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229 Phosphorus India Ltd

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Phosphorus India Ltd

Introduction Phosphorous India Ltd is situated in Gujarat, India. The Human Resource

Department recognizes the potential of human resources by acquiring,

developing and retaining, thereby ensuring organizational effectiveness.

Objectives The organizational objectives are obtained by employing the skills and abilities of the

workforce efficiently, providing the organization with well-trained and motivated

employees, developing and maintaining quality of work life, ethical policies and

socially responsible behavior, managing change to the mutual advantage of

individuals, groups, the enterprise and the public.

The main objectives that necessitates HR can be perceived from societal,

organizational, functional and personal views i.e. ranging from legal compliance,

benefits, union-management relations to acquiring and training the best employees

and ensuring their high performance, assessment compensation with which the

primary objectives are achieved ensuring the organizational effectiveness.

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Organizational Structure Phosphorous India Ltd is situated in Gujarat, India. Organization Structure is representation of the reporting structure and the distribution of tasks using organizational units for example, departments in an enterprise. Organizational structure consists of departments, positions, persons, task, relationships and cost center etc.

Administration Department PRESIDENT

Vice President HR

General Manager HR

Manager HR

Assistant Managers HR


General Administration Wages & Salary Administration

Assistant Managers HR

Executive Executive Executive

Manager HR

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Organizational Units: Organizational Units represents a functional unit in the company. According to how tasks are divided up within an enterprise, that could be a department, group or project team. Organizational units differ from other units in an enterprise; they are used to depict structures for example administration or accounting in the corresponding components. We depict the functional units of our enterprise with organizational units. We create an organizational structure by assigning these organizational units to each other. The highest organizational unit in an organizational structure is the root organizational unit.

The organization structure is defined based functional requirements

S. No Organizational Units1 PHOSPHOROUS INDIA


2. Administration Department

General Administration Wages & Salary Administration

3. Finance Department Finance Accounts

4. Marketing

Sales Area North Sales Area East Sales Area West Sales Area South

5. Production Plant-1 Plant-2 Plant-3

6. Logistics

Raw Material storage Spare parts storage Finished Products storage Scrap storage


Jobs are classifications of functions in an enterprise (for example administrator), which are defined by the assignment of characteristics. Jobs serve as job descriptions that apply to several positions with similar tasks or characteristics. Jobs are general classification for sets of tasks or functions that an employee is required to perform. When creating organizational plan, jobs help you to create positions further specifications with in the organization

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S. No Job code Job text 1 CHR Chairman 2. BOD Board Of Directors 3. COO Chief Operating Officer 4. PRE President 5. GMR General Manager 6. VPD Vice President 7. MGR Manager 8. ASM Assistant Manager 9. EXE Executive 10. SPR Supervisor 11. OPR Operator 12. CLR Contract Labour


Represents a post, which can be occupied by a person (employee) in the staff assignments of an organizational unit. For ex mg=manager. Organizational units describe the various units in your enterprise that usually structured according to tasks and functions. Multiple organizational units and their hierarchical relationships form organizational structure. Positions are specification tied to organizational units and are held by individuals in u r enterprise. Each position is typically occupied by an employee or more than an employee.





HPR President Hr 1

HVP Vice President Hr 1

HGM General Manager Hr 1

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FPR President Finance 1

FVP Vice President finance


FGM General Manager Finance 1

FMG Manager Finance 1

FAM Assistant Manager Finance 4

FEX Executives Finance 4


Marketing department

MPR President marketing 1

MVP Vice president marketing 1

MGM General manager marketing 1

MMG Manager marketing 1

MAM Assistant Manager marketing 4

MEX Executives marketing 4

5 Production Department

PPR President Production 1



HSM Assistant Manager Hr 4

HEX Executives Hr 4

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PPR Vice president Production


PGM General manager Production 1

PMG Manager Production 1

PAM Assistant Manager Production 4

PEX Executives Production 4

PSP Supervisors production

POP Operator production

PCL Contract labour production

6 Logistics department

LPR President Logistics 1


Vice president Logistics


LGM General manager Logistics 1

LMG Manager Logistics 1

LEX Executives Logistics 4

Relationship Relationships describe the links between various departments, jobs, positions, cost centers, tasks, persons etc.

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A002 and B 002 is a kind of direct relation ship .it is reciprocal if a job describes a position, and then in turn will be described by the job. These relationships are distinguished by the identification A or B. A002 means reports to and B002 means supervisor of, the various relations are,

Human Resource Department.

Executive A002 B002

Asst manager

Asst manger A002 B002


Manager A002 B002

General manager

General manager

A002 B002

Vice president

Vice president A002 B002


A003andB003 A position belongs to organizational unit A003andB003 an organizational unit incorporates a position. Positions are related to organizational units in the organizational plan. They will inherit certain characteristics of the organizational unit such as cost center assignment. When a position holds a position they will also inherit the characteristics of the position related to organizational unit. A003 means belongs to and B003 means incorporates to.

Human Resource


Executive A003 B003

Human resource Department

Asst manger A003 B003

Human resource Department

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Manager A003 B003

Human resource Department

General manager

A003 B003

Human resource Department

Vice president

A003 B003

Human resource Department

President A003 B003

Human resource Department

A007 and B007 A job describes a position by A007 and a position is described by B007.when a position is described by a job it will inherit certain characteristics of the job such as associated tasks. A job may describe several positions and a position may be described by several jobs .job objects are best used as general classification of positions that are more specific. A007 means describes and B 007 means described by.

Human resource


Executive A007 B007

Executive hr

Assistant Manager

A007 B007

Asst manger hr

Manager A007 B007

Manager hr

General Manager A007 B007

General manager hr

Vice President

A007 B007 Vice-president hr

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President A007 B007

President hr

A011 Cost Center Can Be Related To Organizational Units And Positions .The Relationship Between Organizations And Cost Center Are Hierarchically Inherited Along the Structure. Cost center is represented by ‘k’. Cost centers are maintained by finance department are linked to organizational units. Cost centers assignments are inherited along the organizational unit structure. A011 means cost center assignment to units.

Administration department


Marketing Department A011


Finance Department A011






Production Department A011


Info Types Required For Organizational Management:

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The following info types are required for organizational management.

Organizational management

1000 Object

1001 Relationship

1002 Description

1003 Department/staff

1005 Planned compensation

1007 Vacancy

1008 Account assignment


Employee group/sub group

1014 Obsolete

1018 Cost distribution

Reports in organizational management:

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Reports in organizational management: Reporting on data contained in organizational management is a requirement for the Company. You want to evaluate data at the organizational unit level. Objects in organizational management can be reported in sequential or structural fashion. Sequential go through the database by one and select records for processing. Structural identify records based upon a root object and evaluation path. Personnel Administration Personnel area

A personnel area is a specific entity for personnel administration, it represents a sub division of company code .The personnel area, which is

used in personnel administration, personnel time management, and payroll

Administration Department PRESIDENT

Vice president

General Manager


Assistant Managers


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accounting in SAP, is unique in each client, which should be assigned to the company code.

Personnel area performs the following functions o It allows to generate default values for data entry, for example, for the payroll

accounting area (e.g. determination of payroll accounting areas) o Acts as a selection criterion for reporting; and o Acts as a unit in authorization checks.

S.No Personnel Area code Personnel Area Text 01. 1234 Vapi

Personnel sub area

Personnel sub-areas are sub divisions of personnel areas. Personnel sub-area is the smallest element in the company. The principal organizational

aspects of human resources are controlled at this level, namely the pay scale and wage type structures and the planning of work schedules. The personnel

sub-area is assigned a four-character alphanumeric identifier

S.No Personnel Sub area

code Personnel Sub area Text

1. 2000 Administration Department. 2. 3000 Marketing Department 3. 4000 Finance Department 4. 5000 Logistics Department 5. 6000 R & D Department 6. 7000 Engineering Department 7. 8001 Production Unit 1 8. 8002 Production Unit 2 9. 8003 Production Unit 3 10. 9000 Quality Department

Employee Group and Subgroups:

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Employee group

Employee group is used to classify employees in general terms. It defines the position of the employee with in the company’s work force. Employee

groups are used to generate default values for data entry, selection criterion for reporting, as an entity for authorization checks. Employee group

consists of a number of employee sub groups Employee Subgroup

You can standardize or differentiate how an employee is dealt with for a

personnel calculation rule using the grouping of employee subgroups. For example, you can control whether an employee’s remuneration is calculated

on a monthly or hourly basis using this grouping. You determine which wage types are permissible for which employee subgroups using the employee subgroup grouping for the primary wage types S.NO Employee

Group Code

Employee Group Text

Employee Subgroup


Employee Subgroup text

1. M Managerial GM General Manager MG Manager AM Assistant Manager

2. E Executive SE Senior Executive JE Junior Executive

3. L Labour SP Supervisor OP Operator

4 X External CS Consultant CT Contract

5 T Trainees TT Technical Trainee MT Managerial Trainee

Personnel Actions:

In the standard SAP System, the following basic personnel procedures are represented as personnel actions in the HR master data system:

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Action Code Action Text Info group

code Info group text

HG Hiring HG Hiring OC Organization Change OC Organization Change PM Promotion PM Promotion TF Transfer TF Transfer TM Termination TM Termination IT Increment IT Increment SN Suspension SN Suspension RH Rehire RH Rehire RI Reinstatement RI Reinstatement

1. Hiring:

When a new employee is hired in the organization, a large amount of data about the employee has to be entered. We enter the employee data in different Info types in the SAP R/3 System. We hire the employee by performing a Personnel Action. When we perform the Hiring personnel action type, all of the info types that need to maintain to hire an employee are displayed automatically, one after the other.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

HG Hiring

05 INS 0000 Actions 15 INS 0001 Organization Assignment 25 INS 0002 Personal Data 35 INS 0006 Address 45 INS 0007 Planned Working Time 55 INS 0008 Basic Pay 65 INS 0009 Bank Details 75 INS 0021 Family Member/Dependents 85 INS 0022 Education 95 INS 0023 Other/Previous Employers 96 INS 0041 Date Specifications

2. Organizational reassignment:

When we hire an employee, assign him or her to the Enterprise Structure and the Personnel Structure. If during the course of his or her employment, the employee changes positions, cost centers, or is moved to another subsidiary, his or her organizational assignment also change.

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To record one of these developments in the system, you run a Personnel Action. In the personnel action type Organizational reassignment, the system automatically displays all the Info types, one after another, that must be maintained in order to record such a reassignment in the system.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

OC Organization Change

05 INS 0000 Actions 10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment

3. Promotion:

When we hire an employee, assign him or her to the Enterprise Structure and the Personnel Structure. If during the course of his or her employment, the employee is promoted or demoted, we record one of these developments in the system and run Personnel Action. In the personnel action type Promotion, the system automatically displays all the Info types, one after another, that must be maintained in order to record in the system.

4. Transfer:

When an employee is transferred them one business unit/location to another and retain its identity after the transfer .So New recruits for a new location will not be considered as a transfer. Moving from a city to other, which by virtue are same cities will not be considered as a transfer.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

TF Transfer

05 INS 0000 Actions 10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment 15 COP 0006 Address 20 COP 0007 Planned Working Time 25 COP 0008 Basic pay

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

PM Promotion

05 INS 0000 Actions 10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment 15 COP 0007 Planned Working Time 20 COP 0008 Basic Pay

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5. Termination:

A large amount of employee data is stored in the system during the period of employment in the company. This data is stored in individual Info types.

If the employee leaves the company, certain info types must not be changed as they contain data that is used to create histories. Other info type records must be delimited in the system. Furthermore, you must ensure that the final payroll has run successfully, and that retroactive accounting runs have also been performed, if necessary.

When an employee leaves your company, the administer it using a Personnel Action. The personnel action type leaving only offers the data records for maintenance if they must be edited when an employee leaves the company.

Note, an employee’s personnel number must never be deleted when they leave your company.

A distinction must be made between employees, who have left the company, and:

• Employees who have retired • Employees who are absent for a long period of time, for example, for maternity

protection or military or non-military service

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

TM Termination

05 INS 0000 Actions

10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment

15 COP 0006 Address

20 LIS9 0009 Bank Details

25 LIS9 0014 Recurring payments /deductions

30 COP 0015 Additional Payments

6. Increments:

Awarding an employee with certain benefits for which the reasons can be varied according to company’s policies.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

IT Increment 05 INS 0000 Actions

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10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment 15 COP 0008 Basic pay

7. Suspension: Suspending an individual from his regular duties due to violation of

company norms such as, sleeping, solicitation, and falsification of information.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

SN Suspension 05 INS 0000 Actions 10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment 15 COP 0006 Address

8. Rehire

Rehire is similar to the hiring process .it is included as a separate model for two

reasons. One the reasons associated may be different than the hiring process and

secondly, the employee will have a personnel number on file which can be re-activate.

Utilizing the same personnel number provides a continuous history in the lifecycle of

the employee’s involvement with in the organization.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

RH Rehire

05 INS 0000 Actions 10 INS 0001 Organization Assignment 15 INS 0006 Address 20 INS 0007 Planned Working Time 25 INS 0008 Basic pay

9. Reinstatement: Whenever an employee is suspended for a period of time his status will be inactive, after the completion of the period, the employee returns when he will be made active employee.

Code Info group No Operation Info type Info type Text

RI Reinstatement 05 INS 0000 Actions 10 COP 0001 Organization Assignment 15 COP 0006 Address

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Reasons for Actions:

S no Actions No Reasons

HG Hiring

01 New Hire 02 Expansion 03 Special project 04 Attrition

OC Organization Change 01 Reorganization

PM Promotion 01 Pay increase 02 General increase

TF Transfer 01 Employee Request 02 Interim move

TM Termination

01 Involuntary Retirement

02 Voluntary Retirement03 Resignation 04 Contract expired 05 Dismissal

IT Increment 01 Increment SN Suspension 02 Suspension RH Rehire 03 Rehire RI Reinstatement 04 No reason

Info type menus: Menus Menu text No Info

type Info type text

PA Personnel administration

01 0000 Action 02 0001 Organizational assignment 03 0002 Personal data 04 0006 Addresses 05 0007 Planned working time 06 0008 Basic pay 07 0009 Bank details 08 0040 Object on loan 09 0105 Communication

PI Payroll information 01 0014 Recurring payments /deductions

02 0015 Additional payment

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03 580 Previous employment tax details

04 581 Housing (HRA / CLA / COA)

05 582 Exemptions

06 583 Car & conveyance

07 584 rom other sources

08 585 0 deductions

10 587 t fund contribution

11 580

Other statutory deductions

12 590 Long term reimbursements

13 591 Nominations

14 267 Off cycle payments

TM Time management

01 0007

Planned working time

02 2001


03 2006

Absence quotas

04 0416

Time Quota Compensation

05 2010

Employee Remuneration Info

Number range intervals for personnel numbers: No From number To number Current no Internal 01 00000001 0010000 0

Personal data: The following areas are maintained in personal data. Forms of address:

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The common forms of address used in SAP. The gender has also been attached to the form of address to allow for the default on info type


No Description Gender 1 Mr. 1 2 Mrs. 2 3 Miss 2 4 Ms 2

Marital status: The most commonly used marital statuses have been configured into SAP.

Type Description 0 Single 1 Married 2 Widow 3 Divorce 5 Separated

Family and related persons: The family /related persons info type 0021 the following categories are available. Remember to update this list with all potential benefit plan dependants’ beneficiaries’ categories.

Type Description Time constraint 1 Spouse 2 8 Related person 2

11 Father 2 12 Mother 2 2 Child 2 5 Guardian 2 7 Emergency contact 2

Addresses: The addresses are maintained in info type 0006. Every employee must have an address type “1” permanent residence which is include.

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Type Description Time constraint 1 Permanent residence 1 2 Temporary residence 3 3 Home address 2 4 Emergency address 2

The following communication types have also been configured for use on the

address info type 0006.

Type Description Category Category text CELL Cell phone 1 Telephone FAX1 Fax machine 2 Telefax TEL2 Telephone 1 Telephone

Bank details:

The following identifies those bank connection, type available for use.

Type Bank connection type text Time constraint 0 Main bank 1 1 Other bank 3

Payment methods:

Pay method Pay method text Cash

C Cheque T Transfer

Reports in Personnel Administration:

• Employee List • Employee Entered & Left • Family members • Birthday List • List of employees having company provided vehicles • Family members details • Service Anniversaries (List of employees who have completed specific number of


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• Employees Remuneration Statements.

• Employees wage type statements.

• Employees Absences and Attendance statements.

• Total no of employees in each department and their Salary related reports.

• Total no of vacancies in each department.

• Time Recording reports for each employee for every month.


Payroll is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the process of paying employees for services rendered, after processing of the various requirements for withholding of money from the employee for payment of payroll taxes, insurance premiums, employee benefits, garnishments and other deductions.

Remuneration calculation is primarily done on:

• Calculation of remuneration elements • Statutory and voluntary deductions (which are country specific)

In order to run a payroll identification of the company’s pay scale structure is important, PIL Pay scale structure Pay scale Type


VAP Vapi Pay scale Group and Levels

S.NO Code Pay scale Group Text 1. M1 General Manager 2. M2 Manager 3. M3 Assistant Manager

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4. E1 Senior Executive 5. E2 Junior Executive 6. S1 Supervisor 7. O1 Operator 8. C1 Consultant 9. C2 Contract 10. T1 Technical Trainee 11. T2 Managerial Trainee

Payroll accounting area: -Organizational unit, which groups together employees for whom payroll is run at the same time and in the same way.

Payroll control record: It locks the personnel numbers, for which payroll should be run, against master data changes that affect the payroll past or present.

• It locks the payroll for the period during which payroll-relevant changes are made to the master data for the personnel numbers being processed.

The control record contains the following information:

• Payroll area • Payroll status • Payroll period • Earliest possible retroactive accounting period • Last change made to the control record

Payroll driver: It calculates payrolls as specified in schema. Indian payroll driver is HINCALCO

Period parameters: Key that uniquely identifies payroll periodicity in the system. You can assign different period parameters to different payroll areas so that the a payroll run for them at different intervals

Date modifiers: Distinguishing criterion enabling you to define various date specifications for the payment days with the same periodicity

Payroll area Payroll area Text

Period modifier

Text Date Modifier


P1 Executive & Labour

1 Monthly 01 1st of every Month

P2 Managers 1 Monthly 05 5th of every

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month Wage types: Wage elements, statutory deductions and voluntary deductions are all based on the individual payments and deductions that are calculated for an employee during payroll period. The payments and deductions are stored as wage types and then included in the payroll calculation. An employee’s wage elements are determined based on the individual wage types in a pay roll period. Payments that may be included in the calculation of remuneration is, for example basic pay, bonuses, vacation allowances, gratuities, company owned accommodation, company sponsored day care services etc can increase or decrease the amount of an employee which in turn is subject to taxation policies of that particular country. The remuneration of PIL employee’s consists of the below payments and deductions: -

House Rent Allowance is calculated as 40% of Basic Pay.

A fixed Dearness Allowance is paid for employees as Rs 1000.

LTA The Leave Travel Allowance of the company is provided as reimbursement, which is

not taxed. The maximum limit shall be Rs 15000. Leave Encashment

Leave Encashment shall be paid for employees who resigns the company or does not wish to carry forward his Leave. The Leave encashment is paid on

Basic pay.

Payments Deductions Basic Pay House Rent Allowance Dearness Allowance Leave Travel Allowance Leave Encashment Overtime Allowance Bonus Medical Reimbursement Other Benefits: ESI (Employer) PF (Employer) Labour Welfare Fund (Employer) Pension Gratuity

Provident fund (Employee) ESI (Employee) Labour Welfare Fund (Employee) Professional tax Income Tax Loss of Pay Third Party deductions Membership Fees Car loans Personal Loan Interest on Loan

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Leave encashment = Basic Pay x No of days leave Calendar Days

Overtime Allowance Overtime Allowance will be paid for all workers who work extra hours than planned working hours for a working day. Overtime Allowance = Basic Pay + DA x 2 x No of overtime hours Calendar Days Bonus Bonus for the employees will be 10% on Basic pay and DA, which is paid once in year.

Medical Reimbursement

Medical reimbursement will be paid for all employees not covered under ESI. The maximum limit shall be Rs 15000.

ESI The employees are provided with ESI benefits. The eligibility limit is Rs 10000, which includes components of Basic pay, DA and HRA. Employer’s contribution @ 4.75% and Employees contribution @1.75%.

Provident Fund The employees are provided with Provident fund benefits. The components are Basic Pay and DA. Employer’s contribution @12% and Employees contribution @12%. Out of employer’s contribution 8.33% is diverted to Pension Fund, 1.1% as administration charges, 0.5% as Employee Deposit linked Insurance (EDLI) and 0.01% for EDLI Administration charges. Labour Welfare Fund

The employees are provided with Labour Welfare fund benefit. The Employee’s contribution is Rs 2. The Employer’s contribution is Rs 5.

Contributions are paid once in a year in the month of December.

Gratuity As per Act

Professional Tax

S no Range end PT Amount 01 1000-1,500 0.0002 1500-2000 16.0003 2000-3000 25.00

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04 3000-4000 35.0005 4000-5000 45.0006 5000-6000 60.0007 6000-10000 80.0008 10000-15000 100.0009 15000-20000 150.0010 20000-9,999,999 200.00

Income Tax As per Act

Loss of Pay Loss of Pay will be deducted for the absent days of the employees. Loss of Pay = Gross Pay x No of absent days Calendar Days

Loans Car loans are paid upto a maximum limit of Rs 300000 and recovered in 60

installments. The interest rate is deducted at 10%. Personal loans are paid upto a maximum limit of Rs 100000 and recovered in 50 installments. No interest is deducted. Rounded off: Rounded off to the nearest Rupee

Termination: The termination of employment due to the:

• Resignation of an employee • Retirement of an employee • Voluntary retirement or premature retirement by an employee

Termination Work Bench: The Termination Workbench computes the various types of payments due to, or payable by the employee at the time of termination. For example, Gratuity, Superannuation, Leave Encashment or any pending Reimbursable allowances

Third party deductions: when payments to external parties are made directly from the payroll of the employee. LIC: U/S80 Additional deduction

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Membership Fee: U/S80 Additional deduction Primary wage types In the sap system monetary amounts serve different business purposes and are processed in different ways during the payroll run and are delimited from one another using wage types. A wage type is a type of payment or type of deduction. The wage types that would be used for employee’s remuneration would be following: -

SAP has given the ability to capture the data of the employees by the use of info types. The info types that would be maintained for running the payroll of PIL employees are: -

Info type Info type text 0045 0057 0267 0580 0581

Loans Membership fees Off cycle payments Previous Employment Tax Details Housing (HRA/CLA/COA)

WT PAYMENTS WT DEDUCTIONS 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007

Basic Pay House Rent Allowance Dearness Allowance Leave Travel Allowance Leave Encashment Overtime Allowance Bonus Medical Reimbursement Other Benefits: ESI (Employer) PF (Employer) Labour Welfare Fund (Employer) Pension Gratuity

6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005

Provident fund (Employee) ESI (Employee) Labour Welfare Fund (Employee) Professional tax Income Tax Loss of Pay Third Party deductions Membership Fees Car loans Personal Loan Interest on Loan

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0582 0583 0584 0585 0586 0587 0588 0590 0591

Exemptions Car & Conveyance Income From Other Source Section 80 Deductions Investment Details (Section 88) Provident Fund Contribution Other Statutory Deductions Long Term Reimbursements Nominations (ESI benefit, gratuity benefit, PF Benefit, pension benefit)

Reports: Remuneration statement: All payments and deductions made for an employee. In a clear formatted document

Payroll journals: The payroll journal contains detailed, selected payroll data for several employees, for whom payroll has been run in a particular time interval or a selected payroll period.

Payroll account: The Payroll Account provides you with a combination of different wage types for a specific period

Wage type reports: This to evaluate wage types that are contained in the payroll results Gratuity Report: This report generates a Gratuity List for a selected employee range, within a specified gratuity period

Loans Summary Report: This report is used to display the loans status of the employees

Statutory Reports: Professional Tax Report: The salary components to be included for calculating the professional tax basis depend on the state PF Reports Employee forms • Report (HINCEPN0) to generates the following monthly Pension Fund forms:

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Form 4 - This report provides details of employee(s) joining the Pension Fund trust during the current payroll period. Form 5- You can generate this report for employees leaving the service, or leaving the Pension Fund trust, for which you are generating the report, in the current payroll period. Form 6 - Use this report to obtain information on the contribution made by the employer, in the current payroll period.

Employees' State Insurance Report: This function prints the following statutory forms for Employee State Insurance:

Form 6: This form submitted to the ESI authorities Form 7: This form kept with the employer.

• Form 16: It is details of paid and any other income and tax deducted. Form 24:

• Details of Salary Paid and Tax Deducted thereon from the Employee. • This part displays the income, deductions and tax details of the selected

employees for the financial year.

Time Management

Time Management has user-oriented interfaces that support centralized and decentralized entry and administration of time and labor data. Time Management enables you to record time and labor data online or using self-service applications.

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Holiday Calendar A public holiday calendar is a grouping of public holidays according to the area in which they are valid S. No PH Code PH Text 1 PIPH Public Holiday Calendar List Of Holidays

S. No Date Holiday 1 January 1st New Year 2 January 14th Sankranthi 3 January 26th Republic Day 4 March 3 rd Holi 5 April 6th Good Friday 6 April 3rd Sri Ram Navami 7 May 1st May Day 8 May 21st Foundation Day 9 August 15th Independence Day 10 September 17th Ganesh Chaturdi 11 October 2nd Gandhi Jayanthi 12 October 20th Dusshera 13 October 15th Ramzan 14 December 25th Christmas

Planned Working Time:

Planned working time is defined in a business environment as the daily working period from start to end time, Including breaks. By defining the planned working time for your employees, you determine how long they must work in your enterprise on a daily basis.

Employee planned working time is assigned in the Planned Working Time info type (0007) using work schedule rules


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S. No Shift Code From To 1 General Shift 09:00 17:00 2 First Shift 06:00 14:00 3 Second Shift 14:00 22:00 4 Third Shift 22:00 06:00

Work Schedules

Work Schedules are Shift Schedules, which are generalized for all employees, even those with a set working time or flexi time. Elements of the work schedule include Daily Work Schedules, Period Work Schedules, and

Work Schedule Rules Daily Work Schedules The Daily Work Schedule determines the structure of working times in the

enterprise at the daily level. You can also define actual normal working conditions and those that differ from externally or internally determined

daily working times. In this way, you set up working times defined for specific employees.

The Daily Work Schedule, along with break schedules comprises the working times for a particular day. You can base the daily work schedule on such working time models as flextime by defining the following:

• Core times • Tolerances

S.No Code Work Schedule Text

1 PGS1 General Shift 2 PFS1 First Shift 3 PSS1 Second Shift 4 PTS1 Third Shift 5 PDO1 Day Off

Period Work Schedules

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The Period Work Schedule consists of a defined sequence of daily work schedules. The period work schedule reflects a work pattern that is repeated

after a defined period of time.

S. No Code Period Work Schedule Text 1 PRS1 Rotating Shift 2 PGS1 General Shift

Work Break Schedules

In Work Break Schedules we can specify exactly when breaks may be taken

with in Daily Work Schedule, and whether Paid or Unpaid.

You define the break rules in the work schedule for any particular working day and assign them to a personnel sub area grouping for work schedules. This grouping enables you to assign a break schedule to as many of the grouping's daily work schedules as you want, achieving maximum flexibility in combining all elements of the daily work schedule.

S.No Break Schedule


Break Schedule Text Timings

From To Paid /Unpaid

1 PGS1 General Shift (001) 13:00 13:30 Paid PGS2 General Shift (002) 16:00 16:30 Unpaid 2 PFS1 First Shift 10:00 10:30 Paid 3 PSS1 Second Shift 17:00 17:30 Paid 4


Night Shift A. Refreshment

break 23:30 24:00 Paid

PNS1 B. Tea Break 03:00 03:30 Paid

Work Schedule Rules

A Work Schedule rule is a precise description of the work schedule that specifies the working times of a group of employees.

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A Work Schedule rule is assigned a Period Work Schedule, which intern is made up of daily work schedules. Rotating shifts are set up by assigning a

period work schedule to several work schedule rules.

Work Schedule are not stored at all once, but stored for each month. The work schedule is created regardless of the length of the period work

schedule and is not person-specific

S. No Code Work Schedule Rule Text 1 GPWS WSR for General shift 2 SPWS WSR for Shifts

Factory Calendar: Same as Holiday Calendar

S. No FH Code FH Text 1 PIFH Factory Holiday Calendar


An absence is time period during an employee's planned working time in which the employee does not work, including certain types of leave

(vacation) and illness. An absence represents a deviation in an employee's personal work schedule.

Types of Absences at PIL

S. No Absence Code Absence Text

1 PCL1 Casual Leave 2 PEL1 Earned Leave 3 PSL1 Sick Leave 4 PML1 Maternity Leave

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Counting Rules

A counting rule is assigned to the absence type to determine the payroll

hours and days for the duration of this absence. The sequence for deducting quotas of different quota types is specified in the deduction rules

Absences Quotas

An Absence Quota is an employee’s time-limited entitlement to an absence.

Each Absence Quota type is assigned a time constraint class, which is checked if time info types collide. Absence quota types can be locked for


ES Grouping ---10

Quota Types

S. No Quota Type Code Quota Type Text 1 C1 Casual Leave 2 E1 Earned Leave 3 S1 Sick Leave 4 M1 Maternity Leave

Entitlement for Quota Types

S. No Quota Type Code Entitlement Remarks




Cannot be carry forwarded to the following year, if not

availed, neither cannot be encashed




Carry forward to the following


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Encashable. Up to 30 Els

remaining will be lapsed.




Can be carry forwarded to the following year, if the

employee is in sick then only eligible for this

leave. 4 M1 92 -

Deduction Rules

The rules according to which absences are to be deducted from the absence quotas. Quota deduction does not depend on individual absence types, but is determined by the Counting rule for absences that is assigned to an absence


S. No Deduction Rule Code Deduction Rule Text 1 PC1 Casual Leave 2 PE1 Earned Leave 3 PS1 Sick Leave 4 PM1 Maternity Leave

Info types:

PHIL maintains the following info types for Time Management:

S. No Info type Info type Text 1 0007 Planned Working Time 2 2001 Absences 3 2006 Absence Quotas 4 2010 Employee Remuneration Info

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5 2013 Quota Corrections 6 0416 Time Quota Compensation


PHIL maintains the following Reports for Time Management:

RPTQTA00 Report (Absence Quota Generation) is used to generate time-off

entitlements for groups of employees granted for all the relevant employees in advance.

RPTPSH10 Report (Periodic Work Schedules) is used to create an overview

for multiple employees for each day in any given period. RPTIME00 Report (Time Evaluation Schema) is used to evaluate employee time data that has been recorded in time info types or at time recording terminals. The time data is evaluated for each employee on a daily basis.