pots so dizzv from watching ttio iisli hat ho tumbles into tho water, after which he has to go ashore nnd rest him- self before venturing ontbo logagnia. The other dog takes a different plan ; Le wadoa out into thewater until be is nil rered except hia head, and rcmnius ry quiet until tha fish aomu Tfc» _'anga port of it is be ncvor catenas Anything, nnd whDn the fish nibble nt Jiia noao he becomu^ no fiiglitenctl that io leaps out of tbo water. Yet tliia sport bus such a fasciuatiuu for him tbat ho remaius for hours at a time in tho wxtcr until ho becoinci so etiff he can hardly walk to the shore, and bo has contracted rheumatic pains that mako himhowl when ho tries to get up after lying down ID tho sualight to dry uimsolf. Tliu two animals are a curiosity, and afford con- siderablo amusement to tho family by tbeir ecccntricitias. Troqblcd nliont Prosslioppeni, "Emstus Jonei, you orter bo ashamed of yourself, a cutting up this way right hers iuthe road afore everybody," was tb* remark made by au old woman from tli* country, at ebo held like grim de&tli to tlia wing of Eraatui, who WAS brim full, of whiskey flnd wanted more, and making orery effort in his powur to got to a saloon. But tli« old lady wa« in earnest. At leoet wn thought so, from the way alio yauked th* old man is the direction of tboir wagon. With ono hand she hold by tho back of tha coat- collar, and with the other sho grupsd him by the seat of his uumontionablos, nd compelled him, as the boys say to ralk Spanish. Andu she sculled tbe ld man ulong Bbe wlkod as only a wo- man can talk. "Er&jtun, if you hud your own way 'Oii'd jent koep on drinkin' that ere piien till you got worniB in your boots. TLe Lord kno«B I'mnot * crusader, nor am I in favor o[ cruuadin 1 ; but I do be- lieve in every woman n tali in" her bus- bund iu her own hands, and beltiu' thuu- lor outer himavury ttcue la« goti tho ilind staggers." Aa EnwtUB dragged along on the tips if his toes ho tnado several attempt! to ook back. But tbe old woman bad the jeadway onhim, and didn't propose to giTo up her ateering puwer. " However, 2r&atus mannged to gasp (the old 'ady bad his wind about turned off.) "Bee here, old woman, you're hurtm' Unit riain* onmy neck." "Shab unyon old lauatic, or I'll give ju a worse risia' than you're gettin' ?w." 11 "Well, olo woman, them ero duru raasboppars is 'nongh to make troublo in &ny man's family—«at up all our jrops and ipit terbscker juice all over ie farm." "Oh I oh I you old sot ]" and here Bho erated tbo old man eletr otf the' pave- ont, and his feet made * revolution iko »steamboat wheel out of tho water, ind brougbt bim down with a thump that made Eraslua think tbat his mortal loul had fled. " GnusLoppers I grouhoppers I you iid fool, then ain't been onu in the Stato if Indiany." "Well, ther papers say thor's goin to i." "Ersatufi, your mind and body is w«.i- larin'; you've got the jimjams." By thia time Bho bad eonvzyed tho old i»a to the tail end of tho wagon and tve him a boost thnt unendaa him iiito io vehicle liko a aack of potntotjs, whore rastns wilted nnd shut up like a hot air lloon. The old lady then jumped into 6 wagon, gathered up tho reins, and irning to tha orowd, remarked: "Tliat's ie kind of aclothes-pin I nin," nud rovo awaj, Slmrk Fibliorj-. The recent rerivel sharkflshoryof _ie Northern Ice 8ea in tho Bay of Ter- berskya and the PanintuU Kola is, HBJI t&o Academy, tbe subject of an in- teresting article iu ths Dot Auilanti, .pril C. Two kinds of ihark are found i tbiB region, Sct/mnui Dorcalit, tho Kreecland shark, andSelache maxima, ir basking shark. It is sUted that tboso hwki Bpecitlly frequent places -where » oarronts mutt, and contrary to the ' isertions of m&ay naturalists, ouemblo L ihoali, so that boats engaged in tho [•tery ore often surrounded by a hun- rea or mere of theaosea hyenas, greedy 'orproy, Tho boits for fishing in deep rater are from twenty tothirty tons jurlhen, aud carry five or Bis men, who obtain from 100ta200 kilogrammoi, of til from o&o flab. Forty years ago, one Patchin received &subvention from the Itusiian Government to pursue this fish- ry, which wtnt on slowly till 1851, irhon a Norwegian emigrant, Sul, took o tbo business. Iu tbo autumn of tbat rear ho began his Hnark hunt ia Tore- lerskya Bay, throwing into tho water kitchen waste and excrement. This at- tracted a thousand sharks, and many woro caught with Looks baited with sea- cakes flasb, and aispatched with har- poons, Sul was presporoiiB for somo imo, but at last he was robbed and iis tacklo sunk. His example, however, ixcited tho peopla of Kcla to tako np ho occupation. 'lbs Russians fish near ;hc coast with small boats, which can ircely hold four men. Anchoring at a •lain distance from the land, they sink TGsaol piorcod with holes, containing il, tallow or other fat, which the sot !urrents distribute iu tha neighborhood, Thia cauics tho sharks to aasomblo, and they are caught with baited hooka nt- tocned to iron chains, as tboy could in- stantly bit* through tho strongest rope, !hroo of the men watoh an opportunity pulling tho flak toward the boat, and a fourth, stands ready witb a woodon ammer, weighing twenty pounds, to Erik* with all bia forco the momont tbo nd apnenrs. Tbafishia then out open r means of a knifa with a very long ndle, the oil taken, and ita swimming .ladder inflated by a long pipe. It is hen cast adrift tofloat.—LandandWa- Story of a I,lfhtn| nffltod I»c;llrr. Ho drov* bw team cloio np to tho JDCO, got down, and rapped on tho door, 'he window GUkem opened it, when he lid: "Mn. Gilkeni, I am cognizant of io cironmslanccs by which you aro at -esent surrouQcled—no longer lastnin- and encouraged by tbo noble one whom you gaio the treasures of your art's affection, and bowed down by ie manifold cares and rasponsaibililics icidcntat to tbo wiring of eight small lildrem on forty acres of sub-carboni- roua limestone land; jet Mrs. Qil- tns, you are an are that tho season is IOW approaching when dark, dismal, langerous clouds at frcqutnt iutcrrals ipati tho canopy of heaven; and when .igzag |streaks of elactricity dart pro- nscuously hither and thither, rendering iis habitation tuisafo for yourself and ida dear little onet; honoe, therefore, et me sell you a copper wiro, nilver-tip- pod and highly magnetic lignlning-roil." Tho woman staggeredback a few pa- - and y»lled: "Narcis, unfoiton 9 ld ._achl" Ia another intant a uivaga •alldoc came darting around tba corner if tbo house with bristles up, thirsting For gore. The dog had already nung- led a maoliins, ngent and a patent <oap man, ond was held in great osteemby ho better class of citizena for bis oour- go and service ; bat when his eras met he bnrd, penetrating gaio of Mr. Par- ins, his chops foil, and hoshnk off and id in tlio currant bushes, Thou tbe nautili: "My dear lady, you neetnto m a little eicitod. Now, if TOU will How mo toexplain tlio probable ineiti- IBUO " "Dem ye, I know somothing will art ye," said Mrs. Gilkens, as she cached under somo bed clothing end ironglit forth a horsn-pistol; but, owing o tbo ahattcrcd condition of her II.TTCS, ier aim wns unstaaJj, and tlie charge of mckshot missed, savo whera a few scaL- crod ones struck his cheek and bounded IT. A hard, metallic Bmilo spread orer is countonando as bo Itanod his ahoul- tr aguinst the Soar fmmo. and again itnmcncod: "My dsar madam, euob insmpdtc manifoitntions of your diaia- ination to mako a judicious invoitmont ! a few paltry dullnrs " "Hi—col" shrieked tlie widow-- illapaedinto a kind of jerkinm«,* id before ibo bad rocovop-1~~ ,"° agaeUe lightning-rod ^ f o r l o c tmblo domicile, «r" ink noto filler) nntnre.

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BEJ. II- VOGT.Kl>lTt)iUKi>r»oiilEi'on.'

i on Minis Strut now Blaciwell.TEKMS « P SUBHCIIIPTIO*

n i ! Mouth. , •; 1M

I , m m o n t t a , - - - • - • - - - . M


Liverpoolon tto It


Quoenstp-rvnuawibip linci;


i wiTiiool nrld Grea t W e . t e r u .infUon Eo(laiitl'»»il Iloyal Bank OIlKlaDd

E L1NDM.EV, Ajonl,WKkmll»»««'. Dow,;*. J.

Slate Roofing jTl,»ji iKujliti.o.l.dBO of

rkca rcsGoifaljIc.

,niniurMi^oSol"f l t ' l r0i n IV n ix i r i r




Counsellor at LawAND



Carpenter and liiiildor,Jobbing promptly atlonded to.

8Uon. 0a BLACKWBLI; 81., noil to Oaje,H.l.oJ . lumbor mill. -

Contract) Ukcn, .ud m.lerlal furniHbail.


Curucr or Ulai-kwoll ami flu.iox Rla.

DOVER, N. J.I. B, JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Counsellor at Law,AND MASTEll IN CHANOEBY,

yfllwiijtbe Niliouil Duiou'liiink Building^ucrr 4ui* St., DOVEB,i N. J.



Cur. Blickvell aud SUHWX flti.. * .

.DOVER, J»TiJ;*Mb«Htb1lfi70."-i>-'l!-'1 ; 1-lyr.

" Dtnnn

qillOJIAH ANUUltlON, ' ;


Counsellor at La^,DOVEtt, N. J. -

ODlct nn iceoud floor of ibo N»tlon*t UntoiDull Biiilflioff. •.; , ; , - f; . !M-lf

V........ ' O.M.1.1,

Furnishing Undertaker/.IC'ESSED AUqTIOXEI^ll AND COMJIIfl-


Ml ordora prumpUy •tltoriiM to:

VJ * ' uiNI'rlcTUBKnoF

Carriages an&Sleighs,OriZrery Dc««ri|tllon. ' ' . - ,

5w. niwiiwcll and flnrgen Utl, DOVUB, N. J .Pullcuhr attantlon palJ tu ropafrin/r: tad

piinllnj;. ft , ! »-ly

AIUTI »ai] Iml r io i or ill deieritiUuiii orOltES AM) MINKllAI.S

PAHEPULLY HADE. ' . -HilardmrgaBTrmlMfu'riiiibsaoDapplieftUuti.

L. o. MEjnviirl 'il, .. Doitr Karri" Connt/H. J; •

j on , 5

Ciii'lieiitors. .. , : ! •AND • : '...'

. :' Jlulliloi-8.DOVEB, N.'j. ' .' ! ." .

lobbing promptly attended ttf,' S. J. PALMEIt, Architect.

Organs and Melqdqon^Repaired-and? Juned

»»»»«;. In any part ot UorrM d u n l y . IA-*"" . . W. 8. WIHGHT,

. • . . DoTcr.N.J

D. »Mim.

AT LAW,xsr. a-.„ D°>r?Biii, xsr. a-.

"mm: OHlW,JL0£mi.I. BTIlEEr,


' "' i>OVEK,kj.

foreign ant) Dp.mestie Sega'rsALWAV8 ON IIANALWAV8 ON IIANB.




M to "pMlty I

, iovEIl,M.J,

llttsiiiftss Cards.


Cor. Blackwoll & Warren Stt.(Oppa.ilo Dover Dank,)

DOVE11, K. J.,tHiB ut Wotucii AnO Ubitdrai, i,i>a\vl Iba

E)u nud Car Bpodsltlci. . 'OfiicaII,iun: T t,iU A.M,, 1 to 3«nd7 to8 J'.lf,• 18-aopil , , . : -



tnkJe for Public an J Prlvilo Iaiiii-n^moiil^


[Ne.r llio Oo>l Drldue.) . .

87 IIOVK11, H. J.

.1. M. .BASSETTi.Civil Engineer and Surveyor,

I I P C K A W A V , Ki J .


Manufacturer of Segars andDlULIiB IN IMPOHTEP r i l '


MOJlltlSTOWN.a.B.GrAG-E, •

JUSTIO FTHEPE/yCOOlue on Swisex Street,

III tlio buililiiiK fortnurhr oouuiileiUi «n ofllou byHenry UcKnilia), ttrit floor.

DOVER, H.-XCullaciluiu nliondcd to wltli dllijfODee.Al*o, Agent for tin- b u t Lifj mid Fire Iniur-



Oftii-u or*r aKO. l l l d U n D g ACo.'a l T

DOVEIt, N. J.}cbl oQlco Iionrs ua UaturdivB from 9 A,


WOQDPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J.m i I I 3 well-known properly h u recently beenX extfanulvolV iiujmivud tnd mod « raited, fortlio KccommDiUtiou of Ihoto necking tvrotlrtt:iiinuucr renlduucn. Hitufttort t t l i e head ujLake KdiialcouirlHt onn ot the lnoit dealn-blpplu-oi rialindrusort to be found'withinIliu «amo dli aroooiNcw Votk, Iu tli!n nifilitur tho Uncutmniiilflill luonnryuf Xuf ttiiirnNowIOTHBX, will. i-« jlljnt limit Itif; and flklilbR, amiflue drlvia, It IH not umiaKiicil lijniiy other intlio locality. . :

en Dtm-r, eight in I la* <1lst»n.| an tlijl uf thoDcl. Ijick. A Wi-«t. It. 1L train

(roro Now Vurh Iu Die moruliii;. For p«rticnhr'---2IIIIB shore. • - 2l-tf

IRA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Can tracti taken ior nil' kiutli of Umop 'WoidJobbing.-; f [» - i; • i "

t i ' iFnrulibca*t iliurt notice. ;

tdor' ''Thu Irou Kr» Ofllcc," ;Darnr.

S. R. OSMUN.Son fist,

• IHOKUISTOH'N, N. Ji ,ila Proimotor for Horrii County of Po l .

s <ixl,lc*Uaii, ke., &c, ke.

Mansion House.LOO VAHDS PROM D. L. Jfc W. DEPOT

ruiuoilatiou«(i>i- trinnfonL i


D O . V I S It, N . J . i

. all Huaj of FOREIGN a

LIQUORS andAim. WAOKESnOTII. A D A ! I j5J$j&™}; '

f a Q b t a n t l j o i l b a n d . . . . . - ; • !

- . MOIAEK'H OPERA BOUSE, :.apaoloua HilUr) lu tot for all kimla of culor

''*'."- ' X Beemer,' j


£liickwoU6L,noar.Sussi!x,Davor,' K. X


FOlt SALE.For ilonerlplloDi of Properly *nd |)ftrtlculk r

enquire at tlin otDcc. •• •




Rnofx ru^lriidaiitl palutod. Qnlv^nixcil Iron••niIccBLOutto^, Lcatlors aud Vcntilatori.

T L I V E , "


DOVEU, K. i.,rho keopi coniUntly on hand <ho efaolcoiiie-

, OpNFEOTIONEBIER, .ill, OrinRflit, Toyi, HDBI. EDTOIOIIBI; SU-moiyi etc., tobo iocnaiutill* aactlun.


M. &, I. SearingCARPENTERS.



Jobbing in General.DtccmbtrSllhJKO."



"11TAKV w i n In ttio clothing uuilu^a In1YL »IO(IIIISTI>\V«, l,ia Lulu tip a lir e .anaincreaii!n],'tmuoauil now load, tlio city InbU line will) lUo |Hrt;oat .tore, lur^uit Block,bi'il vorkmcu and low pricou,

M t n ' i n i l ^Vool Oou l i l e a n d

Twi« suitBouir - - 8io,oo

Good Heavy Suits - . GOO

Woikiu; Puuts - ' 1.0011 " rilra 1.60

Good WorlUus 'Paula DallbU'extra ;•' - - . . . . - - - 91.75


PEOlt «2 TO S9.

auortiuiuil of FISK CLOTHIKO torUSN, .YOUriU1 aad LO i'H.


Don't fall to call and i n On BA1WAISS >ndiBlomaLod At Ilia lonr pricca tm (joud cloth-

J. Vf. BABillT.


M^;BCHANT TAILOR, In Mciiy ami .CUilihWa Bt«dj-

Mtdu Clothing.SUSSEX ST.j. [!W dour from Blackw.

- : DOVEll, N. J,,Annonnccs to l i e public t int bii stock of cool*GlotU, Kincy CsmiiUDTM nnd Vm-tincB, by theyard cut to lit williout charge,or lusilo to order

ilio ihnrtHBl cnlicL'. AIKO eonmanlir on.nd- a larffo vnria>y of-Oeul.1 KuruliUlng

I.ptr/tculRrljcttllitU'Oiion fotny'" """'' ilTO SUMMElt STOCK,

AM being carefully Kolceied inddtTurod at prlbc.iBuitlbottinm. I raiimldor uuwlf ID Uiroult .iiKitlttot. with Ncivuit ondrJuvVarbd.ith-iKliouft:*. tuil tfji'ri'fuieniicto tuy prices tbeiiWIO will re«OHy dim-cru (hat I muaxlllioral

Rilg«i'iK)rWt,ati1(Hir (rum Illacbtrtill,ii-lr; . - : WILLIAM SIMON.


IK DOVER.Tlia Hubsciiber liai opened * now jard Tor

hostks or COAL and WOOD, on

ULACKWELL STKEET,noit to GAGE it HALSKY'S Lumber Tudi .Constantly on li«nd all klndi or



WOOD,DtU t in td ind lane, for u la at tlo j*rd or


Lime, Plaster, Cement,FEED and GRAIN ol all kinds.

An experieuco orttrcWe je»n In tht bniiociri.Vtrrantn. I thick a porfect knoirtedfjo of it, andtil TVIJH fitor me with their patnmago, ranrely npon foil iroifiMi, biinoit datllDK, LOWrj l lCia , sna_protnj!lnPin in Illling orilori.

OIHCB In J. J . Vrcol«nd'i Carpenter Shop.Wm. HILL.

DuTor, Ancuit25tb, 1675.


lot Iroa Ores nnil Mineral Property,

P. O. nt BOOKTON, N. J .

Wtf.S.DxOixp. F J ) . F . DIOAHP.



LEAD, cbrran, unAss, to. ,


It addroil by mall. SMf


E. & G. H. Ross & Breese,

Insurance Agents,Omcc, Old lion llnuk Uuildliic,

Morristown, N. J.XDWIX llosH, ai :o. 11. I I ,M». t>Tt:]'ULK Uutu l l

A. J COE, Collector,DOVEn. N. J.


Araoricau Ijitiua] 1 M , OU., of NewarkH.J., A M I over SI,WO,mo

Hdro!mnta' Mutual Ina. Go., of KewarkN.I, , AiisUovcr 600X00

riremou's Uutna] Iua. On; of Kfwark. H. J,, Aasttts ov,:r 500,000

Otiuiiania Uutua] Ins. Oo,, of Nowarl*H.J., Oapiui, 200,000

£tnn IuBuranca Oumpuny, of Flaitfor^Oonn., Aisiiw, 6,OOJ,O0O

OontiDetita! Iu:mraU(iu Ociiupiuiy, or HiwYork, Capitil, 1,000,000

ITulual jjuuiTil I.fe I u . On., of Newark) 0H,J. , Aueti, 20,000,000



Sussex Street, Dover, N. J.

HAYIN'O rcmo<McdaiiAruflU<>l my storo INUI N'MI klllU ttl IllOOt ttiD Wt^lS Ot 10 '

uuilQiuiirH with liotinr ncf-nmmnilstinni: o ' " ' 'Urfitntouk ofgnodi thin oror before,


a u •vo' xs E . n . ~%r.

SILVEB PLATED WAKEol Qow d«iIgD8—niisiuinsHoil Iu tills suction.


FI3STE WORK.All fcllids or rfipsMug earorullj »n.1 promptlj

done. Poolinj under ubllgAtlotiB tu tlio pubtiifor pant fmorit, I Loiie by good work and fall

lnK to'merit & contlauaiico of tlio mtna,

tr • wir. HAKRIB.



Monuments, Tombstones, Ac.MADK TO O11DEH IN EVERY 8TVLE,

IlIIE uudnntlRin;J Uu^i le»ra tu Biinounct 11, tlio iiublie (list bo Is now prcpireil to IIWQ-

nfucturo iiid iril) loop coustautly ou hind thulntcatdciiiRna of


Coraefory nialw oncloiwi of Qrsaito nud Star-blo rontB. Every jab WBrrnutud to fiivo cpteto snllsfiotiun- I'IICOB in ml urn t u


10-ly CHESTER, N. J.


Cor. Blackwell & Sussex .Sts.,


A Runtral reduction in ptli

JEWBLEY,SOLID GOLD - UINOSr i i la EnftraTo J, Eiiioislud a»a EusmotunioJ.



tlPEcrACLES and £YE'OLA£iiES or all do-itlpUeni. Odd, Bllrcr, Steel, llnbbur and

Shell. THE FAinCIIILD OOLD TEN, uninr-paiiod Tor fluoocj- aai gouorat eicelllupco.

I aca ttlto adding to my stock nuw itvlcuinrllclc* of mlid (ilvot and plated ware, mitablo

for wedding preiteuti, FOltKH, KPOONfi, »ndartldra fur lable uio»t greill/ naducttj jiricti

HAIR JEWELRY.Deilgni of every duicrlptlun contained ia loail-

; pattern boolii, can bo mada to urdor.EiDoclil attention Rlvon to Iho

EDGIM WATCH MOVEMENT, •called the AT cry TVtlcli, Also, agent for tboHoward, tfaltiutn, tfyringlMd ami KorclffOWstcL.

Hiring a ipeclaltjr and vrarranli'd.ENanA^NQ NEATLV BOSU.

Or.ilillii n:jrinil>.oulli> nf mindTliat tl.riMisli Iliu comu Ilir

Vihkh DUL-V-CI L-'irm Jfjr, iu iiimhu Iwauitftil, r-sloufiiiifj'!1 .

Tin- Iliinj; n-ttli)tij; ftir, Him wo iroFor oiiu trnl.^-rn.IfUl moiuct,

ilbfoTO the 1'iDfoci [u.or mul UJIOCan ni» he Im s^ftriD^ ciimtiitut.

And loneioE wold* la c!*y nbit UfaCutVLB IID Ilia mn blo It. al;Tu lut t!i« »oir life tu, Wo kituvv,

Dtslro luual opu the |.urlal ;—J'crliapH tio luugitiu (11 bo BO

lIulpK mikt tin? (ijtil iiuuiurUI.

I,DI)(-III|; i« Oud'f Iiuiivoutvird wWitti uurpuuroaribu'ard iliiviug;

Wo quunuli it tliat vru mar U HillCoiiUut witliniorilyiiriiiijj

tint, would no li-flro iliu Luatl'i full iWi

And luaiizutU clJ[iiL from liupu tohopif,


Mi I lut uu hop* tliat to our pr-moU,,oJ Ufttl nut only r^liunu

Tli<.- inninuntH wliuu Wo Iroad Hli w»y«,Hut trli.-u tilt' Hiil'rlt li»L'tnin,_

Tlint Bumir ilifjlit K'IDJ IS aim wroucbtItuyond Hfiir-RalifirU(itiou,

Wltpu ww aro iiui[iW Kuod m thought,lloivi^rwof.flfii action.

- J .» r j ltrcfiiii LowtiL.


'J'licy (nuudhcr doidOnu snowy morn Ing ID fli ••. struot,Jlor culil cbuck icstinjj w ttiu |ii-arly iboo!,

Around Lcr iprnd |And OD bor lip* a quint imllo it'|ionoi],Ai If In il«o|) life's woarj droam bad cloiod.

Htio ilotpa tb# Inat, Intt •loop;Doaili'i leal vn> on har brovf.aud iliu lim

Taiiod, !LcftviiiK »u friend* to wutp,

lovlun onen to cuue rt auimul liuum,To iprinklo DM liar boium loan and Oowon.

No narui audnuittle liioOC!nptd Lori iu touderccM »n iu tLo ul^bt' root out simtlj- from tlno world ol UgUt

Into the •litulnwy h u d ;Mo caitbly mollior llngorud at lior 1IJ0To lioar hjr hut lour wurintrs irbeti alio diod.

K'u? nut niunLor—

Ouc gftitlo volcu ouo, loving amllTbo doriolato uuknowa;

One band of morcy tod licr o'er Doatb'a forai,Juto tlio luttor land, tu frioadi t\ud lionio,

ne FrUnd kojit walsb wltb



fi uffuiiB—Wrestling nmtchea,

A liL'avy ilgt

—The uutrmico uf tbo

Tlio best TYOJ1 to kqep bouiHu—Don't[nil n tunrlGMgo uu it.

What is tbo greatest atuuil ovor taado[or civiliUfttioa V Tbe inkstand.

Our (livil says lio.likcB to work afterhours, bectmsu jt ia past-time.

AbDokseller lutaly .arlvcrthod thnt liLad plenty of HCATOO books for enlo.

A new deflnitiou of un old maid is—Awoman who bns lisbj .maid fur a lmifitime. *

"Oiil coy uiuustaoba trouble you?'..lid lie to lier.. "No,"ubo Bipbed ; "]only jolt a little down ft. tlia inoutli."

Good uovrs fur tlie Iitfldtioijists i TlwGolden Age \>M disappeared in tlieNation, _ .;. .' *

" la tbat clock ticlit i tlieioaked a visitor, tlio ctliur day. "Rightovor them ?" snid tUo boy; 'tatu'tnovlieto elaa." • ' .

'Sliinulo weddings" pro now comingioto fasbluu. Tbii uorel wedding Ukosplnoo when t

iold onoiigli


i n u n x a , itnrmao, nixow CJBHO, TICEI.IO,IX1»KEU, DUKKXTB, QUILTS — lUItSSUXES,


i | aBVTi ' rooni i 1 AMD CHIUJREH'* u.nptn-

w , 8. BA.nniTT,llOBJUBTOmf, If. / .

Good conundrum for young ladies tuprnatico ou—when will the alphubot hnvaonly twODty-fivo letters? When XJ and Ioro made one.

A new mode of disperuiiig a mob bnabeen discovered—fluid to auporscdo tliocecassary of a military forco ; i t ia topaai erouud n contribution box.

A woman is very liko n koltle, if JQUoomo to tbink of ft, Blio alnge nwny GOpleasantly—tlieu UUQ Btops—and, wliouyou least oipcot it, aba boils over I

A handsome youlb. beinff questionodby a rollior styhsb lady us to bis occupa-tion, replied tbat ho waa "im adjuster of

lovcoblo alpbabcta." lie was simply armtcr,

"Joliu, I wisli you'd eloao that door,"iid an irritable father to liia son,

"Your mother muat bo Molding some-body nt tlia other end of tbo hall, there'ssuch a draught from tbat quarter."

An inebriate in Fart Jorvia fell nudstruck his nata ngainst a imrWa polo.On being raised from tho ground, heasked, "Wliat'n ttiunder 'zat (hio) wo-mnn vV nlrtpo.1 stockin'u ou got (hie)ogin me ?"

Seven men in Fort Wayne agroed todraw straws toseewbovastlielaiieat one,but when tlio last citizen was roaoliud,bo rcfimud tn dinw, un the plen tliut hovostoolitxy 16 roach put: nod innUo thnIffbrt. • : , . ,

Tlio wirninu who tliiilll^ anmud iucloth alip|>tii-sr broken down nt tlio bent,nnd wipoa liurnusu on a ilut-jron holder,is tlio ono who leaves gristle in liur mincopicsnnrt runs a hairpin in liur bread toeeo if it's dono,

Pursoa's dauglitor (to tho Sqniru'eKucporJ—"What aro you doing wttb Ibopheasants, Mugglea ?

Keeper—"Wull, MUs, there's a lot o'city gciits a comin' donu with ntantor toslioot on firat. so I'm tnkiu a fovr o1 theirflifilit (oatlicra out 1"

Muglminnia l>ml toudstogin nru very>ufuuilig objoots iu fluldu. It is impor-nt to kiiow (lie differonoe between

llcra, but it (nkoa years to flnd out, findauthorities differ, Tlio only Euro teat isto cat one. If you die, it in n toidstool.

Never go to a rnujqtterndo-b&Il unlessrou know who is not going. A mannay tinned with and say noft things to

hit lervant-gii!, and when arterwnriis ahoatki bimffarian iporenso of wnges hadoca not '/eel-'fjiiiterimlepoatlDnt in the? r o m i s e i . / ' J ' •;•'•"' ' ';• '•"' ' •

Emily Faithful advises females not tojarry*ustif*tt«'';ii«r'twinly-five yoara

old; but bloasVpu, Emiljl yon migbt nswell nsk Adtnital.Semnics to keep hiimouth flhut'«;(o*ask.a girl ol twenty tosay "No"taaDiB^gomoat-riDS—jfit'snn i c e o n e . ;• i>l"f:-;'"r-'.- • ; h . ••":'.•

Tlie mnnuotin which tha necessariesof. life ascouj ia price isrea'ly nliu&jngv '• Aa'.H-it -wero notenough tbottho costof clothos, food, andEliollerubouid baFogohb,'np so ns to boalt but out of reaob; tbo -oilier moruiugit WHO cliacoveroil that the Bun wss actu-ally rising. What next?

A eonfemporory oiolaims,"Wouldn't itbo ft pood ])lan, vobn tho various 'walk-ate' get safely through their, trials ofRnlking nil aorta of distances, ia al! sortsof times, for nil sorts of wagers, to unitothem in one great trial of setting stillami keeping qniot—with tboir names outof tho paper—say, for tho next tenyears?"

A for nijrhta ago, a Vickaburff womanwaa trying hard to pot her drunken hus-band home, and ber words and actionswere so tender thnt n oitiion halted andsaid—"Well, nil drunkard's wivoshnTca'tyour disposition," "*8h, don't nay any-thing," she replied, in o whisper, "I'vopot to call him pet namos ta get himhomo; bnt wait till ho drops in th« hill

It i* n sad tliiug to we ton or twelvwouiiui get t-jgcftnur ftuil a t tempt togaii 120 u 'j-ouicty Ut uid Lbs densripin)]'.' Xlmy tried i t ill Nin th aveuuiIlio ^iiierafteriiniiu. after hu t ing tulkctup the mat tar for tliroe or four weeks.Thirteen ur fourteon of them mat by appiiiutmcut, and after some akirtnitibiugouo i)i tbo Dumber callud tbe meetiug; tuordor mid auid that tho first d u t j woulha to elect a Pro;, id cut,

A sbnrp-fuecd woiusu got up and HSItliat flbd didu ' t wa'jt the positioin but ilit wus iliu wibh of tlio tnQetiug she ehoultuLo it, wliy, ul,o would. Tboro waspuinfnl pauiiu, aud a ftit woman aroseand miid (bat Bhu had constdarablo c i -piiriniiuu wilh such' eogietioa, and thaililic thuught tho could render greateipersonal aid if made President.. Thenwaa nuutlior paiuful pause, aud a Httliwoman ,ro3e up and squoaked:

"I move tu lav tun subject on thtnblo I"

Tlio utlifir wotnon .loouml ut ber iu A..ooziud wuy, aud it wfH suegostud thaa ballot bo tukon. All readily agreed t<this, aud the ballots were prepared auda bonnet panned nrouud, wbcu thevote was counted it was found out thaiuuch wumiD had put ia at lout one fuhenelfnnJ throo of them hud put in twoi tlireo. Tlio Presidentpro Urn, looku,very grave as aha stood up and it-marked.

'Ladies, I trait tlint this error maynot occur again."

It did, however, or at least eacb on:nnt a vote for herself, bat uu the third

ballot s olioioo was tuudo and tbo luckywoman took hor sent, iinootlicd out tinfolds ol hor dross, nod ronmrkad :

"The next thiug in order ia tho—tbiuoit thing I"

A worarn with a wart on her nose,tbeu made u Bpeooh, Ba.ving tbat she hadboon tronaurer of several sun Star asaocia-tion, und that if it waa tbo wisb of tlisoouvention she. would neeojifc the nffica.I t didn't ic«m to bo tbo wish, bowovcr.

" I movB to adjourn I" solemnly ex-olttimed a womnn with fl large back-comb.

'The motion is not in order," repliedromnn across the room."AniliuUie chair or you ?" deman

did tbo President."I move to roconftider tho motion I'

scjtiQikcd tbo little woman."1 support the quoatiou |" put In the

fat woman.The President wiped her Bpootaclos

ruppud on tho etovo pipo and replied ;"Ladies and guutlcraea, tboro ia no

niolion, boforo the houao, and the ques-tion to nrijourii is out nf ordor,"

"Not much I" oicluimecl a womannearly nix feet high, drawing herault up."I'te Ht'cu muru mcotiugs of this kindthan tho President ever heard of, nnd Iknow that nn order to adjourn is alwaysin motion I"

"Hu is your tongue I" Raid ono of tholeague, uiul tha President kuoclicd -onthe stove-pipe, and euiil ;

"Tba oliuir bullavca she kuows horbusiness ai well as hoj worn mi wearingplated jowolry, or aa well as if bho had i>wn-t nn li«r noso I Wo will now proceedto oleot a Secretary and Treasurer. Howshnllthoy bo elected ?"

"Yiver roicor I" cried one,' I motion by ballot I" added a sec-

ond, ••'By oxclamaUou 1" ehouteda tiiird." Y o u mean acdimalion," oxplaincd

the President, looking a t the Inst bpenlc-ur.

" I don' t wonr an Alaska diamond. 'WHS tbo reply, " b u t I know ns much at

no folks Unit d o t "'Less journ 1" shouted it fcuinlo wbo

wnu bont in IS 10," I m n v A the pravioiu mot ion ," put in

tho fht woman. '."•\ViUflon.o ouo nobiitiftU a caudi-

dato ?" nuked tho President .A paiuful elloncD onauod.Tlio fall of a hair-pin would IIHTO

lunded l ikea hair-pin falling over onton stove-boiler. ' E s a u Loped to havesotno ono etco uominoto liar, &ud alltborcforo, breathed bard and kopt silonce,

I uorainnto M i u , " flnallf saidthe President, seeing there was a dead-lock.

" Y o u cau ' t nominate aud p u t tlio([iiostioE too !"squeaked an oluludy withDoan-cntcherE. '

" I order tlio prayioiis mtitibn," paid awomnn with A red shawl.

"Aud I'm* gain lima 1" added tho fntwomau.n'otnan,

"Sonm 1 1 ""Boam 1 1 "And thoy stalked out, loa?ing tho

President tyinp; up her loft shoo, and hereyes (lashing wild-catt. And alt this iawhy Detroit liWnt nuother "Society toAid tho Deserving Poor."—Detroit Free

A TAUE WOODCHUCK.—At tho housen friend, in Lawrenca County, we

taly saw a ourious household pot—aanio woodclinck named Cbarlio. He

was found, alone ia tbq bigbwny, in thesummer uf 1879, and was then scarcelylarger than an ordinary mouse. Ho soonboonmo neeuatoraod to bia now homo,nnd allowed tho members of- tho familyto handle nnd caress him, anil wns quiteplayful and domesticated. For a tirnoiia took up lodgings in tho birn, hut•subsequently made himself a house intlio woodshed, which ha furnished withbits of pnpor, straw atid other light ina-orinl. lining domosticritod so young,IO never lenrned to obtain Iiis own food,ir seemed to realize that it could be ob-

tained "iniba garden or flieflslds, butdepended entirely unon what wns pro-i(bd for liini nt tho IIOIIKC, wbioli bo'isitod mftiiyUmos a day. He is vorynnd of- milk, nugnr, oaks or pis, but hisiworite dish is bnilod polatooa, orgrecuiiioumbcrs, nnd bo dues uot care to oatbrrail. Wlicnn-yor ho is lmimry, ba runslo tlto house, chatterin<r aa he goes, Andif ho failti lo find his food in its accus-tomod plucn, hn begs of tlio lady ot theliouao, by sitting np on his hind legalil.oE squirrel, and making a pccnliarchattering noise. - If not attended to (itunco, Uo takes hold of hor dress nnri en-deavors to pull her toward thu hid or,wbcro his food Is usually kept Ho ve-tiros caoli evening about iiinsot, alwaystaking earn, however, not to an to bodwithout Ilia supiier. In tlio juttcr partif Scptombor, 1873, Clmrlie wns miasiu?,aving left the bouso as usual tlio previ-

ous ovening, and was not soon again un-til tbo early part of the following April.Whan he returned, ho came directly totha hmisa, chattering as usual, nnd seem-ed quito' firtiiliar with tha householdend familjr, and Tery aeon told tlia lat-tar in plain terms tliat ho wanted hisbreakfast. Ho ato Tory sparingly forDvcral days, although very thia wheue returned from his winter a nnp. Pro-ious to loavinp in the fn.ll, he became

Tory dull and iloopr, and at last, baiugentirely orercomo oy tho disposition tusleep, be sought Iiis winter qanrters,which wcro nfterwards found under tho

off, in tbo barn,

Tnliinff tho Ilfsili.Tbo other day & colored resident ofickburg found a bottlo of whiskey inio Eiiburbs or tho city, and hailing a

iiedastrmn, hotmiuircil :—1 Dat's wliiskey, ain't i t?""Smells like it, and I euo»s it in," wus

tlio reply."Anil there ain't uo pi?.in in it ?""Well, tluro mav be—I can't toll j I

•honldu't want to diiuk it.""If there wore pizeu I'd bu a dead

nigger, eh ?""You would.""And if dero wasn't nnypizen I'd he

wastiii a pint of good whiskey ?""Yen."The finder turned the bottlo orer and

ovor, smelletl of the cohtonts three orfour times', and finally made ready tndrink, saying—

"Dora's hca.pi of nizou lyin' aroundloois, but dere'i khto hoopa of niggers inViciborj, ta1 Vn ffwine to tip np d»bottlo an1 rnn do hanoes."

Hliudling hern in licit an u]>criitii)ii unttcndL'U by ilnnger. A b t c wemud

ahvajHii iv rid II H mutter, luit it is itps attuictiling tu bo vigorously droad

cd." We never jet liourd of n man wliwould turn otitnf Iiis way tobofltunby ii bee. Hiving bees ia a fe:it requiiing cuiiHidernblo nerve, and tbe uioalcareful jiroputatioUB oguiuiL of hiving, or rutlior truusftirrifrom ouo hive to nnother, took jilncotho Lualib farm, in the Bunker district,not long npo, the fuels of which justoiDio to our notice.

[ftoy of our towiifiiuim know that MiLoslio is ODD uf our must prudent farm-ers, caroful in hU uianagcmont, thoroughiu iis work, and one of the most punotual of man in a promise.

He had purchased a now kind of hivou trial, nud desired to populate it wita colony from ono of Ibe old hives. H<set to work on tbis object iu tlio moscharacters.Uo way. Uo put ou aa olipair of overalls, a thick shirt, and a. pairof long top buoU. Ha tioJ the battamiof the overalls legs tightly nboat th

itside of tlio boot leg*. Ho also putveil ovor liiu bead aud fastened it seourc-ly all around bis nock to tho collar of bisshirt. His hands wore or ' -""gauntlet gloves, tho full

hioh wore to thcsleaveaof bissliirt. Tlius tquippod lie could safelyengage iu uttacking any number of th

t U i k i l r iHo arranged tbo two hives in a propcaunor, und proceeded to make Ih

transfer, His wifo stood iu tbo door, aaa faithful wife is prono tu do, aud care-fully watched tlie proceedings. Thebees enmo out nud circled aiound Mr.Leslie, nnd buzzed ^ud sung, but lie oulyiini.ed.

There is nothing BO attractive aa dunger when you eujoy aa immunity fromit. Tho boos nettled ou his bond and

and legs, but lin kept «milinwaaaittiutf ou his haunches, matraimtor, and with sucli a glad fooling inhis heart that ha could not dosoribo i tHe only kucw that ho wai Bate, and composed and successful, nnd that was albe cared about it, Tlioro lrero a largenumber of tbo bees which wont into tbonow hive, but there was many of themwhich did not follow suit, and somo of:hem disappeared elsewhere. They werein old pair of overalls, we have said.Tima in its relentless march hud trav-craed tho seams so much that the heavythread bad broken through in ono place.It was a vory smalt slit, just in the insidoof tbo leg, above tho knee. Ho welldisposed person would have noticed it,but liecs ore not well disposed. He wasbending over and mniling to himselfwhen tbo first beo pierced this opening.It-went in ; no did another, and tbpnanother. And then tlia first boodown on him.

I t waa a dreadful rmcrency for Mr,Leslie, But ha didn't pause. Bo emit-ted a yell rlmt split the air Kko a dis-]liargo of artillcrv, f.ud then broke forho bam, Iia Iiurriod. Hn stepped

ovor tbo other hives, and picked up asnw horse, aud stopped into a pall, nndran with TIOIGUOO against a tree. Tboother boos inside sat down on him again.Then be struck in a circlo and wontround nnd rouud with droadfut impetu-osity.

Poor Mrs. Loslio I Hia'awful soroimd his gnlloping wound the yard fnirly

poralyzodtho unfortunate woman. Sev-eral men working in a near lot licarchim and hastened to tho scene ; an oldgentleman living in tho next houso, and>ossOBstug among olhor property, double"irrolled shot gun, oatno out and fired,o snme Htrnlgut into tho nir.with won-

derful presenco of mind.None of the cxaitcl party who rushed

into tho yard recognized Mr. Loilie intlie flying demon, groteiqiiely drossod,diagumad by tbe veil, which ho vainlyitrovc to pull from his face, and suriek-Ufj at tbo ton of his voico.

Ho made the barn Anally—fairly etu:Mod into it—and threw himself on thefloor, nnil tore madly' at tbo overalls,whila tin horrified neighbors carefullyborroi tho door, and Iiurriod tn Mm,Leslie to learn who the villiaa wns."When tboy found that it really was Mr.Leslie they hasten ml back to him, nndwitb truo neighborly kiuduoss helpedhim lo unstrip. *

Xlio excitement and the wounds com-bined confined him to his bed forn fullweek, IVIIBD ho felt strong onough tosmash tbo patent boo hive with an axe,

Tha aroralb) hnvo been sold to a tinlodtllor,— Danhury News. *

K Curious lYcdilliijT.

In tho cardons of a rostauraut at Bor-in, a Bunburat German nnd lrisJapaneaowife mako their nppcarmiaa every wen-Ing. Tlio wife was brought from Japanby bor husband. It is an understood.lung that future honors ownit tbis mas,'or bo is chosen as secretory to the Lordof Blclituofen; Prince Bianmrk nos-scssea un only daughter, betrothed toRicbthofon, who is to proceed as Ger-lan ambaiaador to tho Court of Japan,ad ho fnust talo a RccroUry who uuder-

stands tho Japanese lnuguage ; soleetionthere is none, and onjy ono mnn can bofound to fill the situation. How Kippertboeamo possessed of hia Japanese treos-ire was related by himself when in ajovial frame of mind only a fovr dayslinae, Iu 1870, Kippert iraa serving asitcwanl's mote on board tho Ariadne, aPrussian mnn-of-war. Suddenly, thetows nrriTod that Franco had declaredmr against Germany. The French pro-lonncod tba Ariadne to be in blockade,ihc was closely watched by her formidn-jlo enoinica, who outnumborftd lior byireo to one. At that time, Herr TonIrimlt was tha Prussian Embmstndor nt

Joddo, and bis sccretarj waa suddenlytaken ill, to Brandt sant to auk tlia cap-tain of tlia Ariadne if he coulil uptu-e himanyono from amanget hfs'crow who was

ipnble of acting aa secretary. Tbo cap-In selected tha stoward's mate, Kippert,md ho wns solemnly installed aa secre-tary to tho ombassy, "But, ray goodfellow," said Herr Ton Brandt, "youmust marry ; wo want a womin to net ashousekeeper." Kipport tnqnirod of thanibauador wore bo could lluil a wifo.[err von Brandt called his Japaneseirvaut, wlio understood n. little Germaniid laid to him, "Jack, here nro tenlollan: aaddlo two horses, and ride toho now villago with Kippert, and huym a wifo there." Au ho ir later, Ktp-;st ond Jack trotted gaily fortti, anil

irrived shortly beforo sunset at tbo vil-ogo which oont&inad a number of hnta.3oforo tboso huts were Urge tauki ofiratar. ID wLich the woman and girls ofiho pines paddled about, arrayod in thonrimntivo dress of our mother Eve.tippert prooeedodnlongftt afoot'B pace;

lie looked through his glasses, UkiUR oc-il&r inspeotion na ha passed. When holadniftdeliis choice bo pointed out taTook tlio lady of his solcction. Tha ser-rant rods up to tho hut of tho father of,hc young lady, nnd begced him to comajut ol doors and talk to him, H« statedIbo object of hia visit, nnd tho fatbar do-oiaadcd twenty dollars lor hia daughter,but subsequently accopted flvo. Jackturned bis horse round and trottod backlo Kippert. Tlio father mitdo a sign toIhe (laughtar. Sho jumped joyfully out:>f the tank and ran forward to Kipport's

ie, which sbspreparod to follow witbsU alacrity and nlgas of great delight.

Kippert gat down from bis h'jrsa tomake a bow to tlio lady, and at the wmaimo ho slipped a sack thnt ho had alloady over her bead. He hail previously:HL thrca holes in tho sack for the beadid arms ; thus adorned, ia duo defer-ico to European customs, t!i»y pro-

ceeded on their journey. Jeasa, aa Herrran Enndt called her, learnt with granttoiio to clean tho rooms, to niako thebeds, ind to trash up the cups and snu-:era. Her husband mndo her twoIrenaca willi bia owu clover flDgprs, in•bicb sho neomcJ most proud to vrulk

uhout When tho timo arrived thatKippert nil abta to roturn to Gormanrwitli Ilerr TOU Brandt, ho wished to nnd0319a buck to her father, but iho, flung

heimlf i>t his feet, reeling violentund entreating not to l>t> oft behind'lie decided nn takiug liorwitb him. :hud bceu legally mnrnecl to Jcssa, whas been christened, rncciring tbo IIUof Mary; mid tlio pretty Japanese n<p l i s German, aud moves iu society

if she had been educated ina firat-ratiboarding school.

Tho Australian boomerang is fromfeet to 38 inches in length, and isvarious Bh&pcu, curved a little, and looking like a wooden new moon,. It iimade of hard, heavy wood, aud wcighifrom ono to three pounds. Inthicknethey vary from half an inch and tapera point at oach end. One of the nativnicked up tho pieca of wood a*tl, poiiinjit mi inaUnst, threw it, giving it o rotanmotion. For tho first hundred feet oimore it went straight ahead. Tboa ilackod to tbe left and roso slightly, stilrouting rapidly. It kept tbis latteicourse for a hundred foot moro, perhaps,hut BOOB Yoered to tho left again, de-scribing a broader curve, and a momentatcr foil to tbo earth six or right feat infront of tho thrower, having describee]nearly a circlo in Uie air. Anotherlative then took the tamo boomerangmd cost it, holding it vrith tho sam

grip. It took tho same course, but madbroader curves, and ns it citms ronntbo black caught it in bis right hnnd.Another native neit threw it s.nd lodgoiit on the ground about twenty feelbehind him afterit'had described a oird(if two hundred yards or upward. Afterlim they nil tried it aud but ono of themfailed to bring the weapon back to tbeBpot where they stood, Cnrnboo, tnative; theu naleoted from ihe heap olboomerangs another one and cast it vitba short jerk. It flew veiforty or fifty yards, whirli

III. • • 1 . 4 • I . 1

try Iquickly foiling liko a top,

Then it dartad into tbo air,fully one hundred foot, and came ovaiur heads where it soomed to Lang uta.:ionarv fork moment, thon settled slowly,.till whirling, till he caught it. Twoothers of the blnoks did the eamo thing.Meanwhile, the writer BOTH, I had withmy knife shaved a littl* of tbo wooj fromthe convex side of ona of the boomer-angs. This was now offered tn ono ofthem to throw, He took it without no-ting what I hod houo, poUed it, butiloppol short, and with a contemptuousilu pea at my improvement, threw itlowu and exclaimed : "Bale budgarr 1"no good.) Tbe others then looked at Itmutiously, but it was a bale budgsryilao to them. No ono eould be induoeio throw it.

Meyers nsked thorn why they didiot use it, but thoy could not give

icfinit« answer. It was plain tbatit tboy did not like tho war it poised

when hold in the liana, yet I Ci,uld notdistinguish nny difference whatever bo-:vrocn this and the other weapons. Bur-cigh flion walked ta a distnnco of twomndr"d foot or moro from tho blnckBmd bid Carnboo throw to him. Themtivo looked at him rather curiously,lien, comprehending wlmt waa wonted,icleotod ono of tbe lionviost of tbo niis-ulea, and turning half round, threw itwith groat forco in a direction almtiBtJpposito to whore Burligh Btood, Tbon-capon sped smnrtlj for sixty or seventyfeet, thou tacked in an instant and flewdirectly at Uurloigh, and had ha not mosteipoditiously dncked, he would have re-ceived a hard thump, if nothing worso[t struck tlio grouid twenty or thirtymcca beyond. This faat brought out s>road gria and Eomethingr like aobuoklcfrom the whole of them. Carnboo ovenintimated tltathe would liko to try anotb?r cast, but Burleigh expressed himsolull.v satisfied.

Mr. (another of our party), howover, offered to "take aahot," but not atoo short a range. We were standing infront of one of tbo storehouses. Coibooplaced iu front of tho door nnd stoodwith his hack to him, with .'a headou his shoulder. None of us know whatsort of a manoBtivrohohadinbis mind,not Meyers. Standing in this uosition,the black threw tho boomerang" straight'—id. Immediately it ciirrml in the

Then it disappeared around thecorner of tho boildfog, ond, before hhad timo to guess what was moant, camround tho other end (havingpassed com)]fitely around the atorebouifl) and MTL

him a eouuding slap on. the back, whichmads his eyes snap.

Ur. It. J. Hammill, of Vermont isauswomblo for tbe following: "deutle-nicn, I have had that dog these BI'Xyenra, and I never saw a dog tliat kimore. Eour years ago I was trappingiu JNcuraaKa, Ono ovomng, when I camolioino, I -found several ot tho settlersratting for uo. They wanted mo to.ring niy dog to help in the bnnt for iJlnld who bad lost lis way the niriit beore. Tho frionds of the child had beenlooking for him all night and all darind hnd uot fonnd him.'- I started withPonto iu scaich of the child, first find-ing the boy's truck, which I showed toPonto. Tho dog did not understandrvhnt I wanted of him, but I got ono ofie hoy's stockings, and lot Ponto smell

of it, and I then Bhowcd him the track :this timo ho understood what I wanted.

0 utartod off on tlio taa, bnt I calledna hack, and gotsomebreail andcheese,md I also filled my canteen with w«Ur,nil tiod this, with the brend and meat,o the neck of the dog, and started, himiwny oiice more. "We followed as lonffia wa could hear Ponto hark, and whenvo no longer had this to guide na, wo:ampcd for the night, nnd a clear ananoonlight night it waa. We atayed inmr carap till morning, *hen wo began

listen aud look around, and try ii woutld see or hoar anything of tho child,ttor waiting, and Bceinc; or hearingailing," wo HUrted off in different di-olioua. It wns ton o'clock in tbe fore-

ioon boforo our most careful searchingml listening was rotvarded. At last., asgiiilied an elevated ridce, I lienrd tlior>g bark, and .you may bo sure we Btart-1 off quickly onough in tho directionf iho BDuud. As I came nearer I whia-Icd. Then Pouto cime running towardio, and back ho woniil bouuee again Lorboro ho was barking before. On. com-ng up, there was tha bov lying under aUrih, nnd fast asleep 1 *Thu poor littleallow was frightened when we wokeim, but bo soon got over it, and askedr his mamma, aud wan told that weould tako him to hor. Then wo nakedim how ho camo to bo lost. He said

lint ho started out to flnd his papa, andopt on traveling until after dark, whenio got so tired tbat he lay down andfont to sleep. Ho stayed in tbat placemtil morniug, and then ho got up andned to got home, but not being able toot any farther, ho hy down whtre weJiind him. HA said that whoa the doeriimo he wits at first afraid of him, buto saw the things on him, called the dugJIIID, and took them off. The boyras eight milos from home. Borne don,ou aoe, know a great dual moro* thanotuo men, nnd Ponto ia ona of the pa,"

Fishing Dogfi.Itev. J. II. Borthwioh linn two dogsint spont tha greater part of tbeir time

fifihiug. His houso is built on tboiank of ii bnj, wbera the water haslacked in from the Itideau Canal, andhe flsh, which are Tory plentiful—chub,iaas nncl porch—como up within n feweel of tha kttchon doors. Tho two dogs-oBfi n Scotch terrier, nnd the other aross between a spnniol and a Nowfound-

ncd—commence flailing in Hie morning,md spend tho wholo day at it. Tlioorrier stands on a log, and when tboall comes near him ho mnkes a snap at

itm with hia tenth, and auiuotiines uuc-•eeds iu catching hia prey. Preqnentlyio pots so dizzv from watching ttio iislihat ho tumbles into tho water, afterwhich he has to go ashore nnd rest him-self before venturing on tbo log agnia.The other dog takes a different plan ; Lewadoa out into the water until be is nil

re red except hia head, and rcmniusry quiet until tha fish aomu Tfc»

_'anga port of it is be ncvor catenasAnything, nnd whDn the fish nibble nt

Jiia noao he becomu no fiiglitenctl thatio leaps out of tbo water. Yet tliia sportbus such a fasciuatiuu for him tbat horemaius for hours at a time in tho wxtcruntil ho becoinci so etiff he can hardlywalk to the shore, and bo has contractedrheumatic pains that mako him howlwhen ho tries to get up after lying downID tho sualight to dry uimsolf. Tliu twoanimals are a curiosity, and afford con-siderablo amusement to tho family bytbeir ecccntricitias.

Troqblcd nliont Prosslioppeni,"Emstus Jonei, you orter bo ashamed

of yourself, a cutting up this way righthers iu the road afore everybody," wastb* remark made by au old woman fromtli* country, at ebo held like grim de&tlito tlia wing of Eraatui, who WAS brimfull, of whiskey flnd wanted more, andmaking orery effort in his powur to gotto a saloon. But tli« old lady wa« inearnest. At leoet wn thought so, fromthe way alio yauked th* old man is thedirection of tboir wagon. With onohand she hold by tho back of tha coat-collar, and with the other sho grupsdhim by the seat of his uumontionablos,

nd compelled him, as the boys say toralk Spanish. Andu she sculled tbeld man ulong Bbe wlkod as only a wo-

man can talk."Er&jtun, if you hud your own way

'Oii'd jent koep on drinkin' that erepiien till you got worniB in your boots.TLe Lord kno«B I'm not * crusader, noram I in favor o[ cruuadin1; but I do be-lieve in every woman n tali in" her bus-bund iu her own hands, and beltiu' thuu-lor outer him avury ttcue la« goti thoilind staggers."

Aa EnwtUB dragged along on the tipsif his toes ho tnado several attempt! toook back. But tbe old woman bad thejeadway on him, and didn't propose togiTo up her ateering puwer. " However,2r&atus mannged to gasp (the old 'ady

bad his wind about turned off.) "Beehere, old woman, you're hurtm' Unitriain* on my neck."

"Shab un yon old lauatic, or I'll giveju a worse risia' than you're gettin'?w."11 "Well, olo woman, them ero dururaasboppars is 'nongh to make troublo

in &ny man's family—«at up all ourjrops and ipit terbscker juice all overie farm.""Oh I oh I you old sot ]" and here Bhoerated tbo old man eletr otf the' pave-ont, and his feet made * revolution

iko » steamboat wheel out of tho water,ind brougbt bim down with a thumpthat made Eraslua think tbat his mortalloul had fled.

" GnusLoppers I grouhoppers I youiid fool, then ain't been onu in the Statoif Indiany."

"Well, ther papers say thor's goin toi . "

"Ersatufi, your mind and body is w«.i-larin'; you've got the jimjams."By thia time Bho bad eonvzyed tho old

i»a to the tail end of tho wagon andtve him a boost thnt unendaa him iiitoio vehicle liko a aack of potntotjs, whorerastns wilted nnd shut up like a hot airlloon. The old lady then jumped into6 wagon, gathered up tho reins, and

irning to tha orowd, remarked: "Tliat'sie kind of a clothes-pin I nin," nudrovo awaj,

Slmrk Fibliorj-.The recent rerivel shark flshory of

_ie Northern Ice 8ea in tho Bay of Ter-berskya and the PanintuU Kola is,

HBJI t&o Academy, tbe subject of an in-teresting article iu ths Dot Auilanti,.pril C. Two kinds of ihark are foundi tbiB region, Sct/mnui Dorcalit, thoKreecland shark, and Selache maxima,ir basking shark. It is sUted that tbosohwki Bpecitlly frequent places -where

» oarronts mutt, and contrary to the 'isertions of m&ay naturalists, ouembloL ihoali, so that boats engaged in tho[•tery ore often surrounded by a hun-rea or mere of theaosea hyenas, greedy

'orproy, Tho boits for fishing in deeprater are from twenty to thirty tonsjurlhen, aud carry five or Bis men, whoobtain from 100 ta 200 kilogrammoi, oftil from o&o flab. Forty years ago, one

Patchin received & subvention from theItusiian Government to pursue this fish-ry, which wtnt on slowly till 1851,

irhon a Norwegian emigrant, Sul, tooko tbo business. Iu tbo autumn of tbatrear ho began his Hnark hunt ia Tore-lerskya Bay, throwing into tho waterkitchen waste and excrement. This at-tracted a thousand sharks, and manyworo caught with Looks baited with sea-cakes flasb, and aispatched with har-poons, Sul was presporoiiB for somoimo, but at last he was robbed andiis tacklo sunk. His example, however,ixcited tho peopla of Kcla to tako npho occupation. 'lbs Russians fish near;hc coast with small boats, which can

ircely hold four men. Anchoring at a•lain distance from the land, they sink

TGsaol piorcod with holes, containingil, tallow or other fat, which the sot!urrents distribute iu tha neighborhood,

Thia cauics tho sharks to aasomblo, andthey are caught with baited hooka nt-tocned to iron chains, as tboy could in-stantly bit* through tho strongest rope,!hroo of the men watoh an opportunity

pulling tho flak toward the boat, anda fourth, stands ready witb a woodon

ammer, weighing twenty pounds, toErik* with all bia forco the momont tbond apnenrs. Tba fish ia then out openr means of a knifa with a very longndle, the oil taken, and ita swimming

.ladder inflated by a long pipe. It ishen cast adrift to float.—Landand Wa-

Story of a I,lfhtn|nffltod I»c;llrr.Ho drov* bw team cloio np to tho

JDCO, got down, and rapped on tho door,'he window GUkem opened it, when helid: "Mn. Gilkeni, I am cognizant ofio cironmslanccs by which you aro at-esent surrouQcled—no longer lastnin-

and encouraged by tbo noble onewhom you gaio the treasures of yourart's affection, and bowed down by

ie manifold cares and rasponsaibililicsicidcntat to tbo wiring of eight smalllildrem on forty acres of sub-carboni-roua limestone land; jet Mrs. Qil-tns, you are an are that tho season is

IOW approaching when dark, dismal,langerous clouds at frcqutnt iutcrralsipati tho canopy of heaven; and when.igzag |streaks of elactricity dart pro-nscuously hither and thither, renderingiis habitation tuisafo for yourself andida dear little onet; honoe, therefore,et me sell you a copper wiro, nilver-tip-pod and highly magnetic lignlning-roil."

Tho woman staggeredback a few pa-- and y»lled: "Narcis, unfoiton 9ld

._achl" Ia another intant a uivaga•alldoc came darting around tba cornerif tbo house with bristles up, thirstingFor gore. The dog had already nung-led a maoliins, ngent and a patent <oapman, ond was held in great osteem byho better class of citizena for bis oour-go and service ; bat when his eras methe bnrd, penetrating gaio of Mr. Par-ins, his chops foil, and ho shnk off andid in tlio currant bushes, Thou tbe

n a u t i l i : "My dear lady, you neetn tom a little eicitod. Now, if TOU willHow mo to explain tlio probable ineiti-

IBUO ""Dem ye, I know somothing will

art ye," said Mrs. Gilkens, as shecached under somo bed clothing endironglit forth a horsn-pistol; but, owingo tbo ahattcrcd condition of her II.TTCS,ier aim wns unstaaJj, and tlie charge ofmckshot missed, savo whera a few scaL-crod ones struck his cheek and boundedIT. A hard, metallic Bmilo spread oreris countonando as bo Itanod his ahoul-tr aguinst the Soar fmmo. and againitnmcncod: "My dsar madam, euobinsmpdtc manifoitntions of your diaia-ination to mako a judicious invoitmont! a few paltry dullnrs ""Hi—col" shrieked tlie widow--illapaedinto a kind of jerkinm «,*id before ibo bad rocovop-1~~ , " °agaeUe lightning-rod ^ f o r l o c

tmblo domicile, «r"ink noto filler)nntnre.

NATIONAL UNION B jI S T S . >niS. A. BZEffES...„,„..;,,?i.Ll '-i i «

: Merchant Tailor,



=,-, r;:._-,,, Imnnr i» .ill. Urn; ra> »•; f i i M » li. UlBM, OultlEln I

1S73. 1B7&

'FALL and WItfTEB.


ics* T D D I S . S D U S S TViT-nicBAKER i: BZEMER.

DRESS GOODS Su-*£nr,fctrelli)K?ir.eiiiniJPBr. Ei LIKOSLEY DEY GOODS

'..-" -•->••• OUR e DEPAifTKEKl

S H E R I F F S S A L E ! """" v,:',;.r."V.-:7.-"- .:;-•,:... ,,..,., J i : . , , , T E A S , C O F F E E S r "'••"";

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tt* fc. 11'tbr.Mj

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il or,.;!,;- wj i: '.-/iiiii-ii^i




CLOTHING1 1 KUTc uucl i i tirtunfr of iiiiaitdutsict;. Tit*- guinrnrr ui -CliDiiiim; w Mill



HEXB' aP i K T S . - - - - - - - - 1 2

- ' 2 5ALL VroaL PANTS, SO!



ur,r -kin ii! il.?» J r -B^ : ;


i,J, H.-i^J' j J.-JJ :>-J JIJJA-J K.

BOOTS and SHOEStv r i u ; ^ **&!, ii i!.miu;:li> bap. «tii ncJi

w.'ii-.-iAt'. iiiJtj»'-i.v-]^.^i «"J| hut cur



KOKDAY. OctobBT 4th, 1875.

G-EOCEBIES :Spleadid Suite $10- $12, $15. $18 and $20.

~ Overcoats!rUUX* I-t; ir . j;.-i,-; cry;i,tnr <>S./yt": it tuniimri*-L- it JT_-,VII! |»r.cwi.

M. L. FELL & CO.,The People's Clothiers,


'-•itittini' M*-;i»ii.i-i-" Z'uuit.


rriH'ir;!'^E£':r'::';}£^ ?y"'r'I';;!''r;ili:::!;r?*:-;i;~: BRADBURY PIAHO



FRUJTS and VEGETABLES...«•.«.•/.>•..•• ::..',.< ,..•'* , " ; i ' S l S S ™ * i * w U A ~D"nT?T7' A T5T 1 T ! Urne. Cemtni and Fertilizers.


1-':'r;';r1'.'Tl:.*,r.'1',1 , . - ' - : ." ; .•••- ••.• ..-.{,•.••... •- . ' .« , ,» ^u,«i,u« « V ^ , . . . ; «n.." , ,L O» » « | CITLELI-. i;rsniiiid j-ua<i)i6.

•Vi"- j - XOKTHKUP- "E. L. EMMON'S

— — ; ^ ^ s NORTHRUP & EMMONS,1 I ^ ^ ^ T d ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^S t^ff^ *^^^^ ^y^^^ "T^w" ™ *

; POM UlilL. i*C6E; *1^' -fc:*- '*2-> * * •*- -* i j l • t * - » - ^» - <* • ^



STATE 'SENTINEL, j CUT y-41'sii PATTEKKS1 • iii: Lwiu-i l t a : ^ J.IUTV.:.

mid 1* i-utiijucbd ifcfcl il jirvt.; uu if liu


; TJIK.ITOJ, x. j .




EDPTURE. ' I ^ ^ T S S Mechanics' and Farmer's Tools.! CHARLES W. JAY

BHETJMATISM.i j-v v> i : .V'.1. I'.A-i '. W. DRAKE I DENTISTRY

l ' w!:! '.!v 1-'; l i l t . ! i* •'^•fi.i.'J '••' 11. . 'J l> . 1 . ; [•« ot yi i l r l i j i 'J UJ^JIJ t!.«tr;, btjr Imtu tln-y l^.i-n • |


I Wtin. <.'f d,i-.;i-*v, »jj(J Uj iudi-.-tliii^ tin- tfru;**r

S. H. BERHY,Blackwell S t , near Morris,


'v'it'k 'Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,

Noticei l U t iiAtu t^H*•< in \Us Oil)



Jif ( i t w « ' « J , u<n' iu,v " •'

!™'.Mi ' .« 'w", j 1 ' ™ " " " •'*'•"••"' " ' i ' r

JJ/. til

mille t fr.-] ii'jrtc-flitlj ; «ti,ilt


41H» J'/ii>ni^jr, li<ilA/jwir k CM., i'LiJ., J'e

Short cut iSS'i&i'.'Mu?to Wealth. " " . " ' ^ " ^ . ^

I Iii Vortb M., /» w Vork. ' ' iW*"''

Ut»i*r l w i u«u;ii »l M . « witb Jlili'. \luut-,watd Db'i Tir. Jit. 17 »tf.'ejiTO ^r il,i

.;:', t-bi-tt or I1KI«J t«-!/dirjt; fj c/ii«miij..

uiiuuu. ^ <C-l»"

AJ-Ijjl. »»(ii<J. Cr,,J rtotr*. f<w

id' l r i r p»n iif tune la *>}lw4 w't


BOOT and SHOE STORE'Ji. ii.i la t j : i. Jittt- ctvn TWO Z>rX)j;S 1 W I XIll t fJU; b-J'ii.'Ji, riofclr of.m^*J t,» J, 1»*.I ij'JLL' h Vt* J f UO Vllt ^VJF i j VIb H Utf^fd ^UD A




. . " «EO. FEDZITo, the oeitlirsM j n k n

If jou » uajd « K Qii liol iui3 cii»j«r. EEiBI-MiDE CLOTHISG, lur X Icw to CJEO. TTDFTfK utri dwr lo Die Pw# Oflioe.

and foil line of GENTS' FCEKISHING GOODSn- TOT iuir prices ui G35O. FTBEK'S, Dortr, X. J.

GOOK KEWM FOB KJOE PE0PIJ: ol Dorer u»3 TiaiJlj. II JOB TOL to teepv'nn*l*t a tiiildren fnrt frfia cfJd, 1,IIT ?

oir'S s a FULL

INSERTING, EXTRACTING,!'",."/ ^ ""'"' 'At-«Te tfce A


Custom Work and Jobbing j


S5,207. a » A 2CI CH l s f i ffl: eur. CMKlrt-JJi.

I w* \**r\ii tin lUB'TVitl, We at* ultf IULLing U.«utiluJ vAr, of toilL (JT



ill L uion Bank , Dover, .V. J.


o :E:E: ere si ^t, ir. a".


A 'iJl ss»itii<Hil oJ l ie folloiriif: FLOOBIXG. CEtLlKG. EIDDJG «ndSUIStlLEH, 16Mja2<i»dj TESCE 1LOLS. P L i T «.a SQDABE WCKITSC i : r L I K G J I O r a

HEMLOCK and SPRUCE TIMBER.Oar yrioes&ie vcijiovuBve


At the Olii H'lanf) un Ku»h(rx Nl..

UOVKE, K. J.riVti; w\>MriUt*. i,.,iui; T,«rbU^ f,^ui,^l .J. <"inntH-whip tu lli<. ( .uriur. UJ'^I- twwli'ni'-'J, »-.uJd rt..rf.-irol!/ luf'rt-u, lb« jiuUi'.-U,.l 1U) .re /i»»UlW|.r,i«r~i toimnfu!m l>un^ i>,4..(. atiL lie uiuumt |',i.u,|riut«.'I'fce ury Urrt .|7>!i*ue« 11'/* LfuucLt l« b«rit, IL. |./,.u-miii,o m jbt Crvl, u,d ,j(Ltr Jm-

iJ«* foruiulj J>OOItS, EA-SH ca

I! 1M CASI1 crfr, .Hi t t r

cfc C O

Till: kt

Stove and Tin Ware Store, OOTOBHU 7th, 1ST3.





* t t U- IcimQin tlit SLate.


GOOD H o i s S BLAMET for $2,




IM-B] tiBortunuit uf



mi* m «m




i tiitt E. J : KOEEET3*


** tlit r a j U-EI j t tjjg w o r ]^ t . , j ] u







•H-K a s HELP ion sPErorouBMOSEI WKELI.


FALL and lnXIEIl]


Dfillen is




Glass Wan

"Wood & W i l l o w "War


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe and Filtinss,



Powder, Fuse and Miiiiil

Materials fonstanlij on|


Cor. Bltckwell ana Harris Slteel


Lehigh, Scran ton, 4 Bituminoi




UjdfrtrooDotl<t»jitr than





Masons' Material, &(jCMXKtixxs.1 tat Wism.

Bergen Street, near R. R.

BDILDING.iiOra K>B SJJva Hn mi kodini froaf

DOVEI1 to 'MOtlST HOl'B,

By M. Sigler,•.'. ; ' : ATLOWPMCB





. J-j



«-B.*j.w.roia).Dorcr, K. J .

. 0»» nriel l of B«nj<« I**,

Ociohoratit, 1S71.



, s 3 i I1. " . ; i'r ' ' jikHtuK'

i™ nip--"',, 7.8U 1'. .M.

?'•' «r»nPM.jTl.rUwl.U.»,S^

!Si^r t l l ' ls-I1 'I ' i I&"!B""" '^ ' "" ' JHESTEII DRASCH :

7.3D A.imptuJ1. M.

HeCaimtilloM.AE.JonelUl'orl GrainDoTCr

A . M .C.SOC.577.037.U77.11


Weekly Statement of Iron OreP A l l gwoTmHA«KMrow« 8 c * i u , V JA

II. & E. B- »• T 0 PfiKNexiVAKiA, Fon



. 1,735 14. 245 IK, 778 12

3.W8 Ir2


Tilt; KHcklo Homo properly for ront. Rei

lue trials of Jary ApponlH will commonci!

An IntcMiHujr revival is In progroiB1 in tin

Tim rolling mills having been repaired an

puwinsellw operation again.

Tlie Jluirlatown Sating* Banks report <lo-

pji l imita amount of (GG3.000.

J'rcildwiil Orant has daiigmtoct,Thursday,K'oninborSUh, ia ThaukigivinE Day.

Itw. Father MoManus, of Itockawsy, lu at

prcionl junior tn charge o( Denvlllo Protectory.

At Ilceiwr's markot always tliu flout nelcc-

Taeidsy uoxt ii election day. Folli open atieven o'clock Io Ibo.pomion; and cloio at tho

Mr. T. M. Itopold* IB erecting a SA-horsopowar engino on Ibo proporty ondor his inpor-iliiou, above the DickerBon mine.

ilij. K. H. Dalrynple of llorrlslown and Sir,

HIIIIOII&IB of Menihim liars each lost One

lorwR, alfelcil *tth tho epUwottc.

E»lm routing* will ooramonos In tlio Berk.ilifro Valley Proitbylorian Church—IUv. T.Tjack, p»Bior—to-morrow eToning,

Tlie new drop; store of Ur . J. H, Brown,?lihli lms linen lianiiwiiiioly fllloil np for Iliofurjioip, Kill be opened on Monday vntt

tfiit, Null*, a driver lu tho employ of Ci Ililtey, un Thtimlsy mil urtr a llttlo ion ofCaroline Ford on Dlackwull St. aud br\.ko bis leg.

Mr. ffm', n»vy nnd Mr. Lnwranco Itaonoy

luH llover mi Tnondny—tho former for England

»n<] llioiatlui- forlroland, tbo lnndn from wblch

llu-y came. ' - '. ; •

It la thought Hie profit*'of tlio talajlalrof

|]iuhdl«i of St. Mary's GLuVuh trill aggregate

Dvcrll,BM-a wry. t;ood allowing considering

• tlie tinifB. •' ' '

Wllli Ibe hoop polo bnsincia dull and ebost-

nutsonlj' lialfacrop, wo don't know bow Ibo

New Fotmdlaui] people a n going to get along

tliii Winter. . • ' ' , ' ;

On Sunday last Un, Dr. ltarttni preachedITO Autumnal soraiocs iu Iho Uorrlilown U.t Chorcb, ttio church being decoralojl KithiUlUIUD ICMPS. \ ' • -' ,

Onr wjnlrrels aro so plenty tWrh tP in thaiiclgaboihopd uf New Ponndlind that a iporti-nanwlll frurnonlly capture'» M>ore,or moreIn a IIDRIO day. ' -V ~ ,• -• • ' [

Tlio new Comelerj ot 81, M a r » " Church IDiliia jilico will bn coniecratcd on Monday, Nor.till, uj Itialop Corrigin, antstcd by tba pastor;Jlw. 1\ McCarthy. : . i

Patrick Bury,of Fort Morris, wai committedto MorriBtcwD jail lilt week',- charged witbstealing over $S0 In money front (bo pocket ofCalbirino Klnnoy. - v' •; ' - ' : '.,

A thief t1» other livening- stole a hito of WokcfMn. Coleof New Fonndlan'd,hut before h»liid proceeded far tbo beer tiado the load IIK>tailor him to carry.-, . ' •" / ,. ..',: ;..:/'•

Tlio Catuoliai pcapjo' of'•kwrhiimii harefouo • good iror'k in organizing tlireo temper-ance aodelbs—one for men,- another fur youngneu,*niU third forbbji' ; ' , . ' , ' .

ThD liovs or Protection Hook aud Ladjur Co.liiTBordcrcdapart nf tbe furnlturo for their"iff parlor, and pat down a.handiorao newBrujwlieaipotytttorday. , . . .

About U'Dnty hsto profeased ronyunion•luring tlio revival meellDgR which hiTa IMOD inprogren in the Hocks way Proatyterlan Cbnrehdaring tbn past flWweckB. • • ' • . ' '

Both of Iho candidttea for Sharif ncro Inlawn on Thursday aud created IOHID' roctrNBurnt «• thty "aliopW hands over the bloodyebaiu," at tho Mansion UDQBS.

A Ecnllomin ol Brookljp,. b j the rjamo orltitn, hai broken,'Rro^'nd lor I now hole! atDadd's Uako, which will W one iianilred footfioot, with a wins of forty feet. . . :

Tho Slito Y. II. 0 . A., it fa •aid, are orean-hinga plna for rovlVal tQcitingsln .varloasPirli of the State tbo coin'ioff Wlalci'.' Morris-,

Senior Saarlolph and Oopfrre'stuaa Cutler•ill clow their reiiilcnccs In' Uorrii town npotUocponlnRof ConRreae aad roilde with thdifimilici |o Waiblngton tbli. Winter, '.

Ur, ASolphus If. Bajro, of Madlton, a scr-»fifor on Urn Central Raliroiil, dlod on Honda;o! lail weak of lock-jaw, caused Vf ironing ft"ll in hia fuot. Bo wis as j ra r iof agt,, .-.

BoDDton celebrates'HID completion of Ui aHkftclorj witU % rotss maotluR this, afternoon,'I "tichHon. Join Hill, Hon. A. W. Cntler, 8.L Qirriion and others will dol[rcrrad(lroiiuE.fAl (he Dcmocutk ConrouHon of tlito (tliatliird) Aisombly- Diitriot, hold at Chester on

"Panimnusly rD-noniiuatod fur the Avsonibty.It*'. U*im.JUcliol«ou, pastor of Qorniin

I"re«l»jl*rlan Olmrahca of atorriitor.u and*r*rnlllB, Itai been preanutedby tbo ladles atlili tongrcgtllon w i l b a beWlifal glit m' "tiiln»Mt. • . _;•; -. ; ; .; . . ; ' ,

Mr.Ju.] | ,Bceucrhaahad oirublbltlonin•".«t«l market tbli week a cuEumhor throe»ad t liair feet In length, vblcb wai raUcd byMcnllemta ntmed Wolfa, wbo.resides near

A ntw Cithotlo Cemetery i t Eucliaway IsWng laid oat by Ur.Andr'ew HouL. i ln t IlltUc«iBe will be ncptsury, tha plot beingw own, n i u a . h r tho pirposei to which It

B.vhrator II, Mouri,'F.-q,, tSn]wrininuTtolho MorrUlo wn Aiyliiiu fur tlm ItieanL'i tlinl •

IIKu-liurj un MonJiy Jitciilcil lu Jii'lle :li" luim

"lilp *uto tiro iiollini; timing* after Ibu R]i

|*«afhing rkcliun. Tho • cmumitliti

mljiiiiini?.! imiii'rt usain in Uirco ffi-tka nlu-i

attcudinj; tIII-IH. IU.'V. Mr. M<siu picHclicd nvery irci-iitubla wriuini. It in rumurt^ HiItltirc will hj u uiiiti d n s^u-mi n-vl\«if rcH^iou iii tbi» Hi 1B Winter.

itov. J. H. Cbs.lwiek, A. H-, or LunitvillKy jt nek j , will (Iclivor l.U jn.palur Iccloro-I'Clrtiinbbm und anii.ihli.iK," !» Iho H. E.t'Diiroll. Hotui.uuua, uu i'rithy uvcnnij,-, NuV.511.. Tlio k>(-turn la cjnikon of • • M^,\yOKIIIIR am) will nrull re|>ay all w(m ntlcuil,

8hu liacktO if;aliiHt tlie vrpll, ithllo*o'er horface 11]it warm hluuil runli(-s— 'Tn knoirledgof my lave, tliuu^ht I , that vtarts thoso lell-UI

v«ia jon havo uot trUKtocl." "Qet nut', yonfool," iho qulth rupliei], " I 'm '(raid my pull-liacli'i bailudl"

FJiowhero will ba nut I nod iliu advurtltotuoDiUf Hr. Mahlon 1'. Dickrraou, or Ilrmikil.Io. wb.liaa eugagod i u \he .uiidirUklng buiinutii withan olojiut nuwlienrac, borsea and all 1(iqiilpinents. Tlioio whhing eucu scrvlcci willfind Sir. Dirinnoti cnrerulaDd'ctliclont In tlIKTformaiicoof lilatlctlcf. '

iiinldiirrldton-utvhiinaTit tn hoprnjifor will a slip in a bo* propirud for tlm

ipoio nt tbD diHir uf Ihu V. 31. C. A. r<><tholr frionJi may ilu It for tLum, an

IHS]}'. U ibn niuiiii of all (bal uut'il praTurin Murristmni ure |nuHruto>) tint Amotion will Imvo n job on IU Immls.

'Jlic Woinou'a Enipbjni -)i)t Huciutyuf kfi>Iowa will bruh, 1U work on Friday, Nor. Otli,aiialf-pmt tiuco u'clnck, in tbe baeoinont ofllMftouliiflt. 1'nniliyirTlnii Olinrdi. Applicn-tloiw fur work H | ] | liu roL-oivud, ond rttdy ruadi

trmtDts olTurcd tor calu nt a very EIIKII1

Iraui'it on tlio coat of tbo icatei ial.Vin bivo bfou presented with a Quo map of

Itockawsr, doiuncd auddratru bj Mr. Jobu M.Itanetlof tbhtiilace, who lias them for dale.It il fluorj executed, ilmw the boundirles ofall Ilio urnpcrtloB and fiiroi tbu name* al ibu

As I Tahmhla work uf rorbreDuu andfQlurobliloryovorjreildont or tlinphce shouldoblaln a copy.

Tha tocallnts wbu tiko pirt lu Ibo grandrBiii ciiueori iu Ibu IWiylonno Church uoit

ruduoiilay evening are Uh» Itulnn, icpreno,and Prtir. M. L. BartUU of Oraiigo ; Mrs. W,

S. Cinou, cuulralln, and l i m n . T. B. Morrcll,W. It. Mone* and l'Vuiik E, Pr«.ko, orgi

)mp»tilit, of Newark. Nouc nhoutd intii this

I l ls uid tint U D R Bbeaff, ibo great railroadiviVallst who hsi been lubuniiK atuonj rail-

road muu under tho ausplcev ol tbo Interna-tional i, M. 0. A., will conduct services in thomachine shop at Tort Morrii on Friday eveningof next wuL-k, aisilted by 31 r. Wm. Btagcr ofOloTulaad, and do k gat Ions from the Y. M. 0.

s. or this scclioti.A mm •whurcKislDrodbfmmlf»i W. W. At-ond, of llnitnn, atlumpteil to commit lutcidi

by tnkinff a (lose of landinum, at tbo Farmer''Hotel, Morrii tow u, on Thursday nlfiht or lastweek. His llfo wai aavud by the rooansor a

!h pump. Ha statod tint tlie aboro wainot his rntl name, ibat h» was tlia IDO ofwealthy pironts, aud tTna'dcprciiodfrom thooffuota of a recent caruuu.

On Moudny I a it a trtjncli Ullud nrltli humanicktotn was discovered in tlm liaptist bury-B'Rrouiid, Uornitowii) by parties engaged

In eradlnfr. The ttioory la Ihat Ihoy nro theremains ol UIOBO wlio died of irnatl-jioi duringtho lima tlud'church/wai used aaaimall-poxhoipltnt in tbo IIOToluiloniry war. It in auTent tbat, hsppDning on the ovo of tbo Con-cnnlal, brloRi forcibly to mlml one of tho dirkitiai of Ibo na,tf oil's strafifitlc,—Ilanrtcr.Tlio rerlva) meolingt mooriff*B lUllroid

heu nt Port MorHn itlli coatlnu* and areattractittg considerable tntcrctt from all parts.Ou Friday nljjbt or last week Hoa^ Jobu Hill

ilogaillon of t bo Boon ton Y. II.] 0, tbe eiorclsti", undllcBtrn. Chapman,ii, ilnekloy aud Woud or tbe ,Dover

Anueiallon luok part, making an intdrcntiugoccaiioti. On Hnuday Ur. Earge»Dt ofllack-u I to town pr^abhtd asd Dr. Ocmun $J Slorrls-.iwii csbortcd. /rburubaroalrLBd; 1»cnabout

On Monday morning n't halt-puut nluo o'uloukhtllo colored boy two aud a hair yearsold,-

in of Lauretta Fiinwu, wm run uvur by ilia:art of a coal tralu s ftw ruda Ixlow the Mor-

depot and itmtently killed. Tun trainr -_-vlmrnry slowly and tho littla follow

,ttcmpli>d tn mn holiTfon tho ears mid waskiiDckeddovrn, Tbu tnpof hi a head ms cutentirely olTniid also lib right arm. AOoromr'n/ury was untnnioned by Jnsllco Eislon, snd aTcrdlct Tumlcml in accordance with the abovefacts, no blame atlncbitiR to Ihe Itafironil c«m-pftny.—Joricvmoii,. • '

Sumo cowardly wrclch on tjjbbslh ofteruijouit |K)ltoncd Mr, Coo. A. Blancbard's bcauti-Ibirddna;, "Major." Oeiirt;o would ralbor

Iho porpotrttorluuionlitruil bis place nndlakenbilliard table, for ho could.Invo

•ephced that, but il will ba na impoBsiblu thingtor Jiltu in flud aunlticr dpi; as good na tha onohe has last. Ho bad ficou olTorcilanil mfuted1200 for tho dojf, and valuoU him at |500,Indeed, iucli a dog as bo ia valued by Illsowner above price, and Qoorgo was nul poorenough Io sell him at anr price.' Ha anlboritea

to sa7 Ibat bo .vill fiivo iai for inrommtionthat will detect tlio pirpotrator or tbf« dm-iardlr dped. . . '

of.tha libelmolo, llrooklyu, N. V., will oiblblttho fowort and tooDa.of the now orgin of (bePreittytorieu obnreti nt a Rniod con cart to, behold In Iho Church vD Wodnusday eveninguoxt, In which Mr.'UurgsnvM baaHttitadbyvotn'o br.tbo' docJI Tocftllnta lu tlie atate.' Tlieorgan, which Is abcaoHfu! instramant, oceued

:k walutil, was fciillt Ly L. V. Stuart, ofHow York, and cost about *3,200. Tko couccrtwill no doubt proto a great treat, and wo pro-dlot Ihat with>u«h an nttnetiro programmothe Church will' bo crowded. Tickets way boobtained at tho news elorca.of 8, II. Brccso,'Vf. 0. Dunohub and Wn). Uorriaon. -

Jwnt* H. IJelctbonr, Eaq^wiU'comlDet tlio" " d i n at-lUt-T^ il.-O. A. ptayor meeliosJWnorrow aftemooD, • finbjeot for conalilera-" a : tlen. nxr ebap. iud UbAHminvIlea. ' / l / ",

Nctrly all tbo tcamoni-fcoa a, Urge ntmibar of, '•'ponln-i eiaplpyad-'oa the new IQHIDO« J l « » a l l l O T i r i i P l « l n i ' | W d>w tlio «BU Of ihB n n u"nti.BLogr.por flay.

Darinjj t y SumniBr'iioiiioVJjiit cloaoil tliofcrteltf ftli P .^roWat ' NWToundltrid w.i»P°Nw Bamnier 'nni 'Ctna Wu moro largelyJjwwiua than erer-wnlalning from SO Io CO% mem Soring, tbo wlinlo Snumor. .

At Bootitoa lail'Satnnlij Iho Bocond Aif j Dlilricl -Cmwatloi nn.ntao

? ? n D n W l A'Wltn«PintDmrictCon«nllonatHorrlalown

inrned the samD compliroant to Hon. Jaront

^a,J\h * ' t r ^ l w l consi<lorabl« attention Intill i . O n Monday Uit. Ur. Beecbor WM

W t



Mnday Uit. Hr. Beecber wito1 attend-thn funeral of k ctlLl-of

P ! l l

.AIeiaador WiBltou,

• *bo w»re pjeaiod to learn Q| hii safe>• Mi.TYifchton, whilo inEdinbnrgh.bad

trtii ,'P*l.wltorhlmjioir painted by a noted

/ • : ' , . ' . C - . : '.'•'•''••.:.•.{. '•

., Matrimonial.Tho TOcVrumon wlilchlmd been creatingflntterorexcitemEDt In the social clrclen ol

Dover for a row mootlm, mil which look dcDoodi atouplo or veeka BRO .wlicn llio canli

ennifl out, ciilmlnaled In airAml wedding wilOHiliy ailcrtioon it Iho residence of Jmlgo

FrctinanAVood In tlili place, wliOB bl» diinEb-•, ITion FlnrencD 111 Wood, wan unltarl to our

«ntc['iiu<d lo.ifll IrioiKi, Ur. Albrliicq 0. Rjnllli,of tbu firm of Nuiifliboiir A'flmiJh. Tho cero-mnuy wna per form cd at 5 o'dpcli by Itev. fJimaolJ\ H»l«y, of Urooklj-u, N, Y. . Tbo groom bid

Kt rabn Hcixn: H. II. IJtlle of Morrii-ond Wm. Olffiml of Now Vurk.nnd Mi«»s

Alice Iltich of Driver and Alice Jack ton ofBrooklyn worn bride *rai IU a. Tbe brlda mdgrootn lind their aulitiatt wero all fuulllunelyittirca-partlcular]; Ibo hilde, who lootedFairer itian fiver no thil liap|iy occasiu'u.: Tbo

i orsi handaaniBly 'dicoraterl andillitmlo-attdmil DIM fo IU ulmoat capacity ullb a.largo throng of gnests who onntrjbrjtoi) In

' way to make the occailnn a morty onu.Day, tho sueecuful caterer ot: Uorrlitowti,•uporlulooded tho arrangement of tbocolkillou,vbieb la eierj detail wu perfect and added an

additional testimonial tobn already esUbliibodrepulatlon. Tho girts to tin bridawero many,0o|l|ft aod elegant, and mads a raro cnlluctlvodlaptiy. Artipng tlicni was a aplcndid aiiort-nienlof tMo alWo'r, ornbrai:|og iw|i|fflnflpitcher and goblat, oastoni, fruit bnEketi.'ciVpboskste, fruit fcnlvw, ipooriK, forki. and rqunyother tlilnfis In tbat lins, all or now doalgn:an elaborately made painter's CBBO! hultJiiis

re, flower alanilii and omanienla it> sllnand bronif, and a hrgo number or other nrti-cleabothtisaflilMhlernanoiiUI. I^ilo In I;TonlnR tha prodded pnlr ttartoi for Now Ycoity by tbe O«wa«o express. In their weildbgtrip fhey will visit Washington, D. 0,, Illch-moml, yt,, and other place! in tbo&iulh. Amidtbe liott of otlior coneratiiUtlons given iVontJ inlngte the hearty well wishes or IIcraHofllioInow, En*. Mayau uwrovurtlow-Ing cup'of happlnen bo tbeir portion.

For tie largest and tnoit clog&ut »oiorli,I wedding e*ko tbat cvur enturod onr oOlce,o aro lodebttd to lbs Ecnoruus ]irincljml* of

Ifali Uappy occanion.

TliouMiida of ptomlilng youtlix, of bulb'sci, go down lo nnllmiily'snivN, from gon-

^.al debility and wctLuoia, who inisht ba aaredby forllfjlns tbolr •jatntns mill iron, TboPol uvlan fyrop is aa Iron Tonic prepared oi-prctiiy. to supply this vltiililpg eiotnont, andU th( only prcparalioa of Iron that will asalm-IUt* at ones with tho blood.



One m.Mt dD.rK-rjlc IIK]if ivitlt Una

xf.ud I-'urnnU-. Wi-rrcn 0< unl.r, on I'vhL,

ijjlit ufloct wutl. in wliicb tliL-hi'mor tliu i>c

ixioii «ni. William II. rii,,nn«--lately «f till

us n-amiog, Imlillv nllatkiul * |>nrl» nt h'U

ig Aiidibcf.Jt In^nu^pUbcd, umi |JiiLtiiJg tb 'iiII lo llifil.t. Almiil^bt Mr. Hcnrinj;, irln; > vrnUlimau in ihr hlum c( tliu.Osford Inn

Cuuii>ui),i', wL-ntiijiii Um Danniiiiol, atrampn.k-d Uv Ins mrwniutli dug, "Maj<jr," lur tb'

ip tlji HICUM \m oiH'iicd tbo uftico dii'if. nud IJLK;.)h' went Ijiifniu hi in In tbe ctfiluc, bjt Huddi'tihtnpi>L-J >ti«rt niili nl»w Krowl ul niunu. l.ouk

lug uri i|Hiifkl>. ho nuiHtsrilori by Ibe n|)|iniliira lar«u IIIUHUII man ailvanultig towaidl

him fruio tbo OoHk nilh a rcvuhur turokd alJ another coming In bis direction from

tbe ml ditto iittlco. It wasauiam<inlursuprcni(ixcitcnivn t lu Snaring, but witb wuudurful prei-tuce or mind be dropped bis basket and draw

Ing hU rovolvi-r quick at tbuu^ht, hi fired upontbnbnrglnr Infrnnt bt him, lomiltiK a linlloiwLUiliDff tlirougb lilshuart. Tbo rufQinrolledipon tlia floor, snd lu a minute later wai iif;UI corpso, balbcd lu 'iluod. This l>rlllianCUP DK HAIX on the parl of boariug ouraRitt

tlio Imrghirn, uf *hom tboro wcru tliroit mill tebo dispuiod of, and an inslinl later he waskuockod duwli hy a violent uluw in tHu hickoUm bead from tbo second rascal, ami then .tli ird jumped UJIOII blm while ho van tluwn, um.ttcuiptnd to liauilculT liim- boniins clinched

with him, and tlii'it fulluwtd a dunpun ' '* "TIID two rnltcilovtr Ibe (lunr to nhuro Ilio bodyofthiiiloiil miu Jay, Ibu bnrglur all tlio time

'dan to (jut OIIO hand in Ibo cuff. Hearing oiltbo while ktplhEi|iinlol band dixengaftnd,end

t tiring. He oiilr recoiled* flriiif; tw!u>,it iBprobibluhellied at least fuur tlmiv,

rorlheruaro Unco hulci iu Urn Kail ojijjiiRiti!,atid tbo bod; of l!ic (load man atoppud one bul-lot. Finally by t, wbll ilireclid NIIOI tk'irli

a bull in thu body of IIIM anUgonUI, andfueling the dog \>j bin niilo, called tu blm'oin Mnjor," ami Ibo loilhfiil animal pitched fn-

bo jiEi.tE.' At the varan I miu Scaring btgnncalling, as if ton companion, "Cutuo on, Gray,>ul don'i Bhaot." Abrmca dl the prnbnbililyif liulpbolnf! near, or fearing Hint Ibo travcwalcbuian'a pistol might go off again,'the Lurg-lari, including Iho nouudud one, crunched tinvenpon from bis grnxp, and fled tlirouRU thoifHco window, which was sulscqoentty futind•overtd wltli blood. It Is not known whetherthe liurglsrs fired buck orunl but II Isiuiipofl-t<\ they did, from Ilio faot tbebnuliui Ihe dogIs niarkeil'willi a cut like the grate of a bullet.

A few tninulcs later MosMrs.W. H.'Seranloiiidothon, a time tod by tlit witclimui'i cries,imo npou tlio scene. The thmvos hail fled,

however, leaving tlielr dead companion beblndthem. SctringliRdabandcuffonouohcndand

sevcro LruiBO upon Iho bead, whoro 'the ruf-fian had (truck him (lie first blow. Upon tbeniaxk bnlng romnvad from tbo hnrcUr'* face. Itto/ealrd a connlcninco of Ilio most bmlal type,

iffiln accmcil sbnut twontr.flvoyear« orage, had a well knit frame, was about s u f«tbfgli, and from tlio whUenem of bin bands nndother Indications wai without doubt a burglarby profoBilon. Ouhli right arm wero terlouidevices in India Ink, among them ,1110 loll era"E. I I . " Hli loft arm was^ilto marked withon inch or. On hit person wan found a qii»u-Ifly of nltro-glycermo cntlridgca and oilier

irglaiiousbinmuiiUion, suoh as profaislonaiirulsru employ In tbeir Befariam work. A>w "jimmy" was found iimlor tho etto m tbo

offloc, and later in Ihe dny Ibo gead barglir'sit and gloves, with afuw dollars in mon-

ey, a silver watch, pud the photographs of twolittle girl*, liut nolhing to lead lo irloutlQciUonin the way of writing. Tho revolver which homd in hit hand wlion ebot wai taken by Pear-*

iuglo rcjlftco tho DUO ntolenhf tliedoad man'Hcompanions.

Tho palli taken by Ibo decamping dospcra*we waa eloarly traced in tbe daylight fur a

dlitanco or nearly a mile, by tho heavy trail orblood marked by tho hluoding burglar, wliD Irbollevod to bo mortally wounJod. After )L'»T-ing tbo ofllco they climbeil ntvucv and rundoaCircuit to n pUto a eoupb of hundred yards IuIts rear of tbo ituroBTThcre, iicdor a troo, llicylinogoil, thoir ololltiiig, nnd left biOuud tlium airgt pool of blood. Along tlio railroad WBJ

dUcoTcreu a VIUHO coutalnitig a cimplete S3t orburclar's looli, showing that lie men wrro pro-rosslunal "cracks." They entered Ihs oBco 111thoir stocking foot, and donbtlcis ctlcnhteil 6aovurpowcrlug Iha.walcbpiaii and Iheu robUlu^tlio sftfo of {bo inunoy It coutaincd by somoiliumtodaghlfu us 110,000.Had pfcuipt soatch bcon Institulvil by IUOSB

I|IO enmn to thn f<p(i( WIIOQ Hutrliia raited thelarm it U very probable Ibat Ibo other Ihiceion Id bavo been captured } or bad Ilie comps-y Itsolf matia a itroiiK effort next morning

such might have boen tlie result. Hut thosefirst on liana aoonicd'too frlglitoncd to follow,and tho eompnuy evidently' itsincd. sa'tlifleifwith tbo work duiio hj tbo durftijj nalcbmiin;Wo aro alto Inrorincd Ibat aninn came to H jib'j-

ian of tbe place the next day, oittl prociircdof him n f rcscription for a man «lio was KufTor-ing uf lulernal Ii cm morrii age. This was nodoubt t n excellent clew, but alrtURo to say,notlilncwas tnaduofit. In juc t i t eoemi uoetfalt vtnB pi DUO to discover tbo fugitives bojoud

io sondinjj out of tflograma.On Saturday Justice Bbropo, acting coroner,

cmpinncled a Jury, and after eiantiulng ttiaDinlics ind taking tbo evldoaco tbay render-a verdict that tbo dead burglar camo to hia

death from thocflbrls of a wo and inflated byWm. H. Beating, and highly coibmendod thenatelimau for hln action. Scaring WHB the heroof tlia hour nud is to-day ptrhapi Ilio most pop-ular mftu In Oiroid. Col. Bcranlon, tho beadof' (bo cumpany, baa sinco" granted . l i ln 'aweek's rnrlongh and will probably ollicrwiso ro-

ird him,' Aflor Ibo Cotoucr's vordict nmMuunred a puhlio mcotirg was called In froutof tho CompAoy's uloro, at which Judge Hann,of WaBhlnpton preildcd, and Soaring was ln-trodaced In Ihe crowd by request *|id ToclfL'r-ously ehctrod. In rpiiwrno to a pall for ro-markt be i ta t td that lio Lad merely deno hisduty, which ho trusted his iiHployon wouldover flnd/liloi rt'idj to da Tho in cot tog thanpiised the' followina preambles and rcjolu-tinns. "": - .

WHEREAS, Our fullow-citteon, Mr. Will in m H.Koaritrg.ou tho morulng orUctober2!kI,indwlillo In tho lino or his duty as watchman furtbe Oxford Iran Company, rrai 'exjwMid toporil of tho must tryitie; choree tor, beiug mr-roundod and allackod by niaakod burglsrifully armed with deadly weapons, and, nt CT-idituco stions. nreparoa to commit burglaryaud rnurdt'r, if ncccaBanr: and

ffutnE»», Tl.Q mill Wlllii'in H. Hoinni' witb alush SJUUO of tha tmut iiunuued ou 111 in, andacoinmniulablo canrage ilid ehwil, ond kill,unO1 of bis assailants null wound another'ihnrarorD, bo it • 'UnoLVFH, Tliat we, bis fullow eltttons, willi

Jilfih appreciation of hlscMirngc, do extend> him uiircoiiKi-alHlBtiouHon tliouicrtiun tbat

[irtaiti-vud MM iffK, mul nur llmnkii l int bo has,n BclMufi'iiw, rlil Ibuominlry ofn luwli-cn til-

lain ivlio has proved to bu an unoiny to ioi?[otyand tbo pcaco of onr lioinea,

llEBOLVKit. Tlut Mr.-Willliiir II. Soaring ha*nu boarty iviibca fbr his npeedy rocovcry fromIho Injuries ruealvtid in Ibiaencnutitor, aud thata cony of Ibo rofoltitlom or this rauetlnpboeu-

rosmil and prctonlod tn him.Abuiit a week previaui to Ihe af&lr a itran*

gor, wol I-dressed, TislieilOifortI nnd waiBliownthrough Iho Company's store, and.examined"ie prcnilies tnoronglily. - Ho also made ioqal-Hcssi to tbo timeor pajlof, etc. It Is iup^pDiied thai lie, then laid out tlio gronud and

ml Ibe horglars to do tho work.

' Our New'Principal,Tit Waihlngton Star of last week glvas a

Cloulnjr dcacrtptlon uf the oiorelsts attendantnpon the retirement of Mr. John D. Heyhold 1from tbe uhool at Ihat pla» to take ehargaot the Dover ichool. After rarlons intcrotllnpDierchiBa Him Jo'sale Olea nf the X elasa cam*forward *qd after a neat tddreui presentedilr. H, with a handjumo albqtn, eoutstning tbeilcturoi of UIQ entire OIHSII, ImroedUtelr after

JIUi Bads Wyokoffof tbe B olass proaonted him,with appropriate reronrki, a beautiful!/ boundcopy of tha Blhlo. In eoaeluslon Iho HUr paysMr. Reynolds Ibe following irilutt *•

" A thorough scholar and-a mac of idaas, be1 und tba school a chaos, snd brought ordertid system Into every department. As Is tboise with sJl esrntst men, he found some to

differ'with him,' but one thing all mast ad oil t,iz ; That In iplto of a lavish expenditure otion*y wonnvcrrcillHdthoiilwior a well or-

dered pnbllo school til! he becamo iti prbcipftl.'Whan ha tint took ubarRo of Ibe echini, IbobnlldinCB vcro In A mast i]iEisqs||ns candithtu,dirt and filth •nrywhe™, i\l9 yniu poUntad brobscene scribbling and vila Datlusfurcs, anilHie tcata and JcaUs Miratcljed snd liaokud in alost sbamoicaa manner, Will his mlvenl alliat sort of thing enliroly disappaaroil, and for11a servleo nlano Ilio borough ones blni a dabt

of gratitude whtah will bo best and oulv repaidbyltnlatinj that IIIB suocssB-r "ball Imllute111*01 ample*.

\7a besrtlly oongmlaUlo tbo ptoplo of Doreithat tlioy h*Te ncoarod lil# forvloai."

Port Morris.

iv. Mr. Litlliit.f ll

lso lrvmay lin

i» t mLiiii


uiils wln y| - l i i n s i-vi.-ry Hdl.lulli.

1 i . n i l J liln; it V t l y n-IK blT tliU Hcru tb-! CJIllLiu.l ,,r,u-e I bad lu M u<I ;i>u but villti all i h '

ity Ilio (..IW. i« or 01,1 NiikHlill krc|. fiiminjiwitl] b li^ nd < (i!h|*d B

l'Miiil* JSnrry iv:i BIHI tu Mloi»tlnfiCnv-tb..'U ,]"!Urs fnnu KAII: Kidney at

"Alle itiiwn" a lew ilaja sfli'r last pay liny.ilriviuj; hi,mi) Irum Hlau-

i,..) n'liuii ,t ,,,„„ Bpranj;! l l

Jtnii|ic»1_inii; I

n lift,

•llhtmy,I Ii

il pulliiij; bin Uaiid iu bin [Kickct hi. iM "I'Jl Rhi yi u your uinncy «r yua,

life" puKiiid mil a-jneli Inife. jlm wuuUt-t»iKhua.iiiNn ilioiif;lii It n:ana pbtulanil lid gotut i,rthat «ocon and lulu tin bruali aKaii«li* lively.

An uld ganiluinnii rytio biiarda at Houtli titanbopo w«n gniiij; over In Blunliopo a fow nigliti,fter pay-day. When lie got toMarili Olivoi'i

blai-liiioiltli Hhup uoar' tlio canal lock, ho waiiltoil by Hi rot men mil tuoekud down

Me hid lume 80 dollars in bligxickot. butfortu-unlclv for him | liefuru tboy bud tlm a tqroblihihoy heard somo mie comlusacroM Ilio canbridfjo enu ran May. It was Ilaliili Normswho came to oppui tmiely and lie liolpeil tlio old;O1IIB boarding IIOUMO.

Mm. Froglsy fiut a car litad of i-nti] Imnie oiday last wuuk and souu fuuml out tlinl mm

it. On Jlmidiy :.l^hl mabungling burglar cut a lioto in IMIU of Ibo sliat-

of tlmiloru iirLatrrnnca A King wilUknife, aud a ilull nun Hl Hint, ])<tforu bany farlbcr Clijrlry Fnigloy bsu sconsuineliody u r n ing uff IIIH mo HUTS tunl m dibot fit them. Tit in nxi-rwl thu tloulilo puriiuse)f Hcnniit' Iliu ihvWa and tliu burglar.

On the gnnio evr-iiiitK it Port Mnrrin Ibr «lor«-

or Allen, Lunyir & Ot. woe inlercd nnd roubod

if two (ir three dollars while all tliu numbersof tho fit lit »lo|it tip atilrn over thu titoru

You may think llu-y are sound sleepers butie inau wliu can alerp at oil at i'ort Morrii ii

not apt to walieupliythecutlinK or a windowshutter with a jack lutfo or (liu rattlu of K lltllowindnnr glain ou tlio Door. Tboy have I hiug-

r alarm there now and they ara txcollontlets."On Tuesday nighl," siid Turn Lynch, (»bu

jarded i t Kale Klnnov's, "Alloalonrii," I wasiiuliift. ]i(.nic Irom b'ttnbopa and I overlook

Con8bcft,»nil Cuu K*I purty tight. I t wasdark lito aud wo licaril a inau'ii slop bolilnd us.

" Let us go Ibruugh him," sayn t?hca,"Otli, lot Ihe poor divil go," sari I, "wliat do

wcnaiit logo IlirutigV him furT"

With Ihat Ilia man ipnksau nays ho, " l athst yon,Tom?" "It i i | " S B J I I, "Ii thalyouFo-garty ?' "Yes" « )»he .

"Wilh tbat I left Con Shea and took Fogar-ly'i arm ami vru wont tofothsr to tho ah inly.My tuppor vas wsitbc for m«>on the table and

I uat down to it, Kelly eald lie hod a silverlu Ills finger nnd I took my knife ana was trylnlogot i l out nhonConCbca camototUe doortnd liked was Ljucli in. I did not hear Iheliiestion but IOIUB one isid you. Tha flrst I:ncw ho reached Ills lofthandaronud Holly andnut mo by the iblrt collar and with & big alonen his right hand ha • truck me thruo quick)lowsou tbe head and beforo I oolild rine hu>rqko tba hash illsb and I don't know hownanymnredliheiou my head." Look tliorc 1taking off lux hat anil ihoirlng tbreo cut* onds bind, covered with stli-klns plaster.) I»uGbl him bj tlm legs as I KI.I up. fruui IL"ablo nnd \>9 toil between tba table- inO tli*itovo. Tlioro was a. kltflo or toiling hot walcrun tho siovuauD I picked it up gotnp; to poorIt nit over him when old Paddy MoGufrn hol-lered "for Qod'i sake, Lvnob don't noald hitnl"

" I ant ttio kottlo back-on t lo atovo i myiead began to go round from Iho tffrels or Ihoilong and I |o|l tu thoiluor. Tlio dootrir mju

it go to tho honpiUI u« IODU «• I cau, butihflik God 1 I did not throw (be bulling waterin him, bad as bo treated ma. 111 had glvtnlira any provocallun I would not bavu wontlcrud.tllioiusn."

"Why did you not Kul •> warrant for him audveLituarri:*lud?"'Well, ibe doctor aoy* I uu i t jjut to tbu bos-

>1U1 AS NUOU at 1 can ami bavo my vrounds iX-ended too. And (ben, you know, I am atruuRtr bcie, tbo court ilun't turut uutll Jan-wry, I have a wih -Hi! two tbildit.i -t (Ifttukio said) Md|;owDod, aud I irould rather let lbscIlowBonndnurioujy mm hoaO lb»u Ijavo to;o to Jail Mr two luontlm HI a wllnrai againstilin."

And so poor Turn LXnobwentln lioipIUl atPalencn on Wednesday afternoon and Mr.

an Shea Is at porfoct libunj to run aronnd auuit, pound aud liammur wboacrvcr hu mayilectas tba next victim of big drunken splto.

It is said Shea hos'rau nwoj. Ife was veryfooliaL fur Ibat.. Como bsok, yon.' 'ibero is

it boor aud aomo wlilskoj 16ft in HUuhope.They can aeliuorowlii-n tbo mpply runs <mt.You nay bo for In no tu cnougli to kill somebody

nt time and tlton you will bo a hero; thenhoy will pray for your convoriifoii; tlion tlioitato will Ulo caro of you, pcrhapi; then with

ir hando red wilb yuiir hratbon bloadthey vill icntl you htraiglit to heaven fromtho caljnwi. Now you aro only a poorioor drunken brute ..for wliuui, cnbodf a reaixcepl tbosainlo nhoso puckuta yuur ruancy

i lor that wliiuh mnkes you, who wero>tcd iu Ibo imago of Clod, lea thousand

times worse than a brute, and tltey will kickyou out dootB when your tuonuy gives out.

Ob, yo good eliristlam wliobav«i;ot tlioobgyavn to to fino a thing Ibat jiknotr exactly to

wbat ciiurch I must belong lo lo saved, whydon't yo go after the Con Bhea'i—(hero arolota of tbem-md track them tho meaning ofChristianity. Thcio are they for whom Curlitwas cruciQod—Iho poor, tho lowly, tuo degra-ded. Ifyo think thiyhavo souli, cenllemen,avo them beforo tboy becomo rourdofors.Five weeks ago ISohort Mount of Fh.illpi)hqrf;

*rai married to Ullea Ifiiureut of Stintopu,Ur. Mount nont hunting wilU a. Wood on tbo20th lust. A load of shot lodged In his amiand atnpntation won doomed mccasary. Horai burled l-'riuay. D. J.

SUOCASUf/NA.A couplo cfynnnn ladies of DrakevWo wmTo

iHltin^Noma TnouOs el Milltown, or Cocpor'uHill*, as Ibo pltico It Huniollinca called, loroo

Ibrmimiloi south or Chester, atteiidcJ)UH mu^tlnp held !u tbe Milllown seliool>u Sundiy evoiihiB, -October SI,' and

Whan rulurnlug from tlio meotint "'"» ' "ojug lady compantaiiB weru ovtrlnlitn by air oCyouiift rufllann in i l>uggy ilrivlnjj at a.•Ions rate nlio RiifiU-d tboir Iwrno BJ m to

Jrlvo Ibo lidlea horn Ibo Btdeiralh b i o tboAficr paBBing on a lltllo way tboy

lui'iiod about. pAAdt?n tbo Isdlcf, llioa"liirnud«gnln, ftml agnlu erowddl Uiem fr°m Hit) walltiBalnut tho funqo, nieanwhik ualiijj oHwiiuivr

id dluclmrging a p!Hlol torcraltimes. Hot con lent willi tbiiR luoullNiic ami

tying tbe Indlci tliL-y cii|)ra?i)md to protontIhera frum pneslng by turning tlie burse fro in

eldo or tbn Mud to tho other, »nd oushlng their liotno attoniplod to pruwmt tlio

Udiea onterlng.tho houv by driving tbo buggy'jen then snd tbo Rile, tnBbleti(nK oiiuof

(JO that tbo fell la tbe ground ia a twoon,ind was carried into tlio bonne In tbat condition

tbo affccla of which abo did not nutJmlyrocover till euv«ral days after. Tbo uaojus of

two young hoatbens ira not potitlvolyi or I would five them hero, but a couplo

or premature yeuug men living iu that vicinitywho aro sadly deficient In an ordinary amountof brains aro strouRly euspoalfd, whosa ignor-

coifardlso will yot hotny anil btlugthem Into public notice.

Mr. William Scboor at Drakovlllo Lai addedconiiilcrahto oslcnslon lu hia* dwelling, aud

^•Sheriq'Ktiigliai unproved tlio lot>k,« (JMI[»ulldlnss very niaUrinllj, A, D. Halmoit, Eaq.• abonl to erect a Una new rctldouaa noai thejcitionof tliooldotio, ,XhoadailiunitoSuccssnnna arc a now Tin

nilEtivu sloru, Mr. J. J. Corwiu, propHutor,nd a Tory polito arllttlo younp bar bur nbauccrods Philip Ilculo, remoTCd to SIcColnsytlb.lur new b»liur lias tnkou up quirlern iu Ibo

liutol whore lio may be round at Aiiy m-asonablumd will traiiifarm a roaly, uour, t coir I ing

coantcnaiico Into a pltieant vmago tbat «illlies for a week afterwards l0 , l o

time* Ladles liavluR crusty husbamls shouldraako a noto of thti.

Tho Itev. J.B. ChadivIclt,orLoiiIavilla, Keu-lokj', fortnirly of KewarUp NT JU will loptHroi Um Biiocviunw M. E, Cham)', on l^ridar

svonlng, Nov. Btli, couimenolng at hklf^paitavail o'elouk, Tlio mbjeot or tho lecture,Qrntnhbrs and Ornmbliiia" Is in in I or on Una

ono, and In It liieny pninti nlll bo pro 6 en toilboth entertaining and Inslruotire. II is uotoften that small places arc fc.orod 'vllb BUQU•pcakors ai Mr, Oha'lwlol<»tho larger outs

:ral1y eaicliing J.liom—so a crowded homelor.Stbtohearlilm. OCITO,

Tliu ftilfowiug cau'M bnVi: tfuu (lisjicjtod i

Fleodud von vi'i.r, aud was Ht.i;d (.'• mid cAll>ert Oron*li.T jiluad K"illy lu uialiikcbicf, itiat in, ihootiii}; » uclglibur'ati'l #1 and (Dill. tfj

Andrew Blnuliifliara wm Sued (5 and <for looping a disorderly kuuto,

Wai. OliirctploailNOH vtxr to lolling liijuurwithout llcuuie, aud tlio Court ampoudod mu-tence,

Mkhai'Klalllgauiraiabofiuoiii fur keep-ing dleordoi IJ huubo.

io mwil Cbirloi Baker uud Wui. '1'jwho were iiiiticltid fiir UHIIIJ ybut uunrJur in

until JanuaryLaku llupatcuiti;, HIU laid u

l'etcrdliailey iudluU-dfiirkuI lummi, HUB uitiullttd by ttio

Mictiai'l toivy ami 'I'LTCKUU HuuUy ffurcled and emmou-d ur an it4tialt and hiltery oniia Juhu V. M'"ui1 s huttil keeper lu Itandolpli

In tliu citsu uf Million Itobzrts, Edwardnimby mi) (liarlu Morris, wlinwero Indldodir hroalilny sud crtUnnj; tbu noro of Mr.trykcr »t iNtiU, tlm jury ulUir hilng out b C 7 , .

ral hours returned a vmliut uf guilt; with aQummondatiun to Ihe mercy of tlio Court.I'IIQ case of the SUte vs. Jouoph Sway a e \»•won lu thu Over nnd Tcrminor. The ds-ndent la indicted lor md from

thoevideuco It appcBis tbat un Sunday, IlioMb day of Juno la.I, whllo Mr. Hiram Uunoy

au iccoinpanlud bj a_MUii Hockonuorry vanituruinjffroiacburali'oaFoi 11 III, they over-

look and tried to pats a carrlagu wblch tho de-fondint was drlviuc Tho carrlsgCB collidedand Hr. Jloncyuun'i hursu took fright and raniway, throwing Miu llockeuliorryuut and in-ured her ia Iliat ilio dlcO lu shout on liuur

after tbo acciJcot. Itlsallogtd ihat SwajnenuejTorfld to prcteul Ur. llnucytoan rratnpMiiug, AUII ID doiDR no turned bis horse in

icb a rnannor that U wm luiponlbto to avoidtbr.tulliiilou. Mr.J.J.Cutlerappeara for thodefendant.—Dinner.

Morrh QoQ/ity Courts.

urdiul r of Mr. H

the vttte ut C.[utrh-* C. Duilarl T*. 1-'J

In a vurvict uf 1317.7-! Tur tba jib In ti Jr...Kjolioot tliu Lfbijiu Vullu.o Iruu I!

I«niL-IU. Comiict tad Gid.ou (I. I'alincrl^lriud-lLoplalnlitTrf^v^ri,,- . j u Jy ,

In tbo t'lmuit Cmirl ll.e f.ll<>«inS vae.-a

t;nl I: It. Hiieittun vi. Mnipct lIibKi>ii,.

.. W. Cullerf»r pkintilTmil Jii'm J-'.miclib for

iv tliv (ilamtiff a tiiiJi^i f,,r tiij.^rt.ivasuuf ltioliiiol IJu.k r« JUrr Cuok;i uo dulmilu.. 'I'llojury L B V 0 thi: ]ilui

vuidiui Ihu lu uud —

Suicido at New Foundknd.Edn'nrd Dar^nporl, a farmer 57 years of ayo,

residing ahuut ono mile ftum the hotel of Jobn'.Drown i t Now Found In nil, committed nu.

oido on Monday morning. About lulf-psst fivoo'clock that morning ho started from homo,ipparentl? ns rational In mind Atovcr, aayingthat ho was jioiiie to Iho village to get IIIHboots meuded. H«lfaohourl»tor bU IWOKOIIS,Lovl aud John, starlod out to go Io their work.Thoy had proceeded but sbout CUI) yards, !mw-

•, when upon a little Iinoll in Ilio road, theywcrocoufrontod by tbo hornblo op tu toe to ofIbolr own father l.vluc; lu a poul nf hla ownbluudhy tho frayaldo, Iliu boautlful Huts'of Iho

an Icnven all about lilm ntnlnod by tboon curruiil. In liio.iiiiddlt! nf Ibo road

lay .his bat mid coat, ft u.l lu bis Imnd vanhly clutolicd n WE, mndu or a bulttrnut

stick about 0 0 inulits in knylb, to tlio cudlt-li ivas allai'ltpd v plwio ot Hull Hue of

•uMdeiit lengtli tu go about hia head. 'Hiestick boro ovldi-uco (if Laihishcou in Us mnuth

tboladoulatiuus or tenth upon it, whichI tund t* produce suspicions of fuul pity.

Thcio, howovor, vrcro dlapellod hj the fludiugf bis own razor in autoo bu»tic« near tbo road-Idu, wboru be himself had thrown It oftcroninilltlug'tliDwurk of Ills own dcstructlan,

wblob ho ilia tiy rutllag bin throat, Ills rightarm k-iug urlpplal anil moUm, bo Iiad takentbo ruEur In liu kft bund anil cut Ihrce or four<arful gBilioa In Ihe right tide of bis ucok,tteudlug from his car to Ibo middlo or tbo

Aeck, and levorlng tho jugular vein. Whenfound he was cot y ot qullo dtid, but bt expiredwb Ilo bis BCIJH were 'coinroyinp,'hini Io bis hotno.During this time hg was uncomcloua, and didnot uttor B word.

Fortune had not bocin kind to Edward Dav-tnport, and the roaiouor bis taking bis ownlife ieeadily esplninml. Fort number or jerraut—iinrtlcahrly llio last two-his head haaoon confined by ncarnlgfe pnlnii, aud bli bodyias boen rackrd and crippled by rliouniatlmn.Uuually a sober nian,ha would sometime* drinkto drown Ins recollection of his miserable ei-itcnco. In'faet life hid become a burthen toilm, tnd on this beautiful autumn morning,rhcu tho truei wero giving IIICU that life whichlatubgavo tliom, whonvcgoUtionercnKOomedglorious In Its dccay^liii thouglrls wcro nicroIbau ovor sad,and hr surrondnrcdUIs Ufa andllscarea to hia Maker. ,Tlio fuoti in tho casobeing po apparont a ctronor'u inquest TTJIHooiuiid unnoconaalv, The funeral services

wcro ubgcrved In tho Onk ltldge FrcsbytorianOluirthon Tuesday afternoon lu the urenoncoof a larfiO coDfiregallon, Tlio deceased lonves

wiraandflDVcncbliaron.Uunrinp: raRite rumors that bin death was

caused hy muriler, na proceeded Io Now Found-land md found tho cue sa ahnvti stated.

A nine tetB[Kil together for the purposaof

the Alarl« nniadiMn, vliitod Dover on Satur-day list, *ni vent away again Iho tnoit ruefullot orfellowa tiiat over Mine to town to try thebluo atocklnga. The nine cominlod af a fewplayers ofMadisan^Q'HHIl, |a(o pjtoiiar of thoprofcrnonil AlUniki of Brooklyn, N, V., tlio<«tchnr and flrat. baseman of tha Keystones,

ilber noted plijeri. Tho fo!lojrleg showihow tlie Itandolpha t.mlt lbs starch out of them:n*xrLpn.

West, r. f. S S 0 0coonnirr. s.». a 3 1 1'Waddy"9Jb.9 S 9 S

Aubeuck, 1. f. 9 3 1 0Lucluiiau.liitli t 111 l>

—ilU, 3d b. 1 9 1 SO'Nell, p. . 1 9 M0. Plnknty, M h I 9 0 0llrmnm, c. 0 0 9 3W. I'lukuey.e-fO S O Ul!o j t , l t t b . 1 a i d illlcker. r. f. 3 3 3 0l!jll»l«d, i . s . 1 3 1 i

Douiliity 1. f 0 3 1 0

313T3T18 Tottl, 7379T1TKIT1CI DX 1S.HINQB.

1 U 8 4 S O 7 8 E )lUndolpli, U 3 0 1 3 JO 3 1 4 - : sOlympic, o i o u u i a u j — 7

Umpire—J»;lm S. Oibion.Tiruo—Twu lum • oad furty-flvo wiuatcs.

Tbo Judiciary Cupjiniituo nf tlie Hife Hall.stiwlition ur New Jsrsity, will liuW theirannual niL'tiLingat Hit* Amoriein UUUHOatTrcn-tnu, 011 Nutiini1*r 4111, vliuiu't mil bn dcoidadwhich or Ibu clubn In Ilio Asscx-tallon Is tbochampion, uud Ilia (Kiniiut will tm awarded toHint rltib Yhicb \\\>v\t liir<vlli;titiou thall bomud to have won iho groatout nnnhor of

hamei, tccari\\ug to tbo ruled which Korornlife game Tlio pciinnnt is n nllk ulreamcr,alxloeu foot in le'of{M, and will uotr Ihe natno ofthe wblch il is" preaoutod. AW lo.'ia-taiicsofclntiB ilionld bend thtir score bnokstoBecretar? Sohrepe, on or buforo NoTomber III,l l nllbookinnntboopanfor oiarainntioa bytbe coraratlloe it-tlio meeting,

The wcll-knorrn WnontB of Brooklyn, whoearned thiir rigbt to Ibo championship of,ong Island by dotation tUo celebrated Chel-can, will pliy Ilio lUndolpba la thii place Tnci-ay afternoon next. Tbli will In all probability0 tbeiastgaineoftliB scaoon. and all iliunltltlouult.

TuoD"t)dolp]iNivtl]pU7thBAJerti of Belvi-:

ero, for tlia cliamptorishlp of Mnrrii nnd War-ren emmllci. at Waablneton, on Woduceday

i t .

- Longmod Valley Railroad.Many people havo wondered wliy tho railsavo not boon laid upon Ihat part i>r Ibo I^ng-

wuod Valley lUllrosd alrondy Kradod. Tlioion is hcrnuge of tho heavy embank uu-utid made on Iho High Bridge* cud or tkoi, to connect with Uo Central; from wheucorolls mnat bo aunpllcd. TIIIH oiabaukmcntvery lone; ono and Is sixty feet in bolEhth.

Thev have been wgi king at It Tor • long time,o it can bo mailo only from nuo cud lUo

wnrk la Homowlmt slow. They are now work-lug night and (Uy forucs audit liosliuiatBdthat tho worU will bo completed iu about two

onllm. When thii U completed mid the cou-loction wllb Ibo Central inada Ihe rai In will berought forward auil laid down from High

lli-idgo alonff tho lino m far a* cotnjitolod, to apoint new Ita Junction with Iho B..L.417.

Then tlio work will bo puabul forwardi(h the Loogwwd Valley, the rout* for

which tbo e&sinccTt aro notr laying out, •

;nlJM tllircon hi: found in nil (,iadc»tiid frlenn 1

luiiiH'. D.'akrn buyiuK mtlcria'aiii lurgi.-ijiiai

iill, .ulireotly ftoiii tint 11.11 i1Uf».-tiiii-ii., tlio(,M

iru ].r^B(ntnl in tin- jiuli!>c at a imiuli IIKM |JIhan il U txibiiiljlu lo liuilnnu l>y pnvala labor,It JH It 0 - l l . i l Ib in ii. d'»iu Id (IIL- d»Uiniimt

UhLitsSfH, ami by prturly imlcl lalii.r, Iitaut HIIII K I ^ I I , ' . l| lf lt cliniu«ua, niH

»••», ik.iiri, «U-., IMU liu Imil .'.I very lu-* pi

'iiiplvlt-ld-iilntni-liJ uroiiiiijuiip, am! uffunI li-iitiiuiiiilniudrcd ilollam By a

rlnl," tliu luitlc 1.011UI | IU MH-,1 tbo w:

II mid »oary fruiiK-' t int HU Vtiim in tl

.• paid f.,r muntbo of unruinilllug toil with

m m l aud f.-lt skirls arc lu. ' lilijlu»- tliu flannel rliirts frum I'ju plain bum-

med and tucked, to tun richly tubi:oiilertd influvs tillt: Ilia fiiJti", wilb quilteil fsi-lngs

ick latin tir.lvu ur ci«Utoon Incliea deep.

WrapiHirs In nil itylca fur tlio Lome, la Si

>!, •uurmu mid cjihraero, plain and elaborate-ly 1 rimmed-ovcry article, In fact, belonginglo a My'e trnrdrobc—are furntihud ready-m*doat • luwer price tbau it would lo p'Jialblo tonaku 111 cm i t lio mi

Tboro Is no decline 111 ttio populanlyoT color-ed buMcrj; on tbo contrary,iro bringlug out additional novoltici. Tbomw cardinal color In all varlatioi of liusloryilniu, strfpud oudptaidnd. Al> cutum aro nowu*oii|{lit mil autl th) whllo BtiieklDn iy entirelylaiiUliud from every we) I* BGI tic tod wai'lrobo.—ItripcH continueIngrcni faloticftvahlo variety aud <1CB!HU. Hoi id cnlorsire alto papular, nnd, libu colored sklrtB, nilKI retain ml for thoir utility and jjroat ennven-B1IC0,

Frfiirli wool, ICntfliuli cotton, lieavy Derbyribbed colton, culton In fdncy Btjlcs, dlk andIIHIV tbrooil, aro nil brought out in fancy colonand douiyim, and ilia miUlcichod cotton lorn'likh is alnnyi dcalrsblc. All styles aro ro

pealed for children, and tbo batik* even aronot rorcotltu in ibo /age fur fauiy bosk'ry,

Killed at De/rymple Mine-Atahoul half-pait eight o'clock on Mondayenltid Jeremiah Wiggins, a minor employedtbo Dairying mine, waa killed In HID Ham*

lafl.andiiuta'liHlo dixUneo from the ipulbci-o iLie la to Peter Doyla wun killed Homo.'okantro. Ha ami bin purlnrr woro enr;afjodworking ii|Hin a scAffoid, four or iire foot

lib, m d wnrc (IrillloK In tho ilde <if tlm voin,inn a'pleee of oro gave way alrnvo, and inIllne; ntruck "Jerry1 upon '.ho top or thend, and ho fell frum tbo ieaffoW. Hii ptrl-ir baitencil to him, hut he wnadoail bufore1 got tlitre, Tbo wound raado by tha rottm but atoiit R D fndi and a half in length, billo blow vas fiovcro enough it is gui>pG&od lu

USD tonciiMslou or tlie bralu, wliIch resultedm«i»nt dialb. Tli* dtcoastd ir-tn a voimg

an about 2a ycam or ORO, WBB tvoll likud byOMU tvtio Liion him, and leaves a widow and•o small clilidrcn. Tlm Tunoml aorriccs weroiHcn'L'd at ltuckaway on Wudntadiy aricruoon,

Siaiuiiet CiiBiniori', employed in tho 1'uidinu, nic-t bin doatb by acciik-ulou wa« working In Ibonliaft wlicu aHmatlpiccorc«k fell from ovui-liLnd aud it nick him uu tbead, fulling hlra un his back across a. pilenibliiHb. The bluir of Illo flono did not in-ul »(vy maturlal Injury, but Jilat ia Illsiciidi VTLTO about to pick birn up, a Urfic,idfju-Fhopcdiock, weighing nearly «. tun, foiliui AIIUVO across hla leg, hut ovuu Ilintni'djcdul as it ftinck him, und did noi'ovuti bruak• kg. HIM Irlcinih, thinking him uitin]uml,irked >vllb a will and cttraclcd him (rum tils

.iijjorvuH poslllou, Aa they wero about toDisc him lib told lliom to lift blm nndtr tliu

sLouldera.Biit hurt bliu to lm titled by Ibelegs. A pliyniciuii TTi» suniniuncd, nhu to Iliu

iprlse (ifallsalil bis bach WBH broken mdU ho could only llvo a lltllo whib. liiu 11 rut

acrutts Iho pllo or rubbish, van what earnedbi-ojik. Iu two or Ilireo hours after tho ac-

leut lie expired, having behind him, ID poor'cuniilaucuB, a wifu anil alx children. lies a faithful, hard-working man, and wai gen*illy toot oil upiin BB one of the bent etnployebi


For tlie L&diss. {,-uruituts in uu IUHI illx|

vcurliuu mlliinart:n- yarn lie

^taLilalf.,! <

Foreat HillThe Btjuier mine was tbe thoitra of m ex-

sittug and daiporato conflict tbo oilier diy, tho- ' - i l lnp ; psrtlus being ono of tbo men en-

! st tlio intno and a cltiscn of tbii piece.Driofly the partlculara nro as foil ou t : Tho ig-

cuor Lsvlus f rovloiwly paid his devotions too ibnao of tbo iiortonvillu hotel camo ovor

•u tbo mine fur tho purposo of obslructlug Iheprogresi ur tko work. P uri OR bis obtiorvatlonnit becamo uviJont to bis critical 'mind l is t onool tkquea,was not profascly porfoVuiing his

uly. Hu'therefore proceeded to'oJTur homongtjctl'iotu which wore promptly rpfused.-'Ills led tn further discussion ou boib sides,nd tba niKiimiut fliully iiailng warm tlicv

L'imc lu bUiwa. In tbu encounter, with ui-turo's ffenpoiii, Hie bardy Bon or Stolia proTedtoo mucb for tbo otbor party aud lie doubtlessTuuMkave receivedHorlousiujury liad not 8ev-

il of bli fellow workmen ruubed In hti roi-0. Tho victor was arroslod-tho sarn9 day

iponcomplniot oftba saaaulicd par'tf, but if-ler Uunkinj tlio mtiUor over conclndetl to tako

Tbo prorrictor or tbo Hor log villa hotel gavollio fimt ball or Ilio poason lust week. Ibe i t -

uco van vory largo and as usual ROVcral or;uoeti were grossly Inloiioalcd, uni

them, an ox-comtabla of CbCBtor, offered tobet tM ho could whip any mm in tho county.Ills challengo not tioinjr nccqitod by anj prei-

it ho Is still In bis otru opinion ths championuf tho county. •

Wo aro iiloasod to report that Miss Paino hasrouro Ibau fulOlbd onr oxppctnllons, and is

icting tbn school in a manner tbat cannoLrail toRlvusstisractiou to all,

For aomo time' past tho spirit ordlmienti bean rim among tbo Pickup B. B. 0., of

Clioater, which bis flnally resulted in tin yidrawal of Ihe thrco best [tlaycra, all of ivhomreitlde In tlila placo. Dor.

CHESTER.It really appear* tbat your cnlnmnasrn do-

serled by »ny corroitpniident froui thli plaeuilnco tbo exit or nur acconiplnliod friend,"Klqno Lyux." Of courne I will not enddavur

tako hia placo, yet Bern! you the ten Itoinulow ffli fell tliougb rudely recorded may rotove' uniatcri.'allns to ionic «I yuor tnnoy

•ejders.At thu Samoeratio Convor.tiDn ortliiu Aiscm-

lyDiBlric! held hero Tuusdoy aftrinooH onrirfneman, Hun. E. U. Sltcllctirji-r, was rinntn-ntud for a aerand h>rin.itio tvork of titling in (bo Iron!la ovor Um

lilnt-k Itivr-r on tbo II. 11.11. It. is prugnttslngrapidly iud will bu completed In about umoiilh.

AHOHCB tifravWnl mootlog* umlor the mn-plcea of thn MuthnJut Soi-li>ty aru UOIIIH uulilhea1. In eouiequuouo of tvhfoh tliu meet Ingsfarmorly hrld at 0.»mui'a Milk Iinvu been din-jontiuuod. '

Ou Muuday as Ihn ivetiini; train :,*** iiDaHugiar stallon a man, Inowu IH llitrick Hinds, aaboreron tliu Longwood Valloy Jtstlroad ximin over and tnitintly killod. Xt Ii supposedhat bo wit intoxicated and had la<d downiprm the ttaok.A new difltMeryii being eroded by Ur. Alfred

[HI(5H at Cooper"! Mills. 'Tho event of this week is a variety waddingi l lr . and Un.K. A. UIDE, announced to |»keItealhii (IVoiIncidiv) ovanlng, Inndorrt'andlut about wix|y invllatlom are given out,?list tbo "veuentb.1u" C-uph) niaj rocelvo arlety nf pi«flont», and all who a lion d enjoysmaclr^s to tho fullest oxtcnt it Iho winh

Tho Morris Co. Temperance Alliance.tba Tbird Annual Healing or Ibo Morris

County reoporanto Alliance will ha held withStanley Lodge, I. O. a. T., No.'180, at Stanley

"1, Stanley, nn Thursday, November 4lh,,bl5, al icn and a half o'clock A. 3T.

A cordial Invitntiou is extended Io all tbeinndn of tbo Temperance cause in Iho County

loboprcaont, and Churches, Buiidiy Brhoolt,T. SI. 0. A., Ladios' Temi«rancQ Unions, I. 0.}. T. Lodgos, Divisions S. of T,, T. of II. and., S. T. of n, and T,, 0, of T., B. of II., and

0. W. X., «ch to icnd at least tbreo deb'KithiamoollQeortfaoAUiinco.

f h h liro&d thli notice to tbolr respective emigre.

gatloni.IndirlduiU rcceivlug tbla notico may con-

ildor It a [pecial Invitation (e be preicut at

Htmei of doloeates should be forwarded tolio Secretary by Wednesday moraine/, Nov. 3d,1 order that tboy may be properly arranged.

J. JOWITT, Tteiidtnt,*K IT. SiViMi, Swratiry-

" '1.1.

MADISON.Our littlu U'lnitinmily wat e^iuuwliul <

L-JIUJ tuiti ngrctuiilv riiU-ilaiiifd laht 1by 111•: I'tluUitii.u uu tin' 1 ait of tbe V'MCU'B C'liriHlJtn A»«ocialiun«;ilo»ucuiidai.imtlinp, lu-ld hi Iliu M. l:. Cliurcb. l'ruuiptlol linlT-paat piVCiI u'cluck ibu J'rmidt;!forward and oiled Ilir juuttliu^ to urillutruducud Dr. Allintui uf the- ITLHICliinch, nliu (ijirnud tiio 1 nn-1-1i 1 Jy uilli

•iisiof vT thi U.K. Clmrcli, tliu

•II , "Olud wv wikoniL- ever* <>ro&c." Tlio Oflicern and Coiunilttoc/lbtn

rt!|mriH. TlioTreaHiirur'* n-port s!thu At'.MIl'.Um \y.w l(iuuJi!d mi adul biiid, and i?outil b« cnisltlurciurtJUB coti'litiun. 7'tio vibiting coreport ulionud tbuy wero d«ing<&iu holilmg tbfir niKUtiiigt around town

in tliu tli Hurt'ill bouHCM of poo j)tu wliu ni'ia tliu ttrlvilegt, of ailciidlug chordupon was very flallurttiK and ivclU

served tho atlciitloii ur chnnUaii thinkingTbo Duvutional Uommitlcu

.ncrous prayer aud oi|iurionco niectiiigihad bton held, and that much m-rloui feelii

prluiiced by ths pooplo of tlio cuinmulty; ho seemed to Imve strong bitpo of a gratoutpouringatfioiTa iinly Briirlt on tbo pooplothin W'iutcr, Alter staging " Wo'ro dawi _

iar to Jcias," tho Ituv. J. Abbott French, ulMcrrUtown, was itiiroducwl, md held tbeaudience npoll-bonnd fur ono hour. His sub-ject waa " tbo liberality or tlia Christian." Hirrequently rorcrrod (0 tlio great sympathy am

tbat onu deuouiimtt'ou bad for-anothermuch moro brotherly fcoliug Is existing

.aiong tbe diffurent duDoniniituns now tlm 11rer dialed beforu. Tbe grand coutml caum

»r wkleb ho thought ta bo tbo YounB Mcu'iJhriitiauAsuoclatiou, "IJIIHI about) I its (rultirewsviug"was then sung, and followed by t

rory tntlimiailie and carat-it iptteli Ity thiiluu. John Hill, TIIB lubjLCt uf hla remarks

*tbosym[iatl!y a youDf man neededgot through tho fnstrumentalilyor tliu VuungMen's Chrlfilian Aasocialiou." liiu s|>uct'htilled with good uound practical truth. Many

icti were told by liiiu (bat our peoplea well to pundcr aud Improve Ity.No marked cbiuevu bavn ciccurrcJ iu our

.own of recent.' Tho appronuli fife cool weatheror Ihe Fall bn drhun a ami many or 01Iricnda of Ilio siimtundiug coiumuully back lo

:lty huincfl. Their leaving us dooi buttoiuim! us Hint Winter iu coming, and alas!kins I nut far iliitaut. Wilb mauy good wit hen! remain youfa vory truly, NOVT iwi)' h, WT5.

Fire at Madison.A.largo flit, which crcalnd ronaldom

from tlio Tact tbat ioluKrenm wiiut allillf aid from Mnrrlutowa and othur dr- Jtnd.ioii ou Tlmridavrtsrnoou. Thu lire lnaU<i out in tbo larfiorick structure knuwnai tho "Van Wagunerirner," nnd wai cmittd by an explosion organom a Run Eonsrator, whieli bocanie Ignitedoniakorrininotanipiu tbo hands of a clerk,ho building contained tbo drug sloru or thaan Wagoner Drotliom, Iho Pott dike, and tbs(lidnnco or Hi. Van Wagoner. Tho Morris-

own Drpirtmoiit, witb tbo apparatus drawniy teams, promptly responded, but Iho hulld-g was (o completely onvelnpod In flameiid water so ecarco tbat tliuy wera auabli tnv« itallhough tboy dldemeieiit work in lav-

ug a numbar o! Duo buildups iu tbenoighbor-lood. Tho Foil Onks win removed to the cor-

rtpposita Ibo hotel and reopened, Tlio tossbeJJIoiBri, Van Wegcocr in covered by f 8,000iranuo on tlie building nnJ *3,S00 on Iho;k, which they T»!ucd at *7,D00. A e«at

ig of nomo of tho drugs tu their re-moval form a dose that would uot ho leaning

koi iiath tlio Van Wogcucm ncrtmioru oricorcboil and burn oil in thuirefTorti tothoir properly. Tint aiurrlnlonn depsrt-l was conlially wolcumed aud buartily

liankod for tho nHsiiitiiiico ruiiilcrod. Madisontliinktug about tlm purchase of a Btcnmd Ore ongiuo Tor tbo prntcotfoti Of tbe

property of tbo plico.

Killed on the Ohester Railroad.Tiio track walker on tbo Cueltor road early

iday momiQR found tho mutilated 10-IB ors man lying along tho track about t

mile from Chflslor, whsro be bad been killed bya train up (ho night before, and jisBsod uu-ittced. Ilo was identiQod aa one Jamu

ltiines, a. young man about 25 ysars or age,nho hid been working na a laborer on thoLougwood Vallej Railroad at Hacghrightville,3Q Moadiy ho was soen in en Intoxicated con-

at the Chester depot, front where helartcd to' walk in this direction, carrying with

t u e f pair of boots. From all appearan-MS bo had walked ta where his body was found,

il tlieu, ffttcylBE ho was going to bid, bad•cmoveil tlio lionln ho wore and kid iluwu In

t middle or tbo track, for botli pain of bootsre fouud separate from tbo body. Tlio tpotcboie fur liin hod vm among a lot of black

Indcra, and himself being a*dark ohjoct benol dlslIiiRuIsliodiu tbo nlgliL by the En-

Sineer, who ran over him without & suspicionHint a man hid been kfllod. From appearaticos

liad been rollod up under the pilot and borri*/ mangled. Ills body wan morally torn in

I wain front tho hips to the bond, and proBcnleUisicliODingflpeelitcle. Jusllcil*. ChurchOold.[Chester, acting as coroner, Investigated tbeiso and ucomad an inquest unuectemry. On'odncsdnya brolbor or tlio deceased camo toticitcr for tho body and removed it to bisonto at Cocliocton, N, Y., for hunal.

The Iron Trade.Tho demand for Amdrlcan Pig ebowa no iru-

ncnt.nor are thoro any.indications thatwill bo innch,irany,bottor this year. Tho re

his been a eonelint quiet undcrielling golneonff several of tho in alien until thea Iron Company, finding that their cua-

w«ro Wnc; tomptcd, have thla dayed to openly quote at *2i for Ko. : fonn-

dry, anrl t!3 b r Ko. 2. T oy do not quota forgobeing already sold ahead. Thio action on

[heir p»ft ia not litcly to DO earo them nowtde, but they hope to maintain that whiuhBy nuve already eitiblabod, a trade which

thoy bavo held heretofore, and which tboy aroiiy uowtohold byprcnjptlj aecofitlog theislloa. 'lbs failures or Mmara. Uosaly,dffm»n k Co., of Doitoo, and Sleiiri. Ilogera

BnrchflolJ, of Fittebutd'h, are mnoupcod,md to add to tbe general dlitiuNl an to

lie financial standing of msny In tbo trade,th ilnalf rs, ennMimeri and milcorsi *riioilnro of Iho tint-mentioned 11 mi is aald tovo fallen tnailty ou lorno of the Lebighmpanica; l\'«Hoto ialcB of ahont COO tuna of

i'korosii Iron on the biait of $S5 for No. 1 [ COn "of No. 1 Norfu Hirer iron at 125; CO tornNo \ Lehigh at $25; and 100 tons ofCrsnol25,leBa4porcont., wujular time, deliveredIlobckcp Eng. snd Mln. Journal, Oct. MJ.

Entertainment at Stimm-'t-A nnnlcnl tm\ literary cnlurtainmunt vaa!T«JU 111 Ilia Central PrLsbyturian -Church ofimmitou Tburadny cvniiiiiK, fur Ibo hcucfittltoY, JI.C.A. An cicelleat archeairaundere tllrnollim or rrof. E. Van Ettio waa present,

ORolbcr with tlio to How I uf muuicnl mid llt-vy tulent. Pror. I oo. I^ifltr, bags;Mr.Fred,

irvor, tenor; Hr. V. W. Iluglics, totinr: Mr.ankj. Griffith, burilone, tud IIIBB Jonio II.itttou, wbo comtitutud tlio literary part ot Ihonipany. Tho nrogratnmo TCBB a ruyst inter-

uling one and carried out In all ltd dotaih,Jmmit'a "commuter^' wore cut in force andiliocred "Frank" lunlily whenever ho epiwared.

duet " Lent I1 roscribed" by SIciiri. Harveymd adullb wai very lino, and vu heartily

cored. Miaa Qastan wai encorod on IbeCharcoalMan,"and rtappoarltig redtod "TbaJft Yellow l»Miy." llw reuJonnB of "TboIcvcnla Hour" was also verj fino, and onould hardly keep tho tears from flawing wheni "honoit molher's" tnliDiy wai depiatcd un'Idly. Vhllo nolinfi HIDBO more particularlycan iay tint tho whole- entertainment was

Lcellont and pauml off smoothly and to Iboitiro Mtiilaction of tlio audience.

A Cool Rascal,On Thursday morning an Impudent upacl-m of humanity who probably flrst obacnedat there wore no men about Iho home, en-red by a window tho collar of tho dwolllne,Mr. Wm. Caslerlino, near tbo Union Buhooi

lomo. Hers be first sorted over fho meat•rel and put tbo fineit piece or pork it tt

lined in iibaR bohadbrmigbtrorthepurpo!Dvo dozon egga UiBappoarea in tho iimo

fay, auJ noxt tht eapacloua bag abiorbed IQViralpoundd of butter. Then he threw the bar,

ur hla iliouldiir, transterred moral ellvaiIOOHI Io lifipocliota.ind picking tip a pail otlard In bia hand, sallied out throng tbo dooi

into Iba daylicht. Tht attentkn or Mn. Cai-tertini being call ad Io him by a lady neighborbo sallied onl and naked him If that waa notir pail or lard, to which ho replied In the cool-t mannorpo«iiblel<'No,Igoisi not." She

tfcon atkod parmiuion to loci: luildg tbe r^Il,whercnpoQ ho mrted oO oo a trot and diup.piindlnthadirtetioDorDciTer. Ho hai not

0C« bion diieoiorcd.


Tin: new I'rtmtiytcriiiu Prtrjtounffo, IIICII-

lioneil ljffort', in tin Hut; pru|)ortiunH, t«-

hilittimi ul urdiiifi-lunl okill, 11ml IJIOIIHUIU

b^itiuu cliuHui^H tulitjir.tUoti. Hr. Jared

Cw, the* builder, linn fully met thu «peela-

tiuiinuf tlniM- iitkrtKtid. nnd i?ii-tn thofioao-

ty 11 fino building, tint i« nu ormmieut to

|»Iii<'o. Itwim Iwlion jmuii•twioH of hy 11

I). W. I1.,s nud fiiiuily tm thn 23d insL,

Iliuir arrival ITDIU AuihtTrft, at which j>i,

iher tijH-ut 11 juirt nf their 8itniuujr vwntii

Mrs. l'ox ronititMid tht-re with her friei

while hu fcimo bnt'k, upent Bevernl wtukii

HiunierH. mul mtitrnoil lu hrin;; lioute I

wifunml lioy. On thoir nrriviil lien.' Hi

liiiiinl their new homo taken pu*icrtHi

['I' by fritiidn wuitiiiy tu u't'lovtiR1 Ih.

Imiiio, while viuuds wcru jin-wnt

bountiful HUNOIV, of whii-U nil mil.*

the full tirjujni. • - ••

inl tbiu

l l f . l«IULMr. :


nily inwifolite

1 tin, III' JWUit'l

-ut of Ihi-i

CIOHO bcKitlo thu imrMOiiuKi!, i« r.midly 1hip; oouipletum. H IIUH Ituiin built in 1reK[»ei;U iu hlrlkitiy coiilnMt to tlio fo:oiliiloo, lljuii^li Mr. H. luw din]tlayod hot!Uwto nnd tikill in tho plun ftnJ i-.-i:-nf thin IIOUHU of moueruto dii:the very eniliodinitnf nf aoiineim and beautyIlo h bin own nrchitcct oud builder, auddeittly known how,

It wiut my priviliiRO lo nttend the Portilorriw rovivul meetiny hut Snbbath nfter-icon. Information prpviuimly received hadxcituj high L-IJICCtali011a -which, ncvertluDKI, cnine bhort of thu ronli tj; ; for tbleplh ot iuturest nud ninuifeutntioiiu of thipirit wim iiidotttl u wouilt-r to behold—nuihut, too, without |]ro(li({iouH effort to workUIIKIK up to 11 fm'imnh Htntu of cxcitotncul.It Hormed to Itu a profound interest in things

to Ihe haul's wclfurr. The build-„ ltd »iu OIIL> ntliichod to tholtoi

lotlao, tho H&IIH HHOJ were bonrtla, nud Ihoigregationniui hirgo, All that could took

An, mul inuiiy Klitml fur uatit of thorn.Hor. Mr. SeniKt-'uiit. «f lIiickcltNtown Scinin-rv, praiclicil frnm iho text, "Wilt then heiiido wholo ?" Vtor «iviug n uliort ultotclie eircuniHtuuii) under ivliich tho woro u Ittrod, hu {torlmynd tbe iiupnrtunco

of tlm deuning offered to humanity, throughUbrist, tbo Hnviotir of mnnliind; nlno "

laueuoy nf the benoilt to miui, 1'd—after uoling tlireo UIIIEBOK of lieiu...

icfure Liui—with an npricnl to nil not yothriHtianit to lie "made whole." Hr. Gumim,rAIorriHtonrii, followed in a, powerful eihor-itiou. Witb ten nt uliHUmiag in Jiia.uyeH[» words suomod to bura us he KjKtkii of thitviour on tlio Mount of TmiisOguration, nic city of Naln oalling tho dead to life,ter bonriug LIH crow, nnd afUrwnrdii: "ig death ou Ihe anno. l-Vom liia al> tho work done ia thnt place it Beotm. . —bout Hiity hrtvo been converted, and tho iu-

eruut HG0111N to show uo signs of abnteinont.3oil npced tbo «ood work, aud may tlie (Ire

kindled nprcud, going on ! and on ! nndMr. Day, tho conductor of the meeting,

tiisido a utrong nnd feeling exhortation,„ if; thoHo presont not to place bnrricrn in

lio way of their conversion—illustrating byitltig nu iustauce in which a man declared0 would never kneel by a table iu an old

Tie Belvidoru Aprillo Bays t'lal Jolin Millerof riiiliipubnrg, ban a pumpkin, raised in lilai

rn Rardon, woijjhiug Hcvcnty-ninn poundi«,

id i t Bennett 4 Andrews" atoro Ihoru aru Iwyjiutnpkim tbot weigh s^venty-iim oud 1U0pounds each. That'11 pretty B'icil, iifighbor,jut vo raiitd nevcral gouisLLs in this county,it Motriutown, this aeaion, that in-i^lu'd over

one biiodrud aud lifly puiiuds each.

On Wcdntiidaj cf linl week nliilx 31 IH- licuj.Tiylor and Mrs. Cbarles IIIIZIT were drivingfrom Droadway to VfaBiiiufrtou thiir iioreu wnaicarod Ity Irauipn, who wnvcil .'Irctis hii In nthim. Tlio latllfn vrnro tlruwu frmn llw t n -rincjn ami cmitidcrnblv liniii-tid. VTb.-u will the

"Kedswu-ls l'oiit. Su. VI," i>t Ihe (iraud Army

lust u>'i'l( Ti'iili tin-fnllowliiK ntl'urv*: I'. (.'.,

A. A. Nonl; J.V.C., I). Lrowii; S.V. C, H.O.

loivoll; y. M., H. J. Hull; Adj., H. P. Tbomu-

DII; 0. U., J . A. (irifiiCH; (I. (1., W. II. Jlar-

itt; CUapluiu, l!ov. Ksmnt-'l Hnwynr.

Tho atUinlion of tbo Warren County faramrs

IsnowocL-npied betwooti husking aud tbrcib-

lujj buckwhiot. A Urge amount of buckwheat

wuiowo, and Ihe crop h quite gocid, 'II16

applo crop is vary poor. Ckiutnuls ire rfp«

md suarca. Hickory nuts are quite plentiful.

A. larffo inurlgags is being recorded in tlioCouutj Clark'a Offleo ia Paten on. It in to••cure a loan tit (COO ,000 on property of the'norms Iron Company of PeoosylraQls, «li»wu a little land iu I ' l iule county.

The lease of tho Hickettitovn Furnace haseon cancelled and it will ueicafkTberun in10 uatno of tbe Uackettiloivn Mining and

HauufacturiiiK Company. Thoy propona In

inue 115,000 more bonds.

In PLltlipHburf; tue tn-piyern aro in arnaruto Iho town nuarly *23,0(O mi list yonr'i taxliit, and the amount ia to bu coll en ted by

rylng on tho CWHIB of tlie (U'liuqaonte.

A Commit U of the Suesei Doira of Chtisout'rcolioldcn has imblished tbo law relating to;mmp8 wi tli t warning that it will bo rigorously

Tho itegiHtcr tolls oi a puwpklii, nlaod noaf

•c. nhU-h neighed two hundred and

eiylity pomidn. It was shipped to Now Tork.

Mr. Wm. D. CnxU-rliae, of Anbury, lias takou .mrgn of tbn puldin B"hool nt Wflnbington, N.,, Vlco J, D. ltciuolda, i-tnlgnod,

A iiuw dopct, 20x10 Iu size, IB being erectedI Washington for thu accommodation or ths)., L. & Vi. pxsaontEcri.

A mad dog was (hot lu Bparti last H und ay

fterithadhltton several hogs and cattle,

Tho dopoiila fit the Patcrsoa etvlaga bauku

gate about ono million do I Urn.

Hubscriptions aro being rcceirod Iu Waahing-

1 bulldiug or a race course,

Tbo recolpu of tlie IVerren Co. Viltle Socletj

«• 187Qamounted to (881 50,

A revival ia in progreii in tho Iti. £. Church

Stockholm. • .

1 to seek Ood'u bloBsicg; hutiftcrwartlH, when this Bauio nmiinought

orfijveneiw orfiiuf iun church, without ob-Inluin^ tho tsnino, he remembered bin prom-ho nf the punt, aud lonving tlie church wontirectly to the (school hoUHO, knelt by tboId table, ami (hero was blewed and hnppilyinverted. Boveral iusuinccB of tlio power ofuligion uuder circuraHtnncGB moat tryingere nlea brought to light, iuid in fact itjomed diflluult to conceive of Mooily andmkoy working with moro effect thnu UiesoiUifnl norranto of tlio living Qod.

The N. J. Midland Road.Tho fint mortgaga homlholders of tho N.Midland llailrond hnve accepted tbo plau

of rBornanization pnpoaod by JoHoph N. Unl-cutior at the lust meeting. It provides tliat

#r tho rorcclomiro Qf thu road tho dir<*tomthe uew company Hhall bo authorized to

nutract 11 flrst mortgaRe loan of $GOO,000,rof $1,(HW,(X)O Bhouhl a mnjority of ILooncllioltkra cnucur, nud that tho first mort-ngo bondholders fihall rocelvo now bondsoilnrK for.dallum, Laving thirty yei\rn to run,

seven per cent, principal nnJ Interestirynblu in cold; the bonds to ha dated Feb[-1870, and the first aix coupons thereon to10 cichnuged for etock. Ths stock thusirovided for eliall rcdocm tho post due oou-

together with coupoiia of tbo newfor tho first three years. There In no

ithor stock. To redeem tho second mort-•ngo bonds, first morteapro bondu aro to baBBUOII, and those are tolw erttlUed to aivi-iiid vbenuvor the net earnings of the tom-my Hhall oxceed tlio interest upon the twofuwen-ol bonds and sovenpor ceuL upon the

apltal block ; hut the directors me author-ized to keep asuui not oxceeding $100,000 inie trcauury stall time* to meet tha Imme-uvto wanU of tha company. Two aeries orcrip ore to bo issued j tha first to holders ofie third mortgage, and tho second to hoi.

ilcra or tho catiital Block ot tha rate of 40ccnU to Iho dollnr. There aro to he tbirtce:irootrtrs, iibd H first morlgngn bnndholdsiu

doHirouH of joining iu tha plaa ore to doboeitI per cent of their holdings ia a trust

Jinpnny to pay tho expenses of tha plan.

Another Railroad Accident,From a private letter ffHtton to a. gentlemanIhle placo m loam tbat Ellaba Hooej; aracr residing at llranohviilo, vas run ovor bj

train on tha Sussex Ilallroad and inilsntljIllod-hlB body being fearfully niancled. Hind been to Netvtou that day to attend tut:lrcu9 trbich osblbltcd th«ro, hocama inloiicn-ted, goto™ tho railroad track aud w&s strnekItythacveuiugmailtrain. Tho doceasod wai

un about B5yeais oT ORO, wbo worked (Ininn of Wm. McDanoldi, Esq., aud loaves aiicdlont family, ono of whom ii Ur.gaaauelloooy, of this pbveo.

A Singular Prophecy.Mr. It. Killgoro, tlio drugght, has shoivncopy or tba last numb or of hla father's paper,oHnntordon Democrat, publiihedlait Ui»y, irhfch contnlnod ths following clippingSpiritualise mediums predict that Virginiaity, K0r,, ia soon to be uoitroved bv fire fromlavoc, and some or tbo good Inhabitants aro.eking up fur a romoval, but the avorago resl-mt refleotB tbo only flro likely to reach himiuit coma from tlio opposite quarter.On Tuondajr, ibo dny after Ihs abov* publiei-

lon, Virginia City, Nor., aa will ba noticedire, was aimoat enllrely dc«Iroyod hy

•0. Who doesn't boiiera In Sprltualism, now ?

Rockaway.Mu, EDITOR ;-Tho follow ing mined pap'ils

ittendlnp; my school averaged pwfeot in icho.during the month ending October 22tl:

lla J.Vanduscn, KatloH.f»nrl«vat,t, Julin 0.MeOrath.Win.ltobimon, CbarlooW.Bhkcslco,and n«orgo T. Iloblnaon. Threo pupils werotemporarily dUuniesod for improper conduct.

' txy need to bo dimlsHed Iho coming month;' - " - ' yon thoir names.

8. a, Liri-ixcoiT, Tcaeber.

TUo Grand FMioraumar Italy anil tuo Holyiii, wblch had a fiucccBsfiil esuibUion atcasnnna last wook, mill bo inhibited in tbe

(illbrook M. E. amrch on WcilnnOiy eveningioxt, aud In tbo Fkndors M. E. Church on the'rldoy ovonins following, for tlio benefit or tbuundaj Bcliooli of thi BO churches.

Frank Cox's now markot on Warren ulroot,•corny, ploaiant placo of buainoHM, and Is;od to repletion *ith all kinds or frnjih and

pickled masts. Hah and vegetables, whii-h bo ii1 utanlBblnelj low pricoi.

Tho team of Jai. Uatthewi, proprietor or tbeort Ornm Ilotot, tan away on Wednesday, bo-

10a DotornnJ Hookaway, and throwing him:, brokethreoofhis ribs and seToraly injuredn in the arm tnd head,

Tko Central lUiiroad of Now Jersey yeiUmm,odnctd tho psj or station men,yardmen andicchittiiui to sboul tba urns ai onr D , L, k W.itej. No reduoticu in train men or lsbowa.

rdodipftco Ihla wook prevomod tboablication of several •contribntlona. Somo oricm will h& treated next wetk.

Don't forget the grand ore an exhibition androcal concert ia tb» Pmbytcrian Church BeitVadaeiday owning.

A good way to keep warm—Buy yoni windowof Vougfat tbe Druggifit, and stop thoIu your windows, Uokceps allaizei.






lewspapers and Periodicals,






Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.



t DOVER, N. J.


Mary Kolloy, aged 'five years, daughter 0*ian» Kelley, rnldlng along tbo D. L. ant• naili-oid, at thin place, was seriously Injureu. Tueiday afternoon at about fivo o'clock by

bclngrunoverbyacosUrtin which wasdrilling on a twitch. Tho train had boon uncouplod and tbo front part wai backing when ih<

•emplod to cron tbo track from A noijrhbor'ino to her bomi, whou iho was struck bj

- j backing train anil thrown to tho track. Amrllen or tbo train passed over her armsttinpletoly severing them from her body, cmjuovothe, clboir, near tho thiDlber below the dhow. Slie VMB carried to herfather's liouuo aud niodieil ntlDodanco sentfor, hut unfortunately, cur jibjuiciaiiB TTO:C allout of toivn at tlm time. Dr. Crario arrivedibont 7 o'clock and visited tho llltlo sufTorer,

iiJ ho conld do nothing for her. At this

E she is stIU allvi Lut sinking slowly.—IlackeUitonn Oazotto.

The Rer. Thomas A. H»nion, aiiisted by tbsIvanealitt, Ilev.T. E.Soupcr, will commence

a protracted ruoetlnff, In thu. Prctbytorl--Ohurch at Blairs lo wo, on B»bbath evenln

ctohcr flint, 1BT3. ' „-.-






MARVIN B0r>D & Co.,

O N E P R I C E C A S H H O U S E .



GOODS, IncludinR BLACK SILK] of bast







togcllior with onr noeqaaleit asaorlmcnt othoJeo 1IEIUNO UNDEltWEAB Tor e«rjbody,f the American Hoeierr Co.'i, and Norfolk and

Nutv Brunswick ntannfaeturo at lAWsit


FOSTEB P. BECH, Propriotsr,




IlEPAUtlKQ ritOMPTLY ATTENDlin TO.Refer to Morris Coanly Machiao & Iru.i Co.

NSNotice! j

u/ICE is herebr Riven that tbo salticriber._Li Admluiiitrator of Anthony Rockafullar, J*<*of tbe townslitp oF Washington, la tbccwuutyof Momi and State of Now Jorioy. - IMU W"1

make apnllcalinn lo the Orphans1 Court i?fr

DOVER BANK. SHERIFFS SALE! s.iKii.Fr.s SALE •t:;r-.'p}.i<Ji:\TKi< y-'i 'Jui: -• I,T M:V. -.

' .'Siirri-iiftir (o JjCi'iii'S II;mlt nndIn fin' "I Hi ft ii Hunk at O : m r . "

r-ri. r-. r-.-«i.-.,r

75 I 0

i 1 . . ? ! §

i; 1113-1 z l % i i i l I I

j C a p i t a l , - $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . • _ _|(tir ^ m i n( __I A I T E : - ' " r j - - G I V I ; : - " i<» T I N : i - i ' ; : ' . M A . - K : - P / . - ^ v - 1 n!.T •'•••''••• 11-11.11 « , - w . r-.r ..jj..-,

i'.-..(i. ••» 1^' fi,,..:. iiml. <.fl.''-n. i:ri;-iarjc!.M.,lV...M«uaii; l l tk-JfIr.ULa.

J!. i':''r J.iri'iAJJilS. ii'.'i,. j'.U.Mzi;. ;.-'-r .-IMUN Mi-i.i..

! D o v e r S a v i n g s I n s t i t u t i o n , ifro:"-"•-"•:•••


i i a J l^rrs i . j i ra .S ' . J . , . n

1 M ' J . V D A V , . l i u i M i U y '•" N o V E a i l E I I n - s t .

I A. It. 1 - " . V u . e n I L P l-oiiri 1.' 12 M. au-.l j

o'.-K-k I*. 31- t U t i . . . - -i .r, nt ^ . . \ : ^L in sbc

t f t t i n . ^ a o f f i ' , 1 ,!jy, all i l . i l t r v 1 r.f br.J

' 'ijui.'-r'tii'- * * " " • * t A j -V'f ' L , ; , ^ tha: T i l <•••••v. v-.ill,- Tl.<-mi. C. Wii;s ,L.-1 r.ti.tfs. <..:•.-tm^J.vt/.re, t J Ij.-r:r l . - : i . . : : . , i-v d- . •! . l i U - l

rf-'jrj"i'i >i.- • i - . i i L . l - X 1.1".- . t:yi, .V.'. lir-jai"-X .] ! L ,.f rli- | ; : .


h ru-iJM .] I

•= 5 z -= § i

0RAM, HANCE & 00.,FtOEtM? ORAlkl, 1*3"- 0".


Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,

Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes

CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE,Mining Materials of all jands.


Lime, Lath, Plaster, Cement, Urick, «fcc.ALSO, UEALEHS IS

XJI XT 3UC !Q 3 3 f L

STOVES r**STOVBS 1!Reduction in Prices ai the (Jew Tin Store a t Port Oram.

Stoves I'nrlor & Healing Stoves1, plain and japanned ; T i n Roofing,

A *crj" flue tairtmtut of

Lamps, Lamp Fixtures, Lanterns, &Cl»And a vmlct) i.Cotiicr irtlckn uaually krpt in j veil R(i[>p|jctl T>n Btofc.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRINGN'uilly.l.iiic anil |.K.mjitly alltndftlto. We utMrantceti) «C(;HatUfac«l""-

Morn* t'OMiity H*"rru8«te'* *""*•.



D O V K J ( . X . .1 .

•Tuii'lurH <,r 1l»« Mtijli.1 a( »ajil tlcccili-i-t Id lirinSin thf;ir dMitH. (lotn»ti,lf*-*-l|l *tiilnm «K»i|-miiK. uuil.r " " l i , with." nino moi-llii

» Order," " * tlio




IHO.V nnd iiu.vss <JASTI.\<;S,



Isttl.v i.c-Cai-iicd by It. It. Valh:r:i, I 1I1.JI I;pi-'-ircil ti> wet- nil my oM MCIIIU .it my 1..1

hi- H t am belter atilu tii mini llicir lvatilu,

OYSTERSin nil «lv]en, and by tliii -jnart or .mint,

P A R T I E S , '11ALLH, clc. Mi|i->li(!il.

Ml'AIJJ »t(r.llhnnr«. SupiUTi fur parti rn A


attnclicd to tlioltcnlaiirant, witli

frO ELEGANT TABLES,UIVIIJB kcjit iu good cinlcr.

tiliO. A. M.AXCHAHD.l Dili, IBTo. lT-tr



Axininnt^r, Volvdt, Uni«stl«, 3-\>ly, IiiRrainCuitapc, WiwI, DIIIKIJ, Hag nnd Hi'mji Catpclt

Mnolcnmi, Oil Cloth*, or EORIIHII on'1 Auitr!c.iiimannnictur^iMat«lIIiisi!lDrnKKol«i''1io(liHUUOIKII. «1ia<lo Httiirct, Urn Qtete mitl icnHsuiin'tF, Curtain Male tin In, Ac

\Xu niiito nn<l Jojr C»rp*1, «»t nnd-Ioy OiClotJi, inakDniiiJ liana Sli.nlca, am! Eiinraiiifl

rnrk well done.

W- S- BABBITT,wx, N. J.

lilrMiw. A i n n;,y f"-"™1.•'•€• mlnn>».< ' • " ' " A K- « " J . I K , EuniiKt!,..




f a n l anmid Ints, or an? t<.%\ (.Hi»to (,r Hi13[Cvfr tlurac-Icr, may glvo ilti,Cnp||(jD» of tlmir I'ropcrly,ami ulicro tli"»« Uuurc111 " ' imrc!i«»l"il mayl i U l i l ! ri'l f r " l

in my hands fw«»lc( ,|r>*crlPtiuiimir wlilt-h nil!

"1'Eori.K'S STOttli."'OSC t'luC- O.VM'.l

\V. fi- IIAUDITT,J'W.miiT0WN, u, j



Livcri>uol | f^ncf^ ' i tutvi i i UIIIH-

BOir, L o n d o n d e r r y , 1 J O I " I U I I ,

l l l r t C•'"" TICK^TN anil r*r*-t-Ul.u>i app'j tn

)i. HNnSU-y & SON,

I )O> ' I i l l ,S" l .

DIIMTS on llVEBPooIiontl tbo





lltfl MQelpo', J l n « at »t"W«lill«

ii w i i r a OM oiiEAT muiuH

T H L ' S T E E s ;

j llmrr !»•;•£ *»La Uanee.

Ji'ijwWr,' Mq'L.n'c. li'm.

GACrEtfeHALSEYiWtry in


:3 ; emtU dig!)!/ rjiae de-rrw* ami thirty wig-utpfla tin, or.^ i?fm 11 inJ fiftT tiuks ' thiCQI*.* ' J1taaih&twa dtcrtts and tiiirt? rninrrt, w,,i f

i'i til',-7enlTC "f» flaTr^Ui'iy^it" t'bVrVs"^ !To.W, t»r..»i U,™t..i;i nor.!, hrir-mor |

.'l '•.'... i-V 1 .-' h , . a . . l i .B . i Jkn . J .1 . .

' • V . [,', i-,._" , :<-"':r . : i . :•. — i > i . r . ! l j v r 7 l h ,

1 i r x i . j . ' . • ' . , : V - L M J J I I . A t l j * . - .

) J . j - r . » C . :<-nu 0 > i : r : . ( i » n l - « 1'- • ' 3 j : e i u J

I i . . : . ! . .'. J f . - * ••- C J - j . - k t I:. t l a « au.I1 J . , h n s . * ."•• K ••• J - . '--it!, - - i . t - i . l u

•Ic-Lt. 1U ..,._,. , . i - : . .;

- r T . n - . . 1-T.-. '

: - . - : . - w r r . .1 M - i r n , - U ' . r . !

' M . . f - ' - C i r - " ' ! • j T . t ' i i i ' . 1 \ V L i i ! i . - k ;

, " a n i i J a n i . ^ 1 . I- •: ••• J •!*•> >- <':*:•• " '

" i r | . . I C i i t H - • - ••''• : i . d . - . l - . n . . t J

•• In . J . . - . !.• • - . . » - i ' - !• ' U.- i . - i - r ' J V r n , , :

' I""5" . !

' M . r r : . r . i ; ; , , ; ; :. : .'. -"-' ' OvlJt i ' lVrWiM.'"' - ) '« . '

! rU-] ;. £.i :..V. -.u.. J jm S.^^j-^ _ R ^ . j

! •-• - - • ' • ' - • ' " '• r j - _ j i ' W H I T E , A i t ' y .

{ >r"c:Ji u'l J.!u!.'i.'. t-.»rk.1 Fi! faTdr. Urn.

SIOXKAY, ' .bt S. I>. 1 I T 5 , btlwf-i

n:l j o*ct<<k I'. .M.i f r

e r i t t T l yami K-iii,' in Hi- :•i-raiif IV-antr uf M'.nu an

Tliu lirv. I'll l - ^ u * aij

itid iw-Irt-liakii to a r i.f ;h<




:S(»S & BllACKKT

Dorcr, N. J.

Orders for Sawing and Planing

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLT3 STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,niadirelltitrcct, Df.vtr,

Hot Air.Furnaces,Of (],(, |atf*t J U J uiOBt Impron-sl ityltii, foiwanning jiuiiliciml nrlv»to IjuildiDf,'"- A Urge

nnu'irtnit-nt uf Hlnris, ehfati fnr cmli. ,COOK, rAKLOII, HEATING





TIN HOOFING.HAVES, TUOUGHS, kiiii]it(irj,,!,i,!,IB In my line,' ' i o in tlJtJ Ijtni innuntr unil ot the nliorU'iti

1 bo. Ilif.l'fit-irk-.H Jiaiil /or old Iron.-opjKT I*-* 1 ond piiwlor taken in uscliaiige



Wines and Liquors,for finiily m^dlcil ilsc. All trarrantL-d

(;tuulii(. nnd ptrfcctly iturc.

Martoll's and Hennessy's




rOIlT' !E> JAMAH'A liUBI, IIOI^lANI' a iN, l'KAUIl miiKIlT,

yLTF.llloK JlUi^AllltAO,

rjijiMJn conniAi.H IM V A S I L -J . i AKB ALL K1SUH 01'J-XAV01IH, IIUNUAUIAN

AN1I IlllINK WIKGH.8\vws irroMAUiii; itrn'F.rt3.

' I l A S P B E I t l l V S Y l t U I ' Scn<l bvcnr HiinH duo in tha Ibo of tlio trade.

A KtkclL'd stuck (ifr<JUElOx AKD DOMEHTIC HKOARS,

' Wholesale Orders

fnr licHKirH and nine, lirnmiitly f l lk j . '

SlilV Il'ltlOK liUILDIKQ» ,.,„„, ' " J J 1 ^ . ™ ^ K x

•il. L. 1). HCIIWAHZ.


A J O T FOREVER."And |],o pcnpia <>f IUo northern psrt of tliliCuutiiy will linfl lli»t It will par tbum to p'ur-cbmo mtmtantiil funilturv. of tltu ni±w(.-ntIt^ifini, of



Parlor, Dining-Room- A N D -



w Iffiintitri1, or nlil yntcram, liaro\° 'JTou iiiced lint lo go Inrtlioro *"UH br to f»ru wurao.



•~ "11 lt« brancUo, proprtrlj and clinspl" dono,Ttio frrc.luat earn and allfliition will, aa litrkto.

UNDERTAKING.Bo.Uri proicrrnl wilb or witltonl Ice. and all» matrrialx "f tlio fumlncNn furnlthcd a t thnlorli-nt LfitiQo, jtt-inR tximoiM-il nf all thno<Iurn spp'!-»icoi pertaining to tha trauo, »nd

poi-form >t( i-'illes intiifactorily bud reaaon-J 7 tpnani'_ <-••> who roqairo^•uahunijwi^

and l lj ir'r . m u n i c - ti*l I r , c l i l i m m d •, n

!iok«; t l . e n . e 113] r r - : h .!,?.-•• . ] - - ; r - . ( -,r..l

Ihiriyiii intiteiac-sn tLr-.* r*ii ia<aa.l t u i r n - t - . n

l i n t s ; tln-iir.: [1(] n ,;:ij n xtv-niiic I't^r . • s-i 1

a f c r m i d r.iaJ i'lii-ia.- {l ij /ci- .d-f ilic Mi 1 l iufp :hc- .uue n i r l i i M;t . . - - -: i J vrrt-t-5 m l t l t i - :r

links li. »V'raer'r!f'iVi'lti'stti M'. IXMUN' I J H ;

arrr* siid'fiv^hmi'ir^hLTr.r'H'U "aor-! " AmTi'

Moatii i;.>|y by (i..tii*,m*.-d March lM.'l-»;y, anilrtmr-ka in ihc Mdrr.* Conniv ttcnrJ of dwiis,in iMjok 31 7, full. C7, Ac

Patcd St-ptcmkr'lith, Itf75.

SHERIFF'S SALE!wrii Circtiit Conrt-nvi A. Martin v«. Kii-lisUiil.y. l-'i. fa, ik-hf.u. et t*i-. lucaw. H -tiinul.k tu May Twin, ls*5.

TH0MA.S KAYa, JITBCT Kn;)r»inc (.'.,nrt—Abijali II. IloliknTH. i:ii»b'i liiiivy u:;.J Uu-rEfe hitnl.k-. Fi. fa.

veai'iwP Tenii,'l(j7.1i!"1''*" ""*'"VAN IJLAIICOU A f.orui:AV. AHT-M.

IJVmti i t f f Hiu two »1JOVI' «taie*l niitunfy fieri fat-;a< in ujy liatidi I shall t-ir-orii: fur

«le at 1-iililic Vci-ducai tbrj Man.iim lions >Hotel, in M.,rribl-mn, N. J.,oiiMONDAY, tlie 2M ibr uf XOVEMBEli t int ,

A. U. h;.i . Ijctwifn tlie hnum nf 12 M, arid 3• ' • V. M. Uiii iH :u nay at i o'clwk in tbe

.on i-f »aid ilit, all tiirMc i-ovcral lots orI'^JLL-I^of liDfi ^UJ iirrniiatft li^rcinaftcr jnr-tii-ularly d t tcnkd, .iluale, lyjnij and hting intiifi .oilDitiip ti! Ji-BvTion. in tho Cotinij' ->fJlorri" stir] Htatc iforcsai'ljmtlni a ml bi.mul- dai fulluwB : Tin- First Tract Lor ins at tbe firthcurti«r of JJaik-*'* farm 0/3177-*(l)'outb twcatj-nl. '

J'^ l a «^ ULIIB, BUIL1 .IIV*qu,i'.

mo other tract, .wfrinuin;- &t tliu birch—.iclinir tin a Hit rwk at tho nortlitast

iit-r of «ld I'll (1) ,outli Iliirlr duiTMt w.-si'cliiiuH and tutv-aoven liiiku • llit-uco (£)1 • •y.riinr au'd a half <lf

SHEIIIFF'S SAMS!nCh-n-eryorXtir Jeracj-Pi. fa, F o r n . . . .mort-rai-cil preminca. Whcroln William S.Jtarlct IH CnnihUfnaut, ami LTilia A. fi-rick,widow; I.ydfa A. lurick and tt'HIi-m It. Mc-l'«L, Ad-GinistratoM ofWiiliam 11, llsrirk jHtcttart M. 1 La rick, Kmmi M. Hirick, MaryA. Tlicm-.i and HoUawftr Tliomsn tier hua-hnnrl. nro Defend-nit*. Itotunnljlo to Ot-U

trin, . J . A ^ a w. CUTLE11, HoVr.

BY virtuo of lire aliorc i-tntcd writ n ' i k r ifitiop hi rnj huiirln. I BIIUII tiiiosu fur nnt<]

atl'uiilic Venduoat tie Mani-ion Uuuue Hukl,inSIortintoivn, H, J.fuiiJIONUAY. tUo 2il day ol NOVEUBEI. neit,

A. D. 1875, hctmun tho Uaan ut 12 31. a ml 0o'clock 1>. M. that ia ti ttav, at 2o'clock in ihuefltriHHju of naid ilay. all that tract or ]iarcol*>f land ami rrcmiioM. pituiiti1, lyin^ an'i I'PEti *in tho towuiliip of Mount Olive, in tlio Countv(jfllorrlB onJ HlalonrXeir Jcraiy, boitndrid ni-iljciterilwd an follows : lies inn inn at a K.'t itonuinthobrakecto-vn mad, eimwr nlin to A. II.Mittholl and Julia Lin a berry, and niim (1)north ttiirty-unt. dcj-reci ntnt tlilrty-nnvciirhalfiB and iirty-threo linU to n stake, c,rnortn tbo HHW Mill 1/it io.i] to A. II. Mitchell: (2)along uid lol south Cfty-f'iur and a lialr-lo-Krcm wint atx chaiim and eUty-tlirco link- to acorner in Ilia mlddlo of tlio road ; (3) norllisovtnlj-onc (loKrrcB ire at aix cliai-m ami fivelinks tu Jolin Ilaad, Jr.'e corner: (-t) south(Ifty-flnj JcKrces vvi . l-rochaiua and lorty-nix" i to a Htalto and itoncn; (Si south ek-ht/-.... ami a liair di'h'roa- went tuiir chains andclghty.llirt'o links tu -, trhlto oak atiimp iin tliobanks or HI I no Ilrook; (0) rlo-rn UID nifdjla nf(lio brook tlm accral courici ami di»tanc(mthorctifto stonct, Charles B. Downs' conieronFrlco'a lino; (7) along Trice'* lino nontli eighty"l(ilit ilcgrcri noil tlnco-uuarUir di'precii cantjuventouu chains and ninety-five link- to ahickory tree, corner alao lo I'rico ; (tl) fttUJ alonel'rico »nn th two Jt-gret1* Wust tliirtv-lhrt-n-'laiuBonilicrcnlj-fiv-jlIukitococtKrinPiicu's.JUI] iu tbu read loading from PrakuBUiwn InIlii'ld'- Idko; CJ) al-iniT tlio mlddlo of tlio roodnorth nrty-llvo md t> qnirtur deft re ei Mst

titllUkui' tlio mlildlo of tlw raid mirth 'fllly-BCVPti and a linirdoprocH oant soven cliaiQ9 andilnrly llnka; (11) ailll alnn-; tbe middto »f tlioroad norlti forty -tux mid ihrro-<iuorler dficrconoast df-litein chains and cishiy-llvu liniia In•lie plnrn of l^fe'lnninjr,rniilaiiiiti^ olio handrcdml fortvfuur and four handrcdtlm of an acre

•Jfland.raor-orlejii,.It U b u tbe ftamn land canvcrcd tu the niil

Willinm It. Ilarick liv Ocorfio Vf, Juliimou andCal(-b II, ValGutlno. l~-ocnti)rn -irJamoK timttb,•LTM. JRSSli IIOFFUAN, ShtritT.

Datnd KcpUmhcr l l lh , 1B"5.

Morris Count-- Siirrognltt-rt Offlw.OCTODUlt 18lli, 1875.

In tlio matter of Martin .'. li, Hoirlns, amiInnao \\'. Hearing, Ailrninisirators of JaoutiHitarinj;. dec «.'it oi-ilw to limiteri'diUirn.

ClN appHcitiancf tlio atiDT^nainou Aii-nliils-' Irators.ll lr.cirdi.nid hjthuHurro'tato that

uaid AdminlHtrntor- giro imblio notino to tho-rcditora or tho ulato of Raid ilcccdunt to hrini*In their dul-tit, dcrnandi and clahni sgalnat thaRamo, iniilur oath, within tiino months from thisdate, hy Bcttlnf- up a cci'y of tliin onlor, ulthlutwenty days liaroaftrir, in flro or tlie most pub-ic Tilartg in tha County of.MorrU for twonnntl.s, .nil also ultliln tlio said twenty IIIJB•y advcrllalDK tho namo Iu tho IRON Km, ouuif thr>ne*-ip»portor tliia Btatc, Tor tho samoipacoortlrao [tbo HnrroR*te|ml(tiPBnny furtherjotico to bo uanoppsisryj ; and if any cr suit orlimit neglect to exhibit hit or ho- dolt, demand

and claim williin thctaa!d .<«rind ormno monllmpublic nntico being clrna as oforcuid, inchcrcdUnr «hall*>u fonver doUrrod of bla cr her.ctlon thorcfar tgainat tlio uii* AdmiriiBtratorB.

K. E. WILLIS, Burrojrai-..A trno copy from thomlntitoB": , 45-10w

SEASON", 1 8 7 5 !

Headquarters of Morris CountyMB

Flowers!tt iiau t TUI t ro n Affo, wotilu > » »*».*.•. »-.-J —— —

atufnllon o r Ibo clllzciu or ( i tn t r u d Tlclnil7

ono or tlio '


PLANTSlo bo fonnd In thu SUlc. I haTO cu band Hfull aireortmrni. of Plan 11, Vinci and Hi rub-bery -uiti.tlo fnr this Climato, which I am pro-prod tu rtirulali on ahort notice, and at ttt

iw pricef an can ho found.rarticn wUliini- to perch-to art) rcrinostn] tocatnlno my atocb.iiki-MiouHEH 3UPL1* AVE. Cor. PEIinY 8T

Morrlhtoirn, N. J.,Order* Inn i t Tsa Htnro, corner ".Varrcrt and

Blacktrtll strcutfl, Dorrr, will rcctlvo promptettontiun.

' C. IinOADES.

A m j l T i i m C ! 20 ELEGANT OIL OnilO.'i i u i l j J N iOM03iiwiiiit«>d,ii«oDxJ!,lor

f (4)d

cillr illi- f li.HJi b..Jc'jru-T; ih-.-nw i3) «i! f-irtv-tive -...-grtM aii:n- i-li-iin iaU fourth-in UhVa put an apple

md I'J a noribcrlv—.t'l n^w paper mill lot;ik-tid mill lit line Boulli tir-

»nd t*.'oty iilwev. -

ilnrly n

ml IKI .!ir a runu-r»t a turn of thenMiuiinotliufor-yiisd-j;;

_ a point in Hit miiidlt- uf a *.oifor a conur ; thence (d) with land« of itwlitif) tvcn-iiop; raid alone a*

anrl two liLki Ut a ftake and btonci for .iirar the- miriillc uf the dfiiivH.iid nnd ;(7) on mill ruarl nnrth fitiy-ecvi-n dc;,-!oncfinin anil fofly-fire link-^o a «(-

lilt! ft-IICI (.a (hi

iad n li fnrtv-oi:itr lint*

• 1 ; t in I! (HJ I

(S)«nntli furly-nix J-grtii t-aal m'xly hnka tuamall Itoek Oik. tbe s»r- ' ; — -land late uf Sulotno- "thtncotothoraidrlli _. ... __:be miJJlL- ofRaidliMxjk. tlie diiT.Toiit C-JUI;hercof opposite thobepnuiog curot-r wiici•ourtt} nurib l<irty-flrc clrgrw;! and tbirty « .„itci west will Btriku tho tH-ginniop, couiainln™wo acre- mort; or ku, beliiff the aamr irliiclirTcro convetcU to tiio EBUI Charles E. Cbrk hrJilanili. Ilrantandi-itobyclocd rjatod Hcincm*Iwr Ilth,lSG7,and rccoidi-d in tliuilomi Conii-tv Clerk^t olTleo iu Uuuk C, 7, uf dcedi, pageaHi. IK.

Tlio Third I/it Ifgliii a rock marked 1* in tbomiddle or Den Ilroiili, a'joiit eighty linki Iwloirllio.dam ]cmt erected liynald Clark, and run.uiiiR tlicnco (1> tuiith furLy-tnodfLTi-cianilthirir niintit'." easi two chair *flfly-fonr Iinla lo tli« loiter I1 ,.._ ....Ihu t.i|. or another hrj-e P H . * ; tlioiim (2)KOUM) tliirty-fuur tU-Kn-ci anil llttccn minuiuiwest fniir c-liatna *ud Liyhty-llio liuha lo tlmloiter 1- cut in aiinllirr Urfiu rm'k , iheuco (3)rmilli fifly-t-id tieprvti and furty-flto tnln-ntiH t-mt- tlireo cltaini anrl suvvnly llnkalu tlio Idler 1' <ut in the nontherlv (.-nilor -..Mitlitr lardu tue'i Ivina in tha middle ofDull Itronlt; .IK-DC-I {i) ni> the mlddlo or mlJ' \ j Q a nortbiaiUitlT direction al>out till

H to tho [ilaio of bojdiHiiii}-. cnnlaiuijLLTO and iiityronr oiiL-l.iin.lrt-JlU.of,

. . . . :>f Iind, \if\ux tha mine lot which w, ,ci-in-a-jcd to tb*« Mi<l Charlo* K. (Jtark. LyKerlo A. awl Jeruuiiah 11. I'alinur by ducddntr.(l Dec(-ml-?r lit, IBM, &<!.

Thu l'uurth Lot.' hciujt all tint~ ilmit-Hl. tha Undi

- •' sainu w » ._„ _ , ..itu k

. „ .. jithcr tide- tf iaiJ race-ray tu »OCL.-And Cccp Raid racevrayin repair, and aho alllandi ol HID -aid Cliarlci £ . Clark nhkli ni-iy1)0 flot-x-d by rtiBtnn uf Ihu cnniti-tiellnu of i•lam acrosi Bin llruok lo a miQicient height ti-flll aald rteowtv as tho - imt Is now built, cliisor conatruetci, It-Ins HIP »nmn lol whk'fi meconveyed to tljo xalil Cliarka li. CUrk by EUmIt. Drmit and wife 1)7 dtoil datud Sup I om burUtli, 18G7, anil re cur Jed In tlm Morrii Counti

more lulk net forlli mid iJcficnlicd iii a Hmrl-Rage fmin Clurlr»K. Clark to Jnlm O. Clarkri^loil Norcm^cr 1'Jtli, Irf74f ftud ruB-urilml ITthe Miirri- Ciuniy Clerk'.* oIUco in houk nlmorls-Ri- C, J, foltiM OS, M), .Vc., nuhjuL-t lu al

The New EmpireHot-Air, Gas & Bat


A!ao, a Larj-o Ansortmcnt of other Htylc*of Cooking BIOTCS, IUU|;ci. Parlor


FOR SUMMERS WINTER USE.Also, a choice fltock of

Hanlwiiro, Cutlery,ma, Wooui-n, Cnpper, Wain and Jap-mi


Oil Clothi, Cirpots, Lampn, Pnititx nnd Oils,rtl Cages, Ft-atlicrti, I-ratt'n A»tral Oil {uoti,-•--!».) Also,


Huoiing, Pliiuibing and JobWcri nronijitly attcndoil to.


•^nlr1)iiitlt.'i. Settles a t M i i n i i f a oturcr's prices;

Old Iron. Coppur, Umm, Lcml, Haw and

J.1ME3 U. DIIITKN A Co.,l.ocUBway.S'iiTviil.m.].

TO CAPITALISTS.A Valuable Proporty for Sale In u I E HDIjHcrilor lainc'tlcMlroUB of romorlDgX frum Dover, nfftre for trnlo tlia


TOWN OP DOVER/.li !urt nflt Ukl ont ID

200 ELIGIBLE BUILDIKG LOTSrithStrccti opcni'il umlffmiicd. Tho itn pro TO-

.nonti km & lino COTTAGE in which I nonIWc. (.-itli harm anil UUIN,outbuildings.

Till! i i one nf tlin finest luTuntracnta Torpital ever offered ill tlili xrjcliort. Tha grmimlhigh and dry, vith ^ood water, anil tho

cality f* Ta«t 1.uiMlnK np—nbont 20 hnniicf.avlng bien creeled on this prapntv ID thoat-fuur yinni. For lormii, etc. apply'to


U-tr • D0VE11, S.l.




I'w -I"! as w'Urt:" Inf/jln-,!" I'mni^iu'"!|-,u(..l .Sl3)....Gr.-i! Bnlim, France, lUcinE

f-jnliir |)iriicDlsrE appit :o





THE ARGAND RANGE,Ibetfts: for cooking narpoies. AI*o, we h»T<

PAItLOH FURXACEand orer forty difler.ut pittrrni uf PATlLOIl,HAIX ind C-0OK1NG STO1XS: FCnSACE"]L\NliE.-t, GUATE-S Ac.

WOOD and IRON PUMPSof tTt-ry varietj, LEAD and IRON PIl'E.


and Laow Futarri. Tin,"Mllug, Oulters, Ac.

I. Aj-entHfor

GLIXES1 BOOFIXG PAINT.Wi-Irumc- onii tnd nil to an ciaminilloc of oi,



REDUCED PRICE.Lt tho yards of • -





I trill Mil tlio balance of my READY-



Gents' Furnishing Goods

,1 cotisMiraMu Icsa tba'j COST. ID ftcl mimuuMo offer refilled ae I iDtcnd giving D]

Dial part or llio baalDcan and Loop aolclr toMEHCHAXT TAILOIilXO.



DOVER. 1ST. J.Adj(iiniti,t WIlITIflCK ,t LEWIS. 13-Dm





Miuers' Oil-Company.123 A124 MAIDEN LAKE NEW YOItK,

Thu lnnlnomi formerly carried on under thetanio or I1. W. MKAD win hereafter bo UDTYII ai

MINERS' OIL COMi'ANYLul)rictitihg mid Itimiiii^Oils for Mine r s ' Use .

S X T I I A K S O I N K , " • • • • • ' _• • • - . .-;•'-'•


Tltfii-Oltiinrortnnflcl-illy ad»ptoa to. MiningMnchinoryamlaro Riiarautcod to suit. Sixsrn.Whalp. Oilw, Nuat'a Voot, Lard, Lub., CoU ant

KnuinlcB fartibhed on ni.pllratinn, nnrl goodijhipnwl iu[irimoorder..\-h .*• 121, SUlc]onLnno,

P. \f. "UEiPj;, Tm-iurcr.• S. I'. CHAIO, Agonli


MACHINE SHOPS,M. Iloaglaud, Proprietor,


Chill and Dry Sand Rolls,and all klud* or


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OF

S C A R I N G Si P U L L E Y S ,M I M X O M A C I I I N K B Y ,


Hoisting ApparatusurallkliidioaiKitialily.ana

FiirniHhcd at Shortest Notice.

ROLLS,Turned and Grooved to Order.




iFt Rtlontlon BIron to RKP.MR ^TOnK.




Choice Meats und Vegetables,ix TBEIE ruoetn TIIIE,.


CIXCKXATI HAJIS,tbr be.l ir, lbs market. We mike a ipecitltrof killiug all tiar ORD meat. Bud tbcrofure BQOHthat it ii of tbe best. All kinds of


krut on hand iu aoou at they appear ia them^rkLtn, and told at reasonable prieea.

Tbo b:-:be»t market pricci pai<~ in cuh, (orIkW Hide*, Vtal Skioi anil Shocp Ekini, bonghlat tbe market. Caitomcrs mpplit-d by wagaoon Toead*y«,"TlianJ»T» »cd Satnrdayi.

A call will Mtiifv atl that what wo keep I*

°"!.U " " " * " • JAS.H.BEEHX1.

Preeman Wood,FIH.E

INSURANCE AGENT,(orrici ter. yznioatma.

DO VEK, TV. J .!*ll7 authorized agent of the fullering flrnt.class compinic.-tlie best in tbo vrorld :


GLOBE, Capital 820.000,000.


Capital 810,000,000.

STATE FI11E INSDBANCE Co.,Caiiilal, £300,000.



Capital 85,000,000.

HOME, • - " 000,000.

STAR, Jersoj City, " COO.OOO.


Capital 9300,000.

STANDARD, Trenton, " 800,000.

PEOPLE'S. Neworl, " 800.000.

HniEl lSIA, " " 200,000.

HUMBOLT, " •' 200,000.



Choice Lots in Dover,foraalocbcap, and


Freeman Wood,dike of tbe IVace ami l'aliru MaKiHtrutu.


T H O S . B O L I T H O ' SRestaurant and Eating House,SUSSEX STREET,


II* order to meat tip want* of mj lucrta.luetrade, I liaro leaaed eidarfiDd quarliTfi, ncit

lo niy late plnco of bBRintss, and am better ableIn aceouiuiodaic my cualomera.


OYSTERS in every style.KF.dAIlS ol tlio best ljr.mlj.

SODA llnil MINERAL WATK11Smid Fltt:iTS orallkmile inlhrir seaao

aliall keen atall time, an excellent qnalitT or cream of .11Uavurn.X'AUTIES, BALLS, PIC-MICS, o t c ,mpplicd iritli orcara, fruit., nuts, oilier luxuries. Oivo mo a call.

20-tr T. BOLITHO.





- P H O S P H A T E , ' • • - . • •


i o . ; . ' : ; . ' : : ' . : - ^ - .•'••-,••'.'•. ••



sBUCKEYEsMower and Reaper,

[tf HARDWARE,ftJ Acoupkloitocli'forCASnat

j E.Lindsley&on's.j)BUILDEE'S HAEDWARE,-




[j HARDWARE. |l|



THE CHEAPEST.Tho lian-1-oroeit an<l thu Buttf.

ALLEN, PAL51EB i . SON,ire now pronarci* with oitra'fadlltlei for put.:inG on H I A T E 11OOF1NQ in all tho varToni- - WnaUonaitriljlei and colon wliichnir bs—ncJ or required and which KooDiig HUioii

io Dtnincntlj tiualiacd to product-.Ttis beat quality of SUto will l>ot.-c<] and

onr Turk xrarrantcil to prodneo all thoeood

ALUiN"rAlSl£h A RON,-" - DoTer.K.J. ,






V OR lilt CO 1ST L





CIIOCKEKY, Tin, Wooden »••Vlllow Wore.

Groceries nnd Provisions.

panrv Oroccnoa, Canned Good,, Dried Fruitfe,lea , , Cofoci, Sogirii, Bplee. and o>«ry-

thlnjf in tbe Grocery lint. ,



HA.RDWABB:Iron, S M «nd Minimi Malorlal. of all kind.

Towder and FoM, 8«am and Gaa Plpo .ndFilling,, C u t N u k IlBilderf H.rdnare, DUek-•railba and Cirpootora' Tools, litoain Packingofallklnda.

Deing larce wbdeaalu bnrcn ,ne ire enabledto oJur all gooda it obeapcit ntca.



SHERIFF'S SALE!IQ Cliantcrj of Noir Jerinr-Fi. fa. For ulo i

mnrtgiCLil nrcniiiPi", Wherein B«njati*fu *ComingB, Ad mini* I rat or uf Jlettev MariaComittL'a, dee'd, ii CompUinant, anil Cu»rl«A. Itif-utfirai-i* Haralt K. htx wife, John Norwood uid r»tliiriiiu Durumua, AdtniniiitratornofContfli-nIt.Uoromui-jAnmT.JoneiAdmini-trains or Ellslia C. Jonca, dcccjnojmill llio l>ililelicin Iron Company am Tiefuiidanta. lletmnahlc to October Turin, 1875.

EDMUND D. HALSEY, Bolldtor.T>V virluo ot tha above stsled writ or flud

•tl-nLinJIorriitoBH,N.J.,otiMONDAY, tho 151b. day of KOYEMllEItA. I}. 18*5, between tlie honra of 12 IL and So'clock V. SI., that In to -ay. at 3 o'clock iu thoaftcrnoooof uid 'lay, all that tract or parentor land -itnate in the town ill ip o( I lock aw av, fuIhe Connty of Morris, anil Htato of Net* Jc»ej.Laid down ai No, 8 on map re turned to theCourt of Chancery of >'ow Jersey by tbe Ootn-miisloDiJrt aiipolutcd by that Court to makoimrtltlon ol tliu « t l eitals of John lUj-litur,ueceited, ttmang Lin hcin. a nil bet inn at analb tree with -tone- wound it, the i3d cornerot the Old lllbernli Trict eUndlag igaioit the—ithcait aide of Heridao UounUin, and run-

B tbenco (L) north t-fcDty-ono degrees eaiit..._rchains to a heap or stone*; (2) dnoweitthirly-uno cliaim to a licupof RIODCB ; (S)norilj'weuly* va t uinctcDii ehntni and flftyinl.1 to • heart of flout*; (J) Bonth Rft.T-nluu

dcgrcci aod furty-flvo niinatf • weit forty tb*ioi- jvcaty-f- " '- '- •*" - • - -

forty-ti „and twenty Units J (G) touth forty-two tlcgrencaat four thiins miul uixlj-nuinn liuki; (7)toutb aiily-four degree- east covontcpt. obaiiiBi[8)'along the twentj-lliird lino of Ihe JltlIlibernla Tract acvcntT-two dcj-nti »njthirty tninut«i oait aiity-ll»o clia.DR and Oft;liobilo tbe b£-;iDuiDg,coDl»ininK ono LniidrcJind foriynifitt acre, or land. 13obe p»rt orthe prcmii*i coDTeyed to Cbarloa A. IlighUrliy aiid Botoej Miri* Comlngii and othcri, bydeed dated Juno 7lh, 1807.

Ditcil UepUmber 8th, 1875" "

ADJOURNED SHERIFFS SALE I'Monti Circuit Coort-FL fa, da boa. <tt tor.

In Una. Hirlan 1'. H* ntl arson T«, D.nifll SBtllen. Ruturnabto to Ooiobcr Term, 1874.

Win. T. UiPORT, Anumoy.Uorrli Circuit- Fi. In. do bon. ot ler. I n d o t t

on UoDct. Wm raul of Atloruey. Cbarlci F,O.«u ibJ liiu.u.a J. lliUcy Ti. DiHlet B.tjtik'H. IU-tnrn&blo to Maj IVrai, 1875.

KEiaUBOUIt It SMITH, Atl'.v.Kew Jerxt-y Uaprene Court, Morris, Fi. ti . dc

bon. oi ler . Incase . William Vnil va. Dan-lol D. Slilei, lltlurniblo to Juno Toriu, 1875.

A. W. CU1LKH, Attorney.Tho Balo in Irliair of ilia above nartlci itindi

nljoiiruod to Uko place at tlie U a union Houstllutcl, in Uorrlsto-ru, K. J., oa

MONDAY, N O V E M B E R ^ ! / . ,A. D.1B7C, bolwccL llic Uoun ot 12 U. and So'clock, I*. M,«-i»r • JESSE HOFFJIAN, BhorilT.

ADJOUEHEC SHEBIFF'S SALE1ID CUncer-r ol New Jenejr.-Fi. fa. For Mitt or

moitE-ftd premi-ti. Wberdn Ann DouclMi licompUlDMlt, indJobn Drown, PaUick Codr andCbarka (!aufl«ld are Dcfeu-luiU. ReturnattlB toUetalicrTonn, A. D. 1875.

PENSINQTON k BeWlTT, ttalf*.The tain in bobolfof the nboro pirtioB staodi.

.djonrtiod to like- ptaco at tho M»n»iou IIouioHotel, In Morriito-rn, N. J. , on

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1st,A. D. 1B7J, bct-roon the hours or 12 M. and &o'clock P . II .

43-iw JESSE HOFFMAN, Sheriff.






.ufitcBnll his friends and tliv cenbrnl public ttirail on him, and be i-onvinecd tbit he h«i tb«DncitnnarterBinthli section,andiinLand»utljahlowUhiitfllncrciaod ficililleR to moot Iholtwa.ili and (atiiry thtir laaln. .

MEALS AT ALL HOURS,prepared to order, promptly and cucanlj.

OYSTERSnrvod in t»urj ittylo, and ( L1J by tho hundred

or Ihouinnd. Tho clioicoat brands of

FOHEIGN nnd DOJIEaTIO SEGrAKS,may dwaja U fotmd it my pUet-. ai will

. A iupply oflilKEnAX WATElia, CONFECTlOMEnY, etc.

Partlcfl, Balli, FeitlT«li, etc., inpjilicd withJjitera, Cream, Confectionery and other deli-


DAT'S ICE CREAM,udhafinctlUcd tip handoome parlors tad aiHTateomrancs for ladici, I Bl,i|| niikei thoilu uf ICE CIUHAU a apodalty tfao comin--

Maiou. sod will pi.r,nnal comfortfrwdoni from anrtoywco lo m» guoita.

W. H. McDAVIT,House, Sign and Ornamental


KALSOMINING.DnconiTiTB PiPElt llivaum, kd,.

e tnth ncatDeaa ana illapalcb, and un the. • molirea'ionnbletaniia.

Con. Buci.vEu.aKD Buaiiat SraEars,


BEEMER & PALMER,Wli(,le»ale aud rtetall d

Soranton, Lehigh & Bitiimlnoiit

o o .a. x,,








at the

LOWEST MARKET PEICE8Coal of all alma tooaUntly oa Iiinil, i u j

dflllTcriid to any part of tho city or -rirtnity,

Yardi on BUckwoll etrcol, below Betgttt StOfflco oa Dltckwell itroet, next' to QKt •!im.cj ' iLnmtDrYarJ;

DOVER, N. J.Orden nay be tddrcited through the h , .

Ofllcc Lock Box 28, or tuft t t A. Bcsmer'i0D;cein lUackwell atrret, near Sniaox.

I.rllEDB SKEKKB. ^.B.rALUUU B.B,»lTvin



Hardwaro, Iron and Steel,H A I I / S , BUILDEBS' HiltDWAIlE,•rECHAKIOr AND-FAmrEHS1 TOOIa KB



Wooden Ware (indHousekeeping Goods,

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,am) Uano/aclorin' Article! jenenllj.

Li>ne, Cement, Plaster,Bon-J Doit, Soptr Phmphit- of Unit, and m

lEotuiE E. voonn-iu. ' JAHEI a. ToomituUoirlitown, SepL 33d, 1874.


-..UP Vltill»« mEnnohci the Ulou]TODPI up tin? Sviteu-,Bullili lip tbe IlrtV^ C u r c i y i p

bllllr. limp.l l o n d Ktr

l I

. s h i o been ctiinfed br thoun.tLii roniedy from weak, sickly, infferin--atures, to itrong. healthy, hippr mt-Daudmcn:andlnTalId»caauot roaaoQiblrheiiUlapvo It s trial

MtldntyM-^T ._&c. TlinaBands been chanced br tlio unot thi* •*- * '- * * '——-•crei

toRivolta trial.

tjYRUP* ("lot IWfani raVkrBdd" .generally. A UZ-pago pamphlet, cODIalnint at-eaUie on Iron H I medical ageot indolWT»lual)lep»pors,lo»(imonialifromdiBlinguiihrjd-----'danB, clercjmen and other-,, wlllTw uut. . . . to any «dSrrii. BETH W. >0WLE A80 N3, propnelorB, 80 ITarrlBon Are., Bo-ton.

A UVEIITISINO : Cheap : 0<Md Sfd^milir.Jy. All petBom who eoDtenplale makfDg tca-tiacti, with newipipem for tbe (niortioa elwirarlliotxioDtB. all on Id «nd a»teuuto do.P. Rowell i Co., 41 Park Ilow, New York, fdiIheir FAMl-HLKT-BOOK (nine tr-aero nib »*Jian), contiluing liata of oter U.UOO petrtpip.nana eitjmatci, uliowlng tho coit. Adrerilu*tnentBtilicnforlcadio--paperaln many fJlilel• I n tremendoua roducticiu from pobllihr.'lal a tremcndoui rodurule*.' Our TUB BOOK. i-]j ,

«5 io 9*0 per day. Aconta wanted. AUlcliisci of working poojilo of hoth tieiti, jomrimad ajd, make more nioni-y at work for QI, i n !their own localitei, during their sparo mommliror all the tioio than mt an.y thing elie. We offemplojment tbat wiU pay liaudaoruelyfor ei»our'B work. Pall partiootan, tcrnn, i c , ifi-M fiend DM your addrofs at one*. Dd y . Kowii Ihe tin, c. DouM.laak forw..or bminefi tlicwhere, nntil yott bsnJeiriMwhat we offer. O. HTIHBOH i Co.. fortbDdMaiue. ...<. i-ij

MWE. DEUOnEST PATTEHHB for H,luaBun-njer will batm-ly for rttliu.

on and aftnr Friday. UarcU 191h. Bend fo'.Catalogue. W. 8. BAllfllTT,

If ' UOBRl*T0WH.)[,ll

$50 tO $10.000Jhm bun iuTCiloO ID tjlock Pririlcgei md fiii

900 per cent. PROFIT."How to do It," a book on Wall EL, suit tint.

$50,000 BONANZA,$$is;:S!rKi!.a

arllcnlara aent Troo. Aadroaa .i'ENDLEXON 1 HEAD,

lt-i\r es Wall St., Now York.ESTABLISHED 1840.

STDSTBR'SNEW YORK and CHINA TEA Co.Till! long and.noll citabllaliMl boDH Ea a

aclliug excelled TUBS of tljc

o>lodea bv tlieir oiro Bconti, lo Oliina tn JJapan, AT rniCES TO SUIT THB TIJItM.COFFiKS aro Blein IloaBtetl froah Dally. TtuB.nd ColTue. aold lij tbe CBcBt,.PB0hgo.nilPonncl. BOOA11S Bold at IletDeW PrlcE,. AfojtoB are fonotuallj altniidcd to. » • "•

ES di l-o., rrep'rieton, 77; 70 II H IDI1BojatoplHialtsWaBhliiBto

tiD itcADuia, mcHoMANCi'. ns-CINAT10H,RoulcbarminirlMe.mcriiai,

arxIM.niaee aolde,' ibowlDr -how eitbcrieim.7 fascinata and calntbo uvoand llTocli.aofaiiy pcraoii tbey clioo.a iD.ta.^tlr. 4W pajcci.By roml to cn.-.iluJIT J; CoTTiS S. 7tb II,PMaOolpUia, Pa. -.1 • . ' . " «-i»

, nurm* *• *-"-tains IS inoetB piper, IS onroiopci galCen *»D>poti holder, pencil, patont yard meiBtiri.', «*.* »picco of Jewelry. HlDglo packaRo wltheleciDt.rl*c, poBlntlf, ?5 otn. C-lntUu free. BlflllK- Co., %'J Broadtray, How York. « '"

E.EMAOY&00.IHtU St. and Cih WE'.,

llio Lirt'cal Importfra in America "f Danil Toyi suitable for Holiday P e u t i JLAHQBIT RErAIIt FANCY G.I3UMEST in New YoA. i - CaTalo6»r« t a

frco to my addreai. •" -«9* Ordcra by mall attended lo with care,



G*ThB great Intareit Iq the thrillln-; 1

oni country tnikea (hii the faateat ieln>'e - r r jCT*r'Dt]blJahtvl. ' Tt Mul i ln l nn l r IQO BD" "»."•to r io l BDm<account of thcUbraUon.extra terma t


oni tbii the faateat -elllnff Wf-fBT«r pabUahed..' It conUlna orer 100 flne b 1torictl BDmrlngB and 00O paKSi, -*••-> •>'"' Iicconntof tha appminhlDr m a d GenlcnniU»Ub-m1ln. -Butt for t, rnlf dueriptlM »H

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By ANN ELIZA Y.OUNC.IBIUOnAM YOUKO'S RBllEIXiabS ^ ' I F f JnHE only coinpleto Eipow or all Ibo 'KJL of imiailAM'B IlATtEH e « r " , , ,

Horn lu MunnoDlain, AUN ELIZA now «li"'.''fl[ world, j»B NO OTIUSIl WOMAN[ CAW

MISTEniEd d/OllI• .tiD W U I I U , An 41V V * JLDlt. - |V|1?B All

(ho burrlblb ivatom on'ohcanrr! from ,--* Vutlbo-jlLiQin-j. Seaxly WOillu-lrmtioitB bj"n«lfl

io irorli./ I t IB tlie beat icUlDfr boot pobl i ib^i,0u0 mom raon and. women can b-re cs°Xu\ect i n ) make from iif to 110' dally. iU•' ,[CDIB are writine for illnjitnted olrcular' w»'iVllQE TGmifl. Bent fn-e. Do not dett-j w

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OHE BOLLAii'iil-jearlneli|-«of t » W " joter. flMelratn CO>KB rree." For .tern" "DiotnlnlBilons, addnaaA -'• • • ' _ L t,-! , . •-.*•••• THE imtD-ISE, K B " - 1 " * I