blue lance - a pc for hero 6th edition

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  • 7/28/2019 Blue Lance - A PC for Hero 6th Edition


    Blue Lance a.k.a. Benjamin Lance a.k.a. Casefile 1428Values Characteristic Cost Roll Notes

    40 Strength 050 17- HTH Attack: 8D6, No Endurance Cost,

    30 Dexterity 040 15-

    10 Constitution 000 11-

    10 Intelligence 000 11- PER Roll 11-,20 Ego 010 13-

    10 Presence 000 11- PRE Attack: 2d6,

    03 (08) OCV 015 (CSL: +5 w/Martial Arts)

    08 DCV 025

    03 OMCV 000

    03 DMCV 000

    20 BODY 010

    30 RPD 043

    30 RED 043

    06 SPD 040 Phases: 02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12,00 REC 000

    20 END 000

    40 STUN 010


    12m Flying 018 No Endurance

    08m Leaping 004 No Endurance

    12m Running 006 No Endurance

    08m Swimming 004 No Endurance

    Powers & Skills

    Life Support: Full, 035

    Regeneration 035 1 Body per 20 minutes, Heals Limbs, Resurrection,

    CK: New York 11- 003

    CuK: Super-Villains 11- 003

    Martial Arts 010 Defensive Strike, Offensive Strike,

    Paramedics 15- 011

    Total Cost: 425

    Points Disadvantage20 Hunted: Doctor Gold 8- (More Powerful, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has

    a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

    05 Reputation: Reformed Villain -1/-1D6 (Infrequently Recognised)

    25 Psychological Limitation: Fearlessly Heroic (Very Common, Total)

    10 Social Limitation: Internet Celebrity (Frequently, Minor)

    15 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major)

  • 7/28/2019 Blue Lance - A PC for Hero 6th Edition


    Benjamin Carter was given powers in a lab by Doctor Gold, to make him a more effective

    criminal as part of the ThinkGold crime syndicate. Before long, Ben found himself enjoying

    his newfound super-powered existence so much that he no longer felt the greed for a better

    life that had once turned him to crime. He turned himself in to the police in a program for

    reforming super-villains. He was given a lighter sentence in return for much aid in theirinvestigations. After his sentence he was given a lot of emergency medical treatment training

    and put to work with a superhero team.

    He has since managed to make Blue Lance more famous as a super-hero than a super-villain,

    despite ThinkGolds tendency to attack high profile targets full of people to spread the

    gospel of Doctor Gold. This new high profile super-hero reputation is partly thanks to the

    fact that he has saved several famous faces and a few important political figures. But, to be

    honest, his greatest fame came from his saving the lives of a large number of internet

    celebrities at a convention, as a result of his simply visiting the convention for fun. He has

    pointed out numerous times that ifhe hadnt been there, Doctor Gold wouldnt have attacked

    and nobody would have been in any danger in the first place, but that just seems to make him

    all the more popular.

    Doctor Gold, the criminal genius behind ThinkGold, was not an absent-minded genius. Note

    the lack of enhanced senses, flash defences, mental defence or power defence. This left his

    lackey open to those attacks that would not kill him but would incapacitate him, rendering

    him less useful as a lackey but also making sure that, if he ever betrayed the ThinkGold

    organisation, there would be a number of ways for Doctor Gold to stop him from interfering

    in his plans.